Kid Icarus FAQ v1.0 (7/26/97) By Mark J. Popp Kid Icarus (NES) Nintendo *** Introduction General Strategy & Tips Play Control Fighting Enemies The Marketplace Treasure Room Cheat Navigating the Fortresses Endurance & Strength Levels Underworld Stage 1-1 Stage 1-2 Stage 1-3 Stage 1-4 + Map Gatekeeper Strategy - Twinbellows Overworld Stage 2-1 Stage 2-2 Stage 2-3 Stage 2-4 + Map Gatekeeper Strategy - Hewdraw Skyworld Stage 3-1 Stage 3-2 Stage 3-3 Stage 3-4 + Map Gatekeeper Strategy - Pandora Palace in the Sky Stage 4-1 Gatekeeper Strategy - Medusa Unsolved Mysteries The Sacred Words Contact Info *** *Introduction* Kid Icarus comes from the Greek myth about a boy who made wings out of feathers and wax. Unfortunately, he flew too close to the sun, melted his wings, and fell to his doom. In the game you don't have to deal with these events. Instead, you must defeat Medusa and rescue Palutena from the Palace in the Sky. Like Super Mario Bros. and Metroid, Kid Icarus is one of Nintendo's first games. Unfortunately, it is also one of their least successful games. It is unlikely that an N64 sequel will be developed anytime soon (if ever). But if you haven't completed the original version of this classic, now is as good a time as any. Featuring some recycled graphics from Metroid (or is it the other way around?), not to mention the same annoying password system, Kid Icarus is a challenging and engaging action-adventure. Pit starts out pretty weak. His life doesn't last long, and his attack power is extremely limited. It's also difficult to heal yourself because items are so expensive and in short supply. As if getting through a stage wasn't enough, Pit's endurance isn't refilled between levels. As you get familiar with the game, though, you'll learn to deal with Pit's shortcomings. This FAQ will help you on your quest to defeat Medusa, but it shouldn't be read casually. Since it is very thorough, you will be able to learn anything you need to know by reading it. Therefore, using it when unnecessary may reduce your enjoyment of the game. I'm sure all the tips, strategy, and hints are applicable for all the quests in the game. There are at least 3 quests (or three different endings if you will), though they are all identical, save for a few differences (mentioned below). Until you've seen all the endings, you can't consider Medusa down for very long. Check out the Unsolved Mysteries section after you've mastered the game to see if you can help me out with the FAQ. Happy gaming. Special thanks to Brandon Marks (Blazemore) for the passwords and general consulting on the FAQ. *** General Strategy & Tips *Play Control* Practice your moves in the early stages. If you find yourself slipping off platforms and ledges because of the imperfect play control, try pressing the control pad in the opposite direction that you're traveling, or else press up on the controller. This works particularly well on ice. It will take you a little while to get through certain rooms in the fortresses without getting hit. Study the pattern and move. In the vertically-scrolling areas, don't jump to higher ground unless you're business is done at lower levels. You may inadvertently scroll an important area off the screen (perhaps a chamber or item). *Fighting Enemies* When fighting the enemies in the game, you'll want every advantage you can get. If they are standing above you on a platform, open fire on them from below. Also try shooting enemies in the back (this works especially well with the Reaper). Both methods reduce your risk of getting hurt by projectiles and direct contact with monsters. Note that the Mallet is much more powerful than your bow and arrow (it has the power of 5 arrows), but they are in short supply so use them sparingly. Don't try to muscle your way through the game. Sometimes you should stay in one spot practicing your moves and collecting hearts before moving on as you fight wave after wave of monsters. Battle as many enemies as possible to increase your strength. Hide under ledges scattered about in the game and attack enemies from there. If you are feeling overwhelmed, duck into a chamber. Your enemies will be gone when you return. Don't bother to fight Pluton and Pluton Fly (they are invincible, after all). The best thing you can do is avoid them. If they make contact, they will steal your weapons (which is quite inconvenient, although you can buy them back at the Black Market). Wait until Pluton gets close and