=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for ECOQUEST 2: LOST SECRET OF THE RAINFOREST =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 8th September, 2004 VERSION : 1.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 4.1. Iquitos 4.2. Rainforest 4.3. Village 4.4. Camp 4.5. Cave 4.6. Flooded Forest 4.7. City of Gold 5. Ecorder Rainforest Information 6. Copyright Information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 1.0 : 8th September, 2004 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== EcoQuest 2 is a point and click adventure focusing not only on standard puzzle solving, but also on learning about the environment through playing. The story involves a boy named Adam, who has the ability to talk to animals. Adam and his Father have travelled to Iquitos at the start of this game, where a theif steals their luggage. As Adam's father runs off to sort this problem out, a pair of friendly river otters take Adam back to the rainforest. Adam explores this new place until he meets Slaughter, a man with an obsession for gold and no respect for the environment. Slaughter kidnaps Adam from the rainforest, and it's up to Adam to escape and find his way to the Lost City of Gold. Despite being a game for the younger audience, this is actually a very well made game point and click adventure for all age groups. It contains very basic facts about the environment that kids may find interesting, and naturally some of the characters and descriptions show this as well, but it also contains some challenging puzzles that adults may find enjoyable too. The control interface hasn't changed from the original, and only minor graphical and sound upgrades are presented in this sequel. What has changed however is the size of the game, which is at least double that of the original. The ability to record and view various rainforest facts also makes this a great educational game. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== _________ | IQUITOS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо The game starts outside of the customs office. Open the inventory by moving the mouse cursor toward the top of the screen, which will reveal an icon bar. Click the inventory icon (fourth button from the right) to reveal the two items that Adam is currently holding. Use the passport to open it, and then give the open passport to the customs official. Walk through the gap to talk to Nicanor from the Ecology Emergency Network. He says that there is a problem with supplies, and Adam's father walks off to make a list. You can try talking to him, but he only tells Adam to look around until he has finished checking the list. Walk down the pier at the bottom-right corner of the area and talk to the man that is fishing from the end. Walk west off the pier, and then east to the next area. Walk in front of the crates and Adam will be approached by a man who is selling parrots. Give the money to the man and Adam will let the parrot fly away. Exit and enter the area until the two men appear behind the crates. Use the crates to listen to their conversation. Exit and enter the area until the tourist throws litter on the floor. Recycle the litter (the recycle icon is the third button from the right on the icon bar), and then talk to the tourist. Walk west and Adam's father will say he has something for him. Open the package on the floor and Adam will get the Ecorder, which scans and records information in the environment. After Adam's father has finished giving the lesson on how to use the Ecorder, walk east and select the Ecorder from the inventory. Use the Ecorder to record the leak in the hole of the red ship. Walk back to the west and a thief will steal their luggage. Adam's father says he has to travel to the Embassy, and tells Adam to stay in the boat. Adam falls asleep in the boat and is taken away from Iquitos by two talking otters. ____________ | RAINFOREST | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Adam wakes up in the rainforest. Record either otter. Talk to the brown otter named Orpheus and he will come out from behind the stilt root. Talk to Orpheus and get the amulet from his neck. The otters tell Adam that it is the amulet of Forest Heart, and that he should journey to her village. The otters push the boat near to the grass and Adam gets out. Use the Ecorder to record the Forest floor, Leafcutting Ant, Littering, River Otter, Stilt Root and Understory. Recycle the five pieces of litter. Get the sticky leaf and walk east. After the howler monkey leaves the area, record the Buttress, Cecropia Tree and Logging near the campfire. Attempt to climb the tree and Adam will be stopped by a swarm of insects. Use the sticky leaf on Adam and climb up the tree. Record the 3-toed Sloth, Epiphyte, Hyacinth Macaw, Orchid, Scarlet Macaw, Toco Toucan and Yellow-ribbed Cacique. Talk to the 3-toed sloth and all nine birds. Walk down the branch at the bottom-left corner of the area and record the Canopy, Darter and Liana. Get the purple flowers. Talk to the darter bird and walk back to the east. Climb up to the top of the tree and record the Cock-of- the-Rock, Emergent Tree, Hoatzin, Pitcher Plant and the Ruby Topaz Hummingbird. Walk west along the top-left branch and record the snake that appears. Talk to all of the birds at the top of the tree (including the hummingbird), and then walk onto the bottom-right branch. Adam will refuse to go any further because it smells, so use the purple flowers on Adam and then walk right to pass the Hoatzin. Use the pitcher plant and Adam will tip the water down into the nest below, which puts out the fire. Climb down to see the bird hatch from the egg in the nest. Climb up the tree again and talk to all of the birds. Climb down and talk to all ten of the birds and the 3-toed Sloth. Walk west along the top branch and talk to the Darter. Walk west to enter an area with a village below. Record the village and record the Drums at the end of the tree branch. Walk down to the end of the top branch and Adam will drop onto the bottom branch. Walk south along the bottom branch and record the Jaguar that appears. Walk to the other end of the branch and get the drum. The branch will