THE MOON PROJECT FAQ/WALKTHRU version 1.3 by Michael Lo FOREWORD There doesn't seem to any real faqs for this game except for one abortive effort. I think it's a shame as Moon Project is a pretty interesting and innovative real-time strategy game. So here's the first faq/walkthrough. I hope you find it helpful and informative. *Note that is copyright by Michael Lo. You have my permission to use this and feel free to alter in whatever way will make it easier to read and understand but don't go and copy it to sell to obnoxious gaming magazines. UPDATE -Version 1.1 included stats of Headquarters for UCS and ED which were forgotten in the first version. Also cleaned up some grammatical errors and other minor mistakes -Version 1.2 Some further cleanup of grammatical errors and other mistakes to make the faq easier to read -Version 1.3 Some more grammatical cleanup and altered wording to make for easier reading. Also altered some of the descriptions to be more precies. TABLE OF CONTENTS What is this game about?................................................0.1 How do you play it?.....................................................0.2 The Eurasian Dynasty (ED)...............................................1.0 -ED Research............................................................1.1 -ED Equipment...........................................................1.2 -ED Chassis.............................................................1.3 -ED Buildings...........................................................1.4 The United Civilized States (UCS).......................................2.0 -UCS Research...........................................................2.1 -UCS Equipment..........................................................2.2 -UCS Chassis............................................................2.3 -UCS Buildings..........................................................2.4 The Lunar Corporation (LC)..............................................3.0 -LC Research............................................................3.1 -LC Equipment...........................................................3.2 -LC Chassis.............................................................3.3 -LC Buildings...........................................................3.4 Walkthru................................................................4.0 -ED Walkthru............................................................4.1 -UCS Walkthru...........................................................4.2 -LC Walkthru............................................................4.3 Hints and Tips..........................................................5.0 0.1 WHAT IS THIS GAME ABOUT? Moon Project is the expansion set to Earth 2050 and takes place before the factions are able to build a Noah's ark ship for Mars. Well some time in the mid-21st century, a global nuclear war broke out and 3 major powers arose. The former remnants of the Eastern Europe would take over Asia and Western Europe forming the Eurasian Dynasty or ED. Tensions grew as the Eurasian Dynasty went on a war of conquest. The United States couldn't handle the armies of the Eurasian Dynasty initially but when they developed combat robot technology and an AI system to use them, they succeeded in battling the ED for control. As the AI system became more advanced and was given increasing control of the government, the US would become the UCS and start a scenario reminiscent of the Terminator movies. The ED could barely hold the onslaught by the USC and so unleashed a barrage of nukes on the Arctic to halt the advance. Unfortunately this had the effect of destabilizing the orbit of the Earth and so humanity is doomed unless they can get off the planet. Ironically the UCS survived the nuclear attack quite well due to its SDI facilities. And so now the two factions duke it out for survival once more. Also the Lunar Corporation, a long forgotten experimental colony of scientists and engineers have also joined the fray to save what they can of humanity. Complicating this race for survival is the discovery of alien technology that could alter the balance of power. So far the 3 factions are at an impasse but the Lunar Corporation have developed a weapon that might be able to the war 0.2 HOW DO YOU PLAY THIS GAME? Before anything, it's best to read the manual first as it provides important information about the Moon Project. After that you should try the tutorial section of each faction so that you know how each faction works. Finally before you really get into the game you might want to run a skirmish game or two at either Tech War or Uncle Sam. Tech War gives you unlimited money and all pertinent researches barring a couple of economy oriented items while Uncle Sam gives you a regular payment of money over time so you don't have to worry about harvesting resources and their eventual depletion. These two skirmish games gives you the opportunity to see test out the technology of each side especially in the higher end of the tech spectrum. The Moon Project is different than most other games in that the money earned and the units made in previous scenarios can be ported over to the current mission. This means that great success in a previous missions can put you at an advantage. Also some missions have sub-missions that can net you bonuses, they're often unnecessary but can provide something of an economic boost. In terms of combat, energy weapons bypass armor and directly harms the unit or building itself. In addition energy weapons have an ammo supply that is self-charging, every time you fire a shot your weapon automatically starts recharging. Size of ammo supplies only determines how many shots before you have used up all the charges in a weapon and MUST allow a recharge of at least 1 shot. In essence energy weapons have unlimited ammo. Energy weapons also tend to be the more damaging weapons in the game. The drawbacks? Energy weapons are blocked by shields and also tend to have less range than projectile weapons. Projectile weapons have their damage dissipated by armor but goes through shields unhindered. Projectile weapons also tend to be the longest ranged in the game. Besides having the damage reduced by armor, projectile weapons also have a limited supply of ammo. Once they run out, a supply ship must go to a supply depot to stock up on ammo and then deliver it. Note that the damage rating given for a weapon (energy or projectile) is the most common amount of damage inflicted per attack, the damage can be several times greater or lower than this average depending on your luck. Besides combat on the surface, underground tunnels can be built and fought in. There are also naval units in the game though that aspect isn't touched on much in the single-player mode. Experience and technology can turn the tide of battle. Gain experience by successfully destroying enemy units and buildings. Utilize technological gains by producing new buildings, units and weapons or upgrading existing ones. Also there are helpful artifacts lying around that can help you including more credits, shield projectors and repair In the end, the manual can tell you more (though take what they say with a grain of salt) and there's nothing like getting some fights under your belt before tackling the real campaigns. 1.0 THE EURASIAN DYNASTY These guys are the villains of the story. It was their habit of invading other countries and the use of a massive nuclear strike that started this mess in the first place. Ignore what the manual says about these guys being the most primitive faction in the game. The ED are the best in the technological areas that they focus on and even where they lag behind, they're not push-overs. Pros -The ED excel in long-ranged bombardment with their artillery, ballistic rockets and nukes. -Like all the other factions, they have some impressive energy weapons-though none of their energy weapons causes any actual damage. With these weapons they can easily capture or detonate enemy units -They are very effective in arming their buildings with a wide variety of weapons. -While their light units are little more than target practice, their heavy units are just as tough as anyone else's and excel in hitting power due to the ED weapon selection. -They possess a number of amphibious attack units for sneak attacks from the water. -They have some cheap fake vehicles that are harmless but can provide decoys for the real thing. -They also have a unit with stealth capability Cons -Their air force is the worst of all three factions as they lack the particular strengths that the other factions have in the air. -When it comes to mining, the ED takes more time to get the cashflow going as they have to build a mine and a refinery in order to get credits. -They need a power plant fairly close by for all their buildings and there's nothing they can do to improve the situation. -Their early units are very weak and are easy pickings for the other factions as well. Still once they get going, they come on hard 1.1 ********EURASIAN DYNASTY RESEARCH******** The ED Research Tree (sorry if this is hard to read) Upg. Pamir---------Upg. Pamir | Kruszchev--------Upg. Kruszchev--------Upg. Kruszchev | Ural---------Upg. Ural Siberia--------- Upg. Siberia---------Upg. Siberia | Upg. Taiga | Minelayer---------Upg. Minelayer Caspian---------Upg. Caspian---------Upg. Caspian---------Stealth Unit | Volga---------Upg. Volga Upg. Irkutsk--------- Upg. Irkutsk | Leviathan---------Upg. Leviathan | Kiev---------Upg. Kiev Cossack---------Upg. Cossack | Grozny---------Upg. Grozny | Thor---------Upg. Thor | Han---------Upg. Han | Bomb Bay---------Upg. Bomb Bay | Upg. Bomb---------Upg.Bomb---------Nuclear Bomb Unit Transporter Upg: Chaingun---------AA Gun | Upg: Helicopter Chaingun Upg: Cannon---------Heavy Cannon---------Upg: Heavy Cannon | Upg: 120mm Bullets-------Upg: 120mm Bullets-- | -------------------------------------- | Upg: 120mm Bullets Rocket Launcher-----Upg: Rocket Launcher------Upg: Rocket Launcher-- | | | Antimissile Helicopter Rocket Launcher Heavy Rocket | Launcher | | Upg. Helicopter Rocket Launcher | | Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher-------------------------------------- | | Upg. Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher | | Ballistic Rocket Launcher---------------------| | | Upg. Ballistic Rocket Upg. Heavy Rocket Launcher | | Upg. Ballistic Rocket Upg. Heavy Rocket Launcher | | Nuclear Ballistic Rocket Artillery Laser Cannon---------Upg: Laser Cannon---------Upg: Laser Cannon | Heavy Laser Cannon--------Upg. Heavy Laser Cannon---------Upg. Heavy Laser Cannon Ion Cannon---------Upg. Ion Cannon | Heavy Ion Cannon---------Upg. Heavy Ion Cannon Earthquake Generator---------Upg. Earthquake Generator Upg: 20mm Bullets--------- Upg: 20mm Bullets--------- Upg: 20mm Bullets Upg: 105mm Bullets--------- Upg: 105mm Bullets--------- Upg: 105mm Bullets Upg1. Rockets (25% guided)---------Upg2. Rockets (50% guided)---- | | | Upg3. Rockets (100% guided) | | Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%)---------Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%)--- | Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%) Medium Defense Building---------Heavy Defense Building | Heavy Tower Repairer---------Upg: Repairer----------Building Grabber | Screamer---------Upg: Screamer---------Upg: Screamer II Power Shield Generator 600 PSU---------Power Shield Generator 1200 PSU----- | Power Shield Generator 1800 PSU Research Time and Cost *Note that time needed is if only one Research Center is available, reduce the time needed by 10% by each additional Research Center with a maximum bonus of 20% at 3 Research Center total. Upg. Pamir Upg. Pamir Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Kruszchev Upg. Kruszchev Upg. Kruschev Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Ural Upg. Ural Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Siberia Upg. Siberia Upg. Siberia Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Upg. Taiga Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Minelayer Upg. Minelayer Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Caspian Upg. Caspian Upg. Caspian Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Stealth Unit Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Volga Upg. Volga Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg Irkutsk Upg. Irkutsk Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Leviathan Upg. Leviathan Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Kiev Upg. Kiev Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Cossack Upg. Cossack Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Grozny Upg. Grozny Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Thor Upg. Thor Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Han Upg. Han Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Bomb Bay Upg. Bomb Bay Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Bomb Upg. Bomb Nuclear Bomb Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Unit Transporter Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Upg: Chaingun AA Gun Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg: Helicopter Chaingun Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Upg: Cannon Heavy Cannon Upg: Heavy Cannon Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 4minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg: 120mm Bullets Upg: 120mm Bullets Upg: 120mm Bullets Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Upg: 105mm Bullets Upg: 105mm Bullets Upg: 105mm Bullets Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Rocket Launcher Upg. Rocket Launcher Upg. Rocket Launcher II Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Heavy Rocket Launcher Upg. Heavy Rocket Launcher Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket Launcher II Artillery Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Antimissile Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Helicopter Rocket Launcher Upg. Helicopter Rocket Launcher Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 Credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Ballistic Rocket Launcher Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Ballistic Rocket Upg. Ballistic Rocket Nuclear Ballistic Rocket Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher Upg. Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 Credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Laser Cannon Upg. Laser Cannon Upg. Laser Cannon Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Heavy Laser Cannon Upg. Heavy Laser Cannon Upg. Heavy Laser Cannon Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Ion Cannon Upg. Ion Cannon Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 Credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Heavy Ion Cannon Upg. Heavy Ion Cannon Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Earthquake Gen. Earthquake Gen. upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg. 20mm Bullets Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Upg1: Rocket (guided 25%) Upg2: Rocket (guided 50%) Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 1 minute Time needed: 2 minutes Upg3: Rocket (guided 100%) Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%) Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%) Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%) Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Medium Defense Building Heavy Defense Building Heavy Tower Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Repairer Upg. Repairer Building Grabber Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Screamer Upg. Screamer Upg. Screamer Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Power Shield Generator 600 PSU Power Shield Generator 1200 PSU Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Power Shield Generator 1800 PSU Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes 1.2 ********EURASIAN DYNASTY EQUIPMENT******** *Numbers in brackets refer to the building version Banner Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 0 Hard Points: Light Universal to all factions, the banner gives your units something to rally around and so gives the units and buildings in range 2 experience ranks. 20mm Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 15 17 +2 19 +2 21 +2 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 (200) Chainguns are practically useless against anything with armor greater than 25%. It's a weapon that can be effective in the early stages but later on even with full weapon and ammo upgrades it becomes something of a novelty with its low damage and short range. The main benefit of a Chaingun is its high ammo supply, instant delivery and ability to shoot targets in the air-it has a high rate of fire but so do many other weapon types. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range 20mm Double Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 23 26 +3 29 +3 32 +3 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 200 (400) The 20mm Chaingun upgrades to the 20mm Double Chainguns. The Double Chaingun has slightly more damage than unmodified Rocket Launchers and has superior damage improvement over the ordinary Chaingun when using upgraded bullets. While they go through bullets faster due to the dual barrels, the enlarged magazine more than covers the increased ammunition needs. Unfortunately this weapon lacks the firepower and range to be effective as the enemy develops more armored vehicles. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +9 damage and +1 Range AA Gun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 200 240 +40 320 +80 400 +80 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 (200) The AA Gun is the most powerful anti-aircraft weapon available to the ED. It can easily shoot down any aircraft especially when it's ammo has been upgraded. The quickness of its delivery means that enemy aircraft can't really jink to get out of the way. It does have some problems with range though. But in all this is probably my favorite anti-aircraft weapon with the AA plasma gun a very close runner-up. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +40 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +80 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +80 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +200 damage and +1 Range 20mm Helicopter Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 15 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 15 17 +2 19 +2 21 +2 Range: 7 8 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 The only difference between this and the regular version is that the range for the Helicopter Chaingun is better and it takes longer to make. Still it can give an aircraft a viable means of attacking ground targets and with a large ammo supply it can sustain this for a long time. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range 20mm Helicopter Double Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 15 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 23 26 +3 29 +3 32 +3 Range: 7 8 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 200 The only difference between this and the 20mm Double Chaingun is the range and time needed to make this. Can be an effective weapon at distracting groundbased foes. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +9 damage and +1 Range 105mm Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 30 33 +3 36 +3 39 +3 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 8 (10) +1 Ammo: 60 (100) This is probably the first significant offensive weapon in the game. The level of damage it inflicts is unimpressive against heavy armor but for units with little or no armor, the 105mm cannon can be fairly devastating. The biggest advantage is that this weapon delivers its attacks almost instanteously. The biggest drawback is that rate of fire is slow Level 1 upgraded 105mm bullets adds +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 105mm bullets add +3 to the damage. Level 3 upgraded 105mm bullets add +4 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +10 damage and +2 Range 105mm Double Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 46 50 +4 55 +5 61 +6 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 8 (10) +1 Ammo: 120 (200) With the damage going up by more than 50%, this cannon will land some potent hits especially against foes with little or no armor. This is still not very effective against main battle tanks and their like. Also because this cannon shoots using 2 barrels, the increased ammo supply is really just illusionary Level 1 upgraded 105mm bullets adds +4 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 105mm bullets add +5 to the damage. Level 3 upgraded 105mm bullets add +6 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +15 damage and +2 Range 120mm Cannon Cost: 700 (600) credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 50 63 +13 69 +6 71 +2 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 10 (12) +1 11 (13) +1 Ammo: 100 The large bore on this cannon gives it a lot of firepower and it can be a reliable weapon for mounting on tanks. Still when fighting armored foes expect the fight to last quite a while. Note that if more firepower is needed, a light weapon can be placed as a submount for this cannon. The building version cannot use submount weapons Level 1 upgraded 120mm bullets adds +13 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 120mm bullets add +6 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 120mm bullets add +2 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +21 damage and +3 Range 120mm Double Cannon Cost: 700 (600) credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 76 96 +20 106 +10 109 +3 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 10 (12) +1 11 (13) +1 Ammo: 100 (200) This can be a potent projectile weapon especially when given fully upgraded ammunition. It can even be of use against units with heavy armor, just remember that the firing rate is slow. Level 1 upgraded 120mm bullets adds +20 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 120mm bullets add +10 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 120mm bullets add +3 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +33 damage and +3 Range Rocket Launcher Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 20 22 +2 24 +2 26 +2 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 Ammo: 50 (100) The ED Rocket Launcher isn't much better than its 20mm chaingun outside of its range. It'll do in the short term but you'll want to upgrade this quickly, also beware of the limited ammunition supply on this weapon. Upgrading ammunition not only improves damage but makes the rockets guided. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +2 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +6 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 30 33 +3 36 +3 40 +4 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 Ammo: 75 (150) A fair improvement in damage and ammunition supply but it is still not very powerful and is fairly weak against armored units and buildings. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +3 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +3 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +10 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Rocket Launcher upg.2 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 Ammo: 100 (200) This level of rocket launcher finally makes the ED rocket launcher a respectable weapon with improved damage and ammo supplies. Still it's not too effective against heavy armor Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +4 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +12 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Helicopter Rocket Launcher Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 20 22 +2 24 +2 26 +2 Range: 8 9 +1 Ammo: 20 The only difference between this and ground version is that the ground version has a lot more ammo. Still this weapon gives a helicopter some degree of firepower against air and ground units. Keep in mind that the launcher fires 2 rockets per attack, so the ammo supply will only last a few short battles Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +2 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +6 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Helicopter Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 8 9 +1 Ammo: 40 As potent as the Rocket Launcher upg. 2, this weapon can provide useful fire support against any target. Keep in mind that this weapon now fires a whopping 4 missiles per attack, the increased ammo supply barely covers this. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +4 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +12 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Heavy Rocket Launcher Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 10 (12) 11 (13) +1 12 (14) +1 Ammo: 30 (100) The ED Heavy Rocket Launcher provides good firepower against air and ground targets, it's especially effective when armed with upgraded rockets. While the building version has a large cache of rockets to draw on, the unit version has only a small supply. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 61 67 +6 74 +7 80 +6 Range: 10 (12) 11 (13) +1 12 (14) +1 Ammo: 45 (150) A fairly sizeable improvement to the damage and the ammo supply increases, this is a great weapon for any occasion but it is especially effective in defensive work Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +6 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +7 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +6 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +19 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.2 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 80 88 +8 96 +8 104 +8 Range: 10 (12) 11 (13) +1 12 (14) +1 Ammo: 60 (200) At this point the Heavy Rocket Launcher can provide heavy damage to any target and has enough ammunition to last a few sorties. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +24 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 Ammo: 40 The power and effectiveness of this weapon is identical to that of the ground version. With enough upgrades this weapon can provide strong firepower from the skies. However since this weapon fires 2 rockets per attack, your ammo supply goes down much faster than the groud-based version Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 80 88 +8 96 +8 104 +8 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +2 Ammo: 60 This weapon becomes even more effective with increases to damage and ammo supplies. Expect to cause a lot of damage once you get a hold of this weapon. This weapon uses up 4 rockets per attack now and so the ammo supply is barely enough for a few skirmishes. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +24 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Ballistic Rocket Launcher Cost: 6000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 1500 2000 +500 2500 +500 4000 +1500 Range: 25 30 +5 40 +10 70 +30 Ammo: 1 The most devastating weapon that can be mounted on a unit, this is the weapon of choice for breaking open enemy bases. It's very costly but it's without a doubt one of the best weapons in the game as it easily annihilates anything in its blast radius Level 1 upgraded Ballistic Rocket adds +500 to the damage and +5 range. Level 2 upgraded Ballistic Rocket adds +500 to the damage and +10 range. Nuclear Ballistic Rocket adds 1500 damage and +30 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +2500 damage and +45 Range Nuclear Warheads Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 1 minute 50 seconds Hard Points: Special Type: Projectile Damage: 500 Range: 25 Ammo: 4 Further testament to the ED's superiority in extreme long range bombardment. This weapon inflicts heavy damage at long ranges from the safety of a submerged submarine. It is gained from researching the ballistic rocket launcher Nuclear Warheads upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes 5 seconds Hard Points: Special Type: Projectile Damage: 700 Range: 40 Ammo: 4 This weapon while costlier and more time consuming to produce, is better in every other respect. It is gained as soon as the Kiev II and ballistic rocket launcher is researched Artillery Cost: 6000 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 250 275 +25 300 +25 325 +25 Range: 25 26 +1 Ammo: 120 This is essentially a modified 120mm Double Cannon with much heavier damage potential and great range. This weapon provides some serious firepower, it even has rapid-fire. But with 2 barrels, it goes through ammo at an alarming rate. Level 1 upgraded 120mm bullets adds +25 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 120mm bullets add +25 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 120mm bullets add +25 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +75 damage and +1 Range Bomb Bay Cost: 2600 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 320 480 +160 640 +160 960 +320 Range: 1 Ammo: 3 An extremely powerful weapon that has a large blast radius, use with caution to avoid friendly fire Level 1 upgraded bomb adds +160 to damage. Level 2 upgraded bomb adds +160 to damage. Nuclear bomb adds +320 to damage. Having all 3 upgrades gives +640 to damage. Bomb Bay upg.1 Bomb Bay Cost: 2600 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 320 480 +160 640 +160 960 +320 Range: 1 Ammo: 5 The only difference is a larger capacity for holding bombs Laser Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 60 Range: 6 (7) Ammo: 16 The damage rating for the laser cannon is somewhat misleading. The Laser Cannon doesn't actually inflict physical damage, what it does is heat up a target until it becomes red-hot and explodes-if you don't heat up a target long enough then there's no effect as the target eventually cools off. The thing is against vehicles, it can do this rapidly and the beam bypasses armor so lasers are very effective against units. Lasers also don't use much energy and so you'll rarely see much of a dip in its ammo count even during heavy fighting. The drawback with the laser is that it takes a long time to heat up buildings even when using upgraded and heavy laser cannons. As well it's one of the shortest ranged weapons around. It's still a very potent weapon when used to its strength Laser Cannon upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 90 Range: 6 (7) Ammo: 16 The damage level goes up by a large amount and so it becomes easier to break open enemy units, too bad nothing else has improved Laser Cannon upg.2 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 120 Range: 6 (7) Ammo: 16 The damage level puts many heavy weapons to shame. Only with strong shields can enemy units survive this level of energy output Heavy Laser Cannon Cost: 700 (600) credits Time needed: 55 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 120 Range: 7 (8) Ammo: 16 The bane of tanks, this weapon gets some improvement in the range department over its smaller relative but it's the level of firepower that's really telling. And wait until you get the upgraded versions. To top it off, the Heavy Laser Cannon can use submounted weapons though at this level the building version cannot. Heavy Laser Cannon upg.1 Cost: 700 (600) credits Time needed: 55 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 180 Range: 7 (8) Ammo: 16 The Heavy Laser Cannon upg.1 has a huge increase in damage and now the building version can use submounted weapons as well. Heavy Laser Cannon upg.2 Cost: 700 (600) credits Time needed: 55 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 240 Range: 7 (8) Ammo: 16 Anything mounting this level of firepower should be approached with caution and the heaviest level of shielding. Otherwise it'll rip apart the toughest tanks in only a few seconds. Ion Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 100 Range: 7 (9) Ammo: 1 The Ion Cannon is designed for capturing enemy units and buildings, it's not capable of destroying them. However it takes only one shot on an unshielded target to shock them temporarily into paralysis and if you fire enough shots you'll permanently disable the target until they get repaired (LC units and buildings can never be permanently disabled). Also the range is decent by energy weapon standards. The big drawback is that the ion bolt is fairly slow moving, is slow to rotate and has a low firing rate due to it being a single-shot weapon. Also watch that you don't catch your own units in friendly fire Ion Cannon upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 100 Range: 7 (9) Ammo: 1 (2) Upon first appearance there's no improvement but actually the time it takes to recharge is greatly diminished. The building version also gets a bit more ammo Heavy Ion Cannon Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 10 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 500 Range: 7 (9) Ammo: 1 (2) The Heavy Ion Cannon inflicts huge damage against shields, only a few shots and it can reach the vulnerable target. Also it easily disables targets with the level of energy it puts out. Otherwise there's little in the way of difference between this and the light version Heavy Ion Cannon upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 10 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 500 Range: 7 Ammo: 1 Like the Ion Cannon upg.1, the improvement lies in the more rapid recharging rate. There is no building version of this weapon Earthquake Generator Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 16 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 3 The damage is unimpressive to say the least and doesn't harm enemy units. But this can be a great weapon for attacking enemy buildings if they're too heavily defended for air or ground assaults. It will work when you're underground and allows you to attack the surface from the tunnels, just click on the ground in front of you (not the building or you'll try to go back to the surface to launch a direct attack) and it will attack every building in a radius. Remember the damage is really low and it doesn't affect enemy units, so trying to use this in a full frontal attack is suicide. Earthquake Generator upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 30 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 5 The damage is still unimpressive but a marked improvement over the original. A pair of these mounted on a tank with two hard points can really work over a building. Antimissile Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Range: 8 Ammo: 50 Hard Points: Light This acts to fire a small rocket at enemy missiles, hopefully causing them to detonate harmlessly away from others. This works great but isn't infallible. Also note that while the Antimissile is easily mounted on buildings, it can only be used on vehicles that have weapons with submounts. It only protects the unit or building it is mounted on and nothing else Carrier Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Point: Special This item holds resources gathered from the mine to take to the refinery. It can only be mounted on a Taiga. Container Hook Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Point: Special This item holds resources gathered from the mine to take to the refinery. It can only be mounted on a Unit Transporter enabling it to do aerial deliveries. Transport Hook Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Point: Special This is what enables a transporter to carry units up. Can only be used by Unit Transporters Repairer Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Point: Special This item repairs damaged units and buildings at 20 HP per second. The rate goes up if more than one repairer are working-with a maximum of 4 repairers at once. It can also capture enemy units and buildings that have been disabled Only the Taiga and Irkutsk can carry a repairer Repairer upg.1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Point: Special The Repairer upg.1 repairs damage at 40 HP per second. Also it can upgrade units on the field-the manual isn't quite right. The repairer can indeed upgrade the chasis of a unit in addition to adding shields and new versions of an existing weapon. What it cannot do is change the equipment type of a unit-a repairer suddenly can't mount a laser cannon for example. Building Grabber Cost: 600 credits Time Needed: 10 seconds Hard Points: Light Gives you quick ability to capture enemy buildings as you don't need to ionize them first. Noise Generator Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Point: Light The Noise Generator or Screamer enables a unit or building to detect enemy stealth units. Also it prevents you from commanding your units-they instead revert to whatever AI commands that would normally taken in the situation. As the AI opponent typically doesn't do platoons or elaborate maneuvers, the noise generator is mainly useful as a way to detect stealthy attackers. Noise Generator upg.1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Point: Light Improves the distance of detection and disruption Noise Generator upg.2 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Point: Light Improves the distance of detection and disruption even further Power Shield Generator 600 PSU Cost: 100 credits The lowest level of shield generator available and offers decent protection against energy weapons Power Shield Generator 1200 PSU Cost: 200 credits The mid-level shield generator offers strong protection against energy weapons Power Shield Generator 1800 PSU Cost: 400 credits The heavy shield generator can really take an enormous pounding from energy weapons 1.3 ********EURASIAN DYNASTY CHASSIS******** *Some hard points can hold unusual equipment or have limited equipment Fake TT Cost: 50 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 60 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 0 Simply a fake model of a Pamir for purposes of acting as a decoy Fake HT Cost: 50 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 60 Armor: 0 Speed: 17 Hard Points: 0 Simply a fake model of a Kruszchev for