leap over him. Take care of Pluton Fly by jumping straight up (so that he can see you). This will cause him to fly horizontally off the screen. Killing enemies can be difficult and tedious, but your job gets a lot easier when you have the Protective Crystal. If enemies are raining down on you (Rockman, for example), stand in a safe spot and let your Protective Crystal do all the work. Then collect the hearts. Creatures that burrow in the ground (like McGoos and Holers) are also good prey. Simply wait in an area that is infested by these monsters and crouch (to avoid their shots). Don't duck on ledges that aren't solid! If you are close enough, your Protective Crystal will kill the creature. Now just slide over, collect the hearts and keep doing this over and over to build up your experience. A slight problem emerges when you acquire the Sacred Bow. You'll be able to shoot your arrows much further, but if you shoot up, there is a chance that any hearts that appear will remain suspended in mid-air where you can't reach them. Keep this in mind when you are low on hearts. *The Marketplace* To lower the prices that merchants charge, press A+B on controller 2 at the same time while in a store. This will only work in Stores; not at the Black Market. Unfortunately, 1/5 times you try this, the merchant will RAISE prices instead. Too bad you can't attack merchants like in Zelda, eh? *If you have completed the game at least once, *ALL* merchants (excluding those in the Black Market) will lower their prices, so you can use this trick without worrying about higher prices.* Although the Black Market is expensive, there are some advantages. You can buy items stolen from Pluton and Pluton Fly (Protective Crystal 700; Fire 600; Sacred Bow 500) here. You can also buy on credit (after you have found the Credit Card, of course). Unfortunately, you cannot buy anything else until you have paid back what you owe (it's automatic, and there is no choice of payment plans). You can buy multiple things at the Store, but not at the Black Market. If you want to purchase more than one item at a store, simply wait for the merchant to prompt you again with his sales pitch. If you leave, the store will be closed forever. (All chambers are accessible only once, except when in the fortresses). *Treasure Room Cheat* After you break seven of the pitchers in the Treasure Rooms without making the God of Poverty (Reaper) appear, you can break the eighth pitcher to find a valuable item. All the treasures will disappear if Pit sees the God of Poverty. You need 5 hearts to break a pitcher. The Reaper appears in a set pattern, and with this key you will be able to unlock the secret of that pattern. Break pitchers 1, 2 and 8 in the Black Rooms. Break pitchers 2, 6 and 7 in the Blue Rooms. Given the number of Big Mallets that appear, you will be able to find the exact position of the Reaper. Break all the remaining pitchers, leaving the one with the Reaper until last. When you break this, it will reveal a special item, ranging from a bottle to the elusive credit card. 1 6 2 7 3 5 Door 4 8 Black Room Blue Room # of Mallets Reaper's Position # of Mallets Reaper's Position 3 5 3 1 2 7 2 5 1 6 1 3 0 4 0 8 *Navigating the Fortresses* - You can't use your special weapons inside the fortresses. Only the Mallet and regular Bow and Arrow can be used. - Use the mallet on the statues in the fortresses to rescue Pit's friend. Now you can fight the Fortress Gatekeepers together. Alas, the Centurian doesn't have the endurance that Pit does, but he is still useful. - Get the Check Sheet and purchase the Pencil and Flaming Torch at the Store if you want a map of your own in the game. - Go to the Hospital if you get turned into an eggplant. - Use the Hot Springs to refill your endurance. - The maps provided below don't tell you how certain rooms are divided, so you'll still have to explore a little bit (hey, you have to do SOME work and you should build up your collection of hearts along the way). Visit all the rooms. - The (N)est of Monsters' rooms are good for getting hearts, points, etc. - There is NO Black Market (so you can't buy on credit) in the fortresses; only Stores. Getting hearts shouldn't be a problem, though. Defeat as many enemies as possible. You can revisit the stores, so work your way around the fortresses a few times for extra points and hearts to purchase all you can. - Don't enter the Gatekeeper's room until you are ready to fight. *Endurance & Strength Levels* Pit starts off pretty weak, but if you acquire enough points, you'll be able to boost your endurance meter at the checkpoints. The following is a list of the approximate point totals needed to earn more endurance: 204,200 points - 5 Endurance Bars 122,300 points - 4 Endurance Bars 56,600 points - 3 Endurance Bars 28,200 points - 2 Endurance Bars If Pit has defeated enough enemies, he can acquire extra arrows (Strength) from a friendly god in the Sacred Chamber. To acquire more strength, Pit must: 1) kill lots of enemies, 2) enter all chambers and defeat all the enemies there, 3) acquire lots of items, and 4) receive as little damage as possible from enemies. These all decide strength bonuses. Don't expect your 4th or 5th Arrow until you have completed the game once. Although points aren't really used in tallying strength bonuses, the following is a rough list of the point totals associated with higher strength levels: 798,900 points - 5 Strength (Sacred Arrow/Light Blue) 227,700 points - 4 Strength (Gold Arrow/Pink) 167,000 points - 3 Strength (Silver Arrow/Blue) 18,800 points - 2 Strength (Bronze Arrow/Yellow) *** Underworld *Stage 1-1* On the fourth level up you'll find the Sacred Chamber. However, it won't be of much use to you at the beginning of the game. Sometimes arrows providing increased fighting power (Strength) will be given to you here by a friendly god after battling many enemies. On the ledges above you'll find a harp that will transform all enemies into mallets. Collect the mallets quickly before the effect wears off (you'll need them later), and move on. You'll find collecting the mallets will be more convenient than buying them in a store. When the path splits, choose the right-hand side. This will lead you to the Enemy's Lair, where you will be able to acquire a lot of experience. Collect as many hearts as possible here by defeating Specknose. Sometimes Pit won't be allowed to leave until all the enemies have been defeated. When you encounter the Reaper further up, a chalice will be just above him. You'll want to kill him, grab the chalice and enter the (Black) Treasure Room. If you enter the chamber first, the chalice will be gone when you re-emerge. Watch your jumps for the rest of the level, and you'll soon come to the end. *Stage 1-2* You'll find the Enemy's Lair a few levels above the entrance. Take care navigating the icy platforms. Grab the chalice before you enter. The Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450) is the next chamber you'll come across. Just above the Black Market, a Reaper is guarding another Enemy Lair. Don't forget the chalice above him. A few levels up is a Store (Chalice 210; Mallet 20; Feather 390 OR Bottle 350; Mallet 20; Feather 390). Further up, after you've encountered those pesky Commyloose creatures, you'll come to the Sacred Chamber. Just above is the exit to the level. *Stage 1-3* The first chamber is the Enemy's Lair. A short climb up is the Store (Chalice 210; Bottle 350; Feather 390 OR Chalice 210; Mallet 20; Feather 390). You'll then come to a split in the path. The right-hand side has more enemies (and experience), but the left-hand side has poisonous bushes hanging on the walls. You can take either path to get to a (Black) Treasure Room. After a few waves of Commyloose, there will be a harp waiting for you. Soon you will be making your way around several logs and come to the Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450). A Reaper is guarding the Sacred Training Chamber. Inside you should stand on the door (be careful not to accidentally jump out the door) and shoot up and left at the attacking Monoliths OR stand on the lowest platform while walking back and forth while shooting up the entire time (you'll have to do this in subsequent visits to the STC when the chamber door is blocked off). Eventually the god will reward you with a new weapon. You may choose either the Sacred Bow (your arrows travel faster and further), Fire (your arrows will be set aflame and will hit the enemy on target more often) or the Protective Crystal (two crystals revolve around Pit's body and protect him from the enemy's attacks). It's a tough call; all the weapons are helpful. I went with the Sacred Bow and wasn't disappointed. You can always acquire the weapons you left behind in later levels. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use your new weapon until you can refill your energy in Stage 2-1 (and you can never use these weapons in the fortresses). Of course, after you have all the weapons you don't have to endure any more training, but it is good for building up hearts and points. *Stage 1-4 + Map* |S| / - Divided Room | G - Gatekeeper Room (Twinbellows) | |-|E|-|E|-| | C - Check Sheet | | E - Eggplant Wizard(s) | | | | |H| H - Hospital | | | N - Nest of Monsters (Ganewmede) | |-|/| |1|-|N|-|C|-| |-|S| R - Hot Springs | | | | S - Store (Chalice 210; Mallet 20; | | | |-| |-|/|-| | | | Bottle 350) | | | OR |R|-| |-| |-|N|-|E|-| |-|/| - Store (Pencil 180; Chalice 210; | Torch 120) | |-|G| 1 - Entrance *Gatekeeper Strategy - Twinbellows (100)* Your energy should be relatively full when you face the boss. If not, visit the Hot Springs before you enter the Gatekeeper's Room. Also have a Bottle of Life on hand. You can get a maximum of 28 Centurians, so try to get as many as possible to make the battle a little easier. You should avoid getting hit by jumping when he is firing projectiles at you. Hit Twinbellows with rapid fire shots when he pauses. Try to get around him and attack him from behind. He can take a lot of damage when retreating to the right side of the room. *** Overworld *Stage 2-1* You will find a harp not far from the entrance. Next to the harp is a Store (Bottle 350; Mallet 20; Feather 390 OR Chalice 210; Bottle 350; Feather 390). In this level you will get a chance to soak in the relaxing Hot Springs and fill up all your energy. Don't pass this chamber by. Farther down the path you'll need the endurance to face Specknose in the Enemy's Lair. Next up is the Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450). Down the path you'll discover you can take either the high route or the low route. Take the high route to get to a (Blue) Treasure Room. Although you may be tempted by the chalice and extra enemies to drop down to the lower path, you should continue on the high path to get to the Sacred Chamber (unless of course you already have 3 Arrows in the 1st Quest or 5 Arrows in the 2nd). Another Store (Chalice 210; Mallet 20; Feather 390 OR Chalice 210; Bottle 350; Feather 390) awaits you. After climbing some stone steps, you'll come to the Sacred Training Chamber. A short distance away is another Sacred Chamber (doesn't it seem odd to have two in the same level?) *Stage 2-2* When you start the level, you'll be staring at a door. Enter the (Blue) Treasure Chamber to beef up your inventory. There are so many chambers in this stage that you'll think you died and went to Angel Land. After the Treasure Chamber is the Enemy's Lair. Two in fact. Then the Sacred Chamber. Finally some enemies make an appearance. The path will split shortly and the Hot Springs is sitting on the upper path. After evading some Minos, you'll have your first encounter with the very annoying Pluton. He'll steal one of your weapons if he touches you. You can buy them back in the Black Market, but the merchant tends to set very high prices. You can also re-acquire them in the Sacred Training Chambers. It's best to avoid Pluton by waiting until he is close and jumping over him (don't forget he is invincible). You may want to start the level over if a lot of your possessions are stolen and you are low on hearts. Duck into the Enemy's Lair. After facing some Snowmen you'll come to the Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450). And after jumping from platform to platform, you'll find another Enemy's Lair nestled away in the frosty mountains nearby. More platforms and Snowmen await you before coming to the second Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450). Not far away is the exit. *Stage 2-3* A few minutes into your evening stroll is a (Black) Treasure Chamber. For some unknown reason, this chamber acts like a *BLUE* Treasure Chamber; so treat it as such if you are using the Treasure Room Cheat (described in the General Strategy and Tips section). The Sacred Training Chamber should be your next visit. Soon the path will split again, but the Store (Bottle 350; Mallet 20; Feather 390 OR Chalice 210; Bottle 350; Feather 390) is accessible either way. The high path is safer, but you can gain more experience by taking the low route. A Snowman will be guarding the entrance to the Enemy's Lair. After passing some gravestones and Plutons, there will be a Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450). After that, keep going until you reach the exit. *Stage 2-4 + Map* |E|-|R|-| |-|S|-| |-|E|-| | 