+-----------------------------------------------------+ ¦ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-----++-+ +-+ +-+ +-----+ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ +-+¦+-+¦¦¦ ¦¦+--+¦¦ ¦¦+-+¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦++++¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦++¦¦¦ ¦¦+-¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦+-+¦¦ ¦¦+-+ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ +-----+ +---+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ A S C E N S I O N ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦-----------------------------------------------------¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Personal traveling journal ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ by I.Hoffmann aka Soriac ¦ ¦ Version 1.0.02 (19.03.2000) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ to contact me: ihoff@rz.tu-ilmenau.de ¦ ¦ this text can be found at: ¦ ¦ http://www.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/~ihoff/ultima.html ¦ ¦ ¦ +-----------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------+ ¦ Table of contents ¦ ¦ ***************** ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1. The virtues and my stats ¦ ¦ 2. Shrines, mantras and sigils ¦ ¦ 3. Potions ¦ ¦ 4. Trainers ¦ ¦ 5. frequently asked questions ¦ ¦ 6. Walkthrough ¦ ¦ 7. Easter Eggs ¦ ¦ 8. Vendors ¦ ¦ 9. Spells ¦ ¦ 10. Special weapons and items ¦ ¦ 11. Cheating ¦ ¦ 12. Credits and Thanks ¦ +-----------------------------------+ WARNING: Bad language ahead. Not what you might think . But english is not my native language and I'm not very good at it. I'm sure there are a lot of misspelled words and hundreds of grammatical errors. But please be a little lenient, as long as you can understand it...... *----------------------------------------------------------------------* ¦**********************************************************************¦ ¦* *¦ ¦* NOTE: most of the journal was written while playing the *¦ ¦* Ultima:Ascension version 1.07 *¦ ¦* *¦ ¦* It is possible that some details may have changed with later *¦ ¦* bugfixes. *¦ ¦* *¦ ¦**********************************************************************¦ *----------------------------------------------------------------------* ================================================= 1 The Virtues and my stats ================================================= Right at the start the gipsy asks you seven questions. Which virtue you finally prefer chooses your character. Don't worry, the first four questions checks all eight virtues, the following two let you decide between the ones you have chosen and the last question is your final decision, which virtue you prefer. Virtue ¦ my rank ¦ stat-add's ¦ what skills do I gain? -------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------ Humility ¦ shepherd ¦ none ¦ none Spirituality ¦ ranger ¦ +str +dex +int ¦ knowledge of land Honor ¦ paladin ¦ +str +int ¦ magic & might skills Sacrifice ¦ tinker ¦ +str +dex ¦ skills mastery & might Justice ¦ druid ¦ +int +dex ¦ magic & combat Valor ¦ fighter ¦ +str ¦ inflict + sustain damage Compassion ¦ bard ¦ +dex ¦ learn combat skills Honesty ¦ mage ¦ +int ¦ learn magic ================================================= 2 The shrines, mantras and sigils ================================================= Here are the eight shrines for each virtue. it's mantra and the sigil you need to cleanse the shrine. Shrine ¦ mantra ¦ City ¦ Dungeon ¦ Sigil (where to find) --------------+---------+--------------+----------+----------------------------------- Humility ¦ CUM ¦ New Magincia ¦ Hythloth ¦ Crook (Kathrina) Spirituality ¦ OM ¦ Skara Brae ¦ Abyss ¦ Ankh (Lord British's bedroom) Honor ¦ SUMM ¦ Trinsic ¦ Shame ¦ Chalice (statue in front of bastion) Sacrifice ¦ CAH ¦ Minoc ¦ Covetous ¦ Teardrop (Rom Bado) Justice ¦ BEH ¦ Yew ¦ Wrong ¦ Quill (Eustus) Valor ¦ RA ¦ Valoria ¦ Destard ¦ Dagger (Demon) Compassion ¦ MU ¦ Britain ¦ Despise ¦ Heart (Britain's Mayjor) Honesty ¦ AHM ¦ Moonglow ¦ Deceit ¦ Writ (Batista) Oh, and the _Words of Restoration_ are: VAS MANI CORP, you'll need them :-) ================================================= 3 Potions ================================================= Yellow : Heal Orange : Mana boost Red : cure poison White : Infernal armor Purple : Invulnerable Blue : Mana breath Black : Invisble ================================================= 4 Trainers ================================================= There are five categories of weapons: one-handed, two-handed, staffs, ranged (such as bows) and fists. Each of these categories can be trained up to level four, but of course you start the game with level one, "novice". There are trainers in the game who can teach you (for a fee of course) the knowledge, for the higher levels you must have some minimum statistics (most likely strength and dex) Weapon ¦ Level 2 "Apprentice" ¦ Level 3 "Journeyman" ¦ Level 4 "Master" ---------+-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------- one-hand ¦ Keller, weapons house ¦ Arms merchant in ¦ Serpent's Hold, ¦ in LB's castle ¦ Valoria ¦ Guardian of bell ¦ ¦ ¦ two-hand ¦ Duncan, the Knight at ¦ same knight, now for ¦ dead swords master ¦ entrance to Deceit ¦ 2500 gold ¦ (map in Minoc) ¦ ¦ ¦ staff ¦ Peg Leg in Paws ¦ Raphael, trainer in ¦ Hermit, west of Yew ¦ ¦ Trinsic ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ranged ¦ the bowyer in ¦ Raliegh, bowyer ¦ Iolo in Britain ¦ Britain ¦ in Yew ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ fists ¦ boxing ring in ¦ boxing ring, ¦ boxing ring, ¦ Buccaneers Den ¦ 2500 gold ¦ 5000 gold ================================================= 5 frequently asked questions ================================================= This chapter contains some often asked questions. Every question could be answered by playing the game, but anyway, sometimes people simply missed a necessary point. Well, here are some mayor tips: Q:How do I cleanse a shrine? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To solve the game, you have to re-create or "cleanse" all shrines dedicated to the eight virtues, which has the Guardian negated. To cleanse a shrine you need three things: a mantra, a sigil (the "sign" of the virtue) and a glyph. You can find the glyph at the bottom of every great column in Britannia. The bottom can only be reached via a dungeon attached to the specific virtue. The mantra and sigil are harder to find. In most cases you should talk to a person somehow attached to the shrine and it's virtue. Once you have the sigil, glyph and the mantra, you have to go to the shrine and place the glyph and sigil on it. The shrine will ask you for the mantra. Speak it and watch the short cinematic sequence. Q:How can I advance a spellbook level? How could my character advance? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your character will ascend a level each time you cleanse a shrine. In most cases the shrine will ask you in what attribute you want to advance. You can choose "strength" (more hitpoints), "intelligence" (more spellpoints) or "dexterity" (better fighting). Also with cleansing the shrine you have enabled the next magic level. At the start you can only cast linear spells. After cleansing the first shrine in Britain you can scribe a 1st level scroll into your spellbook (see below) and so on. This means you can scribe 8th level scrolls in your spellbook after cleansing the last shrine. This affects only the spellbook and the subscribing in this book. Theoretically you can still use a 8th level scroll without cleansing any shrines (but you won't find one so early in the game). But as an advice, you shouldn't use a scroll before you've subscribed it into the spellbook or you've found another one. If you use a scroll, it will be gone forever and some scrolls are very rare. After subscribing the scroll in the spellbook you can cast it as often as your mana allows it :-) Q:How can I subscribe a spell into my spellbook? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To subscribe a magic scroll into your spellbook (so you can cast it whenever you want) you have to "unlock" the magic level by cleansing the same amount of shrines (see above) You need a pentagram, the scroll and some reagents to subscribe the scroll. The "pentagram" is in fact a flat, round stone with a pentagram painted on it's top and five small candles around it. For example: there is one in the alchemy laboratory in Lord British's castle, one behind the mage's shop in Britain and one near the shrine of compassion. The needed reagents are written in the spellbook. There are eight types of reagents, just read the last pages of your spellbook. There are also the words of power for this particular spell written in the book, you need them. You have to put the reagents and the scroll onto the pentagram. Now lit all five candles (with the linear 'ignite' spell) and speak the words of power, et voila, the spell is subscribed. Be careful! If you make a mistake, the reagents and the spell are lost. Q:How can I sail a ship? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can't sail a ship until later in the game. After completing the quest in Minoc, Raven will told you that you can sail the ship for yourself, if you want. But before you need to go to Buccaneer's Den. You have to buy a map from the mapmaker and visit Raven to join the guild. Sailing itself is quit easy. Just click anywhere on the ship and you can control it like you control the Avatar while walking. To stop the ship and go back to 'walking' mode, just press ESC. This is especially useful if you want to climb back on the ship while you are in water. You can't climb it the usual way. Just click on the ship to switch to sailing mode, press ESC and you are back on the ship. BUG NOTE: Sometimes, especially after some teleports via the moongates, Raven's ship is gone from the docks where you have left her. Just go to Buccaneer's Den (via the moongates and New Magincia), she will wait for you there. ================================================= 6 Walkthru ================================================= !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning: massive spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Earth ~~~~~ There's nothing much to say about the start level, except that you should listen carefully to your instructor, Hawkwind. Be sure to take the belt, the backback, compass and your journal. You should read every book you can find in your house. They contain very useful tips and a general "instruction manual" about this game. All you need to control your character is explained in the books. When you're ready, talk to the gipsy to determine the class of your Avatar. Stonegate ~~~~~~~~~ After the teleportation through the moongate you arrive at stonegate. There you must collect your last pieces of equipment. At first, look into the chest. Depending on your path of virtue chosen at the gipsy, you'll find some useful items there. Your spellbook lies in the case the next room. You need it to call ignite on the unlit torch at the wall. It's also useful to get rid of the rat blocking the lever in the next room, just call the stone spell on it. Then you can jump to the lever and open the door to the next room. Push the button while standing on the platform and you will come to the next room. Just use the valve to lower the water and press the button on the ground of the pool. The last room is trapped, all you have to do is cast the douse spell on the flames until you came to the statue. Douse the two flames and you can leave stonegate. Outside the tower you'll receive some greetings from the Guardian and a Wyrm guard. Defeating him is easy. Finally, step onto the platform and you will be teleported to Britain. Britain ~~~~~~~ Now you are inside the Castle in Britain. Of course the first one to talk with is Lord British himself. He tells you about giant columns, which have risen from the ground, and the people are growing discontent. LB advices you to first go to the dungeon of Despise. It's just northeast of Britain, and the entrance is next to one of the columns. He also gives you a map of Britain. Vasagralem, the gargoyle, informs you that the red and blue lenses were stolen from the Gargoyles. They were used to read the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. Don't miss the teleporter in Lord British's bedroom. It will transport you into the castle's laboratory, with a binding spell pentagram and several chests with all needed reagents. In the west part of the castle is the weapons house. The Guard, Keller, can train you in one-handed weapons. He also gives some advices about weapons and armor. He also mention magically enhanced armor, and tells you about a fellow down in Trinsic who can make items out of Blackrock. While in the Weapons House, don't forget to visit the jail. Just open the small gate and step onto the platform. In the jail room you should pay attention to the obviously lunatic prisoner in the far left cell. Hehehe, now that's what happens to guys who gave us Ultima 8, right, Richard? :-) Visit him every time you cleansed a shrine, he will change his speak pattern. If you are looking for a nice weapon, just check out the maze in the castle's garden. If you get lost, here's a tip: move the camera to the top over the Avatars head, then change the camera distance and the FOV (default keys are Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-PageUp, to get back to the default view, use Ctrl-Ins). You can also climb the hedges and jump. In the center of the maze, you'll find a nice little weapon. Well, it's time to look around in Britain. The first place is the cathedral. Amoranth, the abbot of the cathedral, tells you some news: the Empath Abbey, the Lyceum and Serpent's Hold have been destroyed. He also mention the Candle of Love, which was stolen. He also says that traveling to the remains of Empath Abbey at Serpent's Spine, east of Yew, could be very dangerous, so this should not be your first sightseeing tour. Kimberly, a priestess, tells you that the Silver Serpent was stolen by a pirate named Aria. Without the serpent, the monks can't make Serpentwyne. (you will find the serpent in a hidden cove in Buccaneer's Den). NOTE: you can open the trapdoor in one of the cathedral's room. Just search the table in the serpents room for a key, open the door and search the room for a button. Altomar, a wizard, tells you that Nico, the magic shop owner, went to Cove and hasn't returned. Hans, the lighthouse keeper at the southeast of Britain, tells you the lighthouses aren't working because they don't have the proper lenses. You need to find the unpolished gemstones and take them to the gem cutter in Britain so they can be made into lenses. Once the gems have been polished, the ruby lens goes in the lighthouse in Buccaneer's Den, the emerald should be taken to Moonglow, and the sapphire belongs in Trinsic If you want to visit Paws, just went the south-west way from Britain. You'll meet a blind seer, who has something interesting about your future to say. Not far from the seer is a burning farmhouse with a little boy trapped into it. Just put one of the water buckets on the fire and it will douse (you can also use the douse spell if you like). The boy tells you that there are dangerous brigands around. The poor child has had his father killed and his mother kidnapped! She's been taken toward the mountains to the east of his farm. NOTE: If you want to rescue her (good karma), follow the path into the mountain, just after the cemetery. You will find a small hut with a quite unfriendly man in it. Search for a lever, the man will attack you, kill him. The lever moved a stone behind the house. Follow the path to the east and kill all the brigands. Then talk to the woman and read the journal, it will lead you to a big treasure. To get to Paws you must cross a wooden bridge guarded by a troll. He wants 10 gold pieces as a toll. You can give him the gold, try to irritate him (and quickly pass the bridge) or decline and kill him. But be careful, he is a tough one for an unexperienced Avatar. In Paws, Bella at the windmill tells you that they can't get any fresh water because the valve on the windmill is broken, and no replacements have arrived. (NOTE: the troll has the missing valve, you must kill him first) Hayley, the