snap and Adam will fall down into a mud puddle far below. _________ | VILLAGE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Record the Peccary. Record the Long House. Get the vine. Record Bromeliad. Get the fruit. Use the fruit with the peccary, then use the vine with the peccary to exit the puddle. Walk east and record the Agriculture, Drums and Weaving. Walk east and record the Paint, Shaman's stool and Thatching. Put the drum down at the left side of the stand to view both drums. Get the drumstick and play the notes on the drums using the pattern shown at the top of the screen. Get the left drum and walk west, north and east into the first entrance to find another drum. Put the drum down at the left side of the stand and get the drumstick. Play the pattern shown below: _ _ _ |2| |5| |6| _ _ | | _ | | | | .' '. |1| | | |3| | | | | |10 | _| |_| |_| |_ _| |_| |_ _ _ _| |_ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | | |11 | |12 | | | | | '._.' | | '._.' '._.' |4| |7| |9| о о о After entering the correct notes on the drums, the tree branches will part to reveal a secret tunnel. Get the left drum and walk through the tunnel to arrive in a cave. Use the seat and Adam will talk to Forest Heart, who gives a branch to Adam. Get the branch and walk west to exit the tree. Walk in the second entrance and record the Seed pods. Get the seed pods and exit the tree. Walk in the third entrance and get the cup. Use the cup with the pool and exit the tree. Walk south to return to the village, which is now full of people. Record the Body Painting, Pottery and Iguana. Talk to the woman with the baby, who says that she needs a poultice for curing bee stings. Talk to the baby. Talk to the man with the body painting near the bottom-right corner of the area. Walk east and talk to the three women near the cooking pot. Record the Masato and the Hunting. Talk to the weaver. Talk to the woman sitting near the garden. Walk east and talk to the boy on the vine and the man near the shaman's hut. Give the drum to the boy on the vine and he will leave. Use the vine to cross over the river, and get the berries from the bush on the other side. Get the necklace from the bush and use the vine to cross over the river again. Walk west twice and record the Morpho Butterfly. Give the necklace to the woman near the baby and she will let Adam keep it. Walk east and give the necklace to the weaver. Walk west and get the machete. Walk east and give the machete to the woman sitting near the garden, who will give some roots to Adam. Give the roots to the right woman at the cooking pot. Walk east and put the cup and the seed pods on the shaman's stool. Walk west and east to return to the area with the shaman's hut, where the shaman will have made the poultice. Get the poultice and walk west twice. Give the poultice to the woman near the baby. Walk east and give the clay cup to the right woman at the cooking pot. Walk west and use the clay cup with the butterfly, which will land on the cup. Get the cup and walk east twice to return to the area with the shaman's hut. Give the cup and butterfly to the man outside of the hut and he will invite Adam inside. Walk in and the man will say that he is the shaman of the village. Sit on the floor and it will start to rain outside. Record the Charm, Initiation, Masks, Rattle and Shaman. Use the pole to climb up to the top of the hut. Use the sticky leaf with the hole at the top of the hut. Use the berries with the red paint, then select the correct sign and use it on Adam. The shaman will gather a meeting inside of the Forest Heart tree. Give the branch to the shaman and he will show Adam a vision of the lost city. Get the gold blossom and Adam will leave the cave to find a bat caught in a net. Record the Insectivore Bat. Talk to Paquita the bat, and then show her the amulet. Use the net to release the bat, and Adam will be captured and taken to the camp. ______ | CAMP | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Get the carrot from near the cage and Paquita will free Adam from the ropes. Walk through the doorway to exit the room and get the fax from the fax machine. Open the trunk at the left side of the room and get the tennis racket. Get the sheets from the bed twice and get the personal organizer on the mattress. Move the jaguar rug to reveal a floorboard below. Use the floorboard to make a hole in the floor. Use the jaguar's tail to make a note appear. Get the note and look at it in the inventory to see the word rethguals. Still in the inventory, use the sheets on the other sheets to make a rope. Use the personal organizer and press the on button. Press the key button and enter rethguals. Press the enter button on the organizer to reveal the number 582. Exit the organizer and use the safe to view the dial. Enter the number 582 to open the safe and get the items from inside. Record the Endangered Species. Use the rope with the hole in the floor and climb down it to exit the shack. After Gonzales has finished dancing, use the closest barrel to the front of the area to hide behind it. Record Clear Cutting, Poor Soil and Silt Runoff. After Gonzales leaves the area, climb up the ladder and quickly use the alarm to turn it off. Get the crudsucker (vacuum cleaner) and the rungs of the ladder will break. Get the suspenders from the basket of laundry and use them with the hook at the right side of the satellite to climb down. Hide in front of the barrel at the front of the area again and use the crudsucker with the grain. Use the crudsucker in the inventory to get the grain. If Gonzales enters the area again, then wait until he leaves before continuing. Use the barrel at the back of the area to hide behind it, and then walk east to the next area. Record Bird Poaching and Oil Refining. Wait for Gonzales to walk off to the west. Use the grain with the right bird cage. Use the key to open the right bird cage and the birds will escape. Gonzales runs after them, so we can now explore this area in peace. Get the axe from the stump and use it on the log near the river to make a boat. Walk west and climb up the red rope to return to the shack. Talk to Paquita and she will exit the shack with Adam. Walk east