Hidden Karaoke Songs: It must be the 3rd of March in order to work. On that day, go out on a date witha girl (any girl) & take her out to the Karaoke bar. Before you go in the bar, QUICKLY PRESS: Up, Up,Dn, Dn, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O Then proceed inside & at the screen where it shows the karaoke pieces to choose from, QUICKLY PRESS AGAIN: Up, Up, Dn, Dn, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O Konami-man Trick (Boosts all stats to 573) : At the initial character identity screen, where you place the name, birth date, etc. of your character, FOR YOUR ADANA (nickname), write the word "Konami-man" (Ko-Na-Mi-Ma-Nn) in Hiragana. After doing so, all your characters stats (everything, including the stress level) will be boosted to "573". Minna-Nakayoshi" Trick (Makes all the girls friends w/you from start) : At the initial character identity screen, where you place the name, birth date,etc. of your character, FOR YOUR MIYOOJI (Family Name), write the word "Minna" (Mi-Nn-Na) in Hiragana. FOR YOUR NAMAE (First Name), write the word "Naka Yoshi" (Na-Ka-Yo-Shi) in Kanji. After doing so, all the female characters will already be in the friendly status towards you. Also NOTE: This trick can be used alongside with the "Konami-man" trick. But know that if you do combine these two tricks, be prepared for an extreme level of challenge. Twin Bee Power Up: In the Twin Bee Mini Game, pause the game & press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [X], [O]. Also NOTE: The TWIN BEE MINI GAME can be accessed two ways. (1) Join the Computer Programming Club for at least two years. You will eventually play it at the school festivals. (2) Or....simply go to the options screen when you first turn on the game. Pick the "Omake" option & it will give you the Twin Bee Mini Game. Stardust MiniGame: There is also another mini game called STARDUST SYMPHONY EX. It is a mini 3D Shooter that shows some of PSX's 3D processing capabilities. (1) It can be accessed by joining the Computer Pragramming Club for all 3 years and eventually becoming the Club Leader. You will then be able to play STARDUST SYMPHONY EX! (I have yet to find an easier way to access it, but once I have, I will post it ASAP.) Album Mode: After finishing the game, wait for the Credits to scroll in. When it shows, on CONTROLLER 2, press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [X], [O]. Choosing Karaoke Pieces: Go to the Karaoke Bar with any girl at least 3 times. On the fourth time, when there is the message, Anata No Uta Mo, Kikitaina" Quickly press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [X], [O]. Increasing/Decreasing HPs during Battle Sequences: During a battle, [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [X], [O]. HP will INCREASE to 5730. During a battle, [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [O], [X]. HP will DECREASE to 1. Stat boost: Start a new game. Then at the screen where you choose your name or nickname, enter "KO-NA-MI-MA-NN" (Konami-man in Hiragana) as your Adana (nickname). Enter any value for a birth date, blood type, and other fields. All your character's stats, including Stress, will be boosted to 573. This may be used in conjunction with the friendly mode code. Stage skip: Pause the game and quickly press Left(2), Right(2), Down, Up, Down, Up, Circle(2), Square(2), Triangle, X, Triangle(2) after your score passes 573,000.