healer in Paws says that there are too many sick people and not enough supplies. (NOTE: she can heal you for free) If she had some Serpentwyne, she could help a lot more of these people. After visiting Paws, it's time to reconstruct the shrine of compassion. Just head the eastern way from Britain. Just after the bridge, the shrine keeper, Sarah, informs you that the shrine has been corrupted and destroyed. To get to the shrine, just follow the path to the east. She also tells you the mantra of compassion, MU. While following the path to the shrine, you will find one of your old companions, Shamino, although not in person. He informs you about the problems in Britain and the source of having the townsfolk lost their virtue. The Shrine of Compassion direct you to find two things: the glyph and the sigil. It said that inside each dungeon near one of the strange columns is a Glyph of Corruption, and for every virtue, there is a sigil which embodies that virtue. So you have to go to the dungeon Despise to get the Glyph. The dungeon lies north of the castle. Just follow the northern path where you have met Sarah. On your way you'll find the house of Iolo and Gwenno, although Gwenno tells you that Iolo has been sent to the column by LB a long time ago and hasn't come back. One nice little easter egg: Near the column and the entrance to Despise you can find a skeleton. This is the poor farmer, who was killed in the intro movie of the game. Despise ~~~~~~~ Right after the entrance of the dungeon you'll find two citizens from Britain (NOTE: the key to the locked door is in the crate). They tell you about a magical artifact, the Kiran Shield. Four Stones are necessary to get the shield. They also tell you that one of the stones is on a great pillar and one is behind a waterfall. To open the next door you have to light the torch and you can go into the room with the great pillar mentioned by the two guys. To reach the top of the pillar you have to jump from the smallest one to the next bigger one and so on. At the top, grab the stone and push the button nearby. Following the hallway you will stand before a small gap. You can either jump across it or step into it (there's nothing dangerous down there, don't worry). If you jump down, you will come to a fountain with a plaque ("Beware the offerings of the dark") Better do what it says, the fountain is poisoned. But if you touch the picture, it will disappear and gives you a Wyrm guard armor. The next room is a big pool. Just grab the bucket of water and put it on the on the western pedestal. After a long hallway you will come to some kind of a weapons room. The leaver to open the door is behind the northern wall. (NOTE: there's a locked secret door. To unlock it, just touch the shield to the east). You will come into a room with a fountain and a corpse. He carries a note: "Beyond the dining room wall lies the hidden wall". Sounds interesting. In the next room you'll find a key in the rat's nest. It unlocks the door to an archery room. Just shoot the target to open the door to the next room. This room looks like a dining room, so if you search, you will find a moving wall and behind it a teleporter to a room with some spikes coming out of the floor. Just run, use the leaver and get into the next room to find the next kiran stone. (NOTE: you can unlock the chest next to the teleporter with a key you'll find on the wall at the dining room). In the next room you'll have to use the leaver to make the fountain disappear. Behind a secret door lies the button to open the door to the next room. In the next room you can read the book. The lost key can be found in the small water pool. To jump over the fence you should move the barrels, climb on them and jump. Use the leaver to close the trap. The next room is some kind of a small chapel. You can lit the candles on the table to heal yourself. In the next room you'll find a very unhappy, trapped thief. If you switch the leaver, he will thank you and give you another kiran stone. NOTE: the stone can be found in the small box if the thief is being killed. The key to the next room lies behind some bars, but don't worry. In the other room is a device ("attractor") to fetch the key. Now you come to a cave with four small pillars. Put each of the Kiran stones on the right pillar (color). Unfortunately you don't have the last stone. Just read the book in the corner, and the cave will be opened. NOTE: If you push the button on the fountain, a wall will disappear, revealing a rat and a Wyrmguard chest. You have to swim to get into the next room. One of the citizens said something about a waterfall and the last Kiran stone, so search the pool for a switch. It will move a rock at the right from the waterfall. Just grab the last Kiran stone and swim back to the room with the four pillars to finally get the Kiran Shield! In the last room after the waterfall room you will find the object you've come for, the bottom of the great column in a lava cave. But it is protected. A Wyrmguard named Ooli (nice anagram) is waiting for you, he seems to know a lot about you. After a short fight he will reveal his true identity to you. Big surprise! You can show compassion and spare him. (NOTE: it don't seem to change the plot if you kill him, but if he's dead, he can't teach you some archery skills and it's not a nice move for the Avatar of the virtues :-) The path is free into the column. Let's get the glyph and get out! back in Britain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just after you get out of Despise you will meet your old enemy, Blackthorn, but you are rescued by a pirate named Raven. She wants you to talk with her boss, Samhayne. But just to be sure she wants to see one of the eight runes of virtue to have proof you're the true Avatar. Well, it's time to cleanse the shrine. You already have the glyph, now you need the sigil, the heart of compassion. The shrine told you that the mayor has it. He has been going to Paws to search for his daughter. In Paws go to the building at the south west to find her. Just rescue her from the two goblins. The mayor thanks you and give you the heart of compassion. Now back to the shrine. Just put the sigil and the glyph on the shrine and watch the nice effects. Voila, the Shrine of Compassion has been cleansed! Maybe this will make the people of Britain stop looking down their noses and finally help those poor people living in the swamp. Don't forget to catch the rune, you need it to talk to Raven. Go back to Lord British and report your success. His astronomers have noticed that something is wrong with the moons. He says he'll investigate it more. Buccaneer's Den ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that you have the rune of compassion, it's time to talk to Raven. She's on her ship at the docks of Britain. She finally agrees to take you to Buccaneer's Den. You'll met her boss, Samhayne, on the south part of the isle. He wants to make a bargain: If you cleanse the shrine of humility first, he will give you the Codex of ultimate wisdom. So the first thing to do is to go to New Magincia. You can find Britain's missing Silver Serpent on the northern isle. Walk to the east docks. Between the slavery market and the marketplace is a path up to the mountain. When you're on the top. Walk to the west until you see a rock covered with plants. This is actually a hidden cove. Walk into it until you reach a cavern with a sailing ship. Tip: look around for an unusual stone on the wall if you get locked. Inside the cavern you will watch thee pirates discussing about the serpent. Just grab your bow and kill them, since they can't reach you. Shoot the target near the trapped serpent and search the pirate's bodies for a key. Get the key and click the plate under the serpent to free it. The serpent will vanish and return to Britain. There's also one of the lost lighthouse gems in one of the caves. Walk along the beach south of Samhayne's house until you reach a cave with an omnious glow. The gem's in there. A girl named Katie is sold as a slave on the market. You can either buy her free or get her letter to Samhayne. You can find the letter in the ship of the east docks. In the bar of Buccaneer's Den you'll meet a guy who says that New Magincia cannot be reached by sea. He suggest that you visit Keagan, the cartographer. Keagan tell you about an old tunnel between Buccaneers Den and New Magincia, but you need a password from the guild. Well, since Raven is in the guild, she can tell you the password: "keelhaul". The tunnel is located near the lighthouse, at the south east side of the isle. New Magincia ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll meet you old friend Kathrina, the shepherd. She has the sigil of humility, but gives it to you only when you help her. You must get rid of the vultures and the wolves. The vultures are easy, their nest is on the top of a narrow mountain just south from Kathrina at the end of the isle. You must climb it (some jumps onto the small gaps on the mountain help). On the top you will find gold, a leather chest and the vultures nest. Use your ignite spell until the nest burns. The wolves are more difficult. You must find and kill the alpha wolf. He is on a small separate island with a slightly damaged but still visible dome. Just head south from the vultures nest and you can see the isle. Inside the dome is the alpha wolf. Now it's time to ask Kathrina for the sigil and the shrine. She will give you the sigil and the mantra (LUM) and tell you the shrine lies sunken in the sea. To raise it you must sand onto a promontory at the north of her house. This promontory is easy to find. If you look at the north west of Kathrina's house you'll see a dead tree and a bush. You will see a small stone directly at the cliff. This is the first stone of some kind of stairs to the promontory. Just look to the north-east and jump from stone to stone until you reach the promontory. It is a flat, rectangular stone. Step onto it and the shrine will rise from the sea. The shrine tells you to visit the dungeon Hythloth and find the glyph. It will automatically teleport you to Ambrosia. Ambrosia ~~~~~~~~ Ambrosia, the underwater city of the gargoyles. Your primary task is to find a way into the dungeon Hythloth. Head east and talk to a winged gargoyle named Valkadesh. He will tell you three things: the only one knowing the way to hythloth is a gargoyle named Wislem, the inventor of the underwater city. He lives in a flying house in the eastern part of Ambrosia, so you have to find a way to fly into his house. And: the Avatar is not welcomed among the gargoyles, so you have to be careful (things hadn't changed since Ultima 6, methinks). So you need a method to fly around. This can be accomplished if you go to a winged gargoyle named Voresh in the south-east part of the city. You can talk to him, he don't have much interesting to say. But in his chamber you'll find a crystal. Take it and walk to the prison south of Voresh's chamber. You will see an empty crystal holder besides another one, already equipped with a crystal. If you put the crystal in the holder the wall will be opened and you can enter the prison. You will meet a nameless gargoyle, ask him why he is imprisoned. (BUG NOTE: Sometimes the cell is empty. Just read ahead) The gargoyle will tell you about some "flying boots" he has found. Just follow him to the wall west of the cell. This wall is an illusion, you can walk through. Jump down and search for the boots. Read the scroll for how to use them. NOTE: there is a cave near, where a human sells some potions. Now it's time to visit Wislem. He will not pay much attention, he wants you to finish the statue of their queen. He will give you a power cube to finish the work. The statue is in the middle of Ambrosia, on the top of the building. Just put the cube into the free slot and watch the hell break out. BUG NOTE: although the cave is under water, the human still seem to sell potions and spells. After that Wislem will ask you to rescue one of the queen's eggs. You have to go to the queen's chamber. At first, go to the room of singularity at the north west part of the city. Read all three books, then read the book appearing in the middle. Take the cube and fly to the chamber above the room. Put the cube into the slot and take the amulet. Now Wislem will give you the queen's cube to get into the queen's chamber. Walk into the room in the middle building of Ambrosia (where you "finished" the queen's statue). Put the power cube into the slot. NOTE: it's a good idea to go into fly mode, the floor will open and you will reach the queen's chamber. The queen starts to attack you. You can choose to kill the queen (bad for your karma) or just fly behind her and grab an egg. NOTE: only the eggs behind the queen will work, not the ones in the middle of the chamber! Run through the passageway and be sure to examine all the rooms and chests (there's a glass sword in one!) before you step onto the teleporter and arrive in Hythloth. Hythloth ~~~~~~~~ This is the first "real" dungeon in the game (Despise was quite linear and easy compared to the other dungeons). The main goal of the dungeon (beside getting the glyph of course) is to collect several small, colored statue keys and put them onto the pedestal with the matching color to open several portcullis. The statues and the pedestals are spread in the dungeon, all you have to do is find them. Here's a (quite stylized) map of the first part of Hythloth: +--+¦¦ ¦x ++¦ ¦ ++¦ +--+¦¦ +--¦¦--+ +----+ +-----+ ¦+-++-+¦ ¦+--+¦ ¦column ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ +-+++ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ +----+ ¦¦ ¦+-- m¦++¦ ¦ ¦ +--+ ¦+--+¦ ¦¦ n ¦+-- ¦++¦ ¦ ¦ ¦i ¦ +--+++ ¦¦ ¦+----+¦ +-+++ ¦¦ +-+ +-+ + + ¦ ¦ ¦¦ +--+ +--++--+ ¦+--+¦ ¦ +-----++--------+ k ¦ ¦+-+¦¦+-----+¦ +----+ +-------++---+ +--+ ¦ ¦+--++-------+ + + ++ ++ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ a - valve ¦j ¦ ¦ e ¦ +----+ ¦¦ b - yellow pedestal & swamp boots +--+ ¦ ¦ +--+++ c - green statue +++-+ ¦ l¦ d - red statue +--+¦¦ ¦ ¦ e - red pedestal ¦d ¦¦¦ +-++-+ +---+ f - moving walls + +¦¦ +-----+ ¦¦ +--+¦ ¦ g - valve ¦¦-++-+ f +-++-+ ++ h¦ h - green pedestal +-----+ +--++-+ +-++-+ ++ ¦ i - blue pedestal ¦ ¦ ¦¦ +-----+ ¦¦ +--+¦ ¦ j - pentagram ¦ b +--+ ¦¦ + + +---+ k - yellow statue ¦ +-+¦ ¦¦+--+ ¦g ¦ l - blue statue ¦ ¦ ¦+-+++ a+---++--+ m - key & purple statue +-----+ +--+++ +--+¦ n - winch ¦¦+--+ ++c x - exit entrance You start the dungeon in a large cave. In the middle of the cave are some stairs. These stairs are the entrance to the dungeon. At the west end of the cave is a statue, but you can ignore it (it's already on the pedestal, so don't care :-) The first point is room (a). First use the valve down the stairs to activate an elevator in room (b). Then search the walls for a button in form of a stone, it opens the door to (c), where you can find a green statue. Room (b) is filled with poisoned water, the first thing you _should_ do is to grab the swamp boots, which are negotiating poisonous effects from swamps. The boots are in a chest in the southern area of the room, you have to swim through the poison water. Don't mind if your health bar turns green, there's a red potion near the chest. In the middle of the room is the elevator you've activated, so swim to it. It will carry you to another small room with a yellow pedestal and a lever. Switch the lever to open the portcullis to the next area. Next step is room (d), the room with a water hole. If you dive into it, you can find a valve and the red statue. Turn the valve to open another portcullis. The entrance to room (e) is free now, you can put the red statue on the pedestal. This will open another portcullis. Now it's time to visit room (f). Before you enter the room, search the intersection between room (d), (e) and (f) for a pile of bones and a scroll. This scroll contains some useful information for another room we visit. But first, let's move on to room (f). When you enter the room, both doors will close. If you step onto the platform (you have to do this to open the doors), the walls start to come close. Just stay at one of the doors. They will open just before the walls will crush you, just step outside quick. The walls will then open again to leave a pathway. Now search room (g) for a valve and turn it. This