,---, ,_____ , , | оооооооооо"""""", ""ЄЄЄЄ----------......' о"7оооооо"""--' / | > .-Є"о"Є,.-"о"-, - ', , |о| (OMFG LOOK LOOK!! IT'S A BOOMERANG) , , , , | | . __---""оо| ,-о , | | L-о\ LЄ-" L___| | J | ; , | FFFFFFF A QQQQ ,'о l_.' ,'_ ,оооо FFFFFFF AAA QQQQQQQQ ,' 'оо '--"о о""-,____;________. FF AA AA QQQ QQQ , ,'о ,.____, ' FF AA AA QQ QQ , , ; ,' ', ' FFFFF AA AA QQ QQ , ; , , ,--, ; FFFFF AA AA QQ QQ , , ---------------, ,' , ; FF AAAAAAAAA QQ QQ , , ;оооооооооооооо, ; ' , FF AAAAAAAAA QQQ QQQQQ , '', , ',_,' . FF AA AA QQQQQQQQ ', '----,----------, , FF AA AA QQQQQQQ ' .... 'о ',_ _,' QQQ _____ 'о' | _ \ | |_| | ff gf | / f h e | \/оо\/оо\о\/о\/о|/оо\о|/о\ f aa i d qrs z0 | |о\ |/\ |/\ |_ _ | - | /\/ffff a qq abc p v y 3 | |_/ |\/ |\/ ||| || | _/ | f aaa q q mino tu wx 124 |_____/\__/\__/_||_||_|\__|_| f a a q q l j 5 =* ____________________________ f aa a qqq k 6+ ____________________________ q 7 - ____________________________ q 89 ............................................................................... 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо The dots should be exactly on top of each number, and should stop at the same spot. If it does not align correctly, there is no hope for you. Also, if you cannot see the uperscore (о) correctly, things in this guide may not be shown correctly. This guide created by: The UnLucky Cat (GameFAQs) or KuroNek0 (Gunbound). Feel free to add me in Gunbound, but I will NOT accept unless you message me. Too many faceless accounts have added me, and I have no idea who they are. As long as you say something intelligible, I'll concider. Email me at: kawaiineko13@hotmail.com, or AIM me at thunblckct for any question, comments, or corrections. Do not spam me, send me junk mail, or just say "hi" Viruses aren't appreciated either, I've been getting lots of those. Any hate mail may be sent to bill_gates@microsoft.com _________________________________________________________ / /| о|о _ _ _ _ /о _ _ _ _ _ \ -=< -- 1 | /-\ |3 |_ |- | | |- \ | | |\| | |- |\| | \ >=- \ _|_ о о о о о о / ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо -1. Table of contents ------------------ You're looking at it! 0. Version history ------------------ Just under this. 1. Introduction ------------------ Around 1/4. 2. Boomer in brief ------------------ Above half, but less than 1/4. 3. Juicy info! ------------------ A bit above halfway. 4. Diagrams ------------------ A bit above 3/4. 5. Shot Guide ------------------ Past 3/4. 6. Credit + Thanks ------------------ A little up from the bottom. 7. Legal stuff ------------------ At the very bottom. __________________________________________________ / /о\ \ / _ _ _ | | _ _ _ \ -=< |0| \/ |- |^ \ | | | |\| |о| | \ | | | |^ \/ >=- \ \_/ о о о о о / / оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 0.00 - Nov 26 03 - The idea to create a guide, for players to learn how to use the boomer effectively, occurred. 1.00 - Nov 27 03 - When all the real work started, and got it all down. First submitted to GameFAQs. 1.10 - Nov 29 03 - Guide was shot down. Added info in an attempt to get posted. 1.15 - Jan 8 04 - I just felt like looking over this, and fixing a few things that have either changed, or never were true. 1.17 - Feb 3 04 - Heh, it's still kinda Feb 2 for me... but oh well. I got an email from Synflame (my first email about info) so I added his findings. 2.00 - Jun 19 04 - Found a few mistakes (one thanks to a devoted fan ^^), another email from Synflame (I decided to add it, finally), and just found out a few things on my own. 2.02 - Jul 02 04 - Added boomer ASCII. And yes, that counts as 2 updates... Actually I put the guide into Word and spellchecked. Ouch. - I haven't actually written down the day, but it's about the right time... Happy GB birthday to me! That's right, one whole year of Gunbounding brought me this far! alt+0162 0189 ____________________________________________ / /| | _ _ _ _ _ \ -=< 1 | |\| | |^ | | |) | | | | || | |\| >=- \ _|_ о о о о / оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо One night after many weeks (months?) and a look at the FAQ page for Gunbound, I decided the people need to know how to use the boomer. When I first started playing, I thought that you had to be a pro or a hacker to use the wooden mobile, but no. All you need to know are some numbers and tricks. After reading this guide, you will be well on your way to becoming a master of the boomerlauncher!