Galactic Civilizations Technology Guide Copyright 2003 Wraith10 Version 2.0 =============================================================================== Distribution Info ----------------- You may use this FAQ for yourself personally, make copies for your friends, or host it on web pages provided NO MONEY is made off this FAQ. If you choose to post it in a public domain (webpage) please send me an email detailing the webpage location it will be posted on. I reserve the right to ask for the removal of this FAQ from any page deemed offensive. Anyone displaying my guide must credit me for it and not alter it in any way. You are responsible for getting the latest version from gamefaqs periodically. =============================================================================== Purpose ------- The purpose of this guide is to give a detailed account of the Galactic Civ Tech Tree so that players can plan strategies accordingly. Send in any information that you have that belongs in this FAQ. Including corrections, additions, and observations. I know I can not possibly have accounted for every detail and I'm counting on you to help make this guide complete. =============================================================================== Contact Me ---------- Let me know if you if you find any mistakes in the guide, or if you have anything you want added or clarified. Please write "GalCiv FAQ" or something like that in the subject line of your message or most likely it will be deleted as junk mail. If you do not receive a reply within 2 weeks this likely happened and you can resubmit the tip. Please do not ask for serial numbers, or request technical support. For technical support try My Metaverse player is Wraith10 and my empire is Mid-Western Confederation. I am not interested in switching empires at this time, please do not contact me about switching. Questions, Comments, Corrections: =============================================================================== Version History --------------- 1.0 First Edition 1.1 Spell Checked and Submitted 2.0 Descriptions for all the techs have been added. Also added a whole new section on good and evil techs and the alignments required. (section 3.0) Interstellar Refining was accidentally listed as Industrial Refining, this has now been fixed. Added Planetary Destruction which was missing from the list. Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes. =============================================================================== Contents ======== Section 1: Basic Overview Section 1.1: Technology Overview/Practical Applications Section 1.2: Categories of Technology Section 1.3: Technology Victory Condition Section 2: Boosting Your Research Section 2.1: Improving Your Research Stat Section 2.2: Other Ways to Gain Research Section 2.3: Building Research Improvements Section 3: The Tech Tree Section 3.0: Good and Evil Techs Section 3.1: Weapons Section 3.2: Communications Section 3.3: Medical Section 3.4: Propulsion Section 3.5: Defense Section 3.6: Industrial =============================================================================== Section 1: The Basic Overview ============================= Section 1.1 Technology Overview/Practical Applications ------------------------------------------------------ In Galactic Civilizations technology has an impact on your overall success. Not only does your final score have a factor in it that is affected by how much and how quickly you researched, but it can also help you win every kind of victory. Take for example a military victory, without researched advanced weapons and defenses your military will be inferior. In an allied victory gifting techs to the other races can help form closer ties. In a cultural victory advances can deepen your influence on other races. And finally in a tech victory, it's all important. Researching a technology gives you several things. First it gives you something to trade during negotiations. Second it can give you more advanced units. Third it can give you more advanced social projects, wonders, achievements, or trade goods you can develop. Fourth it can open up new options, like diplomacy and trade. Fifth it opens up the way to research more technologies in the future. Sixth it gives you added benefits that can increase your population growth, military strength or other aspects of your civilization. Section 1.2 Categories of Technology ------------------------------------ Technology in itself is wonderful but it's not a single unit. Rather techs are divided into several different categories; these categories are also color coded. Weapons (red): Military technology including weapons Communications (yellow): Culture, Diplomacy and trade are included Medical (green): Planet Quality and Population Growth are included Propulsion (blue): Improvements in speed are included Defense (purple): Including shields. Industrial (orange) Includes production and manufacturing. Section 1.3 Technological Victory --------------------------------- In order to achieve a victory by the tech route you must research every tech in the game until you get to the Final Frontier, and the next stage of human existence. Tech victories are time intensive and don't pay very well in points so if you are trying to for a high score, don't bother. =============================================================================== Section 2: Boosting Your Research ================================= Section 2.1 Improving Your Research Stat ---------------------------------------- The first way you can boost your research is in your choice of political party at the beginning of the game. Choosing the technologists will give you the biggest boost to research, or choose the universalists for a smaller boost. When you go to choose the abilities your civilization will have you have the option of putting some points into the research category. The points you can spend on improving research are as follows: Advanced (1 point) 10% Gifted (2 points) 20% Master (4 points) 30% Ultra (6 points) 50% Throughout the galaxy are anomalies that can be explored with a survey ship. You start the game with one survey ship and can build more as needed. One of the affects of anomalies is to boost your research of a technology. You can also affect the speed of research by raising the percentage of your taxes that goes towards research. There are also random events that pop up that temporarily increase the level of research going on in the galaxy. When you invade a planet you are sometimes presented with three options. Once in a while one of the options will give you a research gain, this may or may not represent other penalties, and of course also affects your alignment. If you build a starbase on a purple research icon you will get a research bonus. You can improve how much of a bonus you get by adding modules to upgrade mining of the resource. Some technologies you research actually directly benefit your research stat as well. They are: Advanced Artificial Intelligence Genetic Mapping Hyper Computers Omni Computers TerraComputers Ultra Computers Section 2.2: Other Ways to Gain Research ---------------------------------------- Besides researching it yourself