BATTLE REALMS: WINTER OF THE WOLF WALKTHROUGH Written by: Kayzer76th E-mail : Dated : July 6, 2003 CONTENTS: Disclaimer I. Introduction II. History III. Character List a. Wolf Clan -Grayback -Longtooth -Gaihla -Shale Lord -Wildeye b. Lotus Clan - Koril - Issyl - Soban -Yvaine c. Serpent Clan - Budo - Utara - Taro IV. Unit List V. Walkthrough VI. References/Credits DISCLAIMER Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf and all its characters and logos are copyright ¸2002 Crave Entertainment, Inc. This FAQ is free and may be distributed or reproduced in any way, shape or form whether it may be electronical or not, providing the content of this document may not be altered in any way. If you want to use this for commercial use, ask Kayzer 76th ( for permission. I. INTRODUCTION I wrote this Walkthrough since nobody has written the walkthrough for Battle Realms expansion: Winter of the Wolf. Probably, the single-player campaign is ridiculously easy for some people. However, I find them quite challenging; not to mention the exciting storyline (though it quite strays from the original canon and linear) Anyway, I made this just for enjoyment and to help others.perhaps! Though already released since 2002, I admit that I finish the Winter of the Wolf campaign on last July. Due to lack of information, probably you'll find that some information might incorrect. If you want to give any suggestion or critics, e-mail me at II. HISTORY You'll assume the role of Grayback when he was still a slave in the Lotus shale mines. These mines are under the direct control of the sorceress Yvaine, and she acts as Zymeth's (the Lotus leader from Battle Realms) right hand. Yvaine is a cruel mistress, often working her Wolf slaves to death, leaving them to starve, or using unspeakable methods to make examples out of those who challenge her. Winter of the Wolf will open up with Grayback's discovery of Yvaine's plot to use an ancient Wolf relic called the Skull of the White Wolf to completely destroy the Serpent Clan and forever suppress any hope the Wolf Clan has of escaping its captivity. Caught spying, Grayback is sent into the bowels of the deep mines, where he resolves to stage an uprising. Meanwhile, Yvaine unleashes the power of this ancient artifact and releases an intense winter upon the world. Spring turns to a frigid winter overnight as ice and snow grip the land. III.CHARACTER LIST Here is the information I've got about the BR Characters. Their abilities, weakness and strengths also included. Information about the Expansion Characters is my own description; if anyone wants to add or correct their help are welcome! A. Wolf Clan Grayback: "Hear me, sorcerers: you cannot cage the wolf." Tier: Zen Master Rice Cost: 600 Water Cost: 200 Yang Cost: 2 Melee: Piercing Missile: n/a Weakness: Explosive, Magic Strength: Piercing Training: Keep Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: Grayback emerged as the new chief in the time of the Wolf Clan's enslavement, when the old line of chieftains was dead, and the clan's very existence was threatened. The force of mind that allowed them to break their bonds was Grayback's - the covert training, the cunningly orchestrated uprising, and the carefully timed messages to the Serpent. A menial slave, son of primitive hunters, he is clearly more than a match for the proudest Serpent Lord, or for Lord Zymeth himself. The wolves themselves know Grayback's authority, sensing in his smell and body language the undisputed leader of the pack. In battle Grayback wields an enormous pickaxe, a tool that strikes with crushing force while reminding all who see it of the reason why Grayback fights on. BATTLEGEAR Wolf Howl: Grayback is a peerless battle leader. When he wishes, he can urge nearby warriors to strike with increased force. Longtooth: "Even the warlocks who claim to know death, cringe from my fury." Tier: Zen Master Rice Cost: 250 Water Cost: 250 Yang Cost: 1 Melee: Magic Missile: Magic Weakness: Explosive, Magic Strength: none Training: Keep Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Climber: His speed is unaffected by slopes. About: Even as a slave-child, Longtooth was famous for his athleticism - leaping between rocks and swimming through the treacherous underground waterways, he astonished his masters. Meanwhile he was winning a secret fame as a boxer and wrestler in the underground fighting pits and quarries. When the uprising came, those abilities were matched by a terrifying hatred and impressive generalship. His deeds of that night have placed him next in line for clan leadership. In battle Longtooth carries a unique weapon, a heavy bladed boomerang he has learned to hurl with astonishing accuracy. Uneven battlegrounds give him a special