purposes of acting as a decoy Fake ZT Cost: 50 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 60 Armor: 0 Speed: 18 Hard Points: 0 Simply a fake model of a Siberia for purposes of acting as a decoy TT 100 Pamir Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 180 Armor: 75% Speed: 21 Hard Points: 1 Special Designed from plans for the M1 Abrahms, this is probably the weakest tank in the game. It has very little toughness for something designed specifically to fight and while it is fast, it doesn't compare well to other quick units. The Pamir has a very limited selection of useable equipment-with weapons being limited to rocket launcher, 105mm cannon and AA gun. Finally it cannot carry shields and this never improves. To its credit the Pamir does have heavy armor and is one of the few units capable of carrying the AA gun so it can pose a significant danger to aircraft. TT 110 Pamir Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 210 Armor: 75% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Special Improvements made on toughness and speed still aren't enough to make this tank little more than cannonfodder. TT 120 Pamir Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 240 Armor: 75% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Special Toughness goes up another notch. This isn't a significant improvement and everything that's said about the Pamir still stands. Ah, well. What can you expect from a tank that's largely based on souped-up 20th century technology HT 400 Kruszchev Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 900 Armor: 75% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 1 Heavy Now this is a tank! Very tough, heavily armored and packing a large gun. The main draw back is that it's somewhat pokey initially. Still it beats using a Pamir any day this is the result when using futuristic technology instead of cheap 20th century knockoffs. HT 500 Kruszchev Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1200 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The toughness goes up significantly as does the speed. The HT 500 Kruszchev makes for a viable main battle tank unless you have the money to stick with the Ural HT 800 Ural Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute 20 seconds HP: 1350 Armor: 75% Speed: 14 Hard Points: 2 Heavy Tougher than the Kruszchev and certainly packing more firepower, if you can afford the cost of its weaponry then you just might want to make the Ural your main battle tank. HT 900 Ural Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1500 Armor: 75% Speed: 14 Hard Points: 2 Heavy The Ural gets even more toughness making it a powerful juggernaut of a tank. TK 100 Caspian Cost: 500 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 25% Speed: 21 Hard Points: 1 Light The Caspian is the earliest amphibious vehicle of the ED. It's moderately tough and armored plus it is very quick in addition to being amphibious. The main drawback is that it can only use a Power Shield Generator 600 PSU which never improves and has but a single light hard point. TK 110 Caspian Cost: 500 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Light Tougher and faster, the Caspian makes a great scout and when danger threatens just jump in the water. TK 111 Caspian Cost: 500 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 750 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Light Yeah the Caspian is once again tougher but the really big change is that the Caspian can mount an AA gun. You might want to have a couple of designated anti-air Caspians kicking around. TL 70 Volga Cost: 1400 credits Time needed: 1 minute 10 seconds HP: 900 Armor: 75% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Heavy This heavy tank is designed for amphibious operations, specifically long range bombardment from the water or land. It's tough, heavily armored and very well armed. It poses a significant threat to vehicles that can't reach it, all in all this tank is like a weaker version of the Kruszchev that's capable of going into water. Note that in water, it has a slower moving rate TL 80 Volga Cost: 1400 credits Time needed: 1 minute 10 seconds HP: 1050 Armor: 75% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Volga gains more toughness, enabling it to stand a lot of punishment until it can make a run for the water or land. STEALTH Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 25% Speed: 21 Hard Points: 1 Light Unmentioned in the manual, the STEALTH is little more than an early model Caspian with no amphibious capabililty and a personal shadow generator that covers only itself. So long as it doesn't shine its lights or encounter foes with detection equipment, the STEALTH can spy or attack with impunity. Outfit it with an Ion Cannon or Laser and it can really do some damage. ZT 200 Minelayer Cost: 500 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 25% Speed: 18 Ammo: 10 Hard Points: 1 Light The Minelayer carries 10 mines and can also be used to ferret out enemy minefields. On its own its no slouch but you'll still want to give it some flankers as its fighting ability isn't the greatest and it won't intiate attacks. ZT 210 Minelayer Cost: 570 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 675 Armor: 50% Speed: 19 Ammo: 20 Hard Points: 1 Light This ZT 210 Minelayer gains more toughness, armor and speed. This pushes the toughness and armor to respectable levels. The improvements should greatly increase its survivability but you still want some escort in case a fight breaks out. It's supply of mines are also doubled. ZK Taiga Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 0% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Light The Taiga is the all-purpose vehicle of the ED. It's the only ground unit capable of carrying resources or a repairer and it can provided limited combat support when equipped with a light weapon ZK Taiga 2 Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Light The only improvement made on the Taiga is a boost of speed. ZT 100 Siberia Cost: 450 credits Time needed: 35 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 0 Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Light According to the manual, supposedly this vehicle was designed for combat from tinkering with the Taiga. However in that role it's not particularly impressive. The toughness of the Siberia isn't enough as there's no armor on it and its weaponry isn't particularly outstanding. It also lacks the versatility of the Taiga in terms of non-combat roles. ZT 101 Siberia Cost: 450 credits Time needed: 35 seconds HP: 675 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Light A faster and tougher Siberia, it still doesn't hold up that well in combat ZT 102 Siberia Cost: 450 credits Time needed: 35 seconds HP: 750 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Light The Siberia gets tougher than before but that lack of armor plays a real factor. Gruz Cost: 800 credits Time needed: 50 seconds HP: 1800 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 The Gruz is the construction vehicle of the ED and is vital for constructing new buildings and altering the terrain. It can only mount light shield generators Ukraine Cost: Special Time needed: Special HP: 1500 Armor: 75% Speed: Special Hard Points: 0 The Ukraine is the transporter that ferries your troops between your main base, your subsidiary bases and the mission site. You always start with one and can move it between landing zones. Up to 15 units and 5000 credits can be carried at one time. Unit Transporter Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 550 Armor: 50% Speed: 36 Hard Points: Special Extremely fast and well armored, the Unit Transporter can usually deliver ground units safely or it can pick up stationary enemy units to drop to their deaths. The ED Unit Transporter can also be equipped with a cargo hook enabling it to transfer resources from the mine to the refinery MI 27 Boyar Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 15 seconds HP: 900 Armor: 0 Speed: 32 The supply ship of the ED which is exactly the same as everyone else's. It's fast and very durable unfortunately it has no armor so anti-aircraft fire will make short work of it. Without an adequate number of Boyars and supply depots, you won't have enough ammo to sustain a long fight. MI 106 Cossack Cost: 350 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 240 Armor: 0 Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The speedy attack helicopter of the ED, unfortunately it's very easy to destroy given that it has no armor. Not that much of a problem unless fighting the UCS, the Cossack cannot mount shields either. MI 107 Cossack Cost: 350 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 0 Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The only improvement made for this model is an upgrade to its toughness. MI 140 Grozny Cost: 450 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light Just as fast as the Cossack, it's fair ways tougher and also carries some armor. An improvement in almost every way over the Cossack, it can mount up to a light shield projector MI 150 Grozny Cost: 450 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 375 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The MI 150 Grozny gains more toughness and the ability to use the medium shield generator MI 300 Thor Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 375 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The first bomber of the ED, the Thor isn't particularly tough but it has a lot of firepower to back up any action. It can carry only up to the medium shield generator and this doesn't improve MI 310 Thor Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 450 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Thor gains some more toughness but the hope is that you can instead gravitate to the superior Han. MI 200 Han Cost: 1300 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 600 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy Far superior to the Thor but more expensive, the Han is well-equipped to battle most units and defensive structures. It can carry only up to the medium shield generator and this doesn't improve MI 210 Han Cost: 1300 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Han gains significantly more toughness and is well matched against any of the other factions' heavy bombers. ESS 30 Irkutsk Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 50% Speed 21 Hard Points: 1 Light The speedy cutter of the ED, the Irkutsk is an effective patrol boat and in numbers can act as a deterent against attacks against your navy. The Irkutsk can also be used for civilian roles such as a repairer for naval units as well as being capable of packing the AA gun ESS 40 Irkutsk Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 560 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Light Some more toughness and speed have been added to the Irkutsk, which improves on the role of patrolling the water ways. ESS 200 Leviathan Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1400 Armor: 75% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 1 Light The heavy cruiser of the ED can carry a large arsenal of weaponry including ones for long range bombardment. The Leviathan is heavily armored and is tougher than any tank, just the thing to designate as a flaghip ESS 300 Leviathan Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1600 Armor: 75% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 2 Light The Leviathan gets more toughness and speed but the real bonus is the additional light mount. Kiev Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: I minute HP: 450 Armor: 50% Speed: 17 Hard Points: Special The Kiev is designed to be deployed below normal sight underwater. The only purpose of a Kiev or Kiev II serves is to be able fire nukes at the enemy, however the nukes used by a Kiev are much, much weaker than the ones from a silo or ballistic rocket launcher Kiev II Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: I minute HP: 550 Armor: 50% Speed: 18 Hard Points: Special The Kiev gets an increase in toughness and speed plus the Nuclear Warhead upg.1 1.4 ********EURASIAN DYNASTY BUILDINGS******** *ED buildings have the widest variety of equipment to choose from for their hard points Landing Zone Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 0 power HP: 300 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 In the campaign this is one of the most important buildings in the game. The landing zone allows you to transfer money and resources from a mission site back to your home base and vice versa. Power Plant Size: 1x2 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: provides 200 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Provides a large supply of energy to power your buildings within a certain vicinity Vehicle Production Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 1 Light Produces civilian ground and air vehicles (any chassis type that isn't outfitted with a weapon). The ED Vehicle Production Center has some fairly significant firepower with 2 hard points Weapon Production Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 2000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 4000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Heavy Produces military ground and air vehicles (any chassis type that is outfitted with a weapon). Ship Yard Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 5400 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 1 Heavy 1 Light The Ship Yard actually only takes 5 squares of space though you're not likely to be able to fit a building in the empty space. The Ship Yard can only be built on a limited variety of shoreline, so don't expect to be able to regularly make use of this. That said though the Ship Yard is a very powerful building at defending itself with its large amounts of toughness, heavy armor and 2 hard points. The Ship Yard produces all naval vehicles and so you should make sure to explore a potential site extensively so that you don't trap your ships in little more than a pond. Supply Depot Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Heavy Actually the supply depot only takes up 3 squares of space. The Supply Depot stocks Boyar helicopters with ammunition to take to units and buildings that use projectile weapons. Make sure to have enough supply depots and Boyar helicopters Mine Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Heavy Actually the mine only takes up 5 squares, the mine must be placed on a location of resources. The mine not only extracts resources directly below it but will also extract from areas up to 2 squares away. Refinery Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Actually the refinery only takes up 5 squares, the refinery takes resources from either the Unit Transporter or Taiga and converts it into credits Headquarters Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Light The Headquarters can automate your base defense, the construction of units, upgrading of building weapons and research paths. It takes one Headquarters for each assignment. However I find only the automation of your base defense to be useful. The computer is notorious for making poor choices in other areas. With base defense though, it'll open fire at incoming foes from maximum range. Recycler Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Actually the recycler only takes up 5 squares, it takes in units and recycles them into credits worth half the original value of the unit. For the most part you're better off just upgrading veteran units unless they're really obsolete Research Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 For researching new technologies, each research Center after one gives a +10% bonus for faster research. There's no improvement for having more than 3 research Center as +20% is the maximum bonus Radar Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 750 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 This small building provides a large radius of scanning in order to detect stealth units. Ignore what it mentions in the manual, the radar DOES NOT scramble enemy communications Tunnel Entrance Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Tunnel Entrance is the point of entry where units can go underground through a series of tunnels. Walls Resource Cost: 10 credits Erects a strong stone wall that can take quite a bit of punishment without collapsing Narrow Bridge Resource Cost: 50 credits Forms a bridge that is one square in width Wide Bridge Resource Cost: 50 credits Forms a bridge that is 2 squares in width. Small Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 200 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 350 Armor: 50% Hard Points: 1 Light A short defensive structure that can defend itself from attack with its weapon. Unfortunately it is sorely lacking in firepower and toughness. The biggest advantage is that the Small Tower does not cost energy. This building starts off with a 20mm chaingun Large Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 20 power HP: 1800 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 1 Heavy This is a very strong defensive structure with lots of toughness, heavy armor and capable of holding a powerful weapon. Its height enables it to shoot clearly over most buildings. It starts off with a 105mm cannon if you have that technology Heavy Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 750 credits Energy Cost: 20 power HP: 1350 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 1 Heavy 2 Light The manual forgot to list this as one of the ED's buildings. Not as tall or tough as the Large Tower, the Heavy Tower more than makes up for it by carrying a lot of firepower. The Heavy Tower can handle almost any threat provided you have some support. It starts off with a 105mm cannon and a pair of 20mm chainguns if you have the technology. Pillbox Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 600 credits Energy Cost: 20 power HP: 3000 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 1 Heavy The toughest defensive structure of the ED, the pillbox is short enough to let many friendly units to fire over it. It doesn't match the Heavy Tower for firepower but a few pillboxes can easily contain most foes Artillery Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 5000 credits Energy Cost: 100 power HP: 600 Armor: 0 Type: Projectile Damage: 800 Range: 60 Ammo: 3 Hard Points: 0 Far and away the most damaging artillery building of the 3 factions. This is fantastic for bombarding targets from safe distances and also makes a powerful base defense when set to fire at will and in a proper line formation. Just try to avoid friendly fire Missile Control Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 10000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Of all the weapons of mass destruction, this is easily the least power consuming though it can be very costly in credits as each nuclear missile costs 5000 credits to arm. The Missile Control Center can build up to 4 silos each. Silos Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 15000 credits Energy Cost: 20 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Type: Projectile Damage: 4000 Range: 300 Hard Points: 0 This facility stores and launches nuclear missiles for inflicting absolutely incredible damage on the enemy. The nukes are extremely effective against heavily shielded but unarmored targets, however it less so against targets with heavy armor 2.0 THE UNITED CIVILIZED STATES While they're not quite the bad guys that the ED is, they're not exactly a moral bunch either and do occasionally play the villain. The manual makes them sound pretty intimidating and they actually live up to it. Pros -Their excellent power facilities and ease of mining helps get the UCS a head start. -They have units who are tougher than the others in the early stages of the game. -In combat they have a wide variety of good weapons for dispatching foes at mid to long range. They have some of the best rocket launchers in the game. Their plasma cannons give them heavy firepower in any situation, once they develop the AA plasma gun it's good night enemy aircraft. -They have some unique items such as teleports and shadow generators that give them a lot of sneakiness. -They have the best defensive buildings in the game. -Finally their air force are the best when it comes to attacking ground targets. Cons -Unfortunately their ground units tend to be slow and almost all of their units are more expensive than everyone else's. -They're not as good as everyone else when it comes to arming their buildings. Their selection is too limited and lacks weapon submounts -They also lack really disruptive weapons and so tend to be inflexible in a fight. Still the UCS start strong and finish strong too 2.1 ********UNITED CIVILIZED STATES RESEARCH******** The UCS Research Tree (sorry if this is hard to read) Upg. Tiger I---------Upg. Tiger II Spider---------Upg. Spider I---------Upg. Spider II | Panther---------Upg. Panther I---------Upg. Panther II | Jaguar--------Upg. Jaguar Cargo Salamander Mine Layer---------Upg. Mine Layer Upg. Harvester----Upg. Harvester I----- Upg. Harvester II---Upg. Harvester III---- | Upg. Harvester IV | Upg. Harvester V Upg. Shark---------Hydra---------Upg. Hydra I---------Upg. Hydra II | Orca---------Upg. Orca Gargoyle--------Upg. Gargoyle---------Upg. Gargoyle II | Bat---------Upg. Bat | Dragon---------Upg. Dragon Unit Transporter Double Chaingun---------Upg. Gargoyle Chaingun Cannon 105mm-----Double Cannon 105mm----Double Cannon 120mm----Quad Cannon 120mm | | | Upg. 120mm Bullets | | | Upg. 120mm Bullets | | | Upg. 120mm Bullets | Upg. 105mm Bullets---- Upg. 105mm Bullets---- Upg. 105mm Bullets Small Rocket Launchers---- Upg. Small Rocket Launchers I---- Upg. Small Rocket------ | | Launchers II | | | | Antirocket Gargoyle Rocket Launcher | | | Upg. Gargoyle Rocket Launcher | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rocket Launcher----Upg. Rocket Launcher I----Upg. Rocket Launcher II---Artillery | Bomber Rocket Launcher | Upg. Bomber Rocket Launcher Upg. Grenade Launcher---- Heavy Grenade Launcher---- Upg. Heavy Grenade Launcher Plasma Cannons----Upg. Plasma Cannons----Gargoyle Plasma Cannons | | | Upg. Gargoyle Plasma Cannons | | | | AA Plasma Gun-AA Plasma Gun II | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Heavy Plasma Cannons---Upg. Plasma Cannons I---- Upg. Plasma Cannons II---------- | | | Offensive Plasma Cannon | --------------------------------------------- | Bomb Bay------Upg. Bomb Bay | Upg. Plasma Bomb---- Upg. Plasma Bomb---- Upg. Plasma Bomb Earthquake Generator---------Upg. Earthquake Generator Upg. 20mm Bullets--------Upg. 20mm Bullets-------- Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg1. Rockets (25% guided)---------Upg2. Rockets (50% guided)------------------------ | | | Upg3. Rockets (100% guided) | | Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%)---------Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%)------------ | Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%) Upg. Grenade--------Upg. Grenade--------Upg. Grenade Medium Defense Building--------Heavy Defense Building | Heavy Tower SDI Laser Repairer--------Upg. Repairer--------Buidling Grabber | Shadow Generator---- Upg. Shadow Generator I---- Upg. Shadow Generator II---------- | Upg. Shadow Generator III Power Shield Generator 600 PSU---------Power Shield Generator 1200 PSU | Power Shield Generator 1800 PSU Research Time and Cost *Note that time needed is if only one Research Center is available, reduce the time needed by 10% by each additional Research Center with a maximum bonus of 20% at 3 Research Center total. Upg. Tiger I Upg. Tiger II Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Spider Upg. Spider I Upg. Spider II Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credit Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Panther Upg. Panther I Upg. Panther II Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Jaguar Upg. Jaguar I Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Cargo Salamander Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Minelayer Upg. Minelayer Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. Shark Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Hydra Upg. Hydra I Upg. Hydra II Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Orca Upg. Orca Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Gargoyle Upg. Gargoyle Upg. Gargoyle II Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Bat Upg. Bat Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Dragon Upg. Dragon Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Unit Transporter Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Double Chaingun Upg. Gargoyle Chaingun Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Cannon 105 mm Double Cannon 105mm Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Double Cannon 120mm Quad Cannon 120mm Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. 120mm Bullets Upg. 120mm Bullets Upg. 120mm Bullets Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Upg: 105mm Bullets Upg: 105mm Bullets Upg: 105mm Bullets Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Small Rocket Launchers Upg. Small Rocket Launcher I Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. Small Rocket Launchers II Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Rocket Launchers Upg. Rocket Launchers I Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Rocket Launchers II Artillery Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Antirocket Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Gargoyle Rocket Launchers Upg. Gargoyle Rocket Launchers Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Bomber Rocket Launchers Upg. Bomber Rocket Launchers Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Grenade Launcher Heavy Grenade Launcher Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. Heavy Grenade Launcher Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Plasma Cannons Upg. Plasma Cannons Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Gargoyle Plasma Cannons Upg. Gargoyle Plasma Cannons m2 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Heavy Plasma Cannons Heavy Plasma Cannons I Heavy Plasma Cannons II Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Offensive Plasma Cannon Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes AA Plasma Gun Upg. AA Plasma Gun II Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Bomb Bay Upg. Bomb Bay Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Plasma Bomb Upg. Plasma Bomb Upg. Plasma Bomb Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Earthquake Gen. Earthquake Gen. upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg. 20mm Bullets Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Upg1: Rocket (guided 25%) Upg2: Rocket (guided 50%) Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 1 minute Time needed: 2 minutes Upg3: Rocket (guided 100%) Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%) Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%) Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%) Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Upg. Grenade Upg. Grenade Upg. Grenade Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credit Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Medium Defense Building Heavy Defense Building Heavy Tower Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes SDI Laser Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Repairer Repairer upg.1 Building Grabber Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Shadow Generator Upg. Shadow Generator I Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Upg. Shadow Generator II Upg. Shadow Generator III Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Power Shield Generator 600 PSU Power Shield Generator 1200 PSU Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Power Shield Generator 1800 PSU Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes 2.2 ********UNITED CIVILIZED STATES EQUIPMENT******** *Numbers in brackets refer to the building version Banner Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 0 Hard Points: Light Universal to all factions, the banner gives your units something to rally around and so gives the units and buildings in range 2 experience ranks. 20mm Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 15 17 +2 19 +2 21 +2 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 (200) Chainguns are practically useless against anything with armor more than 25%. It's a weapon that can be effective in the early stages but later on even with full weapon and ammo upgrades it becomes something of a novelty with its low damage and short range. The main benefit of a Chaingun is its high ammo supply, instant delivery and ability to shoot targets in the air-it has a high rate of fire but so do many other weapon types Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range 20mm Double Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 23 26 +3 29 +3 32 +3 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 200 (400) The 20mm Chaingun upgrades to the 20mm Double Chainguns. The Double Chaingun has slightly more damage than unmodified Rocket Launchers and has superior damage improvement over the ordinary Chaingun when using upgraded bullets. While they go through bullets faster due to the dual barrels, the enlarged magazine more than covers the increased ammunition needs. Unfortunately this weapon lacks the firepower and range to be effective as the enemy develops more armored vehicles. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +9 damage and +1 Range 20mm Gargoyle Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 15 17 +2 19 +2 21 +2 Range: 7 8 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 The only difference between this and the regular version is that the range for the Gargoyle Chaingun is better. Still it can give an aircraft a viable means of attacking ground targets and with large ammo supply it can sustain this for a long time. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range 20mm Gargoyle Chaingun upg.1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 23 26 +3 29 +3 32 +3 Range: 7 8 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 200 The only difference between this and the 20mm Double Chaingun is the range. Can be an effective weapon at distracting groundbased foes. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +9 damage and +1 Range Small Rocket Launchers Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 20 22 +2 24 +2 26 +2 Range: 8 (9) 9 (10) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 50 (100) This weapon is also just called Rocket Launchers. The UCS actually has several versions of this depending on whether it's mounted on a building or a unit and whether the hard point is light or heavy. This particular version is for dealing with low level threats. Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +2 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range Small Rocket Launchers upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 30 33 +3 36 +3 49 +4 Range: 8 (9) 9 (10) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 76 (150) A definite improvement over the first version but still lacks punch for handling heavily armored units. Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +4 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +10 damage and +1 Range Small Rocket Launchers upg.2 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 40 (60) 44 +4 (66 +6) 48 +4 (72 +6) 52 +4 (78 +6) Range: 8 (9) 9 (10) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 (200) While the version for mounting on units gets some improvement, the building version gets a huge increase in firepower-doubling the damage of its previous incarnation. In fact the building version weapon does a lot more damage than its heavy counterpart for buildings and is the most damaging light rocket launcher of the 3 factions Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +4 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +4 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +4 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +12 damage and +1 Range For the building version-Level 1 upgraded Rockets gives +6 damage and a guidance system of 25%. Level 2 upgraded Rockets gives +6 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 50%. Level 3 upgraded Rocket gives +6 damage and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +18 damage, +1 Range and guidance 100% Small Rocket Launchers (heavy) Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 40 (20) 44 +4 (22 +2) 48 +4 (24 +2) 52 +4 (26 +2) Range: 8 (14) 9 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 50 (100) This is the version of the Rocket Launchers for mounting on heavy hard points. The unit version inflicts good damage but has regular range, while the building version has great range but low damage. Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +4 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +4 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +4 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +12 damage and +1 Range For the building version-Level 1 upgraded Rockets gives +2 damage and a guidance system of 25%. Level 2 upgraded Rockets gives +2 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 50%. Level 3 upgraded Rocket gives +2 damage and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +6 damage, +1 Range and guidance 100% Small Rocket Launchers upg.1 (heavy) Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 61 (30) 67 +6 (33 +3) 73 +6 (36 +3) 80 +7 (40 +4) Range: 8 (14) 9 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 76 (150) The damage of the unit version is quite formidable while the building version isn't so impressive. Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +6 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +6 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +7 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +19 damage and +1 Range For the building version-Level 1 upgraded Rockets gives +3 damage and a guidance system of 25%. Level 2 upgraded Rockets gives +3 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 50%. Level 3 upgraded Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +10 damage, +1 Range and guidance 100% Small Rocket Launchers upg.2 (heavy) Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 80 (40) 88 +8 (44 +4) 96 +8 (48 +4) 104 +8 (52 +4) Range: 8 (14) 9 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 (200) The unit version is now a heavy hitter but the building version is actually weaker than its light counterpart of the same level. At this stage of upgrading, the unit version also develops the ability to use submount weapons. Note that the building version cannot use submount weapons Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +8 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +8 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +8 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +24 damage and +1 Range For the building version-Level 1 upgraded Rockets gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 25%. Level 2 upgraded Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 50%. Level 3 upgraded Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +1 Range and guidance 100% Gargoyle Rocket Launchers Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 20 22 +2 24 +2 26 +2 Range: 8 9 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 20 Mainly designed to give the Gargoyle some versatility. If you intend to use the Gargoyle for strafing ground targets, then I wouldn't use this weapon as the Gargoyle has a unique and far better alternative. Not to mention that it fires 2 rockets per attack and so uses up it's ammo supply quickly Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +2 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range Gargoyle Rocket Launchers upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 8 9 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 40 There's definitely more firepower for this weapon. Still I'd use it mainly it for battles against enemy aircraft, especially since it uses up 4 rockets per shot and won't do much against tanks with heavy armour. Level 1 upgraded Rockets adds +4 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Rockets add +4 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Rockets add +4 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +12 damage and +1 Range Rocket Launchers Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 30 This is also known as the Heavy Rocket Launcher but this time it is a truly a heavy weapon. What's up with the UCS and naming rocket launchers? Anyways this is the most powerful all-purpose rocket weapon that can be mounted on a light hard point. It will prove to be a potent weapon that is effective against air and ground targets. After the AA weaponry, this is the best defense for ground units against air attacks Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Rocket Launchers upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 61 67 +6 73 +6 80 +7 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 45 This is a potent weapon especially when you take into account that it's for light hard points only. This weapon can inflict significant damage to air and ground targets unless protected by heavy armor. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +6 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +6 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +7 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +19 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Rocket Launchers Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 10 (13) 11 (14)+1 12 (15)+1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 30 (60) This is completely identical to the light version with the only exception being that this weapon can be placed on buildings with heavy hard points. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Rocket Launchers upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 61 (80) 67 +6 (88 +8) 73 +6 (96 +8) 80 +7 (104 +8) Range: 10 (13) 11 (14) +1 12 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 44 (120) Completely identical to the light version, the big difference is this weapon gets a healthy boost in damage though the damage from the building version is a lot better. Either way this is an effective way of dealing with ground and air targets. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +6 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +6 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +7 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +19 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% For the building version-Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +24 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Rocket Launchers upg.2 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 80 88 +8 96 +8 104 +8 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 60 There is no building version of this weapon nor is there a light version. In terms of damage, this weapon is identical to the building version of the Rocket Launchers upg.2. It is very powerful and can handle all but the toughest units. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +24 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Bomber Rocket Launchers Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 40 The weapon that makes Bats and Dragons versatile in combat. It's effective against ground and air targets by shelling them with powerful rockets. It goes through ammo quickly by firing 2 at a time Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Bomber Rocket Launchers upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 80 88 +8 96 +8 104 +8 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 50 This rocket launcher gains a hefty boost in damage and can be great even against armored targets. This weapon can pose significant threat to any unit that lacks the ability to shoot down aircraft. Still it burns through ammo at an incredible rate since it fires 4 rockets at a time Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +32 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Plasma Warheads Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 1 minute 50 seconds Hard Points: Special Type: Projectile Damage: 500 Range: 25 To Air: No Ammo: 2 Developed once you research Orca and artillery technology. Useable only by the Orca submarine, this is a powerful and long-ranged weapon for dealing with enemy gun emplacements and other buildings. Because of the time it takes to reach a target, it's not effective against moving targets Plasma Warheads upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes 5 seconds Hard Points: Special Type: Projectile Damage: 700 Range: 40 To Air: No Ammo: 4 A lot costlier and time consuming to manufacture, nonetheless this weapon is far more effective than its predecessor. You gain this by having researched the Orca II and artillery technology. Cannon 105mm Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 30 33 +3 36 +3 40 +4 Range: 6 7 +1 8 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 100 Very similar to the ED version-lots of ammunition and does fairly effective damage provided you're not up against heavy tanks or gun emplacements. The main benefit is that the attacks are delivered almost instanteously. The biggest drawback is the slow rate of fire for this weapon. No building is capable of mounting any type of Cannon 105mm Level 1 upgraded 105mm bullets adds +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 105mm bullets add +3 to the damage. Level 3 upgraded 105mm bullets add +4 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +10 damage and +2 Range Double Cannon 105mm Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 46 50 +4 55 +5 61 +6 Range: 6 7 +1 8 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 200 Its already good damage potential gets an increase and so this could be quite a dependable weapon for the Tiger and other vehicles capable of using this weapon. Level 1 upgraded 105mm bullets adds +4 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 105mm bullets add +5 to the damage. Level 3 upgraded 105mm bullets add +6 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +15 damage and +2 Range Double Cannon 120mm Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 44 48 +4 53 +5 57 +4 Range: 8 9 +1 10 +1 11 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 50 Not as potent as the ED's Heavy Cannon, this is still an effective main weapon against ground targets. With ammo upgrades, this weapon also gains significant range. Additonally this cannon is capable of using submount weapons for more firepower. Keep in mind that no building can mount any type of Cannon 120mm Level 1 upgraded 120mm bullets adds +4 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 120mm bullets add +5 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 120mm bullets add +4 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +13 damage and +3 Range Quad Cannon 120mm Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 88 97 +9 106 +9 115 +9 Range: 8 9 +1 10 +1 11 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 100 The 4 barrels on this weapon gives it a slight firepower advantage over the ED's 120mm Double Cannon. This can be further improved as this cannon can use submount weapons. While it is the most damaging non-artillery/non-energy cannon around, with four barrels it can go through ammo at an alarming rate. Also don't forget that this weapon has a slow rate of fire. Level 1 upgraded 120mm bullets adds +9 to the damage and +1 range. Level 2 upgraded 120mm bullets add +9 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 120mm bullets add +9 damage and +1 range. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +27 damage and +3 Range Grenade Launcher Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 60 66 +6 72 +6 80 +6 Range: 9 10 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 80 Even with no upgrading, this weapon does large amounts of damage and has good range. This should probably be your main gun unless you developed plasma weapon or strong cannon technology, but even then the grenade launcher is very useful. No building can mount a Grenade Launcher of any type. The other thing to keep in mind, is that the grenades are fired with a slight arc and so they won't hit instanteously. Level 1 upgraded Grenades adds +6 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Grenades add +6 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Grenades add +8 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +20 damage and +1 Range Grenade Launcher upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 90 99 +9 108 +9 120 +12 Range: 9 10 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 120 With upgrades to damage and ammo supplies, this weapon is powerful against any ground target that lacks heavy armour. An impressive projectile weapon especially when it's just a light weapon. Keep in mind that it fires 2 grenades per attack Level 1 upgraded Grenades adds +9 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Grenades add +9 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Grenades add +12 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +30 damage and +1 Range Heavy Grenade Launcher Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 144 160 +16 176 +16 192 +16 Range: 25 26 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 100 With a very long range and impressive damage, the Heavy Grenade Launcher is essentially a mobile artillery piece. This is a fantastic weapon for inflicting a long-ranged first strike against your foes. No building can mount a Grenade Launcher of any type. This weapon also uses up 2 grenades per attack Level 1 upgraded Grenades adds +16 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Grenades add +16 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Grenades add +16 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +48 damage and +1 Range Heavy Grenade Launcher upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 221 246 +25 270 +24 295 +25 Range: 25 26 +1 To Air: No Ammo: 200 This weapon gains a huge increase in the amount of damage inflicted and its ammo supply is doubled. This is the weapon of choice for the UCS when assaulting enemy bases and encampments, though even at with full ammo upgrades this weapon doesn't quite match the ED's mobile artillery weapons. With four barrels, this weapon also goes through ammo at a rapid pace Level 1 upgraded Grenades adds +25 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded Grenades add +24 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded Grenades add +25 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +74 damage and +1 Range Bomb Bay Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 400 600 +200 800 +200 1200 +400 Range: 1 To Air: No Ammo: 3 This is a powerful weapon that's devastating against ground targets and is more devastating than the ED version. Level 1 upgraded Plasma Bomb adds +200 to the damage, Level 2 upgraded Plasma Bomb adds +200 to the damage, Level 3 upgraded Plasma Bomb adds +400 to the damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +800 damage Bomb Bay upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 400 600 +200 800 +200 1200 +400 Range: 1 To Air: No Ammo: 5 A newer version of the Bomb Bay, it can carry more bombs Level 1 upgraded Plasma Bomb adds +200 to the damage, Level 2 upgraded Plasma Bomb adds +200 to the damage, Level 3 upgraded Plasma Bomb adds +400 to the damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +800 damage Plasma Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 100 Range: 7 (9) To Air: No Ammo: 50 Plasma weaponry will probably be the weapon of choice for the UCS. The Plasma Cannon even at the lowest level can inflict heavy damage that bypasses armor, in fact Plasma weaponry are the most damaging of any energy weapon of the 3 factions. The Plasma Cannon carries a lot of ammo so it only has to worry about recharging in very long fights. The only drawback to the Plasma Cannon is that its attacks doesn't reach the target as quickly as those of most other energy weapons though it is still very fast in doing so. Plasma Cannon upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 200 Range: 7 (9) To Air: No Ammo: 100 The damage and ammo supply are doubled for this formidable weapon. It can quickly down enemy units barring those with very strong shields AA Plasma Gun Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 400 Range: 10 To Air: Yes Ammo: 50 Only with full ammo upgrades can the other factions' AA weaponry reach the the firepower of this weapon. An extremely effective anti-aircraft weapon, it is also the only AA weapon with an upgraded version and is energy-based. Even the heaviest armor won't save aircraft targeted by this weapon. Not as fast as the ED's AA Gun in speed of delivery but still very fast. But this is a fairly big drawback especially against enemy aircraft that aim for dynamic rather than static attacks AA Plasma Gun II Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 880 Range: 11 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 The most devastating anti-aircraft weapon in the game, the damage caused far outstrips that of any other AA weapon. A couple of these and enemy aircraft won't stand a chance even with the strongest shields around. Gargoyle Plasma Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 45 seconds Hard Points: Special Type: Energy Damage: 100 Range: 7 To Air: No Ammo: 50 This weapon can only be mounted on a Gargoyle and gives the Gargoyle a very powerful weapon in strafing runs. One of the only energy weapons usable on aircraft it can be a very potent threat against any ground unit that lacks weapons that can attack air targets. Gargoyle Plasma Cannon m2 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 45 seconds Hard Points: Special Type: Energy Damage: 200 Range: 7 To Air: No Ammo: 100 The raw firepower, energy-based damage and ample ammo supply on this weapon makes it fantastic in use against ground targets. This is the Gargoyle's weapon of choice when it comes to bombing runs Heavy Plasma Cannon Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 200 Range: 9 (11) To Air: No Ammo: 50 With the good range and impressive firepower it's an extremely powerful weapon and is especially useful in destroying armored units and buildings. Heavy Plasma Cannon upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 400 Range: 9 (11) To Air: No Ammo: 100 This newer version gets an impressive doubling in firepower and ammo supply of an already fearsome weapon. A few of these and even strongly shielded enemies go down quickly. Heavy Plasma Cannon upg.2 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 400 Range: 9 To Air: No Ammo: 100 Not available for buildings, the only difference between this weapon and the previous version is that how this weapon can use submount weapons for even more firepower. Earthquake Generator Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 16 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 3 The damage is unimpressive to say the least and it doesn't harm enemy units. But this can be a great weapon for attacking enemy buildings if they're too heavily defended for air or ground assaults. It will work when you're underground and allows you to attack the surface from the tunnels, just click on the ground in front of you (not the building or you'll try to go back to the surface to launch a direct attack) and it will attack every building in a radius. Remember the damage is really low and it doesn't affect enemy units, so trying to use this in a full frontal attack is suicide. Earthquake Generator upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 30 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 5 The damage is still unimpressive but a marked improvement over the original. A pair of these mounted on a tank with two hard points can really work over a building. Antirocket Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Range: 8 Ammo: 50 This fires a small rocket at enemy missiles, hopefully causing them to detonate harmlessly away from others. This works great but isn't infallible. Also note that while the Antimissile is easily mounted on buildings, it can only be used on vehicles that have weapons with submounts. It only protects the unit or building it is mounted on and nothing else Transport Hook Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Point: Special This is what enables a transporter to carry units up. Can only be used by Unit Transporters Repairer Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Point: Special This item repairs damaged units and buildings at 20 HP per second. The rate goes up if more than one repairer are working-with a maximum of 4 repairers at once. It can also capture enemy units and buildings that have been disabled Only the Tiger, Spider, Cargo Salamander, and Shark can carry a repairer Repairer upg.1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Point: Special The Repairer upg.1 repairs damage at 40 HP per second. Also it can upgrade units on the field-the manual isn't quite right. The repairer can indeed upgrade the chasis of a unit in addition to adding shields and new versions of an existing weapon. What it cannot do is change the equipment type of a unit-a repairer suddenly can't mount a laser cannon for example Building Grabber Cost: 600 credits Time Needed: 10 seconds Hard Points: Light Gives you quick ability to capture enemy buildings as you don't need to ionize them first. For the UCS, this is the first step in getting a chance to capture enemy units provided that the right circumstances occur. Radar Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Unfortunately it's not available for buildings, so you'll have to mount it on a unit. The radar enables the unit to detect enemy units that have been cloaked with stealth technology. Radar is available for production once Shadow Generator technology has been researched. Shadow Generator I Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light This is the earliest level of Shadow Generator that can be placed on a unit, it cloaks the unit and those nearby in shadows rendering them invisible provided that their lights aren't on. It's not as powerful as the building version at the same level development Shadow Generator II Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light This version improves on the range of the previous version and is the final version for buildings. Shadow Generator III Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light This version has a range that is as far as that of the best building version, you only need a few of these to cover an entire army. 2.3 ********UNITED CIVILIZED STATES CHASSIS******** *Some hard points can hold unusual equipment or have limited equipment Tiger Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 240 Armor: 75% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Light It's no quicker than a heavy tank type and it's supposed to be light! But it does have decent toughness considering its size (the manual got it wrong, the Tiger is quite resistant against projectile weapons but falls quickly to energy weapons). Also the ability to mount a grenade launcher or plasma cannon gives this unit an early firepower advantage and its ability to use a repairer can make it an early repair unit. Also it's cheaper than any other light attack units save the LC Lunar. Keep in mind that it is essentially a light tank and cannot hold up against heavier units. As well it cannot mount any shields and this never improves. Tiger I Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 270 Armor: 75% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Light The toughness and speed goes up, it's still neither fast nor incredibly tough. Still it can dominate most other light attack units-just don't expect to come out unscathed. Tiger II Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Light While the speed and toughness goes up again, don't count on it for victory in one on one fights except against most other light attack units. With its low cost, the main use would be to drum up a legion of cheap tanks and swarm the enemy. Panther Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 900 Armor: 75% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Heavy This is the heavy tank of UCS. Considering the weapons it can field, its firepower can do quite nicely against the heavy tanks of the other factions. Panther I Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1050 Armor: 75% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Panther gets faster and quite a ways tougher. Considering how much armor it has, the boost in toughness can prove to be quite significant. It's strong enough to dominate most fights and fast enough to move in and out of trouble spots. Panther II Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1200 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Panther again gets faster and tougher. All things considered, if Jaguars are too expensive, the Panther II makes a nice alternative with its decent speed and ability to withstand damage. Jaguar Cost: 1300 credits Time needed: 1 minute 15 seconds HP: 1300 Armor: 75% Speed: 14 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 1 Light The Jaguar is the super-heavy tank of the UCS and while it's fantastic unit it suffers in comparison to those of the other factions. It's chassis costs more and takes longer to build than the other super-heavy tank types. Not only that but with only one heavy hard point it has significantly less firepower its counterparts, as well the light hard point of the Jaguar cannot mount grenade launchers or cannon 105mm. You'll have to make some smart equipment choices if you want to offset this weak spot. Jaguar I Cost: 1300 credits Time needed: 1 minute 15 seconds HP: 1500 Armor: 75% Speed: 14 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 1 Light This version of the Jaguar gains some more toughness. Considering how much armor the Jaguar has, the toughness boost can really be a keeper in increasing the Jaguar's survival rate. Unless you have access to Grizzlies, this the UCS unit of choice in battle. Minelayer Cost: 500 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 25% Speed: 18 Ammo: 10 Hard Points: 1 Light This is the minelayer for the UCS and can not only lay mines but also detect them as well. It has a good amount of toughness and some armor and can carry all variety of light weapons into battle barring the AA plasma gun. It can hold its own in a fight but you'll want to send an escort with it as it can't initiate attacks on its own Minelayer II Cost: 570 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 675 Armor: 50% Speed: 19 Ammo: 20 Hard Points: 1 Light This version of the minelayer gains more toughness, armor and speed. This pushes the toughness and armor to respectable levels. The improvements should greatly increase its survivability and because of its strong weapon choices it's superior to the ED's ZT 210 Minelayer but you still want some escort in case a fight breaks out. It's supply of mines are also doubled. Spider Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 0 Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Light This is one of the 'jack of all trades' units of the UCS, unfortunately it doesn't hold up too well in combat as it lacks armor. If you've played ED, the Spider is essentially the same as the Taiga but capable of being a lot tougher. Nonetheless the Spider is very valuable due to its ability to mount non-weapon support equipment Spider I Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 525 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Light An increase in toughness and speed, still it's not that good of a unit to take to a fight Spider II Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 40 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Light There's a further increase in toughness, but I'd still be leery of bringing it into a fight. By the time you reach this level of development, your foes will probably have access to heavy tanks and weapons which will easily decimate a Spider. Cargo Salamander Cost: 1500 credits Time needed: 1 minute 15 seconds HP: 1500 Armor: 75% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 1 Light This is a tough unit and the other 'jack of all trades' in terms of non-combat purposes. With its heavy armor and impressive toughness, this unit can last quite awhile in a fight. In fact it's the only unit capable of carrying an AA Plasma Gun and so you'll want to have some along at least for that purpose. The two big drawbacks with the Cargo Salamander is that it lacks speed and cannot use shields, which makes it weak in combat against units using energy weapons. Shark Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 450 Armor: 50% Speed: 21 Hard Points: 1 Light This is the light gunboat of the UCS. It's good for patrolling and scouting but lacks the firepower to really the press the enemy Shark II Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 550 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Light This version of the Shark has more toughness and speed. This helps it get out alive whenever it gets into firefights that are well beyond its abilities to contain, which is pretty often. Hydra Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1400 Armor: 75% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Hydra is battlecruiser of the UCS and has plenty of toughness and armor. While it packs some heavy firepower, at this stage it's not strong enough to really gain naval dominance especially against the ED Leviathan and should be relegated to bombarding targets on dry land from long range and supporting other naval vessels Hydra II Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1600 Armor: 75% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 1 Light With an extra light hard point, more speed and toughness, the Hydra II is certainly a big improvement. Unfortunately it still doesn't match up against the Leviathan yet. Hydra III Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1800 Armor: 75% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Heavy 2 Light With a further increase to toughness and an additional light hard point, the Hydra III is the strongest naval vessel of any faction. Use it to establish dominance in the water. Orca Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 1 Special The Orca can fire Plasma Warheads at distant targets while safely hidden under water. Still watch out for enemy units especially when they have radar units or something similar. Orca II Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1000 Armor: 50% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 1 Special The improved Orca has more toughness and speed. In addition it can use the superior Plasma Warheads upg.1 Mammoth Cost: 800 credits Time needed: 50 seconds HP: 1800 Armor: 0 Speed: 19 Hard Points: 0 This is the construction vehicle for the UCS. It can only use light shield projectors. It's the most important vehicle of the UCS so make sure to protect them from enemy attacks, without these you cannot make buildings or alter terrain. Harvester Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 0 Speed: 17 Hard Points: 0 The Harvester is the unit that collects resources from the field and delivers them to the refinery for processing Harvester II Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 0 The Harvester gains more toughness, more speed and is well armored. This greatly increases its chances of survival during mining runs Harvester III Harvester Cost: 700 credits Time needed: 20 seconds HP: 900 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 0 The Harvester gets even more toughness and speed. It has also been augmented with heavy armor. Few things can readily destroy a retreating Harvester once it reaches this stage. Harvester IV Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 0 Speed: 16 Hard Points: 0 This Harvester is unarmored and lacks the speed and toughness of the earlier versions, however it can now fly Harvester V Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 0 This Harvester can not only fly but has increased toughness and good armor. There'll be little threat from ground-based attackers unless you're in the process of mining. Harvester VI Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 900 Armor: 75% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 0 This Harvester gains even more toughness and its armor has been upgraded to heavy levels. Provided that you can make a quick retreat, there shouldn't be much threat to this unit at all. Albatross Cost: Special Time needed: Special HP: 1500 Armor: 75% Speed: Special Hard Points: 0 The Albatross is the transporter that ferries your troops between your main base, your subsidiary bases and the mission site. You always start with one and can move it between landing zones. Up to 15 units and 5000 credits can be carried at one time. Unit Transporter Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 550 Armor: 50% Speed: 36 Hard Points: Special Extremely fast and well armored, the Unit Transporter can usually deliver ground units safely or it can pick up stationary enemy units to drop to their deaths. Condor Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 15 seconds HP: 900 Armor: 0 Speed: 32 Hard Points: 0 The supply ship of the UCS, it's equivalent to everyone else's. It's fast and very durable unfortunately it has no armor so anti-aircraft fire will make short work of it. Without an adequate number of Condors and aerial supply depots, you won't have enough ammo to sustain a long fight. Gargoyle Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 240 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The light attack fighter of the UCS, it is very expensive. Also at this stage, it cannot mount any shield projectors though this shouldn't be much of a problem. The big concern is just how much the Gargoyle costs The most exceptional thing about the Gargoyle is the ability to use Gargoyle Plasma Cannons which allows it inflict heavy damage against ground targets, so the Gargoyle can be worth its cost Gargoyle II Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 270 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The Gargoyle gains some much needed toughness and can mount a light shield projector. The shields are unimportant but the increased toughness should enable the Gargoyle II to stay in a fight for extended periods of time and make a successful retreat when things get too hot. Gargoyle III Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The Gargoyle gains additional toughness which should make the Gargoyle tough enough to withstand limited amounts of anti-aircraft fire. When armed with plasma cannons, this version of the Gargoyle can almost rival a bomber in terms of effectiveness against ground targets. Bat Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 375 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Bat does boast the same level of firepower as the Dragon but it lacks the toughness and armor to be really effective on bombing runs. It's not particularly impressive and you'll probably be building these only if the Dragon is unavailable or can't afford it. In fact the Bat should probably be relegated to fighter purposes or harassing ground targets that are out in the open Bat II Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 450 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy This version of the Bat gains some more toughness and while this is a good thing, it still lacks the toughness and armor to effectively break through enemy lines. I'd say keep it as a fighter or for harassing ground targets that lack a strong air defense. Dragon Cost: 1500 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 600 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy This is the heavy bomber of the UCS, it's very tough, heavily armored, can field some heavy firepower and is just as fast as the Bat. Too bad the cost of this unit can be prohibitive Dragon II Cost: 1500 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy This version of the Dragon has improved toughness and should be able to weather most damage before getting into a bombing run. 2.4 ********UNITED CIVILIZED STATES BUILDINGS******** *UCS buildings have no weapons with submounts and has the most limited selection of equipment Landing Zone Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 0 power HP: 300 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 In the campaign this is one of the most important buildings in the game. The landing zone allows you to transfer money and resources from a mission site back to your home base and vice versa. Power Plant Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1400 credits Energy Cost: produces 400 power HP: 3500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Not only does it generate power but it can also produce up to 4 highly efficient nuclear reactors Nuclear Reactor Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: produces 200 power HP: 1800 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 These are produced by the power plant and must be attached to it or each other. Energy Transmitter Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 100 credits Energy Cost: 0 power HP: 150 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 These extend the range of energy transmission from the power plant or nuclear reactor. If you use these make sure to guard them well as they're very fragile. Vehicle Production Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3600 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Light This building produces all civilian ground and air vehicles. Weapon Production Center Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 2000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 5000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Light This building actually takes only 5 squares to build. This building is for constructing all military ground and air vehicles Ship Yard Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 5400 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 0 This building actually takes only 5 squares to build. This building is for constructing all naval vehicles. Note that while this building is extremely tough and heavily armored it has no defensive systems whatsoever. Aerial Supply Depot Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Light Once a Condor has been assigned to an Aerial Supply Center, it will fly out and supply units or buildings that are low on ammo. Make sure to have an adequate supply of Supply Centers and Condor aircraft to avoid running out of ammo Refinery Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Refinery takes minerals and processes them into credits Recycler Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Headquarters Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 2 Light The Headquarters can automate your base defense, the construction of units, upgrading of building weapons and research paths. It takes one Headquarters for each assignment. Frailer than the Headquarters of other factions, UCS Headquarters can protect itself fairly well with its two hard points. However I find only the automation of your base defense to be useful. The computer is notorious for making poor choices in other areas. With base defense though, it'll open fire at incoming foes from maximum range. Teleport Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 This building enables units to instantly teleport to other areas. In order to work the other location must also have a teleport as well Shadow Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 This building can cloak friendly units within its radius. It can be upgraded up to a Shadow Generator upg.2 to increase the radius cloaked Tunnel Entrance Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Tunnel Entrance is the point of entry where units can go underground through a series of tunnels. Walls Resource Cost: 10 credits Erects a strong stone wall that can take quite a bit of punishment without collapsing Narrow Bridge Resource Cost: 50 credits Forms a bridge that is one square in width Wide Bridge Resource Cost: 50 credits Forms a bridge that is 2 squares in width. Small Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 200 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 350 Armor: 50% Hard Points: 1 Light A short defensive structure that can defend itself from attack with its weapon. Unfortunately it is sorely lacking in firepower and toughness. The biggest advantage is that the Small Tower does not cost energy. Large Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 20 power HP: 1800 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 1 Heavy This is a very strong defensive structure with lots of toughness, heavy armor and a powerful weapon. Its height enables it to shoot clearly over most buildings Heavy Tower Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 750 credits Energy Cost: 20 power HP: 1350 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 1 Heavy 2 Light Not as tall or tough as the Large Tower, the Heavy Tower more than makes up for it by carrying a lot of firepower. The Heavy Tower can handle almost any threat provided it gets support Fortress Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 2000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 4000 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 2 Heavy 2 Light This is probably the most powerful of all base defenses and it can be more than a match for most forces especially when placed in numbers. Its sheer toughness, strong armor, heavy firepower and relatively low energy cost makes this the most desirable of the base defenses. It's even short enough that most buildings can fire over it. The only drawback is that it can get pretty pricey. Artillery Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 5000 credits Energy Cost: 100 power HP: 600 Armor: 0 Type: Projectile Damage: 500 Range: 70 Ammo: 3 Hard Points: 0 The longest ranged artillery building of the 3 factions. This is fantastic for bombarding targets from safe distances and also makes a powerful base defense set to fire at will and in a proper line formation. Just keep in mind to avoid friendly fire Plasma Control Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 10000 credits Energy Cost: 400 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 This weapon of mass destruction is probably the most efficient in terms of power and cost. It can produce up to 4 Plasma Cannons Plasma Cannon Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 15000 credits Energy Cost: 400 power HP: 600 Armor: 0 Type: Energy Damage: 4000 Range: 300 Hard Points: 0 This facility fires extremely devastating bolts of plasma. The plasma bolts are extremely effective against heavily armored but unshielded targets, however it less so against targets with shields 3.0 THE LUNAR CORPORATION They're the good guys though they have their fair share of skeletons in the closet. The manual says they're the most high tech of all the factions and they certainly are unique Pros -The LC has the unique ability to plunk buildings down almost anywhere without the aid of construction vehicles of any kind. -To top it off, their transmission of power goes everywhere so no need to worry about a building being out of range of a power source. -Their units tend to be cheaper and faster to produce than anyone else's, once their production gets going they can quickly get a numbers advantage over their foes. -Additionally their units all have hovering ability if not outright flight, tend to be faster than their counterparts in other factions and regenerate. Their early units are also quite strong plus some of them have rather unique attributes -They have the strongest shield projectors in the game and all of the units can carry one. -They are the only faction that is capable of regeneration and speeding up shield recovery. -Their energy weapons give them excellent close combat ability as well as lots of disruption potential. They have some of the best rocket launchers of the 3 factions -Finally they have the strongest air force when it comes to air superiority. Cons -Typically their units are not quite as tough as those of their opposition, though this difference isn't spectacular and there are exceptions. -Where the LC really get hosed is in providing an adequate supply of power. During night time or heavy cloud cover, the LC will get little or any power and will be running on batteries or the inefficient Xyrex power plant. -Another weak spot is that their weapons tend to do less damage than their foes and have a severe lack of effective projectile weapons outside of rockets and heavy rockets. The damage they inflict from aerial bombing or artillery fire is pretty unimpressive save for the Crion. -They have no stealth or repairer technology and their main civilian support unit is a very fragile. They're a bit slow to get going and it takes awhile to get used their unconventional ways but once they're on track, watch out!!! 3.1 ********LUNAR CORPORATION RESEARCH******** The LC Research Tree (Sorry if this is hard to read) Lunar m2--------Lunar m3 | Moon m2--------Moon m3 | Crater--------Crater m2--------Crater m3--------New Hope | Crusher---------Crusher m2--------Crusher m3 Fat Girl c2--------Fat Girl c3--------Fat Girl c4 Meteor--------Meteor m2---------Meteor m3 | | | Thunderer---------Thunderer m2 | Super Fighter---------Super Fighter m2 | Unit Transporter Upg. Chaingun---------Upg. Air Chaingun Rocket Launcher upg.1---------Rocket Launcher upg.2 | ---------------------------- | |----Heavy Rocket Launcher-----------Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 | | | Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.2 | | | Artillery | -------------AA Rocket Launcher---------Air Heavy Rocket Launcher------------- | | | Air Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 | --------------Antimissile Electro-Cannon---------Electro-Cannon upg.1 | Heavy Electro-Cannon---------Heavy Electro-Cannon upg.1----------------- | | | Xyrex Power Plant | Sonic Cannon---------Sonic Cannon upg.1 | Heavy Sonic Cannon---------Heavy Sonic Cannon upg.1----------- | | | Plasma Artillery | Air Sonic Cannon---------Air Sonic Cannon upg. 1 Earthquake Gen.