THIEF II: THE METAL AGE Equipment FAQ Version 1.0 by: Kent Francis ============ = FIRST UP = ============ I strongly recommend beginners to read up this spoiler-free guide on the various equipment you will recieve in the game and it's many uses as well strategies on how to use them wisely. Let me remind you that this is only an _EQUIPMENT FAQ_ and not a beginner's guide on how to play the game. Consult the other Thief II guides. =============== = THE BASICS = =============== The equipment on my faq falls under two categories. WEAPONS and ITEMS. Weapons can be accessed through the keys 1 to 0 and the items can be accesed via the TAB key and mouse right-click to use them. You will always begin a mission with several starting gear but you are given the oppurtinity to buy extras or you can even find them throughout the game. =========== = WEAPONS = =========== ----- SWORD ----- Key 1 Left click to strike Right click to block -Chopping down tapestries, wooden boards, windows & doors -Hitting on hard surfaces creates distractions -Warding off enemy attacks -Wounding enemies -When equipped, you will run slower Other than chopping down tapestries to reveal secret stashed loot, the sword should never be used. Do remember that you are a _thief_ and _not_ a murderer. If you do need to take someone out, scroll down to the BROADHEAD ARROW section. --------- BLACKJACK --------- Key 2 Left click to strike Right click to block -Knocking out enemies silently -Hitting on hard surfaces creates distractions -Breaking windows -Wounding enemies -Warding off enemy attacks This is your primary weapon and should always be equipped. The Blackjack knocks out enemies with no noise and no blood. Continuous strikes can still kill so just strike once. It is more than enough to render anyone unconcious. Like the sword, the Blackjack can ward off blows but it is not as effective. Remember that you still have to strike at the correct area. Hitting an arm or leg will not instantly knock enemies out. Aim for the head or back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One thing to note about is the trajectory. Arrows are of course, are affected by gravity so if you're aiming at something far away, aim high. In simpler terms, it simply means line up your target around the middle of the target sight. FIRE and GAS arrows however, are not affected by gravity and when taking aim, place target at the top of the sight instead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------- BROADHEAD ARROW --------------- Key 3 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Wounding enemies -Pushes switches -Shooting onto hard surfaces creates distractions -When equipped, you will run slower The most useful thing about the broadhead arrow is that it can push hard-to- reach switches. Other than that, it is a deadly weapon that can kill and you should already know by now, killing is frowned upon in the Thief world. ----------- WATER ARROW ----------- Key 4 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Extinguishes flames -Cleans up blood stains -When equipped, you will run slower Extremely useful piece of equipment you will ever find in the Thief world. As a master thief, it is vital that you stay out of sight. With a water arrow, you can take out torches and fireplaces and thus, creating more shadows for you to hide in. And in case you make a mess by killing someone, the arrow also cleans up blood stains. ---------- MOSS ARROW ---------- Key 5 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Creates a soft carpet of moss -When equipped, you will run slower Another useful piece of equipment. Shooting moss arrows onto the ground, creates a small carpet of moss for you to walk on. Certain floor surfaces like marble or metal is extremely loud and will draw too much attention but the moss eliminates all the noise. ---------- FIRE ARROW ---------- Key 6 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Wounds enemies -Destroys mechanical beasts -Lights up torches -Creates distractions -When equipped, you will be more visible -When equipped, you will run slower This arrow should only be used when you absolutely need to take something out with a loud bang. Upon impact, it will make alot of noise. --------- GAS ARROW --------- Key 7 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Knocks out enemies silently -Extinguishes torches and fireplaces -When equipped, you will run slower Like a flying Blackjack this arrow is. Upon impact, the gas creates a small blast radius. You can even knock out 3 guards at once! Extremely useful arrow but unfortunately, it is rare. You can get caught in the blast so watch where you're shooting. ---------- ROPE ARROW ---------- Key 8 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Creates a climbable rope -Wounds enemies -When equipped, you will run slower The rope arrow, when shot into surfaces, creates a rope that can be climbed. Great for those hard-to-access areas 2 levels up or so. It can also kill like a standard broadhead so watch where you're shooting. Take note that the arrow will only stick into earth or wooden surfaces. Anything else and the arrow will break. ---------------- NOISEMAKER ARROW ---------------- Key 9 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Creates distractions -When equipped, you will run slower Need a distraction? Look no further! The noisemaker arrow, when shot creates a loud noise that will draw guards away from thier posistions. It is also possible to retrieve the arrow. Take not that the arrow bounces off walls. Also, guards will be more alert if they happen to find the arrow. ---------- VINE ARROW ---------- Key 0 Left click and hold to aim Release left click to shoot -Creates a climbable rope -When equipped, you will run slower This arrow acts exactly like a rope arrow except that it can also be shot into metal gratings. ========= = ITEMS = ========= ----- FLARE ----- It lights up your surroundings... and also makes you more visible. Probably one of the most useless items in the game since all you need to do when it is dark is to crank up the gamma. It's better that way. You can also blow up explosive barrels but why would you want to create noise when you have to remain undetected? ----------------------- LOCKPICKET SET - SQUARE ----------------------- Left click and hold One half of the lockpick set. One of the most vital tools in the game. Most doors in the game are locked and when you can't find a key, use this. Some doors require both picks. ------------------------- LOCKPICKET SET - TRIANGLE ------------------------- 2nd half of the lockpick set. The uses are the same as square. -------------- HEALING POTION -------------- This potion upon use, restores a small amount of health over a period of several seconds. ------------- BREATH POTION ------------- This potion gives you an extra few seconds of breath while you're swimming. ------------------- INVISIBILITY POTION ------------------- Like the name says, this potion makes you completely invisible... for several seconds only and just because you can't be seen, doesn't mean you can't be heard. Use with care. ---------------- SLOW-FALL POTION ---------------- Need to fall from a great height and live? No problem. This potion slows down your fall for a few seconds and ultimately, giving you a safe landing with no damage caused... be careful not to use it while you're running because this potion slows down EVERY PART OF YOUR BODY so only use it while you're in mid-air. ------------ SPEED POTION ------------ This potion increases your speed and jump significantly for few seconds. ---------- FLASH BOMB ---------- A very useful piece of equipment. If you toss it at an enemy, he will be stunned for a few seconds. Be sure to look the other way when you toss it or you'll be blinded too! ------------ SCOUTING ORB ------------ With this little bugger, you can view almost anything without putting yourself at risk. You can also pick it up again and use it. Just toss it at a room or corridor you wish to use and that's it. Simple yet very darn effective. ---- MINE ---- Acts just like a fire arrow. Set it up and wait for some poor bugger to walk on it. All mines can only be deactivated and placed elsewhere by using your lockpicks. -------- GAS MINE -------- Works like a gas arrow. ---------- FLASH MINE ---------- Works like a flash bomb. ------------- FROGBEAST EGG ------------- Throwing this on the ground, releases a frogbeast that will ally with you. Useful as a distraction but is easy to be killed. Fortunately, when it dies, it explodes causing massive damage to anyone in it's range. =============== = LEGAL STUFF = =============== This FAQ is free and should not be distributed for any amount or used on any other site other than without my permission. (c)NXMT