and get in the boat. Use the tennis racket with the river to leave the camp. Record the Burnout. Adam rides into a whirlpool and falls down to a cave. ______ | CAVE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Record the Fishing Bat, Leaf-Nosed Bat, Mexican Freetailed Bat, Punk Bat and Tent Bat. Talk to all six of the bats. Give the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat and he will tell Adam to give out some visas. Get the visas from the table and talk to all six of the bats again. Give the Ectophylla Alba visa to the tent bat, the Tadarida Chapini visa to the punk bat, the Tadarida Brasiliensis visa to the Mexican freetailed bat, the Noctilo Leporinus visa to the fishing bat and the Natalus Stramineus visa to Paquita. Give the Macrotus Californicus visa to the leaf-nosed bat and he will agree to let Adam into the cave. Walk north to arrive in a big cave with a sleeping bat. Record the Cosmology Carving, False Vampire Bat, Stone Relief and the Underworld. Talk to the sleeping bat, then use the perch and talk to the bat again. Climb down from the perch and get the truth stone. Use the truth stone with the hollow at the base of the statue to transform the stone into a jaguar. He will ask a series of riddles which Adam needs to answer correctly in order to release him. Just click on the icons at the sides of the screen to answer the riddles. Q. Bulging eyes, inflated throats, fill the air with reverberating notes. A. Frog. Q. Green on green and within till later in the year. When rainbows of colors bright suddenly appear. A. Leaf. Q. It's strength is in its jaws. Its size is not so great. But no creature in the forest, can lift its size to weight. A. Ant. Q. Misty veil of dew shades the light of day, sheds its life on the earth and washes waste away. A. Cloud. Q. Nothing is so far away, and yet remains so bright. It shines forth each day with its giving light. A. Sun. Q. Older than the ancient times, hid by light of day, birds that fly their light plot their course and way. A. Star. Q. Pale face upon the earth, a dim mirror of the sun. For the creatures of the night light for work and fun. A. Moon. Q. Slowly does it slide along without legs or feet. As eyes and tongue dart about, to find something to eat. A. Snake. Q. Vale of silk, dress of green, looks to the sun and makes air clean. A. Flower. Q. Wings of color, voice of song, claws of power to this creature belong. A. Bird. After the jaguar leaves, get the gold feather and walk north to arrive in an area with a boat. Paquita follows Adam and suddenly falls to the floor. Talk to her, and she tells Adam to go to Chiropterus. Walk north to return to the cave, where Adam will tell him about Paquita. He says that Paquita is ill because of the smoke, and that the only cure is the Fountain of Youth in the City of Gold. He gives Adam a whistle that only bats can hear. Use the whistle on Adam to make the bats leave, then use the boat to travel to the Flooded Forest. ________________ | FLOODED FOREST | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Adam arrives in the flooded forest only to have his boat sunken by some strange and unseen coconut-throwing creature. Record the Cannonball fruit and Igapo, then swim south. Record the Victoria Lily. Climb up the vine and get the red fruit. Swim north. Swim east and record the Howler Monkey and Piranha. Talk to the monkey and give him the red fruit. Climb onto the island. Get the piranha jawbone and dive back into the water. Swim west. Swim south and use the piranha jawbone on the victoria lily. Use the lily to swim on it. Swim north. Swim east and use the island to give the lily to the monkey. An eagle will swoop down to take Adam to his nest. Record the Harpy Eagle. Show the gold feather to the eagle and he will take Adam to the City of Gold. ______________ | CITY OF GOLD | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Recycle the six pieces of litter and get the magnifying glass at the left side of the area. Record the Passion Flower, Philodendron, Pre-Incan Ruins, Seat of the Inca and Stone Relief. Use the mask in the inventory to discover a gold disc. Use the mask with the stone relief and get the gold that appears. Use the gold and the gold disc with the the seat of the inca to reveal steps leading down. Walk down the steps to arrive at the labyrinth. Combine the magnifying glass with the necklace in the inventory to view a map of the labyrinth. Record the Labyrinth and the Stela. Walk into the far right entrance and follow the path all the way around to the building at the top. Enter the building and use the footholds on the wall to climb it. Record the Ritual of El Dorado. Use the snake's tail to open a panel leading outside. Climb down from the wall and select the tiles until there is a bumpy border around the outside to open a hollow. Get the crown and cup from the hollow. Select each tile twice to open another hollow. Record the Pipes. Get the pipes and go north through the exit. Jump across the small islands to the island in the middle of the water. Use the crown with Adam and wait for the gold serpent to appear. Use the pipes with Adam and the serpent will fall asleep. Use the water and Adam will swim over to the big island in the background. Record the Fountain. Get the stone cup from the statue and put it in the hole near the vines. Use the stone head and the vines will capture Adam. Show the amulet to the purple flower at the right side of the statue and the vines will let go of Adam. Talk to the purple flower. Use the stone head and water will fill the bowl. Use the gold blossom with the stone cup and get the seedling that grows. Slaughter will enter the area to try and find the gold. Climb down from the statue and use the cup of gold dust with the water in the fountain. After the vines capture Slaughter, use the whistle on Adam to call the bats. Get the water from the fountain and Adam will use it on Paquita. Adam will leave the city of gold to travel to Forest Heart. Use the Ecorder in the inventory. Turn it on and select Test Myself. Correctly answer the ten questions. Use the seedling with the hole and a new Forest Heart tree will start to grow. Use the whistle on Adam