Walkthru for Police Quest 2 by H.E.Lehtimäki This is a complete walkthru for Police Quest 2. With this walkthru you can get 299 points of 300. I have tried everything but haven't found the last missing point. The words you have to write are the ones with big letters. 1st Day. IN THE CAR: You have to TAKE KEYRING from the ingition, so you can get inside the police station. OPEN GLOVE BOX and TAKE LPD BUSINESS CARD (on backside reads the combination to the locker). Now EXIT (leave the car) or press F4. Now get inside the building. (OPEN DOOR). POLICE STATION: Walk to the homicide office (the upper door on the left). Walk to the Captains table (the on on left side by the door) and LOOK AT PAPER (here you find the computer passwords). Now SIT at your desk. LOOK IN MESSAGE BASKET to see subpoena. UNLOCK DRAWER. TAKE LETTER, TAKE WALLET, LOOK IN WALLET (where you find the SCUBA diving certificate). Now CLOSE DRAWER and STAND UP. Walk to the board on the upper wall. LOOK AT BOARD and TAKE UNMARKED CAR KEYS. Walk to the cabinet on the right wall. OPEN CABINET, TAKE BAINS FILE and TAKE MUG SHOT. Now CLOSE the file and CLOSE the cabinet drawer. Now find a computer. LOOK AT COMPUTER, USE COMPUTER. Write DIR on the screen and you will see three directories. Write CD and after that the directory name. Take the directory CRIMINAL and then CD and VICE (the password is MIAMI). Then write CD and PERSONNEL (the password is PISTACHIO). In the personnel directory you find that Lloyd Pratt is investigate by Internal Affairs, you have to tell him that, so he will stop using drugs. Now EXIT the computer and walk out from the room. Enter the Narcotics room (the door under to left). Walk to Lloyd Pratt (the table with a man on the left) and TALK TO PRATT ABOUT DRUGS, now Pratt stops taking drugs. Now leace this room and walk to the left door on the top wall. Walk to your locker (the one on the left wall 1st from south). OPEN LOCKER (look combination from LPD business card, TURN OVER CARD to see combination). TAKE GUN, TAKE HANDCUFFS and TAKE AMMO CLIPS. CLOSE LOCKER and get out of room. Now walk to the counter on the right wall. OPEN BIN and TAKE KIT. Walk to shooting range (to right). Walk to counter and TAKE EAR PROTECTORS. Walk to a free booth. Now WEAR PROTECTORS. LOAD WEAPON (F6), RAISE GUN (F8) and point the gun at the middle of the circles. SHOOT (F10). Now VIEW. Now you have to ADJUST SIGHTS so you can shoot where the gun points. The holes on the target are randomized. You adjust the sights with the arrows. Now REPLACE TARGET and PUSH BACK. F6, F8 and F10. Then VIEW and look at target, if your sights are aligned then you can EXIT (if not you have to get ammo and try again until they are), walk to counter and TAKE AMMO. Now walk to homicide office and wait until captain says that Bains has escaped. Leave the building and walk to the blue cars trunk. OPEN TRUNK and PUT KIT. Walk to car door and UNLOCK DOOR. F4. Now DRIVE TO JAIL. COUNTY JAIL: Walk to the wall to the north to the lockers. OPEN LOCKER and PUT GUN, then CLOSE LOCKER. Walk to the button right of door and PUSH BUTTON, then OPEN DOOR and SHOW ID. TAKE BAINS FILE and TAKE MUG SHOT, CLOSE file and TAKE PATE FILE, CLOSE file and ASK ABOUT CAR, then ASK ABOUT ESCAPE. Now walk to the "meeting" area and ASK ABOUT ESCAPE. Then leave room and walk to locker and OPEN LOCKER, TAKE GUN. Walk to car and press F4. Drive to station and wait until the radio says that you have to drive to Oak Tree Mall. DRIVE TO MALL. OAK TREE MALL: Walk to trunk and OPEN TRUNK, TAKE KIT. Walk to south of blue car and OPEN DOOR. DUST BOX and USE TAPE, then OPEN BOX, TAKE AMMO, TAKE HOLSTER, if you want to, you can LOOK AT REGISTRATION. EXIT car. Then Sonny walks to the woman. ASK ABOUT CAR. Walk to trunk and PUT KIT, CLOSE TRUNK, walk to car door and F4. Now CALL about the gun and car. Drive to station until the radio says that you have to get to Cotton Cove, DRIVE TO COVE. COTTON COVE: Walk to woman and ASK ABOUT BLOOD (this is a good place to save the game), walk to left and press F6 and F8, walk more to left and press F10 when Bains has fired at you. Walk up so you don't get hit by the car. Walk right to your car and get in. Now CALL emergency traffic. F4 leave car. OPEN TRUNK and TAKE KIT. Walk left and left again. Walk to trash can. SEARCH