The Queen of Heart'99 SE FAQ. V1.034 2002/01/21 (YYYY/MM/DD) Written by Yunari Hi everyone thank you for reading my FAQ. Either data in this useful or useless. I still thank you for reading. This is my first FAQ too so I excuse for something that would be wrong. Table of Contents 1. Disclaimer 2. Update 3. Setting 4. Character 4.1 Character Name 4.2 Hidden Character 5. In game Button 6. Move 6.1 Basic Move 6.2 Advance Move 6.3 Command List 6.4 Combo System 7. Network game 8. Trouble shooting 9. Misc 9.1 Hidden Greeting 9.2 Related Game Info 10. Reference 11. Special thank 1. Disclaimer This document is copyright 2001 by yunari. Feel free to distribute to anyone with giving my credit. Feel free to post to your page but please don't change something on this FAQ. 2. Update V 1.034 2002/01/21 - Correct table of content. - QOH Competition Inside Pocket webboard (competition in my group) release - Include detail about netmassage.txt in net directory in net game section. - Include additional detail about combo I found in combo section - Include additional detail about Corin's Angelic Hachure in command section. V 1.031 2002/01/19 - Add a bit more translated special command - Add adventage of disable frame skip is setting section. - Edit combo section a bit. V 1.03 2002/01/01 - Add addition move to Corin. - Add comment about blocking in advance move section. - Translate some of command to english. - Add detail about "tirmes_1.img is incorrect version" error massage. - Add kanji name for almost character in command section. - Bit correction on character move section. - Correct some character name. - Add a bit of detail about air combo in combo system section. - Correct information about LF'97 Aoi in related game info section. - Spell checked. Hopefully it should have fewer misspelled word in FAQ. V 1.02 2001/15/06 - Bit correction on character move section. - Correct some character name. - Almost complete character section. V 1.01 2001/25/05 - Add comment that I forgot in command list. - Add character in game list for To Heart in game information topic. - Add one more trouble in troubleshooting. V 1.00 2001/23/05 - First release. 3. Setting Before you start game run config.exe in game directory to config something before running these game. in page 1 - Run in windows mode Some system will run faster in full screen mode. - Use 640x480 resolution Useful if your system doesn't support 320x240 resolution or want larger windows. This option run fines on Duron Processor but slow on Pentium III and Celeron so I don't recommend. But if you use this Resolution on Pentium processor you should use 8 bit color instead to get acceptable frame rate. - Use 320x240 windows Game will use 640x480 resolution but will not stretch image. - Use 16-bit mode Will have better background and have some transparent effect in SE. in page 2 - Player 1 setting - Player 2 setting - Player 3 setting - Player 4 setting Config for direction and button to use. Note: Under win2k you can't config button for keyboard. button 1 = weak attack button 2 = medium attack button 3 = strong attack button 4 = stand button - Test Test button that configured. Press ESC to quit. - Restore Default After run game you will see option these are. - Game round - Difficulty - BG In realistic closer object will move faster while you move. This option will enable this - 2 BG - 1 BG Not used this function to increase speed on some system. - Ground moving As same as above -used -not use - Frame -Enable frame skip -Disable frame skip Disable frame skip give better actual framerate but game may slowdown a bit use 8-bit mode to resolve this. - Bgm - wav - midi - Album - see album these data are Max hit Best time cleared story mode % Selected (random is excluded) Max damage % win - See max hit - Delete Album - Return to option 4 Character 4.1 Character Select note that H row mean that row is hidden 4.2 Secret Character There Have some secret character the way to select are. - Hold stand button and select character they are. - Akari -> Young Version Akari - Shiho -> - Kotone -> True Heroine Version of Kotone - Serika -> Comede Serika - Ayaka -> Rapeed Ayaka (SE only) - Multi -> HM-12 - Hatsune -> Badness Hatsune - Chitzuru -> Demon Chitzuru - Mizuho -> Kanako - Aoi -> LF'97 Aoi - Move curser to most right row and move right again you can see they have hidden row. You can select Corin(SE1126),Tiria(SE), Yoshie(SE). If you can't reach this rule you may not clear some rule which I don't know. Way to get Hidden Character I got these information from Japanese web site and not confirmed. Since game I had already have save file that have all character already and it's unable to wipe data too. - Serio Clear any character in easy level. - Yuki Clear any character in normal level. - Mizuki Clear any character in hard level. - Rina Clear any character with win Rina. - Kanako Clear Mizuho first. - Demon Chitzuru Clear Chitzuru first. - Young Akari Clear Akari first (confirmed). - Arrange Shiho Clear Shiho first. - True Heroine Kotone Clear Kotone first. - HM-12 Clear Multi first. - Comode Serika ?? - Badness Hatsune Clear Hatsune First. - Tiria Clear game without continue in level hard or nightmare. She will fight with you in stage 9. (confirmed) Then go to character select screen move to Mizuki then press S -> Yuki+S -> Akari+S -> Chitzuru+S -> Ruriko+S -> Select button (1 button). 