Little Big Adventure A complete solution - By Simon Burrows Introduction & Basic Hints After lots of pleads from readers of Cheet Sheets, here's the full solution to this big (and little) adventure from Adeline. The solution is split into several parts. Each part begins when you travel to a NEW island, so their content will not necessarily be about only the island in its title if you travel back to a previously-visited island again. Before this, however, here's a trio of basic tips to cover some of the more important aspects of the game :- ® Once you have collected goodies from a location (Kashes, health and magic bottles etc.) this isn't the end of its potential for boosting your stats! If you leave the location so the screen fades, then return, you can then search the location again and recollect all the goodies! By repeating this over and over again you can boost your totals of health, magic power and money to enormous heights so long as you have the patience to repeat the tiresome task of searching! A good example of where this is possible is your own little home on Citadel island where you can search over and over again in safety to get loads of everything! ® Whenever you get caught in this game you will get thrown in the local jail. In most games this may be time to restart or restore. Not so in Little Big Adventure, though, because it is easy to escape the jail and recover all your items in a matter of only a couple of minutes. If you get caught on Citadel Island, all you need to do is kill the guard when he descends on the lift, then use the same lift to escape your cell. If it's on Principal Island you kill the guard then jump out of the window. Finally, if it's on Proxima Island you walk into the corner of the cell and press [SPACE] to turn the floor into a lift. In each of these three cases, the guards will leave your possessions in a cupboard, so you can easily retrieve them as you leave. ® When you save your game in LBA it doesn't save your character's position at where he is standing, but back at the start of your present location. This can be very tiresome if you are in a very difficult location such as the tunnels under White Leaf Desert, and you want to save half way through the location because you have just completed a difficult manoeuvre that you may not be able to do again. Even if you do save your game past this difficult manoeuvre, when you reload the saved-game you will be back before it again at the start of the location. Just thought you might want to know!!!! Now on to the solution... The Solution ²²²²²²²²²²²² Part One - Citadel Island --------------------------- At the start of the game you find yourself stuck in a maximum- security prison on Citadel island. The prison is the possession of Dr Funfrock, but fortunately for you, the maximum security aspect of it is not quite up to present-day standards. To escape your cell, first press [F3] to enter 'Aggressive Mode' then kill the guard with two or three punches when he descends the lift towards you. The guard should leave behind a coin when you kill him and you can collect this if you like. Once he is dead, walk over to the lift and ascend on that to the platform above. As soon as you reach the top you must kill the guard nearest to the alarm before he gets the chance to sound it. If you aren't quick enough then a band of Supergros will reply to the alarm- call and fire homing stun-bombs at you!! If you do kill the guard in time, attack and kill the remaining nurse, then collect the key that he leaves behind when he collapses. Once you've done that, the killing is over for the time being, so you can hit the appropriate key to get back to 'Normal Mode' again. Now descend the steps and go through the door. As soon as you get through the door, select 'Discreet Mode', then slink round the corner ensuring that you avoid the guard patrolling the courtyard. As quickly as you can, venture into the room on the right and head behind the dressing screen to put on the guard uniform. When you are dressed up for the occasion, search through each locker in the room for Kashes and health until you find your ID Card and Holomap. When both of those are in your possession, walk into the courtyard again and kill the wandering guard. Now hurry north again, this time into the second room, and kill the resident nurse. When he is dead, investigate every locker as before in the search for health and Kashes. When that task has been completed, depart from the room once again and this time head up the stairs to the prison control room. Similar to the earlier situation, you must kill the guard before he has the chance to raise the alarm. To do this, quickly sneak up behind him and slay him before he knows what's happening. Now kill the nurse that resides here as well, and collect the key which he leaves behind. You can now leave this building to enter the prison grounds. To get out of the grounds you will need to enlist the help of a roaming dust-truck. By using 'Discreet Mode' you can sneak past the sentry post, then by pressing [SPACE] whilst standing on the rubbish pile (still in 'Discreet Mode') you will get picked up by the truck and carried out of the grounds. Once you have been discarded at Citadel Island's rubbish tip, walk over to the nearby building, enter it and talk to the Rabbibunny. When the conversation ends, search the chest to gain possession