---------Upg. Earthquake Gen. Upg. 20mm Bullets---------Upg. 20mm Bullets---------Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg1. Rockets (25% guided)---------Upg2. Rockets (50% guided)------------ | | | Upg3. Rockets (100% guided) | | Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%)---------Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%)----------------- | Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%) NEST Medium Defense Building---------Heavy Defense Building SDI Laser Power Shield Generator 1000 PSU---------Power Shield Generator 1500 PSU----------- | Power Shield Generator 2000 PSU Shield Recharger---------Shield Recharger m2 Regenerator---------Regenerator m2 | Building Grabber Detector---------Detector m2 Research Time and Cost *Note that time needed is if only one Research Center is available, reduce the time needed by 10% by each additional Research Center with a maximum bonus of 20% at 3 Research Center total. Lunar m2 Lunar m3 Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Moon m2 Moon m3 Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Crater Crater m2 Crater m3 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes New Hope Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Crusher Crusher m2 Crusher m3 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Fat Girl c2 Fat Girl c3 Fat Girl c4 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 2minutes Time needed: 2minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Meteor Meteor m2 Meteor m3 Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Super Fighter Super Fighter m2 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Thunderer Thunderer m2 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Unit Transporter Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Upg. Chaingun Upg. Air Chaingun Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Rocket Launcher upg.1 Rocket Launcher upg.2 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Heavy Rocket Launcher Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.2 Artillery Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 10 minutes AA Rocket Launcher Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Air Heavy Rocket Launcher Air Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Antimissile Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Air Rocket Launcher Air Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Electro-Cannon Electro-Cannon upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Heavy Electro-Cannon Heavy Electro-Cannon upg.1 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Xyrex Power Plant Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Sonic Cannon Sonic Cannon upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Heavy Sonic Cannon Heavy Sonic Cannon upg.1 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Air Sonic Cannon Air Sonic Cannon upg.1 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes Plasma Artillery Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Earthquake Gen. Earthquake Gen. upg.1 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 4 minutes Time needed: 4 minutes Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg. 20mm Bullets Upg. 20mm Bullets Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Upg1: Rocket (guided 25%) Upg2: Rocket (guided 50%) Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 1 minute Time needed: 2 minutes Upg3: Rocket (guided 100%) Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%) Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%) Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%) Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes NEST Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 1 minute Medium Defense Building Heavy Defense Building Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes SDI Laser Cost: Weather Control Center Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Power Shield Generator 1000 PSU Power Shield Generator 1500 PSU Cost: 2000 credits Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Time needed: 2 minutes Power Shield Generator 2000 PSU Cost: 2000 credits Time needed: 2 minutes Shield Recharger Shield Recharger m2 Shield Recharger m3 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Regenerator Regenerator m2 Regenerator m3 Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Cost: 3000 credits Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Time needed: 3 minutes Building Grabber Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Detector Detector m2 Cost: 5000 credits Cost: 5000 credits Time needed: 5 minutes Time needed: 5 minutes 3.2 ********LUNAR CORPORATION EQUIPMENT******** *Numbers in brackets refer to the building version Banner Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 0 Hard Points: Light Universal to all factions, the banner gives your units something to rally around and so gives the units and buildings in range 2 experience ranks. 20mm Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 15 17 +2 19 +2 21 +2 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 (200) Chainguns are practically useless against anything with armor more than 25%. It's a weapon that can be effective in the early stages but later on even with full weapon and ammo upgrades it becomes something of a novelty with its low damage and short range. The main benefit of a Chaingun is its high ammo supply, quick delivery and ability to shoot targets in the air-it has a high rate of fire but so do many other weapon types Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range 20mm Double Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 23 26 +3 29 +3 32 +3 Range: 6 (8) 7 (9) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 200 (400) The 20mm Chaingun upgrades to the 20mm Double Chainguns. The Double Chaingun has slightly more damage than unmodified Rocket Launchers and has superior damage improvement over the ordinary Chaingun when using upgraded bullets. While they go through bullets faster due to the dual barrels, the enlarged magazine more than covers the increased ammunition needs. Unfortunately this weapon lacks the firepower and range to be effective as the enemy develops more armored vehicles. However I sometimes like to keep a couple of Fat Girls with only 20mm Double Chainguns to harass the enemy aircraft and civilian units. With 4 light hardpoints, an all chaingun Fat Girl can be pretty potent and is especially effective against unarmored units and buildings. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +9 damage and +1 Range 20mm Air Chaingun Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 15 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 15 17 +2 19 +2 21 +2 Range: 7 8 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 100 The only difference between this and the regular version is that the range for the Air Chaingun is better and takes to longer to make. Still it can give an aircraft a viable means of attacking ground targets and with large ammo supply it can sustain this for a long time. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +2 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +2 damage Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +6 damage and +1 Range 20mm Air Chaingun upg.1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 15 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 23 26 +3 29 +3 32 +3 Range: 7 8 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 200 The only difference between this and the 20 mm Double Chaingun is the range and time needed to make this. Can be an effective weapon at distracting groundbased foes. Level 1 upgraded 20mm bullets adds +3 to the damage. Level 2 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 to the damage and +1 range. Level 3 upgraded 20mm bullets add +3 damage. Having all 3 levels of upgrade gives +9 damage and +1 Range Rocket Launcher Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 22 24 +2 26 +2 28 +2 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 60 (100) The LC Rocket Launcher is one of the more damaging of any factions' rocket launchers. Initially isn't too impressive but it certainly is useful even at this stage. The range is decent and it has the ability to shoot targets in the air. The damage isn't much better at inflicting damage than a 20mm Chaingun. Also it has a high rate of fire but low ammo count and a habit of firing way more rockets than necessary so count on regular calls for re-supply. Until a rocket launcher has been given upgraded rockets, all rockets used are dumb-fires. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +2 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +6 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 36 40 +4 43 +3 47 +4 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 80 (150) The Rocket Launcher upg.1 uses a twin launcher to deliver heavier attacks than the original system. This means that each shot actually uses up 2 rockets rather than 1,However the Rocket Launcher upg.1 comes with 20 more missiles than the previous version and with the higher damage inflicted, this is more than worth it. Also note that Rocket Launcher upg.1 has significantly better damage bonuses for upgraded rockets. The Rocket Launcher upg.1 can pose significant threat to lightly armored ground vehicles and aircraft however its usefulness goes down dramatically against armored foes. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +4 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +3 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher upg.1 will give you +11 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Rocket Launcher upg.2 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 10 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 44 48 +4 53 +5 57 +4 Range: 8 (10) 9 (11) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 110 (200) Rocket Launcher upg.2 manages to squeeze in a fair amount more damage than their upg.1 counterparts and has added a lot more ammo. The damage from the LC version is somewhat better than most of the rocket launchers of the other factions. Keep in mind that even this level of Rocket Launcher doesn't pack enough damage to be much of a threat against heavy bombers and tank-like units. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +4 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +5 damage, increases the guidance system To 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher upg.2 will give you +13 Damage, +1 range and 100% guidance AA Rocket Launcher Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 15 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 100 (200) 130 +30 (260+60) 160 +30 (320 +60) 200 +40 (400 +80) Range: 8 (10) To Air: Yes Ammo: 20 (50) This would be the best air defense available to the LC, unfortunately it's probably the least effective of any faction's AA weaponry. It lacks the raw damage and fast speed in delivery of the UCS's AA Plasma Cannon or the near instantaneous speed of delivery in the AA gun of the ED, but at least it does gain the tracking ability of its guided rockets if you bothered to research upgraded rockets. In my opinion it's the worst of the anti-aircraft weapons but it's still going to be very useful The AA Rocket Launcher is far more effective in the building version than when mounted on the Super Fighter. In fact when mounted on the Super Fighter, the AA Rocket Launcher is by far the weakest of the AA weapons. Since none of the ground vehicles can carry the AA Rocket Launcher, the LC are at a disadvantage when dealing with airborne threats to ground units. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +30 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +30 damage, increases the guidance system to 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +40 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher upg.2 will give you +100 Damage and 100% guidance For the building version-Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +60 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +60 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by+1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +80 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher upg.2 will give you +200 Damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Air Rocket Launcher Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 20 22 +2 24 +2 26 +2 Range: 8 9 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 20 The Air Rocket Launcher is mainly designed to allow aircraft to fire guided rockets at foes in the air or ground. The damage isn't much better at inflicting damage than a 20mm Air Chaingun and same can be said of the range. Also it has a high rate of fire but a ridiculously low ammo count, uses 2 rockets at a time and has a habit of firing way more rockets than necessary, so count on regular calls for re-supply. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +2 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +2 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +6 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Air Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 25 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +2 Range: 8 9 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 40 With a much heavier damage, this rocket system can be quite the threat from the skies. Ammuntion is still a concern as this weapon fires 4 rockets at a time which negates the increased magazine. Upgraded Level 1 Rocket gives +4 damage as well as a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage, increases the guidance system to 50% and increasing range by +1. Upgraded Level 3 Rocket gives an additional +4 damage-so having all the Rocket upgrades for a Rocket Launcher will give you +12 damage, +1 range and 100% guidance Heavy Rocket Launcher Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 44 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 44 (40) 48 +4 (44 +4) 52 +4 (48 +4) 57 +5 (52 +4) Range: 10 (13) 11 (14) +1 12 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 40 (100) Next to the AA Rocket Launcher, this is the bane of aircrafts for the LC and has significant range. However the first version of the Heavy Rocket Launcher doesn't inflict that much damage yet and continues its smaller relatives' weak spot regarding ammo. This is also the strongest projectile weapon type for the LC after their Artillery which tells you something about the LC's weakness in the ballistics department. Note that the building version does less damage than the unit's-in fact the LC's unit version of the Heavy Rocket Launcher does the most damage of any factions' heavy rocket launcher, which is a good thing considering that the LC lacks cannon or grenade launcher technology. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +5 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +13 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% For the building version-Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 44 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 72 (61) 80 +8 (67 +6) 87 +7 (73 +6) 94 +7 (80 +7) Range: 10 (13) 11 (14) +1 12 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 55 (150) The Heavy Rocket Launcher gets a large damage increase and can threaten armored buildings and units. It can be a viable bombardment weapon if you haven't developed Artillery or Plasma Artillery. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +7 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +7 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +22 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% For the building version-Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +6 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +6 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +7 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +19 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.2 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 44 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 100 (80) 110 +10 (88 +8) 120 +10 (96 +8) 130 +10 (104 +8) Range: 10 (13) 11 (14) +1 12 (15) +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 70 (200) The Heavy Rocket Launcher can really land a whallop. Construct some Crushers carrying these and you got quite the anti-air unit. It can be a viable bombardment weapon if you haven't developed Artillery or Plasma Artillery. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +10 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +10 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +10 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +30 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% For the building version-Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +24 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Air Heavy Rocket Launcher Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 35 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 40 44 +4 48 +4 52 +4 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 40 The Air Heavy Rocket Launcher provides long-ranged heavy firepower against ground or air units with little or no armor. It doesn't have the level of firepower as the ground version Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +4 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +12 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Air Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 35 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Projectile Damage: 80 88 +8 96 +8 104 +8 Range: 10 11 +1 12 +1 To Air: Yes Ammo: 60 This weapon gains a huge increase in damage and a larger magazine of rockets making it a potent weapon against anything. Upgraded Level 1 Heavy Rockets gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 25%. Upgraded Level 2 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage and a guidance system of 50%. Upgraded Level 3 Heavy Rocket gives +8 damage, +1 Range and a guidance system of 100%. Having all 3 levels gives +24 damage, +2 Range and guidance 100% Electro-Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 40 Range: 6 (7) To Air: No Ammo: 10 The first energy weapon available to the LC, the range isn't impressive and neither is the amount of shoots it can take before needing to recharge. However it shoots too quickly to easily avoid, can be quite damaging to any ground vehicle that lacks adequate shielding and if it inflicts enough damage on an unshielded vehicle, it has a chance to ionize them. Against buildings, this ionization effect happens fairly often and so this makes a fairly good weapon against enemy fortifications. For the most part though just think of them as weaker versions of ED's lasers but are effective against buildings and causes actual physical damage. Electro-Cannon upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 60 Range: 6 (7) To Air: No Ammo: 10 There's only one change from the previous version but it's a potent one. The Electro-Cannon upg.1 does an impressive 50% more damage than its predecessor. Don't underestimate a unit armed with these. Heavy Electro-Cannon Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 55 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 100 Range: 8 (10) To Air: No Ammo: 10 Not only does this weapon do significant damage but it also can mount a subweapon. Unfortunately it's the only LC weapon that can mount subweapons. You're also not likely to see an ionization effect on units from this weapon as the level of damage it inflicts tends to just blast its targets into smithereens before you can shock them. Heavy Electro-Cannon up.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 55 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 146 Range: 8 (10) To Air: No Ammo: 10 An already fearsome weapon just became a lot meaner. This weapon is great for dealing with strong units and buildings, the only downside is that it doesn't match up with lasers or plasma weapons in blasting through shields Plasma Beam Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Special Type: Energy Damage: 76 Range: 7 To Air: No Ammo: 5 This is the only weapon useable by the New Hope and in turn it can only be mounted on a New Hope. It's very damaging by the standards of light energy weapons and in numbers can pose significant threat during hit and run attacks. Don't be surprised if you see group of 2 or 3 New Hopes destroy a shielded tank of the heaviest type in a short period of time. Finally the plasma beam can also ionize enemy units. Unfortunately the plasma beam can only take a few shots before needing a recharge and it has a slow rate of fire. The turret on this weapon also turns slowly so watch out for that. Sonic Cannon Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 35 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 60 To Air: No Range: 4 (7) Ammo: 5 This energy weapon has lousy range but it's deadly in a close quarter fight. Not only does it fire in a radius but the damage does not harm your own LC units. Sonic Cannon upg.1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 35 seconds Hard Points: Light Type: Energy Damage: 60 To Air: No Range: 4 (7) Ammo: 5 On first viewing it seems as if nothing improved but actually the recharge rate went down by a fair margin Heavy Sonic Cannon Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 60 (100) To Air: No Range: 5 (8) Ammo: 10 No increase in damage except for the building version, makes this a somewhat mediocre weapon. You can largely get the same effect by just submounting some ordinary sonic cannons on a vehicle. The building version on the other hand can provide a lot of threat value especially when over lapping with other similarly armed buildings. Heavy Sonic Cannon upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 60 (240) To Air: No Range: 5 (8) Ammo: 10 The building version gains a huge increase in damage and can be devastating against ground units. Both the unit and building version feature increased recharge rates. Also keep in mind that only by researching through Heavy Sonic Cannons can you develop the Plasma Artillery Plasma Cannon Cost: 600 credits Time needed: Hard Points: Special Type: Energy (special) Damage: 1000 Range: 20 To Air: No Ammo: 1 This energy weapon is unique to the LC's Crion. Not only does it have very long range and does phenomenal damage that puts all other vehicle-mounted artillery to shame but the damage it inflicts bypass ARMOR AND SHIELDS!!!!!!!!!! To top it off it's an energy weapon so it can constantly bombard the enemy without having to call for more ammo. The only drawback is that it has the shortest range of any artillery weapon and it takes more time for the projectile to hit a target. This is truly a ferocious weapon and one to be wary of Air Sonic Cannon Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 100 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 6 This is the bomb bay of the LC essentially. True the damage doesn't close to approaching the bombs of the other factions but this is extremely deadly nonetheless. It not only bypasses armor but it doesn't harm friendly LC units and so can be used for base defense as well as assaults where friendlies are in the region. Air Sonic Cannon upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 30 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 100 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 6 It takes even longer to produce then before but at least this weapon has a faster recharging rate Earthquake Generator Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 16 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 3 The damage is unimpressive to say the least and doesn't harm enemy units. But this can be a great weapon for attacking enemy buildings if they're too heavily defended for air or ground assaults. It will work when you're underground and allows you to attack the surface from the tunnels, just click on the ground in front of you (not the building or you'll try to go back to the surface to launch a direct attack) and it will attack every building in a radius. Remember the damage is really low and it doesn't affect enemy units, so trying to use this in a full frontal attack is suicide. Earthquake Generator upg.1 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 1 minute 40 seconds Hard Points: Heavy Type: Energy Damage: 30 To Air: No Range: 5 Ammo: 5 The damage is still unimpressive but a marked improvement over the original. A pair of these mounted on a tank with two hard points can really work over a building. Antimissile Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 5 seconds Range: 8 Ammo: 50 Hard Points: Light This acts to fire a small rocket at enemy missiles, hopefully causing them to detonate harmlessly away from others. This works great but isn't infallible. Also note that while the Antimissile is easily mounted on buildings, it can only be used on vehicles that have weapons with submounts. It only protects the unit or building it is mounted on and nothing else Detector m1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: Hard Points: Special Aargh, why is something so essential such as the Detector only available on the Phobos? The Detector is the only way for the LC to detect stealth units and in addition also greatly expands the sight radius of the Phobos it's mounted on. Unfortunately no building or other unit can use this so you'll need to produce a fair quantity of these. Actually the LC start off with this without needing any research. Detector m2 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: Hard Points: Special This is simply an upgraded version with a larger sight radius than the original. Makes for an excellent early warning system since it covers a very large radius Regenerator m1 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Special LC buildings and units regenerate at rate of 1 HP per second. The regenerator increases the healing rate to 2 HP per second. The biggest advantage is that the regenerator heals in a fairly large radius including units flying in the air. Unfortunately it lacks the range of options available to the repairer and having more than one in an area doesn't speed up regeneration. Also it can only be mounted on a Phobos Regenerator m2 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Special This increases regeneration to 3 HP per second Regenerator m3 Cost: 200 credits Time needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Special This increases regeneration to 4 HP per second Building Grabber Cost: 600 credits Time Needed: 10 seconds Hard Points: Light Gives you quick ability to capture enemy buildings as you don't need to ionize them first. The Building Grabber is the only way the LC can capture something from the enemy. The LC can only capture buildings not units as they lack repairer technology. Shield Recharger m1 Cost: 200 credits Time Needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Special An advantage unique to the LC, where normally a shield recharges at 2 point per second, the shield recharger increases this to 3 points per second Shield Recharger m2 Cost: 200 credits Time Needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Special Increases recharge rate to 4 points per second which can be significant Shield Recharger m3 Cost: 200 credits Time Needed: 50 seconds Hard Points: Special Increases recharge rate to an excellent 6 points per second. Having one of these and the top of the line shields means you'll have little to fear from energy weapons Transport Hook Cost: 100 credits Time Needed: 5 seconds Hard Points: Special This is what enables a transporter to carry units up. Can only be used by Unit Transporters Power Shield Generator 1000 PSU Cost: 100 credits Significantly stronger than the light shield generators of the other factions Power Shield Generator 1500 PSU Cost: 200 credits Still significantly stronger than the medium shield generators of the other factions, though the difference isn't as great a s before Power Shield Generator 2000 PSU Cost: 400 credits The most powerful shields in the game though the difference isn't so pronounced against other factions' heavy generators when compared to the other LC generators 3.3 ********LUNAR CORPORATION CHASSIS******** *Some hard points can hold unusual equipment or have limited equipment Lunar m1 Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 15 seconds HP: 240 Armor: 0 Speed: 28 Hard Points: 1 Light It's certainly fast and great for scouting but with a single light hard point and no armor at all, this vehicle is going to be cannonfodder in combat. A further drawback is that it can only mount light shields and this does not improve with later models. Good thing it's so cheap and fast to produce Lunar m2 Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 15 seconds HP: 270 Armor: 0 Speed: 32 Hard Points: 1 Light The Lunar m2 gains more toughness and speed, but it's still going to be a loser in a fight. Don't count on it defeating anything that's built for combat except another Lunar. Lunar m3 Cost: 100 credits Time needed: 15 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 0 Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The Lunar m3 becomes tougher and gains even more speed. It makes for a fantastic scout as it easily outraces enemy units if it's been spotted. It should be tough enough to be a credible threat against enemy light tanks if you can swarm them in significant numbers, especially if you outfit the Lunar with an electro-cannon. Moon m1 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 50% Speed: 21 Hard Points: 1 Light Frankly I'd pick the Moon over the Lunar any day. The Moon m1 is inexpensive, just as tough as a Lunar m3, can mount any shield, it's got good armor and is still very fast despite being heavier than the Lunar. But with only a single light hard point, don't expect it to crush tanks with a couple of shots. Moon m2 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 400 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Light Moon m2 has increased toughness and speed and can survive quite a bit of skirmishing. The Moon series are probably the best of the light tank varieties. Moon m3 Cost: 300 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 500 Armor 50% Speed: 28 Hard Points: 1 Light The Moon m3 is now quite sturdy and fast enough to avoid all but the fastest vehicles. It should be more than a match for any other light tanks depending on what equipment they've been outfitted with. Crater m1 Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 750 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Heavy While this is a powerful unit, in relation to the heavy tanks of other factions it's the weakest and the only advantage it has over them is the standard LC ability to hover. Initially it's faster than the Panther or Kruschev but later versions of those two heavy tanks will have them matching the Crater's speed. The only reason to pick the Crater over the Crusher is that only the most advanced versions of the Crusher can use the best shield projectors. Crater m2 Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 900 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Crater m2 becomes tougher and while it's a tough nut to crack it doesn't hold up well against other enemy heavy tanks unless you have the numerical advantage Crater m3 Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1050 Armor: 75% Speed: 19 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Crater m3 is pretty disappointing as it's only slightly faster the Crusher m3 and that's it. There's not too much point in researching this vehicle except that it is the only way to research the New Hope. Crusher m1 Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1100 Armor: 75% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 2 Heavy The Crusher lacks the toughness of the other factions' super-heavy tanks but it certainly Is faster and is still a formidable unit. Ignore what it says in the manual, not only does the Crusher have more weapons than a Crater but it is tougher as well. Since they have the same price and construction time there's little real reason you should make the Crater. The only disadvantage compared to the Crater is that the Crusher m1 can only mount up to a medium shield generator and has a slower speed. Crusher m2 Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1200 Armor: 75% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 2 Heavy The only improvement made is that the Crusher m2 is tougher than the original. However this boost in toughness can go a ways in increasing the survival rate of the Crusher and besides you'll want to research this so you can research the next level of Crusher upgrade. Crusher m3 Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 1300 Armor: 75% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 2 Heavy Not much tougher than a Kruschev or Panther but it's almost as fast. The Crusher m3 not only has improved toughness and speed but it can now mount the most powerful shield generator as well, making it one of the best units in the game. Once you develop this tank there's no reason to go with the Crater. New Hope Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 50 seconds HP: 120 Armor: 75% Speed: 28 Hard Points: Special On the surface this experimental vehicle looks very unimpressive but it can be surprisingly effective in a support/scouting role. First while the toughness level is abysmal, the heavy armor on the New Hope can reduce all but deadliest projectile damage to survivable levels. The New Hope also regenerates at an incredible 7 HP per second so that it can go from almost death to full health in only a short time. Unfortunately the New Hope can only mount the weakest shield projectors and so it doesn't stand up very well against intensive energy attacks The plasma beam mounted on the New Hope provides a nice level of firepower for a light weapon and the New Hope is one of the fastest vehicles in the game, giving the New Hope fairly impressive hit and run abilities. I've had a New Hope single-handedly destroy an Ural carrying artillery. Crion Cost: 1200 credits Time needed: HP: 750 Armor: 0 Speed: 15 Hard Points: Special The Crion is essentially the LC's mobile artillery unit. The Crion can only mount the Plasma Cannon and in turn is the only thing that can mount it. It's slow, lacks armor and can only mount up to a Power Shield Generator 1500 PSU but it's one of the best units in the game due to the incredible devastation and very long range of its Plasma Cannon. And for only a total of 1800 credits (chassis plus weapon), it comes at a fairly cheap price. Note that it can only gained by developing the Plasma Artillery technology. Fat Girl c2 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 45 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 25% Speed: 16 Hard Points: 2 Light What happened to c1? Anyways the Fat Girl is the combat capable civilian vehicle of the LC. Actually it's far more geared towards combat than anything as it's list of non-combat equipment options are absolutely pathetic. With moderate armor, good toughness and 2 light hard points it can hold its own in a fight though it is a slowpoke. Finally it has a better than normal rate of regeneration, it regains 3 HP per second. Fat Girl c3 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 45 seconds HP: 600 Armor: 25% Speed: 17 Hard Points: 3 Light The Fat Girl c3 isn't an improvement in anything but firepower and speed. With 3 light hard points, it possesses a fairly impressive array of firepower though. It should prove to be a tough combatant though it definitely dishes out better than it receives. Fat Girl c4 Cost: 600 credits Time needed: 45 seconds HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 18 Hard Points: 4 Light The Fat Girl c4 has gained another hard point, good armor, more toughness and speed. The Fat Girl c4 can utterly pound any light tank and depending on the weapons it carries, it can pose significant threat to heavy tanks. The only drawback is that it has difficulty dealing with heavy bombers since it can't carry AA or heavy rocket launchers Tunnel Gouger Cost: 800 credits Time needed: 50 seconds HP: 1800 Armor: 0 Speed: 21 Hard Points: 0 The Tunnel Gouger serves only to form tunnels and has no offensive capability. It also can only mount a light shield generator and has no armor, however it has plenty of health and good speed so it show be able to run away safely for the most part. Meteor Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 180 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light It cannot mount any shields, it's got little in the way of toughness or armor and it lacks the firepower to be anything more than an annoyance. But it certainly is fast Meteor m2 Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 240 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The Meteor m2 gets a bit tougher but still doesn't stand up well to punishment Meteor m3 Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 30 seconds HP: 300 Armor: 25% Speed: 36 Hard Points: 1 Light The Meteor m3 just might pull through in a pinch with its improved toughness but it's still a weak craft and would rely on swarming tactics to be a threat. It can mount a light shield projector Super Fighter m1 Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 600 Armor: 0 Speed: 32 Hard Points: 2 Light It's the only LC unit capable of mounting the AA Rocket Launcher and with 2 hard points it can easily rip enemy aircraft out of the skies and can provide support to ground units. It can use all types of shields, allowing it to withstand UCS AA Plasma Guns While tough and fast, the Super Fighter lacks armor and so it is very vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire. Also unless both hard points are used for the AA Rocket Launchers, the Super Fighter's air superiority goes down dramatically. Super Fighter m2 Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 750 Armor: 0 Speed: 32 Hard Points: 2 Light The Super Fighter m2 becomes as tough as the toughest heavy bomber. Unfortunately it still doesn't have any armor. Still the combination of Super Fighter and Thunderer just might give the LC the strongest air force in the game Thunderer Cost: 1500 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 600 Armor: 25% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy It can only use up to a medium shield generator if that's something of a problem and this never improves. However the Thunderer is tough, moderately armored and can deliver heavy firepower to suppress your foes Thunderer m2 Cost: 1500 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 750 Armor: 50% Speed: 25 Hard Points: 1 Heavy The Thunderer m2 becomes tougher and better armored. In either fighter/bomber or heavy bomber role-the Thunderer is a powerful assault vehicle especially when given a Super Fighter escort to punish enemy fighter craft. In the bomber role, the Thunderer is armed with the air sonic cannon which allows it to make sustained bombardment on any ground target without endangering your own forces. Phobos Cost: 350 credits Time needed: 10 seconds HP: 30 Armor: 25% Speed: 28 Hard Points: Special While it is nice that the Phobos can fly and avoid most attacks that way, it doesn't stop the fact that it is the most fragile vehicle in the game and in addition is the only LC vehicle capable of mounting certain essential support equipment. Could it have been too much to ask for the LC to be able mount Phobos equipment on a Lunar or Fat Girl? In any case, the Phobos is very valuable and isn't especially cheap so make sure to keep it well-protected Unit Transporter Cost: 1000 credits Time needed: 1 minute HP: 550 Armor: 50% Speed: 36 Hard Points: Special Extremely fast and well armored, the Unit Transporter can usually deliver ground units safely or it can pick up stationary enemy units to drop to their deaths. Mercury Cost: 400 credits Time needed: 15 seconds HP: 900 Armor: 0 Speed: 32 Hard Points: 0 The supply ship of the LC, there's really nothing separating it from those of other factions. It's fast and very durable unfortunately it has no armor so anti-aircraft fire will make short work of it. Without an adequate number of Mercury and aerial supply depots, you won't have enough ammo to sustain a long fight. 