Darksun I Walkthru ****PART_1_:ESCAPE FROM SLAVE PENS*************************************** SLAVEPENS 1-Talk to the girl (Gailia). She will dismiss you, because of a headache. If needed you can rest in the eastern cell on a circle of stones. 2-Talk to Trustee. Get him to open the door to the cook. 3-Talk to the cook, lead him to the girl. He will heal her. Talk to the girl again to get the location of the secret door. 4-Open the secret door by pushing button on North wall. Pick up the gem in the room beyond. 5-Talk to Mirlon. You will have to fight before you can give him the gem you found. He will help you escape, but he is in fact leading you into a trap. So, once you get by the Slavepen Master, you can either make a run for it to 7 (the sewer entrance) or kill the head Templar at 6 for the magic sword Bloodwrath. 6-Templar. He has the Bloodwrath, and is the secret patron of Mirlon. If you talk to him, and agree to his deal, he will lead you into a trap. 7-Sewer entrance. SEWERS 1-You will appear here. The doors in the sewers are operated by turning the wheels. If you threaten the thugs, they will leave you alone. You can talk to their chief, but if you accept his quest to kill the other Tari (ratmen), don't do it. Go to location 2. 2-Talk to the chief of the other ratmen tribe. Accept his quest to free his daughter. If you talk to him about the Skull Temple, 3-Talk to the madman. Refuse to take part in the sacrifice. Kill him and his followers. Free the chief's daughter. Take her back to location 2. Make sure she is with you when you pass through the gate to the ratmen's area, because if you leave her behind, they will think she is dead. Talk to the chief again. Fight the followers of the madman around the skull temple. When you do this, the chief will give you the Helm of Contemplation. Go to the Skull Temple at 4. 4-Open the Skull Temple with the bone crank. Talk to one of the skulls. Take one of the bowls beside the skulls. Search the drain at location 5 for the Staff of Parting. Go to location 6 or 7. 6-If you wish to get some extra experience and magic items, you can go to Dagolar (*NOTE* this is not necessary to complete the game). To go to Dagolar's area, use the Staff of Parting from location 5 at location 6 to make the waterfall disappear. 7-This is the exit from the sewers. Kill the guards and exit to the Fields outside Draj. DAGOLAR 1-Here you will meet the Gatemaster. He is in fact Dagolar, but he will teleport away if you try to harm him, so you might as well let him join. Just don't worry if he happens to get killed in a fight. Go to location 2. 2-Kill the guards and get no less than 4 Hound Amulets. Wear one with each character. Go to location 3. 3-Once you have four Hound Amulets, you will be able to open this door. In the big room above, at location 4, there will be a big fight with some slimes and shadows. Go to location 5. 5-Open the door. If the Gatemaster is still with you, he will stay outside. Talk to the zombie inside. Get him to take you to Dagolar. He will make the Gatemaster go away once you exit his cell. Go to location 6. 6-The zombie will walk through the fire and deactivate the fire gateway. Go to 7. 7-Dagolar will kill the zombie, as well as his helper. He will then attack you with some slimes. Kill them for some good experience. You can get some treasure from Dagolar. Go back out to the sewers and leave them by location 7. FIELDS OUTSIDE DRAJ 1-The man here will give you a gem if you agree to help him out. Do it. Put the gem in the obelisk at location 2 and leave it there. You should probably leave now. 3-Old One Eye will help you only if you escaped the sewers through the secret exit, not the one described in this solve. 4-The fruit merchant here sells some healing fruits. 5-This is the way out into the desert. Kill the five or so guards by the gate and go out into the desert. ****PART_2_:LOCATING VILLAGE********************************************* OUTSIDE AREA J-The First Desert 1-When you first appear here, the man you probably rescued from he will give you a bone crank which you can use on broken wheels to open those doors. There is no point in going to the Skull Temple yet. Proceed to 3. the fields will be killed by a bullette. Kill it. Read the scroll from the body of the dead guy. Talk to Ergus. Find out the location of Teaquetzl and go north to get there. TEAQUETZL 1-Talk to the mayor of the town. Accept his quest. Go to 2. 