to call Paquita, and then look at Paquita to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== AMULET Found on Orpheus the river otter at the rainforest. It is shown to Paquita when she is caught in the net, it is shown to the leaf-nosed bat in the cave, and is also shown to the purple flower at the Lost City of Gold. AXE Found at the right side of the camp. It is used with the log near the water to make a boat. BERRIES Found on the bush at the right side of the village. They are used with the bowl of red paint in the shaman's hut. BRANCH Found by talking to Forest Heart near the village. It is given to the shaman after the correct paint symbol has been used on Adam. CLAY CUP Found by giving the poultice to the woman with the baby at the village. After the right woman at the cooking pot has been given the roots, the clay cup is given to the right woman at the cooking pot. CLAY CUP AND BUTTERFLY Found by using the clay cup filled with the potion from the cooking pot with the butterfly at the left side of the village. It is given to the shaman. CROWN Found by arranging the tiles at the City of Gold to open the hollow with the crown inside. It is used on Adam at the beach where the gold serpent appears. CRUDSUCKER Found on the platform with the satellite at the camp. It is used to collect the grain, and is then used in the inventory. CUP Found in the third entrance of the tree near the village. It is used with the pool in the tree to fill it with sap, and is then put on the shaman's stool. CUP Found by arranging the tiles at the City of Gold to open the hollow with the cup inside. After Slaughter lands at the City of Gold, the cup is used with the water in the fountain to distract him. DRUM Found at the end of the branch on the tree above the village. It is used on the stand in the village and outside of the Forest Heart tree. The pattern is played on the drums by using the drumstick. ECORDER Found by opening the package in Iquitos after Adam's father calls Adam. It is used to read and record rainforest facts. FAX Found in the fax machine in the shack at the camp. It is not used. FLOWERS Found by walking left along the bottom-left branch at the top of the tree in the rainforest. They are used on Adam to pass by the Hoatzin bird. FRUIT Found at the side of the mud puddle in the village. It is thrown to the Peccary to make him walk near to the puddle. GOLD Found by using the mask with the stone relief at the City of Gold. It is used on the seat of the inca at the City of Gold. GOLD DISC Found by using the mask in the inventory. It is used on the seat of the inca at the City of Gold. GOLD FEATHER Found by solving the ten riddles asked by the jaguar in the cave. It is shown to the harpy eagle on the nest in the flooded forest. GOLD BLOSSOM Found in the Forest Heart tree after showing the branch to the shaman. It is used with the stone cup at the City of Gold. GRAIN After the Crudsucker has been used on the grain at the camp, the grain is found by using the Crudsucker in the inventory. It is used with the right bird cage at the camp. MACHETE After the necklace has been given to the weaver at the village, the machete can be found near the man at the left side of the village. It is given to the woman near the garden in the village. MAGNIFYING GLASS Found under the left piece of litter in the City of Gold. It is used with the necklace in the inventory to reveal the map of the labyrinth. MASK Found in the safe at the camp. It is used in the inventory to find the gold disc, and is also used on the stone relief at the City of Gold. MONEY Available at the start of the game. It is given to the parrot seller in Iquitos to buy the parrot. NECKLACE After the people appear in the village, the necklace is found under the berries at the right side of the village. It is given to the woman near the baby, and is then given to the weaver. NECKLACE Found in the safe in the camp. It is combined with the magnifying glass in the inventory to reveal a map of the labyrinth. NOTE Found by pulling the jaguar's tail in the shack at the camp. It is read in the inventory to reveal the password to the personal organizer. PASSPORT Available at the start of the game. It is opened and then given to the customs official at Iquitos. PERSONAL ORGANIZER Found on the mattress after getting both sheets from the bed in the shack at the camp. The password from the note is entered on the personal organizer to reveal the combination to the safe. PIPES Found by arranging the tiles at the City of Gold to open the hollow with the pipes inside. It is used on the gold serpent while Adam is wearing the crown. PIRANHA JAWBONE Found on the island with the howler monkey at the flooded forest. It is used with the victoria lily so that Adam can swim on it. POULTICE Found by using the cup with the sap and the seed pods with the shaman's stool at the village. It is given to the woman with the baby at the village. RED FRUIT Found at the top of the tree in the flooded forest. It is given to the howler monkey on the island. ROOTS Found by giving the machete to the woman near the garden in the village. They are given to the right woman at the cooking pot. ROPE Found by combining the two sheets in the inventory. After the floorboard has been removed from the shack at the camp, the tope is used with the hole. SEED PODS Found in the second entrance of the tree outside of the village. They are used with the shaman's stool. SEEDLING Found by using the gold blossom with the stone cup in the area after the gold serpent at the City of Gold. It is put in the hole at the Forest Heart tree. SHEETS Found on the bed in the shack at the camp. They are combined together in the inventory to make the rope. SMALL KEY Found in the safe at the camp. After the grain has been used on the right bird cage at the camp, the small key is used on the right bird cage. SNAPSHOT Found by using the wallet in the inventory. It is not used. STICKY LEAF Found in the first area of the rainforest. It is used on Adam so that he can climb up to the top of the tree. STONE CUP Found on the statue in the area after the gold serpent at the City of Gold. It is used on the hole near the vines. SUSPENDERS Found in the