there are several other ways you can gain research. One way is through diplomacy. You can trade for the research by offering something your opponent wants, or simply demand that they give you what you are asking. Your skill in diplomacy will affect how successful you are as well as the strength of your civilization. Some techs are valued more highly than others. Particularly ones that take a long time to research, ones that are highly advanced, and ones that provide a way to build powerful military units. You can also sometimes gain research when you successfully invade a star system of an enemy who knows a research tech that you don't. Sometimes the United Planets hold a vote that civilizations should share techs among each other. If the result is that they should you will gain knowledge of an appropriate number of new technologies. Section 2.3: Building Research Improvements ------------------------------------------- Trade Goods that can improve your research: Hyper Computers (20) Nano Recorders (10) Achievements that can improve your research: Omega Research Center (50) Technological Capital (100) Social Projects that can improve your research: Galactic Research Center (45) Info Net (10) Medical Center (5) Neural Net (25) Orbital Hospital (5) Research Center (33) Research Lab (25) Trade Center (15) There are no super projects or wonders that improve research. =============================================================================== Section 3: The Tech Tree ======================== Section 3.0 Good and Evil Techs ------------------------------- Your alignment in the game controls your ability to research certain techs. For some you have to be good and others you must be evil. Alignment, for those who don't know is rated on a scale from 0 to 100. 0 being evil and 100 being good. (50 would place you as neutral). In order to get a tech that requires you to be good you must have an alignment equal to or higher than the requirement. In order to get a tech that requires you to be bad you must have an alignment equal to or less than the requirement. Good Techs: Xeno Trade Persuasion 65 Cure for Depression 70 Hyper Warp 70 Benevolence 70 Hyper Trade 80 The Better Way 90 Galactic Pacifism 95 Evil Techs: The Dark Side 10 Galactic Domination Philosophy 10 Xeno Brain Washing 10 Advanced Slavery 25 Thought Police 30 Smuggling 30 Master Race 30 Mind Terror Weapons 30 Xeno Intimidation 35 HyperSoldiers 45 The Tech Tree ------------- **in order by type** Name: The tech name. Description: In game descriptions. (More needed) Prerequisite: What you must research directly before a given tech. Does not include the prerequisites of the prerequisite. Research Cost: How much it costs to research. The number of months varies by your research stat. Social Projects: What social projects it allows you to build. Military Projects: What military projects/starbase modules it allows. Ability: What abilities it improves. (10%/1 trade route) Allows: Techs it is a prerequisite for. Section 3.1: Weapons -------------------- Name: Avatar Technology Description: A devastating battleship that is truly the best out technology can muster without significantly more research. Prerequisite(s): Ranger Technology, Self Healing Armor Research Cost: 17,000 Social Projects: Omega Defense System Military Projects: Avatar, Avatar Killer Ability(ies): None Allows: Military Design Computers Name: Battleship Technology Description: This technology will allow us to construct offensive capital ships. Prerequisite(s): Warp Drive, InterStellar Tactics, Artificial Gravity Research Cost: 4,500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Combat Transport, Battleship, Barriers Ability(ies): None Allows: Dreadnought Technology Name: Corvette Technology Description: This technology will enable us to build Corvettes. Prerequisite(s): Phasers, Photons Research Cost: 400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Corvette Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Dreadnought Technology Description: Dreadnoughts larger, better, more expensive battleships. Prerequisite(s): Battleship Technology, Large Scale Building Research Cost: 7,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Dreadnoughts, Anti-Matter Missiles, Lightning Shield Ability(ies): None Allows: Cloaking, Ranger Technology, Advanced Battle Armor Name: Energy Channeling Description: This is a modification of our basic phaswer technology to make them somewhat more effective. It won't make much difference on low end ships but it will make the weapons of higher end ships more lethal. Prerequisite(s): Phasers, Shields Research Cost: 220 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Weapons Allows: Turbo Phasers, InterStellar Tactics, StarHawk Technology Name: Excalibur Technology Description: The ultimate capital ship technology Prerequisite(s): Near Omnipotence Research Cost: 37,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Excalibur Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: InterStellar Tactics Description: With our combination of weaponry and advanced materials research we can build more effective ships. Prerequisite(s): Energy Channeling, Space Militarization Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Frigate Ability(ies): None Allows: Battleship Technology Name: Mega Phasers Description: Using our existing knowledge of phaser technology we can enhance our weapons once again, before we hit a technological limitation and have to go back to the lab. This will increase our ships' weapons ratings. Prerequisite(s): Turbo Phasers Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Weapons Allows: Planetary Defenses, Antimatter Weapons Name: Military Design Computers Description: These next generation military computers are required to design the next generation capital ships. Prerequisite(s): Avatar Technology, Advanced Artificial Intelligence Research Cost: 18,400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Repair Allows: Overlord Technology Name: Overlord Technology Description: This technology allows us to construct Excalibur-class starships. Prerequisite(s): Military Design Computers Research Cost: 20,000 Social Projects: Hyperion Shipyard Military Projects: Overlord, Overlord Killer Mark II, Overlord Killer Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Phasers Description: The primitive projectile weapons that we've used in the past are of little use as we add weaponry to our starships. Phasers are one of the first steps in the process and will be useful in building our initial military ships and infrastructure. Prerequisite(s): Weapons Theory Research Cost: 250 Social Projects: Shipyard Military Projects: Star Fighter Ability(ies): Weapons Allows: Corvette Technology, Instant Communication, Energy Channeling Name: Photons Description: Photon technology has limited military applications, but our scientists believe this technology will open up other technologies related to surveillance and monitoring of outer space. Prerequisite(s): Weapons Theory Research Cost: 120 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Corvette Technology Name: Ranger Technology Description: Invisible battleships, an almost unfair