2-Pick up your reward from the chests. +2 Swiftbite is in one of the chests. You can also rest here. 3-The well. 4-Visit the visionary, and talk to him to get a Llods rod (to teleport). ****PART_3_:LOOKING FOR ALLIES******************************************* OUTSIDE AREA G-The Salt Fields 1-Fendon the salt merchant wanders around this area. You can get some salt, but I haven't found a useful reason to buy it. 2-The pathwalker is in fact a psi-bracelet merchant. Follow the brown pattern on the ground 3 times back and forth until you get 500 experience points. Talk to the pathwalker again. Now you can buy magical bracelets from him. 3-After you have threatened the announcer at location 1 of outside area L, dig in the eye of the dragon with a shovel for some treasure (Aposs's heart and a scroll). OUTSIDE AREA A-The Threatened Oasis 1-Talk to the Druid of the Waters here and pledge to rid the oasis of the defiler. Go to location 2. 2-Just attack the templar and his guards. This will take a long time, but it isn't extremely hard. Once they are all dead, go back to location 1 and talk to the druid for experience and the location of a treasure in outside area I. OUTSIDE AREA B-The Hotsprings 1-Kill the templar and all the soldiers around the hotsprings for some experience. OUTSIDE AREA F-The Courier 1-When you come close to the courier, he will send slaads after you. Kill them and attack him. After you have killed everyone, read the Messenger Scroll off his body for some experience. OUTSIDE AREA L-The Pond and Arena Announcer 1-Talk to the announcer and threaten to kill him unless he gives you the location of a treasure. The treasure he talks about is at location 3 of outside area G. OUTSIDE AREA H-The Painted Badlands 1-Alagorn is somewhere around this location. He will identify magical items for you. He will also give you a Wand of Metal Detection and a gem for the obelisk at location 2 when you stop talking to him. 3-If you have already been asked by Father Garyn in Teaquetzl to bring him some rankike pith, you can get it from Notaku at this location. 4-Donami the animal trainer is a fraud. He will sell you the mastyrial for a bag of salt, but the minute you try to leave this area, it will run off and go back to him. Don't bother buying it. OUTSIDE AREA K-The Caravan 1-Go to the broken wagon. Attack the mageras to the south before they kill the prisoners. After you killed all of them, talk to one of the prisoners. Go to location 2. 2-Attack the magera guards. Talk to one of the prisoners. Take them all back to the wagon at location 1. Once they are reunited, wait for the warriors to return. Wait for Kalinin (the leader of the group) to talk to you. Ask him to join your alliance. You will also receive a hornblade sword. CARAVAN 1-Kel sells some magical items, but most of them are bogus. The only note worthy items are the axe Soulcrusher and the gem for the obelisk at 3. 2-Don't drink any of Tobrian's wine. If you do, he will rob you of your items. 3-Obelisk. 4-Visitors circle. Talk to the woman for some background info. OUTSIDE AREA I-The Ruins and Entrance to the Wyrm 1-Talk to the Rogue Shaman. He will take you to location 2. 2-Defeat all the shadows in the ruins. You can get El's ring from the ground (This is the treasure the Water Druid talked about at outside area A). You don't have to go back to the ssaurans because they will attack you to make you their new spirits. 3-The skeletal head is the entrance to the Wyrm. Once again *THIS IS OPTIONAL* but a lot of fun and experience. WYRM 1 1-Talk to the slave at the entrance. Ask him to take you to his leader. 2-The slave leaders will offer you an alliance, but the game doesn't give you the right option to join so you will have to fight them. 3-At the two exits you will get attacked by shadows. WYRM 2 1-You will get contacted by Balkazar, warning you to stay away. 2-Thri-Krien attacks you. 3-Babau attacks you. 4-Some Babau are tormenting a magera. Attack the Babaus before they kill the magera. Get him to take you to Balkazar. 