Brood War Useful Bugs 1.1 (c) 1999 Romanian Rotten Players 1) Bunkers before Supply Depots (Must play with Terrans). Block every exit from your base by building Supply Depots. Now put behind them Bunkers. When you will be attacked the enemy will want to get into your base and will not attack your Supply Depots or your Bunkers. The enemies will die. (worked on Brood War 1.04) 2) Command Centre next to minerals (Must play with Terrans). Lift your Command Centre and place it where it whose. (Now be quick) Press and hold and click the right mouse button in a place where the Command Centre can stay. (worked on Brood War 1.04) 3) Over 200 units (Must play with Zergs). If you want to make a Ultralisk but you don't have enough Overlords, build 6 creep colonies (because the ultralisk uses 6 food) and then you will be able to build it. You can also go over the 200 units limit. (worked on Brood War 1.04) 4) Nuclear Animal (Can play with any race). Click on an animal until it explodes (3 minutes) (I'M NOT KIDDING, HE'LL MAKE LIKE A NUCLEAR BOMB). The computer will hear that explosion and will send all it's units there. Now go and fuck (ooops...) that base. (worked on Brood War 1.04) 5) Dark Templar in Command Center (Must play with the Protoss Race). You know that sometimes units walk through buildings. That wouldn't be helpful until you know this. When a Dark Templar walks in an Command Center, stop him imidiatly. He will be traped in the Command Center and will destroy it. (worked on Brood War 1.04) 6) Invincible Drones (Must play with Zergs). Make a drone and a defiler. Now use plague on the drone. Build with the drone a Creep Colony next to the Hatchery, When the Creep Colonies is at the middle cancel it. The drone should be invincible. This thing doesn't work all the time. (tested & worked only on StarCraft Original 1.00). 7) Mutating Zergs (Must play with Zergs). Make 12 creatures that can be transformed in other (ex: Hydralisk mutates in Lurker). Make 12 other creatures that can't be transformed in others (ex: Zerilings). Give each pack of creatures a number (ex: for Hydras CTRL+1 and for Zerlings CTRL+2). Now see with what letter you morph the he first 12 creatures into others (ex: Hydras in Lurkers is L) and now quickly press: First Group Number - Second Group Number - Morph Letter. (ex: 1-2-L). If you pressed this quickliy the second group will transform. If not sellect the first group and press ESC. You can also make 1 of the morphing type and 12 of the others. (worked on Brood War 1.04). People who contribuieted to this version of Brood War - Useful Bugs: SMUCKy - The president of R.R.P. Beaver - The co. president of R.R.P. Beethoven - Beavers next door pal. Hammer - SMUCKys classmate. (c) 1999 Romanian Rotten Players -