advantage, as his athletic ability grants him a mobility others lack. BATTLEGEAR Razor-Edged Boomerang : No one knows what mineral or alloy Longtooth's boomerang is made of, but at times he can throw it with terrible force, so that it moves unimpeded through flesh, bone, and even solid walls. Gaihla: "Tread lightly in this place, for every forest is a temple." Tier: Zen Master Rice Cost: 150 Water Cost: 350 Yang Cost: 1 Melee: Cutting Missile: n/a Weakness: Fire Strength: Piercing, Blunt, Magic Training: Keep Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Forest Friend: Not slowed by forest terrain. Crop Blessing: Rice regrows more quickly when she idles near it. About: We do not know much about Gaihla. She dwells in the deepest, oldest woodlands, and according to the tales she is a solitary druidess or forest goddess, or something in-between. Hundreds of years old, she has been known to disappear for decades and live out the time as a giant oak tree. All forests and growing things are under her protection. Despite her allegiance to life, she can be a vicious fighter, wielding a wreath of thorns against those who would threaten the forests. Her relationship with plant life is mysterious - she moves unimpeded through the densest undergrowth, and any crops thrive in her very presence. BATTLEGEAR Chant of Life: Gaihla's powers are root in life and growth, the essence of yang. Her ancient druidic chant has healing power in its very sound. Shale Lord: "..." Tier: Zen Master Rice Cost: 500 Water Cost: 150 Yang Cost: 2 Melee: Blunt Missile: n/a Weakness: Explosive, Magic Strength: Cutting, Blunt, Fire Training: Keep Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Battle Lust: While he is fighting, he slowly regains stamina. About: The Shale Lord is a symbol of the Wolf Clan's enslavement, a failed magical experiment, a lonely outcast, a military asset. No one knows his real name, but he was once a Wolf Clan slave, chosen by Lord Soban as an experimental subject in his attempts to breed a better slave worker. He escaped captivity and roamed the wilderness for years - a strange stone man, faceless, voiceless, alone. When the Wolf rebelled he returned to fight at their sides, and became a hero. In battle there is no more terrifying opponent. Naturally armored and hugely strong, he fights with his macelike fists. No one hates the Lotus Clan more, and his rage seems to increase his strength even has he battles. BATTLEGEAR Armored Friend : The Shale Lord can flake sheets of stone off his own body, sacrificing his own health in the process. Already man-shaped, it can serve as stone plate armor for his allies. *Wildeye Tier: Zen Master Rice Cost: 150 Water Cost: 150 Yang Points: 1 Melee: Blunt Missile: n/a Weakness: Cutting Strength: Blunt Training: Keep Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: After losing battle with the Lotus, Wildeye has lost all but his life. Yet, he refuses to surrender and spend his life as a fugitive. It seems that he hold a certain grudge toward Yvaine as the one who are responsible with the death of his family. Like Grayback, he seeks chance to free his brethren from the enslavement. BATTLEGEAR Ancestral Spirit : Wildeye's relationship with the wild wolves, has granted him the ability to summon spirits of the ancient, ferocious wolves to aid him in battle. Even, those beasts will gladly follow and defend those whom he deemed as allies. B. Lotus Clan Koril: "You may think of space and distance as solid facts. I prefer a more fluid interpretation." Innate Ability: Evasiveness: He is less likely to be hit by projectile weapons. About: By consensus, Lord Koril is believed to be the second most powerful warlock of the Lotus Clan, both magically and politically. It is also rumored that he is by far the eldest of any of them, older than Zymeth himself. To have survived so long in the Byzantine, the deadly world of the Lotus, -- this bespeaks a brilliant mind and ruthless political instincts. He does not lead openly, but is always present at critical debates. Koril if formally styled "Master of the College of Space," and pursues a species of magic distinct from but related to the Forbidden Path. Position and distance are no great trouble to him, and he is often seen at opposite ends of the land in a single day. His power is such that he seems to shimmer at all times, a trait infuriating to enemy archers. BATTLEGEAR Teleport: Koril never has to stay where he is if he doesn't want to. A wave of the hand, an exertion of mental strength, and he is elsewhere. Issyl: "Hey Mister! Want to see me do a trick?" Innate Abilities: Regeneration: Heals twice as fast as normal and up to 100%. About: Visitors to the court of the Lotus Clan will nervously wonder why a twelve-year-old