advantage. Prerequisite(s): Cloaking, Advanced Battle Armor, Dreadnought Technology Research Cost: 10,000 Social Projects: Star System Defense Military Projects: Ranger Ability(ies): None Allows: Self Healing Armor, Avatar Technology Name: StarHawk Technology Description: This technology allows us to build the next generation in survey ships. Prerequisite(s): Advanced Repair, Energy Channeling Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Star Hawk Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Turbo Phasers Description: The turbo phaser is a vast improvement over the existing phaser. Prerequisite(s): Energy Channeling Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Battle Cruiser Ability(ies): None Allows: Defensive Phasers, Mega Phasers Name: Weapons Theory Description: This technology will open the door to a range of technologies that will help us develop new weapons. Prerequisite(s): None Research Cost: 50 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Photons, Phasers Section 3.2: Communications --------------------------- Name: 1D Phasing Description: 1D Phasing allows us to borrow energy from pocket dimension. This will help our weapons and shileds on our ships. Prerequisite(s): Instant Communication Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: Harmony Generator Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Defense, Weapons Allows: 2D Phasing, Xeno Intimidation Name: 2D Phasing Description: 2D Phasing, twice as good as 1D Phasing. Phasing allows our weapons and shield technology to be far better. Prerequisite(s): 1D Phasing Research Cost: 400 Social Projects: Virtual Reality Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Defense, Weapons Allows: 3d Phasing Name: 3D Phasing Description: 3D Phasing, important in the creation of wormholes and advanced forms of communicaiton. Prerequisite(s): 2D Phasing, Controlled Gravity Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Defense, Weapons Allows: Spacial Rifts, 4D Phasing Name: 4D Phasing Description: 4D Phasing will make our ships increasingly powerful. Prerequisite(s): 3D Phasing, Spacial Rifts Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: Omega Power Plant Military Projects: Extraction Center Zeta Ability(ies): Defense, Weapons Allows: 4D Space Phasing Name: 4D Philosophy Description: Necessary for society to truly comprehend the 4D revolution that we predict is coming... Prerequisite(s): Galactic Understanding Research Cost: 15,210 Social Projects: Galactic Guide Book Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Near Omniscience Name: Advanced Diplomacy Description: This technology will allow us to improve our diplomatic skills. Prerequisite(s): Diplomacy Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: Cultural Exchange Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Xeno Manipulation, Interstellar Negotiation Name: Advanced SigINT Description: Never send a human to do a machine's job... Prerequisite(s): Ultra Computers Research Cost: 1,400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Espionage Allows: None Name: Advanced Slavery Description: This technology will improve our productivity and economy by using cloning and organizing inferiror races to work for us. Prerequisite(s): Hyper Computers; 25- alignment Research Cost: 5,510 Social Projects: Artificial Slaves Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Production Allows: None Name: Advanced Trade Description: This technology will allow us to negotiate more trade routes, with other civilizations. Prerequisite(s): Trade Research Cost: 900 Social Projects: Galactic Stock Exchange, Economic Exchange Military Projects: Shopping District Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: Cultural Trade Name: Alliances Description: Research the protocols that other alien races use to establish political alliances. Prerequisite(s): Instant Communication, Diplomacy Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Star Democracy Name: Benevolence Description: This technology will help us convince other civilizations of our goodness and gain us an additional trade route. Prerequisite(s): Cultural Focus, Hyperspace; 70+ alignment Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: Hyper Trade Name: Communication Theory Description: This technology will lead us to find ways to develop a universal translator. Prerequisite(s): None Research Cost: 50 Social Projects: News Network Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Universal Translator, Nano Electronics Name: Conglomerates Description: Multinational corporations to the nth degree. Prerequisite(s): Trade Organizations Research Cost: 3,200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: None Name: Cultural Conquest Description: This technology will allow us to build things that will increase our influence. Prerequisite(s): Interspecies Philosophy, Cultural Maximizing Research Cost: 5,000 Social Projects: Hyper Distribution Center, Spin Control Military Projects: Party Palace Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Cultural Focus Description: This technology will provide us with new ways of generating money and influence from our star systems. Prerequisite(s): Interstellar Capitalism Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Franchise Headquarters Ability(ies): Trade Allows: Benevolence Name: Cultural Maximizing Description: This technology will allow us to build things that will increase our influence. Prerequisite(s): Xeno Propaganda Research Cost: 4,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Culture Palace Structure, Culture Palace, Cultural Maximization, Center, Culture Palace Framework, Culture Palace Base Ability(ies): None Allows: Cultural Conquest Name: Cultural Trade Description: Based on our growing prowess in intergalactic trade we have discovered that we are now able to buy low and sell high on a consistent basis. Prerequisite(s): Advanced Trade Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Galactic Exhibition Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: Trade Organizations Name: Diplomacy Description: Now that we can understand what alien races are saying we need to access what we have in common so that we can establish diplomatic relations. Prerequisite(s): Universal Translator Research Cost: 120 Social Projects: Diplomatic Translators, Embassy Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Trade, Alliances, Advanced Diplomacy Name: Extravaganza Description: This technology will increase our diplomacy abilities. Prerequisite(s): Interstellar Negotiation Research Cost: 1,800 Social Projects: Stadium Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Majesty Name: Galactic Understanding Description: Our ability to persuade other civilizations will be further increased. Prerequisite(s): Evolution Control Research Cost: Interspecies Philosophy Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade, Diplomacy, Morale Allows: 4D Philosophy Name: Hyper Trade Description: This technology will help us convince other civilizations of our goodness and gain us an additional trade route. Prerequisite(s): Benevolence, Hyper Warp; 80+ alignment Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: Trade