#### #### ### ### ### # ## # ## # ## ## ## # ## # ## #### #### ## ## ### ## # # ## # ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## #### # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##### ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## #### #### ## ## ## #### ## ._od#HMMMMMHM6&##o_ .:Game:. _dHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH##9R'^~_ Mother (EarthBound Zero in US) .dHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH,`* `"\. .dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM#*iD~' `\. .:Genre:. dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM#`M\,dH `\ RPG .dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH *"' \ HMH#MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHb - $ .:System:. dMM' $MMMH'`HMMMM\H"' : \ NES |M?' `MM' .`TMMMH -M\ ` `| MM' Mb ` |i`#' ./!ML | .:Released:. M| " ?bM| .oHr``' ` | 1989 in Japan only H $MM_|MMM\#/ |o\\_ - | | `*6??:'|*|`":9"MMHov+\ '| (c) Shigesato Itoi H. """`"'*' __."9"*~ `"| ? |H| .,##MML_Mb | . `.| 9b. .,oHMMMMMMMMM? \ ` / `& |MMMMMMMMMMMMM| | `\ 9MMH##HMMMMMH' / \. . `" `###' ,| ,/ `\. "' ,/^'./' `~\ ,/' "-\_ _.-" ""\dHMMMMMMMMM=:-" FAQ Written By: SchalaNu@msn.com - Magicant - http://wind.prohosting.com/magicant Created: 12.06.01 Last Updated: 5.02.02 Available to use anywhere, as long as no portion of the FAQ is altered. Special Thanks to Hiryuu's EarthBound Zero shrine at www.rpgclassics.com for the following (used with permission): - Most enemies vital stats - Item descriptions Many, many thanks! :) ************************************************************************************* U P D A T E S t o t h i s F A Q ************************************************************************************* Stuff to Come ------------- This FAQ is very near completion, except for a few minor details I would like to add. I'd like to smooth out the walkthrough some more, giving details on which enemies lurk where and items you can pick up. This makes it easier to browse the FAQ for vital items and preparing for enemies. ._- U P D A T E S -_. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 05.02.02 - Finished secrets, melodies and closing. FAQ complete. 04.17.02 - Finished items and armor guide 12.23.01 - Finished everything except items, secrets, melodies and closing 12.06.01 - FAQ created, walkthrough and enemies guide completed ===== ------------------------------------ == ___ == |T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s | == |o o| == ------------------------------------ == == \/ \/ ===== | | 1. Intro; The Story Behind "EarthBound Zero" ------___------ 2. Story | | 3. Controls, Menu Guide and Help |\ ===== /| 4. Character Profiles |-\ = --- = /-| 5. Cast |-|\ =| - |= /|-| 6. PSI Guide |-| |= --- =| |-| 7. Weapons and Armor Guide |-| | ===== | |-| 8. Items Guide |-| | | |-| 9. Walkthrough | | |_____| | | a. The Beginning | | |-| |-| | | b. Rescuing Pippi |_| |-| |-| |_| c. A Trip to the Zoo |-| |-| d. Canary Village |-| |-| e. Magicant |-| |-| f. The Weakling |-| |-| g. The Strange Girl to the South / \ / \ h. The Haunted House of Spookane |___|___| i. Yucca Desert j. Young Town k. The Swamp l. Ellay m. Awakening the Dragon n. The Caves of Mt. Itoi o. Mt. Itoi p. EVE q. The End of Magicant r. Giegue 10. Enemies Guide 11. Melody Guide 12. Game Genie Codes & Secrets 13. FAQ 14. Closing and Thanks ************************************************************************************** 1. Intro; The Story Behind "EarthBound Zero" ************************************************************************************** If you have played EarthBound Zero, than you are most likely playing it through an emulator. There is no US release of Mother, the prequel to the super smash hit EarthBound on SNES, (well, to us fans maybe not to Nintendo.) If you've played EarthBound for SNES, the game that followed EB Zero, than you know the game is humorous, unique and rich in plot. EB Zero is exactly the same, and you may find that some of the plot explains a lot in the SNES game. So why didn't Nintendo release EarthBound Zero? They had the japanese version, converted it to an english prototype (the status before marketing and packaging) and then they just sort of gave up on the project. Mother was extremely popular in Japan, and when it's sequel was announced to be released, commericals were made and fans were truly apprehensive. Either Nintendo is insulting our intelligence by maybe thinking we couldn't except such a unique game, or maybe Nintendo was just out of coffee that day. The true reason may come down to politics, but it still doesn't change the fact it wasn't released. So how is it then you can get the rom but not buy the game? I read this on an old Earthbound Zero site, belonging to a fan (I don't know his name and I can't find the URL): Apparently he was browsing eBay, when he by luck (or maybe heard about it) found the Mother english prototype. The reserve price on the prototype was $1000, and the seller wasn't going lower. Well, the fan made arrangements to take the cart for $1000, but he had to break payments up over a long period of time to pay it off. Luckily, the seller accepted! (eBay sellers aren't usually lienent about payments). So, after paying it off, the fan now owned one of the rarest pieces of Nintendo "merchandise" as this could have only been aquired from the storage/office of Nintendo of America itself. Shortly after, Demiforce (an infamous rom hacker ^_^) would e-mail the fan in regards to borrowing the cart to dump it. Instead of taking the Japanese cart and then translating it to english, this was a better idea. Not only would there be no need for a translation (as many things are changed besides the text), this would bring the ROM as close as possible to the original intended release. Understandably, the fan didn't really want to just hand over his hard earned cart to Demi, in fear that dumping the cart it would loose it's value or even worse - damage it. So Demi offered to pay (I think it was $300-$500) to borrow it, and if something went wrong, well, at least the fan was some what compensated. So the exchange took place. Demi worked on the dump, and it was a complete success! The cart was returned in it's original condition and now everyone on the internet can enjoy playing one of the most unique RPG's ever! ************************************************************************************** 2. Story ************************************************************************************** A young girl looses her mother. A young boy is tormented at his elementary school for his intense genius, and another young boy becomes corrupt, seeking vengeance for the murder of his parents. In the middle of this, Ninten wakes up one night to find his lamp tries to attack him. After returning the lamp to normal, Ninten ventures out to see things are still not right. Mimmie, Ninten's sister, is terrified in her room when her doll is running amok. Downstairs, Ninten's mother is barricading the door and wishing her husband was home. The phone rings, and who else but Ninten's father calls. Ninten's father tells him there is something deeper going on, then a mere poltergeist. Ninten learns he has psychic powers, strange and unusual powers that are unexplained, except the slight mention of them in his Great Grand Father's Diary. It's time for Ninten to embark on a journey, to get to the heart of the plague that has turned honest people into crooks, animals driven insane and piecing together a haunting melody that lingers in the world to be answered. Ninten will unite with the shy gifted one from the snow land, the weakling from the huge city, and the devastated youth of a crime infested town, to find an answer of their own. Who is destroying all these lives, taking the lives of a boy's parents and kidnapping an entire town's adults to leave the children helpless and terrified. Who has lost his tail? ************************************************************************************** 3. Controls, Menu Guide and Help ************************************************************************************** DIRECTION PAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NW UP NE A BUTTON - Makes choices, talk, opens command menu \ | |/ B BUTTON - Exits menus, exits conversation -- -- B BUTTON AND PAD - Run, very useful. LEFT -- -- RIGHT SELECT - Opens State menu /| |\ START - (While outside) View a map. Will not work SW DOWN SE inside buildings a few other places. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These controls can be configured to fit your preference by opening the COMMAND MENU and then selecting SETUP. THE MENUS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND MENU - Use the A Button to open this main menu, that will allow you to do most of your actions. It will also give you options to which you activate. CHECK - Read signs, or check items that you find "suspicious." TALK - Converse with anything conversable. GOODS - View your inventory. STATE - Shows your current status, exp., melodies etc. PSI - View PSI you can *only* use when not in battle. SETUP - View your current setup, or modify. INVENTORY MENU - Here is your inventory of items. Each item is unique in that you can use/eat/look at certain ones. Select the item, and then you can choose one of these options to activate: USE - Use an item. EAT - Eat an item. GIVE - Give an item to another party member for their inventory. DROP - Throw away an item. Once this is done, you cannot get it back. Thus, important items cannot be thrown away. LOOK - Read a description on an item you possess for more info on exactly what it's for. BATTLE MENU - When in battle with enemies, a new menu will permanently take place on the bottom of the screen for you to control your party members. Activating an option by pressing A, or taking back the option by pressing B. FIGHT - The normal attack for a party member. Physical attack. PSI - Select a PSI power to use, then activate for PSI attack. GOODS - Use an item to help in battle. Life up items, offense, etc. CHECK - Will give you a description (althought not always helpful) about your enemy. Funny sometimes. :) AUTO - Walk away and watch TV while the battle is automatically fought for you. However, not recommended unless you are pretty sturdy. GUARD - Defend, reducing damage. RUN - Doesn't always work, but it will cause you to exit battle. Does not work on bosses. For a fool proof run away, use Ninten's PSI ability, 4TH D Slip. Like any new RPG you may play, it may take a while to get used to the new menu that's thrown at you with many options. I'm sure you'll find the menu in Mother somewhat basic though, unlike some other RPGs. *Cough* Doesn't name names.*Cough* ************************************************************************************** 4. Character Guide ************************************************************************************** The main, four characters of the game: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ninten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCATION: North Podunk MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: Hank's Pat STRENGTHS: The 2nd strongest physical character, 2nd strongest PSI character WEAKNESS: Asthma attacks Ninten is the main character of the game, lives in the quiet city of Podunk with his Mother and two sisters Mimmie and Minnie. Ninten's father is always working, so he can only contact his son via the phone. Ninten's adventure begins when it appears something is attacking his house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCATION: Twinkle Elementary in Merrysville MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: Air Gun STRENGTHS: The 2nd weakest physical character, ability to use explosives WEAKNESS: No PSI, and semi-weak. Loid is a self-conscious genius from Twinkle Elementary in Merrysville. Loid is first met in a very awkward place, and it's evident from talking to class mates and even his own confessions, that he has been taunted by fellow class mates by his glasses and intelligence. However, Loid is fiercely intelligent and can weld explosives with ease. Loid's courage makes up for his lack of strength. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCATION: Snowman Chanteau MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: Iron Skillet STRENGTHS: The weakest physical character, strongest PSI character WEAKNESS: Weak defense Ana is the gifted girl to the south in the chanteau of Snowman. Ana's mother disappeared around the time the weird occurances and attacks seemed to take place. Alone with her father, she is a shy and nervous girl, who's courage is sparked by the vision of a boy named Ninten, who would come to her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teddy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCATION: Ellay MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: Katana STRENGTHS: The strongest physical character WEAKNESS: No PSI Teddy is the leader of the Bla Bla Gang in Ellay. Once a caring and thoughful boy, Teddy became a rebel with a cause when sadly, his parents were murdered by the creatures on near by Mt. Itoi. Teddy's incredibly strong and determined wits lead him to Ninten and friends by his wishes to avenge the memory of his parents. ************************************************************************************** 5. Cast ************************************************************************************** I've still yet to add tons of characters, but this is most of them. I will be adding more occasionally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ninten's Dad ------------ The workaholic father as we know him. Only at the end of the game, do we get a short glimpse of his back. Ninten's Mom ------------ A woman who never sleeps, takes after her children and misses her husband. Stop by and she'll cook you a meal. Minnie ------ Ninten's sister, who will hold on to things when he is carrying too much. Mimmie ------ Nintend's other sister, who spends a lot of time in her room. CHECK out her doll though. Ninten's Dog ------------ The guardian of the front lawn. Carries something very important however. Ana's Dad --------- Quiet, almost like his daughter, but he believes in her and the cause of the journey. Loid's Dad ---------- Shy, just like his son but no doubt with as big of a heart. Will ask you to take care of his son on the journey. Bla Bla Gang Member ------------------- One of the many ruffians in Teddy's gang, clearly not having the same interest as Teddy. Queen Mary ---------- The ruler of the land Magicant. For some reason, she is clearly disturbed and unhappy... Flying Man ---------- One out of five of the men, who are destined to help Ninten when he arrives in Magicant. Benevolent Old Man ------------------ Mysterious man, who guards the magical fountain of Magicant. Swimming Cat ------------ A cat that swims in water (and on land!) Has some good advice (items) for weaker members in the group. Magicant Guardian ----------------- These three men guard the entrance to Queen Mary's castle. Ninten can communicate with them beyond speech Clown Guardian -------------- These clown looking people, service the Queen and notice the changes in her first. Magicant Residents ------------------ These child like people are all over Magicant, usually offering health for free and running stores. Monkeys ------- The most unique sings, and the others run a cave in the desert. Known for being quite untruthful, yet wise. Desert Traveler --------------- Camped out in the desert, this guy owns a plane and a tank which you can achieve riding. Surgeon and Nurse ----------------- The nurse and the surgeon can fix those who have been defeated in battle. Status Healer ------------- He will refill hit points and restore normal status, however at a very costly price. Residents --------- They are everywhere, and usually have funny and helpful things to say. Live Show Workers ----------------- These people run and maintain the Live House in Ellay. Guard/Police ------------ Usually all they do is enforce road blocks and curfews, but there is one that can be a problem in Ellay. Mayor of Podunk --------------- A dishonest man who takes credit for others work. However he allows you to travel places usually closed. Children of Youngtown --------------------- The sad children who roam Youngtown. Garrickson Baby --------------- A baby of Youngtown, who is rumored to possess