* *your results may vary And my name has a ZERO on the end, not a capital "o". Advantages: Being light as it is, it has a relatively high mobility. I'll never understand, but the boomerangs it shoots hurt a lot (maybe they're packed with explosives?). Somehow the people of Miramo (creators of the boomer) have made this wooden log a living creature (magic?). That means it is strong against lightning (+4% defence) and takes the health bonus from heals. Disadvantages: The boomer, being wooden, has low health and low defence (as apposed to metal). The boomer is a creature, and all creatures are weak to laser weapons (-4% defence). __________________________________________________ / /о\ |) _ | |) _ _ \ -=< 2 |) () () |\/| |- |^ | |\| |) |^ | |- |- >=- \ 2__ о о / оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Advantages: - High damage - High movement and climbing - High angle range - Not magnetic (much) - Heal bonus - Multiple shots - Concentrated shots Disadvantages: - Hard to aim in wind (for the non-pro ^_~) - Low health and defence - Takes getting used to - Weak bunge capability - No spread, harder to get double kills ________________________________________ / о3 о|о _ | _ _ \ -=< 3 | | | | | \/ | |\| |- | | >=- \ _3 о о о / о / оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо BIG: The boomer's shots are HIGHLY affected by wind. When I say this I MEAN it's highly affected by wind. A difference of 1 wind can affect your shot. GENERAL COMMENTS: All three of the boomer's shots (1, 2, and SS) are the exact same weight but do more damage respectively. The first shot has low delay (790) and does okay damage. The second shot shoots four boomerangs that do about 1/2 the damage of the first shot each and is better for digging a hole, but the explosion is much smaller than the other shots per 'rang. The SS must be in the air for 3-4 seconds so it can change into a golden 'rang of doom. It does 500 dmg on a direct hit on a jewel/no-avatar. All three of these attacks MUST hit the tank to do damage. If you hit just beside, you could do no damage at all. Also keep in mind that, just like any other mobile, keeping your angle in the dark green area (true angle) it can do about 20-30% more damage. According to SynFlame, it increases the first shot by about 50 damage, second shot by more than 50, but SS depends on the air time it gets. WIND: This is a HUGE problem for newbies trying out the boomer. But with a few tricks, it can be easily countered. All wind examples are facing straight left or straight right unless specified otherwise. 0-1 wind: Your shots wont be affected by the wind at all. If you want to go for the high angle bonus, now is the time. If you want to hit a mobile that is two mobile-lengths away (one could fit in-between you two and touch, but not overlap), shoot almost straight up and a bit towards them. Put it to 89 and shoot full power (use dragshot to be quicker). -Right click and hold on the screen and drag it so your mobile is right at the edge. If you aim at 82 (towards the other side) and shoot full power, you will hit the just short of the edge of the screen AT THE SAME LEVEL AS YOUR TANK. If your target is higher, your shot won't quite make it to them. Angle 86 goes half the distance. 2-3 wind: BE CAREFUL! If you don't look at the wind before you shoot, the wind could easily change from 1 to 2. THIS MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE! In 2-3 wind, your shots WILL be affected by wind (a lot). Just be careful and try to adjust your shot accordingly. Don't try for high angles unless you know what you're doing. If the wind is going towards your target, think of each number added to 1 wind, as an angle. So if the wind was 2 facing right, a 90 degree angle, full power, should land where it would if you shot at 89 in 1 wind. This low wind can be used for backshots, but only at a closer range. If the wind is too high, don't go over 90 degrees, it doesn't work like that. Instead, lower the power level. 