Monument Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: None Name: Instant Communication Description: Instant Communication will greatly help us with trade and diplomacy. Prerequisite(s): Phasers, Nano Electronics Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade, Diplomacy Allows: Alliances, 1D Phasing Name: Interspecies Philosophy Description: Our ability to negotiate with others will be immeasurably enhanced. Prerequisite(s): Omni Computers Research Cost: 4,420 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Cultural Conquest, Galactic Understanding Name: Interstellar Business Description: This technology will provide us with new ways of generating money and influence from our star systems. Prerequisite(s): Trade Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Ultra Spices Military Projects: Interstellar Consortium Ability(ies): Trade Allows: Interstellar Marketing Name: Interstellar Capitalism Description: This technology will provide us with new ways of generating money and influence from our star systems. Prerequisite(s): Interstellar Marketing Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Stock Market Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Allows: The Better Way, Xeno Propaganda, Cultural Focus Name: Interstellar Marketing Description: This technology will provide us with new ways of generating money and influence from our star systems. Prerequisite(s): Interstellar Business Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: Restaurant of Eternity Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Allows: Interstellar Capitalism Name: Interstellar Negotiation Description: This technology will increase our diplomatic abilities. Prerequisite(s): Advanced Diplomacy Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Extravaganza Name: Majesty Description: This technology will increase our diplomatic abilities. Prerequisite(s): Extravaganza Research Cost: 4,800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Majesty Mark II Name: Majesty Mark II Description: This technology will increase our diplomatic abilities. Prerequisite(s): Majesty Research Cost: 7,800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Majesty Mark III Name: Majesty Mark III Description: This technology will increase our diplomatic abilities. Prerequisite(s): Majesty Mark II Research Cost: 7,800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: None Name: Nano Electronics Description: Once mankind developed Silicon-based electronic devices, the race began to put more and more components on a single piece of Silicon. By the time mankind began colonizing the galaxy, .05 micron technology had been developed. Soon after, the effort to manipulate individual molecules to form transistors, and other discrete devices, became the research priority. Prerequisite(s): Communication Theory Research Cost: 120 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Stellar Cartography, Nano-Frequency Electronics, Sensors, Instant Communication Name: Nano Rifts Description: Open tiny rifts to spy on our enemies Prerequisite(s): Spacial Rifts Research Cost: 1,400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Espionage Allows: None Name: Nano-Frequency Electronics Description: This technology allows us to build a range of devices that communicate through very small length frequencies. Prerequisite(s): Nano Electronics Research Cost: 300 Social Projects: Multimedia Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Brain Wave Mapping, Organic Piecing, Nanobots Name: Sensors Description: The old adage you can't fight what you can't see was never more important than in the vastness of space. Sensor Drones play an important roole in surveying your empire and keeping an eye on the comings and goings of both friend and enemy alike. Prerequisite(s): Nano Electronics Research Cost: 250 Social Projects: Eyes of the Universe Military Projects: Sensor Drone Ability(ies): None Allows: Drones Name: Smuggling Description: Governments may officiall have a problem with excess interstellar trade due to the so-called pollution of their native cultures. But where there's a buck to be had, we can find a back door into those societies. Prerequisite(s): Trade; 30- alignment Research Cost: 4,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: None Name: Spacial Rifts Description: Allows for the creation of an intergalactic mass transit system that will make it much easier for our ships and their cargo to get from one place to another. Prerequisite(s): 3D Phasing Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: 4D Phasing, Nano Rifts Name: Star Democracy Description: Since the Athenians, the human race has had an on agian off again love affair with democracy. You must invest the resrouces to educate a disaffected populous that this form of government is worth participating in. Prerequisite(s): Alliances Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: Political Capital Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Star Federation Name: Star Federation Description: The form of government known as Federation offers more autonomy to local governments allowing for greater efficiency, but the oversights necessary to make this system will take time to work out. Prerequisite(s): Star Democracy Research Cost: 8,000 Social Projects: Galactic Monument Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: None Name: Stellar Cartography Description: This technology will allow us to distinguish yellow stars from other coloured stars on the mini map. Prerequisite(s): Nano Electronics Research Cost: 100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: The Better Way Description: This technology will allow us to teach other races how much better our ways are. Prerequisite(s): Interstellar Capitalism; 90+ alignment Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: Trade Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Allows: None Name: The Dark Side Description: This technology will help convince other civilizations to move to the dark side with us... Prerequisite(s): Xeno Propaganda; 10- alignment Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Life Force Power Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: None Name: Trade Description: This technology allows us to create freighters that can establish trade routes. Prerequisite(s): Diplomacy Research Cost: 130 Social Projects: Economic Capital Military Projects: Freighter, Basic Trading Post, Advanced Trading Post, Trade Center Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: Advanced Trade, Smuggling, Interstellar Business, Xeno Trade Persuasion, Xeno Intimidation Name: Trade Organizations Description: Help from a galactic trade organization which will permit an additional route. Prerequisite(s): Cultural Trade Research Cost: 1,800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: Conglomerates Name: Unambiguous Communication Description: Messages that are very, uh, you know, um, specific. Prerequisite(s): Communication Theory, Hyper Computers Research Cost: 4,500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: None Name: Universal Translator Description: Dr. Edumund Phrinck a professor of linguistics has a theory that