Mixed Up Mother Goose FAQ/Walkthrough by Andrew Schultz schultza@earthlink.net version 1.0.0 Mixed Up Mother Goos is copyright Sierra 1987. This FAQ is copyright Andrew Schultz 2001. Please do not reproduce for profit without my permission. However, asking me politely and by name will probably allow you to post this on any gaming site you might have. **AD SPACE** I've got a games site at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/2762/games/games.htm with my homepage at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/2762. Drop on by! ---------------- INTRODUCTION/OBJECT OF THE GAME HOW TO SCORE POINTS MAP OF THE GAME NUANCES ABOUT THE FINALE VERSIONS/CREDITS ---------------- INTRODUCTION/OBJECT OF THE GAME Items are scattered randomly about the game, and you need to pick them up and return them to their proper places. There are forty-three locations in total. Eight are inside, and thirty-five are outside on a non-wrapping seven-by-five grid. HOW TO SCORE POINTS You get one point for each item you return to the correct scene. There are no restrictions to order, excepting King Cole, who requires three items in a specific succession. He may be a merry old soul, but he sure is stingy with points and fussy for order. The tasks are below: * return bucket to Jack and Jill * give bread knife to Tommy Tucker * 1)give pipe to King Cole. 2)give bowl to King Cole. 3)bring three fiddlers to King Cole. * give ladder to Humpty Dumpty * give fiddle to cat * bring Miss Muffet back to her tuffet * bring Mary her little lamb * give meat to the Sprats(in the house) * bring pumpkin woman back to Peter Pumpkin Eater * give sixpence to crooked man(who's outside the house and who goes in) * bring bagpipes to Banbury Cross * give broth to woman(who's outside the shoe and goes in) * bring sheep to Bo-Peep * bring mouse to clock(in the house) * give pie to Jack Horner * give the dog to the boy * give Mary her watering can * give Jack his candlestick Seven items are inside, thirteen outside. MAP OF THE GAME There are forty-three locations--note the map is very symmetrical with repect to what's on it. +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Jack | One |*********|*********|*********| Dark | Cat, | | and | Big |* Tommy | South | Humpty *| Trees | Dog, | | Jill | Tree |* Tucker |of castle| Dumpty *| | Moon | | | |* | (1) | *| | and | | | ?|*********| |*********| ?| Cow | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Well | Miss |*********| |*********| Outside | Dark | | in |Muffett's|* Sprat *| Hedges |* Peter *| School | Trees | |Distance | Tuffet |* House *| |*Pumpkin*| (4) | | | | |* (2) *| |* Eater *| | | | ?| |* *| +|* (3) *| | ?| +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Crooked | Curving |* *| Banbury |* *| School | Old | | House | Path | Path | Cross | | in | Lady's | | (5) | |*********| |*********|Distance | Shoe | | | |*Sundial*| |*Veggie *| | (6) | | | +|*Garden?*| |*Garden+*| +| | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Pines | Little |* *| Outside |* *| Boy | Near | | | Bo |* Clock *| the |* Horner*| Who | Shoe | | | Peep |* House | small | House*| Lost | | | | |* (7) *| town |* (8) *| His | | | +| |*********| |*********| Dog | +| +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Pines | Two | Mary | Mother | Jack | Stream | Stream | | and | Trees | Mary | Goose's | (Candle | and | Edge | | Stream | and | Quite | House | -stick) | Path | | | | Stream |Contrary | (9) | | | | | ?| ?| | | &| +| ?| +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ + - has an item[note--this might be blank. I haven't gone through the game enough times to be certain a square is a + and not a ?] ? - may have an item & - contains Mary Mary Quite Contrary's watering can 1 - leads to King Cole's castle 2 - leads to Jack Sprat's house(inner location)--exit house south 3 - leads to Pumpkin house(which has no item)--exit house south 4 - leads to Clock house--exit house east 5 - leads to Jack Horner's house--exit house west 6 - leads to Crooked Man's house--exit house east 7 - leads to Old Lady's Shoe--exit house south 8 - leads to Mother Goose's house(no item)--your goose outside will honk if you touch it. NUANCES --the watering can is ALWAYS one east of the start, with Mary Quite contrary one west. Easy point there. --If left in a house, people will walk away and return to the last spot they were left. --If you complete the final quest indoors, you are booted out for the finale. --If you can't tell the difference between the sheep and the lamb, remember that there are two sheep. --Jack Horner's pie is bigger than Old King Cole's bowl, if you can't tell them apart. --Little Miss Muffet wears more pink than the pumpkin woman. --Don't worry if a live "object" you've taken isn't following you as you leave a screen. They'll catch up. --No outside location where you must return something holds an item you need. --I'm 99% certain an item can't be found in the right place to begin with. For instance, the pie is not by Little Jack Horner, and the sixpence isn't in the crooked man's shack. ABOUT THE FINALE Spot, Jack and Jill, Muffet, the cat, the fair lady, the crooked man, Humpty, King Cole, Mary Quite Contrary all join Mother Goose to see you off on your goose. ---------------- VERSIONS/CREDITS 1.0.0: submitted to GameFAQs 4/21/01 along with a review, which has slightly more characters. Credits: abandonware site where I found this game(I have the King's Quest collection, so don't go sticking that cyber-eyepatch on me, bub :)!)