will open another portcullis to a room with some ramps and room (h), where you can find the green pedestal. Room (h) has 13 columns. You must jump on them to reach the pedestal, but as soon as you jump on one, some other columns will sink down, others will come up. It's a small puzzle, but do you remember the scroll you have found? This will give you the solution. Here is it again: d1 c1 c2 c3 c4 the route: a1-b1-c2-b3-b4-c3-d1 b1 b2 b3 b4 a1 a2 a3 a4 and from d1 you can jump to the green pedestal. Put the statue on it and leave the room. Go back through the room with the moving walls and to room (k). There are two valves on the west wall, use one of them to lower the water for some time, so you can fetch the yellow statue. Go back to room (b) and the elevator and put the statue on the pedestal. To get the blue statue, go back to room (k), use one of the valves and search the northern wall for a pass-through (it is only visible when the water was drained). Go to room (l), search the chest and take the statue. Now go to room (i) and put the statue on the pedestal. NOTE: be careful, the pedestal is trapped! Now all portcullis are open but you still need the glyph. You find the column in a large room, just follow the way to the west from the room with the blue pedestal. You will meet another Wyrmguard, but you can kill him surprisingly easy. Now you have to swim to the column. It's entrance is to the north and it's underwater, so keep looking. NOTE: The best method to get rid of these annoying fishes is to stand on one of the large platforms between the entrance to this room and the column and shoot the fishes with your bow. Now it's time to leave this dungeon. Walk to the passageway between room (k) and (l) and use the intersection leading east. Soon you will come to a part of the dungeon where the walls are transparent. Keep looking for room (m). There is a key in this room and a chest with a purple statue. Just remember that the walls are transparent, so use the map to get the key. With this key you can open the chest at (n). Use the winch inside to open the portcullis to the north. Now you have a decision here: the path is free to room (x) which is the regular exit to the shrine of humility. You can keep on and walk further to explore the rest of the dungeon, but there's no need to do so. It's not necessary for the plot neither has it great treasures. You need the purple statue if you want to go on, but if you leave, the statue is useless and you can drop it. If you want to leave now, use the teleporter in room (x), jump into the water and swim until you reach a hole in the ceiling. Swim through the hole and you reach the shrine of humility. Shrine of Humlility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now you can cleanse the shrine. Put the glyph and the sigil on the shrine and speak the mantra told by Kathrina (LUM). Now go back to Buccaneer's Den through the tunnel to meet Samhayne. Bad surprise, there's another one who claims the codex (Yeah, one _mighty_ Avatar you present us, Origin!) Deceit ~~~~~~ This dungeon is sometimes called "Blackthorn's prison", and with a reason. You are stuck for the first two minutes. Bad point is: you don't have your equipment, even the spellbook and the compass are gone (this makes directing orders a little difficult, but I try). You can't do nothing else then waiting until one of the torches outside your cell goes out. Then you can see a hidden door, which will lead to a secret room with a glass spider. If you touch the spider, you will be teleported to an area quite similar to the prison, but you can walk through the portcullis and press buttons. So go back into your cell, walk through the gates and press the button. You can see the portcullis open in the "real" world, although it doesn't seem to move here. Go back to the spider and touch it. Now your cell is open and you can explore the prison. In the second cell are two health potions, take them. There's a key on the desk. And don't miss the bag on the barrels, it will come in handy. NOTE: in the second barrel from the left are chain arms. Now open the wooden door. The way is blocked with another portcullis, so back to the spider room to press the button on the other side. You will see a hidden door to the left. It will open the way to the next room. In this room you will see four statues, a button and a brazier. Don't touch the chest, it's a mimic. First press the button (the torches will be lit), then press the brazier. A glowing ball will emerge from the brazier and will emit a changing light. If the light's green, you can open the door. Follow the hallway until you reach the intersection. To the left is a lava room, to the right a room with three buttons. Press the red one to summon a light bridge in the lava room, the blue one will summon a health potion (save the game before you press the green one). Now back to the lava room (this is one of the most difficult parts of the dungeon). You can't see the lightbridge you've summoned, but it's there. Walk to the right to the tapestry. Press the blue button (left) to summon a bridge to another platform. The bridge will disappear when you walk over it so don't stop. Step on the transport platform. You will be transported to another platform with several buttons on it. On your way the statue will throw fireballs at you. I don't know how to avoid this since you can't move on the transport platform. This may be a good reason to use the cheat :-) BUG NOTE: sometimes the fireballs are stopped if you are looking at the statue. I still hasn't figured out if this has a reason or is simply a bug. Now you have to choose the right button. In case, just try all of them, there's no system. (Mine was the second from left in the middle row, btw.) The button will create stairs behind you. Step onto it and press the purple button to summon another transport, which will take you back to the tapestry. Now press the button to the right (purple) and step onto another transport. You will see a target on the backface of the stairs you've summoned. You must use the statue to hit the target. The leftmost and rightmost buttons on the wall will turn the statue clockwise/counterclockwise, the second buttons are the "fine tuning", the middle button (red) will shoot an orb. Try to hit the target with an orb and the force field on the teleporter will vanish. Now try to hit the second target on the wall behind you to call back the transporter back to the tapestry. Now it's the same procedure: press the blue button, walk over the bridge, use the transporter, walk to the stairs and press the purple button. But now, when you are transported back to the tapestry, press the green button when you pass the middle platform and the transporter will stop. Now step onto the teleporter to get into the next area. Now you are in a big, lava filled cave. At first, walk to the right. You will see the glyph, but it's an illusion. Press the blue button to activate another bridge leading to three statues. One of the statues can shoot an orb, and you must place the target into the right position for the statue. Jump to the platform with the table and use the buttons on the table to move the target. (My combination was 8x cyan & 8x purple) Now run to the big statue (the two small statues start to throw fireballs at you) and fire an orb. It may take several tries. This will summon a transport platform. It will take you to a teleporter and another room. In the new room, touch the mirror near the table (the other mirror will throw fireballs). This will summon a bow. The statue on the other side of the room will summon the arrows. Now try to shoot the target on the platform opposite the platform on which you arrived. This will create stairs at the platform. Now stand onto the plate to create another target on the other side of the room. Shoot it and run over the new bridge (it will disappear after a few seconds). Step onto the teleporter to go back to the cave. Between the platform with the table and the transport is another target. Shoot it to call another bridge. Now turn the valve to lower the lava level. Now you have to find four orbs and put them into the for orb holders. You can see several small monoliths near the lava. If you push them on the side with the plate the lava will disappear for a short time. This is useful to reach several areas normally blocked by the lava. You will find the first orb in a small cave near the platform with the table. Look down and jump onto one of the rocks below you. Walk into the cave and step onto the teleporter. NOTE: look into the orb for some laughs. In the next room stand onto the carpet to summon a target. Shoot it and a blue orb will appear. Don't open the chests, they are mimics. The second orb is near the cave with the teleporter. Just head right and look for a small monolith. Press the plate on it (jump onto the monolith if you can't reach the plate) and look around while the lava is gone. You will find a chest with the red orb in it. Quick grab it and jump onto the rocks before the lava comes back. The third orb is near the teleporter which has brought you to the bow room. Use the transport to the teleporter but don't step onto it. Look below for another teleporter platform instead and step onto it. Press the green button. Now shoot all targets appearing on the wall (look behind often) until the green orb appears. You will find the last orb in a new area of the cave, where you can see a large platform hanging on the ceiling. This area can only be reached if you lower the lava level for a short time. Look around for a teleporter. It will bring to into a small labyrinth. Search and use the red button to summon a target. Each hit will summon another target (you will see where). You must hit three targets at all, then the yellow orb will appear. You can open the chest (it's no mimic this time) to get a full healing spell (don't use it until it's really necessary, they are quite rare). Don't forget to take the hammer. Now put the four orbs into the orb holders. They are easy to find. Each orb will create another piece to the big platform hanging on the wall. On this platform is a teleporter which will bring you to the last part of the dungeon. This large area is the area with the column. The Wyrmguard will first call her hell hound. Kill it, this will summon a bridge between you and the guard. This guard is actually Mariah, an old friend of yours (like Iolo), so try not to kill her. (She is the one without the shield. Try to separate the illusions, kill them and ignore Mariah, fortunately she is a little slow at casting spells) Step onto the transport which will appear soon. It will carry you to the column. Take the glyph, jump on the transport and on the teleport platform to leave Deceit. Moonglow ~~~~~~~~ Again, navigating in Moonglow is a little difficult until you cleanse the shrine and get your items back. The first person you met at the entrance to Deceit is Duncan. At first he'll try to attack you 'cause he thinks you have stolen his dagger. Talk to him and convince him you don't have it. Now he tells you about the city and how the people have lost their honor. NOTE: Duncan can train you with two-handed weapons if you bring back his dagger. Now it's time to visit Moonglow. Swim across the small river to a place with a small campfire. There's a map of Moonglow near the log. Follow the steps and the path into the city. You will meet a boy who will tell you his father is attacked by thieves. Don't pay attention to what he says, he's lying. The house to the right is Tydus' house, the mage who told Duncan to attack you. He's the keeper of the lyceaum and the oracle of wisdom. You must find the lyceaum to get the mantra of honor, but Tydus won't show you the location before you solve a little task for him: you must find the staff of wisdom in a cave south west of Moonglow and return it to you. Leave Moonglow through the second entrance to the south (look at the map) but do not walk over the bridge (you will again meet the lying boy). Turn left instead and follow the path until you reach the cave. Surprise: no staff here, but two pirates instead. Kill them, grab the dagger (it's Duncan's) and follow the cave until the end. Touch the unlit torch near the compass. Swim to the wreck and kill the sorceress. Open the chest and you'll find the arms of the magi. They will reduce the amount of mana for spell casting, if you wear them. Now go back to Tydus. He will send you to another cave. This time use the town entrance left of Tydus' house. Turn left and follow the path until you reach a stone arc. Walk further until you reach a cave with a ruby at the entrance. NOTE: if you follow the path you will find a shepherd's crook, a nice and useful staff weapon and the 'charm'-spell. You will find a demon inside the cave. Talk to him and agree to drop your weapons. You will find the heartstone in this cave. This is the source of Tydus' power. This should be enough to convince him to tell you about the lyceaum. There is a set of chain armor in the two chests. You will find the keys behind a crate and in the mouth of the watching face at the wall. Leave the cave through the teleporter. Outside the cave you will meet the lying boy again. Listen to him, now he's telling the truth. Run to the house of his father (it's the house to the east on the map) and kill the thieves. The boy's father, Joshua, will tell you that they have stolen his journal. You will find it in an abandoned hut at the docks south of Moonglow. If you return the journal to Joshua he will give you two scrolls, wizard eye and infernal armor. Oh, and don't forget to read the book in Joshua's house. Tydus will now reveal the lyceaum. You can reach it via the flying ship at Tydus' house. Press the button in the house to call a transporter to the second storey of the house. Jump into the ship and wait till it reaches the lyceaum. Inside the oracle will advise you to look into the stars to get the mantra. Use the telescope (this will only work while it's night outside!). You can also get the book of truth here. Answer that you are responsible for the problems in Britain and you can take it with you. After you got the mantra, you have to find the sigil. Go into the house in the south east of Moonglow and talk to Batista. She will give you the sigil if you bring her the magic shield from Mariah's house. Mariah's house is the one to the north on the map (the house with these magically floating steps inside it). There's a room with a teleporter under a trapdoor (the room is inaccessible before you talk to Batista). Use the teleporter and you will find yourself in a cellar with the shield behind two force fields. Search the walls for secret doors. There are two secret rooms with platforms. Put a barrel on each one and the fields will vanish. If you haven't killed Mariah, she will wait for you here and give you the secret Ritual of Restoration (very useful!). Now grab the shield and return to Batista. She will give you the sigil of honesty. Time to cleanse the shrine. Leave Moonglow through the north entrance and walk over the bridge. You will see a graveyard half way to the docks with two skeletons. Kill them and go further until you find a cave entrance. If you pass the cave (you don't have to) you will face a gazer, so be careful. Inside the cave you will find two goblins and a pentagram. If you touch the orb, a wall will disappear and reveal a healing fountain. Go to the right and follow the path to the top of the mountain with the shrine. Put the sigil and the glyph on it and speak the mantra to cleanse the shrine. Now the things are returning to normal in Moonglow. Go to the docks and meet Raven to get back your inventory. Yew ~~~ Raven asks you which town you want to visit next, Yew or Minoc. There is no best way which town you should visit first. Just decide yourself. The solution of Yew takes a lot more time but is in some ways easier then Minoc (and left you with some good weapons, too). If you want to visit Yew, Raven tells you to visit Lord British first. He can open the passage through the mountains if you ask him. The entrance to the passage is the same canyon with the house inside when you solved the puzzle with the small boy in the burning farmhouse and the thieves (walk west to Paws until you reach the crossroads, then turn right and follow the path). Just walk