Guard Shell Special Weapon: When using the guard shell special weapon pressing the directional pad while activating it will change the location of the force field, allowing the shield to be overhead or underfoot as well as in front (not at the same time). Submission: Carlos Alberto Miranda ( Mach Dash: Saying that the mach dash can be done in three directions is actually wrong, not because I'm denying that he can go upward but because X can also dash downward. It's not particularly useful, but it is a fourth direction. Submission: Carlos Alberto Miranda ( High Max: When fighting the second version of High Max-the one found in the optional section of every level-one can duck or dash under his wall punch attack as well as shield attack. The pause he takes afterward at nearly ground level puts him in a great position for Zero to hit him the the Z-buster instead of his Z-saber. Submission: Carlos Alberto Miranda ( Gate's Lab: The first portion of the second level of Gate's lab is infamous for its fatal traps. To save some time and damage here-whether it be during multiple attempts or not-Use Blade armor X to mach dash upwards just before the first totem pole comes on screen. If done correctly, one will see the vertical-traveling pillar elevator by the fourth totem activate. Once it starts up its engine flame will be visible at the top of the screen while on the ground after it reaches its lowest point, which means it can be caught with another mach dash and one has to worry about three fewer annoying totems instead of all six. (Do the same where the fifth stood after defeating it to skip the sixth) Also, the battle with the third version of High Max can be quite difficult and is easiest with Shadow armor X but the subsequent portion of the level is impossible using Shadow without specific item combinations and extreme feats. Therefore, a tip for the battle using Blade is to take a page out of Shadow's playbook and attack primarily with the charged Z-saber instead of the charged X-buster. Because the animation for the swinging of the saber is longer than High Max's shield it can strike him though it. And because it is a charged attack it has the same paralyzing effect as an X-buster strike. The blue stripes on the floor can be used as a measuring device so that one can place X in the perfect spot to strike before High Max has even come back onto the screen. Submission: Carlos Alberto Miranda ( X's Ultimate Armor: Press Left, Left, Left, Right at the main menu. Dark Revived Hunter: Press L1, L1, L1, R2 at the main menu. Start a new game and you'll find Revived Hunter in Dark form.