Revenant Walkthrough by FunkyChicken This game is definitely cool. Supposed Diablo clone or not. Anywho.. I figured I'd write a nice little walkthrough because someone is going to get stuck in this game I just know it =) The beginning The game starts out with you being summoned into the world (bla bla bla storyline stuff...) Basically you can't do anything wrong in the beginning.. Choose all the responses if you'd like or just say I guess I have to obey you until I find out who I am to get through it. Then this psycho little pansy monk comes flying into the room and you can beat him up with your eyes closed. (it took me a couple minutes to learn how to fight back I hate instructions ;) and he barely hurt me at all) The mean ol' mage guy says they should sentence the guard to death. Stupid warlord says ok. All you have to do is run down to the dungeon, talk to Rand (the guard) and then go back upstairs and say he's innocent. They'll still kill him (that mage is a bastard) and you get to watch his body get blown in half. Oh well ;) I suppose you could tell them to kill him I don't really think it matters. Talk to the guards in the building if you want. They give you lots of.. not really useful information ;) Then its off to find Jong your friendly weaponsmaster. He is in the building with the little yin yang symbol on it.. go inside then the only door you can open (the other is locked) leads you out to his little training ground. Learn your stuff... He gives you some nice jump thrust move. Beat up the dummy if you want to hehe :) Leave.. go buy armor and stuff (there are various chests in the castle and in houses that contain money I ended up with about 600 gold) Then go run around in the woods. Kill things.. gain levels.. pretty standard. Buddah You'll run across this little buddah guy floating in front of a treehouse if you walk around enough. He knows you and gives you some cryptic responses. He also hands over a new magic symbol. Earth I think? and the 2nd level magic scroll. Keep wandering around and killing things till you feel like a man ;) All the way to the bottom right of the map is the ograk city and they tell you they're having problems with the acolytes too and if you prove yourself they'll maybe let you talk to the chief. Town Drunk Well if you're like me you'll run all over the place looking for something to kill to show your power to the Ogrok. I tried casting spells and looked for something to take back as a trophy.. couldn't find anything. I got stuck. I happened into the bar (upper right corner in the town) and decided to talk to the drunken sailor. It just so happens that he knows how you can get in there. Get this amulet and they will let you in. Of course.. he can only take you to the amulet if you help him get his ring back from the wench in the ancient tower. Solaria Key Unfortunately the wench didn't leave the key under the doormat at the ancient tower. So now what... who in the heck would know about the ancient tower? Ah.. back to the library. Talk to the librarian and ask him about the ancient tower. He tells you that the door is magically locked and you will have to have the Solaria Key to get unlock it. But.. guess what.. the guy who had the key got captured by the Druhg a couple days ago. =) hahah ;) Welp.. off to find Jason the Keymaster {grin} (i don't know where the gatekeeper is =) ) Oh and guess what, the Druhg camp moves around so nobody knows where it is. Go save Jason from the Druhg camp (its at the top right... just a bit north of the Ogroks. Interestingly enough I had previously gone there and killed all the Druhg's and looted the chests and he was nowhere to be found. But once I talked to the librarian poof there was Jason tied to the pole like a love slave =) Set him free and you get the sun key woohoo :) Ancient Tower Well run your ass off over to the Ancient tower and unlock that door. Low and behold there's that hot momma Harowen (strangely reminiscent of Halloween don't you think? must be that witch's hat =) ) She wants to get it on so she tells you to go up to the teleporter and into her bedroom. (if you really believe that she's gonna come up and get naked you deserve to get your ass kicked) and OH MY GOD!! It's some psycho huge dragon. Good luck killing him ;) I was level 8 when I tackled him and I had to use healing potions ;) Anyways.. Loot all the treasure chests.. you'll find the ocean magic and lots of other crap. The diamond ring is there too of course. Gather it all up and head back through the teleport to see why the hottie didn't come up to play ;) She thanks you because, yes she was FORCED to steal for the dragon and now she'll never steal again :) And you finally learn what that weird blue cylinder thing was in the castle. Another teleporter wooo :) Off to Gilligan's no.. Arakna Island Head thru the teleport and out of the castle and to the fat drunken sailor's house. (down by the dock) Get on his 'boat' and he'll take you to Arakna... miraculously without drowning you first. Ah and you get to test out your new lockpicks (from the ancient tower) on the chest just up the beach. ;) Now just think of all the treasure chests you can now unlock. I wonder if there's anything good in them? :) If you haven't already guessed why they call it Arakna Island... I think I should smack you =) One of the chests has a bunch of Woodland armor in it. Of course by this time I already had Chain mail armor and 13090 gold so it did me absolutely no good ;) This island is pretty easy.. just follow the yellow brick road.. or in this case.. the cocoon and egg sac road. It ends in a teleport and the only semi- difficult creature in this whole island is the queen widow spider lady who shoots these nice green globs of goo from some kind of bow. Whatever.... ;) But anyway.. after you kill her, the amulet to get into the Ogrok town is in a chest behind her. Now you can go back and have fun with the drunken sailor some more ;) He asks you if you can go and if you have the amulet you can. Now its time to head for the Ogroks. Oh btw.. the armory should have barbarian armor available now and the weapon shop a broadsword. These are VERY expensive items though so you may wish to save the 5400 gp for the broadsword. The item shop also has some rings and necklaces available now. So much for that 20k :) Make sure you go talk to Jong and stock up on everything because the caves are going to be a real pain in the ass. One hint on combat.. if you haven't already figured it out it's not a real good idea to try and just use the mouse. There are too many different techniques and the mouse cannot handle them. I originally started using the mouse and just clicked madly when an enemy came around. It worked pretty well up until about the Ogroks and the Dragons. :) Ogrok Champion Well now its time to bring the amulet to the Ogrok village. Everything seems to be going well... you rescued it from the Arakna Island. But uh have to prove yourself. Get ready for a hand to hand battle with this huge ass ogre. I suggest you use magic. When you beat him you get to keep the amulet and get the SoulCleaver. Supposedly some badass weapon when in reality its only a bit better than the pointed maul. The Ogrok Chief then tells you they will let you pass into the caves and give you their support when they can. On to the Batcave Batman! Caves Head across the bridge from the Ogrok village (there are a 3 chests scattered around inside with a bunch of crappy items in them healings and food) On the other side of the bridge is a chest with the band of regeneration and the magic level 3 scroll. Finally... I have been waiting for that thing for a long time now. I did happen to guess one of the 3rd level spells... Life Moon Soul makes the Physical Paralysis Spell. For complete spell listings check the bottom of this walkthrough. ACK! The buddah is back. He tells you some more plot stuff... He also gives you the Sun magic. Nothing real important :) X-files reference? Trust no one... I'm assuming the mean ol' mage is who he is referring to. Duh... hope thats not like a real big plot spoiler ;) Go through the teleport if you want to go back to the town (castle) Evidently the teleporter remembers what its last journey was from because it does send you back to the caves. Head up the stairs and fight =) run around in here.. there really isn't much i can help you with. There are pieces of red scale mail armor scattered around in chests, coffins.. etc.. Lots of dragons and lurkers and just about everything you've already seen. And a new one.. some cinderates. (Another type of acolyte) And when you make it out of the caves and into the Kraag Mountains (more caves {grin}) you get to fight monks woohoo :) In this second set of caves there is a teleport back to the castle if you want to go buy some more crap from the stores. I missed it the first time through but just southeast of the teleport is a stairway down which leads to the Infested Swamp (more caves ;) ) This place is a bit more difficult.. you are immediately attacked by 3 red ninjas and a cinderate. Not too friendly ;) Move through this level.. aside from the enemies this section is easy. Go through the cave at the end of the section and you're in another set of caves. There is an opening just southeast of the cave you just came out of. Inside that cave is a chest with a bottle of spores in it. You might need this later ;) Don't miss the chest with the Magic scroll level 4 spells in it. It's in this room. (the room with the big dead fish not the side room with the spore jar) continue through this section of caves into the wonderful Maze of Darkness Maze of Darkness Ok this place really freakin sucks. I spent at least 45 minutes wandering through these damn tunnels looking for the exit so I suppose if I can find my way back to the beginning I will tell you exactly how to get out of this hellhole. Ok I finally found my way back to the beginning so here we go. Upon exiting the previous caves and entering these head south west until you can go no further. (you have to go up a little bit and take the southwestern passage.) Just hug that wall past the big blue pool and around the southwestern corner. The passage will start to curve northward at this point. Again keep following this outer wall. You will climb two sets of stairs. The passage will kink and corner several times until you are going east. There is a southern passage with those sparkly yellow things. Go that way. Follow the paths with the sparkles until it takes you to the exit. I wonder if every time those sparkles appear it leads to the end? I don't know but the way I told you definitely works. The Spiral Arm Now you should be in yet another set of caves labeled the spiral arm. This section is incredibly straightforward considering the previous nastiness. Just follow the spiraling arm. You can't get lost here. Well.. during the first section anyway :) You must trip several switches to actually continue in this area and you must find them. The purple section holds one switch. It is south of the exit of the really easy part. Stay to the center of the map don't take the lower path. Then fight through the zombies and to the south is a little alcove with the switch. Hit it and watch the gate open. The lower purple path takes you to a yellow section with another switch that opens another gate. There is also a chest with a ranger sword next to that switch. Basically you can see where this is going. Each different color has a different switch. Again its pretty hard to get lost. The sections are as follows. Yellow is southwest of the purple switch. Green grass section is to the northwest of the purple section. It is the longest path. The green crystals just north of the purple section lead to the red crystals which leads to the white section. The blue section is to the northwest of the purple switch. Zombie land.. eww :) Once you've tripped all the switches just go through the open gates. Once you make it to the end of the passage you will enter an arena of sorts... door closes behind you and you are forced to fight your way out. BE SURE TO SAVE BEFORE YOU ENTER THAT DOOR!!!! You have to fight Soullage. He has something like 4500 hitpoints and swords barely do any damage. One of the scrolls talks about ice arrows but I have yet to find any.... Magic Spells here is the key.. Sun = Su Ocean = O Stars = St Earth = E Sky = Sk Life = L Soul = So Moon = M Here we go... hope I don't miss any. These may be in a weird order... I found out a lot of these by trying different combinations not waiting for the scrolls. Fist Mastery = L So Fire Flash = M Sk Nourish = L Poison = M Might = So Cure Poison = L Sk Regeneration = L E Meteor Storm = E Sk Stoneskin = M E Physical Paralysis = L M So Swift Strike = O M Quicksand = E Sk Anti-Magic = St Sk Dexterity = So St Tornado = E St Sk Swamp Pit = Sk L E Speed = So L St Shadow Fist = St M Fireball = Su St Electric Bolt = Su Sk Charm = St Su