X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ___________________________________________ |* * * * * * ______________________________| | * * * * * ______________________________| |* * * * * * ______________________________| | * * * * * __________SOLDIERS____________| |* * * * * * ______________________________| | * * * * * ______________________________| |* * * * * * ______________________________| | * * * * * ______________________________| |* * * * * * ____HEROES OF WORLD WAR II____| |___________________________________________| |___________________________________________| |___________________________________________| |___________________________________________| X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright 2004 By Deuce Staley, better known as Deuce ex Defcon, and commonly associated with Defcon999. This guide may only be posted on GameFAQs.com and my personal site (http://gensou.us/boards), so if you see it anywhere else, please let me know about it. If (for whatever crazy-ass reason) you need to contact me, send an Email to cmstale@ilstu.edu or use my site. I'll also most likely be around the Soldiers board at least once most nights, even though it's fairly deserted. Trust me, if you make a post, I'll see it within twenty-four hours. Note: I'm just writing about the methods that I personally used to win these missions. Don't be surprised if you find a strategy for some missions that is better than the ones I've written down. Hey, at least I tried, right? X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------------------------ X X | | X X | CONTENTS | X X | | X X ------------------------ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A Few Notes Before You Get Started............1AA Important Controls............................2AA --------------- Katyusha (USSR) --------------- Chepel........................................AAA Monastery.....................................BBB Last Ride.....................................CCC Theft.........................................DDD Prishib Station...............................EEE ------------------------- Project America (Britain) ------------------------- Lighthouse....................................FFF Rendezvous....................................GGG Crash Site....................................HHH Ambush........................................III Rescue........................................JJJ Freedom.......................................KKK --------------------------------- The Way to Berlin (United States) --------------------------------- Drop Zone.....................................LLL Nijmegen......................................MMM Minefields....................................NNN Artillery Assault.............................OOO Last Stand....................................PPP ---------------------------- Wrath of the Tiger (Germany) ---------------------------- En Route......................................QQQ Reconnaissance................................RRR Villers-Bocage................................SSS Hunter........................................TTT Liberation....................................UUU -------------- Bonus Missions -------------- Tank Attack...................................VVV OutFront......................................WWW Frontline.....................................XXX Hutor.........................................YYY Defend........................................ZZZ Mastogne......................................AA1 Officer.......................................BB1 --- End --- Version History...............................CC1 Closing.......................................DD1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ---------------------------------- X X | | X X |A FEW NOTES BEFORE YOU GET STARTED| X X | | X X ---------------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1AA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X In this section, I will list some notes about various things you should keep in mind while playing, in no particular order: I) Now is a good time to save if you want to. I put this little message at spots in some missions. I suggest you take my advice when I give it, and save your mission. Nothing's more annoying than having to redo a large mission several times because you keep messing up in the last few parts of it. This tag is usually an indication that something very difficult or something really easy to mess up is about to happen. II) Gray compared to red damage. - When a vehicle takes damage, it will show up on the unit's picture on the left side of the screen when you select it. Damage shown in Red can be repaired using a repair kit. However, damage that appears as a dark Gray will not be repairable. Once it's broken, it stays broken. Any vehicle that has tires will fall victim to this easily. All it takes is one popped tire, and the vehicle is permanently immobile. III) Weapons equipped when entering vehicles and mounted guns. - When you enter a vehicle, your men will drop any weapon they had in their hands when they entered the vehicle. On a few missions, this will completely screw you over. Always make sure you unequip the unit's weapon before you send it into a vehicle. Mounted guns are slightly different. Sometimes your men will drop the weapon they had in their hands, and sometimes they won't. Always make sure you have your weapon after you abandon the gun, or you might realize you're defenseless when it's too late. VI) Helmets and body armor. - Body armor is a huge help for your soldiers. If you find some, make sure you take it and equip it. Helmets are also a very important piece of equipment. If your helmet gets blown off, make sure you replace it immediately with a helmet from a downed German soldier (sometimes you can pick the same helmet back up, too). V) Double clicking items in your inventory. - When you're examining another inventory, double clicking an item from your inventory will move it to the other inventory, and double clicking on an item in the other inventory will move it to yours. Double clicking on an item that has a lot more than can fit in one spot in your inventory will fill all of your available slots with that item (unless there isn't enough of the item to that). This is helpful for quickly moving items in your inventory. If you only have a single units inventory open, double clicking on ammo will reload your gun. VI) Shutdown glitch. Double clicking on ammo in your inventory will reload your gun. Unfortunately, there's a glitch that will sometimes cause an error message to come up, and it will force you to completely exit the game. It seems to be more common when you reload a heavier machine gun, but that could just be a coincidence. As of right now, I am not aware of any way to correct this problem. The best way to avoid it is to reload using the ammo clip icon to the right of your weapons on the main screen. VII) Saving at the start of each mission. I suggest you save immediately after the introduction to each mission. It can get extremely annoying to have to watch that same damn scene over and over again if you have trouble on a mission. VIII) The Map. It starts off at a tilt, but there isn't an easy way to tell which way is north. Usually, I would tell people to immediately change their angle so that north is up on the screen. This time though, I recommend you keep it at the default position. All directions in this guide assume that you have. IX) Never leave your men armed with grenades if you're not going to be Directly Controlling them. Seriously, your AI is unreasonably stupid. If you leave a grenade in the hands of a soldier, and you let go of the Direct Control, he will use it at the next available target, regardless of how close he (or an ally) might be to that target. It's a quick way to get yourself killed, or waste a grenade that you might have needed later. X) Equipping things from your inventory. To equip helmets, body armor, or weapons from your inventory, simply click and drag the item from your inventory to the appropriate location on your unit's picture. Unequip things by reversing that process. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | IMPORTANT CONTROLS | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2AA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X For the most part, if you go through the training and if you've played at least one other RTS game before, you should have no problems with the controls. I) Direct Control. There are two ways to enter the "Direct Control" feature. The first is by pressing the End key to turn the feature on, and then pressing it again to turn it off. The other way (which is the way I ALWAYS recommend you do it) is by holding down the Control key for the duration of the time you want to stay in Direct Control mode. Direct control is useful for making very quick, precise attacks. Units are a lot more accurate in Direct Control, and you can pick your targets much easier. Direct Control is also extremely useful for driving vehicles into tight spots, or escaping quickly from heated battles. II) Hold Fire, Return Fire, and Fire At Will. You can set a unit to any one of these three basic commands when the unit is not being Directly Controlled. To set these, simply click on one of the corresponding icons on the left side of the top row of your command bar when you have at least one unit selected. Hold Fire means that the unit will absolutely not fire at anything, no matter what, until you tell it to. This is almost always the safest way to go, simply because your units are not exactly smart, and can easily get themselves killed for stupid reasons if they fire at something you didn't want them to fire at, or if they throw a grenade while standing in front of a wall or another one of your units. Return Fire means that your unit will fire back if it is fired upon. This is fairly safe, but you won't want to use it a lot of the times. Your units tend to waste their ammo shooting at things they can't hit, or they return fire with grenades and kill themselves or your other units. Fire At Will means the unit will fire at anything that gets too close. This is rarely a good idea for several of the reasons listed above. The only time I recommend using this is when you need to slaughter a lot of troops at one time. You can set one or more men to Fire At Will, and then take Direct Control of another unit. III) Hotkeys. Several actions have keys assigned to them so you can perform them quickly without using your mouse. I'll list the most important ones here, in no particular order. Note that most of these features can also be opened with various icons on your display. E) Exits a vehicle/gun. Depending on what you're exiting, you'll be given a cursor, and you must then click on where you want your unit(s) to exit to. +) Reloads your current weapon. This is one of the more valuable hotkeys. M) Opens your map. O) Opens the mission objectives list. F) This puts your unit in the Melee attack mode when applicable. You can use a troop to run up to an enemy troop and smack them, causing the enemy to fall down for a while. Note that this DOES NOT ALWYAS MAKE THE UNIT STAY DOWN. They will sometimes get back up when you least expect it. X) This examines the target. Use this to have a soldier check a vehicle's inventory or check the contents of some crates. Very useful. D) Drops the item you have in your hand. This is used a lot when you're carrying barrels or bundles of wood. I) This will open the selected unit's inventory. Space) This will make a selected soldier go into the Prone position, which is useful when you need to sneak around or take cover quickly. U) This will allow you to use some items that you have in your hand. For example, matches, barrels of fuel, and dynamite all require this feature. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KATYUSHA (USSR) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | CHEPEL | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AAA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Destroy the German defensive guns. - There are four of them. Two on the southern edge of the town, and two more a little to the west, in some trees on a small hill. 2) Eliminate all traces of the enemy. - Pretty straight-forward goal. Simply destroy all enemy units. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 T-34 Medium Tank (4 Crewmen) 1 BA-20M Armored Machine Gun Vehicle (2 Crewmen) 2 Soldiers ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start by taking your tank northwest to the small farm. Park it so it's facing northeast at the top of the farm, where the gap in the fence is. Take the BA-20M up there too, and park it slightly below and to the right of the tank, it can fire at infantry if they get too close to your tank. Move the two infantry men so they are south of the vehicles. By now, the enemy may have already noticed you and started firing. Take direct control of the tank, and start firing at anything that gets close. Your primary concerns should be the German tank if it is already attacking you, and the two defensive guns once the tank is demolished. Use your armor-piercing shells on the tank, but the high-explosive shells seem to be more effective on the defensive guns. Make damn sure you machine gun any infantry that get near your tank. All it takes is a single grenade at your tank to screw you over. An SDK will approach from inside the town. Wait until you have a clear shot, and then take it out with a tank shell. Slaughter any infantry that came with it. Ensure that there are no more infantry units around, and then fix the tank if necessary. Proceed northeast to the river, and travel far enough north so you can take out the small vehicle on the side of the town. Then turn westward, and park the tank at the entrance of the town, facing directly up the road. Drive your BA-20M up there, too. Send your two infantry guys up there as well. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Make sure the area is clear. If the tank you fought earlier was not completely destroyed, take one of your soldiers over there with the repair kit. Fix the tank, and then put both of your soldiers in it. Take the two men out of your BA-20M, and put them in the tank as well. Be careful that you don't misplace the repair kit when you're doing this. Now you have two tanks at your disposal. Carefully and slowly proceed north-east through the town. Use armor-piercing shells to cripple the next big German tank that approaches you. If it doesn't explode, take a man out of your captured tank, repair this third tank, and then stick him and another man from the stolen tank into the third tank. Be careful not to lose your repair kit. Now you'll have three tanks, and the rest of the mission should be a synch. Keep your tanks close together, and continue heading north and east around the edge of the town. Destroy any vehicles you encounter, and make sure you kill any infantry well before they get near your tanks. When you get to a small bridge north of the town, you will most likely encounter two more German tanks. Take them out as fast as possible. If you want, you can fix the Panzer IV and take your guys out of the Panzer II to use them in the Panzer IV, since it is a bigger tank. Take your tanks south-west now, and destroy anything that you see. It should be pretty simple. Remember to destroy the two defensive guns in the trees to the south. If you're having trouble seeing them, remember that you can see a map of the area by clicking on the little thing at the right of your screen. All of the red dots are enemies. Eliminate them all, and you will complete this mission. NOTE: There is a mine field to the west of your starting position. While it is possible to get a mine detector from the SDK in the small western base to clear out the field, it's a huge pain in the ass to do. If you want, feel free to try it yourself. Careful though: a single mine will completely demolish any vehicle, and kill any men you had in and on it. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | MONASTERY | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BBB X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Reach the paratroopers and help them defeat the Germans. - This is slightly misleading. You have to get to the paratroopers, make sure one of them survives, and then escape to the other side of the river with at least one of your tank men alive. ------ UNITS: ------ 2 Crewmen (1 Paratrooper once you get to him) NOTE: You will lose the mission if the paratrooper gets killed, and you will also lose if both of your crewmen get killed. You will retain all surviving units from this mission into the next mission, so if any of your men die, you might want to start over. -------------- THINGS TO GET: -------------- The body armor off of the two downed paratroopers near the south-east entrance to the Monastery. Also, the antitank grenade from one of the soldiers in the second wave after destroying the tank. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start by running north and slightly west to the small chapel. One of your guys has a Molotov, so select him and put the Molotov in his hand. Step out from behind the chapel and chuck the Molotov on the tank that's over there. But BE CAREFUL. If you don't step out far enough, you will hit the building with it, and the fire will kill you. And if you miss the tank, you're pretty much screwed. So make sure you don't mess up. Once the tank and its occupants are taken care of, run north-west to the small entrance into the main Monastery. There are two fallen paratroopers here: One on the east side of the entrance, and another one slightly south-east of there against a wall. There is a good weapon on the ground next to each of them, so scroll around until you get the grabby hand icon to pick them up. Then inspect one of the paratroopers with each of the crewmen, and take any bullets and equipment they have. Don't forget to take their body armor, either. Prepare to defend your position against about ten or twelve enemy soldiers that will come in from the south and east (they come in two groups, so don't let your guard down after you kill the first wave). Once they are all dead, go inspect them to pick up any bullets and grenades they may have had. If either of your men lost their helmet in the fight, replace it with one from these guys. One of the Germans in the second wave should have an M24x5 antitank grenade in his inventory. This will be useful later on, so make sure you pick it up. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) The next target is the circular fountain in the center of the main Monastery. There are five guards in it: One in the north-east, one in the south-west, and three in the north-west, one of which is using a mounted machine gun. There are also three more German soldiers guarding the north-east exit to the Monastery. Make sure one of your men has a full clip of ammo loaded, and put a normal grenade in the other soldier's hand. Run the soldier with the machine gun north to deal with the three guards near the exit and the north-eastern guy in the fountain area. Have the dude with the grenade toss it up towards the three men near the mounted machine gun. Immediately get his weapon out and deal with any survivors. Now you should have some time to pick up some ammo and equipment, and replace your helmets if they're gone. Once you've stocked up on equipment, approach the paratroopers. A small scene will occur, and then you will have control of one of the paratroopers (the other one goes on a suicidal rush towards the Germans, and you can't save him). Earlier in the mission, an SDK should have busted a hole in the wall to the north-west of your position. If so, exit that way. If not, you'll have to use the north-east exit that you cleared out earlier. Work your way north-east towards the river. There is a machine gun vehicle up there, but you should be able to pick off the men in it with Direct Control of one of your soldiers. Then proceed due east. You must get your men to the big sand bank on the other side of the river to complete the mission. It shouldn't be hard to do. Just tell them to go there, and they should jump in the water and swim there by themselves. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | LAST RIDE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CCC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Get to Dudkov's cottage and meet with him. - All you have to do to achieve this goal is get near his cabin. Once you do, a short scene will occur, and then a timer will start. ------ UNITS: ------ Any survivors from your last mission will be available for this mission, and they will keep all of the equipment they had in their inventories. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Immediately send your men north to the barn, and have one of them ready with a machine gun. Step out and kill the German patrolman when he gets close. Make sure your other men are properly armed, and then move east to through the gap in the next fence, and position your men west of the next house. Let them deal with any Germans that come by. Look east a little, and you'll see a machine gun vehicle. Don't let it attack you, or it'll kill you quickly. Instead, run one soldier south to the next house, and leave the other two where they are. See the barrel next to the machine gun vehicle? Move your third guy out from behind the southern house, and use Direct Control to shoot the barrel. The resulting explosion will take care of the vehicle. Have your men clear out any remaining German soldiers, but don't cross the road to the north yet. Take your time to gather up some equipment and helmets if necessary. Then get out on the road and head east. See a brown tower and a road barricade up there? The house to the left of that is Dudkov's (there's a scarecrow in his field). Slaughter anything nearby, but don't go inside the fenced area of his house yet. (Now is a good time to save if you want.) Once the area is clear, approach his house. A short scene will occur, and then a timer will start. Run south to the road, and then run straight down it to the west. You're headed for the fenced-in base area where the train car they showed you earlier is. There is a large tree on the southern edge, and there's a gap in the fence behind it. Take your men through this gap, and clear the place out. Have them take cover against the eastern wall of the thin warehouse building directly below the train. They should be able to deal with anything from there. If a vehicle comes by, make sure you take Direct Control of one of your men and take out the men in the vehicle as fast as you can. When the timer reaches about 45 seconds, open one of your soldier's inventory. You need to make room for his weapon, because he will lose it if you order him on the train while he has it out. Toss ammo or small grenades, but hold on to antitank grenades, bandages, and any heavy machine gun ammo you might have. Once he's been properly unequipped, send him to the train car. Then do the same procedure to the other men. If you are slow and run out of time, don't be too worried about it. As long as one or two of your men make it with their weapons intact, you should be fine. But all three is better. NOTE: Dudkov will approach the train from the east when the counter gets close to running out. DON'T panic and shoot him, or you'll lose. I thought he was a German the first time, so... yeah. When the timer runs out and you've got your men on the train, the mission will be over. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | THEFT | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DDD X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Capture the single steam engine and attach it to the Katyusha. - At the far north of the map, there is a train engine with no cars attached. You'll need to capture this to finish the mission. 2) Eliminate all defending Germans. - This is self-explanatory goal. Plus, you'll want to eliminate them anyway to make the rest of the mission a little safer. ------ UNITS: ------ Any units that survived the previous mission will be available in this mission, and so will any equipment they had in their inventories. -------------- THINGS TO GET: -------------- The two antitank mines from the chest on the ground above the two western warehouse buildings. Also remember to get the sniper rifle from the chest in the southern warehouse building to the east, as well as any rifle ammo you can find anywhere on the map. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start by running north to the wood pile, and have everyone take cover on the south side of it. Make sure the guy on the left has a clip of ammo in his gun, because he's going to have to deal with a German patrol unit soon. Wait for the guard to walk past, and then gun him down. Run your men to the small spot between the train cars to your left. Leave two of them there, and take the third one north carefully (also make sure he has a small grenade in his inventory). Send him north to the next wood pile. Go prone, and crawl to your left a little, and then up to the smaller wood pile. Toss the grenade at the dude manning the mounted machine gun. Once he's taken care of, get your weapon back out, and hose the two men that will come out of the building by the mounted gun. Once they're dealt with, run to the gun and man it. Let this guy gun down any and everything that comes near him. Make sure you check out the area directly north of the two warehouse buildings to your east. There's a guy with a rifle there that will injure you badly if you don't take him out. Now go back to your other men, and send them north to stand slightly below and to the west of your machine gunner. You can pick up anything you might need from the soldiers that are on the ground nearby. Once things calm down, send your men east to the two buildings there. Leave the machine gunner where he is. Hoards of German infantry are on the other side of the two warehouses. Some of them will approach on motorbikes, but the majority will be on foot. I recommend waiting for them to walk in front of you. There's a mounted machine gun a little farther to the east, a guard tower to the south, and a light tank that will approach from the south at some point. Wait on the western side of the warehouses until that vehicle arrives. (This could take a few minutes.) Pick one of your soldiers that has an antitank grenade, and make sure his gun is fully loaded. Take him north to the end of the second warehouse. The machine gun vehicle and the mounted machine gun are both to your right. Run up and to the right, and take shelter on the west side of the northern wall of the small building there. Gun down any infantry that you can see, and any that approach your position. Once the infantry have been dealt with, get a small grenade out. Walk to the east a little, and toss the grenade at the mounted machine gun to take care of that guy. Then go back west, and take shelter on the west wall of the same small building. Pull out that antitank grenade, and peek around the corner really fast to toss it on the light tank. If you hit it, it will be completely destroyed. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Head east to the next pair of warehouse buildings. Go quickly, or you will attract the attention of the guard in the tower to the south. Check any soldiers here for equipment, and go inside the southern building. Inside you will find a crate in the northern section. Open it, and switch your current weapon for the sniper rifle inside. Take the bullets in the crate. There is another crate on the west side of the other building. Take the ammo out of it, but you really don't need the rifle. Take any antitank grenades you find, too. If necessary, toss regular grenades to make room. Use your newly acquired sniper rifle to pick off the man in the guard tower and the man inside the bushes a little north of the guard tower. Move south, and make sure there are no infantry units alive in the buildings down there. Toss a grenade over the wall at the mounted machine gun to the far south. Check your map to make sure there aren't any survivors down there. Now head north again. Snipe the dude in the guard tower from a safe distance. Bring your other men up next to your sniper to protect him in case he gets rushed. Hug the wall on he east side of the depot. The house on the right above the two warehouse buildings has enemy soldiers in it. See the truck north-east of it? Chuck a grenade at it, and the resulting explosion should destroy it and the house along with all of the soldiers nearby. Proceed to the south side of the small house to the left of the one you just destroyed. Deal with anything that approaches you, and try to save your sniper bullets. When you've cleared the area, get a grenade in one of your soldier's hand, and head around the right side of the house to position yourself below the pile of stuff above it. From there, chuck a grenade or two at the mounted machine gun. When those guys are dealt with, head west and deal with any dots you can see on your map. If there are any stragglers left to the south, go hunt them down as well. When every enemy on the map has been defeated, you'll get a notification that tells you so. Now there're just a few things left to do. First, head to the first set of warehouse buildings to the right of the first mounted machine gun from earlier in the level. Scroll around the pile of boxes above them. One of them is an item crate. Inside, you'll find (among other things) two antitank mines. These will save you a ton of trouble in the next mission, so take them. The repair kit is tempting, but it's not necessary. There is a med kit and two things of dynamite in a crate inside the house I had you blow up with that truck in the north-east too, but I haven't found a use for them, so don't bother getting them unless you really want to for some reason. OK, now get your three guys together near the train engine in the north. It's time to adjust your inventory again. Make sure everyone's weapon is unequipped and stuck in their inventory so they won't lose it. Give any rifle/sniper ammo you have to the soldier with the sniper rifle. Make sure everyone has plenty of ammo and a helmet. (Now is a VERY good time to save if you want to. The tiniest mistake while driving this engine could make you have to start over.) Now stick one guy in the engine. Head south along the track. Go a little past the first bend, and then stop. Have one of your men pull the switch near the bend on the left of the track. Now back the engine towards the Katyusha. When you touch it, it will automatically attach to the engine. Drive south all the way down to the end of the screen now. Run your guy down there to flip the switch on the right side of the track just north of where you are. Back up all the way until you're inside the station again. DON'T HIT THE WALL WITH THE TRAIN. If you hit it too hard, it'll knock the Katyusha car loose, and you won't be able to get it reattached. Also, if you're unsure about whether a switch needs to be thrown, approach the area very slowly with the engine. If you try to go too fast down a track that leads to an incorrectly switched piece of rail, the engine will jam, and you will fail. Have a soldier flip the switch to the right of the track just south of your current position. Then head south. You'll have to flip the switch to the right of the crate pile south of your position too. Farther down the track on the right side, you'll have to flip both of the switches near the small crossing spot in the track. Then approach the door to the depot, and it will open for you. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | PRISHIB STATION | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EEE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Destroy Katyusha. - This will be the last thing you do in this mission. Simply toss a grenade at it. 2) Ensure all armored targets are destroyed. - This is pretty easy once you get Katyusha into the correct spot. You can blast everything in the northern base from your spot inside the southern base. 3) Move Katyusha into a suitable firing position. - You can see the spot by opening your objectives list and clicking on the "eye"con next to it. Dunno why, but I find that eyecon joke waaaaay too funny. 4) Eliminate nearby guards. - This is referring to the guards in the southern base. Clear them all out to accomplish this part. You'll want to do this first, then part three, then two, and part one last. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. I hope you grabbed those antitank mines I mentioned in the previous mission... ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start by sending your sniper to the right, all the way to the edge of the screen. Move north, until you have a good shot at the two men near the mounted machine gun. Snipe them both, and then dash to the gun and man it. Let this guy deal with anything that he can see. Meanwhile, make sure your other guys have their weapons out and loaded. Head north and then west around the train. Take out the two soldiers there, including the one standing near the truck farther to the west. Then head north into the little village. There are two guards that patrol across the top of the village, so have your guys hose them when they get in range. Now send everyone (including the dude in the mounted machine gun) south to your train again. Find the one that had the antitank mines in his inventory. You want to place the antitank mines on the EASTERN set of train tracks. Put one about even with the front of your train, and put the other one a little farter south, about at the middle of your train. An enemy train will come by those tracks later, and the guards that come out of it are a pain in the ass to deal with. Especially since they will steal your train. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Proceed to the west, towards the southern base. Don't get too close yet, since there's a guard tower there. Use your sniper to take out the guy in the tower and anyone you can pick off on the ground. Hopefully, one of the soldiers will open the gates for you. Use your other two soldiers to gun all of the infantry down, and try to conserve your sniper ammo. Once things have calmed down, get a little closer to the entrance of the base. If there's nothing in your way, go ahead and enter the base with all three men. Run south and take cover on the eastern walls of the white warehouse buildings. Shoot any Germans that come by. Take one of your machine gun guys south and to the west to get inside the warehouse building. There is a guy in the north-east corner of it, so take care of him. Now select your sniper. Go back a little to the north where the guard tower is. From there, you should be able to snipe the guy in the far south-western guard tower, so do so immediately. Send him back down to the other soldiers. Move all three of them all the way to the south, and move west along the southern edge of the last building. Get one of your men positioned on the eastern side of the smaller building, and have him toss a grenade or two over the building at the two men near the wood piles. Don't get too grenade-happy on this level though. Those train cars are filled with rockets, and most of the base will explode if you blow them up. Once the wood pile guys are dealt with, head west to the edge of the base. Use the sniper to snipe the dude north of your position (behind some barrels), and also snipe the guy in the guard tower. Use a machine gun man to take out the German hiding in the house west of those barrels. Now simply use your machine gun men to clear out the rest of the base. The only thing you need to be careful about is the mounted machine gun at the northern entrance to the base. Toss a grenade over there to deal with him. Check your map to hunt down any survivors if necessary. Once everyone in the base is dead, you will accomplish the first of the four objectives (which is actually number four...). (Now is a VERY good time to save if you want to. The tiniest mistake while driving this engine could make you have to start over.) Leave one of your men in the north-east corner of the base. Take the other two back to your train. The enemy train next to yours should be empty of troops, but definitely make sure. Send one of your men north to the first switch in the track and flip it. Then send him back to the top of the southern base where your other guy is. Now jump in the train with the third guy, and drive straight forward until you approach the southern base from the north. DON'T drive into the base too fast. If you hit the stop too hard, you'll cause yourself a lot of trouble. Once the train is in, you accomplish another goal. Stick two of your men inside the Katyusha, and leave the third armed with a machine gun in the north-east of the base. If you have any antitank grenades, make sure this guy has them, just in case. Now take direct control of the Katyusha and lob rockets at all of the tanks in the northern base. make sure you target the ones on the train cars as well as the ones in the circle farther to the north-east. Once you've gotten them all, you should get a message that says the goal is complete. Now all you have to do is destroy the Katyusha. Make sure at least one of your men is far, FAR to the east of the Katyusha, and then have one of your other men toss a grenade at it. The whole place will blow. Congratulations, you've finished the Soviet missions. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PROJECT AMERICA (BRITAIN) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | LIGHTHOUSE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Enable the safe landing of the commandos on the shore. - This will be complete as soon as you destroy the searchlights and move the two Commandos up from the shore a little. 2) Scupper the patrol boat. - Once you gain control of the torpedo boat, this is complete. 3) Destroy the lighthouse and the artillery. - Use the south-eastern artillery gun to destroy the lighthouse and the second artillery gun to the north. Then use the dynamite conveniently located near the south-east artillery gun to destroy it. 4) Escape via the meet up point. - Once all other objectives are complete, you just have to get to the house in the north to finish the mission. All surviving troops will be available for the next mission, and they will have the same equipment that you have on them when you finish this mission. 