Priston Tale Archer Class FAQ Version 2.1 Copyright 2002 Railla September 15th, 2002 AAAAAA RRRRRR CCCCC HH HH EEEEEEE RRRRRR AA AA RR RR CC HH HH EE RR RR AA AA RR RR CC HH HH EE RR RR AAAAAAAA RRRRRRR CC HHHHHHH EEEE RRRRRRR AA AA RR RR CC HH HH EE RR RR AA AA RR RR CC HH HH EE RR RR AA AA RR RR CCCCC HH HH EEEEEEE RR RR ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- a) Introduction b) Stats c) Weapons d) Armor/Accessories e) Skills f) Where to Level g) Quests h) Version History i) Legalese j) Credits ----------------- a) Introduction ----------------- Hi! My GameFaqs name is Railla, and this is my first FAQ not only for GameFaqs, but ever! So, if it bites the big one, don't be too disappointed. So you've decided to be an archer. Good choice! Although an archer is considered the weakest of the 4 classes, with the right build you can be a huge asset whether you're soloing it, or playing with a party. In fact, you can be as strong as one of the other classes when they are just a few levels behind you. The archer, at the moment, is the only female class in Priston Tale. You can choose from three different looks - red, green or purple hair. Red haired archers are by far the most common in the game right now, and green haired are the least common. One thing to mention, is that due to the fact you are playing a female character, you will inevitably hear pickup lines. Followed of course by the question - "Are you really a female?" There are guys out there that pretend to be girls, as it is a well known fact that girls will get given items and money a lot more frequently then guys. But don't be a beggar or an idiot - if you're a guy playing a girl character, who cares? But don't pretend to really be a girl - it's dumb and cheap. You'll notice that this FAQ does not cover basic commands, or go into much detail about items (cost, stats etc). That is because this is a Class FAQ, not an overall FAQ, plus it took me long enough to get just the Class stuff done. I might consider adding those as a side section to this FAQ, but not right now. You can find this information in the other FAQ's out there, or one of the sites listed in my credits. ----------------- b) Stats ----------------- This is what your starting stats look like: Strength: 17 Spirit: 11 (This is shown as willpower on armor and weapons) Talent: 21 Agility: 27 Health: 23 For each level you gain, you will get 5 status points to distribute. You will need to up 4 of the above stats. Agility is the most important, with Talent and Strength tied for second place. Health is the last one that you will need to put points into, but it doesn't need to be upped much. After all, you won't be getting hit all that much, due to the range that your weapon has, and because of your high agility. Now, there are several different ways to build your characters stats. I am only listing the one that I did, which may not be the best one, but it worked for me, and I am really happy with my build. I will be listing the stats I had at levels where there is a significant armor/weapon available for that level. Archer build : Combo By level 6, using the 25 status points you've been given, have the following stats: Str: 23 Spr: 11 (I will no longer include this one, as you don't put any points in it) Tal: 24 Agi: 41 Hth: 25 This will allow you to be able to wear at least some of the level 6 weapons and armor (to be discussed further in this FAQ) Level 9 Str: 29 Tal: 29 Agi: 45 Hth: 25 You will not be able to wear much, if any of the level 9 equipment yet, but this is standard for an archer. You'll often find that you can't wear a level req weapon or armor until a few levels later. Let's put it this way. I'm level 42 right now, and I'm still wearing a level 16 item. Because of strength requirements being quite high for a lot of the armor, you will need to find good pieces and stick with them. Level 15 Str: 38 Tal: 38 Agi: 54 Hth: 28 Finally! Your stats are getting closer to meeting requirements for equipment that is close to your level. Phew! Level 25 Str: 53 Tal: 50 Agi: 74 Hth: 31 w00t! Now we're starting to get down to some serious archer business. By now, you should be able to wear at least lvl 16 stuff, plus some level 22 items. You're probably reading this and thinking "Why the **** is she putting so many points into Str???" Trust me - unless you want to be wearing a junky leather armor for the rest of your career as an archer. Not to mention all the other armor accessories. Level 30 Str: 57 Tal: 57 Agi: 85 Hth: 34 Alright - from level 30 onward, keep your Str and Tal equal. You can continue putting points into them, but only as required for the items you want to wear. Your Hth should be high enough for a while now, although you can raise this if you want. Level 35 Str: 63 Tal: 63 Agi: 95 Hth: 37 With A-spec weapons and armor/accessories being pretty rare at this point of the game, continue putting your points into Str and Tal only as required for your equipment. This will pretty much be the way it is for the remainder of the game... Level 40 