::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour FAQ :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FAQ version: 1.01 by: Emperor Copyright 2004 John I Hessler (Supreme_deity@mailcity.com) Game: C&C Generals Zero Hour v 1.02 Publisher: Electronic Arts 00000000000000000000 0 Writer's Comment 0 00000000000000000000 It is just a kind of introduction. When you become disgusted after reading this comment, sorry, I don't mean it. As all civilized and intelligent people realize the importance of copyright, I do not need to repeat it and when it should be used:). I'm glad I finally could finish this third FAQ so you can read it. Frankly, I thought I would fail to bring it to completion. It will be my pleasure to know that this FAQ may at least give you readers satisfaction, together with lots of other good FAQs. However, it is my disappointment to tell you that this FAQ is actually far from perfectness. I hope that I can make the next version better, if I decide to make a 1.02 version. If anyone wishes to include this FAQ in a website, my prior permission is not required. Just notify me via e-mail, and, of course, regarding to what we talk about copyright above, credit me for this work. I worked on and tested it for since February 2004 till now. I must even surrender my health to influenza and severe coughs several times due to my efforts, so I think I deserve some credits. Are you with me?^_^ Before someone protesting, I must tell that some may notice that my format looks like that of the 'posthumous' www.cncuniverse.com (If I am not mistaken, www.cncseries also uses similar formats). Frankly speaking, I wrote this fact in memoriam of the site (and for my personal pleasure of sharing something with other fans). Moreover, I love its format, so I adapted it in my FAQ. However, the data contained herein is my work, I just took the format and learnt how to write a FAQ. Another thing to protest about is my "nonrecognition" of others' works. You can see in Tips and Tricks session that there are two tips and tricks not belonging to me but I do not mention the people discovered them first. I do not mean to unrecognize their efforts, but to this day, I haven't yet discovered the names, sites, or anything else I can use to refer to. As those two are truly good, and for people unlucky enough not to find them before, I decided to write those two in my FAQ. The only thing I can do to emphasize that those tricks are not mine in origin is to write that they do not belong to me. So, please understand that I do not mean to claim others' works. E-mail me if you have suggestions, questions, corrections, or anything concerning with this FAQ. I realize that I made some mistakes. You may also correct my grammar, spelling, etc,but not my lifestyle:). Just do not expect a quick reply as I rarely go to internet house and read e-mail [Pssst.. I do not have much money to spend there even for 2 hours per month :'-( ]. It also means "please do not send junk mails for it takes my precious time and money to clean it". I am not a Chinese Hacker, who enters an Internet Center and reaps money as soon as he is in. When I enter an Internet Center/House, not a $5 which appears, but a negative dollar sign...:p. My thanks go to Electronic Arts for making such a great game and my cousins and my brother who always helped me by supplying information, discussing this game so I could get some information, and most importantly, giving me access to play it for FREE in his workplace:). Consequently, I also thank the site(s) hosting my FAQs so I can continue by thanking you all readers. Thank you for reading it. "Further transmission may be difficult. This is John I Hessler reporting from the field..." +++++++++++++++++++++ + Table of Contents + +++++++++++++++++++++ A. General Information 1 Purpose 2 Scenario Purpose 3 General Power and General Rank 4 Buildings 5 Units 6 Damage and Armor a Armor b Continuous Damage 7 Bonus Modifier 8 Field Objects B. Info on the Opposing Sides China Introduction 1 China Factions a. Standard China b. China Infantry General c. China Nuke General d. China Tank General e. Boss General 2 China General Powers 3 China Unit Information A. Standard China Units B. China Infantry General Units C. China Nuke General Units D. China Tank General Units E) Boss General 4 China Building Information 1) Standard Buildings 2) Unique Buildings 5 China Upgrade Information GLA Introduction 1 GLA Factions a. Standard GLA b. GLA Demolition General c. GLA Stealth General d. GLA Toxin General 2 GLA General Powers 3 GLA Unit Information A. Standard GLA Units B. GLA Demolition General Units C. GLA Stealth General Units D. GLA Toxin General Units 4 GLA Building Information 1) Standard Buildings 2) Unique Buildings 5 GLA Upgrade Information USA Introduction 1 USA Factions a. Standard USA b. USA Air Force General c. USA Laser General d. USA Super Weapon General 2 USA General Powers 3 USA Unit Information A. Standard USA Units B. USA Air Force General Units C. USA Laser General Units D. USA Super Weapon General Units 4 USA Building Information 1) Standard Buildings 2) Unique Buildings 5 USA Upgrade Information Neutral 1 Neutral Unit Information 2 Tech Building Information 3 Civilian Building Information D. Miscellaneous 1 Did You Know? 2 Places, Events, and Names 3 Tips and Tricks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | A. General Information | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ========= 1 Purpose ========= Unlike Scenario, skirmish purpose is only one: supremacy over your enemies. Eliminate or rob of all their buildings to achieve this. Note that not all buildings are victory determinant, for example, Stinger Site. Civilian structures are also not counted as victory determinant buildings. The objective is simple, but the fulfilment is usually far more difficult than understanding it. Your enemies will react as your forces are approaching their base. Their defense and forces will not welcome you as if they welcome their good friends coming to their houses. Worse, they may even launch waves of attacks on your bases and force you to forget your coffee-break time. Now you should understand that the goal of this game is to force your enemies to extinction by stripping their buildings from them, just make it in mind that they will also be tempted to knock your bases' doors, so make sure that your base is ready for such a visit by a Ranger to a Nuclear Missile.... ================= 2 Scenario Purpose ================= Scenario Purposes are difficult to tell, for they may vary from destroying enemy base to defend your base, from stealing special thing to reaching a destination. Just ensure you are not wasting your time doing some worthless efforts because of wrong interpretation of a mission objective. You know how to check it, don't you? ================================= 3 General Power and General Rank ================================= Every player playing this game is allowed to access some abilities which are thought to be useful in accomplishing the mission. Those abilities are called General Powers. There are numerous General Powers, but players can only choose up to 7 General Powers. 1 Star General requires 0 point and gives a player 1 General Point. 2 Star General requires 800 points and gives a player 1 General Point. 3 Star General requires 1500 points and gives a player 1 General Point. 4 Star General requires 2500 points and gives a player 1 General Point. 5 Star General requires 5000 points and gives a player 3 General Points. ============ 4 Buildings ============ ------------------- (a) Base Buildings ------------------- Buildings in this game play important roles, even civilian buildings. Base buildings are usually used to produce and repair units, research and upgrade, etc. Every building has its own functions that can be read in other sections of this document. Base buildings can be categorized into several types: Power Generator This kind of building generates energy to power a base. If power is low, some buildings cease to function. Only China and USA have this building type. Supply Center Supply Center is the building which processes supply into cash. Without this building, supply is just a pile of boxes. All sides have one kind of this building. Unit Production It is where the units come. Unit production buildings are able to repair and heal the unit types they produce. For example, GLA Barracks may heal injured Rebel or Ranger. China and USA have three kinds of this type: Barracks, War Factory, and Air Field while GLA just operates Barracks and Arms Dealer. Command Center is not included because it has different roles though sure it can produce (but not heal or repair) builders. Base Defense This is the type that makes the enemy think twice to attack a base. Base defense is a building that can deliver some damage to the incoming hostile units. Among the three warring sides, USA has Patriot and Fire Base to protect her base. To some extent, Strategy Center running Bombardment Battle Plan is also a good base defense. China operates her Gattling Cannon and Bunker (Boss General is an exception). GLA has Tunnel Network, Stinger Site,Demo Trap, and Palace to defend its base. Threshold Building What is meant here is buildings that are required to build advanced buildings and units. All sides have one. USA relies on her Strategy Center, China depends on her Propaganda Center, and GLA leans on its Palace for better technology. Well, the name seems not to imply what I mean, but I don't have a better name. Superweapon The most prestigious, feared, and destructive weapons of all sides are produced in this kind of building. It takes a lot of money and time to build such building. China shakes the world with her devastating Nuclear Missile, USA sweeps the enemies clean with her fiery Particle Cannon, and GLA spreads terror with its deadly Scud Storm. ------------------ (b) Neutral Buildings ------------------ Buildings that no side can build but can be captured or repaired by any side is called Neutral Buildings. Neutral Buildings are various, but they can be classified into: Civilian Building The most common building of belonged to civilian, this building consists of a lot of shapes and forms, all resembling houses, offices, and city buildings. Civilian Buildings are usually capable of garrisoning infantry, therefore quite deadly to the units unprepared. When a side garrisons a Civilian Building, the flag with the colour of the claimer is raised, except when it is garrisoned by a Pathfinder or Jarmen Kell. Tech Building Tech Buildings are buildings belonging to civilian but can be captured by either side. Tech Buildings can not be garrisoned but can be repaired. Capturing a Tech Building will usually be beneficial, depending on the Tech Building captured. There are several kinds of Tech Buildings. Tech Buildings, once destroyed, can not be rebuilt in any way. However, all Tech Buildings may be repaired, so they can survive longer with Dozer/Worker staying near. ----------------------- (c) Miscellaneous Building ----------------------- Buildings belonging to this type are usually available in scenarios, for example Chemical Bunker (GLA Mission 5), Bio Toxin Factory (China Mission 4), and GLA Statues (China Zero Hour Mission 3) ====== 5 Units ====== Units play more important roles in this game. It's very rare, if not impossible, to see a victory being achieved without units (even if you are turreting your enemy, remember that it is the Construction Dozer or Worker that builds the building). Units are mostly used for offensive missions, but some are not. Hacker, for example, is usually used to generate income. There are some kinds of units here. Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft, and Drones. Infantry All that are humans are infantry. It is as simple as that. Compared to vehicles, infantry have less HP and firepower, making them less beloved than vehicles. Here are common characteristics of infantry: - As said before, usually in the form of human. - Usually trained in Barracks (some are not, for example, Troop Crawler's Red Guards, Tunnel Network's RPG Troopers, Ranger Drop and Rebel Ambush General Powers). - Can be healed in Barracks. - Enjoy infantry healing bonus from Tech Hospital capture. - Mostly capable of garrisoning buildings (except Angry Mob). - Usually resistant to missiles and tank shells. - Generally can be crushed by vehicles (except Heroes). - Commonly vulnerable to particle beam, sniper, small arms, Comanche Vulcan, poison and radiation and flame (except Bio Hazard Infantry in GLA Mission 5), surrender, and microwave damage. Vehicles Ground vehicles are what this section refers to. Vehicles are usually tougher than infantry, no wonder most of them are capable of taking more punishment from enemy fire than infantry are. There are a lot of uses of vehicles. Troop Crawler as transport, for example, but mostly vehicles are used for delivering damage. If damaged, vehicles can be repaired in War Factory or Arms Dealer. Common characteristics of vehicles: - Of mechanical forms. - Can crush infantry (some are not, Combat Bike for example). - Usually vulnerable to missiles and tank shells (some are not, Toxin Truck is quite resistant to missiles, for example). - Receive build cost reduction bonus from Tech Oil Refinery capture. - Most are resistant to anti infantry damage (see infantry above). - Mainly assembled in War Factory or Arms Dealer (except Car Bomb). Aircraft The name implies what it is. Vehicles that fly are what aircraft is. Aircraft can only be repaired in the Air Field. Common characteristics of aircraft: - They move by flight and mostly faster than ground vehicles. - Most need to dock to Air Field to reload (except Comanche, A-10, Cargo Plane, B-52, Helix, B3). - Usually more vulnerable than vehicles. - Receive build cost reduction bonus from Tech Oil Refinery capture (except unbuildable aircraft). - Usually need to refuel in the Air Field (except Comanche, Chinook, A-10, Cargo Plane, B-52, Helix, B3) after taking a long flight. Drones Drones are small mechanical units deployed for specific jobs. Only US vehicles can build drones. Common characteristics of drones: - Always hover, but they can receive damage from big explosions. - Can't enter transport or Tunnel Network. - Very vulnerable. ================= 6 Armor and Damage ================= ---------- (a) Armor ---------- Some units are resistant to other units and some are vulnerable. It mostly depends on the armor of the attacked and the damage type of the attacker. The higher the percentage listed, the more damage is taken by the armor's owner. Default damage refers to the damage that is not enlisted below. Air Force General Comanche Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 100% Damage Type: Gattling: 100% Damage Type: Explosion: 100% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 100% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building:0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Air force General Countermeasures Comanche Armor Damage Type: Default: 90% Damage Type: Small Arms: 62% Damage Type: Gattling: 62% Damage Type: Explosion: 90% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 90% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Airplane Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 120% Damage Type: Gattling: 120% Damage Type: Explosion: 100% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 120% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Anti Air Vehicle Damage Type: Jet Missile: 30% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 30% Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 50% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Assault Crawler Armor Damage Type: Jet Missile: 60% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 60% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 80% Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 25% Damage Type: Gattling: 25% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25% Damage Type: Flame: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Base Defense Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 25% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 200% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 250% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 50% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 75% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 90% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 25% Damage Type: Gattling: 25% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 1% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 200% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Plus One Damage Type: Default: 90% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 45% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 75% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 81% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 20% Damage Type: Gattling: 20% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 20% Damage Type: Radiation: 1% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 45% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 150% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 45% Damage Type: Explosion: 80% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 90% Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Plus Two Damage Type: Default: 80% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 40% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 65% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 75% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 15% Damage Type: Gattling: 15% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 15% Damage Type: Radiation: 1% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 40% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 100% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 40% Damage Type: Explosion: 70% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 80% Battle Bus Truck Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 75% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 50% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 90% Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 25% Damage Type: Gattling: 25% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Radiation: 50% Battle Bus Truck Armor Plus One Damage Type: Default: 90% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 70% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 45% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 81% Damage Type: Crush: 45% Damage Type: Small Arms: 20% Damage Type: Gattling: 20% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 20% Damage Type: Flame: 45% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 45% Damage Type: Poison: 20% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 90% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Radiation: 45% Battle Bus Truck Armor Plus Two Damage Type: Default: 80% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 65% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 40% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 75% Damage Type: Crush: 40% Damage Type: Small Arms: 15% Damage Type: Gattling: 15% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 15% Damage Type: Flame: 40% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 40% Damage Type: Poison: 15% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 80% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Radiation: 40% Chemical Rebel Human Armor Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Flame: 150% Damage Type: Laser: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 5% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Chemical Suit Human Armor Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10% Damage Type: Flame: 150% Damage Type: Poison: 20% Damage Type: Radiation: 20% Damage Type: Microwave: 20% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Laser: 50% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Chinook Armor Damage Type: Default: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Comanche Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 120% Damage Type: Gattling: 120% Damage Type: Explosion: 130% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 120% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Countermeasures Airplane Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 75% Damage Type: Gattling: 75% Damage Type: Explosion: 90% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 100% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Countermeasures Comanche Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 75% Damage Type: Gattling: 75% Damage Type: Explosion: 110% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 100% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Countermeasures Spectre Gunship Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 30% Damage Type: Gattling: 30% Damage Type: Explosion: 40% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 40% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Demo General Terrorist Armor Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10% Damage Type: Flame: 100% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Laser: 50% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 80% Damage Type: Gattling: 80% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 80% Damage Type: Poison: 50% Dozer Armor Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 25% Damage Type: Gattling: 10% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25% Damage Type: Flame: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Dragon Tank Armor Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 25% Damage Type: Gattling: 25% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25% Damage Type: Flame: 0% Damage Type: Radiation: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail: 20% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 20% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Fire Base Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 30% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Radiation: 1% Damage Type: Microwave: 1% Damage Type: Sniper: 1% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 1% Damage Type: Laser: 1% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 200% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 250% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 40% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% GLA Upgraded Structure Armor Damage Type: Default: 75% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 40% Damage Type: Gattling: 7% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 40% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 40% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 150% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 40% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 75% GLA Upgraded Structure Armor Tough Damage Type: Default: 75% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 40% Damage Type: Gattling: 7% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 40% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 40% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 18% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 150% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 40% Damage Type: Explosion: 60% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 75% HazMat Human Armor Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Flame: 25% Damage Type: Laser: 25% Damage Type: Poison: 0% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Human Armor Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10% Damage Type: Flame: 150% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Laser: 50% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Humvee Armor Damage Type: Jet Missile: 30% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 30% Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 50% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Infantry General Human Armor Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10% Damage Type: Flame: 150% Damage Type: Poison: 60% Damage Type: Radiation: 60% Damage Type: Microwave: 60% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Laser: 50% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Sentry Drone Armor Damage Type: Jet Missile: 30% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 30% Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 50% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Spectre Gunship Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 40% Damage Type: Gattling: 40% Damage Type: Explosion: 40% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 40% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 25% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Stinger Site Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 30% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 1% Damage Type: Sniper: 100% Damage Type: Poison: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 200% Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 250% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 40% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% Stinger Soldier Armor Damage Type: Default: 25% Damage Type: Explosion: 10% Damage Type: Flame: 100% Damage Type: Poison: 100% Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 10% Damage Type: Crush: 200% Damage Type: Sniper: 200% Damage Type: Gattling: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 100% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 0% Damage Type: Jet Missile: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 25% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Structure Armor Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 10% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 250% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% Structure Armor Internet Center Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 10% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 20% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 250% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Explosion: 70% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% Structure Armor Tough Damage Type: Default: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 10% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 1% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 25% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 250% Damage Type: Land Mine: 0% Damage Type: Flame: 50% Damage Type: Explosion: 80% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 100% Tank Armor Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 25% Damage Type: Gattling: 10% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25% Damage Type: Flame: 25% Damage Type: Radiation: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Poison: 25% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Toxin Truck Armor Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 50% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 0% Damage Type: Radiation: 0% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail: 20% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 20% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Truck Armor Damage Type: Crush: 50% Damage Type: Small Arms: 50% Damage Type: Gattling: 50% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50% Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50% Damage Type: Poison: 50% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% Upgraded Tank Armor Damage Type: Crush: 30% Damage Type: Small Arms: 20% Damage Type: Gattling: 10% Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 20% Damage Type: Flame: 10% Damage Type: Poison: 10% Damage Type: Microwave: 0% Damage Type: Sniper: 0% Damage Type: Melee: 0% Damage Type: Laser: 0% Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0% Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100% Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100% Damage Type: Surrender: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Missile: 0% Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle: 100% Damage Type: Subdual Building: 0% ---------------------- (b) Continuous Damage ---------------------- Continuous Damage is damage type that still takes place for a while even if when the attack has stopped. A building on fire or a poisoned infantry is a good example. Flame Damage on Building Most base buildings, if caught fire, will receive flame damage according to statistics below: Flame Duration: 5 seconds Flame Damage: 5 Flame Cooldown: 500 ms Neutral/Civilian buildings suffer the same, but the statistics and the formulae are a little bit different. Flame Damage Limit: 20 Flame Damage Expiration: 2 seconds (begins to catch fire when the building receives 20 flame damage in 2 seconds) Flame Duration: 5 seconds Flame Damage: 25 Flame Cooldown: 500 Artillery Platform, Hospital, Oil Derricks, Oil Refinery, and Civilian Buildings (house, office, etc) use this statistics but other Tech Buildings take thestatistics used for Base Buildings. Flame Damage on Vehicles/Air Units Vehicles/Air units may be set aflame too, but usually are not fatal to them. Flame Duration: 5000 ms Flame Damage: 3 Flame Cooldown: 500 Poison Damage Only infantry can take continuous poison damage. The statistics below applies after the last poison damage received. Poison Damage: Attacker dependant Poison Cooldown: 100 Poison Duration: 3 seconds ================= 7 Bonus Modifier ================= On some conditions, units may perform differently, mostly becoming better. It is caused by the conditions that change their statistics. Here are the modifiers that occur in this game, with the conditions when they happen. For cumulative modifier, a simple formulae like 125%+125%=150% seems to take place. Garrison Condition: Unit garrison in a garrisonable building. Range: 133% Damage: 125% Veteran Level Condition: A unit achieves a veteran rank HP: 120% Rate of Fire: 120% Damage: 110% Elite Level Condition: A unit achieves an elite rank HP: 130% Rate of Fire: 140% Damage: 120% Regeneration Rate: 10 HP per second Regeneration Delay*: 5 seconds Heroic Level Condition: A unit achieves a heroic rank HP: 150% Rate of Fire: 160% Damage: 130% Regeneration Rate: 10 HP per second Regeneration Delay*: 5 seconds Slowed Production Condition: Base is in low power Unit production facilities work 20% to 50% slower when there is not enough power. Supposedly does not apply to Arms Dealer. Horde Bonus Condition: Unit Gathering (see Red Guard, Mini Gunner, Tank Hunter, and Battlemaster for details) Rate of Fire: 150% Nationalism Condition: Horde Bonus dependant and Nationalism Upgrade Rate of Fire: 125% (Cumulative with Horde Bonus, making a total of 175%) Fanaticism Condition: Horde Bonus dependant and Patriotism Upgrade Rate of Fire: 125% (Cumulative with Horde and Nationalism Bonuses, making a total of 200%) Enthusiasm Condition: Units stay around Speaker Tower/Overlord Propaganda Tower Rate of Fire: 125% Regeneration Rate: 1% (by Overlord Propaganda Tower) or 2% (by Speaker Tower) per second Subliminal Messaging Condition: Enthusiasm dependant and Subliminal Messaging Upgrade Rate of Fire: 125% (Cumulative with Enthusiasm, making a total of 150%) Regeneration Rate: 2% (by Overlord Propaganda Tower) or 4% (by Speaker Tower) per second Frenzy Condition: Units endowed with Frenzy General Power (see China General Power) Damage Modifiers and Duration Duration Attack Bonus Frenzy Lv 1 10 seconds 10% Frenzy Lv 2 20 seconds 20% Frenzy Lv 3 30 seconds 30% Bombardment Battle Plan Condition: Strategy Center executes a Bombardment Battle Plan Damage: 120% Hold the Line Condition: Strategy Center implements Hold the Line Battle Plan Damage Received: 90% (or simply said receiving 10% armor) Search and Destroy Plan Condition: Strategy Center initiates Search and Destroy Plan Sight Range: 120% Weapon Range: 120% Faerie Fire Condition: Units fire at target illuminated by Avenger's Faerie Fire (see Avenger) Rate of Fire: 150% Solo Player AI Normal Condition: A human player sets Normal AI Human Player HP Modifier: 150% Computer Player Rate of Fire Modifier: 80% Solo Player AI Brutal Condition: A human player activates Brutal AI Human Player HP Modifier: 80% Computer Player Rate of Fire Modifier: 120% ================ 8 Field Objects =============== The definition of Field Objects is a cluster of objects that does not belong to buildings, units, and terrains but plays a significant role in the game because Field Object damages all units (and some Fields even damage buildings) on it (some damage only hostile and neutral units, China Land Mines, for example). Field Objects can be invoked by some means. = = = = = = = = = = Fire Field = = = = = = = = = = Firefield Small Lasting Time: 2500 ms Damage: 5; 7.5 with Black Napalm upgrade Damage Radius: 30 Damage Type: Flame Cooldown: 250 ms FirestormSmall Lasting Time: 6000 ms Firestorm Creation Delay: 800 ms Radius: 1-90 Damage: 100; 150 with Black Napalm upgrade Cooldown: 500 ms Firewall Segment Lasting Time: 4000 ms Damage: 4; 5 with Black Napalm upgrade Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Cooldown: 250 ms Speed: 25 distances/sec Turn Rate: 1 degree/sec = = = = = = = = = = Poison Field = = = = = = = = = = Poison Field Large (Poison Field Upgraded Large) Lasting Time: 45000 ms Damage: 15; 25 with Anthrax Beta upgrade Damage Radius: 140 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms Poison Field Medium (Poison Field Upgraded Medium) Lasting Time: 30000 ms Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta upgrade Damage Radius: 80 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms Poison Field Small (Poison Field Upgraded Small) Lasting Time: 10000 ms Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta upgrade Damage Radius: 12; 7.5 with Anthrax Beta upgrade (GLA scientists were not paid enough, it seems....) Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms Poison Field Anthrax Bomb Lasting Time: 60000 ms Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 300 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms Poison Field Anthrax Gamma Bomb (Dr. Thrax could only change how the victims die....) Lasting Time: 60000 ms Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 300 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms (Poison Field Gamma, Large, Medium, and Small, do not show increment from their brothers, Poison Field with Anthrax Beta. Well, either it is for balance reason or Dr. Thrax should not take a mail-order college, as he realized....) Poison Field Gamma Large Lasting Time: 45000 ms Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 140 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms Poison Field Gamma Medium Lasting Time: 30000 ms Damage: 2.5 Damage Radius: 80 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 msec Poison Field Gamma Small Lasting Time: 10000 ms Damage: 2.5 Damage Radius: 7.5 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 500 ms = = = = = = = = = = Radiation Field = = = = = = = = = = Nuke Radiation Field Small Lasting Time: 2500 ms Damage: 15 Damage Radius: 35 Damage Type: Radiation Cooldown: 750 ms Radiation Field Large Lasting Time: 30000 ms Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Radiation Cooldown: 750 ms Radiation Field Medium Lasting Time: 30000 ms Damage: 15 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Radiation Cooldown: 750 ms Radiation Field Small Lasting Time: 2500 ms Damage: 5 Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Radiation Cooldown: 750 ms Nuke Radiation Field Lasting Time: 30000 ms Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Radiation Cooldown: 750 ms = = = = = = = = = = Mine Field = = = = = = = = = = Land Mines Radius: 40 Weapon: Structure Mine Primary Damage: 100 Primary Damage Radius: 3 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Land Mine Special Features Information 1] Stealth Can be detected by detectors and Dozers/Workers. Dozers and Workers can also disarm mines. 2] Regeneration Regenerate Rate: 2 mines/5000 ms Regeneration Delay (after the last punishment received): 15000 ms 3] Degeneration Mines start disappearing after their master building goes from existence (destroyed or sold). Degeneration Rate: 3.33% (a total of about 30 seconds is required to clean the mines away from the ground). Prerequisite: All China buildings except Speaker Tower; all Boss General's buildings except Speaker Tower. See China Upgrade for more detailed information EMP Mines Radius: 40 Blast Radius: 20 Special Features Information 1] Kills infantry and empties hostile and neutral vehicles. 2] Delivers little explosion damage to hostile vehicles/infantry unlucky enough to walk on the mines. Damage: 1 3] Stealth Can be detected by detectors and Dozers/Workers. Dozers and Workers can also disarm mines. 4] Regeneration Regenerate Rate: 2 mines/5000 ms Regeneration Delay (after the last punishment received): 15000 ms 5] Degeneration Mines start disappearing after their master building goes from existence (destroyed or sold). Degeneration Rate: 3.33% (a total of about 30 seconds is required to clean the mines away from the ground). Prerequisite: All China and Boss General's buildings already equipped with Land Mines See China Upgrade for more detailed information +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | B. Info on the Opposing Sides | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ************************************************ China ************************************************ Introduction Among the three warring sides, China is undoubtedly the oldest faction. Her origin can be traced back to thousands of years BC, about 2100 BC, when Xia Dynasty appeared for the first time. China was changing rulers for many times, rebels deposing the right rulers, heroes taking over the throne from villain leaders, foreign invaders annexing the land, etc. All the wars tearing her were the process that strengthened the Middle Kingdom. When the communists finally took over the seat of power in 1949, China entered the beginning of modern age. Watching the failures and successes of both capitalism and communism, China adapted a system that includes both systems. Combined with plenties of human resources, China's new system could bring China in the world political and military stages as super power. ============ 1 China Factions ============ a. Standard China China mobilizes powerful military units in hordes to drag out the enemies from their existence. b. China Infantry General General Fai prefers to enlist highly trained soldiers to defeat his enemies. Name: "Anvil" Shin Fai Side: China Rank: General, Class AAA Branch: Peoples Liberation Army Class Number: 2030-200403-1 Stationed: Camp Snake, Beijing, China Tactical Overview: Infantry Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: General Fai has long believed that China has sources unmatched by others: millions of soldiers willing to devote their lives for China. His advanced training program, streamlined and sometimes brutal command structure, and strict discipline are his key to his efficient control over his troops, enabling him to able to mobilize four divisions of highly trained infantry in only 24 hours. He makes fame for himself when his peacekeeping units successfully blocking the Taiwan Conflict in 2018 to become a global war. His war machines are uniquely designed to support infantry roles in battle. Army Modifications - Assault Troop Crawler replaces the standard Troop Crawler. - Assault Helix, a Helix with a very large bunker, replaces the standard Helix. - Attack Outpost replaces the standard Listening Outpost. - Fortified Bunker, coming with Land Mines installed, replaces the standard Bunker. - Mini Gunner replaces the standard Red Guard. - Super Hacker and Super Lotus replace the standard Hacker and Black Lotus. - Mini Gunner Paradrop replaces Cash Hack - All infantry start as veteran. - Mini Gunner Training replaces the standard Red Guard Training. - Frenzy level 1 sooner. - Free Nationalsim upgrade. - Patriotism upgrade is available at Propaganda Center. - No Cash Hack General Power. - No Battlemaster, Gattling Tank, or Overlord. - Dragon Tank, Inferno, and ECM Tank cost more. c. China Nuke General General Tao prefers to utilize nuclear radiation to defeat his enemies. Name: Tsing Shi Tao Side: China Rank: General, Class AAA Branch: Peoples Liberation Army Class Number: 0000-000000-1B Stationed: Base Ox, Chengdu, China Tactical Overview: Nuclear energy Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: When the Chinese Premier showed his regretfulness in European Security Council Defense Summit for hurriedly using nuclear missiles against GLA, General Tao, intolerant to fault and delayed victory, generously implements the use of nuclear technologies in all battles he wages. The 2014 Mudanjiang Disaster, which he is responsible for, is viewed as a development process. His belief and tireless research efforts become fruitful for his divisions, enabling his troops to access to Advanced Nuclear Reactor, cheaper Nuclear Missiles, and some upgrades and development related to nuclear technologies. Army Modifications - Battlemaster and Overlord tanks are equipped with Radiation Shells. - Battlemaster and Overlord tanks are faster than standard Battlemaster and Overlord tanks (as if Nuclear Tank has been researched). - Instead of Napalm Bomb, Helix drops a nuclear bomb. - Tactical Nuke MiGs replaces the standard MiGs. - Tactical Nuke upgrade for Tactical Nuke MiGs. - Isotope Stability upgrade - Advanced Nuclear Reactor replaces the standard Nuclear Reactor. - Nuclear Carpet Bomber replaces the standard Carpet Bomber. - Nuke Cannon does not requires General Point to build. - Nuclear Missile Silos cost slightly lower. - Emergency Repair level 1 can be obtained early. - Without Isotope Stability, Battlemaster and Overlord tanks will damage nearby units when destroyed (as if Nuclear Tank has been researched). - Infantry, except Hacker, cost more. - Helix and MiG cost more. d. China Tank General General Kwai prefers to construct well-built tank to defeat his enemies. Name: Ta Hun Kwai Side: China Rank: General, Class AAA Branch: PLA Class Number: 9999-322436-5 Stationed: Base Rat, Jinan, China Tactical Overview: Tank Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: Having studied the various Soviet tank tactics during the Cold War, General Kwai strongly believes that tanks are great means to achieving victory. He has presented some technical papers on various tank modifications, started a program to do research on reducing tank production cost, worked on tank driver training program, and sponsored the building of Emperor Overlord program which ended up resulting a better heavy tank in 2019. Though this old guard in PLA hierarchy becomes more and more famous for the victories he seizes in battles, he pays respect to his younger superior, General Leang, famously known as Boss General (it can bee seen from his words after he is defeated in General Challenge mode). Army Modifications - Emperor Overlord replaces the standard Overlord tank. - All tanks starts as veteran. - Battlemaster tank drop General Power replaces Cash Hack General Power. - All tanks cost less (except ECM Tank). - Emergency Repair Lv 1 at a lower level. - Aircraft cost more. - Infantry cost more. - No Nuke or Inferno Cannon (and also no Artillery Training General Power). - Battlemaster Training General Power - Auto Loader upgrade - Carpet Bomber at a later level. e. Boss General General Leang demands the use of all other technologies to defeat her enemies Name: "Tigress" Leiang Leang Side: China Rank: Dragon General, Class AAAA Branch: PL Elite Forces Class Number: unknown Stationed: unknown, supposed near the border of China - Tibet, popularly known as Tiger's Lair Tactical Overview: Technologies of all Sides Availability: Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: Almost no information on General Leang is available. While other Chinese generals rely heavily on made-in-China military hardware, General Leang does not hesitate to make us of US and GLA military programs and tools. She even employs more highly-trained Rangers in her service instead of Red Guards. Her career and success make her name mentioned with admiration and awe in her allies' barracks and with fear and terror in her enemy's military installations. Army Modifications - Superweapons of all sides. - Heroes of all sides. - Combinations of best technologies, units, and general powers of all sides. - Has no means of opening a portion of map from afar. ========================= 2 China General Power Information ========================= ======================== || Standard China General Powers || ======================== 1-Star General: Red Guard Training; Artillery Training; Nuke Cannon 3-Star General: Cluster Mines; Carpet Bomb; Artillery Barrage Lv 1; Artillery Barrage Lv 2; Artillery Barrage Lv 3; Cash Hack Lv 1; Cash Hack Lv 2; Cash Hack Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3; Frenzy Lv 1; Frenzy Lv 2; Frenzy Lv 3 5-Star General: EMP Pulse ======================== || Infantry General General Powers || ======================== 1-Star General: Mini Gunner Training; Artillery Training; Nuke Cannon; Frenzy Lv 1 3-Star General: Cluster Mines; Carpet Bomb; Artillery Barrage Lv 1; Artillery Barrage Lv 2; Artillery Barrage Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3; Frenzy Lv 2; Frenzy Lv 3; Mini Gunner Drop Lv 1; Mini Gunner Drop Lv 1; Mini Gunner Drop Lv 3 5-Star General: EMP Pulse ====================== || Nuke General General Power || ====================== 1-Star General: Red Guard Training; Artillery Training; Emergency Repair Lv 1 3-Star General: Cluster Mines; Nuclear Carpet Bomb; Artillery Barrage Lv 1; Artillery Barrage Lv 2; Artillery Barrage Lv 3; Cash Hack Lv 1; Cash Hack Lv 2; Cash Hack Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3; Frenzy Lv 1; Frenzy Lv 2; Frenzy Lv 3 5-Star General: EMP Pulse ====================== || Tank General General Powers || ====================== 1-Star General: Red Guard Training; Battlemaster Training; Emergency Repair Lv 1 3-Star General: Cluster Mines; Artillery Barrage Lv 1; Artillery Barrage Lv 2; Artillery Barrage Lv 3; Tank Paradrop Lv 1; Tank Paradrop Lv 2; Tank Paradrop Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3; Frenzy Lv 1; Frenzy Lv 2; Frenzy Lv 3 5-Star General: EMP Pulse; Carpet Bomb ====================== || Boss General General Power || ====================== 1-Star General: Paladin Tank 3-Star General: Pathfinder; Cluster Mines; Carpet Bomb; Artillery Barrage Lv 1; Artillery Barrage Lv 2; Artillery Barrage Lv 3; Cash Bounty Lv 1; Cash Bounty Lv 2; Cash Bounty Lv 3 5-Star General: EMP Pulse; Spectre Gunship; Sneak Attack Tunnel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Red Guard Training Building Required: China Barracks/War Factory This General Power will make all newly built Red Guards (either from China Barracks or the passengers of Troop Crawler) veteran. Battlemaster Training Building Required: Tank General War Factory With this General Power activated, Ta Hun Kwai's War Factory is able to produce a newly-built veteran Battlemaster Mini Gunner Training Building Requirement: Infantry General War Factory Newly-built Mini Gunner will start as elite when this General Power is chosen. Artillery Training Building Required: China War Factory, Propaganda Center Artillery Training will allow all newly built Nuke Cannons and Inferno Cannons to be of veteran level. Nuke Cannon Building Required: China War Factory, Propaganda Center This ability will enable the player to have an access to build a Nuke Cannon. Refer to China Unit information for more information. Cluster Mines Building Required: China Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes View Object Duration: 30000 ms View Object Range: 250 Sends order to a China Cargo Plane to drop a bomb of cluster mines to the targetted area. Refer to Field Object for Cluster Mines information and China Unit Information for Cargo Plane information. Carpet Bomb Building Required: China Command Center Reload Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds View Object Duration: 40000 ms View Object Range: 250 Carpet Bomb Information (per bomb) Damage: 300 Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Calls in a China Carpet Bomber to carpet bomb an area with 12 bombs. Nuclear Carpet Bomb Building Required: China Nuke General Command Center Reload Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds View Object Duration: 40000 ms View Object Range: 250 Nuclear Carpet Bomb Information (per bomb) Damage: 300 Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Radiation Field Medium Shockwave Damage: 75 Shockwave Radius: 75 Shockwave Damage at the Center of Explosion: 37.5 Calls in a China Carpet Bomber to carpet bomb an area with nuclear bombs. Artillery Barrage Building Required: China Command Center Recharge Time: 5 minutes View Object Duration: 30000 ms View Object Range: 250 Launch Delay: 3000 ms Inaccuracy Radius: 100 Barrages fired: 12 (Lv 1), 24 (Lv 2), 36 (Lv 3) Artillery Barrage Information (per barrage) Damage: 105 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Barrage Speed: 150 dist/sec Homing shell Fires a number of destructive barrages to the targetted area. Frenzy Building Required: China Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Radius: 200 Increases the firepower of the affected friendly/allied units Does not affect buildings (see Bonus Modifiers) Cash Hack Building Required: China Command Center (except Infantry and Tank General Command Centers), enemy Supply Stash/Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Money stolen: 1000 (Lv 1), 2000 (Lv 2), 4000 (Lv 3) An ability to unstoppably steal enemy cash, this ability works by targeting this General Power into the enemy Supply Center. It is to be remembered that this General Power will not be able to steal more money than the enemy has. Emergency Repair Building Required: China Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Radius: 100 Name Max HP Fixed Emergency Repair Lv 1 Light Repair 100 Emergency Repair Lv 2 Medium Repair 200 Emergency Repair Lv 3 Serious Repair 300 Emergency Repair enables the player to fix friendly/allied vehicles in a specific area, returning their lost HP. EMP Pulse Building Required: China Command Center Recharge Time: 6 minutes View Object Duration: 30000 View Object Range: 250 Disable Duration: 30 seconds Commands a China Cargo Plane to drop an EMP bomb to the selected area. The bomb will turn off all vehicles and buildings in the area. All aircraft which can be controlled (MiG, Raptor, etc) will crash land immediately when disabled. Tank Paradrop Building Required: Tank General Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Tanks Dropped: 1 (Lv 1), 2 (Lv 2), 4 (Lv 3) Requests a reinforcement in the form of Battlemaster Tank to be parachuted on the map by China Cargo Plane Mini Gunner Drop Building Required: Infantry General Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Infantry Dropped: 5 (Lv 1), 10 (Lv 2), 15 (Lv 3) Gets reinforcements of Mini Gunners from outside the map to be sent to the battle by China Cargo Plane ............................................................................................................. This sub-section will discuss Boss General's General Powers that are not Chinese in origin. ............................................................................................................. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % General Powers that come from USA's % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Paladin Tank Building Required: Boss General (or USA) War Factory This General Power allows the player to build Paladin Tank. Paladin Tank can render enemy missile attack useless with its laser, which is also useful for attacking infantry in a short range. See Boss General Units for more information. Pathfinder Building Required: Boss General (or USA) Barracks This elite camouflaged sniper excels at killing infantry from afar. He can also detects hostile stealth units in his surrounding. Refer to Boss General Units for information Spectre Gunship Buiding Required: Boss General (or USA) Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Patrolling Radius: 200 Patrolling Time: 15 seconds Sends in a Spectre Gunship equipped with a howitzer and gattling cannon to tear down an area. See Boss General Units for information. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % General Powers that come from GLA's % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cash Bounty Building Required: Boss General (or GLA) Command Center Rewards Received: 5% (Lv 1); 10% (Lv 2); 20% (Lv 3) Players will get some immediate cash from the hostile units or buildings they destroy. Sneak Attack Tunnel Building Required: Boss General (or GLA) Command Center Recharge Time: 2.5 minutes Builds a Sneak Attack Tunnel at the visible point of the map. See China Unique Buildings for information. ========================= 3 China Unit Information ========================= A. Standard China Units ------------------- (a) China Aircraft ------------------- A.a.1) MiG Health Information HP: 160; 200 HP with MiG Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 160 dist/sec Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 110; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Napalm Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Primary Damage: 75 Primary Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40; 50 with Black Napalm Secondary Radius: 30 Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage; Explosion with Black Napalm Cooldown: 300 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 80 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds; 2000 ms with Black Napalm upgrade Homing missiles Missile detonation creates a Firefield Small. Creates a Firestorm after 8 missile hit. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% damage to all flame weapons - MiG Aircraft Armor (China Air Field): +25% MiG maximum health (+40 HP) Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Air Field Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - A Black Napalm upgraded MiG will cast a stronger firestorm than an unupgraded one. Also, an upgraded MiG will reload quicker than an unupgraded one. - Returns to base after being idle for 10 seconds. - MiG takes damage 10%/second when out of ammo. A.a.2) Helix Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 200 Exp as Heroic 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Weapon Information Helix Minigun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 120 Projectile Speed: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following a) Battle Bunker Allows infantry inside to fire and gives them Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) b) Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Detects stealth units Detection Rate: 1500 msec Detection Range: 200 i) Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) ii) Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) c) Propaganda Tower Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds 2] Napalm Bomb (Anti Surface) Drops a deadly napalm bomb on the ground below the chopper. Primary Damage: 75 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40 Secondary Damage Radius: 30 Damage Type: Explosion Bomb Speed: 10 dist/sec (slow, but sure:)) Range: 10 Creates a Firestorm Small Field; a Black Napalm Firestorm Small Field if Black Napalm is upgraded Recharge Time: 10000 ms Range: 3 Unpack Time: 500 ms Preparation Time: 100 ms (making a total of 600 ms delay before dropping bomb) 3] Transport Can transport infantry and most vehicles alike (except Nuke Cannon) Transport Slot: 5 100% damage to all units inside if destroyed (China Airways does not provide free parachutes....) Evacuation Delay per Unit: 100 ms Upgrade Information - Battle Bunker (Helix): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Helix): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Helix, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Helix): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Helix, giving the Helix the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Helix Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center) (Affects Helix Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2% (see Bonus Modifier). - Napalm Bomb (Helix): Enables Helix to drop a Napalm Bomb, incinerating the grounds. - Black Napalm (China War Factory): Adds the damage for the Napalm Bomb. Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Airfield Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 secondsNotes - Can not land, except when being repaired at the Air Field or when loading passengers. A.a.3) China Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisites: Cluster Mines and/or EMP Pulse Bomb General Power and China Command Center, or a Reinforcement Pad Notes - Drops Cluster Mines, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and EMP Pulse Bomb - Door open time: 500 ms A.a.4) China Jet Carpet Bomber Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisites: Carpet Bomb General Power and China Command Center (except Nuke Gen.'s) Notes - Drops Carpet Bombs containing 10 bombs - Door open time: 500 ms - Delay between each bomb: 300 ms ------------------- (b) China Infantry ------------------- A.b.1) Red Guard Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 40 Exp to Elite 10 Exp as Elite 80 Exp to Heroic 20 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 while badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Weapon Information Red Guard Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 100 Cooldown: 1000 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus (See Bonus Modifier) Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] Capture Building Red Guard can capture most base buildings and tech buildings. Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade Recharge Time: 15000 ms Range: 5 Unpack Time: 3000 ms Capture Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 4 Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus. - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Red Guard to capture most neutral/hostile buildings. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Barracks Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 10 seconds Note that it is not allowed to build only a single Red Guard. Red Guards will always be created in pair. Notes: - Slot: 1 A.b.2) Tank Hunter Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 experience as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 experience as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 experience as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite (500) Weapon Information Tank Hunter Missile Launcher (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Attack Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 millisecond Missile Turning Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] TNT Charge Places a TNT Charge on hostile vehicles/buildings Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 5 Timer: 10000 ms Recharge Time: 7500 ms Escapes 100 distances after placing TNT Does not expire when the charger dies. Can not be attached to infantry or friendly units/buildings. Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus Upgrade ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): + 25% Nationalism Bonus Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Barracks Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 A.b.3) Hacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 300 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 500 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Disable Building Recharging Time: 4000 ms Range: 150 Unpack Time: 7300 ms Preparation Tiime: 3000 ms Pack Time: 5133 ms Effect Duration: 2000 ms Exp. Gained: 0 Can't disable Defense Building 2] Hack Internet Cash Amount: $5 (as conscript), $6 (as veteran), $8 (as elite), $10 (as heroic) per 2 seconds (1.8 seconds if inside an Internet Center) Unpack Time: 7300 ms Randomly adds or substracts 20% to pack and unpack time. Pack Time: 5133 ms Exp. Gained: 1 Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Barracks, Standard China Propaganda Center Cost: 625 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 A.b.4) Black Lotus Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Experience Information 150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Stealthed except when using ability 2] Crush Immunity 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 500 ms Unknown Detection Range 4] Capture Building Black Lotus can capture most enemy/tech buildings from afar Range: 150 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Pack Time: 2800 ms Experience Gained: 20 5] Disable Vehicle Using her advanced IT knowledge and tools, Black Lotus can render an enemy vehicle unusable for a short amount of time Range: 150 Unpack Time: 2000 ms Preparation Time: 2000 ms Pack Time: 1000 ms Effect Duration: 15000 ms Experience Gained: 0 6] Steal Cash Black Lotus can transfer the enemy money to our treasury by hacking the enemy Supply Center/Stash Pack Time: 5800 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Range: 150 Cash Stolen: 1000 (note that it is the maximum amount Black Lotus can steal every time. If the enemy has less than 1000, say 300, she will just be able to steal 300) Unpack Time: 6730 ms Experience Gained: 20 Recharge Time: 2000 ms Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Barracks, Standard China Propaganda Center Cost: 1500 Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Limit: 1 - Slot: 1 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. ------------------ (c) China Vehicles ------------------ A.c.1) Battlemaster Health Information HP: 400 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran 300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite 600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec with Nuclear Tank upgrade: 35; 32 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information BattleMaster Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Damage: 60; 75 with Uranium Shells upgrade Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Attack Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 ms/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Conditions: at least 5 Battlemaster Tanks march together Rub off Radius: 150 Update Time Rate: 1000 ms Group Radius: 75 2] Nuclear Explosion (Tank destroyed with Uranium Shells upgrade) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Small Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus upgrade - Uranium Shell (Nuclear Missile): +25% Battlemaster Damage - Nuclear Tank (Nuclear Missile): +25% speed to Battlemaster ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism upgrade Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.2) Dragon Tank Health Information HP: 280 Armor: Dragon Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information Dragon Tank Flame Weapon (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 75; adds a minimum attack range: 10 if Black Napalm is researched (yeakh! what did those scientists do on this already weak tank?) Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 (total number of shots in a clip) Can empty garrisoned buildings Special Feature Information 1] Firewall Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 25 Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Not homing Leaves Firewall Segment 2] Ungarrison Dragon Tank's Flame Weapon can be used to ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China War Factory Build Cost: 800 Bld Time: 10 Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.3) Gattling Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 distance/sec Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Gattling Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 18.75 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 150 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (2 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (1000 shots) 2] Gattling Tank Anti Air Gun (Anti Air) Damage: 12; 15 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 350 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (3 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (2000 shots) Upgrade Information - Chain Guns (China War Factory): +25% to all Gattling Weapons Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Tends to attack air units first before ground units. - Slot: 3 A.c.4) Troop Crawler Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 175 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 40; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 120 Weapon Information Deploy Infantry Attack Range: 175 Special Feature Information 1] Healing Transport 10% infantry regeneration inside Only capable of transporting infantry Can transport 8 infantry at maximum 10% damage to units inside when destroyed Units are evacuated with a delay of 250 milliseconds per unit. 2] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 900 msec Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China War Factory Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes: - Built with 8 Red Guards - Slot: 8 A.c.5) Listening Outpost Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40; dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Reveals Enemy Path Listening Outpost can see the rally point of the enemy units within its detection range 2] Detector Detection Rate: 900 ms Detection Range: 300 Can not detect stealth if garrisoned in a Tunnel Network or Transport 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloacks when moving or the passengers fire 4] Battle and Healing Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Can accomodate at most 2 infantry. 10% infantry regeneration inside. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. Units are evacuated at a 250 ms delay per unit Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Built with 2 Tank Hunters inside. - Slot: 8 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. A.c.6) Overlord Health Information HP: 1100 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 exp to veteran 200 exp as conscript/veteran 600 exp to elite 400 exp as elite 1200 exp to heroic 600 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 20; 30 with Nuclear Tank Upgrade Turn rate: 60 Weapon Information Overlord Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Primary Damage: 80; 100 with Uranium Shells Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 20; 25 with Uranium Shells Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Attack Range: 175 Projectile Speed: 300/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicle, 10 max distance against infantry Cooldown: 300 msec 2 shoots per clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following: a) Overlord Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 Detects stealth units with detection rate: 500 ms i) Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) ii) Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) b) Propaganda Tower Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds c) Battle Bunker Allows up to 5 infantry to fire from inside Bunker, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) 50% damage to units inside when destroyed 2] Can crush vehicles 3] Nuclear Explosion (When a Nuclear Tank upgraded Overlord explodes) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Small Upgrade Information - Uranium Shells (Nuclear Missile): +25% Overlord/Battlemaster Main Gun Damage - Nuclear Tank (Nuclear Missile): +25% Overlord/Battlemaster Speed. Leaves a nuclear waste upon its death. - Battle Bunker (Overlord Tank): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Overlord Tank): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Overlord, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Overlord Tank): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Overlord, giving the Overlord the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Overlord Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center) (Affects Overlord Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2%. Build Information Prerequisites: Standard China War Factory and Standard China Propaganda Center Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 A.c.7) Electro Counter Measure (ECM) Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information ECM Tank Vehicle Disabler (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 24 Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Beam Speed: immediate Duration: 210-640 ms Special Feature Information Missile Jammer Cooldown: 650 ms Inactive when disabling vehicles Requires 1000 ms to be active again after the Disabler has been inactive Build Information Prerequisites: Standard China War Factory, Standard China Propaganda Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy without order. A.c.8) Inferno Cannon Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 distance/sec Turn rate: 120 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Weapon Information Inferno Cannon Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 100 Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 15 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 300 Minimum Attack Range: 50 Cooldown: 4000 msec Projectile Speed: 250 dist/second Accuracy: unknown against vehicle, 30 max distances against infantry Creates Small Firefield (see Field Objects) Creates Firestorm (see Field Objects) after 6 shell hits Historic Bonus Time: 3000 ms Historic Bonus Radius: 20 Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Build Information Prerequisites: Standard China War Factory and Standard China Propaganda Center Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes: - What differentiates the Black Napalm unupgraded Inferno and Black Napalm upgraded Inferno is the firestorm and the small firefield object it creates. The upgraded Inferno incites stronger firestorm. - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy without order. A.c.9) Nuke Cannon Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 600 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 1000 exp to heroic 200 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 20; 18 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 80 Pack Time: 3333 Unpack Time: 3333 1] Nuke Cannon Gun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 400 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 20 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Cooldown: 10000 msec Accuracy: unknown against vehicles, 10 max dist. against infantry Leaves Radiation Field Medium 2] Nuke Cannon Neutron Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Radius: 10 Blast Radius: 70 (the radius in which all vehicles will be disabled) Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Cooldown: 10000 msec Accuracy: unknown against vehicles, 10 max dist. against infantry Special Feature Information 1] Leaves Radiation Field Small upon death 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Neutron Shells upgrade Nuke Cannon can choose what shell to fire, nuclear or Neutron shell. Nuclear shell is destructive while Neutron shell kills pilots of vehicles, leaving them vulnerable to seizure. 3] Ungarrison Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shell can be used to ungarrison the buildings below: a. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker) b. Bunker/Fortified Bunker c. Palace d. Tunnel Network e. Internet Center f. Fire Base All vehicles unlucky enough to stay in the Tunnel Network when a Neutron Shell comes to their way will be fried to death in the Tunnel Network. 4] Kill Pilot Working in the same way as Jarmen Kell's Kill Pilot, the Neutron Shell can get rid a driver from his/her vehicle, making it vulnerable to capture. Upgrade Information - Neutron Shell (Nuclear Missile): Enables the Nuke Cannon to launch a Neutron Shell which can kill vehicle's driver and ungarrison buildings. Build Information Prerequisites: Standard China War Factory, Standard China Propaganda Center, and Nuke Cannon General Power (Level 1/2) Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Needs to pack and unpack to shoot and move respectively. - Slot: 10 - Will not acquire enemy without order. A.c.10) Supply Truck Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 4 ($300) Supply Center Action Delay: 400 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1000 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Supply Trucks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Supply Center Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 2 A.c.11) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build China buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Detection Rate: 500 msec Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: Standard China Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 5 B. China Infantry General Units ----------------------------------- (a) China Infanty General Aircraft ---------------------------------- B.a.1) MiG Health Information HP: 160; 200 HP with MiG Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 160 dist/sec Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 110; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Napalm Missile (Anti Surface and Anti Air) Primary Damage: 75 Primary Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40; 50 with Black Napalm Secondary Radius: 30 Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage Cooldown: 300 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 80 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds; 2000 ms with Black Napalm upgrade Homing missiles Missile detonation creates a Small Firefield. Creates a Firestorm after 8 missile hit. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% damage to all flame weapons - MiG Aircraft Armor (China Air Field): +25% MiG maximum health (+40 HP) Build Information Prerequisite: China Infantry General Air Field Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - A Black Napalm upgraded MiG will cast a stronger firestorm than an unupgraded one. Also, an upgraded MiG will reload quicker than an unupgraded one. - Returns to base after being idle for 10 seconds. - Loses 10% max HP/sec when out of ammo. B.a.2) Assault Helix Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 200 Exp as Heroic 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Weapon Information Helix Minigun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 120 Projectile Speed: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Bunker Can garrison at most 8 infantry inside, allowing them to fire from within and giving them Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier). Kills all infantry inside when destroyed. 2] Napalm Bomb (Anti Surface) Drops a deadly napalm bomb on the ground below the chopper. Primary Damage: 75 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40 Secondary Damage Radius: 30 Damage Type: Explosion Bomb Speed: 10 dist/sec (slow, but sure:)) Range: 10 Creates a Firestorm Small Field; a Black Napalm Firestorm Small Field if Black Napalm is upgraded Recharge Time: 10000 ms Range: 3 Unpack Time: 500 ms Preparation Time: 100 ms (making a total of 600 ms delay before dropping bomb) 3] Transport Can transport infantry and most vehicles alike (except Nuke Cannon) Transport Slot: 8 100% damage to all units inside if destroyed (China Airways does not provide free parachutes....) Evacuation Delay per Unit: 100 ms Upgrade Information - Napalm Bomb (Helix): Enables Helix to drop a Napalm Bomb, incinerating the grounds. - Black Napalm (China War Factory): Increases the flame damage of Napalm Bomb Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. Airfield Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Can not land, except when being repaired at the Air Field or loading passengers. B.a.3) China Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisites: Cluster Mines &/or EMP General Powers and China Command Center, or Mini Gunner Drop General Power and Inf. Gen. Command Center, or Reinforcement Pad Notes - Drops Cluster Mines, Mini Gunner Drop, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and EMP Pulse - Door open time: 500 ms - Drop delay for each Mini Gunner: 150 ms (Level 1); 80 ms (Level 2 & 3) B.a.4) China Jet Carpet Bomber Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisites: Carpet Bomb General Power and China Command Center (except Nuke Gen.'s) Notes - Drops Carpet Bombs containing 10 bombs - Door open time: 500 ms - Delay between each bomb: 300 ms ------------------------------------ (b) China Infantry General Infantry ------------------------------------ B.b.1) Mini Gunner Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Infantry General Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 40 Exp to Elite 10 Exp as Elite 80 Exp to Heroic 20 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 while badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Weapon Information 1] Mini Gunner Gun (Anti Air) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Gun upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 125 Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 500 msec (6 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 250 msec (12 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 166 msec (1000 shoots) Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% 2] Mini Gunner Gun (Anti-Air) Damage: 12; 15 with Chain Gun upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 350 Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 500 msec (6 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 250 msec (12 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 166 msec (1000 shoots Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Mini Gunners/Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 100 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] Capture Building Mini Gunner can capture most base buildings and tech buildings. Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade Recharge Time: 15000 ms Range: 5 Unpack Time: 3000 Preparation Time: 20000 Pack Time: 2000 Experience Gained: 4 Upgrade Information - Patriotism (China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Mini Gunner to capture most neutral/hostile buildings. - Chain Gun (China War Factory): Increases the damage of all gattling units. Build Information Prerequisite: China Infantry General Barracks Build Cost: 350 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Always starts as veteran. B.b.2) Tank Hunter Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Infantry General Human Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 experience as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 experience as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 experience as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite (500) Weapon Information Tank Hunter Missile Launcher (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Attack Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 millisecond Missile Turning Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Mini Gunners/Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] TNT Charge Places a TNT Charge on hostile vehicles/buildings. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 5 Timer: 10000 ms Recharge Time: 7500 ms Escapes 100 distances after placing TNT Does not expire when the charger dies. Can not be attached to infantry or friendly units/buildings. Upgrade Information - Patriotism (China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism upgrade Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. Barracks Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Always starts as veteran. B.b.3) Super Hacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Inf. Gen. Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 300 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 500 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when disabling buildings or vehicles. 2] Disable Building Recharging Time: 4000 ms Range: 150 Unpack Time: 7300 ms Preparation Tiime: 3000 ms Pack Time: 5133 ms Effect Duration: 2000 ms Exp. Gained: 0 Can't disable Defense Building 3] Disable Vehicle Range: 150 Unpack Time: 2000 ms Preparation Time: 2000 ms Pack Time: 1000 ms Effect Duration: 15000 ms Experience Gained: 0 4] Hack Internet Cash Amount: $5 (as conscript), $6 (as veteran), $8 (as elite), $10 (as heroic) per 2 seconds (1.6 seconds if inside an Internet Center) Unpack Time: 7300 ms Randomly adds or substracts 20% to pack and unpack time. Pack Time: 5133 ms Exp. Gained: 1 Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. Barracks, China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center Cost: 625 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Always starts as veteran. B.b.4) Super Lotus Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Inf. Gen. Human Armor Experience Information 150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Stealthed except when using ability 2] Crush Immunity Heroes are all immune to crush attack except Overlord/Emperor's crush 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 500 ms Unknown Detection Range 4] Capture Building Super Lotus can capture hostile/tech buildings from afar, making her more effective than basic infantry's Capture Building Range: 150 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Preparation Time: 4500 ms Pack Time: 2800 ms Experience Gained: 20 5] Disable Vehicle Super Lotus can shoot down an enemy vehicle temporarily Range: 300 Unpack Time: 2000 ms Preparation Time: 2000 ms Pack Time: 1000 ms Effect Duration: 20000 ms Experience Gained: 0 6] Steal Cash Super Lotus can steal money from enemy Supply Center/Stash and transfers it to her side's treasury Pack Time: 5800 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Range: 150 Cash Stolen: 1500 (max. number of money she can steal every time) Unpack Time: 6730 ms Experience Gained: 20 Recharge Time: 2000 ms Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. Barracks, China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center Cost: 1500 Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Limit: 1 - Slot: 1 - Always starts as veteran. ------------------------------------ (c) China Infantry General Vehicles ------------------------------------ B.c.1) Assault Troop Crawler Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Assault Crawler Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 175 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec Special Feature Information 1] Battle/Healing Transport Only capable of transporting infantry Can transport 8 infantry at maximum Infantry can fire from within 10% infantry regeneration inside 50% damage to units inside when destroyed Units are evacuated with a delay of 250 milliseconds per unit. 2] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 900 msec 3] Propaganda Tower Radius: 100 Cooldown: 4000 ms Enthusiasm Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Healing Rate: 4%/second (Healing rate does not benefit from Subliminal Messaging Upgrade) Does not affect itself. Upgrade Information - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center): +25% Enthusiasm bonus and increases Healing bonus by 1% Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 2400 Build Time: 25 seconds Notes: - Built with 8 Mini Gunners - Slot: 8 B.c.2) Dragon Tank Health Information HP: 280 Armor: Dragon Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degree/sec Weapon Information Dragon Tank Flame Weapon (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 75; adds a minimum attack range of 10 if Black Napalm is researched (yeakh! what did those scientists do on this already weak tank?) Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 (total number of shots in a clip) Can empty garrisoned buildings Special Feature Information 1] Firewall Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 25 Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Not homing Leaves Firewall Segment 2] Ungarrison Dragon Tank's Flame Weapon can be used to ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Build Information Prerequisites: China Inf. Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 900 Bld Time: 10 Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.3) Attack Outpost Health Information HP: 350 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Reveals Enemy Path Detector Detection Rate: 900 ms Detection Range: 300 Can not detect stealth if garrisoned in a Tunnel Network or Transport 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloacks when moving or the passengers fire. 3] Battle and Healing Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Can accomodate at most 10 infantry. 10% infantry regeneration inside. 50% damage to units inside when destroyed. Units are evacuated at a 250 ms delay per unit 4] Propaganda Tower Radius: 100 Cooldown: 4000 ms Enthusiasm Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Healing Rate: 4%/second (Healing rate does not benefit from Subliminal Messaging Upgrade) Does not affect itself. Upgrade Information - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center): Increases the healing/repair rate of the Propaganda Tower. Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Built with 4 Tank Hunters inside. - Slot: 8 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. B.c.4) Electro Counter Measure (ECM) Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information ECM Tank Vehicle Disabler (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 24 Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Beam Speed: immediate Duration: 210-640 ms Special Feature Information Missile Jammer Cooldown: 650 ms Inactive when disabling vehicles Requires 1000 ms to be active again after the Disabler has been inactive Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. War Factory and China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - When idle, unlike its Standard China ECM, this ECM will try to find an enemy nearby. B.c.5) Inferno Cannon Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 distance/sec Turn rate: 120 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Weapon Information Inferno Cannon Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 100 Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 15 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 300 Minimum Attack Range: 50 Cooldown: 4000 msec Projectile Speed: 250 dist/second Accuracy: unknown against vehicle, 30 max distances against infantry Creates Small Firefield (see Field Objects) Creates Firestorm (see Field Objects) after 6 shell hits Historic Bonus Time: 3000 Historic Bonus Radius: 20 Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Build Information Prerequisites: China Inf. Gen. War Factory, China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes: - What differentiates the Black Napalm unupgraded Inferno and Black Napalm upgraded Inferno is the firestorm and the small firefield object it creates. The upgraded Inferno incites stronger firestorm. - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy without order. B.c.6) Nuke Cannon Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 600 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 1000 exp to heroic 200 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 20; 18 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 80 Pack Time: 3333 Unpack Time: 3333 1] Nuke Cannon Gun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 400 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 20 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Cooldown: 10000 msec Accuracy: unknown against vehicles, 10 max dist. against infantry Leaves Radiation Field Medium 2] Nuke Cannon Neutron Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Radius: 10 Blast Radius: 70 (the radius in which all vehicles will be disabled) Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Cooldown: 10000 msec Accuracy: unknown against vehicles, 10 max dist. against infantry Special Feature Information 1] Leaves Radiation Field Small upon death 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Neutron Shells upgrade Nuke Cannon can choose what shell to fire, nuclear or Neutron shell. Nuclear shell is destructive while Neutron shell kills pilots of vehicles, leaving them vulnerable to seizure. 3] Ungarrison Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shell can be used to ungarrison the buildings below: a. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker) b. Bunker/Fortified Bunker c. Palace d. Tunnel Network e. Internet Center f. Fire Base All vehicles unlucky enough to stay in the Tunnel Network when a Neutron Shell comes to their way will be fried to death in the Tunnel Network. 4] Kill Pilot Working in the same way as Jarmen Kell's Kill Pilot, the Neutron Shell can get rid a driver from his/her vehicle, making it vulnerable to capture. Upgrade Information - Neutron Shell (Nuclear Missile): Enables the Nuke Cannon to launch a Neutron Shell which can kill vehicle's driver and ungarrison buildings. Build Information Prerequisites: China Inf. Gen. War Factory, China Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center, Nuke Cannon General Power (Level 1/2) Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Needs to pack and unpack to shoot and move respectively. - Slot: 10 - Will not acquire enemy without order. B.c.7) Supply Truck Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 4 ($300) Supply Center Action Delay: 400 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1000 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Supply Trucks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. Build Information Prerequisite: Inf Gen. Supply Center Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 2 B.c.8) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90 deg/sec; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build China Inf. Gen. buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: China Inf. Gen. Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 secondsNotes: - Slot: 5 C. China Nuke General ---------------------------------- (a) China Nuke General Aircraft ---------------------------------- C.a.1) MiG Health Information HP: 160; 200 HP with MiG Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 160 dist/sec Turn rate: 120 degrees per second;90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 110; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information MiG Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Primary Damage: 100; 300 with Tactical Nuke Primary Radius: 5; 75 with Tactical Nuke Secondary Damage: 40; 0 with Tactical Nuke Secondary Radius: 30; 0 with Tactical Nuke Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage; Explosion with Tactical Nuke Cooldown: 300 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 80 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds; 2000 ms with Tactical Nuke upgrade Homing missiles Missile detonation creates a Small Radiation Field. Adds shockwave damage if Tactical Nuke upgrade is researched Shockwave damage: 75 Shockwave radius: 75 Shockwave Taper Off: 50% (amount of damage at the shockwave edge) Upgrade Information - MiG Aircraft Armor (China Air Field): +25% MiG maximum health (+40 HP) - Tactical Nuke (China Nuke Gen. Nuclear Missile): MiGs are armed with a small tactical nuke. Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - An upgraded MiG will reload quicker than an unupgraded one. It also adds shockwave damage to the target. - Returns to base after being idle for 10 seconds. - Loses 10% of its max HP/sec when out of ammo. C.a.2) Helix Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 200 Exp as Heroic 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Weapon Information Helix Minigun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 120 Projectile Speed: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following a. Battle Bunker Allows infantry inside to fire and gives them Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) b. Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Detects stealth units Detection Rate: 1500 msec Detection Range: 200 Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) c. Propaganda Tower Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds 2] Nuclear Bomb (Anti Surface) Drops a deadly nuclear bomb on the ground below the chopper. Primary Damage: 300 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Bomb Speed: 10dist/sec (slow, but sure:)) Range: 3 Creates a Radiation Field Medium Recharge Time: 10000 ms Range: 3 Unpack Time: 500 ms Preparation Time: 100 ms (making a total of 600 ms delay before dropping bomb) 3] Transport Can transport infantry and most vehicles alike (except Nuke Cannon) Transport Slot: 5 100% damage to all units inside if destroyed (China Airways does not provide free parachutes....) Evacuation Delay per Unit: 100 ms Upgrade Information - Battle Bunker (Helix): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Helix): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Helix, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Helix): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Helix, giving the Helix the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Helix Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center) (Affects Helix Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2% (see Bonus Modifier). - Nuke Bomb (Helix): Helix is equipped with a Nuke Bomb instead of conventional Napalm Bomb. Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke General Airfield Build Cost: 1750 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Can not land, except when being repaired at the Air Field or when loading passengers. C.a.3) China Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisites: Cluster Mines &/or EMP Pulse General Powers and China Command Center or Reinforcement Pad Notes - Drops Cluster Mines, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and EMP Pulse - Door open time: 500 ms C.a.4) China Jet Carpet Bomber Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisites: Nuclear Carpet Bombing General Power and Nuke Gen. Command Center Notes - Drops Nuclear Carpet Bombs containing 10 bombs - Door open time: 500 ms - Delay between each bomb: 300 ms ---------------------------------- (b) China Nuke General Infantry --------------------------------- C.b.1) Red Guard Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 40 Exp to Elite 10 Exp as Elite 80 Exp to Heroic 20 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 while badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Weapon Information Red Guard Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 100 Cooldown: 1000 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] Capture Building Enables Red Guard to capture most base buildings and tech buildings. Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade Recharge Time: 15000 ms Range: 5 Unpack Time: 3000 ms Capture Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 4 Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus. - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Red Guard to capture most neutral/hostile buildings. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 350 Build Time: 12 seconds Note that it is not allowed to build only a single Red Guard. Red Guards will always be created in pair. Notes: - Slot: 1 C.b.2) Tank Hunter Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 experience as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 experience as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 experience as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite (500) Weapon Information Tank Hunter Missile Launcher (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Attack Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 millisecond Missile Turning Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] TNT Charge Places a TNT Charge on hostile vehicles/buildings. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 5 Timer: 10000 ms Recharge Time: 7500 ms Escapes 100 distances after placing TNT Does not expire when the charger dies. Can not be attached to infantry or friendly units/buildings. Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus upgrade ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Barracks Cost: 350 Build Time: 7 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 C.b.3) Hacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 300 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 500 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Disable Building Recharging Time: 4000 ms Range: 150 Unpack Time: 7300 ms Preparation Tiime: 3000 ms Pack Time: 5133 ms Effect Duration: 2000 ms Exp. Gained: 0 Can't disable Defense Building 2] Hack Internet Cash Amount: $5 (as conscript), $6 (as veteran), $8 (as elite), $10 (as heroic) per 2 seconds (1.8 seconds if inside an Internet Center) Unpack Time: 7300 ms Randomly adds or substracts 20% to pack and unpack time. Pack Time: 5133 ms Exp. Gained: 1 Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Barracks and China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center Cost: 625 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 C.b.4) Black Lotus Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Experience Information 150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Stealthed except when using ability 2] Crush Immunity 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 500 ms Unknown Detection Range 4] Capture Building Range: 150 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Pack Time: 2800 ms Experience Gained: 20 5] Disable Vehicle Range: 150 Unpack Time: 2000 ms Preparation Time: 2000 ms Pack Time: 1000 ms Effect Duration: 15000 ms Experience Gained: 0 6] Steal Cash Pack Time: 5800 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Range: 150 Cash Stolen: 1000 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Experience Gained: 20 Recharge Time: 2000 ms Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Barracks and China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center Cost: 1600 Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Limit: 1 - Slot: 1 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. ----------------------------------- (c) China Nuke General Vehicles ----------------------------------- C.c.1) Battlemaster Health Information HP: 400 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran 300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite 600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 45 dist/sec; 37 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 Weapon Information Battlemaster Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Attack Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 ms/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Leaves Nuke Radiation Small Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Conditions: at least 5 Battlemaster Tanks march together Rub off Radius: 150 Update Time Rate: 1000 ms Group Radius: 75 2] Nuclear Explosion (Nuke General Battlemaster without Isotope Stability upgrade explodes) Primary Damage: 110 Primary Damage Radius: 80 Secondary Damage: 70 Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Small Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus upgrade - Isotope Stability (China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center): Eliminates the explosion when a tank explodes. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 12 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 C.c.2) Dragon Tank Health Information HP: 280 Armor: Dragon Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 Weapon Information Dragon Tank Flame Weapon (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 75; adds a minimum attack range: 10 if Black Napalm is researched (yeakh! what did those scientists do on this already weak tank?) Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 (total number of shots in a clip) Can empty garrisoned buildings Special Feature Information 1] Firewall Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 25 Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Not homing Leaves Firewall Segment 2] Ungarrison Dragon Tank's Flame Weapon can be used to ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 C.c.3) Gattling Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 distance/sec Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Gattling Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 18.75 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Attack Range: 150 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (2 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (1000 shots) 2] Gattling Tank Anti Air Gun Damage: 12; 15 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Attack Range: 350 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (3 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (2000 shots) Upgrade Information - Chain Guns (China War Factory): +25% to all Gattling Weapons Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Tends to attack air units first before ground units. - Slot: 3 C.c.4) Troop Crawler Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 175 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec Weapon Information Deploy Infantry Attack Range: 175 Special Feature Information 1] Transport Only capable of transporting infantry Can transport 8 infantry at maximum 10% damage to units inside when destroyed Units are evacuated with a delay of 250 milliseconds per unit. 2] Healing Transport 10% infantry regeneration inside 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 900 msec Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes: - Built with 8 Red Guards - Slot: 8 C.c.5) Listening Outpost Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Reveals Enemy Path 2] Detector Detection Rate: 900 ms Detection Range: 300 Can not detect stealth if garrisoned in a Tunnel Network or Transport 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloaks when moving or the passengers fire. 4] Battle and Healing Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Can accomodate at most 2 infantry. 10% infantry regeneration inside. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. Units are evacuated at a 250 ms delay per unit Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke General War Factory Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Built with 2 Tank Hunters inside. - Slot: 8 - Compared to standard Listening Outpost, this one is more expensive and the riders tend to attack by going out the Outpost. C.c.6) Overlord Health Information HP: 1100 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 exp to veteran 200 exp as conscript/veteran 600 exp to elite 400 exp as elite 1200 exp to heroic 600 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec Turn rate: 80 deg/sec Weapon Information Overlord Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Primary Damage: 80 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 20 Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Attack Range: 175 Projectile Speed: 300 distances/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicle, 10 max distance against infantry Cooldown: 300 msec 2 shoots per clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Leaves Nuke Radiation Small Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following: a. Overlord Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 Detects stealth units with detection rate: 500 ms i. Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) ii. Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) b. Propaganda Tower Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds c. Battle Bunker Allows up to 5 infantry to fire from inside Bunker, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) 50% damage to units inside when destroyed 2] Can crush vehicles 3] Nuclear Explosion (When an Overlord without Isotope Stability upgrade explodes) Primary Damage: 110 Primary Damage Radius: 80 Secondary Damage: 70 Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Range: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Radiation Field Small Upgrade Information - Battle Bunker (Overlord Tank): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Overlord Tank): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Overlord, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Overlord Tank): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Overlord, giving the Overlord the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Overlord Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (China Propaganda Center) (Affects Overlord Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2%. Build Information Prerequisites: China Nuke Gen. War Factory and China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 22 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 C.c.7) Electro Counter Measure (ECM) Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information ECM Tank Vehicle Disabler (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 24 Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Beam Speed: immediate Duration: 210-640 ms Special Feature Information Missile Jammer Cooldown: 650 ms Inactive when disabling vehicles Requires 1000 ms to be active again after the Disabler has been inactive Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. War Factory, China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - When idle, unlike its Standard China ECM, this ECM will try to find an enemy nearby. C.c.8) Inferno Cannon Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 distance/sec Turn rate: 120 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Weapon Information Inferno Cannon Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 100 Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 15 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 300 Minimum Attack Range: 50 Cooldown: 4000 msec Projectile Speed: 250 dist/second Accuracy: unknown against vehicle, 30 max distances against infantry Creates Small Firefield (see Field Objects) Creates Firestorm (see Field Objects) after 6 shell hits Historic Bonus Time: 3000 Historic Bonus Radius: 20 Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Build Information Prerequisites: China Nuke Gen. War Factory and China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes: - What differentiates the Black Napalm unupgraded Inferno and Black Napalm upgraded Inferno is the firestorm and the small firefield object it creates. The upgraded Inferno incites stronger firestorm. - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy without order. C.c.9) Nuke Cannon Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 600 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 1000 exp to heroic 200 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 20; 18 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 80 Pack Time: 3333 Unpack Time: 3333 1] Nuke Cannon Gun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 400 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 20 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Cooldown: 10000 msec Accuracy: unknown against vehicles, 10 max dist. against infantry Leaves Radiation Field Medium 2] Nuke Cannon Neutron Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Radius: 10 Blast Radius: 70 (the radius in which all vehicles will be disabled) Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Cooldown: 10000 msec Accuracy: unknown against vehicles, 10 max dist. against infantry Special Feature Information 1] Leaves Radiation Field Small upon death 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Neutron Shells upgrade Nuke Cannon can choose what shell to fire, nuclear or Neutron shell. Nuclear shell is destructive while Neutron shell kills pilots of vehicles, leaving them vulnerable to seizure. 3] Ungarrison Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shell can be used to ungarrison the buildings below: a. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker) b. Bunker/Fortified Bunker c. Palace d. Tunnel Network e. Internet Center f. Fire Base All vehicles unlucky enough to stay in the Tunnel Network when a Neutron Shell comes to their way will be fried to death in the Tunnel Network. 4] Kill Pilot Working in the same way as Jarmen Kell's Kill Pilot, the Neutron Shell can get rid a driver from his/her vehicle, making it vulnerable to capture. Upgrade Information - Neutron Shell (Nuclear Missile): Enables the Nuke Cannon to launch a Neutron Shell which can kill vehicle's driver and ungarrison buildings. Build Information Prerequisites: China Nuke Gen. War Factory and China Nuke Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Needs to pack and unpack to shoot and move respectively. - Slot: 10 - Will not acquire enemy without order. C.c.10) Supply Truck Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 4 ($300) Supply Center Action Delay: 400 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1000 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Supply Trucks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Supply Center Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 2 C.c.11) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged Build Information Prerequisite: China Nuke Gen. Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build China Nuke Gen. buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Notes: - Slot: 5 D. China Tank General ---------------------------------- (a) China Tank General Aircraft ---------------------------------- D.a.1) MiG Health Information HP: 160; 200 HP with MiG Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 160 dist/sec Turn rate: 120 degrees per second;90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 110; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Napalm Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Primary Damage: 75 Primary Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40; 50 with Black Napalm Secondary Radius: 30 Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage; Explosion with Black Napalm Cooldown: 300 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 80 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds; 2000 ms with Black Napalm upgrade Homing missiles Missile detonation creates a Small Firefield. Creates a Firestorm after 8 missile hit. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% damage to all flame weapons - MiG Aircraft Armor (China Air Field): +25% MiG maximum health (+40 HP) Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 12 seconds Notes - A Black Napalm upgraded MiG will cast a stronger firestorm than an unupgraded one. Also, an upgraded MiG will reload quicker than an unupgraded one. - Returns to base after being idle for 10 seconds. D.a.2) Helix Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 200 Exp as Heroic 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Helix Minigun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 120 Missile Speed: immediate Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. Airfield Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 25 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following a. Battle Bunker Allows infantry inside to fire and gives them Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) b. Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Detects stealth units Detection Rate: 1500 msec Detection Range: 200 - Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) - Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) c. Propaganda Tower Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds 2] Napalm Bomb Drops a deadly napalm bomb on the ground below the chopper. Primary Damage: 75 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40 Secondary Damage Radius: 30 Damage Type: Explosion Bomb Speed: 10 dist/sec (slow, but sure:)) Range: 10 Creates a Firestorm Small Field; a Black Napalm Firestorm Small Field if Black Napalm is upgraded Recharge Time: 10000 ms Range: 3 Unpack Time: 500 ms Preparation Time: 100 ms (making a total of 600 ms delay before dropping bomb) 3] Transport Can transport infantry and most vehicles alike (except Nuke Cannon) Transport Slot: 5 100% damage to all units inside if destroyed (China Airways does not provide free parachutes....) Evacuation Delay per Unit: 100 ms Upgrade Information - Battle Bunker (Helix): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Helix): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Helix, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Helix): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Helix, giving the Helix the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Helix Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center) (Affects Helix Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2% (see Bonus Modifier). - Napalm Bomb (Helix): Enables Helix to drop a Napalm Bomb, incinerating the grounds. - Black Napalm (China War Factory): Increases the damage of the Napalm Bomb's fire. Notes - Can not land, except when being repaired at the Air Field or when loading passengers. D.a.3) China Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60 ; 30 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Cluster Mines, Battlemaster Tank Drop, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and EMP Pulse - Door open time: 500 ms - Drops delay for each Battlemaster Tank: 150 ms (Level 1); 80 ms (Lv 2 & 3) D.a.4) China Jet Carpet Bomber Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60 ; 30 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Carpet Bombs containing 10 bombs - Door open time: 500 ms - Delay between each bomb: 300 ms ---------------------------------- (b) China Tank General Infantry --------------------------------- D.b.1) Red Guard Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 40 Exp to Elite 10 Exp as Elite 80 Exp to Heroic 20 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 while badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Weapon Information Red Guard Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 100 Cooldown: 1000 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade Recharge Time: 15000 ms Range: 5 Unpack Time: 3000 ms Capture Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 4 Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus. - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Red Guard to capture most neutral/hostile buildings. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 375 Build Time: 12 seconds Note that it is not allowed to build only a single Red Guard. Red Guards will always be created in pair. Notes: - Slot: 1 D.b.2) Tank Hunter Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 experience as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 experience as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 experience as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite (500) Weapon Information Tank Hunter Missile Launcher (Anti Surface and Anti Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Attack Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 millisecond Missile Turning Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] TNT Charge Places a TNT Charge on hostile vehicles/buildings. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 5 Timer: 10000 ms Recharge Time: 7500 ms Escapes 100 distances after placing TNT Does not expire when the charger dies. Can not be attached to infantry or friendly units/buildings. Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus upgrade. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank General Barracks Cost: 375 Build Time: 7 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 D.b.3) Hacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 300 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 500 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Disable Building Recharging Time: 4000 ms Range: 150 Unpack Time: 7300 ms Preparation Tiime: 3000 ms Pack Time: 5133 ms Effect Duration: 2000 ms Exp. Gained: 0 Can't disable Defense Building 2] Hack Internet Cash Amount: $5 (as conscript), $6 (as veteran), $8 (as elite), $10 (as heroic) per 2 seconds (1.8 seconds if inside an Internet Center) Unpack Time: 7300 ms Randomly adds or substracts 20% to pack and unpack time. Pack Time: 5133 ms Exp. Gained: 1 Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. Barracks, China Tank Gen. Propaganda Center Cost: 780 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 D.b.4) Black Lotus Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Experience Information 150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Stealthed except when using ability 2] Crush Immunity 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 500 ms Unknown Detection Range 4] Capture Building Range: 150 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Pack Time: 2800 ms Experience Gained: 20 5] Disable Vehicle Range: 150 Unpack Time: 2000 ms Preparation Time: 2000 ms Pack Time: 1000 ms Effect Duration: 15000 ms Experience Gained: 0 6] Steal Cash Pack Time: 5800 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Range: 150 Cash Stolen: 1000 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Experience Gained: 20 Recharge Time: 2000 ms Build Information Prerequisites: China Tank General Barracks, Tank General Propaganda Center Cost: 1875 Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Limit: 1 - Slot: 1 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. ----------------------------------- (c) China Tank General Vehicles ---------------------------------- D.c.1) Battlemaster Health Information HP: 400 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran 300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite 600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; with Nuclear Tank upgrade: 35 dist/sec; 32 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 Weapon Information Battlemaster Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Damage: 60; 75 with Uranium Shells upgrade Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Attack Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 ms/sec Clip size: 3 (only when Auto Loader is researched) Cooldown: 500 ms (only when Auto Loader is researched) Reload Time: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Conditions: at least 5 Battlemaster Tanks march together Rub off Radius: 150 Update Time Rate: 1000 ms Group Radius: 75 2] Nuclear Explosion (Tank destroyed with Uranium Shells upgrade) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Small 3] Veterancy Level Always starts as veteran Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus Upgrade - Uranium Shell (Nuclear Missile): +25% Battlemaster Damage - Nuclear Tank (Nuclear Missile): +25% speed to Battlemaster - Auto Loader (Tank Gen. Propaganda Center): Battlemasters fires more shells before reloading, making it more destructive. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 12 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.2) Dragon Tank Health Information HP: 280 Armor: Dragon Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 Weapon Information Dragon Tank Flame Weapon (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 75; adds a minimum attack range: 10 if Black Napalm is researched (yeakh! what did those scientists do on this already weak tank?) Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 (total number of shots in a clip) Can empty garrisoned buildings Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage Special Feature Information 1] Firewall Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 25 Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Not homing Leaves Firewall Segment 2] Ungarrison Dragon Tank's Flame Weapon can be used to ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 3] Veterancy Level Always starts as veteran Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 700 Bld Time: 10 Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.3) Gattling Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 distance/sec Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Gattling Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 18.75 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Attack Range: 150 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (2 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (1000 shots) 2] Gattling Tank Anti Air Gun (Anti Air) Damage: 12; 15 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Attack Range: 350 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (3 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (2000 shots) Special Feature Information Veterancy Level Always starts as veteran Upgrade Information - Chain Guns (China War Factory): +25% to all Gattling Weapons Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Tends to attack air units first before ground units. - Slot: 3 D.c.4) Troop Crawler Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 175 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec Weapon Information Deploy Infantry Attack Range: 175 Special Feature Information 1] Transport Only capable of transporting infantry Can transport 8 infantry at maximum 10% damage to units inside when destroyed Units are evacuated with a delay of 250 milliseconds per unit. 2] Healing Transport 10% infantry regeneration inside 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 900 msec Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank General War Factory Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes: - Built with 8 Red Guards - Slot: 8 D.c.5) Listening Outpost Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40; dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Reveals Enemy Path 2] Detector Detection Rate: 900 ms Detection Range: 300 Can not detect stealth if garrisoned in a Tunnel Network or Transport 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloacks when moving or the passengers fire. 4] Battle and Healing Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Can accomodate at most 2 infantry. 10% infantry regeneration inside. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. Units are evacuated at a 250 ms delay per unit Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank General War Factory Build Cost: 950 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Built with 2 Tank Hunters inside. - Slot: 8 - Unlike its Standard China and Infantry General counterparts, this Listening Outpost will actively search for nearby enemy when idle. D.c.6) Emperor Overlord Health Information HP: 1100 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 exp to veteran 200 exp as conscript/veteran 600 exp to elite 400 exp as elite 1200 exp to heroic 600 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 30 with Nuclear Tank Upgrade Turn rate: 60 deg/sec Weapon Information Emperor Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Primary Damage: 80; 100 with Uranium Shells Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 20; 25 with Uranium Shells Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Attack Range: 175 Projectile Speed: 300/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicle, 10 max distance against infantry Cooldown: 300 msec 2 shoots per clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Special Feature Information 1] Propaganda Tower (automatically built) Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds 2] Can build Gattling Cannon on the Emperor a. Overlord Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 Detects stealth units with detection rate: 500 ms - Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) - Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) 3] Can crush vehicles 4] Nuclear Explosion (When a Nuclear Tank upgraded Emperor explodes) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Small 5] Veterancy Level Always starts as veteran Upgrade Information - Uranium Shells (Nuclear Missile): +25% Emperor/Battlemaster Main Gun Damage - Nuclear Tank (Nuclear Missile): +25% Emperor/Battlemaster Speed. Leaves a nuclear waste upon its death. - Gattling Cannon (Emperor Tank): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Emperor, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. - Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Emperor Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center) ): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2%. (Theoretically, it works, but when I tested it, it did not seem to heal quicker....) Build Information Prerequisites: China Tank Gen. War Factory and Tank Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 1900 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 D.c.7) Electro Counter Measure (ECM) Tank Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information ECM Tank Vehicle Disabler (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 24 Damage Type: Subdual Vehicle Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Beam Speed: immediate Duration: 210-640 ms Special Feature Information 1] Missile Jammer Cooldown: 650 ms Inactive when disabling vehicles Requires 1000 ms to be active again after the Disabler has been inactive 2] Veterancy Level Always starts as veteran Build Information Prerequisites: Tank Gen. War Factory and Tank Gen. Propaganda Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - When idle, unlike its Standard China ECM, this ECM will try to find an enemy nearby. D.c.8) Supply Truck Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 4 ($300) Supply Center Action Delay: 400 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1000 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Supply Trucks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank General Supply Center Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 2 D.c.9) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90 deg/sec; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build China Tank Gen. buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Detection Rate: 500 msec Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: China Tank General Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 5 E. Boss General --------------------------- (a) Boss General Aircraft --------------------------- E.a.1) MiG Health Information HP: 160; 200 HP with MiG Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 160 dist/sec Turn rate: 120 degrees per second;90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 110; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Napalm Missile (Anti Surface and Anti Air) Primary Damage: 75 Primary Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40; 50 with Black Napalm Secondary Radius: 30 Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage; Explosion with Black Napalm Cooldown: 300 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 80 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds; 2000 ms with Black Napalm upgrade Homing missiles Missile detonation creates a Small Firefield. Creates a Firestorm after 8 missile hit. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (Boss General War Factory): +25% damage to all flame weapons - MiG Aircraft Armor (Boss General Air Field): +25% MiG maximum health (+40 HP) Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Air Field Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - A Black Napalm upgraded MiG will cast a stronger firestorm than an unupgraded one. Also, an upgraded MiG will reload quicker than an unupgraded one. - Returns to base after being idle for 10 seconds. E.a.2) King Raptor Health Information HP: 160 Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 175 distances/sec; 120 when badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 120; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information King Raptor Jet Missile (Anti Surface and Anti Air) Damage: 125; 140 with Laser Guided Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Jet Missile Cooldown: 75 milliseconds Range: 350 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 1000 dist/sec Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 2000 milliseconds Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Point Defense Laser Target: Ballistic Missiles, Missiles Scan Rate: 10 Scan Range: 200 Damage: 100 Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic King Raptor is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran King Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Detector Scan Rate: 500 Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Airfield Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 20 seconds Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Boss Gen. Particle Cannon Uplink): King Raptor gains veterancy as twice as fast. ~ Laser Guided Missile (USA Air Field): Adds King Raptor's missile damage Notes - Returns to base after idle for 10000 ms E.a.3) Aurora Bomber Health Information HP: 80 Armor: Airplane Armor Countermeasure Airplane Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 200 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 400 Exp as Elite/Heroic 800 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information When attacking (Supersonic Mode): 480 dist/sec; 240 if badly damaged Turn Rate (Supersonic Mode): 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged 100 ms required to change from Supersonic Mode to Sluggish Mode (Returning for Ammo) 2000 ms required to remain untargetable When returning for reloading (Sluggish Mode): 150 dist/sec; 100 if badly damaged Turn Rate (Sluggish Mode): 90 degress/sec; 60 if badly damaged When moving (Normal Mode): 180 dist/sec; 120 if badly damaged Turn Rate (Normal Mode): 180 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged Weapon Information Aurora Bomb (Anti Surface) Damage: 400 Radius: 20 Damage Type: Aurora Bomb Range: 300 Missile Speed: 480 dist/sec Clip Size: 1 shot Clip Reload Time: 5000 milliseconds Not a homing missile Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Airfield Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 30 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Aurora Bomber is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Aurora Bomber will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Flare Prerequisite: Countermeasures upgrade When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 50% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Boss Gen. Particle Cannon Uplink): Aurora gains veterancy as twice as fast. ~ Countermeasure (USA Air Field): Installs a missile distraction system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Returns to base if idle for 10000 ms E.a.4) Helix Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 200 Exp as Heroic 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 75dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Helix Minigun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 120 Missile Speed: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following a. Battle Bunker Allows infantry inside to fire and gives them Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) b. Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Detects stealth units Detection Rate: 1500 msec Detection Range: 200 - Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) - Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 400 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) c. Propaganda Tower Enthusiam Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds 2] Napalm Bomb Drops a deadly napalm bomb on the ground below the chopper. Primary Damage: 75 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 40 Secondary Damage Radius: 30 Damage Type: Explosion Bomb Speed: 10 dist/sec (slow, but sure:)) Range: 10 Creates a Firestorm Small Field; a Black Napalm Firestorm Small Field if Black Napalm is upgraded Recharge Time: 10000 ms Range: 3 Unpack Time: 500 ms Preparation Time: 100 ms (making a total of 600 ms delay before dropping bomb) 3] Transport Can transport infantry and most vehicles alike (except Nuke Cannon) Transport Slot: 5 100% damage to all units inside if destroyed (China Airways does not provide free parachutes....) Evacuation Delay per Unit: 100 ms Upgrade Information - Battle Bunker (Helix): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Helix): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Helix, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Helix): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Helix, giving the Helix the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Helix can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (Boss Gen./China War Factory) (Affects Helix Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Boss Gen. Nuclear Missile) (Affects Helix Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2% (see Bonus Modifier). - Napalm Bomb (Helix): Enables Helix to drop a Napalm Bomb, incinerating the grounds. - Black Napalm (Boss Gen./China War Factory): Increases the damage of Helix's Napalm Bomb flame damage. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Airfield Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Can not land, except when being repaired at the Air Field or when loading passengers. E.a.5) Spectre Gunship Health Information HP: 600 Armor: Spectre Gunship Armor; Countermeasures Spectre Gunship Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Moving to the destination Speed: 290 distances/sec; 200 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patrolling an area Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patroling radius: 250 Patroling time: 15000 ms Weapon Information Spectre Howitzer Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 80 Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 777 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 518 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 389 msec (2000 shoots) Range: 2222 (but it can only shoot inside its patrolling radius) Missile Speed: 1111 distances/sec (immediate) Not a homing missiles Spectre Gunship Gattling Cannon Damage: 90 Range: 2222 (but it can only shoot inside its patrolling radius) Gattling shot area: 20 Damage Type: Gattling Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 100 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 50 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 25 msec (2000 shoots) Combination of both weapons have some modifiers Delay between each attempted shot of Howitzer: 300 ms Delay for Howitzer to shoot after Gattling Cannon shot: 400 ms Attack Area Radius: 200 Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 50% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information ~ Countermeasure (US Air Field): Installs a missile-distracting chaff system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Spectre Gunship General Power (Level 5) Notes E.a.6) China Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60 ; 30 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Cluster Mines and EMP Pulse - Door open time: 500 ms E.a.7) China Jet Carpet Bomber Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60 ; 30 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Carpet Bombs containing 10 bombs - Door open time: 500 ms - Delay between each bomb: 300 ms --------------------------- (b) Boss General Infantry --------------------------- E.b.1) Ranger Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 distances/sec; 10 if badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information 1] Advanced Combat Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 5 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Missile Speed: immediate Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds 2] Flash Bang Grenade Primary Damage: 25 Primary Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Radius: 40 Damage Type: Surrender Cooldown: 2000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 20 Missile Speed: 120 dist/sec Accuracy: 96% against unmoving target (may miss as much as 4 distance radius from the target) Empties garrisoned building Special Feature Information 1] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade Range: 5 Unpack Time: 3000 ms Capture Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Exp Gained: 15 2] Rifle/Flash Bang Options Prerequisite: Flash Bang Upgrade Switches weapon from Rifle to Flash Bang or vice versa. 3] Ungarrison Ranger's Flash Bang can be used to ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 4] Combat Drop Prerequisite: Chinook Drops Ranger by Chinook to occupy a garrisonable civilian building controlled by hostile units. All hostile units inside will be exterminated. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. See Chinook in USA Units section for more info. Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Ranger to capture most hostile buildings or tech buildings. - Flash Bang Grenade (Boss General Barracks): Allows Ranger to switch weapon from Rifle to Flash-Bang or vice versa. - Advanced Training (Boss Gen. Particle Cannon Uplink): Ranger gains veterancy as twice as fast. - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases Ranger defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Barracks Build Cost: 225 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 E.b.2) Tank Hunter Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 experience as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 experience as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 experience as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite (500) Weapon Information Tank Hunter Missile Launcher (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Attack Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 millisecond Missile Turning Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Horde Bonus Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together Rub Off Radius: 60 Update Time: 1000 ms Group Radius: 30 2] TNT Charge Places a TNT Charge on hostile vehicles/buildings. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 5 Timer: 10000 ms Recharge Time: 7500 ms Escapes 100 distances after placing TNT Does not expire when the charger dies. Can not be attached to infantry or friendly units/buildings. Upgrade Information - Nationalism (Boss Gen. Nuclear Missile): +25% Horde Bonus upgrade - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. ~ Patriotism (Inf. Gen. Propaganda Center): +25% Nationalism Bonus. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss Gen. Barracks Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 E.b.3) Angry Mob Health Information Members: 10; initially just 5, but will grow. HP (each member): 50 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 exp to veteran 5 as anything 450 exp to elite 900 exp to heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Movement Information Group Movement Speed: 18 dist/sec Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Person Movement Normal Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Wander Speed: 13; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Panic Speed: 32; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Weapon Information 1] Pistol (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Type: Molotov Coctail Range: 100 Projectile Speed: Immediate Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 250 msec 8 shots per clip Clip Reload Time: 3000 msec Replaced by AK 47 when Arm the Mob Upgrade is completed. 2] Rock (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 1 Damage Type: Molotov Coctail Range: 100 Projectile Speed: 130 dist/sec Cooldown: 500 Attack Preparation Time: 500 Replaced by AK 47 when Arm the Mob Upgrade is completed. 3] Molotov Coctail (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Primary Damage Radius: 11 Damage Type: Molotov Coctail Range: 100 Minimum Range: 12 Projectile Speed: 60 Cooldown: 500 msec Attack Preparation Time: 500 ms 4] AK 47 (Anti Surface) Prerequisite: Arm the Mob upgrade Damage: 20; 25 with Armor Piercing Bullets Upgrade Damage Type: Molotov Coctail Attack Range: 120 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 250 Special Feature Information Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 30 seconds (for 10 members) Upgrade Information - Arm the Mob (Boss Gen. SCUD Storm): Replaces the pistols and rocks used by Angry Mob with powerful AK 47s - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. ~ AP Bullets Upgrade (Black Market): Increases the attack damage of AK 47. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Barracks Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 Notes: - Untransportable and not allowed to enter Tunnel Network. E.b.4) Pathfinder Pathfinder Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suits Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 50 exp to veteran 40 exp as conscript/veteran 100 exp to elite 60 exp as elite 200 exp to heroic 80 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite) Weapon Information Pathfinder Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 100 Damage Type: Sniper Range: 300 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 2000 msec Can not attack vehicles or buildings. Special Feature Information 1] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect when in a garrison or transport or Tunnel Network 2] Stealth Decloaks when moving, still cloaks even when attacking and garrisoning Upgrade Information - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. - Advanced Training (Boss Gen. Particle Cannon Uplink): Pathfinder gains experience as twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisites: Boss General Barracks, Pathfinder General Power Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 E.b.5) Hacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 300 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 500 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 when badly hurt Turn rate: immediate Special Feature Information 1] Disable Building Recharging Time: 4000 ms Range: 150 Unpack Time: 7300 ms Preparation Tiime: 3000 ms Pack Time: 5133 ms Effect Duration: 2000 ms Exp. Gained: 0 Can't disable Defense Building 2] Hack Internet Cash Amount: $5 (as conscript), $6 (as veteran), $8 (as elite), $10 (as heroic) per 2 seconds (1.5 seconds if inside an Internet Center) Unpack Time: 7300 ms Randomly adds or substracts 20% to pack and unpack time. Pack Time: 5133 ms Exp. Gained: 1 Upgrade Information - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Barracks Cost: 625 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 E.b.6) Black Lotus Health Information HP: 150 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic 450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran 900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn rate: infinite Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Stealthed except when using ability 2] Crush Immunity 3] Detector Detects stealth units except when in garrison, Tunnel Network, and transport Detection Rate: 500 ms Unknown Detection Range 4] Capture Building Range: 150 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Pack Time: 2800 ms Experience Gained: 20 5] Disable Vehicle Range: 150 Unpack Time: 2000 ms Preparation Time: 2000 ms Pack Time: 1000 ms Effect Duration: 15000 ms Experience Gained: 0 6] Steal Cash Pack Time: 5800 ms Preparation Time: 6000 ms Range: 150 Cash Stolen: 1000 Unpack Time: 6730 ms Experience Gained: 20 Recharge Time: 2000 ms Upgrade Information - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: Boss General Barracks, Boss General Nuclear Missile Cost: 1500 Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Limit: 1 - Slot: 1 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. E.b.7) Jarmen Kell Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 (infinite) Weapon Information Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullets Upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Range: 225 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 1000 msec Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloacks when attacking. 2] Vehicle Snipe Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless. Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot Projectile Speed: Immediate Recharge Time: 30 seconds Upgrade Information - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. ~ AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Jarmen Kell's sniper rifle damage. Build Information Prerequisites: Boss General Barracks, Boss General SCUD Storm Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Limit: 1 E.b.8) Colonel Burton Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor; Chemical Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suit upgrade Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 300 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran/elite 600 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Walking Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Climbing Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Weapon Information Colonel Burton Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 125 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 100 msec Clip Size: 3 Clip Reload Time: 500 msec Special Feature Information 1] Climbing Colonel Burton can climb some cliffs. See Movement Information. 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloaks when firing or before planting C4s 3] Knife Attack Damage: 10000 Damage Type: Melee Range: 3 Reload Time: 1367 msec Pre Attack Delay: 833 ms (always delays attack for 833 ms before stabbing) 4] Timed Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after 20 seconds Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place Unpack Time: 5500 Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Timed C4s to Install: 10 Does not expire when Colonel Burton dies 5] Remote Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after detonated Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place Unpack Time: 5500 Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Remote C4s to Install: 8 Expires if Colonel Burton dies 6] Detonate Detonates all Remote Demo Charges Upgrade Information - Chemical Suits (Boss Gen. Barracks): Increases infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. - Advanced Training (Boss Gen. Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Colonel Burton's veterancy gathering by 100% Build Information Prerequisites: Boss General Barracks, Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Max. Limit: 1 E.b.9) RPG Trooper Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 (infinite) Weapon Information Tunnel Defender Rocket (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rocket upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Projectile Speed: 225 distance/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Accuracy: 100% against vehicle; may miss as much as 10 distances Homing missile Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Boss Gen. Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases the damage of RPG Trooper's missile Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Tunnel Network (come in pair after the completion of Tunnel Network) Build Cost: N/A Build Time: N/A Notes: - Slot: 1 E.b.10) Terrorist Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Experience Information 20 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Turn Rate: Infinite Weapon Information Suicide Dynamite Pack (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 5 Activated when crushed, splatted, lasered, burned, exploded. Special Feature Information Car Bomb Converts a civilian car into a car bomb. (See Boss General Vehicle session) Build Information Comes with Combat Cycle. Notes: - Slot: 1 - Don't force attack your Terrorist against empty area. He will die vainly. E.b.11) Pilot Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 10 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Eject Escapes from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. 2] Veterancy Inheritancy Inherits veterancy level of the destroyed vehicles. 3] Veterancy Deliverance Delivers or adds the veterancy level a pilot owns to the vehicle he boards. Vehicles to receive veterancy: All vehicles which can gain veterancy level except transport. Build Information - Built from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. Notes - Slot: 1 - When ejecting from the destroyed vehicle, a pilot remains unattackable for 2000 ms. - To deliver veterancy level to a Comanche, simply damage the Comanche and when it docks to the Airfield to repair, enter. - Guard your pilot so he won't land in water. He will die drowned. E.b.12) Worker HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Build Cost: Free/200 (only for GLA players with Cash Bounty General Power) Respawn Time: 20 seconds Prerequisite: Hole Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Speed: 25 in dist/sec; 30 with Worker Shoes upgrade Speed while badly hurt: 15 dist/sec; 20 with Worker Shoes upgrade Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Upgrade Information ~ Worker Shoes (Black Market): Increases Worker's walking speed Special Feature Information 1] Automatic Respawn Respawns from Boss General Hole after a certain time 2] Explosive Detection Detects US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines (he can disarm, but he is not allowed to do that in normal way). Detection Rate: 500 msec 3] Unselectable This Worker is authorized by his boss to build the destroyed building without any interference from the field commander:), though using a trick which can be read in other section in this FAQ, we can order this Worker to stop working. --------------------------- (c) Boss General Vehicles --------------------------- E.c.1) Paladin Health Information HP: 500; 600 with Composite Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Paladin Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 60 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 2000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to10 distances against infantry Special Feature Information 1] Point Defense Laser Paladin Tank is equipped with a Point Defense Laser to protect against missile and infantry attacks. Targets: ballistic missiles (SCUD launcher, Tomahawk), small missiles, infantry Damage: 100 Range: 65 Cooldown: 1000 ms Scan Rate: 500 Scan Range: 120 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Paladin Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Paladin Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Paladin Tank) - info on Drone Session - Scout Drone (Paladin Tank) - info on Drone Session - Hellfire Drone (Paladin Tank) - info on Drone Session - Advanced Training (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Paladin Tank gains veterancy as twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Paladin Tank's max. HP by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General War Factory, Paladin General Power (Level 1/2) Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 12 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 E.c.2) Gattling Tank Health Information HP: 300; 400 with Composite Armor upgrade Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Movement Information Speed: 40 distance/sec Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Gattling Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 18.75 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Attack Range: 150 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (2 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (1000 shots) 2] Gattling Tank Anti Air Gun (Anti Air) Damage: 12; 15 with Chain Guns Upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Attack Range: 350 Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: Immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (3 shots) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (2000 shots) Upgrade Information - Chain Guns (Boss General War Factory): +25% to all Gattling Weapons - Composite Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Gattling Tank's max. HP by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Tends to attack air units first before ground units. - Slot: 3 E.c.3) Dragon Tank Health Information HP: 280; 380 with Composite Armor upgrade Armor: Dragon Tank Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 deg/sec Weapon Information Dragon Tank Flame Weapon (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 120 Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 75; adds a minimum attack range: 10 if Black Napalm is researched (yeakh! what did those scientists do on this already weak tank?) Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 (total number of shots in a clip) Can empty garrisoned buildings Special Feature Information 1] Firewall Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Flame Attack Range: 25 Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Not homing Leaves Firewall Segment 2] Ungarrison Dragon Tank's Flame Weapon can be used to ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. Upgrade Information - Black Napalm (Boss Gen./China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage - Composite Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Dragon Tank's max. HP by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Bld Time: 10 Notes - Slot: 3 E.c.4) Avenger Health Information HP: 500; 600 with Composite Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/second; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Avenger Twin Laser Turret (Anti Air only) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Both turrets have the same statistics. The statistics below just describes one of them. To get the total damage an Avenger delivers to an air unit, just multiply the statistics below by 2. Damage: 10 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Laser Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Avenger Target Designator Gives Faerie Bonus (see Bonus Modifier). Range: 200 Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Avenger Twin Point Defense Laser The statistics below just describes the statistics of one Point Defense Laser because they contain same values. Target: Ballistic Missile, Small Missile Scan Range: 200 Damage: 100 Range: 100 Laser Speed: immediate Cooldown: 500 ms 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Avenger is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Avenger will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Can build one of the following - Battle Drone (see Drone section) - Scout Drone (see Drone section) - Hellfire Drone (see Drone section) Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Scout Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Hellfire Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Advanced Training (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Avenger gains veterancy 100% faster. - Composite Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Avenger's max HP increases by 100 Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General War Factory Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Can not manually attack air units. E.c.5) Overlord Health Information HP: 1100; 1200 with Composite Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 400 Exp to Veteran 200 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 600 Exp to Elite 400 Exp as Elite 1200 Exp to Heroic 600 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 30 with Nuclear Tank upgrade Turn rate: 60 degrees per second Weapon Information Overlord Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 80; 100 Depleted Uranium Shell upgrade Primary Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 20; 25 with Depleted Uranium Shell upgrade Secondary Radius: 10 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 300 milliseconds Range: 175 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 10 distances vs infantry Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 2000 milliseconds Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following a. Battle Bunker Allows up to 5 infantry to fire from inside Bunker, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) 50% damage to units inside when destroyed. b. Gattling Cannon Turret Turn Rate: 60 Detects stealth Stealth Detection Rate: 500 ms Stealth Detection Range: 200 - Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Gun upgrade Range: 225 Damage Type: Gattling Projectile Speed: immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) Accuracy: 100% - Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Gun upgrade Range: 400 Damage Type: Gattling Projectile Speed: immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) Accuracy: 100% c. Propaganda Tower Provides Enthusiasm Bonus to nearby units (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Cooldown: 2000 ms 2] Vehicle Crusher Overlord can crush hostile vehicles 3] Nuclear Explosion (when a Nuclear Tank upgraded Overlord explodes) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Radiation Field Small (see Field Object) Upgrade Information - Uranium Shells (Boss Gen./China Nuclear Missile): +25% Overlord/Battlemaster Main Gun Damage - Nuclear Tank (Boss Gen./China Nuclear Missile): +25% Overlord/Battlemaster Speed. Leaves a nuclear waste upon its death. - Battle Bunker (Overlord Tank): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from inside Bunker. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Gattling Cannon (Overlord Tank): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Overlord, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Propaganda Tower (Overlord Tank): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the Overlord, giving the Overlord the ability to heal and increase the fire rate of the nearby units. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower. - Chaingun Upgrade (Boss Gen./China War Factory) (Affects Overlord Gattling Cannon only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons. - Subliminal Messaging (Boss Gen. Nuclear Missile) (Affects Overlord Propaganda Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1% to 2%. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General War Factory Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 E.c.5) Tomahawk Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Tomahawk Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Missile Preparation Time: 250 ms (Delays missile launch for 0.25 second for preparation) Primary Damage: 150 Primary Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 1 millisecond Range: 350 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 200 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 20 distances against infantry Clip Size: 1 shots Clip Reload Time: 7000 milliseconds Fuel Lifetime: 4000 ms Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Can build one of the following Battle Drone (Tomahawk): see Drone section Scout Drone (Tomahawk): see Drone section Hellfire Drone (Tomahawk): see Drone section 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Tomahawk is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Tomahawk will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Tomahawk): see Drone section - Scout Drone (Tomahawk): see Drone section - Hellfire Drone (Tomahawk): see Drone section - Advanced Training (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Tomahawk's experience gathering by 100% Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General War Factory Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. E.c.6) Combat Cycle Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information With Terrorist as its rider Normal (on Ground) Speed: 90 distances/sec; 68 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second Climbing Speed: 60 dist/sec; 45 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec With other infantry as its rider Normal (on Ground) and Climbing Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Combat cycle weaponry depends on its rider. For Boss General, the default driver is Terrorist. 1> Suicide Bike Bomb (Anti Surface) Rider: Terrorist Primary Damage: 700 Primary Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 2> Rebel Biker Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Rider: Rebel Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 7000 milliseconds 3> RPG Trooper Biker Rocket (Anti Surface and Air) Rider: RPG Trooper Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rocket upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Homing missile 4> Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Rider: Jarmen Kell Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 750 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Scavenge Claim Combat Cycle, although incapable of reinforced its weapon or armor with the scavenge of the destroyed vehicle, can take the money from it. 2] Change Rider Combat Cycle can change its rider for multiple purposes. When it is riderless, unfortunately, it falls to the ground and is destroyed (I bet it is neither made in Japan, China, Taiwan, Europe, and US as it is not equipped with a kickstand). Infantry that are allowed to ride Boss General Combat Cycle a. Boss General/Standard GLA Terrorist b. Boss General/Standard GLA RPG Trooper c. Boss General/Standard GLA Jarmen Kell d. Standard GLA Rebel e. Standard GLA Saboteur f. Standard GLA Hijacker g. Standard GLA Worker Exit Delay: 250 ms 3] Kills Rider when Destroyed (Woah.... No explanation, already clear....) 4] Climbing Unlike other vehicles, Combat Cycle can move on the cliff area. See Movement Information 5] Vehicle Snipe (Jarmen Kell-rid only) Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless. Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot Projectile Speed: Immediate Recharge Time: 30 seconds 6] Rider's Stealth The Combat Cycle becomes stealth if the rider is a stealth unit 7] Can not crush infantry 8] Auto Repair Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Boss General SCUD Storm): (For RPG Trooper Combat Cycle only): Increases rocket attack damage. ~ AP Bullet (Black Market): (For Rebel and Jarmen Kell Combat Cycle only): Increases Rebel's and Jarmen Kell's attack damage. ~ Junk Repair (Black Market): Combat Cycle brings spareparts from machine shops so its rider can repair it in case of emergency:). Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General War Factory Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 8 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. E.c.7) Rocket Buggy Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 distances/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; while badly damaged Weapon Information Buggy Rocket (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec Primary Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Minimum Range: 50 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; up to 20 dist against infantry Clip Size: 6 shots; 12 shots with Buggy Ammo upgrade Clip Reload Time: 6000 milliseconds Auto Reload: 6100 ms (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip) Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Scavenge Claim Rocket Buggy, although incapable of reinforced its weapon or armor with the scavenge of the destroyed vehicle, can take the money from it. 2] Auto Repair Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Repair Delay: 1000 ms (after the last punishment is received). Upgrade Information - Buggy Ammo (Boss General SCUD Storm): Increases Rocket Buggy Ammo Storage by 100% - AP Rocket (Boss General SCUD Storm): Increases Buggy Rocket damage. ~ Junk Repair (Black Market): Rocket Buggy auto-repairs. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 E.c.8) Sentry Drone Health Information HP: 300 Armor: HumveeArmor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 60 distances/sec; 50 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Sentry Drone Gun (Anti Surface) Prerequisite: Sentry Drone Gun upgrade Turret Turn Rate: 180 Pack Time: 1000 ms Damage: 8 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Unpack Time: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Can not crush infantry 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 ms Decloaks when firing or moving 3] Detector Scan Rate: 900 ms Upgrade Information - Sentry Drone Gun (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Equips Sentry Drone with a mini machine gun. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 E.c.9) Car Bomb Car bomb health, vision, etc depend on the car hijacked by the terrorist, but usually all cars have the statistics below. Refer to Civilian Units for more detailed information. Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Vision Information Vision Range: varies Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Suicide Car Bomb (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 700 Primary Damage Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 Build Information Prerequisites: Terrorist and a civilian car Notes: - Slot: 3 E.c.10) Supply Truck Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 4 ($300) Supply Center Action Delay: 400 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1000 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Supply Trucks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Supply Center Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 2 E.c.11) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build Boss General buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: Boss General Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 5 --------------------------- (d) Boss General Drones --------------------------- E.d.1) Battle Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 10 Exp Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged; 140 when repairing Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 500 deg/sec when repairing and 400 when in repair mode but it itself is badly damaged. Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Battle Drone Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec Damage: 1 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 110 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information Repairs Master Vehicle Repairs Master vehicle if master vehicle is idle or possesses HP below 60%. Repair Rate: 5 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Adds Drone HP by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Paladin Tank; Avenger; Tomahawk Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. E.d.2) Scout Drone Health Information Health: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving. Special Feature Information Detector Detection Rate: 500 Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Scout Drone maximum HP by 50 Build Information Prerequisite: Paladin Tank; Avenger; Tomahawk Build Cost: 100 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. E.d.3) Hellfire Drone Health Information Health: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving. Weapon Information Hellfire Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec Damage: 40 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Accuracy: 100% against vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist again inf. Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Cooldown: 1000 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Homing missile Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink): Increases Hellfire Drone maximum HP by 50 Build Information Prerequisite: Paladin Tank; Avenger; Tomahawk Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. ========================= 4 China Building Information ========================= Most China Buildings are capable of equipped themselves with stealthy and slowly-regenerating Land Mines, which can be upgraded to EMP Mines later. There are common differences among the buildings used by various generals, i.e.: - All generals have their buildings to build their own units. For example, a Standard China War Factory can not build Infantry General vehicles. (S)he must capture an Infantry General War Factory to build, say, an Assault Troop Crawler. So an Infantry General player, after capturing a Standard China player's Barracks, can not expect to be able to build a Mini Gunner or a newly-built veteran Tank Hunter from the once captured Barracks. Refer to sessions on units above for reference if required. - The same rule may also apply for upgrade. Some upgrades are unique and can not be researched from other generals' buildings of the same kind (Patriotism, for example, can not be researched from Nuke General Propaganda Center). However, if the upgrade is a common upgrade, it can be researched from other generals' buildings of the same kind and used by units of other generals which share the same upgrades (Chain Gun can be researched by an Infantry General player from a captured Tank General War Factory, for example, and used for his/her Mini Gunner). There are, of course, some tricks regarding upgrades from different generals which can be read in other sections of this FAQ. - Buildings of the same kind from two different generals can not interchange functions as requirements for buildings of the next hierarchy. A Tank General Nuclear Reactor can not be used to build a Standard China Supply Center. To build a Standard China Supply Center, a Standard China Nuclear Reactor is required. In this section, there is a Modification for Each China General section. This section only contains differences not mentioned above. For example, Standard China Barracks and Infantry General Barracks have different HPs. However, this section will not mention that the difference between a Standard China War Factory and Infantry General War Factory is Infantry General War Factory cannot produce Battlemasters, Overlord, etc. It is something that has already been mentioned above. ------------------------- ! 1) Standard Buildings ! ------------------------- a) Command Center Prerequisite: China Dozer Experience Value: 200 Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 HP: 5000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Special Feature Information 1] Radar Builds a Radar on the Command Center, enabling player to get the minimap on line (see China Upgrades). 2] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects) 3] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: Logo - Nuke General: Logo - Tank General: Logo - Boss General: none Notes: - Dozer Production Facility - Door Opening Time: 3000 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms - Required to activate some China General Powers (see General Powers) b) Nuclear Reactor Prerequisite: China Dozer Power: +10; 15 if Overcharged Cost: 1000 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Overcharge Adds +5 power but suffers from 3% max HP loss per second (-45 HP per sec) 2] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 3] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 4] Nuclear Explosion (when exploded) Primary Damage: 400 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Medium (see Field Objects) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: uses Advanced Nuclear Reactor (see Unique Buildings) - Tank General: none - Boss General: uses Cold Fusion Reactor (see Unique Buildings) Notes: - Power production facility c) Barracks Prerequisite: none Experience Value: 100 Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information 1] Infantry Healing May heal at most 10 infantry at the same time May heal allied infantry, but not neutral or hostile Requires 2000 ms to fully heal a soldier 2] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 3] EMP Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General HP: 1200 - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Notes: - China main building for infantry training - Exit Delay: 300 ms d) Supply Center Prerequisite: China Nuclear Reactor Power: -1 Build Cost: 1500 Selling Refund: 450 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 2] EMP Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: none Notes: - China supply collection and processing facility - Comes with a Supply Truck. - Can not be build too near to supplies. - Can receive supplies harvested by Workers or Chinooks. e) Bunker Prerequisite: China Barracks Experience Value: 20 Build Cost: 400 Build Time: 5 Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information 1] Garrison Can accommodate up to 5 infantry inside. Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can not be ungarrisoned except by a Bunker Buster-upgraded Stealth Fighter or Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shells. 2] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 3] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: uses Fortified Bunker (see Unique Buildings) - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: none Notes: - China garrisonable defense building - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers f) Gattling Cannon Prerequisite: Nuclear Reactor Power: -3 Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 25 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Experience Value: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Base Defense Armor Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec 1] Gattling Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Gun upgrade Damage Type: Gattling Accuracy: 100% Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) 2] Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air) Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Gun upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Accuracy: 100% Range: 400 Projectile Speed: immediate Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots) Can shoot down incoming ballistic missiles (Tomahawks & SCUD Launcher missiles) Special Feature Information 1] Detector Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200 2] Empowered Automatically disabled if power is low 3] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 4] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Upgrade Information - Chain Gun (China War Factory): Increases gattling weapon damage by 25% Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: Prerequisite: Boss General Barracks Notes: - China powerful anti air and infantry turret - Tends to use its anti air defense first - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers g) War Factory Prerequisite: China Supply Center Power: -1 Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 15 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 200 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Repairs Vehicles Can repair allied vehicles Repairing Time: 5000 ms/unit 2] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 3] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: none Notes: - Primary requirement for China vehicles - Door Opening Time: 4000 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 2000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms h) Air Field Prerequisite: China Supply Center Power: -1 Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 30 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 150 Special Feature Information 1] Repairs Aircraft/Chopper Can repair allied aircraft/chopper Repairing Time: 10 HP/second 2] Parks and Reloads Aircraft Parks up to 4 aircraft Can park allied aircraft (This usually occurs when you have empty hangars and at the same time your allied Air Field is destroyed or captured while his/her aircraft are not parked in the Air Field. Consequently, you can not build aircraft when there is no empty hangar.) 3] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 4] EMP Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: none Notes: - Prerequisite building for China aircraft and choppers - If captured, all airplanes parking there are automatically changing owner - Door Opening Time: 2000 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1000 ms i) Internet Center Prerequisite: China War Factory Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 30 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 2500 Armor: Structure Armor Internet Center Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Houses Hacker An Internet Center is a safe haven for Hackers to hack money for the middle Kingdom. They hack a little faster (see Hacker) and are protected from attack. Total no. of Hacker to be housed: 8 Healing Rate: 10%/second 50% damage to units inside when destroyed Exit Dealy: 500 ms 2] Satellite Hack China can hack enemy satellite for her own advantage, locating where the enemy Command Center only or revealing the movements of all enemies for some periods of time. a. Satellite Hack I When this ability is selected, China player can locate where the enemy Command Center for an unlimited time. b. Satellite Hack II Prerequisite: Satellite Hack I A further hacking action will display the enemy positions and only the Command Centers in turn. Reveals enemy position for 25 seconds (it should be 20 seconds, but my tests always resulted 25 seconds) Limits hacking on Command Centers only for 4 minutes after the period of displaying all enemy positions has ended. After this 4 minute period, the Internet Center will reveal the dispositions of all enemies again for 25 seconds. See tip and trick to learn an inconventional use of it. 3] Mines a. Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) b. EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: Does not own any Internet Center Notes: - China hacking center and hacker facility - Maximum no. to Build 1 - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers j) Propaganda Center Prerequisite: China War Factory Power: -2 Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 2] EMP Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: Does not own a Propaganda Center. She uses both War Factory and Air Field as requirements for Superweapons and Superweapons to build heroes, depending on the Superweapons of the warring factions (Colonel Burton needs a Particle Cannon Uplink, Black Lotus a Nuclear Missile, Jarmen Kell a SCUD Storm). Note: - China technology threshold building k) Speaker Tower Prerequisite: China Propaganda Center Power: -1 Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 300 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 50 Special Feature Information 1] Enthusiasm (see Bonus Modifier) Radius: 150 Cooldown: 2000 ms 2] Detector It is due to its Enthusiasm 3] Empowered Goes offline if there is not enough power Upgrade Information - Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center): Gives additional bonus to Enthusiasm (see China Upgrades and Bonus Modifier) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: none - Tank General: none - Boss General: Prerequisite: Boss General Air Field Note - China passive base defense. Used to spread inspiring words, increasing fire rates and healing rates of allied/ friendly units l) Nuclear Missile Prerequisite: Propaganda Center Power: -10 Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Revealing Range (to all other players): 60 HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Experience Value: 400 Special Feature Information 1] Neutron (or just say, Nuclear) Missile Launches a destructive nuclear missile to the selected target Recharging Time: 6 minutes View Object Duration: 40000 ms View Object Range: 250 Explosion Delay after the Missile Hit: 1180 ms Damage: 300-3500 Full Damage Radius: 60 Partial Damage Radius: 210 Leaves Nuke Radiation Field (see Field Objects) 2] Empowered Goes offline without enough power 3] Nuclear Explosion Explodes when destroyed Primary Damage: 400 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Radiation Field Medium (see Field Objects) 4] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 5] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Modification for Each China General - Infantry General: none - Nuke General: Build Cost: 4500 - Tank General: none - Boss General: Prerequisites: China Boss General War Factory AND China Boss General Air Field Notes: - China nuclear missile facility - Door Open Time: 8000 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 2000 ms ----------------------- ! 2) Unique Buildings ! ----------------------- a) Advanced Nuclear Reactor Owner: China Nuke General Prerequisite: China Nuke General Construction Dozer Power: +18; 27 if Overcharged Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Overcharge Adds +9 power but suffers from 3% max HP loss per second (-45 HP per sec) 2] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 3] EMP Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 4] Nuclear Explosion (when exploded) Primary Damage: 400 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 100 Leaves Radiation Field Medium (see Field Objects) Notes: - Power production facility b) Fortified Bunker Owner: China Infantry General Prerequisite: China Infantry General Barracks Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 8 seconds Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Experience Value: 20 Special Feature Information 1] Garrison Can accommodate up to 10 infantry inside. Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can not be ungarrisoned except by a Bunker Buster-upgraded Stealth Fighter 2] Land Mines Automatically builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 3] EMP Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Notes: - Advanced version of China Bunker - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlike the two buildings discussed above, which are the modified versions of China buildings, these buildings below are "imported" from Standard USA and Standard GLA. Let's start with the "USA-imported- quality buildings" first. c) Cold Fusion Reactor Prerequisite: China Boss General Command Center Power: +5; 10 with Control Rods upgrade Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 800 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Control Rods Increases the energy output capacity of the Cold Fusion Reactor by 100%, making a total of 10. Cost: 800 2] Guard Ranger Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction 3] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 4] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 5] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Note: - Power production facility d) Patriot Missile Battery Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: China Boss General Barracks Power: -3 Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 25 seconds Vison/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 HP: 1000 Armor: Base Defense Armor Experience Value: 200 Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second 1] Patriot Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 225 Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 4 Reload Time: 2000 ms Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. vs infantry Homing Missile 2] Patriot Missile (Anti Air) Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 4 Reload Time: 2000 ms Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. vs infantry Homing Missile Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Assistance A Patriot may request assistance from nearby Patriot when shooting an enemy. Assistance Request Range: 200 Weapons used for assistance: Patriot Missile Assist Weapon (Anti Air and Anti Surface) Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 4 Reload Time: 2000 ms Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. vs infantry Homing Missile Can shoot down ballistics missiles 2] Detector Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200 dist 3] Guard Ranger Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction 4] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 5] Empowered Goes offline when not sufficiently powered 6] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 7] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Notes: - Anti aircraft and vehicle turret - Tends to target ballistic missiles rather than aircraft - Can not be captured - Undisableable by Hacker e) Particle Cannon Uplink Owner: China Boss General Prerequisites: Boss General War Factory, Boss General Air Field Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 seconds Power: -10 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Revealing Range (to all other players): 60 HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Experience Value: 400 Special Feature Information 1] Fire Particle Cannon Recharge Time: 4 minutes Firing Delay: 2500 ms Total Firing Time (How long the laser hits before fading): 10 seconds Damage per second: 400 Damage Type: Particle Beam Beam Speed: 20 dist/sec; can be sped up to 40 with a delay of 500 ms Beam Width: 26 (Total damage radius is 26x3.4=88.4) Particle Cannon Beam Trail Remnant The trail left behind creates an object that inflicts extra damage for a short period of time. Damage: 15 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Particle Beam Cooldown: 250 ms Duration: 4000 ms Immobile 2] Guard Ranger Creates 6 Rangers upon destruction 3] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 4] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 5] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 6] Empowered Goes offline without power. Notes: - Beam weapon activator --------------------------------------------------------------------- China Boss General also has four modified GLA buildings under her disposal. f) Tunnel Network Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: China Boss General Barracks Build Cost: 800 Refund: 100 Build Time: 5 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Weapon Information Tunnel Network Gun (Anti Surface) Turret turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Damage: 10 Range: 175 Cooldown: 250 ms Damage Type: Small Arms Projectile Speed: immediate Special Feature Information 1] RPG Trooper Conscription Gives 2 FREE (er... not really free. Just see the refund if you sell it) RPG Troopers upon completion 2] Underground Hideout Enables up to 10 units to hide underground 3] Undergroud Network Transports units immediately between two tunnels 4] Heals and Repairs Max units inside to heal/repair: 10 Healing/Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds 5] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 150 6] Underground Hole Creates a Hole upon destruction (see GLA Hole) 7] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 8] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Notes: - Underground tunnel equipped with small machine gun outside and healing/ repairing facility inside - Immune to capture - Undisableable by Hacker g) SCUD Storm Owner: China Boss General Prerequisites: Boss General War Factory, Boss General Air Field Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Revealing Range (to all other players): 60 HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Experience Value: 400 Special Feature Information 1] Fires SCUD Storm Launches 9 lethal SCUD Missiles to the targetted area Recharge Time: 5 minutes Missile Erection Time: 3000 ms Delay between Launch: 100 - 1000 ms SCUD Storm Missile (1 missile) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 150; 200 with Anthrax Beta upgrade Secondary Radius: 200 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Large 2] Creates Poison Field Medium when destroyed 3] Underground Hole Creates a Hole upon destruction (see GLA Hole) 4] Land Mines Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) 5] EMP Mines Prerequisite: Land Mines Upgrades the existing Land Mines to EMP Mines (see Field Objects and China Upgrades) Notes: - Readies 9 SCUD missiles and launched them when ready h) GLA Hole Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: created from destroyed Tunnel Network or SCUD Storm Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 50 HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information 1] Worker Respawn Repaswns a Worker that will build the destroyed buiding. Worker Respawn Time: 20 seconds 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.5% of maximum HP per second Notes: - Hiding facility for Worker responsible to rebuild the destroyed building - Holes are a victory-conditioned building, meaning if all buildings are destroyed save one hole, no victory will be claimed. - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hacker. i) Sneak Attack Tunnel Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Sneak Attack General Power, Boss General (or GLA) Command Center Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Build Time: 5000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Tunnel Explosion If the Sneak Attack Tunnel is destroyed when it is still in progress, it explodes, releasing a small amount of damage and shockwave Small Explosion Delay: 10 ms Damage: 10 Damage Radius: 35 Damage Type: Melee Shockwave Damage: 10 Shockwave Radius: 10 Shockwave Damage at the Center of Explosion: 5 Big Explosion Delay: 1000 ms and 2500 ms (occurs twice) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Melee Shockwave Damage: 50 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Damage at the Center of Explosion: 25 2] Underground Hideout Enables up to 10 units to hide underground 3] Undergroud Network Transports units immediately between two tunnels 4] Heals and Repairs Max units inside to heal/repair: 10 Healing/Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds 5] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 150 Notes: - Immune to capture - Undisableable by Hacker China Boss General Building Hierarchy Here I draw a tree diagram on Boss General Building Hierarchy because her building tech tree is rather different from other three generals. Not quite good, but hopefully it can help you. Command Center | Cold Fusion Reactor Barracks | -------------------------- | | | | Supply Center Gattling Cannon Patriot Tunnel Network | | -------------------- Hole | | (rebuilds the Tunnel Network) War Factory Air Field | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------ | | | SCUD Storm Nuclear Missile Particle Cannon | Hole (rebuilds the SCUD Storm) ==================== 5 China Upgrade Information ==================== 1) Land Mines Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: all China buildings except Speaker Tower and Infantry General Fortified Bunker, which already comes with Land Mines Build Time: 20 seconds Build Cost: 600 Builds a field of stealthy mine around the buildings, making it difficult to get close into the buildings without being harmed. Refer to Field Objects for details. 2) EMP Mines Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: all China General buildings capable of building Land Mines Build Time: 25 seconds Build Cost: 500 Upgrades the stealthy Land Mines into stealthy EMP Mines, which kill incoming hostile infantry and also the drivers of the hostile vehicles unlucky enough to walk on the mines. Refer to Field Objects for details. 3) Radar Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: China Command Center Build Time: 20 seconds Build Cost: 500 Builds a radar tower in the China Command Center, enabling the minimap 4) Capture Building Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: Barracks Affected Units: Red Guard, Mini Gunner, Ranger (and Rebel) Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Enables Red Guard, Mini Gunner, and Ranger to capture most hostile and tech buildings. 5) Black Napalm Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: China War Factory Affected Units: Dragon Tank, Inferno Cannon, Helix, and MiG (except Nuke General Helix and MiG) Research Time: 45 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Increases the damage of all flame weapons. 6) Chain Gun Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: China War Factory Affected Units: Gattling Cannon, Gattling Tank, Helix Gattling Cannon, Overlord Gattling Cannon, Emperor Gattling Cannon, Mini Gunner Research Time: 45 seconds Research Cost: 1500 Increases the damage of all Gattling weapons by 25% 7) MiG Armor Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: China Air Field Affected Unit: MiG Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Increases the HP of MiG by 25% (+40), making MiG's total HP become 200 8) Satellite Hack 1 Owner: all China Generals except China Boss General Prerequisite: Internet Center Research Time: 20 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Reveals the position of all enemy Command Centers. 9) Satellite Hack 2 Owner: all China Generals except China Boss General Prerequisite: Internet Center having researched Satellite Hack 1 Research Time: 20 seconds Research Cost: 2500 Transmits data from enemy satellite every 4 minutes, revealing the enemy positions for 25 seconds. 10) Nationalism Owner: all China Generals except Infantry General Infantry General receives free Nationalism upgrade from the start China Infantry General receives this upgrades for free from the beginning Prerequisite: Propaganda Center; Nuclear Missile for Boss General Affected Units: Red Guard, Tank Hunter, Battlemaster Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 25% Bonus to Horde Bonus 11) Patriotism Owner: China Infantry General Prerequisite: Infantry General Propaganda Center Affected Units: Red Guard, Tank Hunter, Battlemaster Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 25% Bonus to Nationalism 12) Subliminal Messaging Owner: all China Generals Prerequisite: Propaganda Center; Nuclear Missile for Boss General Affected Units/Buildings: Speaker Tower, Overlord Propaganda Tower, Helix Propaganda Tower; Assault Troop Crawler, Attack Outpost, Emperor Overlord (Emperor is theoretically receiving bonus, but when tested, it is not, especially the healing rate) Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 500 Increases the effect of Enthusiasm and Healing Rate (see Bonus Modifer) 13) Auto Loader Owner: China Tank General Prerequisite: Tank Gen. Propaganda Center Affected Unit: Tank General Battlemaster Tank Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2500 Battlemaster Tanks fire 3 shells before reloading. Without this upgrade, Battlemaster will only fire 1 shell before reloading. 14) Isotope Stability Owner: China Nuke General Prerequisite: Nuke General Propaganda Center Affected Units: Nuke General Battlemaster and Overlord Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Stabilizes the Nuke Battlemaster and Overlord nuclear reactors so they will not explode when the tanks are destroyed. 15) Uranium Shells Owner: all China Generals except Nuke General Prerequisite: Nuclear Missile Affected Units: Battlemaster Tank, Overlord, Emperor Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2500 Increases the damage of Battlemaster Tank, Overlord, and Emperor main gun by 25% 16) Nuclear Tank Owner: all China Generals except Nuke General Prerequisite: Nuclear Missile Affected Units: Battlemaster Tank, Overlord, Emperor Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Increases the speed of Battlemaster Tank, Overlord, and Emperor by 25%. Its drawback, aside from expensive and time-wasting cost, is when a Battlemaster, Overlord, or Emperor explodes, it damages nearby units and leaves Radiation Field Small (see Field Object). 17) Neutron Shells Owner: all China Generals except Tank General Prerequisite: Nuclear Missile Affected Unit: Nuke Cannon Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2500 Enables the Nuke Cannon to launch neutron shells which kill personnels in garrison and vehicles. 18) Tactical Nuke Owner: China Nuke General Prerequisite: China Nuke General Nuclear Missile Affected Unit: Nuke General MiG Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Increases the damage of the Nuke General MiGs 19) Napalm Bomb Owner: all China Generals except Nuke General Prerequisite: Unupgraded Helix, including Assault Helix Affected Unit: Respective Helix, including Assault Helix Research Time: 20 seconds Research Cost: 800 Loads Napalm Bombs into the Helix so it can drop fiery Napalm Bombs to the target below. 20) Nuclear Bomb Owner: China Nuke General Prerequisite: Unupgraded Nuke General Helix Prerequisite: Respective Nuke General Helix Research Time: 20 seconds Research Cost: 800 Arms the Helix with a destructive Nuclear Bomb. 21) Helix Battle Bunker Owner: all China Generals except Infantry Generals Prerequisite: Unupgraded Helix Affected Unit: Respective Helix Research Time: 15 seconds Research Cost: 400 Builds a battle bunker on the Helix so Helix can allow iinfantry inside to fire. Infantry will gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) 22) Helix Gattling Cannon Owner: all China Generals except Infantry Generals Prerequisite: Unupgraded Helix Affected Unit: Respective Helix Research Time: 20 seconds Research Cost: 1200 Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Helix. The Gattling Cannon is deadly to air units and infantry. 23) Helix Propaganda Tower Owner: all China Generals except Infantry Generals Prerequisite: Unupgraded Helix Affected Unit: Respective Helix Research Time: 10 seconds Research Cost: 500 Equips Helix with a Speaker Tower, which heals friendly and allied units nearby and increases their fire rate. 24) Overlord Battle Bunker Owner: all China Generals except Infantry General and Tank General Prerequisite: Unupgraded Overlord Affected Unit: Respective Overlord Research Time: 15 seconds Research Cost: 400 Builds a battle bunker on the Overlord so Overlord can load up to 5 infantry. Battle Bunker allows infantry inside to fire from within. When an Overlord Battle Bunker is destroyed, all infantry within get hurt as many as 50% of their maximum HP. 25) Overlord/Emperor Gattling Cannon Owner: all China Generals except Infantry General Prerequisite: Unupgraded Overlord/Emperor Affected Unit: Respective Overlord/Emperor Research Time: 20 seconds Research Cost: 1200 Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Overlord/Emperor, enabling it to attack air units and becoming more deadly to infantry. 26) Overlord Propaganda Tower Owner: all China Generals except Infantry General and Tank General Prerequisite: Unupgraded Overlord Affected Unit: Respective Overlord Research Time: 10 seconds Research Cost: 500 Equips Overlord with a Speaker Tower, which heals friendly and allied units nearby and increases their fire rate. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27) (USA) Control Rods Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Unupgraded Boss General Cold Fusion Reactor Affected Building: Respective Boss General Cold Fusion Reactor Build Time: 30 seconds Build Cost: 500 Activates the Control Rods to generate 100% more power from the Reactor. 28) (USA) Chemical Suits Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Boss General Barracks Affected Units: Boss General Ranger, Tank Hunter, Hacker, Angry Mob, Pathfinder, Black Lotus, Colonel Burton, Jarmen Kell Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Increases infantry defense against poison, radiation, and microwave damage 29) (USA) Flash Bang Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Boss General Barracks Affected Unit: Ranger Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 800 Arms Rangers with Flash Bang Grenade which will be useful against infantry garrisoning in civilian buildings and infantry masses. 30) (USA) Sentry Drone Gun Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink Affected Unit: Sentry Drone Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Equips Sentry Drone with light machine gun, which is good against a small number of infantry 31) (USA) Composite Armor Owner: China Boss General Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink Affected Units: Boss General Paladin Tank, Gattling Tank, Dragon Tank, Avenger, Overlord Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Improves the armor of Boss General tanks, making them more durable in battle. 32) (USA) Advanced Training Owner: China Boss General Boss General Particle Cannon Uplink Affected Units: Boss General King Raptor, Aurora Bomber, Ranger, Pathfinder, Colonel Burton, Paladin Tank, Avenger, Tomahawk Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 1500 Drills the units better so they are able to gain veterancy twice as fast. 33) (GLA) Buggy Ammo Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Boss General SCUD Storm Affected Unit: Rocket Buggy Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 1200 Allows Rocket Buggy to fire 100% more rockets before reloading. 34) (GLA) AP Rocket Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Boss General SCUD Storm Affected Units: RPG Trooper and Rocket Buggy Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Increases the damage of rocket attacks delivered by the affected units. 35) (GLA) Arm the Mob Owner: China Boss General Prerequisite: Boss General SCUD Storm Build Time: 30 seconds Build Cost: 1000 Distributes AK-47 to the Angry Mob members, replacing their pistols and rock weapons. *************************************************************** GLA *************************************************************** Introduction GLA, different from two other warring factions, is not a formal sovereignty, but it is more dangerous than any countries in the world. Perceiving freedom differently from USA and China's points of view, GLA is determined to free the world from the the imperialists' whips and iron boots. Having so little resources and official supports compared to USA and China, GLA is forced to become skillfully creative in making weapons with whatever they have at hands. Fanatical and determined, sneaky and armed, GLA is not something to triffle with. a. Standard GLA GLA mainly uses small and obsolete, but still dangerous, weapons to deliver deadly blows to his enemy. b. GLA Toxin General Dr. Thrax prefers to mix deadly toxins to defeat his enemies Name: unknown Side: Global Liberation Army Rank: unknown Cell: unknown (but suspected in Saudi, from General Challenge) Class Number: unknown Homeland: unknown Tactical Overview: Biological and chemical weapons Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: Originally a student of immunologist in Jordan, Dr. Thrax chose the darker side in 1995 when he disappeared in a GLA-controlled ghetto in Cairo. As nukes were getting scarcer and scarcer in black markets, GLA turned its attention to this 3rd-world-nuclear weapon makers. For the past twenty years, Dr. Thrax, whose name is still unknown, has researched and produced chemical and biological weapons for GLA-linked terrorists across the world and he became more and more intensively involved in GLA activities. His labs in Asia and Middle East are the main sources of low cost WMD for the local terrorist cells. This man, who never sleeps in the same bed two nights in a row and undergoes frequent plastic surgery to avoid capture since he was declared war crime by the world court, was tracked by US/China joint operations in Russia. After losing his base in Amisbad, Iran, Dr. Thrax was besieged in an unknown city where he was ready to launch his Anthrax Gamma missiles. Cornered by a super power country, betrayed by some renegades, and left alone by GLA, Dr. Thrax, who is said to get his degree from a mail-order college, was announced to be pushed to the end of his life span. Army Modifications - Toxin Rebel replaces the standard Rebel. - Toxin Terrorist replaces the standard Terrorist. - Toxin Network spraying short-range chemical weapon replaces the standard Tunnel Network. - Anthrax Gama upgrade - All tanks are automatically equipped with Toxin Shells. - Standard toxin is replaced with Anthrax Beta. - Scud Launcher and Bomb Truck can not load high explosive warhead. - Demo Trap costs more but is equipped with chemical weapons. - Vehicles cost more. - No Saboteur and Hijacker. c. GLA Demolition General General Juhziz prefers to wire up powerful explosives to defeat his enemies. Name: Rodall "Demo" Juhziz Side: GLA Rank: unknown Cell: Scorpion (suspected to be in Iran, from General Challenge mode) Class Number: unknown Homeland: unknown Tactical Overview: Explosives (demolition) Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: General Juhziz, whose ancestors are believed to be from Middle East, are claimed to be responsible for some of the most devastating incidents in 21st century, including US Embassy assault in Cairo and the sinking of USS Nelsen in 2012. Such destructive sabotages earn him a most wanted status in many countries and a hero status in GLA, drawing more people to either fear or admire him more. Juhziz, rarely speaking to anyone outside his organization, is rumored to have lost the use of a hand in a bomb making accident. Army Modifications - Advanced Demo Trap replaces the standard Demo Trap and costs less. - Suicide Bomb upgrade - Terrorists do more damage. - Booby Trap is available without research. - Bomb Trucks cost less. - Combat Cycles start with Terrorists. - Jarmen Kell is equipped with C4. - No GPS Scrambler, Camouflage, Hijacker, and Saboteur - No Anthrax Beta upgrade - Vehicles cost more. - SCUD Storm is not installed with a chemical warhead, but will deliver more damage. - SCUD Launcher and Bomb Truck can not carry biological warhead. d. GLA Stealth General Prince Kassad prefers to use camouflage and covert operations to defeat his enemies. Name: Kassad Side: GLA Rank: unkown Cell: Cobra Class Number: unknown Homeland: Libya (Tripoli) Tactical Overview: Camouflage Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: Prince Kassad is famously known in his Middle East political and global underworld careers. His main assets are his spies and assassins operating in North Africa. Prince Kassad has received millions for assassinations, hijacking, and beating in the streets. It is believed that all terrorist activities happening in Mediterranean in a three year stretch starting from 2008 get his involvement, or at least his blessing. His elusiveness saves him from any charges against him and bad things always happen to anyone standing in his ways. However, Prince Kassad seems to believe that the word "invisible" is the synomy of "invinsible". He tasted defeat when he refused to cooperate with GLA supreme commander and instead attacked his forces near the Cairo, where his base was seized and razed by his fellow GLA. Army Modifications - All structures are equipped with Camo-Netting. - Camouflaged Rebel - All base defenses come with Camo-Netting installed. - Hijackers do not cost General Point. More expensive but more highly trained. - GPS Scrambler sooner and more often. - Emergency Repair level 1 sooner. - No Scorpion, Marauder, and SCUD Launcher. ==================== 1 GLA General Powers ==================== ======================= || Standard GLA General Powers || ======================= 1-Star General: SCUD Launcher; Marauder Tank; Technical Training 3-Star General: Hijacker; Rebel Ambush Lv 1; Rebel Ambush Lv 2; Rebel Ambush Lv 3; Cash Bounty Lv 1; Cash Bounty Lv 2; Cash Bounty Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3 5-Star General: Anthrax Bom; Sneak Attack Tunnel; GPS Scrambler ============================== || GLA Demolition General General Powers || ============================== 1-Star General: SCUD Launcher; Marauder Tank; Technical Training 3-Star General: Rebel Ambush Lv 1; Rebel Ambush Lv 2; Rebel Ambush Lv 3; Cash Bounty Lv 1; Cash Bounty Lv 2; Cash Bounty Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3 5-Star General: Anthrax Bom; Sneak Attack Tunnel =========================== || GLA Toxin General General Powers || =========================== 1-Star General: SCUD Launcher 3-Star General: Rebel Ambush Lv 1; Rebel Ambush Lv 2; Rebel Ambush Lv 3; Cash Bounty Lv 1; Cash Bounty Lv 2; Cash Bounty Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3 5-Star General: Anthrax Bom; Sneak Attack Tunnel; GPS Scrambler ============================ || GLA Stealth General General Powers || ============================ 1-Star General: Technical Training; Emergency Repair Lv 1 3-Star General: GPS Scrambler; Rebel Ambush Lv 1; Rebel Ambush Lv 2; Rebel Ambush Lv 3; Cash Bounty Lv 1; Cash Bounty Lv 2; Cash Bounty Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3 5-Star General: Anthrax Bomb; Sneak Attack Tunnel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCUD Launcher Buildings Required: Arms Dealer, Palace Allows the player to build SCUD Launcher, a deadly mobile missile launcher Marauder Tank Building Required: Arms Dealer By activating this General Power, GLA players may have access to Marauder Tank. Technical Training Building Required: Arms Dealer This General Power automaticall trains all Techincals so all newly-built Technicals will become veteran Hijacker Buildings Required: GLA Barracks, Palace Choosing this General Power will enable GLA players to build a vehicle-stealing infantry, Hijacker, from their GLA Barracks Cash Bounty Building Required: GLA (or Boss General) Command Center Rewards Received: 5% (Lv 1); 10% (Lv 2); 20% (Lv 3) Players activating this General Power will get cash from the hostile units/buildings they destroy. The first level will get 5% of the cost of the destroyed units/buildings, the 2nd 10%, and the 3rd 20%. Rebel Ambush Building Required: GLA Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Rebels Deployed: Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 GLA Demo General 4 6 10 Other GLA Generals 4 8 16 When activated, this General Power will enable players to deploy a squad of rebels anywhere on the map, if the shroud has already been removed (shroud, not fog of war) Emergency Repair Building Required: GLA Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Radius: 100 Name Max HP Fixed Emergency Repair Lv 1 Light Repair 100 Emergency Repair Lv 2 Medium Repair 200 Emergency Repair Lv 3 Serious Repair 300 Emergency Repair enables the player to fix friendly/allied vehicles in a specific area, returning their lost HP. Anthrax Bomb Building Required: GLA Command Center Recharge Time: 6 minutes View Object Duration: 30000 seconds View Object Range: 250 Anthrax Bomb Information Damage: 200 Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Anthrax Bomb Sends orders to GLA Cargo Plane to drop a deadly anthrax bomb to the selected area. Sneak Attack Tunnel Building Required: GLA (or Boss General) Command Center Recharge Time: 2.5 minutes Builds a Sneak Attack Tunnel at the visible point of the map. See GLA Buildings for information. GPS Scrambler Building Required: GLA Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Radius: 100 This General Power allows the players activating it to use GPS Scrambler on their units, render the units invisible while not doing aggressive actions. ================= 2 GLA Unit Information ================= A. Standard GLA Units ---------------------------- (a) Standard GLA Aircraft ---------------------------- A.a.1) GLA Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as Anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Anthrax Bomb and Reinforcement Pad vehicle to the targetted area. - Door Open Time: 500 ms ---------------------------- (b) Standard GLA Infantry ---------------------------- A.b.1) Rebel Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 15 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 30 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 40 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Rebel Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rebels can pick up salvage and turn it to cash for player 2] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 12 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 3] Stealth Prerequisite: Camouflage upgrade Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when attacking or capturing building 4] Booby Trap Deploys an explosive to friendly buildings, making them difficult to capture Prerequisite: Booby Trap upgrade Recharge Time: 7500 ms Max. No. of Booby Trap in a Building: 1 Max. No. of Booby Trap installed: 100 Does not expire when the creator dies Booby Trap Information Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 15 Damage Type: Explosion Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 25 Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Rebels to capture most base buildings and tech buildings. - Booby Trap (GLA Barracks): Sets a stealthy mine on a neutral or friendly building which will explode when an enemy tries to capture or break in. - Camouflage (Palace): Rebels are hidden from sight when not doing any aggressive activities. - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Rebel damage. Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Barracks Build Cost: 150 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 A.b.2) Terrorist Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Suicide Dynamite Pack (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Activated when crushed, splatted, lasered, burned, exploded. Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Terrorist can gain money from the salvage of the destroyed vehicles 2] Car Bomb Steals a civilian car and loads it with bomb (see Car Bomb) Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Barracks Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can be ordered to attack an empty area by force attack A.b.3) RPG Trooper Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 distances/sec; 10 if badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Tunnel Defender Rocket (RPG) (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rockets upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missiles Special Feature Information Salvager RPG Trooper can turn the salvaged vehicles into cash Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% to RPG missile damage Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Barracks or Tunnel Network (see notes and Tunnel Network) Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Comes up in pair when a Tunnel Network is completely built for the 1st time (not by GLA Hole) A.b.4) Angry Mob Health Information Members: 10; initially just 5, but will grow. HP: 50 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as anything 450 Exp to Elite 900 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Movement Information Group Movement Speed: 18 dist/sec Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Person Movement Normal Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Wander Speed: 13; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Panic Speed: 32; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Weapon Information 1] Pistol (Anti Surface) Some members of the Angry Mob bring pistols as weapons Damage: 10 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 8 Reload Time: 3000 ms Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 2] Rock (Anti Surface) Some other members, instead of Pistols, effectively use Rock to knock down the enemy Damage: 40 Radius: 1 Range: 100 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 130 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Rock after 1000 ms) Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 3] Molotov (Anti Surface) While their friends choose light Pistol and cheap Rock, some mobsters prefer Molotov Damage: 40 Radius: 11 Range: 100 Minimum Range: 12 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 60 dist/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Molotov after 1000 ms) Molotov leaves earth-scorching flames for 2333 ms at the radius of 18-30, but it seems to deliver no damage. 4] AK-47 (Anti Surface) AK-47 replaces the standard Pistols and primitve Rocks Prerequisite: Arm the Mob upgrade Damage: 20; 25 with AP Bullets upgrade Range: 120 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 250 ms Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Angry Mob can take the salvaged vehicles and turn it into cash 2] Regeneration As long as there is at least one person in the mob, the mob can gain full health and new members and still retains the rank it acquires Regeneration Rate: 30 seconds 3] Group Angry Mob member can only work in group. If there is one member separated from the group, (s)he dies Chasing Radius: 40 Upgrade Information - Arm the Mob (Palace): Replaces the pistols and rocks used by Angry Mob with powerful AK 47s - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases the attack damage of AK 47 Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Palace Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Can not be transported or enter Tunnel Network/buildings - Mobsters and their weapons: Mobsters Weapons Weapons (unupgraded) (upgraded) Aladdin Pistol AK-47 Woman in the Gypsy Costume Rock AK-47 Lady with the Hot Sauce Molotov Molotov Skinny Guy with the Green Beret Pistol AK-47 Fat Guy with the Tank Top Rock AK-47 The Robed Dude with the Man-Veil Pistol AK-47 A.b.5) Hijacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 450 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 900 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite (untrainable) Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Hijacker can claim the salvaged vehicles and turn it into cash 2] Hijack Hijacker can kill the driver of a hostile vehicle and claim the vehicle for himself. 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 500 ms Only stealthy while stationary Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Palace, and Hijacker General Power Build Cost: 400 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 A.b.6) Saboteur Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information Untrainable 15 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 30 Exp as Elite 40 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information When Walking on Ground Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second When Climbing Cliff Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 deg/sec; 350 when badly hurt Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Saboteur can exchange the salvaged vehicles to cash 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Never decloaks himself 3] Sabotage Building Saboteur can infiltrate some types of enemy buildings and sabotage them. However, the Saboteur will disappear once he has done it. Buildings to infiltrate Effect Command Center Reset all General Powers Power Plant Disable all power plants for 30 seconds Superweapon Reset the Superweapon timer Supply Center/Stash Steal as much as $1000 from the enemy Factory/Barracks/Air Field Disable the building for 30 seconds Fake Building Explodes Internet Center Disable the building for 15 seconds Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Palace Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 A.b.7) Jarmen Kell Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Jarmen Kell Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Jarmen Kell can pick up salvage and turn it into cash 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 ms Decloaks when attacking 3] Vehicle Snipe Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it captureable Can not Vehicle Snipe pilotless vehicles, such as Sentry Drone Can not Vehicle Snipe air units, even if they are on land Recharge Time: 30000 ms Range: 225 Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot 4] Crush Immunity As a hero, Jarmen Kell can not be squeezed except by Overlord/ Emperor Overlord Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Jarmen Kell's damage by 25% Build Information Prerequisites: GLA Barracks, Palace Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Max no. to build: 1 - Slot: 1 A.b.8) Worker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Speed with Worker Shoes upgrade: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly wounded Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Worker can sell the remains of destroyed vehicles 2] Builder Construction Dozer can build China buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 3] Real/Fake Building Option Worker can build Fake Buildings as well as real ones. 4] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1000 ms Disarm Recharge Time: 1000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 5] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. 6] Harvester Max Boxes to Carry: 1 ($75; $83 with Worker Shoes upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 150 ms for whole thing (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 150 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (Max distance to look for a warehouse, or workers go home) Warns when Supplies are exhausted Upgrade Information - Worker Shoes (Black Market): Increases Worker's speed and supply carrier capacity Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Command Center or GLA Supply Stash Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Worker Shoes upgrade increases the cash a Worker can carry. When he harvests a pile of supply, the supply decreases by $75, but the Worker delivers $83. For example, a Worker harvests a supply pile worth $1500. It requires a Worker to harvest it 20 times until it is empty ($1500/75=20). However, when the supply pile is exhausted, the total amount you collect is $1660 ($83x20=$1660). A.b.9) Stinger Soldier Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Stinger Soldier Armor Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: immobile Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information 1] Stinger Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 225 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile 2] Stinger Missile (Anti Air) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 400 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Stinger Protection Stinger Soldiers are protected by Stinger Site from most attack See Stinger Site for more info 2] Respawning Stinger Soldiers, if killed but the Stinger Site still exists, may respawn See Stinger Site for more info 3] Stealth Prerequisite: Camo Netting upgrade Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Decloaks when firing 4] Detector Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200 Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% Stinger missile damage to ground units - Camo Netting (Stinger Site): Endows Stinger Site and its Stinger Soldiers stealth ability Build Information Prerequisite: Stinger Site Build Cost: 100 (only for players who choose Cash Bounty General Power) Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 ---------------------------- (c) Standard GLA Vehicle ---------------------------- A.c.1) Technical Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp to Veteran 25 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 75 Exp to Elite 50 Exp as Elite 150 Exp to Heroic 100 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 240 degrees/sec 1] Technical Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Cooldown: 200 ms Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: immediate 2] Technical Cannon (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 45; 56.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Accuracy: 100% against vehicle. May miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec 3] Technical RPG (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: 100% Range: 150 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Replaces Technical Machine Gun Weapon with a stronger weapon. Can be upgraded twice. 