4+ wind: If the wind is facing in your target's direction, aim the other way and go between angle 65 and 75 (preferably 70). If you shoot full power, the shot will go the way your tank is facing (against the wind), if you shoot ANYTHING less than full(try 75% as the max), your shot will stop in mid-air and go the other way. This is how to do the back shot. If the wind is weak or pointing down, it will be hard to reach enemies far away using the back shot. Angle 50 tends to hit you in the face, so if you go at about 55, you could hit your opponent if they're right next to you. 11+ wind: So far I haven't noticed too much of a difference between this and weaker winds, but SynFlame tells me that anything above 45 (be it 46 or 89) will go backwards (if the wind is going against it). Also, anything over 11 won't let you do a hook shot as easily. Any wind If you are to the left of your target, use the strat above facing the using full power. wrong way: If you don't want to do any fancy tricks to counter the wind, just aim lower than 45 degrees (sometimes below 40 is needed in high winds). Too bad they patched the bug shot, that was useful. Using duals: NEVER use a dual to dig any amount of dirt if you want to deal maximum damage. A really cheap thing to do with duals is to use a dual (don't shoot), skip a turn, then use another item like lightning or blood (so far those are the only ones I know work), then you can use BOTH items in ONE turn! Elements: Force: This will increase the damage you deal to your target. If you can, use your SS to deal major damage. Dual+ is also good if you don't want all that delay. Hurricane: This isn't too bad for the boomer, so just remember if your shot is going up, the hurricane will make it go higher and visa versa. This is hell for backshots and high angles if it's right in front of you. Lightning: This causes a bolt of lightning to come from the top of the screen and travel straight down to the spot where your shot hit. This is great for the boomer's second shot because one bolt will come down for EVERY boomerang. So use shot 2 (and dual) for max damage. Wind: Keep your eye on this at all times and refer to the strategies above for more detailed help. Thor: Like lightning, this will fire a laser from the satellite to where your shot landed. Use shot 2 (and dual) for MAJOR damage. ___________________________________ / 4 4 |\ _ _ \ -=< о4 |/ | /-\ |~. |^ /-\ |\/| \ >=- \ 4 о о / ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Each situation includes 2 methods, one easy and one hard. --- Wind is going to the right, target is to the right: Back shot: Hard |\ <----Peaks sharply then goes the way of the wind. | \ | \ \ \ 8o o_o @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Result: Surprised look from other players and a 25g bonus. Normal shot: Easy /оо\ <----Rounded curve o8 '.' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Result: Same damage as a back shot, but no bonus. --- Wind is going to the left, target is to the right: Full power: Hard |\ <----Peaks sharply | | / \ o8 o_o @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Result: Surprise look, and maybe a high angle bonus. Under 45: Easy /\ <----Peaks sharply. /о о\ o8о о'.' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Result: Same damage, but no bonus. --- No wind, target is to the right (or left). Ultra high angle: Moderate || <----Rounded curve || || || | | | | | | | | o8 o_O @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Result: An "omgwtfnice" reaction from other players. An (ultra)High angle bonus. Normal shot: Easy /оо\ o8 '.' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Result: A tiny bit lower damage than high angle, and no bonus. ________________________________________ / 555 |оо |_ _ _|_ |о _| _ \ -=< 5_ оо| | | | | | |о| | | | | | |- >=- \ _5 оо о о о о о / оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо I received a nice long e-mail from Synflame, so I put it here, with little editing, but 99.99% of it is his own words. Anything I thought needed to be added, I put in square brackets. Backshot - Recommended Wind (+2 wind pointing from NNW to SW, NNE to SE) Backshots can be achieved with a head wind (wind going against your mobile) of +2, taking into note wind 2 might not be strong enough if it's pointing slightly off up or down (referring to the wind direction). The main thing in backshots it to look at the curvature of the shot, when the shot begins to hook or, in easier terms, when the shot turns sharply, it's best not to continue with that angle or power. The angle recommended for this type of shot is around 70. Taking this angle too high will make the projectiles flip and land closely behind your mobile. Reduce the angle too much, and the shot will hook and fly forwards. Backshots are a simple way of making 25 gold, quick, and can be used simply to look pro. Hookshot - Recommended Wind (+2 wind pointing from NW to SW, NE to SE) Hookshots are the continuation of backshots, but are shot forwards from the mobile. Hookshots can be achieved with a head wind (wind going against your mobile) of +2. Hookshots may fly off without much wind effect if the wind is pointing too high or low (referring to the wind direction). This is a hard shot to master for starters, looking quite complicated. -~=[KN's note: Even I'm still having trouble with this... ^^;;] Hookshots need to be watched carefully according to the wind. If the wind is +19, Hookshots cannot be achieved. Note to lower your angle or add more power if your shot fails to hook forward, resulting in the shot flipping and turning backwards. -~=[KN's note: ANY angle can be used in winds of 11 or less] The angle recommended for this type of shot is between angles 45 to 85, as from the above paragraph; adjust you angles lower, or increase the power if the shots flip backwards. Hookshots are a complicated, but a helpful way of hitting enemies from above, in winds not suitable for high angles. These shots look stunning to most non-boomer users. -~=[KN's note: This is great when you're holed and the wind is the wrong way] (Ultra) High Angle - Recommended Wind (0-1 wind, 1 wind is exactly the same as 0 FYI) High angle shots are quite simple to master, mostly achievable in 0-1 wind, +2 winds if you are daring. High angle shots can also be done while the wind is pointing perfectly up or down (referring to wind direction), note that distance will increase and decrease respectively. High Angle Shots must be watched carefully as wind can change from 1 to 2, changing your shot greatly. I will not be explaining any techniques to high angle in a tailwind of +2.[I've covered that part ^.^] Using high angles are extremely easy once you get the hang of it; they are stable, reliable and rely on full power (recommended to use dragshot). In certain times and correct weather, boomer's SS is extremely easy to use, dealing 500+ due to the mass airtime the shot has achieved. -~=[KN's note: Sometimes no angle can reach your target dead on, in that case I suggest either moving your bot if you can, or decreasing your power VERY slightly.] High Angle Shots are a quick and reliable way for hitting opponents in hard places, example, a deep hole, or just simply to look fancy. This is a simple money making shot with High angle bonus of 15gold and Ultra high angle of 30gold. [ultra high angles are higher angles and more air time] _________________________________________________ / 6 \ / 6 |о _ _ _ о|о _ \ -=< 6/о6 |_ |^ |- |) | | \ -|- | |-| /-\ |\| |< \ >=- \ 66 о о о / \ / ооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Thank you to GameFAQs for posting this FAQ, Gatacus (GB name) for teaching me the specifics, my brain, body, and hands for putting all this down onto the computer, S@ftnyx for creating such an awesome game, exploder for the nak FAQ I used to see what people want in a mobile guide, and anyone who tells me corrections or comments. Synflame gets the glory of being first. __________________________________________ / 7777 | _ _ _ _ _ _ \ -=< 77 |_ |- |~. /-\ |_ \ | | | |- |- >=- \ 7 о о о о / оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо Anyone is free to use this guide in whole or in part AS LONG AS THEY GIVE ME CREDIT! If you need to have more information about me in order to give me proper credit, don't hesitate to e-mail me at kawaiineko13@hotmail.com If you find a site with my guide posted, but they removed my name/otherwise gave me no credit, tell me.