child sits on their high council, clutching an oversized hourglass. They don't feel any better when they learn that this is Lord Issyl, Dean of the College of Time, one of the most powerful wizards in the world. When they realize that eyes hundreds of years old peer from the face of a nasty little boy, nausea is a common reaction. Lord Issyl ages slowly backwards, a condition resulting from an accident 70 years ago. Despite this misfortune, his body is free from the rampant decay that plagues many who follow the Path. Time flows. interestingly. around him, and he controls it to some degree. Wounds he takes in battle knit with unnatural swiftness. BATTLEGEAR Haste: With some effort, Issyl can warp the flow of time in his allies' bodies, letting them move, attack, and recuperate much more rapidly. Soban: "While my colleagues waste their time studying death, I have taught the very stones to live." Innate Ability: none About: Like all the highest-level Lotus warlocks, Soban's researches have taken him on a unique path. His work blends clockwork and high wizardry to produce alchemical feats like his tireless servants, the golems. He is called "Lord" as a courtesy for his accomplishments but he holds no political sway, having always kept out of power struggles of the Lotus elite. Behind his back, Soban's colleagues deride him as a mere tinkerer or mechanic, but his powers are genuine. The Wolf Clan's Shale Lord hero is a result of one of his experiments gone wrong. BATTLEGEAR Create Golem: With a wave of his staff, Lord Soban can call a golem from the ground, a tireless peasant laborer made of dirt and rock. *Yvaine: Innate Ability: Freezing Breath: Slows enemies around her range of attack About: As Zymeth's right-hand, Yvaine controlled the Shaleback region with iron hand. She was among the few whom close with the leader of the Lotus Clan. Even so, some unpleasant rumors say that she got her recent position due to her relation with him. Nobody ever lived to tell the truth between them. Unlike the warlocks of the Forbidden Path, Yvaine specializes in frost magic. Her mere presence is enough to chill the bones. BATTLE GEAR Prison of Ice: Those who foolishly attempted to attack Yvaine, would find themselves freeze to death inside her icy prison. C. Serpent Clan Budo: "What are you looking at?" Innate Ability: None. Budo has plenty of endurance from working too many hours into peasant beating routines on the Serpent rice fields. He has more endurance than any other human being. About: Budo is a peasant overseer, a large man who is always seen with a barbed whip in his hand and a look of low cunning on his face, early in his career he was the target of multiple accusations of torture, wanton beatings, and callous murder. Naturally the Serpent lords saw the limitless potential in this rising star. Budo's cruelty and stupidity became a perfect tool in the hands of men like Lord Shinja. Any province where Budo was put in charge would reliable have the hardest productivity and lowest crime-rate in the known world - albeit also the highest rate of peasant deaths. After a while the simple threat of placing Budo in charge meant a ten percent jump in the harvest. BATTLEGEAR Slave Driver : At this point in his career, Budo doesn't have to beat people to death quite so often - a mere crack of his whip sends peasants scurrying into faster action. Utara: "Share my bed, share my sorrow." Innate Ability: Pleasure and Pain: When Utara takes damage, nearby enemies get momentarily stunned. About: Anyone who believes the geisha arts are a harmless business of strewing flowers and strumming tunes should meet Utara. In appearance she resembles a normal geisha of great beauty, but she incarnates the dark side of their practices - she is a seductress, a poisoner, and possibly insane. At four, Utara was orphaned by bandits and adopted by local geisha. She proved an apt pupil, delving into medicine and other arts. One day she disappeared from the bathhouse, leaving dead a dozen Serpent raiders - by all accounts men not unlike those who had killed her parents. A few years later she reappeared as one of the strangest weapons in the Serpent Clan's arsenal. BATTLEGEAR Song of Sorrow: When she wishes Utara can sing a strange, keening song, borne of her tragic past and thirst for revenge. None can hear it without risk to their life and sanity. *Taro: Innate Ability: none About: Like other Serpent Clan, Taro believes the strong must rules the weak. In fact, he was groomed to be a successor of his father. Unfortunately, he has none of the qualities of his father and his younger brother Kenji has. Arrogant, but weak-hearted, he is widely despised by his own subjects, yet they dare not to say that, lest they will incur the ire of