basket on the platform with the satellite at the camp. They are used with the hook at the side of the satellite. TENNIS RACKET Found in the chest in the shack at the camp. It is used with the water after Adam gets in the boat. TRUTH STONE Found on the ledge after talking to the false vampire bat in the cave. It is used with the hole at the base of the statue. VINE Found at the side of the mud puddle. After the fruit has been thrown to the peccary, the vine is used on the peccary. VISA (ECTOPHYLLA ALBA) Found on the desk in the cave after showing the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. It is given to the tent bat. VISA (TADARIDA CHAPINI) Found on the desk in the cave after showing the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. It is given to the punk bat. VISA (TADARIDA BRASILIENSIS) Found on the desk in the cave after showing the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. It is given to the Mexican freetailed bat. VISA (NOCTILIO LEPORINUS) Found on the desk in the cave after showing the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. It is given to the fishing bat. VISA (NATALUS STRAMINEUS) Found on the desk in the cave after showing the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. It is given to Paquita. VISA (MACROTUS CALIFORNICUS) Found on the desk in the cave after showing the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. It is given to the leaf-nosed bat. WALLET Found in the safe at the camp. It is not used. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== ____________ | 993 POINTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1. Iquitos Point List (44 points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 : Give the open passport to the customs official. 1 : Talk to Nicanor. 1 : Talk to the fisherman at the end of the pier. 5 : Give the money to the parrot seller. 5 : Use the crates to listen to the conversation. 5 : Recycle the litter thrown by the tourist. 1 : Talk to the tourist. 5 : Open the package on the floor to find the Ecorder. 1 : Record the Town Runoff. 10 : Record the River Traffic from the hole in the red boat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2. Rainforest Point List (121 Points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 : Record the River Otter. 2 : Talk to Orpheus twice. 5 : Get the amulet from Orpheus. 1 : Record the Forest Floor. 1 : Record the Leafcutting Ant. 1 : Record the Littering. 1 : Record the Understory. 1 : Record the Stilt root. 5 : Recycle the five pieces of litter. 5 : Get the sticky leaf. 1 : Meet the howler monkey. 1 : Record the Buttress. 1 : Record the Cecropia Tree. 1 : Record the Logging. 5 : Use the sticky leaf on Adam after attempting to climb the tree. 1 : Record the 3-toed Sloth. 1 : Record the Epiphyte. 1 : Record the Hyacinth Macaw. 1 : Record the Orchid. 1 : Record the Scarlet Macaw. 1 : Record the Toco Toucan. 1 : Record the Yellow-ribbed Cacique. 1 : Talk to the 3-toed Sloth. 1 : Talk to the Hyacinth Macaw. 1 : Talk to the Yellow-ribbed Cacique. 4 : Talk to the four Scarlet Macaws. 3 : Talk to the three Toco Toucans. 1 : Record the Canopy. 1 : Record the Darter. 1 : Record the Liana. 5 : Get the purple flowers. 1 : Talk to the darter. 1 : Record the Emerald Tree Boa. 1 : Talk to the emerald tree boa. 1 : Record the Cock-of-the-Rock. 1 : Record the Emergent Tree. 1 : Record the Hoatzin. 1 : Record the Pitcher Plant. 1 : Record the Ruby Topaz Hummingbird. 1 : Talk to the Cock-of-the-Rock. 1 : Talk to the Hoatzin. 1 : Talk to the Ruby Topaz Hummingbird. 5 : Use the purple flowers on Adam when he is near the Hoatzin. 5 : Use the pitcher plant. 10 : Watch the egg hatch in the nest. 1 : Talk to the Cock-of-the-Rock. 1 : Talk to the Hoatzin. 1 : Talk to the Ruby Topaz Hummingbird. 1 : Talk to the 3-toed Sloth. 1 : Talk to the Hyacinth Macaw. 1 : Talk to the Yellow-ribbed Cacique. 4 : Talk to the four Scarlet Macaws. 4 : Talk to the four Toco Toucans. 1 : Talk to the Darter. 5 : Walk west along the tree branch to the area with the village below. 1 : Record the Village. 1 : Record the Drums. 5 : Walk to the end of the top branch. 1 : Record the Jaguar. 5 : Get the drums. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3. Village Point List (230 points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 : Record the Peccary. 1 : Record the Long House. 5 : Get the vine. 1 : Record the Bromeliad. 5 : Get the fruit. 5 : Use the fruit and the vine with the peccary. 1 : Record the Agriculture. 1 : Record the Weaving. 1 : Record the Paint. 1 : Record the Shaman's Stool. 1 : Record the Thatching. 5 : Put the drum on the village stand. 5 : Play the correct pattern on the drums. 1 : Get the left drum from the village stand. 1 : Walk to the first entrance in the tree. 5 : Put the drum on the tree stand. 10 : Play the correct pattern on the drums. 1 : Get the left drum from the tree stand. 5 : Use the seat in the tree. 5 : Get the branch. 1 : Walk to the second entrance in the tree. 1 : Record the Seed Pods. 5 : Get the seed pods. 1 : Walk to the third entrance in the tree. 5 : Get the cup. 5 : Use the cup with the pool. 1 : Record the Body Painting. 1 : Record the Iguana. 1 : Record the Pottery. 1 : Talk to the woman with the baby. 1 : Talk to the baby. 1 : Talk to the man with the body painting. 1 : Record the Hunting. 1 : Record the Masato. 3 : Talk to the three women at the cooking pot. 1 : Talk to the weaver. 1 : Talk to the woman sitting near the garden. 1 : Talk to the boy on the vine. 1 : Talk to the man outside of the shaman's hut. 5 : Give the drum to the boy on the vine. 1 : Use the vine to cross over the river. 5 : Get the berries. 5 : Get the necklace. 1 : Use the vine to cross over the river. 1 : Record the Morpho Butterfly. 5 : Give the necklace to the woman with the baby. 5 : Give the necklace to the weaver. 5 : Get the machete. 5 : Give the machete to the woman near the garden. 5 : Give the roots to the right woman at the cooking pot. 1 : Put the cup on the shaman's stool. 1 : Put the seed pods on the shaman's stool. 5 : Get the poultice from the shaman's stool. 5 : Give the poultice to the woman with the baby. 5 : Give the clay cup to the right woman at the cooking pot. 5 : Use the clay cup with the butterfly. 