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Ý ============================================================================== THE SEVEN MISSIONS OF THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED SAGA :- 1) The Broken Seal 2) Bethrezen's Retreat 3) The Dark Alliance 4) The Salty Dungeon 5) Darkness and Light 6) The Ambush 7) The Prince of Hell ============================================================================== BRIEF NOTES BEFORE WE GET STARTED This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :- In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in [squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be Ashkael, who would be shown as [Ashkael] as he is IN the city and, in his case, cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city (as in, healing there, etc.) Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right. Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a challenging task, as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up - basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you play as the Legions of the Damned in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both light-hearted, and informative. Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their cities). Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading this !! ============================================================================== 1) The Broken Seal BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Ten years ago Bethrezen, God of the Legions of the Damned, was imprisoned by the Mountain Clans. Without his leadership, the Legions were scattered to the winds, fleeing the reprisals of the other races, and going into hiding as quickly as they could. There they awaited a time when the power of the runic seal would weaken to such a degree that Bethrezen might be freed. ... but ten years later, the Mountain Clans sent High King Morok Cloudkeeper's Son, Gymner, on a mission to enact the sacred rites which would lock Bethrezen's Infernal Gate for not just another ten years, but what could indeed prove to be a HUNDRED years ... ... but of course, if Gymner were to die BEFORE enacting these rites, the Legions might once again be able to unite themselves with their God ... The first mission and it's a VERY very important one for the Legions - Gymner Cloudkeeper MUST be killed before he is able to enact the rites to strengthen the runic seal on Bethrezen's Infernal Gate. At the start of the level a Dwarven Messenger stumbles upon your Capital City, and threatens you before legging it to tell the Clans of your location. A Cultist wisely suggests that he be slain before he is able to alert the Clans and call for reinforcements. The action then switches to you Boss :) Basically the Cultist is right ... even thought this is your first level and you are just starting out, I would STRONGLY suggest that you assassinate the Dwarven Messenger before he is able to call for reinforcements, otherwise you're just making a rod for your own back ... Although the Dwarven Messenger has legged it out of your field of vision, he is JUST beyond it to the south of your Capital ... and no ... he isn't alone ... he is travelling with two Axe-Throwers ... but you should still be able to take him with even a fledgling army without too many problems, ESPECIALLY when you take into account the REALLY poor initiative ratings which the Mountain Clans' units seem cursed with ;) Once the messenger is slain, one of your Counselors confirms his death, and reminds you that in order for Bethrezen to be freed, the High King's son MUST be slain before he reaches the Infernal Gate ... SO ! No time for smelling the roses ... ONWARD !! =D For your information, the map on this level is not only small, but vaguely symmetrical, and you can use this to your advantage. BASICALLY the map looks like this :- ================================== Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý M Ý I Ý L Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ================================== M = Mountain Clans Capital City I = Infernal Gate L = Legions of the Damned Capital City Gymner Cloudkeeper starts out at the Mountain Clans Capital City and, unless you're REALLY really slow, you can effectively pin him in there, as he won't start his march towards the Infernal Gate unless you a) disturb him, or b) leave it for a REALLY long time before mounting your attack upon him and his troops. So ... having now slain the Dwarven Messenger I would suggest that you mop up the troops surrounding your Capital City, to both increase the experience of your units, and fortify them before moving on to tackle the tougher foes on this level ... Once you take the City of Dunera, one of your Cultists eggs you on, telling you that you MUST hurry to ensure that Bethrezen is freed ... I KNOW THAT LITTLE MAN ! GET OUT OF MY WAY !! (sigh) If you move southwards from the City of Dunera, one of your Cultists warns you of the presence of (gulp) GOBLINS. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew I'm really quaking !! Stop it !!! Even with the Legions in its presently weakened state, Goblins should pose NO problem (thumps his fist on the table in defiance). ONWARD DAMMIT !! If you continue south (as I have, 'coz I will NOT be stopped), a Dwarf zips across from the waters to the west and blocks your path ... he tells you that you "evil creatures" (bless) are not allowed beyond this point, and that you must leave or perish. ... guess we'd better go home then eh ! SOD OFF YOU LITTLE PUNK !!!!!! Kick his butt ... his unit comprises a Dwarf, a Novice and an Axe Thrower. Make sure that you concentrate your attacks (insofar as your are able) on the unit that the Novice empowers, as he will do +50% Damage ;) If (looking at my map (above)) you work your way around the mountain range that blocks your path to the Infernal Gate, you will encounter some Dwarves guarding the Neutral City of Oghock ... once you have slain the first of these units (as you will need to do to get past them), one of your Counselors will tell you that these were mere guards, and that he is sure that the Gate cannot be far from your present location ... (he's right - it's just north !!) [IMPORTANT NOTE: I would strongly suggest securing the gate BEFORE attacking Gymner - that way, if your opening units are not strong enough to fell him, you can have reinforcements waiting for him nearer the gate] ;) [IMPORTANT NOTE: Taking the City of Oghock does NOT automatically mean that you are able to police the corridor leading to the Infernal Gate since, as you will see from my diagram of the level (above), there corridor leading to the Infernal Gate actually splits down the middle as a result of a small mountain range which allows TWO ways to get to the Infernal Gate through the middle passageway ... this basically means that you should focus on using the City of Oghock as a barracks for the creation of units that you CAN use to better police the passageway leading to the Infernal Gate] If you approach the *other* set of Dwarves outside the city of Oghock (the ones to the west), you will overhear a conversation between Guards Thurin and another Dwarf, which goes something like this :- THURIN : "Why's Gymner being sent THIS way ? We could be badger-baiting in Gunthera !!" DWARF : "Och, I denne kenn - he's supposed to be having a concert here I think ... let's hope ticket sales are better than his recent tour of the Underworld ..." THURIN : "Well I guess we'll see - gimme the ale - I'm gonna get plastered." (ahem) One of your Cultists shrewdly observes that they must be guarding the passage which leads to the Gate ! AS I believe I may have just mentioned Mr Cultist, you're right - this IS the way to the gate ... (shakes fist at computer screen). A little while on, one of your Counselors points out that the sluggish Dwarves still don't seem to be aware of your presence on these lands, and that this SHOULD prove to be a powerful advantage to you ... OF COURSE IT WILL !!!!! What the HELL do I pay you people for ??? It's CERTAINLY not to give me advice like THAT !! =O If you approach the Hill Giant to the north-west of Oghock, he will speak to you ... he says :- "Wotan will not tolerate this blasphemy! Prepare yourselves to join your accursed god in oblivion ..." RIGHT !! It's a fight !!!!! ..................... wait just a cotton-pickin' minute ... that CHEEKY little bugger !! He casts a Blizzard spell on you just for good measure !!! (As if his words were not painful enough !! Hee hee - we'll show HIM pain !!) Time to whip out the big guns ... (I would zap his @ss with a spell or two just to show him who's boss and then go in all guns blazing). Once he has fallen and the remainder of the troops surrounding the Infernal Gate (several of which are Mountain Clans units - advanced scouts perhaps ?) have been pacified, you may spend a little while concentrating on fortifying this area before you stage your final attack on Gymner Cloudkeeper and his entourage. After you have made your assault on the Dwarven City of Inthuric, a Dwarf tells you that Gymner is the son of the High King of the Mountain Clans, Morok Cloudkeeper ... and that any harm that befalls Gymner will be vested back upon you BIG TIME. OK pause it. Ever done algebra ? a + b = c ? Let's look at this logically. I foresee two ways to proceed at this juncture :- 1) Free Gymner + Let him get to the Infernal Gate = CERTAIN DEATH for the Legions. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ Tempting ! - or - 2) Kill ALL the Dwarves + Rip Gymner's Head off = VICTORY !! Ooh ! TOUGH CHOICE ... hang on whilst I phone a friend ... BYE BYE LITTLE DWARFIE-POOS =) Taking the City of Inthuric and turning it into an Outpost of Hell is a GREAT idea ... Gymner shouldn't have even BEGUN his march to the Infernal Gate yet, and you can use this City to create even MORE troops to halt his progress ... YIPPEEE !! =D Right. Now that we've taken practically every resource and city on the map ? It's time to kill Gymner. Gymner SHOULD still be just outside the Mountain Clans' Capital City, and is not surprisingly VERY well protected ... you will find the following units outside the Clans Capital :- 1) Axe Thrower, Crossbowman, 2 Dwarves 2) Rock Giant, Axe Thrower, Gymner Cloudkeeper 3) Hill Giant 4) Hill Giant 5) Axe Thrower, 2 Dwarves, King's Guard ("Calderic" in my Saga) Gymner is a level 3 Loremaster and should not be underestimated. Once he has fallen a conversation ensues ... one of your Duke's tells you of the demise of Gymner - Gymner then dies, vowing that his father will avenge his death, and the action then switches to the Infernal Gate, where a Demonologist eagerly awaits the rebirth of Bethrezen ... (AND here he is ... your GOD ... B .........................................) ... what the ............................ this is just a child !!!!! I WANT MY MONEY BACK !! OPPONENTS Mountain Clans CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Dunera 2 Peasants, Thug Oghock [2 Goblins, Orc] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Inthuric [Dwarf, Axe Thrower] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Lair 3 Goblin Archers 100 Gp, Bronze Ring Abandoned Keep Wyvern, Goblin, Goblin Archer 200 Gp, Tome of Arcanum Old Temple Hill Giant 250 Gp, Celerity Scroll Ruined Keep Fiend, 2 Possessed 150 Gp, Orb of Fire EVENTS Event Notes Gymner is here ! The Loremaster Gymner Cloudkeeper is going to seal the Infernal Gate ! LOOT AND PILLAGE Take the map and prepare for the advance of Gymner Cloudkeeper. SLAY GYMNER !!! Kill Gymner to prevent his enacting the rites to close the Gate. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Potion of Protection, Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Healing, Pestilence Scroll, Gold Ring, Imp Orb, Potion of Striking, Potion of Swiftness, Silver Ring, Summon I: Roc Scroll, Unholy Chalice (Artifact). ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 3 x Life Potion, Talisman of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10 Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Pestilence (200 Gp), Weakness (200 Gp) ENDING With Gymner slaughtered, the Legions awaited the emergence of their evil God from the confines of his dark prison ... but instead, a child of just over 12 steps from the shadows, claiming to be Bethrezen. B-U-M-M-E-R !! ============================================================================== 2) Bethrezen's Retreat BRIEFING AND COMMENTS The being that emerged from the Infernal Gate was NOT Bethrezen (DUH !), but rather the lost heir of the Empire - the child Uther. Ten years ago, Bethrezen had chosen this boy as the receptacle for his soul, and when Uther stepped from the shadows as the new ruler of the Legions of the Damned, trees bled and the soil rotted under his feet. There could be no doubt amongst the Legions that this child was the reincarnated Bethrezen. Whilst nobody could fathom WHY Bethrezen would have chosen a mere BOY to house his almighty spirit, this was NOT the time for such questions ... the Undead Hordes were drawing close, and seemed to take more than a passing interest in the events unfolding before them ... Bethrezen would have to be escorted to a safe location IMMEDIATELY, as he was still too weak to risk a full confrontation with the Hordes or any other race for that matter ! At the beginning of the level, Bethrezen pops up to tell you that he is still a bit tired from his ordeal, and must withdraw, but that the next time you meet the Hordes, you will wipe them out ... A Sorcerer responds by concurring with him, and advising him that the mainstay of your forces lie to the north, and that you will assure his safe passage there ... ....................... ME !??!??!?!?!??!?!?! I can barely find my way HOME after work !! Oh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalright ... gimme a map ... Undead forces then quickly surround Bethrezen (which is just peachy - I wanna see what this boy can do !!), stating that he cannot escape and that Mortis has ordered he be slain ... Bethrezen responds by casting two Ignis Potens spells upon the closest troops (one to the north and the other to the south), and then control switches to you !! Your objective on this level is to get Bethrezen to the safety point to the north and just a little bit to the west of his present location. UNFORTUNATELY a mountain range prevents you from just going in a straight line there - you will have to escort him south, then west, then north and finally east to get to the safety point ... this is NOT going to be easy ... I would STRONGLY advocate patience on this level, as if you just leg it with Bethrezen he WILL die and you will lose the level ... First thing is first. Bethrezen is SURROUNDED by Undead Forces. For your information, Bethrezen's unit comprises Bethrezen, a Devil and a Berzerker, and the units immediately around him are as follows (I have taken into account the fact that he will have already cast a spell on each unit before I comment on them) :- 1) Gangren (a Nosferat), 2 Zombies, Dead Initiate 2) 2 Zombies 3) Zombie, 2 Dead Ghosts 4) Gozlen'ha (a Death Knight), 2 Fighters, Dead Initiate 5) Zombie, Dead Initiate 6) 2 Zombies Units 1-5 will have been weakened by the spells - Unit 6 (the 2 Zombies) is at full strength. Take Bethrezen one way or the other ... do NOT send him around mopping up troops for TWO very good reasons :- 1) He'll die, 'coz he's not strong enough. 2) It's better to allow your chosen units (i.e. your strongest leader) to grab all the XP ;) Since you will have to go south to get to the END of this level, I would send Bethrezen south right from the outset. To my mind it doesn't really matter too much whether you attack the Undead on the way through or not - they WILL all catch up with you, and if you do attack them then you are only really going to slow yourself down. It's up to you really !! ;) If you move Bethrezen around too much, one of your Cultists will chastise you, saying that it would be wise to ensure Bethrezen's safety before exploring the lands ... IGNORE HIM ... YOU are the boss - YOU know best ... in fact ? HIT HIM for being so stupid ;) There ... now we can proceed ... :"> I believe your aim should be to get Bethrezen safely entrenched within the City of Oghock. It is central, which means it can easily be assailed strategically, but the AI on this level coupled with the fact that only the Undead are actively looking for Bethrezen SHOULD mean that once he is in there, you can clear a safe path for him with your other troops and thereby GREATLY improve your chances of beating this level ;) Once you have managed to get Bethrezen safely tucked away inside Oghock you should make sure he is well protected and JUST LEAVE HIM THERE until much later on in the level. By all means build the city up to level 5 and stock it fully with troops - he will be fine ;) Turning now to your Capital City, you REALLY need to take the City of Tsullen'hish in order to avoid having your precious resources STOLEN by the perfidious (the narrator uses that word - I have NO idea what it means ... hang on a tick ...) (runs a search on yourdictionary.com) Perfidious = of, relating to, or marked by perfidy (GEE THANKS !!) ... oh ... treacherous. QUITE why they couldn't just say treacherous is beyond me !!! ANYWAY ... :) ... stolen by the TREACHEROUS Undead Hordes ;). You will find the City of Tsullen'hish to the north-east of your Capital City. Send some units across the waters to the east and then north once they reach the edge of the map, and you will find the City of Tsullen'hish ... it's quite well guarded, but I would suggest taking it as quickly as possible to avoid the Undead sending Hordes (pardon the pun) of their Hordes through the gap and right up to your Capital. Once you have taken the City of Tsullen'hish an Initiate (ooh scary !!) pops up to tell you that Mortis will slay Uther and there's NOTHING you can do to stop her. ... we'll see !! ;) If you take the Neutral City of Dunera, a Hill Giant tells you that the Clans will not forget your attack on the High King's son, and that you WILL pay for your actions ... ... but who cares !! ;) If you take the City of Luycyx, a Counselor tells you that his scouts have spotted Undead troops on the lands, and that they come from all sides ... he suggests you rest there and then press on towards a safe spot for Bethrezen. ... um ... didn't I just say that ? Nevermind ... If you approach the Lizardman to the south-east of the City of Luycyx, he comes running out to you to ask for your help. He tells you that he needs you to take the Totem in the chest beside him to his tribe, and that they will reward you for your assistance. Then he disappears ! VERY odd. True to his word, the chest beside him contains an Agshlisga Totem, being a totem which represents a serpent being (or a Mr Potatohead depending on whether you look at the picture BEFORE reading the description or not) ;) ANYWAY. His "tribe" is in the south-westernmost corner of the map ... (just travel west from the City of Luycyx until you reach the Hideout, then west a bit, south-west until you reach the City of Krazius, and then due west and you will reach his tribe). FOR YOUR INFORMATION, the "reward" he speaks of ? Is POOR ... basically your path is blocked by a Lizard Man who tells you that this is the domain of the Shirlllessh tribe, and that you will be attacked if you venture further, to which a Medusa comes rushing past him, takes the totem off you, tells you you're a sweety and gives you a Runestone (Artifact) in return !! To the west of the Crumbled Keep you will find a Spearman who tells you that you must leave as his people cannot tolerate your presence on these lands