his bodyguards who always around him. BATTLEGEAR Insidious Hex: Taro is a decent fighter, yet he doesn't rely to his skill alone. Therefore he had his swords specially crafted with certain black sorceries to make his opponents become more susceptible even to his slightest attack. IV.UNIT LIST The units I noted here are the Wolf Clan's units; for the other clans, you can find them in www. As you have seen, I don't have information about the expansion units. Now for the informations: Peasant: "The rice is my brother, the wind is my sister, and the sun is my friend. I never lack for companions." Tier: n/a Rice Cost: 0 Water Cost: 0 Melee: Piercing Missile: n/a Weakness: all Strength: none Training: none Innate Abilities: Building, Repairing, Training, Gathering Resources / Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: The peasants of the Wolf Clan are hardy and cheerful, viewing their work in the fields as less a chore than a lifestyle they quite enjoy. They spend all day working the land they love, building their strength, and keeping their families fed; what's to complain about? BATTLEGEAR none Druidess: "All things turn with the seasons. Fear not defeat and winter, lest you fly from the spring and triumph." Tier: n/a Rice Cost: 30 Water Cost: 30 Melee: Magic Missile: Magic Weakness: none Strength: Fire Training: Vitality Garden Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: The Druidesses of the Cairn stand at the heart of the Wolf Clan. They alone practice the witchcraft of their lost homeland; Wolf warriors refuse to study magic, believing that the spirit realms are best walked by those who devote their lives to wisdom and healing, not bravado and slaughter. They also pass down the stories of their clan from mother to daughter, and every Druidess knows at least a thousand tales, from rude jokes to holy fables. Thus, even though the Wolf Clan has little use for books and written lore, theyhknow more about their own origins than even the near-immortals of the Lotus Clan. In battle, the Druidess calls on her plant allies to entangle and slow enemies. She can also work intricate charms, imbueing Wolf fighters with superhuman abilities. However, these charms are gifts of the spirits, and she must return to the Cairn periodically in order to meditate and ask for their favor. When not fighting, or praying, Druidesses may often be found in the rice fields, which always grow faster and more abundantly in their presence. BATTLEGEAR Blessing: After praying at the cairn, the Druidess may bless three of her warriors with great strength and prowess before the must return for further enlightenment. Brawler: "Swords are for wimps." Tier: 1 Rice Cost: 30 (20 after grooming) Water Cost: 40 (27 after grooming) Melee: Cutting Missile: n/a Weakness: none Strength: none Training: Combat Pit Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: Brawlers of the Wolf Clan believe that in combat, as in life, simplicity always triumphs over refinement. To this end, these fighters brandish enormous twin slabs of granite in battle, bashing with enough force to splinter a full-grown oak, or to rip enemies' limbs from their sockets. This unique and straightforward fighting style, like most of those now practiced by the Wolf, evolved during the slave mine revolts. No matter how vigilant the overseer, slaves in a mine cannot be prevented from owning rocks. In fairness, the granite slab suffers from certain shortcomings as a weapon; its reach is limited, and its crushing blows are ineffective against armored foes. Brawlers argue that an enemy afraid to fight bare-chested is hardly worth worrying about. BATTLEGEAR Zen Counter Punch: The blessing of a Druidess can inspire the Brawler to fight with unusually subtlety. This single, perfectly timed strike is best used against those enemies who are most overconfident. It can slaughter those who foolishly believe their strength to be heroic. Hurler: "It's a good thing this is war, not a real game. Otherwise I might get hurt." Tier: 1 Rice Cost: 30 Water Cost: 40 Melee: Blunt Missile: Blunt Weakness: none Strength: Explosive, Fire Training: Ballistics Grounds Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Pass-through Damage: The Hurler's shots go through enemies and buildings, damaging all it passes through. About: The origins of Wolfball are lost in the mists of time. Even those few Wolves with a taste for history know only that the sport has been played as long as anyone can remember. Famously bloody matches that took place over five hundred years ago are still avidly recounted around the campfire. Outside scholars are evenly divided on whether Wolfball evolved as a means of avoiding war, or simply waging it. In any case, it is the most dangerous sport