1 - Entrance | | | | / - Divided Room |N| |/| |N|-|N|-| | | | C - Check Sheet | | | | | N - Nest of Monsters (Tamambo) | | |S|-|/|-| |-|N| |/| |/|-|H| E - Eggplant Wizard(s) | | | | | | | R - Hot Springs | | |/| |E| |1| |N|-| |-|/|-|N| S - Store (Pencil 180; Chalice 210; | | | | | | Flaming Torch 120) |E|-|/|-|N|-|N|-|N|-|S|-| |-|/| OR | | | - Store (Chalice 210; Mallet 20; | | |C| | |-|G| | | Bottle 350) | | | | G - Gatekeeper Room (Hewdraw) |H|-| |-| |-|/|-|E|-|E|-|S|-| | H - Hospital *Gatekeeper Strategy - Hewdraw (200)* Make sure your energy is full before you fight him (jump in the hot springs and avoid enemy encounters, not to mention eggplants). He's a little easier than Twinbellows, but has twice the hit points. You can get a maximum of 32 Centurians. Study the pattern and attack his head. Stay out of the lava and move out of the way when he approaches so you can safely attack him. A horn blows whenever you injure him. Keep attacking and you'll win. *** Skyworld *Stage 3-1* Your first visit should be the Hot Springs right by the entrance. You will eventually come to a Sacred Chamber after climbing through the clouds. Up and to the right of it is the end of the level. *Stage 3-2* You'll soon come to the Sacred Training Chamber, and then a Store (Bottle 350; Mallet 20; Feather 390). The Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450) should be your next visit. Hike up a little more and the Hot Springs waiting for you. Refill your endurance before you leave the stage. *Stage 3-3* Not far up is a harp. The Black Market (Bottle 480; Barrel 500; Feather 450) awaits you. The last chamber before the fortress is the Store (Chalice 210; Mallet 20; Feather 390 OR Bottle 350; Mallet 20; Feather 390 OR Chalice 210; Bottle 350; Feather 390). *Stage 3-4 + Map* |/|-|E|-| |-|N|-| |-|/|-|S|-|G| 1 - Entrance | | | | | / - Divided Room | | |E|-|/| |H|-|/|-|/|-|/|-|/| C - Check Sheet | | | | | N - Nest of Monsters (Tros) |N|-|/|-| |-| |-|/|-|C| |R|-|/| E - Eggplant Wizard(s) | | | | | R - Hot Springs |/|-|/|-|N| |1|-| |-| |-| |-|/| S - Store (Pencil 180; Chalice 210; | | | | | Flaming Torch 120) | |-| | | | |E| | |-|/|-|/|-|N| OR | | | | | - Store (Chalice 210; Mallet 20; | | |S| | | |N| | |-| |-|H| | | Bottle 350) | | | | | | | G - Gatekeeper Room (Pandora) |/| | |-| |-|N|-| |-| |-|/|-|/| H - Hospital | | | | |R|-| |-|E| | | | |-|N|-| |-|S| *Gatekeeper Strategy - Pandora (200)* The battle isn't that difficult, but it is drawn out. Try to get as many of your (18) Centurian friends as you can, because you won't be needing the mallets after this stage. Also stock up on anything you need in the last shop before the boss. You won't be needing hearts anymore, either. (At least not until Medusa is defeated...) Keep an eye on Pandora so you can avoid him when he turns invisible. Likewise, avoid all contact with the bubbles. Aim for the tip on his head and keep shooting; he'll eventually perish. *** Palace in the Sky *Stage 4-1* You finally made it to the last stage. You need to master some new skills (like flying), but it shouldn't be too difficult. Stay in the middle of the left side of the screen so you can see what's coming up; thus avoiding enemy contact. Your Light Arrows are very potent and can kill more than one enemy at a time (if they are in a horizontal line). *Gatekeeper Strategy - Medusa (150)* When fighting Medusa, stay on the left side of the screen and just above eye level. Medusa's shots should go right by you. Keep facing to the right so Medusa's beams can't hurt you. When the Snake slithers by, drop down so you can shoot Medusa's pupil, skewer it, then continue to descend. When the snake goes by again, rise, blast the monster's pupil again, and continue to ascend. Keep in mind that the top left area is a peripheral safe spot. As long as you are facing right, you can't be harmed by Medusa or Tanatos. Continue this pattern over and over until the creature is "stone dead." There are many variations that work well. Experiment with different strategies and use the one that works for you. *** *Unsolved Mysteries* This FAQ is a work in progress. If you know anything about the stuff in this section, please email me at . - On the Kid Icarus box it says, "Two Player Alternating Game." Although I doubt it is possible to play Kid Icarus with 2 players, maybe some early prototype was originally designed for 2 players? Or perhaps this was used to tip off players on how to lower prices? - Some