the commonalities in all known languages can be synthesized into a complex set of equations that will enable humanity to almost instantly translate all languages including those of any alien races. The universal translator as he calls it will allow us to understand what other civilizations are saying, and communicate with them. Prerequisite(s): Communication Theory Research Cost: 25 Social Projects: Banking Center Military Projects: Foreign Relations Center Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: Diplomacy Name: Xeno Brain Washing Description: This technology will gain our glorious civilization an additional trade route by breaking the weak wills of the sub-human aliens. Prerequisite(s): Xeno Propaganda, Thought Police; 10- alignment Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: Re-education Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: None Name: Xeno Intimidation Description: This technology will allow us to intimidate opponents into accepting more trade routes. Prerequisite(s): Trade, 1D Phasing; 35- alignment Research Cost: 1,200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: None Name: Xeno Manipulation Description: This technology will allow us to improve our diplomatic skills. Prerequisite(s): Advanced Diplomacy, Brain Wave Mapping Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Diplomacy Allows: None Name: Xeno Propaganda Description: Tell them what they want to hear. These advanced technniques for spreading propaganda will allow us to convert the star systems of our opponents into ones we control. Prerequisite(s): Interstellar Capitalism Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Propaganda Machine, Propaganda Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Allows: The Dark Side, Cultural Maximizing, Xeno Brain Washing Name: Xeno Trade Persuasion Description: This technology will allow us to gain an additional trade route. Prerequisite(s): Instant Communication, Trade; 65+ alignment Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route Allows: None Section 3.3: Medical -------------------- Name: Advanced DNA Research Description: This technology will enable us to create DNA that never existed before. Prerequisite(s): Genetic Mapping Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: Orbital Hospital Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Artificial Life Description: They're a lot like sea monkeys realy except better and will improve our morale and population growth. (don't ask you don't want to know) Prerequisite(s): Replication Research Cost: 5,420 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Population Growth, Morale Allows: Terraforming Name: Basic Environmental Control Description: Basic Environments allow us to have a slight amount of control over the weather conditions of a planet. This will enable our population to increase at a greater rate due to better living conditions. Prerequisite(s): Medical Theory Research Cost: 220 Social Projects: Habitat Improvement, Aphrodisiac Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Population Growth Allows: Improved Environmental Control Name: Beyond Human Description: We are the alpha and the omega! Prerequisite(s): Galactic Creation Research Cost: 251,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Final Frontier Name: Brain Wave Mapping Description: We are finally on the threshold of understanding all the fuctions of the human brain. The implications of this research are immence as it will come to impact the cutrions of all humanity. Prerequisite(s): Zero Gravity Research, Nano-Frequency Electronics Research Cost: 400 Social Projects: Virtual Reality Modules Military Projects: Military Projects Ability(ies): None Allows: Cure for Depression, Xeno Manipulation, Thought Police, TerraComputers Name: Cure for Depression Description: After millenia of suffering the woes of the human race can now be reduced with this new technology. Prerequisite(s): Brain Wave Mapping; 70+ alignment Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Morale Allows: None Name: Evolution Control Description: Darwin, Smarwin! Why take chances. Prerequisite(s): TerraForming Research Cost: 42,100 Social Projects: The Terraformer Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Hyper Soldiers, Galactic Understanding Name: Final Frontier Description: Be wary, reseraching this will give us teh ability to transcend this reality. Prerequisite(s): Beyond Human Research Cost: 250,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Technology Victory Allows: None Name: Galactic Domination Philosophy Description: Our troubles with the justice department will finally be over. Prerequisite(s): Galactic Creation; 10- alignment Research Cost: 14,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Genetic Mapping Description: Even though researchers 'mapped' the human genome in the late twentieth century, actually understanding what all the genes actually did and the billions of possible combinations was a distant dream. A team of researchers at Northern Michigan University are now close to a complete understanding of the human genome and how to manipulate it. This will help our research abilities. Prerequisite(s): Organic Piecing Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Tir-Quan Training Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Research Allows: Advanced DNA Research, Master Race, Virus Elimination, Molecular Medicine Name: Hyper Soldiers Description: Using evolution control we can develop a new breed of humans designed specifically to be the ultimate soldier. Prerequisite(s): EvolutionControl; 45- alignment Research Cost: 2,400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Soldiering Allows: None Name: Improved Environment Control Description: Improved Environmental Controls further aid our ability to take the edge off of hostile weather which will improve our population growth somewhat. Prerequisite(s): Basic Environment Control Research Cost: 320 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Population Growth Allows: None Name: Master Race Description: The time has come to create a better human, one that will be able to crush our enemies and exterminate the weak. This will improve our soliders and production. Prerequisite(s): Genetic Mapping; 30- alignment Research Cost: 5,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Military Production, Soldiering Allows: None Name: Medical Theory Description: We can focux on new ways to improve the human condition. Prerequisite(s): None Research Cost: 50 Social Projects: Medical Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Zero Gravity Research, Basic Environmental Control Name: Molecular Medicine Description: Molecular Medicine will allow our doctors to provide much better medical care which will improve morale and make our soldiers stronger. Prerequisite(s): Genetic Mapping Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Soldiering, Morale Allows: Regeneration, Transporters Name: Near Omniscience Description: We've finally uncovered the secret to the popularity of Britney Spears in the early 21st century. We're close to understanding all there is to know. Prerequisite(s): Controlled 4D Wormholes, 4D