Str: 70 Tal: 70 Agi: 103 Hth: 40 I'd slow down putting points into Hth after this, since it should be obvious by now that since you aren't a melee fighter, you don't need to match your friend who is a fighter/pike/mech in terms of HP. Start to concentrate a large majority of your points into Agi now, with the occasional ones into Str and Tal. Tal can pretty much stay where it is now, so Str can start being higher than Tal. You can also consider putting some points into Spr now, but only if you want to use Gem Rings/Amulets or a Shelton higher than Sereneo. Otherwise, don't bother. ----------------- c) Weapons ----------------- Here is a list of weapons and where you can get them: Town 1 (Ricarten) From Blacksmith Gorten -Short Bow (skip this piece of junk - you can just fight with anything you get from a drop, or your kick until you have enough gold to buy something decent) -Horned Bow (sold as A-spec) 300 gold. Not a bad beginner bow, although you can wait and buy the next one instead. -Hand CrossBow (sold as A-spec) 720 gold. Req: Agi 36 I'd recommend you get this bow, unless you got a dropped weapon that'll last you until level 6. -CrossBow (sold as A-spec) 1300 gold. Req: Level 6, Tal 24, Agi 41 Yes, you want this bow. It'll last you for a few levels until you can use the next bow. -Battle Bow (sold as A-spec) 2800 gold. Req: Level 9, Tal 36, Agi 48 A must have! You might not be able to use this bow right at level 9, but when you can use it, you'll have it for a long time. Town 2 (Wasteland Camp) From Blacksmith Luga -Battle Bow (see before) -Great Bow (sold as A-spec) 4800 gold. Req: Level 15 Str 29 Tal 40 Agi 52 You should be able to use this bow by level 16, and you really want it. -WarBow (sold as A-spec) 9300 gold. Req: Level 20 Str 34 Tal 44 Agi 62 Since the last big patch, this is now sold in the second town. So don't buy from people still trying to sell this for big bucks in the first town... Oh, and yes, get it. It's very very nice. Town 3 (Navisko) From Blacksmith Abaranbo -Great CrossBow (sold as A-spec) 16000 gold. Req: Level 25 Str 40(?) Tal 50 Agi 69 A MUST HAVE! Levels 25-30 can take quite a while, and this is a powerful enough weapon to get you through. -Metal Hand CrossBow (sold as A-spec) 25000 gold. Req: Level 30 Str 48 Tal 50 Agi 74 This is the last bow that you can buy so far in the game. The rest are rare drops from monsters, so you could well be using this bow into your level 40's. YOU NEED THIS BOW!!! By the way, this is a one hand bow, so you can get yourself a nice shield to go along with it. The following bows are not found in stores: Double CrossBow Req: Level 36 Str 50 Tal 55 Agi 78 Bone Bow Req: Level 41 Str 56 Tal 56 Agi 82 You'll notice that I didn't give much information on these last bows - that's because they are supremely difficult to find, and when you do, it's usually non spec, so the Metal Hand CrossBow usually ends up being better in the long run... If you are so lucky as to get your hands on an A-spec one of these, then I hate you. Hehe just kidding. I really love you, please give it to me. Well, it was worth a try. ----------------- d) Armor/Accessories ----------------- The following is a very basic list of Armor and Accessories available in the game. I am not putting prices or stats other than level requirement, as spec'ed items sometimes will have different requirements than non spec. Get A-spec for all your items if you can - from drops, or buying from other people in the game, as the Str requirements are less for them than regular ones. To wear the higher armor/accessories/shields, you will need A-spec simply because of the Str factor. There's no point in raising your Str simply to wear a non-speced armor, when those points could be better used in Agi. If you can't find A-spec, just buy/wear the highest your stats allow you to. --Armor-- Battle Suit - no req Leather Armor - no req Brigadine Armor - Level 10 Steel Armor - Level 17 Rounded Armor - Level 22 Breast Plate - Level 29 Ring Armor - Level 35 Scale Armor - Level 39 Synthetic Armor - Level 43 Plater(?sp) Armor - Level 47 Full Metal Armor - Level 50 --Armlets-- Leather Armlets - no req Long Armlets - no req Wide Armlets - Agi 20 Fold Armlets - Level 9 Scale Armlets - Level 16 Elven Armlets - Level 22 Solid Armlets - Level 30 Mechanic Armlets - Level 37 Winged Armlets - Level 44 Great Armlets - Level 50 --Boots-- Leather Boots - no req Elven Boots - Spr 24 Steel Boots - Str 34 Long Boots - Level 9 Chain Boots - Level 16 Plated Boots - Level 22 Brass Boots - Level 30 War Boots - Level 37 Metal Boots - Level 44 Chaos Boots - Level 50 --Gauntlets-- Leather Gloves - no req Leather One Half Gloves - no req Steel One Half Gauntlets - Str 38 Clamshell Gauntlets - Level 9 Finger Gauntlets - Level 16 Gothic Gauntlets - Level 22 War Gauntlets - Level 30 Metal Gauntlets - Level 37 Holy Gauntlets - Level 44 Great Gauntlets - Level 50 --Shields-- Wooden Shield - no req Targe - Str 36 Steel Buckler - Str 44 Kite Shield - Level 9 Tower Shield - Level 16 Metal Shield - Level 22 Scutum - Level 