ever invented, involving dozens of players, wicked weapons, and an iron ball as large as a man's head, put into play by a massive two-pronged fork. Surprisingly few Wolves actually perish during the course of a game, but no foreigner has ever survived the first round of play. The very best Wolfball players take their forks to the battlefield, with which they hurl heavy granite boulders at opponents shortly before impaling them. BATTLEGEAR Lava Rock : A Druidess can enchant a Hurler's fork so that it heats ordinary stones into searing, near-molted temperatures. These brittle missiles explode when they strike the ground, spraying nearby enemies with scalding shrapnel. Mauler: "I killed my Lotus master. Why did he then give me a weapon?" Tier: 1 Rice Cost: 30 Water Cost: 40 Melee: Blunt Missile: n/a Weakness: none Strength: Magic, Fire Training: Quarry Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: Maulers started out as prisoners among prisoners, and slaves among slaves. They were those who, in fits of rage, wounded or murdered heir Lotus overseers. Such crimes would earn death from most masters. However, the Lotus understand he nature of cruelty, and knew such men would suffer more from continued service than they would from death. Therefore, these pariahs were chained to incredibly massive stones both night and day, magically compelled to work at twice the speed of the other slaves. They slept in their chains, moving only when an ore deposit was exhausted. The Maulers had their revenge on the day of the Wolf rebellion, when the Lotus learned that their 'prisoners' had not only developed the strength to move their boulders, but also to swing them as terrifying, bone-crushing maces. Used to dragging enormous loads, they are not surprisingly fast on their feet. BATTLEGEAR Wrecking Ball : When emboldened by a Druidess' chants, a Mauler can actually swing his boulder in a full circle, smashing and scattering foes in all directions. Ballistaman: "Let's see. twist this crank, pull that lever, yank the other cord. oh, can't I just hit them with it?" Tier: 2 Rice Cost: 60 (50 after Grooming) Water Cost: 70 (57 after grooming) Melee: Piercing Missile: Piercing Weakness: Explosive Strength: Blunt Training: Combat Pit / Ballistics Grounds Innate Abilities: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: The Wolves have always preferred the active, outdoor life, and have little interest in devising machines to help them avoid effort; thus, they are not particularly talented engineers. However, they picked up a few tricks in the slave mines, and have recently invented their own version of the footman's crossbow. Of course, like all things Wolf, size triumphs over delicacy. This massive, crank-loaded Ballista launches twenty-pound logs with enough force to crash through strong fortifications of impale three men at once. The Ballistaman can be defensive about his weapon of choice; other Wolves often mockingly describe it as 'an enormous toy for enormous children.' The ballista has a very specific role on the battlefield: it reloads slowly, and its wielder depends on the assistance of more agile defenders to survive. Still, no missile weapon packs a bigger punch. BATTLEGEAR Totem: A Druidess crafts these small, intricate totems from blessed saplings. When fired, they embed themselves in the ground, blanketing the area with a beneficial aura that strengthens Wolves and slows their enemies. The Ballistaman must repeat a simple chant to maintain the totem's power; unfortunately, this distracts him from firing his weapon. Sledger: If it takes more than one hit, you're not doing it right." Tier: 2 Rice Cost: 60 (50 after Grooming) Water Cost: 90 (77 after Grooming) Melee: Blunt Missile: n/a Weakness: Magic Strength: Explosive, Fire Training: Combat Pit / Quarry Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Demolisher: Sledgers demolish structures with incredible potency. About: Often Lotus overseers would order large shale slabs broken down into manageable chunks, and this job fell to the Sledgers. Wolf Clan slaves undertook the job with gusto, as it appealed to their natural instincts - hitting something repeatedly until it fell apart. The tool of choice was an oversized hammer, and under Grayback's direction this simple job became the training ground for a secret fighting style based around single, , shattering strikes. Sledgers complain that no one understands the intellectual side of their discipline - their keen eye for structural weaknesses, and the mental focus necessary for maximum breaking power. BATTLEGEAR Stun Slam : The Stun Slam was invented by a notoriously inaccurate Sledger, whose missed attacks would sometimes throw bystanders off their feet. When inspired to great force by