any longer, and that if you DO stay, they will be forced to fight you ! Okay ... if we were the Empire ? Or the Clans ? I might have listened to this guy ? BUT DAMMIT WE'RE THE BADDIES !! SCREW HIM !!!!! Rip his HEAD off or something :"> After a while of clearing up the map you will be able to approach a passageway that runs from the Human controlled lands in the center of the map to the north, towards the Undead Capital. As you approach the entrance to this passageway, a Specter appears before you to tell you that "all those who enter Mortis' territory shall feel her powers". One of your Sorcerers responds by advising you that this is the only passage to the north, and that whilst the Undead Hordes ARE quite obviously awaiting your arrival, you have no choice but to fight them ... ... that being said it's time to put foot to @ss and push through the Undead Hordes !! REMEMBER that Bethrezen should still be safely tucked away inside the City of Oghock - there is NO point in bringing him out until you are ready ... [IMPORTANT NOTE : Whilst you can explore the WHOLE MAP with your finest units, and even go right up to the point where you are supposed to take Bethrezen (I wouldn't suggest doing this as it will remove the blue marker from the map and that might lead to your getting confused as to where exactly you are supposed to take him), you will NOT know about the trap the Undead have planned for Bethrezen until it's too late ... well ... unless you're reading THIS of course ;) Basically if you look at the map JUUUUUUUUUUST as you are crossing the final stretch of water from the Undead Capital to the blue marker there is a hidden trap which ONLY Bethrezen can activate, and which he MUST activate to get to the end of the level. When you reach this point, a Call Decay Dragon Spell is cast upon Bethrezen's Unit, and the following units teleport onto the map in his vicinity :- 1) Death, 2 Werewolves, Death Knight (Honir'ya in my Saga) 2) Doomdrake, Specter, Lich Queen (Shagherul in my Saga) 3) Doomdrake, Death, Nosferat (Zythaar in my Saga) Once you have killed all these units (of if you are REALLY quick with Bethrezen) you can proceed to the end !! I would STRONGLY suggest that you take as many units with you as you can at this point, as it may LOOK like just three units to you, but the leaders are VERY very powerful, and in all likelihood if Bethrezen tries to take them all on by himself he WILL not make it !!] OPPONENTS Undead Hordes, Human Resistance CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Dunera Hill Giant, Crossbowman Luycyx Hill Giant, Rock Giant [Polar Bear] Krazius 2 Goblins, Ogre Kuelluran [Spearman, 2 Man at Arms] Inthuric [2 Spearmen, Knight, Cleric] Oghock [2 Orcs, 2 Goblin Archers] UNDEAD CITIES Name Inhabitants Tsullen'hish [Wyvern, Zombie] Thaaxull [Warlock, Specter, Fighter, Zombie] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Perthin 2 Master Thugs, Archer 150 Gp, Potion of Strength Crumbled Fortress Goblin, Goblin Archer 30 Gp Hideout 2 Goblin Archers, Ogre 500 Gp, Summon Living Armour Scroll Antique Temple Deathdragon, Ghost 600 Gp, Banner of Protection (the above is the Antique Temple near Krazius) Antique Temple Imperial Knight, Mage, 2 Imperial Assassins 400 Gp, Call Decay Dragon Scroll (the above is the Antique Temple near Kuelluran) Crumbled Keep 2 Goblin Archers 35 Gp, Goblin Orb Lost Mastaba 2 Wyverns 200 Gp, Sapphire Ruined Tower Deathdragon, 2 Specters, Initiate 1,000 Gp, Tome of Water EVENTS Event Notes Undead Raid !!! The Undead surround and assault Bethrezen !! BUGGERHEADS !! Help the Lizards Act as errand boy for the Lizard Man and his totem ... if you wanna ... Human insults The PITIFUL Humans tell you not to enter their lands. BAH !! It's a Trap !! Bethrezen is caught by the Undead in a sinister trap just on the finish line !! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 3 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Protection, 2 x Life Potion, Pestilence Scroll, Zombie Orb, Ice Storm Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Call to Arms Scroll, 2 x Emerald, Bronze Ring, Orb of Earth, Potion of Swiftness, Healing Ointment, Orb of Vigor, Potion of Accuracy, Ruby, Lizard Man Orb, Sanctuera Scroll, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Potion of Speed, Bronze Ring, Staff of Thunder, Silver Ring, Weakness Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) Treeback Potion, 3 x Life Potion, Quicksilver Potion. SHOPS Name Sells Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Blizzard (200 Gp), Hymn of the Clans (400 Gp), Stone Rain (400 Gp) Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Protection x 2, Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Speed x 1 Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb of Life x 1, Orb of Vigor x 1 Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Banner of Speed x 1 ENDING With Bethrezen now safely escorted from harm, it is time to turn your attentions to rebuilding his Empire, for you will have certainly drawn yourselves to the attention of the enemies of the Legions with Bethrezen's 'rebirth' in Nevendaar. ============================================================================== 3) The Dark Alliance BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Hubert de Layle, the nephew of the treacherous aristocrat Bernard of Cahuzak (a noble who rebelled against the Empire during the First Great Wars and was discovered and slain for his treachery), was targetted by the Legions as a likely ally in their struggle to rebuild their shattered Empire. De Layle's corrupt soul and taste for the darker side of things would surely mean he could be ... swayed ... to seeing the Legions' point of view ... :"> At the start of this level, De Layle pops up on your screen to threaten you and tells you basically that he will bomb you back to the stone age for intruding upon his lands. He also sends you a letter, in response to your request to be his new friends, which reads :- "Dear Mr Bethrezen, Thank you for your recent application to become one of Hubert De Layle's buddies. As you will doubtless be aware, Mr De Layle is a *very* busy man, and as such cannot take the time to comment on each application he receives personally, but in this case you will be pleased to note that he has made an exception, and has asked us to deliver the following message to you. "SCREW YOU" Trusting that the above remains clear, we remain, The soon to be slaughtered masses, De Layle's Castle" NEEDLESS to say Bethrezen, who is still a bit cranky, and hasn't had a good day to say the LEAST, is more than a little unimpressed by this tone, and sets out to "convince" De Layle that he should ally with the Legions. Right. Your objective on this level is to ALLY with Hubert de Layle. Note the key word in that sentence ... A-L-L-Y ... as in, NOT declare open war on him and slaughter all his troops. In Disciples 2 there are THREE ways to become somebody's Ally :- 1) Buy their friendship 2) Kill their enemies to earn their friendship 3) Ask for their friendship. As you will see, at least at the OUTSET, option 3 doesn't seem to be working ... De Layle is too busy with his playthings to want to be your friend ... so you'd best work on a combination of options 1 and 2 to complete this level. There is, however, Option 4 which I have yet to mention, and which DOES ACTUALLY WORK :- 4) KILL EVERYBODY AND THEN GO FOR OPTION 1. Obviously this has certain drawbacks ... a) You've KILLED all his troops, so you're going to have to be VERY rich to apologise for that ... b) It'll take AAAAAAAAAGES 'coz you'll have to conquer the entire map first. How you do this level is entirely up to you, but by far the simplest (and it has to be said BIFFEST) way of winning here is to simply hold your units in your capital and pay De Layle all your gold on a regular basis ... this will increase your popularity and eventually HE will offer to ally with you and the level will end !!) [ LATE BREAKING NEWS !! I have just been advised by LenDBZ that there is ANOTHER way of getting the fat freak to ally with you, which I had NO idea about !! Apparently you can get him to ally with you by taking Bethrezen and moving him right up to De Layle's Capital City, and De Layle's end dialogue will commence !! Obviously I would still advise that you take care to mop up the troops en route BEFORE you send Bethrezen off to De Layle's Castle if you you this option, but THANK LENDBZ for bringing it to my (and consequently YOUR) attention !! ] =) In an attempt to cover all angles, I'm going to a regular walkthrough for this level ... Bethrezen charges out of your Capital and urges you to march on and conquer ... he makes me laugh ... whether he's Uther OR Bethrezen, he's ALWAYS got that totally arrogant streak !! I would stock up and then eject your leader and his units from the Capital and then put Bethrezen back in there for the duration of the level ... you can send him out and about to mop up weak units should you wish, but if he dies it's MEGA badness for the Legions ;) If you take the city of Ablliven you will get treated to a history lesson by a Master Thug, who tells you that Bernard of Cahuzak was Hubert de Lalye (BAD spelling)'s Uncle, and that Bernard rebelled against the King during the First Great Wars 10 years ago ... When Hubef falls, one of your Sorcerers reminds you that it lies awfully close to the Clans territory, and that an abundance of caution would be a good idea (he's right) ;) If you capture Tellorum, a Mountaineer tells you that they despised Cahuzak as much as they loathe you, and that you WILL pay for your attack on their city (shyeah RIGHT little man. Should you be worrying about the RAGNAROK ??) ;) Conquering the City of Reffugia gets you chastised by a Peasant that lives there. He says that if the King hadn't abandoned their people, you would NEVER have been