extraordinary powers. Merrysville Elementary Janitor ------------------------------ A janitor who is willing to lend a helping hand, if you can lend an ear to his problems in marriage. Canary Village Maintainer ------------------------- This man keeps Canary village a safe and clean place, for all the canaries. Lara ---- A mother canary, who grieves for her lost canary chick in Canary Village. Pippi's Mother -------------- Ninten's neighbor who sorely misses her daughter, who went missing. Pippi ----- A spunky little girl, who gets kidnapped by zombies. Secretly, she has a special interest in Ninten. EVE --- Ninten's protector, created by George. ************************************************************************************** 6. PSI Guide ************************************************************************************** PSI is a very powerful magic, that is not only capable of pulverizing enemies, but it is also used to heal, life up and teleport. There are only two characters that can use PSI, and that's Ninten and Ana. Ana by far *is* the strongest in PSI, she learns new PSI powers all the time after battles. Remember: --------- - Not all PSI powers can be used in battle, and most of them can't be used out of battle. - Some enemies are prone to certain attacks than others. (I.E Silver Wolf to Fire). - Using PSI is fun and powerful, but it *will* drain your PP fast! You must watch how much left you have at all times. - Keep 2-3 PP replenishing items at all times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninten's PSI Powers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME PP Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telepathy 1 Ninten can communicate with people/things using his mind Teleport 3 Teleport back to a town you've already visited LifeUp a 3 Restores 30 HP to one party member LifeUp b 5 Party member restores 70 HP to one party member LifeUp r 9 Restores all HP for one party member LifeUp pi 17 All party members restore 60 HP Healing a 3 Cures one party member from poison Healing b 5 Cures one party member from paralyze Healing r 6 Cures one party member from stone Healing pi 6 Cures one party member from sleep SuprHealing 36 Revives a dead party member and restores all HP PSI Shield a 4 Reduces damage by 1/2 to one party member, from PK attacks PSI Shield b 9 Reduces damage by 1/2 to all party members from PK attacks Powershield 9 Reflects physical damage back to the enemy OffenseUp 6 Raise the offense of one party member DefenseUp a 3 Raise the Defense of one party member DefenseUp b 8 Raise the Defense of all party members QuickUp 3 Raise the speed of one party member DefenseDown a 3 Lower the defense of an enemy DefenseDown b 9 Lower the defense for multiple enemies 4-D Slip 16 Quick exit from battle (works in most) Hypnosis 5 Causes one enemy to sleep --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ana's PSI Powers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME PP DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telepathy 1 Ana can communicate with people/things using her mind Teleport 3 Teleport back to a town you've already visited LifeUp b 5 Party member restores 70 HP to one party member LifeUp r 9 Restores all HP for one party member LifeUp pi 17 All party members restore 60 HP LifeUp o 48 Restores all HP for all party members Healing a 3 Cures one party member from poison Healing b 5 Cures one party member from paralyze Healing r 6 Cures one party member from stone Healing pi 6 Cures one party member from sleep SuprHealing 36 Revives a dead party member and restores all HP Powershield 9 Reflects physical damage back to the enemy BrainShock 5 Confuse one enemy BrainCyclone 12 Confuse all enemies Hypnosis 5 Causes one enemy to sleep Paralysis 8 Paralyze one enemey Darkness 10 Blind enemy, reducing enemy accuracy PSI-Magnet 0 Drain and receive 10 PP from an enemy who uses PSI Shield Off 8 One enemy looses shield PSI Block 5 Prevents enemy from using PSI attacs PK Freeze a 3 Attack enemy with about 10 HP of Freeze attack PK Freeze b 5 Attack enemy with about 50 HP of Freeze attack PK Freeze r 8 Reduce one enemy to critical status PK Freeze o 13 Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of Freeze attack PK Fire a 8 Attack all enemies with about 20 HP of Fire attack PK Fire b 12 Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of Fire attack PK Fire r 14 Attack all enemies with about 100 HP of Fire attack PK Fire o 30 Instantly kills all enemies with fire attack PK Beam a 4 Attack enemy with about 30 HP of Beam attack PK Beam b 7 Attack enemy with about 80 HP of Beam attack PK Beam r 12 Instantly kills one enemy PK Beam o 24 Attack all enemies with about 100+ HP of Beam attack PK Thunder a 3 Attack enemy with about 10 HP of Thunder attack PK Thunder b 6 Attack enemy with about 50 HP of Thunder attack PK Thunder r 12 Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of Thunder attack ************************************************************************************** 7. Weapon and Armor Guide ************************************************************************************** If your like me, you like to keep all your characters armor and accessories in top grade when possible. It's a bit of a treasure hunt to find some of the strongest items, but when you do it is soooo worth it. *Notes* - When you sell *any* of your items at the department store, including weapons and armor, you will receive half of it's original cost. - Characters may only equip one weapon at a time. - Each character may equip 1 ring, 1 pendant and 1 coin all at once. - Weapons and armor do not take up inventory space while equipped. A. WEAPONS ---------- I've broken down the weapons guides by character, the armor is universal to use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninten's Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ATTACK DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plastic Bat 3 This weapon is OK for Ninten. $80 - Podunk Dept. USE it! - Basement - Twinkle Elementary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Bat 12 Ninten, USE this weapon to $500 - Podunk Dept. fight with weak enemies. - Merrysville Dept. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aluminum Bat 30 With this weapon Ninten can $1000 - Merrysville Dept. easily fight tougher enemies. - Reindeer Dept. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hank's Bat 48 This awesome bat was personally - Caves of Mt. Itoi autographed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loid's Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ATTACK DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stun Gun 15 Loid seems to be able $300 - Merrysville Dept. to USE it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Gun 42 A strong weapon, but - Youngtown only Jeff seems to be able to USE it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ana's Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ATTACK DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frying Pan 8 Ana can USE this weapon - Snowman best. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonstick Pan 16 A good weapon for Paula - Youngtown with no messy clean up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Skiller 36 Paula can USE ths heavy - Caves of Mt. Itoi metal pan to rock strong enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teddy's Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ATTACK DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Butter Knife 15 Teddy can master it $580 - Ellay Dept. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survival Knife 38 Hey Teddy, this is stronger $1200 - Ellay Dept. than an ordinary knife. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword 46 Few people can master it. - Magicant Exit Tunnel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katana 58 This Japanese sword is the - Caves of Mt. Itoi best Teddy has seen yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Universal Weapons (Anyone can use them) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ATTACK DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slingshot 7 A handy weapon that $120 - Podunk Dept. anyone can USE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boomerang 32 Be careful, this isn't a $1100 - Merrysville Dept. toy. Anyone can USE it as - Reindeer a weapon. - Queen Mary's Castle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Armor ---------- Armor is universal, anyone can use it. I've broken it down by item type. Coins --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME DEFENSE DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace Coin 5 When you USE it, DEFENSE $260 Magicant goes up a bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect Coin 11 When you USE it, DEFENSE $648 Magicant goes up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Coin 20 When you USE it, DEFENSE $1200 Magicant really goes up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME DEFENSE DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Repel Ring 0 One look at this strange $160 Merrysville, Magicant ring will drive away weak enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brass Ring 8 When you USE it, DEFENSE $460 Magicant goes up a bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Ring 14 When you USE it, DEFENSE $825 Magicant goes up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Ring 28 When you USE it, DEFENSE $1510 Magicant really goes up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pendants --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME DESCRIPTION PRICE LOCATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H20 Pendant When you USE it, it will defend against PK Fire $700 Magicant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Pendant When you USE it, it will defend against PK Freeze $700 Magicant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth Pendant When you USE it, it will defend against PK Thunder $700 Magicant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sea Pendant When you USE it, it will defend against all PSI attack ~ Mt. Itoi ************************************************************************************** 8. Items Guide ************************************************************************************** There are tons of neat, useless, useful, weird and pratical items in Mother that you find or buy. To see what enemies carry certain prizes, please check out the enemy guide. T I P S ------- - Common items can be thrown away and sold. - Important or rare items will not be allowed to be thrown away or sold. - When you sell an item, you will only get half of it's worth. - Mimmie can hold keep some of your items when you are carrying too much. In alphabetical order: *** A *** Air Gun ------- Price: $1400 Location: Youngtown Description : A strong weapon, but only Jeff seems to be able to USE it. Aluminum Bat ------------ Price: $1000 Location: Merrysville, Reindeer Description : With this weapon Ness can easily fight tougher enemies. Antidote --------- USE: Cures poison Price: $20 Location: Podunk, Merrysville, Reindeer, Ellay, Zoo Office, Queen Mary's Castle, Sweet's Factory, Spookane Ghose House Description: It neutralizes poison quickly. Asthma Spray ------------ USE: Cures Asthma Price: $148 Location: Podunk, Merrysville, Reindeer, Ellay Description: When Ninten's asthma attacks, spray this. *** B *** Basement Key ------------ Price: ~ Location: Ninten's house Description : USE this key to unlock the basement door. Comments : CHECK Ninten's dog to find it. berry Tofu ---------- Eat: Restores 10 HP Price: $975 Location: Queen Mary's Castle and Reindeer Description : If you really want to EAT it OK, but... Comments : While it's a waste of money to eat, check out the secrets section to put it to good use! Bomb ---- Price: $280 Location: Reindeer, Duncan's Factory, Mt. Itoi Cave Description: Maybe only Jeff can detonate it. Comments: One use only. Jeff can use it in battle to distribute PK Fire damage Big Bag ------- Price: ~ Location: Magicant (Give the man in Magicant your Cash Card. Don't worry he'll give it back!) Description: A bag filled with Magic Herb Comments: Has 30 Magic Herbs inside! distribute PK Fire damage Boomerang --------- Price: $1100 Location: Merrysville, Queen Mary's Castle, Reindeer Description : Be careful, this isn't a toy. Anyone can USE it as a weapon. Bottle Rocket ------------- Price: ~ Location: Sweet's Factory, Duncan's Factory Description: Jeff seems to know how to USE it. Comments: One use only. Jeff can use it in battle to distribute PK Fire damage Brass Ring ---------- Price: $460 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up a bit. Bread ----- Eat: Restores 20 HP Price: $30 Location: Everywhere but Magicant Description: OK to EAT it, but its crumbs can be USEd to mark your trail. Comments: USE it to turn the bread into crumbs. Bullhorn -------- Price: ~ Location: Queen Mary's Castle Description: Your amplified voice may intimidate an enemy. Comments: Remember the Hippy having one? It works the same way. If they fall for it, FIGHT decreases. If they don't, OFFENSE increases. Butter Knife ------------ Price: $580 Location: Sweet's Factory, Ellay Description : Teddy can master it. *** C *** Canary Chick ------------ Price: Free or $100 your choice Location: Department Store in Podunk Description : Its eyes show sadness. Comments : When the man in the pets department (at the very top) tries to sell it, refuse and he'll give it to you for free. Cash Card --------- Price: ~ Location: None, when you start the game it's automatically in your inventory. Description: Use if for all your banking needs. Comments: Go to an ATM Machine and USE it to withdraw/deposit money. distribute PK Fire damage Crumbs ------ Price: ~ Location: Made from USEing Bread, not found by itself. Description: If you follow them, you will return to the place that you started. Comments: USE your bread at a location you'd like to return. The bread will then become crumbs. USE your crumbs to return to where you've USEd the bread. *** D *** Dentures -------- Price: ~ Location: West of Mouthwash Man's house Description : Brush, floss and see your dentist and you won't have to own a pair. Comments : Find them, and then give them to the man in the Mouthwash house and he'll get you a good deal on Mouth Wash. (Check out the secrets section.) *** E *** Earth Pendant ------------- Price: $700 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, it will defend against PK Thunder. *** F *** Flash Dark ---------- Price: ~ Location: Queen Mary's Castle Description: The opposite of a flashlight. Comments: Blinds an enemy in battle. Fl Thrower ---------- Price: ~ Location: Win from the B.B. Gang members Description: Toasts the enemy, but only Jeff can USE it. Comments: Can be used multiple times. Jeff can use it in battle to distribute *huge* PK Fire damage Flea Bag -------- Price: ~ Location: Reindeer or win from Stray Dog Description: A bag of fleas and other nasty critters. Throw at an enemy and watch the effect! Comments: Decreases OFFENSE and DEFENSE to one enemy in battle. Fight Capsule ------------- Price: ~ Location: Queen Mary's Castle, Sweet's Factory Description: Take this capsule to raise your FIGHT. Comments: Raises FIGHT stats by 5 Fire Pendant ------------ Price: $700 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, it will defend against PK Freeze. Force Capsule ------------- Price: ~ Location: Duncan's Factory Description: Take this capsule to raise your FORCE. Comments: Raises FORCE stats by 5 Franklin Badge -------------- Price: ~ Location: Podunk Cemetery (Given to you by Pippi when you rescue her.) Description: Legend says Ben Franklin wore this reflective badge during his experiments with lightning. Comments: Just by being in a playable character's inventory it will reflect PK R and hit the enemy with it. French Fries ------------ Eat: Restores 20 HP Price: $15 Location: Podunk, Merrysville, Reindeer, Ellay Description: EATen with or without castup, your HP will rise. Frying Pan ---------- Price: $300 Location: Snowman Description : Paula can USE this weapon best. *** G *** GGF Diary (Great Grandfather's Diary) ------------------------------------- Price: ~ Location: Ninten's basement Description : It's old, ragged and filled with entries. Comments : USEd to enter Magicant at XX columns. Also a few weird, and neat clues. Ghost Key --------- Price: ~ Location: East of Spookane Description : This is the Key to the Rosemary's house. Comments : Talk to a lady east of Spookane and she'll give it to you. Gold Ring --------- Price: $1510 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, DEFENSE really goes up. *** H *** H20 Pendant ----------- Price: $700 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, it will defend against PK Fire. Hank's Bat ---------- Price: ~ Location: Caves of Mt. Itoi Description : This awesome bat was personally autographed. Hat --- Price: ~ Location: Reindeer Train Station (Talk to the old woman and she'll give it to you). Description : A pretty hat embroidered with the name Ana. Comments : Ana won't join your group unless you USE it on her. Hamburger --------- Eat: Restores 50 HP Price: $25 Location: Podunk, Merrysville, Reindeer, Ellay Description: Fast good for some fast HP. *** I *** Insecticide ----------- Price: $300 Location: Podunk, Merrysville Description: Has an irritating effect on bugs. Iron Skillet ------------ Price: ~ Location: Caves of Mt. Itoi Description : Paula can USE this heavy metal pan to rock strong enemies. *** K *** Katana ------ Price: ~ Location: Caves of Mt. Itoi Description : This Japanese sword is the best Teddy has seen yet. *** L *** Laser ----- Price: $760 Location: Reindeer, Win in battle from Giga Borg or Scrapper Description: It helps that sissy Jeff. Comments: Can be used multiple times. Jeff can use it in battle to distribute damage. Last Weapon ----------- Price: $1048 Location: Twinkle Elementary (Chemistry Room) Description: ??? Comments: I honestly have no idea. Please tell me if you know. :) LifeUpCream ----------- USE: Restores all HP Price: $194 Location: Everywhere but Magicant, Zoo Office, Sweet's Factory, Duncan's Factory, Haunted House, Healer's House near Caves of Mt. Itoi Description: USEd to heal wounds. *** M *** Magic Candy ----------- Price: ~ Location: Magicant (Get it from a swimming cat) Description: If the sissy boy EATs this his fight will rise some. Comments: Raises Jeff's FIGHT stats by 5 Magic Coin ---------- Price: $1200 Location: Magicant (You'll get it when your getting close automatically). Description : When you USE it, DEFENSE really goes up. Magic Herb ---------- USE: Restores 30 HP Price: $30 Location: Queen Mary's Castle, Magicant Cave, Magicant Fountain (Put the Red Weed in) Sweet's Factory Description: It neutralizes poison quickly. Magic Ribbon ------------ Price: ~ Location: Magicant (Get it from a swimming cat.) Description: With this FORCE will rise a bit. This is for a girl to tie in her hair. Comments: Raises Ana's FORCE stats by 5 Mouthwash --------- USE: Cures cold Price: $175 Location: Snowman, Mouthwash Man's house Description: If you gargle with it, you will lose your cold. Comments: Read the secrets section for how to get mouthwash for only $10! *** N *** Noble Seed ---------- USE: Cures confusion Price: ~ Location: Win in battle from Big Woodoh Description: USE this to cancel the wicked seed. Item Type: Medicine Nonstick Pan ------------ Price: $700 Location: Youngtown Description : A good weapon for Paula, with no messy clean up. *** O *** Ocarina ------- Price: ~ Location: Magicant (Get it from a resident) Description: It can play a catchy tune. Comments: ??? Purpose yet to be discovered. Onyx Hook --------- Price: ~ Location: Magicant Cave Description: As long as you have it, you can warp back to Magicant. Comments: Near the sleeping dragon and exit from Magicant, is a hole. Step over it to fight the Fish, and the ladder below leads to it. Orange Juice ------------ Eat: Restores 10 HP Price: $5 Location: Podunk, Merrysville, Reindeer, Ellay Description: No matter how tired you are, one bottle will strengthen you. *** P *** Pass ---- Price: ~ Location: North of Merrysville on the way to Duncan's Factory (You'll get it when your getting close automatically). Description : Printed on it, "Duncan Factory Employee". Comments : It will get you into Duncan's Factory. Peace Coin ---------- Price: $260 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up a bit Phone Card ---------- Price: ~ Location: Merrysville Description: USE this handy card to charge your phone calls Comments: With this you can use the pay phones for free. Get it by taking a survey by a man near the Department Store. Physical Capsule ---------------- Price: ~ Location: Sweet's Factory, Duncan's Factory Description: Take this capsule to raise your STRENGTH Comments: Raises STRENGTH stats by 5 Plasma Beam ----------- Price: $1300 Location: Reindeer Description: It helps that weenie Jeff quite a lot. Comments: Jeff can use it in battle to distribute huge damage. Can be used multiple times. Plastic Bat ----------- Price: $80 Location: Ness' Basement, Sweet's Factory, Twinkle Elementary Description : This weapon is OK for Ness. USE it! Protect Coin ------------ Price: $648 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up. PSI Stone --------- USE: Restores 20 PP Price: ~ Location: Queen Mary's Castle, Magicant Cave, Duncan's Factory, Monkey Caves, Caves of Mt. Itoi Description: PSI Power in solid form *** Q *** Quick Capsule ------------- Price: ~ Location: Sweet's Factory, Duncan's Factory Description: Take this capsule to raise your SPEED. Comments: Raises SPEED stats by 5 *** R *** Red Weed -------- Price: ~ Location: Magicant (East and West of Queen Mary's Castle) Description: It looks like just grass, but... Comments: USE it in the Magicant Fountain to turn it into a Magic Herb. Repel Ring ---------- Price: $160 Location: Merrysville, Magicant Description : One look at this strange ring will drive away weak enemies. Comments : How nice if this were more long term. When you USE it, the effects wear off in under a few minutes. Rope ---- Price: $600 Location: Zoo Office, Queen Mary's Castle, Sweet's Factory and Duncan's Factory Description: Use it to tie the enemy up. Ruler ----- Price: $22 Location: Magicant Castle Description: It is 12 inches long. Comment: Hehe, well it takes up space, but that's about it. *** S *** Sea Pendant ----------- Price: ~ Location: Mt. Itoi Description : When you USE it, it will defend against all PSI attack. Silver Ring ----------- Price: $825 Location: Magicant Description : When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up. Slingshot --------- Price: $120 Location: Twinkle Elementary Description : A handy weapon, that anyone can USE. StkyMachine ----------- Price: $3200 Location: Twinkle Elementary (Chemistry Room) Description: It seems to be used for fighting, but... Comments: Will "Tie" up an enemy. Can be used multiple times. Stun Gun -------- Price: $300 Location: Merrysville Description : Jeff seems to be able to USE it. Super Bomb ---------- Price: $1800 Location: Twinke Elementary (Chemistry Room) Description: Written on the site, "Beweare of Blast". Only Jeff can use it. Comments: One use only. Jeff can use it in battle to destroy *ALL* enemies! Super Spray ----------- Price: ~ Location: Duncan's Factory Description: Industrial Strength Insecticide Survival Knife -------------- Price: $1200 Location: Ellay Description : Hey Teddy, this is stronger than an ordinary knife. Swear Words ----------- Price: ~ Location: Island north of Observatory Island Description: ??? Comments: Doesn't really do anything... novelty item? Sword ----- Price: ~ Location: Magicant Cave Description : Few people can master it. *** T *** Ticket ------ Price: $350 or $1200 Location: Department Store, or Scalper South East of Live House. Description : Printed on it, "Rock and Roll all night and every day at "The Live Show." Comments : You cannot enter the Live House without it. Ticket Stub ----------- Price: ~ Location: Yucca Desert Description : Save ten of these for a complimentary tank ride. Comments: Get the ticket stubs by riding the traveler's plane (near the middle of the desert). *** W *** Wisdom Capsule -------------- Price: ~ Location: Duncan's Factory Description: Take this capsule to raise your WISDOM. Comments: Raises WISDOM stats by 5 Wooden Bat ---------- Price: $500 Location: Podunk, Merrysville Description : Ness, USE this weapon to fight with weak enemies. Words o' Love ------------- Price: ~ Location: Island north of Observatory Island Description: ??? Comments: Doesn't really do anything... novelty item? *** Z *** Zoo Key ------- Price: ~ Location: Mayor's Office in Podunk Description : This key will unlock the main gate at the City Zoo. Comments : Get it from the Mayors assistance. The monkey will steal it from you at the front gate, but there is no need for another. ************************************************************************************** 9. Walkthrough ************************************************************************************** The walkthrough reads very much like a story, and not so much as an objective list. This might be fun for some to read through, or for others it may be too much of a spoiler. I recommend you only locate the section you really need if you want to avoid spoilers. This is the reason the sections are broken so small. ^_^ T I P S ------- A walkthrough can't do everything, and I doubt mine will even come close. Here are a few tips to make the game a 'lil easier. - CHECK anything you may find strange. - Always call your Dad to SAVE, frequently. - Never keep more than $100 on you at all times, if an enemy defeats you, he'll steal half your money! - Keep a good tab on your characters current weapons, and check the town your in if there are better ones. - Always keep bread on hand. (See below tip) - Before entering a huge place (Rosemary's House, Duncan's Factory etc.) always drop bread crumbs at the beginning. This way, if you get lost you can always locate yourself to the beginning in order to leave easily, or get one of your party members medical aide. - Always keep at least 3-4 HP replenshing items on hand, the more the better. - Use PP sparingly in huge, enemy infested areas. That's it, I'm sure I'll think of more, but... that's it for now. ^_^ So let's start! a. The Beginning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all starts in your room, peacefully. Then as you try to exit, a lamp takes full charge towards you, moving all by itself. You will be thrown into battle with Lamp, who after being defeated, ceases to move, but all is still not well... In both of your two sister's rooms, they seem to be dealing with their own problems. Minnie is being attacked by a lamp, while Mimmie is being attacked by her doll. Both are terrified, so engage in battle with the Doll. After fighting with the doll, you should raise to Level 2. The noise and flickering of lights in the house seems to stop... but something still is just not right. After defeating the Doll, CHECK it. For some reason, it holds a melody. You remember this tune... Upon going down stairs, you'll find your Mom barricading the door, wishing your father was there. However, at the mention of his name, coincidentally he calls. Walk to the phone and TALK. He'll give you the low down on everything, and how the secrets of your Great Grandfather's Diary in the basement would help about now, except he's conveniently forgotten where he placed the key. So, heading outside you find your dog, who upon being CHECKed, has the key around his collar. Taking this key, you can now access the basement door that was locked in your living room. When you USE the basement key, you'll enter a pretty dark room. There are quite a few rats down here as well, but they are not too much of a threat. Opening the presents, you will find a Plastic Bat and your Great Grandfather's Diary. It is here, where your adventure really begins. b. Rescuing Pippi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To start, equip the plastic bat and stay close to home. Fight the enemies around to level up, and gain some more cash. When you are ready, head east and you'll find a distressed woman. It seems her daughter has strayed off too far and has no idea where she is. Since your on your way south to the City of Podunk, you decide to check down there for any news. Talking to the people in Podunk, you'll learn everyone is in some state of distress. A man near the town limits has also experienced a poltergeist, the animals have turned and are attacking and it has been rumored someone is controlling the dead in the south Cemetery. Heading over to the City Hall and visiting the Mayor, he's as worried as everyone else, that is just enough to be re-elected. So on his behalf, you must travel to save Pippi from the Cemetery. However, before heading south. stop by the Department Store and withdraw about $500, (if you have it yet.) Go to the Sports level and purchase the Wooden Bat. You may also like to purchase some life-replenishing items, or withdraw additional money in case. Then, while you are here, travel to the top where you'll find the Pets level. Since all the animals have run amok, the boy at the register only has one chick left. If you are interested, he'll charge you $85. However, refuse and he'll offer it to you for free. This is important later. Heading south, you'll find some people suspiciously on the boarder or the town, talk to them and you'll find out they are zombies. Further south, you can head to the west to the healer's house, or you'll eventually find some spooky trees, which will lead you to the Cemetery. You'll see some new enemies down here, mostly zombies and bats. It's very lonely here, except for the man who is trapped in the church hiding from the zombies. Make your way to the right of the Graveyard, and you'll come along to some headstones, with one that appears to be a hole. Stepping over it, you'll find it takes you to a long staircase. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, there will be a door leading to a room with four coffins. All but one contain Zombies, and CHECKing the far left one, will reveal Pippi. TALK to her, and she'll ask you questions. Answer them politely, and she'll give you the Franklin Badge and follow you. You can keep her in your party to raise your levels, as she is pretty strong. However, as soon as you take her back to the Mayor, she will permanently leave, but when you are ready to move on, take her to the Mayor. The mayor will be somewhat excited you have brought her back, since this makes him look wonderful. He'll pay you $100, then ask you to take on a quest of visiting the Zoo, where there is some weird activity going on. Whatever you answer, he'll ignore and insist you go. So, TALK to his assistant Abbott at the desk, and get the Zoo Key. Now Pippi is rescued and your on the way to the Zoo. c. A Trip to the Zoo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reach the Zoo, take the path to the North East of City Hall. You'll eventually come to a sign declaring the Zoo is 700 Meters west. It is a good idea to hang around and level up, because at first sight the enemies in the Zoo are pretty hard. Coming to the Zoo Entrance, a monkey will be standing in the way. When you try to get past the Monkey, he'll steal your key! Don't run and get a new one just yet though... the Monkey broke the lock so you can just walk right through. There is a strange noise that appears to be upsetting the animals. The smaller, more docile animals are upset in their pens, while the larger animals have broken out and are attacking you, (which I'm sure you have noticed by now.) Upon walking around, you'll find a cage that boasts a sign about a singing Monkey. This must be the same Monkey that is running around, distressed by the noise. Heading over to the east, you'll come to a tall building, which happens to be the Zoo Superintendent's Office. The noise must be coming from here, so go inside and take a look. In here, you'll find only rats and the occasion centipedes are around to attack, while in every room there appears to be a present. There are some useful items, like a rope, anti-dote and bread. However, on the top floor in the east room, you can find Life-Up Cream, which is very helpful. When you are ready, enter the left door on the top floor. There are no presents in here, but a strange capsule floating in mid-air. If you walk up and CHECK it, you'll engage in battle with a Starman Jr. However equipping the Franklin Badge beforehand will help enormously. Once you have defeated him, the noise will stop and the animals will calm down, and no longer attack. This also means that monkey has probably returned. Heading over