TRASH, TAKE CLOTHES and LOOK NAMETAG. Walk to upper left corner and EXAMINE GROUND. Now USE CAMERA, TAKE BLOOD and TAKE FOOTPRINT. Then walk to right and wait for the van to come. Walk to man and ASK MAN FOR DIVING EQUIPMENT. Walk to van door so you get in it. TAKE VEST, TAKE BELT, TAKE MASK, TAKE FINS, TAKE SUIT and TAKE TANK, then LOOK AT TANK to see pressure, if it isn't 2000 then put it back and take another until you get the one with 2000 as pressure. EXIT Now you are diving. Swim to left. Swim to middle of screen where you see an object. EXAMINE OBJECT and TAKE OBJECT. Swim to right. Swim to rock on middle where you see a yellow thing. EXAMINE OBJECT and TAKE GOLD FLICKER. Swim to right. Swim to the wall on the right and you will stop at a rock. MOVE ROCK and LOOK AT HAND, then TAKE AWAY BODY. You and your partner get the body up. Now walk back to your car. PUT KIT in trunk and CLOSE TRUNK. Say to gelepsi that he CALL THE CORONER for you. Now get in your car and drive to station. You will hear from the radio that Bains has been seen at Airport, you have to DRIVE TO AIRPORT. LYTTON CITY AIRPORT: Walk to your trunk and OPEN TRUNK and TAKE KIT. Walk to back of black car and LOOK AT LICENSE, then walk to front end of car and LOOK AT LICENSE then walk to south of car to passangers door and OPEN DOOR. If you don't look at plate you can LOOK AT VIN. DUST MIRROR and TAKE PRINT. EXIT. Put the kit in the trunk and close it. Enter your car and CALL tow truck. EXIT. Keith tells you to get to airport. Walk north and watch out to get on the road or the Taxi Cab will kill you. Walk to left to the post and PUSH BUTTON. Walk over the road and BUY ROSE from the woman. Get in airport. Walk left to the mens room. OPEN DOOR the one on the middle and FLUSH TOILET, now OPEN LID and LOOK IN TOILET. TAKE REVOLVER. EXIT. Walk to the hand dryer on the top wall and TURN ON DRYER and DRY GUN. Walk out of mens room. Walk to the woman at the ticket counter and SHOW BADGE, SHOW MUG SHOT and TAKE LIST. Walk to left upper "door" and walk to the woman at the counter. Then SHOW BADGE, SHOW MUG SHOT and TAKE LIST. Get out of airport. Walk to the little post with a box on and PUSH BUTTON. Walk to your car and enter it. CALL and CALL again. Now DRIVE TO STATION. POLICE STATION: Walk to station door and OPEN DOOR. Walk to the window on the upper wall. Wait until John comes and BOOK EVIDENCE. Walk to the homicide office and LOOK IN BASKET at your table. Now SIT at your desk and USE PHONE. Call number service 411, the city is LYTTON and name is MARIE WILKANS. Now call Marie, the number you got. Write HELLO and OK or YES. Now get out of station and get in the white car. DRIVE TO RESTAURANT. ARNIE'S RESTAURANT: Enter the restaurant and SIT at the table on upper wall to right. (SIT with the woman). Answer YES to her question and wait for the waiter. Answer MEATLOAF to question. Now you can KISS MARIE. Then GIVE ROSE TO MARIE. Then KISS again. Wait again for the waiter and then EAT. After you have eaten you PAY FOR FOOD or CALL WAITER. Now it is the Second day. 2nd Day. POLICE STATION: TAKE KEY, EXIT and OPEN DOOR at station. Walk to homicide office and listen to Captain. Then LOOK IN BASKET. And TAKE KEY from board. Leave building and get inside blue car. Then DRIVE TO WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE DISTRICT: OPEN TRUNK to patrol car, TAKE KIT, then walk to green cars trunk, LOOK IN TRUNK, LOOK AT FACE, USE CAMERA, TAKE BLOOD, TAKE CORNER, when the coroner comes TAKE AWAY BODY, then LOOK IN TRUNK, TAKE NOTE, EXIT, now PUT KIT in blue cars trunk and CLOSE TRUNK, get inside your car. DRIVE TO 753 THIRD STREET 753 THIRD STREET: Walk to the man in the window and SHOW MUG SHOT or ASK FOR COBB, get in car and CALL, then CALL FOR BACKUP, get out of car, wait until the man with the warrant comes (it may tilt if you don't), walk to man and TAKE WARRANT, walk to window man and SHOW SHIELD, SHOW WARRANT, TAKE KEY, then walk to the man standing by the car and TALK TO MAN, walk to your trunk and OPEN TRUNK, TAKE KIT, walk to the appartment door down to the right (look at the door number, it should be 108), then UNLOCK DOOR, wait until the gas is gone until you enter the room, walk to the blood by the bed and TAKE BLOOD, walk behind the bed and TAKE LIPSTICK from under the bed, walk to the