able to take them, and wages that De Layle himself sent you to attack them (FAT CHANCE !!) If you press east from Under's Shop one of your Counselors pops up to tell you that the King HAS abandoned these lands, so you should be able to take them with ease ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ If you take the City of Nahneen, Death threatens Bethrezen (telling him that he will not escape as Mortis has need of him). Once Gunkerth Keep has been won (as you are leaving it in fact) a Cultist steps up to tell you that De Layle burnt this town down after they refused to deliver three virgin girls to him (presumably to sacrifice in one of his banquests). What a twisted little maggot !! =O You MIGHT like to think twice before taking the City of Unlluven (as this is one of Hubert's Cities, and it will REALLY p!ss him off) ;) Once you pass to the north of Unlluven, one of your Sorcerers confirms that you are now entering De Layle's territory, and says (which makes me smile) "He seems as cruel as you are almighty !" WOULD SUCH A FEAT BE POSSIBLE LUV !! =) As you go beyond the path and into the field of skeletons, a Counselor tells you that De Layle impaled all the people you see in the field ... HOW COOL IS THAT BY THE WAY !! Well ... in GAME terms at least ... (( those spikes look sharp !! )) :( Once you have done all the exploring you fancy doing on this level, you can just sit back and buy the Fat Man's friendship with cold, hard cash ... it WILL take a little while (he's not going to just forget the fact that you have UTTERLY decimated his ENTIRE army), but in the end he will give in and accept your alliance over the inevitable. [HINT : Don't try to ally with him - just keep offering him the gold, and he'll offer to ally with you] Once De Layle has offered to ally with you AND you have accepted his offer, he will enter into a dialogue which goes a bit like this :- DE LAYLE : "Oother ? Is that you Oother ??" BETHREZEN : "Yes De Layle ... I need your help (flashes a tenner) look ! See how it shines ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaall the pretty colours :">" DE LAYLE : "You so fly Oother - I will be your bestest buddy ... NOW GIMME THE THING !!" BETHREZEN : (Quickly pockets the tenner) OPPONENTS Hubert de Layle (at the outset), CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Ablliven 2 Thugs, Master Thug [2 Thugs] Nahneen [Death, Dark Lord, Warlock] Reffugia [2 Peasants, Man at Arms] Gunkerth Keep 2 Thugs, 2 Archers, Master Thug MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Hubef [Hill Giant] Tellorum [2 Crossbowman, Mountaineer, Warrior] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Unlluven [2 Imperial Knights, Wizard, Archer] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Odense Spearman, 2 Peasants, 2 Apprentices, Archer 200 Gp, Potion of Might Tower 2 Werewolves, Ghost, Shade 300 Gp, Evil Ent Scroll Kundesa 2 Ghouls, Initiate, Warlock 100 Gp Old Tumulus Dark Lord, 2 Fighters, Ghost 400 Gp, Potion of Fortune Old House 2 Master Thugs, Thug, Imperial Assassin 400 Gp, Silver Ring Lair 2 Ogres, Goblin 300 Gp, Thanatos Blade Haunted Lair Orc, 2 Goblin Archers 400 Gp Crumbled Keep Wyvern, Fighter, Ghost 300 Gp, Zombie Orb EVENTS Event Notes NEED FRIENDS Bethrezen orders you to search the lands and ally with Hubert De Layle OOPS !!! (maybe) You *might* inadvertantly crush a few (or ALL) of his troops - don't worry Threats !! The ickle Dwarfies threaten you from time to time - just ignore 'em BUDDIES !! De Layle finally agrees (probably with MUCH cash spendage) to be your pal ! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 3 x Potion of Healing, Silver Ring, 2 x Life Potion, Ruby, Plague Scroll, Potion of Air Warding, Potion of Protection, Chain Lightning Scroll, 2 x Potion of Striking, Orb of Healing, Orc Talisman, Potion of Strength, Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Invulnerability, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, Emerald, Talisman of Bane, Fog of Death Scroll, Orb of Thunder, Potion of Speed, Bronze Ring, Orb of Nosferat, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Pestilence Scroll, Orb of Earth, Treebark Potion, Imp Orb, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Speed, Seafaring Scroll, Potion of Celerity, Banner of Striking, Orb of Water. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 4 x Life Potion, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Healing. SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10 Othon's Tower (Magic Shop) Haste (400 Gp), Holy Strength (600 Gp), Holy Armour (600 Gp) Gunther's Camp (Mercenary) Goblin (50 Gp), Goblin Archer (50 Gp), Orc (300 Gp) Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Invulnerability x 2, Potion of Protection x 2, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Accuracy x 2 ENDING Hubert, realising that his career advancement prospects would be GREATLY increased through supporting the Legions, establishes an alliance with their people ... his is tasked with creating chaos in the Empire, and attempting to steal the Throne from Demosthene. ============================================================================== 4) The Salty Dungeon BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Many centuries ago, the Clans lured the Demon Lord Asteroth in a giant cave, blocked the entrance and filled the chamber with seawater ... ... Asteroth struggled for many many years to free himself from the confines of his salty dungeon, knowing that one day he would be released ... The were tales told of a runic key which could open this prison and release the beast inside, and the Mountain Clans searched in a panicked state for this key, with the intention of destroying it once it had been located. Knowing that Asteroth would prove to be an invaluable ally, Bethrezen sent packs of his demons out to search the land, in an effort to reach the key and free Asteroth before the Clans found the runic key ... ... so begins the search for the Demon Lord Asteroth ! Your mission on this level is quite a simple one really ... you are to find, liberate and recruit the Demon Lord Asteroth. ... the level begins with 4 units of human troops mounting a daring but futile assault upon your Capital. DO NOT WORRY - THEY POSE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THREAT AT ALL TO YOUR CAPITAL CITY. For your reference, the 4 units that are staging their assault as as follows :- 1) Spearman, 2 Peasants 2) Man at Arms, 2 Peasants 3) 2 Man at Arms, Peasant 4) Man at Arms, Peasant, 2 Archers I would begin the level by building a structure, hiring as many units as your leader can handle, and exiting the city with him (he should try and avoid combat) ... then send him off to explore the map and wait for these IDIOTS to attack your capital. TRUST ME YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY. Ashkael can easily despatch anybody attacking your Capital. Your Capital City is in the north-west of the map ... you need to tackle this level in two stages :- A) Find the Runic Key (which is to the south-south-west of you) B) Find, release and recruit Asteroth (who is to the east of you) (The only way you CAN go to begin with is south) [QUICKIE DIRECTION GUIDE FOR THIS LEVEL :- Pick up the Runic Key in the south-western corner of the map. Then go to the City of Kellara and head east ... slay the Green Dragon and keep going East until you reach the Mountain Clans Capital City ... then turn north until you reach Pender's Hall - go west from there until you reach Nvenn, and Asteroth's Prison is to the north of that, just north-west of Hammerpass and south-east of Gameric] If you take the City of Nyceril, one of your Counselors observes that the city's defences were quite weak, and that the lands have probably endured quite a bit of suffering ... If you take the City of Bhaalu the one of your Sorcerers confirms that he can feel Asteroth's presence on the lands, and that he must be somewhere nearby ... If you then try and enter the corridor to the south-west of Bhaalu, a Duke issues a cry for your troops to withdraw, as Undead Forces are pouring forth from the corridor. Before you actually get a chance to comply, however, guess what ? Undead Forces come pouring out of the corridor !! You are attacked by a unit comprising a Specter, 2 Zombies and an Initiate. For your information, however, there are PLENTY more Undead baddies in this corridor for you to attack (should you wish). They are as follows :- 1) 2 Zombies, Initiate, Ghost 2) Deathdragon, 2 Initiates 3) Skeleton Champion, Zombie, Initiate, Warlock, Ghost 4) Doomdrake, Occultist 5) Lich, Ghost, 2 Dark Lords As you approach units 3 and 4, the Occultist (Unit 4) comes rushing to you to tell you that you have strayed too near your enemies, and that Mortis will now crush you and take what she wants from you ... Before you enter the Ancient Dwarf Keep (to the south-west of Jolan's Tower in the south- western corner of the map), one of your Arch-Devils tells you that he feels uneasy about entering the ruins ... he feels that mighty guardians will be protecting the structure ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND he's KINDA right - there's a Son of Ymir guarding the Keep =./ ... but you HAVE to take the Ancient Dwarf Keep because it contains (fanfare) the Runic Key that is required to free Asteroth !! =) As you approach the City of Kellara, three units (2 Skeletons, 1 Evil Ent) materialise to the east of you. What is strange about these units is that they are obviously Undead, but they march under the banner of the Mountain Clans !! VERY odd. ANYWAY ... a Necromancer pops up to tell you once AGAIN that Mortis demands the handing over of the child Uther for her own dark purposes. Just to see what would happen, I fled beyond the movement range of the units, and the 3 units that arise from the ground ARE under the