===++---------------------------------------------------------++=== ===|| Cheeta and Kyrexus's Neverwinter Nights Walkthrough/FAQ ||=== ===|| Version 2.0 ||=== ===|| 1/27/03 ||=== ===++---------------------------------------------------------++=== ++----------++ || CONTENTS || ++----------++ I. Updates II. Introduction and Questing Tips III. Prelude IV. Chapter 1 (Quest Tree) A. City Core 1. The Wailing and the Waterdhavians 2. Peninsula: Prison Break 3. The Great Tree: Animal Rescue (Side Quest) 4. Cloak Tower: Membership (Side Quest) (BARD, WIZARD AND SORCERER ONLY!!) 5. Blacklake: The Gauntlet Arena (Side Quest) 6. Moonstone Mask: Art Theft (Side Quest) 7. Temple of Tyr: Never's Tomb (Side Quest) B. Peninsula 1. Peninsula: The Tanglebrook Estate 2. Peninsula: The Prison Key C. Beggar's Nest 1. Beggar's Nest: Missing Guard (Side Quest) 2. Beggar's Nest: Aldo and Hector (Side Quest) 3. Beggar's Nest: Undead Infestation 4. Beggar's Nest: Find Krestal a. Beggar's Nest: Sword Coast Boys 5. Beggar's Nest: Find Jemanie (Side Quest) a. Beggar's Nest: A Missing Brother (Side Quest) b. Beggar's Nest: A Strange Cult (Side Quest) 6. Beggar's Nest: A Lost Soul (Side Quest) 7. Hints of Conspiracy (Side Quest) D. Blacklake 1. Blacklake: Trouble in No-Man's-Land (Side Quest) 2. Hints of Cult Activity (Side Quest) 3. Blacklake: Samuel's Rescue (Side Quest) 4. Blacklake: Unrest 5. Blacklake: Tensions Rising E. Docks 1. Docks: The Masterson Amulet (Side Quest) 2. Docks: Trouble in the District F. Miscellaneous 1. Hints of Traitorous Intent (Side Quest) 2. Linu's Tale (Side Quest) 3. Daelan's Tale (Side Quest) 3. Tomi's Tale (Side Quest) 3. Boddyknock's Tale (Side Quest) 3. Grimgnaw's Tale (Side Quest) 3. Sharwyn's Tale (Side Quest) V. Chapter 1 End / Helmite Temple A. Ritual Chamber 1. The Cure at Last B. Helm's Hold 1. Sins of a Traitor 2. A Devil's Deal VI. Chapter 2 1. The Search for the Cult: Solomon 2. South Road: Poor Neva A. Port Llast 1. The Search for the Cult a. The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt 2. Aribeth's Tale (Side Quest) 3. North Road: Gerrol's Wife (Side Quest) 4. Port Llast: The Serpent's Gems (Side Quest) 5. Port Llast: The Werewolf Hunter (Side Quest) 6. Port Llast: Five Tomes of Imaskar (Side Quest) B. North Road 1. North Road: Dergiab's Head (Side Quest) 2. North Road: Mutamin's Challenge (Side Quest) C. Ogre Caves 1. The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal D. East Road 1. East Road: What Lurks Below (Side Quest) 2. East Road: The Simpleton's Mother (Side Quest) E. Neverwinter Wood 1. Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood 2. Neverwinter Wood: The Missing Druids (Side Quest) a. Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Terari (Side Quest) b. Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Orlane (Side Quest) c. Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Bree (Side Quest) 3. The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal 4. Neverwinter Wood: The Witch's Mirror (Side Quest) 5. Neverwinter Wood: The Druid's Circle (DRUID ONLY!) (Side Quest) F. South Road 1. South Road: Closing Wanev's Portal (Side Quest) 2. South Road: Peter and the Wolves (Side Quest) G. Charwood 1. The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal 2. Charwood: The Village of Eternal Night (Side Quest) a. Charwood: Quint's Tale (Side Quest) b. Charwood: Karlat's Tale (Side Quest) c. Charwood: Belial's Tale (Side Quest) H. Miscellaneous 1. Tomi's Tale (Side Quest) 2. Linu's Tale (Side Quest) VII. Chapter 2 End / Luskan A. Luskan 1. The Search for the Cult 2. Luskan: Nine Lives 3. Luskan: Saving Evaine 4. Luskan: Colmarr's Fantabulous Contraptulator 5. Luskan: Strange Bedfellows 6. Luskan: Harlot's Husband B. Sewers 1. Luskan: The Ghoul Lords C. Captains' Quarters 1. Luskan: The High Captains D. Kurth's Quarter 1. Luskan: The Ruins of Illusk VIII. Chapter 3 IX. Chapter 4 X. Legal Stuff ++-Section I-++ || UPDATES || ++-----------++ 1/27/03 - Have made significant progress in the walkthrough. We are releasing v2.0 to the public! We have also decided to remove the spell stuff, and the character creation tips. 11/30/02 - Have added a little since last update, and figured I would upload to let the public know work is still progressing. 10/30/02 - *gasp*! Yet another reward missed. 9/20/02 - Determined extra award for Helm's Hold: A Devil's Deal. 9/12/02 - Added dlh.net, www.cheats.de, and www.the-spoiler.com to the list. 9/7/02 - Version 1.1 Released 8/17/02 - Neoseeker added to list. 8/17/02 - Finished adding Blacklake: The Gauntlet Arena. 8/12/02 - Bag of Holding Tip added! 8/12/02 - Great Tree: Animal Rescue isn't Druid and Ranger only... oops! (Thanks to Ankur Patel for pointing this out also) 8/12/02 - Added Tamora's mini-mini quest, as well as City Core XP Tip. 8/10/02 - Added another Chapter 1 Quest - Blacklake: The Gauntlet Arena. 8/3/02 - Added Sorcerer's Place to the list. 7/31/02 - V1.0 released! ++-----------Section II-----------++ || INTRODUCTION AND QUESTING TIPS || ++--------------------------------++ Important Note: Related or alternate quests will be noted. Related also includes sub quests. All quest rewards will be detailed. Shifts in alignment outside of quest completions will not be noted. Side quests will be marked. Quests are also in no particular order, as they can be completed in almost any order. Side quests may need to be completed before you finish the main quest in the area. Kyrexus: Well, I've gone through the entire game at least twice now, with a few incomplete attempts. (Mostly due to a HDD crash...) My last completed character was a sorcerer, having hit level 20. I have started a druid, and will be writing this FAQ with Cheeta's help as I go. Also, once the spell section gets to about level 3, I will likely decide to move it to a different FAQ. Questing Tips: If you want more gold, you may attempt to persuade people. However, it may affect your alignment. If you talked to anyone about a quest, even though they may not have affected your journal, remember to talk to them again anyway. For instance, if you talk to the girl that informs you about the prison break after you have turned in the brain of the Intellect Devourer, your alignment shifts 3 points towards good. (Of course, Evil characters