of more health and Kashes, then leave southwards in the direction of the main part of the town. It's now time to have a look around the island. On your travels make sure you steer clear of any military positions unless you want to make a quick exit from the game!! When you are bored of searching around, go south twice and locate your house. When you find your house you will see Zoe, your girlfriend, outside. After you've given her hugs and kisses etc. you will both enter the house itself. If only life could be simple!! Unfortunately, it's anything but that!! Instead of having a nice meeting in the comfort of your own home you will find out that Dr Funfrock has been watching your every step since you escaped the prison. Just as you are getting comfortable, two Groboclones will appear. They will arrest Zoe and knock you with a homing stun-bomb. The next thing you know you are back in the prison cell, and there's nothing you can do about it!... Since you've done this all before there's no point explaining it again. All you need to do is escape your prison cell using the same method as before. Carry on doing exactly the same things as before until you get to the first locker room, then go straight to the locker where you found your Holomap earlier and collect all your possessions from it. Once this has been done, escape the prison buildings in the same way as before, then use the dust-truck once again as an escape- route to the outside world. When you've jumped out of the truck, go north (at least, I think it's north) and onto the hill over- looking the town. From here you should be able to see a grating that leads to the sewers (well, where else would a grating lead?). Similar to in Space Quest IV, you must enter this grating and get into the sewers. This is accomplished by standing on the grating in 'Normal Mode' and pressing [SPACE]. Once in the sewer, collect the empty Clover-Leaf Box to allow you to gain extra lives, then take all the mushrooms too in order to restore your health. When you are feeling a little healthier, return to ground level and take another gander around the city... In the city make sure you steer clear of all sentries as before because they'll be very suspicious of your nurse's uniform. As you walk around, search every locker, cupboard, flower pot, dust- bin and chest that you see in order to gain extra health and more Kashes. You WILL need loads of money later on in the game so make sure you make a good search round for all that you can find. As well as searching for money and health on your travels, make sure you talk to everybody that you see (except for the soldiers, that is). Since your prime aim at the moment is to find Zoe, the first thing you will ask people is where she might be. Generally, you will be pointed towards the tavern so that should be your destination when you are sick of searching!! The tavern is at the right-hand side of the city near the ocean. The screen it is in is guarded by a strange yellow and green robot looking mightily like a floor-polisher with binoculars! This beast is Dr Funfrock's latest surveillance toy, and it will shoot at anything that moves! You must stand still if you are to live and survive to tell the tale! When you arrive at the tavern, go inside and head upstairs to the Grobo sitting at the table. He will offer you information in return for a drink, so speak to the strapping Rabbibunny to order a shandy for him. When he's got the drink he will tell you that he saw Zoe being transported to the port. Now you've got this information it's time to change and get your weapon before going off on the hunt for your dearly beloved. To do this head back to your house. Upon arrival at your abode you will see that the door has been bricked-up and there's no sign of life. To learn of an entrance- route into your house, talk to the Rabbibunny who lives next- door. He'll tell you that his son fixed your chimney recently but he never properly sealed it up - maybe you can go in via the chimney?! When you've finished talking with your next-door neighbour, head back to your house and activate 'Athletic Mode' for the first time. Now jump onto the grass patch behind your house and make your way up to the chimney-top. From the top of your chimney, drop down on top of your fireplace and begin searching everything you see for health and Kashes. When you reach the room with an artist's easel, open the cupboard and collect the magic tunic and ball of power from it's depths. When you have both of these, search the whole house again and start collecting the magic blue bottles to power up your magical energy bar. When the whole house has been thoroughly searched, go back up the chimney and carefully lower yourself down to ground level again. During your search through the house you may find a secret passage - don't worry about this yet! When you get back outside you will see that Dr Funfrock, mean and nasty that he is, has dispatched a Rabbit Robot, a Grobo and two guards at the front of your house to keep watch. You don't have the energy or fighting ability to kill all these, so kill the Rabbit Robot with two or three shots from your magic ball, then escape quickly northwards towards the port. There is just one thing left that you need to collect before you leave on a ship to chase after Zoe and that is a bottle of syrup. To get this you need to enter one of the only buildings in the city which is open - the pharmacy. Unfortunately for you, however, the owner of this shop is a complete grass and as soon as he sees you he will raise the alarm. It's not all bad news, however, because it's easily possible to dodge the Clone that answers the alarm call. To do this, first enter the shop and quickly run round the till and kill the chemist with either a few punches or with your ball. He will have set-off the alarm before he dies, but if you exit the shop even faster than you entered it, you will miss the Clone, and when you re-enter it, the clone will be gone and the chemist still dead!! Once back in the pharmacy, this time in safety, take the bottle of syrup then raid the till to get extra Kashes. When you have completed these two tasks, head to the port which is in the same screen as the grating you went through to get to the sewers earlier. At the port you will find that if you try and buy a ferry ticket legally, the man at the ticket-office will recognise you and sound the alarm. Instead, you must knock-out the guard and then the Grobo that guards the gate. When both of these are down, collect the key that the Grobo leaves behind and use this to open the gate. Once inside the port you should talk to the elephant by the dock. He will show you the crates and tell you that he'll give you a ferry-ticket if you can move them around into the right order. This is a very simple block puzzle which shouldn't cause any trouble. When you have completed the puzzle, take the ferry ticket as promised, then walk towards the chap in the sailor suit (the ferry's captain) and board the ship for a ride to Principal Island. Part 2 - Principal Island --------------------------- Principal island has the wonderful task of housing Dr Funfrock's HQ which isn't good news for you since it makes it very heavily fortified in most locations. Anyway, as soon as you leave the ferry at Principal Island's port, walk right along the dock in the direction of the guard post. Use your ball of power to kill the uniformed guard who resides behind the sandbags, then do the same on the Robot Rabbibunny by the guard hut. When both of these nasty characters dwell in the land of the dead, head northwards in the direction of the main section of the island. You must move very quickly at all times on this island for reasons explained above, so run past the HQ and into the next location. Continue north at a quick pace until you reach the steps of the island's library. From there, head up the stairs and into the library itself. Once inside the building you need to talk to everybody around. There are four people who will tell you something of interest, the last of whom (the librarian) will offer you something of much importance if you do something for him. First of all talk to the Grobo. He will inform you of Clearwater lake, and island of rebels and some mutant monsters. Secondly, make conversation with the Rabbibunny who will talk about Dr Funfrock's statues on top of Sendell's magical seals. And thirdly, chat with a Spheroid who will give you a couple of clues to a puzzle which you will encounter later in the game. When you've conversed with these three characters, talk to the librarian (the big orange Rabbibunny), and he will promise you access to the Censored Publications Department if you can raise the quality of the local tap water. When you have talked to all these creatures, leave the library again and this time go westwards past the guardpost. As soon as you enter the next screen, run southwards as quickly as possible, because there are two guards concealing themselves under camouflage netting who will attempt to shoot you down if you're not quick enough. Now enter the main part of the town known as The Old Burg, and walk over to the two Rabbibunnies whispering to each other by the wall at the bottom of the screen. As soon as you try to talk to them they will run off, but this doesn't matter, just ignore them and walk though the nearby door. Once inside the building try talking to the female bunny, but you will soon find out that she won't talk until she knows you can be trusted. To prove yourself, leave the house again and head north until you locate a big yellow robot bumping down some steps. Kill this mechanical mouse with your ball of power, then retrace your steps back to the house. This time the female rabbit will talk, but much of what she says is no more than local gossip. Eventually, though, she will say something of use when she points you in the direction of a friend of hers who lives in Peg Leg Street, called Julia. Now you know of this new character it's time to go and talk to her, so leave the house and head south into the next screen. Here, enter the house by the sea and talk to Julia. She will tell you about an astronomer that resides in the town, but before you leave to go and visit him, search the cupboards in her house for health, Kashes and magic bottles. (Charming, huh?) When your search is complete, leave the house and talk to the rabbit by the wall. He will pass you on to his cousin, who will then pass you on to a Grobo locksmith. When the locksmith drops a key, pick it up and use it on the gate, then walk left, past the statues of Dr Funfrock (as mentioned by the Rabbibunny in the library earlier). Enter the building past the statues with the Jerry-can symbol above it (the store) and buy some gasoline and the Mecca Penguin. When you have made the purchases, retrace your steps outside and this time talk to the female Rabbibunny standing by the wall. She will tell you how to pass the Supergro guarding the steps towards the right of the screen, so follow her instructions and sprint past the distracted elephant. Once past there, walk right and ascend the stairs onto the roof. Here, stand on top of the grating and press [SPACE] to climb down into the astronomer's room. Once inside the room, talk to the astronomer (called Bob Vortix) and he will tell you about a legend. More importantly, however, he will mention a friend of his who will be able to help you out. He is at Port Belooga. When you have finished talking with him, accept the 15 Kashes, then leave his house by crawling through the little hole at the bottom of the screen. Back on the streets of The Old Burg, activate 'Discreet Mode' and sneak behind the Supergro. Past the Supergro, search the flowerpot next to the tavern by jumping over the wall. In the flowerpot you will find an extra life in the shape of a clover leaf. Once you've got that, enter the tavern and talk to everybody there to find out whether they like Principal Island's tap water or not - it seems not. Yuck!! Now seems as good a time as any to sort out this water problem and gain access to the secret books at the library at the same time. To do this good deed, head back to Peg Leg Street where you met Julia earlier. By heading left along this street you should find the road ends in a dead-end, and at this end there is a yellow-coloured motor-bike parked. Wait nearby until the guard leaves the bike, then walk up to it to 'borrow' it for a while! Use the bike to take yourself to the Water Tower. Upon arrival at the tower, climb the staircase, then stand on top of the grating and press [SPACE] again to reveal a hole. Climb down this hole to get into the tower itself, then set about collecting all the power-boosting mushrooms that grow nearby. When you've finished collecting the mushrooms, stand next to the tank of water, press [SHIFT] to call up your inventory, and then [RETURN] to activate the syrup-bottle. This will make you drop the pink solution into the water and make it appetising for the island's inhabitants once again. Once the water has been purified, climb back up the ladder, and make your way back to the motor-bike. Use this to take yourself to Leg Street once again. At Peg Leg Street, go and visit the librarian by retracing your steps all the way back to the library. Once he has tested the water to check it's new flavour we will lead you down some stairs to view a mammoth book on the subject of the legend, the White Leaf Desert and the heir. When you have read-up on this it's time to follow your other lead on this island - the chap at Port Belooga who the astronomer mentioned. To get to there, leave the library and run past the guard post again. This time, however, when you get to the screen with the guards under the camouflage netting, head left to the military camp instead of going south. When you reach the sandbags, jump over them before continuing up, past Dr Funfrock's statue, making sure you avoid the Robot Rabbibunny that guards the square. Continue past the three wooden toilets and the tents, and walk up to the green buggy. Use the buggy as you did the yellow motor-bike to take yourself to Port Belooga. When you reach the port, head down the pier and chat with the Rabbibunny sitting dangling its feet in the water. Because you are an acquaintance of the astronomer, he offers you a lift anywhere in his boat in return for 10 Kashes. Accept his offer and choose White Leaf Desert as your destination. Part 3 - White Leaf Desert ---------------------------- When you reach your destination you will be dropped off on some rocks just off the island. Jump across these rocks in the direction of the island making sure you avoid the machine-gun fire emanating from the pillbox on the island. Upon arrival at the beach, use your ball of power to kill any guards in the vicinity. Collect any items that the guards drop, especially the key dropped by the guard nearest the fence, because you then need the use of this to enter the compound to the south. Once in the compound, walk over to the desert and approach the old chap with the guitar. After talking to him for a while you'll learn that he's looking for a sacred book which is in the underground temple accessed by the chimney by his side. Drop down this chimney and you enter a temple. This section of the game is split into two parts. The first part is completed by locating a small white statue and pushing this across traps and platforms to another pedestal. This action will open a door allowing access to the second part of the temple. This can be quite annoying because things happen too quickly for you to consider what you're doing, so you often make wrong moves. Anyway, when you complete this task with the statue, go through the door that opens and you get to part two. Part two of the temple is 'guarded' by a massive log covered in spikes which rolls down the various passageways, forcing you to fall through gaps in the floor or die! Whenever this approaches you must hide to one side and let it roll past. Apart from this log there are lots of creatures to shoot as well. In the end, if you are very skilful and lucky you will find the Book of Bu which gives you the power to read ancient runes and advances you to the second magic level (resulting in your ball of power turning to green). Once you have the book in your possession, return to the desert, and reapproach the old man who wanted it. He will tell you that you should return home because you are the heir to some ancient ancestral artifacts. Okay, so do as he says. Get back to the boat and this time select your destination as Citadel Island. When you arrive run back to your house and locate your cellar then enter the barrel to get to a secret grotto. Ever since you got the Book Of Bu you are able to read ancient runes (as I said earlier), so you can now read the legend on the door. These runes tell that there are locked doors guarding your inheritance (the ancestral weapons) and these can only be unlocked by a key that the pirate LeBorgne stole. It says that this key is now hidden in his treasure. Now head back to the Citadel Island port. Upon arrival, approach the elephant with the block puzzle from earlier, and buy a ticket off him. Now take the ferry back to Principal Island. When you arrive, go to The Old Burg area again and chat to the rabbit by the wall. He will tell you that LeBorgne's log is for sale somewhere in The Old Burg. Where else would something be for sale but a shop, you might ask, so head to the shop where you bought the gasoline and Mecca Penguin earlier, and talk to the shop-keeper about it. Unfortunately the log is no longer for sale because it was just sold to the librarian! Now you'll have to chase after it by running over to the library! When you reach the library ask the librarian about the pirate's log and he will point you in the direction of an elephant at the back of the library. This elephant will read you sections of the book to your heart's content, but the only section of interest is "LeBorgne's Treasure". By listening to this you will find that the treasure's on Proxima island! Finding out this new information makes Proxima island visible on your Holomap, so you can now travel there straight away. Do this by going back to the military camp again and using the green buggy to get to Port Belooga. This time, the astronomer's friend doesn't want to take you on his boat so you will have to find some other means of transport to get yourself to the new location. Fortunately, a spheroid is on hand to sell you a catamaran for 200 Kashes. If you do not have enough money, stroll around the area a bit until you do, because this is the only way you're going to get to Leborgne's treasure. When you get enough cash, but the vehicle and set-off for Proxima Island. Part 4 - Proxima Island ------------------------- When you arrive at Proxima Island you'll dock at Proxim City and soon find out that LeBorgne's treasure, the one with the key that you need, is kept in the city museum. Unfortunately, though, you can't just stroll in and take possession of the key; you must make an ingenious plot to recover it in secrecy. When you dock, approach and chat with the hairdrier salesman for a bit and he'll offer one of his products for 30 Kashes. Accept this offer then enter the building by the snoozing guard and converse with the resident elephant. He will tell you all about the museum's security system, and especially about the pressure- sensitive floors. When you've finished talking with him, use the gratings as entrances to the sewers below and acclimatise yourself with this underground network, as you'll be spending a long time in it later. Anyway, when you've finished looking around, return to ground level the way you came and leave the building back into the street. This time open the gate by the museum to gain access to a shop and a house. If you have a coffee-pot in your inventory which you have picked up earlier in the game, give this to the elephant who lives in the house and he will give you a list of all the extra life locations in the game. If, once you've given him the coffee-pot, you then talk to him again, he'll also give you an electronic keypad which will open a door in the Teleportation Centre. However, it is not vital to have either of these two objects in order to complete the game. Now walk back to the dock again, and this time head west, out of the city, and into a new screen. This time enter the building with the large hole in it, and talk to inventor you will find in there. When you've finished learning about what he's doing, give him the hairdryer and then offer to test his jetpack. As well as getting a great mode of transport he will give you a nice 10 Kashes which may come in useful later on. When you have taken the money leave his house again and this time try and gain access to the other house on the screen (with a chain across its door). Doing this will alert a Groboclone which will teleport into the screen to stop you, so defeat this with your ball or power and he will drop the exact key needed to go through this chained door. Once inside this second house talk to the resident rabbit and you'll learn about his brother's plight in Dr Funfrock's HQ on Principal Island. He tells you that if you can find out about the brother for him, he'll give you a red security card! Now it just so happens that you need this card to win the game so you're gonna have to help this poor creature out. To do that, take your catamaran back to Principal Island and enter the HQ. Find the jail-cell beneath the machine-gun emplacement and talk to the resident rabbit. Once he's finished talking, head back to Proxima Island again, go back to the house with the rabbit, and you will be given the card as promised. You now have all you need to access LeBorgne's treasure in the museum so head over there right away and get ready for some exciting action. Upon arriving at the museum, use the red keycard you were just given on the locked door. When you get inside the building, have a look around the place making sure you see the treasure chest and pirate flag on the upper platform. When you've acquainted yourself with the area, exit the building via the grating in the floor to reach the sewers again. Now comes the sneaky bit!! First use the lift to get into the jail area, then wait for the elephant to turn his back before pushing the button on the wall to sound the alarm. As soon as the alarm starts ringing, return to the sewers through the mini-panel in the wall past the jail, then go back up into the museum via the grating that you used earlier. When you get back to the museum, use the jetpack so you don't have to walk on he pressure-sensitive floor and set off even more alarms. Make sure you don't use any weapons whilst you are in mid-air otherwise your jetpack will cut-out and you'll fall onto the alarmed floor! First of all land on the pirate flag display and collect the flag, then go up to the next floor and follow around the wall until you reach the treasure chest. When you get to the chest, search it until you find the ancestral key, then take this and fly back to the grating before escaping through this into the sewers. The security robots in the museum can be avoided by not moving since they detect movement not presence. As this is the case, point Twinsen towards the wall and you should stay safe. When you are safely back in the sewers, exit back to the streets via the building with the elephant, and make your way back to your catamaran. Now sale back to Citadel Island again, and when you arrive make your way back to your house. Now go into your cellar again and you this time open the door with the ancestral key to find Gawley's Horn and Sendell's Medallion. The latter of these will snowball your magic up to level 3. When you've done that, read the runes on the tablet on the wall to find out about the runic stones, then use Gawley's Horn on the 'S' symbol to reveal five extra lives in the shape of clover leaves. Now exit your house once again, retrace your steps to your catamaran, then use the flag with this before leaving for Rebellion Island. Part 5 - Rebellion Island --------------------------- When you dock at this new location, walk over to the Rabbibunny soldier in/by the bunker and talk to him. He will tell you to drive the buggy many miles to go and see the leaders of the rebellion in their camp. Do as the Rabbibunny says, and when you get to the camp, chat with the Spheroid hiding under the camouflage netting who will ask you to rescue Colonel Kroptman. He is, apparently, the leader of the rebellion who is being held hostage in the Hamalayi mountains in a snow fort. Just before you do as the Spheroid says, collect some more fuel, then use the buggy to return to the harbour. When you arrive, talk with the commando rabbit again, and you will automatically enter the landing craft ready for your assault to rescue Colonel Kroptman. When the landing craft has dropped you off at the base of the Hamalayi mountains make sure you see where the catamaran drifts to since you'll need it again later on. Now yourself and the commando rabbit must fight it out against Dr Funfrock's forces, but you must take the lead because the rabbit will only follow you and not go ahead. However, it is still advantage for him to be there because he can help you out with some of his grenades if you encounter an enemy you are finding it difficult to dispatch with only your magic ball. Anyway, first of all, shatter the transmitter on top of the first building as this is the enemy's only link to the outside world, and without it they won't be able to call for help. When that has been destroyed, continue to your left killing all the soldiers and destroying the machine-gun emplacements. After a while your commando-rabbit partner will suggest that you use a tank to help get to the fortress. This is a good idea, as you can imagine, and when you get into the tank you will see that it automatically rolls 'left' towards the fortress gates, then blasts them open so you can get inside the fort's grounds. Once you are through this gate, kill the two Robot Robobunnies and the soldier, then open the gates marked 'F' and run upstairs. As you are going upwards, kill the two guards and collect the keys they leave, then do the same for the scientist wearing a white coat when you meet him. At the top go through the door on the right. Don't bother with the other two doors as these are linked with a passage and don't lead anywhere else at all! Once through the door dispatch the red Grobo with your ball of power, then collect the key that he leaves behind and use this on Colonel Kroptman's cell to free him. When the colonel is free, hurry right, kill the final grobo, then use the mini hatch built into the wall to escape outside onto the snowy slopes. From outside, walk right, off the screen, still with the colonel and the commando rabbit, and you will be shown a 'cool' animation of the snowy slopes etc. When the animation's over and you take control of the game again, use the snowboard to ski to the bottom of the slope. At the bottom you can take the ski-lift back up to the top if you want another go at skiing. When you're bored of skiing, talk to the chappy by the ski-lift, then follow the edge of the screen along to the right until you get to an exit between two trees. Take this exit into the next screen. Now its time for another good deed - saving the villagers from a band of mutants. When the battle's over and the mutants are exterminated, talk to each of the villagers in turn, then collect the clover leaf that's dug up for you. After you've chatted for a while, head into the centre of the village and examine the huge pot of soup. As soon as you touch this pot a new rabbit will appear and offer to show you the sacred carrot (wow, wot a thwill!) if you demolish Dr Funfrock's mutant factory. Agree to this task then follow the female rabbit as she approaches the bottom of the screen. When she opens a secret passage, drop down the hole and talk to the elephant sitting on the dock. When you've finished talking, head right and kill the red Grobo with your ball. When the red Grobo's a gonner, enter the shuttle building and talk to the green Grobo. Once he has activated the ground shuttle for you, head around the gate and drop onto the shuttle when it opens. As soon as the shuttle arrives at the mutant factory, go right and destroy the scientist (in the white coat) before he can sound the alarm (remind you of a certain prison cell at the start of the game?) Now knock-out the Robot Rabbibunny before rushing round the corner and exterminating all the mutants on the tables. Once these are all dead too, go left and demolish the green- coloured eggs in the pit. This can be a little difficult. In order to do it I recommend you watch how the eggs move and react to the shots from your ball of power, then move around and adjust your shots accordingly. As soon as all the eggs have been demolished, the screen will flash red. Quickly run back through the room with the lab tables and through the next screen (the tunnel). In the next screen head into the control room and quickly kill the guard. Now turn your attention to the control panel. This panel has three levers, and the solution lies in what the Spheroid told you in the library back near the start of Principal Island. If you don't remember, you were told to pull the right-hand lever first, then the middle one twice. When you've done this, exit the control room and drop off the ledge. As soon as you land on the lower platform, sprint through the open door to avoid the mutant hiding below. Once through the door, kill the second mutant then use a nearby fuel can to replenish your gas. Now take the buggy back to the village again, and head over to the pot of soup for a second time to grab the attention of the rabbit. Now he will lead you to the sacred carrot as promised. Walk through the hole to get to the coast again, and this time run left along the dock. Kill the guard by the gate then ascend the stairs, killing three more guards as you go. Now cross the bridge and approach the gate. Unfortunately you need a blue keycard to open this gate, so retrace your steps through the carrot, down the secret hole, along the ledge, destroying the machine-gun emplacement as you go, and finally dropping down behind the fence. Now walk left until you reach your catamaran, and depart in this to White Leaf Desert. There, use Gawley's horn again, this time on the 'S' symbol carved into the rockface. Complete the easy maze and talk to the Elf you find. In return for freeing him, he will give you the blue keycard, giving you lifetime membership to the Elf Club. Before you go and use this keycard on the gate at the Hamalayis, use your catamaran to get back to Proxima Island again. There, use the yellow motor-bike and green buggy to drive to two different stones. First, go to the Marked stone and use Gawley's horn on the 'S' symbol, then go to the Eclipse stone and take the magic flute. Now go back to the catamaran again and ride back to the Hamalayi Mountains. When you arrive, follow the coast-line around and kill the guard to open the gate. Now go to the gate opened by the blue keycard, and this time go through it. Once through the gate, kill at least one guard so you can get a key that they leave, then climb down the ladder and bump-off the red Grobo when you get to the bottom. Now go round the corner to reach Clearwater lake. Go around the lake and use the flute on it and you will get another animation. When the animation's ended, fill your bottle with water form the lake and your magic level will advance to four. Now enter the boat bobbing in the water and travel in it to Tippet island. Part 6 - Tippet Island This island is made up of loads of underground caverns. When you reach it, chat to everybody you see including the rabbit wearing flared white trousers who'll tell you about the teleportation and cloning centres. If you go through the first door you will reveal a shop where you can buy provisions for the rest of your adventure. When you're ready, head through the metallic gate at the top of the screen, then dash past the two elephants and enter the Twinsun bar. In