Lemmings Chronicles: Solutions by Allen Walters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION Greetings, Lemophiles, and welcome to my collection of solutions to all the levels in "Lemmings Chronicles". These solutions are intended for the frustrated Lem-aficionado who has found him/herself stymied in this game, and at the point of abandoning all hope of making any further progress. Not to worry! Together we can get you through this, so you can wrap up this game and get on with doing more important things, such as playing "Lemmings 3-D", for example. If you're a newcomer to this game, I recommend that you throw this walk-through away (or at least put it aside for now) and attack the puzzles with your wits instead. Sure, it will be tough going for a while, and you'll make a lot of mistakes at first, but so what? Much of the fun of playing "Lemmings" is making mistakes...and seeing the gruesome results. Only when you reach a point where you're about to put your fist through the monitor and your face has become permanently contorted with exasperation should you resort to peeking at my solutions. Therefore, I'm going to assume that you've already played the game a good deal, and are familiar with the basic mechanics...how to assign skills, how to use the tools, what dangers the monsters present, etc. If you're a little shaky here, go to the practice screen a play around there a bit until you understand how things work. It wouldn't hurt to read the manual, either, though it leaves a lot unsaid (intentionally, I'm sure), leaving it up to the user-controlled player (i.e., you) to figure things out on his/her own. Occasionally, though, I'll point out certain things that I feel might have escaped some players' attention...certain tricks the Lems can do that are only used once or twice in the game. If I'm talking down to you during those times, just ignore me. I am not, however, going to take you by the hand and lead you step by step through each level from the point where the first Lem drops out to where the last Lem disappears through the exit. Usually, I'll describe the solution up to the point where the rest of the level is pretty much self-explanatory, requiring maybe an occasional Blocker or other skill to aim the Lems in the right direction, and then just leave the mopping-up to you. If you're a veteran of earlier Lemmings games you already know that there are a lot of differences between them and "Chronicles"...differences in skills, how the Lems behave, and so on. Most of these changes are, in my opinion, for the better. Two of the most valuable new features are those that allow you to "highlight" a specific Lemming before doing something with him, and permitting you to replay a recorded version of a level up to a certain point before jumping in and taking over again. (What a godsend that one is!) After you've learned to use these two features, the game becomes much, much easier. Now a word about my solutions. I don't claim they are the "best" solutions...only that they will allow you to save 100% of the Lems on all the levels (including freeing all prisoners). There may be better ways to do the same thing, if "better" means "more efficient" or "faster" or "easier". I didn't spend any time fine-tuning my solutions once I came up with them, so if you have better ones let me know about them (my e-mail address is hawalter@teleport.com), and if I receive enough I may put out a revised version of this thing, and will give you credit for your help. I'm sure that will really make your day. A few final things to remember (you probably already know all this, but just in case...): 1) A Lem can only carry one tool at a time. If he wants to pick something up and is already carrying something else, he must drop the item he's carrying first. However, he can carry an unlimited number of the same item (bricks, spades, bombs, etc). 2) An empty-handed Lem will automatically pick up an item as he walks past it. If you don't want him to pick it up, have him jump over it. 3) A Lem can build and dig both up and down, and at angles. 4) You can reverse a Walker's direction as often as you like. 5) You can change a Walker into a Blocker, back into a Walker, again to a Blocker, etc., as often as you like. 6) There's no limit to the number of skills you can apply. For example, you can make a Lem jump as often as you like...even if it's just for the hell of it! I've tried to maintain a little syntactical consistency in my solutions. When I speak in the present tense ("The Lem walks left and picks up the bricks") I'm referring to what goes on without any necessary action by you. If you are required to do something I'll explicitly say so ("The Lem walks left and picks up the bricks. Have him build stairs up and to the right"). I've probably violated this rule just often enough to confuse you. My terminology needs some explanation: 1) When describing how a Lem should dig or place bricks I'll use directional terms like UP-RIGHT and DOWN-LEFT. RIGHT refers to the right side of the screen as you are looking at it. An H-BRIDGE is a horizontally built bridge of bricks. H-RIGHT means horizontally to the right. 2) I'll often identify specific Lems with labels like L1, L2, etc., in an attempt to avoid confusion and repetition. Some of these levels get pretty chaotic. I originally considered giving them more clever names, but, well, this is a family walkthrough. 3) The SCOUT is the Lem who heads out on his own in advance of the main party (who usually spend most of the level bouncing back and forth between 2 Blockers) and does all the dirty work to prepare the path for the others. 4) The MOB is the mass of Lems who are usually trapped in some way until the Scout has made it safe for them to travel. When I say "Free the Mob" I mean you should release them from their detention and let them head for the exit. 5) PRISONERS are the unfortunate Lems who are already somewhere on the level when it starts, confined in CELLS of some kind, and in need of rescue by the the others. 6) A ZAPPER is a trap whose purpose it is to turn Lemmings into black smoke or lem-squish. These come in several varieties, all nasty. 7) WATER is the vile-looking liquid that comes in various colors and containers. Lemmings will merrily walk into it and drown unless you do something to prevent it. 8) The Lems will often come across brown-colored blocks or steps that wear away bit by bit as they tromp across them. This is DIRT. The green blocks and stuff that looks like vegetation is GRASS. The concrete-like material is ROCK or STONE. Anything with rivets in it is METAL. 9) To FREEZE a Lem is to make him a temporary Blocker. To "let him go" or "release" him or "wake him up" means to make him a Walker again. 10) To ZIGZAG a Lem is to force him to quickly walk back and forth so he tromps a hole through the dirt he's walking on. 11) To REVERSE a Lem is to change the direction he's walking... from left to right, and vice-versa. 12) PB = Potato Beast and/or Psycho Buzzard. I tried to enlist a third party to go through the solutions step-by-step as I've written them, to proofread them and verify their accuracy, but after repeatedly meeting with such responses as "How much will you pay me?" and "Yeah, right, like I've got nothing better to do for the next week than play your silly computer game. Get a life, Walters", I gave up and decided to quickly run the whole thing through the spell-checker once, and call it good. Therefore, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if I've made errors (said "left" when I meant "right", said "L1" when I meant "L2", etc.) Feel free to let me know if you find any. I promise I won't feel hurt! Ditto for misspellings, lousy grammar, poor punctuation, sexist terminology, unnecessary steps (see lame excuse above), ambiguous instructions and other atrocious behavior on my part. Send e-mail to: hawalter@teleport.com An unexplained mystery: There were several levels that seemed to short-change me when it came to totalizing up the "Lemmings saved" on the completion-screen that follows every level. For example, if I understand correctly, you start out with a certain number of Lems at Level 1, then carry over the saved Lems, plus any rescued prisoners, to the next level. So if you start Level 10 with 20 Lems, and you successfully get them all to the exit including 2 prisoners that you free, then you will start level 11 with 22 Lems. Most of the time that's what happens, but I noticed on several levels that I started with fewer Lems than I had before, even though I successfully saved all the Lems on the previous level. I can't explain this, so I'll just call it a bug and ignore it. Finally, many thanks to Psygnosis and DMA for another excellent installment in this wonderful series; I've played and enjoyed them all. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm deep into "Lemmings 3-D". I'm on this level, see, where the Lems have to climb this giant ferris wheel, except there are only four Builders, and the exit is way at the top, and there's no way -- do you hear me? NO DAMN WAY! -- I can see to get 'em up there. It's impossible. Wait a minute...if I send the Climber up the back side, turn him into a... no! no! Wait! Make him a Turner, then send up another Climber and...no-- damn -- I don't have any more Climbers. Wait I've got it! Instead of using a Miner I'll use a Digger and...Arggh! NUKE 'EM AND START OVER! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you're reading the HTML version of this document you can jump to a specific tribe and level using the links below. If you have the text version you might try using the "find" utility in your text editor/reader. CLASSIC TRIBE Level 1 Level 11 Level 21 Level 2 Level 12 Level 22 Level 3 Level 13 Level 23 Level 4 Level 14 Level 24 Level 5 Level 15 Level 25 Level 6 Level 16 Level 26 Level 7 Level 17 Level 27 Level 8 Level 18 Level 28 Level 9 Level 19 Level 29 Level 10 Level 20 Level 30 EGYPTIAN TRIBE Level 1 Level 11 Level 21 Level 2 Level 12 Level 22 Level 3 Level 13 Level 23 Level 4 Level 14 Level 24 Level 5 Level 15 Level 25 Level 6 Level 16 Level 26 Level 7 Level 17 Level 27 Level 8 Level 18 Level 28 Level 9 Level 19 Level 29 Level 10 Level 20 Level 30 SHADOW TRIBE Level 1 Level 11 Level 21 Level 2 Level 12 Level 22 Level 3 Level 13 Level 23 Level 4 Level 14 Level 24 Level 5 Level 15 Level 25 Level 6 Level 16 Level 26 Level 7 Level 17 Level 27 Level 8 Level 18 Level 28 Level 9 Level 19 Level 29 Level 10 Level 20 Level 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== CLASSIC TRIBE =========================================================================== CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 1 The Lems drop out and walk off the ledge into the hole at the bottom. As they bounce off the right wall and walk left, click each one into a Jumper as he approaches the left wall. He'll jump out of the hole and march to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 2 The first Lem to walk left (L1) destroys the 4 steps as he walks across them, then drops down the left most hole and picks up the spade he finds there. The others fall down the first hole. The first one to the bricks (L2) picks them up. Make L2 walk to the left. When he gets to the water's edge have him build an h-bridge to the other side. Now have L1 use the spade to dig down to the 2 prisoners. He can dig through the wall and the green floor sections to release them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 3 The first Lem out (L1) picks up the bricks and walks right. The second Lem walks left. Turn the third Lem into a Blocker after he takes a step to the right, thereby trapping the Mob. Have L1 place 3 bricks beneath each zapper to prevent triggering them. The bricks should be placed like this: B B B (This will allow the Lems to walk back and forth over the bricks.) Now have L1 drop the rest of the bricks. He'll bounce off the far right wall and walk left. He'll pick up the spade by the Blocker, bounce off and walk right again. When he gets as far right as he can go, have him dig down. He'll drop to the next level, walk left, and drop again. Turn him into a Blocker after he walks left a bit. Now have one of the trapped Lems (L3) jump over the Blocker and walk right. He'll pick up the bricks L1 dropped, and drop down the hole. Have L3 jump over L1 and place bricks under the zappers like L1 did above. Then he must place one brick against the wall he next comes to, to allow him to step up and walk farther left. Just before the exit you will see a stack of steps in a hole. These steps will disintegrate as the Lems walk across them, so L3 must place bricks over the top of the stack to prevent this from happening. After he's done that, turn the 2 Blockers into Walkers, and watch them all walk to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 4 The first Lem out (L1) picks up the shimmiers and heads right. Make the next Lem behind him a Blocker to trap the Mob. L1 shimmies, drops, and walks right. Make him a Blocker once he's a few steps past the spades. Make a Lem (L2) in the Mob jump over the Blocker, pick up the bricks, drop down one level, and build a bridge across the water. He'll be one brick short, so make him jump the gap to the other side. Let him go to the exit. Make each of the rest of the Mob individually jump over the Blocker and get them to the exit the same way. Ditto for the Blocker after making him walk. Now have L1 drop the rest of the shimmiers and pick up the spade. Dig through the wall holding the 2 prisoners, and everybody heads for the exit. (You might want to use temporary Blockers so you only have to deal with one Lem at a time at this point.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 5 When the first Lem drops off the ledge immediately make him walk left and start picking up bricks. Let the Lem after him (L2) take one step toward the voluptuous Lemme Fatale, then make him a Blocker. Make the first Lem to reach L1 a Blocker (call him L3), so now the Mob is trapped between L2 and L3 as they drop off the ledge. When L1 reaches the end of the ledge have him build stairs up and left. When he gets to the edge of the screen make him build vertically with about 9 bricks. Then make him build horizontally to the right. Force him to stop building when he's over the exit ledge and let him drop down. Immediately make him a Blocker...don't let him go through the exit. Now make L3 a walker. He and the trapped Lems will walk up the up-left stairs. Make each one a Blocker as they reach the vertical bricks to temporarily hold them in place. Do the same with L2. Now make L1 walk left. Have him build stairs down-left to the up-left stairs. Make all the Lems Walkers, and let them do their thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 6 Force the first Lem out (L1) to walk left right away and pick up the bricks. He'll bounce off the wall and walk right. The Lem behind him (L2) will pick up the spade. Make L2 a Blocker and trap the rest of the Lems as they drop out. When L1 reaches the end of the ledge make him build 2 stairs down-right. Have him stop building and drop down -- he'll survive -- and walk right. Make him lay the other 6 bricks horizontally across the hole. He'll walk across and pick up some more bricks. At the end of the ledge have him build stairs up-right. After he disintegrates the dirt step by walking on it, turn him around and have him place a brick over the hole, then turn him into a Blocker. Turn L2 into a Walker and immediately make the Lem behind him a Blocker to keep the others trapped. Have L2 jump over L1 and dig through to the walled-in bricks. You don't want him to pick the bricks up...have him keep digging until he's on the other side of the green blocks, then turn him into a Blocker. Make L1 a Walker and send him right, to pick up the bricks. Have him jump over L2 and build an h-bridge to the exit. Turn all Blockers back into Walkers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 7 The first Lem to walk left (L1) picks up the shimmiers. Make the Lem behind him a Blocker to trap the others. L1 shimmies across the first gap, then jumps the rest. He picks up the suckers and uses them to get up to the bricks. Have him drop the unused suckers and pick up all the bricks. Turn him around and head him back right. Before he gets to the gap turn him around again and have him build stairs up-left so the other Lems can walk to the top of the big block. He continues to walk left. Have him jump the gap down to where he can pick up more bricks. Turn him right again and build up-right to the top of the big block. He should have enough bricks left to cover over the remaining gaps and make it safe for the others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 8 As per our usual strategy, the first Lem out (L1) will be the scout. As he walks right, make the next Lem a Blocker to trap the Mob. Let L1 walk a bit, then make him jump up and get the umbrella. After he drops off the ledge, have him jump the gap. After he bounces off the prisoner's cage make him drop the umbrella, walk left, and pick up the spade. Reverse his direction, and have him dig through the prison wall. Turn the prisoner (L2) into a Blocker to immobilize him. Once L1 heads left have him drop the spade and pick up the umbrella. He drops down the hole and walks left. He drops down the big hole and survives because of his umbrella. Now he picks up the suckers and climbs the opposing wall. When he gets to the top have him drop the remaining suckers and pick up the bricks. Now make him build an h-bridge to the right. When the bridge is complete reverse his direction and he'll pick up the spade. Make him dig down. He drops, walks left, and eventually drops to the bottom and walks right, where he'll find a spade. Make him dig up-right until he breaks through. Let him walk to the exit. Click L2 into a Walker. He'll pick up the spade, drop, and walk left across the bridge. You can let the Mob go at this point, too, since they have a clear path now. When L2 gets to the gap just before the exit, have him jump up, walk, then jump up again to the other prisoner's cage. He can use the shovel to free the prisoner, and the 2 can join their mates at the Exit Tavern for a drink. ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 9 The Potato Beast is just a spectator on this level. The first Lem out (L1) walks right across the dirt blocks. Make the second Lem a Blocker to trap the Mob. Make L1 zigzag back and forth in the middle of the dirt blocks so he eventually digs all the way through to the bottom. Now L1 picks up the suckers. Have him climb the right wall, then walk over and pick up the bricks. From the far right make him build stairs up-left, then up-right to the top of the gray wall enclosing the exit. Reverse him so he now walks left to the top of the green and gray blocks. Make him build stairs in a down-left direction to the other side. You can free the Mob now. Reverse L1's direction. Make him drop the bricks and pick up the spade when he gets to it. He can now use the spade to free the prisoner. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 10 The Lems drop out and begin going alternately right and left. The scout who goes right I'll call L1. The scout who goes left I'll call L2. Trap the others with 2 Blockers. L1 walks up the dirt steps. L2 picks up a spade. Make L2 a Blocker. L1 drops (bounce...bounce...bounce) all the way to the bottom where he picks up bricks. Have him build an h-bridge across the water, then reverse him so he's walking right. Have him use the last 2 bricks to build a bridge across the smaller pool of water, then let him walk to the exit. Back to L2. Wake him up and have him chop through the wall at his left. He drops down once, twice, thrice. Make him chop away the green posts. He falls twice more. Chop the green post here. Make him drop the spade, pick up the bricks, and build a bridge across the water, then walk right. There's a zapper here, so have L2 place the last 2 bricks over the trigger. Now free the Mob. Have one of the Lems walking down the right side reverse direction, pick up the spade, and free the 2 prisoners. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 11 Make the first Lem who walks right a Blocker. Have a left-walking Lem (L1) jump up onto the slope. He picks up the bricks. Make him build stairs up-right to the prisoner's cage. Have him drop the extra bricks at the bottom of the stairs, then go back up, pick up the spade, and free the prisoner. The prisoner (L2) walks left and picks up the bricks. When L2 gets to the Blocker make him jump over. At the end of the ledge have him build stairs down-right. When he's placed his last brick, make him jump to the ledge below, where he picks up more bricks. Make him build 5 stairs left-down, then have him jump to the next ledge. He picks up more bricks. Make him build 4 stairs down-right, then jump. Now have him build an h-bridge across the water. Make him drop any remaining bricks, pick up the spade, and chop through the green post at the right. Now he walks up the long ramp. At the top, have L2 walk across the gap, then make him a Blocker. Free the Mob. When the first Lem in the Mob-procession gets to the top of the ramp make him a Blocker. Ditto for the last member. The Mob is trapped again. Wake up L2. Have him zigzag across the brown blocks until he gets to the spades. Make him dig down through the right column of green blocks. Immediately wake up the front Blocker so the Mob can drop into the hole (you want them to all get in before he digs too far down). Now wake up the other Blocker. That's it! (No snacks for the Psycho-Buzzards today.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 12 The first Lem out (L1) picks up the spade. Make a Blocker to trap the Mob as they drop out. Have L1 dig down through the green post. After he drops, dig left and pick up the spade. Keep chopping left until you get to the small open space. Have L1 dig down until he breaks through and drops onto the green platform. Make him walk left. He drops down. Make him drop the spade and pick up the suckers. Have him walk right and use the suckers to climb back on top of the green platform, where he should drop the suckers. He walks right, drops, picks up the shimmiers, drops, shimmies over the water, and drops again. Have him drop the shimmiers and pick up the spade. Now make him chop left, until he's able to pick up the 3 spades. Now make him chop up-left to the other spade, then down-left until he drops to the middle level of hadokens. Make him drop the spades and pick up the hadokens. Now he's ready for war. Let him drop to the bottom and pick up more hadokens. You might have to turn him into a Blocker temporarily here while you keep an eye on the Potato Beasts. When the time is right, make L1 jump on to the dirt blocks, drop down, and let the hadokens fly. He's in. Now let the Mob go (you may need to create Blockers as they descend, to make sure the go in the right direction). Potato Beast stew for dinner tonight, boys! ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 13 This level's a little chaotic, so bear with me. First: see the Lem to the right of the entrance walking toward the bricks? He'll be L1. Make him a Blocker. Now pay attention to the Lems dropping out. They split into 2 groups, some heading left, some heading right. I'll call the first Lem who heads right L2. Let him go. But when the second Lem who heads right (L3) drops down to the gray block make him a Blocker. The idea is to force the rest of the Lems to the left. L2 eventually gets to a spot where he picks up a spade. The Lems who went the other way end up in a little hole. One of them (L4) picked up some bricks before walking into the hole. Now release L3 and send him into the hole with the others. OK, make L2 chop out the wall to the left. He then joins his brother Lems in the hole. Make him dig down through the green blocks until they get to the bottom, where one of the Lems (L5) picks up suckers. Make L2 chop out the right wall. The Lems head right. Leave them alone for now. Go back up to L1. If he hasn't picked up the bricks yet let him do so. Now let him walk up the green steps. At the top have him build 2 horizontal steps. Let him walk off and drop. The blocks below will break his fall and he'll end up in a spot where another Lem (L6) is trapped. Make L1 build 2 steps up-right against the right wall so the 2 of them can walk out. Let L1 drop all the way down and go home. When L6 reaches the floating block have him jump to where he can get the spade. He can now chop through the green posts there and free his buddies, and everybody can go home. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 14 Psycho Buzzard alert! The Lem at the bottom of the screen (L1)--the one whose head is THAT close to becoming buzzard lunch -- picks up the suckers. Now turn him into a Blocker while he's still protected. Go up to the top. Make the Lem there (L2) jump the block and pick up the bricks. Have him build steps down-left. When he's placed his ninth brick, stop him, reverse him a couple steps and freeze him. Now release L1 and have him climb the left wall. (You'll have to experiment a bit here so the buzzard doesn't get him, but it's not difficult.) As soon as he climbs past the bottom brick that L2 laid wake up L2, hustle him over and build horizontally to the wall, to catch L1 when he falls. The 2 will now walk up the stairs. When L2 gets to the gray block make him jump onto it and start building stairs up-right. He will be one brick short, but that's OK, just have him jump up to where the bomb and spade are. He picks up the bomb. Freeze him. Send L1 up the stairs now, but let him drop down where you were one brick short. Wake up L2 and have him drop his bomb down to L1, then go over to pick up the spade. Freeze him. Have L1 drop his suckers and pick up the bomb. Set the bomb over the green area then get him away and freeze him. BHAM! Wake up L2 and send him down to dig away any remaining green stuff. When L2 drops down to where all the others are trapped make him chop through to the right. Wake up L1. Yippee!yippee!yippie! ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 15 The Psycho Buzzard again. No problemo. The first Lem out (L1) walks to the right and drops to the next ledge. Let him walk a few steps, then freeze him. Let another Lem (L2) walk off the first ledge. Prevent any more from dropping by creating a Blocker with L3. When L2 bounces off L1 and walks left, freeze him before he walks off the ledge. Unfreeze L1, and have him jump to the ledge to the right, where he picks up a spade. He'll drop off that ledge to the long slope. Make him walk left. Make him dig straight down through what appears to be a tree trunk. Just before he gets to the green bush at the bottom of the trunk, have him stop digging. He'll walk left, drop safely to the ground, and head for the exit. Now unfreeze L2 and make him walk left. He drops. Reverse him. He drops again, and walks right up the slope. Make him jump over the hole L1 dug and continue up. At the top he picks up the bricks. Reverse him and have him build stairs up-left to the prisoners. One of them can pick up the spade as they jump over the gray barrier and use it to dig a hole through the stairs. They can all head for the exit now (they might have to chop away some more of the green stuff first). Release the Mob and (use a Blocker to aim them in the right direction) they'll head for the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 16 L1 drops out, walks right, and picks up the shimmiers. Make the next Lem (L2) a Blocker. Make L1 shimmy across the dirt ledge, causing the bricks to fall below. When he reaches the other side he picks up bricks. Reverse him and have him build an h-bridge over the gap. Reverse him again so he walks right. Now pick out a Lem in the group of prisoners below L1 (L3). Scan them with the cursor and make sure he's the one who picked up some of the bricks that fell down earlier. Isolate him from the others at the left of their cell so he can build stairs up-left uninterrupted. When he reaches the top of the green blocks have him continue left. Note that L1 by this time is walking across the dirt cell roof below. He'll reverse and walk across the second layer, freeing the prisoners, who can now jump out and get the spades. L2 has reached the bottom level. As he crests the gray triangular wall -- and before he becomes Potato Beast lunch -- make him build a bridge up-left then horizontally to the other wall. The prisoner who picked up a spade can now dig through the green floor, all Blockers can be released, and everybody marches to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 17 Let the first Lem (L1) walk left and trap the others with a Blocker. After he walks across the dirt make L1 jump over the gray block, drop, walk, drop, and pick up the bricks. Make him build h-bridges over both pools of water. When he reaches the dirt at the right, have him tromp through it by zigzagging him. He drops, drops again, reverses, and picks up the bricks. Make him build a 2-brick bridge across the next gap, and at the end of the ledge have him drop the rest of the bricks down the hole. Reverse him, let him pick up the umbrella, reverse him again, let him fall down the hole and pick up the bricks. Immediately have him build a vertical stack of 3 bricks (for the other Lems to land on when they fall down the hole). A 2-brick bridge covers the next gap. Start a bridge over the next gap with the last brick, then make L1 jump the gap and walk up the slope to where he can get the clock. At this point release the Mob. While they're tromping through the dirt, L1 walks down to the spade and picks it up. Chop through the green wall, and there's the exit. You'll need a few strategically placed Blockers to guide the Mob to the exit, and to give you a chance to make them jump over the incomplete bridge one at a time without losing anybody. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 18 OK, here we go again. The first Lem out (L1) walks right and picks up the umbrella. Create a Blocker to pen in the rest. Make L1 jump up to where the bricks are. Have him drop the umbrella and pick up the bricks. When he's walking left, have him build stairs up-left to the upper platform. He walks up to the dirt and picks up the spades. Zigzag him until he falls through to the other Lems. Have another Lem (L2) jump the Blocker then jump again and retrieve the umbrella. Reverse him and let him fall down the hole. He walks over and picks up the hadokens. Freeze him until the time is right, then have him jump the gray block and kill the Potato Beast ("Haroochee!"). Have him drop the unused hadokens, tiptoe through the Potato Beast blood, pick up the spade, and dig down through the green blocks. Once through he picks up the bricks. When he starts to walk left have him jump past the exit door so he doesn't go in, then build a bridge over the water. His job is done. Go up to L1 and have him dig through the green blocks. He and the other Lems will drop to the bottom on their own. One more whack with the spade takes care of the green post, and they're in. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 19 The first Lem out (yes, it's L1 again) heads right and picks up the bricks. Set up a Blocker to trap the others. Another Lem (L2) picks up the spade. At the edge, L1 builds stairs up-right (use 11 bricks) then h-right (use the last 5). This will be a bit short, so make him jump to the other side. See the zapper there? Make him jump over it and get the umbrella. Let him drop off to the right. He'll drop to where he can get the shimmiers. Reverse him and make him shimmy left. Now make him jump the gap of the prisoners' cell and pick up all the bricks. He continues left to the top. Keep an eye on the Psycho Buzzard. When it's safe have L1 build a stack of 8 vertical bricks, then build up-left to the metal wall. He reverses and walks right. Let him drop into the cell, where he can console the prisoners. Now have L2 dig down through the green stuff. The Lems will drop to the stairs (don't forget the Blocker) and walk down. (Again, keep an eye on the PB for the right time to do this.) It's chop-chop through the tree-trunk, and homeward they go. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 20 The Lems drop in 2 places. At the lower-right entrance the first Lem (L1) heads up the ramp. Make a Blocker out of the next Lem to hold the others. Don't worry about the Lems coming out of the other entrance (one of them ((L2)) will pick up the spade). L1 drops, drops ("Hi, Lemme!"), drops again, reverses, walks across the dirt steps, and picks up the bricks. Reverse him before he reaches the exit and have him build an h-bridge across the water. Reverse him and let him go home. Up above, find L2 and make him chop through the pillar and free the prisoners, then walk left again. When he reaches the green floor make him dig through. The Lems should head left as they fall through. If one of them heads right, make him a Blocker. When all have passed, free that Blocker and the one at the other entrance, and direct everybody to the exit. Piece of cake, this one. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 21 Note that the Lems are walking on dirt when they drop out. The first Lem to the end (L1) should jump over and get the shimmier. Then freeze him. Reverse the Lem behind him (L2) so he doesn't fall off, then very quickly make him zigzag a hole through the dirt. Do this so he falls on the third pointed rock from the left. Freeze him, so the other Lems falling down are forced to go left. When the next Lem (L3) gets near the top of the second pointed rock from the left, freeze him. The other Lems are now trapped between L2 and L3. (Enough of the initial dirt has probably worn away by now to make it necessary to make them jump to get over the silver and green obstacle. Speed is somewhat important here.) Once the Mob is safely trapped, release L1. He steps off to the left, and falls. When he gets to the end of the rock ledge make him shimmy over and pick up the bricks. Have him build an h-bridge over the dirt bridge, walk left, then build another bridge down-left to the platform just over the exit. He'll drop and go in. Release L3, and after all the Lems are on their way, release L2. Another easy one. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 22 Help, it's raining Lems!...and worse yet, there's no exit! OK, calm down. I'll number the entrances from the left E1, E2, E3,and E4. First, freeze the second Lem to drop out of E3 (L1) before he walks into the water at the bottom. Press PAUSE for a minute. Look up and left from L1. See the rock that leads to the water (and certain Lem-death) from the other side? Well, the first Lem to get there should be made a Blocker. Call him L2. A Lem at the far lower right of the screen (L3) has picked up bricks. A Lem at the lower left (L4) has picked up a spade. Make L4 chop through the grass to the right, and then up-right, following the contours of the trapezoidal rock. When L4 clears away enough grass at the top -- voila! -- the exit. Have him de-grass all the way to the water, then reverse him. Have L3 jump L1 and build a bridge over the water. Release all Blockers. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 23 There are already 3 Lems out. From top to bottom, I'll call them L1, L2, and L3. L1 picks up a spade. Freeze him. Now go down to the entrance gate. Let the first Lem out (L4) walk to the top of the ramp and drop. Make a Blocker to trap the others. L4 picks up some bricks. When he gets to the point where he's just about to drop into the hole where L3 is, reverse him and build stairs up-left. You'll have to stack 2 bricks at the end to get all the way up. Have L4 jump past the exit and then plug up the hole at the other end with a brick. He can exit now. Unfreeze L1 and make him dig down through the grass. Once he's through, make him drop the spade and pick up the bricks. Send him down into the hole where L2 is. When L2 is out of the way at the far right of the hole, freeze him. When L1 bounces off L2 make him build up-left. He'll walk up. Make him drop the bricks. Make him drop the spade if he picks that up, too. He'll drop to where the suckers are, and pick them up. He'll drop, walk down the ramp, and sucker his way up the wall there. Once up he finds more suckers, jumps a gap, and finds some more. Now reverse L1 and let him fall down the gap. Have him jump past the exit, then drop the suckers to L3. Let L1 exit. Have L3 sucker up the wall and exit. Release the Mob. Unfreeze L2. He'll pick up the 2 bricks L1 dropped. Near the bottom of the ramp have him build up-right with the 2 bricks, then jump up onto the long ledge. He's in. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 24 OK, class, this one's pretty hairy, so pay attention. The Lems come streaming out and walk left off the ledge. You want 2 Lems to stay on the ledge...one Blocker (L1) and one Lem trapped by the Blocker (L2). Of the Lems that reach the bottom, let one (L3) continue right, and trap the others with a Blocker. L3 picks up the bricks. When he gets to the very edge make him build a vertical stack of 5 bricks, then walk him up and left. When he gets near the big green blocks make him drop the bricks and pick up the spade. Send him back up to the big green blocks, and make him chop through using 4 up-left swipes followed by one left swipe. Let him drop down to L2. The bricks should still be sitting on top of the green post. Now make L3 chop up-right through what's left of the green blocks. After 2 swipes the bricks will fall and L2 will grab them and walk right past L3. Freeze L3. Ok, now, see how the ramp L2 walks down has steps? When he gets to the third from the bottom have him build up-right with 4 bricks. That will leave a gap. Make him jump the gap and walk up the ramp, past the suckers, to the edge. Make him build a 6 brick h-bridge then jump down to where the spade is. Make him drop the bricks and pick up the spade. Now make him dig down. Leave the grenades alone. When L2 reaches the ledge with the hadokens, make him drop the spade and arm himself. When he drops to the next small ledge, freeze him until he can safely drop and kill the Potato Beast. Now have him drop the hadokens and pick up the bricks. Make him jump the gray post, build an h-bridge across the water, reverse, retrieve the hadokens, reverse, dispatch the other Potato Beast, and pick up the bricks. Send him back to the bridge. When he's walking left have him build stairs up-left, starting on the fourth-from-the-right bridge brick. He can walk to the exit now. Release L1 and L3 and send them down with the other trapped Lems. L3 still has a spade with one swipe left in the chamber. Make him jump the Blocker and chop a hole through the vertical brick stack to the right. They're home free! (Whew!) ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 25 The Lems drop out onto dirt. The first Lem to walk right (L1) picks up the bricks and drops to the next ledge. Make him a Blocker. The other Lems go left and drop. Make one (L2) a Blocker to force the others right. They drop. Make one (L3) a Blocker to force the others left. Let one (L4) drop to the level with the bricks, then set up another Blocker (L5) to trap the Mob between L3 and L5. Make L4 walk right and build an h-bridge to the ledge with the clocks. He picks up the clocks. Now freeze him. When the last Lem has dropped from the entrance, unfreeze L1. Have him jump 2 blocks to the right, then build a short bridge to the post with the bricks on it. Make him walk over and get the bricks, and build up-right to the next ledge. Now reverse him, have him walk across the short bridge, then make him drop the remaining bricks down to L4. Now make L1 jump left and pick up the suckers. Reverse him, jump the gap, and head up to the prisoners' cell. He'll sucker up the cell wall, grab the spade, bounce off the wall, and fall into the cell along with the umbrella. Freeze the prisoner there. Make L1 dig down so he lands on the stone below. Make him walk right until he drops. Have him drop the spade, then walk right and get the suckers. Make him sucker up the wall when he gets to it. At the top, have him drop the suckers and pick up the spades. Now make him drop the spades and pick up the bricks When he walks left and gets to the edge make him build stairs up-left to the ledge up there. Now he can build an h-bridge to the prisoners' cell. Have him drop the bricks and go back for the spade. Chop through the cell wall and let the prisoner (L6) free. L6 will walk right. Have L1 dig down through the grass. When he drops make him walk right, drop, and get the spade.When he gets to the right wall have him start digging up-right (he should come out right by the exit, and go in). Meanwhile, make sure L6 picks up the bricks. L6 will then walk left and eventually drop through the hole dug by L1. Make him walk left. Just before he drops have him build 6 stairs down-left. Freeze him on the last step. At this time, free the still-frozen prisoner (L7) . He'll pick up the umbrella and drop safely. Make him walk left. Unfreeze L6 and send him right at the same time. At the top of the stairs freeze him again. L7 by this time has dropped to the ground. after he picks up the clocks, freeze him. Unfreeze L6 and send him left to finish building the stairs to the bottom. Unfreeze L7 and send him right. L6 walks left and builds stairs down-left to where L4 is. Now carefully release the Blockers one by one and guide the Mob home. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 26 The first Lem to walk right (L1) drops. Freeze the Lem behind him to trap the Mob. L1 picks up the suckers. Make him climb the green wall. At the top, have him drop the suckers and pick up the bricks. Carefully have him jump to the 2 posts and to the next ledge. From the middle green block have him build 3 stairs up-right followed by a vertical stack of 4 bricks, putting him up on the top ledge. He walks past the suckers and umbrellas and picks up more bricks, then drops one ledge down. Reverse him here, and build up-left to the ledge he just dropped from. Reverse him again and make him lay the last 2 bricks he has horizontally off the right edge. Reverse him before he falls and send him up to where he picks up the umbrellas. Reverse him again and make him jump off the short Bridge-to-Nowhere. He'll float down one ledge. There, make him drop the umbrella and pick up the spades. Have him walk off that ledge at the left to the prisoners' cell. Make him chop through the walls to free both prisoners, then freeze them. Have L1 continue to chop through the right wall of the cell and walk left. When he gets to where he is over the buried bricks make him dig down, drop the spade, and pick up all the bricks. Now have him build a vertical stack up through the hole he dug until he can get out and walk left. At the left edge have him build up-left to the next ledge, walk across that one, and build an h-bridge left to the next one. Now freeze him. Unfreeze one of the prisoners (L2) and have him walk and drop to the right, where he picks up the shimmiers. Reverse him and have him shimmy over to where he can get the spades. Now make him chop up-left through the grass. When he gets to the stack of bricks L1 placed, have him dig them all away. Then have him chop through the grass at the right. He's in. Now release all Blockers and guide the Mob down as needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 27 Cooperation is the name of the game here. The 2 Lems already out (L1 is on the left, L2 is on the right) pick up the bricks. Trap the others with a Blocker. Have L1 drop his bricks so L2 can pick them up. L2 now has all the bricks. Freeze L1 when he's out of the way, and make L2 build a vertical stack of 7 bricks right next to the right wall. After the 7th brick, he should build 2 more up-left, then 2 horizontally left to the ledge. L2 walks onto the ledge and picks up the first bag-'o-bricks. Make him plug the gap to the next ledge with a brick then walk over and get more bricks. Reverse him, have him drop the bricks, then walk right and get the spade. Have L2 walk left again, and at the edge, drop the spade down to the other Lems. It should land between the Blocker and L1. Nobody should pick it up just yet. Now make L2 build stairs up-right to the stone blocks. Once there he should drop his remaining bricks, then walk up and retrieve the spade. Reverse him and have him drop the spade in the same location as the last one. Reverse him again and now make him pick up the bricks he dropped earlier and build a vertical stack up through the gap between the stone blocks above him. Once up there he can get more bricks. Make him build straight up again to the next level where he gets more bricks. Now have him drop the bricks and pick up the suckers. Sucker him up the right wall. He walks across the little dirt bridge and picks up more suckers. Sucker him up the next wall, then let him walk right and drop down the hole. At the bottom he picks up more bricks. Have him build an h-bridge right then set the bricks down and pick up the spade on the other side. Freeze him on the bridge. Unfreeze L1. he picks up the dropped spades. At the far right make him dig down then chop right through the grass. Stop him by turning him into a walker so the 3 right-most grass blocks are intact. Go back up to L2. Unfreeze him and make him dig through the bridge. When he falls make him walk left, then dig down-left through the grass, creating a stair-step the others can walk up. That's it! ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 28 I thought this was one of the game's most difficult levels. In order to successfully use my solution you have to follow the instructions very closely. A pixel off one way or the other can mean failure, so you may have to try several times. When the Lems drop out let one (L1) walk right and trap the others with a Blocker. One of the trapped Lems (L2) picks up the shimmiers. L1 picks up the suckers. Make L2 jump the Blocker and follow L1. Rather than have L1 walk across the dirt bridge, make him jump across to minimize the erosion. After L1 drops and takes a few steps, freeze him. Just before L2 reaches L1, unfreeze L1. When he gets to the wall at the right have him sucker up. L2 will bounce and walk left. Have L2 shimmy over the water to the other side (hopefully you managed to leave enough dirt). About the time L2 drops (and picks up the spade), L1 will reach the top and pick up the shimmiers there. Freeze him. Have L2 drop the spade and pick up the bricks. L2 should now build a bridge over the water. Build the first 2 bricks up-right, and the rest h-right. Reverse him. Make him drop the bricks and pick up the spade, then chop through the cell wall and free the prisoner (L3). L3 picks up the bricks. Unfreeze L1 and make him shimmy left. At the other side he'll drop and pick up the bricks. Ignore L2 and L3 for now. When L1 is again walking right make him build up-right to the next level. Six bricks should do it. At the top of the next level reverse L1 so he is walking left. OK, now, see how the platform L1 is walking on is divided into eight sections? Make L1 build stairs up left, with the first brick placed over the third-from-the-left section. Eight bricks should do it. At the top he grabs more bricks. Reverse him. He's going to build stairs up to the exit gate now, and they must be built exactly like this: start when he's on the top brick of the stairs he just built. Lay one brick up-right. Stack 2 bricks vertically. Lay one brick right. Stack 2 bricks vertically. Lay 2 bricks right. Stack 2 bricks vertically. Lay one brick right. Stack 2 bricks vertically. Lay one brick right. Stack 2 bricks vertically. Lay one brick right. L1 should now be able to walk up to the exit. Reverse him before he goes in. (Be patient...we're just warming up.) He'll walk up the grass blocks. Make him jump from the small light-green block to the large light-green block. Zapper alert! Make L1 jump over the zapper's trigger. At the edge have him build an h-bridge to the other side. He'll continue left and drop. Have him drop the bricks and pick up the clocks. Reverse him and jump him over the bricks so he picks up the suckers. Sucker him up the left wall. He should just have enough to reach the top, where he finds some bricks. After he bounces and heads right have him build a bridge to the prisoner's cell. Lay the first 2 bricks down-right, and the rest h-right. Now have him set down the bricks and pick up the spade. Have him set down the spade on the bridge and pick up the bricks again. Make him build a 3-brick stair set up-right to the cell wall. Now make him drop the bricks and get the spade. Have him chop through the cell wall and grass. The prisoner (L4) walks across the bridge and picks up the bricks. When L1 is on the right-most brick of the bridge have him dig down. He'll drop, walk left, drop, bounce, and walk right. Now make L4 drop through the bridge-hole and freeze him when he lands. When L1 gets to the grass have him chop up-right. On the fourth chop he'll discover more spades (the Lem-Gods are watching over him!). Now make him chop right once, then up-right until he reaches the stairs to the exit. If this has been done correctly, the other Lems will be able to walk up the tunnel L1 has dug, too. OK he's in. Now unfreeze L4. He'll drop and pick up bricks. Reverse him before he walks up the green tunnel. He'll pick up some more bricks. At the edge there, have him drop the bricks down to the next level, then reverse him and send him to the exit. OK, now, remember L2 and L3 down below? L2 has the spade and L3 has the bricks (I think). Freeze L2 when he's against the right wall and then have L3 build stairs up-left to the ledge there. Eight bricks will do it if you start in the correct spot. Now make him build an h-bridge across the dirt gap and free L2. Reverse L3, and when L2 gets past him reverse L3 again. When L2 is near the Mob, freeze him. L3 will pick up the dropped bricks, bounce off L2 and walk right. Have him build stairs up-right using the "one right, two vertical" method (It wasn't until I had nearly given up on this level that I discovered that the Lems could step up 2 vertical bricks, no problem. Sheeesh!). Unfreeze all Blockers and wave good-bye as the Lems march home. Whew! ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 29 Let one Lem walk right (L1) and freeze the others between 2 Blockers. Have L1 jump when he gets to the dirt so he lands on the last dirt step. Reverse him without picking up the suckers and let him drop down one level. Let him take 2 steps left on the dirt there, then reverse him. He'll fall to the next level. Reverse him as he lands to break through the dirt. He falls again. Reverse him again as he lands, and he'll fall once more, walk right, and pick up the bricks. When he walks left again have him tromp through the first dirt step again, so he falls through to the stone blocks. Freeze him. Release the left Blocker (L2) and immediately set up another Blocker to take his place. Have L2 do exactly the same things L1 did, until he drops down to the level with the clock. Make him pick up the clock. When he walks right make him tromp through the first dirt step, fall, and retrieve the umbrellas. Now he can tromp through the dirt and survive the fall to the stone blocks, through the gap, and down to the lowest level. Have him walk right across the dirt to the prisoner's cell. Freeze the prisoner (L3). L2 walks up the dirt stairs and retrieves the bricks, then walks back down, completely eroding the dirt in the process. Reverse him now and have him build stairs up-left to the stone ledge. At the left edge make him build an h-bridge of 10 bricks to the left. Reverse him, have him drop the remaining bricks, and take a few steps to the right. Freeze him. Now free L3 and send him up to L2. Freeze him. Free L1. Have him jump the gap, and when he reverses let him drop through the gap onto the brick bridge. Get him past L2 and L3 by temporarily unfreezing them, then freezing them again once L1 is past them. At the right edge have L1 build stairs up-right to the exit. Reverse him before he goes in. Free L2 and L3 and point them toward the exit. They're in. Now, when L1 gets to the edge of the bridge-to-nowhere make him continue to build left with the remaining bricks he has, then reverse him and send him home. The gap between the bridge and the green blocks should be short enough for a Lem to jump. Release one of the Lems (L4) from the Mob to the left, as you did before. Let L4 walk over and get the bomb. Now let him walk all the way down to the bridge. Make him walk left and jump over to the green blocks. L4 can now drop the bomb and kill the Potato Beast. Then send him right where he can jump to the bridge and go to the exit. Up above, free a Lem (L5) to the right. Have him walk over and get the suckers, then drop all the way down, jump the gap to the green blocks and drop off the left edge. He can now sucker up the cell wall and zigzag through the dirt ceiling, dropping the spade in the process. The prisoner (L6) will pick up the spade. Have him chop through the cell wall. Now go back to the Lems above. Free another Lem to the right. Have him jump when he gets to the edge, so that he lands on the ledge below with the spade. Have him pick up the spade, then go all the way down like the others. Once he's about in the middle of the green blocks make him dig down-left in a stair-step fashion to the bottom (it may take several tries to get this just right). Now he and The 2 Lems down there with him can make it to the exit. Now you can free the Mob to the right, making sure they jump off the top level...otherwise they'll fall too far and make disconcerting noises when they land! ---------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC TRIBE: LEVEL 30 The first Lem to walk left picks up the umbrella and drops. Trap the others between 2 Blockers. L1 picks up the bricks. Have him build a vertical stack so he can get to the platform above where there are more bricks. Once he's picked these up let him drop off the right edge. As soon as he lands he should start building, exactly like this: one brick up-right; one vertical; one h-right; 2 vertical. Have him jump from the last brick to the platform with the tree, where he'll find more bricks. Reverse him and let him fall down and walk right. When he is on the higher of the 2 small stone steps reverse him and make him build like this: 3 bricks up-left; one vertically. Now have him jump onto the platform and get more bricks. He'll bounce off the tree and walk right. At the edge make him build up-right to the next stone block. At the right edge of that block have him build like this: 3 bricks up-right; 11 bricks h-right. Reverse him, and make him build a vertical stack so it goes up through the gap between the 2 ledges above him. It will take about 21 bricks to make it high enough to be flush with the snake-like ledge at the right. At that point have L1 walk right on that long ledge. Four of the five gaps above L1 have tools in them. The last one doesn't. Have L1 build a vertical stack up through that last gap. At the top direct him to the left. Jump him over the first three holes he comes to, and let him drop into the one with the shimmiers. When L1 walks over the shimmiers they -- and L1 -- will fall down to the ledge with the Mob. Have L1 drop his remaining bricks, pick up the shimmiers and walk right. Make him shimmy to cause the other tools to fall. Have him set down the shimmiers and pick up the spades. Now make him chop through the vertical brick wall he built to the right. Freeze him. Free one of the Lems from the Mob (L2) and send him right. Keep the others trapped. L2 will pick up all the bricks. Unfreeze L1 and send him left, to get him out of L2's way, then re-freeze him. Let L2 drop off the right edge of the snake-like ledge, then plug up the next gap he comes to with 2 bricks. Let him drop into the hole with the prisoner (L3). Freeze L3 at the right of the cell. Have L2 build a 2-brick vertical stack against the left wall of the cell, so it's possible for a Lem to step out. OK, now reverse him, get L3 out of the way. Have L2 lay 3 bricks against the right wall of the cell like this: | Brick| BrickBrick| ----------- Unfreeze L1, who is still carrying spades. Bring him down to the stairs you just built and have him make an up-left swipe with the spade while he's standing on the top brick. This should chop away the grass above and allow the prisoner up there to drop down. Now have L1 chop through the grass left-ward. Keep the other Lems there out of his hair by making one of them a Blocker. When he's through, he'll drop to the brick bridge below. Freeze him. Unfreeze L2 and have him join L1, and complete the brick bridge to the right until it meets the grass. Unfreeze L1 and have him dig down and then right through the grass, to the exit. Release all Blockers and guide the Mob home. That's it for the Classic tribe. Get ready to walk like an Egyptian. =========================================================================== EGYPTIAN TRIBE =========================================================================== EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 1 Dig down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 2 A scout (L1) walks to the right and picks up the swimmer tool. Trap the others with a Blocker. L1 swims across the pool and picks up the bricks. Reverse him and make him build a bridge over the water. Reverse him again and let him walk until he drops to the lower level. Send him left, where he'll pick up another swimmer tool, swim across the water, and pick up the bricks. Reverse him and make him build a bridge over the water. Reverse him again and let him pick up the spade. Now he can chop through the cell wall and free the prisoner. Unfreeze the Blocker above. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 3 Let a scout (L1) walk off the ledge to the right, and trap the others between 2 Blockers. L1 picks up a spade. Have him dig down, then drop the spade and pick up the shimmier. Make him shimmy over _past_ the exit door, then let him drop and pick up the bricks. Immediately reverse him and make him jump past the door, to the right edge of the block. From there make him build an h-bridge to the right. Let him bounce off the wall and go to the exit. Unfreeze the right Blocker above. Once all the Lems are descending, unfreeze the other Blocker. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 4 Have the first Lem who walks right (L1) jump over the yellow post. Note that one of the other Lems (L2) picks up the spade. Have L1 pick up the umbrella and sucker, then let him walk off the right edge. When he lands, sucker him up the wall to the left, where he can get the bricks at the top. Reverse him, and have him build stairs up-right to the exit. Have L2 chop away the yellow post. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 5 The first Lem to walk right (L1) picks up the umbrella and drops off the edge. Trap the others with a Blocker. When L1 lands he picks up the suckers. Reverse him, make him jump the gap, and have him pick up the first sucker tool he comes to. Now reverse him and make him drop the suckers to the Lem below (L2). Freeze L1. L2 picks up the suckers L1 dropped. Make him sucker up to L1, reverse him, have him jump the gap and sucker up the right wall. He can go to the exit. Unfreeze L1 and have him pick up the suckers against the left wall. Send him up the same way L2 went, but at the top have him drop the remaining suckers and pick up the bricks. Make him build a bridge to the other side. Unfreeze the Blocker trapping the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 6 One of the Lems (L1) will pick up the bricks. When L1 walks all the way left and steps up onto the little ledge, make him build a vertical stack. He'll use up all the bricks, then walk right and pick up the shimmier. Have him shimmy past the exit door then walk right and get the bricks. (Don't worry about the Mole; it won't bother him.) Wait until the Mole is off to the left out of the way, and then have L1 build a vertical stack of 4 bricks where the diagram below indicates. Make L1 jump off to the left after building the stack. || Brick || Brick || <-- Right wall Brick || Brick || Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile || <-- Floor --> (OK, so I'm not much of an ASCII artist.) Wait for the Mole to bump into the stack, then watch him go to work. He'll drill down-left to where the Mob is, then bounce off the metal piece and drill down to the next level. The first Lem to get down there (L2) will pick up a spade. Have L2 dig down to the prisoner, then continue digging through the cell floor. The Lems can now drop onto the pedestal below, and from there they have a choice of exits. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 7 A Lem (L1) walks right and picks up the spade. Make L1 chop through the stone, walk right up the stairs, jump over the hole, drop the spade, and pick up the suckers. Let all the other Lems get trapped inside the hole. Have L1 sucker up to where he can get the shimmier, then have him shimmy left and pick up the bricks. Let L1 drop off the left edge, and from where he lands, make him build stairs up-left to the yellow blocks that form a staircase to the exit. Now reverse him, have him drop the bricks, then jump over the hole again to retrieve the spade. Now make him jump to the left side of the hole, and from there, one or two swipes down-right with the spade will create steps that allow the other Lems to get out. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 8 Let a scout (L1) walk left, and trap the others with a Blocker. L1 will pick up 2 bombs. Use the 2 bombs to blow away the yellow stone block in the floor. Let L1 drop through and pick up the shimmiers. Have him shimmy right, drop, set down the shimmiers, and pick up the bricks. Once L1 is walking left down the yellow steps of the ledge he is on, make him build a bridge like this: 7 bricks horizontally-left; 4 bricks down-left. Let him drop to the next level. Make him set down all his bricks, then walk him off the right edge to the platform with the hadokens. Arm him with the hadokens, then let him drop and kill the Potato Beast. Unfreeze the Blocker above, and guide the Mob to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 9 A Lem (L1) walks off the ledge to the right. Trap the others with a Blocker. L1 picks up the spade. Send him right and have him free the prisoner there (L2). L2, you'll note, has picked up some bricks. Freeze L1 and send L2 left. Make him build an h-bridge over the hole then let him drop into the cell with the other prisoner (L3). Make L2 build a 2-brick stack against the right wall of the cell. This will allow the 2 of the to step out. Freeze them. Go back to L1. Unfreeze him and have him dig down to the next level. Freeze him. Unfreeze L2 and L3. L2 should still have 4 bricks. Have him walk left and drop them to the prisoner there (L4), then freeze him. L4 can build stairs now to get out of the hole (3 bricks up-right; 1 vertical). Freeze him. Unfreeze L1 again and make him dig down through the thin part of the floor. Once he drops, have him set down the spade and pick up the umbrella. Walk him over to the right and have him drop the umbrella to the prisoner below (L5). Have him retrieve the spade, then freeze him. Jump L5 out of his cell and let him float down. As he walks up the long stairs he'll pick up many bricks. From the top of the yellow stairs have him build 4 bricks down-left. Reverse him, and have him build a bridge of 10 bricks or so horizontally to the right. Reverse him again and send him to the exit. Unfreeze L1 once more, and let him drop down. Make him chop through the 2 pillars to the left, then let him walk to the exit. You can now release the other Lems and guide them down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 10 The first Lem out of the lower entrance (L1) begins picking up the hadokens. Trap the others behind him with a Blocker, and ditto for the Lems dropping out above. Have L1 kill the 3 Potato Beasts, then freeze him. One of the Lems above (L2) has picked up a spade. Jump him over the Blocker and have him dig away the dirt in the right corner of the hole, where he'll uncover some bricks. You want to be careful not to dig away so much dirt that he can't walk out of the hole to the left. Send one of the other trapped Lems (L3) over to pick up the bricks. Freeze L2 when he's as far left as you can get him, then have L3 build stairs up-right so he can step up onto the cell roof. Walk him on the dirt steps until he falls through into the cell. Freeze the prisoner (L4) at the right as far as you can get him. Now have L3 build stairs out of the cell. Try a pattern like this: |Brick | |Brick | |BrickBrickBrick | | Brick | | BrickBrick | Frozen | Brick X <--- Prisoner ======================== Down below, unfreeze L1 and send him right, jumping the gaps and picking up the bricks. Carefully have him plug up each gap with a brick. Now reverse him and have him build stairs up-right to catch the Lems that will be falling from above. L2 above still has a spade. Unfreeze him and send him into the hole (he'll have to chop through the stairs first). Have him dig down so he falls onto the stairs that L1 just built. Unfreeze all Blockers, and the other Lems will follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 11 Send a scout (L1) off the left edge (keep an eye on the Psycho Buzzard for the opportune time) and trap the others between 2 Blockers. When he lands have L1 pick up the hadoken and haroochee the Buzzard. Now make him pick up the umbrella, drop, and float to the steps below. Have him pick up the suckers and climb the wall. Now, this is a bit tricky. Notice that there are 5 dirt steps over the exit door. When L1 reaches them, have him step on the first 3, then jump over the other 2. He picks up the bricks after dropping the suckers. Now have him walk on the last 2 dirt steps, then jump to the other side. At the right edge have L1 build stairs up-right. Thirteen or so should be enough. Now reverse him and let him walk to the exit. Above, free the right Blocker. The Mob can now drop to the stairs L1 built and walk to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 12 Let a scout (L1) drop off the ledge to the right, and trap the others with a Blocker. L1 picks up the shimmiers. Shimmy him on over to where he can get the hadokens. Let him drop down one level, set down the hadokens, and pick up all the bricks. From the left edge have L1 build stairs up-left all the way to the ledge just below the Mob. Now reverse L1, and when he reaches the right edge have him build another set of stairs up-right and then h-right to the exit. With the remaining bricks have L1 build a stack that allows him to step onto the green metal block. Freeze him here. At this point what you want to do is get L1 safely to the spade, so he can dig down, drop, then dig through the cell roof, drop, dig through the cell floor, and have him and the prisoner drop to the ledge below. Avoiding the 2 Potato Beasts is not easy, however. Normally the PBs will pummel your poor Lem to dust as soon as they get near him, but I discovered that a PB will walk right past the Lem if the Lem is in the process of picking up a tool exactly as the PB reaches him. It's as though the PB doesn't even see the Lem. Use that trick here. Time it so that L1 is picking up the spade at the same instant the PB is walking up to him. The PB will continue on, completely ignoring your Lem, giving you enough time to dig (the chubby PBs won't fit through the hole). The rest is easy. Send L1 and the prisoner to the exit, first chopping through the brick stack he built earlier. Then free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 13 This level was a bit of a challenge. As the Lems drop out jump them one at a time over the gap and let them walk over to where the Mole is pacing back and forth. When the first Lem (L1) reaches the dirt steps have him step up and grab the umbrella. After he reverses, have him step up onto the last step. Now that all the dirt steps are gone, the Mole will bump into the wall and immediately begin drilling. Let the Mole drill away, with all the Lems except L1 walking down the tunnel he creates. L1 should be walking right. Make him jump the gap, then jump up and head toward the false exit. Make L1 jump past the false exit and walk off the right edge. He'll float to the bottom. Once he's there, have L1 jump left past the exit and pick up the bricks. As soon as he steps onto the first yellow stone step make him build a vertical stack of 4 bricks then jump left off the stack. Important! The Mole should reach L1 at the same time L1 is building the stack. The Mole should bounce off L1 and the stack and continue drilling down-left. If this isn't happening then you've done something wrong and this solution won't work. Immediately after the Mole is out of the way have L1 lay one more brick next to the original stack. The final brick arrangement should look something like this: __ Brick | Last Brick -------> BrickBrick |--- First stack / /----|Brick | Mole's -> / / |Brick _| tunnel / / | ----- / / | / This isn't a very good diagram, but the idea is to use a combination of the Mole's tunnel and the bricks that L1 has placed to create a stair-step affair that will allow L1 and the other Lems (who should be approaching just about now) to step out and reach the exit. After a few attempts, you'll see what I mean. (Remember, Lems can walk up a 2-brick level step.