further into the cave. The blocking wall has disappeared. Follow the cave (both directions in the cave are successful) and use a torch, light spell or any other source in the dark areas. You will finally arrive in the western part of Britannia, past the mountains. The complete second half of the main isle of Britannia is now accessible! You can at first ignore the area to the south, Yew itself lies to the north. From the exit of the cave, walk to the west, until you find a path. Follow the path and you'll arrive in Yew after a long walk. Yew is the city of justice and you'll get your first impression of their "justice" when you talk to the people. Raven has followed you and was imprisoned. You can find the court of justice in the north east of Yew (it's the circular mountain on the Britannia map). It's entrance is marked with two big trees. Just enter the court and watch the cinematic sequence. What a farce. Outside the court is Desbet, a wingless gargoyle, waiting for you, but you can convince him that you didn't cause the destruction of Ambrosia. You must show him the queen's egg (you still have it, don't you? :-) and he will tell you to visit Vasagralem. You can reach his house by using the lift south of you. Just walk south, until you reach a lift on the ground, use it, then use the left platform and walk over the left bridge to Desbet's house. He will tell you that he has activated the transporter to Vasagralem's house. You must show Vasagralem the queen's egg and he will give you the red lens. Now he will help you to free Raven and advice you to go to the dungeon Wrong. He will wait there to show you a secret entrance. He also tell you that the mantra and the whereabouts of the sigil of justice (a quill) can be found in a book in Yew's library. The library is below Desbet's house. You can find the book of justice if you put back the book "Encyclopedia Britannia V" back into the bookshelf. Another row of books will vanish (in the shelf with the small globe) and reveal the book of justice. Read it and you will find the mantra. The book also tell that the sigil can be found by a creature in the big mountains north east of Yew. Raliegh, the bowyer in Yew, can train you the flaming arrow shot. BUG NOTE: In game version 1.07, it will cost you 2500 gold, don't listen to to the text or the speech. Northern mountains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now it's time to go to Wrong. Don't be mislead, Wrong is the small isle in the north east part of the main island, so you have a long march before you. But there's much to explore on the way to the dungeon. From Yew, walk east until you find a path with any sign (mostly "to northern trail and Wrong"). You have to follow the path to the east. NOTE: if you follow the path the wrong way you will find a big sea with a waterfall coming out of the mouth of a giant face. If you walk around this sea you will come to a big crate standing on some kind of platform. There's the lighthouse sapphire in it. Just follow the path into the mountains and keep looking for signs. They will show you the right direction to Wrong. You will come to a small goblin outpost with an armored goblin guard and a chest. There are 600 gold in the chest. Examine the surroundings among the chest and you will find a longsword, one of the better 1-handed weapons. Keep it, it will be one of your best swords for a time. After a long walk you will come to the snowy mountains. Don't be encouraged, this is only half the way to Wrong. NOTE: After your first "meeting" with an ice hound, there are some ruins to the north. These ruins are the Empath Abbey, where you can get the candle of love which is important later in the game. While you are following the path, keep looking around for a flag with the sign of justice on it. It's near two thieves. Left from the sign is a very small pass leading to the top of a mountain. On the top sits a vulture with spread wings. This is Eustus, the keeper of the sigil. Answer his three questions and he will give you the quill (the answer to the questions is "no" all three times). Now go on on the path till you reach the ocean and a very long bridge. This bridge will lead you to a stronghold and the Wrong dungeon. But unfortunately the doors of the stronghold are close, but there's another way. At the end of the bridge walk down to the water, you'll see a boat and Vasagralem waiting. He tells you about a secret entrance. Jump into the boat and wait until it stops. Now dive into the water and search for an underwater cave entrance. Swim into it. Don't worry if it seems that you run out of air, just keep swimming . At the end, touch one of the skulls to open the secret entrance into Wrong. Wrong ~~~~~ This is one of the most difficult dungeons in the game, because you are arrested as soon, as a guard sees you, even if you try to kill him. There are several ways to prevent being caught. You should use all possible covers (the spiked columns), you can use a "fog" scroll, you can cast "charm" on the guard, you can even use the "backpack cheat" (see below). A guard won't notice you unless he sees you straight in the eyes, so kill them as soon as possible with spells or a crossbow. If he sees you, you have to kill him before he finishes his "you are under arrest" sentence, or you will be imprisoned. If you get caught, you will be teleported without your inventory and your spellbook into cell (1). Move the bench and you can open a secret door to the south. Examine your cell for a small dagger and a black potion (invisibility). Kill all spiders (ignore the big one at the pentagram). You will come to cell (2). Put the lamp onto the pressure plate to open the gate. Walk south through the door, try to avoid the guard (use the black potion, you can try to fight him if you're strong enough) and examine room (3). Your inventory is in the chest. Grab the key, too. +--+ down b ¦ 8¦ down c : : + + : : +--·· ¦ +---++--------+9¦ ¦ +··up b +-----------++----¦ +-+¦ ¦ ¦ ¦+--+ + + ¦A¦+--+ ¦ + ¦ ¦ + 5¦ +--+ ¦ + 2 +·· ¦ + ¦ ¦ + ¦ ¦ + +·· +-+¦ ¦ +--++-¦+--+ +-¦+--+ ¦C¦ ¦ 6 + ¦ +--+¦ ¦ +--+¦ ¦ ¦ + ¦ +--+ ¦3 + ¦ 1 - Avatar's cell ¦7 + ¦ +--+¦B¦ ¦4 ¦ +-+¦ + ¦ 2 - 2nd cell ¦ + ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +-+ ¦+--+¦ ¦ 3 - storeroom +--+¦ ¦ ··-+ ¦ +++----+ +-¦+---+ 4 - Cleo up a·+ ¦ ··---+ ¦+---------+ + Start 5 - fake Raven ·--+ down a +-----++----++ ¦ 6 - button + key + + ¦¦+---+ 7 - key ¦1 ¦ exit 8 - Raven +--+ 9 - Buttons ¦+·· +-·· At the start room in Wrong, touch the picture with the ankh to reveal a button. Push it. Now open the door to face a guard. You have to let yourself imprisoned at least once, so don't do anything. In the cell, use the procedure above to free yourself and get your inventory. You can visit Cleo in cell (4) to get some information about Smith the horse. Now use the lever near the gate (A) to open it. Jump into the pit and follow the passageway. In the torture chamber, use the lever at the wench to open gate (B). Examine room (6), push the button at grab the key in the chest. You will find Raven in cell (5), but beware, this is a trick. Kill the zombie and read the book, it contains important informations. Now follow the passage to the south ("down a" on the map). Get the key in room (7) and move on. NOTE: The gate (C) leads to a crypt with two skeletons and a strange coffin. I haven't found anything usual in there. You will find the true Raven in cell (8). You've read the proper combination for the skulls, but here is it: 5 3 2 1 4 Inside the cell, jump over the flames and use the left valve first, then the right to free raven. She will thank you and give you a key. BUG NOTE: Sometimes the gameplay crashes here or you can't talk to Raven. Just reload the game and try it again. BUG NOTE 2: Some people have told about problems when the cursor disappears while you're talking to Raven. But you can still select your answers with the 1,2,3... keys. Raven's key unlocks the door to the west. At the door (9) you'll see two buttons, press the left to open the door, if you want. Follow the way to the north. +--+ +--+ up c + + + + : : +++---++--+ ¦ ¦ D ¦ +--+ +-----------+ ¦10¦ 10 - Wyrmguard armor : ¦ ¦ + + +····¦E¦+--+ ¦¦ 11 - slavery marketeer ¦ + +-+¦ +-+¦ + +--+ 12 - tavern keeper ¦ + ¦+--+ ¦ + ¦ 13 - door +--+ +-+¦ ¦ ¦12¦ +-+ ¦ 14 - chests + + ¦+--+ +++---++-----+ ¦ F 13¦ +-----++-----+ + + ¦+-+ ¦11¦ +-+¦ +--+ + + ¦14¦ to ··--------+ +--+ ¦¦ column··-++----¦¦-¦15+-+¦ + + +--¦ +--+ ¦16¦ +--+ +--+ You will come to another gate (D). There's a black brick to the north. Push it to open the gate. Follow the passage to gate (E). Search for a white brick to open it. In cell (11) the slave seller from Buccaneer's Den wants you to open the portcullis. Don't do it, it's bad karma. Free the tavern keeper in cell (12) instead. Once again, search for a brick button at gate (F) to open it. Following the passage, you'll find three buttons. Press the blue one to open the door at (13) for a short period of time. The red one will teleport you to cell (12). The green one will call a guard. You must run to door (13) before it's close again. You will find four chests in room (14), two of them are mimics. If you enter room (15), the portcullis will close. Dive into the water and use the valve to the north to open them again. Now go on to the column, where you will find another of your old friends. You don't have to kill Jaana, try talking to her, then walk to the wench and use the lever. This will drop a cage and Jaana is trapped. Say her to open the portcullis and promise to free her, if she opens them, but leave her instead. Go inside the column, grab the glyph and go back to room 16. Search the east wall for a brick button, it will reveal a teleporter. Step on it and you will be teleported to the pentagram room in the secret passage between your old prison and cell (2). Now you can leave the dungeon. back in Yew ~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in Yew, it's time to cleanse the shrine. The shrine is located in the mountains north west of Yew. NOTE: beneath the shrine are two stone heads with a glowing red pentagram. If you use "ignite" to cast a fire in every statue's mouth, a bolt of flame scroll will appear. Near the scroll binding pentagram is a long wooden bridge and a cave. If you follow the cave you will find two goblins and a locked crate. One of the goblins has the key. The crate contains a claymore, a powerful two handed weapon! You can open the porticulls at the cave's exit with igniting either the braziers or the fireplaces in the statue's mouth. West from this exit, over the mountain, lives an hermit. He is the person who can train you the master skill for staff fighting, but he wants a jewlery, the Britannia Star, for exchange. NOTE: You can find the Star in Trinsic. After you've cleansed the shrine, go visit the justice court to free Raven. Now you can go back to Britain, Raven's waiting for you at the docks. Cove/Minoc ~~~~~~~~~~ Irene, the shop keeper near the docks, tells you about riots some days ago and that a man named Raxos, the first citizen, brought back order to the town. He now seeks to sacrifice people at the shrine. Irene also tells you about some people have stolen items from the dead. The building across the wooden bridge is the house of Raxos. You will find Nico, the magician from Britain, imprisoned here. He will ask you to get the key from Raxos, because he is scheduled to be sacrificed. NOTE: You can talk now with Raxos to free Nico, but you have to kill him. You can also try to talk with him after the shrine is cleansed, and he will free Nico. You will have to pay a fee to the guard in order to enter the house, or you can simply kill him. When you've got Raxos' key (either by killing him or talking to him after cleansing the shrine) you can open the door to the jail and free Nico. He will give you the orb of the moons, a unique and very useful item. If you place it on the ground inside a stone circle and speak a mantra, a moongate will appear and teleport you to the stone circle of the city bounded to the virtue, which mantra you've spoken (example: MU for Britain, the city of compassion. You will be teleported to the stone ring near the lighthouse east of Britain). But remember: You can only travel to a city which shrine has been cleansed! Dayla, a little ghost, lives in the burnt house in the east part of cove. She tells you more about the riots, the stolen belongings of the ghosts and that she misses her doll. NOTE: you can find her doll in a cave behind the waterfall at the central sea of Minoc. Behind Dayla's house lies the graveyard. An angry ghost attacks you, but you can ignore it. You have to put the ghost bracelet and the ghost necklace into the coffin to get a scroll. You can find the necklace in Raxos' house, under a trap door near the dining table. The ghost bracelet can be found in a tunnel to a secret cave in the mountains between Britain and Yew. On the way to the tunnel to Yew lies an old house with an unfriendly man inside (This was the sub-quest of the boy in the burning farmhouse and the rescue of his mother from the thieves). If you have read the notes of the tief and walk into the mountain to find the secret cave, there is a tunnel right after the snowy glade with the wolves. The bracelet lies inside there in a chest (BUG?) NOTE: Behind the northern pillar at the entrance of the graveyard lies a map. This will guide you to a sunken dome and within the corpse of a dead swordsmaster. This is important, if you want to have the secret "mastery" level of 2-handed weapons fighting. This map will show you a place on sea west of Yew. You have to sail with Raven's ship. At the point you'll find a small wooden dock (my sextant readings were 1'24N, 51'55W). If you look into the water, you'll see a giant dome. Try to find the two statues marking the entrance to the dome. This is very difficult. You can dive without damage between them. This will take a lot of practice, otherwise you'll die soon!. If you touch both statues, the force filed will disappear and you can swim into the dome. Swim to the tomb and open the coffin. You'll find the remains of the swords master, a 2-handed sword and a book. Read the book to gain the knowledge of the master level. BUG NOTE: Don't take the book with you, just read it. Now you can dive to the water surface (again, it needs practice). Swim to Raven's ship and simply click it to get out of the water. When you enter the central market place in Minoc, you will find Blackthorne attacking some gypsies. He wants the blue lens, but is interrupted. Now you can talk to Laszlo, the Rom Bado. He has the sigil of sacrifice but wants the black crystal ball in exchange. The crystal ball is kept by a powerful liche in the Covetous dungeon. Morgana, an old gipsy in the north west of Minoc, can tell you the mantra of sacrifice (CAH), although it's sadly the last thing she does. You can find the entrance to Covetous, often called the blackrock mines, near the great column in the north east of Minoc. Covetous ~~~~~~~~ The biggest problem in this dungeon is that you can't use magic in here (the blackrock prevents it). Be sure to have enough yellow potions. There are some green ponds around this dungeon, they will heal you if you drink from them. The dungeon is full of skeletons. They can be easily beaten with the shepherd's crook, you need only one hit. But be aware that they will regenerate after 20 seconds, so be quick. You can take some bones from their slain body to prevent the regeneration, but make sure they are always the same parts (like the skull or ribcage) or they will regenerate using parts from another bone pile. There are two tunnels to the east, leading to a lift. You will meet an undead warrior, Lothar, the swords master. He wants you to kill him with a special ghost sword, the gringolet. You can find the gringolet in Minoc, if you swim in the lake. To the south you will see a tunnel. Swim across this tunnel. On a rock lies the ghost sword. Take it and come back to the ghost. Now that you have the gringolet, you can slay the undead warrior, but he will regenerate, so be quick. Take the key from his body and open the chest at the lift. Press the button in the chest to enable the lift. But first, you have to repair the mechanism. If you follow the cart rails, you will come to a cave with a lava pool in it. To the