to the once empty cage, the singing monkey now appears to be calm. CHECK the sign, and he'll sing a melody, which you remember the tune. When you are finished at the Zoo, it's time to head south. d. Canary Village ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you exit the Zoo, from the entrance go directly South through the gap in the trees. Here you'll find a bridge, which will lead you south. Keep following it down and such. You've reached Canary Village, where canaries can roam freely, and a man here tends to them. TALK to the man, and he'll notice the chick you are carrying, that you acquired earlier from the Department Store. He recognizes the chick as Laura's, who has been miserable since the chick went missing. However, Laura doesn't seem to be found. Reaching the top of the village, you'll notice a canary on the other side of the wall, who appears to be unreachable. However, walk through the silver pillar, which is housing a hidden hole. Here, you can talk to Laura, and then checking your goods, USE the chick. Laura will become excited at the reunion with her chick, and begin to sing a melody, which you remember. e. Magicant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is now nothing left to do right now in Podunk or the surrounding areas. However, talking to the guards east of the Zoo, the curfew has been lifted and you can now pass. They tell you of a strange cave ahead, that holds some sort of stone in it, and make a small joke about how it's going around that you can do telepathy. Continuing East, you will find some new and some enhanced versions of old enemies. Shortly, you should come to a cave. In the cave, you find the strange stone the guards were talking about. Remembering the guards, you try TELEPATHY. It is here, a passage from your Great Grandfather's Diary is read: "Who has lost his tail? The forgotten one of the ship that sails the cosmos." You then teleport. You have entered the strange, yet somehow mystical land of Magicant. It is here, you will find many colorful characters and interesting people to talk to. Everyone knows you are not one of them, but they feed and heal you for free. Talk to the swimming cats to learn of items, or visit the many people in their houses. You can find a person to hold your goods, save your game and even just amuse you. Go to the Northwest corner of the land and use Telepathy on the fountain to withdraw money. There are also some stores here, that sell goods you may like to buy. If you wish to level up, visit the North East corner, where a house of 5 duck like men, called the Flying Men, are "at destiny to serve you." When they die, another will take their place at your request. Eventually, go to the three men who are guarding an entrance of some sort. They will let you pass, but only if you can guess their riddle. Use TELEPATHY on them, and you can pass. You will now gain entrance to a castle, where talking to the clowns you learn of Queen Mary. It appears Queen Mary has been having nightmares, perplexing the people of what past experience has made her so troubled. Upon meeting her, she'll tell you that you may have anything you want, as much as you want. When you ask her to sing, she'll disclose the secret of her not remembering the tune of the song that troubles her. She will then ask you to retrieve the melody for her, in the form of 8 notes. It is now time to leave Magicant. Head over to the east, going south you'll find some wells. Stepping over one to the far south, will teleport you into a small construction of tunnels. Here, just go right, left, left and right to get where you need to be. Upon exploring the short maze, you'll find a sleeping dragon. This is important later, but for now you lack the psychic energy to wake him. Continue through, to find a sword. This is useful, but only much later in the game for another character. ou'll also come to a hole, where a Fish will dwell. Step upon it, to fight him. When you defeat him, you'll reach a ladder that descends to a small room with a present. Opening it, you will find the ONYX HOOK. This is a great item, all you have to do is USE it, and you will be transported back to Magicant any time you wish. At the end of the short maze, you will come to the Forgotten Man. His only wish is not to care about anybody, because then he would be lonely. Tell him you will ignore him, as there is no other purpose he is there, and he will leave. You can now use the door where he was standing, to exit Magicant. f. The Weakling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exiting the cave from Magicant, you'll find yourself south of the town Merrysville, which the bridge from Podunk is closed. Make your way north to enter the city. If you like, talk to all the people. You'll find like the people of Podunk, they have some of their own problems. The animals are also attacking people, but the worst is a bunch of rocks are blocking the tracks to the train station. There is a rumor that a certain factory is producing bottle rockets as well, which turns out to be significant information. You can also go to the Department Store and upgrade your weapon to an Aluminum Bat if you like, which will help greatly. Outside of the Department Store, a man will ask if you will take a survey. If you agree to, he will give you a free telephone card. This means you no longer have to pay for calls at pay phones when you use the card. After looking around, head south to Twinkle Elementary School, and enter. Careful who you talk to, as one of the kids have a cold. You will learn from talking to them, that there is a boy named Loid whom they often make fun of. Loid has hid somewhere, and it is rumored he is hiding on the roof. However, the stair case leading to the roof has a padlocked door. Look around for the Janitor, who has the key to the roof. You'll find him in a sour mood though, as he is having problems with his wife. Answer him politely, and he'll ask you for a cup of tea. Say yes, and he'll unlock the door to the roof for you. On the roof, you'll find not only the view the janitor was talking about, but a garbage can that appears to be shaking. Further inspecting it, you'll find someone inside, who refuses to come out. He's upset because he doesn't want to be made fun of. Talk as much as you like, but he just won't budge. Learning from the kids how intelligent he is, maybe he'd like one of those rockets from the Sweet Factory to the south? Exit, and from the school head south. Enter Sweets, and try to reach the top floor. It's not as big as it looks. Soon you will reach a garbage can, when you CHECK it, you'll find unlimited bottle rockets. Take just one for now, and head back to Twinkle Elementary School. Enter Twinkle Elementary School, and proceed again to the roof. Talk to Loid, who will now talk to you. He'll beg you don't tell on him, since he stole some explosives. Say you won't and he'll come out. It is here, Loid becomes your friend. He'll talk about how he is made fun of, and takes you to his lab to try and build a better rocket... which causes the lab to semi-blow up. From here, you can go to Magicant to level Loid up, equip him with the boomerang from Queen Mary's castle and get his magic candy form the swimming cat, or head North to Duncan's Factory, which is rumored to have explosives. Heading up the tracks, you will see for sure that the tracks are blocked by rocks. From that spot, head west, then north to Duncan's. Keep going, until you reach a small hill, it is here you will get a pass. It appears this pass is needed to gain entrance to Duncan's, which is being guarded by a dog. USE your pass on the dog... who isn't convinced. No need to worry, however, as it's just a normal stray dog. You can now enter the huge factory of Duncan's. The enemies in here are not too hard, but there are a ton. Make your way over to the right, going up as you go. Work your way up as high as you can, then head left. Eventually, you'll come to a room containing a huge rocket. CHECK it, and Jeff will activate it to blow. Exit Duncan's. Going back to the tracks, you will now see that the rocks have cleared, and the station is now accessible. g. The Strange Girl to the South ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you can access the station, talk to man who sells tickets, and purchase two for Reindeer. Only stop at the station. Talk to the woman there, who will ask if you are going to Snowman, tell her yes. She will then give the hat belonging to a girl from Snowman. Now, purchase tickets to go to Snowman. The enemies are a lot tougher, like polar bears and Wolfs. On top of that, everyone here appears to have a cold, which just by talking to them you will catch. Most talk simply about Yucca Desert, and the girl who lives in the Chateau to the east. Make your way to the east and find the Chateau. Once you get there, enter and talk to Ana. She will not say anything else, until you USE the hat on her. Ana will say how she had a dream, and you would come to her. It was only until you gave her the hat that she knew it was you. Ana will now join your party, however she is very weak in the way of fighting. Her power is her psychic power. Get her to Magicant, as the enemies in her home town will be too much for her. Talk to the cat on the west side of Magicant to get the ribbon, and purchase a boomerang in Merrysville for now. h. The Hanunted House of Spookane ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get to the nearest station you can (Snowman or Merrysville) and take the train to Spookane. Here, the people are really unhappy since monsters don't just reside in the city, but in the city and even resident houses. The city is somewhat split into two, where in the east you'll find those who have "taken to liven in the outdoors" because of the monsters. Find the lady with the blonde hair next to the man and his house, and she'll trust you with the key to the haunted Rosemary House. Make your way North to find a sign that leads the way to the Rosemary House. USE the Ghost Key on the house to enter. While it may seem huge, as long as you stick to the top door, working through it will not be as hard. The enemies here can be a handful though, especially the Alarm Ghosts who will cry for help, leaving you to engage with a good number of baddies. Shroudley is pretty hard as well, but he gives good experience. You'll soon come upon a piano, when CHECKed, it will play a tune. Ninten will remember this tune. From here, take the train back now to the Union Station in Merrysville. i. Yucca Desert ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving Merrysville station, head east and follow all the available paths. You'll know when you reach the Desert, by the distinct sand. Here you'll find some new enemies, especially those annoying Energy Bots. Deeper in, you'll find a Pilot, with a plane and a tank camping out. He will offer you a plane ride, with 3 different tour options. If you like, you can get a good glimpse of what it's like near Ellay, some of the dock and other stuff. The main objective is to take the cheapest flight, which will circle around a cactus patch. One of these cactus appear to have a funny face, which you definitely need to check out. Get 10 stubs and the pilot will even let you ride his tank... but check out the cactus first. Upon reaching the cactus, when you use telepathy, he'll sing his part of a tune. Ninten will remember this tune. Now come back and take the tank! You really don't have to if you don't want to, but it's fun. You can plow everywhere in the desert without any enemy even daring to fight you... however if you go east you'll reach a sand castle looking place. This is a monkey hole, where tons of monkeys live. Upon trying to get closer in your tank, you'll meet a terribly strong enemy, R7037. In battle, you'll be able to knock him down with your tank gun in which he can't hurt you... but he totals the tank. Oh well. The monkey cave contains tons of monkeys who lie, plus many PSI Stones. Travel to the bottom floor and you'll find another XX stone to teleport to Magicant if you wish, but since you have the Onyx Hook, you can go anytime, anywhere. Going back to the tent, you'll find the pilot is gone, along with the plane. You've done enough damage in the desert, so go south and locate the train track, and follow it east. j. Young Town ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eventually, you'll come to what would be Youngtown station, if there tracks weren't cut off from everybody. Go south of here to reach Youngtown. Here, there are no adults, only children. The children are terrified without their parents, and say some pretty startling things. This is a short part of the trip, but pick up what you need since the next part of the journey will be overwhelming. You can pick up Jeff's most powerful weapon at the store in Youngtown. But before you leave... Find one of the houses to the west, where a baby lives. The children tell you the baby is special, but upon trying to talk to it, you'll get nothing more than a goo gaa. However, use telepathy and the baby will speak with amazing clarity. After, the baby will teach you how to teleport! Now you can teleport anywhere you have been, so long you have running room. After such a short stay, it's time to leave the sad place of Youngtown. k. The Swamp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next part, is the swamp. This can be very frustrating, with the amount of harder fights and twisting paths. Don't loose heart however, because your not far from another house. QUICK ROUTE THROUGH THE SWAMP: ------------------------------ From the last Youngtown bride: East, North, East, North, East, North, East, South When you reach the house, you'll notice a garbage can. TALK to it... and you'll find Loid's dad! Like father like son. He'll want to know your name, the one who is playing the game. He'll keep this in mind, and tell you to take care of his son. Inside, you'll find Pippi! She snuck away from home to meet up with you on your journey. However, this time she isn't going to go and battle, she'll stay and heal you. This is the perfect time to level up and come back to Pippi, as you will need to gain as much strength as you can in the next part of the game. Leaving, head south of house and follow more grueling paths, which will turn east and head north. You'll know your super close to your next destination, when you reach the sign that points to Ellay. l. Ellay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll notice that Ellay seems to be a rough sort of place. Gang members of the "Bla Bla Gang" walk the streets picking fights. However, you'll also notice the pilot in front of the Live House! He's pretty ticked, and wants $200 for the repairs of his tank. Pay him, then go to the department store and buy a ticket to the live show. Do not buy it from the guy outside the live house... he'll charge $1200 vs. the department store harging $350! Once you have your ticket, you can now USE it on the girl at the front. Walking around, you'll find out that Teddy is the head of Bla Bla Gang. He used to be a gentle kid, until the wild creatures on the mountains killed his parents. There is also a girl who will offer to buy you a drink, say no. If you accept it, a police man will come and put you in "jail". Not only that, but he'll take your equipped weapon and if you want it back, you have to buy it at what you would pay at a store. Talk to the man at the left of the stage, who will ask if you would like to sing a song. Say yes, and you'll hop on the stage and sing. There will be a short cinema, then Teddy will come in. Teddy will be upset because you have been fighting with his friends, and ask if it's true. No matter what you answer, he'll start a fight. He's pretty tough, but about half way through he'll pull out and commend you for your strength. His goal is to go to the mountains, to avenge his parents. No matter what, he'll join your party and replace Loid. If you grabbed the sword from Magicant, it would be great to equip Teddy with it now, or go to Magicant and get it. Now is about the time to return to Magicant once more. m. Awakening the Dragon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Magicant, it is now time to wake the dragon for the sixth melody. You need to be at least level 25, or close to it in order to wake the dragon. Now you can awaken the dragon, who as he says, must be defeated before you can gain his note. Once you beat