Philosophy Research Cost: 35,400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route, Diplomacy, Espionage Allows: Near Omnipotence Name: Near Omnipotence Description: With access to what scientists are ferring to as the console we just need to enter a new state of being that is technically referred to as "God Mode" Prerequisite(s): Near Omniscience Research Cost: 94,430 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Military Production, Hit Points Allows: Galactic Creation, Excalibur Technology Name: Organic Armor Description: This new typoe of armor will allow our ships to heal after battles. Prerequisite(s): Tri-strontium Alloy, Organic Piecing Research Cost: 1,500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Repair Allows: Self Healing Armor Name: Organic Piecing Description: Organic Piecing will allow us to have better morale due to a greater variety of food stuffs. Prerequisite(s): Zero Gravity Research, Nano-Frequency Electronics Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Morale Allows: Genetic Mapping, Organic Armor Name: Regeneration Description: Regeneration will allow us to heal wounds much faster making our soldiers more effective and our people happier. Prerequisite(s): Molecular Medicine Research Cost: 10,000 Social Projects: Regenerators, Pain Amplifiers Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Soldiering, Morale Allows: None Name: Thought Police Description: Dissention and other crimes agains the state can now be eradicated heralding a new golden age of unquestioned obedience. Prerequisite(s): Brain Wave Mapping; 30- alignment Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Secret Police Ability(ies): None Allows: Xeno Brain Washing Name: Virus Elimination Description: Virus Elimination will improve our people's health and morale. Prerequisite(s): Genetic Mapping Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Morale Allows: None Name: Zero Gravity Research Description: This technology will enable us to conduct research on a massive scale in space. Prerequisite(s): Medical Theory Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: Research Lab Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Brain Wave Mapping, Organic Piecing Section 3.4: Propulsion ----------------------- Name: 4D Space Phasing Description: Bigger, better wormholes. Prerequisite(s): Controlled Wormholes, 4D Phasing Research Cost: 23,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: 4D Entrance Name: Anti-matter Description: In the prcess of building the Impulse Drive our physicists believe they have discovered a way to generate and control antimatter, which they theorize could lead to even faster methods of propulsion Prerequisite(s): Impulse Drive Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Inverse Tractor Beam, Interdiction Beam Ability(ies): None Allows: Warp Drive, Zero Gravity Mining Name: Artificial Gravity Description: This technology is a stepping stone to controlling gravity which allows us to increase the range of our ships. Prerequisite(s): Propulsion Theory Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Mining Headquarters Ability(ies): None Allows: Controlled Gravity, Battleship Technology Name: Cold Fusion Description: A long cherished goal of physics is now within our reach! Superconducting materials will pave the way for a number of technological improvements which will be essential in exploring this galaxy. Prerequisite(s): Propulsion Theory Research Cost: 100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Fusion Cannons, Stationary Turrets, Mining Barracks Ability(ies): None Allows: Interstellar Mining, Impulse Drive Name: Controlled Gravity Description: Despite our being a space faring race for quite a long time now, the transition from 1G to 0G is still hard on the human constitution. Controlled gravity makes it easier for our ships to travel farther without having to change crews frequently. Controlled gravity is required for creating advanced starships and greater ship ranges. Prerequisite(s): Artificial Gravity Research Cost: 300 Social Projects: Gravity Accelerators, Advanced Quality Control Military Projects: Satellite Waterpark Ability(ies): Range Allows: Gravity Mastering, 3D Phasing Name: Gravity Mastering Description: This technology will allow us to increase the range of our starships. Prerequisite(s): Controlled Gravity Research Cost: 800 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Range Allows: None Name: Hyper Warp Description: Hyper Warp will make our ships faster. Prerequisite(s): Hyperspace; 70+ alignment Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Speed Allows: Hyper Trade Name: Hyperspace Description: Hyperspace enables our ships to go much faster. Prerequisite(s): Warp Drive Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Hyperion Manufacturing Center Military Projects: Hyper Mining Ability(ies): Speed Allows: Antimatter Weapons, Hyper Warp, Benevolence Name: Impulse Drive Description: The impulse drive is the first dividend of Cold Fusion technology, it will make our ships significantly faster. Prerequisite(s): Cold Fusion Research Cost: 300 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Transport Ability(ies): Speed Allows: Tri-strontium Alloy, Anti-matter Name: Propulsion Theory Description: This technology will open up paths to new energy sources and propulsion techniques. Prerequisite(s): None Research Cost: 50 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Cold Fusion, Artificial Gravity Name: Transporters Description: Transporters. Prerequisite(s): Warp Drive, Molecular Medicine Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Teleporters Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Replication Name: Warp Drive Description: The Warp Drive as promised before will lead toe ven faster ships. Once researched, all our ships will move faster. Prerequisite(s): Anti-matter Research Cost: 900 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Speed Allows: Hyperspace, Transporters, Battleship technology Section 3.5: Defense -------------------- Name: Advanced Battle Armor Description: This technoligy will enable us to build tougher, stronger ships. Prerequisite(s): Dreadnought Technology, Exotic Alloys Research Cost: 4,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Ranger Technology Name: Advanced Engineering Description: Sets the path to large scale building which can lead to ever larger capital ships. Prerequisite(s): Nano-Metal Composition Research Cost: 400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Stellar Wake Ability(ies): None Allows: Large Scale Building Name: Advanced Repair Description: This technology will give us the doctrine to vastly improve our ability to repair ships. Prerequisite(s): Shields, Basic Repair Research Cost: 750 Social Projects: Micro Repair Bots Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Repair Allows: StarHawk Technology Name: Antimatter Weapons Description: Antimatter Weapons will allow our soldiers to be much more effective in battle. Prerequisite(s): Hyperspace, Mega Phasers Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Soldiering Allows: Mind Terror Weapons Name: Battle Armor Description: This technology