may not prefer this.) ++-Section IV-++ || PRELUDE || ++-------------++ The prelude is really fairly self-explanatory. After the ceremony and brief fight, get out alive. No matter how much you try though, you will not be able to get a level up from fighting the goblins and skeletons scattered throughout the academy. It is recommended that, unless you need the practice, you go on and speak with the man who tells you to level up. Then go straight to the stables and speak with Fenthick to get your third level. Only bother with clearing out the rooms if you could use the items. Some chests contain extremely helpful, or at least demi-valuable things you can use or sell. ++-Section V-++ || Chapter 1 || ++-----------++ ----------+A. City Core+---------- XP Tip!: For the adventuresome sort, you can go to the Moonstone Mask to frolic in the back room. After you get authorization from Ophalia, you can buy pass coins from Torgo. Go upstairs and speak with Tamora and/or Luce if you're male, and Tanith if you're female. Doing so gets you 50 XP. If you speak with Tamora, you can get a mini-mini quest that has no Quest Title. After completing it, talk to Tamora again for another 50 XP and a 3 point towards good shift in alignment. Quest: The Wailing and the Waterdhavians Who/Where: Aribeth, upon entering the City Halls for the first time. XP: 600 Gold: 2000 Other: None What: Aribeth informs you that you need to recover the 4 components needed to create the cure for the Wailing Death. Turn in the Intellect Devourer Brain, the Yuan-Ti heart, the Lock of Dryad Hair, and the Cockatrice Feather for 150 XP and 500 GP each. Once you are done, Aribeth will give you the option to go on to make the cure. Do so to go to the Chapter 1 End! Related/Alternate Quests: Peninsula: Prison Break, Beggar's Nest: Undead Infestation, Blacklake: Tensions Rising and Docks: Trouble in the District Quest: Peninsula: Prison Break Who/Where: Woman who confronts you outside of the Halls of Justice. XP: 200 Gold: 800 Other: None What: The woman who talks to you in the City Core informs you about the prison break in the Peninsula. You need to head there, and speak with Sedos Sebile, or go to the Tanglebrook Estate. Go through the Prison, dealing with the Sorcerers with as much care as possible. Kill the Head Gaeoler Alaefin, but make sure you get all the Former Guards out first, otherwise the Intellect Devourer will hop into one of them and escape. Picking up the brain will give you 200 XP. Turn in the brain to Aribeth. While the quest will be complete, return to Sedos Sebile for another 300 gold. Related/Alternate Quests: The Wailing and the Waterdhavians Quest: The Great Tree: Animal Rescue (Side Quest) (Not Druid and Ranger only! Thanks to Ankur Patel.) Who/Where: Nyatar, City Core. XP: 276 Gold: 400 Other: None What: Nyatar can give you the quest to rescue the animals from the Blacklake Zoo. If you accept, you recieve the key and the TransportnVia Plants Scroll. Go to the Zoo in Blacklake, and use the key to get into the back. Fight the guards off, and make your way to the back area. Use the Transport Via Plants scroll on it, and go about talking to each of the animals in the cages. Each animal will give you 19 XP. Go outside and tell them to enter the portal. Talk to Nyatar when you get a chance. He will give you 400 GP, and you will get another 200 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Cloak Tower: Membership (Side Quest) (BARD, WIZARD AND SORCERER ONLY!!) Who/Where: Eltoora Sarptyl, Cloak Tower, City Core. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Many-Starred Cloak What: If you are a Bard, Wizard or a Sorcerer, you can opt to join the Guild of the Many-Starred Cloak. It will give you a nice cloak for a lower level mage, as well as membership bonuses (Chapter 3) if you hold on to the cloak. You need to collect 4 items in a specific order. The order is Peninsula (for the rare clay), Docks (for the flask of water), Blacklake (for the puff of fog) and Beggar's Nest (for the kindling). Each Wizard Lab is guarded by a Mephit of the area's element. Once you have all the items, return to Eltoora in the Cloak Tower for a battle of wits against a nasty Minogon. Your reward is membership in the guild, signified by a decent cloak. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Blacklake: The Gauntlet Arena (Side Quest) Who/Where: Graxx, Trade of Blades, City Core. XP: 200 Gold: 0 Other: Board Laid Bare ownership What: Speak with Graxx in the Trade of Blades. Ask about where to find some action. Pay 50 GP for the pass, and take it to the Board Laid Bare in the Blacklake district. Talk to the Bartender there, and go down the stairs with the key. Fight and kill Hrusk, Fashi and Agar. Claudus cheats a bit, and you pay the cleric to cast dispel magic on him as well, to make the fight a bit more fair. Defeating Claudus will get you 200 XP and ownership of the bar. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Moonstone Mask: Art Theft (Side Quest) Who/Where: Ophala Cheldarstorn, Moonstone Mask, City Core. XP: 500 Gold: 1200 Other: Boots of Reflexes +3 What: Ophala will ask you to liberate three art items from a few nobles. One target is an urn possessed by a man named Hodge in the Blacklake District. Another is a portrait, held in the Rumbuttom Estate in Blacklake. The final one is a statuette, located in the Docks District's Androd Estate. All three are clearly marked on the maps. Two of the items will get you 150 XP and 400 GP each. The final one will get 250 XP, 400 GP and a pair of Boots of Reflexes +3. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Temple of Tyr: Never's Tomb (Side Quest) Who/Where: Oleff, Halls of Justice, City Core. XP: 0 Gold: 900 Other: Amulet of Will +3 What: Oleff sends you to find Lord Never's tomb. You need to find Briley in the Peninsula district in an unmarked house by the Militia HQ. Make your way then, to the Moonstone Mask to talk to a man named Giles. Get the quill from him, and take it to Oleff. Oleff will give you 500 GP, and your alignment will go 3 points towards good. Make sure you have the Ceremonial Arrow, Shield and Sword from the building where Briley can be found, and head to the Aqueducts in the Docks district (you can find this area by doing the Docks: Trouble in the District quest). There, a door with a chest can be found. Use the hint written on the paper that is in the chest to find out how to open the door. Take the Ancient Symbol of Tyr that can be found in the sarcophagus to Oleff. Another tomb can be found in Blacklake. A little girl that goes by the name of Punkin stands in front of the house which contains it. Speak to the woman inside, and persuade or use insight to learn the bookcase's secret. Turn in the armor to Oleff. You will get 200 GP and your alignment goes 3 points towards good. Next, head to the graveyard in the Beggar's Nest. Go to the Masuoleum that has a chest in front. There's another riddle inside. Go in and take the Journal you find to Oleff. Your final reward is another 3 points towards good, 200 GP and an Amulet of Will +3. Related/Alternate Quests: None ----------+Peninsula+---------- XP Tip!: For between 60 and 70 XP each, you can rescue a couple civilians in the Peninsula, by taking them to the gate. You can find a plague victim corpse pile or two here. Burn them for 25 XP each. Quest: Peninsula: The Tanglebrook Estate Who/Where: Tanglebrook Estate, Northwest end of Peninsula district, behind prison. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Go to the Tanglebrook Estate. Look under the welcome mat for the key. Go in and go into the basement. This path will lead you into the prison by secret entrance. Related/Alternate Quests: The Prison Key Quest: Peninsula: The Prison Key Who/Where: Either Sedos Sebile (South Western end of Peninsula) or Sewers (South of Prison) XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Go into the Sewers and defeat the Gang Leader and his cronies to get the Prison Key. You need this to enter the prison through the front door. No, really. Related/Alternate Quests: The Tanglebrook Estate --------+Beggar's Nest+-------- You can find a plague victim corpse pile or two here. Burn them for 25 XP each. Quest: Beggar's Nest: Missing Guard (Side Quest) Who/Where: Captain Ergus, upon entering the Beggar's Nest. XP: 50 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Ergus will inform you about his missing guard, Walters. While you are under the Warehouse, and have finished killing Drawl, speak with Walters. Your reward is 50 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Beggar's Nest: Aldo and Hector (Side Quest) Who/Where: Aldo, center of the Beggar's Nest. XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Aldo will calmly tell you about his plight with the wheel of his wagon. Offer to look for Hector. Go to the southeastern end of the Beggar's Nest, and go into the building that has a sign outside that reads: Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair. Inside, talk to Hector and let him follow you back to Aldo. Your reward is 100 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Beggar's Nest: Undead Infestation Who/Where: Harben Ashensmith, Shining Serpent. XP: 200 Gold: 500 GP Other: Amulet of Natural Armor +2 What: You will need to venture under the Warehouse and fight Gulnan in the Warrens of the Damned under the graveyard. Picking up the heart gives you 200 XP. Turn it into Aribeth to continue The Wailing and the Waterdhavians quest. Talking to Harben after the quest is completed will give you an additional reward of 500 GP and an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Beggar's Nest: Find Krestal Who/Where: Drake, Shining Serpent. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Go into the Barricaded home near the center of the Beggar's Nest. Fight the zombies and go up the steps. Fight another zombie, and speak to Krestal. No reward. Related/Alternate Quests: Find Jemanie Quest: Beggar's Nest: Find Jemanie (Side Quest) Who/Where: Drake, Shining Serpant. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Far west Beggar's Nest. Check the northern "Barricaded home". No reward. Related/Alternate Quests: Find Krestal Quest: Beggar's Nest: Sword Coast Boys Who/Where: Krestal, Beggar's Nest. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Krestal tells you about the Sword Coast Boys, and of Drawl. Head to the Warehouse when you think you're good to go. Killing Gulnan will complete the quest. Related/Alternate Quests: Find Krestal Quest: Beggar's Nest: A Missing Brother (Side Quest) Who/Where: Jemanie, Beggar's Nest. XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: Torin's Ring What: Jemanie tells you of his brother, Torin. (Be sure to talk to Jemanie, and get the wardstone from him. Use it to get into the "Strange Building"). While in the Warrens of the Damned, you will find the Corpse of Torin. Take the ring from the corpse, and give it to Jemanie. Reward of 100 XP, and you get Torin's Ring back. No idea of what use it is. Related/Alternate Quests: Find Jemanie Quest: Beggar's Nest: A Strange Cult (Side Quest) Who/Where: Jemanie, Beggar's Nest. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Jemanie informs you of the cult that his brother joined. You can further this quest by finding Jared's journal in the room that you let him out of. (Kyrexus: Personally, I'd kill him as he leaves... do the whole city a favor! ^_-) Killing Gulnan completes the quest Related/Alternate Quests: Find Jemanie Quest: Beggar's Nest: A Lost Soul (Side Quest) Who/Where: Bertrand Penhold, Temple of Helm. XP: 150 Gold: 400 Other: None What: Locate the body of Marcus Penhold. Retrieve the staff and journal from his body, and give them to Bertrand. The Journal fetches 50 XP, while the staff gives 100. Giving them to him will shift your alignment 3 points towards good, and gives you 400 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Hints of Conspiracy (Side Quest) Who/Where: 4 Hired Thugs, generally in South-center Beggar's Nest. Pick up note. XP: 50 Gold: 250 Other: None What: Take the note to Aribeth. She will tell you to take it to Fenthick. Turning in the note gets you 50 XP and 250 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: None ----------+Blacklake+---------- Quest: Blacklake: Trouble in No-Man's-Land (Side Quest) Who/Where: Cendran, upon enterance to Blacklake: No-Man's-Land. XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Cendran will tell you about the half-orc Loxar, who is capitalizing on the chaos in No-Man's-Land. He is located in a burnt down building along the way. Kill him and take his head to Cendran. Your reward is 100 XP, and your alignment will shift 3 points towards good. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Hints of Cult Activity (Side Quest) Who/Where: Mysterious Assailant(s), near enterance to Blacklake in No-Man's-Land. XP: 50 Gold: 250 Other: None What: Kill them and take the letter to Fenthick, just as you did before. Your reward is 250 GP and 50 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Blacklake: Samuel's Rescue (Side Quest) Who/Where: Thurin, Board Laid Bare, Blacklake. XP: 225 Gold: 300 Other: None What: Thurin will tell you of his lost soldier. Rescue him from Meldanen's prison to get 100 XP. Speaking to Thurin after Samuel leaves the tower will get you 125 XP and 300 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Blacklake: Unrest Who/Where: Formosa, Blacklake. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Periapt of Wisdom +1 What: Formosa will inform you about the sorcerer, Meldanen. You will need to get into his estate. Either you can bust down the door by killing his guards, or speak with Milly, and take the Meldanen Estate Entrance quest. Once you have the key, take it to Formosa. If you killed Meldanen, turn in the silver tooth. Your reward is a Periapt of Wisdom +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Blacklake: Meldanen Estate Entrance Who/Where: Milly, Blacklake. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Milly, the wandering cleaning lady, will tell you she once visited the sorcerer, Meldanen. She gives you the key to her house so you can use the portal in the back room. After you enter Meldanen's house, the quest will be completed. No reward. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Blacklake: Tensions Rising Who/Where: Meldanen, his estate, Blacklake. XP: 320 Gold: 0 Other: None What: You will get the Master Key from Meldanen, as well as 120 XP. Use the key to free the dryad. Freeing the dryad will give you the Lock of Dryad Hair, and 200 XP. Take the key to Formosa, to complete the Unrest quest. Then, take the Lock of Dryad Hair to Aribeth to continue The Wailing and the Waterdhavians quest. Related/Alternate Quests: None ------------+Docks+------------ XP Tip!: One Plague Victim Pyre can be found here. Burn it for 25 XP. Bag of Holding Tip: Buy one from the guy in Twenty in a Quiver. Since the Docks do not have any specific quest to follow to do what you need, follow these instructions: On the west side of the Docks, a band of Bloodpirates guard their ship. Kill them and take a uniform. (This is also where you can get the item to complete Daelan's Tale.) Pick up any smuggler's coins if you want, while you are killing Thugs. Go to the Seedy Tavern wearing the Bloodpirate Uniform, and speak to the Auctioneer in the back corner to trade the coins for slightly above average items. Quest: Docks: The Masterson Amulet (Side Quest) Who/Where: Hemmel Masterson, Docks. XP: 150 Gold: 400 Other: None What: Hemmel Masterson, located in the southern center of the Docks will tell you he gave an amulet to Callik. Later, you will find Callik, who has the amulet on him. Return it to Hemmel. You will get 400 GP for your kindness, and 150 XP to boot. Your alignment may shift 3 points towards good. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Docks: Trouble in the District Who/Where: Seedy Tavern, Docks. XP: 200 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Entering the Seedy Tavern will begin this quest. Speak with the half-orc, Jalek. Get into a drinking contest with him that requires a nice constitution. (Drink an Endurance potion to increase your chances.) After the interesting public display, speak with the man standing beside him. Take the key, and go to the back room and speak with the chef. Persuade him to enter. Go down the steps. You will get an amulet after speaking to a woman named Dara'nei that was being interrogated. Use that amulet as a key for a door in the Silver Sails Trading Post. Venture through to find Callik and Vengaul arguing. After a brief battle, you'll locate the Cockatrice Feather. Picking it up will give you 200 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None --------+Miscellaneous+-------- Quest: Hints of Traitorous Intent (Side Quest) Who/Where: Anywhere XP: 50 Gold: 250 Other: None What: Eventually, several Hired Assassins will jump you. Kill them and turn in the note to Fentchick as usual. Reward is 50 XP, and 250 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Linu's Tale (Side Quest) Who/Where: Linu, Anywhere (Level 6 Required) XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: Pendant of the Elf +1 What: Linu will tell you that she needs to find the Moonbow Chalice. You can find it in a chest of drawers in Meldanen's Estate. Give it to Linu for 100 XP, and a Pendant of the Elf +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Daelan's Tale (Side Quest) Who/Where: Daelan, Anywhere (Level 6 Required) XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1 What: Daelan will tell you he needs to find his mother's brooch, so that his dream quests may continue. Fight the blood pirates in the Docks area. The brooch can be found in a chest on their ship. Give it to Daelan for a reward of 100 XP and an Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Tomi's Tale (Side Quest) XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: Ring of the Rogue +1 What: Tomi's amusing tale will lead you to the Beggar's Nest. In the wagon shop where you find Hector, in a bookcase behind the counter, you can find a set of Official Documents. Give them to Tomi for 100 XP and a Ring of the Rogue +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Boddyknock's Tale (Side Quest) Who/Where: Boddyknock, Anywhere (Level 6 Required) XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: Latanese Ring +1 What: Boddyknock's quest in Neverwinter has you searching for a way to make bread. (Yes, bread.) Find the recipe in the southern-most Barricaded home on the far western side of the Beggar's Nest. Give it to him for 100 XP and a Lantanese Ring +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Grimgnaw's Tale (Side Quest) Who/Where: Grimgnaw, Anywhere (Level 6 Required) XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: Amulet of the Long Death +1 What: Grimgnaw's tale is of his recruitment into the Order of the Long Death. He informs you that he is in search of an escaped initiate that wears a unique and easily identifiable ring. The ring can be found in a house in Blacklake's No-Man's-Land, near the entrance towards the area where the Gate Captain is located. Look for the house with a Wagon by the door. Grimgnaw will give you an Amulet of the Long Death +1, and you will get 100 XP for completing the quest. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Sharwyn's Tale (Side Quest) Who/Where: Sharwyn, Anywhere (Level 6 Required) XP: 100 Gold: 0 Other: What: Sharwyn asks you to help her find a potion to cure a disease her mother has. You can find the Celestial Elixir in the Tanglebrook Estate. In the hall where you have an option of going downstairs, or into a room on the same floor, take the room on the same floor. On the Alchemist's Apparatus, you can find what you need. Give it to Sharwyn for 100 XP and a Belt of the Performer +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None ++-----------Section VI-----------++ || CHAPTER 1 END / HELMITE TEMPLE || ++--------------------------------++ -------+A. Ritual Chamber+------- Quest: The Cure at Last Who/Where: Oleff, Ritual Chamber. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Oleff will come and speak with you as soon as you appear in the ritual chamber. Go into the main room and speak with the "big 4". After that, they will begin the ceremony. Enjoy the peace, as it doesn't last long. Enter the portal after the dust settles. Related/Alternate Quests: None ---------+B. Helm's Hold+--------- XP Tip!: Enter via the main entrance. By the gate to get into the hold, you can find a corpse. The corpse has a gem which you can put into the altar inside the Hold. Placing this gem will provide you the help of the 4 constructs floating in the room. You will also get some XP for this. Quest: Sins of a Traitor Who/Where: Dumal, Helm's Hold. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Speaking with Dumal in the prison section of Helm's Hold, you'll learn that the Hold was infiltrated by spies. Make your way through the main temple. After climbing a couple flights of steps, you will come across Desther and a "few" rotting friends. Desther will surrender relatively early, and talk to him to take him back to Neverwinter... On to Chapter 2! Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: A Devil's Deal Who/Where: Chaohinon of the Void, Helm's Hold. XP: 750 Gold: 0 Other: (Paladin and Monk) amulet of Wisdom +1 What: Chaohinon of the Void will ask you to complete the Helmites' ritual, so that he may run free. If you can find the Black Grimoire, you can activate the altar, and decide whether to complete the ritual or to banish the demon. If you banish the demon, you will get 375 XP. Later, you can find a Book of Helm. Take it to the altar, and reinstate the Guardian of Helm. You can ask for insight into events, which simply allows you to ask questions about what he sees in the future, an Elven Court Bow, a Ring of Elemental Resistance (15/- to all resists), or he can enchant you for a short time with some incredible (and *very* temporary) stat boosters. You will get another 375 XP, regardless of choice. Also, if you're a Paladin or Monk, you get an extra reward, of an amulet of Wisdom +1. Related/Alternate Quests: None ++-Section VII-++ || CHAPTER 2 || ++-------------++ Quest: The Search for the Cult: Solomon Who/Where: Solomon, ANYWHERE! XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Letter to Solomon What: The halfling Solomon will corner you just about anywhere, and question you intensely. If you end up with his ring, he will pay you a visit later. Eventually, you will acquire a piece of evidence from him for use with a different quest. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, South Road: Poor Neva, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal Quest: South Road: Poor Neva Who/Where: Lady/Man (Names are forgotten), ANYWHERE! XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Unknown What: Either a lady or a man will confront your character later. They will explain that their poor nephew was assaulted and needs to be rescued. You are not headed to the South Road, as you are headed to a branch of the South Road. Locate the farmland. After a battle, you'll recover some evidence which can be turned in to Aribeth. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal ---------+A. Port Llast+--------- Quest: The Search for the Cult Who/Where: Aribeth, Kendrack's Mercenary Barracks XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Talk to Aribeth when you leave the back room. She'll explain your quest. After which, leave (Or take up Aribeth's Tale). You'll be cornered by the Farmer's Son, who will give you the quest entitled, "North Road: Gerrol's Wife". Upon bringing her enough evidence, you will get 750 XP. Head to the North Road and travel all the way north, speaking to the guard at the gate to Luskan. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, South Road: Poor Neva, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal Quest: The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt Who/Where: Benlaran, Port Llast Inn XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Letter to Vardoc What: Benlaran will tell you of Vardoc who is hunting down those who seek to destroy the cult. You'll fight him sooner or later, and receive a piece of evidence. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, South Road: Poor Neva, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal Quest: Aribeth's Tale (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Aribeth, Kendrack's Mercenary Barracks XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Aribeth's Ring What: When talking to Aribeth, check for things to say regarding how she is feeling. After speaking with her enough, you will get "Aribeth's Ring". This item is used in a later chapter, so hold on to it if you are curious. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: North Road: Gerrol's Wife (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Farmer's Son, Port Llast XP: 375 Gold: 150 Other: None What: The Farmer's Son will ask you for help in saving his mother. You can meet his father, Gerrol, or head straight to the caves behind their homestead. You should be near Leah when you find the Bugbear section of the caves. Talking to Leah and telling her to get going will fetch you 125 XP. Speak with Gerrol after you get out of the cave again, and you will get 150 GP and 250 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Port Llast: The Serpent's Gems (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Elaith Craulnober, Port Llast Inn XP: 750 Gold: 600 Other: None What: Eliath asks you to recover some items for him. The first that you are to retrieve is held by the wizard, Wanev. His cottage is within Port Llast's walls, and is marked on your map. You will find within, Wanev's Wardstone. You will need this item to enter his tower, located on the South Road. You will have the option of taking up a quest from Wanev. Get the gem any way you like. Return it for 200 GP and 250 XP. You also need to track down the witch, Setara. Her house is in the Neverwinter Wood. She will ask for a mirror, leading to a different quest. Turn in that gem for another 200 GP and 250 XP. The final gem is in the hands of a woman named Zamithra. She resides in the Green Griffon Inn. Take any method to get the gem off her for 200 GP and 250 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: South Road: Closing Wanev's Portal Quest: Port Llast: The Werewolf Hunter (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Neurik, Temple of Tyr XP: 1269 Gold: 1500 Other: None What: Speak with Neurik. You should be able to get him to tell you of problems with werewolves as of late. If you accept the job, he will give you 4 silver charms which you are to use on various people infected with lycanthropy. Locate Urth, Bran and Geth. Defeat them and give them a charm. Each one you defeat will give you a ring which you can take to Neurik. Defeat Urth and receive 300 gold from his parents. Convince Urth, Bran and Geth to wear the charm for 74 XP each. Give the rings to Neurik for 300 GP and 149 XP as well as yet another 150 GP and another 74 XP, then find where the werewolf attack allegedly took place. Enter a cave there to find Sir Karathis. Convince him to take a silver charm (he's a tough cookie to crack) for another 74 XP. Take his journal to Neurik. You'll be assigned a final werewolf to hunt down. Killing the last were will give you an item to take to Neurik for 750 XP and 750 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Port Llast: Five Tomes of Imaskar (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Eltoora, Port Llast XP: 625 Gold: 2500 Other: None What: Ask Eltoora for a job. She will send you off to get several magical tomes. You can still do this quest if you're not a mage, but unless you're able to fire off items necessary to complete the sequence, you won't get to make use of some helpful items. The books are along the way, so it wouldn't hurt to take the quest. Each tome is worth 500 GP and 125 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None ---------+B. North Road+--------- Quest: North Road: Dergiab's Head (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Gerrol, North Road XP: 250 Gold: 150 Other: None What: You can get this quest from Gerrol, after he explains that his wife was kidnapped. Once you get all the way to the lowest floor of the caves, you should find Dergiab the Ogre Mage. Kill him, and you'll get his head. Take it to Gerrol. You will receive 250 XP and 150 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: North Road: Gerrol's Wife Quest: North Road: Mutamin's Challenge (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Mutamin, Green Griffon Inn XP: 500 Gold: 900 Other: Magical Armor What: After talking to a couple people in the Green Griffon Inn, you can convince Mutamin to let you into the challenge in the basement. Pay a few gold to enter a mini-dungeon for "treasure" and a puzzle. Enjoy. Complete it for 900 GP, 500 XP, and a magical medium armor. Related/Alternate Quests: None ---------+C. Ogre Caves+--------- Quest: The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal Who/Where: Ganon, Ogre Caves (?) XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Ganon's Journal What: Killing Ganon near the bottom will give you a piece of evidence which can be presented to Aribeth. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, South Road: Poor Neva, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal ---------+D. East Road+--------- Quest: East Road: What Lurks Below (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Jax, East Road XP: 500 Gold: 500 Other: None What: Speak to Jax. Get the key from him, and go to the caves northeast of the camp. He will give you 500 GP after you get to the bottom of the caves, and you'll also take home an extra 500 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: East Road: The Simpleton's Mother (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Revat, East Road XP: 250 Gold: 300 Other: None What: Revat is inside the building behind Jax. He will ask you to save his mother. Find her in the troll infested caverns, and use a ring you can (or have) get from Revat. Give it to the old lady and she will return to the surface. Speak to Revat the next time you are up on the surface for 300 GP and 250 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None ------+E. Neverwinter Wood+------ Quest: Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood Who/Where: Archdruid Aawill, Druid Camp XP: 850 Gold: 500 Other: None What: The spirit of the wood has gone into a rage. Find your way to its domain and fight it. Instead of killing it, give it the cure to the poison which should have been found along the way for 125 XP. Return to Aawill and get a reward of 375 XP, 350 XP, 500 GP and a Cloak of the High Forest. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, South Road: Poor Neva, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal Quest: Neverwinter Wood: The Missing Druids (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Archdruid Aawill, Druid Camp XP: 297 Gold: 900 Other: None What: Archdruid Aawill tells you that several druids have gone missing during the recent attacks by nature. Go further into the wood. One druid is in a cave, one druid is in a "house", and the other is in a different "house". Locate each and return to Aawill. Talk to him, and for each druid saved, he will give you 300 GP and 99 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Terari, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Orlane, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Bree Quest: Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Terari (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Terari, Nymph's Home XP: 62 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Stop the hold of the Nymph on her slaves, and then tell Terari to go home. Receive 62 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: Neverwinter Wood: The Missing Druids, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Orlane, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Bree Quest: Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Orlane (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Orlane, Spider Cave XP: 62 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Orlane is sealed up in a spider cocoon. Open it up and send him home. Get 62 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: Neverwinter Wood: The Missing Druids, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Terari, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Bree Quest: Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Bree (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Bree, Witch's Home XP: 62 Gold: 0 Other: None What: The witch Setara will be holding Bree in a cell. Get Setara the mirror she is after, and you'll free Bree. Receive 62 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: Neverwinter Wood: The Missing Druids, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Terari, Neverwinter Wood: Rescuing Orlane Quest: The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal Who/Where: Relmar, Spirit Realm XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Relmar's Journal What: Run Relmar through and obtain his journal as evidence. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, South Road: Poor Neva, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal Quest: Neverwinter Wood: The Witch's Mirror (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Setara, Witch's Home XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Setara's Gem What: Get Setara the Nymph's mirror. It is in the chest in the Nymph's room. Related/Alternate Quests: Port Llast: The Serpent's Gems, South Road: Closing Wanev's Portal Quest: Neverwinter Wood: The Druid's Circle (SIDE QUEST) (DRUID ONLY!) Who/Where: Jaer, Druid Camp XP: 600 Gold: 0 Other: Magical Ring What: Speak to Jaer. If you're a druid, you can challenge 4 other druids in the camp in a small tournament. Complete each circle to get a ring with a spell on it. Each time you beat a druid, you get 150 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None ---------+F. South Road+--------- Quest: South Road: Closing Wanev's Portal (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Wanev, Wanev's Tower. XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Wanev's Gem What: Wanev will ask you to close the portal he opened, in exchange for the gem that Eliath needs. Close the portal while searching for the gem. Related/Alternate Quests: Port Llast: The Serpent's Gems, Neverwinter Wood: The Witch's Mirror Quest: South Road: Peter and the Wolves (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Pete O'Deel, South Road: Farmlands. XP: 400 Gold: 300 Other: None What: Pete will send you after Silverback. You can either talk to or kill Silverback. Do one for 200 XP, then speak with Pete again for 300 GP and 200 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None ----------+G. Charwood+---------- Quest: The Search for the Cult: Charwood Journal Who/Where: Cultist, Charwood XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Charwood Journal What: A cultist in Charwood will 'give' you his journal after you run him through. Give it to Aribeth. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult, The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt, The Search for the Cult: Ganon's Journal, The Search for the Cult: Solomon, South Road: Poor Neva, Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood, The Search for the Cult: Relmar's Journal Quest: Charwood: The Village of Eternal Night (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Mayor Mobley, Charwood XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Magical Object What: Speak with Mayor Mobley, then talk to the gate guard. Ask him to let you through. Proceed to Castle Jhareg. Pick a path, and take the treasure along the way. Speak with the Air Elemental, and go on a quest to talk to each brother. You also have the option to summon Belial, the demon. Complete this quest to either seal everyone in the castle for the rest of time, condemn one brother, or let everyone go. You may get a magical object. XP/GP amounts unknown. Related/Alternate Quests: Charwood: Quint's Tale, Charwood: Karlat's Tale, Charwood: Belial's Tale Quest: Charwood: Quint's Tale (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Quint, Castle Jhareg XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Quint's Oath What: Speak with Quint, and tell him to write an oath. Related/Alternate Quests: Charwood: The Village of Eternal Night, Charwood: Karlat's Tale, Charwood: Belial's Tale Quest: Charwood: Karlat's Tale (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Karlat, Castle Jhareg XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Karlat's Oath What: Speak with Karlat, and tell him to write an oath. Related/Alternate Quests: Charwood: The Village of Eternal Night, Charwood: Quint's Tale, Charwood: Belial's Tale Quest: Charwood: Belial's Tale (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Belial, Castle Jhareg XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Belial's Oath What: Speak with Belial, and tell him to write an oath. Related/Alternate Quests: Charwood: The Village of Eternal Night, Charwood: Quint's Tale, Charwood: Karlat's Tale -------+H. Miscellaneous+------- Quest: Tomi's Tale (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Tomi, Anywhere XP: Unknown Gold: 0 Other: None What: Tomi will tell you he is after the Star of Calimshan. Grab it in Wanev's tower. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Linu's Tale (SIDE QUEST) Who/Where: Linu, Anywhere XP: Unknown Gold: 0 Other: None What: Linu is after her husband's journal. Find it on a corpse in the Creator Caverns. Related/Alternate Quests: None ++------Section VIII------++ || CHAPTER 2 END / LUSKAN || ++------------------------++ -----------+A. Luskan+----------- XP Tip: Kill Kurth or Baram to get 50 XP in talking to Rhaine in the Wink and Tickle. Kill both for 100 XP. Bag of Holding Tip: You can buy one from Colmarr. Quest: The Search for the Cult Who/Where: No one, Luskan XP: 1250 Gold: 0 Other: None What: Go speak with Aarin in the Temple of Tyr. You'll be instructed to infiltrate the Host Tower. To do this, you'll need to eliminate at least one of the High Captains. After you have done so, you need to take a High Captains' Seal you find there to Aarin Gend for 1000 XP. You'll receive a Diplomatic Pass, which you need to get into the Host Tower. Use it on the guard to get through, and to receive 250 XP. Climb to the top of the tower, but before you go to the top floor, SAVE! Sometimes, people end up getting stuck here, due to a bug in the game. If no one does anything and everyone just stands and stares at you, reload and try again. After you finish that, return to the temple and talk to Aarin. On to Chapter 3! Related/Alternate Quests: Luskan: The High Captains Quest: Luskan: Nine Lives Who/Where: Londa, The Cutlass XP: 112 Gold: 0 Other: Vault Key What: Londa's 9 children have been stolen from her by Baram. Infiltrate Baram's HQ and find the nanny, as well as a bloody teddy bear. Give it to Londa. In return you will receive 112 XP and a Vault Key, which can be used on a door in the sewers. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quesst: Luskan: Saving Evaine Who/Where: Elynwyd, The Cutlass XP: 250 Gold: 300 Other: None What: Elynwyd will give you his Signet Ring, which you need to take to Evaine, who is being held by Kurth. Infiltrate his HQ and give her the ring. She will head off. Meet up with Elynwyd in the Cutlass for 300 GP and 250 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Luskan: Colmarr's Fantabulous Contraptulator Who/Where: Colmarr, his shop XP: 0 Gold: 0 Other: Use of the Fantabulous Contraptulator What: Colmarr has created a device which can create potions out of sewage water. (You'll find out why, if you pay attention as you go through the Host Tower) If you take up the quest on fixing it, you will need to go to the sewers, and muck around for 3 levers. Return these levers to the machine itself. You can find out what combinations do what using Vendetta's Fantabulous Contraptulator guide on GameFAQs. Related/Alternate Quests: Luskan: The Ghoul Lords Quest: Luskan: Strange Bedfellows Who/Where: Bela, Wink and Tickle XP: 149 Gold: 0 Other: Key What: Go to the Wink and Tickle. Speak with Bela, then head to the second floor to speak with Rhaine (male only) or Oreth (female only) and get a key and 149 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None Quest: Luskan: Harlot's Husband Who/Where: Yvette, Wink and Tickle XP: 150 Gold: 500 Other: None What: Go to the Wink and Tickle. Speak with Yvette, then head to a house marked Galrone's Home on your map. Pay up money for the baby, and take it to Yvette for 150 XP and 500 GP. Related/Alternate Quests: None -----------+B. Sewers+----------- Quest: Luskan: The Ghoul Lords Who/Where: Ghoul Outcast, Sewers XP: 150 Gold: 0 Other: Key, Lever What: Speak with the Ghoul Outcast, who will tell you to retrieve his amulet. Find the amulet, and give it to him for one of the levers, a key and 150 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: Luskan: Colmarr's Fantabulous Contraptulator -----+C. Captains' Quarters+----- Quest: Luskan: The High Captains Who/Where: Either Captain, Luskan XP: 562 Gold: 1000 Other: None What: Speak with either High Captain, and choose one to make a deal with. Whichever one you choose to kill, go ahead and have fun. Whomever you turn the head into will give you 1000 GP and 562 XP. Cheeta: To get the best outcome IMHO, you want to kill both, after dealing with one. Related/Alternate Quests: The Search for the Cult ------+D. Kurth's Quarter+------ XP Tip: Close the portal in Kurth's HQ for 50 XP. Quest: Luskan: The Ruins of Illusk Who/Where: Statue, Kurth's Quarter XP: 397 Gold: 0 Other: None What: There's a source of evil at the bottom of this "house". Complete several small tasks to reach the bottom. Each one gives you 49 XP. Exterminate the evil at the source for 250 XP. Related/Alternate Quests: None ++-Section IX-++ || CHAPTER 3 || ++-------------++ (Coming soon!) ++-Section X-++ || CHAPTER 4 || ++-----------++ (Coming soon!) ++--Section XI--++ || LEGAL STUFF || ++---------------++ This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Dan AKA "Cheeta" and Edward AKA "Kyrexus" as of July 20th, 2002. Please report any public sites that have this FAQ listed without authorization. Do not sell this FAQ, rewrite, or quote from without proper respect and notification of the authors. The only sites authorized to have this FAQ posted will be listed as it is updated. Permitted sites: GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com Sorcerer's Place: http://www.sorcerers.net Neoseeker: http://www.neoseeker.com The Spoiler Centre: http://www.the-spoiler.com Cheats.de: http://www.cheats.de DLH.net: http://dlh.net If you wish to add this FAQ to your site, email the main writer Kyrexus, at kyrexus@yahoo.com, or Cheeta at Cheeta@epix.net. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism, send it to kyrexdragell@comcast.net or Cheeta@epix.net. Hate mail, spam, and anything else annoying and useless goes to Bother@Do.Not. Credit for helpful information will be given here, and with the information provided in its place in the FAQ. Thank you, and enjoy the FAQ! Credit: Kyrexus - Main Writer Cheeta - Co-Writer (Both are good enough to answer questions) Ankur Patel - Also caught the fact that the Great Tree: Animal Rescue isn't Druid and Ranger only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------