3.4 ********LUNAR CORPORATION BUILDINGS******** Landing Zone Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 300 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 In the campaign this is one of the most important buildings in the game. The landing zone allows you to transfer money and resources from a mission site back to your home base and vice versa. Main Base Size: 3x3 Resource Cost: 3000 credits Energy Cost: 100 power HP: 8000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 2 Heavy 2 Light The Main Base gives the LC a production advantage in that it can build both civilian and military vehicles instead of having separate facilities like the other factions. Not only that but with 8000 HP and 4 hard points, the Main Base can be one of the most formidable defenses in the game-almost rivaling the UCS Fortress or LC Guardian save for its lack of armor. Note that the Heavy Hard Points in the Main Base cannot mount Antimissiles except on the subweapon mounts of Heavy Electro-Cannons Solar Power Plant Size: 1x2 Resource Cost: 700 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Solar Power Plant itself doesn't provide energy but it enables you to create Solar Cells that do. The Solar Power Plant can build up to 10 Solar Cells per Plant. Solar Cell Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 100 credits Energy Cost: produces 100 power HP: 600 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Built by the Solar Power Plant, the Solar Cells must connect to each other or with the Solar Power Plant. The Cells provide plenty of power for relatively small space and cost. Unfortunately, the Solar Cells don't work under heavy cloud cover or night-time darkness. Also Solar Cells have to be connected plus lack armor and toughness making them a prime target for attack. Solar Battery Size: 1x2 Resource Cost: 700 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Solar Batteries absorb power from Solar Cells and Xyrex Power Plants, they then release whatever charge they've stored when the Solar Cells are inactive. The necessity for Solar Batteries, even when Xyrex Power Plants are developed, is one of drawbacks of the LC. Xyrex Power Plant Size: 4x4 Resource Cost: 3000 credits Energy Cost: produces 400 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Xyrex Power Plant is resembles the regular power plants of the other factions. It works regardless of the amount sunlight available and so it makes a nice fallback for the LC. Unfortunately it's very inefficient-it produces very little power for the space it requires; in fact it's the largest building in the game. Mine Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The LC Mine is unique in that it draws and processes resources directly therefore the LC do not use Harvester units. This can speed up the mining process and also renders the LC less vulnerable to attacks aimed at denying resource flow Aerial Supply Center Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Heavy Once a Mercury has been assigned to an Aerial Supply Center, it will fly out and supply units or buildings that are low on ammo. Make sure to have an adequate supply of Supply Centers and Mercury aircraft to avoid running out of ammo. Headquarters Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3600 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 1 Light The Headquarters can automate your base defense, the construction of units, upgrading of building weapons and research paths. It takes one Headquarters for each assignment. The LC Headquarters is the toughest of the 3 factions However I find only the automation of your base defense to be useful. The computer is notorious for making poor choices in other areas. With base defense though, it'll open fire at incoming foes from maximum range. Research Center Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 2400 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Having 3 Research Centers will speed up research by 20%. There's no further benefit to building more than 3. Research is a necessity in this game as players fight to win the arms race. Recycler Size: 2x3 Resource Cost: 500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 3000 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Recycler recycles units that have been sent there and returns half their original worth In credits. The Recycler is probably more useful to the LC than any other faction. The LC do not possess Repairer technology and so cannot upgrade their units in the field. Tunnel Entrance Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 1000 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 The Tunnel Entrance is the point of entry where units can go underground through a series of tunnels. Laser Wall Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 100 credits Energy Cost: 10 power HP: 600 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Laser Walls can have a laser beam up to a 3 squares long between each projector. Frankly though I'm hesitant to use Laser Walls. They're fragile by building standards and typically all you need is to destroy one projector to open a large gap in the wall. Finally while the energy cost per projector is low, the walls of other factions don't use power at all NEST Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 300 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 350 Armor: 50% Hard Points: 1 Light This is the earliest dedicated base defense a player can develop. While the armor level is good, the lack of firepower and toughness certainly isn't. The advantages of using the NEST includes small size lets it fit in spaces too small for other LC defense buildings, it's short enough that weapon emplacements on taller buildings can fire over it safely, and it uses no power. Defender Size: 1x2 Resource Cost: 400 credits Energy Cost: 0 HP: 900 Armor: 50% Hard Points: 2 Light The Defender is basically a bigger and more powerful version of the NEST for only a little more credits and space. It retains the low height and no power consumption advantages of the NEST but it has more than twice toughness as well as a pair of light hard points. The Defender does suffer from somewhat low firepower due to its inability to mount Heavy weapons. Overall though this is a good base defense until you develop the Guardian Guardian Size: 1x2 Resource Cost: 1300 credits Energy Cost: 25 power HP: 2500 Armor: 75% Hard Points: 2 Heavy Type 2 At almost three times the toughness of the Defender, very heavy armor and the capacity to use Heavy weapons for its hard points, this is THE DEFENSE for LC. It is significantly more expensive than the Defender but its sheer toughness, strong armor, heavy firepower and relatively low energy cost makes this the most desirable of the LC base defenses. Artillery Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 10000 credits Energy Cost: 250 power HP: 600 Armor: 0 Type: Projectile Damage: 260 Ammo: 3 Range: 50 Hard Points: 0 This is the least damaging of all the various factions' artillery. That said though, it is useful in its ability to bombard targets from extremely long ranges-it's just not as potent as the other base artillery pieces around. Artillery makes an excellent base defense against ground units especially if you place several in a line-make sure to set them to 'fire at will'. When using artillery make sure to align them so that nothing tall is directly in front, otherwise you'll blast yourself. Also take into account the expense of Artillery and their high power consumption. Finally make sure to have some defensive structures nearby to help fend off units that survived your artillery attacks Weather Control Center Size: 1x1 Resource Cost: 50 000 credits Energy Cost: 400 power HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Hard Points: 0 Of all the weapons of mass destruction, this is one causes the least damage(plus the attack is pretty random in where it hits) but it does give the user a number of options depending on the environment. Another plus is that it's effect radius is the largest of any weapon and the building needs little space. Unfortunately the types of options available to a Weather Control Center depend on the charge available plus the environment-desert conditions are the worst as you can only make wind: At 50% charge it can make rain (summer and spring), wind (all except moon) and snow (winter) At 100% charge it can make lightning storms (summer and spring) and meteor shower (moon) SDI Defense Center Size: 2x2 Resource Cost: 1500 credits Energy Cost: 50 power HP: 1500 Armor: 0 Ammo: 1 Range: 15 Hard Points: 0 The SDI Defense Center fires a powerful laser to shoot down incoming nukes. However because it takes time to aim and has a slow rate of fire, it can only protect against a small number of nukes. 4.0 WALKTHROUGH Note that research cost and time is a lot more than in the skirmish or multiplayer games. Offsetting this is how you're typically provided with some advanced units and a base of some sort to start. After the end of the mission, take everything that isn't nailed down and look for opportunities to eek out some more cash and experience. Also not every technology is available for research and what technology is available costs more time and credits to research to offset your ability to retain technology, money and units from level to level. Finally you have a limit in how many combat units you can produce (captured units also take up credits from this limit however you can continue capturing enemy units even after using up all the credits in your unit limit). 4.1 EURASIAN DYNASTY MISSIONS The Eurasian Dynasty missions are probably the second easiest of the three to do. However they're probably the simplest faction to practice with and to get a feel of the game, I'd recommend doing their missions first first. Before any missions actually begin, you're given a briefing by your commander telling you a little about why you're here at this base and some heads up on being a member of the Mobile Commandos. He also mentions that you're going to be given some support but not to count on it too heavily. Starting Base: Main Base 5 Power Plants 2 Weapon Production Centers 1 Vehicle Production Center 2 Supply Depots 1 Headquarters 4 Radar 5 Large Towers 1 Landing Zone Base 1 (Research Base) 2 Power Plants 3 Research Centers 2 Radar 5 Small Towers 1 Landing Zone Base 2 (Recycling Complex) 2 Power Plants 1 Recycler 2 Headquarters 1 Landing Zone Starting Units: Main Base 2 MI 27 Boyar 2 TK Taiga 2 with Repairer upg.1 6 T 120 Pamir with Double 105mm Cannon 6 T 120 Pamir with Rocket Launcher upg.2 6 M 140 Grozny with Helicopter Rocket Launcher upg.2 Base 1 (Research Base) 2 ZT 200 Minelayer with 20mm Chaingun Base 2 (Recycling Complex) None Starting Money: Main Base None Base 1 (Research Base) None Base 2 (Recycling Complex) None Technology Available For Research: Upg. Pamir Upg. Pamir Siberia Upg. Siberia: Upg. Siberia Upg. Siberia Upg. Taiga Cossack Upg: Cossack Grozny Caspian Upg. Chaingun AA Gun Rocket Launcher Upg. Cannon Ion Cannon Laser Cannon Repairer Repairer upg.1 Shield Projector 600 PSU *Upgraded Rockets have been totally researched for free Man, the General wasn't kidding when he said that the ED knows jack about accounting. If you look at the 3 base sites you'll see a lot of redundancy and poor planning. Since you don't start with any money, I'd recommend some of the buildings. You can actually prune a lot from the main base but nothing can be sold from Base 1 and Base 2. You might want do some selling in the beginning as you start with no money whatsoever. Another thing to keep in mind is that the profit from recycling for the ED can vary wildly but it'll mention what percentage at the top of the screen, the most I've seen is the high 70s so perhaps 80% is the most you can get back. Money will be tight initially but later on you can let rip with the spending sprees. Credits from your account on the mission site is automatically split up and sent to your main base and research base when you end a mission. *Technology not available for research include: Bomb Bay, Bomb, Ballistic Rocket Launcher, Ballistic Rocket, Minelayer, upg. Minelayer, Irkutsk, Leviathan, and Kiev MISSION 1 TRUCKS or RESCUE Once you get the briefing from the General, a mission icon appears. Pick it and you are given 2 possible missions. One is Trucks, where you must escort 6 convoy trucks to another base and the other is Rescue, where you must find data from a discovered spy hopefully rescuing him as well. It really doesn't matter which mission you pick from other than that each mission has its own research associated with it. Let's talk about the Rescue mission first 1) Rescue Base Given: 4 Power Plants, 4 Heavy Towers, 1 Supply Depot, 1 Landing Zone, 1 Vehicle Production Center, 1 Weapon Production Center Units Given: Scanner A, Scanner B Money Given: None Payment: 15000 credits for research and 2 Promotion Points Bonus: For finding the Spy alive, 3000 credits For escorting Spy safely back, 3000 credits and 7 Promotion Points For defeating all UCS units 1 Promotion Point Research: Upg. Caspian, Upg. Helicopter Chaingun, Screamer Before going on this mission, load the Ukraine with the Groznys, Boyars and Taigas. When you do all this and arrive at the mission site, the General will inform you that the UCS have discovered one of your spies. He barely escaped and is lost somewhere. Your job is to reach the data he's carrying and if possible rescue him as well. You have 6 hours before he freezes to death but to help you out, the ED has provided you with 2 special Scanner units. Scanner A and B HP: 900 Armor: 25% Speed: About 25% Hard Points: 1 Light The Scanners are fast and durable, they come equip with a special tracker for locating the spy and his vehicle. So long as you don't hang around a danger spot, you should have no problem surviving. The way to locate them is this, you see some numbers indicating distance at the top of the screen-the closer you are to the spy and vehicle, the smaller the number gets. The location of the spy is random and so you must use the two scanners. Call in the Ukraine but don't wait up for it as you'll just be wasting time. Instead rush quickly to the general location and look for a Caspian and the strange artifact beside it. There'll be a Tiger II with Plasma Cannons guarding it but it's easy to avoid. Grab the item and you have retrieved the data as well as the spy if he's not dead. The General will give you your payment which he says is 10000 credits for production and 10000 credits for research, if the spy is alive he'll give you 5000 credits if you bring him in safely. Well, you actually get 15000 credits for research, 3000 for production and a bonus 3000 credits if you bring the spy back to the base alive (sometimes the cheapskates don't give you the 3000 for finding him alive). If you let the spy freeze to death, the General is still pleased with your efforts and says he'll give you 20000 credits-which is actually just 15000 credits for research. Now you can end this mission as soon as you grab the data but I'd suggest sticking around. If you want to earn some extra firepower for later use, research the ion cannon and mount it on a Taiga or Siberia. Located all around the map are isolated Tiger IIs with Plasma Cannons and a trio of Tigers with 105mm Cannons. Send your ion cannon unit with your repair vehicles and go around capturing everything. You can even capture the spy's Caspian as well by taking it down with your ion cannon and sending a repair unit over (it's an advanced model and even has some shields, only weak spot is that its chaingun is the lowest rank). Heck if you really feel the ED is really ripping you off, you can ionize the base they gave you and sell the buildings. If you feel that capturing enemy units is a cheap tactic, you can easily destroy the UCS units from the air as they have nothing that can attack aerial targets. Wonder why you want the Groznys? Well 2 Dragons will attack your base with plasma bombs and only the Groznys can safely defeat the Dragons unless you had researched AA guns and have some AA guns around. Otherwise the Dragons will wipe out your base. Capture or destroy all the UCS units and they'll give you an extra Promotion Point though there's no congratulatory message this time MISSION 2 TRUCKS OR RESCUE 2) Trucks Base Given: 1 Power Plant, 1 Supply Depot, 1 Landing Zone Units Given: 2 MI 27 Boyar, 6 Convoy Trucks Money Given: None Payment: 15000 credits for research, 3000 credits for production and 2 Promotion Points Bonus: For escorting all 6 Convoy Trucks, 3000 credits and 2 Promotion Points For destroying LC base, 5 Promotion Points Research: upg. Shield Projector 1000 PSU, upg. Laser Cannon, upg. Ion Cannon, upg. Rocket Launcher, upg. 20mm Bullets, upg. 105mm Bullets, upg. Grozny *no matter which mission is picked 2nd, you can research: upg. 20mm Bullets, upg. 20mm Bullets, upg. 105mm Bullets, upg. 105mm Bullets, upg. Laser Cannon You're told that there has been several attempts made to get to the other base. All of them have been failures due to LC ambushes. Now it's your turn to show your mettle. The General gives you the pointer that a number of the LC units have no capacity to defend themselves from air strikes. He also mentions that there's an old Soviet base around that should have some goodies kicking around. Convoy Truck HP: 750 Shield: 0 Armor: 0 Speed: about 14 Hard Points: 0 [Okay the trucks you have been given have no capacity to defend themselves and they have no armor or shields so it doesn't take much from the LC to destroy one. However the Convoy Truck will only move once an escort has explored a fair amount of area and so it's generally not too difficult to get them through with no damage. One last thing to keep in mind is that the Convoy Trucks are not your property so you can't repair them.] The first thing to do for this mission is to load up all your Groznys (they'll do most of the work), both types of Pamirs, the Taigas and the Minelayers (their mines are useless here, but their machine gun can provide some nice anti-air cover. You won't need anything else, so don't worry about construction or research. There are some ammo and repair artifacts near the landing zone of the mission site but it's far too early to get any use out of them. The Vehicle Production Centers at the site can't be used either Once you send them over to the mission site, unload them and have the Groznys and Pamirs with rocket launchers fire at the ground. This'll free up some room in your magazines to get a fresh supply of upgraded ammo to replace your crappy regular stuff. Once they've been re-supplied send the Groznys ahead of the road. When you see a trio of Moon m3, the General will cut in and deliver a message about how they should be close to their base (not really that close). Now attack the Moons with your Groznys while bringing up your Pamirs, Minelayers and Taigas a safe distance from the fight but ready to jump in when the Moons are weak. The reason you don't want to bring the ground units in, is that the Moons are armed with electro-cannons or sonic cannons and can really hurt your ground units. However you want them close because the Groznys have low ammo supply and may not be able to kill all the Moons without returning to the base for a reload, but the Groznys will have gone far enough to get the Convoy moving forwards. Once the Moons are destroyed, follow the winding road until you reach a row of debris that has but one opening. If you have a ion cannon then you might want to capture the Moons instead, it shouldn't be too difficult as all the LC units at this stage have no shields. The convoy will stop here and wait for you to clear the area ahead. Now beyond the debris gate you'll see a straight road that will soon form a left turn. Move your Pamirs and Minelayers forward, with your Groznys slightly behind them. You'll be attacked by a bunch of Lunars using rockets. While they can really hurt your Groznys with their rockets, they don't fare very well against your ground force. Repair anyone hurt and arrive at the bridge. The bridge will be guarded by Meteors using machine guns and Super Fighters with rocket launchers. So bring up your Pamirs with rocket launchers and your Minelayers as well, have them followed by the Groznys. The Pamirs should take the brunt of the fire but their armor will take the worst of it, while your other units finish them off. Cross the bridge and you'll reach an area that's got plenty of debris. Move your Groznys forward or use your Ion Cannon unit because you'll once again be facing a Moon with a sonic cannon and a second one with an electro-cannon . Take them out and follow the road where you'll see an artifact site with ammo and repair artifacts near a network of bridges. Send your Pamirs with rockets and the Minelayers onto the larger platform located there while have the Groznys close by to support them. They'll soon be attacked by more Meteors and Super Fighters. Destroy them and cross the next land mass. When you reach land, send your Groznys out first because there'll be a trio of Moons carrying sonic cannons and if lucky they can make mincemeat out of your ground units, however keep some tanks handy because some Lunars with rocket launchers come in to attack as well. Alternately you can try to capture them as well Once the area is clear, the road leads to the ED base that the convoy is supposed to reach. Lead the convoy past the upcoming artifact site and they'll go the rest of the way. When all the surviving convoy trucks arrive, you'll get a message and receive your payment. If you lost 1 or 2 trucks then the General will send you a message saying that he is glad to see the convoy and will send you 10000 credits for production and 10000 for research. Don't you believe him, the ED accounting services will botch it and you actually get 15000 for research and 3000 for production. If you get all the trucks in safely then the General will say he's giving you a 5000 credit bonus which actually comes to an additional 3000 credits. You can now leave the mission or you can stick around for some more action. First check out the Soviet base, there's an artifact site if you need to use it. There are two special units that have joined you (make sure to notice them and click on them). Russilan AAR HP: 900 Shield: 600 Armor: 50% Speed: about 17 Hard Points: Special Damage: 400 Ammo: 50 Range: 8 [This is a really nice unit for dealing with pesky aircraft. It comes with a powerful anti-aircraft rocket launcher in addition to being very tough and well armored. These are especially useful if you decide to attack the LC base. It even comes with some shields] Okay while you're still at the base, think about scoring some more cash. Ionize the buildings at the base and capture them to sell. In addition, ionize the convoy trucks and capture them for recycling later. Finally the biggest profit to be had is this, check out those units lying all around the base... Heavy Tank with 105mm Cannon HP: 900 Shield: 0 Armor: 50% Speed: about 14 Hard Points: Special Ammo: 90 Range: 8 [These heavy tanks are weak by heavy tank standards but will still prove very useful. The description says they're armed with 105mm cannons but that's not true. What they are carrying is a variant heavy rocket launcher upg.2. So they're quite effective against air and ground targets-the drawback is they fire double rockets which burns through ammo at a quick rate.] The heavy tanks are currently inactive and many of them are in bad shape. However a quick jolt with the ion cannon and send over a repair unit to bring it under your control. Get the tanks patched up and you'll be grateful you got them because it'll be a while before you get to research a heavy tank of any sort. Since their rockets can hit aerial targets, they'll be very useful against the LC base. Once that's all sorted out and you strip-mined the base for what it's worth, you might want to check out the southeast corner of the map if you haven't been there before. There are 4 Moon m3 with electro-cannons and while you can easily dispatch them with your Groznys it'd be much more profitable to sneak up on them and capture them. It's a bit tricky but you could do it with only one ion cannon and your repair units. Now it's time to deal with the LC base. Over to the northwest corner of the map is a mountain and that is where the LC base is located. The mountain can be crossed by a narrow, winding road but the road is guarded by 4 Small Towers with rocket launchers. Furthermore there is a large contingent of Meteors and Super Fighters to contend with as well. So park your units that can hit aerial targets at the base of the mountain, and have your Groznys hold position there as well. Select one Grozny to go close to the base and draw out the enemy air force. Rush the Grozny back to position and you'll soon wipe them out, save for a few that hung back. Next send the Pamirs with 105mm cannons and other heavy hitters to attack the small towers but have your other units guard them. The remaining enemy aircraft will come to attack but they'll be quickly destroyed. And the Small Towers shouldn't last too long against your cannon, rocket fire and energy weapons. When they're gone the LC base is totally defenceless. Destroying the base will got you a positive report from the General plus some promotion points. Before ending the mission, you can take over and sell the base provided for you to pocket the money. MISSION 3 MONGOLIA OR IZBEKISTAN Now we get to the more difficult missions, hopefully you'll have picked up a lot of credits and interesting units in your journey to help make things easier. We'll assume that the next mission taken is Mongolia 3) Mongolia Base Given: 1 Landing Zone Units Given: None Money Given: 5000 credits for activating the Gruz, 25000 credits for locating a site for artillery Payment: 10000 credits for production, 15000 credits for research and 8 Promtion Points Bonus: For destroying all LC units 3000 credits and 3 Promotion Points Research: upg. Screamer, upg. Building Grabber, upg. Rocket Launcher II, Helicopter Rocket Launcher, Medium Defense Building, upg. Caspian, Unit Transporter *Artillery is researched for free once a certain task is completed This mission isn't so much difficult as it is tedious. If you have a surplus of cash you might want to research the Unit Transporter as it can help speed this mission up some. To begin with the General telling you that there are 3 LC bases in the area that must be destroyed. The first base is not to far away and he'll send bombers once you discover it, after that you're on your own. First load up units on Ukraine but keep in mind that the LC have lots of buildings and units equipped with rocket launchers so your Groznys aren't going to be nearly as useful as before. Once set, you should take the winding road north of the supply depot (you can't use it as its strictly for the bombers). As you go a solitary Moon m3 with electro-cannon will attack you. After you deal with this threat you continue through the road until you see 2 Defenders. The Defenders are placed to dissuade anyone from attacking the base. While you can destroy them, its probably easier just to capture them. In any case when you move past the Defenders, a gang of Moons and Lunars come attacking you with rockets. When you defeat them, move closer to the base and eventually the General will inform you of the airstrike. An armada of Han will fly and attack with rockets and bombs. However, the base has quite a lot of defense firing rockets at them and so it'll take a while. To speed things up, get your army to destroy the Guardian, the Headquarters and the Aerial Supply Depot. The Han will then come and annihilate the base, afterwards becoming inactive. Now you get information about dealing with the other bases-the 2nd base has a line of powerful defenses but spies had planted bombs at the power plants and the detonator is in the tunnels, the 3rd base requires you to place artillery Go forward and you'll see a tunnel entrance plus an artifact site loaded with ammo, you're probably spent on ammo so load up to your heart's content. Afterwards, go down to the tunnels. In the tunnels are a pair of Gruz but they're not operational, you must find an artifact to activate them. Besides that, there's some other nice stuff here. In the webwork of narrow tunnels to the south is an artifact that gives you a whopping 10000 credits. Go into the larger tunnels and you'll find a room full of repairs and in a nearby room is the artifact you're looking for. Once you get the Gruzes working, the General will congratulate you and give you 5000 credits to work with. He wants you to go look for a secondary network of tunnels. You can't reach those from your current location, so send your Gruzes to the surface and go to the area that is west of the tunnels where you found the Gruzes. Once there build a tunnel entrance and start making big tunnels leading south. Eventually you'll be stopped by solid rock, now bring your army to where your Gruzes are and have the Gruzes look for a location to build another tunnel entrance which will lead to the surface. Once you do so, go up and you'll see another tunnel entrance plus a bridge to your west. Send your troops down those tunnels as they lead to some nice items. Explore out the tunnels and you'll see that to the east are 3 rooms that have been sealed off. Use a Gruz to tunnel the sealing and you find the 1st room has 10000 credits, the second room has six shield projectors and a lot of repairs, and the third room has lots of ammo. As for who should get the shields, you'll probably want to save these for captured LC or UCS units that have the most advanced chassis and weaponry but no shields (for example the Moon m3 with electro-cannon upg.1 is typically carrying the best chassis of its kind and the weapon it carries is as good as it gets). If you manage to capture the Moon m3 with the electro-cannon in the beginning or have others brought over from previous missions then have one pick up a shield, we'll save the rest for some later potential prizes. Now bring your troops to the surface and with the Moon m3 that is shielded, go south to the broken bridge. You'll see a line of Guardians and they have electro-cannons and rocket launchers, send your Moon m3 to quickly harass them a little. Eventually they'll send some Lunars and Moons over to attack you, as well as hopefully a Crater with Heavy Rocket Launcher. Bait the enemy unit to follow you as you guide your Moon back to the rest of the army. Have them destroy the Moons and Lunars while you capture the Crater. The Crater has a fully upgraded chassis and weapon so get it to pick up a shield generator from that tunnel room. Now with repair your Moon and send it back out again to the south. Repeat the same trick and another batch of enemy units come along with the same type of Crater. Repeat and you have another Crater in your possession. Give it a shield and you'll have some fairly significant firepower in your hands. Okay now that you're army is well stocked and hopefully larger by 2 Craters, go back to the tunnel entrance with the 3 bonus rooms. Now go straight south with your Gruzes and eventually you'll hit a dead end. The wall can be dug out though and will lead you into a new set of tunnels. Explore out the tunnels and you'll find an artifact. Grab it and it'll detonate rendering the line of Guardians useless. Now go and repair the bridge, then send your troops over (especially your ion cannon unit) and destroy the Guardians. The 2nd base isn't totally helpless, they have a few Small Towers and they'll send the rest of their troops over including a Crater carrying a Heavy Electro-Cannon with Rocket Launcher submount. Capture that and wipe out the rest. Now as your busily destroying the 2nd base you'll want to check on your main base. Hopefully you left the Groznys at home as well as the Pamirs with rockets. Move them over to guard the landing zone, this will be important very soon. Once you destroy the 2nd base, look for a plateau on the mountain that is surrounded by fencing. When you find it the General congratulates you and says you found the perfect place for artillery placement. He mentions that you need to support the artillery with power plant and supply depot. He'll give you something like 25000 credits and the technology to make artillery! Now move your army back to guard the tunnel entrances and move the Gruz to the plateau. If the sky is clear then begin production but if there is a heavy thunderstorm then move far away from the mountains and wait it out-the lightning bolts will make short work of any unit caught in its path. Chances are you'll soon be interrupted by an urgent message saying your main base is under enemy attack! A small group of Gargoyles armed with plasma cannons are flying in to destroy your base starting with your landing zone. Well if you placed the Groznys and Pamirs like I mentioned then they'll wipe out the Gargoyles with ease. Load up your Boyars and ship them to the mission site. Return to the mission site and check out what the Gruz is doing. You only need one supply depot, one power plant and one artillery. Before you get the artillery firing at anything, assign the Boyars to the supply depot and they'll give your troops some much needed supplies. When they're done, send a Unit Transporter if you have one to the tunnel entrance where the rest of your troops are. Now fly to the west along that bridge until you spot a group of Moons. Get your artillery to paste them. Fly along the bridge and you'll the Moons were guarding an artifact site but ignore that for now. Send your Unit Transporter to scout the area just to the west of your artillery. There's the base and it's ripe for bombardment. As soon as you start to blasting them to shreds, the LC will retaliate by sending an army to deal with your tunnel entrances. There's nothing especially powerful in that army so your forces will easily wipe them out. Continue to bombard the base until it's destroyed. Victory is yours and the General says he'll pay you 30000 credits (hey this time he's get it fairly close, hopefully this will be a continuing trend) and you'll get a medal. Now to get the bonus, go to the artifact site I just mentioned it'll be guarded by Moons with sonic cannons and a Crater with heavy electro-cannon and a banner as submount. Capture the Crater and deal with the rest as you see fit. Next look around for any Mercuries that are still alive and destroy them too. End of story MISSION 4 MONGOLIA OR IZBEKISTAN 4) Izbekistan Base Given: 1 Landing Zone Units Given: 1 Convoy Truck Money Given: None Payment: 3000 credits for production, 15000 credits for research and 2 Promotion Points Bonus: For destroying the power plants, 3000 credits and 10 Promotion Points For destroying all the UCS units, 3000 credits and 3 Promotion Points Research: Thor, upg. Thor * note that whichever mission you do, you now get to research Stealth Unit and upg. Screamer Izbekistan is the beginning of a multi-part rescue mission. The General has told you that you must retrieve the Cargo Salamander from an island to your west and that the base defenses are powered by a series of power plants. I suggest going after the power plants first to significantly weaken your foes. Oh yeah, a little note-don't bother producing any Thors this mission, as you have no research on anything to equip them with. First load up a team including the Groznys and 2 or more Unit Transporters. The thing to keep in mind in this mission is that you cannot construct anything. So don't bring a Gruz. Fly the Groznys far to the south and then go west to the land mass. When you see a forest, go there and stop. Now fly in your army to the same location. I suggest you have an ion cannon handy as this mission can really increase your power and since ammo can be hard to get you might want to get some energy weapons too. Once your troops have arrived it's time to go further to the west. As for the Convoy Truck you began with, just leave it alone for the being. The power plants aren't easily accessible as they're high on a mountain top and well guarded. Now the UCS have Spiders with rocket launchers and Tigers with 105mm cannons, which should be a pushover especially if you have Moons with energy weapons, Craters and Heavy Tanks-if that was all the UCS had this would be a cakewalk. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) they have 5 Grizzlies-the toughest units in the game: Grizzly III HP: 3600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 19 Hard Point: 1 Heavy [The Grizzly is easily one of the best units in the game. Not only is it phenomenally tough but also heavily armored and fast. It's firepower is actually somewhat less than that of a fully optimized Jaguar but you can't always expect the Jaguar to mount the light weapon, heavy weapon and weapon submount combo. Once you see the Grizzly in action, don't be surprised if you single-handedly win entire missions with a couple of them, it's that powerful!!!] Well if the power plants are that well guarded how about trying another target. At the base of the mountain where the power plants are, there is a the UCS base for producing new units and keeping them supplied. There's also an artifact site with lots of ammo which you'll need pretty soon. Have your Groznys attack the Tigers guarding the artifact site. Next have your ground units destroy or capture the buildings. Keep your ion cannon unit as you'll eventually attract attention from the enemy. They'll start by sending a couple of Spiders which you can easily destroy but following close is a mighty Grizzly carrying a heavy rocket launcher and rocket launcher tandem. Capture the Grizzly and take out the Spiders. Now eventually another wave comes this time its some Tigers and a Grizzly with heavy plasma cannons and plasma cannons tandem. Destroy the Tigers and capture the Grizzly. Now this particular Grizzly gives a heavy advantage, the UCS aren't making much use of energy weapons or shields so take advantage of that. Take the Grizzly and attack the power plants a bit. Eventually another Grizzly comes, armed with the same rocket tandem that the first Grizzly had. Capture that and deal with the Spiders that are in the way. Eventually another Grizzly with rockets comes along to investigate and capture him to. With 4 Grizzlies, go and attack the power plants. Eventually the fifth and last Grizzly comes to the rescue, but just give him a jolt and you'll have 5 Grizzlies in your possession. Once you wipe out the base and the units there, you'll probably have enough points to go up a rank. Now it's time to capture the Cargo Salamander. First bring everyone back to your original location, advance to the west. The outpost here will be easy to dismantle with the power all gone. There's an artifact site at this outpost to provide you with much needed ammo. Now follow the road to the west but keep an eye out for land mines. The mines left here can only be destroyed by running into it. So take your Unit Transporters to lift your forces just past the minefield. Once there you'll see an artifact site to the north, it's especially well stocked with ammo and repairs plus 30000 credits. Grab these and continue where you'll see another group of mines on the road leading to the Cargo Salamander. Now use the Unit Transporters to fly in the toughest units you have. Let them destroy the Small Towers guarding the Cargo Salamander. Next fly in convoy truck and place it directly on top of the Salamander. You'll get a message saying that the Salamander has been successfully captured. Now you can fly the Salamander back home and end this mission MISSION 5 ABER OR EUROPE Okay the ABER is the followup mission for Izbekistan, you'll have to send your Cargo Salamander to rescue the soldiers from UCS headquarters. Europe has you looking for your nuclear missiles. I'd recommend doing the ABER first as it can provide you with some heavy firepower for the Europe mission. 5) ABER Base Given: 1 Landing Zone Units Given: None Money Given: None Payment: 15000 credits for research, 3000 credits for production and 2 Promotion Points Bonus: For destroying all the UCS buildings 3000 credits and 10 Promotion Points For destroying all the UCS units 3000 credits and 2 Promotion Points Research: Heavy Ion Cannon, Heavy Laser Cannon, Heavy Cannon, Heavy Rocket Launcher, Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher, upg. Helicopter Heavy Rocket Launcher, upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 25%), upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 50%), upg. Heavy Rocket (guided 100%), Han, upg. Han, Volga, upg. Volga You are given a complete map of the surface, now look at the northwest corner. High on the mountain top is the headquarters which is well protected with mines, towers and Jaguar with lots of plasma cannons. Next take a look at the southwest plus southeast corner of the map, there are plasma conrol centers and they're biggest reason why nothing should be built here. Throughout this map are a number of teleporters and tunnel entrances that you'll have to use to rescue the prisoners. First fly in your Cargo Salamander (make sure it is holding fire) and have it go as far south as it can. Eventually it'll reach a teleporter, so that take that and it'll teleport you in front of another teleporter. Take that teleporter as well and you'll be taken to a shoreline where a Hydra is waiting for you (There are 2 Hydras, about the only place in the game you'll ships of any kind at all for that matter). Escape the Hydra by going to the nearby tunnel entrance. Down the tunnels you'll want to go north and take the tunnel entrance there but first explore the tunnels as they have some artifact sites kicking around. Once you get repairs, go up the tunnel entrance and on your map look for a place with lots of tanks. There's a teleporter there that'll transport you near the headquarters, bypassing this stage's only Jaguar (it'll make an excellent addition to your forces if you capture it). So make a quick run for that teleporter. When you make it just avoid the mines and go to the headquarters. The General will congratulate you and tell you that the men want action, take them to the tanks and wreak havoc. So teleport back to the area with the tanks and reach them. You'll take control of the tanks and I suggest having them hold position to take stock of your situation. First off you get 6 Heavy Tanks with 105mm Cannons and 10 Tanks C 105mm, you might have already had some experience with the Heavy Tanks but here's the specs on you other find. Tank C 105mm HP: 900 Shield: 0 Armor: 50% Speed: about 17 Hard Points: Special Ammo: 160 Range: 8 [Ignore what the name says, this is essentially a Russilan with a variant 120mm double cannon. While you can get a lot of mileage out of this tank, the 120mm double cannon on it is almost exactly the same as the single barreled version-the only difference is the higher ammo count and using two shells at a time rather than one. Even the improvements from using upgraded bullets are the same. Outside of its sleek looks, there's no reason to keep this once you develop the Kruschev or Ural and the regular 120mm double cannon] A Panther, a Spider and a Tiger are attacking you, so blast them to bits. There's some repair and a huge load of shield projectors lying around. Don't have your tanks grab the shield projectors as they can just be outfitted by your repairer. That's because your mighty non-ED units like the Grizzlies and the Jaguar on this stage that would make better use of the shields. Now use your Ukraine to fly in your most preferred troops who could use shielding as well as the repair units to upgrade the tanks you just found. Now go around blasting everything to kingdom come. Nothing should give you any difficulty. MISSION 6 ABER OR EUROPE 6) Europe Base Given: 1 Landing Zone, 8 Small Towers Units Given: 1 MI 27 Boyar, 3 T 120 Pamirs with 105mm Double Cannon, and 2 TK Taigia 2 with Repairer upg.1 Money Given: 30000 credits Payment: 15000 credits for research, 3000 credits for production and 8 Promotion Points Bonus: For destroying the UCS base 3000 credits and 3 Promotion Points For destroying all the UCS units 3000 credits and 2 Promotion Points Research: Earthquake Generator, upg. Earthquake Generator, Heavy Tower, Kruschev *regardless of which mission is chosen, you can research: upg. Heavy Cannon, upg. 120mm Bullets, upg. Heavy Rocket Launcher, upg. Heavy Rocket Launcher II, upg. Heavy Laser Cannon, Upg. Heavy Ion Cannon You are alerted that the LC have captured your nuclear silos. You must get them back so get cracking! This is probably the first mission where you can really mine a lot of money so bring a Gruz or two. Assemble a strong force with your Gruzes and load them on the Ukraine. When you start your mission, you'll find that they gave you a base of sorts located inside a hollowed-out rock formation. Have the repair units they gave you, upgrade themselves and call the Ukraine. Now a powerful thunderstorm has hit just a little in front of your base so don't venture out until you organize your troops a little. Send the Pamirs to the recycler as they're just going to get in your way. The attack force along with the Gruzes should be taken directly west of your base. You'll find a bridge to cross and once you do so, you'll be on a landmass with a river directly in front of you. If you have powerful amphibious or hover units like the Volga or Crater, just click on the land to the other side of the river. Your other units will have to take the long route around. Across the river is a LC mining operation that is protected by nothing more than some Moons and NESTs. Destroy everything here and set up your own mining operation, 2 mines and 2 refineries will totally cover everything. Now your research base will eventually be attacked by a trio of Gargoyles with plasma cannons, so transport your Groznys and Russilan AARs there. Have the Russilans placed on the cliff behind the research centers where a small tower is because that's near where the Gargoyles appear. The Groznys should be close by in case the Gargoyles evade the Russilans. With everything secure, send your Ukraine to fetch another powerful force plus 2 to the mission site. The weaker of the forces should take over guard duties of the mining operation while the stronger will be used for a full frontal assault to recapture your silos. Since you captured the mining operations, the LC will have to split their forces and will be low on credits for production. So your assault team will only face a couple of Moons and Lunars, take them down and you'll face two rows of Guardians that have some backup from NESTs. Since they're only equipped with rocket launchers, your attack force will barely be injured as you wipe them out. When the LC defense is shattered you'll find your silos and other buildings have been disabled. Before you fix them, look for a tunnel entrance. When you find it, send 4 fast units down there and have one placed past each of the tunnels in the four directions. Now restoring those buildings but as soon as you restore a missile control center, the General alerts you that the LC have activated the self-destruct, however the 4 switches controlling it are in the tunnels. Well you're given plenty of time and since you already have units down there it'll only take a few seconds to this. When you complete the task, the General sends his compliments and the mission can be ended. You can stick around though and mop up the rest of the LC. Their main base is in the southwest corner of the map and is a tall rock formation surrounded by water, so it can only be accessed by flight, hovering or amphibious capability. Now you can run in and go for a firefight which is risky as there's not only Guardians but the Main Bases are well-armed too, but it's still easy to do. The other option is build artillery and shell them to oblivion. The final method is to simply launch the nukes at them. Now mine out all the resources and sell everything off including the silo base you recaptured. MISSION 7 WESTERN EUROPE There's no other mission branch, so get ready to fight in Western Europe. 7) Western Europe 6) Europe Base Given: 1 Landing Zone Units Given: 1 MI 106 Cossack with Helicopter Double Chaingun. 3 ZT 101 Siberia with Laser Cannon Money Given: 30000 credits Payment: 15000 credits for research, 3000 credits for production and 8 Promotion Points Bonus: For destroying the northern UCS base 15000 credits and 3 Promotion Points or for destroying all the UCS units 3000 credits and 2 Promotion Points Research: upg. 120mm Bullets, upg. 120mm Bullets, Heavy Defense Building, upg. Kruschev, upg.Kruschev, Ural, upg. Ural First load up your Ukraine, since the UCS has some very powerful Jaguars I'd also recommend some ion cannons to capture them. It's important to load a Gruz as well since this mission can see you mining a lot of credits. Once you have a powerful party loaded, activate this mission. The General will inform you that the UCS have captured 3 nuclear missile launchers and are trying to work out the passwords to control them. They'll succeed in 3 days time so you must stop them before then, the control mechanism for the nukes are somewhere in the tunnels below the nukes. When you grab it'll put the nukes under your control. Well with that all said, the units the General so kindly provided you with are not even close to being a match for what the UCS is using. So call up the Ukraine and unload your troops. There are two paths from where you start, one to the south and the other to the east. While the nukes are located to the east, I'd recommend going south first. The path leading east has some UCS artillery placed on the mountain tops, they'll blast any ground troops heading east not to mention there's some Cargo Salamanders with plasma cannons to help work your forces over as well. Of course you can simply send some helicopters to blow them up and do the shortcut to the nukes. This shortcut has you first destroying the artillery, then transport a Gruz to the area with all the power plants to make a tunnel entrance. Then just tunnel east and you'll reach the tunnel system where the control mechanism is. Still I'd go for the south first as it'll eventually take you to the UCS mining and production site. If you go south you'll eventually come across a trio of Tigers with plasma cannons guarding a long stretch of railroad tracks. There's also 10000 credits located amongst the tracks roughly in this vicinity. You can grab that later, you might as well take down the UCS mining operation before they extract too much. Now once you're past the tracks and in the southern region of the map, you will be attacked by Dragons, once you've beaten them take your forces east. You'll come across stiff UCS resistance-the minor stuff being some Spiders and Tigers, more worrisome are the Panthers and the fiercest threat comes from the Jaguars. However you're ace in the hole is that these units have no shields, so slaughter them with energy weapons and try to capture the Jaguars (there's 5 carrying heavy plasma cannons and 3 with rocket launchers). Eventually a pair of shielded Panthers carrying heavy rocket launchers come after you. Wipe them out and start working over the base. Blow up the base defenses and take out the refineries plus Harvesters. But leave their Mammoths alone (if you have Unit Transporters, just use those to grab them and place them in an isolated area with no building space) because if you destroy or capture all the UCS units you get the lesser bonus. Anyway once you've secured the area, build a mine and refinery to start the cash flow running. After all this is done, push north and go for the nukes. First remember to take out the artillery, but once you do so the northern base is a cinch. They have a lot of towers and a pair of fortresses but none of them are using anything other than chainguns. So your forces can easily mop them up, now send someone down the tunnels. Before you grab the control mechanism, you should place ready some units at your main base for another round with the Gargoyles. They'll attack soon after you grab the control mechanism. The control mechanism is located in a large room with lots of pillars and is near a number of artifact sites. There's the regular ammo and repair but there's one particular site that has 40000 credits and 4 shield projectors. Send some unshielded units that you really like to pick them up (such as your choice amongst the 8 Jaguars you might have captured). When you grab the control mechanism, the nukes are yours (they're Volgas with ballistic rocket launchers). One thing to keep in mind is that once you use a nuke, you will not be supplied with more ammo so use it wisely. If you do use a nuke, you should sell the Volga afterwards as it just occupies a large chunk of your population limit. Mine everything out, recycle obsolete units, research what you want and start producing some heavy hitters because we're down to the final missions now. Also you'll want to have some anti-aircraft units in the vicinity of the landing zone at the main base for the next mission. MISSION 8 The following missions are part of Operation Umbrella which is designed to stop the LC's Project Sunlight. There's no avoiding them and also you've reached the apex of technology so there's no new research available. AFRICA 8) Africa Base Given: 1 Landing Zone, 1 Vehicle Production Center, 1 Weapon Production Center, 6 Small Towers, 1 Research Center, 1 Supply Depot. 4 Power Plants Units Given: 2 MI 106 Cossacks with Helicopter Double Chaingun. 3 T 120 Pamir with Double 105 Cannon, 2 M 140 Grozny with Helicopter Rocket Launcher upg.2 Money Given: 30000 credits Payment: 15000 credits for research, 3000 credits for production and 8 Promotion Points Bonus: For destroying LC base 15000 credits and 3 Promotion Points For destroying all the UCS units 3000 credits and 2 Promotion Points Research: None The General informs you that Operation Umbrella is underway to stop the LC. The first step is to destroy the UCS mining operation and control the resources here so you can eventually establish a large army for Operation Umbrella. Okay hopefully you have a powerful force already loaded up in the Ukraine, because as soon as the General finishes briefing you, you'll be under attack. The base was poorly planned in layout so some buildings aren't close enough to a power plant and have no power. The defensive buildings are also fairly weak and are too far spread to concentrate fire effectively. Luckily the initial attack is by the LC using a mostly Lunar attack force, so it should be easy to fight off. Hopefully the Ukraine will arrive soon to take the heat off your base and allow you to tailor the base more to your liking. Soon enough there's an attack on your main base and this time it's with Bats armed with heavy rocket launchers. They may be tougher than the Gargoyles but they're still easy to take down. Once you've taken care of them, you should set up a mining operation of your own. If you're going to use aircraft, then bring them over immediately especially if you want to use more Boyars, a heavy wind will soon take place and last for a few days which prevents aircraft from taking off the ground-this can end up blocking factories or the landing zone Now start moving your forces south, you'll constantly be attacked by LC Super FIghters, Meteors, Lunars and Moons, meanwhile the UCS will take you on with Gargoyles, Cargo Salamanders and Panthers. Annihilate them and go further south until you reach the middle of the map. Now the LC base is in the south while the UCS are in the east. Both bases are well defended and are heavily armed with artillery. If you still have the nukes from the previous mission, it wouldn't be a bad idea to use them to soften up a base. Considering that is one of the last fights, you can splurge on building artillery and use a spotter to pinpoint enemy positions for some heavy bombardment. Otherwise send your most heavily armored units to attack the enemies' defenses and endure any artillery fire until you have to retreat. You'll eventually wear them down and probably not take any casualties. The UCS base is laden with small towers, heavy towers and some fortresses. As well many of their buildings are equipped with plasma cannons. So shields are very important here. Try to pick off their artillery with quick air strike and you should be able to destroy the rest of the base. You'll have to contend with some Panthers, Salamanders and a pair of Jaguars carrying heavy plasma cannons but without their artillery they should be easy to destroy. There's also a series of tunnels in the area, about 3 in total. Each one can get you 30000 credits each but one set of tunnels (the type with the high tech-looking walls) has a pair of Jaguars with plasma cannons waiting to ambush you. When you destroy the UCS base then victory is yours, but you can also go after the LC base. Now the LC aren't that dangerous though one spot on their base has a very tight formation of artillery, just watch out for them or make some artillery to wipe them out. Use some quick strikes from the air to scout them out and pinpoint the enemy defenses for your artillery (mind you the LC base has a severe lack of firepower compared to the UCS one, you can simply run in and blow everything up with your troops if they are well shielded). Once you wipe out the first line of buildings, you can push further south. You'll find a pair of Crushers m3 armed with heavy sonic cannons and four special units. PROTOTYPE HP: 600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 28 Hard Points: Special Ammo: 20 Range: 7 [The PROTOTYPE is a very powerful unit. It's the alien craft that the LC's New Hope and Fang are based on, though it's far more powerful than the New Hope. It's tough, extremely fast, hovers, and is heavily armored but its regeneration ability isn't as good as that of the New Hope-it recovers 3 HP per second. Its plasma beam does 125 points of damage and can really rip up an unshielded unit. Too bad the LC didn't have these guys equipped with shields but they are still a welcome addition to your group if you capture them.] Moving further on and you'll eventually meet some Craters with heavy electro-cannons, Fat Girls c4 with rocket launchers, a Moon and most dangerous of all-a Crion. Try to capture the Crion and if you succeed in doing so, the LC base is toast unless you left their artillery alone. Anyways you're done clearing out the LC and UCS forces here, just work over any stragglers and mine the resources (there's an immense amount of resources on this scenario, you'll probably be rich enough to max out for your unit limit and finish researching every technology available). MISSION 9 FLORIDA This is your last mission where you get to use your army and other resources, so throw everything at them. You've got nothing to lose in doing so 9) Florida Base Given: 1 Landing Zone Units Given: None Money Given: 30000 credits Payment: None Bonus: For destroying UCS base 15000 credits and 3 Promotion Points For destroying all the enemy units 3000 credits and 2 Promotion Points Research: None Okay the General informs you that the UCS have space port in Florida, your job is to take it over and send a launch to the moon. However the space port is heavily guarded so expect a big fight. Load up your Ukraine but make sure there's a Gruz amongst them. When you do so, send them to the mission. You'll quickly be attacked by ground units from one side (typically Panthers and Cargo Salamanders, occasionally Jaguars and even Grizzlies) and the other side will under constant attack from Gargoyles. Establish strong base defenses and a lot of supply depots. There's a number of resource fields to the north of you, though you should be able to truck over large sums of credits. Now the UCS base is east of the middle of the screen, it's guarded by a lot of towers and fortresses plus a couple of Grizzlies and Jaguars. However your forces should easily outnumber them and will overwhelm them with no effort. If you're not confident, just put up some artillery in the area, the UCS base doesn't have any so it can't fight back during an artillery match. Wipe out the base and proceed north near the space port. The space port is isolated by a large chasm, not only that but there's plenty of artillery and other defensive structures surrounding the space port. Set up your own artillery and using a helicopter as spotter, blow up all the UCS artillery and as many fortresses and towers as you can. There'll still be some guards-Grizzlies who have been cloaked by Spiders carrying shadow generators, so send someone with a noise generator or else put your Gruz over to construct a radar. There are four tunnel entrances surrounding the space port-each one must be entered to get the individual control mechanisms. If you accidentally blow them up, just build a new tunnel entrance over the destroyed one. Finish the mission and you'll be blasting off into outer space. MISSION 10 MOON 10) Moon Base Given: None Units Given: 7 Escorts, General Fiodorow Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None This is the big finale, you must escort General Fiodorow to the tunnels below Project Sunlight where he can activate the codes to blow it up. You have no army, no credits-nothing to back you up save the escorts but it should be more than enough. Escort HP: 600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 28 Hard Points: Special Ammo: 10 Range: 6 [The Escort is very powerful ground unit that looks like a flying saucer. It uses LC technology so it can float and also regenerate in addition to being toughness and heavily armored. The Escort carries an energy weapon that fires bolts of energy which inflicts heavy damage on any ground target, however don't you believe it when it says it does 800 damage. I've had to hit unshielded Moons with multiple shots to destroy one. Still it's probably one of the best units in the game] General Fiodorow is riding a Russilan AAR with a power shield generator 600 PSU. There aren't any flyers in this stage, so the General is going to be little more than cannon fodder here. First off there should be an artifact site in your vicinity, it contains the usual stuff but also has energy recharges, 3 shield generators and a map. Grab them as nearby are some Moons. Destroy them and withdraw if necessary. Now go southeast to the centre of the screen but watch out for land mines! There's a path that will take you near Project Sunlight, even though you can't reach Project Sunlight directly from here you still need to go. It's the only path to the tunnel entrance you must take and as well it has an artifact site with 2 more shields. Go for the site and pick up the shields. You'll face a horde of Craters armed with heavy electro-cannons, you should try to destroy one or two and withdraw. Keep doing that to thin them out and eventually stop them for good. Now travel north along the path which leads to what appears to be 3 rings on your map. There's an artifact site here as well as the LC base. The artifact site has nothing extraordinary, so use it only for healing. The LC base is guarded by New Hopes, Craters and a few Crushers for good measure. To top it off there's a lot of Guardians and even a pair of artillery that can easily wipe out your troops. Unfortunately everything is too closely clustered to just sneak past them so you have to fight it out. I'd recommend sending one of your guys to draw out the artillery fire. Once the artillery runs out of ammo, quickly rush in and destroy them. You can call everyone else to destroy the Guardians and calmly go down the tunnel, just watch out for the mines. When you go down you'll quickly be attacked by a Moon but it's easy to slaughter and once done, just go southeast until you reach Project Sunlight. There's no artifacts to grab and just a bunch of foes that try to ambush you in the tunnels, so there's not much reason to explore them out. Just head straight for your objective and sit back as you watch the end movie scroll. ED MISSIONS COMPLETE!!!! 4.2 UNITED CIVILIZED STATES MISSIONS Unlike the other missions, you start off having to fight your way through to your main base. Eventually you'll get one but for the time being, you'll just have to do your organization within the mission. The early missions are probably the most difficult for the UCS but once you get your main base-the rest of the missions aren't too hard but still more challenging than those of the other factions. You only have to fight the LC so gear everything towards getting maximum performance against them. *Technology not available for research include: Offensive Plasma Cannon, Shark, Hydra, Orca, and SDI Laser MISSION 1 FLORIDA 1) Florida Base Given: 2 Power Plants, 4 Nuclear Reactors, 5 Power Transmitters, 4 Aerial Supply Depots, 2 SDI Defense Centers, 5 Fortresses, 2 Teleporters Units Given: Assault 1, Assault 2, 6 Harvester IVs Money Given: 20000 credits Payment: None Bonus: Destroy ED base 25000 credits, Destroy LC base 25000 credits Research: Cannon 105mm, Double Cannon 105mm, upg. 105mm Bullets, upg. 105mm Bullets, upg. 105mm Bullets, Unit Transporter, upg. Harvester, upg. Harvester II, upg. Harvester III, upg. Harvester IV, upg. Harvester V The President gives you a message concerning your counterattack against Project Sunlight. You are to take the two Assaults to the moon via the space port in Florida however you must first collect 50000 credits to get the flight going. You first start off with the Assaults in the subterranean tunnels and must bring them to the surface. You must never get them killed but they're almost indestructible and can often win the day for you.... Assault HP: 3600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 19 Hard Point: 1 Heavy [The Assault is just a Grizzly with another name, but if you ever encountered a Grizzly or used one before you'll know just how tough they are. Assault 1 is carting the typical Heavy Plasma Cannon upg.2 and a Plasma Cannon upg.1 combo found on the Grizzly, taking the role of ground combat specialist. Assault 2 has a unique combination of AA Plasma Cannon upg.1 and modified Rocket Launcher (heavy) that has characteristics of the building version rather than the vehicle one. Assault 2 has some ground attack capability but excels in ground to air defense.] As you bring them up, the President will soon inform you that the ED and LC have set up bases in Florida and will try to prevent you from going to the space port. If you destroy them, 25000 credits will be sent per each base destroyed. Well it may seem like a lot, but believe me the bonus means squat. You don't retain anything for the next mission so it doesn't matter how much money you have in the end. However if you want to go after the bases, here's some information. The ED base is extremely well protected with 6 artillery, 6 heavy towers, and 6 pillboxes in addition to having their buildings equipped with chainguns and cannons. The LC base has no defensive structures or artillery save for the main base being outfitted with weapons. What they do have is lots of units including a number of them with electro-cannons. You can destroy both bases with just the Assaults but keep in mind that there's no way to repair them currently. Since you don't retain the money, just splurge on building as many Tigers as you can and equip them with grenade launchers or double cannon 105mm plus upgraded ammo. First you should manufacture a Condor and a Mammoth. Have the Mammoth build 3 research centers and then research every piece of technology available to you, especially Unit Transporter. Once you've researched the Unit Transporter, build two of them for ferrying your Assaults. The Assaults should start pushing northwards, they'll come across a large number of Pamirs with 105mm cannons in square formation. Assault 1 can easily wipe them out. When they're gone move forwards and you'll see the ED mining operation. Attack it and eventually they'll send some Taigas with 20mm chainguns after you (it'll be laser cannons if you wait too long). Mop them up and as you go just a bit further, a group of Han armed with heavy rocket launchers will attack you. Assault 2 can destroy them with ease. Now don't go any further, just stay near the resource field and pick off any Gruz or other unit they send to recapture the field. The reason not to go any further is that the 6 artillery inflict devastating damage and can easily kill a damaged Assault. Instead, send in a Unit Transporter to pick up Assault 1 and place it just north of the ED base. If it's night time, have the Assault shut off its lights and launch rockets at the artillery from safe distance. If it's day or you have somehow been noticed, then quickly move the Assault west a bit. The artillery will track the Assault but when the fire, they'll end up hitting their own power plant and will easily destroy themselves in the blast. Now move Assault 1 upwards towards the entrance of the base. Plant Assault 1 in front of the pillboxes but outside their firing range. Assault 1 will be able to shoot them from outside of their firing range. The same thing goes for the heavy towers. Without their artillery and defensive structures, the rest of the ED base is a cakewalk. As for the LC base, the teleporter in your base is a shortcut there if you wish to use it. Just teleport the Assaults, a Mammoth and as many Tigers as you can produce (don't expect a lot, you have a very low unit limit this mission). You will be encountering large waves of Moons, Lunars and even some Thunderers with heavy rocket launchers so have the Mammoth whip up a large number of small towers. The LC units will end up dying against the concerted firepower of your Assaults, Tigers and small towers. Make sure to destroy the 3 mines the LC have placed to limit how many units they can produce, in fact the LC will end up wasting a lot of money as they try to put up new mines only to have you shoot them out of the air. Eventually the LC will run out of money and units making it an easy matter to wipe them out. By time you research everything, you'll have huge amounts of credits stored up. Now fly the Assaults to the north and have them go through one of the tunnels. Then have them go into the glowing area. You'll soon be blasting off to the moon MISSION 2 LANDING ZONE 2) Landing Zone Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Panthers with rocket launchers (small), 3 Tigers with plasma cannons Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None The President informs you that your party got separated from the Assaults. You'll have to find them and eventually go to the LC base. Your map has the location of the Assaults but they're currently inactive and both are guarded by a company of Moon m3s with rocket launchers. Your current starting position is under bombardment from a meteor shower (it's not the LC's doing, meteor showers are common on the moon). Leave the area and you'll find that the large crater nearby is an artifact site. You'll need to regularly find artifact sites on this mission as you won't otherwise be able to restock ammo and repair. Also try not to get anyone killed as each death will severely hamper you. You'll soon be attacked