From: (AAL) The following is part FAQ, part walkthrough for Treasure Island Dizzy, which is one of the four games on Camerica's unlicensed Quattro Adventure cart for the NES. I tried to include all of the information known on the game but, as unlikely as it may seem, may have missed a thing or two :) If you have any info to add to this FAQ/Walkthrough, please contact me at so I can throw it in. Thanks for reading, and maybe this will actually help someone out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dizzy was looking forward to the round-the-world cruise he'd booked up for. When he told the other Yolkfolk about the good deal he found, they wondered just what lay ahead of him... Dizzy enjoyed the cruise at first although there were far too many pirates on the ship, the Grog was watered down, and he didn't even know what a mainbrace was, let alone how to splice it! The captain, Long John Silver, was a lovely old bloke with a kindly manner, good at insulting and degrading the fare paying punters. He was well balanced - he had parrot on one shoulder and a chip on the other - and he had a wooden leg which he acquired when he fell out of his pram when he was a kid. Anyhow, their quaint little man o' war found itself in still waters one sun-soaked afternoon, and Dizzy thought he would organise a game of cricket on the aft deck. In a fit of blinding stupidity he used LJ's spare leg collection as makeshift stumps, and when they were lost overboard he was made to walk the plank! That was how he came to find himself gently poaching on the silent, sun-kissed beach of a seemingly deserted island... He had to somehow find a way back to the Yolkfolk and lodge his compensation claim with the travel agent..." ----------------- GENERAL INFO ----------------- You only have one life to live, so be careful at every step of the way (almost to a point of paranoia). Unless noted otherwise in this FAQ, anything that moves will kill you. Anything that doesn't move may kill you as well :) Be careful of cages in the Tree Hut area. They don't look like much, but if you walk under them, they will drop onto ol' Egghead and finish him. Just jump past the area directly underneath them. NEVER, EVER enter the water without the Snorkel. Instant death! You can jump from any height and Dizzy won't get hurt (he's no Humpty Dumpty!), as long as you don't jump onto something nasty. You can carry up to 3 items at once. You often have to leave certain items behind and backtrack for them later. I'll refer to the 3 items you can carry as the top, middle and bottom items. When you pick up an item (by pressing B it starts in the bottom spot, and if you pick up another item (or just press B again), the item in the bottom spot moves up to the middle spot and the item you just picked up (or the word "nothing" if you picked up nothing and just pressed B) is now in the bottom spot. Once you move an item to the top spot on the list and then press B again, you will get rid of the item (it just reappears on the screen, where you can pick it up again, or leave it) or you will "use" the item to perform a certain task. All this nonsense is important because if you have the Snorkel in the top position while you are under water and you go to pick up an item, you will quickly find yourself as fish-bait, because the item you just picked up moved the Snorkel off of your item list and you can no longer breath. Always be aware of the order in which your items are displayed. ----------------- AREAS IN THE GAME ----------------- There are several different areas in the game. STARTING POINT - Doh! I will use this as a reference point when pointing out the location of other areas. HOOKJAW'S BRIDGE - Just to the left of the starting point, to the right of Hookjaw's grave. TREE HUT AREA - Left of Hookjaw's Bridge. This area extends upward into the sky and is where a lot of items and coins can be found. BLASTING AREA - The leftmost area of the game, next to the Tree Hut area. UNDERWATER SHIP - To the right of the starting point, in The Ocean. THE OCEAN - The big area of water which is centrally located in this game. AIR POCKET - To the right of the underwater ship; found after dislodging a rock with a crowbar. ISLAND IN THE SKY - Use the Pogo stick on the underwater ship to vault to this area. TOTEM POLE SCREEN - Above ground, to the right of the water area. Consists of a Hut, a tree, a cloud, and a weird, totem-like thing that extends into the sky. SECOND GRAVE - To the left of the Totem Pole Screem SMUGGLER'S CAVE - Found under the Second Grave BLACKBEARD'S SECRET KITCHEN - In the Smuggler's Cave THE RED GUY'S HUT - A Hut to the right of the Totem Pole Screen where a Dude dressed in red trades items for the Four Treasures. PIER - To the right of the Red Guy's Hut. LEFT CLOUD AREA - Get here by jumping from the upper right most hut in the Tree Hut Area. There is also a Secret Warp (#2) which takes you here. RIGHT CLOUD AREA - Get here by using the Magic Pebble at