THE LEATHER GODESSES OF PHOBOS----THE SOLVE 10/10/1986---- made clear by The Paladin from the original file from Charazz and friends (N=North, etc. U=up, D=Down. So, N,E,D,U would be (go) North, then East, then Down, then Up.) ------------------------------- Joes Bar: this is where you decide whether you want to be a man or a woman to say you are male, go NorthWest. To be female, go NorthEast. After you go, type LEWD, and then give an age OVER 18, and we can begin... In the bathrooms: get stool, take a piss and go back to the pub...wait till you get zapped, and when you get into the cell, get all. open southern door. go south (NOTE--IF YOU SAY "NW" AT BAR, THEN YOU WILL HAVE TRENT AS A PARTNER. IF YOU SAID "NE" THEN TIFFANY WILL BE YOUR PARTNER (YOU ARE TRYING IT OUT AS A WOMAN, EH) The open the narrow door and go south. get all, N,U,N, turn on the light, stand on Trent/Tiffany ("climb Trent/Tiffany"), enter the circle. (From now on, if I say Trent, it means Trent or Tiffany whatever one you chose, ok?) (In the jungle) hiss, W, get jar, put all in basket.enter circle. get sword. go South Mount. W. Main Hatch---(hopefully) Dismount. get suit, wear it. open hatch. n. hit Thorbast with sword. press G until is says sword coming. (takes a some time) get his sword. offer to thorbast (his sword). hit monster with sword. unstrap young woman, and follow her. get photo of Harlow. open door. E. fun, eh? S.S, then mount. E. dismount. W. W. W. enter circle. AT RUINED CASTLE W,W, go NW, Show painting to mouse. get mouse. S. enter circle. BASEMENT U.U.N.Enter circle. Jungle E.E. take stain. NW. Offer light to salesman. get machine knock on door. D. give chocalate to male/female gorilla (to the opposite sexed gorilla that you are. (if you are a guy, give chocalate to female gorlilla). Z.Z. fuck female/male gorilla. (opposite of what you are) get hose. eat chocalate. open cage. out. unstrap ME. unstrap TRENT. drop hose. pull switch. Get up. get hose. enter circle. pull knob, open box, get coin, SE, enter circle Royal Docks enter barge, press purple, press orange, Z.Z.Z.Z. press orange. out. north, put all in basket, drop sword, get message, get balm, S. Enter barge press orange. Z. press orange, Z. .Out. east, NE, Y, say "riddle" W, read coded message, type in number that appears on message TYPE IT IN BACKWARDS. (explanation...look at message CAREFULLY. A NUMBER IS IN THERE. IF IT IS "873" THAN TYPE IN "378") Guard should reply "I'll get that one"... W.Z. (fool around with wife) ask wife to "kiss my kneecaps". get all.drop stool, drop message, D. CATACOMBS--------------MAZEPART THIS IS REALLY CONFUSING. JUST FOLLOW IT CAREFULLY, THOUGH, AND YOU WILL MAKE IT....TAKE IT _SLOW_ Say "KWEEPA", hop, clap, GO--NW,N,NE,E,Clap, NE,Hop, NE, say "KWEEPA", clap, SE, D, NW,hop, clap, NE, N, say "KWEEPA". S.Clap. hop. NE, Up, NW. Clap, GET PHONEBOOK. say KWEEPA, hop, NW, Clap, S, SE, Se,D,Clap, hop,say "KWEEPA", NE, W, Clap, E, hop,W S, clap, Say "KWEEPA", SW, GET RAFT, hop, clap, N,S,E,NW, Clap, say "KWEEPA" hop, N, U,GET PIN,N,E,SE,U, ENTER CIRCLE Congratulations. If you are still alive, then you made it Now you shouldn't be able to see. type D until the floor crashes in. Then drop torch, drop map, enter circle. W.Enter barge,Press orange, G,Z,Z,Z, out press orange, W, put stain on circle, drop stain, enter circle, S, get sack, open it, empty leaves, put all in sack, N,NE,U,Get sheet, tear it, tie strips together, tie rope to bed, throw rop out window, Z,Z,take headlight climb down stairs, E,move sod,enter circle, END OF HALLWAY N,enter circle, E,D,out,S,Se,donate coin to penguin, SE, empty basket into sack, N, get baby, put baby in basket, put blanket in basket, S,S,put basket on stoop, wait until she opens the door and take baby, open door,enter igloo, take cotton balls, out, N,NW,W,enter circle, WATZZ UP DOCK W,W,NW,put balm on lips, put pin on nose, drop all, cover ears with hand, close eyes, kiss frog, (WOW!) get blender, take pin off nose, drop pin, take off balm, drop it, show painting to mouse,take it,take all but balm and pin, W,N,N, open compartment, put jar in compartment, close it, turn on machine, open compartment, get jar, rub cream on daughter grab dock, S,E,S, give coin to proprietor, Search dust, press G until youget tube. N,open tube, put circle on ground, enter circle, Z,Z,Give blender to Trent, give hose to Trent, give cotton balls to trent, give angle to trent, give healight to Trent, get mouse to Trent, give photo to Trent, give phone book to Trent... Congratulations! You have beaten The Leather Goddesses of Phobos! Hope the solve helped---- The Paladin (special credit goes to the Charazz and crew who made this file first on the apple //e. Good show, guys!) IF This doesn't work, try it again. Although I have tried it and won with it, there may be something wrong with the file (line noise, word wrap and so on...If you want, contact me on MacExchange BBS--415-731-1037. Even if there are NO bugs in the file, Call the MacExchange!!)