30 Blaze Shield - Level 37 Claw Shield - Level 44 Winged Shield - Level 50 ----------------- e) Skills ----------------- Skills become available when you reach level 10, and then you get one skill point to use every 2 levels after that. There is only one SkillMaster in the game at the moment, and he is in Town 1 (Ricarten). You have to pay him to get your skills. Archer Skills Tier 1 Level 10: Scout Hawk Raises Attack Rating by summoning a Hawk to circle around your head. Looks great, sounds annoying... Give this 1 and only 1 skill point. Level 12: Shooting Mastery Permanently raises attack power when using Bows and CrossBows. I'd suggest going to level 10 on this one, as it is a passive skill and requires no MP or STM to use. Level 14: Wind Arrow Summons an arrow with Wind Properties, with a higher attack power. Yeah, okay, good for that one shot, but... I'd only give this 1 point as well since Avalanche is sort of the same thing, but more hits. Level 17: Perfect Aim - **Note that this is available at level 17, yet you get a skill point at level 16. If you want to use this right away, don't use the point when you're level 16, or you'll have to wait until level 18 to get this one! Raises attack power and rating for that shot. This is a nice attack, handy for getting a finishing shot on a monster that you're just sick of shooting at. Give at least a few points to this one - it doesn't miss from what I've seen. Huntress Master Skills Tier 2 Level 20: Dion's Eye Permanently raises your attack rating. It's a passive skill, but I don't recommend raising it to level 10, as your attack rating is already quite high just from being an archer. Maybe a few points, but they really are better off in other skills. Level 23: Falcon Ah, my pretty little birdie! This bird is your friend. It will attack whatever monster you are currently attacking, and the skill actually lasts for a good long time too! At level 1, the bird hits enemies for 10-36 damage, which isn't bad at all! Put at least a couple of points in here, as the attack power rises nicely. And it doesn't miss! *Pets the Falcon* Level 26: Arrow of Rage Yay! Splash damage for an Archer! Gotta love it. Definitely another skill to consider giving a few points to. You can shoot it from a distance, and the splash area increases with each level it is. Level 30: Avalanche Hmm - not quite sure about this skill yet. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It really has its pros and cons. For instance, when it hits all 3 times, it's fabulous! However, it can miss. And when it's in effect, you can't move, you can't use potions etc, so you can get nicely killed during it. So, only use it if there's a distance between you and your enemies. Don't use it when you're mobbed either. But, since you should put 1 skill point into it anyways, you can test it out and decide for yourself what you want to do with this one. ----------------- f) Where to Hunt ----------------- Levels 1-15 The first 3 maps are where you want to be. You can handle all but one monster (HobGoblin) on the first map right away. If you get mobbed, run away and take a breather before going back in. Try to isolate one or two at first. Stay in the first map until level 5 unless you have a party or a decent beginner bow. From level 5, go to the next map to the west, and continue fighting. Again, watch out for mobs! In this map, there are monsters that have range attacks, and these can be deadly, so be careful! Pick those ones off first, then work on the others around you. Hit and run, hit and run. The 3rd map, again to the west, is a great place to level. You can stay here until level 15 or so without getting overly bored. Levels 10-30 The wastelands to the north of the 1st monster map have tons of monsters, and they travel in packs, so watch out! Since you have a range weapon, you can lead a bunch of them on a merry chase, picking them off one by one. Just don't let them corner you. The first map of the wastelands is one of the best places for an archer to level, as there are no monsters with range attacks. Stay in the first Wasteland map until at least level 15, or even higher, especially if you solo. The 2nd map of the Wastelands to the north has Cockrices, which are nasty little beasts that spawn in groups of 3 or 4, and have range attacks. They offer great experience for you, but be extremely cautious of approaching a group. I'd advise not going to the next map until level 18, unless you have a party. The 3rd map, again to the north, you'll know when you're there, as you have to cross a bridge, has pretty much the same monsters as Wasteland 2, minus the skeletons, and adds one or two more monsters, one with a range attack. These are Mephits, who spawn in groups of 2. If you're fighting a bunch of monsters, get rid of these ones first! You can actually get really excellent experience in Wasteland 3 all the way to level 25 and beyond if you're soloing. What with the town right there for pots and selling loot, you can stay there for hours, just doing hardcore levelling. I