______________________________________________________________ | _ _ _ _ |\ | ___ _ _ ( ) () ()_\ __ _ _ ( ) () ()_\ ||\ | / __ // \\ ||\\|| ||=\\ ( ) // \\ ||\\|| || \\ |||\ |() \ () () || \\| ||=// /(__)\ () () || \\| ||_// ||||\ | \___/ \\()// || ( ) ()_/ \____/ \\()// || ( ) ()_/ ||||| |--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--||||| | *|*|*___ ||||| | *|||//|* \ ^Written By: MBirdyW / CopyRight 2004^ ||||| | *|||/ \||*() ~ Version 1.01 ~ ||||| |_*/_ __\*___________________________________________________||||| \~/ \ / \|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\|| \\_(/ \_(/|_____________________________________________________\|| | | |________| \~~~~~~~~/ // \\ \| \| ~~~~~~~ ____________ | | | NOTICE! | |____________| | || | || ^^^Y^| ||^^^Y^ ^Y^^^|_||^^^^^ This FAQ was strictly created for the use of the GunBound Community Website (located here http://gunboundboards.myfreebb.com/index.php) and for information sharing among readers only. If you would like to use this FAQ for your own distribution, please e-mail me at loveflower@megadoomer.com for notice and place credits to me at the top. Or, you can come and message me in GB (nickname MbirdyW) Thank you for your concern. Otherwise, I'll come and eat your living flesh. ~~~~~~~ _________________ / \\ - / Table of \\ { Contents }| - \ // \________________// |~ 1 ~| :: General Information :: |~ 2 ~| :: Advantages and Disadvantages :: |~ 2.1 ~| :: Positives :: |~ 2.2 ~| :: Negatives :: |~ 3 ~| :: Shots :: |~ 3.1 ~| :: Shot 1 :: |~ 3.2 ~| :: Shot 2 :: |~ 3.3 ~| :: SS Shot :: |~ 3.4 ~| :: Premature SS Shot :: |~ 3.5 ~| :: Transformed SS Shot :: |~ 4 ~| :: Items to Use :: |~ 4.1 ~| :: Item Recommendations :: |~ 4.1.1 ~| :: Offensive Item Recommendations :: |~ 4.1.2 ~| :: Defensive Item Recommendations :: |~ 4.1.3 ~| :: Misc. Item Recommendations :: |~ 4.2 ~| :: Item Combo Strategies :: |~ 5 ~| Special Thanks ~~~~~~~ |~ 1 ~| :: General Information :: In this section of the FAQ, I will provide you the basic info about ArmourMobile, such as it's HP, weaknesses, strengths, etc. HP: Around 950 Points Type: Mechanical Type of Shooting: Explosive (Which has no advantages or disadvantages against other mobiles) Strength Against: Hitting Mobiles (Nak, Boomer, Ice, and Turtle). +4% Protection against damage Weakness Against: Electric Mobiles (Lightning, JD, Grub, and Aduka). -4% Protection against damage Power: Great Protection: Average Movement: Average Description: ArmourMobile is a very simple mobile to use, and its shotscan do an adequate amount of damage towards other enemies if shot correctly. Unlike Nak and Boomer, there are no fancy tricks that you have to learn to shoot correctly. It aims like normal mobiles, all of its shots are the same weight (medium weight) so you don't have to change the power for each shot. ~~~~~~~ |~ 2 ~| :: Advantages and Disadvantages :: Here is a general charting of advantages and disadvantages of the ArmourMobile for your comparsion. |~ 2.1 ~| :: Positives :: + Shots can do great amounts of damage. + Shots 1 and 2 can be used to bunge an enemy! That's good. + Using the Dual + instead of Dual Regular in 1vs1 matches. :o Since Shot 1 and 2 are so similar! :D That means less delay! + Has a 4% Protection against Nak, Boomer, Ice, and Turtle. (Hitting Mobiles) + No disadvantages to other mobile due to its type of shooting. (Explosive) + A very easy mobile to learn and understand. |~ 2.1 ~| :: Negatives :: - It doesn't move very far. - No advantages either due to its type of shooting. - Has a 4% weakness against Lightning, JD, Grub, and Aduka. (Electric Mobiles) - Quite high Delay for all its shots - Somewhat Low HP. (950 HP) ~~~~~~~ |~ 3 ~| :: Shots :: Here, I will describe each shot of the ArmourMobile for better understanding. :) |~ 3.1 ~| :: Shot 1 :: Appor. Damage: 150 Weight of Shot: Medium Delay: 770 Angle Range: 45 degrees Shot Description: Shot 1 resembles a round, wide bullet, with a little red light. Here's a little text art. ^^; ______ /\|| || | ||| || | ||| || \//|___|| Yes, anyways, the Shot 1 mainly has two purposes. One, of course, I use it as a test shot. :P Just to measure how much I missed the enemy, and then I'll switch to shot 2. Also, it can be used to bunge the enemy. It will create a wide hole when it hits the ground. If you are trying to bunge the enemy, do not hit the enemy directly, because otherwise, the hole will not appear. Instead, try hitting the ground RIGHT next to the enemy. It will do the same amount of damage, and it will create the wide hole you're looking for. However, if instead you're looking for a deeper hole, then I suggest using Shot 2. |~ 3.2 ~| :: Shot 2 :: Appor. Damage: 250 Weight shot: Medium Delay: 970 Angle Range: 35 Shot Description: Shot 2 resembles more of a thinner, yet sharper bullet. It has a shell on the outside, so when it hits the enemy, the shell hits the enemy, doing around 125 damage, and another bullet will come out, doing another 125 damage. Here's some more text art for ye. :o ______ /||| O | \|||___| (My text art sucks. <_<) Anyways, Shot 2 is where it's at. :o Shot 2 also have the power to bunge the enemy, but like shot 1, you try not to hit the exact spot where the enemy is if you want to bunge them. Instead, I suggest hitting the ground near them, so it will actually create a hole in the ground. However, instead of creating a wide hole, it will create a deeper hole. But it will be a bit harder to bunge someone with this type of shot, because the hole will be narrower. So, use this to bunge only if you're sure your aim is correct. Also, you want to make sure that both the shell and the bullet hit the enemy, because otherwise, the shot won't do it's full damage. Suggestions for this if you're trying to bunge your enemy at the same time is that to make sure your shot is not coming at such a horizontal angle. Otherwise, when the shell hits the ground, it will make a small hole that the enemy will fall through, and the bullet will miss. I suggest using an high angle, so if your enemy falls into a hole, it won't miss your enemy. |~ 3.3 ~|:: SS Shot :: Notice: There are two forms of the SS Shot. If you happen to manage to keep the SS Shot in the air for long then three seconds, then it will transform into a more powerful shot. So, try to aim at a higher angle so it stays in the air longer. ^^; |~ 3.4 ~| :: Premature SS Shot :: Appor. Damage: 150 Weight shot: Medium Delay: 1320 Angle Range: 45 Shot Description: The Premature SS Shot resembles a fatter version of Shot 2. When it lands, it will turn into a puff of smoke. Unlike the other shots, it will not bunge an enemy. So, if you wanted to bunge an enemy, I suggest using the other two shots. More text art! :o ______ /||| | ||||| ()| \|||___| Yeah. It's a big waste if you don't get the shot to transform. :P |~ 3.5 ~| :: Transformed SS Shot :: Appor. Damage: 300 Weight Shot: Medium Delay: 1320 Angle Range: 45 Shot Description: After floating in the air for around three seconds, it will transform into an more uber form. A steel body will form around it, and wings shall sprout out, both red and steel. The neck will grow, and a cool little beeping thingy will appear. So, the transformation should turn into something like this. :o _ / | _ / | __ ___/|_|---| / |-||_|-|_|| || \__|-|____ _| | \|_|---| \ | \_| And yes, the transformed SS Shot shall not bunge the enemy, so you can hit the enemy directly with it if you wish. It will not change the shot affect. ~~~~~~~ | ~ 4 ~| :: Items to Use :: If you or your opponent has enabled items in the GB room, I will try to help you out on which items you should pack, because you only have six item slots, and each item takes about 1 to 2 item slots! So choose carefully! | ~ 4.1 ~| :: Item Recommendations :: Here, I will explain some items that you might want to take with you if you choose the ArmourMobile. If you want to learn some item groups strategies, then, I suggest looking at :: Item Combo Strategies :: instead. |~ 4.1.1 ~| :: Offensive Item Recommendations :: Listed here are items that I recommend to use if you want items to harm youropponent. Here is a list. Name of Item: Dual Added Delay: 600 Number of Item Slots needed: 2 Reasoning: Dual is a great item to really lay the damage upon your opponent. It will let you fire two shots of the selected shot type (excluding SS) instead of one. However,I suggest ONLY using this in 2vs2+ battles, because in 1vs1s, delay is a VERY IMPORTANT thing to preserve, and if you want to use a Dual-like item in GB, then I suggest using the Dual + instead, which only adds 250 delay. Name of Item: Dual + Added Delay: 250 Number of Item Slots needed: 2 Reasoning: Not as strong as Dual +, but pretty good as well. With the combined power of Shot 1 and 2, it can do a max of up to 400 damage! :O It will be in good use in 1vs1s, but don't use it unless you have to. Because perserving your delay is important, since whoever has the least delay will be the winner. Name of Item: Bunge Shot Added Delay: 50 Number of Item Slots needed: 1 Reasoning: It can help you with bunging if you're in need to bunge the enemy withShot 1 or 2! :O It adds little delay, so it won't change your shot delay that much. Plus, that 25% added damage can be really useful! |~ 4.1.2 ~| :: Defensive Item Recommendations :: On a defensive mission? Healing items are great to use in many cases. Here is my suggestion. (Yes, only one. ;)) Name of Item: Energy Up 2 Added Delay: 300 Number of Item Slots Needed: 2 Reasoning: Heals can provide you a good defense, and with the ArmourMobile's low HP, it looks as if you'll need it. Heals are always useful whenever you need to recharge your energy up. :o |~ 4.1.3 ~| :: Misc. Item Recommendations :: Here are the items that don't neccesarily fall into either the offensive of defensive category that I shall recommend to you. Name of Item: Teleport Added Delay: 100 Number of Item Slots Needed: 2 Reasoning: There is no reason on why you shouldn't bring a teleport to a battle! :O Well, there is, but not many. But, a teleport can be useful in many times. Such as, if you're just about to be bunged, you can teleport out. Or perhaps, you cannot hit the enemy at where you are, so you can teleport to a different location. |~ 4.2 ~| :: Item Combo Strategies :: Here, I will list some combo item strategies that if you don't want touse your own combo of items, you can use one of these. Name of Strategy: General 1vs1 Match Recommended Items to Bring: Dual +, Teleport, Blood, Power-Up Reasoning: If you're going to 1vs1, then you should definitely go on the offensive. Using a good offense is the best defense. I have thought up of some alternatives to the Dual item, such as the Blood and the Power-Up, (which both increase your attack by %33), and the Dual +, (which is a neato mimic of the Dual). Name of Strategy: General 2vs2+ Match Recommended Items to Bring: Dual, Teleport, Energy Up 2 Reasoning: It's good to have a well rounded out selection of items. If you totally need to prawn your enemy, then you have a Dual. Your ArmourMobile falling apart? Use a Energy Up 2! And if you are about to be bunged, you can teleport out! Name of Strategy: Bunge Strat (only for 1vs1s) Recommended Items to Bring: Dual, Bunge Shot x 4 Reasoning: If you think you can bunge your enemy, then this is what I suggest to use. 4 Bunge Shots, so you can knock your enemy down to the hole, and a Dual to finish it off. Don't use this for 2v2s and up, unless you can put all your enemies into a hole at once, and get some sort of crazee QUADRUPLE KILL! Name of Strategy: Dual! Dual! Dual! Recommended Items to Bring: Dual, Dual, Dual Reasoning: Since ArmourMobile has a high delay on all of its shots, then who cares about delay? <_< Just dual the opponent to death. (Not recommended in 1vs1s. :P) Sent in by: Mewzors |~ 5 ~| :: Special Thanks :: I would like to thank everyone that helped me make this FAQ by helping me researchinformation in GB games, and the support of the GunBound Community (http://gunboundboards.myfreebb.com/index.php). I would like to also thank Mewzors (blitzddr) for submitting in an item combination. :P And I would like to thank softnyx for making Gunbound possible. Without it, there would be no FAQ here. ;) ___ // \ | __/ \_ () | /__ __\ |/__\ /__\| |\--/ \_(/| || __/ | <-- Wink. ;) ||________| |\~~~~~~~~/ |// \\ |\| \|