the bar, talk to the rabbit on the stage and the barman. You'll find out that you will be shown to a secret passageway in the bar if you can get a guitar for the band. To get this guitar you will need to give the magic flute to the old bloke by the chimney on White Leaf Desert. Simply use the hydroboat to get back to Hamalayi, then the catamaran to get to the desert. When you've given the old man the flute he'll give you his space guitar. Now retrace your steps on the two water- vehicles and return back to the bar again. Now give the guitar to the band to cheer them up, then talk to the barman again. This time he will open a secret passageway, so drop down into this and walk along care[fully until you come out at the top of a hill. At the hill, talk to the Dino-Fly and it'll let you climb onboard it before flying you to Fortress Island. Part 7 - Fortress Island -------------------------- When you arrive at Fortress Island, chat to the Rabbibunnies and they will offer to dig you a tunnel into the fortress if you can disable the Teleportation Centre. To do this you will need the plans to the centre, so go back to Tippet island again and talk with the Groboclone. For 50 Kashes he'll tell you that the plans are in Dr Funfrock's safe in his HQ!! (What a cheapskate!!) You're going to have to go and get these plans so sail back to Principal Island in your catamaran. When you dock at the island approach the fortress (HQ) and use the red and blue keycards to gain access to the building. When you get inside, free the Rabbibunny who will tell you of an escape route, then head into Funfrock's office. Funfrock, for some reason, will destroy his own guard before teleporting away! Once he has done this, free the elephant in the cell and open Funfrock's safe. Unfortunately, your search for the plans is not yet over because they have been moved again!! This time they have been taken by your next-door neighbour (the architect), so head back outside, and take the catamaran back to Citadel island again. When you arrive, walk to your house and then go next door to the architect's house. Talk to the architect and he will give you a security pass. When you have this, return to the port and this time go to Brundle Island. Part 8 - Brundle Island ------------------------- At Brundle Island, use the security pass to sneak into the Teleportation Centre, then find the row of teleports. Jump on each teleport, one at a time, and they will blow up. Now jump onto the control panel too, and the centre will be destroyed. To flee the building, approach the broken wall at the bottom of the screen and jump over it, then drop down from the statue before leaving the building completely. Now get back to the catamaran again and ride to Fortress Island. Now you have destroyed the Teleportation Centre, the rabbit will dig a tunnel into the fortress for you once you have entered the fortress, and killed the guards with your ball of power. Once inside the building you will find a robot clone looking exactly like Zoe. When you free 'her' from the cell thinking 'she' is Zoe, you will captured by the doctor himself. Don't worry, this is exactly what you want to happen! Dr Funfrock will tell you the rest of the plot then throw you in another prison cell. This cell is almost exactly the same as the one you were in at the start of the game, and can be escaped in the same way. When you are out of the cell, recover possession of your belongings from the locker, then head into the cloning room. Once inside here, kill as many of the robots as you can with your ball of power, then head over to the far wall where you will find another 'S' symbol. Use the horn on this to make a hole in the wall, then climb through here to find the third runic stone. At the stone you will find out the location of the Well of Sendell, and also a magical sword. Now use the flask of water on the stone and you'll see an animation of the building exploding, and you will end up standing looking at the ruins. Walk back into the ruins and exit the screen into a construction site. Explore this site until you find a green Grobo, then talk to him until he gives you the key to the unused bulldozer. When you have the key, use it to get the bulldozer going, then use the bulldozer to move the rocks that block your passage northwards. When the path is clear, follow it around, dodging soldiers, vehicles and workmen as you walk. When you get to the gate, open this and go through towards the Well Of Sendell. The Well itself is at the top of a massive green-rock mountain with three workers drilling on it. Kill these workers, then climb the rock to find Dr Funfrock and Zoe - this time the real one! Fight with Dr Funfrock for a while, using the magical sword as your weapon. After a while you will force him over the edge of the rock. When this has happened, talk to Zoe, then jump down the Well. At the bottom you will meet up with Dr Funfrock again and this time you must fight to the death. Attack him again and again with your magical sword, and in the end he will hopefully die. When he is dead, head into the darkness and.... ------------------------------------------------------------ CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE COMPLETED LITTLE BIG ADVENTURE!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Solution Compiled and Written by :- -²²²²²²²²²²²²²- SIMON BURROWS -²²²²²²²²²²²²²-