nightstand and OPEN DRAWER, TAKE ENVELOPE, READ LETTER, walk to toilet in the back and TAKE BUSINESS CARD, READ THE CARD and memorize it, the number is (407-555-3323 and it is important), get out of the room. Walk to the man in the window and RETURN KEY, walk to black and white and TALK TO MAN, PUT KIT in trunk and CLOSE TRUNK, then get in car and DRIVE TO MARIE MARIE WILKANS APPARTMENT: Walk to Maries door and TAKE NOTE, READ NOTE and COMPARE NOTE, then open door, walk to the ashtray on the floor and TAKE PAPER (if you need money SEARCH SOFA, and SEARCH CHAIR), then leave room and get in car, CALL and DRIVE TO STATION POLICE STATION: get in building and walk to booking window, then BOOK EVIDENCE, then walk into Burglary office on the right of the window walk to the table on right of the door and ASK ABOUT SHOTGUN, then leave room and goto the Homicide office, when Captain asks for clue, TELL ABOUT LIST and then SIT at your table and USE PHONE, call the number what was written on the Business Card the number is 407- 555-3323, then say THIS IS BONDS and TELL ABOUT BAINS ESCAPE, then press ESC, STAND and leave room, goto shooting range, TAKE PROTECTORS at counter and enter a booth, WEAR PROTECTORS and RAISE GUN (F8), and SHOOT (F10), VIEW and look at target to see sights, then ADJUST SIGHTS until the are properly aligned, (look at Police Station in the beginning for better information), EXIT and walk to counter and TAKE AMMO, GIVE PROTECTORS, leave building and get inside car, DRIVE TO AIRPORT LYTTON CITY AIRPORT: LOCK DOOR and OPEN TRUNK and TAKE KIT, CLOSE TRUNK, walk north and PUSH BUTTON at the post to the left, walk into airport, walk to the man ticket agent and BUY TICKET TO STEELTON and TAKE TICKET TO STEELTON, then walk to the south of counter to man and SHOW BADGE, USE PHONE, you have to call 411 to get Steelton Police number, tell the woman, that the city is STEELTON and POLICE is the name, then call the number you get, tell policeman HELLO and WARN COLBY ABOUT BAINS, then ESC and walk up to the left, then get up the elevator, stop before the metal detector and SHOW BADGE to guard, then walk to plane (to left). PLANE: walk to seat by Keith and SIT, then BUCKLE BELT, when plane has lifted off and waiter comes TAKE WATER or TAKE SODA, then UNBUCKLE BELT and if your gun isn't loaded, LOAD GUN, wait until hijackers come and when hijacker has dropped waitress press F8 and F10, when the other man comes from cockpit press F10 again. when they have fallen you have to find the bomb, walk to hijackers and SEARCH TURBAN, SEARCH MASKED POCKETS and SEARCH UNMASKED JEANS, then walk to toilet (down the "hall") and OPEN TOWEL DISPENSER, there is the bomb, CUT YELLOW, CUT BLUE, CUT PURPLE, CONNECT YELLOW, CUT WHITE, CUT YELLOW, then the bomb is disarmed and EXIT walk to the seats, now wait until you are in the office of Steelton Police. STEELTON POLICE: walk to door and you will talk to man, then walk to table and TAKE RADIOS, leave room to left, now you come to the park BURT PARK: walk around the park until the mugger comes, USE RADIO, READ RIGHTS and QUESTION SUSPECT, then walk to the right of the pond, EXAMINE GROUND at the round thing, LOOK AT COVER and OPEN COVER, then CLIMB DOWN STEELTON SEWER SYSTEM: Now you are down in the sewer. You have to watch out falling in the sewage, for drainage pipes and the methane gas. Now walk over the bridge to the right (here is a good place to SAVE the game), walk right, then you have to go downwards, but very quick or the methane gas will kill you (don't shoot in methane zones or the gas expodes). Then go down, then left and you will see a cabinet. OPEN CABINET, TAKE MASK, now go either right or left and then down (if you go right and down you have to watch out not to fall in the maintainance hole), when it says that there is gas, WEAR MASK, then go down and if you went right from the cabinet go left, go right if you went left from cabinet, now you see a door. Enter the room and you have found Marie, CALM MARIE, UNTIE MARIE, now Bains is coming so RAISE GUN (F8) and see that it is loaded, hide behind the pipe to the left with gun pointed at right, when Bains comes shoot until he drops dead. Now you have completed Police Quest 2. Congratulations, now you can fly away with Marie. This walkthru gives you 299/300 points. H.E.Lehtimäki