will enable us to research better kinds of materials to build our ships. Prerequisite(s): Defense Theory Research Cost: 100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Space Militarization, High Density Metals Name: Cloaking Description: Cloaking permits shipts to move nearly undetectable by sensors. It does not, despite the recent press reports, make ships invisible. Future battleships will autmatically be equipped with cloacking technology. Unike most ships, after these new ships are found by an enemy they cannot be tracked beyond visual or sensor range. Prerequisite(s): Dreadnought Technology, ary Defenses Research Cost: 5,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Phoenix Ability(ies): None Allows: Ranger Technology Name: Defense Theory Description: This technology will allow us to research technologies that help our defensive abilities. Prerequisite(s): None Research Cost: 50 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Battle Armor, Deflectors Name: Defensive Phasers Description: Using phasers to counter enemy projectile weapons will increase our defensive rating on ships by 10%. Prerequisite(s): Turbo Phasers Research Cost: 250 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Battle Hammer Ability(ies): Defense Allows: Planetary Defenses Name: Deflectors Description: The concept of deflection involves treating energy waves like those of Earth's oceans' explains Dr. Furan, one of our planet's foremost physicists. He believes that technology will allow us to further study energy defenses such as shields in the short term and could eventaully lead to discoveries in other areas of energy manipulation. Prerequisite(s): Defense Theory Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Defender, Protection Fields Ability(ies): None Allows: Shields, Space Militarization, Reinforced Hulls Name: Drones Description: This technology will allow us to build drones, these are ships that use the new sensor technology to keep an eye out on what's happening out there. Prerequisite(s): Sensors, Nanobots Research Cost: 250 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Smart Drones Ability(ies): None Allows: Nano Mining Name: Exotic Alloys Description: This tehcnology improves the stength of our ships. Prerequisite(s): High Density Metals Research Cost: 1,200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Hit Points Allows: Advanced Battle Armor Name: Interstellar Damage Control Description: This technology will allow us to vastly undo the battle damage received by our ships. Prerequisite(s): Large Scale Building Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Repair Allows: None Name: Mind Terror Weapons Description: This technolgoy will allow our soldiers to subdue populations easier. Prerequisite(s): Antimatter Weapons; 30- alignment Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Soldiering Allows: None Name: Planetary Defenses Description: By scaling up the shield technolgoy to planetary size, we have enhanced the defensive abilities of starships orbiting our planets. If our planets are attacked our ships can remain behind the planetary defense and fire out. Incoming weapon attacks are partially dispersed by the fields which lessesn the damage inflicted on our starships. Prerequisite(s): Defensive Phasers Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: Planetary Defense Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Cloaking Name: Planetary Destruction Description: Terror Stars, baby! We're getting closer. Prerequisite(s): 5,240 Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Star Creation Name: Reinforced Hulls Description: Increases hitpoints by using deflector technology to strengthen hulls. Prerequisite(s): Industrial Theory, Nano-Metal Composition, Deflectors Research Cost: 220 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Hit Points Allows: None Name: Self Healing Armor Description: An advanced armor necessary for creating the next generation battlehips. Prerequisite(s): Organic Armor, Ranger Technology Research Cost: 9,400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Repair Allows: Avatar Technology Name: Shields Description: This tehcnology will allow us to equip our shps with energy-based defenses. This will improve our defense ability. Prerequisite(s): Deflectors Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Battle Axe, Deflector Shields, Advanced Shielding Ability(ies): Defense Allows: Energy Channeling, Advanced Repair Name: Space Militarization Description: This technology allows us to pursue powerful kinds of starships. Prerequisite(s): Battle Armor, Deflectors Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Battle Stations, Battle Stations Mark II, Battle Stations Mark III Ability(ies): None Allows: Turbo Phasers, InterStellar Tactics Name: Terror Star Description: This technology allows us to construct star destroying units. Just having this will strike fear into the hearts of all. Prerequisite(s): Artificial Planets Research Cost: 4,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Terror Star-Shell Ability(ies): Influence Allows: None Section 3.6: Industrial ----------------------- Name: 4D Entrance Description: We're still looking for an entrance to the 4th dimension, but we think we know where it is. Prerequisite(s): 4D Space Phasing Research Cost: 22,200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: 4D Transformation Name: 4D Transformation Description: Everything we put into the 4th dimension comes back as jelly, and we want to know why. Prerequisite(s): 4D Entrance Research Cost: 12,200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: 4D Wormholes Name: 4D Wormholes Description: We're very close to 4D Wormholes. Prerequisite(s): 4D Transformations Research Cost: 12,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route, Diplomacy, Hit Points Allows: Controlled 4D Wormholes Name: Advanced Artificial Intelligence Description: With our advanced knowledge of higher brain functions, the adaption of technology to run on computers with much more processign power than the human brain was inevitable. Prerequisite(s): TerraComputers Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Research Allows: None Name: Advanced Intersellar Manufacturing Description: This technology will allow us to construct space factories. Prerequisite(s): Zero Gravity Manufacturing Research Cost: 400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Interstellar Distributor Mark III Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Artificial Planets Description: Two words: Earth 2, our influence on the galaxy will increase. Prerequisite(s): Artificial Satellites Research Cost: 2,000 Social Projects: Omega Quality Control Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Influence Allows: Terror Star Name: Artificial Satellites Description: It's only a Tri-Strontium Alloy Moon sailing over a cardboard sea. Artifical Satellites will increase our prestige and influence. Prerequisite(s): Large Scale Building Research Cost: 5,000 Social Projects: Omega Shipyard, Historical Preserve Military Projects: Massive Scaling Center Ability(ies): Influence Allows: Artificial Planets Name: Basic Repair Description: This