the Totem Pole. ----------------- ITEMS ----------------- Listed below are all of the items in the game, where they are found, and what they are used for. This isn't a "real" walkthrough, but if you piece it together with the COINS section and the FAQ's, you should be able to figure out what you need to know. LARGE ROCK - This is located on the beach near the starting point. Pick it up and carry it one screen over to use as a step. MAGIC PEBBLE - Find it in the Tree Hut Area. Use it in front of the Totem Pole to warp to the Right Cloud Area. HEAVY WEIGHT - Also in the Tree Hut Area. Put it under a hook in the same area to lower a platform to a new area. RUBBER SNORKEL - In the Tree Hut Area as well. You must have this as one of your three items when entering the water. INFRARED DETONATOR - Tree Hut Area. Place this to the right of the brown square in the Blasting Area AFTER placing the Sticks of Dynamite to the right of the grey rock on the same screen. GRAVEDIGGER'S SPADE - Another Tree Hut Area item. Use it on the Second Grave in the area to the right of The Ocean (make sure the Snorkel is one of your 3 items when you use the Spade). You can use it on Hookjaw's Grave, but you will see that the grave must be breached in another way (later in the game). SALTWATER CROWBAR - Find it on the Underwater Ship. Use it while standing on the rock that is one screen over from where you found it, although before you use it, you will have to exit the Ocean Area to switch around your items so that the Crowbar is in the top spot. HOLY BIBLE - Find it on the Totem Pole Screen. Bring it with you, along with the Snorkel, when going to get the Cursed Treasure under Hookjaw's Bridge later in the game. LARGE BRASS KEY - This is on the Pier. Use this to move the floor panel aside in the Smuggler's Cave to get to Blackbeard's Secret Kitchen. STICKS OF DYNAMITE - Located in the water to the left of the Smuggler's Cave. Place it next to the grey rock in the Blasting Area, then place the Infrared Detonator to the right of the brown square to blast the rock out of the way (the brown square protects Egghead from the explosion). WOODCUTTER'S AXE - This is on the Second Grave screen. Go to Hookjaw's Bridge and use it while standing on the grey part of the bridge. Make sure the Snorkel is one of your 3 items, as you fall into a water area. BAG OF COINS - Behind the large grey rock you just blasted in the Blasting Area. Give it to the Red Guy for an item. This is one of the 4 Treasures. POGO STICK - Find it in the Left Cloud Area. Use this at the "Official Pogo Jumping Area" on the Underwater Ship to get to the Island in the Sky. Just press A with this as one of your 3 items at the Pogo Area and you'll vault upward. PAIR OF FLIPPERS - Get 'em in the Right Cloud Area. Take them with you into the water and you can swim around. You need these to get out of the water beneath the Air Pocket. FIRE RESISTANT SUIT - This is the only thing of importance on the Island in the Sky. This gets you past the candle in the Smuggler's Cave. DEHYDRATED BOAT - The Red Guy gives you this when you present him with one of the 4 Treasures. Use it at the Pier to make the boat appear (you still need 3 more items to make the boat run). VINTAGE BRANDY - Has anyone ever seen this in a video game? Cool, huh? Get this in (where else!) Blackbeard's Secret Kitchen. And yes, that Red Guy values the Brandy as one of the 4 Treasures. He'll give you an item for it. LARGE DIAMOND - This is on an altar in the Smuggler's Cave. The Red Guy also takes this in trade and gives you another item. One of the 4 Treasures. OUTBOARD MOTOR - One of those items that the Red Guy gives you. Use it at the Pier and it magically appears on the boat. GALLON OF PETROL - Yes, the Red Guy surrenders this for one of the 4 Treasures too. Use this at the Pier also and it lowers the boat further into the water...just one more item needed to get the boat going! CURSED TREASURE - This is the infamous treasure of Hookjaw, found underwater beneath Hookjaw's Bridge. Give this to the Red Guy as well for another item. This is one of the 4 Treasures. You won't escape Hookjaw's underwater grave with the Cursed Treasure unless you take along the Holy Bible. IGNITION KEY - This is the last item the Red Guy gives you (afterwards he softens up and tells you that you were his best doubt his only one!). Bring this to the Pier and use it to get the boat running. ----------------- COINS ----------------- There are 30 coins to be found in all. They serve no real purpose, except to determine the "ending" you will get upon finishing the game. Most coins are in plain sight. Just stand over them and press B to add them to your collection. Some take a little exploring and probing to find. Here are the 2 I had a hard time finding. Go two screens left from the Starting Point. Hit B in front of the tree and a coin will drop out of it. Pick it up. The other hard one to find is located 3 screens to the right of the Blasting