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 14 The first Lem to walk right (L1) drops to the next ledge down. Freeze him. The next Lem (L2) heads left. Make him jump to the ledge with the bricks. L2 picks up the bricks. About this time another Lem (L3) will have bounced off L1. Freeze L3 before he drops off the left edge. Freeze the next Lem to head left (L4) before he steps off the first ledge. Freeze the one after him (L5) after he takes a step or 2. This will trap the others between L4 and L5. Back to L2. He drops down another level. Reverse him so he's walking left. He drops again. Now he walks right down the dirt steps, then up the yellow stone, and down some more dirt steps. When he reverses, let him drop; he'll survive. Send him into the prisoners' cell at the right. Create a Blocker out of one of the prisoners to keep them trapped for the time being. Make L2 lay down a brick exactly in the left corner of the cell (so he and the prisoners can step out). Let him step out, then build a 4-brick stair set up-left to the platform where the exit is. When he gets to the exit have L2 jump past it. He should have 3 bricks left. Have him build them up-left from the ledge with the exit (see below). ------- Exit--> | | | | Brick | | Brick --------------- Brick_____| | Before he falls, reverse him and let him go to the exit. Go back up to L1 (remember him?). Unfreeze him and let him walk right, drop, then walk up the dirt steps, and get the bricks. Reverse him, and before he falls have him build a vertical stack of 5 bricks to get to the next ledge up. He walks left, then drops safely one level. At the left edge there have him build an h-bridge left to the next ledge over. Guide L1 over to the ledge overlooking the uncompleted stairs that L2 built. With his remaining bricks, L1 can build down-right, completing the stair set. After that it's simply a matter of using Blockers to guide the Mob to the exit. (Oh. And don't forget about the prisoners.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 15 Send a scout (L1) left and trap the others with a Blocker. L1 picks up all the spades. When he reaches the first yellow stone have him dig down. Dig 5 swipes down, then one right, then one down, then one right, then down until he breaks through. He should survive the drop into the cell. Freeze the prisoner there (L2), then have L1 chop through the stone to the right. Once through, make him drop the spade, pick up the shimmier, shimmy over the water, drop, pick up the hadoken, slay the Potato Beast, and pick up the bricks there. Have L1 now build a 6-brick stair set up-right to the exit. Reverse him, and have him build a 3-brick set up-left to top of the yellow stone obstacle. He continues left. Have him build an h-bridge over the water and continue left. You can unfreeze L2 now and let him go to the exit. Make L1 build a vertical stack of 5 bricks exactly under the hole he dug earlier (so the Lems to come will survive the drop). From the top of the stack have L1 build down-left to the floor (to prevent some Lems from getting trapped at the left of the stack). That's it. Release the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 16 Let 2 Lems (L1 and L2) walk left. Trap the others with a Blocker. Freeze L2 somewhere on the metal ledge, and let L1 walk left and get the bricks. He'll bounce off the wall and walk right. Have him build a 2-brick bridge up-right to the metal ledge, then continue right. Unfreeze L2 and make him zig-zag through the dirt at the right until he drops. At the bottom he'll pick up a spade. When L1 reaches the ledge the Mob is on reverse him and have him build a 2-brick bridge up-left to the metal ledge. Down below, make L2 chop through the pillar, then continue chopping through the yellow stone underneath the false exit. When L1 gets down there he'll pick up the uncovered bricks. You might be tight for time, so release the Mob about now. Reverse L2 and make him a Blocker to keep the Mob out of L1's hair while he builds stairs up to the real exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 17 A Lem (L1) will drop out of the left entrance first. Walk him right, up the dirt steps and onto the blue metal. Freeze him. A Lem (L2) drops out of the right entrance. Send him right. He drops onto the blue ledge, bounces, and heads left, drops, and continues on down in a similar fashion. The Lems now dropping out of the left entrance are doing the same thing on that side. The next Lem (L3) that drops from the right entrance, however, should be sent left up the dirt steps and onto the green metal. Freeze him. Unfreeze L1 and send him right. He'll pick up the grenade, and drop into the cell. (Before he drops, make sure the prisoner in there (L4) is frozen out of the way off to one side.) Have L1 toss the grenade up-left. If done correctly, it will come to a stop just below the middle yellow block (This will take a little practice. Try not to let the Lemme Fatale distract you). Unfreeze L4. BOOM! L1 and L4 drop through the hole all the way into the next cell down. One of them (L1, I guess) picks up another grenade before they drop into the cell. Go back up to L3. Unfreeze him, and do the same thing there you did on the left side. Once you have 3 Lems in each of the 2 lower cells, toss the grenades again. On their way down from the cells, the Lems will erode the dirt steps that have been preventing the other Lems from walking up to the exit. The path to there is now clear. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 18 The Lems drop out of the entrance to a point below where they begin walking alternately right and left. Let the first Lem who walks left (L1) fall through the gap. Make the first Lem to walk right (L2) jump the gap. After he picks up the spade, freeze him. Make the next Lem to walk left (L3) also jump the gap, and after he gets his spade, freeze him. The other Lems will fall through the gaps and drop on down. Turn L1 into a Blocker at the point indicated in the diagram. Blocker ---> X ==== ==== ==== ------ ------ | | | | Left exit -> | | | | <- Right exit | | | | ----- ----- This is necessary because the left exit is a false exit, and you want to force everybody to the right. Now unfreeze L2 and L3 and use them to chop through the cell walls, freeing the prisoners. Now unfreeze L1 and direct him to the right. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 19 A Lem will first drop out of the right entrance. Let him walk into the hole. Now a Lem (L1) drops out of the left entrance. Let him walk right and pick up the bricks. Freeze him. Now a Lem (L2) drops from the right. Send him left to get the bricks. The dirt steps have eroded by now, so the remaining Lems will fall into their respective holes. When L2 gets to the edge make him build 5 stairs down left. Freeze him while he's on the stairs. Unfreeze L1. Have him build stairs down-right all the way to the middle ledge, where he gets more bricks. From the right edge of that ledge, have him build stairs down-right to the exit. Let him pick up the spade, then reverse him. Let L1 walk all the way up and drop into the left hole with the trapped Lems. Make him dig straight down so he and the others will fall directly in front of the exit. Unfreeze L2 and send him into the hole at the right which contains the other trapped Lems. Have him build a 3-brick up-left set of stairs that will allow the trapped Lems to walk out. After wandering around a bit they'll also find their way to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 20 The Lems drop from the entrance. One heads right (L1) and begins picking up bricks. Another heads left (L2) and begins picking up spades. When the third Lem out takes a few steps to the right, make him a Blocker. When the fourth Lem out takes a few steps to the left make him a Blocker. L2 has to make a swipe with a spade to get the top-most spade. Notice the 2 prisoners at the top. The one at the left I'll call L3, and the one at the right I'll call L4. Both have already picked up bricks. Have L4 build a vertical stack so he can get out of his cell. Once he steps onto the top of his cell wall have him build down-left toward the pyramid. When he is 3 or bricks away from reaching the pyramid have him stop building and make him jump to the pyramid. Have him set down the bricks, and, when the time is right, walk down, pick up the hadokens, and kill the Potato Beast. Let him continue right, drop any left-over hadokens, and pick up the spades. L4 will now dig down-left in a "one-swipe-down, one-swipe-left" fashion through the yellow stone, creating stairs the other Lems will be able to climb. Where he starts digging is important. See the diagram below: | | | <--Yellow wall at far right Start digging here-> | _____________| | | | <--Yellow floor blocks |____|____| When he's all the way down have L4 drop the spades and pick up the bricks. Have him walk back up-right. Watch for steps that are too high for a Lem to get over (I found one). When you find one have L4 place a brick down to make it passable. When L4 gets to the top and begins walking left, make him jump the hole, take a few steps, then freeze him. Down below, rearrange your Lems so L2 can dig through the yellow block at the right while the others are isolated with a Blocker. When he reaches the top have L2 jump the hole and head left. Unfreeze L4 to let L2 pass, the refreeze him. When L2 reaches the pyramid have him chop all the way to the exit door. Let him go in. Unfreeze L4 and let him go in, too. Now you have to release the Lems down below and, one-by-one (using temporary Blockers), let the walk up and jump them over the hole so they can get to the exit. That just leaves the prisoner, L3, to deal with. Have him build stairs to get out of his cell and down to the pyramid. Make him walk to the right over the top of the pyramid, then direct him to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 21 This level is just trial-and-error to determine which is the real exit. Somehow it always works out to be the last one I try. Right away, freeze the prisoner below the dirt bridge. A Lem (L1) drops from the entrance, picks up the bricks and heads right over the dirt bridge. Trap the others with a Blocker. Have L1 build an h-bridge to span the 2 pillars when he gets there, then continue right to pick up more bricks. He reverses, and eventually ends up in the cell with the prisoner (L2). Unfreeze L2 to let L1 pass, then refreeze L2. When L1 gets to the other side of the cell walk him back and forth until he tromps away all the dirt down to the stone floor. Then have him build stairs up-left to the ledge where the Mob is. Freeze him at the top. Unfreeze L2, let him pick up the spade and walk left. Unfreeze L1 and let him walk right. Freeze L2 on the ledge. When L1 reaches the edge, have him build up-right all the way to the ledge there. At the far right of that ledge, have him build stairs up-right to the door with the green flower. Reverse L1 and unfreeze L2. Freeze L1 once L2 has passed him. Make L2 chop away the green flower, revealing shimmiers. Immediately have him set down the spade and pick up the shimmiers. Shimmy L2 over to the next ledge. Bricks will fall from above. Reverse L2, let him pick up the bricks, then make him build an h-bridge left to the other ledge. Now have L2 set down the bricks and pick up the spades. Reverse him and make him chop away the blue flower, then the green flower (Hurrah! The exit!). He can go in. Release the others and let them follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 22 The first Lem to head left picks up a spade. Trap the others with a Blocker. Have L1 chop through the 2 pillars, then through the cell wall. Freeze the prisoner (L2) off to the right somewhere, then have L1 dig down through the middle stone face. Somewhere around the face's chin make sure L1 digs right one swipe before continuing down. This is to ensure the Lems that follow don't die in the fall. L1 should be digging away the right side of the pillar. Two or 3 swipes of the pillar, and he'll be low enough to jump to the bottom and survive. Immediately turn him left and make him chop through the pillar. If L1 has any spades left, he should drop them and pick up the bricks. Now he should walk right, and lay 4 bricks down horizontally in front of the false exit, so the exit won't open up. Have L1 drop the bricks and go back and get all the spades. Make him chop through the right-most pillar, then reverse him, make him drop the spade and pick up the bricks again. L1 should have 4 bricks left. From the edge of the right-most pillar's base have him build up-right as shown below; Brick Brick Brick Brick ------------- | <--Base of right pillar | Yes, he's one brick short of the ledge there. Make him jump to the ledge. At the right edge of the ledge, L1 should drop the remaining bricks. They should land just to the left of the shimmiers. Reverse L1 so he's walking left. Have L1 go back and get the spades, then reverse him again. Let him walk off the ledge, then have him chop through the pillar at the right. Reverse him again, make him drop the spades and retrieve the bricks. From the base of the last pillar he chopped through, have L1 build stairs up-right to the ledge there, then walk across it, and, at the other side, get the bricks. Have him build a 3-brick stair-set back up-left to the ledge. Walk L1 back to the left side of the ledge. From there, reverse him and have him build up-right to the smaller ledge there. From there, have him build up-right again to the exit (He'll have to stack a couple bricks to do it). He can go on in. Release the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 23 The first Lem out (L1) will walk right, pick up a spade, and drop off the edge (he'll survive). Trap the others with a Blocker. Let L1 drop all the way to the bottom. From there, send him left. Have him drop the bricks down to the prisoner (L2), then reverse him. After he walks a bit, freeze him. Make L2 build a stack of bricks against the left cell wall. You don't want to waste bricks here. A 4-brick stack will get him up to where he can get the other bricks. From there have him step onto the stack and lay 2 bricks horizontally, then jump out of the cell. He should have 10 bricks left. Unfreeze L1, and he and L2 will walk right. When L1 hits the right wall and reverses, make him jump up-left to the ledge, then jump up-left again to the next ledge. Freeze him. Make L2 do the same thing, but after L2 bounces off L1, have L2 build stairs up-right to the next ledge there. When L2 hits the wall and reverses, have him jump to the ledge with the bricks. After he picks up the bricks, freeze him. Unfreeze L1 and send him up to L2. Unfreeze L2 and send him right. After he passes L1, freeze L2. Let L1 walk to the very edge of the ledge, then freeze him. Position L2 correctly, then make him build stairs up-right to the exit. Reverse him before he goes in. Unfreeze L1 and send him to the exit. Make L2 build another stair-set up-left to the ledge with the shimmier on it. From the left of that ledge, L2 should build an h-bridge over to the prisoner's cell. He can now drop any remaining bricks, pick up the spade, and free the prisoner. Release the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 24 The first Lem (L1) drops out and begins walking right across the dirt bridge. Trap the others with a Blocker. Have L1 jump the gap, then jump onto the ledge with the shimmier. He picks up the shimmier. Make him shimmy across to the right where he can get the bricks. Freeze him where he's safe from the Psycho Buzzard, then walk him right off the ledge when it's safe. After L1 lands, reverse him so he's walking left. At the edge have him lay 2 bricks horizontally, then jump from the second brick. He should land on the dirt step just left of the bomb. Once on the next ledge, reverse him and have him lay 2 bricks horizontally to the right. Reverse him, and have him set the bricks down on the ledge. Now let L1 walk out and pick up the bomb, then immediately reverse him and send him left back to the ledge. Have him drop the bomb down the hole when he gets up there. The bomb should completely blow out the lower part of that structure. Send L1 back right for the bricks, then reverse him and have him drop the bricks down the hole, too. Now freeze him. Have one of the Lems in the Mob (L2) jump the Blocker then drop off the right edge. He picks up the bricks down there and walks right. Have him build an h-bridge across the next 2 gaps, then let him go to the exit. Unfreeze any Blockers and free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 25 This level will take a replay or two before you get it right. :-) There are probably many ways to do it. What I tried to do was aim the grenades for the thinner sections of the structure. Have your Lem repeatedly throw his grenades from the same spot by reversing him after he tosses one, and returning