him, he'll play it. Ninten will remember this tune. n. The Caves of Mt. Itoi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After traveling back to Magicant, teleport back to Ellay. It is here, going north east you will find a sign. Follow the path east of this sign until you reach the swamp. You'll have to travel through the swamp again at a short distance this time. You'll reach yet another healer's house, where he'll take care of you for free. Then going east of here, you'll find an entrance of some sort. What you've just entered is the caves of Mt. Itoi. These caves will lead to the actual mountain. They are confusing, but you can find some great gifts. Especially Katana, Teddy's strongest weapon. Eventually you'll make it out, don't give up. o. Mt. Itoi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Mt. Itoi, easily the hardest part of the game. Enemies are roaming the mountains galore, tougher and in many numbers. However, make your way up and you'll find a healer's house again. This guy is twice as nice, if you enter the house and try to leave, he'll feel like your ignoring him and heal you anyway. This is ideal to try and level up, since you might not make it far into the mountain if you do. First, enter the second room in the healer's house. Teddy decides to leave you two alone, and "go and make some phone calls or something." Entering the room, Ana will ask if you love her. The outcome will be the same whatever you answer her. You will then begin to dance. Teddy will come running in, because of the noises outside of the house. He'll lead you to the door... when a fight will break out. There is a new enemy now, like the one at the monkey hole. This one is an upgrade, sent to keep you off the mountain, called R7038. It will defeat your entire party... However, Loid will come to the rescue. He tries to catch you all as you fall in near his tank. He then picks everyone up and takes them to the healers house in the swamp, near the entrance to the caves. There, everyone will be okay... except Teddy. Teddy has been hurt badly. He'll say his goodbyes and then lay still. But Loid will rejoin you, to show his bravery and friendship. Now not only are you on the quest to avenge Teddy's parents... but Teddy himself. p. EVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it's back through the caves, and up Mt. Itoi again. This time, stopping by the healer's house is safe. Make your way north, following the lake. You'll then notice that docked is aboat.. that is broken. But no problem, Loid fixes it instantly. So hop in it. Like everything, this also is there for a reason. When you get to the center of the lake, you'll notice a whirlpool. Here goes nothing, so go into it. You'll end up in a place looking similar to Sweet's and Duncan's Factories. However, there is a pad with a cross on it. Hop and this and it will take you down. Continue going to the left, past the fish tanks. There is nothing down here so far, no enemies or gift boxes.. And then you find her. "Feeling Ninten's presence, the robot came back to life." "MY NAME IS EVE. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. MY CREATOR WAS GEORGE... HE WAS TAKEN TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE... THEN BROUGHT BACK LATER. I AM HERE TO PROTECT YOU. THAT IS MY PURPOSE." The entire underground place will then crack and break. EVE then takes you to safety near the lake, and joins your party. EVE is incredible! No longer do you have to fear walking around, since she strength is unmatched by any. She does devastating attacks that will knock any enemy out with one blow. The enemies will only attack EVE, which it appears she is indestructible. Leveling up is easy now, and you should take advantage of it. EVE cannot leave the mountain though, or you will be met by another giant robot, so keep traveling north. Soon, you'll come to a cave that contains the Sea Pendant. This is the ultimate pendant, so equip it to your weakest character in defense. It is here, that you can climb up the rope, and EVE will sadly meet her end. After going west a little more from the rope, the final robot, R3078xx. Checking him you'll get the description: "New and unfortunately, improved." EVE will protect everyone by taking devastating damage, and die defeating him. The ruin of EVE, when you CHECK it, will play the seventh melody. Ninten remembers the tune. q. The End of Magicant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving EVE, it is now time to get to the bottom of all this. Climbing to the top, you find a tombstone... marked with XX. Upon CHECKing it... a crystal appears and you hear it speak. "Ninten, welcome... I always believed you would find your way here. Your Great-Grand Mother Maria's love was scattered, scattered in the form of melodies. I have a melody for you. Listen and remember..." You now have the eighth and final melody. Going behind the tombstone, you'll notice a passage blocked with rocks. Use the Onyx Hook to go back to Magicant, for the last time. By this time, you will have probably reached level 30, which is needed to get the song from the guitar player. It is not necessary, but neat all the less. Here is the song he sings: "Why do you cry, oh Cupid-Doll? Canary sings so sadly. Monkey sings, piano plays, maybe there is a ghost? Desert Cactus so alone, every night his sad, sad tone. The dragon sleeps, the note remains. Eve's last song, has no refrain. On the mount, named Itoi, you must climb high young boy. See the XX stone, for the last tone, then do not leave Queen Mary alone! La La Lullaby... Strange Lullaby... Bye bye bye.... Good-bye..." When you are done, go to Queen Mary. Sing the song to her. "After telling the story to Ninten, with a rush of wind, Queen Mary vanished. As she disappeared, so did Magicant. Magicant was a mirage... a mirage born of Mary's consciousness." After Magicant disappears, you will reappear right in front of the tombstone, and now the passage is no longer blocked with rocks. r. Giegue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going through the passage, it looks a lot like the caves of Mt. Itoi. Continue along the path, where you'll find another entrance. In here, are all of the missing people of Youngtown, Paula's mother and virtually everyone who went missing. They tell you not to try and rescue them, but to destroy the mother ship. Exiting that room, and following the rest of the path, takes you to the very top of Mt. Itoi. Here, a ship rises... You've finally come face to face with the creature that has started it all. As he goes through a dialog, he does "inexplicable attacks" to the entire party. These can be devastating, so hopefully you've brought plenty of replenishing items. The dialog of Giegue: "Ninten! I am grateful to your family. Your Great-Grandparents, George and Maria raised me. But, George stole vital information from our planet that can be used to betray my people... And now, one of his descendants is obstructing our plans, and must be stopped!! Ninten!I am talking about you! Go home now! Perish with the rest of the ugly Earth People. Foolish one, you cannot do a thing with your meager powers... Powers worthy of a lowly insect. Ninten! You alone, I may save you. Just you alone. Board our Mother Ship with me. ...then, fall into long sleep with your friends and the other ugly Earth People." After his speech, Giegue will just keep attacking. It seems impossible to beat him! CHECKing him: "(Ness hears the voice of Queen Mary) Giegue cannot be defeated with force...You cannot defeat Giegue with a weapon of any kind. You must SING my lullaby, with all your feelings...SING my lullaby with all your heart." Of course! And an option has appeared in the menu, SING. SING about 9-10, while one character keeps the party alive. Eventually, Giegue knows it's hopeless to carry on: "Stop singing. STOP singing! STOP! Stop the song! STOP IT!! STOP THAT SONG! You puny little Earth bugs! Shut up, and STOP singing!! The SONG... STOP IT!!! !!!!! Stop... Pleeease, stop! !!!!!!! ........ How could I be defeated by a song like that? I will... sometime... Ninten! We SHALL meet again!" ... and finally, it's all over. Or is it? * TO BE CONTINUED IN MOTHER 2 (EarthBound for SNES) * ************************************************************************************** 10. Enemies Guide ************************************************************************************** EarthBound Zero is full of enemies galore. Some frustrating, some easy and some really weird. ^_^ It may be useful to know exactly what attacks enemies do, and what they mean. Here's a small complete list: ATTACK DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullhorn Lowers fight or raises offense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burst into Flames When enemy is defeated, it explodes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Attack Enemy attacks twice in a row --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darling Smile Raises enemy DEFENSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dehydration Lowers offense and defense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirty Words Decreases FIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Flow Enemy refills cohort's HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exhaust Gas Ninten will have an asthma attack, will also decrease FIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explode When enemy is defeated, enemy will explode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Groucho runs away! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inexplicable Inexplicable ^_^ Heavy damage to all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Blow Before death, enemy gives one last *devastating* blow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of Control Causes minor damage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PoisonNeedle Poisons one party member --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rage Enemy raises DEFENSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rope Party memeber becomes "tied up" and can't move --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run Away Enemy exits the fight --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seed Sow Tree enemies grow more tree enemies in battle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal Stuff An item in inventory is stolen, always a replaceable item, not valuable --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sticky Substance Causes party member to go blind --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StoneOrigin Causes party member to turn into stone --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Cry Lowers defense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summon Help Enemy calls upon one like itself to aide in battle (Sky Yddet and Raeb Yddet call on each other) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swear Words Decreases FIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Think of Circumstances Enemy confuses *itself*! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Threatening Words Decreases FIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wicked Seed Confuses one party member --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy attacks that do nothing, but waste their turn: Approach Slowly Grin and Bear It Laugh Meditate Ready for Attack Trip and Fall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearing in alphabetical order is the complete list of enemies you can encounter throughout the game, with additional descriptions. __ _ / _` | | (_| | \__,_| --------------------------------------------------------- Alarm Ghost --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 50 PP: 0 OFF: 34 DEF: 64 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 50 EXP: 80 MONEY: 27 ATTACKS: Summons help PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: Don't alarm this ghost, he has friends! --------------------------------------------------------- Alligator --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 30 PP: 0 OFF: 18 DEF: 22 FIGHT: 10 FORCE: 5 SPEED: 15 STRENGTH: 15 WISDOM: 10 EXP: 21 MONEY: 18 ATTACKS: Approaches slowly PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo CHECK: Don't accept his invitation to dinner. --------------------------------------------------------- Armor --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 100 OFF: 68 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 50 EXP: 200 MONEY: 300 ATTACKS: PK Thunder B PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: It would be nice to have armor of your own. _ | |__ | '_ \ | |_) | |_.__/ --------------------------------------------------------- Bag Lady --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 90 PP: 0 OFF: 12 DEF: 38 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 10 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 63 MONEY: 150 ATTACKS: Threatning words, continuous attack PRIZE: Hamburger LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Her refrigerator body holds a heart of ice. --------------------------------------------------------- Barbot --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 60 PP: 40 OFF: 24 DEF: 46 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 35 EXP: 32 MONEY: 45 ATTACKS: PK Beam R PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Sweet's Factory, Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: A malnourished robot? --------------------------------------------------------- Armor --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 100 OFF: 68 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 50 EXP: 200 MONEY: 300 ATTACKS: PK Thunder B PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: It would be nice to have armor of your own. --------------------------------------------------------- B.B. Gang --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 60 DEF: 125 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 72 MONEY: 60 ATTACKS: Dirty words, continous attack PRIZE: Flmthrower LOCATION: Ellay CHECK: A real bad apple, stay out of his way. --------------------------------------------------------- B.B.'s Boss --------------------------------------------------------- HP: N/A PP: 0 OFF: 57 DEF: 51 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 36 SPEED: 81 STRENGTH: 54 WISDOM: 18 EXP: 0 MONEY: 0 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Live Show - In Ellay CHECK: Maybe he is really not rotten to the core. --------------------------------------------------------- Bear --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 42 DEF: 64 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 10 SPEED: 28 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 70 MONEY: 250 ATTACKS: Grins and bears it. PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Somebody ate his porridge, and he isn't too happy about it! --------------------------------------------------------- Big Foot --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 90 PP: 50 OFF: 50 DEF: 90 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 38 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 150 MONEY: 48 ATTACKS: PK Freeze PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Snowman CHECK: Surprised? It really does exist! --------------------------------------------------------- Big Woodoh --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 70 PP: 0 OFF: 18 DEF: 50 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 18 SPEED: 23 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 100 MONEY: 140 ATTACKS: Bursts into flames, dehydrates and uses wicked seed PRIZE: Noble Seed LOCATION: Magicant CHECK: Should you fight, or run? --------------------------------------------------------- Bionic Bat --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 50 PP: 0 OFF: 34 DEF: 64 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 50 EXP: 40 MONEY: 34 ATTACKS: Thinks of circumstances, summons help and stone origin PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: Beware of it's stone origin. --------------------------------------------------------- BionicCenti --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 35 PP: 0 OFF: 16 DEF: 32 FIGHT: 15 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 28 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 18 MONEY: 14 ATTACKS: PoisonNeedle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Northwest of