by a group of Moons carrying rocket launchers, wipe them out and use the artifact site. Now go north to fetch Assault 1. You'll encounter a Moon and Lunar with double chainguns while another Moon is carrying an electro-cannon. Wipe them out and if you need to restock go back to the artifact site you found. Continue going to where Assault 1 is and you'll encounter the Moons. Wipe them out and Assault 1 will be under your control. You'll notice that any experience earned in the Florida mission has disappeared, oh well. Now head south and make your way to where Assault 2. You'll encounter more enemies but Assault 1 will easily mop the floor with them. Near Assault 2 is another artifact site, use this to restock and repair anyone who needs it (the Panthers don't have a high ammo capacity and will burn through ammo quickly). Fight off the Moons and Assault 2 will be yours. Now go to the northwest corner of the map. The LC base is there and the President will inform you that you must capture the AI subprocessor from the tunnels below the base. While the units they send after you are weak, they have a Guardian and a couple of Defenders to inflict some heavy damage on your units other than the Assaults. So long as your Assaults aren't ionized, they should easily wipe out the base and Assault 2 will be invaluable against the Meteors that protect the base. There's an artifact site to the west of the base, so stock up and repair before going down. The President mentioned to head east in the tunnels (what you're looking for is actually in the northeast) and he's essentially correct. Follow the tunnels eastwards and fight off enemy units lurking here. There's plenty of artifact sites, so repairs and reloads aren't an issue. The tunnels will eventually lead you to northeast where you will fight a single Crater guarding your objective. Go in and you've won this mission. MISSION 3 THE MAILMAN 3) The Mailman Base Given: None Units Given: 3 Tigers with rocket launchers, 2 Tigers with Plasma Cannons, Cargo Salamander Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None Neo I tells you to deliver the AI subprocessor to the meeting point. Unfortunately he doesn't know where it is!!! He also tells you that it is in the Cargo Salamander so don't let it get destroyed. Well your starting point has an artifact site with 4 repairs. This is the only artifact site on this mission and there's no way to reload (those stupid Tigers with rockets aren't going to be much help). To top it off your starting point is being hit by a constant meteor shower and your Assaults start the mission in an extremely damaged state and lost all their experience. So move Tigers forward to lessen the chance of getting plugged by a meteor and have the Assaults repaired. Get the Salamander out of there too. Neo I may not know where the meeting spot is but I do, it's in the southwest corner of the screen. Now as you move forwards you'll be attacked by a lot of enemies including some very high powered ones like Crushers and a Thunderer. I made some wrong decisions and ended up fighting everything on the map, I only lost a Tiger (actually it could have lived had I paid better attention) but Assault 1 was hanging by a thread. To avoid this look for that junction that can either take you east or south. If you go east, you'll end up fighting a trio of Crushers with heavy rocket launchers and a squad of Meteors plus the odd Moon. If you continue east you'll end up fighting an entire LC base that is very well protected with many Guardians and Defenders. However if you go south on that early junction and follow the road it'll take you through a number of fairly small fights that the Assaults can easily win. Now eventually you'll wind up in a path with a trio of Fat Girls with rocket launchers. Take them out and carry on to large junkyard that is under a heavy meteor shower. You can win through with only Assault 2 as all the opposition are aircraft. You'll fight a Thunderer, a lot of Super Fighters and Meteors but Assault 2's heavy armor and AA plasma cannon will smash through all comers. Look for a glowing landing zone and bring the Cargo Salamander near it. Neo I will congratulate you and take you to your main base (finally!!!). Neo I will give you more information about what is really going on such as Golan I being the real power behind the UCS. Your job isn't just to destroy Project Sunlight but to steal its plans as well. For now let's take a well-deserved breather and get a tour of your new home. Starting Base: Main Base 4 Power Plants 10 Nuclear Reactors 6 Power Transmitters 1 Vehicle Production Center 1 Weapon Production Center Starting Units: Main Base Assault I Assault 2 4 Tigers with rocket launchers Mammoth Harvester Starting Money: Main Base None Research Available: Cannon 105mm Double Cannon 105mm Upg. 105mm Bullets Upg. 105mm Bullets Upg. 105mm Bullets Unit Transporter upg. Harvester upg. Harvester II upg. Harvester III upg. Harvester IV upg. Harvester V Unlike the other factions, the UCS base has everything in one single facility. So no more constantly pressing Q. If you researched everything from Mission 1, you'll be in a good starting position. In your base there's a resource field worth 20000 credits to harvest so get to it. Also your Assaults no longer lose all their experience, so you can expect them to be very dominant on the battlefield. Before you start Mission 4, you better construct some Unit Transporters and Condors, then load up the Albatross with everyone you got. If you still need money you can sell off unessential buildings. Don't worry about adding weapons to buildings or making towers and fortresses-the LC will not attack your main base. If you haven't researched any of the available technology in Mission 1, you have the chance to do so now. Any credits from your accounts at the mission site will automatically be transferred to the main base once you end a mission. MISSION 4 ALPHA-QUADRANT 4) ALPHA-Quadrant Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Panthers with rocket launchers (small), 2 Tigers with Plasma Cannons, Mammoth, Cargo Salamander Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Double Chaingun, upg. Gargoyle Chaingun, Plasma Cannons, upg. Plasma Cannons, Gargoyle Plasma Cannons, upg. Gargoyle Plasma Cannons m2, AA Plasma Gun, AA Plasma Gun II, Small Rocket Launcher, upg. Small Rocket Launcher, upg. Grenade Launcher, upg. Grenade, upg. 20mm Bullet, upg1: Rocket (guided 25%), Antirocket, Repairer, Power Shield Generator 600 PSU, upg. Tiger I, upg. Tiger II, Gargoyle, upg. Gargoyle, upg. Gargoyle II *Cargo Salamander is researched for free KAINIX gives us a detailed report on LC technology-it also mentions that Cargo Salamander technology has been given to you, that there are power shield generators north of your starting point and that since the Project Sunlight weapon is in outer space, you must go after the power sources instead. After that bit of briefing, I suggest that you get the Cargo Salamander out of there and send it with your other units. The Mammoth should be building a landing zone, power plant and refinery to get things going. Fly in your Albatross and unload it quickly because you're going to be getting into fights soon. Unfortunately the LC are taking you very seriously because not only do they send the usual Meteors, Moons and Lunars but they'll be sending Crushers as well. Building some small towers can really help take the heat off of your troops, especially if you've researched plasma cannons and AA plasma guns. If you haven't already done so, you had better research repairers because the LC attacks will be constant. Once you have you have some small towers set up, fly your Assaults north to pick up the shields. You'll get maximum shields and believe me you'll need them. You might as well have the Panthers get the remaining shields rather than let them go to waste. Also have someone with rocket launchers guard your resource field as the LC can place a mine there. Now there are two bases for the LC, one in the northeast and the other in the southeast. If you move quickly you can take over at least a bit of the resource fields that belong to them. As you go east, you'll see a fenced off area of what looks to be a junkyard. KAINIX warns you that it's an area of high radioactivity and to stay away from it. Do what it says because the radiation bypasses shields and armor to do damage directly to your unit and the radiation is so strong that it will also harm aircraft in the sky. There's a Guardian placed just outside the radioactive area so watch that none of your aircraft accidentally stray into its firing range. I'd recommend destroying the base in the southeast first as it's the easier of the two to deal with. As you proceed to that base, you'll see a wall of Guardians blocking your path. Assault 1 if equipped with shields, can mop the floor with them. Have Assault 2 guard Assault 1 from any enemy aircraft in the area while Assault 1 destroys the Guardians. Once you clear the way, head straight for the mines. The LC have a lot of mines going and this is what's been funding the constant waves of enemies attacking your base. Destroy the mines and leave Assault 2 in the area to stop any attempts to replace the mines. Have Assault 1 go on the offensive and wipe out the base. You'll find a tunnel entrance which if you go down it has 10000 credits and can lead all the way to the northeast base. But it might be better not to take the tunnel all the way there, just grab the 10000 credits and return to the surface. To take on the northeast base I'd recommend building a few Gargoyles with plasma cannons. Research the necessary technology to make the strongest level of Gargoyles with plasma cannons m2 and then build them. Now send the Assaults northwards to destroy another wall of Guardians and do some damage to the northeast base. This base has a couple of artillery that can really pound your ground units, so pull back and let the Gargoyles fly in. In addition to the radiation zone you first encountered, there's one to the west of the northeast base so be on the lookout for it. You'll want to fly the Gargoyles in from where Assaults had cleared a path because there's still a number of things with AA rocket launchers (the LC will now favor an AA rocket launcher/electro-cannon tandem for their buildings). Keep an eye out for those and start destroying everything else. Blow up the artillery and your Assaults can do the rest. There's a tunnel entrance here and it also has 10000 credits plus leads all the way to the southeast base. Grab the credits and once the base is destroyed, Neo I will congratulate you on a job well done. Harvest everything and sell your old facilities because we'll be heading to the next set of missions. MISSION 5 MARE PACIFIUM OR BETA-QUADRANT Now we get a choice between missions, I'd suggest going for Mare Pacifium first because you can get some more relevant technology choices and some potent units. You could do BETA-Quadrant first but while the technology you can research looks impressive a lot of them would be currently useless as you don't have the necessary complementary research. 5) Mare Pacifium Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Panthers with rocket launchers, 3 Tigers with Plasma Cannons, 3 Tigers with rocket launchers, 2 Jaguars with Heavy Plasma Cannons, 3 Condors, Mammoth Money Given: 30000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Power Shield Generator 1200 PSU, upg2: Rocket (guided 50%), upg3: Rocket (guided 100%), upg. 20mm Bullets, upg. 20mm Bullets, Spider, upg. Spider, upg. Spider *Artillery is researched for free Neo I instructs you to test out the new LC artillery and wipe out the enemy base with it. In this mission you can only call up reinforcements when you have destroyed all the enemy buildings. You're going to be on your own and will have to survive on your own resources. Plus by the time you're able to call in reinforcements, the enemy is already wiped out so just work with what you have. The first thing is to organize your forces as you'll quickly be attacked from the front. The biggest danger to your forces come from a Crater with a heavy electro-cannon and a pair of Crushers with heavy rocket launchers. Everything else is an annoyance but can be fairly dangerous to your Tigers. But your forces are strong enough to defeat anything with no casualties so you won't need additional units. Your current position is good enough to set up a base and your artillery range is long enough to hit practically everywhere. The LC bases for you to destroy are located in the north, the east and the west of your starting location. I'd recommend building 2 artillery-one for the west and the other for the east. Then later both can be aimed north to destroy that base. So build a power plant and aerial supply depot, then make the artillery. I'd also recommend placing small towers in front of the artillery to soak up enemy attacks that would otherwise hit your precious artillery and additionally set the artillery to fire at will so they can land a first strike on any enemy attackers. That's because you'll face several waves of LC units similar to the first attack you fought off. Since the mountains are blocking your view to the eastern and western LC bases, I'd recommend sneaking a Condor over to act as a spotter for your artillery. Be careful to avoid enemy anti-aircraft missiles though. The LC have their mines placed fairly far away from the main line of Guardians and Defenders. If you blow up what guards them, you'll clear a path to the mines. Then blast the mines into oblivion, this will mean more resources for you to gather and the LC on this level do not replace lost buildings so they'll quickly run out of money to replace lost units. Work on a few buildings that you have safely spotted with your Condors. Now bring them back as they'll eventually get too close to LC defensive line and will easily be shot down. For a spotter, send a Tiger over to spot the enemy for a safe distance. Before it'd be too dangerous as the swift LC units would easily overtake and destroy your Tiger but their numbers would be thinned out significantly by now as they get wiped out attacking your base and don't have any funds to keep replacing everybody. Eventually you can destroy everything in the eastern and western bases. Now as for the northern base, first send up a Condor to act as a spotter but be careful of anti-aircraft missiles. The Condor will also bait the guards into following it back to your base. With the guards destroyed, send a Tiger to act as spotter and bombard the northern base into oblivion. You can now build a landing zone and call in the Albatross. Just bring in some harvesters and mine out all the available resources. MISSION 6 MARE PACIFIUM OR BETA-QUADRANT 6) BETA-Quadrant Base Given: Special Units Given: 3 Tigers with Plasma Cannons, 6 Harvesters, Mammoth Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Double Cannon 120mm, Quad Cannon 120mm, upg. Small Rocket Launchers II, Rocket Launchers, Gargoyle Rocket Launcher, upg. Gargoyle Rocket Launcher, Heavy Grenade Launcher, upg. Heavy Grenade Launcher, Heavy Plasma Cannons, upg. Heavy Plasma Cannons I, Earthquake Generator, upg. Earthquake Generator, upg. Heavy Rockets (guided 25%), Medium Defense Building, Heavy Tower, upg. Repairer, Building Grabber, Shadow Generator * note that whichever mission you do you now get to research Power Shield Generator 1800 PSU, Rocket Launcher, Panther, upg. Panther I, upg. Panther II At first you start off with a powerful base but it's going to be destroyed by a massive meteor shower almost instantly. So sell everything off and pull the units given to you out of harm's way. You'll probably only come out with a few survivors and a couple of credits. However a distant landing zone was spared the destruction so everything will be alright. The President informs you that the meteor shower was brought about by the LC's weather control centers. You have a limited amount of time before they launch another strike on your location. Well call up the Albatross and time to get to work, the President was nice enough to show the locations of the weather control centers on the map. The first location is just north of your destroyed base while the other one is far to the south. You can simply build artillery to blow up the northern location while you send the Assaults or other strong units to destroy the southern ones-the LC resistantance isn't very fierce. There's a nice resource field near your destroyed base and considering the types of technology you can develop, this will be handy. Don't worry the LC aren't aggressive on this level as they're relying on a meteor shower to wipe you out. They'll only attack if you attack them first. Also you can capture enemy units now but you need a building grabber first and an enemy building with either electro-cannons or ion cannons. First research the building grabber, then look for a suitable building and place it under your control with the building grabber. Then lure an enemy unit to your captured building where it will be attacked by the building's electro-cannons. Have a repairer ready as soon as the enemy has been shocked and you can then place it under your control. I got a couple of Crushers and later a bunch of Crions out of this method but it's quite a bit of work and you may end up just selling your captured units (the LC rarely outfit Crushers with shields and keep in mind though that the only real place to pick up some shield projectors is on Mission 11-Mission 9 has a lot but it's a special case that really won't help here. Crions are always good to pick up and will be commonly found with shields.) With the destruction of the weather control centers, the President will give you orders to destroy all the LC bases. The LC are still very docile but they'll try to mine your resource field so put some units or small towers to shoot down any incoming mines. Well turnabout is fair play, so if you had just destroyed the southern weather control centers there are bases to the southeast and southwest corners. Go in and destroy their mines and work over their bases a little, there should be plenty of resources left to mine. Don't bother using the tunnel entrances as there's nothing in them save that they connect to each of the LC bases but it takes a long time to navigate through them and they'll put you directly in the line of fire. As you probably saw on your way to the south, there are areas of strong radiation on this mission. Avoid cutting through them but make sure to check for LC presence in the vicinity. A couple of LC buildings are located near them. The 3 bases of the LC are located in the southwest, southeast and northeast with a number of buildings scattered around plus radioactive hotspots. The southwest location has a pair of artillery while the northeast location is full of enemy units especially of the flying variety. Considering that you have artillery, the Assaults and some Jaguars this mission should be a piece of cake. This mission is mainly for harvesting resources and getting a lot of research done. To finish this mission, make sure to destroy every LC building that belongs to a base-it can be pretty easy to miss one. I'd recommend keeping just your Assaults and the Jaguars (make sure to give them some shields) and sell every other ground combat unit off to free up the unit limit. Harvest all the resources, finish whatever technology catches your fancy and load up the Albatross for the next mission. MISSION 7 DEATH CANYON 7) Death Canyon Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Panthers with rocket launchers, 2 Jaguars with Heavy Plasma Cannons, Mammoth Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: upg. Heavy Plasma Cannons II, upg. Rocket Launchers I, upg. Rocket Launchers II, upg. Heavy Rockets (guided 50%), upg. Heavy Rockets (guided 100%), Bomber Rocket Launcher, upg. Bomber Rocket Launcher, Jaguar, upg. Jaguar I, Minelayer, upg. Minelayer, Bat ARES XIV informs you that you cannot proceed any further unless you take control of the rock bridges and wipe out all LC resistance. So better do as it says. This mission is a piece of cake as the LC doesn't have a lot of units and they're fairly passive. To top it off, you can produce Jaguars and the most powerful heavy weapons on this level. So time to make some room for the heavy firepower. The only thing special about this level is the introduction of Crions by the LC. First build a landing zone and get some buildings started up like towers with AA plasma guns. Now there's a squad of Thunderers plus some Moons up north as well as a dried out LC mine. If you push too far north the enemy will come after you, then pull back or you might get shot at by a Crion. Lead the Thunderers into some waiting AA plasma and rocket fire. Now to the west of where you started is a resource field that has been untouched. Go and harvest it but be warned that if you do the LC will send some cheap ground units to attack from the west of the resource field. If you have developed upgraded heavy grenade launchers then it's easy to wipe out everything. Each of the rock bridges has a Guardian and some Defenders, each one also has a Crion except for the centre bridge which has two. Since heavy grenade launchers outrange a Crion plasma cannon, just send a spotter for your grenade launchers to bombard the Crions. With them safely out of the way, you can easily bombard enemy buildings from a safe distance because they have no artillery. Just make sure to back up your grenade launchers with rockets or AA plasma guns in case of attacks from the sky. If you're up for a challenge, you can even try to capture a Crion or two though it's going to be somewhat dangerous. Here's my method of doing so-first get a Unit Transporter to grab the Crion and move it aside. Next capture one of the enemy's buildings that has an electro-cannon (best to have more than one nearby building captured-because otherwise the Crion will recover too quickly for you to shock into helplessness). Now build a shadow generator near the captured building(s) and make a ring of your own units with at least one with a repairer. The Crion will be confused by your cloaked units and not a fire a shot while being zapped by your building's electro-cannons. Just remember to make your buildings fire at other targets once the Crion is shocked as you don't want to accidentally blow it up. The repair unit should soon be able to convert the Crion to your cause. The LC base is located in the northwest corned of the map and is going to be a sitting duck on this easy mission. So just harvest away and do whatever research you want. MISSION 8 GAMMA-QUADRANT 8) GAMMA-Quadrant Base Given: None Units Given: 5 Panthers with rocket launchers (small), 5 Tigers with Plasma Cannons, 1 Grizzly III with heavy plasma cannons, 1 Grizzly III with heavy rocket launchers, Mammoth Money Given: 15000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Fortress, upg. Shadow Generator I, upg. Bat ARES XIV informs you that they had misunderstood the nature of the Sunlight weapon. It turns out that the power plants on the ground were mostly for backup. In any event you should take them out anyway. Woo hoo! Some Grizzlies to match your Assaults, now that's heavy firepower! You might as well recycle the rest of the bunch as they're only taking up space. Now time to build a landing zone and get the Albatross down. It'd also be nice to outfit the Grizzlies with strong shields. There's a resource field to the east and west of your starting location, since the LC aren't aggressive in this level you can harvest them with little danger. Grizzly III HP: 3600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 19 Hard Point: 1 Heavy [In case you haven't played the ED or LC missions yet, the Grizzly is the unit the Assault is based on. However unlike the Assault, the Grizzly is expendable. Still trying to blow one up isn't too easy as it's the toughest unit in the game and carries a great deal of firepower as it always uses a heavy weapon and a submount combo. Typically it carries a heavy plasma cannon and plasma cannon for ground-pounding or else a rocket launcher and small rocket launcher combo for air and ground targets] Now to destroy the enemy bases you must push north along that narrow canyon. There's going to be a number of Crushers with heavy rocket launchers nearby, as well as some Lunars and Moons. ln the middle of the canyon is a Guardian but rather than destroying it why not make it a shot blocker for your forces? First take out the Crushers guarding it, then send a building grabber to nab it. As you do so the LC will try to place a Defender nearby and will send a pack of Crushers, Lunars and Moons to destroy your Guardian. So send your units to block off the enemy attackers and grab the Defender that just came down. When you've defeated the enemy, there's a radiation zone at the end of the canyon. There's also a series of enemy aircraft nearby that's waiting to attack anyone going too close to them. I'd recommend calling up all your units capable of rocket or AA plasma fire to cluster around your Guardian and Defender. Next fly one of your aircraft past the mountains east of the your two LC buildings. Eventually you'll get the attentions of a bunch of enemy aircraft so lead them back to the rest of your army where they'll get shot down. Now fly your aircraft past the radiation zone to lead the enemy aircraft there back to the rest of your troops in the canyon. Once you've cleared out the enemy aircraft, go look for enemy Crions. There's five altogether for this particular base-2 are in the northern section, 2 in the central area and the last one is lurking amongst the power plants. Bring your heavy grenade launchers to blast the Crions into smithereens (if you don't feel it might be worthwhile to try and capture them). Now there's just the base itself to contend with. The Guardians and Defenders are no match for all the forces you've gathered, so blow up whatever you want. There should still be a lot of resources in the area that the mines haven't depleted but you'll get plenty of credits from the two resource fields under your control so taking out the mines as a priority is up to you. There's a tunnel entrance on this base that you might want to check out. You will be told to pick up an information terminal about Sunlight from these tunnels. Now while this tunnel system connects to every base in this level, I wouldn't recommend using the tunnels to access them. They lead directly into a big line of Guardians and Defenders surrounding the tunnel entrances. Instead explore the tunnel system, there's 20000 credits to be had as well as the information console that you're supposed to pick up. When you've searched everything out, return to the surface. It doesn't matter which base you go after next as they're all largely the same, in my game I went after the southeast base. You'll encounter some Craters, Crions and Moons in addition to Super Fighters and Meteors. Take them out and work on the Guardians and Defenders protecting this base. Pretty soon you'll have destroyed another base. After destroying this go and take out the northeast and northwest base. You'll soon be done MISSION 9 INVISIBLE ENEMY 9) Invisible Enemy Base Given: None Units Given: Jaguar with Heavy Plasma Cannons, 3 Panthers with rocket launchers, 3 Tigers with Rocket Launchers, 3 Tigers with Plasma Cannons Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: upg. Shadow Generator II, Bomb Bay, Dragon, upg. Dragon Neo I informs you that the LC has been tinkering with alien technology and have rendered their base invisible to your scanners. You're job is to knockout the power plants that power this "hiding cap". Unfortunately, this mission is a throwback to your early ones where you have no support or construction capacity. So be wary of squandering ammo and taking too much damage as there's only a few spots to reload and repair. The enemy you face aren't initially equipped with shields, so your units with plasma cannons can make short work out of them. You'll be facing Moons with chainguns, Moons with electro-cannons, Lunars with rocket launchers, Craters with heavy electro-cannons and a single Crater with a heavy rocket launcher. I found the Jaguar you get to be the most important unit in this mission, all your other units are either too fragile or have too little ammo to stand up to a long fight (your units and their equipment have not been upgraded except for the Jaguar's guns). Also the tunnels on this level are very narrow so if you're caught in a fight try to move to a place with more open space so you don't wind up blocking your own guys. Now take your troops down the tunnel entrance in front of you. Your first priority is to get your hands on some shield generators. There's an artifact site to the northeast of the tunnel entrance. It's got energy recharges, repair and ammo. Keep that in mind as it's going to be important as you progress through this mission. Now to your northeast is a few shield generators, unfortunately it's guarded by Moons and Lunars who just might end up taking the shields before you can reach them. Make sure to rush in and you should be able to grab one or two (don't worry there's plenty of shields in this mission). Going east after this will take you to a corridor with some niches. One niche has a repair while another one has ammo. Further to your east will lead you to an area that has a corridor with some shields unfortunately it's bait for an ambush by a series of Moons who are likely to grab them before you do, but you should still be able to pick a shield generator up. If you go southwest you'll find a plentiful supply of shields unfortunately it's guarded by 2 Craters and some Moons. The majority of the shields are located in the western part of the tunnel system with one exception. In the northeast corner is an area with a lot of shields and it's only guarded by Lunars and Moons that aren't very aggressive, so if you still need shields that's the place to go. The area you wish to go to is in the southeast corner, that's where the tunnel entrance is located which will lead you to the power plants. To reach this area, you'll have to watch out for rooms that have enemies in them (fortunately none of these rooms have shield generators, so your foes can't grab a shield). When you beat them off you'll eventually fin a corridor that has a niche with ammo. If you're badly hurt, then go back all the way and get some repair done especially if your Jaguar's in bad shape. Once done just go into the huge room where the tunnel entrance is located, there's a pair of Lunars guarding it but they'll be a snap to destroy. Now one warning before you go up, there's a couple of units lurking up there that are just waiting to ambush you. They include a pair of Moons with electro-cannons, a Crater with heavy electro-cannons and the Crater with a heavy rocket launcher I mentioned. Send up the Jaguar to break through them and when the rest of your team follows they should have no problems taking them out. There's only a pair of Defenders with chainguns protecting this area so destroying all the power plants will be easy work. Once done, you'll get a message telling you the mission has been completed. Say good bye to the squad you just used, they're not coming along for the ride. MISSION 10 DELTA QUADRANT 10) Delta Quadrant Base Given: None Units Given: Mammoth, 4 Panthers with rocket launchers (small), 4 Tigers with Plasma Cannons Money Given: 20000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: upg. Shadow Generator III, upg. Bomb Bay, upg. Plasma Bomb, upg. Plasma Bomb, upg. Plasma Bomb Neo tells you all kinds of gibberish involving how the UCS has captured and interrogated someone from the LC. Basically he informs you to destroy the Delta Quadrant. You've probably used up all of your unit limit so you might want to think about scrapping some units that aren't all that essential (for example if you've captured some Crions, then you might want to dump a few Jaguars or Panthers that carry Heavy Grenade Launchers). This might be an attractive prospect as you can now research powerful bombers and all-purpose attack aircraft. Also this stage is the last one for new research, your technology tops out here. Just northeast of where your initial troops are, is a large resource field. This is a good spot to set up your base, not only because of the resource field but because the area is easily defendable. Believe me when you do get the base going make sure to load up on the defense and call up the Albatross which should be stocked with powerful units like the Grizzly or Assault. This time the LC are going on the offensive. You'll face heavy attack from the skies and ground by small numbers of powerful units like Thunderers, Crushers and Crions that come in quick waves rather than being swarmed by legions of weak units. Initially the Crushers and Craters are unshielded but later on the LC will produce them with shields. The attacks will be coming from the west so place your fortresses, artillery and towers accordingly. You might want to have some Unit Transporters ready to grab some enemy units for some conversion opportunities. When things have settled down, there are three LC bases to destroy. Now if you look at where the attacks are coming from, there's a narrow path through the mountains. While aircraft can easily go over the mountains, ground units will have to either go through a tunnel system or take the path. Follow it and you should find a pair of Crushers and a pair of Moons, take them out and further on is a Guardian with a couple of Thunderers. The Thunderers are still on the ground and can easily be destroyed by attacks from your ground units. Next a trio of artillery will be on the lookout for attackers but these are easy to deal with. Once they're gone. it's time to systematically wipe out the base. You should be able to destroy the LC base early enough to prevent them from mining out the entire resource field here. The LC will then spend ridiculous amounts of credits trying to rebuild their base, constantly landing buildings that are just going to be target practice for your troops. There's a tunnel entrance which can lead to all the rest of the LC bases. The system of tunnels have nothing of value, the only things of interest being a number of weak units that you can beat up for experience. You can reach the other bases from here but the tunnels will lead you right where their artillery will pound on you. I'd suggest going either for the base directly south or to the base in the southeast. Keep an eye out for radiation zones, the bases are largely identical to the one you first destroyed so you'll know what to expect. Once you destroy your second base (doesn't matter which) there is a path that leads to the your final base. Destroy this last base and we're off to the last UCS mission! MISSION 11 EXECUTION 11) Execution Base Given: Landing Zone Units Given: 5 Gargoyles II with plasma cannons m2, Jaguar with heavy plasma cannons, Jaguar with rocket launchers. Money Given: 30000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None You're mission is to prevent the LC from firing their weapon at the UCS on Earth. They're low on energy but have enough charge to get one devastating shot off. You must destroy the 4 control centers for the weapon but they are currently protected by a powerful regeneration system. So you must first deactivate the regeneration system in order to deal permanent damage to the control centers. You start off with the 2 Jaguars and a trio of Gargoyles guarding your landing zone. To your right and left are resource fields, both of which are guarded by your remaining Gargoyles. There are 2 force field projectors right behind the Jaguars for any units that need them. Now enemy units will be sent to destroy your landing zone or else Super Fighters will aim to destroy the Albatross if it's around. So make sure to fly in your forces as soon a the mission begins. Upgrade the Jaguars you've been provided with and keep the enemy from grabbing the shields. Build a lot of fortresses and towers to keep the enemy from destroying your base. Don't worry about the resource fields yet, the LC will typically concentrate on destroying your base first. Just send the Albatross to get credits from your main base for time being, when things are less hectic then you should go for the resource fields. There are tunnel entrances near both resource fields. Go down them and head north. There are 4 niches which holds the switches for the regeneration system. Touch them to deactivate each one. Other than that there's nothing else of interest except for ammo and a number of enemy units. You can now go north to lay siege to the control centers, be warned that this time the LC will be using Phobos carrying detectors so they can detect cloaked units at long distances. The control centers are located in a mountainous crater which can only be entered by aircraft. The regeneration system may be turned off but the control centers are still indestructible. You must first destroy the xyrex power plants inside the crater which will then leave the control centers vulnerable to attack. There are four LC bases protecting the crater, 2 below and the others to the right and left of it. Unless you're in a bloodthirsty mood, you can just avoid them. If you have a lot of bombers, Gargoyles, and some type of aircraft with heavy rockets just fly them into the crater and wreak havoc. A couple of Super Fighters will try to challenge you but your heavy rockets should be able to pick them off before they do any harm. If you lack a strong air force, you'll have to use transporters to fly in ground units or build some towers and fortresses inside the crater. Take out the power plants then work on the control centers. Once you destroy the 4 control centers then Project Sunlight will go up in flames as well. Just sit back and enjoy the movie UCS MISSIONS COMPLETE!!!! 