Win the Final Battle easily: First off get the Osprey. This will allow you the gain great damage on the Boss. Level Password 2 Up, X, Triangle, Right, Left, Square, Circle, X 3 Triangle, Circle, Down, Left, Square, Square, Up, Up 4 X, Right, Left, X, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle 5 Down, Down, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Right, X 6 Triangle, X, Up, Left, Right, Left, Circle, Triangle 7 Right, Square, Right, Down, Circle, X, X, Right 8 Triangle, Right, Square, Square, Circle, Down, Down, X 9 Up, X, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Left, Left 10 Triangle, Up, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Down 11 Circle, Circle, Up, Left, Right, X, Triangle, Square 12 Right, Up, X, Right, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle 13 Left, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Down, Right 14 Square, Right, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Down, X 15 Left, Right, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Circle 16 Triangle, Circle, X, Right, Right, Circle, Square, Down 17 Square, Up, Up, Right, Left, Square, Down, X 18 Circle, X, Right, Triangle, Square, Up, X, X 19 Down, Right, X, Square, Right, Up, Circle, Circle 20 Up, X, Circle, Up, Left, Square, Circle, X