Podunk Zoo CHECK: It's strong poison was developed in a laboratory. --------------------------------------------------------- BionicScorp --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 100 PP: 0 OFF: 60 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 60 SPEED: 70 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 61 MONEY: 56 ATTACKS: StoneOrigin, PoisonNeedle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert CHECK: Beware of it's poison and StoneOrigin --------------------------------------------------------- Bison --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 160 PP: 0 OFF: 70 DEF: 160 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 80 SPEED: 50 STRENGTH: 80 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 186 MONEY: 63 ATTACKS: Continous attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Swamp, Ellay CHECK: A face only a mother could love. --------------------------------------------------------- Blue Starman --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 100 PP: 80 OFF: 74 DEF: 120 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 45 SPEED: 42 STRENGTH: 50 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 150 MONEY: 91 ATTACKS: Ready for attack, PSI Shield a, PSI Beam a, PSI Beam b, PSI Beam r PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Caves of Mt. Itoi CHECK: His sole purpose is to keep passengers from passing through the cave. --------------------------------------------------------- Bomber --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 60 PP: 0 OFF: 10 DEF: 64 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 56 MONEY: 32 ATTACKS: Bomb, trips and falls PRIZE: Bomb LOCATION: Duncan's Factory CHECK: Shaped like an egg, but a little toucher. --------------------------------------------------------- Buffalo --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 150 PP: 0 OFF: 68 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 43 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 40 EXP: 103 MONEY: 95 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Swamp, Ellay CHECK: It's father won't even look at his face. ___ / __| | (__ \___| --------------------------------------------------------- Centipede --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 12 PP: 0 OFF: 4 DEF: 12 FIGHT: 3 FORCE: 1 SPEED: 17 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 40 EXP: 1 MONEY: 1 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Podunk, Zoo Office CHECK: Exterminate with Insecticide --------------------------------------------------------- Cerebrum --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 200 PP: 180 OFF: 60 DEF: 280 FIGHT: 120 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 120 STRENGTH: 80 WISDOM: 120 EXP: 89 MONEY: 80 ATTACKS: PK Beam a, PK Beam b, PSI Magnet, PSI Shield a, De. Down b PK Thunder b, PK Fire b PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Caves of Mt. Itoi, bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: What evil lab has manufactured this mobile brain? --------------------------------------------------------- Cougar --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 42 PP: 0 OFF: 28 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 35 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 78 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 32 MONEY: 25 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: It is quite different than a pet cat. --------------------------------------------------------- Crocodile --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 0 OFF: 80 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 172 MONEY: 88 ATTACKS: Approaches slowly PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Swamp CHECK: If he smiles, don't smile back. --------------------------------------------------------- Crow --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 22 PP: 0 OFF: 8 DEF: 12 FIGHT: 8 FORCE: 10 SPEED: 12 STRENGTH: 5 WISDOM: 1 EXP: 3 MONEY: 4 ATTACKS: Laughs, steals items PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Podunk CHECK: Watch your wallet and count your change, he's a thief _ __| | / _` | | (_| | \__,_| --------------------------------------------------------- Dadseyes --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 32 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 35 MONEY: 53 ATTACKS: Rage PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant, Magicant Cave CHECK: Watch your step, Dadseyes are every where. --------------------------------------------------------- Doll --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 12 PP: 0 OFF: 4 DEF: 5 FIGHT: 3 FORCE: 1 SPEED: 5 STRENGTH: 1 WISDOM: 1 EXP: 10 MONEY: 50 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ninten's House, in Mimmi's bedroom CHECK: It stares back at you. --------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Distorto --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 60 PP: 0 OFF: 38 DEF: 48 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 45 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 45 MONEY: 40 ATTACKS: Rage, runs away PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Duncan's Factory CHECK: His twisted face covers his twisted mind. --------------------------------------------------------- Dragon --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 650 PP: 200 OFF: 180 DEF: 200 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 60 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 500 MONEY: 1200 ATTACKS: Strange Cry, Pk Fire b, PK Thunder r PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant Cave (when you reach level 25) CHECK: It seems to have an important secret --------------------------------------------------------- Dust Ball --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 78 PP: 0 OFF: 40 DEF: 120 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 50 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 50 EXP: 80 MONEY: 100 ATTACKS: Grins and bears it, bursts into flames PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: AHH-choooo! ___ / _ \ | __/ \___| --------------------------------------------------------- Eagle --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 45 PP: 0 OFF: 32 DEF: 44 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 40 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 36 MONEY: 30 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: It's quickness is the source for it's pride --------------------------------------------------------- Elephant --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 70 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 34 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 8 SPEED: 10 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 60 MONEY: 99 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo CHECK: Don't let him stop and unpack his trunk! --------------------------------------------------------- EnergyRobot --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 60 DEF: 90 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 100 EXP: 202 MONEY: 70 ATTACKS: Ready for attack, energy flow, exploders PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert, Swamp, Ellay CHECK: A walking fuel supply ___ / _| | |_ | _| |_| --------------------------------------------------------- Fire Ball --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 58 PP: 50 OFF: 24 DEF: 58 FIGHT: 35 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 50 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 61 MONEY: 35 ATTACKS: PK Fire PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Duncan's Factory CHECK: It looks like it jumped out of a comic book --------------------------------------------------------- Fly --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 10 PP: 0 OFF: 1 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 32 FORCE: 40 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 1 WISDOM: 10 EXP: 1 MONEY: 1 ATTACKS: Summons help, runs away PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo, Zoo office CHECK: Insecticide is effective --------------------------------------------------------- Foureyes --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 22 DEF: 32 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 32 MONEY: 26 ATTACKS: Approaches slowly PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant, Magicant Cave CHECK: The optometrists favorite --------------------------------------------------------- Fugitive --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 60 PP: 0 OFF: 32 DEF: 45 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 8 SPEED: 22 STRENGTH: 18 WISDOM: 6 EXP: 60 MONEY: 350 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: He can be found on the FBI's most wanted list. __ _ / _` | | (_| | \__, | |___/ --------------------------------------------------------- Gabilan --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 100 PP: 0 OFF: 62 DEF: 100 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 68 STRENGTH: 15 WISDOM: 70 EXP: 70 MONEY: 43 ATTACKS: Dehydrate, Stick Substance, Continuous Attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert CHECK: Something like this should not exist on the earth... --------------------------------------------------------- Gang Zombie --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 34 PP: 0 OFF: 18 DEF: 20 FIGHT: 8 FORCE: 5 SPEED: 8 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 12 MONEY: 32 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Cemetary CHECK: Careful, his 'Smash Hit' is quite effective. --------------------------------------------------------- Gargoyle --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 180 PP: 60 OFF: 90 DEF: 160 FIGHT: 80 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 70 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 70 EXP: 110 MONEY: 86 ATTACKS: PK Fire r, StoneOrigin, PK Fire b PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: It has, the awful Stone of Origin --------------------------------------------------------- Ghost --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 20 PP: 0 OFF: 12 DEF: 24 FIGHT: 6 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 22 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 5 MONEY: 10 ATTACKS: Runs away PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Cemetary, Ghost House CHECK: Just an ordinary ghost --------------------------------------------------------- Giegue --------------------------------------------------------- HP: N/A PP: 0 OFF: 15 DEF: 20 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 23 SPEED: 69 STRENGTH: 10 WISDOM: 14 EXP: 0 MONEY: 0 ATTACKS: Inexplicable Attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Summit of Mt. Itoi CHECK: (Ness hears the voice of Queen Mary) Giegue cannot be defeated with force...You cannot defeat Giegue with a weapon of any kind. You must SING my lullaby, with all your feelings...SING my lullaby with all your heart. SPECIAL: Final boss of the game. Invincible, you must sing to defeat him. --------------------------------------------------------- Giga Borg --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 180 PP: 80 OFF: 100 DEF: 180 FIGHT: 80 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 98 MONEY: 143 ATTACKS: PK Beam a, PK Beam b, PK Beam r PRIZE: Laser Beam LOCATION: Top of Mt. Itoi CHECK: He only has PK Beam. --------------------------------------------------------- Gorilla --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 26 FIGHT: 35 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 15 STRENGTH: 10 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 23 MONEY: 52 ATTACKS: Rage, ready for an attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo CHECK: Don't let this primate punk pick on you! --------------------------------------------------------- Grizzly Bear --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 340 PP: 0 OFF: 160 DEF: 340 FIGHT: 100 FORCE: 25 SPEED: 100 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 100 EXP: 250 MONEY: 65 ATTACKS: Last Blow, Continous attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: It you must sleep, don't borrow his bed! --------------------------------------------------------- Groucho --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 35 PP: 0 OFF: 12 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 3 MONEY: 12 ATTACKS: Hello PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant, Magicant Cave CHECK: If he was a mask, someone might mistake your identity! _ | |__ | '_ \ | | | | |_| |_| --------------------------------------------------------- Hippie --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 25 PP: 0 OFF: 8 DEF: 14 FIGHT: 3 FORCE: 3 SPEED: 6 STRENGTH: 1 WISDOM: 1 EXP: 6 MONEY: 35 ATTACKS: Bullhorn, Rage, Meditate PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Podunk CHECK: He looks like he could grow flowers in his hair. --------------------------------------------------------- Hyena --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 30 PP: 0 OFF: 10 DEF: 16 FIGHT: 10 FORCE: 5 SPEED: 22 STRENGTH: 10 WISDOM: 18 EXP: 12 MONEY: 20 ATTACKS: Grins and bears it, Runs away PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo CHECK: He who laughs last laughs best! _ (_) | | | | _/ | |__/ --------------------------------------------------------- Juana --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 300 PP: 200 OFF: 200 DEF: 250 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 120 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 100 EXP: 270 MONEY: 362 ATTACKS: Darling smile, PK Thunder b, PK Thunder r PK Fire b, PK Fire r, PK Beam r PRIZE: PSI Stone LOCATION: Top of Mt. Itoi CHECK: She is good at, and not afraid to use a strong _ | | __ | |/ / | < |_|\_\ --------------------------------------------------------- Kelly --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 80 OFF: 80 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 70 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 102 MONEY: 88 ATTACKS: Darling Smile, Darkness, Puzzle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Swamp CHECK: Do not be tricked by her beauty. _ | | | | | | |_| --------------------------------------------------------- Lamp --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 6 PP: 0 OFF: 3 DEF: 5 FIGHT: 1 FORCE: 3 SPEED: 5 STRENGTH: 3 WISDOM: 3 EXP: 1 MONEY: 0 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ninten's room CHECK: It hovers in the air! --------------------------------------------------------- LastStarman --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 100 OFF: 90 DEF: 140 FIGHT: 70 FORCE: 50 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 80 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 330 MONEY: 389 ATTACKS: Read for Attack, PSI Shield a, PSI Beam b, PSI Beam r PRIZE: PSI Stone LOCATION: Top of Mt. Itoi CHECK: The strongest of the Starmen --------------------------------------------------------- Lil Saucer --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 32 PP: 20 OFF: 20 DEF: 30 FIGHT: 15 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 18 EXP: 20 MONEY: 22 ATTACKS: PSI Block, PSI Shield a PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Northwest of Zoo, Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Only as big as a dinner plate. --------------------------------------------------------- Lone Wolf --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 60 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 60 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 100 MONEY: 41 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Snowman CHECK: It seems that it does not have any friends. _ __ ___ | '_ ` _ \ | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| --------------------------------------------------------- Mad Car --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 38 FIGHT: 45 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 35 EXP: 55 MONEY: 32 ATTACKS: Exhaust Gas, Out of Control PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: No one is in the driver's seat. --------------------------------------------------------- Mad Truck --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 60 PP: 0 OFF: 22 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 38 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 35 EXP: 57 MONEY: 30 ATTACKS: Exhaust Gas, Out