5) Take out the search lights. - Even though this is listed last, it will not be the last thing you do. There is one light to the west of the lighthouse. You can just shoot this one with your infantry unit before getting in the torpedo boat. The second one is on a platform floating in the water to the east. Use a torpedo from the boat to disable that one. (You might need to shoot it too, once you get on the land.) ------ UNITS: ------ 1 Soldier (David Mainsfield) 2 Commandos (Howard Hinds and Robert McDouglas) ------------ WALKTHORUGH: ------------ Immediately swim west to the other side of the rocks. Swim north along the edge of the rocks, so the search light won't catch you. Farther north, you will see a small beach area where you can swim ashore. Go all the way up there, but stay behind the rock just barely south-west of the shore. Wait for the German soldier to walk up and take a look in your direction. Since that part takes more than two minutes, and the next part can be tricky: (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Wait for the guard to turn around, and then swim onto the shore as fast as you can. Take out a knife and chuck it at the dude to the north. Run up there and take all of his equipment, including his helmet. Then run to the north side of the tent and go prone. Pull out your second knife, and wait for that patrol guy to wander by again. Wait until he looks out at the shore, and then stand up, run towards him a little, and chuck the knife at him. Take all of his equipment (except his gun, you don't need two). If you have your sound turned up, you probably just got scared pretty bad. If not, you will shortly. The guards will scream "ALARM" when they see you, and there's almost no way to avoid being seen. Run east and get up against the north side of the lighthouse. Get your machine gun ready if it's not already, and gun down the Germans that attack you. Sneak around to the east side of the lighthouse, and head south. Wait for the mounted gun to look away from you, and then step out from around the lighthouse to chuck a grenade at the gun. If there's anyone on the boat (there shouldn't be), you will have to take them out with machine gun fire. If not, just take care of the guy manning the search light, and then destroy the searchlight. The next part can be hard, so: (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Jump in the patrol boat, and you will accomplish one of the goals. Make sure you get in the middle of it, and not in one of the two guns. Take Direct Control of it, and drive south-west, then turn so you are facing east, where the floating platform is. Launch your torpedoes at the platform. Now drive the boat up next to the beach. Exit the boat, and then get back on it, only get in the front gun this time. Blast anything you can see on the beach. When you're ready, get out of the boat again, and swim ashore. Shoot the other search light that was on the platform, and you will accomplish another goal. Proceed up the beach and kill anything you can. Don't step out in front of the machine gun nests, or they will kill you almost instantly. Eventually, some Commandos will land on a small craft at the beach. Move them onto the beach to accomplish another objective. Search some nearby bodies to collect some equipment for them (including helmets). There are a lot of bunkers, sand bag areas, and guard towers to deal with. Luckily, one of the Commandos has a nice sniper rifle. Use him, and give any ammo your original soldier has to this sniper Commando. The bunker in the north-west should already be empty, so start by using the sniper to take care of the first sand bag gun in the north. Then take care of the second sand bag gun in the north-east. Now run up to the north side of the second big rock in the middle of the beach, and snipe the guard tower to the north-east. Bring a machine gun man north into the gap that leads into the bunker network. Have him head east through that area, and kill the guy he encounters. Then have him enter the first bunker he comes to, and kill the guy in there. Now exit the bunker, and jump over the sand bags to the north-west to rejoin your group. Move the sniper east to the front of the bunker you just cleared out. Carefully take care of the dude manning the gun in the sand bags farther east, and then have him snipe the next guard tower to the south-east. Take all three of your men south to the last big concrete bunker. Take the guy with the heavy machine gun over the sand bags. There shouldn't be anyone in the bunker itself. Instead, head south-east, where there is a guy hiding behind some boxes. Kill him, and then crouch in the south-east corner of the area. An SDK is going to drive up to you in a few seconds, and you want to have a grenade ready to throw at it. If you're lucky, you can kill most of the occupants before they ever even get out of the vehicle. Once you throw the grenade, run south into the tunnel area to take shelter, and turn north to gun down any survivors from the SDK. Make your way south-west. Below the camo-netting, there is a box. Examine it and take the dynamite from it. Proceed westward to the defensive cannon, and kill anyone you encounter along the way, including the guy manning the cannon. There is a crate a little to the east of the gun with some shells in it. You will need at least two shells, so hand-carry two of them to the gun. Then get in it. Use one shell to level the lighthouse, and use the other to level the second defensive cannon on the other side of the beach from the one you're in. Exit the gun, and use the dynamite to destroy it. Now run back to your other soldiers. Go back to the gap in the north side of the bunker network. Use the sniper to snipe the men out of the two guard towers to the north, and snipe the people in the machine gun vehicle in the open area ahead. If it drives towards you, get back inside the tunnel area, and toss grenades at it until it's disabled. Once you're sure it's safe, run out to the north and head for the house where the meeting point is. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | RENDEZVOUS | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GGG X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Establish contact with the French resistance agent at the rendezvous location. - All you have to do is kill every enemy unit near the houses east of the mounted gun to accomplish this. You don't even need to go near the houses if you don't want to. 2) Head for the Commandant's office. - You have to cross the bridge to the far west, take out all of the guards (including several inside the buildings), and then approach Odetta to accomplish this goal. 3) Rescue Odetta Viar and ensure her safety. - Once you have control of Odetta, you've finished this goal. She must remain alive to finish the mission. 4) Destroy the defended bridge. - The bridge to the east must be destroyed. The Nebelwerfer makes this easy. 5) Locate a boat and escape. - The boat is just slightly east of the bridge on the far west of the map. Stick your guys in there, and then float through the river, through the destroyed bridge, and to the east edge of the map to finish the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. Odetta Viar will also become available during this mission. She can do the same stuff your other soldiers can do. And when you open her inventory, you will discover a very humorous oversight on the designer's part. >_> -------------- THINGS TO GET: -------------- A few mines from the box inside the building slightly north-west of the boat. These will make the upcomming mission much easier. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start by sending all of your men down and to the right to hide behind the house while that vehicle full of troops passes by. Once it goes far enough to the left, move a little more east and get up against the east side of the house. That vehicle should completely exit the screen without causing any trouble. Take this time to make sure all of your men have their weapons ready and loaded. Take your man with the sniper rifle a little east so he can look over the short wall. Your first target is a mounted gun to the north. Take out the German manning it on the left. Now take out the two Germans standing in front of the vehicle a little north-east of there. When those guys have been dealt with, send that guy back behind the wall for safety. Grab the guy with the heavy machine gun this time, and go to the same spot on that short wall. Gun down any troops you can see. (There will be a lot of them. Probably about twelve or fifteen, depending on how many of them are attracted to your position by the firing.) Make sure you watch where all of them drop, because one of them has a rocket launcher on him that could be very useful later. Once all of the oncoming troops are dealt with, take your men out to the open area where you just slaughtered all of the Germans. Search everyone, and make sure you pick up any and all rifle ammo you can find, as well as any antitank grenades you can find. Proceed north towards the gun. Search both of the soldiers next to the vehicle north east of the gun for some antitank grenades. Then search the box to the right of them to find some Molotovs, a heavy machine gun, and 400 rounds of ammunition for a heavy machine gun. Definitely take the Molotovs, and I recommend you trade in your light machine gun for this one (if you still have a light machine gun, that is). Leave your two machine gun men armed and ready in front of the gun. Then send your sniper guy to man it. Immediately turn your attention to the west. There should be a machine gun tank thing over there, and it will most likely rush your position when you take control of the gun. If not, go lure it out with one of your men. Either way, blast the thing with the mounted gun. Then use one of your machine gunners to clear out the rest of the troops over on the west side of the map (this side of the river only, obviously). Turn the gun to the east now. Destroy that giant house, and then destroy the smaller house above it (and a little to the east). There are soldiers in both houses. There also should be another motorcycle with some troops that will approach from the north east. Once all of those men are dealt with, you should automatically complete the first part of the mission, even if you never had a soldier near the house. Exit the gun, and make sure your sniper picks his gun back up. Give him any ammo your other men might have found for his rifle. Load up on equipment if you need it, and then send your men west to the bridge. Make sure you remember where the German soldier with the bazooka is so you can come back for it later if you want to. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Walk onto the bridge with your rifle soldier. Snipe any infantry that you can see. When other German soldiers walk up to a body, they stand there to examine it. You should be able to take out three guys doing that to the left of the fountain, and another two to the right of the fountain. Then send your machine gun men north, but hug the house to your left. The buildings farther north all have an enemy unit in them, and they'll shred you if you stay out in the open. When you get too close to the fountain, troops will poor out of the building east of it. Kill them all, but make sure you don't accidentally kill Odetta if she walks out. Use your rifle soldier to pick off the soldiers in the houses to the north, and then approach the house to the right of the fountain to make Odetta come out if she hasn't already. Be prepared to take out another guard that appears with her, and make sure you don't shoot her on accident. Gain control of her, but you don't really need to worry about arming her. Now proceed north-west. Behind the line of houses that had troops in them, you will see a Nebelwerfer4 rocket launcher. Use a machine gun troop to clear out the guys from around the gun, but don't destroy it. When all of the men are killed, jump in the Nebelwerfer. Scroll all the way over to the right of the map where the second bridge is, and launch a rocket at the machine gun vehicle south-east of it. Then launch one at the bridge itself to destroy it. Launch again at the line of houses west of the bridge. There are a lot of troops in those houses that will cause you trouble otherwise. When those targets are destroyed, make sure your three men are well armed and fully supplied, which includes having their weapons in their inventory so they don't drop them when they get into the boat. Don't bother arming Odetta, since she won't be available in the next mission either. Now head south to the river where the small boat is docked. The building above and to the west of the boat has a box in it. Inside the box are some valuable items, including some mines. TAKE THE MINES! Or at least three of them. Make room in your inventory if you have to, but these will save you a lot of grief later. When you're ready, put your men in the boat and float as fast as you can up to the bridge you destroyed. Make sure you go quickly, because there will most likely be several enemy troops left inside some of the buildings, and they will try to snipe you along the way. When the boat passes the bridge you destroyed, you will complete this mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | CRASH SITE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HHH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Secure the crash site and recover the guidance system. - Eliminate all German forces from the area around the crashed rocket to complete this part. Once you've done that, approach the crashed rocket, and a new goal will show up. 2) Find a way to get through the marsh safely. - Step on the wrong part of the marsh, and your soldiers will die instantly. Luckily, there's a dog on the west side of the map that will appear if you eliminate every enemy units near the town. Follow the dog's path exactly, and you'll make it across safely. It's still a good idea to save before trying it though. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. NOTE: Odetta Viar and any equipment she had will NOT be available to you in this mission. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Stand still where you start and wait for the motorcycles to exit the screen on the west side. Make sure all of your men have their guns ready while you are waiting. Once the motorcycles are gone, check your map for red dots along the road you're standing on. There are several snipers in the bushes waiting to attack you. If one of your soldiers still has a rifle and some bullets, use him to take these guys out. If not, just hose them with machine gun bullets. Attacking the snipers will cause a hoard of German infantry to pour down on your position. Gun them all down with your machine gunners, and try to save as much rifle ammo as possible. Make sure you pick off the men inside the machine gun vehicle in front of the rocket, too. Remember the mines I had you grab from the last mission? Get them out right now, and place them along the road starting in the south and working your way north with as many as you have. Try to spread them out to take out as many units as you can later. Once the hoard has been dealt with and the mines have been placed, select one of your men that has a Molotov (I told you to get some in the last mission...). Head up the road, and crawl into the bushes to the south-west of the light tank. You can throw a Molotov quite a ways, so do so now. Let the area burn until the light tank blows up, and make sure you don't get burned with it. You can also use an antitank grenade for this if you have one. Once the light tank is destroyed, use a machine gunner to eliminate the rest of the red dots on your map around the crash site. Then approach the rocket to accomplish the first goal. Stock up on equipment for your troops, and then go west to the town area. There are a lot of German soldiers here, so make sure you stay covered and have plenty of machine gun ammo. Slaughter everyone, and make sure you're careful with the buildings. They all have at least one German soldier in them, and several have multiple ones. Check your map to make sure every target is eliminated. A dog should appear from the west and make his way east. You'll notice that a couple vehicles and several more soldiers have entered the crash site. If you placed the mines like I suggested, at least one of the vehicles will be destroyed before it can cause you any trouble, and both of them will be if you are lucky. If not, it will be the less threatening of the two that survives. Head back east to the crash site, and deal with anything that survived the land mines. Be very careful that you don't accidentally kill the dog, or let the Germans kill it. Once the new German forces have been defeated, follow the dog farther to the east. Follow THE EXACT same path that the dog does to get across the swamp. Even stepping a little out of the path can kill you. When you make it to the other side, you'll win the mission. Even though this mission is short, it's still a good idea to save before attempting to go across the marsh. Also, only one man needs to make it to the other side for it to count, so I strongly suggest leaving the other two behind. That makes it less likely that they will scatter while moving and wind up drowning in the unstable swamp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | AMBUSH | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X III X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Block the exit to the northern road to divert the convoy. - The directions are a little messed up on this map. When they say "northern" road, they are referring to the northern exit of the paved road on the far east side of the map. Throw a grenade at the base of the rocks on the west side of the path to cause a small avalanche that will block the road. 2) Ambush the convoy and retrieve the guidance system from the truck. (The guidance technology must not be destroyed.) - When the timer reaches zero, a convoy consisting of two motorcycles, a troop transport, a truck, a tank, and a machine gun vehicle will approach from the south end of the paved road on the east side of the map. Since the north exit is blocked, they will turn west and take the dirt road heading towards the town. You must eliminate the convoy without destroying the truck, and then examine the truck to find the guidance system. Take it to complete this part of the mission. 3) Once the system is secure, escape via the southern road. - Again, the directions are messed up. You must get to the north end of the road that heads north from the town to complete this goal. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Examine the woodcutter's body to get some bandages and two Molotovs. Take the ammo and grenades from the two dead German soldiers if you need it. Head north up the dirt road a little, and take out the single German guard in the area. Then head east through the open field. You'll notice a German soldier behind a pile of hay. Kill him, and several other Germans will rush at you. Kill them all, and search them for rifle ammo (and a rifle if you don't have one). Head north-east until you are on the dirt road that runs east and west. Head north-east all the way up this road, dealing with troops as you go. When you get close to the units guarding the road's exit, use your rifle soldier to pick off as many of the Germans as possible, preferably before any of them man the machine gun vehicle on the west side of the road. When you approach the rocks, two motorcycles will appear from the north-east. Destroy them from the side of the road with some machine gun fire, but don't stand on the road when you do it, or they might slide into you. If you don't have a heavy machine gun or if you're low on ammo for it, examine that machine gun vehicle to find a nice gun and a lot of ammo for it. Then have a soldier toss a grenade at the base of the rocks on the west side of the road's exit to block the path. Take all three of your men back west again. A little east of the town, there are several diagonal rows of trees on the north side of the dirt road. Have your men hide above these trees so the vehicles that pass by the road won't see them. Now simply wait. Two motorcycles and a light tank should come from the south-east and pass through the town without causing you any trouble. Once they're gone, run your rifle man south and then west back to the hay field near where you started the mission. There is a house slightly north-west of that hay field. Slightly south-west of that house, there is a crate. Examine the crate to find three antitank mines. Make room in your inventory if you have to, but make sure you take all three of the mines. Then run back through the hay field and back up to your other two men to resume your hiding. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Eventually, a troop transport should appear in the south-east. It will follow the same path as the vehicles that you just let go by. When it gets close to you, try to land a small grenade in it or near it to kill the passengers. One of the men on it has a bazooka that you might want, so try not to pulverize the transport or the troops. Hose whatever lives through the grenade with your heavy machine gun, and make sure you take care of any soldiers that try to man the transport's machine gun. When all of those Germans are dead, search them to find the soldier that had a bazooka and several rockets. Take it and all of the rockets, even if you have to ditch your other equipment for it. You can always get more later, but this is the only bazooka you'll be able to get right now, and you might need it as a back up in case my primary plan fails. Head back to your hiding spots in the trees when you've got the bazooka, because a vehicle is going to come down the road from the town. A few troops might also approach from the east, but you can jump out and kill them, since they shouldn't be much of a threat. After the vehicle from the town is gone, take the man with the antitank mines east along the road. Have him go a little past the rock where the road splits, and lay a mine on the north side and the south side of the road, directly in line with each other. You don't want to place these in the middle of the road. You'll want them in the darker brown stripes that run along the edge of it. This is because you can't destroy the truck that comes by, or you lose. If the mines are placed correctly, the truck will pass through safely, but the tank following it will not. Place the third mine in the middle of the road to the west of the other pair. Quite a ways to the west, too, not just a little. Run this soldier back to his spot in the trees when you're done, and then wait for the convoy. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) If you're lucky, the first motorcycle will be destroyed by the last mine you placed in the middle of the road. Let the convoy continue to approach you, and then launch a rocket at the troop transport once you have a good shot. Use the heavy machine gunner to devastate any survivors. Also use him to fire at the truck until it stops moving, and slaughter any troops that come out of it. Here's where things can get ugly. If you placed the mines well, and you have a little luck, the tank will be destroyed, and possibly the vehicle behind it as well. If you placed the mines poorly or if you were extremely unlucky, you might have to deal with one or both of these vehicles. Move fast to keep your men out of sight of the vehicles, and then launch a rocket at them when you get the chance. One rocket should stop each vehicle, but you will most likely have to deal with the troops that come out of them. Once everything is destroyed, examine the truck to find the guidance system. Stick it in your inventory, and then search the German soldiers and vehicles to stock up on supplies, ammo, and weapons if you need them. Then head north near the top of the map, and head west. Go over the top of the town, and proceed to the road on the other side. When you get to the top of the road, you will complete the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | RESCUE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X JJJ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Secure the landing zone. - This is fairly simple. All you have to do is eliminate the German soldiers around the road and the two houses south-west of the landing field. 2) Find some way to signal the plane so it can land in the large field. - This is time consuming, but fairly easy. First, you have to place a bundle of wood on each of the five small dark circles in the landing field. Then you have to go all the way to the north-west base area, clear it out, and take a barrel of fuel from it. Return to the wood piles, put a drop of fuel on each one, and then light each one with matches you can get off of the German guards pretty much everywhere on the map. 3) Rescue the pilot and escape with the guidance system to Saint-Omer airfield. - Get the pilot and the guidance system to the north-west corner where the road exits the screen. 4) The pilot must not be killed. - If he gets killed, you fail. Make sure you clear out the few German soldiers that appear on the south part of the map halfway through the mission, or they will almost certainly kill the pilot before you can do anything about it. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. 1 Pilot (Jeremy Carpenter) will also join your group late in the mission. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Select your heavy machine gunner and walk north through the rocky valley. When you get near the road, start slaughtering anything you can see. Many German soldiers and two motorcycles will approach your position, so make sure you keep an eye on your ammo. Once the road area is clear, collect some supplies (including a box of matches or two) and send all of your troops north-west to the two buildings below the field in the middle of the map. A few troops may still be lurking around, so deal with them if necessary. Once the area is clear, the first goal will be complete. Head north-west and take cover south of the hay piles in the field south of the small German base. Get your sniper ready, and then step out to kill the German in the southern guard tower. Then have your heavy machine gunner approach the base from the south-west. There is a gap in the fence on the west side right where the trees touch it. Hide in the trees, and then gun down any troops that come by. Send your rifle man into the base now, and take out the Germans in the other two guard towers. Have your machine gunner cover the rifle man if there are still other troops in the base. Once the whole base is clear, search the south-east part of it for a barrel of fuel. Make sure you don't drop your weapon when you pick it up, and then send all three of your men back to the two houses south of the landing field, taking the fuel with you. Above the west house are many bundles of wood. Pick them up one at a time and place a bundle in each of the five dark circles in the field to the north. Then drop a little fuel on each of the five bundles of wood. Send two of your soldiers west to the road for safety, and leave the third soldier in the field with some matches. Check your map. If there are German soldiers along the southern part of the map, go eliminate them immediately. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Use the matches to light the five fuel covered bundles of wood. When they are all burning, the plane will come in for a landing. Get your soldier off the field and send him to the others as fast as possible, so he doesn't get hit by the plane. Scroll down to where the plane stops and highlight the pilot. Get some equipment for him from the guards nearby, or you can get some up by the German base in the north-west, which is your final destination anyway. Send everyone to the base in the north-west. Make sure you are well supplied, and keep an eye out for random vehicles that might pass by. When you're ready, simply get the pilot and the guidance system onto the far western spot of the northern road to complete the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | FREEDOM | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KKK X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Find a way into the airfield complex. - All you have to do is cross the gate of the complex to accomplish this. 2) Secure the plane in the large hanger. - The hanger is in the far north-west corner, and the plane is in the southern half of the hanger. Eliminate every guard in that section of the hanger to accomplish this goal. 3) Get the pilot and the guidance system to the plane and ensure that he escapes safely. - There is a panel in the south corner of the hanger that your men can use to open the main hanger doors. Then you need to put the guidance system either in the plane's cargo area, or on the pilot himself before you will be able to make the pilot enter the plane. He will then fly away. Two German fighters will come down the runway from the north, and you must destroy them both before the mission will be a success. A large group of vehicles will also come from the north, but they will be easy to deal with if you follow my suggestions. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Wait for the vehicles to go past. A motorcycle will head east from the west side of the screen slightly after the rest of the vehicles, so don't let it catch you off guard. Take all four of your troops west over the round and duck them into the trees there so they won't be visible from either road. Then take out your rifle soldier, walk onto the road by the river, and snipe the guards in both of the towers to the north. Have him snipe the soldier manning the mounted gun near the gate of the base, too. Then run him back into the cover of the trees. Wait for another set of vehicles to pass by. Just like before, a motorcycle will pass by a little after the rest of the vehicles. If you need small machine gun ammo or small grenades, use a machine gun man to take out the cycle and its three occupants. If not, just let it drive by. Then take your heavy machine gun man across the bridge, but don't forget to snipe the German in the guard tower slightly east of the bridge first. And make sure you keep your men hidden from the road while the machine gunner is crossing the bridge. More vehicles will come by through this entire mission. If you were lucky, the vehicles got stuck trying to go down the road in front of the base, causing a large traffic jam. These vehicles will provide you with good cover from the slew of German soldiers and mounted machine gun bullets that will greet you on the other side of the river. Be very careful with your machine gun man, and slaughter anything that you can. Tossing a single small grenade at one of the trucks (not one of the water trucks) will usually cause the whole pile to explode, and it will also sometimes take out a huge section of fence with it. Make sure you kill the two men manning the mounted machine gun before you step out from behind your cover vehicle. If, for some unlikely reason, the gate hasn't been opened or a hole hasn't been caused in the fence yet, a single bullet to the lock in the center of it should open it right up. Proceed carefully into the base, and you will accomplish the first goal. The house on the left has a German soldier in it, so take him out. You can send your other three men into the base now too, but make sure no vehicles are on the road or approaching the road before you move. The house on the right of the entrance has two crates in it. The only thing you really want from them is the heavy machine gun ammo, but feel free to take anything else you want. Use the rifle soldier to snipe the German in the tower to the east of the gate. Then send all four of your men to the two tanks above the house. Give the heavy machine gun man about two hundred bullets, and then put every other heavy machine gun bullet you have in the eastern tank. Leave the heavy machine gun soldier on the road in the middle of the base, and then have each of the three other troops pick up a barrel of gas from the area near the eastern guard tower you just cleared out. (Make sure you don't drop your weapons in the process.) Dump two barrels in the eastern tank, and dump the other barrel in the western one. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Have one soldier get in the western tank, and have the other soldier and the pilot get in the eastern one. Immediately set the eastern tank to Hold Fire so it doesn't waste any ammo or shoot at anything stupid. Keep an eye on your map for enemies coming from the north-west. As soon as you move a tank, several troops with bazookas will rush your position. Make sure you kill them all before they damage either of your tanks, and then proceed north with the armed tank. Some soldiers will attack from the north-west, so make sure you kill them all before they can throw a grenade at your tank. Kill the soldier in the window of the large building in the north-west corner of the fenced area, and then run over the guy manning the mounted machine gun above the base area. Turn east and use your machine gun to kill the guy in the guard tower as well as the three men in/around the building near it. Check your map to make sure there aren't any stragglers. Now continue west with the tank, and kill the four Germans north of the hanger complex. Park the tank on the road, and then go send your machine gun soldier and the second tank up to where the other tank is stopped. Rotate your camera a little so the hanger complex and the road you're on both run almost perfectly north and south. Your map should look like this when you've done this: ------------- | . | | X | |O . | X = Your current position. |O . | | .G | . = The runway, which is a dirt road. |G . | | . | O = The hanger complex. | . | | | G = AntiAircraft guns (can also shoot at ground targets). | | | | ------------- Drive the unarmed tank all the way north on the road, and park it in the middle of where the other road intersects the north/south road at the very top of the screen. Eject the driver, and then send him into the armed tank. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) This next part can be tricky. If you look south down the road, you'll see two AntiAircraft guns, one on each side of the road. You'll also see three trucks down there. Two are below the gun on the right, and the third is above it. These vehicles provide a great back up plan for later, so you want to make sure none of them take any damage. That means that you can't accidentally hit the two southern ones when you attack the eastern gun, and you have to make sure the western gun doesn't hit the northern truck when it shoots at you. The fact that soldiers inside the hanger can throw grenades out through the wall only makes this more difficult. So, to make things as easy as possible, we'll just eliminate the northern part of the hanger. You'll need to create an entrance on the north wall of the hanger. The safest way to do this is with an antitank grenade. If you don't have one, you can ram the north wall at a fairly high speed with the tank to break a section of the wall down. That can be dangerous though, because if a soldier in the hanger manages to hit you with a grenade, it will almost always break one of your treads. So I hope you have an antitank grenade. Send your machine gun soldier into the newly-formed hole in the wall, and have him eliminate all of the Germans in both sections of the hanger. Then exit the hanger through the hole you just made. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Since there aren't any more pesky guards to hit you with grenades when you go by, have your tank drive south towards the two antiaircraft guns, and make sure you stay right up next to the hanger as you go down there. Load a high explosive shell, and blast the eastern antiaircraft gun with it. Make sure you machine gun any troops that try to attack you, but remember not to hit the vehicles nearby. Head farther south and clear out the guards by the gate on the west side of the road. Here's the tricky part. You can still win the mission without capturing that gun, but your chances are much higher if you can get it intact. Before you bring the tank into a spot where it'll be shot at by the gun, make sure you eject the pilot and give him the guidance system if he doesn't already have it. Leave the machine gun soldier you've been using in front of the hanger with the pilot. Make sure the tank's machine gun is fully loaded. NOTE: It's important that you stay off of the road with the tank while you try to eliminate this gun. If the gun disables you on the road, your plane will hit the tank on its way out and crash. Once you're prepared, drive the tank south until you can shoot at the gun with your machine gun, and try to pick off the two soldiers manning it. If things get ugly, don't worry. The gun can't kill your tank, so it'll just sit there dumping it's ammo into it to no avail. If that happens, simply grab your machine gun soldier, get a small grenade or a Molotov out, and sneak up on the gun from the trees to the north. Toss the grenade at the gun while it's still busy wasting its ammo at the tank, and you should be fine. Remember those three vehicles I said you wanted to try and not damage? Send one of your three men into each of them now. Drive them north until they are on the north/south road directly east of the small house above the hanger. Park them on the road like this: ------------- | T | | | T = Tank I had you park earlier. | H 1 | | 2 3 | X = The hanger. |XXX | | X P | H = The small building above the hanger. | X | | XX | 1,2,3 = The three vehicles (park them sideways to cover as | X | much of the road as possible.) | XX | | X | P = The armed tank, if you still have it. Load the armor | X | piercing shells if you still have this tank. |XXX | | | ------------- (Now is a VERY good time to save if you want to.) If the armed tank can still move, stick it slightly south of the three vehicles on the road, and make sure it has an armor piercing shell loaded. Man the antiaircraft gun with one soldier, and leave the other two in the tank. If the tank can't get up there, then just leave the other two men south of the hanger. Select the pilot. In the very south-east corner of the bottom half of the hanger, there is a switch that will make a little lock icon show up when you target it with a soldier. Have the pilot flip this switch, and the hanger will open up. Once the doors are open, you can send him into the plane. He will take off on his own. Two enemy fighters will appear from the north to chase your plane. The first one should hit the tank I had you put all the way at the top of the screen and crash shortly afterwards, possibly taking one of your other vehicles out with it. The second one should get caught in the debris field and the other trucks, and it should be destroyed too. Some German vehicles will arrive next. If your armed tank is up there and available, use your armor piercing shells to stop as many of the enemy vehicles as you can right in the debris pile from your vehicles and the first two enemy fighters. A third enemy fighter will enter from the north shortly after the vehicles arrive. If you're lucky, it will run into the vehicles and debris, and it will be destroyed right away. If not, go down to your soldier manning the antiaircraft gun. Make sure he's set to Fire at Will, and he should blast the remaining fighter without much effort. Once it's destroyed, you'll finish the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X THE WAY TO BERLIN (UNITED STATES) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | DROP ZONE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LLL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Find and rescue at least four squad members and bring them to the rendezvous zone. - Pretty simple. Note that you only need four total, including John Perkins. If you can't remember where the rendezvous zone is, just open up your mission objective screen and click on the eye icon. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 Soldier (John Lee Perkins) Additional soldiers will become available as the mission progresses. ------------ WALKTHORUGH: ------------ See that football-shaped light spot on the ground right below where you're standing at the start of the mission? Look to your left and a little bit up, and you should see another one just like it. Just above it, there is a crate. Run there as fast as possible, without wasting a second. Take an M1, all of the ammo, all of the grenades, and all of the bandages from the crate as fast as possible. Now go back to the right, where the SDK full of troops is firing at your paratroopers. Use an antitank grenade to pulverize the SDK, and then use your machine gun to take care of any surviving troops in the area. Don't go any more to the west. Just hide behind a tree to the south for now. See that field to the north? There's an American soldier crouched near the top of it. Select him, and run north out of the field. There is another football thing in this next open area, and there is another crate a little above it. Take everything of value out of it that you can, and then send this soldier down to your other one. (Collecting extra supplies for this mission isn't really necessary. Your units and equipment will not carry over into the next missions, so you only need enough stuff to get you through this one. I won't bother mentioning other locations for equipment unless I think you absolutely need it to finish the mission.) Leave your men down there, but scroll to the west where the small group of buildings is. Watch the area until you see a light tank roll through. Keep watching it, and it should drive over the bridge to the west, and then south to the edge of the screen eventually. It's much easier to let it just leave the screen than it is to try and destroy it with an antitank grenade. Once the tank has left the screen, take both of your men into the small town. The game will be interrupted to show some paratroopers dropping in. Run into the center of this town, and take out any soldiers there. Use one of your men to toss a grenade at the antiaircraft gun to the north. (Those guns can also shoot at the ground, so don't step in front of it.) Once the area is clear, look around. One of the new American soldiers should be under your control, but the others will not be. Stand around until another paradrop scene occurs, and you will be able to control a fourth soldier. Take a machine gun man north to the next small town area. Another paratrooper will fall in the middle of the place. Immediately kill the Germans that are next to the vehicle, or they will get in it and kill you and the new trooper. You will be able to control this new soldier as well. Make sure your soldiers all have at least a weapon and some ammo. Set four of them to Fire At Will and leave them in the town to defend themselves. Take Perkins (who should still have several grenades) north-east. Deal with any troops you encounter, and stop south of the spot that crosses the river. Gun down any troops that attack you, but stay out of the way of the mounted machine gun on the other side of the river. Once the coast is clear, have Perkins swim across the river from a spot east of the gun so he won't be able to get shot by it. Toss a grenade over the outhouse at the soldiers manning the gun. Once the gun is no longer a threat, send your other four men up to Perkins, and then send all five of them west of the mounted gun to the small town area, which is the rendezvous zone. This mission is now finished. (Note: It's not necessary to go anywhere else or do anything else to finish the mission, so I didn't bother writing down anything else.) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | NIJMEGEN | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MMM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Clear the town of the enemy before further allied armor arrives. - Fairly straight forward. Every German unit on the map must be eliminated for the mission to be complete. Uncontrollable American infantry will stream in slowly from the north-east and take care of a few of the Germans for you. Mostly they just get slaughtered senselessly though... ------ UNITS: ------ 5 Soldiers (John Lee Perkins, Bill Watchtower, Franklin Fain, Robert Liberty, and Zahariah Markham). Note: Even though your units from this mission won't carry over into the next mission, they will carry over into the mission after it. So don't think you can be sloppy with your troops. The more you have alive at the end of this mission, and the better they're equipped, the easier Artillery Assault will be. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start off by taking Perkins all the way to the east edge of the map, and have him walk north-east. Crouch behind the concrete wall you come to, and then quickly run north from there to the pile of hay. Toss a grenade over the hay pile at the artillery, and then gun down the rest of the infantry that are hiding in the bushes and trees nearby. Immediately run and man the gun you freed up, and turn to blast the other gun farther up. As much as you might want to, refrain from blasting anything else. Enemy soldiers are carrying valuable equipment that will help you a lot in this mission, and it's kinda hard to get it from them if they're blown into a thousand tiny pieces. So jump out of the gun and shoot any soldiers that attack you. Then search them for grenades, especially the antitank variety. Don't forget to search around where all the men were from the first gun you attacked, too. Head down to the pair of buildings south-west of where the American tanks were destroyed. Look to the town just north of here, and a group of German soldiers should start to collect on the street. It they don't attack you right away, step out and fire at them to get their attention. Stay behind the buildings though. The enemy soldiers in the windows of the buildings will make short work of you if you stay in the open. Instead, get up against the southern wall of the longer of the two buildings, and deal with the soldiers as they come around the corners. Search them all once they're dead, and take any antitank grenades you can find. Then head back to your other four men. Move everyone north-west along the edge of the screen. Cross the first street you come to, and take care any soldiers you encounter in the village area you find yourself in. Make sure you take care of any bazooka-wielding soldiers as quickly as possible, or you'll find yourself blasted to pieces. Remember where they drop their weapons too, because they will be helpful later when you need to get enemy troops out of buildings. Now leave your four men there, and take Perkins farther up along the western edge of the screen. (Remember to search the Germans for more supplies if you're running low.) After you cross the next street, there are two buildings. Even though they do not show up on the map, there are German soldiers in the larger of the two buildings. Go inside and make your way to the bottom-right corner. There's a box there, and there's a Mine Detector in the box. You can take it if you want to, but there isn't much use for it. If the Germans don't fight you in the building, go outside and wait for them to come out. A few Germans will stream into the area from the north-west. Be ready to gun them down before they can get out of the street. You will almost certainly alert many other Germans when you do this, so duck behind some cover to the west and deal with them all. Check your map to make sure there are no more Germans approaching your position before you proceed. Usually, I suggest never adjusting the map to avoid any confusion with the directions I give. This time though, it's much easier if you move the camera. Luckily, there's a nice easy reference point to use. Send Perkins into the intersection of the street directly east of the house you found the Mine Detector in. Rotate your camera by holding down the wheel on your mouse and scrolling to the right. Make it so the map is positioned like this: ----------- | | | | | + | ----------- You should be standing with a street running straight to the north right in front of you (you should be where the + is). Make sure you watch for German soldiers that occasionally show up from the lower-west side of the map. Both of the buildings on the corner your right have enemy soldiers in them. Use an antitank grenade on each of the buildings to blow a hole in their sides so you can kill the enemy soldiers in them. There's no real strategy left to this mission. Bring your other four men up to Perkins, and begin moving along the round in the city. Keep an eye on your map as you move, and destroy any building that looks like it has an enemy soldier in it. Continue hunting down the red dots on the map until you've eliminated all of them, and this mission will be complete. Remember: Even though your units from this mission won't carry over into the next mission, they will carry over into the mission after it. So don't think you can be sloppy with your troops. The more you have alive at the end of this mission, and the better they're equipped, the easier Artillery Assault will be. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | MINEFIELDS | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NNN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Reach the town and support the infantry. - All you have to do is get a tank to the outskirts of the town to accomplish this goal. The second goal will appear after this goal is complete. 2) Eliminate the enemy from the outskirts of the town. - This doesn't mean you have to kill everything on the map, or even everything in the city, oddly enough. This goal will be complete after you make it about half way down the city (from where I direct you to begin later). ------ UNITS: ------ 2 Sherman M4 Tanks (Each with four crewmen.) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Use the front Sherman's machine gun to hose the two motorcycles that approach right at the start of the mission. Make sure you kill all of the infantry on them. Pop a crewman out of a Sherman and search as many of the bodies as you can find. Take their antitank grenades and as much ammo/bandages as you can carry. Then return to your Sherman. Take both Shermans a little bit west to a small hill between the road and the village area to the west. Park them at the top of the hill facing slightly north-west, so they have a clean view of the road on the other side of the village. Use high explosive shells to completely level the buildings in this town before you go near it. They all have German infantry in them, and those infantry units have antitank mines that can turn your tanks into powder. Once all of the buildings are destroyed, sit there and watch the road to the west of the town. Two German tanks should slowly approach. Blast them with armor piercing shells as they get in range. You should be able to disable them fairly easily, especially if you can land a shell in the center of the front of the tank. Sometimes a third tank will approach from the same direction, but sometimes it will remain in its spot farther up the road. If so, proceed to the disabled German tanks. Take a crewman out of each of your Shermans, and start loading up on both armor piercing and high explosive shells for both of your Shermans. Don't bother fixing and taking control of any of these German tanks. There's another one farther up that you'll want, and you don't want to spread your crewmen out too thin. Send your tanks north-west up the road and deal with the third tank if it's still there. Deal with any infantry that approach you too. Stay near the intersection of the two dirt roads, and you should be able to use shells to destroy both of the defensive guns on the hills without taking any damage. You can also avoid them altogether if you want, because they are a non-issue. Turn one tank to the east, and head for the sandbag area where there should be some enemy soldiers. Take them all out, and make sure you don't blow any of them up (which means only use a machine gun). One of them has a bazooka and several rounds for it, and you'll want this. When you're sure all of the men have been dealt with, have a crewman jump out of the tank, and pick up the bazooka and the ammo for it. Proceed to the road east of here, and then head north. (NOTE: The bazooka man sometimes rushes you in the very beginning of the mission while you're destroying the first town area. If you don't see him around the sandbags, head south and see if you killed him down there earlier.) (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Your objective is the Panther tank sitting in an indention north-west of your current position. Approach the Panther from the south-east so it won't see you. When you get to the other side of the hill that it's on, wait for it's barrel to look away from you. Then sprint to the top of the hill right behind it, and launch a rocket at the rear of the tank. It should catch fire from the rocket. If not, fire again. Blast the crew if they survive. If you run out of rockets, just run back to your tanks before the German crewmen kill you. Send your Shermans up to the disabled Panther and have a crewman repair it. Put three men in the Panther, three in one Sherman, and two in the other. Remember when I had you stock up on shells? Examine the Panther's supply, and you'll know why. Transfer shells over to it so you have an equal number in all of the tanks. If you don't have enough, backtrack to one of the disabled tanks and steal more. Now it's time to attack the city. Or rather, it's time to threaten the city, and get it to attack you. Move your tanks out of the small valley area onto the road to the north-east, and line them up pointing slightly north-west at the town. There is a German tank sitting between two buildings to the west. Position one of your tanks to fire at it, and make sure it is disabled. Also make sure you keep a sharp eye out for troops, because their grenades will completely screw you over if they manage to throw one. This should have alerted the German defenses in the town. if not, advance your line of tanks a little north until a scene occurs to show you the town. Now prepare yourself to deal with an assload of troops and several tanks that will come down at you from the road inside the town. Use the Panther to destroy any tanks you can get a shot at, and use the Shermans to machine gun the infantry. If you get a little break as they're attacking you, switch a Sherman to high explosive shells and start shelling any buildings you can hit from where you're sitting. They block your view, interfere with your shots at other tanks, and some of them have enemy troops in them. It's best just to destroy them right off the bat. Some American infantry should appear from the north-east and start attacking a few of the German units. If you're lucky, they might even kill some. Check your map to see where they are so you can avoid slaughtering them on accident. Once there are no red dots near the north-east corner of the map, proceed into the town. Continue blasting buildings with high explosive shells and machine gun any troops that come your way. Line your three tanks up on the street that heads south-west, and slowly move in that direction. Keep an eye out for any enemy units, and keep blasting the buildings. Once you make it about half way through the town, the mission will complete itself. You don't even need to destroy all of the enemies. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | ARTILLERY ASSAULT | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OOO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Take out the radio relay station. - The relay station is the building on the east side of the map, near the middle. Destroy the building to accomplish this goal. If you don't have anything to do it with, there are twelve things of dynamite in a box behind the relay station. 2) Destroy all German artillery. - You have to destroy all three of the artillery locations on the west side of the map to accomplish this goal. I recommend using the Nebelwerfer to destroy the two southern artillery locations, and then destroying the Nebelwerfer with a thing of dynamite or an antitank grenade. ------ UNITS: ------ Any of the troops you had left at the end of the Nijmegen mission will be available for this mission, and they will still have any equipment they had at the end of that mission too. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Start off by sending a well-armed soldier north to the first set of houses. Clear out the guards nearby, and be careful when you step in front of windows. Eventually, a machine gun vehicle will approach from the road to the north. Gun down the men inside it quickly, or they will do the same to you instead. Sit and wait patiently, and a truck loaded with troops should arrive from the same direction. Hose down everyone that gets out of the truck. Now turn your attention to the relay station. Any guards on the outside of it most likely already attacked you while you were dealing with the vehicles. If not, deal with them now. Then use an antitank grenade to pulverize the relay station and accomplish the first goal. There is a box loaded with dynamite against the west wall of the relay station if you don't have any grenades. Deal with any troops inside the building that survive the explosion. Head north along the road. Slaughter anything that opposes you near the last house to the north. Then head west, all the way along the top of the screen. Leave four of your men behind, and take only a single machine gun soldier with you. Also, make sure he has several antitank grenades or sticks of dynamite with him. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Have the soldier sneak along the northern edge of the screen until he's hidden in the trees on the eastern side of the small hill right before where the Nebelwerfer is sitting. Wait for the patrolling German guard to walk south from the area, and then have the soldier run up to the rocks right next to the hill. If the patrolling guard is nearing, have him go prone and hide behind the rocks. When it's safe again, have him crawl up the hill and take cover in the trees. Use an antitank grenade on the wooden pillbox thing a little above the Nebelwerfer. Be careful not to accidentally hit the trees with the grenade, or you'll kill yourself. Once the pillbox is cleared, run above it and to the west, then turn south and machine gun the Germans manning the mounted machine gun. Then target the soldiers manning the Nebelwerfer, and then clean up any stragglers in the area. Jump in the Nebelwerfer. Scroll south, and fire a rocket at each of the two artillery positions. They will easily be destroyed, so jump out of the Nebelwerfer. Use antitank grenades or dynamite to blow it up, and this mission will be complete. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | LAST STAND | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PPP X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Do not let the enemy gain a foothold on the allied side. - For the first part of the mission, you will get a two minute timer when any German units make it to the south side of the river. You must eliminate them before the counter runs out, or you will fail. 2) Defend the west bridge until reinforcements arrive. - Two waves of German forces will attack the western bridge. Once both waves are destroyed, this part of the mission will be over. 3) Destroy the west bridge and defend the east bridge. - Two new soldiers appear on the map when this objective comes up. Both of them have dynamite, so use it to destroy the bridge. Then run everyone over to the east side of the map. A lot of German units will be attacking the bridge on that side next. Once you destroy both of the tanks they send, some planes will arrive, and you will win this mission. ------ UNITS: ------ Anything that survived the last mission will be available in this mission, including equipment that you had in your inventory. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Hopefully, all you still have all five of your men. If you do, this mission isn't that bad. You just have to move fast, and some of it can only be done with pure intuition as you go along. Start by running north-east, and look for the three crates on the ground between the two rows of houses. Select one of your rifle soldiers and examine the box farthest to the west. Take the repair kit from it, even if you have to ditch equipment. Then examine the middle crate and take an antitank grenade from it if you don't already have one. Take this soldier north to the river, just slightly west of the bridge. When you get too close, a sniper will shoot at you from the east window of the house on the west side of the bridge. Pick him off, and then ready the antitank grenade. Cross the bridge and approach the house on the east side. Toss the grenade at the south-west corner of the house, about an inch or so in from the edge. There are two snipers in there, and you want to make sure you get them both. Now run west to the damaged German tank. Quickly have that soldier start repairing it. Go down to the rest of your troops, and select the heavy machine gun soldier. Run him north so he is standing next to the tank you are fixing. Get so you have a clear view of the road to the north, and then start blasting any and all Germans that come down before they can get anywhere near your soldier that's fixing the tank. When the repairs are done, have that soldier jump in the tank. Then have the heavy machine gun soldier examine the tank, and transfer any heavy machine gun bullets he has left over to the tank. (You only need about three hundred in the tank, so if you have more than that on the soldier, you don't actually need to transfer all of them.) Once you've transferred the ammo, run that soldier south to the main group of your soldiers. Take direct control of the tank and turn the turret to face north. Hose down anything you can with your machine gun. The infantry and machine gun vehicles can't hurt you, so don't panic if you can't kill them all before they get to you. None of them have antitank grenades, so the most they can do is break your treads. But that doesn't matter, because even if you had fuel in that tank, it's stuck where it's parked. Continue slaughtering what you can, and a tank should eventually approach from that same northern road. Use armor piercing shells on it to disable it, and finish cleaning up any soldiers that still remain. The first goal should be finished soon, and you will get a small scene telling you about your new objectives. Scroll down to the pile of crates where your men are still waiting. Two new soldiers will be running by. Select these two men, and send them both over to the north side of the bridge. Have one of them use some dynamite on the bridge as he runs past, and then send them both up to the German tank you just disabled. Eject your other soldier from the other tank, and send him to the second tank too. Examine it to find a repair kit, and have him start repairing it. Use the other two men to cover him. When the repairs are done, put the repair kit back in the tank. Load all three of those men into it, and then drive east to the area between the west and east roads. Park the tank facing slightly north-east on one of the tall hills in the middle of the area. You'll want a clear view of the eastern road. After a little while, German forces will start streaming in from this road. Use your machine gun to slaughter any troops you can, and use high explosive shells on the smaller vehicles that drive by. Again, there's no need to worry too much about the troops throwing grenades at you. The most they can do is damage your treads, and that won't matter as long as you still have a good view of the road. Eventually, a tank will come down the road. Remember to switch to armor piercing shells, and disable that tank before it disables you. Clean up any remaining troops that you can. Sometimes, the mission will end right after you clean up the area a little. But other times, a Tiger comes down that road from the same direction as all of the other forces. Your tank is almost certainly no match for it, but you have very little to lose. Go ahead and try to disable the Tiger with armor piercing shells, but most likely it will destroy you with a single shell. If it does, go back down to your pile of troops. Select one of them, and have them examine the crate farthest to the east. Grab the bazooka and all five rockets. Send that guy, along with all of your others, into the south-east corner of the map. There is a crate with some antitank grenades in it behind one of the houses, so it wouldn't hurt to give everyone a couple of them. Now you sit and wait for the Tiger to come to you. Deal with any pesky troops that approach you, but don't step out in front of the Tiger. Wait until you have an opportunity to get the bazooka man behind the Tiger, and then launch a shell at its rear. It should devastate it, but be ready to fire again in case it doesn't. Now simply sit tight, and the mission should finish by itself. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WRATH OF THE TIGER (GERMANY) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | EN ROUTE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X QQQ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Wittman must survive. - If he dies, you fail. The best way to avoid this is to just not use him. 2) Find nearby cover and avoid the allied fighter-bombers until the threat has passed. - Drive the three Tigers north-east up the road. You will see a long brown barn thing in the field past the intersecting road. It has four sections to it, all of which are perfectly sized to fit a tank. Take direct control of each Tiger, and drive them into the building through the sections of wall. 3) Recapture the bridge. - There are numerous troops around the bridge, and they all must be eliminated before this part will be complete. 4) Take out the APC radio station. - The halftrack with the machine gun soldier in it must be immobilized to finish the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ 4 Crewmen (Michael Wittman and three nameless Germans) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Drive the three Tigers north-east up the road. You will see a long brown barn thing in the field past the intersecting road. It has four sections to it, all of which are perfectly sized to fit a tank. Take direct control of each Tiger, and drive them into the building through the sections of wall. Wait for the timer to run down, and you will complete this part of the mission. You will lose control of your tanks, and instead, you will have control over Wittman and three other crewmen. Select the one that has the heavy machine gun in his inventory. Ready the weapon, and then examine Wittman's tank to get another box of heavy machine gun ammo. Proceed north to the field area. There is a damaged German halftrack up there, and there are numerous antitank grenades and supplies in it. Take as much as you can fit in your heavy machine gunner's inventory. Then take cover behind the south side of this vehicle, and start firing at any troops nearby. This will most likely attract the attention of the two artillery pieces in the town to the north, so don't step out from behind the vehicle. Once the troops in this area have been eliminated, run south-east towards the river. Kill any troops you can get a good shot at, and then dive into the water. Quickly swim to the other side. Finish off any survivors, and search everyone for more heavy machine gun ammo and a helmet. Kill the three troops north of the bridge by the trees, and you should finish another objective. Select one of your other crewmen, and make sure he has a pair of small grenades in his inventory. Take him all the way into the north-west corner, and keep him hidden from the view of the two artillery pieces in the town. Now have the heavy machine gunner run west and take cover on the east side of the building on the edge of the town. Set him to Fire at Will, and let him deal with any troops that peak around the corner at him. This should have caused the artillery pieces to turn east at the heavy machine gunner. Take the second troop, and select a grenade. Run to a spot south of western artillery piece, and toss the grenade at it. Immediately take cover from the second artillery piece and the APC, because both of them will turn to fire at you after that. Go back to your heavy machine gunner, and have him go to the small wall south of his current position. Kill the two men manning the artillery while they are still looking in the direction of your other soldier, and then gun down the men in the APC and any others in the town. Sometimes, your heavy machine gun bullets are enough to destroy the APC. If not, simply toss a grenade at it to finish the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | RECONNAISSANCE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RRR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Ensure Wittman survives. - Pretty simple again. If he dies, you lose. 2) Ensure German tanks are not destroyed. - Don't let any of the tanks get destroyed, or you lose. 3) Eliminate the enemy reconnaissance units before they alert the column. - Both jeeps and all of the troops in them must be stopped before they can escape to the north-east. They will approach you until they spot any unit, and then some of them will try to run away. The best way I've found to stop them is to run your eastern infantry man north a ways, hide in the bushes, and then jump out to surprise the jeeps when they are close. Disable the jeeps first, and then worry about stragglers. ------ UNITS: ------ 3 Soldiers 1 Pz-4G Tank (4 nameless German crewmen) 1 Pz-6 Tiger Tank (4 Crewmen [Michael Wittman and three nameless Germans]) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Scroll east and select the soldier on the east side of the road. Load his gun, and run north to a row of bushes. Hide there until the two jeeps get close, and then jump out. Target the two jeeps first to make sure they can't escape, and then kill any surviving troops. Once they are all dead, send the soldier south again to where the other two are standing. Set all three of them to Fire at Will. Scroll over to your group of tanks. Have two men each grab a barrel of fuel, and then have them our it into the Pz-4G on the west side of the map. Put the other two crewmen into the Tiger, and send the two that were carrying the fuel into the Tiger when they are done. Move both tanks slightly north-east until they are parked on the top of a small hill looking down towards the road to the east. Set the Pz-4G to Fire at Will (make sure it has armor piercing shells loaded), and take manual control of the Tiger. As the enemy tanks approach, blast them all until nothing remains. Make sure you deal with any troops that get too close to you. Some of them have bazookas, and that posses a serious threat to your tanks. Especially if they can get behind you. So it's probably a good idea to send those three soldiers to a spot behind your tanks, just in case an enemy soldier makes it back there. Once every enemy unit is removed from the map, you will win the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | VILLERS-BOCAGE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Take out the allied staff tanks of the 4th Armored Division. - Every tank on the map must be eliminated. Then two more will approach from the road in the north-east of the map. Once those two are eliminated as well, you will accomplish this goal. 2) Ensure the remaining tank is not destroyed. - If the Tiger gets destroyed, you lose. 3) Ensure Wittman survives. - If Wittman gets killed, you lose. He starts on the top of the Tiger. The best thing to do is to leave him down here at the very south of the map for the entire mission. 4) Escape. - Once all of the staff tanks have been destroyed, you will be given this part of the mission. All you have to do is get Wittman back to the starting position to end the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 Pz-6 Tiger tank (4 occupants) Additionally, any of the three soldiers that survived from the preceeding mission will be available. (Meaning you can have seven soldiers for this mission, counting Wittman.) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Remove any soldiers from the top of your tank, including Wittman. Send him and the two other soldiers to the bottom of the map to keep them safe. Drive your Tiger east down that side road, and then turn north when you get to the end of the row of houses. Turn west, and fire a high explosive shell into the house west of the mounted machine gunner. There is a soldier with a bazooka in it, and if he hasn't already fired at your tank, he will soon. Sweep the area for infantry. Don't worry too much about them though, since they can't really hurt you. Instead, keep your eyes open for tanks. One will approach from the west, and two more from the north. Destroy them all with armor piercing shells, and clean up the remaining infantry with your machine gun. Check your map to make sure the area is clear, and then eject a soldier to make repairs on the Tiger. When he's done, put the repair kit back, and put the soldier back in the tank. Head west. Eliminate the mounted machine gun and any soldiers around it. Hit the center of the building west of the machine gun with a high explosive shell. There are two soldiers in it, so make sure you get them both. Continue west along this road, directly south of the house you just destroyed. Turn north at the next street. There are two tanks slightly to the north-east. Try to destroy the first one (inside part of a building) before it fires. Kill any survivors that bail out of it, and then prepare yourself for another fight. The other tank to the west will most likely approach you, as will another one from the north. Eliminate them both, and clean up any straggling infantry. Check your map to make sure there isn't anything nearby, and then have a soldier repair your tank. When you're ready, head north some more. If you didn't get attacked by a tank directly above the buildings to your right, you will have to deal with it right now. Repair yourself again if necessary, and then load a high explosive shell. Check your map. A little to the north and on the east side of the road, you will notice a red dot that looks like it's coming from a building. Aim at the center building in that area, and destroy it until you kill the soldier that was inside. He's armed with a bazooka, so don't let him get a shot out. This will most likely attract the attention of the tank to the north-west, but if it doesn't, proceed north and deal with that tank. Repair your Tiger if it needs it. Enter the town square from the south-west corner. One of the houses on the north side of the square has a bazooka soldier in it, so use a high explosive shell to deal with him. Then turn your attention to the two tanks that will come into the square from the north-east. Once they are destroyed, clean up the remaining troops, as well as the two mounted machine guns to the east. Two new tanks should appear on the eastern side of the map. If the area is secure, fix your Tiger. Then head east and carefully deal with these two new tanks. Don't get too close though; there are a couple bazooka troops with them in the bushes. Blast both tanks, and slaughter any troops as fast as possible. Once the tanks are destroyed, you will be told to escape the map. Eject everyone from the Tiger, and run as fast as you can due south to where you originally started the mission. If you took my advice, Wittman will already be down there waiting for you, so just gather everyone on the escape spot to finish the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | HUNTER | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TTT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Drive forth into town. - Make it to the very northern spot on the road that runs up the middle of the map to complete this part of the mission. 2) Tear the enemy defenses apart, leave nothing standing. - Destroy every unit on the map. This is actually pretty easy. Note, however, that several more bazooka troops and a pair of tanks will appear on the road to the north when you get close to it. 3) Ensure the remaining tank is not destroyed. - If the Tiger gets destroyed, you lose. ------ UNITS: ------ 8 Crewmen (Michael Wittman and seven nameless Germans) 1 Pz-6 Tiger tank (4 of the eight crewmen start in this tiger.) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ This mission is pathetically simple if you're careful. Start by taking the Tiger slightly north-west to the fence in front of the large field right before the first row of trenches. Use high explosive shells on the two mounted guns north of the trench, and make sure you kill any troops that run at you before they chuck grenades at your tank. Two enemy tanks will approach from the north along the road. Disable them both with armor piercing shells, and then fix your tank if necessary. Make sure you eliminate all of the soldiers in the first row of trenches, and also remember to take care of the mounted gun and the troops in the trench on the other side of the road. Select one of your unused crewmen, and take the heavy machine gun and a bunch of ammo for it from the Sherman you just disabled. Those machine guns have clips of two hundred bullets, and that will be very helpful later. Proceed east with your Tiger and the guy with the machine gun. Head up a little, and park the Tiger facing north-east a little south-east of the small house above the trench line. Two more tanks and some troops are going to arrive from the east side of the map. Blast them both with armor piercing shells from the Tiger, and use the machine gun soldier to make sure no pesky enemy troops can get close enough to hit your Tiger with a bazooka shell. Once the tanks are eliminated, fix your Tiger if necessary. Then send up another unused crewman, and take the heavy machine gun and a bunch of ammo from this Sherman that you just destroyed. Turn your attention westward. Deal with any mounted guns that might still remain over there, and then start slaughtering the stuff in the trench lines. Make sure you keep armor piercing shells ready in the Tiger, and make sure both of your machine gun soldiers are right next to your tank. You should probably set them to Fire at Will, just to make sure they stop any troops from getting too close to your Tiger. There are two vehicles to the west, so destroy them both as soon as possible. Two more tanks will approach from the east, so use the Tiger to disable them, and make sure your infantry are covering you. Deal with the Sherman to the north-west when it comes down at you, or provoke it if necessary. Go grab your other two unused crewmen, and steal two more heavy machine guns and a bunch of ammo from two more of these Sherman tanks. Repair the Tiger if you need to. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) Have the Tiger face north near the center road, and use a high explosive shell to blast the building up there on the right of the road. There's a bazooka soldier in it, and he can really hurt your tank. That will almost certainly spark the interest of the Sherman right next to that building, so disable it as fast as you can. Now things can get a little messy. Send two of your machine gun men to the hill a little south-west of where the two roads intersect, and send the other two south of the house you blew up with the bazooka troop in it. Make sure all four of them are set to Fire at Will. Now drive the Tiger up the road, and park between your groups of men. Two tanks will appear, one from each side of the road. Destroy them both, and be very careful of bazooka and grenade soldiers. Your machine gun troops should handle them all, but if not, be ready to use the Tiger's gun to deal with them. There are more bazooka troops in the houses to the north-west, so don't forget to blast them. Once every last enemy unit is dealt with, the second goal will be complete. All you have to do to finish the mission is get a unit to the far northern spot on the north/south road your Tiger is on. Also, the soldiers with machine guns will keep them if there's room in their inventory, so if there isn't, make some right now. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | LIBERATION | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UUU X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Return to the abandoned Tiger and repair it. - This will be complete as soon as the second Tiger is fixed. I recommend making sure every enemy unit on the map is killed first. You'll want to have your defensive positions ready first, too. 2) Defend until the German reinforcements arrive. - Immediately after repairing the Tiger, you will have a ten minute count down on the top of the screen. Two waves of tanks and troops will poor in from the north-east. You can't let anything make it to the middle of the town, or you will fail the mission. (I think... or at least, I'm fairly sure that's what kept causing me to fail... I'm not sure though. >_>) ------ UNITS: ------ You will have every unit that survived the previous mission, and any equipment they had with them. The Tiger will be re-supplied with ammunition. ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Get the four crewmen off the top of your Tiger, and make sure their heavy machine guns are fully loaded. Set all four of them to Fire at Will if they aren't already, and then send them a little bit west towards the road. Jeeps will periodically come down that road, but they will easily be dealt with by your soldiers. Prepare a high explosive shell in your Tiger, and make sure that the machine gun is fully loaded. Drive north to the top of the hill with trees on it. You should have a clear shot at the mounted gun down there, so destroy it. Kill any troops that approach the area, and then kill the troops farther up the road to the north-west. Use a high explosive shell on the building where the red dot shows up on your map. There's a bazooka soldier in there, and you really don't want to let him get a shot at you later. Now turn your attention to the east. Kill the two soldiers hiding in the building by the fire, and then blast the mounted gun on in the next field. Be ready to hose a few more troops after that. A tank will approach from the road above you, so make sure you have an armor piercing shell prepared. Disable the tank, and deal with any surviving infantry. Proceed farther up the east side of the map, and you will see a tank behind a wall thing. Destroy the house along the way, because another bazooka soldier is hiding in it (just look for the red dots on your map). Then attract the tank's attention, and disable it once you have a clear shot. Get on that road, and turn towards the town square. Two more tanks should approach along with a couple troops, so deal with them all. Make sure you destroy the buildings on the south-east side of the town square. There are two bazooka troops in them. Then proceed into the town square. Look for red dots in buildings on your map, and destroy them all. You will probably attract a couple more tanks, so be ready to switch your shells. Clear out the area around the town square, and then turn west once again. There is a mounted gun and a tank along the far western road. Proceed up that road, and deal with everything you encounter along the way. It's a good idea to take at least one of your machine gun crewmen up with you. The road makes you very vulnerable to infantry, since your Tiger's turret moves so painfully slow. Keep the machine gunner behind the Tiger, and use it to deal with enemy troops. Get all the way into the north-west part of the map, and then proceed across the top of the screen towards the second Tiger. Use high explosive shells on the two mounted guns guarding the Tiger, and use your machine gun troops to cover your Tiger against enemy infantry. Eliminate the last tank, and make sure there are no other enemies left on the map. (Now is a good time to save if you want to.) DO NOT FIX THE SECOND TIGER YET. First, go around the map, and repair four Sherman tanks. If there aren't four left in fixable condition, repair another type of tank. If the tanks you fix don't have the two hundred bullet machine guns, take them from your soldiers and put them on the tanks. Make sure they all have a lot of heavy machine gun ammo, and stick a single soldier in each one of them. This might sound like a lot of work, but you're going to want to make sure that none of those four tanks have any shells in them. That means you're going to have to transfer every single shell out of each tank and dump them (either dump them into one of the Tigers or an abandoned vehicle somewhere on the map). The reason why is because there will be a LOT of enemy troops rushing the town once you repair that second Tiger, and you're going to want these four tanks pumping out machine gun bullets at them. But if they have shells, they tend to target the tanks instead, and you'll get overwhelmed with bazooka troops. Once you have the shells removed from the four allied tanks, send them to the north part of the map. I suggest rotating your map to make it square on the screen, so that the broken Tiger is in about the middle of the west side of the screen. This will make it easier to see the enemy tanks and troops when they approach. See the small house in the north-west near a field? Send three of the tanks over there, and send the fourth one east, where the two roads are. A truck full of bazooka troops will come down the dirt road farthest to the east, so have that tank wipe them out as soon as they appear. (That will be the very first thing to appear in the rush. Once you take care of it, send that tank over to where your others will be defending.) Eject two men from your working Tiger, and have one of them grab the repair kit out of it. Send that Tiger north to the pile of three allied tanks. You will want to align them like this: ------------------------------------------------------------------- | " ' | | " ' | | " ' | | " ' | | S T H S T S " S' | | " ' | | " ' | | " ' | | " ' | | " | | | | | | B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- B = Where the broken Tiger starts. S = Sherman tank with heavy machine gun. T = Tiger tank with armor piercing shells ready. H = The house in the north-west. " = Paved road. ' = Dirt road. Once you have the four Sherman tanks and the good Tiger positioned and ready (every one of your tanks should be set to Fire at Will), save your game. Then fix the second Tiger, and stick the two men in it when it's ready. Immediately drive it north to its spot in the defensive line. Go over to the Sherman on the far east side by the roads, and look north up the dirt road. As soon as you have a clear shot, destroy the truck that approaches and any infantry that escape it. Send this Sherman west to your tank line as soon as possible. Focus your attention on the tank line now. Select a Tiger, and have it point directly north. As soon as you can see enemy tanks, start disabling them as fast as possible. Let the Shermans fire at the infantry, and then switch the Tigers to machine guns once all of the tanks are destroyed. Hopefully, all of your tanks are at least still capable of firing. You should have a break of about two minutes before the next wave of enemies shows up, so quickly repair as many tanks as you can. Don't bother fixing anything but the barrels, turrets, or bodies. You just need to be able to fire, not move. The second wave will appear just like the first one. Do the same thing as you did with the first wave. Use a Tiger to target the tanks as fast as possible, and deal with any surviving infantry when you're done. Once the timer reaches zero, some German forces will appear in the south-west corner, and you will win the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BONUS MISSIONS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | TANK ATTACK | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VVV X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Hold the line, protecting the supply routes to Volchye and Nikolayevka. - This will be complete if you manage to prevent any enemy forces from reaching the southern side of the map. Oddly, the mission seems to finish when the timer still has thirty-ish seconds left on it. O_o 2) Hold out for reinforcements. - About half of the way through the mission, three tanks will arive on in the south-east corner. All you have to do to accomplish this part of the mission is survive until the reinforcements arive. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 KV-1 Tank (4 Crewmen) 1 T-34 Tank (4 Cremwen) 2 T-26 Tanks (4 Crewmen each) 1 ZiS-5 Truck (No Cremen) 2 Soldiers These units will arive midway through the mission: 1 T-34 Tank (4 Crewmen) 1 T-34/85 Tank (4 Crewmen) 1 IS-2 Tank (4 Crewmen) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Stick the two soldiers into the truck, and eject two crewmen from a T-26 to put in the truck as well. Drive it north to the road, turn east, and then turn north again at the next road. Follow it as it turns west, and stop when the road crosses under a fairly large rock near the center of the map. Eject the four troops, and have each one examine the truck. Load them down with as many antitank mines as they can carry (dump as much equipment as you can). Send one soldier north-west a little, and have him spread the mines out. You won't have time to place each mine separately, so just select the mines, press your "U" key, and target an area to have him spread them out. Do the same thing with each of the other soldiers, only send one slightly north-east, send one south-west, and send one south-east. When they're done, send any of the survivors back down to your tanks. Don't worry if you get any of them killed. They are expendable, Line your four tanks up facing north just a little bit south of the road above where they start. Make sure the three smaller tanks are set to Fire at Will, and then take Direct Control of the KV-1. Make sure you have armor piercing shells ready, and use the KV to destroy any German tanks that make it past the mine field. This should be fairly easy to do. Then just deal with any troops that survived. More German units will arive from the north. Hopefully, some of the new tanks will be destroyed by the mine field. The rest can easily be dealt with by the KV. You will receive three more tanks about half of the way through the mission. Line them up along your line, and make sure the IS-2 is on the west side of your line. Deal with the remaining German units that approach from the north. Use the IS-2 as your Direct Control unit now, as it has a much more powerful main gun. It will be the only thing that can really hurt the huge German tanks that will come down the west side of the map durring the final wave. You will win the mission as long as nothing makes it to the bottom of the map. That should be very easy for you to do. Also, the mission is complete with about thirty seconds left on the counter for some reason... X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | OUTFRONT | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WWW X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Ambush the convoy, eliminate the guards, and search the truck for the Commander. - A truck will come down the road from the west side when the timer gets close to running out. Eliminate every guard from around the truck, and then examine it to complete this part of the mission. 2) The Commander was nowhere to be seen. However, documentation in the truck indicates that he is being held nearby. Find and rescue him. - He's in the house to the north-east, along with three German guards. The easiest way to get him out is to throw a smoke grenade into the house. You can get some smoke grenades off of the Germans outside the house. 3) The Commander has reported that the Germans use the railway to transport supplies. Divert the train into the dead end siding. - Simply flip the switch between the tracks a little north-west of the house where you found the Commander. Then have your men hide on the south-east side of the house. 4) Quickly disable the train before the driver realizes it's a diversion. - The train will stop. Have the soldier who still has an antitank grenade throw it at the train engine as fast as possible, and you will finish the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ 2 Soldiers 1 Soldier (The Commander. He will be available once you find him.) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Select your machine gun soldier and run north. Take cover in the bushes south of the light tank. A soldier will approach from the west, pause, and then start walking west again. When he starts moving, run your soldier north a little past the tree, and toss your antitank grenade at the light tank. It should destroy the tank and kill both of the guards next to it. Use your machine gun to deal with the other two guards. Proceed east until you get to a tree on a hill about half way to the railroad tracks. Hide here, and ready a small grenade from one of your soldiers. A machine gun vehicle is going to approach from the road to the north-east. Toss the grenade at it to disable it, and then use your men to kill the occupants. Run the machine gun soldier up to it and swap his gun for the larger machine gun, and take a bunch of the ammo for it. You will be notified that the truck is approaching now. Run your soldier back to the tree where your other one is. When the motorcycles get close enough, slaughter the troops on them. Avoid shooting the truck. If it blows up, you fail the mission. Sometimes a few infantry will stay behind on the east side of the map. If that happens, send your rifle soldier over there to deal with them, and leave your machine gunner right where he is. Once all of the units from the truck convoy are defeated, run your rifle soldier over to the truck, and get close to it. You will accomplish the first part of the mission. Send him back to your machine gun soldier's hiding spot. Three German troops and another machine gun vehicle will approach from the north-east. Throw a grenade at the vehicle just like before, kills its occupants, and then kill any soldiers that remain. Sit patiently and wait for the train to COMPLETELY exit the screen. There are a LOT of troops on it, and if they see you, they will get off of the train and attack. Once the train is gone, proceed north-east, following the tree line to prevent the guard tower from firing at you. Enter the small village area from the south-west, and eliminate the guards outside. One of them has some smoke grenades, so take them. Toss a smoke grenade into the house. It will prevent the soldiers inside from firing, but you will still be able to. Run in and kill the three occupants, but DON'T accidentally kill the Commander in the north-west corner. Once the Germans are all dead, you'll accomplish part two of this mission. Run the Commander to the railroad switch slightly north-west of the house and flip it. Then hide all three of your men on the south-east side of the house, so the train that will soon be approaching can't see them. Eventually, the train will come along, go down the east track by mistake, and stop. Have the soldier who still has an antitank grenade step out from behind the house and toss it at the train engine. Mission complete. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | FRONTLINE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) We are suffereing heavy losses, the two enemy mortars must be taken out! - There are two Nebelwerfers in the northern area of the map. When you get to the eastern one, you can jump in it to launch rockets at the western one. Then use an antitank grenade or some dynamite to destroy the eastern one. 2) Infiltrate the enemy frontline. - Once you cross the barbed wire line and the road all the way in the north-east side of the map, this goal will be accomplished. 3) Eliminate the snipers hidden in the woods. - This is simple. All you have to do is run into the forest north-east of your starting position and kill the three German snipers. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 Soldier (You can control one soldier at a time. If the first soldier is killed, you will get another soldier at the same starting spot on the map. You will get a total of five soldiers to complete the mission, including the one you start with.) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ There are crates full of supplies all over the place. You can stock up if you really want to, but the equipment you start with is sufficient. Head all the way to the east side of your trenches, and then head north-east around the swamp. (Don't touch the swamp, or it's instant death, just like in the British mission with the swamp.) You will find yourself in a forest. There are three German snipers in this forest, which you will be able to see if you have your map open. Use your rifle to kill them all, and that part of the mission will be complete. Head ALL THE WAY to the north-east of the map, near where the mounted machine gun is. Pick off the soldier manning it, and then wait for the vehicles to pass by. When you have a clear path in front of you, run through the gap in the barbed wire, and then cross the road to the forest. By now, you will have accomplished another part of the mission. Look to the west a little, and you will see a few soldiers manning an artillery piece. Sneak up behind them, kill them all, and then jump in the artillery. Turn it west, and fire some rockets at the second artillery unit over there. It will be destroyed as soon as the rockets land, so jump out of the one you're in. Step away from it, and toss an antitank grenade or some dynamite at it. Once both of them are destroyed, you will win the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | HUTOR | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X YYY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Remove all trace of the enemy from the village area. - Simply eliminate all enemy units from near the village, and this will be complete. 2) Do not allow anyone to escape. - Once you cross the trench line, you will be given this goal. There is a motorcylce and a halftrack on the northern edge of the town, and a lot of Germans around them. They will try to escape, so use the T-34 to destroy them before they get the chance. This is easy to do if you stop in front of the trenches and take out the house with the troops in it before crossing the line. 3) Eliminate the enemy from the territory completely. - This doesn't need to be completed to win the mission. In fact, I've never bothered to try and complete it... Every time I'd get close to eliminating everything, something else would appear on the map. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 T-34 Tank (4 Crewmen) 3 Soldiers ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Take control of the T-34, and make sure it has an armor piercing shell ready. Creep north until you have a clear shot at the small tank up by the town, and destroy it when you can. Then ready your machine gun and deal with the hoards of troops that will come running your way. Don't let them get too close, or they will hit your tank with an antitank grenade and destroy it. Destroy the vehicle that comes down the road, and kill all of the troops in the trenches. When the German tank approaches from the north, take it out as fast as possible. You don't have a repair kit, so if the German tank imobilizes your tank, you'll be out of luck. With the tank destroyed, drive your T-34 north towards the southern edge of the town. Start blasting buildings with your highexplosive shells. Make sure you get the building far to the north-west of town. It is full of soldiers, and they are the ones that will try to escape later. When you are ready, drive the tank into the town. Keep driving it north up the road until you can easily deal with the parked motorcycle and halftrack. Destroy them both, and then eliminate any surviving units from the town to complete the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | DEFEND | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ZZZ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Reach the Russian defensive positions and warn them of the impending enemy attack. - This will be complete as soon as you reach the two mounted gun positions near the center of the map. 2) Hold out against the second wave. - This will be complete when you stop the first two waves of German forces that will approach from the south. You'll know when it's complete, because a scene will occur, telling you a plane has bombed the bridge. 3) Defend against the German attack. - Stop the final waves of German forces to accomplish this part. Some will approach from the south-west and the south-east. 4) Retreat to the second defensive area. - I can't figure out how to complete this goal. O_o Even though you pretty much have to retreat to the second defensive spot, it doesn't say you've accomplished that part of the mission for some reason. Don't worry about it though, because you don't need to accomplish it to finish the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 Soldier Later, you will gain access to: 3 Soldiers (Two manning mounted machine guns, another standing near them) 1 BT-7A Tank (4 Crewmen) 7 Soldiers (Two manning a Pak 40, two manning a Flak 38, and three manning a set of two mounted machine guns) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Head west and wait on the top of the hill until all of the vehicles finish passing along the road. Then run north down the hill, take out the three German guards, turn left, and deal with the men guarding the truck. Proceed north up the road. When you approach the two mounted machine guns, you will gain control of the three men nearby. Have the one that's not manning a gun examine the crate slightly north-west of the western machine gun. Take the five antipersonel mines and some machine gun ammo from it, and then run south towards the truck from before. Hide in the bushes, and then use your machine gun on the motorcylce that approached. Kill the group of eight or so German soldiers that approach from the south-west too. Now you need to work fast. Deploy one mine right in the middle of the road where the baracade is set up. Then run north, and place another one in the middle of the road right where it starts to curve to the right. Place a second one right next to this in the dirt on the right side. Run a little farther north, and deploy the last two mines in a similar fashion. By now, you should have been notified that reinforcements have arrived. You will have control of a BT-7A light tank in the trees above your western mounted machine gun. Make sure it's armed with an armor piercing shell, and then point it south between your two guns. Have the lone infantry man grab all of the antitank mines from the crate, and then run him north-east. South-east of your next defensive location, the road splits on either side of a small hill. Hide this soldier in the trees on that hill between the roads for later. If the mine field was placed well, you will destroy at least two of the three vehicles that will be coming from the south. Use the tank to destroy anything that makes it through. Take your two men out of the machine guns and run them north to the next defensive spot. Take the tank to the hill to your left, and point it west at the road there. You should get a warning about a bridge being bombed soon. Take control of the tank and deal with the vehicles and infantry that will approach from the road to the west. More stuff will approach from the south, and hopefully your pile of mines will take out at least one of them. If your tank survives the fight to the west, turn it back towards that southern road, and try to take out the tracks of as many of the tanks as possible before you get destroyed. Turn your attention to the forces approaching from the north-east, by the hill where I had you send the soldier with the antitank grenades. There will be three German tanks around the hill, so pop out from the trees and use the antitank mines to destroy the tanks. Look around for any other forces, and if there are any more tanks coming, try to hide the soldier with the grenades, or prepare the heavy gun on the hill (if it's still there). Once everything in the immediate area has been dealt with, you will be given the order to withdrawl. The game turns your camera for you, so don't get fooled by it. Run south with any surviving unit, and head east where the road splits. You will complete the mission. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | MASTOGNE | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AA1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Report to the reconnaissance unit stationed in the farm. - Simply drive into the town. 2) Repulse all enemy attacks. - Hold your position against three waves of German attacks. This is fairly easy to do, especially if you can manage to salvage the repair kit from the Panzer II early in the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ 4 Crewmen (They start outside of the tank for some reason.) 1 M24 Chaffee Tank (No crewmen) Later, you will gain control of: 3 Soldiers 1 M4A2 Sherman Tank (4 Crewmen) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Stick the four men into the tank, switch it to Hold Fire mode, load the machine gun, prepare an armor piercing shell, and then send the tank to the north-west exit of the town where the road is. German forces will begin to attack. Use your machine gun on the first morotcycles and troops. Try to disable the Panzer II withour destroting it if possible. It has a repair kit in its cargo that will be very valuable later. Take out the larger German tank, and when the coast is clear, have a soldier run to the Panzer II if it's not destroyed. Take the repair kit, and then have him go fix the larger German tank. Send all three of your soldiers into this larger tank, and then run it down to your Chaffee when it's totally fixed. Another wave of Germans will arrive. The machine gun vehicle that approaches from the west is not really a threat, so deal with it when it is convenient. Use both of your tanks to pound the Germans with machine gun bullets and armor piercing shells. Once it's clear again, make repairs if possible/necessary. You will receive reinforcements to the south. Send this tank to the west side of the town. A halftrack full of troops will come down that road, and they pose a serious threat if they can make it to the town. SO just cut them off before they get the chance, and destroy them completely. Then send that tank towards the rest of the battle. A huge group of German units will be attacking from the north again. Target the biggest tanks first, obviously. The biggest one will decimate you if it manages to fire. Luckily, all you have to do is keep machine gunning the guys off the top of it, because another one will come out of the vehicle to replace the killed one until they completely run out of crewmen. Continue blasting everything with your tanks, and this mission should be over in no time. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | OFFICER | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BB1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------ GOALS: ------ 1) Contact the allied group. - Simply head towards the town, and this part will be complete. 2) Defend this area and hold out for reinforcements. - Many troops and some vehicles, including a few tanks, will approach the area from the north. After a while, two more soldiers will come in from the east and join you. 3) Protect the Colonel. - Don't let the building he's in get destroyed, because if he gets killed, you lose the mission. 4) Find a car and evacuate the officer. - This does not need to be done to finish the mission. If you want to do it anyway, the car is in a garage on the west side of the town. You will see it on your map as a yellow stationary triangle. Clear the soldiers out from the surrounding houses, and then knock the door open with a single machine gun bullet. Jump in the car, and drive back to the house where the Colonel is. 5) Neutralize the Nebelwerfer rocket launcher. - Late in the mission, a Nebelwerfer will start firing at your position from far to the north. You need to destroy it, or it will destroy you. 6) Eliminate all traces of the enemy. - Reinforcements will arrive when the count down reaches zero. Simply wipe all traces of the enemy off of the map to complete the mission. ------ UNITS: ------ 1 M4A2 Sherman Tank (No Crewmen, and more impotantly, very little fuel) 3 Soldiers (John Lee Perkins, Robert Liberty, Howard Hinds) Later, you will gain control of: 2 Soldiers (Franklin Fain, Bill Watchtower) 1 M4A3 Sherman Tank (4 Crewmen, two soldiers riding on top) 1 M4A2 Sherman Tank (4 Crewmen, two soldiers riding on top) ------------ WALKTHROUGH: ------------ Run your three men north to complete the fisrt part of the mission. Have one soldier examine the eastern crates to get a heavy machine gun, a few hundred bullets for it, and a bunch of antitank grenades. Have a second soldier grab all of the remaining antitank grenades. Send the third soldier over to the western crates to take the bazooka and all of the rockets. Then send all three of them north of the town to hide behind the rocks there. Loads of Germans will rush your position. The American units you can't control will deal with a lot of the infantry, so focus on anything that makes it to the hill to your north-east. Have the heavy machine gun soldier kill any troops that come over the hill. If you're feeling lucky, you can even run him to the top of the hill and hose the Germans from there. Eventually, a machine gun vehicle and a tank will approach. If possible, use antitank grenades to disable them both. If you have trouble with that, use the bazooka shells, but those will be vital later, so try not to waste them. Once these two vehicles have been dealt with, there will be a small pause in the fighting. Run a soldier down to your tank, and have the soldier drive it north to one of the disabled German vehicles. Grab the gas can out of it, and start taking gas from the disabled German vehicles and putting it in the tank. Two loads is plenty, so don't spend too long. Get back in the tank and send it to safety. A large German tank is going to approach from the town, and you will be no match for it. Instead, use your bazooka soldier to disable it. Soon, you will be warned about a Nebelwerfer in the north. Immediately send your tank north through the town, and make sure you blast any buildings that look like they have soldiers in them on the map. Another tank will come in from the west side of town, so be prepared to disable it before it damages you. Proceed north, and head through the gap between the two buildings where the German jeep is. Simply run the jeep over, and then run the Nebelwerfer over. Continue west and run the other two vehicles over before they cause you any trouble. Quickly drive out of this area to the west, and head south. If there are a lot of troops following you, pause for a moment and slaughter them with your machine gun. Continue south until you are in front of the garage with the car in it. Make sure the area is clear, and then exit the tank. Carefully fire a single bullet at the door to the garage, and it will collapse. Jump in the car, and drive it as fast as possible to the house where the Colonel is being held. The count down is probably almost to zero, so just wait for it to run out. Reinforcements will arive in the south-west of the map. Use these two tanks to destroy any remaining German forces on the map. Be careful though, because the Germans will also receive some reinforcements. It's almost easier just to wait near your defensive position and deal with them than it is to go into the town to deal with them. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X End X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | VERSION HISTORY | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CC1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------- September 23rd, 2004: --------------------- - Submitted the first part of the guide. All of the missions for the four main campaigns are done. The only things missing are the seven bonus missions and a multiplayer section. --------------------- September 27th, 2004: --------------------- - Submitted an updated version containing the seven bonus missions and many small corrections. I got this done much sooner than I had expected, thanks to the fact that I had some trouble sleeping. ------------------ October 4th, 2004: ------------------ - I'm trying to sneak in a FAQ for Codename: Panzers before Novemember fifteenth, which is when Metroid Prime 2 comes out (I want to make a guide for it, too). While I was working on the Panzers FAQ, I decided I really liked the format I was using for it, so I went back to this one and changed it to match. I think it looks a lot better this way... I also changed a few very minor things I happened to catch during the reformatting, but that's about it. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --------------------------- X X | | X X | Closing | X X | | X X --------------------------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DD1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The multiplayer section, of course, will have to wait until the multiplayer part comes out. Even then, I'll need someone to play it with, or I won't be able to do much. Also, if enough people express interest, I'll consider making more (and better detailed >_>) ASCII maps for some missions. I've also considered posting a pictorial version of this exact guide on my own site. The only difference between this version and the pictorial version would be that I would include several screenshots for each mission it its walkthrough. But again, I don't want to waste my time if there is no interest. As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help, don't hesitate to Email or IM me, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with a quick screenshot or two to help out. I always check the board for this game at least once every day, so you can make a post there too if you're trying to get my attention. And of course, there's always my site: http://gensou.us/boards I hope this guide will help at least a few people out... so if you even glance at it just for a little tip, please let me know. I'd appreciate it. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DEUCE EX DEFCON X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X