Area. Go to the second tree from the left at the bottom of this screen and hit B. Another coin will fall to the ground. Pick it up. Two coins are found by running into bees. Both are in the areas left of the Starting Point. Just make contact with the bee and the coin will fly to the next screen. What are ya waiting for? Go get it! These bees are some of the rare "friendly" creatures that won't kill you when you touch them. One of the bees can only be reached by dropping on it from the clouds. This one will also yield a coin. A third bee won't give up a coin but if you touch it, something strange will happen..... A bunch of coins can be found by pressing B in front of many of the hut doors. Not all of them, but quite a few will reveal coins. You can only get one coin per door, if you get one at all. There is a big fish above the area where you used the Crowbar to pry away the rock. This is another of the "friendly" creatures in the game. Jump on the weird green guy that doubles as an elevator and ride him up to the big fish. Jump into the big fish and you'll find yourself in its belly. Unfortunately, the fish wasn't very hungry before he gobbled you up, as he only has one coin in him. Grab the measly thing and get out of there. Oh yeah, don't touch the identical looking big fish on the screen to the left of the "friendly" one, as he will kill you without even as much as a second thought. One coin is in Blackbeard's Secret Kitchen (next to that Brandy). Another out-of-the-way coin is on a ledge on a screen above the Sunken Ship. Use the flippers to swim to it, or get lucky and manage to fall onto the ledge from the Island in the Sky. There is also a coin on the shore where you end the game, after constructing the fully operational boat. ----------------- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) ----------------- Actually, I haven't heard any of these questions asked, but they would probably have been asked to me if I was a Game Counselor for Camerica. If I had Camerica's number, I probably would have annoyed them with a few of them myself. Ask away little dude........ Q: Okay, why the heck do I die when I go into the water? Even the shallow water kills Dizzy. This isn't very realistic! A: No, it isn't realistic, unless of course the water is boiling hot. Hard-boiled Dizzy anyone? Get the Snorkel first. It even works way underwater!! Q: Will those bees kill me? I'm afraid to touch them, since whoever programmed this game only allows you to have one life. A: Yeah, those Camerica people are no dummies. They also made the Game Genie, and if you buy one of those, Dizzy will be invincible. If they gave you a bunch of Dizzy's to complete the game, you might not feel the need to go out and buy the Genie, though you probably have one anyway. Sorry, I digress...go back and read the COINS section and find out how the bees can be your friends. Q: Why in the world am I walking backwards? Is this permanent? A: You ran into that weird low-flying bee who endows you with his Michael Jackson Moonwalking technique. It's pretty cool actually and only lasts for a minute or two, though has no apparent use other than to confuse you and make you ask dumb questions. If you have a Genie, you can Moonwalk to your heart's content. Q: There's a coin in the area above the Blasting Area. How do you get up there? A: Make like a Wookiee. Climb to the upper left most hut in the Tree Hut area and take a leap of faith to the left off the ledge. Somehow Egghead lands next to that coin without even a hairline fracture of his dome. Chewbacca would be proud. Q: How do I get to the treasure in Hookjaw's Grave? A: You don't. Actually, it's in the area under his grave. Q: But how do I get in there? A: Listen you greedy little...whoops, sorry dude. You need to get the Woodcutter's Axe and chop the grey segment off Hookjaw's Bridge. Make sure you have the Bible and the Snorkel as your middle and bottom items. You'll fall into the water where you can grab a couple coins and the Cursed Treasure. Q: Alright, I did this, but when I left the underwater area under Hookjaw's Bridge, I get zapped by a lightning bolt. A: You weren't listening, were you? They don't call it the Cursed Treasure for nothing. If you plan on stealing Hookjaw's Cursed Treasure and escaping alive, make sure to bring that Bible with you. It protects you from getting cooked from above. Q: Man, I was just jumping around on Hookjaw's Bridge and I suddenly died. Is there a time limit or something? A: I wondered this myself. There is no time limit in this game, but if you look at the bridge area, you notice two candles on posts on each side of the bridge. These kill you if you jump into them (or actually, near them) unless you are wearing the Fire Resistant Suit. This Hookjaw character meant business! There are two candles in the Smuggler's Cave as well, one of which blocks your path, so wear that Suit! Q: How come I die when switching items around under water? A: You probably