5 : Get the butterfly. 10 : Give the clay cup and butterfly to the man outside of the shaman's hut. 5 : Sit on the floor in the shaman's hut. 1 : Record the Charm. 1 : Record the Initiation. 1 : Record the Masks. 1 : Record the Rattle. 1 : Record the Shaman. 5 : Use the sticky leaf with the hole at the top of the hut. 5 : Use the berries with the bowl of red paint. 10 : Use the correct sign on Adam. 5 : Give the branch to the shaman. 5 : Get the gold blossom. 1 : Record the Insectivore Bat. 5 : Talk to Paquita. 5 : Show the amulet to Paquita. 5 : Use the net to release Paquita. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4. Camp Point List (139 points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 : Get the carrot. 2 : Get the fax from the fax machine. 3 : Open the trunk. 2 : Get the tennis racket from the trunk. 2 : Get the sheets from the bed. 5 : Get the sheets from the bed. 2 : Get the personal organizer on the mattress. 3 : Move the jaguar rug. 10 : Use the floorboard. 3 : Use the jaguar's tail. 5 : Get the note on the floor. 5 : Combine the two sheets in the inventory. 2 : Enter the correct password on the personal organizer. 10 : Enter the correct combination to open the safe. 2 : Get all of the items in the safe. 1 : Record the Endangered Species. 5 : Use the rope with the hole. 2 : Climb down the hole. 1 : Record the Clear Cutting. 1 : Record the Poor Soil. 1 : Record the Silt Runoff. 5 : Use the alarm to turn it off. 5 : Get the Crudsucker. 3 : Get the suspenders from the basket. 5 : Use the suspenders with the hook at the side of the satellite. 5 : Use the Crudsucker with the grain. 1 : Use the Crudsucker in the inventory to get the grain. 1 : Record the Bird Poaching. 1 : Record the Oil Refining. 10 : Give the grain to the birds in the right cage. 5 : Use the small key to open the right cage. 5 : Get the axe. 5 : Use the axe on the log near the river. 5 : Talk to Paquita in the shack. 5 : Use the boat to push it into the water. 5 : Get in the boat and use the tennis racket with the water. 1 : Record the Burnout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5. Cave Point List (107 points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 : Record the Fishing Bat. 1 : Record the Leaf-nosed Bat. 1 : Record the Mexican Freetailed Bat. 1 : Record the Punk Bat. 1 : Record the Tent Bat. 1 : Talk to Paquita. 1 : Talk to the Fishing Bat. 1 : Talk to the Leaf-nosed Bat. 1 : Talk to the Mexican Freetailed Bat. 1 : Talk to the Punk Bat. 1 : Talk to the Tent Bat. 5 : Give the amulet to the leaf-nosed bat. 5 : Get the visas. 1 : Talk to Paquita. 1 : Talk to the Fishing Bat. 1 : Talk to the Leaf-nosed Bat. 1 : Talk to the Mexican Freetailed Bat. 1 : Talk to the Punk Bat. 1 : Talk to the Tent Bat. 5 : Give the Ectophylla Alba visa to the tent bat. 5 : Give the Tadarida Chapini visa to the punk bat. 5 : Give the Tadarida Brasiliensis visa to the Mexican freetailed bat. 5 : Give the Noctilo Leporinus visa to the fishing bat. 5 : Give the Natalus Stramineus visa to Paquita. 5 : Give the Macrotus Californicus visa to the leaf-nosed bat. 1 : Record the Cosmology Carving. 1 : Record the False Vampire Bat. 1 : Record the Stone Relief. 1 : Record The Underworld. 1 : Talk to the false vampire bat. 5 : Use the perch. 5 : Get the truth stone. 5 : Use the truth stone with the hollow at the base of the statue. 10 : Answer the ten riddles asked by the jaguar. 5 : Get the gold feather. 5 : Receive the whistle from Chiropterus. 5 : Use the whistle on Adam. 5 : Use the boat to leave the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6. Flooded Forest Point List (52 points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 : Record the Cannonball Fruit. 1 : Record the Igapo. 1 : Record the Victoria Lily. 5 : Get the red fruit. 1 : Record the Howler Monkey. 1 : Record the Piranha. 1 : Talk to the Howler Monkey. 5 : Give the red fruit to the Howler Monkey. 5 : Get the piranha jawbone on the island. 5 : Use the piranha jawbone with the victoria lily. 5 : Use the lily to start swimming on it. 10 : Use the island to give the lily to the Howler Monkey. 1 : Record the Harpy Eagle. 10 : Show the gold feather to the Harpy Eagle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7. City of Gold Point List (300 points) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 : Recycle the six pieces of litter. 10 : Get the magnifying glass. 1 : Record the Passion Flower. 1 : Record the Philodendron. 1 : Record the Pre-Incan Ruins. 1 : Record the Seat of the Inca. 5 : Use the mask in the inventory to find the gold disc. 5 : Use the mask with the stone relief. 3 : Get the gold. 2 : Use the gold on the seat of the Inca. 3 : Use the gold disc on the seat of the Inca. 5 : Wait for the rock to tilt. 5 : Combine the magnifying glass with the necklace. 1 : Record the Labyrinth. 1 : Record the Stela. 15 : Enter the building at the top of the labyrinth. 1 : Record the Ritual of El Dorado. 2 : Use the footholds on the wall. 3 : Pull the snake's tail. 5 : Move the tiles to open the hollow with the pipes. 1 : Record the Pipes. 5 : Get the pipes. 5 : Move the tiles to open the hollow with the crown and cup. 10 : Get the crown and cup. 5 : Jump across the small islands to the middle island. 2 : Use the crown on Adam. 13 : Use the pipes with the gold serpent. 5 : Dive in the water to swim to the island. 1 : Record the Fountain. 5 : Get the stone cup from the statue. 5 : Use the stone cup with the hole near the vines. 1 : Show the amulet to the purple flower. 10 : Move the stone head. 5 : Use the gold blossom with the stone cup. 15 : Wait for the seedling to grow. 20 : Get the seedling. 10 : Use the cup of gold dust with the fountain. 5 : Use the whistle on Adam. 15 : Get the water from the fountain. 46 : Use the Ecorder and correctly answer the ten questions. 25 : Use the seedling with the hole. 5 : Use the whistle on Adam. 10 : Look at Paquita. =============================================================================== 5. Ecorder Rainforest Information =============================================================================== _________ | ANIMALS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. 