5. In game Button - 1 to 0 Send massageto to other player in net game. - F1 Switch between windows mode and full screen mode. - F4 Training mode Can use only when all character are human and not network game. - F12 Pause Game Pause screen is To Heart (WIN9X) look alike screen. Only menu that usable is last one to quit game. Press F12 again to resume game. - Del Reset game - ESC,ALT-F4 Exit game 6. Move In command number is related to direction on Numpad on keyboard. And Abbreviate are. L = Light Attack M = Medium Attack H = Strong Attack S = Stand Button F = Front B = Back D = Down J = Jump 6.1 Basic move FF = Dash BB = Back Step When you do back step you will not hit by opponent attack. Useful against who rely on Jump Cancel too much. B+H = Throw You can evade that throw by press B+H. FF+A = Dash Attack Use with each button had different usage. Try to figure out since they really useful move. 6.2 Advance Move - Jump Cancel While your attack hit opponent press jump immediately you can jump away from opponent instead freeze in front of opponent. This also able evade from almost opponent counter attack. Try mastering it you will less vulnerable. - Attack Cancel While attack hit press another attack button will continue to that attack. Rule is you can't do same attack twice until you jump. You can Cancel attack to another special attack. And you can cancel almost move to ex . - Guard Cancel While Guarding enter command will guard cancel and attack opponent with that command. Same System as Justice Gaguen (Rival school in US). - Blocking Some character can blocking by press F when attack coming blocking is different from guard that you can counter back immediately not freeze like guard also you can't use attack cancel against blocking. - Faultless Defense Some Character can use faultless defense by press A While Guarding. This can push opponent out a bit. Useful to reduce pressure from opponent. - Fall Recovery If you get flop by opponent attack you can fall recover by press direction twice opposite way you flopped when you reach screen. If you lose balance with opponent attack keep guarding character will recover as fast as she can or press D twice if she can't recover by first method. 6.3 Command List Still Uncompleted I will add translation later. All Japanese text is encoded in S-JIS. And sorry about some spelling form katakana that would be wrong. Also on translation since I am not good both English and Japanese.Especially Japanese. Some word I understand but can't explain in English or some word I am not understand at all. So I can't complete translation by myself now. (close) mean you must close opponent (throwing range) to use this move. (air) mean this move must execute in air. (air+) mean this move can execute both ground and air. (number) number of gauge used with that attack Saori ?i?V?‚?û?D?j %×'Þ<ÒŸXŸpŸCŸN Fire Ball Spike 22+A ŸNŸCŸbŸNŸhŸ%ŸCŸo?[ Quick Driver 234+A 'ü'ù'Š'¤ŸtŸ@ŸCŸ"?[ Saorin Fire (air)F+H ŸuŸ?ŸbŸLŸ"ŸO Blocking F When get opponent attack <¢'Å"S'ø Mid air throw (Close)(air)B+A ŸnŸCŸp?[Ÿ^ŸbŸNŸ< Hyper Tackle 41236+A(3) - Saori can blocking Mizuho ?i-Oï??„?j ??"è?q'¨' '¤''‘'‚›-i 236+A 'ïŸLŸbŸN F+A ŸAŸbŸp?[ŸXŸCŸ"ŸO Upper Swing F+H ?^?E%S'ÞŸcŸbŸRŸ~-?'ˆ''¨ 41236+H(3) - Able to use air dash Shiho Nagaoka ?i'ú%¦?uê?j ?uê'¨' '¤ŸhŸ%ŸCŸo?[ Shiho Chan Driver 623+A ?uê'¨' '¤-üS¦ Shiho Chan Tornado 214+A ?Þ?A-”?l'Ð' 'ƒ'á'«jump cancel 2. do basic attack->jump cancel->do basic attack 3. Finish attack 1. Lift opponent up Most character work with D+H->H some may not. Some character can lift with dash attack. Another way is to attack while opponent in air or skip this and go air combat with opponent. 2. Do Basic Attack->jump cancel->do basic attack. Basic is L->M->H->jump->L->M->H. You may omit low to increase accuracy or reverse order to H->M->Jump->H->M->L. If you see your character second jump too high from opponent and unable attack opponent you have to add L to your combo like H->M->L->Jump->H->M->L.this is depend on character you use and yourself. 3. Finish attack Either use special move that character have or use L repeatedly.If that character able to throw in air then use it.It may give a bit lower damage but you will save when you landing in 4 player game. ie. Tiria M->D+M->D+H->H->jump->H->M->jump->H->M->F+H Ruriko D+M->D+H->H->Dash+H->Jump->H->Jump->H->M->L repeatedly. After you can do air combo then you should train to connect between jump attack and air combo. ie. Ruriko Jump->M->H->(landed)D+H->D+M->H->Dash+H->Jump->H->Jump->H->M->M ->L reapeatedly - After throw combo After you throw you can attack whole set of air combo on opponenet deadly when use with Rapid Ayaka since she can dash and throw opponenet easily (even deadly than running three ^_^). This also apply to during air throw. ie. Rapid Ayaka dash->throw->dash to opponent->D+H->H->JUMP->H->M->H-> M->L Reapeatedly Demon Chitzuru throw->walk