4.3 LUNAR CORPORATION MISSIONS The LC missions are probably amongst the easiest in the game but the LC have certain glaring disadvantages (no repairer technology, lack of energy during night or heavy cloud cover and etc.) that you'll have to compensate for. Keep in mind that your only opposition is the UCS, so play to your considerable and unique strengths while taking advantage of their weaknesses. Since there's two main events happening at once, the LC missions branch off in a more different manner than those of the other two. Starting Base: Main Base 1 Main Base 1 Mine 1 Landing Zone 1 Aerial Supply Center 1 Headquarters 1 Solar Power Plant 10 Solar Cells 4 Solar Batteries Luna 1 1 Recycler 1 Landing Zone 6 Headquarters 8 Aerial Supply Centers 12 Research Centers 6 Solar Power Plants 60 Solar Cells 5 Solar Batteries Sun Light 4 Control Centers 4 Xyrex Power Plants Starting Units: Main Base None Luna 1 None Sun Light None Starting Money: Main Base None Luna 1 None Sun Light None Technology Available For Research: Lunar m2 Lunar m3 upg. Chaingun Rocket Launcher upg.1 Rocket Launcher upg.2 Antimissile upg. 20mm Bullets upg. 20mm Bullets upg. 20mm Bullets upg1: Rocket (guided 25%) upg2: Rocket (guided 50%) upg3: Rocket (guided 100%) You are alerted that the UCS are attacking. The LC council believe you are the best hope for repelling this invasion. The council informs you that any money you pick up will automatically be sent to Luna 1 after you end a mission. Looking at what you've been given, you'll notice an obscene amount of waste going in the bases. Unfortunately you are not allowed to sell any LC buildings, so you'll just have to bear with it. Unlike the other factions, the LC have not provided you with any starting units but there's really no reason to build any right now. You have a mine in the main base that is located on a fairly rich resource field, so the lack of any starting money isn't going to be a problem. The only thing to do is have some research done once your supply of credits build up. Now on to the first mission *Technology not available for research include: Sonic Cannon, Heavy Sonic Cannon, Air Sonic Cannon, and SDI Laser MISSION 1 INVASION 1) Invasion Base Given: 2 NESTs, 2 Research Centers, 2 Solar Power Plants, 20 Solar Cells, 3 Solar Batteries, 1 Aerial Supply Center, 1 Main Base Units Given: 5 Fat Girl c4s with electro-cannon upg.1, 2 Mercuries, Phobos with detector Money Given: 20000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Moon m2, Moon m3, Fat Girl c3, Fat Girl c4, electro-cannon upg.1, Power Shield Generator 1000 PSU *Fat Girl c2 and Electro-Cannon are researched for free You are alerted to a UCS attack on this area. You are told that the UCS have new unit designs including the Cargo Salamander and the powerful Grizzly. The LC scientist will loan you the Fat Girl prototypes which should be enough to stop the invasion. First off, the UCS attack will take place in the northeast corner of the map. The LC base there starts off at only a fraction of its normal durability so the UCS will wipe the place out with no casualties. They'll then establish a base and build up its forces to attack the base where you start from. The invasion force is comprised of a Mammoth, a Grizzly with heavy plasma cannons, a Grizzly with heavy rockets, 11 Spiders with plasma cannons, 3 Tigers with plasma cannons and 4 Tigers with repairers. The report was erroneous about the Cargo Salamanders but if you wait too long to deal with the UCS, they'll build a fleet of Cargo Salamanders and Tigers with grenade launchers so take them out quickly. Grizzly III HP: 3600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 19 Hard Point: 1 Heavy [In case you haven't played the ED or UCS missions yet, the Grizzly is the toughest unit in the game, moves quickly and carries a great deal of firepower as it always uses a heavy weapon and a submount combo. Typically it carries a heavy plasma cannon and plasma cannon for ground-pounding or else a rocket launcher and small rocket launcher combo for air and ground targets] Now to the southeast of the map is your Phobos that is watching a resource field. Place a mine in the region and gather the Fat Girls. The Fat Girls are more than enough to destroy the unshielded UCS forces, in fact they're good enough to be a workhorse for all your missions. But before attacking the UCS you'll want to make a small detour. In the middle of the map is a crater with 2 research centers. This area is a very extensive artifact site that even includes 6 shield generators. You'll need those in order to survive against all the plasma attacks the UCS will use on you. The crater and the area surrounding it is under constant meteor showers, so grab the shields and leave quickly. Now you can approach the UCS base directly from the south or you can attack them from the west. I'd recommend the west because the UCS forces are moving south, this will leave their base unattended and you can quickly destroy the buildings and non-combat units here. The UCS forces will return back to their base but by the time they do, you'll have already wiped out most of the base and accumulated some solid experience. Now wipe out the enemy forces and remaining buildings. The scientist thanks you by officially giving you the 5 Fat Girls. I'd recommend building a Fat Girl c4 with rocket launchers up.2, have it grab the remaining shield and destroy any Condors that the UCS might have built. That way you don't waste a shield, now finish mining all remaining resources and leave. MISSION 2 CARPATES OR CONVOY Doing the Carpates mission leads to the Shower mission while the Convoy mission leads to the 1st Ring mission. The Convoy mission becomes much easier if you do Carpates first. 2) Carpates Base Given: None Units Given: 4 Unit Transporters Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: none Research: none *Unit Transporter researched for free You are told that some Unit Transporters have accidentally stumbled on a UCS base. The base must be destroyed but before a landing zone can be built, the enemy Harvesters must be destroyed. Use the Unit Transporters to destroy them. At the top of the screen is a count of how many Harvesters are remaining. You must use your Transporters to grab a Harvester and drop it to its doom. Now you can kill two birds with one stone by grabbing a Harvester and dropping it on a tower or another Harvester. Initially the UCS won't know about your Transporters but as you start destroying Harvesters, they'll eventually send Spiders with small rocket launchers to shoot you down. To avoid this, fly to northwest corner of the screen which leads to a canyon. The Spiders can't follow you in there and will eventually leave. Don't worry about trying to prevent the Harvesters from mining, this mission prevents you from building anything other than a landing zone so it doesn't matter. Just keep destroying Harvesters at your convenience and with the last one gone, you are given clearance to build a landing zone. The Fat Girls you got in the first mission are more than powerful enough to destroy everything on this level so you don't need to build any units at the main base. When your troops arrive, first destroy the refineries and supporting buildings. Next go southwest which holds the real UCS base. There's nothing that can really threaten you so just level anything that gets in your way until you finish this mission. This mission opens a path to the mission Shower MISSION 3 CARPATES OR CONVOY 3) Convoy Base Given: 4 Defenders, 8 Solar Power Plants, 72 Solar Cells, 8 Solar Batteries, 1 Main Base, Units Given: 6 Fat Girl c4s with electro-cannon upg.1, 6 Phobos with detector Money Given: 20000 credits Payment: None Bonus: 2000 credits and keep the Fat Girls if all survive Research: Shield Recharger, Shield Recharger m2 You are told that you are assigned to escort a convoy to an LC base. Unfortunately the UCS have mined the area you are to cross and the convoy drivers lack the experience to avoid the mines. You must bring back at least 4 Fat Girls or the mission is scrubbed. This is a nasty mission in terms of being tedious unless you did the Carpates mission first. Now there's no hostile units on this level but there's certainly plenty of mines. The Fat Girls have an awful habit of taking routes that lead straight into them, unfortunately the mines here will not be destroyed if something runs into them so you can lose your entire convoy. You're given 6 Phobos to help act as spotters but they're next to useless as they're too primitive to see very far and there's a lot of land to cover. Also there isn't that much time before the Fat Girls begin their trek to the base. Here's the trick for getting everyone out alive. The first thing you must do is drop down a fence to keep the Fat Girls from moving anywhere. This is the only way you're going to have enough time to do anything. Now if you've done the Carpates mission, you can build Unit Transporters. There's no Landing Zone to call up help and you can't build any buildings other than laser walls but the Main Base provided to you can build the units you need. A single Unit Transporter is all you need to get all the Fat Girls safely to the base. If you didn't do Carpates, things get a lot harder. Since laser walls cannot self-destruct, you'll need to build a unit with weapons to destroy any laser walls that have been badly placed. Screwing up when making a line of laser walls is very common since they're clumsy to set up and they only generate lasers when the wall is initially built. You can't simply attach a new, single laser wall to an old one to fill in a gap, you have to make a line from scratch. To make matters worse, a number of the mines are placed in such a manner that you can't block them off without blocking the entire passage. Additionally the Fat Girls can sometimes get stuck permanently when they find the path they're looking for is blocked off. The only thing you can do is sweep the area for mines and fence them off as best you can. Once you're satisfied with the results, destroy the laser wall that is keeping the Fat Girls penned in and occasionally use your unit to run some interference if a Fat Girl is getting dangerously close to an mine that isn't walled off. I considered myself lucky to get through with two Fat Girls destroyed when I did this level without using Unit Transporters. Still this mission isn't a necessary one and if you fail it, the game doesn't end. If you keep all 6 Fat Girls alive, they'll put 2000 credits to the current mission account, you'll be allowed to build a landing zone and the Fat Girls will be under your control. Finishing this mission leads to the 1st Ring mission. MISSION 4 THE SHOWER OR 1ST RING While you can do these missions as soon as you get them, I'd recommend doing the Carpates and Convoy mission first so that their technology is available to you if you need it. Also from here on these missions allow you to sell buildings that you made or were given. The Shower is the first mission where you meet your special unit Fang. You'd probably be better off starting with The Shower and getting the Fang as a permanent member of your troops before tackling the missions from the 1st Ring branch. Technology gained from the Ring missions aren't of much use in the Fang scenarios as those missions rarely allow you to build or fly in anything. 4) The Shower Base Given: None Units Given: Fang, 3 Craters m3 with heavy electro-cannon upg.1, 3 Super Fighters m2 with AA Rocket Launcher Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Air Rocket Launcher, Air Rocket Launcher upg.1, Super Fighter m2 *Super Fighter and AA Rocket Launcher are researched for free and because you did the Carpates mission you can research: upg: Air Chaingun, Meteor, Meteor m2, Meteor m3 You are told that Fang has come up with new weapon system for the LC. You are to test it out on enemy bases in the region. A countdown is done and then meteors will be targeted in the region where the Fang is however it doesn't work if the Fang is underground. Right next to where you start is an artifact site which includes four shield projectors. The Fang should pick one up immediately and the other 3 can be given to either the Super Fighters or the Craters. After that the Fang should get moving to the northeast Fang HP: 600 Shield: 0 Armor: 75% Speed: about 32 Hard Points: Special Ammo: 20 Range: 7 [If you've finished the ED missions, you'll find out that the Fang is identical to the PROTOTYPES you encountered on the Africa mission. The Fang is essentially a New Hope that has been pumped up with lots of power. It now has a lot of durability, increased speed, can mount the strongest shield projector and the plasma beam mounted on it is a powerful weapon that does 125 damage with improved range and ammo capacity. With all these abilities, without a doubt the Fang is one of the most powerful units in the game. Keep in mind that the Fang must never be destroyed in his special missions or else it's game over. Also the regeneration ability isn't as good as that of the New Hope, the Fang recovers 3 HP per second] While you head north, you'll be attacked by UCS patrols. The Spiders are no match for the mighty Fang, unfortunately the Gargoyles are another matter. Scramble your Super Fighters to destroy them, since the Gargoyles are carrying plasma cannons or chainguns they don't retaliate well against the Super Fighters. Always keep an eye on the clock, as soon as time runs out a meteor shower begins. Pull the Fang out and when the shower ends, a new countdown begins. You can use the Craters to assist the Fang but he's powerful enough to not need the help, besides you don't want the Craters caught in the meteor shower. Still the Craters can really useful as the UCS have a large number of ground units including Cargo Salamanders. Between the Fang and the meteor shower, no matter how well protected the base it will soon be destroyed. Now you can take the tunnel entrance below if it wasn't destroyed but there's nothing there but a bunch of Tigers and Spiders and a pathway to the other base. If you are ever low on energy to your weapons and shields, not to worry both bases have artifact site that will replenish your energy completely. When the northeast base is destroyed, you should head to the southwest base or vice-versa if you switched the order. Again you'll have to contend another batch of Gargoyles and a horde of Cargo Salamanders with a few Tigers. You'll easily slaughter them, so proceed to the base and systematically destroy it. Make sure to destroy any building that you might have overlooked and the mission will be over. Unfortunately the Fang and the supporting units will not be joining you. Finishing this level will lead to the mission Under Fire MISSION 5 THE SHOWER OR THE 1ST RING 5) The 1st Ring Base Given: None Units Given: 3 Craters m3 with Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.2, 3 Lunars m3 with Rocket Launcher upg.2 Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: NEST, Defender, Power Shield Generator 1500 PSU, Regenerator, Regenerator m2, Regenerator m3, Building Grabber, Detector, Detector m2 *Xyrex Power Plant is researched for free and if you did the Carpates mission before this, you can research: upg: Air Chaingun, Meteor, Meteor m2, Meteor m3 You are told that the UCS have captured the Alpha Quadrant. You are to remove their presence from the area so that work can begin on Project Sunlight. First thing is to mine the resource field near you. Now call in your Jupiter and bring in some strong troops. Hopefully you have some Super Fighters built as there's going to be a lot of Gargoyles. Your Fat Girls if they're still around will be more than enough to handle the enemy ground units. There are also resource fields in the northwest and southeast so a lack of credits is not going to be a concern. When you bring down the Jupiter make sure you leave it at the mission site before you go too far east, otherwise your units will be stranded at the end of this mission. Also if you did all the missions involving Fang you can bring him and the other units from the Deadly Toys mission, which should make this mission much easier. With your troops brought down, head east and you'll encounter an UCS base. You are then told that the your Transporter has been damaged can not be used to shuttle in new troops. You'll have to build everything on site but you're told that there are craters in the northeast and southeast where resource fields are located. You are commanded to build a mine and 2 Platinum power plants in each crater. What they mean by Platinum power plant is a Xyrex power plant. You now have the technology to build them. Once this base is destroyed, continue eastwards. There you'll see a resource field surrounded by a series of refineries and 4 shadow towers. To make matters worse Gargoyles plus a horde of ground units will come to swarm you. Fight them off and destroy the shadow towers. This will reveal a horde of harvesters that you'll want to destroy. Wipe out this whole area and it will be the site of your base. Now you can easily push north or south and destroy the bases there. Each base has a tunnel system to allow you to reach either base but outside of a few guards, there's nothing else of interest underground. This will be the case in all Ring missions. Now both areas have craters which are surrounded by heavy towers. The towers will prevent you from placing any buildings inside the craters, so destroy the towers once you wipe out the bases. You'll now be able to place the mines and Xyrex power plants to complete the mission. Just stick around to mine out all the resources before leaving. You can now proceed to the mission The 2nd Ring MISSION 6 UNDER FIRE OR THE 2ND RING 6) Under Fire Base Given: 2 Solar Power Plants, 20 Solar Cells, 3 Solar Batteries, 3 Mines, 1 Main Base Units Given: Fang, 2 Crushers m3 with Heavy Rocket Launcher upg. 2, 2 Super Fighters m2 with AA Rocket Launchers Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None Fang tells you that the UCS have begun a counter-attack on his position. You must get him to reach a northwestern base where some inactive Unit Transporters are. Use them to destroy the UCS artillery base and drive out the UCS from the area. And as he says this artillery fire descends upon your base. First thing to do is to sell off every building you have around the resource field. The artillery will wipe them out anyways so you might as well net some kind of profit. Now the artillery fire is coming directly north of you, there's a small camp that's loaded with artillery and heavy towers with chainguns. To your south is an artifact site with about 9 shield projectors. Send your units to the south to pick them up. There's also a column of Cargo Salamanders and Tigers heading your way. Make sure to grab the shields first as the enemy is loaded with plasma cannons. There's also a Panther amongst them and you'll want to lure it away from the shields. If you did some or all of the Ring missions, the technology from them is available for you to exploit. Once you take them out, there's a tunnel entrance in the middle of the map. Take Fang there and use the entrance to descend underground. You might encounter a large number of enemy units so be careful to avoid them as they sometimes include Jaguars with heavy plasma cannons. Make your way to a tunnel entrance in the east and head back to the surface. Now go north across a bridge that has two energy recharge artifacts and you're on your way to the Transporters. When you reach them, Fang will inform you that they are ready for action. Sell the buildings here as the enemy will eventually attack this area. Move Fang and the Transporters out of there. Now by this time the UCS will have sent Harvesters and a Cargo Salamander escort to where your resource field is. You can wipe them out with a combination of your combat units and having the Transporters drop them to their doom. But I'd actually ignore them for the time being. It'd probably be better to focus on the artillery base first. The artillery base is situated on a very tall mountain plateau, you can reach by ground if you come from the north but it's better to use the Transporters to bomb them. Now the base has three Grizzlies with the heavy plasma cannon/plasma cannon combo. There are two power plants in the centre of the plateau that provide energy to the heavy towers and artillery. Additionally in the northeast corner of the map is a small encampment that supplies ammunition to the artillery. It's only protected by a couple of heavy towers armed with chainguns but it's best to ignore it for the time being. Use your transporters to pick the Grizzlies up and drop them on the 2 power plants. A single dropped Grizzly will instantly the destroy a power plant and soon the area will be helpless against your attacks. Now build a base by the resource fields and you'll want to produce some units to pick up the remaining shield projectors-I'd recommend a sizeable number of them to pack electro-cannons while 1 or 2 should carry rocket launchers. You'd better mount some electro-cannons on your base because you'll soon be attacked by a platoon of Jaguars with heavy plasma cannons. If you have units that managed to pick up the shields and a solid air force, the Jaguars shouldn't be too much of a threat. Now go to the southwest. The base there isn't too heavily fortified and the defenders will probably be to scattered to put up much of a fight. Wipe out this base and go down to the tunnels. There's 20000 credits in the southwest section of the tunnels and throughout the tunnels are UCS units. You'll have to hunt each one down and destroy them all. With this finished, you'll have to destroy the small encampment to the northeast if you haven't already done so. Just send your forces there and they'll make quick work out of the UCS base without breaking a sweat. This will conclude the mission and Fang will stay behind for the next step in his operation. Since you can't take anything with you, build a recycler and scrap every unit except for Fang and sell off all of your buildings. End the mission and you'll be able to do the mission New Hope. MISSION 7 UNDER FIRE OR THE 2ND Ring 7) The 2nd Ring Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Craters m3 with heavy electro-cannon upg.1, 2 Meteors m3 with chainguns upg.1, 2 Crushers m3 with heavy rocket launcher upg.2 Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Crater, Crater m2, Crater m3. Heavy Rocket Launcher, Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1, Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.2, upg. Heavy Rocket (25%), upg. Heavy Rocket (50%), upg. Heavy Rocket (100%), Artillery, Heavy Defense Building, Weather Control Center, Earthquake Generator, upg. Earthquake Generator, Power Shield Generator 2000 PSU You are told that the UCS are occupying precious veins of platinum and are trying to prevent you from completing Project Sunlight. Not only must you take back these areas and wipe out UCS presence here but you are also to provide 40000 credits The UCS have bases in a triangle formation south of you. The closest base is located in a basin that isn't accessible directly by ground. You can reach it either by the tunnels or airlifting your forces in. There are bases to the southeast and southwest corners of the map, both of these can be reached on the ground but the bridges that link the two bases have been destroyed and so the only short cut is by the tunnels. Otherwise you'll be taking a long way around or airlift your troops across the gap. All of these bases has a crater with lots of untapped resource fields, you have to put down at least one mine and 2 Xyrex power plants in each crater. There's also a very large resource field near where you start so make sure to mine it for a large supply of credits. To the great horror of the UCS, on this mission you can develop artillery as well as the weather control center. If Fang and his group were brought over from Deadly Toys, they can easily bust through enemy forces. MISSION 8 NEW HOPE OR THE 3RD RING 8) New Hope Base Given: 3 Research Centers, 2 Solar Batteries, Solar Power Plant, 10 Solar Cells Units Given: Fang, 6 New Hopes, 4 Super Fighters m2 with AA Rocket Launchers Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None *New Hope is researched for free Fang tells you that he has developed a special unit for the LC's usage. Unfortunately the UCS have launched an attack on this region and so you must escort him and the New Hopes to a safe location. First thing to do is outfit Fang and the others with shield projectors located in the area. Unfortunately one New Hope will not have a shield but that won't be too much of a concern. Now the base that you're trying to reach has 4 Super Fighters. Send them northwards so that they can guard Fang and company from enemy air attack. One thing to keep in mind is that you have no way to build anything in this mission. Still this mission shouldn't pose a problem. Leave behind the unshielded New Hope and go east along the passageway where you'll fight enemy ground units and Gargoyles. The Super Fighters will tear through the Gargoyles while your New Hopes will be able to devastate the ground units. Continue doing so until you reach the first tunnel entrance. This tunnel system is just a very small square with a secondary tunnel entrance which is where we want to go. Now from where you start, if you take the path directly east you'll end up facing a horde of Cargo Salamanders while if you take the other path you might be able to bypass them. Frankly I'd just set up an ambush for the Cargo Salamanders and lure them into a trap. If you fought and defeated the Cargo Salamanders, go up the other tunnel entrance. Now you should be able to make your way to the southern base. First bring in your Super Fighters for one final fight. Continue forward until your New Hopes fight a few ground units and a horde of Gargoyles come after you. The Super Fighters will be able to deal with them and now it's time for your New Hopes to go alone. Just click on the southern base and watch Fang and company go. With their great speed they'll be able to bypass the Dragons in the air and enemy ground units that try to chase after them will be shot to bits. Don't stick around to fight because the enemy ground units include Panthers with heavy rockets, Jaguars with heavy plasma cannons and Dragons with heavy rockets. If any of your units take damage just keep moving until you find a safe spot. A quick rest and your company should be back in top form. Continue your mad dash and you'll make it all the way to the southern base. Fang congratulates you and promises you the designs for the New Hope. MISSION 9 NEW HOPE OR THE 3RD RING 9) The 3rd Ring Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Thunderers m2 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.1, 2 Crushers m3 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.2, 2 Craters with Heavy Electro-Cannons upg.1 Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Thunderer, Thunderer m2, Air Heavy Rocket Launcher, Air Heavy Rocket Launcher upg.1, Heavy Electro-Cannon, Heavy Electro-Cannon upg.1 You are ordered to destroy the UCS presence in this area. With their bases in rubble, place a mine and two Xyrex power plants in the craters nearby. There's really nothing new here other than that the UCS are very aggressive and will attack your base fairly often. There's a UCS base on the northwest corner of the map, a base to the southwest and finally a base directly south of your starting position. Make sure to put up a number of Guardians to block off anything that might attack your base. There's a resource field near your starting position, mine it and the credits will just keep coming in. It shouldn't take you long to destroy the enemy bases as the only difference is that there are more UCS towers than in previous missions. One thing of note is that you'll have maxed out your technology regarding the air force on this level. With this level done it's on to the 4th Ring MISSION 10 DEADLY TOYS OR THE 4TH RING 10) Deadly Toys Base Given: Landing Zone Units Given: Fang, 2 Super Fighters m2 with AA Rocket Launchers, 2 Thunderers m2 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.1, Crusher m3 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.2, 2 Crions Money Given: None Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None Fang alerts you that the UCS have brought their offensive plasma weapon system to the moon. These weapons of mass destruction will be a great threat to Project Sunlight unless you destroy them, Fang was able to scrounge up some support but you should airlift some more help. Actually this is a really easy mission, as you are given some really powerful units and the enemy is for the most part unimpressive. If you did some Ring missions first, you'll probably have some powerful units to call up but really the only thing you need are the Fat Girls from the beginning. First thing is that there are three shield projectors and lots of ammo in the area, give one to Fang and the others should go to the Crions. The Crusher and the Thunderers were already equipped with shields. Finally keep in mind that if you bring some money over, the only thing you can build are more landing zones. If you did some or all of the Ring missions, you can fly over any of units built from the research you did in those missions. Follow the path east and fight off any attackers in your way. When you begin to enter what looks like a large area of space, hold back from entering just yet. This is the area with the plasma control center and it is well protected by 2 artillery, some heavy towers with chainguns and a couple of Cargo Salamanders with AA plasma guns for dealing with aircraft. If you go in blind, the artillery can make short work of you. Fortunately they have no Condors to supply them once they run out of ammo. So use Fang to divert enemy artillery fire and your ground forces can easily destroy the base. As you continue you'll happen on another similar area and there'll be an identical base, take it out as you did before and continue. When you reach a third area of space, you'll find the only thing it contains are enemy units. There's a lot but they should fall quickly to your powerful forces. Keep going until you reach a fourth area, you'll suddenly be attacked by Jaguars and Grizzlies plus others. They guard the final base and once you destroy it, this mission is ended and you can now bring Fang back home for other missions. Also this is the last time Fang is indispensable, from now on it doesn't matter if he survives or not. MISSION 11 DEADLY TOYS OR THE 4TH RING 11) The 4th Ring Base Given: None Units Given: 2 Thunderers m2 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.1, 2 Crushers m3 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.2, 2 Craters with Heavy Electro-Cannons upg.1 2 Crions Money Given: 10000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: Crusher, Crusher m2, Crusher m3 You are told that the UCS have refused any offer of a ceasefire. They're invading but you're on the last stretches of completing Project Sunlight. Again build a mine and two Xyrex power plants in each crater and this time collect 60000 credits for the project. Things are going to be somewhat trickier as you start in the middle of the map and you'll face constant attack from various directions. First thing to do is to mine the nearby resource field and make several Guardians to cover each direction. With the Guardians built and an army established, the UCS don't have the firepower to launch an effective attack against your base. There are UCS bases located to the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of the map. Destroy them as you did in the earlier Ring missions and put up the mine and power plants in the craters. Once you've done all this and collected the 60000 credits, the mission is finished. Lastly I'd suggest splurging on producing a large, powerful army for the next mission. MISSION 12 PAYBACK TIME This is the final mission of the game and can only be reached by completing the 4th Ring and Deadly Toys. You have one last bit of new technology to play with for this mission. 12) Payback Time Base Given: Landing Zone, 17 NESTs, 6 Guardians, Aerial Supply Center, 3 Main Bases, 7 Solar Batteries, 5 Xyrex Power Plants Units Given: 5 Super Fighters m2 with AA Rocket Launchers, 6 Thunderers m2 with Heavy Rocket Launchers upg.1, 9 Craters m3 with Heavy Electro-Cannon upg.1, 7 Crions Money Given: 40000 credits Payment: None Bonus: None Research: None *Plasma Artillery is researched for free You are told that the UCS are mounting one final attack to destroy the Sunlight Control Center. Do whatever it takes to stop them from doing so. The LC have been kind enough to provide a big base and large numbers of powerful units to begin with. Furthermore, you can now build Crions though by this time you'll probably have used up all your unit limit and will have to recycle unwanted units or wait for some casualties before being able to build. Unfortunately all the Guardians and NESTs are located in an encampment east of your starting point. The UCS have set up their plasma control centers and will eventually rain plasma bolts on you. To prevent them from annihilating your base, you'll have to go and destroy them before they can begin firing. They are located north, south, east and west of the Sunlight control centers. Send the units you start off with to attack these areas, luckily with the exception of the east side there should be little opposition to stand in your way of destroying the plasma control centers. You might as well sell off all the buildings in the eastern encampment-this will free up some power and money for you and allow you to concentrate on defending your main site. One thing to note is that the UCS will be laying down buildings to form small bases where their plasma control centers are located. While this is happening, the UCS will begin an early powerful rush on your base. So make sure to have shields added to all the buildings in your main site. Also plunk down multiple Guardians to protect your mines and the control centers. You'll also want to bring down Fang and other troops via the Jupiter. I'd recommend bringing back all those surviving initial units that you were given and have them recycled. This will free up your population limit so that you can build an armada of Crions with shields. Pretty soon you'll have such a well-defended base that you can just sit back and collect credits. There are UCS bases in each corner of the map as well as the buildings built up where the plasma control centers used to be. However considering that you'll have a huge and powerful army plus more than enough credits to buy lots of artillery and weather control centers; it's not going to be a challenge in wiping the UCS bases out. So just go around at your own pace and destroy everything around. With the UCS menace stopped and Project Sunlight ready for action, this concludes the LC missions. LC MISSIONS COMPLETE!!!! 5.0 HINTS AND TIPS Some ideas that might be helpful for newcomers to the game -Always have a supply depot close to your troops. This lessens the chance that your bombers, fighters and supply ships will have to cross dangerous areas to reload. -In single player, you can pause and still issue commands -Experience gives you about a 10% boost to a unit or building's HP and weapon damage per level, about every two levels weapon range goes up by 1. So a Level 10 Siberia with a chaingun is no match against a Level 1 Grizzly with heavy plasma cannons. However a Level 1 Grizzly going on to Level 2 gains a large amount of increased power. -Aircraft typically don't need shields, the only exception is if you're facing the UCS who can pick you off with AA plasma guns. Otherwise no other energy weapon can reach the skies. -Aircraft that runs out of ammo will take the shortest route to a supply depot unless you order otherwise. It'll even fly through enemy hotspots to do so, so watch that you don't get your airforce shot down just because you weren't watching where they were re-supplying. -If you maxed out your population limit, you can still get more units provided it's through capture -In single player, so long as you keep the casualties low, you'll have more than enough credits to research everything, build a strong army and make a fair amount of buildings. -Very few weapons can be fired while moving, if you're ever in danger a quick retreat can usually get you to safety as the enemy has to stop to shoot. -Fixed artillery and bombs do damage in a blast radius and typically cause far more damage in a direct hit than what their damage rating says. When faced with such attacks, try to keep moving before the attack lands. -Mines will instantly take out any vehicle so keep an eye out for them. -Terrain is very important in this game. Rough terrain can either slow down or completely stop a unit's movement. Use this to your advantage -Try to remember that different types of units have different lists of commands available to them. For example combat aircraft CANNOT hold fire nor can they be set to escort. -Use weapons effectively. For example, an unshielded Grizzly can easily mop the floor with a bunch of Lunars carrying rocket launchers. But if the Lunars carried electro-cannons it's another matter entirely. Likewise a Lunar carrying a shield can take a lot of hits from a Tiger carrying a plasma cannon but a Tiger with a grenade launcher can take it down quickly. -Shields and repairers/regenerators can greatly increase your chances of survival. Remember in this game, the longer you live to collect experience the more powerful you become. -Obstructing building debris and vegetation can be dealt with by gunfire. Burntout vehicle husks can be crushed by units or built over with new buildings. *In any event, have fun and hope this is faq/walkthru helps. There's an Earth 2150 message board that can be of further help, if you need it. Also I can take questions at, though I'm eventually phazing that out.