of Control PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Be careful of it's exhaust if you're asthmatic. --------------------------------------------------------- Magic Snail --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 50 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 90 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 18 SPEED: 18 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 18 EXP: 42 MONEY: 28 ATTACKS: Continuous attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant CHECK: It's shell is unbelievably hard. --------------------------------------------------------- Maniac Truck --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 34 DEF: 48 FIGHT: 45 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 35 EXP: 75 MONEY: 58 ATTACKS: Exhaust Gas, Out of Control PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: What is going to happen next, speeding, reckless driving, or... --------------------------------------------------------- Megaborg --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 160 PP: 60 OFF: 80 DEF: 170 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 50 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 197 MONEY: 109 ATTACKS: PK Beam a PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: Special armor protects from PSI attack. --------------------------------------------------------- Momseyes --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 24 DEF: 20 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 50 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 35 MONEY: 34 ATTACKS: Continuous attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant, Magicant Cave CHECK: Momseyes will spot you for sure! --------------------------------------------------------- Mook --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 85 PP: 80 OFF: 50 DEF: 110 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 100 EXP: 166 MONEY: 42 ATTACKS: Brainshock, Hypnosis, Paralysis, LifeUp a, PK Freeze a, PK Freeze b, Darkness, DefenseUp a PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Swamp, Ellay CHECK: It uses various PSI attacks. --------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Bat --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 20 PP: 0 OFF: 8 DEF: 10 FIGHT: 8 FORCE: 8 SPEED: 5 STRENGTH: 4 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 4 MONEY: 7 ATTACKS: Thinks of circumstances PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Cemetary CHECK: Life itself is a puzzle to Mr. Bat _ __ | '_ \ | | | | |_| |_| --------------------------------------------------------- Nancy --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 60 OFF: 62 DEF: 170 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 72 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 68 MONEY: 50 ATTACKS: Darling Smile, PK Freeze r, PSI Block PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert CHECK: Do not be tricked by her smile. --------------------------------------------------------- Nasty Zombie --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 90 PP: 0 OFF: 62 DEF: 90 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 50 EXP: 54 MONEY: 58 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: It attacks with bare hands. ___ / _ \ | (_) | \___/ --------------------------------------------------------- Oh-Mook --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 160 PP: 250 OFF: 60 DEF: 140 FIGHT: 10 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 65 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 250 EXP: 175 MONEY: 110 ATTACKS: Ready for Attack, Steals Items, DefenseUP a, PSI Block, Darkness, BrainShock, PK Freeze b, PK Fire b, LifeUp r PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: Not only will it attack using PSI, it is a thief! --------------------------------------------------------- Old Robot --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 60 PP: 30 OFF: 48 DEF: 72 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 54 MONEY: 38 ATTACKS: Ready for Attack, PK Beam a PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Duncan's Factory CHECK: Hypnotism does not work on this robot. --------------------------------------------------------- Omega Borg --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 230 PP: 150 OFF: 150 DEF: 200 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 100 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 90 EXP: 180 MONEY: 205 ATTACKS: PK Fire b, PK Beam b, PK Beam r, PK Thunder r, PK Freeze o PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Top of Mt. Itoi CHECK: Strong as an ox. --------------------------------------------------------- Omega Saucer --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 65 PP: 50 OFF: 42 DEF: 50 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 40 EXP: 82 MONEY: 57 ATTACKS: PSI Shield a, PSI Beam a PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert, Youngtown, Swamp CHECK: This is as big as a manhole cover. _ __ | '_ \ | |_) | | .__/ |_| --------------------------------------------------------- Polar Bear --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 100 PP: 0 OFF: 52 DEF: 180 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 160 MONEY: 50 ATTACKS: Grins and Bears it PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Snowman CHECK: His chair was broken, and he isn't very happy! --------------------------------------------------------- PseudoZombi --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 30 PP: 0 OFF: 16 DEF: 16 FIGHT: 10 FORCE: 7 SPEED: 12 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 8 MONEY: 12 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Cemetary CHECK: Watch out for further sneak attacks. --------------------------------------------------------- Psycho Car --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 18 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 45 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 35 EXP: 61 MONEY: 45 ATTACKS: Exhaust Gas, Out of Control PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Hypnotism does not work on the car. --------------------------------------------------------- Psycho Truck --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 58 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 32 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 35 EXP: 34 MONEY: 27 ATTACKS: Exhaust Gas, Out of Control PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Hypnotism does not work on this vehicle _ __ | '__| | | |_| --------------------------------------------------------- R7307 --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1000 PP: 0 OFF: 300 DEF: 600 FIGHT: 100 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 100 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 40 EXP: 205 MONEY: 71 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Desert CHECK: He is absolutely huge! SPECIAL: Invincible without a tank! --------------------------------------------------------- R7308 --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1000 PP: 0 OFF: 600 DEF: 1000 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 50 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 430 MONEY: 101 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Healer's House on Mt. Itoi (in second room) CHECK: Is there any way to defeat him? SPECIAL: Invincible. --------------------------------------------------------- R7308xx --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1000 PP: 0 OFF: 900 DEF: 1000 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 550 MONEY: 180 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Mt. Itoi past Sea Pendant or near Healer's House. CHECK: New and unfortunately improved. SPECIAL: Will only attack if EVE is in your part past the area near the Sea Pendant, or the trail back to the healer's house. Invincible. --------------------------------------------------------- Raeb Yddet --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 22 DEF: 38 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 18 SPEED: 25 STRENGTH: 25 WISDOM: 18 EXP: 25 MONEY: 27 ATTACKS: Summons Sky Yddet PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant CHECK: It has strong friends. --------------------------------------------------------- Rat --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 10 PP: 0 OFF: 4 DEF: 8 FIGHT: 6 FORCE: 7 SPEED: 5 STRENGTH: 3 WISDOM: 1 EXP: 3 MONEY: 2 ATTACKS: Dirty Words PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ninten's Basement, Zoo Office, Sweet's Factory CHECK: A big rat, with a tail this long. --------------------------------------------------------- Rattlesnake --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 100 PP: 0 OFF: 65 DEF: 128 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 57 MONEY: 54 ATTACKS: Last Blow, Approaches slowly PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert CHECK: Where's that antidote? --------------------------------------------------------- Red Snake --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 150 PP: 0 OFF: 50 DEF: 160 FIGHT: 90 FORCE: 40 SPEED: 100 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 500 MONEY: 330 ATTACKS: Runs away PRIZE: Magic Coin LOCATION: Spookane, Youngtown CHECK: Good experience if it doesn't run. --------------------------------------------------------- Rockoyle --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 60 OFF: 70 DEF: 150 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 65 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 120 EXP: 162 MONEY: 93 ATTACKS: Confuse, PK Freeze b, PK Freeze r, PK Freeze o PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: It likes to use PK Freeze. --------------------------------------------------------- Rope --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 35 DEF: 50 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 80 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 80 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 48 MONEY: 80 ATTACKS: Rope PRIZE: Rope LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Don't let yourselfg ___ / __| \__ \ |___/ --------------------------------------------------------- Scorpion --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 75 PP: 0 OFF: 60 DEF: 80 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 60 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 50 MONEY: 36 ATTACKS: PoisonNeedle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert CHECK: It's poisonous, but Insecticide works. --------------------------------------------------------- Scrapper --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 70 PP: 30 OFF: 26 DEF: 76 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 65 MONEY: 38 ATTACKS: Ready for an attack, PK Beam a PRIZE: Laser Beam LOCATION: Duncan's Factory CHECK: Ragged around the edges, but do not underestimate it. --------------------------------------------------------- Seagull --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 90 PP: 0 OFF: 68 DEF: 90 FIGHT: 50 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 70 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 40 EXP: 100 MONEY: 44 ATTACKS: Steals items, Laughs, Ready for attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ellay CHECK: That thief! --------------------------------------------------------- Shroudley --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 90 PP: 0 OFF: 42 DEF: 128 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 10 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 70 WISDOM: 55 EXP: 58 MONEY: 34 ATTACKS: Last Blow, Dehydration PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: An evil, caped zombie. Beware, it's 'Last Strike' could be devestating. --------------------------------------------------------- Silver Wolf --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 44 DEF: 76 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 25 SPEED: 42 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 66 MONEY: 43 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Snowman CHECK: It's marvelous and silver coat glistens and gleams. --------------------------------------------------------- Skunk --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 26 DEF: 48 FIGHT: 52 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 32 MONEY: 32 ATTACKS: Trips and Falls PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Hold your nose! --------------------------------------------------------- Sky Yddet --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 74 PP: 0 OFF: 24 DEF: 50 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 50 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 40 MONEY: 23 ATTACKS: Grins and Bears it, Last Blow PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant CHECK: It has friends! --------------------------------------------------------- Snake --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 18 PP: 0 OFF: 6 DEF: 8 FIGHT: 5 FORCE: 1 SPEED: 10 STRENGTH: 10 WISDOM: 1 EXP: 2 MONEY: 8 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: Magic Herb LOCATION: Podunk CHECK: It might not be poison, maybe... --------------------------------------------------------- Spider --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 0 OFF: 45 DEF: 95 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 80 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 48 MONEY: 40 ATTACKS: PoisonNeedle, Summons Help, Dirty Words PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Youngtown, Swamp, Ellay CHECK: You'll want to try Insecticide. --------------------------------------------------------- Starman --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 50 OFF: 45 DEF: 80 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 35 SPEED: 40 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 165 MONEY: 68 ATTACKS: Ready for Attack, PSI Shield a, PSI Beam a, PSI Beam r PRIZE: PSI Stone LOCATION: Spookane Hotel, Desert, Youngtown, Swamp, Ellay CHECK: A man from the stars. --------------------------------------------------------- Starman Jr. --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 52 PP: 16 OFF: 32 DEF: 52 FIGHT: 35 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 18 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 30 MONEY: 5 ATTACKS: PSI Beam a, PSI Beam r PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo Office CHECK: He is small, but it is obvious that he is a spaceman. --------------------------------------------------------- Star Miner --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 200 PP: 0 OFF: 140 DEF: 200 FIGHT: 100 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 100 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 209 MONEY: 138 ATTACKS: Trips and Falls, Bomb PRIZE: Super Bomb LOCATION: Top of Mt. Itoi CHECK: It carries, and likes to use Bombs. --------------------------------------------------------- Stray Dog --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 16 PP: 0 OFF: 8 DEF: 10 FIGHT: 8 FORCE: 8 SPEED: 12 STRENGTH: 5 WISDOM: 2 EXP: 4 MONEY: 10 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: Flea Bag LOCATION: Podunk CHECK: I wonder if it carries fleas? --------------------------------------------------------- SuperEnergy --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 0 OFF: 50 DEF: 120 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 35 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 60 EXP: 230 MONEY: 260 ATTACKS: Energy Flow, Explodes PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Mt. Itoi CHECK: There is plenty of fuel inside. _ | |_ | __| | |_ \__| --------------------------------------------------------- Tarantula --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 120 PP: 0 OFF: 84 DEF: 160 FIGHT: 70 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 80 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 205 MONEY: 85 ATTACKS: Summons help, PoisonNeedle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Desert CHECK: Poison, poison, poison --------------------------------------------------------- The Fish --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 65 PP: 0 OFF: 38 DEF: 60 FIGHT: 45 FORCE: 40 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 140 MONEY: 180 ATTACKS: Continuous Attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant Cave CHECK: It seems to be guarding something. --------------------------------------------------------- Tiger --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 35 PP: 0 OFF: 26 DEF: 24 FIGHT: 40 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 20 STRENGTH: 10 WISDOM: 5 EXP: 24 MONEY: 47 ATTACKS: Continuous Attack PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Zoo CHECK: Watch those eyes! --------------------------------------------------------- Titanees --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 130 PP: 40 OFF: 54 DEF: 200 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 10 SPEED: 58 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 78 MONEY: 50 ATTACKS: Hypnosis PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Youngtown CHECK: It uses hypnotism. --------------------------------------------------------- Titanian --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 320 PP: 0 OFF: 100 DEF: 420 FIGHT: 60 FORCE: 25 SPEED: 70 STRENGTH: 80 WISDOM: 200 EXP: 180 MONEY: 130 ATTACKS: StoneOrigin, Puzzle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Bottom of Mt. Itoi CHECK: If you can beat it, that is great. _ _ | | | | | |_| | \__,_| --------------------------------------------------------- Ullrich --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 60 OFF: 18 DEF: 40 FIGHT: 20 FORCE: 40 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 10 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 50 MONEY: 65 ATTACKS: PK Thunder a PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant Cave CHECK: This thing could not occur naturally. --------------------------------------------------------- Ultra Barbot --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 80 PP: 50 OFF: 54 DEF: 80 FIGHT: 30 FORCE: 100 SPEED: 50 STRENGTH: 100 WISDOM: 40 EXP: 220 MONEY: 87 ATTACKS: PK Beam r PRIZE: Plasma Beam LOCATION: Merrysville Tunnel, Desert, Youngtown, Swamp, Ellay CHECK: The latest in the product line. __ __ \ \ /\ / / \ V V / \_/\_/ --------------------------------------------------------- Wally --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 20 PP: 0 OFF: 8 DEF: 12 FIGHT: 6 FORCE: 2 SPEED: 4 STRENGTH: 1 WISDOM: 1 EXP: 5 MONEY: 20 ATTACKS: Rage PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Podunk CHECK: He has a short temper, so be careful. --------------------------------------------------------- Watcher --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 30 PP: 0 OFF: 16 DEF: 24 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 20 WISDOM: 20 EXP: 5 MONEY: 20 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant, Magicant Cave CHECK: This enemy's face is the easiest to draw. --------------------------------------------------------- Wolf --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 50 PP: 0 OFF: 30 DEF: 46 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 30 SPEED: 30 STRENGTH: 30 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 34 MONEY: 31 ATTACKS: ~ PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane CHECK: Watch out for those pearly whites. --------------------------------------------------------- Woodoh --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 40 PP: 0 OFF: 20 DEF: 38 FIGHT: 25 FORCE: 20 SPEED: 25 STRENGTH: 40 WISDOM: 30 EXP: 40 MONEY: 38 ATTACKS: Summons Help, Puzzle PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Magicant CHECK: An animated tree with suspicious actions. ____ |_ / / / /___| --------------------------------------------------------- Zombie --------------------------------------------------------- HP: 70 PP: 50 OFF: 50 DEF: 80 FIGHT: 45 FORCE: 15 SPEED: 48 STRENGTH: 60 WISDOM: 80 EXP: 48 MONEY: 43 ATTACKS: Laughs, Brain Shock PRIZE: ~ LOCATION: Ghost House CHECK: Careful, he knows 'Brain Shock'. *************************************************************************************** 11. Melodies *************************************************************************************** The eight melodies that can be found in Magicant. Who carries them, where to find them and the order as they appear in the status menu. I don't want to spoil this too much, if you need more indepth help in finding a specific melody, just check the walkthrough. 1. Cupid Doll A possessed doll? CHECK her out in Mimmie's room in Ninten's house. 2. Singing Monkey A monkey who refuses to sing, until peace and quiet is restored to the zoo. 3. Lara A canary from Canary Village sorely misses her lost daughter. 4. Ghost House Piano The mysterious Ghost House of Spookane holds a piano that plays a solitary tune. 5. Desert Cactus In the desert, the cactus feels so alone and sings to keep himself company. 6. Dragon A dragon sleeps for all time, only when the power is possessed, may he be awakened in Magicant. 7. EVE Dying to protect Ninten, EVE meets her untimely end. Even in death, EVE helps Ninten. 8. XX Tombstone The tombstone of George. On the top of Mt. Itoi. *************************************************************************************** 12. Secrets *************************************************************************************** Game Genie Codes ---------------- They are possible, and one does exist! I found this at: Crude Ascii Maps (Special thanks to The Colonel!!) The code: YEVLSYIA This is a wonderful code! It will stop you from ever loosing hit points in battle. You are invincible! However, you must turn it off when fighting the robot on Mt. Itoi in the Healer's House and the Robot with EVE. This code also does not stop you from loosing hit points when you have a cold. $10 Mouthwash ------------- Heading far North West from Reindeer, and even further north past the healer's house, you'll find a giant house like the Ghost House in Spookane. Talking to the child inside, he tells you the old man makes no sense. Talk to the old man yourself... and well the child was right. Head outside, east of the house down the slope and make your way around the house to a sign. Here, you'll find a pair of dentures. Return them to the old man, who will be so happy he'll tell you the secrets to leading a happy life - gargling. He'll give you mouthwas and the child will now sell it to you at $10! This cures a cold, and is super helpful. Mysterious Teacher ------------------ After Loid blows up the chem. lab, go back to the elementary and talk to the teacher in the lab. He'll say he's a mysterious teacher with inventions, and he'll offer to sell them to you. Here you can find some great things for only Loid to use. Underage Drinking ----------------- This is very funny, but also very costly. There's a lady in the Live Show who will try to buy you a drink. Say no, and that will end the chat. However, say yes and a guard will come running over and take you down to the headquarters. When you get there, he'll make you spend the night and confiscate your weapon. Talk to the guard next to him, and he'll love the weapon he's just received... your weapon! Now you have to buy it back from him at what you would pay at a store! The Strawberry Tofu (Item berry Tofu) ------------------------------------- Go to Reindeer and purchase three Berry Tofu (yes, they are costly!). Then, warp over to Ellay and head north west to the giant tower. Go up the elevator and check the farthest telescope to see an island in the distance. Hop in the rocket and off you go! You'll arrive on the island, where 3 people inside, desire the taste of Strawberry Tofu. Give them each one, and you'll get: Words O' Love, Swear Words and information about "a fantastic robot" under a lake on Mt. Itoi. The Missing Mine ---------------- Remember in the Yucca Desert when the owner of the tank and pilot told you he had removed most of the mines in the desert except for one? It's still there for you to find! The last mine isn't the robot guarding the monkey caves! Head north east in the desert, until you come to a small area of bushes. Step between them and the screen will flash with a short message from Shigesato Itoi. :) Keep on eye out in the credits too, for mention on this matter. The Theory About "XX" --------------------- Okay, this isn't really a secret, but it's something to think about. On George's tombstone, the chest of the R-Robot series and the warp columns (and even many things in Magicant!) there seems to be a symbolic link. Many things in the game, have "XX" written on them. What exactly does this mean? Well, I have an idea. Anyone who has learned a little about genetics, might know that females and males have different chromosomes (genetic material) that determine if they are male or female. If you are male, you have XY chromosomes and Females have XX. Females are typically associated with being a mother figure, and I'm guessing XX is meant to refer to a Mother figure or symbol. Is it a short way of adding that extra touch to the game and giving Mother a sort of "slang" trademark? Is it a pun? Or is there some deeper meaning? In EarthBound for the SNES there is a man in Threed who hangs around and tells you something a long the lines of "I heard Giygas may be a female." Strange huh? So maybe if you want to even go into deeper, crazy ideas... what if Giegue (assuming Giegue and Giygas are one of the same being or race) was actually a female, was linked to the XX symbols... and is actually THE Mother (or at least it's race as a whole) to all creatures on Earth? One of probably tons of different intrepretations, but there's one of them! *************************************************************************************** 13. FAQ *************************************************************************************** Q: In a certain part of the game, a screen says it will no longer function? A: This happens because the ROM you have isn't 100% glitch free. Try finding another source for your ROM and specifically look for a "fixed" version. Try your best to find one before you get too far in the game and your not sure, because the screen tends is notorious for locking up at the Live House... which is about 80% into the game. Q: Is it possible to beat the game without certain party members? A: Yes and no. The way the game is set up is that each character compliments each other's weaknesses and strengths. It is necessary to have Loid join, as he is the only character that uses explosives (thus the only one able to move the rocks on Merrysville's tracks to continue). Loid is also needed to repair the motor boat on Mt. Itoi. Ana and Teddy are both very useful, but as far as the game goes, they are not extremely important in advancing. I've never tried to beat the game without Teddy and Ana, but I can see that it would be possible, though very challenging. Q: Is it possible to get the melodies out of order? A: Yes. It is not necessary to get them all in the order as they appear in your status screen. You may even find that you have trouble getting the sixth melody (the dragon) before the seventh due to the level requirement. You must however get them all to complete the game. Q: Is there a way to finish the game with Teddy instead of Loid? A: Yes, it has to do with a glitch in some games (not all) that it was not necessary to get the seventh melody (EVE) to SING the song to Queen Mary. This is how I have heard it possible anyway, I haven't personally been able to confirm it. Q: Are those robots (R7037, R7038, R7038xx) possible to beat? A: R7037 can only be beaten if you have the tank from Yucca Desert. R7038 is not possible to beat, and losing to him is the only way to advance in the game. R7038xx can not be beaten, even cheating will not allow it to be destroyed. It has inifinte HP, although there is a stated HP for each enemy. Q: Can a Flying Man (from Magicant) ever leave Magicant? A: No. Q: Can I teleport in Magicant? A: Yes... just try it. You just can't teleport when your in buildings or there is too many things blocking your way. Otherwise, you can teleport just about anywhere. Q: What does the Ocarina do? A: I still have no idea, there is a shop keeper who wanted one, but there is no way to give it to him that I've figured out. Q: Is there a way to use the tank outside of Yucca Desert? A: No, it's sole purpose is for you to easily be able to explore the desert (which is filled with some pretty hard enemies) and crash into R7037 blocking the entrance to the Monkey Caves. Q: Is it possible to leave with or save EVE? A: No. EVE can only remain on Mt. Itoi. You can not use the Onyx Hook ("stopped by some mysterious force") and you also can't teleport. EVE will be fine as long as you don't try to leave the lake passage that connects to the Healer's House, or try to advance north west of where you can acquire the Sea Pendant. This means of course, that EVE will be able to hang around with you until you need to advance, or are in dire need of healing. EVE has to be destroyed for the seventh melody. Q: Is there a way to get Teddy back in the party after he is defeated against R7038? A: No, unfortunately. Q: Does the mine that the Desert Traveler is talking about even exist? A: For the longest time, it was believed when the Desert traveler was talking about the "last mine" he wasn't able to deactivate, it was R7037 guarding the monkey caves. However, it is an entirely different thing that does exist. To find it, please go to the secrets section. Q: Do I have to pay the Desert Traveler for the broken tank in Ellay? A: Going back to the questions about not having to play with certain party members, no. If you don't pay him however, you can't go in the Live Show and Jack won't be able to join your party. It's up to you. *************************************************************************************** 14. Closing and Thanks *************************************************************************************** Closing --------------- Mother (EarthBound Zero) and Mother 2 have always held a great place in my heart. There is some magic about the games that make them so different from the RPG genre and just about every single game in existence. What is so truly unique about them? I think everyone has their own answer, and it's precious. We can all relate to EarthBound, in one way or another. It's something we can call ours. With the boring assembly line in RPGs over the past few years, I find myself playing more and more EarthBound and seriously wondering where Nintendo closed their eyes and let it slip by them. In the past 5 years, I've played Mother 1 and 2 at least once a week. If I don't feel like playing, I'll have fun ripping sprites or making maps. The more I spend time trying to figure every little thing about the series, there are always new points and questions that pop up. It's game where you can't just play once and have it all figured out. In my opinion, and it's just my opinion, it would be an understatment to say the Mother series is one of the best ever to grace the Gaming Industry. Thanks ----------------- Itoi & Co. - For creating my favorite game series ever. I appreciate all your hard work. I am forever in your debt to all the great hours I've had with the series. Starmen.net - Many thanks to everyone through the years who have kept it alive. I've been a silent visitor for many years, since You Are Now Earthbound, and even though I don't talk to a single soul there, I feel as if I have grown with the site. Hiryuu - The generous maintainer at RPGclassics.com's Mother shrine. Thanks so much for letting me use your items and enemy stats! I love your shrine, it is beyond perfection. JarofFlies8 - My best friend, who keeps me sane. :D Thanks for everything. RIP Layne Staley, Alice in Chains will always rock. The Colonel - For all his awesome ideas, support, e-mails, maps and just random coolness. My inspiration for completing maps and just all in all keeping the site up! DannyBoy - You are so mean, but I love you anyway, you make me laugh. :) 420Kid - For his blunt honesty and ideas. My up-all-night-insomniac buddy. Nintendo - No wait, my bad! Heh Heh ... and quite a few more that I'll mention later. Questions, comments? Please mail me at SchalaNu@msn.com Visit my Mother site at Magicant - http://wind.prohosting.com/magicant ,---...... _____________ z Z ((-----. `-----,_____ ( z ,`\ `-., `----, \....( `, ,..-----__.' `\ \____ `/ '\ Let sleeping dragons lie. /^---` ~ ```` __ \ / ) `(^\( | ---------------((/```-------\_ _( `, `, Art Credit: Tserisa A. C. Supalla `--, (_ / / (Thankyou!) ,--\( '--'`` /` /`,.--`^',__.---'` \(Ts ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T H E E N D ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~