6-Balkazar will speak to you, and offer alliance. Refuse it, as even if you accept, you end up fighting him. During the fight DO NOT strike Balkazar as he will not get hurt, and he will summon more monsters. Instead, immediately head for the triple mirror in the adjoining room. Attack it with the sword three times. NOTE: The mirror will hurt you, so be sure to have enough hit points. After the mirror is destroyed, you can hit and kill Balkazar. 7-You can raid Balkazar's treasure rooms, they are guarded by 3 vrocks. Light of dawn and Belt of Might are in there. 8-Teleportal. Step into it and go to the teleportal to the north (you will have to battle a Styr first). Now take the teelportals in the following order (their locations are relative to where you appear) East, South, North, West, East. Get the Draketooth. Step into the teleportal, defeat 4 Styrs and make your way back (by teleporting). ****PART_4_:ALLIES OF CEDRITE******************************************** THE VILLAGE OF CEDRITE 1-Talk to Chaya, the village chief. If you talk to her nicely, she will apologize and give you the gem for the obelisk at location 6. Accept the quest to get rid of the bandits. Go to location 2. 2-Talk to Karior the dwarf. Get him to take you to the cave entrance at location 3. 3-To get into the caves, look at the large rock to the north and use it. Now just walk to the opening to enter the caves. 4-You can go for a hunt with the second in command (this is just for some extra experience). The hunt takes place at location 5. 5-Kill the easy creatures for some extra experience. 7-Entrance to the underground temple. THE CAVES 1-Talk to one of the First Folk. Go to location 2. 2-Talk to one of the Rebel Folk. You can accept their quest to kill the spiders, but don't do it. It isn't the proper way to do this. Go to location 3. 3-Talk to the Outcast. Accept his quest to get rid of the curse. Get him to help you over the cliff at 4. 5-Shoot or attack the wall. Kill the red slaads which appear. 6-Wear the four Nagi's necklaces, one with each character, for some protection from the evil entity. Get the golden pendant from the chest in the corner. Go to location 7. 7-Talk to the queen. Accept her quest to rid of entity. 8-Wait around here for the prince and agree to help him overthrow the queen. Go to location 9. 9-Kill the evil spiders guarding the hole. Place the golden pendant from location 6 in the hole to kill the entity. Go back to location 7. The queen will attack you. Kill her and the mages with the help of the prince. Talk to the prince. Agree to take him to the rebels. Go to location 2. Convince the rebels that the prince wants peace. Ask the rebels to help you get inside the castle. Go to the outcast at 3. Get your reward of a silk armour. 10-You can get the queen's treasure from this room (Attack the screen with the sword icon). 11-Go to the castle entrance with one of the Folk. CASTLE 1-Attack the guard who tries to open the wyvern pens before he can do that. Go upstairs. CASTLE 2 1-Kill earth elemental guarding the door. Open the door. 2-Talk to the druid. Agree to help him. Get the key from the ground. Go to location 3. 3-Use the key from location 2. 4-Kill the wyvernmaster. Get the Wyvern Hook from his body. Get the green key from behind his bed. Go to 5 and use the green key from behind the bed on the door. 5-Collect the treasure. Return to location 2. Give the druid the wyvern hook. Get the wind potion. Go to 6. 6-Kill Tara and the zombies. Right after the fight, use the wind potion to kill her for good. Return to location 2 for directions to treasure. Go back to level 1. CASTLE 1 AGAIN Use the wind potion anywhere on this level for 500 experience. 2-Talk to the zombie. Look in the jug in the north-east corner. Get the snake boots and put them on with someone. 