north is a small cave with a lift gear. Take the gear and go back to the mechanism (it's in the tunnel to the west near the entrance). The mechanism is the big machine with the water wheel. At first, turn the valve to stop the water, then put the gear back in it's place, then start the mechanism by turning the valve again. Take the oil can and go back to the lift where the sword skeleton stands. Now you can use the lift. Press the second button from the top to go to the second mine level. Follow the rails until you find a lore. Push the lore to set it in motion and break through the barricade. Jump into the second lore. Don't worry, it will transport you safely across the big chasm. On the other side of the chasm are two zombies. Kill them and walk behind the great column to the east. Search for an iron key behind three crates. Now you can go back to the other side of the chasm (You can climb the rocks to the west, if you can't move the lore). On the other side you'll "meet" a talking skull on a stick. He wants you to bring him back to his grave. Take the skull and go back to the lift. Again, open the chest and press the button inside to go to the next level. Again, follow the rails. You will come to a cave with a giant pit and a bridge across it. If you walk over the bridge, an earthquake will be cast, but it won't do any harm. You can walk around the pit, if you want to. Follow the rails until they are blocked. NOTE: On the eastern wall, you'll see a green glow from a healing pool. Climb the rocks and examine the area behind the pool for an item looking like a crown. This is the Helm of Radiance, an unlimited light source Now search the northern wall for a small tunnel (it is hidden behind some large rocks). Follow the tunnel through two small caves until you come to a blocked tunnel with an ominous red glow and three powder kegs before it. Use the kegs to open the tunnel. You will come to a graveyard with some ghosts. Now search for the skull's grave, it is in a very small tunnel to the north. Drop the skull and he will reward you with a key. Use the key on the chest at the lift and descend to the last dungeon level. Swim into the big underwater cave and use the tunnel to the north. You should swim to the water surface to catch some air and keep looking for bubbles. Swim through the tunnel until you reach a giant cave with the big column. Talk to Julia and ask her about love. She won't attack you then. The entrance to the column is on the western side. Jump into the water to find it. Grab the glyph and swim back to the big underwater cave. Search for a tunnel to the west and swim through it. You will come to another cave with powder kegs. Use them and try to avoid the ghost warriors. Follow the tunnel to a lava filled pit. Run across the pit to the portal. You will come to a force field with a pentagram in front of it. Put the gringolet on the pentagram and the force field will disappear. You will face the liche and two zombies. Killing the liche is easy, even when he's invisible. Attack him at first before he turns invisible and strike him several times with the two handed sword. With any luck you'll kill him before he attacks. You can attack him even if he's invisible (normally he won't move much). He has to be visible to attack you. When he's dead, an orb appears on the burning pentagram. Touch it to reveal a secret passage to the north. You will find the black crystal ball in the big chest in the passage. Now follow the passage to the east into a room with a skeleton sitting at a table. Drag the powder keg to the big vent in the middle of the room and use it. Jump down and swim through the tunnel to the north, until you reach the beach of Minoc. NOTE: It is possible to enter the lair of the liche without loosing the gringolet (and without using the "fly" cheat of course). You still have to go to the great column and Julia to get the glyph, but instead of swiming to the liche's lair, swim back to the elevator and back to the second level of the dungeon. In the first cave on the second level, look around for a passage to the north, behind a boulder. Follow the passage to the west until you come to a cave with two vents, some zombies and a healing pool. Look around in the north west corner for a powder keg behind some rocks. Drag&drop the keg to the vent to the south (you will hear some strange sounds coming from it) and use the keg. Jump into the vent and to another cave with a giant skeleton. Jump into the open vent and you will arrive in the cave with the skeleton at the table, behind the liche's lair. Now go to the liche and proceed as usual. back in Minoc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Give Laszlo the crystal ball. He refuses to give you the blue lens, ask him to use the blackrock crystal ball. He will give you a key to his wagon with the tear of sacrifice and the blue lens inside. Go back to the shrine to cleanse it. Now the people of Cove and Minoc will be much nicer. Go back to Raven at the docks for the trip to Trinsic Terfin & Buccaneer's Den ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raven says that you're ready now to sail the ship on your own and she suggest you to go to Buccaneer's Den for the necessary utensils. But something strange happens on your way to Bucc.Den. Raven don't have the control over the ship anymore and you will be brought to Terfin. Once arrived walk north through the big gate (it will open for you) and enter the tunnel. Follow it until you come to a big door floating in black space. Enter the room. You will recognize it from the intro movie. This is a cinematic sequence, so you can't do anything but watch. Attack the guardian, when you got the controls back. Don't worry, game's not over yet :-) After the sequence, talk with Raven and sail to Buccaneer's Den. Raven tells you to go to the cartographer to get a sailing map, then meet her at her house. Her house is the rebuild ship north west from the cartographer. Just enter the house and sit in the chair for another cinematic sequence. After you wake up, take the pirate's clothes ("Raven's choice") and read the book and the note on the bed. Now you're a guild member, that means, you can enter the locked house at the docks of Bucc.Den. Inside the house you'll find a blackrock armor in the cupboard, and you can buy blackrock gauntlets and a frost sword from the pirate! The frost sword is as powerful as the longsword, but with a freeze spell. NOTE: You can only talk to the pirate if you didn't solve the puzzle of the silver serpent. Now it's time to finally go to Trinsic, the city of valor. Trinsic ~~~~~~~ Soon after your arrival you'll see a woman attacked by a crustacean. Kill it and talk to the woman, Lindonia. She tells you that her husband, Lucero, is worried after loosing the chalice of honor. The guard in front of the bastion warns you about haunting ghosts. Enter the bastion anyway and kill the ghosts. In the second level you'll find a friendly ghost (he's the ghost who won't attack you at first sight :-). He tells you to talk with the ghost of Sir Dupre in order to get the mantra of honor and the sigil (the chalice). To talk to Dupre you have to find a person, who serves the shrine of honor. Lorence, the outfitter, tells you about a guy sneaking around. You can't buy something from him before you've cleansed the shrine. Rupert, the blacksmith, tells you that he is always interested in experimenting with new materials. He agrees to make a blackrock sword for 7000 gold, if you bring him three pieces of blackrock. You should invest the money, the (one handed) blackrock sword is the most powerful weapon in the game. You can find blackrock pieces in the abandoned mine of Minoc (aka Covetous). NOTE: He won't give you the sword before you've cleansed the shrine. Now it's time to visit the main isle of Trinsic. Just swim to the west from the blacksmith and start exploring. At the west shore of the main isle you can find a ship wreck. There's one of the lost lighthouse gems inside. The shrine is in the southern part of the main isle. You'll find Myera, the keeper of the shrine. She advices you to seek for Dupre's ashes and put them on the shrine to talk with his spirit. You can find his ashes in the abandoned fort west from the city. Put the ashes on the shrine and Dupre appears. He informs you to find the chalice in the dungeon Shame, behind a crystal barrier. Speak the Mantra (SUMM) to make the barrier disappear. The dungeon lies in the north west part of the main isle (north east from the giant column). On your way to the dungeon you'll come to a small camp with a guy attacking you. This is the person the outfitter has talked about. Kill him and read his jounal. Blackthorn is in the dungeon and seeks the chalice for himself, so hurry. You can find a lightning strom scroll in the tent of the spy. Shame ~~~~~ You don't have to fight a lot in this dungeon, but it's filled with some logic puzzles. As a mayor rule: don't let the eyes see you. They will try to block your way or shoot fireballs at you. Press the button to shoot an energy orb to the target. The force field will disappear. The gate will open, when you're standing near it so the eye can't see you. In the next room are two eyes guarding two portcullis. Above them is a target, shoot at it twice and the eyes will turn away. Use the gate to the west first. You will come to a room with three decorative shields, a target and an eye. The eye starts to shoot a fireball and then an energy orb at you. This orb has to hit the target. Simply stand before the target, when the orb start floating towards you, just move away. If you succeed, a wall will open. You have a similar problem in the next room. Touch both armor suits and two targets will appear. Stand before them and move, when the energy orb comes near. The right target will reveal a hidden room with some reagents, the left target opens the way to the next room. The next room is a little difficult. Press the purple button and a moving target will appear. It takes some practice to hit it with the energy orb. Try to walk a little ahead of the target. Again, a wall will disappear, this time with a zombie. press the blue button and go to the room with the colored statues. Press both buttons and the statues will start to cycle their color. Touch every statue, when it's color is dark gray. Another statue will appear, touch it, open the chest in the middle of the room and take the black orb. Now go back to the room with the two eyes. use the same procedure but use the east gate this time. You will come to a room with a table and ten buttons on it. Pressing the green buttons will activate a target at different places in the room, the red button will shoot an energy orb. The clue is to reflect the orb on every of the nine targets. But only one target will appear at a time, so wait for the orb to hit the actual target, before you activate the next one. Here's the proper order for the buttons: 1 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 Again, a wall will disappear to gain access to the next room. Don't step onto the red floor. There's a target to the east, shoot it and a part of the red floor will disappear and you can walk to the moving red stripe of the floor. This won't be a problem with a little jump and good timing. Press the red button, and the force field will disappear for a short period. In the last room for this level you'll find a lot of levers and a turning eye. You must switch all the levers before the eye sees you and reset them. My method: wait, until the eye don't see you anymore, then switch the levers counterclockwise. Be quick, and another wall will disappear. Put the black orb into the holder and you can go to the next level. You have to touch every of the three glowing stars. If you touch one of them, you color will change too. Now go to the big statue, touch it and it's color will change, too. Use this procedure for every color, it's easy. Tip 1: There's a button on the eye near the red star. Tip 2: to reach the yellow star, you have to push the button downstairs near the blue star, in the room with the bearskin. After you've collected all three colors, the statue will disappear and reveal a teleporter. You will come to the room Dupre talked about: inside a crystal barrier. After some time a voice will ask you about the mantra of honor (SUMM) and the barrier will disappear. First, jump onto the glass cases and go into the tunnel to the north to the cave with the chalice of honor. You'll meet Blackthorn. Tell him you won't give him the lenses and he will destroy the chalice. Dupre will appear and tell you how to restore the chalice of honor. Just take one chalice from this room. Then you have to show the people in Trinsic that they don't have lost their honor. Now go back to the cave and the great column. Don't miss the lightning sword lying at the west wall of the cave, it's the second most powerful weapon in the game! Kill the Wyrmguard (I still haven't found a method to prevent it) and an opening will appear at the column. Grab the glyph and use the teleporter in this cave. Now you can leave the dungeon. back in Trinsic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time to restore the chalice. If you talk to the guard before the bastion, he will tell you that this is not the right chalice. He will also tell you about a guy roaming around in Trinsic and talking to every paladin about honor. You will find this man, Virgil, in the room near the tavern, to the west. He will tell you that a portal has opened at his house and some phase spiders have appeared. He now needs a paladin to close the portal. Agree to help him. Now talk to the paladin, Lucero. He is in the house above the blacksmith. Tell him that he's a coward. Dupre will appear and convince Lucero to help Virgil. Now go to Virgil's house on the small southern isle of Trinsic. You can either swim to the isle or use the bridge near the shrine to get to Virgil's house. At Virgil's house, a phase spider will attack you. I've found that the frost sword is most effective against the fast spiders. You must cover Lucero while he tries to close the portal. You will know if he has succeeded when a giant phase spider will appear. Kill it. Lucero's act was enough for the people of Trinsic to know that they haven't lost their honor. Now you can go back to the bastion and place the chalice in front of the statue. It will be transformed into the sigil of honor. BUG NOTE: normally, you have to talk to everyone in town before the guard will agree to give you the chalice, but you can simply grab it from the statue. Now go back to the shrine, place the sigil and glyph onto it and speak the mantra to cleanse the shrine. If you search the small isle near Virgil's house you'll find a cave with some goblins guarding it. Inside the cave lies the Britannia Star, you need it to be trained by the hermit near Yew in the master staff skill. Now there are only two shrines left to be cleansed. Go back to Raven and she will take you to Valoria. Valoria ~~~~~~~ Soon after arriving in Valoria you will find a dying warrior at the beach. He gives you his shield and wants you to talk to his brother (the guard at the entrance to the inner crater). Valoria is under siege by three big demons. They can't be killed, so avoid them at the first time. The entrance to the inner crater is at the south part of the isle. You will find two stone heads there. Push the topaz in the eye of the statue to the right and the palisade will open. Follow the path to the volcano. The guard wants a proof that you're the Avatar. You have to bring him the head of a red dragon from the dungeon Destard. He will tell you that the entrance to Destard is blocked by some large stones. They can only be moved using the proper "words of power", whose are unknown to him. But there is another frozen entrance near the great column. Back to Raven's ship you will find her attacked by two zombies. Kill them and talk to Raven. The dungeon Destard can only be reached by the docks in Britain. The entrance to the dungeon lies near the village of dawn at the south west of the main isle (this is west from Paws, below the column on the map). You have to go through the tunnel you've formerly used to go to Yew. But at the exit near the goblin settlement, turn south and follow the path until you reach the village. You will meet a