The Lost Vikings- Walkthrough by Interplay Productions, Inc. ________________________________________________________________________________ Note: the "Walkthrough" only covers the first 12 levels. The "Lost Vikings Diary" covers all levels. 1 STRT 2 GR8T 3 TLPT 4 GRND 5 LLM0 6 FL0T 7 TRSS 8 PRHS 9 CVRN 10 BBLS 11 VLCN 12 QCKS 13 PHR0 14 C1R0 15 SPKS 16 JMNN 17 TTRS 18 JLLY 19 PLNG 20 BTRY 21 JNKR 22 CBLT 23 H0PP 24 SMRT 25 V8TR 26 NFL8 27 WKYY 28 CMB0 29 8BLL 30 TRDR 31 FNTM 32 WRLR 33 TRPD 34 TFFF 35 FRGT 36 4RN4 37 MSTR Levels World 1-4 Spaceship 5-11 Caverns 12-17 Egypt 18-25 Machine 26-33 Wacky 34-36 Spaceship Revisited 37 Tomator Don't forget that all 1's are the numeral, and the 0's are zero's, not O's! ________________________________________________________________________________ 1) STRT This level is the introductory level. This level introduced you to the capabilities of each character. First you will start out with Erik. Erik needs to jump across the electrical field, climb up the ladder and go right to the exit. Now switch to Olaf. Have olaf Jump down the ledge. make sure his shield is down so that it will block the laser fire. Now have Olaf descend the ladder, and go right to the exit. now switch to Baelog. Have Baelog go through the striped door. On the other side of the striped door will be an alien with 3 eyes. have Baelog shoot an arrow at this alien to kill it. After he kills the alien, have him go down the ladder and right to the exit. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2) GR8T Have Erik go get the tomator, check the hints, go right through striped doors, jump over alien, (if needed) and all the way right to the elevator and wait. Switch to Baelog, have him go right through striped door and up first ladder. Have Baelog press button to disable laser shields to get tomato and talk to aftier. Now have him go down ladder, than right to next ladder, up ladder, kill alien with arrow, press button to disable lasser shields and get two bombs, go down ladder & go right. Have Baelog kill alien and all the way right on elevator with erik, switch to olaf and have him go all the way right to join the other two on the elevator. Operate elevator so that it goes down to the bottom. Now switch to baelog and have him shoot arrow to depress button which disables the laser shields. Have Baleog go left to computer and have him drop a bomb in front of computer and run away to right. The bomb will destroy the ship computer. Go left to talk to aftiek and get food. have him go back to elevator and operate elevator up to the level above them. move all characters left and down the ladder to anti-gravity field. Have any character operate switch to activate field and move all characters into field. The characters will float up to top. Quickly switch to baleog so that he can destroy alien at top. Switch to Olaf, with shield down, go all the way left so that he blocks laser fire for baloeg and erik. have the other two characters go left, down ladder but not all the way to the bottom. Switch to Olaf - have him go right down ladder and at bottom face right to block laser fire once again. Now move other characters down ladder, left and kill alien with baleog, down ladder and right to exit. Switch to Olaf and have him go left, down ladder and right to exit. Switch to Olaf and have him go left, down ladder and right to join the two at the exit. NEXT! ________________________________________________________________________________ TLPT Move all characters to elevator, operate elevator down. At the bottom switch to Erik and have him bash the wall to the right. Move all characters to the right. Switch to Baleog, have him shoot arrow at button to disable laser shield. Once shield is disabled, move all characters right to the teleporter. Teleport all character. Once teleported switch to Olaf. Put his shield up and have him go right to glide down to right to get red key. Get into teleporter and teleport up to use red key in red keyhole. Once door is opened move all characters left up to laser shield. Switch to baleog so that he can shoot arrow at button to disable shield. Once done, move all characters left to wall and have erik bash wall so that the characters can go left to elevator. Go down elevator and at bottom operate Olaf, put his shield up and stand next to the first platform. Operate Erik and have him jump on Olafs shield and up platforms to get yellow key and smart bomb. Once done have Erik go down to use yellow key on yellow keyhole. Switch to Olaf, with shield down until he meets up with Robot. The strategy here is to have all three robots in the screen. Once all 3 robots are on the screen. Switch to Erik and operate smart bomb to destroy all 3 robots. Once all robots are destroyed move all characters up ladder and left to the exit. NEXT LEVEL! ________________________________________________________________________________ GRND Operate Erik and have him jump over onto the left platform, down ladder, right, jump over spinning spikes and stop at elevator. Have Erik go up elevator and as it is going up, have him jump right onto ledge so that he can press the button to disable laser shield up above. Switch to other two characters and have them go right, down ladder, at bottom, kill aliens, right, up ladder right and down the elevator. At bottom switch to Olaf, with shield down, move him right until he gets to the spinning spikes. Switch to Erik and have him jump over spinning spikes to the other side to get the yellow key. Once Erik has the yellow key have him jump left and up ladder. Move all characters up ladder and at top use baleog to destroy alien. Have erik use yellow key in keyhole, and move all characters right to teleporter and teleport. Now they will be in front of an anti-gravity field. Move all characters right through 1st field and into the non-anti-gravity field. Use baleog to destroy approaching robot. Have Olaf put his shield up and have Erik jump on Olafs shield to get the gravity boots above. Have Erik use the anti-grav boots to run through the anti-gravity field avoiding robots and to the other side to press the button which disables anti-gravity field. Move the other two characters right through the now disabled anti-gravity destroying the robots with baleog on the way. Move all the characters to the vortex and they will be warped. Next ERA! ________________________________________________________________________________ LLM0 Operate Erik to jump right to get red key and smart bomb. Switch to Olaf with shield down, and control both Olaf and Baleog up ladder & have Olaf block the shots and hits of this dinosaur and snail so that Baleog can destroy them both with his arrows. Use Erik to go up ladder and right, jump over to ledge to get food. have Erik jump down and jump left over water to get yellow key. move all characters down and right until they get to a wall. Have Erik bash wall and use baleog to destroy the snail on the other side with arrows. Move all characters right and down the ladder. Use Baleog to destroy snail at the bottom. Move characters left and use red key on red keyhole. Destroy monsters on the other side. Move characters left and use yellow key on yellow keyhole. Move characters until they reach the waterfalls. Use Baleog to shoot arrows at the buttons to lower the bridges at the waterfalls. Once past waterfalls, move the characters left to the exit. NEXT LEVEL! ________________________________________________________________________________ CVRN Move all characters right, destroying the snail on the way, until they get to a wall. Have Erik jump up to obtain the food and also have Erik bash the wall. Move all characters down and left, avoiding shooting fireballs. To optain the red key. Destroy any monsters you meet. Move left and use the red key on the red keyhole, this lowers the bridge. Move characters left across bridge, destroying monsters, until you reach a wall. Have Erik bash the wall and move characters all the way to the bottom. At the bottom, destroy the monsters to the right and use Erik to bash wall at right to destroy monsters and obtain food. Now move characters right until they reach rising bubbles and lava. At the lava you need to walk each character one at a time, into the bubbles so that the bubbles will carry them up. Olaf and Erik will jump off at the first level to the left and baleog will jump off at the top to the right. Have Olaf go left until he gets to a wall. Use Erik to go left to bash the wall so that Olaf can go left, to obtain the yellow key. Have Olaf give Erik the yellow key so that Erik can go left and down the ladder and to the left and down the ladder and to the left will be a yellow keyohle. Use the yellow key in the yellow keyhole to open the door which contains the blue key. After Erik gets the blue key, Olaf and Erik need to go up the ladder and right to jump in the bubbles. At the top they need to go right to join Baleog. Erik and Olaf need to go down the first ladder. Where at the bottom he will use the blue key in the blue keyhole, which in turn will open a door. Erik and Olaf need to go right, down the ladder, right & bash the wall. When Erik bashes the wall have olaf stand by the wall so that when the remaining wall falls, Olaf can catch it with his shield. Have Erik go right to obtain the smart bomb. Olaf & Erik needs to go up the ladder to join up with Baleog. move all characters down to the ladder, go down ladder, kill monster with smart bomb, go right, up l adder and left to the exit. NEXT! ________________________________________________________________________________ BBLS Have all characters go up the ladder on the right and at the top go right, killing all monsters that are encountered. To the right is a green lake full of s lime with bubbles floating up. Each character, one at a time, needs to cross the slime lake by jumping the bubbles. Once on the other side, move characters up the ladder. Switch control to Olaf and have him put his shield up. Now switch to Erik and have him jump onto Olaf's shield so that he can jump up onto the ledge above to get the red key that is to the right. Have Erik jump down and use the red key on the red keyhole to to open the door. move characters through the door, kill the monster, climb ladder, climb the next ladder, and the top go left, killing any monstersd that you encounter. When you reach the end at the left side, go up the ladder. At the top go right, kill any monsters at the top, and the exit will be at the end. NEXT! ________________________________________________________________________________ VLCN Control Olaf, with his shield down, go right until he is blocking the shooting fireballs. Switch to Erik and have him go right and bash the wall. Once the wall is bashed switch to Baleog and have him destroy the spinning blue dude. Once the blue dude is destroyed switch to Erik and have him go right to get the red key. Now move everyone up the ladder. At the top, switch control to Olaf, with his shield down, move him right so that he blocks the shooting fireballs. Switch to Erik and have him bash the wall. Use Baleog to kill the monster that comes out. Switch back to Erik and have him bash the rest of the wall to get the steak. move all characters up the ladder, go right to the lava. Control Erik to jump over the lava and have him use the red key on the red keyhole, which in turn will empty out the lava. Move all characters down the lava hole, right, and down the ladder. At the bottom destroy the spinning blue dude, and go left. Have each character, one at a time, hop into the bubbles, to flat up to the top. At the top go left, avoid the falling fireballs, down the ladder, and left into this vortex. WARP TO NEXT ERA! ________________________________________________________________________________ QCKS Move characters right and have Baleog shoot 4 arrows to thr right to hit the coconuts that is on the tree across the way. This will knock down two coconuts. Have Baleog and Olaf jump off the tree to the right and also have Erik jump right also. Move all characters to the right until they reach the quicksand. Have Erik jump across climb second tree and get the red key, and then move him right. Have Olaf & Baleog climb trees, use Baleog to shoot coconuts down and jump right. Repeat process on second tree to get Olaf and Baleog all the way to the right. Have Erik use the red key on the red keyhole to open the door. Kill the armed egyptian with Baleog. Move characters to the right, use Baleog to climb ladder and kill egyptians at the top. Switch to Olaf, have him go up ladder, push the block down shaft, and block the shooting fireballs. Switch to Erik and have Erik go up the ladder, jump left at the right time to get the yellow key. Move all characters down the ladder, right, use yellow key on yellow keyhole and right to the exit.