sites and magazines mention something about a "Secret Continue" that you can access by pressing "B, A, B," when you die. Although it doesn't work, I can't imagine why anyone would need this, since the game just continues automatically from the stage you perished on. Why hasn't this "tip" been disproved? - There are 3 different endings, but the text at the end is always the same. It's very ambiguous; leading me to believe there should be another (decisive) ending. Is there a hidden finale of some sort? *** *The Sacred Words* All passwords have been checked. Please input them very carefully. The following key is useful for properly identifying the characters: 0 = Zero 1 = One O = The Letter "O" l = Lowercase "L" Stage 1-2 0000Oq D0dF00 Ob0008 0004oO 56,600 pts; 999 Hearts; 3 Endurance; 1 Strength; 9 Mallets Stage 1-3 0000Se M0dF00 mc0009 1008Yd 92,700 pts; 999 Hearts; 3 Endurance; 2 Strength; 9 Mallets Stage 1-4 C0G0Cz T0dF00 uiG00D 1000Zw 122,700 pts; 999 Hearts; 4 Endurance; 2 Strength; Protective Crystal; 11 Mallets; 1 Feather Stage 2-1 C0W04q X0dF00 MlG00D H000Ka 138,500 pts; 999 Hearts; 4 Endurance; 2 Strength; Protective Crystal; 1 Treasure; 11 Mallets; 1 Feather Stage 2-2 CaW0yy o0dF00 s2H00H I0044t 208,700 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; 1 Treasure; 16 Mallets; 1 Feather Stage 2-3 CeW0az y0dF00 G3100H I008ql 249,700 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; 1 Treasure; 16 Mallets Stage 2-4 DeW1Gu B1dF00 M3100H I0005T 310,800 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; Fire; 1 Treasure; 16 Mallets Stage 2-4 MEDUSA FIGHTS ICARUS ANGELS - You have unlimited life potions. - You cannot obtain more hearts than you start off with. - You have a Protective Crystal after Stage 2-4. - Ending 3 4,780,700 pts; 1103 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 5 Strength (Actually 3); Protective Crystal; 2 Treasures; 1 Bottle (Actually Unlimited); 99 Mallets (Actually 1); 99 Feathers (Actually Unlimited) Stage 2-4 ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS - You have unlimited life potions. - You cannot obtain more hearts than you start off with. - You have 5 Endurance and a Protective Crystal after Stage 2-4. - Ending 3 4,781,854 pts; 1103 Hearts; 3 Endurance; 5 Strength (Actually 3); Fire; 2 Treasures; 8 Bottles (Actually Unlimited); 99 Mallets (Actually 1); 99 Feathers (Actually Unlimited) Stage 3-1 DeW1ix G1dF00 Oz000H I100cD 331,500 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; Fire; 2 Treasures; 15 Mallets Stage 3-2 EeW1Kl I1dF00 u?000H I104Md 338,900 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; Fire; 2 Treasures; 15 Mallets Stage 3-3 EeW10O KldF00 Ez000H Il08sU 345,600 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; Fire; 2 Treasures; 15 Mallets Stage 3-4 EeW1GO O1dF00 M!000H I100NO 362,000 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; Fire; 2 Treasures; 15 Mallets Stage 3-4 PAKING PAKING PAKING PAKING - You have unlimited life potions. - You cannot obtain more hearts than you start off with. - Pit's Attack Power is very low. - Ending 1 2,724,887 pts; 999 Hearts (Actually 1134); 5 Endurance; 5 Strength (Actually 2); Sacred Bow; Protective Crystal; 3 Treasures; Credit Card; 1 Bottle (Actually Unlimited); 66 Mallets; 73 Feathers Stage 4-1 EeW1q8 R1dF00 G!000H I500uo 373,300 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 3 Strength; Protective Crystal; Sacred Bow; Fire; 3 Treasures; 15 Mallets Stage 4-1 DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR - You have unlimited life potions. - Collecting 1 heart will max out your collection. - Pit's Attack Power is very low. - Ending 1 9,999,999 pts; 999 Hearts; 5 Endurance; 2 Strength; Protective Crystal (?); Sacred Bow; 3 Treasures; Credit Card; 8 Bottles (Actually Unlimited); 99 Mallets; 99 Feathers Stage 4-1 8uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu - You have unlimited life potions. - You cannot obtain more hearts than you start off with. - Pit's Attack Power is very low. - Ending 2 9,999,999 pts; 999 Hearts (Actually 1639); 5 Endurance; 5 Strength (Actually 1); Sacred Bow; 3 Treasures; 1 Bottle (Actually Unlimited); 99 Mallets; 99 Feathers *** *Contact Info* Kid Icarus FAQ by Mark J. Popp. My E-mail address is . If you have anything to add to the FAQ or find any errors, please let me know, and I will update the FAQ. You may freely distribute this FAQ as is without any modifications. This FAQ and others are available at