2] Transport Can transport up to 5 infantry. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. 3] Salvager When a Technical is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 4] Auto Repair Allows the Technical to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Technical Machine Gun and Cannon (Upgrade One) damage by 25%. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Gives Technical auto-repair ability. Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.2) Scorpion Health Information HP: 370 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 60 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 120 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 125 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec See the condition list below for Scorpion weapons - No Rocket upgrade and no crate upgrade: Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and no crate upgrade: Scorpion Tank Gun and Scorpion Rocket - No Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 1: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 1: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun and Scorpion Rocket - No Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 2: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 2: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun and Double Scorpion Rockets 1] Scorpion Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 20 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry 2] Scorpion Rocket (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 80; 100 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Min. Range: 40 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Missile Speed: 150 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Homing Missile 3] Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 25 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry 4] Double Scorpion Rockets (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 80; 100 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Min. Range: 40 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Missile Speed: 150 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Clip Size: 2 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Homing Missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Scorpion can replaces its weapons with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Scorpion is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Toxin Contamination Prerequisite: Toxin Shells upgrade Scorpion loads its shells and rockets with a small amount of toxin, leaving Poison Field Small on the target (Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma upgrade is researched). When I tested it, it seemed that the Rockets do not contain toxin. Was I correct or it was just my eyesight that cheated me? 4] Auto Repair Scorpion is capable of repairing itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Scorpion Rocket (Arms Dealer): Installs a deadly rocket on the Scorpion - AP Rocket (Black Market): +25% to Scorpion Rocket damage. Only works when Scorpion Rocket upgrade has been researched. - Toxin Shell (Palace): Loads Scorpion shells and the rocket with a handful doses of toxin. - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with deadlier agent, Anthrax Beta. Only works when Toxin Shells has been researched. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Scorpion receives auto-repair ability. ~ Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Fills Scorpion's shells and rockets with Anthrax Gamma, but it is just for fun. No additional damage, compared to Anthrax Beta. Only works when the Toxin Shells upgrade has been researched. Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 7 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.3) Quad Cannon Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec 1a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 1b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade one) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade one) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade two) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade two) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Quad Cannon can upgrade its weapon with the remains of destroyed vehicles. Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Quad Cannon is already upgraded twice, it can sell the remains of the destroyed vehicles 3] Auto Repair This ability will allow Quad Cannon to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Quad Cannon to auto-repair - AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Quad Cannon damage Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 6 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.4) Toxin Tractor Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec 1] Toxin Truck Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 2] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 12.5; 15 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 3] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 20 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Contamination Sprays toxin on a wide area a] Toxin Truck Sprayer Secondary Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium b] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade one) Secondary Damage: 2.5; 3 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium c] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade two) Secondary Damage: 3; 4 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium 2] Ungarrison Toxin Tractor can ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 3] Scavenger Toxin Tractor can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 4] Salvager When a Toxin Tractor is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 5] Auto Repair Allows the Toxin Tractor to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 6] Toxin Tractor Explosion Leaves Poison Field Small when destroyed Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with Anthrax Beta - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Toxin Tractor to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - * means that the weapons, aside from researching Anthrax Beta, can also be obtained when the Toxin Truck becomes heroic A.c.5) Combat Cycle Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information With Terrorist as its rider Normal (on Ground) Speed: 90 distances/sec; 68 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second Climbing Speed: 60 dist/sec; 45 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec With other infantry as its rider Normal (on Ground) and Climbing Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Combat cycle weaponry depends on its rider. For Standard GLA, the default driver is Rebel. 1> Rebel Biker Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Rider: Rebel Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 7000 milliseconds 2> Suicide Bike Bomb (Anti Surface) Rider: Terrorist Primary Damage: 700 Primary Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 3> RPG Trooper Biker Rocket (Anti Surface and Air) Rider: RPG Trooper Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rocket upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Homing missile 4> Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Rider: Jarmen Kell Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 750 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Combat Cycle, although incapable of reinforced its weapon or armor with the scavenge of the destroyed vehicle, can take the money from it. 2] Change Rider Combat Cycle can change its rider for multiple purposes. When it is riderless, unfortunately, it falls to the ground and is destroyed Infantry that are allowed to ride Standard GLA Combat Cycle a. Standard GLA Rebel b. Standard GLA/Boss General Terrorist c. Standard GLA/Boss General RPG Trooper d. Standard GLA Hijacker e. Standard GLA Saboteur f. Boss General/Standard GLA Jarmen Kell g. Standard GLA Worker Exit Delay: 250 ms 3] Kills Rider when Destroyed Try it yourself if you still do not understand ...... 4] Climbing Unlike other vehicles, Combat Cycle can move on the cliff area. 5] Vehicle Snipe (Jarmen Kell-rid only) Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless. Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot Projectile Speed: Immediate Recharge Time: 30 seconds 6] Rider's Stealth The Combat Cycle becomes stealth if the rider is a stealth unit 7] Can not crush infantry 8] Auto Repair Combat Cycle rider is capable of repairing his bike Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - AP Bullet (Black Market): (For Rebel and Jarmen Kell Combat Cycle only): +25 damage to Rebel Biker Machine Gun and Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle. - AP Rocket (Black Market): (For RPG Trooper Combat Cycle only): +25% damage to RPG Trooper Biker Rocket - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Combat Cycle to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 4 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby A.c.6) Marauder Health Information HP: 430 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 125 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Marauder Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 2000 msec 2] Marauder Tank Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Cooldown: 1500 msec 3] Marauder Tank Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 500 dist/sec Cooldown: 750 msec Clipsize: 2 Clip Reload Time: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Marauder Tank can perfect its weapons with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Marauder Tank is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Toxin Contamination Marauder Tank loads its shells with a small amount of toxin, leaving Poison Field Small on the target (Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma upgrade is researched). 4] Auto Repair Marauder Tank is capable of repairing itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Toxin Shells (Palace): Equips Marauder Tank shells with toxin, making Marauder a little bit more effective against infantry. - Anthrax Beta (Palace): (Affects Toxin Shells-upgraded Marauder Tank only) Replaces the standard toxin filling the Marauder Tank shells with a more effective Anthrax Beta agent. ~ Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): (Affects only Toxin Shells- upgraded Marauder Tank) Replaces the standard toxin used in the Marauder Tank shells with a more venomous Anthrax Gamma. Anthrax Gamma will also replace the Antrax Beta toxin-filling shells because it is more colourful, but not stronger:p. Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer, Marauder Tank General Power Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.7) Radar Van Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anyhting Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Radar Van can sell the scavenged part of the destroyed vehicles. 2] Enables Minimap Opens the small battlemap, giving more control in the battlefield (any better explanation?) Still works in low-power condition Can not function if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 4] Auto Repair Enables the Radar van to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Radar Van Scan Opens a small portion of map and reveals all hidden units there. Prerequisite: Radar Van Scan Radius: 150 Recharge Time: 30000 milliseconds Revelation Time: 10000 ms Detection Rate: 500 ms Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Radar Van to auto-repair - Radar Van Scan (Black Market): Reveals an area as large as 150 in radius on the map. Detects stealth. Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.8) Rocket Buggy Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Buggy Rocket (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Minimum Range: 50 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 20 dist. vs infantry Clip Size: 6 shots; 12 with Buggy Ammo upgrade Clip Reload Time: 6000 milliseconds Auto Reload: (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip): 6100 ms Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rocket Buggy can claim the salvaged vehicles and turn them into cash 2] Auto Repair Enables the Rocket Buggy to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Buggy Ammo (Black Market): Adds Buggy Rocket store by 50% - Junk Repair (Black Market): Rocket Buggy auto-repairs Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer, Palace Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 A.c.9) Bomb Truck Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 50 dist/sec Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Weapon Information Bomb Truck Bomb (Suicide Weapon) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 1000; 2000 with High Explosive Bomb upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 40; 50 with HE Bomb upgrade Secondary Damage: 100; 200 with HE Bomb upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 65; 85 with HE Bomb upgrade Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation with Bio Bomb upgrade Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Bomb Truck is able to claim the scavenged vehicle, adding the treasure of the player 2] Disguise as Vehicle Disguises the truck as an enemy vehicle. Will be revealed by detector. 3] Detonate Detonates immediately. 4] High Explosive Bomb and Bio Bomb See Weapon and Upgrade Information 5] Auto Repair Allows the Bomb Truck to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - High Explosive Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a high explosive payload, increasing its explosion damage. - Bio Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a biological payload which spreads poison. - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Increases the bio bomb poison field damage. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Bomb Truck to auto repair. Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer and Palace Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate or attack without order A.c.10) SCUD Launcher Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second; 45 while badly damaged Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec 1a] Scud Explosive Warhead (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 300; 375 with AP Rocket Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50; 62.5 with AP Rocket Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Not homing missiles 1b] Scud Anthrax Warhead (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 25 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Range: 350 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Not homing missiles Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation 2a] Scud Explosive Warhead (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 300; 375 with AP Rocket Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50; 62.5 with AP Rocket Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Not homing missiles 2b] Scud Anthrax Warhead (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 25 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Not homing missiles Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation 3a] Scud Explosive Warhead (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 400; 500 with AP Rocket Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 75; 93.75 with AP Rocket Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Not homing missiles 3b] Scud Anthrax Warhead (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 250 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Not homing missiles Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation Special Feature Information 1] Replaces Warhead SCUD Launcher can install either Explosive or Anthrax Warhead 2] Scavenger SCUD Launcher can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 3] Salvager When a SCUD Launcher is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 4] Auto Repair Allows the SCUD Launcher to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Replaces the standard anthrax with deadlier Anthrax Beta in the SCUD Warhead - Junk Repair (Black Market): Allows SCUD Launcher to repair itself. - AP Rockets (Black Market): Increases the damage of explosive SCUD warhead Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer, Palace, Scud Launcher General Power Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not attack without order or retaliate. A.c.11) Battle Bus Health Information HP: 400; 650 when becoming Garrisoned Hulk Armor: - Bus Normal Condition: Battle Bus Truck Armor - Bus Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Truck Armor One - Bus Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Truck Armor Two - Hulk Normal Condition: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough - Hulk Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough One - Hulk Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Two Note that Hulk will automatically retain its crate upgrade status from the Bus before it is destroyed. A crate-one-upgraded Bus, for example, will create a crate-one-upgraded Hulk. Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 50 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Battle Bus can strengthen its armor with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Battle Bus is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Battle Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire from within and to gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Total Infantry Transported: 8 50% damage to passenger when turned into Garrisonable Hulk and 100% damage to passenger when totally destroyed Exit delay: 250 ms/infantry 4] Garrisonable Hulk After the Bus is destroyed, flying, and finally landing on the ground, its remains can still be used as a covered bunker for infantry in it. Automatically destroyed after no infantry inside. Destruction Delay: 1000 ms 5] Auto Repair Battle Bus (both as Bus and Hulk) can repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Battle Bus to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer, Palace Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 8 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby A.c.12) Car Bomb Car bomb health, vision, etc depend on the car hijacked by the terrorist, but usually all cars have the statistics below. Refer to Civilian Units for more detailed information. Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Vision Information Vision Range: varies Locomotor Information Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Suicide Car Bomb (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 700 Primary Damage Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 Build Information Prerequisites: Terrorist and a civilian car Notes: - Slot: 3 B. GLA Demolition General Units -------------------------------------- (a) GLA Demolition General Aircraft -------------------------------------- B.a.1) GLA Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as Anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Anthrax Bomb and Reinforcement Pad vehicle to the targetted area. - Door Open Time: 500 ms -------------------------------------- (b) GLA Demolition General Infantry -------------------------------------- B.b.1) Rebel Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 15 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 30 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 40 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Rebel Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rebels can pick up salvage and turn it to cash for player 2] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 12 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 3] Stealth Prerequisite: Camouflage upgrade Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when attacking or capturing building 4] Booby Trap Deploys an explosive to friendly buildings, making them difficult to capture Prerequisite: Booby Trap upgrade Recharge Time: 7500 ms Max. No. of Booby Trap in a Building: 1 Max. No. of Booby Trap installed: 100 Does not expire when the creator dies Booby Trap Information Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 15 Damage Type: Explosion Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 25 5] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies (woah....). Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enabes Rebel to capture most hostile base buildings and tech buildings. - Demolition (Demo Gen. Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Rebel damage by 25%. ~ Camouflage (Standard GLA Palace): Rebels are hidden from sight when not doing any hostile actions. Build Information Prerequisite: GLA Demolition General Barracks Build Cost: 150 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 B.b.2) Terrorist Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Demo Gen Terrorist Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Suicide Dynamite Pack (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Activated when crushed, splatted, lasered, burned, exploded. Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Terrorist can gain money from the salvage of the destroyed vehicles 2] Car Bomb Steals a civilian car and loads it with bomb (see Car Bomb) Build Information Prerequisite: Demo General Barracks Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can be ordered to attack an empty area by force attack B.b.3) RPG Trooper Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 distances/sec; 10 if badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Tunnel Defender Rocket (RPG) (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rockets upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Salvager RPG Trooper can turn the salvaged vehicles into cash 2] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% to RPG missile damage - Demolition (Demo Gen. Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo General Barracks or Demo General Tunnel Network (see notes and Tunnel Network) Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Comes up in pair when a Tunnel Network is completely built for the 1st time (not by GLA Hole) B.b.4) Angry Mob Health Information Members: 10; initially just 5, but will grow. HP: 50 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as anything 450 Exp to Elite 900 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Movement Information Group Movement Speed: 18 dist/sec Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Person Movement Normal Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Wander Speed: 13; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Panic Speed: 32; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Weapon Information 1] Pistol (Anti Surface) Some members of the Angry Mob bring pistols as weapons Damage: 10 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 8 Reload Time: 3000 ms Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 2] Rock (Anti Surface) Some other members, instead of Pistols, effectively use Rock to knock down the enemy Damage: 40 Radius: 1 Range: 100 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 130 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Rock after 1000 ms) Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 3] Molotov (Anti Surface) While their friends choose light Pistol and cheap Rock, some mobsters prefer Molotov Damage: 40 Radius: 11 Range: 100 Minimum Range: 12 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 60 dist/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Molotov after 1000 ms) Molotov leaves earth-scorching flames for 2333 ms at the radius of 18-30, but it seems to deliver no damage. 4] AK-47 (Anti Surface) AK-47 replaces the standard Pistols and primitve Rocks Prerequisite: Arm the Mob upgrade Damage: 20; 25 with AP Bullets upgrade Range: 120 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 250 ms Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Angry Mob can take the salvaged vehicles and turn it into cash 2] Regeneration As long as there is at least one person in the mob, the mob can gain full health and new members and still retains the rank it acquires Regeneration Rate: 30 seconds 3] Group Angry Mob member can only work in group. If there is one member separated from the group, (s)he dies Chasing Radius: 40 Upgrade Information - Arm the Mob (Palace): Replaces the pistols and rocks used by Angry Mob with powerful AK 47s - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases the attack damage of AK 47 Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Barracks, Demo Gen. Palace Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Can not be transported or enter Tunnel Network/buildings - Mobsters and their weapons: Mobsters Weapons Weapons (unupgraded) (upgraded) Aladdin Pistol AK-47 Woman in the Gypsy Costume Rock AK-47 Lady with the Hot Sauce Molotov Molotov Skinny Guy with the Green Beret Pistol AK-47 Fat Guy with the Tank Top Rock AK-47 The Robed Dude with the Man-Veil Pistol AK-47 B.b.5) Jarmen Kell Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Jarmen Kell Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Jarmen Kell can pick up salvage and turn it into cash 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 ms Decloaks when attacking Still cloaks when garrisoning a building 3] Detector Demo General Jarmen Kell can detect stealth (ehh... for what reason is he able to do it?) Detection Rate: 750 ms Detection Range: 150 Can not detect stealth when in vehicle (including Combat Bike) or building. 4] Vehicle Snipe Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it captureable Can not Vehicle Snipe pilotless vehicles, such as Sentry Drone Can not Vehicle Snipe air units, even if they are on land Recharge Time: 30000 ms Range: 225 Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot 5] Crush Immunity As a hero, Jarmen Kell can not be squeezed except by Overlord/ Emperor Overlord 6] Remote C4 Plants a stealthy Remote C4 on an enemy buiding or vehicle which will explode on command. Only Dozer or Worker can remove it. Range: 0 Preparation Time: 0 Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Unpack Time: 5500 ms Escapes 100 distances after completion Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place Max Remote C4s to Install: 8 Expires if Jarmen Kell dies Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 75 7] Timed C4 Plants a stealthy timed C4 on an enemy building/vehicle which will explode after a certain period of time Range: 0 Preparation Time: 0 Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Unpack Time: 5500 ms Escapes 100 distances after completion Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place Max Remote C4s to Install: 10 Does not expire if Jarmen Kell dies Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 75 8] Detonate Detonates all Remote Demo Charges 9] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Jarmen Kell's damage by 25% - Demolition (Demo Gen. Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo General Barracks and Demo General Palace Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Max no. to build: 1 - Slot: 1 B.b.6) Worker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Speed with Worker Shoes upgrade: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly wounded Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Worker can sell the remains of destroyed vehicles 2] Builder Construction Dozer can build China buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 3] Real/Fake Building Option Worker can build Fake Buildings as well as real ones. 4] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1000 ms Disarm Recharge Time: 1000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 5] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. 6] Harvester Max Boxes to Carry: 1 ($75; $83 with Worker Shoes upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 150 ms for whole thing (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 150 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (Max distance to look for a warehouse, or workers go home) Warns when Supplies are exhausted 7] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Worker Shoes (Black Market): Increases Worker's speed and supply carrier capacity - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Command Center or Demo Gen. Supply Stash Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Worker Shoes upgrade increases the cash a Worker can carry. When he harvests a pile of supply, the supply decreases by $75, but the Worker delivers $83. For example, a Worker harvests a supply pile worth $1500. It requires a Worker to harvest it 20 times until it is empty ($1500/75=20). However, when the supply pile is exhausted, the total amount you collect is $1660 ($83*20=$1660). B.b.7) Stinger Soldier Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Stinger Soldier Armor Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: immobile Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information 1] Stinger Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 225 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile 2] Stinger Missile (Anti Air) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 400 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Stinger Protection Stinger Soldiers are protected by Stinger Site from most attack See Stinger Site for more info 2] Respawning Stinger Soldiers, if killed but the Stinger Site still exists, may respawn See Stinger Site for more info 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200 4] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% Stinger missile damage to ground units - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo General Stinger Site Build Cost: 100 (only for players who choose Cash Bounty General Power) Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 --------------------------------------- (c) GLA Demolition General Vehicles --------------------------------------- B.c.1) Technical Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp to Veteran 25 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 75 Exp to Elite 50 Exp as Elite 150 Exp to Heroic 100 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 240 degrees/sec 1] Technical Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Cooldown: 200 ms Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: immediate 2] Technical Cannon (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 45; 56.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Accuracy: 100% against vehicle. May miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec 3] Technical RPG (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: 100% Range: 150 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Replaces Technical Machine Gun Weapon with a stronger weapon. Can be upgraded twice. 2] Transport Can transport up to 5 infantry. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. 3] Salvager When a Technical is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 4] Auto Repair Allows the Technical to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Technical Machine Gun and Cannon (Upgrade One) damage by 25%. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Gives Technical auto-repair ability. - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.2) Scorpion Health Information HP: 370 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 60 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 120 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 125 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec See the condition list below for Scorpion weapons - No Rocket upgrade and no crate upgrade: Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and no crate upgrade: Scorpion Tank Gun and Scorpion Rocket - No Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 1: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 1: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun and Scorpion Rocket - No Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 2: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 2: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun and Double Scorpion Rockets 1] Scorpion Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 20 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry 2] Scorpion Rocket (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 80; 100 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Min. Range: 40 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Missile Speed: 150 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Homing Missile 3] Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 25 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry 4] Double Scorpion Rockets (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 80; 100 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Min. Range: 40 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Missile Speed: 150 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Clip Size: 2 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Homing Missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Scorpion can replaces its weapons with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Scorpion is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Toxin Contamination Scorpion loads its shells and rockets with a small amount of toxin, leaving Poison Field Small on the target (Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma upgrade is researched). When I tested it, it seemed that the Rockets do not contain toxin. Was I correct or it was just my eyesight that cheated me? 4] Auto Repair Scorpion is capable of repairing itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Scorpion Rocket (Arms Dealer): Installs a deadly rocket on the Scorpion - AP Rocket (Black Market): +25% to Scorpion Rocket damage. Only works when Scorpion Rocket upgrade has been researched. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Scorpion receives auto-repair ability. - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. ~ Toxin Shell (Standard GLA Palace): Loads Scorpion shells and the rocket with a handful doses of toxin. ~ Anthrax Beta (Standard GLA Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with deadlier agent, Anthrax Beta. Only works when Toxin Shells has been researched. ~ Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Fills Scorpion's shells and rockets with Anthrax Gamma, but it is just for fun. No additional damage, compared to Anthrax Beta. Only works when the Toxin Shells upgrade has been researched. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 650 Build Time: 7 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.3) Quad Cannon Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec 1a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 1b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade one) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade one) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade two) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade two) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Quad Cannon can upgrade its weapon with the remains of destroyed vehicles. Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Quad Cannon is already upgraded twice, it can sell the remains of the destroyed vehicles 3] Auto Repair This ability will allow Quad Cannon to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec 4] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Quad Cannon to auto-repair - AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Quad Cannon damage - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 750 Build Time: 6 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.4) Toxin Tractor Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec 1] Toxin Truck Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 2] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 12.5; 15 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 3] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 20 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Contamination Sprays toxin on a wide area a] Toxin Truck Sprayer Secondary Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium b] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade one) Secondary Damage: 2.5; 3 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium c] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade two) Secondary Damage: 3; 4 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium 2] Ungarrison Toxin Tractor can ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 3] Scavenger Toxin Tractor can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 4] Salvager When a Toxin Tractor is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 5] Auto Repair Allows the Toxin Tractor to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 6] Toxin Tractor Explosion Leaves Poison Field Small when destroyed 7] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (GLA Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with Anthrax Beta - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Toxin Tractor to auto-repair - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 750 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - * means that the weapons, aside from researching Anthrax Beta, can also be obtained when the Toxin Truck becomes heroic B.c.5) Combat Cycle Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information With Terrorist as its rider Normal (on Ground) Speed: 90 distances/sec; 68 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second Climbing Speed: 60 dist/sec; 45 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec With other infantry as its rider Normal (on Ground) and Climbing Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Combat cycle weaponry depends on its rider. For Demolition General, the default driver is Terrorist. 1> Rebel Biker Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Rider: Demo Gen. Rebel Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 7000 milliseconds 2> Suicide Bike Bomb (Anti Surface) Rider: Demo Gen. Terrorist Primary Damage: 700; 800 with Demolition upgrade Primary Radius: 20; 18 with Demolition upgrade Secondary Damage: 100; 500 with Demolition upgrade Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 Will not damage nearby allies with Demolition upgrade 3> RPG Trooper Biker Rocket (Anti Surface and Air) Rider: Demo Gen. RPG Trooper Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rocket upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Homing missile 4> Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle Rider: Demo Gen. Jarmen Kell Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 750 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Combat Cycle, although incapable of reinforced its weapon or armor with the scavenge of the destroyed vehicle, can take the money from it. 2] Change Rider Combat Cycle can change its rider for multiple purposes. When it is riderless, unfortunately, it falls to the ground and is destroyed Infantry that are allowed to ride Standard GLA Combat Cycle a. Demolition General Rebel b. Demolition General Terrorist c. Demolition General RPG Trooper d. Demolition General Jarmen Kell e. Demolition General Worker Exit Delay: 250 ms 3] Kills Rider when Destroyed Try it yourself if you still do not understand ...... 4] Climbing Unlike other vehicles, Combat Cycle can move on the cliff area. 5] Vehicle Snipe (Jarmen Kell-rid only) Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless. Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot Projectile Speed: Immediate Recharge Time: 30 seconds 6] Rider's Stealth The Combat Cycle becomes stealth if the rider is a stealth unit 7] Can not crush infantry 8] Auto Repair Combat Cycle rider is capable of repairing his bike Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 9] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion When the rider is Terrorist (and the Demolition is already researched), the damage is different. Just have a look at weapons used by rider Terrorist in Weapon Information section. Upgrade Information - AP Bullet (Black Market): (For Rebel and Jarmen Kell Combat Cycle only): +25 damage to Rebel Biker Machine Gun and Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle. - AP Rocket (Black Market): (For RPG Trooper Combat Cycle only): +25% damage to RPG Trooper Biker Rocket - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Combat Cycle to auto-repair - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 550 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby B.c.6) Marauder Health Information HP: 430 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 125 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Marauder Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 2000 msec 2] Marauder Tank Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Cooldown: 1500 msec 3] Marauder Tank Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 500 dist/sec Cooldown: 750 msec Clipsize: 2 Clip Reload Time: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Marauder Tank can perfect its weapons with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Marauder Tank is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Toxin Contamination Marauder Tank loads its shells with a small amount of toxin, leaving Poison Field Small on the target (Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma upgrade is researched). 4] Auto Repair Marauder Tank is capable of repairing itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. ~ Toxin Shells (Standard GLA Palace): Equips Marauder Tank shells with toxin, making Marauder a little bit more effective against infantry. ~ Anthrax Beta (Standard GLA Palace): (Affects Toxin Shells-upgraded Marauder Tank only) Replaces the standard toxin filling the Marauder Tank shells with a more effective Anthrax Beta agent. ~ Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): (Affects only Toxin Shells- upgraded Marauder Tank) Replaces the standard toxin used in the Marauder Tank shells with a more venomous Anthrax Gamma. Anthrax Gamma will also replace the Antrax Beta toxin-filling shells because it is more colourful, but not stronger:p. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer, Marauder Tank General Power Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.7) Radar Van Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anyhting Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Radar Van can sell the scavenged part of the destroyed vehicles. 2] Enables Minimap Opens the small battlemap, giving more control in the battlefield (any better explanation?) Still works in low-power condition Can not function if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 4] Auto Repair Enables the Radar van to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Radar Van Scan Opens a small portion of map and reveals all hidden units there. Prerequisite: Radar Van Scan Radius: 150 Recharge Time: 30000 milliseconds Revelation Time: 10000 ms Detection Rate: 500 ms 6] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Radar Van to auto-repair - Radar Van Scan (Black Market): Reveals an area as large as 150 in radius on the map. Detects stealth. - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.8) Rocket Buggy Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Buggy Rocket (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Minimum Range: 50 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 20 dist. vs infantry Clip Size: 6 shots; 12 with Buggy Ammo upgrade Clip Reload Time: 6000 milliseconds Auto Reload (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip): 6100 ms Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rocket Buggy can claim the salvaged vehicles and turn them into cash 2] Auto Repair Enables the Rocket Buggy to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec 3] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Buggy Ammo (Black Market): Adds Buggy Rocket store by 50% - Junk Repair (Black Market): Rocket Buggy auto-repairs - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisites: Demo General Arms Dealer, Demo Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 B.c.9) Bomb Truck Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 50 dist/sec Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Weapon Information Bomb Truck Bomb (Suicide Weapon) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 1000; 2000 with High Explosive Bomb upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 40; 50 with HE Bomb upgrade Secondary Damage: 100; 200 with HE Bomb upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 65; 85 with HE Bomb upgrade Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation with Bio Bomb upgrade Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Bomb Truck is able to claim the scavenged vehicle, adding the treasure of the player 2] Disguise as Vehicle Disguises the truck as an enemy vehicle. Will be revealed by detector. 3] Detonate Detonates immediately. 4] High Explosive Bomb and Bio Bomb See Weapon and Upgrade Information 5] Auto Repair Allows the Bomb Truck to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - High Explosive Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a high explosive payload, increasing its explosion damage. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Bomb Truck to auto repair. Build Information Prerequisites: Demo General Arms Dealer, Demo General Palace Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate or attack without order B.c.10) SCUD Launcher Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second; 45 while badly damaged Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec 1] Scud Explosive Warhead (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 300; 375 with AP Rocket Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50; 62.5 with AP Rocket Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 350 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Not homing missiles 2] Scud Explosive Warhead (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 300; 375 with AP Rocket Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50; 62.5 with AP Rocket Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Not homing missiles 3] Scud Explosive Warhead (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 400; 500 with AP Rocket Upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 75; 93.75 with AP Rocket Upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Not homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger SCUD Launcher can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 2] Salvager When a SCUD Launcher is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 3] Auto Repair Allows the SCUD Launcher to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 4] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Allows SCUD Launcher to repair itself. - AP Rockets (Black Market): Increases the damage of explosive SCUD warhead - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer, Demo Gen. Palace, & Scud Launcher General Power Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not attack without order or retaliate B.c.11) Battle Bus Health Information HP: 400; 650 when becoming Garrisoned Hulk Armor: - Bus Normal Condition: Battle Bus Truck Armor - Bus Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Truck Armor One - Bus Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Truck Armor Two - Hulk Normal Condition: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough - Hulk Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough One - Hulk Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Two Note that Hulk will automatically retain its crate upgrade status from the Bus before it is destroyed. A crate-one-upgraded Bus, for example, will create a crate-one-upgraded Hulk. Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 50 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Battle Bus can strengthen its armor with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Battle Bus is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Battle Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire from within and to gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Total Infantry Transported: 8 50% damage to passenger when turned into Garrisonable Hulk and 100% damage to passenger when totally destroyed Exit delay: 250 ms/infantry 4] Garrisonable Hulk After the Bus is destroyed, flying, and finally landing on the ground, its remains can still be used as a covered bunker for infantry in it. Automatically destroyed after no infantry inside. Destruction Delay: 1000 ms 5] Auto Repair Battle Bus (both as Bus and Hulk) can repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 6] Suicide Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Battle Bus to auto-repair - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. Build Information Prerequisite: Demo Gen. Arms Dealer, Demo Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 8 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby B.c.12) Car Bomb Car bomb health, vision, etc depend on the car hijacked by the terrorist, but usually all cars have the statistics below. Refer to Civilian Units for more detailed information. Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Vision Information Vision Range: varies Locomotor Information Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Suicide Car Bomb (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 700 Primary Damage Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 Build Information Prerequisites: Terrorist and a civilian car Notes: - Slot: 3 C. GLA Stealth General Units ---------------------------------- (a) GLA Stealth General Aircraft ---------------------------------- C.a.1) GLA Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as Anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Anthrax Bomb and Reinforcement Pad vehicle to the targetted area. - Door Open Time: 500 ms ---------------------------- (b) Standard GLA Infantry ---------------------------- C.b.1) Stealth Rebel Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 15 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 30 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 40 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Rebel Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rebels can pick up salvage and turn it to cash for player 2] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 12 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 ms Decloaks when attacking or capturing building Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Rebel to capture most base buildings and tech buildings. - AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Rebel damage. Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth General Barracks Build Cost: 150 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 C.b.2) Terrorist Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Suicide Dynamite Pack (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Activated when crushed, splatted, lasered, burned, exploded. Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Terrorist can gain money from the salvage of the destroyed vehicles 2] Car Bomb Steals a civilian car and loads it with bomb (see Car Bomb) Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth General Barracks Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can be ordered to attack an empty area by force attack C.b.3) RPG Trooper Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 distances/sec; 10 if badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Tunnel Defender Rocket (RPG) (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rockets upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missiles Special Feature Information Salvager RPG Trooper can turn the salvaged vehicles into cash Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% to RPG missile damage Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Barracks or Stealth Gen. Tunnel Network (see notes and Tunnel Network) Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Comes up in pair when a Tunnel Network is completely built for the 1st time (not by GLA Hole) C.b.4) Angry Mob Health Information Members: 10; initially just 5, but will grow. HP: 50 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as anything 450 Exp to Elite 900 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Movement Information Group Movement Speed: 18 dist/sec Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Person Movement Normal Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Wander Speed: 13; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Panic Speed: 32; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Weapon Information 1] Pistol (Anti Surface) Some members of the Angry Mob bring pistols as weapons Damage: 10 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 8 Reload Time: 3000 ms Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 2] Rock (Anti Surface) Some other members, instead of Pistols, effectively use Rock to knock down the enemy Damage: 40 Radius: 1 Range: 100 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 130 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Rock after 1000 ms) Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 3] Molotov (Anti Surface) While their friends choose light Pistol and cheap Rock, some mobsters prefer Molotov Damage: 40 Radius: 11 Range: 100 Minimum Range: 12 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 60 dist/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Molotov after 1000 ms) Molotov leaves earth-scorching flames for 2333 ms at the radius of 18-30, but no additional damage is detected. 4] AK-47 (Anti Surface) AK-47 replaces the standard Pistols and primitve Rocks Prerequisite: Arm the Mob upgrade Damage: 20; 25 with AP Bullets upgrade Range: 120 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 250 ms Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Angry Mob can take the salvaged vehicles and turn it into cash 2] Regeneration As long as there is at least one person in the mob, the mob can gain full health and new members and still retains the rank it acquires Regeneration Rate: 30 seconds 3] Group Angry Mob member can only work in group. If there is one member separated from the group, (s)he dies Chasing Radius: 40 Upgrade Information - Arm the Mob (Palace): Replaces the pistols and rocks used by Angry Mob with powerful AK 47s - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases the attack damage of AK 47 Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth General Barracks, Stealth Gen. Palace Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Can not be transported or enter Tunnel Network/buildings - Mobsters and their weapons: Mobsters Weapons Weapons (unupgraded) (upgraded) Aladdin Pistol AK-47 Woman in the Gypsy Costume Rock AK-47 Lady with the Hot Sauce Molotov Molotov Skinny Guy with the Green Beret Pistol AK-47 Fat Guy with the Tank Top Rock AK-47 The Robed Dude with the Man-Veil Pistol AK-47 C.b.5) Hijacker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic 450 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran 900 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite (untrainable) Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Hijacker can claim the salvaged vehicles and turn it into cash 2] Hijack Hijacker can kill the driver of a hostile vehicle and claim the vehicle for himself. 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 500 ms Always cloaks Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 C.b.6) Saboteur Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 15 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 40 Exp to Veteran 30 Exp as Elite 60 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Heroic 120 Exp to Heroic (Well, how can he improve his experience?) Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information When Walking on Ground Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second When Climbing Cliff Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 deg/sec; 350 when badly hurt Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Saboteur can exchange the salvaged vehicles to cash 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Never decloaks himself 3] Sabotage Building Saboteur can infiltrate some types of enemy buildings and sabotage them. However, the Saboteur will disappear once he has done it. Buildings to infiltrate Effect Command Center Reset all General Powers Power Plant Disable all power plants for 30 seconds Superweapon Reset the Superweapon timer Supply Center/Stash Steal as much as $1000 from the enemy Factory/Barracks/Air Field Disable the building for 30 seconds Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Barracks, Stealth Gen. Palace Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 C.b.7) Jarmen Kell Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Jarmen Kell Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Jarmen Kell can pick up salvage and turn it into cash 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 ms Decloaks when attacking 3] Vehicle Snipe Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it captureable Can not Vehicle Snipe pilotless vehicles, such as Sentry Drone Can not Vehicle Snipe air units, even if they are on land Recharge Time: 30000 ms Range: 225 Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot 4] Detector Stealth General Jarmen Kell can detect stealth Detection Rate: 750 ms Detection Range: 150 Can not detect stealth when on a Combat Cycle, in transport or buildings. 5] Crush Immunity As a hero, Jarmen Kell can not be squeezed except by Overlord/ Emperor Overlord Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Jarmen Kell's damage by 25% Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Barracks and Stealth Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Max no. to build: 1 - Slot: 1 C.b.8) Worker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Speed with Worker Shoes upgrade: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly wounded Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Worker can sell the remains of destroyed vehicles 2] Builder Construction Dozer can build China buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 3] Real/Fake Building Option Worker can build Fake Buildings as well as real ones. 4] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1000 ms Disarm Recharge Time: 1000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 5] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. 6] Harvester Max Boxes to Carry: 1 ($75; $83 with Worker Shoes upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 150 ms for whole thing (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 150 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (Max distance to look for a warehouse, or workers go home) Warns when Supplies are exhausted 7] Stealth To protect his resource gatherers, Prince Kassad invented a new kind of temporary stealth which cloaks his gatherers when they are harvesting. Prerequisite: Supply Stash Camo Netting upgrade Stealth Time (as long as he gathers and drops supply): 20000 ms Decloaks when not gathering supplies Upgrade Information - Worker Shoes (Black Market): Increases Worker's speed and supply carrier capacity Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Command Center or Stealth Gen. Supply Stash Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Worker Shoes upgrade increases the cash a Worker can carry. When he harvests a pile of supply, the supply decreases by $75, but the Worker delivers $83. For example, a Worker harvests a supply pile worth $1500. It requires a Worker to harvest it 20 times until it is empty ($1500/75=20). However, when the supply pile is exhausted, the total amount you collect is $1660 ($83*20=$1660). C.b.9) Stinger Soldier Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Stinger Soldier Armor Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: immobile Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information 1] Stinger Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 225 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile 2] Stinger Missile (Anti Air) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 400 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Stinger Protection Stinger Soldiers are protected by Stinger Site from most attack See Stinger Site for more info 2] Respawning Stinger Soldiers, if killed but the Stinger Site still exists, may respawn See Stinger Site for more info 3] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2500 msec Decloaks when firing or taking damage 4] Detector Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200 Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% Stinger missile damage to ground units Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Stinger Site Build Cost: 100 (only for players who choose Cash Bounty General Power) Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 --------------------------------- (c) GLA Stealth General Vehicle --------------------------------- C.c.1) Technical Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp to Veteran 25 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 75 Exp to Elite 50 Exp as Elite 150 Exp to Heroic 100 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 240 degrees/sec 1] Technical Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Cooldown: 200 ms Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: immediate 2] Technical Cannon (crate upgrade one) Damage: 45; 56.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Accuracy: 100% against vehicle. May miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec 3] Technical RPG (crate upgrade two) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: 100% Range: 150 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Replaces Technical Machine Gun Weapon with a stronger weapon. Can be upgraded twice. 2] Transport Can transport up to 5 infantry. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. 3] Salvager When a Technical is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 4] Auto Repair Allows the Technical to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Technical Machine Gun and Cannon (Upgrade One) damage by 25%. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Gives Technical auto-repair ability. Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 C.c.2) Quad Cannon Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec 1a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 1b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade one) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade one) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade two) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade two) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Quad Cannon can upgrade its weapon with the remains of destroyed vehicles. Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Quad Cannon is already upgraded twice, it can sell the remains of the destroyed vehicles 3] Auto Repair This ability will allow Quad Cannon to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Quad Cannon to auto-repair - AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Quad Cannon damage Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 6 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 C.c.3) Toxin Tractor Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec 1] Toxin Truck Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 2] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 12.5; 15 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 3] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 20 with Anthrax Beta upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Contamination Sprays toxin on a wide area a] Toxin Truck Sprayer Secondary Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium b] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade one) Secondary Damage: 2.5; 3 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium c] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade two) Secondary Damage: 3; 4 with Anthrax Beta* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Medium 2] Ungarrison Toxin Tractor can ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 3] Scavenger Toxin Tractor can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 4] Salvager When a Toxin Tractor is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 5] Auto Repair Allows the Toxin Tractor to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 6] Toxin Tractor Explosion Leaves Poison Field Small when destroyed Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with Anthrax Beta - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Toxin Tractor to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - * means that the weapons, aside from researching Anthrax Beta, can also be obtained when the Toxin Truck becomes heroic C.c.4) Combat Cycle Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information With Terrorist as its rider Normal (on Ground) Speed: 90 distances/sec; 68 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second Climbing Speed: 60 dist/sec; 45 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec With other infantry as its rider Normal (on Ground) and Climbing Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Combat cycle weaponry depends on its rider. For Stealth General, the default driver is Stealth Rebel. 1> Rebel Biker Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Rider: Stealth Rebel Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 7000 milliseconds 2> Suicide Bike Bomb (Anti Surface) Rider: Terrorist Primary Damage: 700 Primary Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 3> RPG Trooper Biker Rocket (Anti Surface and Air) Rider: RPG Trooper Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rocket upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Homing missile 4> Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Rider: Jarmen Kell Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 750 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Combat Cycle, although incapable of reinforced its weapon or armor with the scavenge of the destroyed vehicle, can take the money from it. 2] Change Rider Combat Cycle can change its rider for multiple purposes. When it is riderless, unfortunately, it falls to the ground and is destroyed Infantry that are allowed to ride Standard GLA Combat Cycle a. Stealth Rebel b. Stealth General Terrorist c. Stealth General RPG Trooper d. Stealth General Hijacker e. Stealth General Saboteur f. Stealth General Jarmen Kell g. Stealth General Worker Exit Delay: 250 ms 3] Kills Rider when Destroyed Which word of the above sentence that you do not understand? 4] Climbing Unlike other vehicles, Combat Cycle can move on the cliff area. 5] Vehicle Snipe (Jarmen Kell-rid only) Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless. Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot Projectile Speed: Immediate Recharge Time: 30 seconds 6] Rider's Stealth The Combat Cycle becomes stealth if the rider is a stealth unit 7] Can not crush infantry 8] Auto Repair Combat Cycle rider is capable of repairing his bike Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - AP Bullet (Black Market): (For Rebel and Jarmen Kell Combat Cycle only): +25 damage to Rebel Biker Machine Gun and Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle. - AP Rocket (Black Market): (For RPG Trooper Combat Cycle only): +25% damage to RPG Trooper Biker Rocket - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Combat Cycle to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 550 Build Time: 4 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby C.c.5) Radar Van Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anyhting Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Radar Van can sell the scavenged part of the destroyed vehicles. 2] Enables Minimap Opens the small battlemap, giving more control in the battlefield (any better explanation?) Still works in low-power condition Can not function if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 4] Auto Repair Enables the Radar van to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Radar Van Scan Opens a small portion of map and reveals all hidden units there. Prerequisite: Radar Van Scan Radius: 150 Recharge Time: 30000 milliseconds Revelation Time: 10000 ms Detection Rate: 500 ms Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Radar Van to auto-repair - Radar Van Scan (Black Market): Reveals an area as large as 150 in radius on the map. Detects stealth. Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 C.c.6) Rocket Buggy Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Buggy Rocket (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Minimum Range: 50 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 20 dist. vs infantry Clip Size: 6 shots; 12 with Buggy Ammo upgrade Clip Reload Time: 6000 milliseconds Auto Reload: (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip): 6100 ms Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rocket Buggy can claim the salvaged vehicles and turn them into cash 2] Auto Repair Enables the Rocket Buggy to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Buggy Ammo (Black Market): Adds Buggy Rocket store by 50% - Junk Repair (Black Market): Rocket Buggy auto-repairs Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer & Stealth Gen. Palace Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 C.c.7) Bomb Truck Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 50 dist/sec Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Weapon Information Bomb Truck Bomb (Suicide Weapon) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 1000; 2000 with High Explosive Bomb upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 40; 50 with HE Bomb upgrade Secondary Damage: 100; 200 with HE Bomb upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 65; 85 with HE Bomb upgrade Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation with Bio Bomb upgrade Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Bomb Truck is able to claim the scavenged vehicle, adding the treasure of the player 2] Disguise as Vehicle Disguises the truck as an enemy vehicle. Will be revealed by detector. 3] Detonate Detonates immediately. 4] High Explosive Bomb and Bio Bomb See Weapon and Upgrade Information 5] Auto Repair Allows the Bomb Truck to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - High Explosive Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a high explosive payload, increasing its explosion damage. - Bio Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a biological payload which spreads poison. - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Increases the bio bomb poison field damage. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Bomb Truck to auto repair. Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer & Stealth Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate or attack without order C.c.8) Battle Bus Health Information HP: 400; 650 when becoming Garrisoned Hulk Armor: - Bus Normal Condition: Battle Bus Truck Armor - Bus Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Truck Armor One - Bus Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Truck Armor Two - Hulk Normal Condition: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough - Hulk Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough One - Hulk Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Two Note that Hulk will automatically retain its crate upgrade status from the Bus before it is destroyed. A crate-one-upgraded Bus, for example, will create a crate-one-upgraded Hulk. Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 50 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Battle Bus can strengthen its armor with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Battle Bus is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Battle Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire from within and to gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Total Infantry Transported: 8 50% damage to passenger when turned into Garrisonable Hulk and 100% damage to passenger when totally destroyed Exit delay: 250 ms/infantry 4] Garrisonable Hulk After the Bus is destroyed, flying, and finally landing on the ground, its remains can still be used as a covered bunker for infantry in it. Automatically destroyed after no infantry inside. Destruction Delay: 1000 ms 5] Auto Repair Battle Bus (both as Bus and Hulk) can repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Battle Bus to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer & Stealth Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 8 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby C.c.9) Car Bomb Car bomb health, vision, etc depend on the car hijacked by the terrorist, but usually all cars have the statistics below. Refer to Civilian Units for more detailed information. Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Vision Information Vision Range: varies Locomotor Information Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Suicide Car Bomb (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 700 Primary Damage Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 Build Information Prerequisites: Terrorist and a civilian car Notes: - Slot: 3 D. GLA Toxin General Units ---------------------------------- (a) GLA Toxin General Aircraft --------------------------------- D.a.1) GLA Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as Anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 if badly damaged Turn rate: 25 degrees per second; 10 while badly damaged Notes - Drops Anthrax Bomb and Reinforcement Pad vehicle to the targetted area. - Door Open Time: 500 ms --------------------------------- (b) GLA Toxin General Infantry --------------------------------- D.b.1) Toxin Rebel Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Chemical Rebel Human Armor Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 25 Exp as Conscript 45 Exp as Heroic 60 Exp to Elite 30 Exp as Veteran 120 Exp to Heroic 35 Exp as Elite Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Rebel Gun Beta (Anti Surface) Damage: 8; 10 with Anthrax Gamma upgrade Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Empties garrisoned building (2 kills per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rebels can pick up salvage and turn it to cash for player 2] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 12 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 3] Ungarrison Toxin Rebel can ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 4] Stealth Prerequisite: Camouflage upgrade Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when attacking or capturing building Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Rebel to capture most base buildings and tech buildings. - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin Gen. Palace): Replaces the Anthrax Beta with more deadly Anthrax Gamma. ~ Camouflage (Standard GLA Palace): Chem. Rebels are stealthed when not doing any aggressive avtions. Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Barracks Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 D.b.2) Terrorist Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (immediate) Weapon Information 1] Suicide Dynamite Pack (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Activated when crushed, splatted, lasered, burned, exploded. 2] Chemical Suicide Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 200 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Small, Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma is upgraded Always activated when dead Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Terrorist can gain money from the salvage of the destroyed vehicles 2] Car Bomb Steals a civilian car and loads it with bomb (see Car Bomb) Upgrade Information - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Equips Terrorist with an Anthrax Gamma bomb pack instead of Anthrax Beta or standard toxin Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Barracks Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can be ordered to attack an empty area by force attack D.b.3) RPG Trooper Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 20 distances/sec; 10 if badly wounded Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information Tunnel Defender Rocket (RPG) (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rockets upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missiles Special Feature Information Salvager RPG Trooper can turn the salvaged vehicles into cash Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% to RPG missile damage Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Barracks or Tunnel Network (see notes and Tunnel Network) Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Comes up in pair when a Tunnel Network is completely built for the 1st time (not by GLA Hole) D.b.4) Angry Mob Health Information Members: 10; initially just 5, but will grow. HP: 50 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 150 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as anything 450 Exp to Elite 900 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Movement Information Group Movement Speed: 18 dist/sec Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Person Movement Normal Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Wander Speed: 13; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Panic Speed: 32; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 dist/sec Weapon Information 1] Pistol (Anti Surface) Some members of the Angry Mob bring pistols as weapons Damage: 10 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Cooldown: 250 ms Clip: 8 Reload Time: 3000 ms Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 2] Rock (Anti Surface) Some other members, instead of Pistols, effectively use Rock to knock down the enemy Damage: 40 Radius: 1 Range: 100 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 130 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Rock after 1000 ms) Replaced by AK-47 when Arm the Mob upgrade is researched 3] Molotov (Anti Surface) While their friends choose light Pistol and cheap Rock, some mobsters prefer Molotov Damage: 40 Radius: 11 Range: 100 Minimum Range: 12 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: 60 dist/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Pause before Throwing: 500 ms (let's say it is an addition to cooldown, so Angry Mob member using this will throw the next Molotov after 1000 ms) Molotov leaves earth-scorching flames for 2333 ms at the radius of 18-30, but it seems to cause additional damage. 4] AK-47 AK-47 replaces the standard Pistols and primitve Rocks Prerequisite: Arm the Mob upgrade Damage: 20; 25 with AP Bullets upgrade Range: 120 Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Cooldown: 250 ms Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Angry Mob can take the salvaged vehicles and turn it into cash 2] Regeneration As long as there is at least one person in the mob, the mob can gain full health and new members and still retains the rank it acquires Regeneration Rate: 30 seconds 3] Group Angry Mob member can only work in group. If there is one member separated from the group, (s)he dies Chasing Radius: 40 Upgrade Information - Arm the Mob (Palace): Replaces the pistols and rocks used by Angry Mob with powerful AK 47s - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases the attack damage of AK 47 Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Barracks & Toxin General Palace Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Can not be transported or enter Tunnel Network/buildings - Mobsters and their weapons: Mobsters Weapons Weapons (unupgraded) (upgraded) Aladdin Pistol AK-47 Woman in the Gypsy Costume Rock AK-47 Lady with the Hot Sauce Molotov Molotov Skinny Guy with the Green Beret Pistol AK-47 Fat Guy with the Tank Top Rock AK-47 The Robed Dude with the Man-Veil Pistol AK-47 D.b.5) Jarmen Kell Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (infinite) Weapon Information Jarmen Kell Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Jarmen Kell can pick up salvage and turn it into cash 2] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 ms Decloaks when attacking 3] Vehicle Snipe Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it captureable Can not Vehicle Snipe pilotless vehicles, such as Sentry Drone Can not Vehicle Snipe air units, even if they are on land Recharge Time: 30000 ms Range: 225 Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot 4] Crush Immunity As a hero, Jarmen Kell can not be squeezed except by Overlord/ Emperor Overlord Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Jarmen Kell's damage by 25% Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Barracks & Toxin General Palace Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Max no. to build: 1 - Slot: 1 D.b.6) Worker Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt Speed with Worker Shoes upgrade: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly wounded Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Worker can sell the remains of destroyed vehicles 2] Builder Construction Dozer can build China buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 3] Real/Fake Building Option Worker can build Fake Buildings as well as real ones. 4] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Disarm Delay: 1000 ms Disarm Recharge Time: 1000 ms Detection Rate: 500 msec Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 5] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. 6] Harvester Max Boxes to Carry: 1 ($75; $83 with Worker Shoes upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 150 ms for whole thing (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 150 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (Max distance to look for a warehouse, or workers go home) Warns when Supplies are exhausted Upgrade Information - Worker Shoes (Black Market): Increases Worker's speed and supply carrier capacity Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Command Center or Toxin General Supply Stash Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Worker Shoes upgrade increases the cash a Worker can carry. When he harvests a pile of supply, the supply decreases by $75, but the Worker delivers $83. For example, a Worker harvests a supply pile worth $1500. It requires a Worker to harvest it 20 times until it is empty ($1500/75=20). However, when the supply pile is exhausted, the total amount you collect is $1660 ($83*20=$1660). D.b.9) Stinger Soldier Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Stinger Soldier Armor Vision Information Vision\Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: immobile Turn rate: 500 degrees per second (almost immediately) Weapon Information 1] Stinger Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 225 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile 2] Stinger Missile (Anti Air) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 400 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 625 deg/sec Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Homing missile Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Stinger Protection Stinger Soldiers are protected by Stinger Site from most attack See Stinger Site for more info 2] Respawning Stinger Soldiers, if killed but the Stinger Site still exists, may respawn See Stinger Site for more info 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200 Upgrade Information - AP Rocket (Black Market): 25% Stinger missile damage to ground units Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Stinger Site Build Cost: 100 (only for players who choose Cash Bounty General Power) Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 --------------------------------- (c) GLA Toxin General Vehicle --------------------------------- D.c.1) Technical Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp to Veteran 25 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 75 Exp to Elite 50 Exp as Elite 150 Exp to Heroic 100 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 240 degrees/sec 1] Technical Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullets upgrade Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Cooldown: 200 ms Accuracy: 100% Projectile Speed: immediate 2] Technical Cannon (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 45; 56.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Accuracy: 100% against vehicle. May miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec 3] Technical RPG (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: 100% Range: 150 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Replaces Technical Machine Gun Weapon with a stronger weapon. Can be upgraded twice. 2] Transport Can transport up to 5 infantry. 10% damage to units inside when destroyed. 3] Salvager When a Technical is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 4] Auto Repair Allows the Technical to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Technical Machine Gun and Cannon (Upgrade One) damage by 25%. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Gives Technical auto-repair ability. Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 3 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.2) Scorpion Health Information HP: 370 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 60 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 120 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 125 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec See the condition list below for Scorpion weapons - No Rocket upgrade and no crate upgrade: Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and no crate upgrade: Scorpion Tank Gun and Scorpion Rocket - No Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 1: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 1: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun and Scorpion Rocket - No Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 2: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun - W/ Rocket upgrade and crate upgrade 2: Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun and Double Scorpion Rockets 1] Scorpion Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 20 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry 2] Scorpion Rocket (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 80; 100 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Min. Range: 40 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Missile Speed: 150 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Homing Missile 3] Advanced Scorpion Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 25 Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry 4] Double Scorpion Rockets (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 80; 100 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Min. Range: 40 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infantry Missile Speed: 150 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Clip Size: 2 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Homing Missile Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Scorpion can replaces its weapons with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Scorpion is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Toxin Contamination Scorpion loads its shells and rockets with a small amount of toxin, leaving Poison Field Small on the target (Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma upgrade is researched). When I tested it, it seemed that the Rockets do not contain toxin. Was I correct or it was just my eyesight that cheated me? 4] Auto Repair Scorpion is capable of repairing itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (granted): Replaces the standard toxin with deadlier agent, Anthrax Beta. Only works when Toxin Shells has been researched. - Scorpion Rocket (Arms Dealer): Installs a deadly rocket on the Scorpion - AP Rocket (Black Market): +25% to Scorpion Rocket damage. Only works when Scorpion Rocket upgrade has been researched. - Toxin Shell (granted): Loads Scorpion shells and the rocket with a handful doses of toxin. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Scorpion receives auto-repair ability. - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Fills Scorpion's shells and rockets with Anthrax Gamma, but it is just for fun. No additional damage, compared to Anthrax Beta. Only works when the Toxin Shells upgrade has been researched. Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 650 Build Time: 7 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.3) Quad Cannon Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec 1a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 1b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade one) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade one) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 50 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3a] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Surface (crate upgrade two) Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 3b] Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (crate upgrade two) Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 25 milliseconds Range: 350 Missile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Quad Cannon can upgrade its weapon with the remains of destroyed vehicles. Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Quad Cannon is already upgraded twice, it can sell the remains of the destroyed vehicles 3] Auto Repair This ability will allow Quad Cannon to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Quad Cannon to auto-repair - AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Quad Cannon damage Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 750 Build Time: 6 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.4) Toxin Tractor Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 150 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 300 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec 1] Toxin Truck Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 12.5; 20.5 with Anthrax Gamma upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100 Min. Range of 10 Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 2] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 15; 24.5 with Anthrax Gamma upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100 Min. Range: 10 Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) 3] Toxin Truck Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 20; 28.5 with Anthrax Gamma upgrade* Radius: 10 Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 milliseconds Range: 100; has a Min. Range of 10 with Anthrax Beta upgrade:( Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 30 shots Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds Homing missiles Empties Garrisoned buildings (kills 2 infantry per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Contamination Sprays toxin on a wide area a] Toxin Truck Sprayer Secondary Damage: 2.5 with/without Anthrax Gamma* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Upgraded Medium; Poison Field Gamma Medium if Anthrax Gamma is researched b] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade one) Secondary Damage: 3; 3.5 with Anthrax Gamma* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Upgraded Medium; Poison Field Gamma Medium if Anthrax Gamma is researched c] Toxin Truck Sprayer (crate upgrade two) Secondary Damage: 4; 4.5 with Anthrax Gamma* Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Range: 15 Damage Type: Poison Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 ms Leaves Poison Field Upgraded Medium; Poison Field Gamma Medium if Anthrax Gamma is researched 2] Ungarrison Toxin Tractor can ungarrison garrisonable Civilian Buildings. 3] Scavenger Toxin Tractor can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 4] Salvager When a Toxin Tractor is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 5] Auto Repair Allows the Toxin Tractor to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 6] Toxin Tractor Explosion Leaves Poison Field Upgraded Small when destroyed; Poison Field Gamma Small with Anthrax Gamma Upgrade Information - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with Anthrax Gamma - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Toxin Tractor to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 650 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - * means that the weapons, aside from researching Anthrax Gamma, can also be obtained when the Toxin Truck becomes heroic D.c.5) Combat Cycle Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information With Terrorist as its rider Normal (on Ground) Speed: 90 distances/sec; 68 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second Climbing Speed: 60 dist/sec; 45 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 deg/sec With other infantry as its rider Normal (on Ground) and Climbing Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Combat cycle weaponry depends on its rider. For Standard GLA, the default driver is Toxin Rebel. 1> Rebel Biker Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Rider: Toxin Rebel Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 7000 milliseconds 2> a. Suicide Bike Bomb (Anti Surface) Rider: Terrorist Primary Damage: 700 Primary Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 b. Chemical Suicide Weapon (Anti Surface) Rider: Terrorist Damage: 200 Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Small; Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma is researched 3> RPG Trooper Biker Rocket (Anti Surface and Air) Rider: RPG Trooper Damage: 40; 50 with AP Rocket upgrade Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Cooldown: 1000 milliseconds Range: 175 Minimum Range: 5 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Homing missile 4> Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Rider: Jarmen Kell Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullet upgrade Damage Type: Sniper Cooldown: 750 milliseconds Range: 225 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Combat Cycle, although incapable of reinforced its weapon or armor with the scavenge of the destroyed vehicle, can take the money from it. 2] Change Rider Combat Cycle can change its rider for multiple purposes. When it is riderless, unfortunately, it falls to the ground and is destroyed Infantry that are allowed to ride Standard GLA Combat Cycle a. Toxin Rebel b. Toxin Terrorist c. Toxin General RPG Trooper d. Standard GLA Hijacker e. Standard GLA Saboteur f. Toxin General Jarmen Kell g. Toxin General Worker Exit Delay: 250 ms 3] Kills Rider when Destroyed Try it yourself if you still do not understand ...... 4] Climbing Unlike other vehicles, Combat Cycle can move on the cliff area. 5] Vehicle Snipe (Jarmen Kell-rid only) Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless. Range: 225 Damage Type: Kill Pilot Projectile Speed: Immediate Recharge Time: 30 seconds 6] Rider's Stealth The Combat Cycle becomes stealth if the rider is a stealth unit 7] Can not crush infantry 8] Auto Repair Combat Cycle rider is capable of repairing his bike Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (granted) (Toxin Terrorist rider only): Carries an Anthrax Beta suicide bomb pack which is stronger than standard toxin bomb - AP Bullet (Black Market): (For Rebel and Jarmen Kell Combat Cycle only): +25 damage to Rebel Biker Machine Gun and Biker Jarmen Kell Sniper Rifle. - AP Rocket (Black Market): (For RPG Trooper Combat Cycle only): +25% damage to RPG Trooper Biker Rocket - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Combat Cycle to auto-repair - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Carries an Anthrax Gamma suicide bomb pack which has different colour of toxin than Anthrax Beta:p Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin General Arms Dealer Build Cost: 550 Build Time: 4 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby D.c.6) Marauder Health Information HP: 430 Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 125 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Marauder Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 2000 msec 2] Marauder Tank Gun (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Cooldown: 1500 msec 3] Marauder Tank Gun (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 500 dist/sec Cooldown: 750 msec Clipsize: 2 Clip Reload Time: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Marauder Tank can perfect its weapons with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Marauder Tank is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Toxin Contamination Marauder Tank loads its shells with a small amount of toxin, leaving Poison Field Small on the target (Poison Field Gamma Small if Anthrax Gamma upgrade is researched). 4] Auto Repair Marauder Tank is capable of repairing itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Toxin Shells (granted): Equips Marauder Tank shells with toxin, making Marauder a little bit more effective against infantry. - Anthrax Beta (granted): (Affects Toxin Shells-upgraded Marauder Tank only) Replaces the standard toxin filling the Marauder Tank shells with a more effective Anthrax Beta agent. - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): (Affects only Toxin Shells- upgraded Marauder Tank) Replaces the standard toxin used in the Marauder Tank shells with a more venomous Anthrax Gamma. Anthrax Gamma will also replace the Antrax Beta toxin-filling shells because it is more colourful, but not stronger:p. Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin Gen. Arms Dealer & Marauder Tank General Power Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.7) Radar Van Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 20 Exp as anyhting Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 40 distances/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Radar Van can sell the scavenged part of the destroyed vehicles. 2] Enables Minimap Opens the small battlemap, giving more control in the battlefield (any better explanation?) Still works in low-power condition Can not function if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport 4] Auto Repair Enables the Radar van to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second 5] Radar Van Scan Opens a small portion of map and reveals all hidden units there. Prerequisite: Radar Van Scan Radius: 150 Recharge Time: 30000 milliseconds Revelation Time: 10000 ms Detection Rate: 500 ms Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Radar Van to auto-repair - Radar Van Scan (Black Market): Reveals an area as large as 150 in radius on the map. Detects stealth. Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin Gen. Arms Dealer Build Cost: 550 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.8) Rocket Buggy Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 800 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Buggy Rocket (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Rocket upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Minimum Range: 50 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 20 dist. vs infantry Clip Size: 6 shots; 12 with Buggy Ammo upgrade Clip Reload Time: 6000 milliseconds Auto Reload: (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip): 6100 ms Homing missiles Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Rocket Buggy can claim the salvaged vehicles and turn them into cash 2] Auto Repair Enables the Rocket Buggy to repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Buggy Ammo (Black Market): Adds Buggy Rocket store by 50% - Junk Repair (Black Market): Rocket Buggy auto-repairs Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin Gen. Arms Dealer & Toxin Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 D.c.9) Bomb Truck Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 50 dist/sec Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Weapon Information Bomb Truck Bomb (Suicide Weapon) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 1000 Primary Damage Radius: 40 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 65 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation with Bio Bomb upgrade; Poison Field Gamma Medium with Anthrax Gamma upgrade Special Feature Information 1] Salvager Bomb Truck is able to claim the scavenged vehicle, adding the treasure of the player 2] Disguise as Vehicle Disguises the truck as an enemy vehicle. Will be revealed by detector. 3] Detonate Detonates immediately. 4] High Explosive Bomb and Bio Bomb See Weapon and Upgrade Information 5] Auto Repair Allows the Bomb Truck to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Bio Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a biological payload which spreads poison. - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin Gen. Palace): Hhmm.... No increment at all, just colour change - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Bomb Truck to auto repair. Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin Gen. Arms Dealer & Toxin Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate or attack without order D.c.10) SCUD Launcher Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second; 45 while badly damaged Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec 1] Scud Anthrax Warhead (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 25 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Range: 350 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Not homing missiles Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation; Poison Field Gamma Medium if Anthrax Gamma is researched 2] Scud Anthrax Warhead (crate upgrade one) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 25 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Not homing missiles Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation; Poison Field Gamma Medium if Anthrax Gamma is researched 3] Scud Anthrax Warhead (crate upgrade two) (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 250 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 60 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances against infantry. Range: 450 Minimum Range: 200 Missile Speed: 200 distances/second Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it launches Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec Not homing missiles Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation; Poison Field Gamma Medium if Anthrax Gamma is researched Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger SCUD Launcher can upgrade its weapon with the salvages of the destroyed vehicles. Can be upgraded twice. 2] Salvager When a SCUD Launcher is already upgraded twice, it can sell the salvages it claims. 3] Auto Repair Allows the SCUD Launcher to repair itself. Prerequisite: Junk Repair Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin Gen. Palace): Replaces the standard anthrax with deadlier Anthrax Gamma in the SCUD Warhead - Junk Repair (Black Market): Allows SCUD Launcher to repair itself. - AP Rockets (Black Market): Increases the damage of explosive SCUD warhead Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin Gen. Arms Dealer & Palace & Scud Launcher General Power Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not attack without order or retaliate D.c.11) Battle Bus Health Information HP: 400; 650 when becoming Garrisoned Hulk Armor: - Bus Normal Condition: Battle Bus Truck Armor - Bus Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Truck Armor One - Bus Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Truck Armor Two - Hulk Normal Condition: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough - Hulk Crate Upgrade One: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough One - Hulk Crate Upgrade Two: Battle Bus Structure Armor Tough Two Note that Hulk will automatically retain its crate upgrade status from the Bus before it is destroyed. A crate-one-upgraded Bus, for example, will create a crate-one-upgraded Hulk. Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 75 dist/sec; 50 if badly damaged Turn rate: 90 degrees per second; 60 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Scavenger Battle Bus can strengthen its armor with the salvage of the destroyed vehicles Can only be upgraded twice 2] Salvager When the Battle Bus is already upgraded twice, it can take the salvage and turns it into money 3] Battle Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire from within and to gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Total Infantry Transported: 8 50% damage to passenger when turned into Garrisonable Hulk and 100% damage to passenger when totally destroyed Exit delay: 250 ms/infantry 4] Garrisonable Hulk After the Bus is destroyed, flying, and finally landing on the ground, its remains can still be used as a covered bunker for infantry in it. Automatically destroyed after no infantry inside. Destruction Delay: 1000 ms 5] Auto Repair Battle Bus (both as Bus and Hulk) can repair itself Prerequisite: Junk Repair upgrade Repair Rate: 2 HP/second Upgrade Information - Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables Battle Bus to auto-repair Build Information Prerequisite: Toxin Gen. Arms Dealer & Toxin Gen. Palace Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Slot: 8 - Will not automatically attack enemy coming nearby D.c.12) Car Bomb Car bomb health, vision, etc depend on the car hijacked by the terrorist, but usually all cars have the statistics below. Refer to Civilian Units for more detailed information. Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Vision Information Vision Range: varies Locomotor Information Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Weapon Information Suicide Car Bomb (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 700 Primary Damage Radius: 20 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 5 Build Information Prerequisites: Terrorist and a civilian car Notes: - Slot: 3 ========================= 3 GLA Building Information ========================= A common feature shared by all GLA buildings is that no GLA building requires power to operate, even the SCUD Storm (Wow! Even US/Chinese scientists could not do the same)! Another feature which is common among GLA building is that most GLA Buildings are equipped with an underground hole where a Worker is hiding when the building is destroyed. The Worker will appear after a short time passes and tries to rebuild the destroyed building. There are common differences among the buildings used by various generals, i.e.: - All generals have their buildings to build their own units. For example, a Standard GLA Barracks can not build Toxin General infantry. (S)he must capture a Toxin General Barracks to train, say, a Toxin Terrorist. So a Toxin General player, after capturing a Standard GLA player's Barracks, can not expect to be able to build a Toxin Terrorist or a Toxin Rebel from the once captured Barracks. Refer to sessions on units above for reference if required. - The same rule may also apply for upgrade. Some upgrades are unique and can not be researched from other generals' buildings of the same kind (Demolition, for example, can not be researched from Toxin General Palace). However, if the upgrade is a common upgrade, it can be researched from other generals' buildings of the same kind and used by units of other generals which share the same upgrades (AP Bullets can be researched by a Stealth General player from a captured Demo General Black Market, for example, and used for his/her Technical). There are, of course, some tricks regarding upgrades from different generals which can be read in other sections of this FAQ. - Buildings of the same kind from two different generals can not interchange functions as requirements for buildings of the next hierarchy. A Demolition General Arms Dealer can not be used to build a Toxin General Palace. To build a Toxin General Palace, a Toxin General Arms Dealer is required. In this section, there is a Modification for Each GLA General section. This section only contains differences not mentioned above. For example, Standard GLA Stinger Sites and Stealth General Stinger Sites have different conditions. However, this section will not mention that the difference between a Standard GLA Arms Dealer and Stealth General Arms Dealer is Stealth Gen. Arms Dealer cannot produce Scorpion, Scud Launcher,etc. It is something that has already been mentioned above. ------------------------- ! 1) Standard Buildings ! ------------------------- a) Command Center Prerequisite: Worker Experience Value: 200 Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 HP: 5000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough; GLA Upgraded Structure Armor Tough with Fortified Structure upgrade Special Feature Information 1] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Increases the resistance of the building from attack. Modification for Each GLA General - Demolition General: Logo - Toxin General: Logo - Stealth General: a. Logo b. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Camo Netting (Respective Barracks): Camouflages the respective Barracks from view c. Adds Stealth in Special Feature Information 2] Stealth Prerequisite: Camo Netting upgrade Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when taking damage Notes: - Worker training facility - Required to activate some GLA General Powers (see General Powers) b) Barracks Prerequisite: none Experience Value: 100 Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor; GLA Upgraded Structure Armor with Fortified Structure upgrade Special Feature Information 1] Infantry Healing May heal at most 10 infantry at the same time May heal allied infantry, but not neutral or hostile Requires 2000 ms to fully heal a soldier 2] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Increases the building armor from attack. Modification for Each GLA General - Demolition General: none - Toxin General: none - Stealth General: a. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Camo Netting (Respective Barracks): Camouflages the respective Barracks from view b. Adds Stealth in Special Feature Information 3] Stealth Prerequisite: Camo Netting upgrade Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when taking damage Notes: - GLA infantry main facility training c) Supply Stash Prerequisite: Worker Build Cost: 1500 Selling Refund: 650 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor; GLA Upgraded Structure Armor with Fortified Structure. Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Strengthens the armor of the building against attack Modification for Each GLA General - Demo General: none - Stealth General: a. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Camo Netting (Respective Supply Stash): Camouflages the respective Supply Stash and its harvesting Workers from view b. Adds Stealth in Special Feature Information 3] Stealth Prerequisite: Camo Netting upgrade Also decloaks the Workers harvesting and dropping supplies there (see Stealth General Worker for more information) Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when taking damage - Toxin General: none Notes: - Comes with a Worker - Another Worker Training Facility - Can not be build too near to supplies. - Can receive supplies harvested by Workers or Chinooks. d) Tunnel Network Prerequisites: GLA Barracks HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 800 Refund: 100 Build Time: 15 seconds Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Weapon: Tunnel Network Gun Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees per second Damage: 10 Range: 175 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 250 msec Projectile Speed: immediate Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Underground Hideout Enables up to 10 units to hide underground. 