============================================================== IDOLS GALORE! WALKTHROUGH ============================================================== By Ecchifan Idols Galore! is copyrighted by Sekilala, and distributed by G-Collections. com. All rights reserved. For more information on this game, please visit http://www.g-collections.com. ================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough--general information, detailed walkthrough. 3. Contact info =========== INTRODUCTON =========== Version 2.0 10-12-04 Version History: 2.0 published on 10-12-04 Minor corrections in guide; thanks to Liteloo for the notice. 1.0 published on 10-05-04 Complete walkthrough published. Idols Galore! is a part-Sims-part-adventure game where you, as Kuro Miyabi, is hired by the president of a talent agency to prevent a manager from leaving the firm with the agency's two superstars for a rival agency. The characters in this story include: Kuro Miyabi--this is your character. You're in the business of fixing failing companies and shops for your clients, using any means necessary. It's a dirty job, but some body's gotta do it. Kyoka Aoi--your new assistant. You met her when she was a waitress at your last job, reviving a restaurant. After having an affair with her, this cheerful, energetic, but violent gal left her old job, and followed you. Yumiko Akane--your rival at the talent agency. This beautiful former idol is serious about her work as manager for her two talents. Your mission is to prevent her from leaving the firm with the talents. Megumi Tsukikusa--a popular idol singer at the agency. She's shy, hardworking, and dedicated to her fans. Aya Rindo--a supermodel at the agency. She's willful, proud, but sensitive to criticism. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== 1. General Information ---------------------- Idols Galore! is part-Sims in the sense that you have to make a lot of decisions on what jobs to accept as manager of Aya and Megumi. Other decisions involve influencing (sabotaging) rivals, or attempting to enhance your own credibility as manager. Regardless, these decisions are usually presented as sets of two choices. Unfortunately, you're usually not given much information before presentation of these choices. Shortly after making your choices, the game will let you know if your decision was a success or failure. In some rare instances, both choices will lead to success. The important thing to note here is that if you fail too many times, you will end up with the bad ending. So my detailed walkthrough, as outlined in the next subsection, will highlight ONLY the successful management decisions. 2. Detailed Walkthrough ----------------------- Please make the following choices: a) sexy costumes [KEY DECISION] b) locker room peeping c) fake nudity d) sexy talk show e) [SAVE HERE BEFORE CHOOSING] --Megumi's [leads to Megumi's path] --Aya's [leads to Aya's path] --Kyoka's [leads to Kyoka's path] --let the judges decide [leads to Yumiko's path] f) soaked & see-through g) sexy drama h) exposing panties i) [SAVE HERE BEFORE CHOOSING] titties Please note that for decision (a), if you DON'T choose sexy costumes, you'll go to the general bad ending no matter what else you choose. By saving your game before making decision (e), you could simply reload the game at this point to go through each girl's route. Once you unlocked all four gals' endings, you could reload at decision (i), make either choice. Eventually you'll get a NEW set of choices: --go straight home [continue on normal path] -OR- --I'll do Kyoka [leads to Harem route] The Harem route will eventually lead you to the story's true ending (and reveal which gal you end up with). Also, you need to go through the Harem route in order to unlock all CGs and scenes. [Version 2.0 notes: for decisions (d), (g), and (i), I listed one choice for each decision rather than the original two for version 1.0 because for some reason the mix and match approach could still lead to a bad ending. By making these specific choices, you WILL be able to go back to decision (e), reload, and reach each girl's path. Credit goes to Liteloo for pointing out the problem.] ============ CONTACT INFO ============ Please direct all comments, questions, corrections, etc. to Ecchifan via email: ecchifan999@yahoo.com