woman, Molly, who tells you about the fate of the townsfolk. A red dragon, Taloria, has attacked the village and some people have gone into the dungeon to defeat it. Some other town people have turn to worship the dragon. You can find the normal entrance to Destard near the village. It is blocked, as the guard has told you, but there's another way inside. Look around for a street sign lying on the road. Turn east and walk over the hill, just between two houses. Follow the path to the south until you reach a plateau with a square ice field on it, near a corpse. Use fireball or bolt of flame to melt the ice and jump. Destard ~~~~~~~ go north into the great cave with a lava sea and a floating egg between five columns. The key is to get five eggshells in different colors and put them on the column with the same color. At first, visit the smaller cave to the west. You will find some hell hounds and a trigger plate near a chest. Put something on the plate and the wall to the north will disappear. Now go into the egg's lair and kill the dragon guard. Search the north of the lair for a small passage where you can find the red eggshell. Now back to the great lava cave. Follow the cave to the east and north until you reach a cave with giant rats and a prisoner. Free him (the key lies on the big stone besides the pillar with the lit brazier on it). Follow the tunnel until you meet a ghost, Adreanna. She will tell you more about the dragon and how he can be defeated. She will also ask you to find a sign of her husband, Darim. To the east from Adreanna is the bottom of the great column, past a lava pool. Again, you don't need to kill the Wyrmguard, try to frighten him instead ("..try to get my head..","..come on..","..just stay there.."). Grab the glyph and leave this place. Bach to Adreanna, go north and step onto the pentagram. You will be teleported to another part of the dungeon, with some Wyrmguards around. Kill them and follow the hallway to the east until you reach a training room. Touch the crooked picture on the northern wall to reveal a hidden door. The green eggshell is inside the chest. NOTE: There's a red skull inside the prison at the hallway. It is needed by a side-plot later in the dungeon. Follow the hallway to the west and the north. Quickly grab the key inside the small cauldron and move on until you come to a junction. The way to the south leads to a cave with a demon and the remains of Sir Drake (the guard at Valoria told you about him). Read his book to learn the word of power ("INOPIA"). Back to the junction and follow the way to the north. In the next room, step on both pressure plates, kill the zombies and press the button on the pillar. You will come to another junction with the picture of a pentagram (the cover art of Ultima VIII, btw.). Both ways lead to the same hall. There's a secret door in the southern hallway, opposite to a blurry pentagram. You will find a key behind it. You will come to a small chapel with the worshippers of Taloria, behind a force field. To enter the chapel, press the button on both pillars and also the button inside each guard's room, above the entrance. NOTE: you only need to enter the chapel if you want to perform the ritual of the demon. This ritual will give you a "summon demon" scroll. It is not necessary for solving the main task of the game. SIDE PLOT: if you want to perform the ritual, you have to collect five red items. Read the book in the chapel. You need the follow items: a red skull (found in the prison earlier in the dungeon), a red candle (found at the mines later in the dungeon), a fiery globe, a flask of blood and a served head (all three can be found in the chapel). Open the door between the statues into a room with a binding pentagram. Touch the dragon statue to reveal a secret room. Grab the served head and go back to the chapel. Go inside the alchemy lab to the south. There's a blood flask behind some flasks on the table. Follow the tunnel to the west into a room with some bookcases. Touch the crooked picture and a key will appear on the table. Open the door and take the red orb. Now go back to the chapel. After you got the last item (red candle) later in the game go into the big room with four pedestals and a pentagram. Put all items on the pillars and the served head onto the pentagram. This will summon a big demon. Kill it and take the scroll. You should also take the red candle, you can use it later in the game. Back to your primary task. Follow the main hallway to the north. You will find a pile of bones and a book. This is the diary of Darim, Adreanna's husband. Kill the demon and follow the hallway to another junction. To the south lies a crypt. Walk into the first room and press the stone at the northern wall. Run quickly through the hallway with the skulls into the second room with a giant floating skull. Kill the liche and get the key from the crate under the eastern stairs. Open the door to the last room. Kill the big zombie. The yellow eggshell lies in the coffin. Now back to the junction and follow the hallway to the north until you reach a cave with a fountain. To the north lies the entrance to Destard. You will be asked for the word of power ("INOPIA") to move the blocking boulders. To the east lies a spider's lair and the blue eggshell. To the west are the mines. Inside the chest in the room with the scales is the red candle. You can find the key to the chest in one of the crates. Now back to the great cave with the five columns (You can perform the demon ritual on your way back). Talk to Adreanna, she will give you the white eggshell. Back to the lava room, put the eggshells on the columns with the same color (pay attention to the color of the light shining onto each column). This will open the entrance to the dragon's lair to the north. Enter the lair and face the dragon. Of course you won't bargain with Taloria and she will attack. Killing her is a little difficult. The best way is to climb the big stone pedestal she was initially sitting on. Now you can reach her with the black sword. Take her head (but of course :-) and leave the dungeon. NOTE: to the east from the lava lake lies the treasure room of the dragon, with a chest armor of the troll. It is normally blocked by an energy field, but the field will disappear after you've killed the dragon. Leave the dungeon and go back to Britain. NOTE: from this side of the village, you can climb the mountains between the village of dawn and Paws. This is a good shortcut to Britain. Now back to Raven at the docks and off to Valoria. back in Valoria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now you can talk to the guard, Lambert, and he will open the portcullis for you. You can also show him his brother's shield. Inside the inner crater are two warriors, Arthos, once a fearless fighter, and Eris, who is in panic about the thee demons, which are besiege the city for the sigil. In the north chamber lies Meranthon, a wizard. He knows the secret how to defeat the demons, but he lost his tome of demonology while fighting a monster near a glade at the bottom of the volcano, east of the isle. As soon as you leave the crater to search for the tome, a cinematic sequence starts. Eris has made a deal with the demon and give them the sigil. Now there's no time to loose. You can find the glade right after leaving the stone entrance to the inner crater. Turn left and walk down the hill until you are at the bottom. Here you can find the entrance to a cave, and within a stone giant and the tome, near a pool of lava. Read the book and you know how to defeat the demons. You have to find two other warriors, so back to the crater and talk to Arthos. He will come with you if you call him a coward. The second warrior is Lambert, the guard. Talk with him and soon he will agree to help you. Now it's time to fight the demons. Your one is the demon at the shrine, at the north west part of the isle. * BIG BUG NOTE: THERE'S A GLITCH IN THE USECODE OF THE GAME, IF YOU ARE * PLAYING U:A v1.07! THIS MAKES THE KILLING OF THE DEMONS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE, * EVEN WITH CHEATING! * I would strongly suggest that you either "downgrade" to v1.05 during the * fight or use a newer patch >1.07! Behind the stone altar of the shrine lies the lair of the demon. As soon, as you start attacking it, the two other warriors start to attack, too. Kill the hell hounds at first, and the demon is vulnerable. After you killed him, the sigil will appear on the red pentagram (you have to look carefully). Now back to the crater and ask Arthos for the mantra ("RA"). Now you have all you need to cleanse the shrine. Well done, only one shrine left to cleanse. When you try to leave Valoria, Raven will tell you that Lord British wants to talk with you. Britain ~~~~~~~ A lot has happened after you last visited Lord British. Talk to the majordomus in the castle. Blackthorne has challenged you for the final fight, but Lord British decided to confront Blackthorne by himself. He's now in the Abyss, a dungeon which is sealed off from Britain. But Blackthorne has left a clue how to get into the Abyss. Just read his note and you will learn that the key in entering the Abyss lies on Skara Brae. But first, a small task to complete (so you don't have to come back for this later). You need an Ankh of Spirituality for Skara Brae. You'll learn later in the game that Lord British has one in his bedroom. Talk to the musician in the throne room. She will give you a note sheet for the "Stones" theme. Put this on the harpsichord in Lord British's bedroom and play it. The box on the table will vanish and reveal the ankh. Now off to Skara Brae. Skara Brae ~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: You can reach Skara Brae without sailing to it by Raven's ship. At the north west of Trinsic, near the great column, lies a small island between Trinsic and Skara Brae. You can swim without problems to this small island and to Skara Brae. Soon at your arrival, another statue (Shamino) will speak to you. He need your help to free him from the eternal void. He instructs you to seek out the well of souls here on the isle. You need an ankh to open the force field and enter the well. The sentinel of Skara Brae (the great statue's head, half sunken in the sand) will tell you more about Shamino and gives you the mantra of spirituality, if you stand on the palm of the statue's hand. The well of souls is the great building at the north of the isle. Be careful, it is guarded by a sea snake. The entrance lies underwater, don't miss the air bubbles past the entrance to prevent drowning. The force field blocking the well will be vanish if you have the ankh of spirituality. Just jump into the well. You will meet some restless spirits. Calan, a thief, knows about the book of truth in Moonglow. Elisabeth, another ghost, is in grief because she has neglected her baby. You have to bring her her baby to show real love and she will tell you the whereabouts of the candle of love, in the ruins of Empath Abbey. You can find her baby in the farmhouse on the other side of the area. Mathis, a warrior, tells you about the bell of courage, after he has heard about the fate of his people in Yew. The bell is in the sunken ruins of Serpent's Hold, south east of Trinsic. You can find the trapped Shamino in a cave, if you follow the path. Read the book on the altar to learn how to free him. You have to perform the ritual of life and you need the book of truth, the bell of courage and the candle of love. You should already have the book of truth, it can be found in the lyceaum in Moonglow. Talk to the oracle, say that you are responsible for the destruction and you can take the book. Empath Abbey ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Empath Abbey lies in the northern mountain of the main isle of Britannia. You should follow the northern path from Yew, you used to get to the dungeon Wrong. Follow the way until the path gets snowy. Walk until you reach a sign ("to Wrong") and look around. You should see the ruins of Empath Abbey. Talk to the monk, Brock, to learn a little about love. To get the candle you simply have to light the braziers behind the ruins. The candle is in the middle part of the altar, try some climbing and jumping. You can leave the abbey by walking and jumping over the ice floes. There's an ice dragon to the north. If you fight him, you can find a frost sword on the top of the plateau he was sitting. You have to cast "eternal sight" to see it. Serpent's Hold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getting to Serpent's Hold is a little difficult. It's on the small island you see on the Britannia map, south east of the Trinsic isle. You have to sail Raven's ship by yourself. Look around into the sea. The ruins are below the sea level. They are a hexagonal structure with a small opening. You have to swim very deep, it takes some practice (a mana breathe spell or a blue potion can help). The sextant coordinates are 74'31N 5'27E. Inside the Hold, kill all ghosts and get the key from the chest to the south (careful, it is trapped). Open the door to the north and face the archmage. You can kill him using Iolo's Bow or you can jump, if you have the leggings of Sentri. Near the pentagram are some blackrock boots. After you've killed him, a wall will vanish and reveal the bell of courage. Talk twice to the protector of the bell, she can train you the master one-handed weapon skill. Now back to the Well of souls to free Shamino Skara Brae ~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the cave in the Well of souls to free Shamino. At first, light all four braziers to open the ring of fire, then put the book, bell and candle on their places (read the plaques). Now use every of them (use 'ignite' on the candle of love) and Shamino is free. He will tell you the true origin of the Guardian. Very bad news, indeed! (Although it's a little out of continuity, regarding Ultima 7 and Underworld 2 :-) He will also tell you how to reach the Abyss and Lord British. You have to summon a demon to enter the realm of the Abyss. Another spirit will appear. Tell him you need his help and let Shamino talk to him. You will learn the ritual of summoning Pyros, a great demon Now you can reach the Isle of the Avatar. Talk to Raven to get to it. Isle of the Avatar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * BIG BUG NOTE: IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO REACH THE ISLE OF THE AVATAR IN THE * GAME VERSION 1.07! There's a blocking around the isle which should * vanish after talking to Shamino. But this doesn't happen until patch * 1.18, so the isle is unreachable with the ship. Although you can still * reach the isle using the 'fly' cheat. You can perform the ritual only on the pentagram in the middle of the isle. You need Blackrock (from the mines in Minoc), spider silk, sulphur ash, a demon skull (no need to search, there is one right at the pentagram) and a red candle (you can find one in the dungeon of Despise). Put all on the pentagram and light the candle. the Abyss ~~~~~~~~~ Find your way to the big hole surrounded by four statues sending rays into it. Jump into the hole. You will be teleported to a tower-like building. Each level has an elemental theme (earth, air, water, fire). Every level is similar to solve: in the first room (to the left from each starting point) you have to push a secret button, shaped like a brick to open the way to another room, to the right from the starting point. There is the teleporter to the next level. In each level is a glowing orb, which you have to take. 1st level (air): kill the gazer and touch the secret button. In the next room with the four columns a cloud will start to shoot energy orbs. One orb has to hit the target in the middle, and a teleporter will appear. Grab the black glowing orb and step onto the teleporter. 2nd level (fire): kill both hell hounds and press the buttons. A column with the red glowing orb will appear Touch the secret button. In the next room you have to douse the fire in the two braziers. Now step on the teleporter. 3rd level (earth): the main clue: don't let the eyes see you. The best method is to use a black potion or an invisibility spell. Kill the gazer and put some item on the pressure plate. Climb the stairs and touch the ankh. A book from the Timelord will appear. It contains some nice background information for the game. Again, find the secret button (it's on the western wall) and go on to the next room. Quickly grab the green glowing orb and jump onto the teleporter. 