technology will allow us to better repair our starships in space. Prerequisite(s): Nano-Metal Composition, Industrial Theory Research Cost: 250 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Repair Allows: Advanced Repair Name: Controlled 4D Wormholes Description: Ok, the wormholes we have today are no good, but these final wormholes will be perfect. Prerequisite(s): 4D Wormholes Research Cost: 23,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Trade Route, Diplomacy, Hit Points Allows: Near Omniscience Name: Controlled Wormholes Description: This will allow us to make our ships travel faster. Prerequisite(s): Star Creation Research Cost: 10,900 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Speed Allows: 4D Space Phasing Name: Galactic Creation Description: Creating new galaxies is actually pretty easy, provided you have the right ingredients. Prerequisite(s): Near Omnipotence Research Cost: 94,200 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Hit Points Allows: Galactic Pacifism, Galactic Domination Philosophy, Beyond Human Name: Galactic Pacifism Description: Can't we all just get along? Allows for starvase modules that are potent at influence. Prerequisite(s): Galactic Creation; 95+ alignment Research Cost: 23,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Influence, Diplomacy Allows: None Name: High Density Metals Description: High Density Metals will make possible new projects that could only be dreamed of before. This will improve our productivity even further. Prerequisite(s): Battle Armor, Nano-Metal Composition Research Cost: 400 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Production Allows: Tri-strontium Alloy, Exotic Alloys Name: Hyper Computers Description: Even faster computers, only necessary for running the latest 4D games...and improving research. Prerequisite(s): TerraComputers Research Cost: 3,000 Social Projects: Omega Research Center Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Research Allows: Unambiguous Communication, Ultra Computers, Omni Computers, Advanced Slavery Name: Industrial Theory Description: This technology will allow us to find new ways of improving our production abilities and improving domestic and foreign business strategies. Prerequisite(s): None Research Cost: 50 Social Projects: Manufacturing Center Military Projects: Interstellar Distributor Ability(ies): None Allows: Interstellar Refining, Nano-Metal Composition, Basic Repair, Zero Gravity Manufacturing, Reinforced Hulls Name: Interstellar Refining Description: This technology will enable us to find new ways to increase our production. Prerequisite(s): Industrial Theory, Cold Fusion Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: Fusion Power Plant Military Projects: Resource Refinery Ability(ies): None Allows: None Name: Large Scale Building Description: This technology allows us to build new classes of starships. This will give our ships more hitpoints. Prerequisite(s): 1D Phasing, Tri-strontium Alloy, Advanced Engineering Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: Star Ship Foundry Military Projects: Advanced Refinery, Ultra Mining Ability(ies): Hit Points Allows: Artificial Satellites, Dreadnought Technology, Interstellar Damage Control Name: Morphing Description: This technology will allow our soldiers to have greater combat abilities. Prerequisite(s): Replication Research Cost: 300 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Soldiering Allows: None Name: Nano Mining Description: this will improve our economy. Prerequisite(s): Nanobots, Drones Research Cost: 1,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Nano-Rig Excavation Ability(ies): Economics, Production Allows: None Name: Nano-Metal Composition Description: The engineering applications for nearly indestructable metals are fairly obvious. Prerequisite(s): Industrial Theory Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: Frictionless Clothing, Manufacturing Capital, Tri-Strontium Steel Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Economics, Production Allows: High Density Metals, Nanobots, Reinforced Hulls, Advanced Engineering, Basic Repair Name: Nanobots Description: Create tiny robots that act as scouts for our soldiers. Prerequisite(s): Nano-Metal Composition Research Cost: 350 Social Projects: Harmony Crystals Military Projects: Micro-Fighters, Dread Drones, Phase III Factory Ability(ies): Soldiering Allows: Drones, Nano Mining Name: Omni Computers Description: Remember the 286? Well thses are much faster. And will improve our research ability even further. Prerequisite(s): Hyper Computers Research Cost: 3,410 Social Projects: Galactic Research Center, Hyper Computers Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Research Allows: Interspecies Philosophy Name: Replication Description: Replication will help society duplicate necessary items to help ease suffering galaxy wide. Prerequisite(s): Transporters Research Cost: 5,000 Social Projects: None Military Projects: Orbital Replicators Ability(ies): None Allows: Artificial Life, Morphing Name: Star Creation Description: The new home Star Creation kit, just add hydrogen. Prerequisite(s): Planetary Destruction Research Cost: 24,100 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Controlled Wormholes Name: TerraComputers Description: Trillions of instructions per microsecond, necessary for running TerraWindows. Prerequisite(s): Brain Wave Mapping Research Cost: 5,000 Social Projects: Research Center, Nano Recorders, Technological Capital, Info Net Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Research Allows: Hyper Computers, Advanced Artificial Intelligence Name: TerraForming Description: Terraforming will help our planets be of a superior quality. Prerequisite(s): Artificial Life Research Cost: 2,200 Social Projects: Terraforming Military Projects: None Ability(ies): None Allows: Planetary Destruction, Evolution Control Name: Tri-strontium Alloy Description: All of our top engineers are clamoring for the new Tri-Strontium alloys. Production will be increased even further. Prerequisite(s): Impulse Drive, High Density Metals Research Cost: 500 Social Projects: None Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Production Allows: Organic Armor, Large Scale Building Name: Ultra Computers Description: The latest iteration of the chipmaker's art. Prerequisite(s): Hyper Computers Research Cost: 3,000 Social Projects: Neural Net Military Projects: None Ability(ies): Research Allows: Advanced SigINT Name: Zero Gravity Manufacturing Description: This technology will allow us to construct space factories. Prerequisite(s): Industrial Theory Research Cost: 200 Social Projects: Anti-matter Power Plant Military Projects: Interstellar Distributor Mark II Ability(ies): None Allows: Advanced Interstellar Manufacturing ============================================================================== Credits ======= General ------- Strategy First: For making this game and providing excellent support for it GameFAQS: For posting this guide You: For reading this guide Me: For writing this guide ------- Content ------- Strategy First/Metaverse Players: JavaScout: Mid-Western Conference's players/site/forums: