Kingdom O'Magic Hints Solution to Traditional Quest Solution to 7-11 Quest Solution to The Bizarre and Slightly Twisted Quest Overall hints : Kill everyone you can to get items, spells and cash. For all you out there who haven't read the manual only those with numbers on the health scale can be killed. The mobile phone found in Backwoods can be used to call a hint line to get most of the hints on this page, at a cost of 1 gold piece. Dial 01703 631826 To gain entrance to the Dwarvish halls you need to bribe Goliath the Dwarf with a pair of golden platform shoes. These can be obtained by winning the dancing competition at the disco. There is an object called a Palentire Stone in the game. It has a few unique properties: * If it is not carried in a box, the Dark Lord will keep throwing fatal spells at you. * The stone is used for seeing faraway locations and tends to focus on the Wizzard at Rhitegard Tower. * If the High Steward of Minar Tragedy is alive the stone will be full of static. Capacitor not charged? What you need is a sudden lightning strike on the lightning conductor outside. Get it from the Rhiteguard Tower. Sometimes, it's nice just to take ready made goods, other times you really need to do the baking yourself. Hungry children love gingerbread, but water makes the wheel go round. Every sailor dreams of being a pirate, but pirates need feathery friends for fulfilment. Gets you a free ride. Heavy people have a habit of falling through weak floors, and there's nothing better than donuts for gaining weight. Wigs are more than just a fashion statement: like hats, they keep you warm and protect you from bad haircuts.The Wigmeister know this, which is why he's always on the lookout for more raw materials. If your health's a bit low, why not get some rest in a friendly tavern ? This place is forever running out of paper - the patrons are always grateful for a fresh supply. Grandmothers are fiercely protective of their grandchildren, but easily distracted by dull conversation. Send her inside. The hair salon is a fun place to be. The magazines are always filled with sunny holiday pictures and the flammable hairspray fumes keep your mind off that carpet of hair that builds up on the floor. Only the most stylish clothes will get you into the Hall O' Dancing.There's a dancing competition held there almost every night, with a set of golden platform shoes as first prize. It's a curious thing, but the winner always seems to be wearing a strange, golden talisman... The clothes in the shop are so out of date that they have become cool, in a retro-ambient, disco kind of way. What did this fellow see that turned him to stone? Or perhaps we should ask, what saw him? Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say that you're truly prepared to enter the Gorgon's cave? I worry about people who keep a paper bag next to the bed... anyway, I wonder what's cooking? The obvious answer isn't always the correct answer. The front door or the side entrance? The bottom of the pillar or the top of the pillar? If this place was left unattended for any length of time, it would make a great one-stop-shop for all kinds of handy items. Take everything you can, then look around to ensure you didn't miss anything. Home-made weapons can be great fun, but don't underestimate the use of books at the spiders. Unoccupied buildings always seem to get snowed under with junk mail. Unless they've got rodents. The funny thing about Palantire stones is how often terrible things happen to the people who own them. Bad luck, high taxes, and deadly magic spells from the Dark Lord seem to home in on every one, except for Mad Magnus McMad who kept his Palantire in an old cake box. Before going over a waterfall in a barrel, it is important to check that the barrel is (A) water-tight, with any little holes plugged, and (B) lined with some kind of protective, quilt-like substance. The trouble with Potassium is its explosive properties when in contact with water. For transportation through damp environments it should be sealed in an air-tight container. Blackmail is such an ugly word, but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. Be sure you bring back more than one item of proof from the Edam tavern. Hay is for horses, and if you've got the fertiliser, then next to the pond.would be a great place to plant something. If not, you should probably ignore this clue. A palantire stone might provide an insight, but the plumbing in this tower won't turn by hand use a tool. And be careful not to trip up on any loose paving stones, if you know what I mean! I hope nobody drops anything sharp into that vat of dough. It might get baked into a deadly loaf of bread that could be smuggled past the most rigorous security check. You can't enter the palace with an obvious weapon, but perhaps if you could disguise your weapon, like the ancient weapon-disguising-ninjas of olden times. Men, to prolong the act of love, try thinking about sports to delay the critical moment. I loved those old films where someone would have a toothache and somebody else would tie the tooth to a door or something heavy to yank it out... All those items you thought you'd lost, or thrown away, somehow end up here. Isn't capitalism wonderful! Always clean up after you, put your leftovers in a bag and take them home with you, and leave things exactly as you found them (or close enough so that nobody notices the difference). Before going through a door, you should always ask yourself if you can come back through again and whether or not there's a big monster waiting for you on the other side. Don't spend too long here or you'll freeze to death and probably get shattered like the guy in Terminator 2. And be careful not to slip on the ice... The most obvious answer isn't always the correct answer. There's more than one way to open a door with a swipe card. This toilet empties into the Sewer Lake, at the Western gateway of Moronica. The Queen of the Gold Leaf wood may know about bleach, but look to the silent singer if your efforts are blocked. Beware of the monster that sits in the sewage. Walking too far around his cesspool of evil could be hazardous to your health! Wedding present? Invitation? I should pay a visit to the Barrow Downs and the Troll's Cave. Don Elrondo is a very busy man. Show him respect and he'll show you his paper shredding device... Look at that car! Here lie the remains of a postman. I wonder what item of mail he was delivering when he met his end? The ferry will not work without a crank handle to turn the mechanism. Where would you find a crank handle? Perhaps you should return to that broken down car to think about the situation. It's amazing the things that people lose in bed. Perhaps you could look around and, if you find anything, return it to its owner? It's always difficult when you want to take something out of the airing cupboard but the cat's sleeping on top of it. Not to worry though; they've only got nine lives! Did you know that several famous detectives, including the great Hercule Poirot, have used Hotel Registers to incriminate villains? The sort of people who guards places like this eat a lot of red meat.Sooner or later, somebody's going to deal with this hound of hell. And when they do, I'd look to his bowl for the answers. At Barrow Downs disguise yourself as a ghostly apparition, before you get mistaken for a grave-robber. What you need is a ghost disguise, or maybe even a white sheet. You can't have candles without a birthday cake, but you can't have a birthday cake without all the ingredients. If it weren't for the legs, those spiders would have a certain raisin-like quality. To access all floors, you need a small key. Perhaps you seek out a small Steward? If a retina scanner is programmed for orcish eyeballs, then orcish eyeballs is what you should use. An orc disguise might allow you to wander this dark realm unmolested. If the mountain is too heavily guarded, try annoying the Dark Lord. If you were to keep ringing the Dark Lord's doorbell a few times, the Dark Lord would probably become annoyed. An asbestos suit, a giant candle, and a giant candle holder - all the ingredients for a perfect night out! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution to Traditional Quest : In this quest you must get a wedding gift, there are two ways : 1. buy warm underwear at the city called Tragedy Minar. They cost 50 coins, so you must kill a couple of passers-by for their money. The next thing to do is talk to an elf along the way, he will give you a elven-voucher in exchange for the underwear. You can use this as a wedding gift. 2. go to Barrow Downs and talk to the dog. Then go to Edam and talk to the guards, go back to the dog and get the drugged meat and give the meat to the guards. Go into the Edam tavern and get the white sheet. Go back to Barrow Downs and use the white sheet in the right tomb to change into a ghost, then go to the left tomb to get the wedding gift. Then visit the troll-cave and get the wedding invitation next to the mailbag. Now you have all the items to complete this quest ... easy eh? Finally you should go to the Rivendale mansion and talk to the guard. Ask him to kill the dragon. You will get a nice movie ending. Solution to 7-11 Quest : Your quest is to get 7 allies to defend Flake Town. What you have to do to get them : "Humprey" Balrog the fire element : * get the rope from baker's island * go to the orc caves * use the rope on the stone * when you bump into the fire element talk to him Tree : * just ask him kindly to join your quest "Goliath" the dwarf : * win the golden platform shoes at the disco * give them to Goliath and let him go off to war * when you meet him later on ask him to join your quest The Beastie : * at Rhitegard Tower go to the center of the wall and a staircase will appear * go to the wizard's chambers and use the incontinence spell * go downstairs to the valves and use the wrench * then go to the top of the tower and release the rascal, tell him to meet you at the tavern Gingerbread hero : [Image] * go to Baker's Island * ask the water element to turn the wheel * use the caged child at the door * inside, use the roller-pin and the frame on the dough * put the gingerbread man in the oven * use the jar o' lightning from Rhitegard Tower on the lightning rod outside * go upstairs and turn the capacitor switch * ask the gingerbread hero to join your quest Elfis statue : * win the little yellow man in the Jolly Mantrap tavern in Minar Tragedy * give it to Terrence the wizard and he will give you a magic microphone * give the microphone to the Elvis Impersonator and ask him to join the quest "Conrad" the Barbarian : [Image] * next to the Royal Clearing in the De Lorean Woods, squash the three gnomes * take the tubbaware * go to Barrow Downs and talk to the dog * then talk to the Edam guards * go back to the dog and he will be asleep * pick up the drugged meat and give it to the Edam guards * at the Horsetrap tavern in Edam go upstairs and get the duvet * at the corner of the bar go down into the cellar and pick up the cork * go to the top o' the falls and use the duvet and cork on the barrel and go down the falls * in the cave get the grail, give it to King Afro he will give you toilet-paper * give the toilet-paper to conan in the Jolly Mutant tavern in Flake Town * ask him to join the quest YEEEAAAAAAH I've won !!!!!!!!!!! Solution to The Bizarre and Slightly Twisted Quest : Your objective is to get a candle and an asbestos suit up to mount Boom. To get the items needed you must ... * Asbestos suit : go to dwarf mountain and get the suit ... easy eh? * Giant candle : Give the hair that is left from your haircut at the barbershop to the wigmeister to get the sign on the counter, give this sign to the innkeeper at flaketown to get the lighter. Use the lighter and the hairspray together then use the weapon on the spiders. Get the beans from the jogger. Get the hay from the caves, use this hay on the horse at Dimwit Dale, and plant the beans in the horse-shit. Climb up the beanstalk and give the spiders (raisins) to the giantess. She will give you the giant candle. * Key for the lift : Go to the ninja baker in Minar Tragedy and put the sword o' normalness in the dough, pick up the ninja bread. Go to the little steward at the castle and kill him. Pick up the small key. * Finally: Go to the lift and use the key. Go to the 2nd floor. Go to the dark lord tower and ring the doorbell 3 times to get rid of the guard at Mount Boom. Go to Mount Boom, wear the asbestos suit and put the giant candle in the giant candle holder. And watch another (nice) movie ending....