*************************************** * * * DEATH IN THE CARIBBEAN * * * * Presented * * * * By * * * * NEABBS * * * *************************************** Specific instructions are enclosed in quotes, so type what you see. The object of this adventure is to find a treasure chest. Start out with "N","E","N","E","Get Wagon". Then "W", "S","E","Get Rock","E","Open Box", "Get Key", "N". You are now at the anthill which you must plug up. So, "Plug Hole", it asks you with what? and you answer "Rock". Then "N", "Get Ring". This is a magic ring which will transport you from one place to another if you have been to that place before. (you can't go anywhere you haven't been). Continue with "S","W","N","N","E". Then "Drop Key". You are leaving the key here for future use. Then "W","W", "Get Shovel". You are in the graveyard. Occasionally there is a ghost that appears who will hide any of the items you are carrying. If he does this, then you will find the items here, but you must dig the grave to get them. Now go "E","N","W","Get Rope","S","W", "Tie Rope", (it will say to what?),you say "Tree", then "Tie Rope" again, to "Wagon", and "Drop Wagon" and "Climb Down", "Rope". You are at the bottom of the cliff, so "Get Wagon", "W","S", "S","Get Life-belt", "Wear Life-belt", "N","N","N". At this point it would be a good idea to save game because you have to cross the crevasse by jumping it and occasionally you don't make it. Now "Jump Crevasse","N","Look Sign", "Get Corkscrew","N", "Get Bottle","S","S". Then save game before trying the crevasse again. Now "Jump Crevasse", "S","W","W", "Read Printing" . There is an incripted message on the base of this monument which translates to "Pyramid Marker Guards Buried Chest. Excavate with Great Care". Now go "N", then "Cross River". It will ask in what? and you answer "Wagon". Then it will ask you what do you use as a paddle and you say "Shovel". Now you are across the river, so "Drop Life-belt", "Drop Shovel", "Drop Ring", "Drop Bottle", "N","E","E" "Get Amulet". This amulet will keep the ghost from stealing your goods, however, now that you no longer have the wagon, you can only carry four items, so you won't be able to use it very much. Continue with "E","E","S","Get Lantern" "N","N","N","W","Get Matches","S","W", "S","Drop Lantern", "Drop Matches", "Get Bottle", "N","N". You are now at the fog. At this point you have to empty your wine bottle and fill it with something you can use. So "Open Bottle", "Spill Bottle". The fog automatically fills the bottle so "Close Bottle" to keep it in. Then go "S","S", "Get Ring", "Get Lantern", "Get Matches","Light Matches","Light Lantern","Drop Matches","Drop Amulet". Now you need to use the ring to get back to the church so "Rub Ring" and it will ask you where you want to go. Answer "Church". Then go "E", "Drop Ring", "Get Key", "Unlock Door". It will say with what? You say "Key". You are inside the church, so go "S", then "Look Music". Notice what key the music is written in. Now go "N", "Open Trapdoor","Go Down". You are in the maze beneath the church. Go "W","N", "W","N","N","E","S","E","N","W", S", "E","Get Sword", "Drop Key". Then go back with "W","N","E","S","W","N", "W","S","W","S","W","W". You are now in a room with a zombie. This is where you use your bottle, so "Open Bottle". At this point it tells you the fog hides you so you can escape. Continue with "N","N","N". You are now out of the cave. Now go "W","N","W","S","W","S","S", "Get Shovel","Drop Lantern","N","N", and you find yourself back at the fog. Now use the sword to "Cut Fog". Then go "N","E". You have found the pyramid marker referred to in the message. So, "Dig Carefully", "Unlock Chest". It will say with what key? You answer "G". (remember the key the music was written in?). You have now opened the chest and finished the adventure - congratulations!! From NEABBS.... BCNU (Try to spell that...)