4th level (water): swim to the other side of the room and wait until the stairs will appear. Touch the secret button and swim back to the second room. Melt the ice with a fireball, grab the blue glowing orb and step onto the teleporter. Now you are standing to the entrance to the next part of the Abyss. But it is blocked with the four elements. Place each glowing orb onto the holder and step on the teleporter. There's now an entrance to the eternal plane of each level, dedicated to it's element. Again, all planes are similar. You have to find and kill a special monster (air: big dragon, fire: big demon, earth: stone giant, water: sea serpent) and a teleporter will appear nearby. Step onto the teleporter to leave the plane. Every time you've cleaned a plane, one of the barriers will disappear. Finding the monsters is the hardest part of it. Just keep looking around and don't get lost. Soon as the barriers have disappeared, the path is clear to your final confrontation with Blackthorne. Jump into the now opened hole to be teleported to the second part of the Abyss. Keep jumping down until you come to a bridge. Cross it and face Blackthorne and Lord British. A cinematic sequence will be played. After the fight, run into the column, take the glyph and come back to talk to Lord British. He gives you the codex and instruct you to read it at the altar on the Isle of the Avatar. Once been teleported back, follow the path up to the south part of the isle until you find a cave with two small pillars in front of it. Enter the cave. Put the codex on the altar, the red lens into the left holder and the blue lens into the right one. Now you can read the codex. It will instruct you what to do to finally defeat the Guardian. Britain, ethernal void ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at Lord British's castle. He is waiting for you at the hedge maze. He will open a moongate for you to get to the eternal void. You will meet all your old friends you've killed when they have been Wyrmguards. Talk to Dupre and step onto the platform. Now cleanse the shrine as usual. Don't forget to grab the rune and the sigil. All of your old friends have been resurrected and are gathering in Lord British's castle. Time for a last sentimental good-bye. *sob* :-) If you haven't gathered all runes and all sigils, now it's a good time to get them. Use the orb of the moons to quickly teleport you near the shrine where you can find the missing sigils and runes. Talk to Lord British one last time. He instructs you to go to Terfin and defeat the Guardian. Now go to Raven (another emotional good-bye here) and sail to Terfin. Terfin ~~~~~~ Time for the final showdown with the Guardian. You only have one dungeon left, therefore it's a very difficult one . Raven will tell you about a secret entrance on the other side of the isle, past the dragon guards. Move fast, don't fight them, try to spare your arrows and mana instead. NOTE: There's a small quirk in the game, that enables you to go directly through the big gate and into the chamber of the Guardian (where the Endgame takes place) without going through the dungeon. If you stand in front of the small gap between the big doors you can see the other side of the gate (switching to first person view might help). Now use a teleporter spell and voila, you're on the other side of the gate and you can walk into the Guardian's room like the first time you've been at Terfin. It is also possible to climb the rocks near the gate, but this is a little more difficult. If you've found the cave entrance and if you have all the sigils, a force field will disappear and you can step onto the teleporter to enter the dungeon. +-++--+ ¦start¦ 1 - button +-----+ 2 - gargoyle and 2 purple potions +--+¦ ¦ +--+ 3 - button ¦ + +-+ 1¦ 4 - key ¦ 2 + +-+ ¦ 5 - locked door & secret button +--+¦ ¦ +--+ 6 - moving walls +--+ ¦ ¦ +---+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦3 ¦ +¦¦+ ¦ ¦ +-+++ ¦+---+ +---+¦ ¦+---+5+----+ +¦¦+ +-¦ ¦4 ¦ ¦ +--+ +--+ ¦ +-+¦ ¦ ¦+ + ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦+--+ +-+ +-+ ¦ 6 ¦ +------+ +--+ +-+ +-+ +--+ ---- +-+7 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦+-+ ---- +-+ ¦ ¦ +-----+¦ +------+ +--+ ¦ +--++--+ +--+ ¦ ¦ + + 7 - key ¦ -+ ¦ ¦8 ¦ 8 - copper key ¦10 -+ ¦ +¦¦+ 9 - gold key +--+ +-¦ +¦¦+ 10 - teleporter +----+ ¦ ¦ ¦9 ¦ 11 - key ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +--+ 12 - torture room ¦ 12 +-----+ +---+ 13 - power cube ¦ +---++-----+¦ 14 - teleporter ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ +++--+ +-+++ ¦¦ ++ ¦¦ ¦11 +----+¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ +----+¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ +---+ + + +-++-+ ¦¦ +----+ ¦ ¦ ¦ 14 ¦ ¦+----+ 13 ¦ +--+ ¦ ¦ +-----+ ¦ +++--+ +--+++ +--+ ¦¦ ¦+---+ +--+¦ +----+ +---+ +--+ In the phase spider cave, step onto the pressure plate to open the portcullis for a short moment. Press the button in the east room to open the door to the west. There are two purple potions inside. Follow the hallway to another room (a training room, #3). Press the blue button behind a barrel to reveal a secret door in the main hallway. Unfortunately, the door is locked. But there's a secret button (the loose brick). It reveal another door. The hallway behind the door is trip wired, but you can jump over them. Take the key from room (4) on the bar table. It will unlock the door in the main hallway. The next room to the south is a trap. Push the red button in time to stop the moving walls. Head east to a small cavern, which is soon be filled with water. Use the small valve on the south wall to open the door to another room (7). Use the big valve to lower the water level and take the key. Take the copper key in room (8) to open a chest in room (9) with it. Beware: all the other chests are mimics. Take the golden key from it. You can find a teleporter in room (10). It will bring you to a room with three chests. As soon as you open one, the other two will vanish, so choose wisely (left: inferno scroll, middle: ring of fire scroll, right: summon demon scroll) On the opposite side to room (10) are four buttons. Press the one to the right to reveal another door. You will find a torture room (12) with a locked door. The key to the door is in room (11). Use the attractor to open the forcefield and douse the torch to the south to make the ring of fire disappear. Now take the key and open the door in the torture room. NOTE: It seems that if you enter room (11) without visiting room (12), the ring of fire contains not a key but a lightning sword. I haven't tested this yet. Follow the hallway until you come to room (13). Kill the demon, grab the power cube and press the button at the throne. Jump into the pit in room (14) and switch the lever to reveal another secret wall. Follow the hallway to a teleporter in room (15) NOTE: I still haven't find a way to cure the little girl. Slaying her does hit your karma. I have just ignored her :-( +--+ +---+ ¦ +++-+ ¦ ¦¦ +--+ +--+ ¦+--+ ¦17+---- ¦ ¦ +----+¦ +--+ +--+ ¦¦ ¦19¦ +--+¦¦ + + ¦18-¦+----+ ¦¦ +---¦+---+¦ +--+¦¦ +--+ ++++ ¦¦ ¦ ++---- 13¦ ¦16¦ ¦¦ ¦ ++-++- ¦ +--+ ¦¦ +--+¦¦+¦¦++--+ +-+¦ ¦¦¦14¦ +----+ ¦++¦ .. ¦¦+--+ ¦+---+ ++¦¦ :: +--+ ¦¦ +--+ +--+ ¦+----+11¦ ¦+-----+ ¦7 ¦ ¦9 ¦ ¦+----+ ¦ +--++-+¦ ++++ ++++ ¦¦ +--+ ¦¦ ¦+--++---++---+¦ +-+ ¦¦ +---++---------+ ¦ --+¦ +¦¦+ 1 - start ¦ ---+ ¦ ¦ 2 - power cube +-+ +¦¦+ 3 - key & power cube ¦¦ 4 - key to room (5) +-+¦¦+-+ 6 - mana restore ¦4 ++ 5¦ 7 - key ¦ ++ ¦ 13 - mad man +-+¦¦+-+ 14 - treasure room key ¦¦ +--+ 16 - meteor room +-------++-- 2¦ 17 - button ¦+---++-++-- ¦ 18 - lever +--+ +--+ ¦¦ ++++¦¦ +--+ 19 - exit ¦ ------ 3¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ --++-- ¦ ¦¦ +--+¦¦+-+ +--+ ¦¦ +--+ ¦¦ +--+ ¦+- ¦ ¦+------++-+ ¦ +--1¦ +---++-----+ ¦ +-+ ¦¦ +--+ +-+¦¦ ¦6-+¦ ¦ --+ +-+ Touch the crooked picture to unlock the door to the west. Follow the hallway until you come to a junction. Visit room (2) first. In room (2), the entrance will close as soon as you enter it. Step onto the pentagram and you will be teleported to a small cave. Search for the red power cube and for another pentagram. This will teleport you back to room (2). Grab the blue power cube and put the red one in the slot at the pylon next to the entrance and the wall will disappear. Now go back to the junction and follow the way to the west. In room (3) you can find another power cube and a key. Press the secret button to the north and a wall in the main hallway will disappear. Now back to the main hallway. On you way, you can touch one of the pictures and the floor will disappear revealing a passage to room (6) with a mana restoring fountain. Follow the main hallway to the north, past a statue of the guardian until you come to a portcullis. Press the blue button and the portcullis will open and you can enter room (7). Take the key and use the lever to reveal a secret passage to the north. Follow it and turn the valve to open the portcullis again. Go east from the main hallway until you come to a forcefield. Talk with Ciara. She searches for a treasure room key. You can find the key far on the other end of the hallway. Follow the hallway back, past room (7) until you come to a portcullis blocking your path. You have to use telekinesis (either from the spellbook or one of the scrolls) to push the blue button on the other side and the portcullis will open. Walk further until you come to room (13). Kill the mad man and touch the picture to the east to reveal a button. Push it and the gate to the cell (14) will open. Search the chest for the treasure room key. Now back to Ciara. She will give you the queen's power cube for exchange. Put it in the pylon near the forcefield and it will disappear. NOTE: There's a lever in room (11), but I haven't figure out it's meanings. NOTE2: The treasure room is the locked door north of Ciara, but there's nothing valuable in it. There's a copper key in the pit. It can unlock the chest nearby with some potions. Now go to room (17) and push the red button on the big chair to reveal a secret room (18). Use the lever in this room and the force field in front of room (16) will disappear. Now put all three power cubes in the slots in every pylon (the red one is already there) and a meteor will appear on the table. You have to put it on the platform, but it is too heavy to put it in the inventory so you have to drag&drop it. Putting it onto the platform will reveal a teleporter at the other end of the main hallway. Now go back to room (19), near the room, where you have found the treasure room key. Step onto the teleporter. It will bring you straight to the entrance of the Guardian's throne room and to the final sequence in the game! the confrontation with the Guardian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now to the final showdown. Enter the throne room. Fortunately the big bad red guy isn't here, so you have a lot of time. Put every sigil on one of the eight columns. After done that, go into the middle of the room and enter the magic words SANCT VAS GRAV IN MANI AN CORP This will cast a magical barrier around the room. A red moon gate will appear and the guardian arrives. He soon starts to attack you (good time for a purple potion :-). You must hurry. Grab three of the moongate stones (they are lying everywhere around, the small stones with a red glow) and put them in the middle of the circle. Each time you've put one down, a cinematic sequence will occur. With the third one a voice will ask you for the armageddon spell. Enter VAS KAL AN MANI IN CORP HUR TYM Well, that's it, you've done it! Now lay back and watch the end sequence. Congratulations to Origin and Lord British for creating a worthy last part of a fantastic saga! Now waiting for Ulima-X (ex, NOT ten! ;) ================================================= 7 Easter Eggs ================================================= There are a lot of small, funny jokes around in this game, as usual. Most of them are simply nice to look at, some other should only be done with saving the game first (like killing Lord British) NOTE: this chapter is almost entirely taken from the websites mentioned in the credits. Hey, a big "thank you", guys! the freezer ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Avatar's house on earth, at the start of the game, open and close the left door of the freezer more than eight times and you will see something unusual. Reflective Stove ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Earth in the kitchen, look at the stove, the reflection is actually of one of Origin's artists. Forbidden book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After saving Joshua in Moonglow, look at the table in his house. There's a book named "everything an Avatar needs to know about sex". Read it. The fan ~~~~~~~ Behind the museum in Britain is a small hut with a funny Avatar-look-alike. The bad boy ~~~~~~~~~~~ If you follow the trail from the shrine of compassion to the north, past the statue from which Shamino spoke first to you, a burned house and a wide beach, you will come to a place with two thieves, two other townpeople, a destroyed bridge and a naughty boy who wants some money. He soon starts to attack you (with fireballs) so you have to kill him. This is another joke from the old Ultima series, where you had to kill one (or more) small children, just for fun, hehe.. The ghost ship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This only happened once to me. After I've cleansed the shrine of compassion, I went to the Britain docks at night, to visit Raven and to go to Buccaneer's Den. Suddenly another ship, a ghost ship, docked and three ghosts walk around the dock. The weird prisoner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit the prison in LB's castle. There's a lunatic prisoner in one of the cells claiming he's the real Lord British. (Indeed he is. The face and the voice are Richard Garriot's, the creator of the Ultima series, also known as "Lord British"). Come back every time you've cleansed a shrine, he will change his speech pattern. Killing Lord British ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can't kill LB with weapons, there's another way (be sure to have a savegame, you can't solve the game without LB). At the Avatar's house on earth, take the rat poison from the freezer and put it on the breadmaker. The breadmaker will produce a poisoned loaf of bread, which miraculous survives the moongate :-) In LB's castle, go to the dining room and search for the secret door to LB's private dining room. Replace the bread on the plate with your poisoned one and LB will come and eat it. When he's poisoned, you can kill him. ================================================= 8 Vendors ================================================= Britain ~~~~~~~ Giovanni ¦ Bailey ¦ item ¦ gold ¦ item ¦ gold ------------------+-------+--------------+------ short sword ¦ 35 ¦ torch ¦ 4 spiked club ¦ 60 ¦ sextant ¦ 500 mace ¦ 150 ¦ lantern ¦ 48 hand axe ¦ 130 ¦ cannonball ¦ 322 staff ¦ 55 ¦ bandages ¦ 10 leather arms ¦ 85 ¦ leather boots ¦ 50 ¦ leather chest ¦ 150 ¦ leather gauntlets ¦ 35 ¦ leather cap ¦ 50 ¦ leather leggings ¦ 120 ¦ steel buckler ¦ 60 ¦ Buccaneer's Den ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herzog item ¦ gold ¦ item ¦ gold ------------+-------+----------------------+------ trout ¦ 11 ¦ cannonball ¦ 322 bread ¦ 7 ¦ scimitar ¦ 365 onion ¦ 5 ¦ cutlas ¦ 624 muffin ¦ 8 ¦ hand axe ¦ 387 gin ¦ 23 ¦ gnarled staff ¦ 391 chain boots ¦ 389 ¦ twohand axe ¦ 795 leather cap ¦ 99 ¦ spiked club ¦ 130 lantern ¦ 275 ¦ scroll: reagents ¦ 745 torch ¦ 17 ¦ scroll: telekinesis ¦ 631 oil flask ¦ 167 ¦ scroll: fireball ¦ 876 sextant ¦ 961 ¦ ¦ guild member (only after joining the guild) item ¦ gold ---------------------+------ mandrake root ¦ 200 invisibility scroll ¦ 1300 mana breath ¦ 1450 blackrock gauntlets ¦ 1900 flaming sword ¦ 800 frost sword ¦ 2420 Moonglow ~~~~~~~~ magic shop item ¦ gold ¦ item ¦ gold -----------------+------+------------------------+------ black pearl ¦ 100 ¦ ethernal sight scroll ¦ 300 blood moss ¦ 100 ¦ cure scroll ¦ 200 garlic ¦ 100 ¦ fireball scroll ¦ 500 ginseng ¦ 100 ¦ health potion ¦ 50 spider silk ¦ 100 ¦ invisible potion ¦ 75 sulphur ash ¦ 100 ¦ cure potion ¦ 40 lightning scroll ¦ 500 ¦ Yew ~~~ James item ¦ gold -------------------+------ torch ¦ 30 lantern ¦ 25 candle ¦ 10 freeze spell ¦ 400 frost storm spell ¦ 600 broad sword ¦ 100 war hammer ¦ 110 great axe ¦ 200 dagger ¦ 40 Minoc ~~~~~ All prices are after (before) cleansing the shrine. Irene ¦ Vaclav ¦ item ¦ gold ¦ item ¦ gold ---------------+-----------+-------------------+----------- torch ¦ 6 (10) ¦ chain arms ¦ 560 (765) oil flask ¦ 8 (12) ¦ chain boots ¦ 330 (450) sextant ¦ 550 (750) ¦ chain chest ¦ 990 (1350) booze ¦ 5 (15) ¦ chain gauntlets ¦ 230 (315) lantern ¦ 55 (75) ¦ chain leggings ¦ 790 (1080) bread ¦ 4 (10) ¦ chain coif ¦ 330 (450) cake ¦ 15 (20) ¦ mace ¦ 192 (262) jade bracelet ¦ 250 (250) ¦ warhammer ¦ 385 (525) ¦ dum dum staff ¦ 220 (300) ¦ target bow ¦ 145 (195) Elena item ¦ gold ¦ item ¦ gold ---------------+-----------+-----------------+----------- blood moss ¦ 150 (210) ¦ cure ¦ 220 (375) garlic ¦ 110 (150) ¦ red potion ¦ 165 (225) ginseng ¦ 110 (150) ¦ yellow potion ¦ 165 (225) mandrake root ¦ 500 (675) ¦ blue potion ¦ 275 (375) black pearl ¦ 220 (300) ¦ black potion ¦ 550 (750) spider silk ¦ 110 (150) ¦ white potion ¦ 550 (750) sulphur ash ¦ 110 (150) ¦ purple potion ¦ 825 (1125) telekinesis ¦ 500 (700) ¦ orange potion ¦ 220 (330) light heal ¦ 165 (225) ¦ Trinsic ~~~~~~~ Rupert ¦ Lorence ¦ item ¦ gold ¦ item ¦ gold ----------------+--------+--------------------+------ broadsword ¦ 440 ¦ trout ¦ 10 scythe ¦ 560 ¦ bread ¦ 6 claymore ¦ 780 ¦ onion ¦ 4 plate arms ¦ 1700 ¦ torch ¦ 6 plate boots ¦ 1000 ¦ sextant ¦ 490 plate chest ¦ 3000 ¦ lantern ¦ 52 plate gauntlets ¦ 700 ¦ levitate scroll ¦ 825 plate helm ¦ 1000 ¦ earthquake scroll ¦ 3050 plate leggings ¦ 2400 ¦ Valoria ~~~~~~~ provisioner item ¦ gold ---------------------+------ torch ¦ 5 bandages ¦ 10 yellow potion ¦ 150 orange potion ¦ 200 black potion ¦ 500 broadsword ¦ 205 flaming sword ¦ 3000 battle axe ¦ 300 bladed staff ¦ 405 daylight scroll ¦ 600 searing rain scroll ¦ 3000 ================================================= 9 spells ================================================= This is where to find certain spells. Some of them are quite unique (*) and so they can be found only on special places in the game. As a hint, don't use a scroll, unless you've found another one. Just wait until you reach the mage's circle and subscribe the scroll in your spellbook. Remember: if you use a unique scroll instead of binding it to your spellbook, it is lost forever! ¦ 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4 ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦create reagents : ¦lightning bolt : ¦light : ¦light heal : 1st circle ¦ Herzog in ¦ various places ¦ various places ¦ various places ¦ Bucc.Den ¦ ¦ ¦ ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦crystal barrier : *¦ethernal sight : ¦infernal armor : *¦cure : shop in 2nd circle ¦ Ambrosia (queen's ¦ cathedral of love ¦ Josuah (Moonglow) ¦ Moonglow ¦ lair) ¦ under trapdoor ¦ ¦ ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦charm : Moonglow, ¦telekinesis : ¦fireball : ¦fog : Moonglow * 3rd circle ¦ Shepherd's tent ¦ Herzog in Bucc.Den¦ Herzog in Bucc.Den¦ near entrance to ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Deceit (Sorceress) ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦time stop : ¦wizard eye : *¦day : Trinsic *¦freeze : shop 4th circle ¦ in the Abyss; area¦ Josuah (Moonglow) ¦ (in crypt) ¦ in Yew ¦ of earth ¦ ¦ ¦ ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦summon undead : Yew¦leviatate : Tower ¦bolt of flame : *¦full heal : Deceit, 5th circle ¦ in hut with *¦ of mad mage, NW ¦ shrine of justice,¦ in the small maze ¦ crates ¦ of Paws ¦cast fire in statue¦ /w 2-hand-hammer ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦meteorite : small *¦invisibility : *¦ring of fire : near¦mana breathe 6th circle ¦ cave SW of Yew ¦ liche in skara ¦ village of dawn ¦ Valoria, knights ¦ ¦ brae ¦ ¦ house ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦death : Skara Brae,¦teleport : Serpents¦summon demon : *¦frost storm : 7th circle ¦ statue's mouth ¦ Hold, archmage's ¦ ritual in destard ¦ shop in Yew ¦ ¦ room ¦ ¦ ------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------- ¦earthquake : ¦lightning storm : ¦inferno : Trinsic,*¦searing rain : 8th circle ¦ Trinsic shop after¦ ruins of empath ¦ house /w phase ¦ shop in Valoria ¦ cleansing shrine ¦ abbey ¦ spiders ¦ ================================================= 10 special weapons and items ================================================= There are several unique items in the game which can only be found in special places. These can either be items used for the gameplay and for onyl one special occasions through the plot, or they are magical items, which are useful in the whole game like armor and weapons. Here's a list of some of these unique items and a short description where they can be found: Weapons ~~~~~~~ Flaming Sword: In the middle of the hedge maze at Lord British's castle, it can also be bought at two vendors later in the game. Gringolet: In Minoc/Cove, in a tunnel from the central lake Longsword: In a Goblin camp on the northern trail (12'55N,10'58E) Claymore: In a cave west from Yew, over the long bridge from the shrine 2-handed sword: In the underwater crypt where you can learn the master 2H-skill Sword of frost: By the ice dragon near the Empath Abbey (32'3N,12'12E, you need 'ethernal sight' to find it) and at the pirate's shop in Buccaneer's Den Sword of thunder: Dungeon Shame, in the great column cave Crook of charming: In Stonegate, if you've choosen the Shepherd. Staff of death: Trinsic, in a cave guarded by two goblins. In the small pool. Glass sword: Three known places: (1) in the queen's chamber in Ambrosia (2) in LB's castle at the fountain. Look around and you will find a coin. DON'T put it in your backpack. Throw it in the fountain instead. The third place is a cave in the crystal mountains, between Yew and Britain, but it's very tricky to reach (without cheats, of course :) It's located at 7'39S 27'8W Blackrock sword: Rupert, the blacksmith in Trinsic Longbow: Raliegh in Yew, there lies one in the practice area, you can also buy one from him. War bow: Valoria, in a shipwreck underwater, at southern end of isle Iolo's Bow: Iolo gives it to you after teaching you the master archery skill Blackrock Armor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blackrock arms: Isle of the Avater, on trail half way up the mountain, behind rock on the west Blackrock boots: Underwater ruins of Serpent's Hold, behind a binding pentagram in the wizard's room Blackrock chest: In the pirate's shop in Buccaneer's Den, in the cupboard Blackrock gauntlets: Buy from the pirate in Buccaneer's Den. Also in the chest with blackrock helm in Skara Brae, see below Blackrock helm: Skara Brae, in the chest at the east end of the isle, next to the way to Trinsic NOTE: it seems that you have to be a ranger to open the chest. There's a key in the chest in Stonegate right after the start of the game, but only if you've choosen the carrer of a Ranger. Blackrock leggings: Ethernal plane (after summoning Pyros). Kill the dragon and open the chest Special armor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arms of the magi: Moonglow, in an abandoned ship wreck (reduces used amount of mana) Swamp boots: Hythloth, in the swamp room (protection against poinson) Chest of the troll: Treasure room of the red dragon, Destard (slowly restores hiptoints) gauntlets of fury: small alcove in Buccaneer's Den. Fire the cannon at (+ 5 pts damage) 63'22S,4'36W two times and a small cave to the north will be opened Helm of radiance: Covetous, 3rd level, at healing pool at the end of (emits light) the lore tracks Leggings of Sentri: In the lake at the northern part of Trinsic (better jumping) ================================================= 11 how to cheat ================================================= unlimited reagents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the more annoying parts of the game is the search for reagents when you need some. This cheat is surprisingly easy: just keep a bag with one of ALL eight reagents. Place the scroll and the necessary reagents on the pentagram and light the candles as usual. The game will ask you for the incarnation words, as usual . DONT TYPE THEM yet. Instead, grab the reagents (and even the scroll, if you want), put them back in your inventory and enter the incarnation. Although there are no reagents on the pentagram the game don't care and binds the spell in your spellbook. Nice little trick, eh? easy fighting cheat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters won't attack you whith your inventory open. But there's a flaw in the gameplay: you can press the 'Q'-Key while while your backpack or a bag is open and you will have the full control over the Avatar, including attacks. Now you can easily smash any enemy while they are still ignoring you. Invulnerable ~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, you don't manage to kill even the smallest rat? Beaten by a thief? Or you want to see all parts of Britannia even before the plot allows it? Tsk, tsk, cheating is what you want, I see. Well, there are some useful cheats for this game, including the famous "God-Mode". (a) first locate the file "default.kmp" in your ascension directory (b) open it with a text editor (but of course) (c) find the "[DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMANDS]" part (d) now you can add some custom keyboard commands. For example, add " ctrl+f = toggle_avatar_fly" as a command. Now whenever you press ctrl-f in the game, the Avatar can fly around. You can choose almost every possible key (read the comments in the file) Now there are several possible cheat commands you can add. The ones I've found are: toggle_avatar_invulnerable : the mighty "god mode" of course. Your hitpoints won't fall, even if you walk through lava. NOTE: this don't affect the mana count and you can still suffer from poison if you don't use the swamp boots. toggle_avatar_fly : This is not simply a "levitate" spell, it also let the Avatar "phases" through walls, mountains or any object in the game, comparable to some "no-clip" cheats in 3D-shooters. toggle_avatar_fast : very useful. The Avatar will run as fast as possible, well, as possible as your hardware able to. pass_one_hour, unpass_one_hour : Time machine! Sets the clock. pass_one_minute, unpass_one_minute : ditto, if you want the exact time sunrise_sunset : toggles between sunrise and sunset toggle_sun toggle_wind toggle_storms : still don't know what these three are doing... only with game >1.05 recharge_mana : what it says fill_spellbook : gives you all spells You can bind any of these commands to any desired key. But a big warning: you should use these commands, especially the "fly" cheat only for experimental reasons or as the last solution. For example, fly to the mountains in Britain just after the start may cause a crash later in the game (because you haven't talked to LB at first). If you use the fly cheat, you should use it only at places you've already visited, because in fly mode the game would not notice it if you've walked over 'special points' where some internal switches for the game have to be set. Easter Egg room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As in previous Ultima games, there are some "special locations" in the game. One of these locations is found very early in the game, on Earth, where the game starts. Outside your house on the training area, go to the sword training dummy. The thing is to go to the other side of the fence. One way is to walk to the two-handed sword in the stone and wait for Hawkwind's ankh to appear. You can jump onto this ankh. From there jump onto the top of the dummy and over the fence. It's a little tricky to get the right angle. If you are lazy, use the "fly" cheat. Once you are on the other side of the fence, search the big tree for a hidden lever. It's on the western side, covered by a bush. Flip the lever and several teleport pads will appear. Some of these pads are inactive, others will teleport you to different locations in Britannia or give you special armor. The pads are: __ \ tree ¦ /w lever¦ dummy 1 ¦ sword ¦ 2 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 ¦ 25 ¦ 3 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ¦ ¦ 4 ¦ ___/fence 1 - regular game, as walking through the moongate 2 - Terfin 3 - Buccaneer's Den 4 - Ambrosia 7 - Despise 8 - LB's Castle 10 - Valoria 14 - Minoc 16 - Jhelom 18 - Skara Brae 20 - New Magincia 21 - all special clothes in the game, like Arms of the magi etc. 22 - Wyrmuard armor 23 - Raven's choice (pirate outfit, not very protective) 24 - Skeleton armor 25 - Blackrock armor (this is it :-) NOTE: I still can't figure out the other pads. Some of them simply teleport you to the same place you are, others seem to be inactive and don't do anything noticeable. Maybe they are changing the stats or something unknown (remember: you don't have your full equipment on earth) There is a small trick to keep the armor and the weapons when you want to play this game regulary, that means walking to the gipsy, get your stats with the tarot cards, then walk through the moongate and so on. Just talk with the gipsy and get your class, but _do not walk through the moongate_! Go to the teleporters behind the trainig area instead. Make sure you have your 2-handed sword and the longbow (good weapons) and step onto one of the armor teleporters (I would recomend the blackrock, of course). NOTE: It is a good tip to take the medical kit from the Avatar's house and leave it in Britain. It normally vanish through the moongate, although it has unlimited healings :-) Now step onto teleporter no. 8 to go to Lord British's castle. Walk into your room and drop all of your weapons and armor. It will be still there when you arrive in Britain through the regular gameplay. Now use the "fly" cheat and fly to the north to stonegate. Fly to the top of the tower. A teleporter platform will materialize. If you step onto the teleporter it will be the same as the moongate on earth, that means a cinematic sequence and you will arrive in Stonegate with your default equipment (everything else from Earth will be lost, as you know it), but the blackrock armor, the sword and the longbow will wait for you in LB's castle. NOTE: if you want to have the items just right at the start in Stonegate, you have to walk into the Stonegate tower through the regular entrance (to load the map). After you are in Stonegate, use the "fly" cheat to fly to the topmost chamber. DO NOT get your spellbook! Just drop the items and fly back to the entrance and leave Stonegate. Now fly to the top of the tower, step onto the teleporter and continue your game. ================================================= 12 Credits and thanks ================================================= This document was written by Ingo Hoffmann between Dec '99 and Feb 2000. It was created using the Programmer's File Editor by Allan Phillips. This document is freeware. It can be distributed, edited and changed in any manner, as long as my name is somehow mentioned ;-) The author is not responsible for any errors or malfunctions of the game while using this document. You can contact the author via ihoff@rz.tu-ilmenau.de or ihoffi@aol.com. You can find the latest version of this text at http://www.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/~ihoff/ultima.html I would like to thank these people or groups, who have given me the informations I needed, when I was stuck: * the official Ultima Ascension forum at http://boards.owo.com/ for giving me dozens of small, useful tips. * "the wayward Avatar" at http://rpgplanet.com/ultima9/ maintenanced by Kurse Dragon (aka Jeff Allen) * "Spanky's Ascension spoilers" at http://www.jackchaos.com/pfeatures/ascension/spoilers.html * Terilem Dragon (James Dangerfield) and Sith Dragon (Lawrence Deneault) for their wonderful websites, when Ultima9 was still a dream :-) * and finally Sagacious Dragon (Adrian Yau) for his great walkthru of Ultima7 Serpent Isle 8 years ago, which inspired me doing this text. Ultima 9 Ascension, the Ultima games and the Avatar are registered trademarks by ORIGIN Systems Inc. February 2000 Ilmenau (Germany)