3-Kill the vrocks guarding the treasure. Look at the north wall while close to it. It will open if you have the snake boots. Get the dark flame sword at location 4. Use Llod's wand to teleport back to Cedrite. CEDRITE AGAIN 1-Talk to Chaya again. Get her to pledge her warriors to the alliance. ****PART_5_:ALLIES OF GEDRON********************************************* GEDRON 1-Mayor. Talk to him, and you will find out that the village is controlled by a mage Wyrmias. Accept Wyrmiase's quest to recover two statue pieces. NOTE: To easily and harmlessly complete this quest, you will need to raise about 35 000 c.p. You can sell your items to the merchant of Gedron, NE of the well. OUTSIDE C 1-Talk to Arant, the camp leader. Pay him for the gladiators. Go to 2. 2-Tell the gladiators to await your return. OUTSIDE D 1-Proceed to the circle of drummers, and kill any guards in your way. Go to 2. 2-Laying besides one of the tents is a grappling hook. Get it. Go to 3. 3-Use the grappling hook (by clicking with it) on the broken part of the bridge. Cross the bridge and proceed to 4. 4-Enter the serpent mouth, and click on the island with the girl chained to the rock, so you walk there. Talk to her (Jasmine) and free her, Defeat the Slit Horror and Daraken. Pick up the statue piece off Daraken's body. Talk to Jasmine again, and get her to give you some scrolls and a spellbook. Follow her to 5. 5-Get scrolls and spellbook. Return to Gedron. GEDRON AGAIN 2-Talk to Linasa. Give her Jasmine's spellbook. She will tell you the location of Wyrmiase's treasure. Go to 4. 4-Look at the tapestry on the wall. Open the secret, and proceed to 5. 5-Look at rug, and either bash or pick the safe underneath. Get the Metal El's-Drinker and some other goodies from safe. 3-Talk to Wyrmias besides the well, and give him the first statue piece. OUTSIDE E 1-Talk to the Ssaurans, and pay them 18 000 c.p for their statue piece. Return to Gedron. GEDRON AGAIN 3-Talk to Wyrmias. He will ask you to strike him down, after you give him the last piece. Do that. Next attack and kill the statue he transforms into. ****PART_6_:THE FINAL BATTLE********************************************* TEAQUETZL AGAIN 1-Talk to the council again. Rest at 2. Try to go out. The visionary will interrupt you and order you to go to the ruins. Go out. RUINS 1-Make your way to Cragg. There will be traps and monsters, but no matter what they say or do, its all part of deception. Talk to Cragg, agree to bring him his body in return for the Genie bottle. Go to 2. 2-This is a fake body. It will teleport away, when approached. Step into the teleportal after it (you may have to walk a little further towards the wall as the graphic seems to be misplaced). 3-Make your way to 3. You will be attacked by Pseurons and masterials. Get the body, teleport back. Go back to 1. Talk to Cragg, follow him to 4. 4-Place the body on the centre pier in the mausoleum. Pick up the Genie bottle. Use the Genie bottle. You will get 3 wishes. Do what you like, but to make your life easier: "Help me defeat an evil army" will give you an enchanted Nekode and get rid of one wave of monsters. So, unless you have any better ideas you should use that and prepare for one hell of a battle. The end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Darksun Complete Solution ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uppercase names are the Arant------Giants names of the corresponding OUTSIDEC OUTSIDED *.PCX files. | | | | | | | Lizards GELDRON OUTSIDEE CARAVAN | | | | | | | | | CASTLE2 Hotspring---Courier----Slavers | OUTSIDEB OUTSIDEF OUTSIDEO | | | CASTLE1 | | | | | | Oasis Teaquetzl Pond CAVES OUTSIDEA TEQUETZL OUTSIDEL WYRM1------WYRM2 | | | | | \ | | | | | \ | | | | | \WYRM3 CEDRITE-----Dragon----First Desert---Redsands-----Ruins OUTSIDEG OUTSIDEJ OUTSIDEH OUTSIDEI | | | | | | | | | Fire2-------Fire1 FIELDS--------Convoy OUTSIDEN OUTSIDEM | OUTSIDEK | SEWERS-----DAGOLAR | | SLAVEPEN And I've got the cheats for Summoning as well. Say ZEBU to the first person you meet in the game. Go left and use the newly activated teleporter. Pick up everything and go north. Use the broken staff in the hole to open the door. Go north. Get the second half of the staff from the chest. Hold one piece of the staff in each hand and cast mending (FHGACABF). Use the staff while holding Warmonger in the other hand. Pick up and equip the clothes that Shadow Weaver left behind. Enter a teleporter. You have solved the game!