3-TOED SLOTH Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: 3-toed Sloths have green algae in their fur. They move so slowly it takes a week to change trees. 2. COCK-OF-THE-ROCK Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: The cock-of-the-rock is one of the many small birds that live in the canopy. 3. DARTER Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: The darter is one of many bird species found in the canopy. 4. EMERALD TREE BOA Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Emerald tree boas hide and look like a clump of unripe bananas. Like all snakes, they have poor eyesight. 5. FALSE VAMPIRE BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Vampyrum spectrum is a false vampire bat. It likes to eat mice but DOESN'T suck blood. 6. FISHING BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Noctilia leporinus is a fisherman bat. It finds fish by echolocation and grabs them in its claws. 7. HARPY EAGLE Location: In the nest at the flooded forest. Information: The harpy eagle is the largest in the world. It eats sloths and howler monkeys. 8. HOATZIN Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Hoatzins smell because of the fungus they eat. They live near rivers. 9. HOWLER MONKEY Location: On the island in the flooded forest. Information: Howler monkeys make a strange noise at dawn. They eat leaves and fruit. 10. HYACINTH MACAW Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Hyacinth Macaws get their name from their brilliant blue plumage. 11. IGUANA Location: At the left side of the village. Information: Iguanas look like prehistoric animals. They live in trees, preferably near rivers. 12. INSECTIVORE BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Natalus stramineus eats insects. She has warm brown fur. 13. JAGUAR Location: On the tree branch in the area above the village. Information: Jaguars climb trees. When hunting, they make an odd snuffling sound. 14. LEAF-NOSED BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Lonchorhina aurita is a sword-nosed bat. It eats insects. 15. LEAFCUTTING ANT Location: In the rainforest. Information: Leafcutting ants chew up leaves and use them to plant fungus farms. 16. MEXICAN FREETAILED BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Tadaria brasiliensis is a Mexican free-tailed bat. It travels between North and South America. 17. MORPHO BUTTERFLY Location: In the village after talking to the shaman. Information: The Morpho butterfly is sapphire blue. Without the relection of light, its wings are transparent. 18. PECCARY Location: In the village. Information: The peccary is a wild pig. They eat roots and roam in bands. 19. PIRANHA Location: On the island in the flooded forest. Information: Piranha have strong teeth and jawbones. They can devour an animal to the bone. 20. PUNK BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Tadarida chapini are known as punk bats because of their mohawks! 21. RIVER OTTER Location: In the rainforest. Information: River otters are an endangered species. They are shy and hate being looked at. 22. RUBY TOPAZ HUMMINGBIRD Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: The hummingbird is territorial and defends its feeding site with a sharp, needle-like beak. 23. SCARLET MACAW Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: A scarlet macaw, unlike its cousins, is mostly red. 24. TENT BAT Location: In the cave. Information: Ectophylla alba is a tent bat. It chews leaves to make a nest. 25. TOCO TOUCAN Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Toucans have long beaks to gather fruit far out on tree limbs. They crack nuts with their beaks. 26. YELLOW-RIBBED CACIQUE Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Caciques can imitate the sounds of other animals. ________ | PLANTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. BROMELIAD Location: Found under the vine at the side of the mud puddle at the village. Information: Bromeliads are members of the pineapple family. They grow on other plants in the canopy. 2. BUTTRESS Location: At the bottom of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Buttresses are thick roots above the ground which prop up the trees and keep them from falling over. 3. CANNONBALL FRUIT Location: In the flooded forest. Information: Cannonball fruit grow in the flooded forest. They don't really shoot. 4. CANOPY Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: The canopy is the third and richest level of the rainforest. Most life is found there. 5. CECROPIA TREE Location: At the bottom of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Cecropia trees have leaves which are the favorite food of tree animals. 6. EMERGENT TREE Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: An emergent tree is one that grows above the canopy level of the rainforest. 7. EPIPHYTE Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Epiphytes are also called "air plants." They grow high up in the canopy and live off other plants. 8. FOREST FLOOR Location: In the rainforest. Information: The forest floor is the ground cover, the lowest level of the rainforest. 9. IGAPO Location: In the flooded forest. Information: The igapo is a swamp or "flooded forest." It floods part of the year. 10. LIANA Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Lianas are vines that grow from the ground upwards. They connect the trees of the canopy. 11. ORCHID Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Orchids grow in the canopy. Special fungi help them get water and food. 12. PASSION FLOWER Location: At the City of Gold. Information: The passion flower is a colorful, bright flower that grows in the rainforest. 13. PHILODENDRON Location: At the City of Gold. Information: This rainforest plant has become a common house plant. 14. PITCHER PLANT Location: At the top of the tree in the rainforest. Information: Pitcher plants have cup-shaped leaves which hold rainwater. Insects live in them. 15. SEED PODS Location: In the second entrance of the Forest Heart tree. Information: Most rainforest plants have never been classified. They could be valuable medicine. 