control of the Mountain Clans !! They move on the Clans turn and, as they only last for one turn and I was out of their range, they attacked the City of Kellara !! This COULD be used to your advantage to weaken the troops garrisoned there before mounting your own assault on Kellara ... I guess it depends on whether you can outrun the Mountain Clans UNDEAD (sheesh !!) summons or not :"> Once Kellara has been taken, one of your Counselors confirms that the entireity of the populace there is dead ... As you approach the Green Dragon to the east which blocks your path through the Mountain Clans Territory, you are challenged to a scrap (basically) by a Rock Giant !! He tells you that you are not welcome and you should go, to which Bethrezen responds by saying that these lands will all be his, and bla bla bla ... and the Rock Giant tells him to naff off or suffer the consequences !! REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY !! =O Once you have mopped up these IDIOTS and made your way through the Mountain Clans turf, you will almost be at Asteroth's Prison !! Yippee !!! =) If you decide to take the City of Pender's Hall, a Hill Giant mistakenly heralds you as the bringers of the Ragnarok ... which isn't TECHNICALLY true, but it's a cool mis-identification to be sure !! :) The Orcs inhabiting Luferin refer to you as "Fire Skins" - a term which I think is rather flattering actually !! ;) Hammerpass has a Veteran in it who is SO surprised to see you that he exclaims "By Wotan's Beard !" ................... isn't that kinda like saying "Oh my hairy butt I'm so surprised !" ???? Just a thought (I'll shut up now) =./ INTERESTING NEWS if you take the City of Nvenn, however ... a Dwarf tells you that, following the death of Gymner Cloudkeeper (at your hands - Mission One), High King Morok Cloudkeeper has fallen into madness, and obviously caused SOME sort of disruption amongst the Clans, as this City has seemingly declared its independence ! GREAT NEWS !! =D AND we're almost at Asteroth !! Life is SWEET =) As you approach the City of Gameric, one of your Sorcerers stops you in your tracks to confirm that he senses Asteroth's Prison is VERY near. The camera then pans to the north just a bit and the Sorcerer goes on to say that THIS seems to be the sources of the aura he has been sensing ... that Asteroth's presence is very strong there, and that it is perhaps the entrance to the prison ? The Runic Key must be brought to that location ... If you take the City of Gameric, a Rock Giant pops up to tell you that your efforts are all for naught without the Runic Key .............................. ........................ you mean this one ?? (He says, whipping it out of his pocket). DOH !! ;) Once you have taken the Runic Key to the point the Sorcerer was talking about, one of your Demonologists uses the Key to open Asteroth's Prison, and a Counselor then shows up to tell you that you have opened the prison gate, and Asteroth can't be far (this is true - he's just inside). Stroll in and you will complete the level !! OPPONENTS Mountain Clans CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Nyceril 2 Spearmen, Archer, Apprentice Bhaalu 2 Zombies, Fighter, Death Kellara Templar, Wyvern, Specter [2 Zombies] Nvenn 3 Dwarves [2 Dwarves, Axe Thrower] Pender's Hall 2 Hill Giants [Hill Giant, Venerable Warrior] Gameric Engineer (Drogon in my Saga), Rock Giant [Druidess, Warrior, Rock Giant] Luferin [2 Orc Champions, Ogre] MOUNTAIN CLAN CITIES Name Inhabitants Hammer Pass [2 Forge Guardians, Veteran] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Ancient Dwarf Keep Son of Ymir 500 Gp, Runic Key Old House 2 Titans 200 Gp, Potion of Strength (the Old House above is to the east of the City of Bhaalu) Old House Troll, 2 Orcs 300 Gp, Staff of Travelling (the Old House above is to the east of the City of Kellara) Kassel Archlich, Dark Lord, Ghost, Initiate 300 Gp, Projicere Terra Scroll Abandoned Outpost Ogre, Orc 500 Gp, Sapphire Ruined Tower 2 Dwarves, White Dragon 400 Gp, Banner of Might Rigel Ruin Mountaineer, Forge Guardian, 2 Crossbowmen 300 Gp, Orb of Freezing EVENTS Event Notes Find the Key It's in the Ancient Dwarf Keep in the south-west of the map. Find Asteroth He is east of your Capital City (north of the Clans Capital City). FREE Asteroth Use the key on the gate and enter !!!! ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Orb of Restoration, Emerald, 3 x Potion of Healing, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, 4 x Life Potion, Imp Orb, Gold Ring, Potion of Protection, Zombie Orb, Talisman of Poison, Highfather's Potion (just to the south of Jolan's Tower), Treebark Potion, Talisman of Vigor, Summon I: Skeleton Scroll, Potion of Fire Warding, Banner of Strength, 2 x Potion of Accuracy, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Goblin Talisman, Healing Ointment, Tortio Menta Scroll, Tempest Scroll, Potion of Water Warding, Shadow Scroll, Orc Orb. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 2 x Potion of Restoration, 4 x Life Potion, Potion of Invulnerability, Holy Chalice. SHOPS Name Sells Redden's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Treebark Potion x 3 Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Summon I: Skeleton (200 Gp), Summon I: Roc (200 Gp), Incantare Hellhound (200 Gp) Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3 Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Talisman of Icefall x 1, Ice Shield Scroll x 5, Blizzard Scroll x 5, Ice Spirits Scroll x 2 ENDING With the addition of Asteroth to his army, Bethrezen has amassed an army large enough to DESTROY the Empire and, with this notion in mind, he begins his march towards the Empires' Lands. ============================================================================== 5) Darkness and Light BRIEFING AND COMMENTS In response to the impending threat of a full-scale assault upon the Empire by the Legions of the Damned, the Empire and the Mountain Clans ally together. Bethrezen surveys the situation and decides that in order to strengthen his chances of success in the upcoming war his NORTHERN frontier needs to be strengthened, and so he sends his best troops (i.e. YOU) to seize control of at least 3 Cities in the north, to help maintain the Legions' foothold in that region. Once Bethrezen has vanquished the Empire, he will be able to assume his "true" form, you are assured ... Your objective on this level is to capture the Cities of Sullonia, Tunnsen's Hall and Mallorin. Right. The level kicks off ... BRACE YOURSELVES - I'm going to try VERY slowly to go through the plot here, 'coz it confused even me to begin with ... Hokay. Your goal is to capture the three cities I have mentioned above ... Bethrezen and Asteroth both give you instructions to this effect ... but just before you are able to begin conquering and looting and pillaging (as only the Legions can), an Onyx Gargoyle appears outside the Legions Capital, claiming to be a herald FROM Bethrezen ... "... isn't ... Bethrezen ... in the Capital then ?" is Asteroth's response ... The Onyx Gargoyle responds by saying that Bethrezen FORBIDS you to take your chosen course of action, and that you must cease what you are doing IMMEDIATELY. Bethrezen (as in, YOUR Bethrezen - the possessed child Uther) lashes out, telling you to attack and slay this timewasting traiter. The Onyx Gargoyle, suitably UNimpressed, braces himself for an attack. ... so basically I am to understand that some doubt has just been cast on the sincerity AND VALIDITY of YOUR Bethrezen as being THE Bethrezen. ... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ... OKAY ! Let's go on shall we :"> First off, you have ASTEROTH to keep you company ... and he ROCKS !! So this shouldn't be TOO tricky ... just remember that whilst he's very strong, you need to keep your eye on his health - he WILL be quite an easy target ;) Your Capital City is located in the south-eastern corner of the map ... all three cities are in REASONABLY close proximity to your north-west ... There is a mountain range to the south of your capital, but there is a path around it to the east, and if you go around it and along the southern edge of the map one of your Counselors will tell you that these lands are STILL plagued by the Undead ... but you guys STILL don't know why !! HOWEVER ... if you continue from your present location to the west, just as you cross the body of water blocking your path you will be ambushed by three units of summons, which appear out of thin air around you. A Nightmare engages your units in conversation, the bare bones of which are as follows :- NIGHTMARE : "GIMME THAT BEBE" DEMONOLIGIST : "YA WOT ? NO WAY DUDE ! DIS MAH BEBE ! TELL ME WAH YOU WON HEEM" NIGHTMARE : "WE JUS WON HEEM ... NAH GIV HEEM HIAR NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!" Quick question here. Are you actually going to LISTEN to this idiot ??? I didn't think so ............................ TO WAR !! =D The three units that have been summoned are :- Nightmare, Evil Ent, Evil Ent. The Nightmare is a powerful summon for the Undead but, for some reason, all three units are flying under the banner of the Empire ! [NOTE : I reckon this is because (as with the level where you were ambushed by Undead Units under the control of the Mountain Clans, if Undead Units are summoned onto a map where the Undead has no presence, one of the other players must control them ... this is a bit odd to say the least, considering that other races don't seem to have this problem =./] After you have despatched these morons and are en route to the City of Shrrakha, an Occultist challenges you by saying (in a TOTALLY unecessarily heroic booming voice) "Do you not learn, beasts ? Your evil blood shall be spilled on these battlefields !" WHICH, when you think of it, are PRETTY hollow words coming from a man who's ONLY power is to summon demons in battle ... =./ If you take the City of Shrrakha, a Lizard Man responds by saying "Shrrakha" (with as many extra s's and h's as he can cram in it seems) ... which is interesting ! ... do you suppose that when he's doing other things he just cites nouns at random like that too ? "Teeeeeeeapot" ... "Laaaaaaaamp Possssssssssssssst" and so on ... hmmm ... very interesting ! ANYWAY ... onward !! :) If you complete the loop north and east back to the Capital you can take the City of Davonnin on the way ... to which a Spearman pops up to tell you (basically) that there's no need to be so violent ......................... what ... like you'd just GIVE us your city if we asked you to ? GET OUTTA MY FACE !! =O If you take the City of Stollgeth, one of your Counselors tells you that he can hear the sounds of giants echoing through the mountains to the north, and that these giants must be ... like ... MEGA giants or something, 'coz they sound BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG ="> JUST what we needed eh !! If you approach the Den in the south-westernmost corner of the map (it can only be approached directly from the north of it) you will see first hand what the Counselor was talking about ... ... before you get to the Den, your Counselor comes back to tell you that many scouts have disappeared in this are, and that it's obvious SOMETHING is responsible for their failure to return to you ... ... and here they are !!! The place is SWARMING with Primitive Giants !! These things are HUGE, and they will openly stalk the continents of the map and attack ANY troops they encounter - yours or your enemies ... Once you've taken out this MASS of muscles, you have the DUBIOUS pleasure of taking on the Den ... WHICH you would expect to be controlled by something really *shiver* bad, wouldn't you ? WRONG DUDE. It's got 3 USELESS Goblin Archers and 1 Goblin in it !! TOTAL waste of time ... take out this area ... but ONLY for the XP ;) By the way - for your information ? The leader of the Primitive Giant Clan is called Ukkhenga ... and whilst he has more HP than the other Primitive Giants, ASIDE from that he's not really any different to them ... Once Ukkhenga has fallen one of your Counselors tells you that "the King of the Giants" has been slain, and that henceforth the Giants will fear you ... ... um ... (taps him on the shoulder) ... WHAT GIANTS WOULD THOSE BE ?? WE JUST KILLED THEM ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O The Empire's Capital City has several Angels floating around it - avoid them unless you fancy a scrap (as they are backed up by a variety of Empire Healers ... Once you have taken all 3 Cities, the Northern Borders are yours and the level ends !! =) OPPONENTS Mountain Clans, the Empire. CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Davonnin Thug, Master Thug [Man at Arms, Spearman] Stollgeth 2 Fighters, Specter, Necromancer [Skeleton Champion] Shrrakha 3 Lizard Men, Medusa EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Sullonia Archer, Ranger, Squire, Mage [2 Witch Hunters, Hierophant, Inquisitor] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Tunnsen's Hall Dwarf Champion, Warrior [Dwarf, Elder One, Hill Giant] Mallorin 2 Crossbowmen, Engineer, Dwarf [Rock Giant, Warrior, Druidess] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Haunted Tower Orc Champion, Goblin Archer 200 Gp, Strength Scroll Abandoned Temple 3 Lizard Men, Medusa 400 Gp, Lizard Man Orb Ruined Tower Demon, Devil 400 Gp, Ignis Potens Scroll (The Ruined Tower above is just north-west of your Capital City) Ruined Tower 3 Angels, White Wizard, Hierophant, Prophetess 800 Gp, Tome of Fire (The Ruined Tower above is in the north-western corner of the map) Tower Zombie, Elder Vampire, Vampire 300 Gp, Staff of Protection Old House Orc Champion, 2 Orcs 100 Gp Den 3 Goblin Archers, Goblin 50 Gp, Bronze Ring EVENTS Event Notes Undead Assault Mortis sends a Nightmare and 2 Evil Ents to take Uther/ Bethrezen. Giant Footsteps A Counselor detects the presence of HUGE Giants on the lands. Giant ATTACK !! Primitive Giants pour forth from the den to flood the map. TO WAR !! Capture the 3 Cities !! =) ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 8 x Potion of Healing, Celerity Scroll, Orb of Nosferat, 2 x Potion of Protection, Stone Rain Scroll, Potion of Air Warding, Skeleton Champion Orb, Sapphire, Boots of Travelling, Healing Ointment, Skull Bracers (Artifact), 2 x Potion of Swiftness, Orb of Earth, Potion of Strength, Ice Shield Scroll, Potion of Speed, Orb of Inferno, 6 x Life Potion, Summon I: Roc Scroll, 2 x Silver Ring, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Ruby, Potion of Accuracy, Potion of Striking, Forestwalk Scroll, 2 x Gold Ring, Skeleton Champion Talisman, Staff of Holiness, Ancient Relic, Tormentio Scroll, 6 x Potion of Restoration, Holy Armour Scroll, Bronze Ring, Potion of Might, Pestilence Scroll, Summon II: Evil Ent Scroll, Touch of Mortis Scroll, Orb of Vigor, Emerald, Rot Scroll, Orb of Icefall, Potion of Strength. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 4 x Life Potion, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Talisman of Life, Orb of Restoration. SHOPS Name Sells Unhira's Tower (Magic Shop) Ice Shield (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp), Chant of Hasting (600 Gp), Wotan's Blessing (800 Gp) Kilgen's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5, Orb of Healing x 3, Orb of Restoration x 2, Orb of Regeneration x 2, Orb of Life x 2 Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Treebark Potion x 3 Lergem's Shop (Merchant) Summon II: Evil Ent Scroll x 2, Call Decay Dragon Scroll x 1, Summon Nightmare Scroll x 1, Stone Rain Scroll x 3, Iron Skin Potion x 1 ENDING With Bethrezen's Army having taken the Northern Reaches, news returns via Bethrezen's Scouts that an Undead Army amasses in the East ... ... Bethrezen sends his Legions to engage the Undead Hordes HEAD-ON !! =D ============================================================================== 6) The Ambush BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Aware of the increasing level of Undead Troops amassing in the East, Bethrezen sends Asteroth and the Legions of the Damned to engage the Undead Hordes in battle. Being FAR from foolish, Bethrezen decides to prepare an ambush for the Hordes in the narrow pass through the Mountains of Lorrimik ... there, the Legions would be at their strongest. Your mission on this level is quite straightforward really ... DESTROY THE UNDEAD ARMY !! Right ... so that is your mission ... Get this ... You start off, and a Counselor tells Bethrezen that scouts have examined the terrain, and no trace of the alleged Undead Army could be found ! Bethrezen responds by saying that he knows this already ... The Counselor questions him, asking whether he has been misinformed as to the intended plan - i.e. to set up an ambush for them in the Lorrimik Mountain Pass ... Bethrezen responds by saying that he is NOT Bethrezen (his name now changes to Uther) ... The Counselor is obviously quite surprised by this ... Uther then turns to Asteroth and commands him to destroy YOUR army !! =O Asteroth and Bethrezen, it seems, have plans to rule Nevendaar together (VERY cosy) !! Your objective now changes to "Destroy the Demon Lord Asteroth", and 2 Abyssal Demons draw closer to your Capital City ............... BAAAAAAAAAAD NEWS =( HOWEVER !! Representatives from the REAL Bethrezen's Army then arrive (being as follows) :- 1) Abyssal Demon 2) Demon and IMP !!!!!!!!!! (HOW cr@p !!) 3) Demon and Cultist ... to tell the pseudo-demons controlled by Uther to bugger off ... AND now it's over to you ... ... so all this blurb about Mortis' Undead Army looks like a loada rubbish basically ... Let's go find Asteroth !! You will be pleased to note that the map on this mission is QUITE small. Your Capital is in the south-western corner, and the Empire's Capital is in the north-eastern corner. Asteroth is just north-west of the Empire's Capital. Also interesting to note is that almost ALL the troops on this level are EMPIRE troops ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =./ ... [HINT: If you want to complete this level like a pro, don't faff around - concentrate on eliminating the summoning circle in the north-west FIRST, and then you can explore after ] ;) As you exit the section of the map where your Capital is located (basically its in a clearing in a mountain range in the south-west of the map), one of your Dukes pops up to tell you that the Empire has allied with Asteroth, and that the two have entered into some sort of Alliance ! It looks like Uther has bewitched the Empire, and De Layle is almost CERTAINLY involved somewhere down the line ... =./ As you explore the map you are advised that demons are pouring across the plains !! There is apparently some sort of summoning circle that the FILTHY Asteroth and his little pals have been using to summon Demons from the Underworld to plague the living !! The Summoning Circle is in the north-western corner of the map, guarded quite heavily by Fiends, Cultists, a Moloch, Marble Gargoyle, Onyx Gargoyle and other nice types ... but it's DEFINITELY worth a visit, otherwise demons will just continue to flood the map ... and the LAST thing you need whilst you're en route to kill that PUNK Asteroth is an army of Onyx Gargoyles blocking your path - BELIEVE ME ;) If you enter the south-eastern section of the map, one of your Counselors urges you to be cautious, as the seas in this area are controlled by "sea-witches" as he puts it (he means merfolk), and that they prey upon anything which enters their realm. Just to the south of Ebhon's shop is an Orc with a dilemma. One of his brothers is lost and he asks for your help ... the camera pans across the waters to the north-east, where a lone orc is standing on the shoreline ... this orc then switches to be controlled by you, and the orc YOU are talking to asks you to guide him to you, in return for which he will give you a pressie ... The Orc unit you are given control of comprises an Orc and 2 Goblin Archers ... Once the Orc is safely returned you are given three things :- 1) An Ancient Relic. 