a Druidess blessing, the Sledger can stun units for a wide area with a single blow to the earth. Pitch Slinger: "Sure, I'll accept any man's honorable surrender-as long as he's willing to shake on it." Tier: 2 Rice Cost: 60 Water Cost: 90 Melee: Fire Missile: Explosive Weakness: Magic Strength: Cutting, Fire Training: Quarry / Ballistics Grounds Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Pass-through Damage: The Pitch Slinger's shots go through enemies and buildings, damaging all it passes through. About: The art of Pitch Slinging evolved as a lifesaving tactic in the mines. As the enslaved Wolves burrowed deeper into the earth, something horrible began to happen: entire mining teams would be discovered dead in the lower tunnels, their bodies unmarked by violence. At first, these deaths were attributed to subterranean demons. Only after a skeptical Lotus overseer demanded to examine these bodies by torchlight - and was disintegrated by the ensuing blast - did the Wolves realize their men had struck pockets of odorless, poisonous gas, and that only their reliance on low-burning lanterns had saved them from the flames. The obvious solution was to detonate these pockets of gas from a distance. Burning pitch proved the hottest and most reliable substance for the task. Always eager to demonstrate their bravery, Wolf pitch slingers took to flinging the fiery sludge with their hands, protected only by tattered strips of cloth. These slingers are feared in combat, as much for their cheerful disregard for pain as for the agony that a fistful of flaming pitch can inflict. BATTLEGEAR Scorched Earth : Together, the Pitch Slingers and the Druidesses can extend the potency of burning pitch, so that they can lay a flaming trail as they withdraw. Nothing makes a Wolf angrier than retreating, and nothing eases the anguish better than the howls of seared pursuers. Pack Master: "I have not the jaws of the Wolf, nor the ferocity, or the speed. but I do have friends." Tier: n/a Rice Cost: 30 Water Cost: 30 Melee: Blunt Missile: Pack Wolf Missile: n/a Weakness: none Strength: none Training: Wolves' Den Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: The relationship of the Wolf Clan to its totem animal is far from symbolic. Certainly, clan members seek to emulate the best qualities of the wolf - strength, endurance, and loyalty - but they also worship the spirit of the Wolf, and believe themselves close kin to these quiet stalkers of the woods. A Pack Master is something like a priest, a ranger and a combat instruction in one. He communes freely with wild wolves, speaking their language, living with them, and establishing their respect. Once a month, the Pack Master leaves his village to run with his pack beneath the full moon, usually returning with his face and hands covered in the dried blood of the kill. The Pack Master shares equally in the wolves' hunts and feasts, counting this the greatest pleasure attainable by a mere human. In battle, the Pack Master fights with bestial strength and courage. His wolves pose a greater danger, as they stand ready to rip the throats from any who dare harm their master. BATTLEGEAR Howl: With the blessing of the Druidess, the Pack Master is granted the true voice of the Wolf. No matter how far away from his den, or how beleaguered by enemies, he can summon companions to his side as long as any remain alive. Berserker: "A man taught me to fight; a wolf taught me to live." Tier: 3 Rice Cost: 90 Water Cost: 150 Melee: Cutting Missile: n/a Weakness: none Strength: Cutting, Explosive, Fire Training: Quarry / Ballistics Grounds / Combat Pit Innate Ability: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. About: The Berserker is the embodiment of the Wolf warrior's ideal. Sleeping beneath the stars, abstaining from cooked meat and plant food, he yet epitomizes the unique humor and humanity of the Wolf Clan. Berserkers relish the art of storytelling, repeating their brutal tails of wood and jungle to awed listeners around a fire. They also delight in sports, and are the equal of ten men on a Wolfball court. Though bearing the shape of a man, they are said to be already quarter wolf within. Such a warrior is terrible to behold in battle. He invariable assaults his strongest enemy first, reasoning that courage makes a better story than cowardice, even in the event of the hero's death. A fable among the Clan claims that three enraged Berserkers once defeated a company of nearly fifty men, fifteen of whom were trampled in the others' rush to flee. BATTLEGEAR Lycanthropy: Only a Berserker has the strength and wisdom to survive a Druidess' greatest sorcery, which is simultaneously a blessing and a curse: the transformation of man into beast. Werewolf: "Swords are the fangs of men, but fangs are the swords of Gods." Tier: n/a Melee: Piercing Missile: n/a Weakness: Fire Strength: Blunt Rice Cost: 123 110 after Forest Blessing 113 after Grooming 100 after Both Upgrades Water Cost: 167 130 after Forest Blessing 154 after Grooming 147 after Both Upgrades Training: A Berserker transformed by Lycanthropy becomes a Werewolf. Innate Abilities: Regeneration: The unit can naturally heal to full health and does so slightly faster than normal. / Alpha Wolf: Wolves found in the wild will regard the Werewolf as the Alpha Wolf and follow him wherever he goes. About: The Werewolf is no longer human. Clad only in fur, rarely speaking the tongues of men, he lives apart from the rest of the Clan. Even veteran Pack Masters keep their distance from him. The reason is simple: a Werewolf does not embody the loyal, dependable spirit of the pack member, but rather the ravenous essence of the alpha wolf. Wolves who meet him in the wild recognize this terrible authority and instantly submit to his rule., Both innocent and guilty must beware the whims of this stalker; it is in his nature to kill the weak, and most mortals seem tempting and delicious pray indeed. Though vicious, these ex-Berserkers remember their human pasts, and rarely harm those of their own Clan. However, they hate outsiders with feral intensity, and recognize no difference between war and peacetime except that the former brings more prey to their hunting grounds. No Werewolf has ever given quarter or recognized and enemy's surrender. They fight only to kill, and will not be denied their victory feasts. BATTLEGEAR Wolf's Bite: Should a Werewolf grow lonely for the company of men, he may choose to transfer his curse of lycanthropy to his prey, becoming a Berserker once more. His helpless enemy is trapped in the body of an ordinary wolf. There is no cure, and he is eventually ripped apart by the conflict between his soul and body. V.WALKTHROUGH Mission 1 - 'Budo's Ploy' Difficulty: Easy Starting units: Grayback, 1 Sledger This mission serves as tutorial for environment in Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf. After the cutscene, you will control Grayback now. First, move to your right. On the way, say hello to the creep at BR: WOTW, Cave Spider. There are 2 of them. Don't worry, just hack them! When you finish, go to the shale slabs and break them by click the slabs with the pointer. After finish, return to the starting point and Budo will give you another task. Now a Sledger accompanies you. Go to your left and down to the south. Three spiders will attack you immediately. Use your Wolf Howl; it will increase the Sledger's damage. Finish with the creeps, you will find the road blocked. Send the Sledger to break the blockade, and then break another shale slabs. Note: If you try to go east, A Staff Adept will send you back. No, you can't kill him! Just return later. When you are back, Budo has another goose chasing for you. Return to the place where you meet the Staff Adept. This time, he will let you pass. Another blockade? That's the Sledger's use for! Then the spiders.(again, kill them!) When you arrive at the spot, you accomplish the mission in most unpleasant manner. Mission 2 - 'Escape from the Deep Mines' Difficulty: Moderate Starting units: 1 Sledger Zen Master: Longtooth After you break the shale, you will know why Yvaine send you to the deep mines. There will be 6 spiders; they're damn good in numbers! But I can show you how to kill them without lose your Sledger. Start your Battle Gear immediately and concentrate to a single spider before go to another. If you do it right, you still have your friend around. Watch the cutscene and now you have another objective: free 10 slaves. First of all, go down to East. There you will see 2 Brawlers, but first, you have to kill an Overseer next to them. Afterward, bring Grayback to free them. If you go down, you'll meet a Blade Acolyte and 2 Leaf Disciples.After finishing them, go left until you see 2 lakes. Note: Be careful here, another batch of spiders has waited you there! Activate your BG and charge them. Let your warriors for a while to let their health regenerates again. When you trail the path Southeast, you'll encounter 2 Staff Adepts. Trash them and proceed to kill 2 Overseers; you are going to see 2 Sledgers at the cave wall. Free them and you have 6 people in your group. Now go to the lakes and be careful with the Unclean One who guards the path between the lakes. Of course, the Spiders! Continue to the next lake and meet 2 Leaf Disciples with an Overseer. What are you waiting for? Kill and free a Sledger. By now, you already have 4 Sledgers and 2 Brawlers. If you go to the Eastern end of the cave, you have to pass 1 Diseased One, 1 