Level Select The level code for Bug is BABYSEALS, spelled when the following buttons are pressed B,A,B,Y,(Dpad Down),(Dpad Right,)A,(Left Shift),(DPad Down) Do this on the START|OPTIONS screen and you should here a yip indicating success. How to use it: on any level, hold down the left shift button and press up on the dpad to go up a level. (or press down to go down a level) This even lets you visit the bosses and the dragonfly race. Also: as has been noted here before, when you hold down the shifters and press start (or hold up and press start I didn't try it that way) It will let you select from the levels you have gotten to already - but only a few times. The count on the far right tells you how many times you can use the level warper for any one level. Additional Continues After you beat the first level let yourself die. Next when the Press Start screen appear press and hold right and press start. Finaly go to the Start Game screen and hold right and pres start. Enjoy!