2) Advise from the Orc you were speaking to that you should look for treasure in the 'Big City' (VERY helpful). 3) Control over the following units :- a) Orc, 2 Goblin Archers (being the unit you just brought across the waters) b) Orc, Goblin Archer, Goblin (being the unit with whom you were speaking) If you take the City of Gromdam, a Marksman comes out to chastise you for not giving in and accepting Uther's inevitable rule of the Empire. ... NO ! BETHREZEN will rule the Empire. NOT Uther. BUZZ OFF !! =) Once Rotturdam has fallen to your might a Knight pops up to tell you that Uther, their SAVIOUR, will punish you for your transgressions and you should just BACK DOWN ... It's a pity there isn't an option to raze cities in this game like you can in Master of Magic ... I would SO love to annihilate these idiots once and for all :"> As you finally approach Asteroth he flips, telling you that Bethrezen's reign has ended and how he himself will destroy you ... For your information, Asteroth isn't alone ... he fights with a Hag and a Pandemoneus. AND Asteroth is MUCH stronger than when he was under your control (which just SUCKS). I would suggest bombarding Asteroth's units with spells to kill the Hag and the Pandemoneus whilst falling back (he will follow you once you have triggered his little dialogue (above)) and then coil up and spring on him with everything you've got basically !! Asteroth is carrying a Wight Blade and 2 Healing Ointments ... and you will gain these after he has fallen (incidentally this will also trigger the end of the level). CONGRATULATIONS !! But all is not won ... Asteroth, whilst defeated, escapes in a ball of flame and is sure to be back ... and there is still Uther to deal with :( OPPONENTS The Empire (who are in leagues with Asteroth and Uther) CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Gromdam 2 Spearmen, 2 Marksmen, Matriarch, Imperial Knight EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Rotturdam 2 Marksmen, Knight, Ranger (Dagar in my Saga) [Titan, Marksman] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? Hideout 3 Peasants 100 Gp, Potion of Accuracy Crumbled Post Brown Bear, Centaur Lancer 100 Gp, Elven Boots Ruined Tower Titan, 2 Marksmen, 2 Imperial Assassins 500 Gp, Titan's Might Potion Haunted Halls Wraith, 2 Specters, 2 Skeleton Warriors 200 Gp, Lich Orb EVENTS Event Notes BETRAYAL Uther has been posing as Bethrezen and now turns tail and flees back to the Empire WITH Asteroth !! Orc Troubles The Orcs have lost one of their brothers - can you find him for them ? Summoner's Cast A Summoning Circle in the north-west of the map is acting as a portal to the Underworld from which demons are flowing ... CLOSE IT !! Kill Asteroth Shut that Mamma's Boy up once and for all :) ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Potion of Restoration, Weakness Scroll, Life Potion, Potion of Striking, Ymir's Blessing Scroll, Infernal Knight Orb, Potion of Fire Warding, Gold Ring, Orb of Venom, Potion of Strength, Potion of Vigor, Potion of Air Warding, Orb of Water, Imp Talisman, Diamond, Emerald, Chain Lightning Scroll, Treebark Potion, Ring of Strength (Artifact). ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 8 x Life Potion, 8 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Healing, Wight Blade, 2 x Healing Ointment. SHOPS Name Sells Othon's Tower (Magic Shop) Water Ward (200 Gp), Earth Ward (400 Gp), Mind Ward (600 Gp), Fire Ward (800 Gp), Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4, Tome of Sorcery x 1 Under's Shop (Merchant) Zombie Orb x 1, Skeleton Champion Orb x 1, Vampire Orb x 1, Vampire Talisman ENDING Uther has betrayed you and fled ... on reflection it looks like at least a PART of the Mountain Clans Rituals of 10 years ago were successful, as a part of Bethrezen's Soul is contained in the child Uther ... things are looking to get VERY interesting on ... the final level ... ============================================================================== 7) The Prince of Hell BRIEFING AND COMMENTS Uther leeches power from Bethrezen, who begins to weaken ... fearing that if Uther is not slain he will eventually bleed Bethrezen dry of ALL his power and become a God himself, the Legions assemble for one final push to destroy the Demon Infant ... Uther by now has already taken control of a sizeable portion of the Empire, and controls many Cohorts of your fellow Demons from previous battles ... things are looking desperate, as the Legions still loyal to the TRUE Bethrezen seem ill equipped AND vastly outnumbered. Asteroth rears his ugly head again, standing firmly at the side of Demon Uther. Time to kill two birds with one stone methinks !! =) The level begins with a dialogue between Demon Uther and one of your Demonologists ... they have a war of words, and a rift opens to the south of the Capital, through which your Demonologist is certain Bethrezen will be able to send aid ... your PRIMARY objective on this level is two-fold. Slay Demon Uther, and protect the Infernal Rift. This isn't going to be easy, as later on in the level, Demon Uther will actively come across the map SPECIFICALLY to destroy the rift ... so first thing's first, MAKE SURE THAT YOU GET TO THE RIFT AND FORTIFY IT EXCEEDINGLY WELL. [IMPORTANT NOTE - BEFORE WE BEGIN ? TemjinGold has contributed a supplement to my walkthru for this level and I have placed it after mine just to present the two options in a clear format - either scroll down to it, or search for *** TemjinGold's Guide ***] You gain control (at the beginning of the level) of a unit comprising a Demonologist, Devil and Berzerker. I originally thought that THIS was the Demonologist who was talking to Demon Uther at the beginning of the level, and guided him all the way down to the Infernal Rift as he seemed to know what he was doing there ... but I am now satisfied that you don't actually NEED to take the Demonologist anywhere if you don't want to ;) ... I would suggest you do, 'coz it adds to the pace of the level, but as I say I'm not 100% sure that it's necessary if you don't want to ;) AS you would expect, this level is BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG. It includes all four races and some sub-quests for your interest ... so let's get cracking !! =) [For your information, the Legions are in the north-west, the Hordes in the south-west, the Clans are in the north-east and the Empire are in the south-east ...] Shortly into the level, the Demonologist requests that he be allowed to enter the Infernal Rift, as he feels sure that Bethrezen will communicate with him directly if he does ... A little while later, Knight Droggon calls to you to say that EMPEROR Uther, the Saviour of the Empire, will destroy the Legions ... obviously I wasn't the only one to pick up on that, as the Demonologist who responds basically says "EMPEROR Uther, eh ? NOT BAD !! =D" Once Avonnir falls and has been inspected by one of your Dukes, he reports back to you to say that it is strange, but there is evidence that both the Empire AND the Undead were inhabiting the City ... bizarre !! If you take the City of Chammell an Orc Champion comes out to say that (as far as I can interpret) you are both fighting the same enemy, and they the Greenskins are looking for an ally. This is technically true, as an Orc envoy is en route to your Capital with a message from his Master, the Black Dragon Gurkenash. There is a White Dragon with its own design of flag in the north-easternmost corner of the map, but I have never figured out quite what his significance is ... he doesn't seem to want to speak to you, nor react to anything - so I just annihilated him for good measure :"> As you approach the Mountain Clans Capital City, one of the King's Guards jumps out to say that tho you may be demons, you are both fighting the same foe at this juncture ... one of your Dukes confirms that it would be a sound strategic move to allow the Dwarves to take the brunt of the Empire's fury ... why not !! ;) The Clans will offer to ally with you at the start of their next turn. [IMPORTANT NOTE - Whilst I would strongly suggest that you remain allies with the Mountain Clans, I have immediately broken my alliance with them, as the POINT of my walkthrough is to give YOU as much information as possible, and I can't report to you on conquering Clan Cities, etc., whilst I am allied with them] ;) If you either do not want to ally with them, or break the Treaty as I did, then you can attack the Clans as per usual ... taking the City of Zimmuria you will learn that the Clans have been greatly weakened as a result of SOMETHING (we know not quite what, but SOMETHING) having happened to their High King, Morok Cloudkeeper ... hmmmmmmmmm ... very interesting !! If you take the City of Nimboria, a King's Guard tells you that it's luck Morok is DEAD, but that it doesn't really matter as his daughter Yataa will "take care of you" ... ... so Morok is DEAD eh ! WOW !! =D Taking the Empire City of Hollunen causes an Archmage to scream at you that Uther has come back, and that the Empire will prosper that Uther is a Saint ... Looks like Uther may have been giving out sweeties to delude the Empire into thinking he's NOT the next Hitler !! =O Down in the south-western corner (in addition to the Hordes' Capital) is a large gathering of Occultists ... led by a Master Occultist, these magic users worship Mortis, and are out to put an end to your quest ;) Despatch them if you're in the area - they give reasonable XP ;) If you take the City of Oshuallesh, an Elder Vampire tells you that when Mortis' Consort is reborn, you will have NO way of standing in their way ........................... so now we know what Mortis is up to ... but why does she want Uther ? That's still unclear =./ When Nchuzia has fallen, a Templar tells you that Uther will soon replace Bethrezen as the Lord of Hell ... why try to fight the inevitable ? So it looks like the Undead have allied with the Empire, which is now under the control of Uther and Asteroth ... and we have the Mountain Clans on our side. ....................................................................... yey ... DON'T FORGET your primary objective ... the Rift is just to the south of Nchuzia ;) Once you arrive at the Rift your Demonologist will confirm that it is PARAMOUNT that the Rift be protected at ALL costs. When Ghunnera has fallen to the might of the Legions, ANOTHER Elder Vampire emerges to tell you that once Gallean has been revived (Gallean being Mortis' Consort), then they will feast on your flesh ... bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda ... One of your Cultists remarks that he thought Gallean was an Elvish God ... ... interesting ! As you approach Nibor's Tower, an Orc comes sailing across the waters to tell you that his King, Gurkenash, is waiting for you, and has something to discuss with you ... One of your Counselors FREAKS OUT when Gurkenash approaches you, but to his (and most likely your) relief, Gurkenash only wants to speak with you ... he tells you that his Greenskin tribe are MOST p!ssed off with Uther, and that they will help you vanquish him ... ... with that, you gain the following units :- 1) Gurkenash (Black Dragon), Orc 2) Orc, 2 Goblin Archers 3) Orc, 2 Goblin Archers [HINT: TRY YOUR BESTEST NOT to kill any more Greenskins as, if you attack 2 or more units of Greenskins, all THREE of the above units will rebel against and attack YOU !!] Just after you have taken the City of Arpellba, Demon Uther sees you approaching, and sends Asteroth and his minions out to kill you ... Best make sure you're up for a good scrap before the end of THIS turn (I'd suggest hiding in the City - you'll get its defensive bonus) ;) Asteroth has his unit and two units of foot soldiers to protect him ... collectively you are looking at the following :- 1) Abyssal Devil, Anti-Paladin, Doppleganger, Pandemoneus 2) Abyssal Devil, Incubus, Onyx Gargoyle 3) Asteroth, Incubus, Succubus Once Asteroth and his minions have fallen, you can mount your final assault on Demon Uther and the Empire ... THAT IS, of course, unless he's already en route to the Rift ... Either way, as you would expect given that he is the FINAL Boss in this Saga, Demon Uther is SERIOUS bad news ... ... Since there is no point in holding ANYTHING back, I would just pound on him with spells and troops as much as is possible ... BEAR IN MIND THAT HE IS HEAVILY WARDED, so most of your offensive "on the map" spells won't work ... but summons ? Why not !! ALSO remember that there is Xennon's Mercenary Camp should you have the cash ... you can recruit as many Mercenaries as quickly as possible, as Demon Uther will take a few turns to get to the Rift, so you should use this time as productively as possible ... he should wind up having quite a nasty surprise by the time he gets to the rift (if he even makes it THAT far !!) For your information, Demon Uther's "Party" comprises 3 teams, as did Asteroth's ... they are :- 1) Tiamath, 2 Infernal Knights 2) Modeus, Marble Gargoyle, Onyx Gargoyle 3) Demon Uther, Tiamath, Doppleganger, Succubus Your spells should definitely be powerful enough to slay the troops WITH Demon Uther, even if you find they don't do that much damage to him ... Once Demon Uther has been slain, the mission is over and you have completed the Legion's Saga ! CONGRATULATIONS !! =) *** TemjinGold's Guide *** As an alternative to doing this level *my* way, you can follow the advice of my fellow player TemjinGold - I have taken the liberty of copying his guide as follows :- 1) Dispatch the Undead capital for their spells. 2) Research ALL the curses that you can (damage/initiative/hit % reduction). Prioritize Hit % curses. 3) Research as many summons as you can. By the time you get to Demon Uther, you should control all the land/resources (roughly 75% of the map) that the Empire and the Clans (I kept the alliance) do not. Your income plus the stash in the Undead capital should put each of your mana types (with the exception of Runestone maybe) in the 2-3k count (so casting lots of spells in 1 turn shouldn't be a problem). 4) Use all your damage spells/scrolls on Demon Uther's unit with the purpose of killing the Tiamath, Succubus, and Doppleganger. 5) Cast all your curses on Demon Uther (don't forget the Undead ones too!) This should put a dent in his damage output, slow him down enough that almost anything you can summon will get to go first, and, most importantly, bring his hit % below 50. 6) Use the Call Ancestor scroll just to be safe (the 33% armor to all your units one). By doing this, I wiped Uther out easily. Hitting less than 1 in 2, he didn't even survive through my summons. *** End of TemjinGold's Guide *** OPPONENTS Demon Uther, Asteroth, the Empire, the Mountain Clans, the Undead Hordes CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Inhabitants Avonnir [2 Zombies, Ghost] Nchuzia [Fighter, Wyvern, Templar] Chammell [Orc Champion, 2 Orcs] MOUNTAIN CLANS CITIES Name Inhabitants Nimboria [2 Dwarves, Axe Thrower, Rock Giant] Zimmuria [3 Crossbowmen, Tenderfoot] EMPIRE CITIES Name Inhabitants Hollunen [Imperial Knight, Demonologist, Squire, Wizard] Arpellba [2 Demons, Squire] UNDEAD HORDES CITIES Name Inhabitants Oshuallesh [2 Warlocks, Templar, Specter] Ghunnera [Werewolf, 2 Fighters, Initiate, Elder Vampire] BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ? Hideout Man at Arms, 2 Spearmen, Archer, Imperial Assassin 250 Gp, Squire Orb Abandoned Altar Troll, Orc, Goblin 800 Gp, Potion of Celerity Old House 2 Axe Throwers, Tempest Giant 400 Gp, Ancient Relic Haunted Tower 2 Sorcerers, Witch, 2 Berzerkers 300 Gp, Tempest Scroll Abandoned Farm Phantom Warrior, Skeleton Champion, 400 Gp, Elder Vampire Skeleton Warrior Orb Abandoned Tower 3 Lizard Men, 2 Medusas 400 Gp, Summon Stone Ancestor Scroll Haunted Halls Dark Lord, Zombie, 2 Shades 100 Gp, Healing Ointment Old Tower 2 Goblins, Goblin Archer 75 Gp, Bronze Ring Abandoned Temple Polar Bear, 2 Yetis 600 Gp, Venerable Warrior Orb Abandoned Fort Beast, Witch, Possessed, Knight, Imperial Assassin 400 Gp, Banner of War Odense Brown Bear, Rock Giant, Hill Giant 500 Gp, Etched Circlet EVENTS Event Notes THE RIFT !! An Infernal Rift opens that MUST be protected at all costs. Allies !! The ickle Dwarfies need pals, and you might just be the guys for the job !! Ze Okkult ... A Master Occultists and his band of Occultists need spanking ... hard ;) King Gurkenash King Gurkenash offers to help you defeat Demon Uther. ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND 2 x Life Potion, Potion of Vigor, 3 x Potion of Protection, 6 x Potion of Healing, Lightning Scroll, Hymn of the Clans Scroll, 3 x Emerald, Ignis Mare Scroll, Orb of Life, Orb of Poison, Orb of Healing, Summon II: Valkyrie Scroll, 3 x Silver Ring, Potion of Fire Warding, 2 x Stone Rain Scroll, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Speed, Vengeance of Ymir Scroll, Royal Scepter, Talisman of Fear, Water Ward Scroll, 2 x Potion of Striking, Tome of Earth, Ignis Potens Scroll, Incante Belliarh Scroll, 2 x Treebark Potion, Death Storm Scroll, 2 x Goblin Orb, 2 x Orb of Earth, Touch of Mortis Scroll, Potion of Strength, 3 x Potion of Swiftness, Silver Ring, Pestilence Scroll, Orb of Thunder, Lizard Man Orb, Summon I: Skeleton Scroll, Sanctuera Scroll, Banner of Speed, Bronze Ring, Potion of Water Warding, Ruby, Ancestor's Call Scroll, Runic Blade (Artifact), Potion of Might, Call Decay Dragon Scroll, Diamond, Infernal Knight Talisman, Tempest Scroll, Orb of Lycanthropy, Orb of Fire, Plague Scroll, Zombie Orb, Shadow Scroll. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 7 x Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Protection, Paraseus Scroll, Weakness Scroll, Orb of Restoration, Potion of Accuracy, Talisman of Vigor, Talisman of Inferno, 3 x Potion of Restoration, Potion of Healing, Potion of Might, Chant of Arms Scroll, Incantare Avenger Scroll SHOPS Name Sells Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 2, Orb of Healing x 3, Orb of Restoration x 3, Orb of Regeneration x 2, Orb of Life x 4 Zoltar's Camp (Trainer) Train your units here !! Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 3, Potion of Healing x 5, Potion of Restoration x 5, Healing Ointment x 2 Nibor's Tower (Magic Shop) Strength (200 Gp), Haste (400 Gp), Holy Strength (600 Gp), Holy Armour (600 Gp), Call to Arms (800 Gp) Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5, Spirit Staff x 1 Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Staff of Dragon Mastering x 1 Xennon's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Chieftain [1,800 Gp], Barbarian Warrior [850 Gp] ENDING The Battle to save Bethrezen is won, but Bethrezen has still not returned to the Legions. Until the day he does, the Legions will patiently lie in wait, preying upon the helpless, and plotting for the return of their evil deity :"> WELL DONE !!!!! ============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks and credit go to the LenDBZ for his insight into The Dark Alliance level ... thanks also to TemjinGold for his help on the "Prince of Hell" level (VERY cool), and also thanks to everybody at gamefaqs.com who has posted on the messageboards and encouraged me to keep going !! =) ============================================================================== Copyright David Booth, 2003-4 ==============================================================================