had the Snorkel in the top slot, and when you hit B it moved the Snorkel out of your inventory, therefore cutting off your oxygen supply, therefore making you fishbait. Make sure whenever you go into the water you are careful about the order of your items and try to keep the Snorkel as the bottom item. Q: Hey look, I found an Air Pocket. Wait a do I get out of the water area below it? A: Well, if you jumped into that section of water without the flippers, the only way out is to hit the reset button :( Take the Flippers with you next time you go down there. Q: That goofy looking drunk, I mean Red Guy, wants something for a boat. What does he want? A: Booze, jewels, cursed treasure, you know, the usual stuff. Actually, this guy is a key part of the game. Bring him the 4 Treasures (Bag of Gold Coins, Vintage Brandy, Large Diamond, and the Cursed Treasure) and in turn he'll give you an item for each of those you bring him, which will help you make a boat to escape the island. The items he gives you are the Dehydrated Boat, an Outboard Motor, a Gallon of Petrol (he even throws in the can!), and the Ignition Key to start her up. Q: When I grab the Large Diamond in the Smuggler's Cave, the item I had in the top spot is left where the Diamond was and I can't get to it after. How do I get out of this mess? A: The programmers of this game gave us a low blow with this one. The only way out of it is by doing the following. Make sure you don't have any item in the top spot of your inventory when you grab the Diamond. After grabbing it from the altar, a large boulder rolls after you (Indiana Dizzy?). Run like hell to the left and get out of there. Be sure to dodge the falling rocks that suddenly appear in the next room. Q: You told me that there were two secret warps in this game. Were you just pulling my leg? A: Would I pull your leg? There are indeed two secret warps (besides the Magic Pebble/Totem Pole warp I mentioned earlier). Secret Warp #1: Go to the Left Cloud Area. Fall off of one of these clouds to land on another cloud on a screen below (you can touch that bee from here to get the coin). Jump one screen to the right to land on the cloud on the screen with Hookjaw's Grave. Stand on the right half of this cloud and press B. Make sure that faithful Snorkel is equipped, as you'll be warped to the area to the right of the Sunken Ship. Secret Warp #2: After using the Magic Pebble at the Totem Pole to get to the Right Cloud Area, jump left off of the cloud to the next screen, where you'll land on another cloud. Stand on the left half of this cloud and press B to warp over to the Left Cloud Area. These warps aren't necessary to complete the game, but they are pretty useful if you want to bypass certain areas of the game and get someplace quick. Q: Oh no, the I just used the Ignition Key for the boat and it started moving. Should I jump? A: Calm down little fella. The boat harmlessly moves back and forth on the screen. Just walk off the Pier onto the boat and walk right to the next screen. Jump onto the shore and read the sign for the game's ending! (You can also jump onto the stationary boat first and then use the Ignition Key, but that kinda takes the fun out of it) Q: Well, I read the sign and it says I only found 28 out of 30 coins. I'm never gonna find those two, am I? A: Why ya asking me? Would I ask a question like that (hey tsr)? Look back at the COINS section, or don't even bother trying to find those two coins. You'll get the same cheesy ending anyway for all your trouble. The only difference is that you get basically the same message, except it says you found all 30 coins. No Princess, no fireworks, no King or Queen to greet you. Just that Dizzy character flipping up and down like a mad man (or egg). :( Q: You mean they don't even show you credits? I played this game non-stop for over a week and all they show is that one little screen!!! I wanted to see who was responsible for this game. A: Alright, quit yer whining. You've been a studious, faithful 8-bit Power Player for awhile now, so I'll let you in on a little secret. You can resume your game even after ending it by pressing Start at that wonderful ending screen, though all you can do is go back and sight-see (hey, you've done everything there is to do, or have you?). Actually, grab that Snorkel and head back to the Sunken Ship. On the leftmost side of the Ship is a platform. Jump onto it and stand on the right half of the platform. Now hit the B button. Voila...the Programmer's Screen!!! Who the heck are the Highlanders? Actually, you can access this at any point in the game, but wait until you finish the's more rewarding. Now go play Wizardry or something... :) Hope you liked! Closing Credits: Quattro Adventure by Camerica (Codemasters) Game owned by tsr (thanks man!) Game Genie by Camerica (Codemasters) The three other games on Quattro Adventure: 1-Boomerang Kid 2-Linus Spacehead 3-Super Robin Hood FAQ/Walkthrough by Adam Lamontagne (yep, that's me)