still fight there occasionally when I have a few hundred K left to level, and want to get it fast. Levels 25-40 (if soloing - otherwise Level 17+ with Party) Wasteland 4 (to the southeast corner of Wasteland 3) is a much more dangerous area. I'd recommend having a party to tackle this place. Suddenly there are skeletons that can shoot! Add to the mix giant Bargons that take many a hit before they fall, Scorpions that have range attacks, and Leeches that seem to wrap themselves around your feet to trap you, and it can be a deadly combination. If you're a cautious fighter, you can easily get to level 25/30 in this area if you want. The Dungeon is located in this map, but you can't enter it unless you are at least level 40. And when you are Level 40, go there with a party. It's definitely not a walk in the park. Levels 30-?? (if soloing - otherwise Level 20+ with Party) You can continue on with Wasteland 4, or you can venture into Desert 1, which is where Town 3 (Navisko) is located. A party is almost a requirement for anyone hunting here, unless you feel like running and running and running and running, and occasionally getting a hit to a monster. Bring lots of potions! By the way, because of an archer's low HP, you can get away with just using Mini Potions, rather than the Medium ones, which saves a lot on your cash. You can stop in to Navisko to restock and sell your drops, but watch out at night, as this town turns into Monster Central at sundown. Desert 2 to the south is very difficult. Unless you feel unstoppable, and enjoy fighting on the run, get a party to go there. ----------------- g) Quests ----------------- So far, there is only one quest in the game, and that was only added in with the last large patch. This quest, once completed, allows you to advance to the next skill level. So, instead of an Archer, you will be Huntress Master, and have some new skills to raise. When you reach Level 20 and have at least one skill point in each of your skills that you have available (Level 10, 12, 14 and 17 skills), go talk to the SkillMaster NPC in Ricarten. There is a button in the window that comes up. Click it to see your quest. You must accept the quest, or it will not be added to your character. Collect 3 different items from the 3 different kinds of Wolverines. Bronze wolverine - Wolverine tail Gold wolverine - Wolverine horn Silver wolverine - Wolverine claw They only spawn at night, and only in Grassland areas. The items do not drop on the ground, but go directly into your inventory if you get the credit for the kill. Once you have all 3 items, go back to the SkillMaster and he will change you into Huntress Master. You get a nice little headpiece to show your new rank. ----------------- h) Version History ----------------- 1.0 - Started August 15th, 2002, completed September 2nd, 2002. Hey, I was a little too busy playing the game to be typing... 1.1 - September 3rd, 2002. Changed some formatting - Of course, the new patch is out now, but I haven't had a chance to check out anything yet, so you'll have to wait for the next update. 2.0 - September 12 - 14, 2002. Major update! Added 2nd Tier Skills, added stat point info up to level 40, changed some "where to level" information, since monsters got tougher with the last big patch, added very basic list of armor/accessories, added Wolverine Quest information. 2.1 - September 15, 2002. Modified the ASCII graphic in the hopes that it will look okay this time - don't you love formatting that changes on it's own! Please please please let it work this time... ----------------- i) Legalese ----------------- This is my FAQ, not yours, but if you want to use it somewhere, you can, as long as it is kept intact and my name is on it, and you let me know where it will be posted. Also, if you notice any horrible glaring errors in this text, feel free to email me and let me know. You can contact me at This FAQ is authorized by me to be posted at the following sites: If you wish to contact me in the game, my character name is TayanaFeyrune, and I am a purple-haired level 42 archer at the moment. I play on the Beta Server. And remember, just because I like the way I built my character, it doesn't mean that you will. Yeah, I wrote a FAQ about Archers, but I'm sure my archer could get its butt kicked by many other archers out there with better builds. So, if you don't like my stats, build yours the way you want. ^_^ ----------------- j) Credits ----------------- I got some of my information from these great Priston Tale sites: Also, we musn't forget about this site: - the home of the game itself! Special thanks to holyknight14 who agreed to proofread this FAQ for me, and because I got lots of ideas from his FAQ for mine! And plus because he was so super nice to make me the nice ASCII graphic at the top of this FAQ. ^_^ Thanks to thadarkman78 for his input on levelling an archer. Thanks to Rei_Lin Fei for very helpful comments on the 2nd Tier Skills. Thanks also to GameFAQ's for posting this FAQ in the first place. Railla, September 15th, 2002