him back to the same spot to toss another. This way, the grenades will land in the same area, and will blow through the ledges quickly. Let one Lem go right, and trap the others with a Blocker. Let L1 pick up all the grenades, then, after he bounces off the wall at the right, have him throw a grenade to the left when he's on the seventh step. Freeze him until the grenade explodes. It should blow out the section over the purple vase. No let L1 walk into that hole with the vase, and throw another grenade. It will bounce around, then land and blow out the floor, letting L1 drop to the next ledge down. Experiment a bit to see when L1 can release the grenade without killing himself. Have him walk left up the yellow stairs. At the top make him walk back and forth, tossing grenades to the right from the same spot. After 3 or 4 explosions you'll have blown a hole through the ledge. Send L1 over there, picking up more grenades as he goes. By the way, because you may get short on time near the end of this level, consider having L1 jump over grenades every now and then so he doesn't waste a lot of time picking them all up. He won't need all of them. OK, L1 drops down to the next level through the hole. Oh boy, more grenades. Send L1 right, jumping over most of the grenades. He bounces off the wall and heads left. Once he reaches the second step reverse him back and forth as you did previously, throwing a grenade to the left from the same spot each time, until you blow through the ledge. Have L1 do his grenade-leaping thing as you send him left and let him drop to the green metal ledge. L1 has to kill the Potato Beast. Track the PB from your ledge as he walks underneath. At the edge, wait for the PB to reverse, and just as he's below you begin throwing grenades like crazy. One of them should get him. If not, try the same thing from the other side. Now let L1 drop off the right side of the ledge to the floor. As he walks right have him lob some grenades until one drops inside the green metal thing there and blows out the stone base, so the path to the exit is clear. It might take 2 grenades to do it. Now send L1 left toward the prisoners. You want him to blow away the cell walls without killing the prisoners. Notice that there are 4 blue floor tiles just to the right of the cell wall. Have L1 toss his grenade just as he steps on the first blue tile while walking left. That should do it. You'll have to experiment a bit to see when it's best to release the Mob. It takes them a while to get all the way down, but you don't want them to arrive too early, while L1 is still throwing grenades. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 26 The first Lem (L1) gets out of the hole, walks right, and picks up the bricks. The others get trapped in the hole. Send L1 left, making him jump over the hole so he can get the bricks on the other side. Have him build a vertical stack of 9 bricks next to the left trap-door. After the ninth brick, have him drop the rest of the bricks to the ground, reach to the right and get the spade, then drop to the ground himself. Have L1 jump over the hole, set down the spade, jump back to the other side, get the bricks, then lay 4 bricks down horizontally in front of the right trap door. Now have him go back and drop the rest of the bricks down to the Mob. Reverse him and have him pick up the spade. Have L1 chop through the pillar at the right of the trap door, then dig straight down through the stack of dirt blocks. He can now dig left all the way to the exit and go in. The Lem in the Mob who picked up the bricks L1 dropped can now build stairs to let them all out. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 27 It took me a while to solve this one. The first Lem out (L1) heads right. While he's walking up the yellow steps, reverse him and have him jump left to the colored floating steps. Send him all the way up to the thin, long yellow ledge. Below, set up a Blocker so the Mob is concentrated in the left part of the hole they're in. L1 will come down the steps on the right. At the bottom, zigzag him until he erodes away the dirt block trapping the prisoner (L2). Now make L1 jump up and get the bricks, then send him up the steps. At this point, the Psycho Buzzard can be a real problem. Here's how I handled it: Wait until the PB is at the left side of the screen. Let L1 drop onto the dirt and walk 6 or so blocks to the left. Reverse him so he's heading right. He'll bounce off the wall and head left again. The PB will make a grab at him, but he should be low enough now so it can't reach him, but not so low that he can't continue left. At the left end have L1 jump up on the dirt block and tromp it away. Send him down a step or 2 until the PB leaves him alone and starts to fly right. Send L1 right, back to the dirt. Approximately in the middle of the dirt area begin zigzagging L1 back and forth. Pretty soon you'll see the exit. If you've done this correctly L1 will be too low by this time for the PB to reach him. Have L1 tromp the dirt away all the way to the floor, then let him go in the exit. As soon as the PB turns and heads right you can free the Mob. They should all make it in OK before he returns. Now send L2 up the stairs, and, when it's safe, have him make a dash for the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 28 Freeze the first Lem out before he walks up the stairs at the right. Let the second Lem (L1) walk up and get the bricks at the left. Have L1 build stairs up-left to the spade. Set up another Blocker at the left end of the hole to keep the rest of the Lems from getting out. Have L1 drop his bricks and pick up the spade, then chop through the pillar and free the prisoner (L2). Freeze L2 after he picks up the bricks. Make L1 chop through the right pillar of the cell and get the spades there. Reverse him and make him dig down through the yellow stone to the next prisoner (L3). Freeze L3 while L1 chops through the pillar at the right. Reverse L1, get L3 out of the way by sending him right then freezing him again, then have L1 chop through the left pillar of the cell. Have L1 drop his spade and pick up the bricks. Let him walk off the edge and drop to the floor, where he finds more bricks. Make him drop the bricks and pick up the spade, then chop through the pillar at the right. Let the prisoner in there (L4) walk left and get the clock, and then the bricks. Make L1 chop through the right pillar. He'll find more spades. Now make him chop through the little house where another prisoner (L5) is doing the boogaloo in a doorway. Once L5 is free turn L1 and L5 into Blockers at the far left end to keep them out of L4's way. Now make L4 build stairs up-right from the right edge of the yellow pedestal to the right pillar. Five bricks will do it. Unfreeze L1, send him up those stairs, and have him chop through the pillar and drop down to the other side. Have L4 drop his bricks down to L1, then freeze L4. Make L1 drop his spade and pick up the bricks. Make L1 build a vertical stack of 7 bricks up along the right side of the pillar, then up-right to the cell roof, where the hadokens are. Walk him to the right edge, then have him build an h-bridge straight right over the madly thrashing Potato Beast. Let him drop off and go to the exit. Free all Blockers and guide the rest of the Lems down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 29 Once a Lem (L1) drops off the left edge, trap the others with a Blocker. Make L1 jump up and get the hadoken. He continues left, causing the spade to fall. When he's on the green metal have him drop the hadoken and pick up the spades. Make him chop up-left in a one-swipe -left, one-swipe-up pattern until he's at the top. When L1 turns and heads right make him jump up-right and get all the spades there. On his return trip make him dig down through the yellow stone so he drops out between the 2 pillars with the concentric rectangle patterns. It's important that you dig so he drops out right next to the right pillar. Walk L1 one step to the left so he's next to the left pillar, and have him continue digging down (The idea is not to create too long of a continuous drop for the Lems that follow). OK. When L1 reaches the next horizontal ledge make him chop to the right. The spades above him will fall and he'll pick them up. From that spot have him continue digging down with 3 swipes, then make him jump right, and chop through the cell wall at the right (Freeze the prisoner (L2) first). Now make L1 chop twice to the left. He'll pick up more spades there, and drop to the small ledge. Immediately reverse him and make him chop up-right in a stair-step fashion until he's back in the cell. Get L2 out of the way by moving him left, then freezing him again. Have L1 chop through the right cell wall, walk right, fall down the gap, walk left, and fall down another gap to the floor. Walk him right and chop away the dirt blocks. Return him left, drop the spades and pick up the grenades. OK, it's party time! Have L1 climb onto the orange and blue metal blocks and begin tossing grenades at the Potato Beasts. Keep reversing him back and forth and tossing grenades until all the PBs are dead (That last sucker is hard to get, so I ended up sending L1 down with the hadokens to nail him). L1 can go to the exit now. Carefully guide the other Lems down. Be aware that the Lems in the Mob have to be individually jumped over the gap caused by L1 walking over the dirt bridge. Fortunately, you have plenty of time to do this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EGYPTIAN TRIBE: LEVEL 30 This is the last Egyptian tribe level, so you know it's going to be a tough one...and it is. Ignore the Lems dropping from the entrance for now and concentrate on the prisoners at the top. From left to right, the top row is L1, L2, and L3. In the second row, the left one is L4 and the other is L5. Freeze L5. Make L1 jump over the block at his left onto the dirt below. Have him tromp all the way through the dirt. As he and L4 drop down the hole, L1 will grab some bricks and L4 will grab a spade. Freeze L1. Make L4 chop away the pillar at the right. Send L4 to the very edge of the ledge and make him dig one swipe down, one swipe left, and one swipe up-left. Free L1 and freeze L4 once L1 is past him. Make L1 jump the gap and plug the next gap he comes to with one brick. Reverse him and have him drop his bricks down to the prisoner below (L6). Reverse him again. He walks left, drops, and begins climbing the pyramid. Unfreeze L4 and have him follow L1. Freeze both of them before they reach the top of the pyramid. Go back to L6. Have him build a vertical stack so he can climb out of his cell to the right. He walks off the dirt bridge and drops to the yellow block below. Immediately reverse him so he's heading right. Don't let L6 go through the exit just yet. Make him build an h-bridge over the gap at the right, then freeze him. Go back up to L3. Make him jump to the left and tromp through the dirt blocks he lands on. Then make him tromp through the 4 dirt blocks in L5's cell. He should land right on the brick L1 placed earlier. Let him walk off to the right and onto the pyramid. Freeze him. Unfreeze L5 and have him follow L3. Freeze him on the pyramid. Now have L2 jump out of his cell and tromp away all the dirt blocks he lands on. When he lands on the bricks, send him left. He can drop down and go through the exit. Unfreeze L6. Make him walk right, and at the edge have him build down-right to the yellow post with more bricks on it, then h-right to the spade. Have him set down the bricks, pick up the spade, and chop through the wall. Reverse him and let him go to the exit. Maneuver your frozen Lems so the one with the spade (L4?) is in front and walking to the top. Freeze the others. Have L4 tromp through the second dirt block he comes to, then drop down to the Mob's cell. Have him tromp away the top dirt block there, then walk right and chop away the wall that divides the cell. Now all L4 has to do is dig down through 2 levels and the Mob can climb to the exit. Bring on the Shadow tribe! =========================================================================== SHADOW TRIBE =========================================================================== SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 1 The Lems drop out and walk right. The lead Lem (L1) picks up some bricks. Trap the Lems behind him with a Blocker. Have L1 build stairs up-right to the exit. Release the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 2 The first Lem out of the left entrance (L1) picks up some bricks. Trap the others behind him with a Blocker. Have L1 build stairs up-right to the exit. Do the same with the Lems that drop from the right entrance. Release the Mob(s). ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 3 The first Lem out (L1) picks up some suckers. The Lem behind him (L2) picks up a spade. Have L1 sucker up the metal wall, then get the shimmier. Now make him shimmy over and get the spade. Walk him left until he drops off the ledge. He can now tunnel half-way through the rock, then go to the exit. Have L2 dig away the rest of the rock to complete the tunnel to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 4 The first Lem (L1) picks up a spade and walks right across the dirt bridge. Trap the others with a Blocker. Freeze L1 on the other side until the Psycho Buzzard isn't looking, then walk him off the right edge. Below, have L1 chop away the cell wall and free the prisoner (L2). Freeze the prisoner for now. Have L1 walk to the right, then dig down through the wood to the next level. There, have him drop the spade and pick up the swim tools. Make him swim over to the prisoner and tromp on the stones until they're all worn away. The prisoner can now pick up his own swim tool and the 2 can swim back to the exit. Release the Lems above and guide them down, as the PB looks on in frustration. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 5 Notice that the prisoner at the top (L1) picks up a bomb. Let the Lems who drop from the right collect in their hole. Let the Lems who drop from the left drop to the bottom. One of them (L2) picks up a spade. Have L1 blow away the floor of his cell so he drops down to where he can get the spade. Let him drop in with the right Mob, then have him dig down to the exit. Now make L2 chop through the wall to his right, and the left Mob can also make it to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 6 Let the first Lem (L1) drop all the way to the bottom, and trap the others up above between 2 Blockers. Have L1 pick up the spade and chop through all the walls at his left. Have him drop the spade and pick up all the shimmiers. Make L1 walk right and shimmy across the water. At the other side, have him set down the shimmiers and pick up the bricks, then reverse him and make him build an h-bridge across the water. Free all the Lems and guide them to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 7 The first Lem (L1) walks left across the dirt bridge and picks up the bricks. Trap the others with a Blocker. Let L1 drop into the hole with the Mole. Against the far right wall of the hole make L1 build a vertical stack of 4 or 5 bricks, then jump off. When the Mole hits the bricks, he'll start tunnelling, with L1 following. The Mole will ricochet around for a while and eventually will free the embedded spades for L1 to retrieve. L1 can now dig out the prisoner. You might want to freeze the prisoner for the time being. Send L1 to the far left and have him dig down through the stone. After he drops down one level, make him set down the spades and pick up the shimmier. Now have him shimmy across the Potato Beast's hole and get the bricks on the other side. He can now build a bridge across the hole. Unfreeze all blockers, etc., etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 8 The first Lem to walk right (L1) picks up an umbrella. Trap the others with a Blocker. Make L1 jump the gap, and, on the other side, set down the umbrella and pick up the bricks. Walk him over to the gap and have him drop the bricks down to the next level. Send him back for the umbrella, then let him fall through the gap. L1 floats down and picks up the bricks. Have him set them down for now and pick up the swim tool instead. Make him swim across the water, where he finds more bricks. Have L1 build a bridge across the water, then walk him right and make him build stairs up-right to the exit. After he picks up more bricks, reverse him and have him build up-left to the ledge with the house on it. Eight bricks will do it. Have L1 drop the bricks and pick up the spade. Now make him chop up-right all the way through the house. Once he's through, send him back for the bricks he dropped earlier. Reverse him and have him build a bridge across the gap. Free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 9 The lower prisoner will be L1. Freeze him right away. Trap the Mob dropping from the entrance with a Blocker. No unfreeze L1, let him pick up the bricks and walk right across the short dirt bridge, then build an h-bridge toward the exit. He'll be one brick short. Reverse him and freeze him. Release one of the Mob-Lems (L2) (by having him jump the Blocker, or unfreezing the Blocker to let one Lem by, then quickly freezing him again). L2 walks left across the stone bridge. Make him tromp through the stone that's plugging the hole. He'll drop to the lower level and walk up the stairs and pick up some bricks. From there, have L2 build stairs up-right, then walk up and jump across the gap, and drop onto the stone that's trapping the prisoner. You can erode the stone by zigzagging L2 quickly, or let L2 drop into the cell and build stairs out. It's important that he still have one brick left, though. Have L2 use his last brick to finish the bridge to the exit, then release the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 10 Set up Blockers at both entrances to prevent the Lems from falling off. At the left entrance have a Lem pick up the bomb and set it against the right wall, taking care not to blow up any Lems when it goes off. Let one Lem (L1) go down and get the bricks and trap the others with a Blocker. Have L1 build a vertical stack, and then up-right to the roof of the cell. When he gets to the spade, make him and the spade fall into the cell. The prisoner, L2, picks up the spade. Have L2 dig down through the floor. He drops, and drops again, and L1 follows. Freeze L2. Have L1 set down his bricks and pick up the shimmier. Make him jump up and shimmy away the ledge above so all the bricks up there fall where he can get them. Now make L1 build an h-bridge left all the way to the left wall. Reverse him, and have him build another h-bridge across the first gap to the right that he comes to (you'll have to get L2 out of the way first). Freeze L1. Release one of the Mob from under the right entrance (L3). L3 will drop down and get the hadoken. Then let him drop all the way down and kill the Potato Beast. Unfreeze L1 and have him drop his bricks and pick up the bomb. Walk him right until he drops down to where L3 is. Have him set the bomb against the post at the left, then get him and L3 out of the way. BOOM! You can now safely release the Mobs on both sides. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 11 The first Lem out (L1) walks right a few steps. Freeze him. The second Lem (L2) walks left. Let him take a couple steps then freeze him. Have the next Lem (L3) jump over L2. When L3 picks up the shimmier have him set it back down then step off at the left. He'll drop, and end up in the wooden hole. Now have another Lem (L4)jump over L2, pick up the shimmier and and shimmy left, where he'll pick up some suckers. Make him walk right, shimmy up the short post, and drop to where a gap separates him from some spades. Make him set down the shimmier there, jump the gap, and pick up the spades. He continues right, and drops into the hole with L3. Have a Lem in the Mob (L5) jump over L1 and pick up the shimmier, then continue right until he drops off. Reverse him and make him shimmy to the small ledge with the bricks. Have him stop there and get the bricks, then walk off and drop to the next ledge down (the one with the umbrella on it). Have L5 drop the bricks off the right side of the ledge to the next ledge down, then reverse him and have him pick up the umbrella. He should toss the umbrella down, too, then jump off himself. Have L5 pick up the bricks again, and toss them off the the right, so they fall all the way to the bottom, then reverse him and make him pick up the umbrella. He should now step off to the right himself, float down, and pick up the bricks at the bottom. Reverse him, and make him build stairs up-left all the way to the rock. One of the Lems in the hole has a spade. Use it to dig a hole in the floor at the right. They now have a clear path to the exit. Release the Mob and guide them down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 12 The first Lem (L1) walks right and drops down one level. Trap the others between 2 Blockers. L1 picks up some bricks. Have him build an h-bridge left across the gap, then walk over and get the grenade. He walk on a bit, and drops into a hole. Have him toss the grenade to blow a hole in the floor. He drops through the hole, walks left, and drops again to where the hadokens are. L1 can jump over the little wagon and kill the Potato Beast with a hadoken, then go to the exit. Up above, the Mob that landed to the right of the post can follow the same path down as L1. Have a Lem in the left Mob (L2) jump over his Blocker, pick up the swim tool, and swim over to where he finds some bricks. With the bricks he can build bridges across the water. The Mob can now be released. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 13 The first Lem (L1) walks right and drops. Trap the others with a Blocker. Walk L1 to the left. Have him build a 2-step stair-set so he can climb up to the top of the engine. Don't pick up the suckers; let him drop off the engine. Now build more stairs so L1 can climb over the metal blocks. Have L1 pick up the suckers as he walks over the barrels, then sucker him on up and over the wooden crates to the left. When he drops to the bottom, have L1 set down any left-over suckers and pick up the spades. Make him dig right through the train cars as far as he can. Then reverse him and have him pick up all the bricks on his way back. Have L1 build stairs and/or stacks of bricks to get back to the engine. From the right side of the metal blocks, make him build up-right to the engine itself, then a vertical stack of 5 bricks, followed by stairs up-left to the exit. Let L1 go in. Free the Mob, and use a Blocker to guide them to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 14 Be aware these gray stones are being eroded all the while the Lems are walking on them, so time is a factor on this level. Have the first Lem out (L1) jump from the stone to the wood, and trap the others with a Blocker. L1 will walk up and get the umbrella. Let him drop off the edge and float down. He picks up the bricks. Reverse him and have him build an h-bridge across the gap to catch the prisoner, who will shortly be dropping out of his cell. Freeze the prisoner while L1 builds more stairs up-right to the exit. Let him and the prisoner go in. Have a Lem in the Mob (L2) jump over the Blocker and drop down to where he can get the spade. He walks right up the stone. Make him chop through the stone to the bridge L1 built. Free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 15 Let's call the prisoner in the upper right of the screen L1. The top-center prisoner will be L2. Of the Lems that drop from the entrance, make the first one (L3) a Blocker. L2 walks left and picks up spades, then drops off and walks down the steps. After walking right for a bit he'll come to a post. Chop through it. He walks right, drops, walks up the steps, and comes to 2 posts. Chop through them. Reverse L2, and when he gets to the bottom of the steps make him dig down so he and L1 fall near the exit. Don't let them go in. Send L2 left a bit, and let L1 walk to the exit. Have L2 set down his spade and pick up the sucker. Have him sucker up the first post he comes to as he walks left. He'll drop down to a spade. Pick it up and dig straight down for a bit, then up right to the exit. The Mob should now have a clear path to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 16 Let the first Lem to drop from the left entrance (L1) drop through the hole. Make the Lem behind him a Blocker, and make the first Lem out of the right entrance a Blocker. Make L1 jump over and get the spades, then let him drop to the next level. Here, have him chop through the post at the right, then continue chopping all the way through the wooden structure. Freeze the prisoners to keep them out of the way, then have L1 dig down and drop to where he can get the shimmier. Make him shimmy across the gap and get the bricks. From the right edge of the ledge he's standing on, have L1 build stairs from A to B as shown below: A ---------------------= ------------------------ stairs ----> = = B -------------------- = ------------------------ At the far right L1 will drop down one level. When he comes to a short post have him lay a brick along side of it so the Lems can step over it. At the bottom, have L1 climb the barrels and get the spade. Use the spade to chop through the post to the exit. Free the Mob and prisoners, and guide them down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 17 Let the first Lem (L1) drop off at the right and pick up the spades on the rocks below. Trap the others with a Blocker. As in a few previous levels, the rocks here erode as the Lems walk on them, so economy of movement is important. At the bottom of the rock slope have L1 dig horizontally right, through the post there, and two swipes more past the post. Then change his digging direction to up-right. Continue until he just breaks through the ledge the Potato Beast is walking on, then switch his digging direction to horizontally right again. Make sure L1 keeps digging, because the PB will fall down, looking for some Lems to munch on. The PB won't bother L1 while he's actually digging. When L1 breaks through have him continue right, then jump from the edge to the slope leading to the bricks. The PB will follow, but PBs apparently can't jump, and the poor guy will drop and get wedged in a spot below. Have L1 set down his spades and pick up the bricks. You need to conserve bricks, so don't waste them. Build a 3-brick h-bridge to the left from the edge of the wood platform, then have L1 jump back to the ledge where the PB originally was, and walk left. When he comes to a gap, L1 can build a 2-brick bridge up-left to get him up one level. Another 2 bricks will get him up on the wooden structure with the yellow diamond, then have him build up-left to the platform the Mob is on. From the edge there, make him build a steep set of stairs up-right to the spades. If L1 has any bricks left, have him drop them and pick up the spades. Wait for an opportune time, then chop through the post, drop down, get the hadoken, and kill the Potato Beast. Get the bricks and have L1 build stairs up to the exit. Release the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 18 This was one of the last levels I solved. It's tough. Grenades are going to be bouncing and exploding all over the place, and if your Lems don't throw them at just the right moment my solution won't work. Be prepared to have to do this one many times before you get it right. The Lem at the upper left of the screen is L1. The 3 directly underneath him are L2, L3, and L4 (from top to bottom). At the right of the screen, from top to bottom, are L5, L6, and L7. The Lem at the bottom is L8. When the entrance opens up and a Lem (L9) drops out, freeze him as soon as he hits the ground. If done correctly, L8 will be trapped to his right, and the other Lems will drop out and walk to his left. Have L5 toss his grenade when he is just over the silver block. Have L6 toss his also when he is just over the silver block. Have L7 toss his when he is just one step short of the silver block. (Yes, it's going to be _that_ kind of a level.) BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! If you did this correctly (which, believe me, is not easy), the floors under the Lems at the left will have been blown out without killing any of them, and L1, L2, L3, L5, L6, and L7 will drop all the way down to a point where they will be trapped, just to the left of the fourth ledge down. L4, miraculously, will be walking right on that ledge. Freeze him for now. Look at the pattern on the lowest level, the one L8 and the Mob are on. Do you see how the wooden lattice creates little gray triangles at the top? The gray triangle at the far left is #1, the next one right is #2, and so on. Unfreeze L9 and let L8 walk left. When he gets to triangle #7 have him toss his grenade. It should safely blow out the bottom of the trap the Lems above are in, letting them fall to the lowest level. Set up a Blocker about 2 or 3 Lem-steps to the left of the post at the right of the lowest level. You don't want any Lems getting close to that post because L8 is going to throw a grenade to blow it away. When L8 is walking right and reaches triangle #12 have him toss his grenade. It should land just at the foot of that post. BOOM! The bottom section of the post is blown away. Immediately set up a Blocker to prevent any of the Mob from walking right. Unfreeze L4 and send him right. When he passes under the silver block above him, have him toss his grenade. It will blow away the post at the right of his ledge. Now have L4 set down any left-over grenades, drop off the edge, pick up the bricks, and wait until it is safe. Quickly have him build a 3-brick h-bridge right, then let him drop off to the bottom and go to the exit. This short bridge will prevent the Psycho Buzzard from swooping down and nibbling on some Lem-heads below, once you free the Mob, and they walk to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 19 The Lems drop out and walk left. Make the first Lem (L1) jump the gap, drop, and pick up the bombs. Let the second Lem (L2) drop through the hole and then freeze him. Let the other Lems drop through the hole, also. They'll walk past L2 despite the fact that he's a Blocker, because he's standing on a sloped surface. They won't be able to get past L2 walking uphill, though, which is what you want. Some of them will pick up bombs farther along. Once all the Lems have dropped out and are past L2, have L1 place a bomb up against the base of the long post at his right, and blow a piece of it away. Now let L1 climb up on the rock pile that's trapping 2 prisoners and blow a hole through it with 2 or 3 bombs. If the bombs are placed correctly the prisoners will be able to walk out. Once they're out, freeze them. Send L1 back in and have him place another bomb to blow a hole in the cell floor. L1 drops down to the roof of the wood building. Make him set down any left-over bombs and pick up the spades. Have him dig down to the prisoner, then dig right through the building and the post. When he comes to the rock pile have him dig down again. He and the prisoner will drop down. Have L1 pick up the spades and chop through to the prisoner on that level. Now have him chop through any remaining posts to the right, until the path to the exit is clear. Unfreeze L2, and the Mob can now walk past him, drop, and march to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 20 The Psycho Buzzard won't be an immediate threat here, so don't worry about him for now. When the first Lem to walk right (L1) reaches the edge, make him jump and get the umbrella. Make the first Lem to walk left (L2) jump, then jump again, and get the bricks. Trap the other Lems at the top between 2 Blockers. L1 walks off at the right and floats down. When he lands, make him walk left, jump over the zapper, pick up the bomb, walk left, jump over another zapper, then use the bomb to blow away the post trapping the prisoner (L3). Send L1 right, picking up the bricks as he goes, and freeze him before he goes in the exit. Send L3 right. He can jump over L1 and go to the exit. Look just to the left of the exit, and then look up. Do you see that gap in the railroad trestle? Make L1 build a vertical stack of 15 bricks, so that the stack finishes up at the top of the trestle just to the right of the vertical post. The idea is to use the stack to break the fall of the Lems as they drop from above. Have L1 step off the stack to the right, drop, and let him go to the exit. Go back to L2, who is trapped in a hole. Have him use his bricks to get out of the hole and make his way right. When he gets to the highest point on the train, have him build a short h-bridge right to connect to the ledge, so the Lems above can drop safely. Free the Mob, letting them drop off the right side of the ledge they are on. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 21 This level is pretty clever, and took me a while to figure out. As the Lems drop out, one of them (L1, naturally) picks up some bricks. Have L1 build a 3-brick stair set up-right so the Lems can start walking right over the cars. L1 should be in the lead, followed by another Lem, L2. Trap the others with a Blocker. L2 picks up a spade by the last car. Have L1 stack up 2 bricks against the last car so they can continue right. Freeze L1. Have L2 dig up-right through the rock, until he reaches the top, where he finds some shimmiers. Shimmy L2 across to the left, where he finds some bricks. make him build stairs up-right to the next ledge up. Have him set down the bricks and pick up the bomb. Use the bomb to blow away the bottom of the post at his right. This may also blow a hole in the ledge floor. Send L2 back for the bricks, then back to the right, jumping the hole. Have L2 build a vertical stack of 11 bricks one step away from the post, then make him jump left toward the prisoner. Refer to the diagram: | | |======== B | B post --> | B <-- stack of 11 bricks | B | B Make sure there is a 1-step space B between the stack and the post. ========= =============== ^ | hole caused by boom-boom After L2 picks up the suckers by the cell, send him right and let him drop off the ledge. Walk him left and shimmy him up the metal wall. he'll find some bricks at the top, which he can use to build up-right to the top of the cell. There he'll find a spade, which he can use to dig down into the cell, and then through the right cell wall. Keep an eye on ol' PB, then send L2 and the prisoner (L3) right, letting them drop off the edge and then drop through the hole. (BTW, if the explosion didn't create a hole, you can make L2 dig one at this spot now.) Now it's just a matter of freeing all the Lems and letting them tromp away some of the gray rock material, until L2 can use his spade to dig and chop the rest of the wy to the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 22 It's twilight time in Lem-Town. One Lem (the indefatigable L1) heads right. Trap the others with a Blocker. L1 picks up a clock then continues right, where he finds some bricks. Keep a wary eye on the Psycho Buzzards. By jumping, L1 can go all the way to the train engine, where he finds more bricks. Have L1 build a 2 brick stair up-left to where the hadokens are, the reverse him and make him build a vertical stack of 4 bricks, so he can get to the top of the engine's smokestack. from there he should build an h-bridge right to the post, then a vertical stack up to where he can walk right, tromp the rocks away, and get the spades. Now L1 can dig down to the prisoner (L2), and chop away the left cell wall. Freeze L2. Send L1 left. When he drops off the engine, he'll have to chop up-left so he can continue left. When L1 comes to a gap, let him drop through it to the tracks, then make him chop left all the way to the exit. You can now free L2 and the Mob and guide them to the exit, when it's safe to do so. Be sure to pick up any clocks you come to, as you'll need all the time you can get. You use a lot of it up just waiting for the PBs to get out of the way. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 23 The first Lem to drop out of the bottom entrance can pick up the hadokens and quickly dispatch the Potato Beasts. The first Lem out of the upper entrance (L1) should pass up the grenades and go for the spades. Trap the others behind him with a Blocker. Have L1 pick up all the spades except one (jump over it). Then have him drop them off the edge to the Lems below. Now freeze him. One of the Lems below (L2) picks up the spades. Send him right. Trap the others with a Blocker. When L2 gets to the right wall have him dig down, then right under the tower, then up-right until he breaks through and can set down the spades and pick up the shimmier. Use the shimmier to go left across L2's hole, then drop off and get the suckers. Sucker L2 on up the wall of the tower, all the way to the top. There, have L2 set down the suckers and pick up the bricks, and then build an h-bridge across the gap at his left. Now have him set down his bricks and pick up the spade you left up there (you did leave one, didn't you?). Send L2 right, off the tower. When he drops to the level where the prisoner is, make him chop up-left and free the prisoner. Free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 24 The Lems drop out onto a short ledge and one (L1) drops off at the right. When the next Lem (L2) reaches the left edge, make him a Blocker. L1 walks left and drops through a hole. When he lands, freeze him. Make the Lem behind him (L3) a Blocker so no more Lems drop through the hole. Unfreeze L1 and have him jump the gap at the right, then pick up the shimmier. Use it to shimmy to the right, causing the bricks to fall. Send L1 right, up the stairs, and have him pick up the suckers and sucker up to the top of the cell. Make him walk across the cell roof, drop, and jump to the right when he lands (causing more bricks to fall). When L1 lands have him pick up the bricks, then send him left, jumping off the edge to the next ledge down. More bricks. Have L1 build an h-bridge from there to the left across the water, then reverse him and have him build down-right to the exit. Have L1 set down his bricks, then jump him past the exit door to the spades. After he picks up the spades, jump him past the door again and send him left. Let L1 drop to the bottom, then have him chop away the post so he can get to all the bricks on the other side. Make him set down the spade and pick up all the bricks. Build stairs so L1 can walk right again and retrieve the bricks he dropped earlier. He'll need all he can get. Send L1 left again and have him build a vertical stack alongside the row of 6 posts, until he can step to the left at the top. Have him cover the gap there with 2 bricks, then walk him over to the extreme left and freeze him. Free the Mob above, letting them drop on down and walk to the exit. When all of the Mob has passed L1, wake him up and have him continue the stack he built earlier all the way up (and to the right a bit) through the gap in the top-most ledge. from there, he can walk right, causing the spade to fall into the cell. The prisoner can use the spade to free himself and dig down to the exit. L1 can pick up the umbrella and float safely down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 25 This first part is a little tricky to do, and, come to think of it, it doesn't get much easier as you go on. Let the first Lem out (L1) pick up the shimmiers, then freeze him. Let the second Lem walk left and drop through the hole. The third Lem (L2) will walk right. Freeze him when he reaches L1. Let the others drop down through the hole. Have L1 and L2 change places, then have L1 shimmy to the right, causing the bricks and spade to fall. L1 himself will fall into the narrow space between two posts, where he'll pick up some bricks, and continue to fall until he reaches the bottom. One of the falling bricks will land where L2 can pick them up. Another set will land in the Mob, where a Lem there (L3) will pick them up. Another Lem there (L4) will pick up the spade. Hint: It's easier if you first isolate 2 Lems in the Mob from the others with a Blocker. The isolated Lems will become your "L3" and "L4". Have L2 build steps up-right to the ledge above, then jump over the zappers, and continue building up-right to the roof of the cells. Have him walk as far right as he can without falling, and drop his unused bricks off the edge. Now reverse him, have him pick up the spade, and let him drop into the right cell. Go back to the Mob. Have L4 dig down. He and L3 will drop. Have L4 dig down again, then chop through the post at the right. Let him and L3 drop to the ground. Now make L4 chop through the post at the right, freeing L1. Freeze L1 and L3, and make L4 chop through the next post, and walk right across the bridge. Make him chop through the next post he comes to, then reverse him, and freeze him. Have L3 give all his bricks to L1, then send L1 right. Have him build a bridge across the water, then unfreeze L4 and walk him left, past L1, and freeze him again. We have zappers to deal with here, so this must be done carefully. L1 should walk right and place one brick as shown below. bridge |========| | | |=== ===|Brick | water | In other words, it should be hanging off the edge of the short ledge at the right. Immediately reverse L1 after he places the brick, and send L4 over to the right. As soon as L4 is standing on the brick that L1 placed, have him make a vertical swipe with his spade. This will chop away a piece of the building above him. Immediately reverse L4 and send L1 back over. While standing on the brick, L1 can now build an h-bridge of 5 more bricks to the right, over the zappers. Reverse L1 and send L4 back to the far right end of the h-bridge. He has to make another vertical swipe with his spade to clear away a piece of the building overhead. Now send L4 up the steps to the right. He's probably used up all his spades, but if he has any left make him set them down and pick up the bricks and build an h-bridge to the exit. When the Psycho Buzzard is out of the way, have L2 chop through the cell walls and then dig through the cell floor where he and the prisoners can drop to the top of the house below and walk to the exit. Free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 26 The first Lem out (L1) picks up the umbrella and steps off the edge. Trap the others with a Blocker. Ignore the bricks and have L1 pick up the spade. Have him make a vertical swipe from that very spot, chopping away the right section of the ledge above him. Now have him set down the spade and pick up the bricks. A vertical stack of 3 bricks will get him up to the first ledge. There, make him drop the bricks and pick up the spade, and make another overhead swipe, causing the bricks to fall. Have him drop the spade (sigh...) and pick up the bricks, and build another vertical stack to get him up to the next level. OK, you get the idea...L1 has to repeat this tedious process (with slight variations on the theme...you'll figure them out) until he gets to the top. Hint: get the Lem walking about at the top (L2) out of the way by jumping him to the right and freezing him until L1 finishes his work. Make sure L1 brings a spade up to the very top and sets it down somewhere where he or L2 can get it later to chop through the barrels to the exit. Then send L1 back down one level for the bricks he'll need next. Have L1 build stairs to get back to the top. Once there, he can hop up on the metal block and build a bridge to the Mob. Then reverse him and have him build a bridge to the exit. Now have L1 or L2 use the spade to dig through the barrels, and then free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 27 The first Lem out (L1) walks right and picks up the swim tools. Trap the others with a Blocker. Have L1 jump into the water and swim to the other side. There he can pick up some suckers, and sucker up the metal wall to the top. Have him pick up the bricks there, then walk right, drop, and pick up all the bricks on the next level down. From the right edge of that level, have L1 build a 13-brick stair set in a down-right direction, then reverse him and walk him left. When he's back on the ledge make L1 set down his bricks and pick up a bomb. Have him place a bomb on the seventh brick from the top of the stairs he built, then get him out of the way. BOOM! The bomb blows a hole in the stairs. Have L1 pick up his bricks again. Send him down his stairs, and make him jump over the hole he created with the bomb. Now reverse him, and, from the top stair he can reach, have him build down-left to the ledge with the exit on it. Reverse him again, and, from the top stair again, have him build a vertical stack of 9 bricks, then 3 or 4 bricks up-left. The whole thing should look something like this: B B ================ <-- top metal ledge B B =========bottom metal ledge================B B B B B B <-vertical B B stack hole caused by bomb-> B B E B B X B B I B B T B B =========ROCK LEDGE===================== B Now have L1 jump onto the bottom metal ledge and build stairs up-left to the top metal ledge. Walk him to the left edge, and then have him build down-left to the wooden box with the spade. Make him set down the bricks and pick up the spade. With the spade L1 can chop through the 2 posts to his left. Make him drop the spade then and go back for the bricks. Have him build stairs to get over the wooden obstacle to his left, then down-left to just above the water, then horizontally under the wooden tower, then up-left to where the Mob is waiting. The path to the exit is now clear, so go ahead and free the Mob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 28 Let the first Lem out (L1) descend as far as he can, then send him left. Trap the others on the bottom section of the zig-zagging stairs. Have L1 jump onto the cell roof to retrieve the spade. Then reverse him and jump him across the gap again and let him walk right until he steps up onto the first barrel. From that point have him chop up-right through the building to the top. Have him pick up the spades there, then reverse him and send him left. When he gets to the roof of the right cell, make him dig down and drop into the cell. Now have him chop through the posts at his left to free the prisoner in the left cell. From the far left side of the left cell, have L1 dig down to the rock, then left through the rock. Have him continue chopping through every post he comes to as he walks right, with the 2 prisoners following. When he chops through the last post, he and the prisoners will be able to walk up to the exit. As for the Mob, you have to guide them to the right, up the building, and then jump them one at a time onto the floating stairs down to the exit. You'll have to string them out by doing some rapid-fire Blocking and un-Blocking in order to accomplish this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 29 Let the first Lem out (L1) walk right, and trap the others between 2 Blockers. Keeping an eye on the Psycho Buzzard, have L1 jump all the gaps as he moves right, until he drops onto the rock and picks up the spade. Have him walk left down the rock, then jump over the zapper by the Doctor's office (hee-hee), and continue left until he gets to the pile of round stones. Make L1 chop all the way through the stones, picking up more spades along the way. Have him chop through the next 2 posts to the left, then reverse him and send him right to the rock mountain. Have him dig through to the prisoner (L2), then freeze L2 while L1 continues digging right, al1 the way to the wagons. An up-right swipe by L1 at the first wagon will bring down a set of bricks. Have L1 drop the spades and pick up the bricks, and then build stairs from his tunnel through the rocks up-right to the wagon. Have him pick up one set of bricks from the wagon-top, then reverse him and...after moving L2 aside...have L1 lay bricks across the zapper's trigger. Freeze him for now. Let L2 walk up on the wagons and pick up bricks, and continue right. After he drops off the first wagon, have him build stairs up-right to the top of the second wagon. After he steps off that wagon, have him set down the bricks and pick up the suckers. Make him sucker up the side of the third wagon, pick up more suckers, and then freeze him. Unfreeze L1 and send him right. Have him build a bridge between the second and third wagons. Freeze him. Unfreeze L2 and have him sucker up to the top of the engine, then jump over and get the bricks. Have him build stairs up to the engine's smokestack, then reverse him and have him build stairs over the gap between the engine and its cab. Now have L2 build stairs down-left to the wagon. Free the Mob and guide them right-wards, toward the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW TRIBE: LEVEL 30 Last but definitely not least.. Let the first Lem (L1) step off to the right. Make the second Lem a Blocker at the left side of the ledge. L1 will drop to a small ledge, then walk and drop again. Let the third Lem (L2) follow L1. Make L1 jump from the rock ledge to the wooden ledge at his right. Freeze L2 on the short ledge. Make the next Lem a Blocker at the right side of the top ledge. Have L1 jump again to the next wooden ledge right, then pick up the spade. Reverse him, and have him drop the spade down into the cell to the prisoner (L3). Freeze L1. Make L3 chop through the middle post, then dig down, so he drops to the metal ledge below. Freeze him. Unfreeze L2, let him drop to the next rock ledge, then send him left. Have him step off and immediately as he lands reverse him, and send him right to get the bricks. Now send him left again, and make him jump as he steps off, so he lands on the small ledge sticking out from the wall below. From there, L2 can drop to the ground, set down the bricks, and pick up the suckers. Sucker him up the rock wall at his right, and let him walk across the bridge and fetch all the spades on the other side. From just right of the bridge, have L2 dig straight down through the rock, and then horizontally left, under the zappers. The last couple swipes will be up-left, to complete the tunnel. Now reverse L2 and send him right. Look at the metal wall that forms the right border of the rock L2 is tunneling through. See how there is a gap in the metal...a gap of plain rock? Aim L2 in that direction and start digging. Dig all the way through, but reverse L2 before he falls off. Send L2 back left for the bricks. BTW, if L2's tromping about has caused any depressions in the rock that might be a problem for the Lems-to-come, you might have him smooth them out by tromping around them or laying bricks across them. Now send L2 right and have him build an h-bridge right across the water. Reverse him, have him set down the bricks and pick up the spades. Have him chop through the big stone block. Reverse him again, and have him set down the spade and pick up the bricks. Have L2 walk across the dirt bridge to erode it, then reverse him and have him build a brick bridge to replace it. Now send L2 left again. Have him tromp through the rock to retrieve the spade, then have him chop up-right through the rock to the top, and let him go to the exit. Go back to L3. Make him dig down through the rock until he drops to the ground. Now free the Mob and any other stray Blockers, and guide them to the exit, using the route that L3 took. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================ Goodbye! Well, boys and girls, that's it. I hope my efforts have been of some help to you. From L1, L2, and the rest of the gang...farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen,...and keep on lemmin'! Later! Allen ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created: February, 1996 Last Updated: February, 1996 E-Mail: hawalter@teleport.com (Allen Walters)