Blade Acolyte and 1 Overseer. Then you'll get a Mauler. Go upward to find another batch of slaves. On the way, 2 Warlocks, 2 Leaf Disciples, 2 Blade Acolytes and 1 Staff Adept will block your way. I suggest that you take the Warlocks first, since they're annoying with their Soul Lick. After the fight, be preparing for another fight with the spiders. Now continue to the third intersection, probably you'll meet the Infested One. There is a blockade here, use the Sledgers to break it and get your fifth Sledger. At the fourth, you'll find a Brawler. Now your team already numbered 8 people. Just continue to the end and free a Mauler. Finish? Not yet, you still have to find the last slave. Trace your way back downward and turn West after breaking a blockade. Once again, the Lotus will block your way. This time, you are going to have 2 Staff Adepts, 2 Blade Acolytes and 3 Overseers. Finish them all, and then Grayback heard someone shouting. It is Longtooth! He fights 4 Spiders alone. Rush to him and kill the Spiders immediately. After a cutscene, Longtooth will join you. Note: Longtooth is quite useful, since he's the only one who has long-range attack! Keep him well! Go down and turn East again, before went to the entrance. There you are about to meet Mistress Yvaine personally! Greet her with your warriors; in no time you beat the mission. Mission 3 - "Breakthrough" Difficulty: Moderate Zen Master: Longtooth This time, Longtooth accompanies you. Go above and slay the Blade Acolyte who guards 3 Brawlers. Note: This time, the mission requires a certain Wolf Clan warriors to perform a specific task. You know already with the Sledgers. Go to West to find the Sledger. After you kill the guards (1 Diseased One and 2 Blade Acolytes), the Sledger will automatically crushes the cages and let his friends join you! 1 cage consists 2 people! Note: You can't go to Northwest since the poisonous gases blocked your way. To get rid that; you need a Pitch Slinger. Continue to East and open the gate by flip the lever. Wow, this time is tough. The Lotus has 1 Warlock, 2 Staff Adepts, 1 Leaf Disciple, 1 Infested and 1 Diseased. As always, activate your BG and kill them all! Go the Warlock first, then followed with the Diseased and Leaf Disciple. Use your Sledgers to knock the cages down and voila, you got 4 Pitch Slingers. After the gas exploded, Budo will come and congratulate your success. Perhaps you wonders why there is no Spiders around; guess what! The Serpents replaces them and it is quite a problem, since they are quite tough compared to the Spiders. When the cutscene finished, activate your BG again and bring your troops immediately! There are 4 Enforcers and 1 Crossbowman. After you finish, you will encounter another gate, however you can't see the lever around. Now go West to find some Diggers; there 1 Warlock, 2 Unclean, 4 Ronins and a Swordsman already waited you. Ronins and Unclean? The Unclean can wound you with their slingshots, while the Ronins can causes headache in their afterlife with their innate ability, Cursed Sword. Finish the Warlock first, because he is the weakest one, and then go to Unclean or Ronin. After a few minutes, break the cage and you got your Diggers. Return to the gate and use Tunneling ability to find the lever across the gate. You should send all of them, since 2 Crossbowmen and 1 Bandit guarded the lever. Your Diggers will finish them in no time, but be careful, there are 4 Ronins, 1 Warlock and 1 Master Warlock not far from them! Flip the lever and rush your forces to fight the guards. Go to their place and find the other lever to open the next gate. However, it was located across the chasm. Don't worry, send Longtooth to attack the lever and your problem are solved. Go to the right and you got another cutscene. This time, you will fight Budo and his 'converted' Wolf Peasants. The Peasants itself is not a problem, but Budo is really a pain in a#%#! His whip can cost your health! You may save your game here, just in case you lose! First, get rid the Peasants and then concentrate to the big fat himself. Keep attacking, until you or he lost! (Fortunately, somehow Grayback is tougher than Budo! What do you expect from a barbarian?) Thus you end the mission. Mission 4 - "Escape (Again?)" Difficulty: Moderate Zen Master: None -Will be updated next time- XI.CREDITS/REFERENCES Thanks for the sites that provides me with a lot of information, so I can write this walkthrough: -www. For allowing me to post the FAQ, and provide me a nice BR walkthrough. For the detailed information about units and Zen Masters. For additional information about the game and a nice game history. -Ubisoft Entertainment, Liquid Entertaiment and Crave Entertainment For making this interesting and great game!