16. STILT ROOT Location: In the rainforest. Information: The roots of some trees are like "stilts." The roots help gather water and nutrients. 17. UNDERSTORY Location: In the rainforest. Information: The understory is between the forest floor and the canopy. It is the first level of small trees. 18. VICTORIA LILY Location: In the flooded forest. Information: Victoria lilies have pads as big as eight feet in diamter. Children use them as rafts. _____________ | ECO-THREATS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. BIRD POACHING Location: At the camp. Information: Many birds in pet stores are stolen from the rainforest. They often die on the way to market. 2. BURNOUT Location: On the river after the camp. Information: Huge areas of the rainforest are set on fire each year. 3. CLEAR CUTTING Location: At the camp. Information: Clear cutting is a method of cutting down all trees and leaving none. 4. ENDANGERED SPECIES Location: In the shack at the camp. Information: Endangered species are sold as trophies on the black market. 5. LITTERING Location: In the rainforest. Information: As more inhabitants invade the rainforest, casual littering has become a serious problem. 6. LOGGING Location: At the camp. Information: Many trees may be cut down to harvest just a few hardwood trees, such as teak or mahogany. 7. OIL REFINING Location: At the camp. Information: Chemicals from oil refinery camps are serious sources of pollution. 8. POOR SOIL Location: At the camp. Information: Rainforest soil is poor in nutrients. Farms cease to produce within two years. 9. RIVER TRAFFIC Location: Record the leak in the hole of the red ship in Iquitos. Information: The gasoline and oil from powerboats and launches are important sources of river pollution. 10. SILT RUNOFF Location: At the camp. Information: When many trees are cut, the soil or "silt" is no longer held in place. Rain washes it into the river. 11. TOWN RUNOFF Location: Automatically appears after Adam gets the Ecorder. Information: Silt and sewage from developed areas have clogged many of the Amazon's rivers. ___________________ | INDIGENOUS PEOPLE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. AGRICULTURE Location: In the village. Information: Rainforest people cultivate many types of plants together. They burn out only a small area. 2. BODY PAINTING Location: In the village. Information: Indigenous peope make pains and decorate their whole bodies for rituals. 3. CHARM Location: In the village. Information: It is said that dolphins can change into beautiful humans who tempt you like sirens. 4. DRUMS Location: On the branch of the tree above the village. Information: Indigenous people communicate with drims. Some tribes use a "male" and a "female" drum. 5. HUNTING Location: In the village. Information: Hunters kill only enough to eat> Each animal killed causes a small soul "debt" and greed is punished. 6. INITIATION Location: In the shaman's hut in the village. Information: A young person must be "initiated" into the tribe, often by fasting and special activities. 7. LONG HOUSE Location: In the village. Information: A long house is a communal living space which can hold the entire tribe. 8. MASATO Location: In the village. Information: Ceremonial drinks are prepared carefully. The roots used to make them can be poisonous. 9. MASKS Location: In the shaman's hut in the village. Information: The shaman has masks representing spirits that may help cure his patient. 10. PAINT Location: In the village. Information: Paint is made from berries, rocks, etc. Many tribes use only red and black. 11. POTTERY Location: In the village. Information: Indigenous people make very beautiful pottery. The complicated designs may also have special meaning. 12. RATTLE Location: In the shaman's hut in the village. Information: The shaman's rattle is an important part of a curing ceremony. 13. SHAMAN Location: In the shaman's hut in the village. Information: A shaman is an ordinary person who has the skill of healing and talking to spirits. 14. SHAMAN'S STOOL Location: Outside the shaman's hut in the village. Information: The shaman's stool gives him status and importance. Only he may sit on it. 15. THATCHING Location: In the village. Information: Many huts are covered with dried palm fronds. The thatch provides protection from frequent rains. 16. VILLAGE Location: On the branch of the tree above the village. Information: Rainforest tribes are often nomadic. They carve out a small village and later move on. 17. WEAVING Location: In the village. Information: The ancient Incan loom is still used in many villages to make beautiful cloth. __________________ | ANCIENT CULTURES | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. COSMOLOGY CARVING Location: In the cave. Information: Some carved stones look like small cities. Were they building plans or mythical "cosmologies"? 2. FOUNTAIN Location: In the City of Gold. Information: Carved, zigzag channels directed water for a ritual purpose. 3. LABYRINTH Location: In the City of Gold. Information: Sacred rooms in temples were often surrounded by a maze or "labyrinth." 4. PIPES Location: In the hollow at the City of Gold. Information: The Incans carved pipes from bone to play music for rituals. 5. PRE-INCAN RUINS Location: In the City of Gold. Information: The jungle has many ruins older than those of the Incas. 6. RITUAL OF EL DORADO Location: In the building after the labyrinth at the City of Gold. Information: In the ritual of El Dorado, the king painted himself with gold dust and dove into the lake. 7. SEAT OF THE INCA Location: In the City of Gold. Information: Slabs of stone were platforms for the Inca or ruler to speak to the people. 8. STELA Location: In the labyrinth at the City of Gold. Information: A stela is a large carved memorial stone. It may look like a person or hold a pictograph story. 9. STONE RELIEF Location: In the cave. Information: Panels of raised, carved stone are called "reliefs." They often tell stories or events. 10. THE UNDERWORLD Location: In the cave. Information: The Mayans believed that a bat demi-god ruled the Underworld. =============================================================================== 6. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.