MISSIONFORCE: CYBERSTORM Offset List v1.00 ENGLISH (01/17/97) BY MORDOR This is one of the best strategic games on a market. You may spend a while playing it. If you have troubles with cybrids use this for instant relief. You will need any hex editor to perform these cheats. With editor load CyberStorm savegame file (*.cbs). Savegame file always should have 3003B if you save game in Herc base. Games saved during battle are bigger. This cheat will describe standard savegame file. There are three groups of units in savegame file. Biovat 1166 (048Eh) Medvat 4959 (135Fh) Herc Bay 12519 (30E7h) CASH ==== You can also modify cash. Cash 28931 (7103h) FF FF FF 7F (LONG) Cash is a long integer number (that means it is saved on 4 bytes). I haven't tested if it is signed number so better do not exceed maximum FF FF FF 7F because you can obtain negative number. If you know how much cash do you have in the game convert this number to hex. with calculator. For example I got 5,416,607 in my last saved game. It's 52A69F hex. You must search for following string: 9F A6 52. This is general rule for searching in any game. LIMITS: ======= Bioderms allowed 1158 (486h) Herc allowed 1162 (48Ah) BIOVAT ====== Biovat section contains all bioderms you available for purchase in game. Bioderm record (126 bytes): Offs Name Type Max Description ============================================================================== +00 Name C13 +11 Age BYTE FFh Modulo 10 +12 Health LONG 63h Cut by game +17 Stab LONG 63h +1A Toxina LONG 63h +1E Command LONG 0Ah * 10 on display +26 Rank BYTE 19h e.g. B5 = 10d +37 Energy: WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +3B MaxEnergy WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +3F Missile WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +43 MaxMissile WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +47 Cannon WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +4B MaxCannon WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +4F Plasma WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +53 MaxPlasma WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +57 ELF WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +5B MaxELF WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +5F ATech WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +63 MaxATech WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +67 Pilot WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +6B MaxPilot WORD 6003h low / 16 + high * 16 +7D EOF MEDVAT ====== Medvat section contains all your bioderms. Same structure as above. HERC BAY ======== Herc Bay contains your hercs. First I would like to define special record for each herc's slot. Where you see SLOTREC as a type use following structure: SLOTREC: Offs Name Type Max Description ====================================================================== +00 Num BYTE +01 Type BYTE herc type (use list below) +02 Health BYTE 64h percent so 100 is max +03 XX BYTE unknown +04 Power WORD FF7Fh +06 XXX WORD unknown Herc record (267 bytes): Offs Name Type Max Description ===================================================================== +00 cName C17 +11 Chasis SLOTREC +19 Armor SLOTREC +21 Drive SLOTREC +29 LLeg SLOTREC +31 RLeg SLOTREC +39 Reactor SLOTREC +41 Battery SLOTREC +49 Shield SLOTREC +51 Sensor SLOTREC +59 Computer SLOTREC +61 LifeSup SLOTREC +69 Weapon1 SLOTREC +71 Weapon2 SLOTREC +79 Weapon3 SLOTREC +81 Weapon4 SLOTREC +89 Weapon5 SLOTREC +91 Weapon6 SLOTREC +99 Weapon7 SLOTREC +A1 Weapon8 SLOTREC +A9 Device1 SLOTREC +B1 Device2 SLOTREC +B9 Device3 SLOTREC +C1 Device4 SLOTREC +C9 Rest of record is unknown +10B EOF HERC CONFIGURATION FILE (*.HRC) =============================== If you want to modify herc definition file. Here comes its structure: Offs Name Type Max Description ===================================================================== +00 Name C12 +0D Four zeros +11 Chasis BYTE All are types of equipment +12 Armor BYTE +13 Drive BYTE +14 LLeg BYTE +15 RLeg BYTE +16 Reactor BYTE +17 Battery BYTE +18 Shield BYTE +19 Sensor BYTE +1A Computer BYTE +1B LifeSup BYTE +1C Weapon1 BYTE +1D Weapon2 BYTE +1E Weapon3 BYTE +1F Weapon4 BYTE +20 Weapon5 BYTE +21 Weapon6 BYTE +22 Weapon7 BYTE +23 Weapon8 BYTE +24 Device1 BYTE +25 Device2 BYTE +26 Device3 BYTE +27 Device4 BYTE +28 Four zeros +2C EOF UNIT LIST ========= Wapons: SE 400 Laser SE 660 Laser SE1000 Laser Cannon SP Missile Launcher SG Missile Launcher MY Rocket Launcher Light ELF Whip Medium ELF Whip Heavy ELF Whip ElectroMagnetic Pulse 20mm Autocannon 50mm Autocannon 120mm Autocannon 30mm Chain 200mm HEAP Gun 40mm Ranger Cannon Blast Mortar Jihad Missile System Electro-Flechette Cannon Particle Beam Weapon SC 400 Compression Laser SC 1000 Compression Laser SCX Compression Laser Micro Missile Launcher Plasma Cannon Heavy Plasma Cannon SP2 Heavy Missile Launcher EMP Beamer Devastator Chain Gun Katyusha-Z Rocket System 260mm Auto Mortar Auto ELF 210mm X-HEAP Cannon Light Particle Gun Medium Particle Gun Heavy Particle Gun Super Heavy Particle Gun Neutron Gun Neutron Beam Weapon Saturation Missile Launcher Hunter-Killer Missile Launcher SP 500 Light Pulse Laser SP 750 Standard Pulse Laser SP1200 Magna Pulse Laser 90mm Accelerator Cannon SE 700 Laser Gatling SPX Rapid Missile System Plasma Beam Plasma Mortar Chain ELF Thermal Lance Thermal Needler Fusion Flamer Fusion Cannon Fusion Annihilator 100mm Accelerator Chain Gun SP 800 Pulse Laser Gatling H-K Rapid Missile EMP Blaster Heavy Saturation Rocket System Fusion Mortar ELF Mortar Light Compression Blaster Heavy Compression Blaster HOG Missile Launcher Rapid Saturation Rocket System Fusion Gatling ATN Autocannon 280mm ATX Armor: Standard 5cm Standard 11cm Standard 18cm Standard 22cm Trinnium 4cm Trinnium 10cm Trinnium 17cm Trinnium 18cm Trinnium 22cm Assault 18cm Assault 23cm Didrate 4.1cm Didrate 10.5cm Didrate 17.8cm Didrate 22.9cm Didrate 28cm Antiballistic Coat Didrate 35cm Advanced Heat Diff. Tri-di 8cm Tri-di 19cm Tri-di 27cm Tri-di 34cm Imp. 8.6cm Assault Crystalline Mesh Liquid Tri 7.2cm Liquid Tri 18cm Liquid Tri 26.6cm Liquid Tri 33.1cm Heavy Assault Clearplast Drive: Pre-Flexive R1 Flexive R1 Improved R1 Trivate R1 Pre-Flexive R2 Flexive R2 Improved R2 Trivate R2 Pre-Flexive R3 Flexive R3 Improved R3 Trivate R3 Pre-Flexive R4 Flexive R4 Improved R4 Trivate R4 Pre-Flexive R5 Flexive R5 Improved R5 Trivate R5 Pre-Flexive R6 Flexive R6 Improved R6 Trivate R6 Legs: Standard Reinforced Reactor Type (Model # / Power-Per-Turn / Reactor Rating): Fission #100/100/95 Fission #130/130/123 Fission #200/200/194 Fission #300/300/290 Fission #350/350/333 Fission #400/400/379 Ion #105/130/125 Ion #158/196/189 Ion #210/260/254 Ion #315/390/380 Ion #367/455/438 Ion #420/524/503 Matter Conversion #110/150/145 Matter Conversion #165/225/218 Matter Conversion #220/326/320 Matter Conversion #330/452/442 Matter Conversion #385/526/509 Matter Conversion #441/609/588 Battery Type: Imp. Chemical 120 Iridium 158 Tru-power 174 Imp. Chemical 180 Iridium 197 Tru-power 215 Imp. Chemical 240 Iridium 261 Tru-power 288 Imp. Chemical 360 Iridium 396 Tru-power 435 Iridium 459 Imp. Chemical 420 Tru-power 471 Imp. Chemical 480 Iridium 527 Tru-power 577 Chemical 108 Chemical 150 Chemical 180 Chemical 300 Chemical 330 Chemical 390 Shield: 300 600 900 1200 1500 1950 2400 2850 3300 3900 Sensor Type: Standard 7.22 (4/P/0) Standard 12.14 (5/P/2) Standard 15.1 (6/P/4) Crystal Matrix (8/P/7) Adv. Crystal Matrix (10/P/14) Scout 22.8 (8/G/4) Scout 30.6 (10/G/5) Scout 41.1 (11/G/6) Scout Omniband (13/G/8) Scout Adv. Omniband (15/G/10) TComputer: Lock-On 100 Lock-On 205 Lock-On 440 Quickfire 11 Quickfire 11A Lock-On 1000 Image Enhancement True Lock Fire Control Manager Quickfire 3000 Bertrand-Altase Life support: Standard Improved Integrated Total Multishell Reactive Med System Bioenvironment Self Repair Liquid Life Devices: Bertrand Ore Extractor Low Energy Extractor Fueller Analyzer Extractor Maxim Extractor Improved Extractor ProtoNanite Repair Partial Nanorepair Enhanced Nanorepair True Nanorepair Nanorepair Glands Self-Detonator Self-Detonator Self-Detonator Self-Detonator Self-Detonator Bonus v1 Bonus v2 Bonus v3 Bonus v4 Bonus v5 Single Band ECM Zerosignal Dampener Variable Pulse Ghoster Electronic Image Displacer Active Offsource Jamming Anti-Gravity Unit Re-supply Drone V1 Re-supply Drone V2 Re-supply Drone V3 Re-supply Drone V4 Re-supply Drone V5 Overdrive Node Shield Amplification Crystal Sensor Amplifier DISCLAIMER: THIS DOCUMENT OR ITS AUTHOR IS IN NO WAY CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH SIERRA ON-LINE OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR PARENT COMPANIES. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Savegame editor is available as FREEWARE. All above information is used to write it. It's a part of my Saved Game Editors Pack. So far it doesn't support herc definition editing but it will be there soon. If you know something to make this document better please send your comments to: mordor@opnt.optimus.wroc.pl ENJOY,