to opponent about 1 metre ( assume character tall 160 cm )->623+M->Jump->H->M->H->->M-> F+H Tiria During air thorw->D+H->H->jump->H->M->jump->H->M->F+H - Dash attack->Jump cancel combo Some dash attack can use jump cancel and use for open up for air combo. ie Chitzuru dash+H->Jump->H->M->L(3 hit)->Jump->H->M->F+H This attack can use for various thing like open air combo from long range,finish after ground combo. After all for advance combo i recommended you to search for replay movie on some japanese site. There have many nice example of combo to see. 7. Net game Function (se only) Run "qoh99.exe net" Then game will ask for connection type There are. - Dial up modem - TCP/IP - IPX/SPX - Serial Before start net game copy netmassage.txt from gamedir/net/net_mes/ to system directory then you should edit it a bit. Game name, game comment, username and user comment will automitically apply when you enter net game. and 1 to 0 you can edit massage and sent to other player with number 1 to 0. Forgot about Dial up modem and TCP/IP since it's too slow. For IPX/SPX when you act as server enter game name and game will start and it will reset when someone join your game. For client once you see game name enter game name and your name then connect.When you use net game you can't use frame skip and can't play 4 player mode so if you not using Duron or Thunderbird you should set game to use 8-Bit instead of 16-Bit ortherwise you may surfer from lot of slowdown. 8.Trouble shooting These problem that I had got and way to resolve. - When I switch to windows mode game crash. Did you set desktop color depth to 24 or 32 bit? This game did not support that resolution and will crash like that. If you want to play in windows mode. Make sure you set color depth to 8 or 16 bit. - I get massage tir_mes1.img incorrect version and can't run game. Try or replace this file with update version 0428. It works for me. Unfortunately this update is not available from watanabe production's HP. But if you want mail to me I will send that file back to you. After i released this FAQ there have a lot of people told me that them also have this problem but someone may not thank you about this too. These step is way I resolved this problem . - Install QOH99SE. Game is not working. - Update with V.0428. Game is working. - Install rest of update to V.1124. Game end up with error again. - Replaced tirmes_1.img from update V.0428. Game is working again. This is mysterious bug. In fact this game check all file for correct version by check files date. Correct time for tir_mes1.img is 2000/04/15 05:56 AM. But there have some of mysteries. When I burned game to CD to play on other system date of this file on CD has been changed! I burned another cd later with cdrwin but date still changed. And game refuse to run on my system(PIII 700 RAM 128 MB WIN2000/WIN98 Japanese edition/ WINME) and said tirmes_1.img is incorrect version. But when i bring same cd to run on college's computer(P166 Ram 64 MB WIN98SE), internet cafe's computer(PIII667 RAM 128 MB WIN98SE) and on my friend computer (P166 overclocked to 200 RAM 48 MB WIN98SE) game is worked fine without any problem! So that probably why someone not got this problem. - I can't config button for each player. If you use keyboard this game can't map button for keyboard under win2k. Another thing that you make sure config file didn't set attribute read only if so remove this attribute from qohcnf.key in gamedir\system folder. 9.MISC 9.1 Hidden Greeting If you run game in x'mas and in new year game will show greeting image before game start. 9.2 Referred game information This information I got from my friends while chatting and e-mail and from Leaf HP. It still not complete yet. More information is welcome. Games Port Released year Genre Character in game Filsnown PC-98,WIN9X 1998(WIN9X) Rpg Tiria Leaf Visual Novel PC-98,WIN9X 1996(WIN9X) Visual Novel Ruriko,Mizuho, Vol.1 Shizuku Kanako Leaf Visual Novel PC-98,WIN9X 1996(WIN9X) Visual Novel Chitzuru,hatsune Vol.2 Kisuato Kaede,Saori Leaf Visual Novel WIN9X,PSX 1997(WIN9X), Visual Novel Akari,Young Akari Vol.3 To Heart 1999(PSX) ,Serika,Tomoko, Shiho,Aoi,Multi, Kotone,Lemmy,Rio, Ayaka,Serio, Yoshie Saorin no Naisyo WIN9X 1997(WIN9X) Variety LF'97 Aoi (Leaf Fight'97 is available in this game) White Album WIN9X 1998(WIN9X) Visual Novel Yuki,Rina Comic Party WIN9X,DC 1999(WIN9X), Visual Novel Mizuki 2001(dc) Inagawa de Ikou WIN9X 2000(WIN9X) Variety Corin Go To Heart n/a n/a Doujin Manga Comode Serika, Rapeed Ayaka 10. Reference - Qoh99se Manual that come with update V.1124 for command list. - for addition move list - for addition move list of Corin. - Leaf HP for game release date. 11. Contact me Question, suggestion are welcome at 12. Special Thank Farewell For information about Filsnown and PC-98 Port. Angel12th For help until I made qoh99se working and testing net and dial up connection game with me. Asahi Sakurai and anyone who mail me about problem about tir_mes1.img error so I know this problem doesn't happen only on me. Someone For comment about Blocking. Someone On his QOH99SE page that I used as reference.