Golden Voyage Part One Feeling in the mood for a little sea voyage? I hope so, because in this adventure you'll be spending a lot of time sailing in the ocean! Not to mention doing a lot of going back and forth! So, stretch your sea legs, and we'll be off on a Golden Voyage. Here you are in a Persian city, standing in front of a merchant's stall. Don't bother trying to get the sandals, you don't have any money...yet! You have to pay a visit to the king, first. So, head along West, skip that merchant as well, and continue on North. Ah, there's the palace! Go inside, and the king will tell you what he wants done. He will also give you a bag of gold, so you can purchase everything you need. Take the gold, and go East, South, East. You're back at the merchant again. Buy the sandals, and take them. Remember, in this game, buying and taking are two different things. You have to take each item you purchase. Ok, now go West and buy everyhing on sale here, and go West one more time. There's the ship! Ain't it a beauty? Of course, you have to buy that, as well! Now, go on board. You can drop the gold and the compass here; you don't need to carry them around any more. Raise anchor, and sail West. Hmmmm, doesn't seem to be anything around, so climb the mast, and from there look through the telescope. Land Ho! You're just off a small island. Climb down again, drop the anchor, and wear the sandals (note: Always make sure you drop the anchor before leaving the boat, or the boat will drift away!!). Once on the island, hike North. Here you see a hut and a mountain. You can ignore the hut. Go to the mountain, where you will find a sword. Get that, go down the mountain and South and West. Pick up the shovel, then return to the ship. Raise anchor, and sail East, which brings you back to the city, and then sail East twice more and North once. Climb up the mast again, and peek through the telescope. There's a sandy beach! Come back down, and drop the sword and telescope, as well as the anchor. Go to the beach. Ignore the man. Now go into the jungle, and North from there. You are in front of a cave. However, you can't go in there yet, since you don't have a light source. In the meantime, dig twice on the spot where you're standing. The first time, you'll find a torch, the second time a stone. OK, back to the ship. Drop the stone and the shovel, raise anchor (at least you're developing your arm muscles in this adventure!), and sail East twice, which takes you back to the city, and South one time. Get the telescope. Once again, climb the mast and look through the telescope. Now you're at a rocky strand. Climb down again, and now you can drop the telescope, it's served its purpose in the game. Get the sword and drop anchor, then go to the strand. Interesting little statue, isn't it? Hmmmm, maybe you should take another look at it? Ooops! The statue just came to life, and it doesn't like you very much! Hotfoot it to the stairs, with the goddess in pursuit. Don't worry if she swings her sword, you will be protected by your own sword. Now, push the statue down the stairs. Crash! So much for the stone goddess. Drop your sword, and get the flint and steel, then walk up the rest of the way. At the top, go West. Here you are at an altar. This is a good place to pray, so do that, and a secret passage appears! Light your torch, go into the passage, then West. Here is another little stone. Get that and go back to the altar. Unlight your torch (very important!), then go to the stairs and walk down. At the bottom is a pile of rubble, all that remains of the statue. Look in there, and by golly, you just found another small stone! Take that, and go back to the ship. Golden Voyage Part Two All right, time to be moving on again. But first, drop the two small stones, which will mysteriously unite to form a second tablet. Leave it for now, raise anchor, and sail North then East twice. Ah yes, that sandy beach! Drop anchor, get the shovel, and go to the beach. Make your way to the jungle again, go North to the cave entrance, and light your torch. Now you can go into the cave, where you see a strange fountain. If you've looked at the tablet you bought in the city, you'll have seen it has a picture of a cave on it. Well, this is the place! Put the tablet in the fountain, then go West out of the cave. Unlight the torch, and go South. Dig here, and you will find a rope. Take that, and return to the ship. Once on board, raise anchor, and sail West 3 times. Now your're back at the small island again (I told you there was a lot of going back and forth here!). Drop anchor. Get the second tablet, and go to the island, then North to where you can see the mountain. If you look at the second tablet, it has a picture of the mountain, and also a word. Say that word now, and Rumble! a crevice appears! Light your torch again, and go into the crevice. Well, looky there..another fountain! Drop your tablet into that one, but don't run off yet! After the ground stops shaking, look in the fountain. Aha! A mysterious globe! Get that, and go out the crevice, unlight the torch (handy, isn't it?), and return to your ship. Don't relax just yet, there's still much to be done! Raise anchor, and sail East, then South. Here you are at the strand again. Drop anchor, go to the strand, then South. Dig here, and you will find a small key. Drop the shovel, and pick up the key. Hang in there, the end is in sight! Golden Voyage Part Three Now you're ready for the final part of the adventure. Go back to the stairs, walk up, and go to the altar. This time, go North, and you'll see a fancy chest. Unlock the chest, drop the key, and look inside. Wow! A gold mask! Take that, and go back to the altar. Here you can drop your sandals. Now, look at the altar, and you'll see a gold chalice! (No wonder this is called "Golden Voyage"!). Get the chalice, light your torch, and go into the secret passage. Oho! The stone block is no more, and there is a hallway here now (so that's what all the fuss was about back at the second fountain!). Enter the hallway, and go East. You'll see a pit and a stalagmite. I wouldn't advise jumping down in there; better tie the rope to the stalagmite, then drop the rope into the pit. Now you can climb down safely. When you reach bottom, wear the mask. Everything looks a little strange, doesn't it? Don't worry, the use of the mask will soon become apparent. Go South. Uh oh! There's a nasty-looking Cyclops here, and he doesn't like you any more than the statue did! Better do something quick! How about dropping the globe? Boom! There's an explosion of light! Good thing you had the mask on, or you wuldn't be able to see a thing! Ok, slip past the dazzled Cyclops into the cave. Go West, and here you see a beautiful fountain. At last! This is the one you want! Fill your chalice, remove the mask, and go back East, North, North. Climb back up the rope, and return to the altar room. Unlight your torch. Pick up your sandals (gotta watch out for those scorpions!), put them on, and go back down the stairs to your ship. Raise anchor yet again, and sail North. You've reurned to the Persian city. Drop anchor, and leave your ship for the city. Go East, then North, and you're back at the palace. Go in, and give the chalice to the king. He drinks the contents, and is magically transformed into a young man! Congratulations! You've accomplished your mission!