2] Undergroud Network Transports units immediately between two tunnels. 3] Heals and Repairs Max units inside to heal/repair: 10 Healing/Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds 4] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 150 5] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) 6] Stealth Prerequisite: Camo Netting Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when firing or taking damage Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Respective Tunnel Network): Covers the Tunnel Network from enemy sight when not shooting or being damaged. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General: a. Special Feature Information Demo General Tunnel Network loses the Stealth ability, but receives a Demolition ability instead 6] Demolition Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies (woah....). Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion b. Upgrade Information - Demo General can't have Camo Netting upgrade for his Tunnel Network. - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. - Stealth General Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Respective Tunnel Network) (granted): Covers the Tunnel Network from enemy sight when not shooting or being damaged. - Toxin General: Toxin General uses a Toxin-equipped Tunnel Network (see Special Buildings). Notes: - Gives 2 RPG Troopers upon completion. - Eliminates units inside upon destruction if there is no tunnel exists. - Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker e) Stinger Site Prerequisite: GLA Barracks HP: 1000 Armor: Stinger Site Armor Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 15 seconds Vision Range: 600 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Experience Value: 200 Weapons Controller: Stinger Soldiers Maximal No. of Soldiers: 3 Stinger Soldier Respawn Rate: 30000 msec See Stinger Soldier for complete information Special Feature Information 1] Respawns Stinger Soldiers Replaces Stinger Soldiers perishing in battle (See above) 2] Stinger Protection Protects the Stinger Soldiers from most attack Stinger Site can not protect its Stinger Soldiers from the damage type below: Small Arms, Sniper, Poison, Radiation, Surrender, Microwave Stinger Site takes no damage from the damage type below if there is no Stinger Soldiers in it: Sniper, Poison, Surrender 3] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) 4] Explosion Stinger Site explodes and causes small damage to units nearby when destroyed Damage: 5 Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion 5] Detector It is just a result of the Detector ability owned by the Stinger Soldier 6] Stealth Grants stealth to Stinger Site and all soldiers housing it Prerequisite: Camo Netting Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when firing or taking damage Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Respective Stinger Site): Grants stealth ability to the Stinger Site and all Stinger Soldiers housing it. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demolition General: a. Special Feature Information Demo General Stinger Site loses the Stealth ability, but receives a Demolition ability instead 6] Demolition Uses the explosive to commit suicide. The explosion is usually fatal to the nearby enemies and neutral units, but has no effect on the nearby allies (woah....). Prerequisite: Demolition upgrade Demolition will automatically be activated when the unit is killed. Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 18 Secondary Damage: 300 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion b. Upgrade Information - Demo General can't have Camo Netting upgrade for his Stinger Site. - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. - Stealth General Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Respective Stinger Site) (granted): Covers the Stinger Site from enemy sight when not shooting or being damaged. - Toxin General a. Special Feature Information Toxin General Stinger Site loses the Stealth ability due to its inability to apply Camo Netting upgrade b. Upgrade Information Toxin General can't have Camo Netting upgrade for his Stinger Site. Notes: - Anti Aircraft and Vehicle - Uncapturable and undisableable by Hacker. f) Arms Dealer Prerequisite: GLA Supply Stash HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor; GLA Upgraded Structure Armor with Fortified Structure Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 15 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Repairs Vehicle Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds 2] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Increases the building resistance against attack Modification for Each GLA General: - Demolition General: none - Stealth General a. Adds Stealth ability in Special Feature Information Special Feature Information 3] Stealth Blocks the Arms Dealer Depot from enemy sight Prerequisite: Camo Netting Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when firing or taking damage b. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Arms Dealer): Sets a Camo Netting to hide the Arms Dealer Depot from enemy sight. - Toxin General: none Notes: - GLA vehicle purchase and repairing facility. - Door Opening Time: 2000 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms g) Demo Trap Prerequisite: Arms Dealer HP: 100 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 400 Build Time: 5 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Experience Value: 50 Weapon: Demo Trap Detonation Primary Damage: 600 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 400 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Trigger Detonation Range: 40 Can also be detonated manually Destruction Delay: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Proximity Fuse As the default built, this mode will explode 1 second after an enemy unit is detected in its radius. 2] Manual Detonation The demo trap will not explode upon an incoming enemy but will need the player's order to explode. 3] Detonate Explodes the demo trap. Also delays explosion 1 second after order is given. 4] Stealth Never decloaks itself. Modification for Each GLA General - Demo General: Demo General uses Advanced Demo Trap (see Unique Buildings). - Stealth General: none - Toxin General: Toxin General uses a Toxin-added Demo Trap (see Unique Buildings). Notes: - Does not create a GLA Hole upon destruction. - Uncapturable and undisableable hacker. - Not counted as victory determinant building. h) Palace Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 45 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 HP: 3000 Armor: Structure Armor; GLA Upgraded Structure Armor with Fortified Structure Experience Value: 300 Special Feature Information 1] Garrison Maximum Infantry to Garrison: 5 Infantry firing from within gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Can not be ungarrisonable except destoyed or by USA's Stealth Fighter Bunker Buster. 2] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Increases the building defense against attack - Demolition General: none - Stealth General a. Adds Stealth ability in Special Feature Information Special Feature Information 3] Stealth Blocks the Palace from enemy sight Prerequisite: Camo Netting Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when firing or taking damage (but will not decloak when infantry inside are firing:)). b. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Palace): Sets a Camo Netting to hide the Palace from the enemy sight. - Toxin General: none Notes: - GLA technology threshold building and upgrade facility. - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hacker i) Black Market Prerequisite: Palace Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 30 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor; GLA Upgraded Structure Armor with Fortified Structure Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Income Generator Income Generated: $20 every 2 seconds 2] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Increases the building defense against attack - Demolition General: none - Stealth General a. Adds Stealth ability in Special Feature Information Special Feature Information 3] Stealth Blocks the Palace from enemy sight Prerequisite: Camo Netting Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when firing or taking damage. b. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Black Market): Sets a Camo Netting to hide the Black Market from enemy sight. - Toxin General: none Notes: - GLA passive income generator and upgrade facility j) SCUD Storm Prerequisite: Palace Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Revealing Range (to all other players): 60 HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Experience Value: 400 Special Feature Information 1] SCUD Storm Reload Time: 5 minutes View Object Duration: 40000 ms View Object Range: 250 Total No. of Missiles Launched: 9 Cooldown: 100 ms - 1000 ms Delay between Missile Launch: 3000 ms (combined with Cooldown Rate, it takes 3100 ms - 4000 ms delay between missile launch) Primary Damage: 500 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 150; 200 with Anthrax Beta upgrade Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type:Explosion Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Leaves Poison Field Large after detonation 2] Leaves Poison Field Medium when destroyed 3] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Anthrax Beta (Palace): Increases the damage of the SCUD Storm and the Poison Field it leaves after detonation. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General a. Demo General uses a different SCUD Storm Missile Special Feature Information 1] SCUD Storm Reload Time: 5 minutes View Object Duration: 40000 ms View Object Range: 250 Total No. of Missiles Launched: 9 Cooldown: 100 ms - 1000 ms Delay between Missile Launch: 3000 ms (combined with Cooldown Rate, it takes 3100 ms - 4000 ms delay between missile launch) Primary Damage: 600 Primary Damage Radius: 75 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type:Explosion Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec b. Demo General can not have an Anthrax Beta upgrade, so its SCUD Storm receives no upgrade whatsoever. - Stealth General: a. Stealth General can conceal his SCUD Storm building from sight Special Feature Information 4] Stealth Blocks the Palace from enemy sight Prerequisite: Camo Netting Stealth Delay: 2500 ms Decloaks when firing or taking damage. This ability also nullifies its revealing range to 0. b. Adds Camo Netting in Upgrade Information Upgrade Information - Camo Netting (Black Market): Sets a Camo Netting to hide the SCUD Storm from enemy sight. - Toxin General: a. Toxin General uses a different SCUD Storm Missile Special Feature Information 1] SCUD Storm Reload Time: 5 minutes View Object Duration: 40000 ms View Object Range: 250 Total No. of Missiles Launched: 9 Cooldown: 100 ms - 1000 ms Delay between Missile Launch: 3000 ms (combined with Cooldown Rate, it takes 3100 ms - 4000 ms delay between missile launch) Primary Damage: 500; 550 with Anthrax Gamma upgrade Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 200 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type:Explosion Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 deg/sec Leaves Poison Field Upgraded Large, Poison Field Gamma Large with Anthrax Gamma upgrade. b. Toxin General receives bonus from his free upgraded Anthrax Beta and a new version of Anthrax, Anthrax Gamma. Upgrade Information - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Increases the damage of the SCUD Storm missiles and the poison field it leaves after detonation. Notes: - Super weapon facility k) Fake GLA Command Center Prerequisite: Worker Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 30 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 HP: 1250 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Experience Value: 50 Special Feature Information 1] Fake Structure Detonation Explodes the fake structure, damaging everything nearby. Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Becomes Real Command Center Builds this fake Command Center into a real GLA Command Center. Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Visually equips the fake Command Center with Fortified Structure, making it look real. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General: Logo - Stealth General: a. Logo b. In Upgrade Information, a Camo Netting upgrade appears. - Toxin General: Logo Notes: - Diversionary facility. l) Fake GLA Barracks Prerequisite: GLA Command Center Build Cost: 125 Build Time: 5 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 125 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 25 Special Feature Information 1] Fake Structure Detonation Explodes the fake structure, damaging everything nearby. Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Becomes Real GLA Barracks Builds this fake GLA Barracks into a real GLA Barracks. Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Visually equips the fake GLA Barracks with Fortified Structure, making it look real. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General: none - Stealth General: In Upgrade Information, a Camo Netting upgrade appears. - Toxin General: none Notes: - Diversionary facility. m) Fake GLA Supply Stash Prerequisite: GLA Command Center Build Cost: 375 Build Time: 5 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 250 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 50 Special Feature Information 1] Fake Structure Detonation Explodes the fake structure, damaging everything nearby. Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Becomes Real Supply Stash Builds this fake Supply Stash into a real Supply Stash. Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Visually equips the fake Supply Stash with Fortified Structure, making it look real. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General: none - Stealth General: In Upgrade Information, a Camo Netting upgrade appears. - Toxin General: none Notes: - Diversionary facility. n) Fake Arms Dealer Prerequisite: Supply Stash Build Cost: 625 Build Time: 10 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 50 Special Feature Information 1] Fake Structure Detonation Explodes the fake structure, damaging everything nearby. Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Becomes Real Supply Stash Builds this fake Arms Dealer into a real Arms Dealer. Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Visually equips the fake Arms Dealer with Fortified Structure, making it look real. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General: none - Stealth General: In Upgrade Information, a Camo Netting upgrade appears. - Toxin General: none Notes: - Diversionary facility. o} Fake Black Market Prerequisite: Palace Build Cost: 625 Build Time: 20 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 125 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 50 Special Feature Information 1] Fake Structure Detonation Explodes the fake structure, damaging everything nearby. Primary Damage: 200 Primary Damage Radius: 50 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 200 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Becomes Real Black Market Builds this fake Black Market into a real Black Market. Upgrade Information - Fortified Structure (Palace): Visually equips the fake Black Market with Fortified Structure, making it look real. Modification for Each GLA General: - Demo General: none - Stealth General: In Upgrade Information, a Camo Netting upgrade appears. - Toxin General: none Notes: - Diversionary facility. - Does not deposit money. The money it generates is just for visual deceit purpose only. p) GLA Hole Prerequisite: GLA buildings with Hole HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 50 HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 50 Special Feature Information 1] Worker Respawn Repaswns a Worker that will build the destroyed building. Worker Respawn Time: 20 seconds 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.5% of maximum HP per second Notes: - Worker hiding facility. - Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker. - Counted as a victory determinant building. - Automatically created from destroyed GLA buildings. q) Sneak Attack Tunnel Prerequisite: Sneak Attack General Power and GLA (or Boss General) Command Center Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Build Time: 5000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Tunnel Explosion If the Sneak Attack Tunnel is destroyed when it is still in progress, it explodes, releasing a small amount of damage and shockwave Small Explosion Delay: 10 ms Damage: 10 Damage Radius: 35 Damage Type: Melee Shockwave Damage: 10 Shockwave Radius: 10 Shockwave Damage at the Center of Explosion: 5 Big Explosion Delay: 1000 ms and 2500 ms (occurs twice) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Melee Shockwave Damage: 50 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Damage at the Center of Explosion: 25 2] Underground Hideout Enables up to 10 units to hide underground 3] Undergroud Network Transports units immediately between two tunnels 4] Heals and Repairs Max units inside to heal/repair: 10 Healing/Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds 5] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 150 Notes: - Surprise Attack Tunnel - Immune to capture - Undisableable by Hacker ----------------------- ! 2) Unique Buildings ! ----------------------- a) Toxin Network Owner: GLA Toxin General Prerequisite: GLA Toxin General Barracks Build Cost: 800 Refund: 100 Build Time: 15 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 100 Weapon: Chemical Tunnel Network Gun Turret Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Damage: 10; 12.5 with Anthrax Gamma Damage Radius: 10 Attack Range: 160 Spray Speed: 300 dist/sec Damage Type: Poison Cooldown: 40 ms Clip Size: 30 Clip Reload Time: 40 ms Accuracy: 100% Empties Garrisoned Building at a rate of 2 kills per hit Special Feature Information 1] Underground Hideout Enables up to 10 units to hide underground. 2] Undergroud Network Transports units immediately between two tunnels. 3] Heals and Repairs Max units inside to heal/repair: 10 Healing/Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds 4] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 150 5] Underground Hole Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole) Upgrade Information - Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Replaces the Anthrax Beta with deadlier Anthrax Gamma. Notes: - Gives 2 RPG Troopers upon completion. - Eliminates units inside upon destruction if there is no tunnel exists. - Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker b) Advanced Demo Trap Owner: GLA Demolition General Prerequisite: Demo General Supply Stash HP: 100 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 3 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Experience Value: 50 Weapon: Advanced Demo Trap Detonation Primary Damage: 700 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 500 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Trigger Detonation Range: 40 Can also be detonated manually Shockwave Damage: 30 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Taper Off: 70% (amount of damage at the shockwave edge) Destruction Delay: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Proximity Fuse As the default built, this mode will explode 1 second after an enemy unit is detected in its radius. 2] Manual Detonation The demo trap will not explode upon an incoming enemy but will need the player's order to explode. 3] Detonate Explodes the demo trap. Also delays explosion 1 second after order is given. 4] Stealth Never decloaks itself. Notes: - Does not create a GLA Hole upon destruction. - Uncapturable and undisableable hacker. - Not counted as victory determinant building. c) (Chemical) Demo Trap Owner: GLA Toxin General Prerequisite: GLA Toxin General Arms Dealer HP: 100 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 8 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Experience Value: 50 Weapon: Chemical Demo Trap Detonation Primary Damage: 250 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 100 Secondary Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Leaves Poison Field Upgraded Medium; Poison Field Gamma Medium with Anthrax Gamma Damage Type: Explosion Trigger Detonation Range: 40 Can also be detonated manually Destruction Delay: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Proximity Fuse As the default built, this mode will explode 1 second after an enemy unit is detected in its radius. 2] Manual Detonation The demo trap will not explode upon an incoming enemy but will need the player's order to explode. 3] Detonate Explodes the demo trap. Also delays explosion 1 second after order is given. 4] Stealth Never decloaks itself. Notes: - Does not create a GLA Hole upon destruction. - Uncapturable and undisableable hacker. - Not counted as victory determinant building. ==================== 4 GLA Upgrade Information ==================== 1) Capture Building Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Barracks Affected Units: Rebel (Rangers and Red Guards) Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 30 seconds Enables Rebels to capture most hostile and tech buildings. 2) Booby Trap Owner: GLA Standard GLA Demo General receives this upgrade for free Prerequisite: GLA Barracks Affected Unit: Rebel Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 30 seconds Rebels may set a booby trap on a friendly/neutral building which will explode when an enemy is trying to capture or enter the building. 3) Scorpion Rocket Owner: All GLA Generals except Stealth General Prerequisite: Arms Dealer Affected Unit: Scorpion Tank Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 30 seconds Installs a surface-to-surface rocket on Scorpion Tank. 4) Toxin Shells Owner: GLA Standard GLA Toxin General already possesses this knowledge from the beginning Prerequisite: Palace Affected Units: Scorpion and Marauder Tanks Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 30 seconds Fills Scorpion and Marauder Tank shells with a small amount of Anthrax, making them more deadly against infantry masses. 5) Anthrax Beta Owner: GLA Standard, GLA Stealth General GLA Toxin General already possesses the Anthrax Beta knowledge from the beginning Prerequisite: Palace Affected Units: Toxin Truck, Bomb Truck with Bio Bomb Upgrade, Anthrax Warhead Scud Missile, Scorpion and Marauder with Toxin Shells Upgrade, Scud Storm, and Scud Storm Missile. Research Cost: 2500 Research Time: 30 seconds Replaces the standard toxin and anthrax weapon with a stronger version of anthrax. 6) Camouflage Owner: GLA Standard GLA Stealth General receives this upgrade from the beginning Prerequisite: Palace Affected Unit: Rebel (including GLA Demo Gen. Rebel and Toxin Rebel) Research Cost: 2000 Research Time: 60 seconds Gives Rebels stealth ability when not attacking or capturing buildings. 7) Arm the Mob Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Palace Affected Unit: Angry Mob Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 30 seconds Distributes AK-47 to the Angry Mob members, replacing their pistols and rock weapons. 8) Fortified Structure Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Palace Affected Buildings: GLA Command Center, GLA Barracks, Supply Stash, Arms Dealer, Palace, Black Market, fake buildings. Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 30 seconds Reinforces the walls and fences of the structures so they can withstand enemy attack. 9) Suicide Bomb Owner: GLA Demolition General Prerequisite: GLA Demo General Palace Affected Units/Buildings: Rebel, Terrorist, RPG Trooper, Jarmen Kell, Worker, Scorpion, Technical, Quad Cannon, Toxin Tractor, Combat Bike, Marauder Tank, Rocket Buggy, SCUD Launcher, Battle Bus, Stinger Site, Tunnel Network. Note that all those units and buildings specifically belong to Demo General. A Toxin Rebel, for example, will not receive this upgrade by any means. Research Cost: 2000 Research Time: 30 seconds Equips units/buildings with high explosion which can be detonated manually or automatically when the units/buildings die. 10) Anthrax Gamma Owner: GLA Toxin General Prerequisite: GLA Toxin General Palace Affected Units/Buildings: Standard GLA and GLA Demo General Scorpion Tank with Scorpion Rocket and Toxin Shells upgrades, Standard GLA and Demo General Marauder with Toxin Shells upgrade ; Toxin Rebel, Toxin Terrorist, Toxin General Scorpions, Toxin Gen. Marauder, Toxin Gen. Toxin Tractor, Toxin Gen. Bomb Truck with Bio bomb upgrade, Toxin Gen. SCUD Launcher, Toxin Gen. Demo Trap, Toxin Gen. SCUD Storm Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 60 seconds Replaces the older version of chemical/biological weapons with a deadlier agents. 11) Armor Piercing Bullets Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Black Market Affected Units: Rebel, Stealth Rebel, Angry Mob, Jarmen Kell, Technical, Quad Cannon, Combat Bike with all kinds of Rebel riders Research Cost: 2000 Research time: 60 seconds Increases the damage of the affected units by an average of 25% 12) Junk Repair Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequiste: Black Market Affected Units: Technical, Scorpion Tank, Quad Cannon, Toxin Tractor, Radar Van. Combat Bike, Marauder Tank, Rocket Buggy, Bomb Truck, SCUD Launcher, Battle Bus Research Cost: 2000 Research time: 60 seconds Endows all GLA vehicles with an auto-repair ability. 13) Armor Piercing Rockets (AP Rockets) Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Black Market Affected Units: RPG Trooper, Stinger Soldier, Scorpion with Scorpion Rocket upgrade, Rocket Buggy, Standard GLA/Demo Gen. SCUD Launcher, Combat Bike with RPG Trooper rider Research Cost: 2000 Research Time: 60 seconds Increases the damage of GLA rocket attacks. 14) Buggy Ammo Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Black Market Affected Unit: Rocket Buggy Research Cost: 1200 Research time: 30 seconds Increases the ammo storage of a Rocket Buggy by 100%, allowing it to fire more rockets before reloading. 15) Radar Van Scan Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Black Market Affected Unit: Radar Van Research Cost: 500 Research Time: 20 seconds Allows Radar Van to reveal a small portion of map, uncovering even the stealthy ones. 16) Worker Shoes Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Black Market Affected Unit: Worker Research Cost: 1000 Research Time: 10 seconds Distributes free shoes for Workers, increasing their movement rate and also their supply gathering effectivity. 17) Become Real GLA Command Center Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Fake GLA Command Center Affected Building: Respective Fake GLA Command Center Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 30 seconds Turns the Fake GLA Command Center into a real GLA Command Center. 18) Become Real GLA Barracks Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Fake GLA Barracks Affected Building: Respective Fake GLA Barracks Build Cost: 375 Build Time: 10 seconds Turns the Fake GLA Barracks into a real GLA Barracks. 19) Become Real GLA Supply Stash Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Fake Supply Stash Affected Building: Respective Fake Supply Stash Build Cost: 1125 Build Time: 10 seconds Turns the Fake Supply Stash into a real Supply Stash. 20) Become Real GLA Arms Dealer Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Fake Arms Dealer Affected Building: Respective Fake Arms Dealer Build Cost: 1875 Build Time: 10 seconds Turns the Fake Arms Dealer into a real Arms Dealer. 21) Become Real GLA Black Market Owner: All GLA Generals Prerequisite: Fake Black Market Affected Building: Respective Fake Black Market Build Cost: 1875 Build Time: 20 seconds Turns the Fake Black Market into a real Black Market. 22) Camo Netting Owner: Standard GLA, GLA Stealth General Prerequisites: Standard GLA Stinger Site and Tunnel Network; Stealth Gen. Command Center, Supply Stash, Barracks, Arms Dealer, Palace, SCUD Storm, Black Market Affected Buildings: Respective buildings Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 seconds Blankets the building with a Camo Netting, making it invisible. 23) High Explosive Bomb Prerequisite: Bomb Truck Affected Unit: Respective Bomb Truck Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 Loads a high explosive payload to the Bomb Truck, increasing its damage by 100%. 24) Bio Bomb Prerequisite: Bomb Truck Affected Unit: Respective Bomb Truck Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 Loads a bio bomb to the Bomb Truck, contaminating the ground with Poison Field Medium when destroyed. *************************************************************** USA *************************************************************** Introduction Founded on freedom right, USA continues its philosophy until now. Many moves that involved USA within are usually perceived as battles for freedom. the War of Independece, Civil War between North and South, World War I, World War II, Operation: Desert Storm, etc, all spreading USA's freedom philosophy. Relying on its most advanced technologies and training systems, USA begins his role as world police to make Earth a safer place for mandkind by spreading the freedom spirit. ============ 1 USA Factions ============ a. Standard USA USA builds its might on technology and training systems. b. USA Air Force General General Granger prefers to utilize the maximum air power available to defeat his enemies. Name: Malcolm "Ace" Granger Side: USA Rank: 4-Star General Branch: US Air Force Class Number: 08291102-HBGB Stationed: Fort Belmont, Houston, Texas, USA Tactical Overview: Air Force Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: Unlike other generals who got their reputation after they were grown up, Granger got his fame at the age of 12, when he borrowed and flew his father's biplane, and Iowa crop duster, to a state fair in Kansas City. When he was a lieutenant in Vietnam war, he gained his "ace" reputation for knocking down 4 MiG-17s over Da Nang (some other info says he gained his reputation in Iraqi War, where he destroyed 4 SAM sites in a single afternoon). In US Air Force, where he gained his office, Granger was obsessed to push the USAF air superiority to total air superiority. This even-tempered but uncompromising general has developed techniques of fuel management and resources deployment during air superiority operations, which have been used successfully in Iraq, Afganistan, and other battles. His squadrons are known for their operations in the fields. Army Modifications: - King Raptor replaces the standard Raptor. King Raptor is cheaper to produce, more agile in battle, capable of detecting stealth, and carrying more ammo. - Stealth Fighter is available without spending any General Point. - Capable of manufactoring Combat Chinook which enables infantry to fire from inside. - All aircraft and choppers, except Comanche, are equipped with laser defense system. - All aircraft/choppers cost less. - Carpet Bombing is available once the Strategy Center is built. - Emergency Repair level 1 sooner - Comanche Stealth upgrade is available. - Avenger needs Strategy Center to build. - No Crusader or Paladin tank. - Humvee, Ambulance, and Tomahawk cost more. c. USA Laser General General Townes prefers to utilize cutting edge laser technology to defeat his enemies. Name: "Pintpoint" Townes Side: USA Rank: 4 Star General Branch: US Army Class Number: 00010204-0IKE0 Stationed: Fort Union, Redwood Shores, California, USA Tactical Overview: Lasers Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: General Townes developed the use of laser weapons for both offensive and defensive military purposes. He received a teaching post in 2008 but decided to return to the field three years later. This four-star general has done some efforts to make laser technology cheap enough to be produced and sufficiently powerful to be deployed as weapons. Army modifications: - Power-consuming Laser Crusader tanks replaces the standard Crusader tanks. - Laser Defense Turret replaces the standard Patriot Missile Defense System. - Avenger costs less and does not require Strategy Center to build. - Advanced Cold Fusion Reactor produces more power and costs less. - Advanced Control Rods at Advanced Cold Fusion Reactor provides more power. - No Paladin tank and Tomahawk. d. USA Super Weapon General General Alexander prefers to build heavy base defenses and build super weapons to defeat her enemies. Name: Alexis Alexander Side: USA Rank: 4 Star General Branch: US Marine Class Number: 07121969-HB Stationed: Camp Franklin, Belfast, Maine, USA Tactical Overview: Superweapon (Particle Cannon) Availability: Skirmish, Generals Challenge, Online Short Biography: Alexander started her career serving as a logistics staffer in Okinawa, Japan, during the second Korean War, where she gained the attractions of her superiors for acquiring everything needed in short order. Her outstanding ability improved after she got her scholarship and service in the US Marine. It is during the First GLA Conlict when Alexander showed the effectiveness of her strategy, developing an impenetrable tiered defense system that never failed to secure her supply column. She employs tactics that emphasizes the resources gathering and heavy defense in the early phase of the conflicts and continues with an unstoppable offensive tactic when she sees the chances to allow such actions. Army Modifications: - Capable of building Aurora Alpha instead of standard Aurora Bomber. - Cold Fusion Reactors cost more. - Advanced Control Rods as replacements for standard Control Rods. - EMP Patriot replaces the standard Patriot. EMP Patriot delivers less damage to vehicles but disables them. - Colonel Burton requires less funds to train. - Particle Cannons cost less. - Leaflet Drop General Power sooner. - Spectre Gunship General Power sooner and consists of 3 levels. - Vehicles cost more, including Comanche. - No Crusader or Paladin tanks. ==================== 1 USA General Powers ==================== ======================= || Standard USA General Powers || ======================= 1-Star General: Paladin Tank; Stealth Fighter; Spy Drone 3-Star General: Pathfinder; Paradrop Lv 1; Paradrop Lv 2; Paradrop Lv 3; A10 Strike Lv 1; A10 Strike Lv 2; A10 Strike Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3 5-Star General: Fuel Air Bomb; Leaflet Drop; Spectre Gunship ==================== || Air Force General Powers || ==================== 1-Star General: Spy Drone; Emergency Repair Lv 1 3-Star General: Pathfinder; Paradrop Lv 1; Paradrop Lv 2; Paradrop Lv 3; A10 Strike Lv 1; A10 Strike Lv 2; A10 Strike Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3; Spectre Gunship Lv 1; Spectre Gunship Lv 2 5-Star General: Fuel Air Bomb; Leaflet Drop; Spectre Gunship Lv 3 ======================= || Laser General General Powers || ======================= 1-Star General: Spy Drone; Stealth Fighter 3-Star General: Pathfinder; Paradrop Lv 1; Paradrop Lv 2; Paradrop Lv 3; A10 Strike Lv 1; A10 Strike Lv 2; A10 Strike Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3 5-Star General: Fuel Air Bomb; Leaflet Drop; Spectre Gunship ======================== || Super Weapon General Powers || ======================== 1-Star General: Spy Drone; Stealth Fighter 3-Star General: Pathfinder; Leaflet Drop; Paradrop Lv 1; Paradrop Lv 2; Paradrop Lv 3; A10 Strike Lv 1; A10 Strike Lv 2; A10 Strike Lv 3; Emergency Repair Lv 1; Emergency Repair Lv 2; Emergency Repair Lv 3; Spectre Gunship Lv 1; Spectre Gunhsip Lv 2 5-Star General: Fuel Air Bomb; Spectre Gunship Lv 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Paladin Tank Buildings Required: USA War Factory Allows player to build a Paladin Tank. Paladin Tank is equipped with a laser defense system to destoy incoming missiles. Stealth Fighter Building Required: USA Air Field This General Power gives player an access to build a Stealth Fighter (actually it is a Stealth Bomber). Stealth Fighter is invisible and will only decloak when firing. Spy Drone Building Required: USA Command Center Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Deploys a stealthy Spy Drone. Spy Drone is used mainly for reconnaisance purpose because its vision range and its detector ability (See Spy Drone for more information). Pathfinder Buildings Required: USA Barracks This General Power lets player train stealthy Pathfinder. Pathfinder uses a sniper rifle, making him an excellent infantry-killer at range. See Pathfinder for details. Ranger Paradrop Building Required: USA Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Rangers Parachuted: 5 (Lv 1), 10 (Lv 2), 20 (Lv 3) Sends in a US Cargo Plane to drop a squad of Rangers anywhere in the map. Can only be dropped on an area without fog of war. A10 Missile Strike Building Required: USA Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes A10s on Mission: 1 (Lv 1), 2 (Lv 2), 3 (Lv 3) Calls A10 to bombard a specific area. Any units/buildings in the target area will suffer heavy casulaties. Emergency Repair Building Required: USA Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Radius: 100 Name Max HP Fixed Emergency Repair Lv 1 Light Repair 100 Emergency Repair Lv 2 Medium Repair 200 Emergency Repair Lv 3 Serious Repair 300 Emergency Repair enables the player to fix friendly/allied vehicles in a specific area, returning their lost HP. Spectre Gunship Building Required: USA Standard/Laser General Command Center Recharge Time: 4 minutes Patrolling Radius: 200 Patrolling Time: 15 seconds Deploys a Gattling Cannon-and Howitzer-armed Spectre Gunship to wreak havoc an area. See USA Standard/Laser General Spectre Gunship for more information. Spectre Gunship Building Required: Air Force General/Super Weapon General Command Center Recharge Time: 3 minutes (though it is written 4 minutes in the shortcut to General Power, my test proved it 3 minutes) Patrolling Radius: 200 Patrolling Time: 10 seconds (Lv 1), 15 Seconds (Lv 2), 20 seconds (Lv 3) Deploys a Gattling Cannon-and Howitzer-armed Spectre Gunship to wreak havoc an area. See Air Force/Super Weapon General Spectre Gunship for more information. Fuel Air Bomb Building Required: USA Command Center Recharge Time: 6 minutes Fuel Air Bomb Sends an American B-52 to parachute a destructive Fuel Air Bomb at the target. When MOAB is researched, B-52 is replaced by B-3. 1) Fuel Air Bomb Damage: 2000 Damage Radius: 100; 150 with MOAB upgrade Damage Type: Explosion Shock Wave will be added to the statistics when MOAB is researched. Shock Wave Damage: 250 Shock Wave Radius: 200 Shock Wave Taper Off: 33% (damage at the shockwave edge) 2) Fuel Air Bomb Flame Damage: 5 (Just a spot of flame to light trees on fire) Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Flame Leaflet Drop Building Required: USA Command Center Recharge Time: 5 minutes Disabled Duration: 20 seconds Disabled Radius: 110 Drops leaflets with false propaganda, demoralizing enemies. ================= 2 USA Unit Information ================= A. Standard USA Units ---------------------------- (a) Standard USA Aircraft ---------------------------- A.a.1) Chinook Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 150 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisite: US Supply Center Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 8 ($600; $660 with Supply Lines upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 2900 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1200 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Chinooks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. 2] Transport Transport Slots: 8 100% damage to units inside if destroyed (freefall without parachutes...) Can transport all infantry and most vehicles except Nuke Cannon. Exit Delay: 100 ms 3] Combat Drop Sends all Rangers inside to a garrisoned building to occupy it, killing all hostile units inside. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. Total No. of Ropes: 4 Rope Delay: 900-1500 ms Ranger Rappel Speed: 30 Upgrade Information - Supply Lines (Strategy Center): Increases the supply a Chinook can load. Notes - Chinook, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. - Chinook only lands if ordered to load or unload units or to undergo a repair. A.a.2) Comanche Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Comanche Armor; Countermeasures Comanche Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Comanche 20 mm Cannon (Anti Surface) Always used when attacking infantry or missiles are reloaded Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2] Comanche Anti Tank Missile (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 50 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 30 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Jet Missile Range: 200 Accuracy: 100% against vehicles (practically it is never used against infantry but theoretically it may miss as much as 20 distances against infantry) Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Auto Reload: 15100 ms (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip) Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Fire Rocket (Anti Surface) Comanche fires deadly rocket barrages on the targeted area, damaging everything in its explosion radius. Prerequisite: Rocket Pods upgrade Primary Damage: 30 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 200 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 Clip Size: 20 Clip Reload Time: 30000 ms Not a homing missile 2] Auto Reload Comanche does not need to return to Air Field for reloading. 3}Flare Releases missile-distracting flares when an enemy AA attack threatens. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reload Time: 4000 ms (reloads in the air) 4] Eject Pilot Comanche will eject its pilot inheriting its veterancy. A conscript (regular) Comanche will not eject any pilot. Upgrade Information - Rocket Pods (US Air Field): Gives Comanche ability to fire rocket barrages. - Countermeasures (US Air Field): Equips Comanche with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Comanche gains experiences twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Comanche, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. It will land near the Airfield. - Comanche will never land except when undergoing a repair in a US Air Field. A.a.3) Raptor Health Information HP: 160 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasure upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/second; 120 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 120; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Raptor Jet Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Jet Missiles Cooldown: 150 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Clip Size: 4 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to10 dist against infantry Homing missile Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 20 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Raptor is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Air Field): Increases the damage of Raptor missile by 25%. - Countermeasures (US Air Field): Equips the Raptor with chaffs to confuse enemy missile tracking system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Raptor gains veterancy level 100% as fast. Notes: - Raptor takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Raptor will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. A.a.4) Stealth Fighter Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/sec; 120 when heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 150; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Stealth Jet Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 220 Minimum Range: 60 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Accuracy: 10% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 dist vs infantry Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds Homing Missile Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field; Stealth Fighter General Power Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 25 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Fighter cloaks when not firing. Stealth Delay: 1500 ms 2] Bunker Buster Prerequisite: Bunker Buster upgrade Stealth Fighter missiles are capable of ungarrison these buildings below: a. Bunker/Fortified Bunker b. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker and Huts, etc) c. Palace d. Tunnel Network Bunker Buster-upgraded Stealth Fighter missiles ungarrison those buildings and kill most infantry unlucky enough to stay in the buildings. The infantry surviving the Bunker Buster are infantry with HP above 150, they are: a. Ranger b. Colonel Burton c. Jarmen Kell d. Black Lotus, except Boss General Black Lotus A Tunnel Network housing vehicles in it, when bested by a Bunker Buster- upgraded missile, will be forced to evacuate the vehicles. Bunker Buster also adds the Stealth Fighter missile damage Bunker Buster Shockwave Weapon Small Damage: 10 Radius: 50 Shockwave Damage Amount: 50 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Taper Off (Damage delivered at the shockwave edge): 30% Bunker Buster can also push infantry staying in the radius of 200 from its explosion. 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Stealth Fighter is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Stealth Fighter will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Airfield): Increases the damage of Stealth Fighter missile by 25% - Bunker Buster (US Airfield): Stealth Fighters can damage units in some buildings and force the survivors to leave the buildings. - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Equips the aircraft with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Stealth Fighter gains veterancy level as twice as fast. Notes - Stealth Fighter takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Stealth Fighter will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. A.a.5) Aurora Bomber Health Information HP: 80 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 200 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 400 Exp as Elite/Heroic 800 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Normal Supersonic Sluggish Speed 180 dist/sec 480 dist/sec 150 dist/sec Speed (badly damaged) 120 dist/sec 240 dist/sec 100 dist/sec Turn Rate 180 deg/sec 180 deg/sec 90 deg/sec Turn Rate (badly damaged) 90 deg/sec 90 deg/sec 60 deg/sec Acceleration 180 480 90 Acceleration (badly damaged) 120 240 60 Note: Normal: Aurora is ordered to move Supersonic: Aurora is ordered to attack Sluggish: Aurora is out of ammo Weapon Information Aurora Bomb (Anti Surface) Damage: 400 Radius: 20 Damage Type: Aurora Bomb Range: 300 Bomb Speed: 480 dist/sec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 5000 milliseconds Not homing Special Feature Information 1] Supersonic Aurora uses supersonic mode when receiving an order to attack. When it moves in supersonic mode, Aurora is invulnerable to enemy attack. 100 ms are required to shift from supersonic mode to sluggish mode Aurora Bomber still remains untargettable during the first 2000 ms of the sluggish mode. (See Movement Information) 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Aurora is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Aurora will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs aircraft with a missile distracting system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Aurora gets veterancy 100% faster Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field and Strategy Center Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Aurora Bomber takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Aurora Bomber will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. A.a.6) US Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Time Ranger Paradrop General Power and a US Command Center, or a Reinforcement Pad, or a Supply Drop Zone. Notes - Used to drop Ranger Paradrop, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and Supply Drop Zone crates - Door open time: 500 ms A.a.7) A10 Thunderbolt Health Information HP: 600 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn Rate: 200 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged Weapon Information 1] A10 Thunderbolt Vulcan (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Radius: 4 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 60 milliseconds Range: 450 Projectile Speed: immediate 2] A10 Thunderbolt Missile (Anti Surface) Launches 6 missiles per aircraft. 1st level will deliver 6 missiles, 2nd 12 missiles, and 3rd 18 missiles. Damage: 200 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Clip Size: 2 Cooldown: 500 ms Missile Speed: 240 ms/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/second Homing Missile Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information A-10 Thunderbolt Missile Strike General Power and a US Command Center Notes: - A.a.8) B52 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used for Leaflet Drop, Fuel Air Bomb, Carpet Bomb - Door open time: 500 ms A.a.9) B3 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 200 dist/sec; 180 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 160 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 50% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used to drop MOAB - Door open time: 500 ms A.a.10) Spectre Gunship Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Spectre Gunship Armor; Countermeasures Spectre Gunship Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Moving to the destination Speed: 290 distances/sec; 200 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patrolling an area Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patroling radius: 250 Patroling time: 15000 ms Weapon Information 1] Spectre Howitzer Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 80 Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 777 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 518 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 389 msec (2000 shoots) Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Missile Speed: immediate Not a homing missiles 2] Spectre Gunship Gattling Cannon (Anti Surface) Damage: 90 Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Gattling shot area: 20 Damage Type: Gattling Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 100 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 50 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 25 msec (2000 shoots) Combination of both weapons have some modifiers Delay between each attempted shot of Howitzer: 300 ms Delay for Howitzer to shoot after Gattling Cannon shot: 400 ms Attack Area Radius: 200 Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reloads when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips the aircraft with a missile-distracting chaff system armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Prerequisite: US Spectre Gunship General Power (Level 5) Notes A.a.11) Aircraft Carrier Raptor Health Information HP: 160 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasure upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/second; 120 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 120; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Raptor Jet Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Jet Missiles Cooldown: 150 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Clip Size: 4 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to10 dist against infantry Homing Missile Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Raptor is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Aircraft Carrier/Air Field Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Air Field): Increases the damage of Raptor missile by 25%. - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips the Raptor with chaffs to confuse enemy missile tracking system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Raptor gains veterancy level 100% as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: US Aircraft Carrier Build Cost: Auitomatically built for free Build Time: 4 seconds Notes: - Raptor takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Raptor will return to Aircraft Carrier after flying idly for 10 seconds. - Unselectable - Can only be found in US Zero Hour Mission 2 ---------------------------- (b) Standard USA Infantry ---------------------------- A.b.1) Ranger Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Normal Rappel Speed 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt 30 dist/sec Turn Rate 500 deg/sec (infinite) - Note: - Normal: Ranger is walking - Rappel: Ranger is performing a Combat Drop Weapon Information 1] Ranger Advanced Combat Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 5 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds 2] Ranger Flash Bang Grenade (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Surrender Range: 175 Minimum Range: 20 Projectile Speed: 120 Accuracy: 96% against unmoving target (may miss as much as 4 distance radius from the target) Reload Time: 2000 msec Empties garrisoned civilian buildings (10 kills per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 15 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Flash Bang upgrade Switches weapon from Rifle to Flash Bang or vice versa 3] Ungarrison Ranger can kill enemy infantry garrisoning in a civilian building with Flash Bang grenade. 4] Combat Drop Prerequisite: Chinook Drops Ranger by Chinook to occupy a garrisonable civilian building controlled by hostile units. All hostile units inside will be exterminated. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. See Chinook for more info. Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Ranger to capture most hostile buildings or tech buildings. - Flash Bang Grenade (US Barracks): Allows Ranger to switch weapon from Rifle to Flash-Bang or vice versa. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Ranger by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Ranger defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: US Barracks Build Cost: 225 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 A.b.2) Missile Defender Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Weapon Information Missile Defender Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Range: 175 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Homing missile Special Feature Information Laser Missile Attack Uses Laser Beam to target a hostile vehicle Preparation Time: 1000 (+500 ms, making a total 1500 ms) Target Range: 200 dist Abort Range: 250 dist (cancels Laser Missile Attack when enemy vehicle moves outside 250 dist). Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 300 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% (though it is practically can't target infantry, theoretically it may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry) Cooldown: 500 msec Homing missile Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Missile Defender by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Missile Defender resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: US Barracks Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 A.b.3) Pathfinder Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 50 exp to veteran 40 exp as conscript/veteran 100 exp to elite 60 exp as elite 200 exp to heroic 80 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite) Weapon Information Pathfinder Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 100 Damage Type: Sniper Range: 300 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 2000 msec Can not attack vehicles or buildings. Special Feature Information 1] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect when in a garrison or transport or Tunnel Network 2] Stealth Decloaks when moving, still cloaks even when attacking or when garrisoning in a garrisonable civilian building. Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Pathfinder gains experience as twice as fast. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Pathfinder resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: US Barracks & Pathfinder General Power Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Will not retaliate if attacked. A.b.4) Colonel Burton Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 300 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran/elite 600 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Walking Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Climbing Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Weapon Information Colonel Burton Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 125 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 100 msec Clip Size: 3 Clip Reload Time: 500 msec Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloaks when firing or before planting C4s 2] Climbing Colonel Burton can climb some cliffs, making him good at infiltrating base lending its protection on mountain only. See Movement Information. 3] Can not be squished except by Overlord/Emperor Overlord 4] Knife Attack Damage: 10000 Damage Type: Melee Range: 3 Reload Time: 1367 msec Pre Attack Delay: 833 ms (always delays attack for 833 ms before stabbing) 5] Timed Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after 20 seconds Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 ms Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Timed C4s to Install: 10 Does not expire when Colonel Burton dies 6] Remote Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after detonated Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Remote C4s to Install: 8 Expires if Colonel Burton dies 7] Detonate Detonates all Remote Demo Charges Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton's veterancy gathering by 100% - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: US Barracks & Strategy Center Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Max. Limit: 1 - Will not retaliate when attacked. A.b.5) Pilot Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 10 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Eject Escapes from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. 2] Veterancy Inheritancy Inherits veterancy level of the destroyed vehicles. 3] Veterancy Deliverance Delivers or adds the veterancy level a pilot owns to the vehicle he boards. Vehicles to receive veterancy: All vehicles which can gain veterancy level except transport. Build Information - Built from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. Notes: - Slot: 1 - When ejecting from the destroyed vehicle, a pilot remains unattackable for 2000 ms. - To deliver veterancy level to a Comanche, simply damage the Comanche and when it docks to the Airfield to repair, enter. - Guard your pilot so he won't land in water. He will die drowned. ---------------------------- (c) Standard USA Vehicles ---------------------------- A.c.1) Humvee Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 320 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Humvee Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 600 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 msec 2] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Not a homing missile 3] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Air) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 320 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10% against infantry. Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Battle Transport Enables passengers to fire from inside, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can accommodate at most 5 infantry 100% damage to units inside upon death (kills all passengers when destroyed) Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit Paths: 3 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Humvee is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Humvee will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - TOW Missile (US War Factory): Equips all Humvees with a TOW Missile capable of attacking ground and air units. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases the veterancy gaining by 100%. Build Information Prerequisite: US War Factory Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 A.c.2) Ambulance Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Hazard Cleaning Turret Turn Rate: 180 Radius: 50 Range: 100 Scan Rate: 1000 Scan Range: 100 Allowed to move around while cleaning up. 2] Healing Transport Can transport up to 3 infantry inside Healing Rate: 25%/second Allows Allied Units inside Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit: 3 3] Infantry Healing Heals allied infantry standing near it Healing Rate: 4 HP/second Healing Radius: 100 4] Vehicle Repair Repairs damaged allied vehicles (woooowwwwww......) Repair Rate: 8 HP/sec Repair Radius: 100 Will not repair itself (or herself?) and air units. Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Ambulance): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. Build Information Prerequisite: US War Factory Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 A.c.3) Crusader Health Information HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran 300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite 600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Crusader Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Cooldown: 2000 msec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Crusader is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Crusader Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Crusader Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Crusader Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Crusader Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Adds max HP of Crusader Tank by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: USA War Factory Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 A.c.4) Paladin Health Information HP: 500; 600 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran 300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite 600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 Paladin Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 60 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Cooldown: 2000 msec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Special Feature Information 1] Point Defense Laser Targets: Ballistic Missiles, Small Missiles, Infantry Damage: 100 Range: 65 Cooldown: 1000 msec Scan Rate: 500 Scan Range: 120 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Paladin Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Paladin Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Paladin Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Paladin Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Crusader Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Adds max HP of Paladin Tank by 100. Build Information Prerequisites: US War Factory and Paladin Tank General Power Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 12 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 A.c.5) Sentry Drone Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Sentry Drone Armor Experience Information Can not gain veterancy by normal means (killing enemies) 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 100 Exp as Elite 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 50 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Sentry Drone Gun (Anti Surface) Prerequisite: Sentry Drone Gun upgrade Turret Turn Rate: 180 Pack Time: 1000 ms Damage: 8 Damage Type: Comache Vulcan Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 600 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Unpack Time: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Robot This unit has no pilot, so Jarmen Kell and Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shells can not empty this vehicle. 2] Stealth Sentry Drone remains in stealth condition if it is not moving or attacking. Stealth Delay: 2000 ms 3] Detector This robotic vehicle is equipped with a stealth-detecting sensor. Detection Rate: 900 Detection Range: 225 (oh, c'mon, what makes it larger than vision range?) Upgrade Information - Sentry Drone Gun (US War Factory): Mounts a machine gun on the drone, making it able to attack hostile units, mainly infantry. Build Information Prerequisite: US War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can not crush infantry A.c.6) Tomahawk Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 400 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 800 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second Weapon Information Tomahawk Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 deg/sec Primary Damage: 150 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: may miss as far as 20 distances against infantry Range: 350 Minimum Range: 100 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/sec Missile Preparation Time: 250 ms (Delays missile launch for 0.25 second for preparation) Cooldown: 1 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 7000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Tomahawk is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Tomahawk will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisites: US War Factory. Strategy Center Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. A.c.7) Avenger Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/second; 20 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Avenger Twin Laser Turret (Anti Air only) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Both turrets have the same statistics. The statistics below just describes one of them. To get the total damage an Avenger delivers to an air unit, just multiply the statistics below by 2. Damage: 10 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Laser Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Avenger Target Designator Gives Faerie Bonus (see Bonus Modifier). Range: 200 Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Avenger Point Defense Laser Target: Ballistic Missile, Small Missile Scan Range: 200 Damage: 100 Range: 100 Laser Speed: immediate Cooldown: 500 ms 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Avenger is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Avenger will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Can build one of the following - Battle Drone (see Drone section) - Scout Drone (see Drone section) - Hellfire Drone (see Drone section) Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Scout Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Hellfire Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Avenger gains veterancy as twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: US War Factory Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Can not manually attack air units. A.c.8) Microwave Tank Health Information HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information 1] Microwave Tank Building Disabler (Anti Surface) Always uses this when targetting a structure. Damage: 50 Range: 200 Damage Type: Subdual Building Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Microwave Tank Building Clearer (Anti Surface) Kills all infantry in a garrisonable building. Always uses this when targetting a garrisonable building. Range: 125 Cooldown: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Microwave Tank Emitter Microwave Tank emits a micro wave that damages enemy infantry within range. Damage: 8 Damage Radius: 100 Cooldown: 250 Damage Type: Microwave Will not harm friendly/allied/neutral infantry. Inactive when firing Building Disabler/Clearer. Requires 1000 ms to become active after Building Disabler/Clearer stops firing. 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Microwave Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Microwave Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Microwave Tank gains max HP by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: US War Factory and Strategy Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate if attacked. A.c.9) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90 deg/sec; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build US Standard buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Detection Rate: 500 msec Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: US Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 5 ---------------------------- (d) Standard USA Drones --------------------------- A.d.1) Scout Drone Health Information Health: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving. Special Feature Information Detector Detection Rate: 500 Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Increases Scout Drone maximum HP by 50 Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Avenger, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 100 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. A.d.2) Battle Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 10 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Locomotor Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged; 140 when repairing Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 500 if repairing; 400 when repairing and badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 Battle Drone Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 110 Cooldown: 100 msec Special Feature Information Repairs Master Vehicle Repairs damaged Master vehicle if master vehicle is idle or possesses HP below 60%. Repair Rate: 5 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Adds Battle Drone armor by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Avenger, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Cannot be repaired. - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. A.d.3) Hellfire Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec; 90 if badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Hellfire Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 360 deg/sec Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Clip Size: 1 shot Clip Reload Time: 2000 milliseconds Homing missile Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Battle Drone's max HP is increased by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Avenger, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. A.d.4) Spy Drone Health Information HP: 200; 250 with Drone Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Spy Drone is invisible to the enemies unless they use detectors. 2] Detector Spy Drone can locate hidden units. Detection Rate: 500 msec. Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): This upgrade increases the maximum HP of Spy Drone by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: US Command Center, Spy Drone General Power Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Due to its small size, Spy Drones are hard to detect, even by a detector. Use this for your advantage. Put your Spy Drones above trees, cliffs, and cities/villages. USA Generals's Specialities Considering time that I have to spend if I write USA Generals' Special Units in different sections (like what I have done with those of GLA and China), I decided to write them down here to save time. In the next version of this FAQ, if everything goes smoothly, I'll surely put these units in the different sections. USA Air Force General 1] General Granger, knowing fully well that AA missiles are quite a threat to his flying machines, installs a defense laser system to destroy incoming missiles on his Aurora, Stealth Fighter, Chinook, Combat Chinook, King Raptor, and B3. 2] All aircraft are available at reduced price. Chinook: 950 Aurora Bomber: 2000 Stealth Fighter: 1250 Comanche: 1200 3] a. Combat Chinook Combat Chinook, as its name shows, is built for both harvesting and attacking mission. It can load up to 8 infantry to fire within and also harvest and perform Combat Drop. b. King Raptor Cheaper, more agile, carrying 6 missiles, and able to detect stealth, this King Raptor is the first choice compared to standard Raptor. c. Stealth Fighter Nothing special, just it requires no General Power to build. d. Comanche Air Force General's Comanche gains stealth ability if Stealth Comanche upgrade is researched. Granger's Comanches are also a bit more resistant to some AA vehicles. 4} As Granger focuses too heavily on aircraft building, his ground vehicles are built with less efficiency, making his War Factory unable to build Crusader and Paladin Tanks. He also must pay more for assembling some vehicles. Humvee: 800 Sentry Drone: 850 Ambulance: 700 Tomahawk: 1300 As for Avenger, Granger must also have a Strategy Center, instead of War Factory alone, to build this unit. 5] Granger's Strategy Center allows him to send a B3 to carpet bomb a target area with 12 bombs, each having a damage value of 300, with 50 radius, and Explosion Damage. USA Laser General 1] Dedicating himself to laser military research project, General Townes replaces standard Crusader/Paladin Tank with his Laser Crusader Tank. HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 Vision Range: 150 Weapon: Laser Crusader Tank Gun Damage: 80 Damage Radius: 5 Range: 150 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 10 dist against infantry (laser that misses? No wonder he quitted his lecture job...) Laser Speed: immediate Goes offline if there is not enough power in the base. 2] Cold Fusion Reactor costs only 700 and produces more power (8). Advanced Control Rod allows this reactor to add 8 more powers. 3] Instead of using standard Patriot, Townes favors his Laser Defense System. Works better on enemy vehicles, aircraft, and even infantry. It can also send signal to nearby Laser Turret to assist it when targetting something. And as usual, turret goes offline when bases can not provide enough power. 4] Townes' concentrated efforts on laser researches and battlefield applications draws his attention far from the need of artillery. As a result, he is unable to build Tomahawk from his Factory. 5] Another breakthrough resulted from his effort is Townes, like his Standard USA partner, requires no Strategy Center to build his cheaper Avenger. It only costs him 1500 bucks for each Avenger he is ordered to build. USA Super Weapon General 1] As her nick implies, General Alexis Alexander throws out her choice to building a less costly Particle Cannon (2500). 2] Focusing on Supply Line Protection Strategy, Alexander builds a newly- designed Patriot called EMP Patriot. Any vehicles stupid enough to challenge an EMP Patriot will be welcomed by a weaker but disabling EMP missile, rendering it disabled for 5 seconds for each missile hitting it. It requires power to activate this turret 3] Power problem is solved by a more expensive Cold Fusion Reactor, but with more efficient Advanced Control Rods, which will provide 15 more powers if upgraded. 4] Her Aurora Alpha, which is cheaper, drops special Fuel Air Bomb that is more destructive against enemy units/buildings. 5] Alexander is unable to build either a Crusader or Paladin Tanks. She also suffers from vehicle building increased cost, i.e. Humvee (850), Sentry Drone (1000), Tomahawk (1400), Ambulance (700), and Avenger (2400). Comanche is also more costly to build (1800). 6) Surprisingly, she could reduce the cost of training US hero, Colonel Burton (1200). B. USA Air Force General Units ------------------------------------- (a) USA Air Force General Aircraft ------------------------------------ B.a.1) Chinook Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 150 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 8 ($600; $660 with Supply Lines upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 2900 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1200 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Chinooks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. 2] Transport Transport Slots: 8 100% damage to units inside if destroyed (freefall without parachutes...) Can transport all infantry and most vehicles except Nuke Cannon. Exit Delay: 100 ms 3] Combat Drop Sends all Rangers inside to a garrisoned building to occupy it, killing all hostile units inside. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. Total No. of Ropes: 4 Rope Delay: 900-1500 ms Ranger Rappel Speed: 30 4] Aircraft Point Defense Laser Point Defense Laser shoots down incoming missiles. Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 Scan Rate: 33 Upgrade Information - Supply Lines (Strategy Center): Increases the supply a Chinook can load. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Supply Center Build Cost: 950 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Chinook, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. - Chinook only lands if ordered to load or unload units or to undergo a repair. B.a.2) Combat Chinook Health Information HP: 350 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 60 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 150 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 8 ($600; $660 with Supply Lines upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 2900 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1200 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Chinooks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. 2] Transport Transport Slots: 8 100% damage to units inside if destroyed (freefall without parachutes...) Can transport all infantry and most vehicles except Nuke Cannon. Exit Delay: 100 ms 3] Combat Drop Sends all Rangers inside to a garrisoned building to occupy it, killing all hostile units inside. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. Total No. of Ropes: 4 Rope Delay: 900-1500 ms Ranger Rappel Speed: 30 4] Battle Transport Enables the infantry inside to fire from within and to gain Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifier) Total Infantry Transported: 8 100% damage to passenger when totally destroyed Exit delay: 100 ms/infantry 4] Aircraft Point Defense Laser Point Defense Laser shoots down incoming missiles. Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 Scan Rate: 33 Upgrade Information - Supply Lines (Strategy Center): Increases the supply a Chinook can load. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Supply Center and Air Force Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 15 seconds Notes - Combat Chinook, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. - Combat Chinook only lands if ordered to load or unload units or to undergo a repair. - Will not acquire enemy when idle. B.a.3) Comanche Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Air Force Gen. Comanche Armor; Air Force Gen. Countermeasures Comanche Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Comanche 20 mm Cannon (Anti Surface) Always used when attacking infantry or missiles are reloaded Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2] Comanche Anti Tank Missile Primary Damage: 50 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 30 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Jet Missile Range: 200 Accuracy: 100% against vehicles (practically it is never used against infantry but theoretically it may miss as much as 20 distances against infantry) Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Auto Reload: 15100 ms (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip) Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Fire Rocket (Anti Surface) Comanche fires deadly rocket barrages on the targeted area, damaging everything in its explosion radius. Prerequisite: Rocket Pods upgrade Primary Damage: 30 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 200 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 Clip Size: 20 Clip Reload Time: 30000 ms Not a homing missile 2] Auto Reload Comanche does not need to return to Air Field for reloading. 3}Flare Releases missile-distracting flares when an enemy AA attack threatens. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reload Time: 4000 ms (reloads in the air) 4] Stealth Prerequisite: Stealth Comanche upgrade Stealth Delay: 1500 ms Decloaks when attacking/activating Fire Rocket special ability 5] Eject Pilot Comanche will eject its pilot inheriting its veterancy. A conscript (regular) Comanche will not eject any pilot. Upgrade Information - Rocket Pods (US Air Field): Gives Comanche ability to fire rocket barrages. - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips Comanche with missile- distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Stealth Comanche (Air Force Gen. Air Field): Comanche becomes stealth when not doing hostile actions. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Comanche gains experiences twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Comanche, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. It will land near the Airfield. - Comanche will never land except when undergoing a repair in a US Air Field. B.a.4) King Raptor Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasure upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 75 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 125 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 175 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/second; 120 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 120; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Raptor Jet Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 125; 140 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Jet Missiles Cooldown: 75 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Clip Size: 6 shots Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to10 dist against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic King Raptor is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran King Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield 3] Detector Detection Rate: 500 4] Aircraft Point Defense Laser a. Raptor Point Defense Laser Shoots down incoming missiles. Scan Rate: 10 Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 ms b. Aircraft Point Defense Laser Shoots down incoming missiles. Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 ms Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Air Field): Increases the damage of King Raptor missiles. - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips King Raptor with chaffs to confuse enemy missile tracking system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): King Raptor gains veterancy level 100% as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1100 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - King Raptor takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - King Raptor will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. B.a.5) Stealth Fighter Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/sec; 120 when heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 150; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Stealth Jet Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 220 Minimum Range: 60 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Accuracy: 10% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 dist vs infantry Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Fighter cloaks when not firing. Stealth Delay: 1500 ms 2] Bunker Buster Prerequisite: Bunker Buster upgrade Stealth Fighter missiles are capable of ungarrison these buildings below: a. Bunker/Fortified Bunker b. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker and Huts, etc) c. Palace d. Tunnel Network Bunker Buster-upgraded Stealth Fighter missiles ungarrison those buildings and kill most infantry unlucky enough to stay in the buildings. The infantry surviving the Bunker Buster are infantry with HP above 150, they are: a. Ranger b. Colonel Burton c. Jarmen Kell d. Black Lotus, except Boss General Black Lotus A Tunnel Network housing vehicles in it, when bested by a Bunker Buster- upgraded missile, will be forced to evacuate the vehicles. Bunker Buster also adds the Stealth Fighter missile damage Bunker Buster Shockwave Weapon Small Damage: 10 Radius: 50 Shockwave Damage Amount: 50 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Taper Off (Damage delivered at the shockwave edge): 30% Bunker Buster can also push infantry staying in the radius of 200 from its explosion. 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Stealth Fighter is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Stealth Fighter will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield 4] Aircraft Point Defense Laser Point Defense Laser shoots down incoming missiles. Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Airfield): Increases the damage of Stealth Fighter missile by 25% - Bunker Buster (US Airfield): Stealth Fighters can damage units in some buildings and force the survivors to leave the buildings. - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Equips the aircraft with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Stealth Fighter gains veterancy level as twice as fast.Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1250 Build Time: 25 seconds Notes - Stealth Fighter takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Stealth Fighter will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. B.a.6) Aurora Bomber Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 200 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 400 Exp as Elite/Heroic 800 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Normal Supersonic Sluggish Speed 180 dist/sec 480 dist/sec 150 dist/sec Speed (badly damaged) 120 dist/sec 240 dist/sec 100 dist/sec Turn Rate 180 deg/sec 180 deg/sec 90 deg/sec Turn Rate (badly damaged) 90 deg/sec 90 deg/sec 60 deg/sec Acceleration 180 480 90 Acceleration (badly damaged) 120 240 60 Note: Normal: Aurora is ordered to move Supersonic: Aurora is ordered to attack Sluggish: Aurora is out of ammo Weapon Information Aurora Bomb (Anti Surface) Damage: 400 Radius: 20 Damage Type: Aurora Bomb Range: 300 Bomb Speed: 480 dist/sec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 5000 milliseconds Not homing Special Feature Information 1] Supersonic Aurora uses supersonic mode when receiving an order to attack. When it moves in supersonic mode, Aurora is invulnerable to enemy attack. 100 ms are required to shift from supersonic mode to sluggish mode Aurora Bomber still remains untargettable during the first 2000 ms of the sluggish mode. (See Movement Information) 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Aurora is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Aurora will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield 4] Aircraft Point Defense Laser Point Defense Laser shoots down incoming missiles. Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 Scan Rate: 200 Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs aircraft with a missile distracting system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Aurora gets veterancy 100% faster Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Air Field and Air Force Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Aurora Bomber takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Aurora Bomber will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. B.a.7) US Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Ranger Paradrop General Power and a US Command Center, or a Reinforcement Pad, or a Supply Drop Zone. Notes - Used to drop Ranger Paradrop, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and Supply Drop Zone crates - Door open time: 500 ms B.a.8) A10 Thunderbolt Health Information HP: 600 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn Rate: 200 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged Weapon Information 1] A10 Thunderbolt Vulcan (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Radius: 4 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 60 milliseconds Range: 450 Projectile Speed: immediate 2] A10 Thunderbolt Missile (Anti Surface) Launches 6 missiles per aircraft. 1st level will deliver 6 missiles, 2nd 12 missiles, and 3rd 18 missiles. Damage: 200 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Clip Size: 2 Cooldown: 500 ms Missile Speed: 240 ms/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/second Homing missile Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information A-10 Thunderbolt Missile Strike General Power and an Air Force Gen. Command Center Notes: - B.a.9) B52 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used for Leaflet Drop, Fuel Air Bomb, Carpet Bomb - Door open time: 500 ms B.a.10) B3 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 200 dist/sec; 180 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 160 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map 2] Aircraft Point Defense Laser Point Defense Laser shoots down incoming missiles. Range: 65 Cooldown: 250 Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Strategy Center or MOAB upgraded Fuel Air Bomb and a Air Force Gen. Command Center Notes - Used to drop MOAB and Strategy Center's Carpet Bomb - Door open time: 500 ms B.a.11) Spectre Gunship Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Spectre Gunship Armor; Countermeasures Spectre Gunship Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Moving to the destination Speed: 290 distances/sec; 200 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patrolling an area Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patroling radius: 250 Patroling time: 10 seconds (Lv 1), 15 seconds (Lv 2), 20 seconds (Lv 3) Weapon Information 1] Spectre Howitzer Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 80 Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 777 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 518 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 389 msec (2000 shoots) Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Missile Speed: immediate Not a homing missiles 2] Spectre Gunship Gattling Cannon Damage: 90 Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Gattling shot area: 20 Damage Type: Gattling Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 100 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 50 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 25 msec (2000 shoots) Combination of both weapons have some modifiers Delay between each attempted shot of Howitzer: 300 ms Delay for Howitzer to shoot after Gattling Cannon shot: 400 ms Attack Area Radius: 200 Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reloads when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips the aircraft with a missile-distracting chaff system armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Prerequisite: US Spectre Gunship General Power (Level 5) and an Air Force General Command Center Notes: ------------------------------------- (b) USA Air Force General Infantry ------------------------------------- B.b.1) Ranger Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Normal Rappel Speed 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt 30 dist/sec Turn Rate 500 deg/sec (infinite) - Note: - Normal: Ranger is walking - Rappel: Ranger is performing a Combat Drop Weapon Information 1] Ranger Advanced Combat Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 5 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds 2] Ranger Flash Bang Grenade (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Surrender Range: 175 Minimum Range: 20 Projectile Speed: 120 Accuracy: 96% against unmoving target (may miss as much as 4 distance radius from the target) Reload Time: 2000 msec Empties garrisoned civilian buildings (10 kills per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 15 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Flash Bang upgrade Switches weapon from Rifle to Flash Bang or vice versa 3] Ungarrison Ranger can kill enemy infantry garrisoning in a civilian building with Flash Bang grenade. 4] Combat Drop Prerequisite: Chinook Drops Ranger by Chinook to occupy a garrisonable civilian building controlled by hostile units. All hostile units inside will be exterminated. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. See Chinook for more info. Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Ranger to capture most hostile buildings or tech buildings. - Flash Bang Grenade (US Barracks): Allows Ranger to switch weapon from Rifle to Flash-Bang or vice versa. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Ranger by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Ranger defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 225 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 B.b.2) Missile Defender Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Weapon Information Missile Defender Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Range: 175 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Homing missile Special Feature Information Laser Missile Attack Uses Laser Beam to target a hostile vehicle Preparation Time: 1000 (+500 ms, making a total 1500 ms) Target Range: 200 dist Abort Range: 250 dist (cancels Laser Missile Attack when enemy vehicle moves outside 250 dist). Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 300 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% (though it is practically can't target infantry, theoretically it may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry) Cooldown: 500 msec Homing missile Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Missile Defender by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Missile Defender resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 B.b.3) Pathfinder Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 50 exp to veteran 40 exp as conscript/veteran 100 exp to elite 60 exp as elite 200 exp to heroic 80 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite) Weapon Information Pathfinder Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 100 Damage Type: Sniper Range: 300 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 2000 msec Can not attack vehicles or buildings. Special Feature Information 1] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect when in a garrison or transport or Tunnel Network 2] Stealth Decloaks when moving, still cloaks even when attacking or when garrisoning in a garrisonable civilian building. Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Pathfinder gains experience as twice as fast. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Pathfinder resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: Air Force Gen. Barracks & Pathfinder General Power Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Will not retaliate if attacked. B.b.4) Colonel Burton Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 300 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran/elite 600 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Walking Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Climbing Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Weapon Information Colonel Burton Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 125 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 100 msec Clip Size: 3 Clip Reload Time: 500 msec Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloaks when firing or before planting C4s 2] Climbing Colonel Burton can climb some cliffs, making him good at infiltrating base lending its protection on mountain only. See Movement Information. 3] Can not be squished except by Overlord/Emperor Overlord 4] Knife Attack Damage: 10000 Damage Type: Melee Range: 3 Reload Time: 1367 msec Pre Attack Delay: 833 ms (always delays attack for 833 ms before stabbing) 5] Timed Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after 20 seconds Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 ms Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Timed C4s to Install: 10 Does not expire when Colonel Burton dies 6] Remote Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after detonated Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Remote C4s to Install: 8 Expires if Colonel Burton dies 7] Detonate Detonates all Remote Demo Charges Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton's veterancy gathering by 100% - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: Air Force Gen. Barracks & Air Force Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Max. Limit: 1 - Will not retaliate when attacked. B.b.5) Pilot Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 10 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Eject Escapes from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. 2] Veterancy Inheritancy Inherits veterancy level of the destroyed vehicles. 3] Veterancy Deliverance Delivers or adds the veterancy level a pilot owns to the vehicle he boards. Vehicles to receive veterancy: All vehicles which can gain veterancy level except transport. Build Information - Built from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. Notes: - Slot: 1 - When ejecting from the destroyed vehicle, a pilot remains unattackable for 2000 ms. - To deliver veterancy level to a Comanche, simply damage the Comanche and when it docks to the Airfield to repair, enter. - Guard your pilot so he won't land in water. He will die drowned. -------------------------------------- (c) USA Air Force General Vehicles -------------------------------------- B.c.1) Humvee Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 320 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Humvee Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 600 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 msec 2] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Not a homing missile 3] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Air) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 320 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10% against infantry. Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Battle Transport Enables passengers to fire from inside, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can accommodate at most 5 infantry 100% damage to units inside upon death (kills all passengers when destroyed) Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit Paths: 3 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Humvee is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Humvee will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - TOW Missile (US War Factory): Equips all Humvees with a TOW Missile capable of attacking ground and air units. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases the veterancy gaining by 100%. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 B.c.2) Ambulance Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Hazard Cleaning Turret Turn Rate: 180 Radius: 50 Range: 100 Scan Rate: 1000 Scan Range: 100 Allowed to move around while cleaning up. 2] Healing Transport Can transport up to 3 infantry inside Healing Rate: 25%/second Allows Allied Units inside Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit: 3 3] Infantry Healing Heals allied infantry standing near it Healing Rate: 4 HP/second Healing Radius: 100 4] Vehicle Repair Repairs damaged allied vehicles (woooowwwwww......) Repair Rate: 8 HP/sec Repair Radius: 100 Will not repair itself (or herself?) and air units. Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Ambulance): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 B.c.3) Sentry Drone Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Sentry Drone Armor Experience Information Can not gain veterancy by normal means (killing enemies) 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 100 Exp as Elite 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 50 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Sentry Drone Gun (Anti Surface) Prerequisite: Sentry Drone Gun upgrade Turret Turn Rate: 180 Pack Time: 1000 ms Damage: 8 Damage Type: Comache Vulcan Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 600 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Unpack Time: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Robot This unit has no pilot, so Jarmen Kell and Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shells can not empty this vehicle. 2] Stealth Sentry Drone remains in stealth condition if it is not moving or attacking. Stealth Delay: 2000 ms 3] Detector This robotic vehicle is equipped with a stealth-detecting sensor. Detection Rate: 900 Detection Range: 225 (oh, c'mon, what makes it larger than vision range?) Upgrade Information - Sentry Drone Gun (US War Factory): Mounts a machine gun on the drone, making it able to attack hostile units, mainly infantry. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 850 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can not crush infantry B.c.4) Tomahawk Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 400 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 800 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second Weapon Information Tomahawk Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 Primary Damage: 150 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: may miss as far as 20 distances against infantry Range: 350 Minimum Range: 100 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/sec Missile Preparation Time: 250 ms (Delays missile launch for 0.25 second for preparation) Cooldown: 1 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 7000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Tomahawk is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Tomahawk will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisites: Air Force Gen. War Factory and Air Force Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 1300 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. B.c.5) Avenger Health Information HP: 300; 400 with Composite Armor Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/second; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Avenger Twin Laser Turret (Anti Air only) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Both turrets have the same statistics. The statistics below just describes one of them. To get the total damage an Avenger delivers to an air unit, just multiply the statistics below by 2. Damage: 10 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Laser Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Avenger Target Designator Gives Faerie Bonus (see Bonus Modifier). Range: 200 Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Avenger Point Defense Laser Target: Ballistic Missile, Small Missile Scan Range: 200 Damage: 100 Range: 100 Laser Speed: immediate Cooldown: 500 ms 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Avenger is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Avenger will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Can build one of the following - Battle Drone (see Drone section) - Scout Drone (see Drone section) - Hellfire Drone (see Drone section) Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Scout Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Hellfire Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Avenger gains veterancy as twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Avenger gains more HP. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. War Factory and Air Force Strategy Center Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Can not manually attack air units. B.c.6) Microwave Tank Health Information HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information 1] Microwave Tank Building Disabler (Anti Surface) Always uses this when targetting a structure. Damage: 50 Range: 200 Damage Type: Subdual Building Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Microwave Tank Building Clearer (Anti Surface) Kills all infantry in a garrisonable building. Always uses this when targetting a garrisonable building. Range: 125 Cooldown: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Microwave Tank Emitter Microwave Tank emits a micro wave that damages enemy infantry within range. Damage: 8 Damage Radius: 100 Cooldown: 250 Damage Type: Microwave Will not harm friendly/allied/neutral infantry. Inactive when firing Building Disabler/Clearer. Requires 1000 ms to become active after Building Disabler/Clearer stops firing. 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Microwave Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Microwave Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Microwave Tank gains max HP by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. War Factory and Air Force Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate if attacked. B.c.7) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90 deg/sec; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build US Standard buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Detection Rate: 500 msec Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: Air Force Gen. Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 5 ------------------------------------ (d) USA Air Force General Drones ------------------------------------ B.d.1) Scout Drone Health Information Health: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving. Special Feature Information Detector Detection Rate: 500 Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Increases Scout Drone maximum HP by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Avenger, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 100 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. B.d.2) Battle Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 10 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Locomotor Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged; 140 when repairing Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 500 if repairing; 400 when repairing and badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 Battle Drone Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 110 Cooldown: 100 msec Special Feature Information Repairs Master Vehicle Repairs damaged Master vehicle if master vehicle is idle or possesses HP below 60%. Repair Rate: 5 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Adds Battle Drone armor by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Avenger, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Cannot be repaired. - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. B.d.3) Hellfire Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec; 90 if badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Hellfire Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 360 deg/sec Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Clip Size: 1 shot Clip Reload Time: 2000 milliseconds Homing missile Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Battle Drone's max HP is increased by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Avenger, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. B.d.4) Spy Drone Health Information HP: 200; 250 with Drone Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Spy Drone is invisible to the enemies unless they use detectors. 2] Detector Spy Drone can locate hidden units. Detection Rate: 500 msec. Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): This upgrade increases the maximum HP of Spy Drone by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: US Command Center, Spy Drone General Power Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Due to its small size, Spy Drones are hard to detect, even by a detector. Use this for your advantage. Put your Spy Drones above trees, cliffs, and cities/villages. C. USA Laser General Units --------------------------------- (a) USA Laser General Aircraft --------------------------------- C.a.1) Chinook Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 150 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisite: US Supply Center Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 8 ($600; $660 with Supply Lines upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 3000 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1250 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Chinooks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. 2] Transport Transport Slots: 8 100% damage to units inside if destroyed (freefall without parachutes...) Can transport all infantry and most vehicles except Nuke Cannon. Exit Delay: 100 ms 3] Combat Drop Sends all Rangers inside to a garrisoned building to occupy it, killing all hostile units inside. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. Total No. of Ropes: 4 Rope Delay: 900-1500 ms Ranger Rappel Speed: 30 Upgrade Information - Supply Lines (Strategy Center): Increases the supply a Chinook can load. Notes - Chinook, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. - Chinook only lands if ordered to load or unload units or to undergo a repair. C.a.2) Comanche Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Comanche Armor; Countermeasures Comanche Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Comanche 20 mm Cannon (Anti Surface) Always used when attacking infantry or missiles are reloaded Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2] Comanche Anti Tank Missile (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 50 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 30 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Jet Missile Range: 200 Accuracy: 100% against vehicles (practically it is never used against infantry but theoretically it may miss as much as 20 distances against infantry) Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Auto Reload: 15100 ms (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip) Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Fire Rocket (Anti Surface) Comanche fires deadly rocket barrages on the targeted area, damaging everything in its explosion radius. Prerequisite: Rocket Pods upgrade Primary Damage: 30 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 200 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 Clip Size: 20 Clip Reload Time: 30000 ms Not a homing missile 2] Auto Reload Comanche does not need to return to Air Field for reloading. 3}Flare Releases missile-distracting flares when an enemy AA attack threatens. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reload Time: 4000 ms (reloads in the air) 4] Eject Pilot Comanche will eject its pilot inheriting its veterancy. A conscript (regular) Comanche will not eject any pilot. Upgrade Information - Rocket Pods (US Air Field): Gives Comanche ability to fire rocket barrages. - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips Comanche with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Comanche gains experiences twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Comanche, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. It will land near the Airfield. - Comanche will never land except when undergoing a repair in an Air Field. C.a.3) Raptor Health Information HP: 160 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasure upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/second; 120 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 120; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Raptor Jet Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Jet Missiles Cooldown: 150 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Clip Size: 4 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to10 dist against infantry Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Raptor is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Air Field): Increases the damage of Raptor missile by 25%. - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips the Raptor with chaffs to confuse enemy missile tracking system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Raptor gains veterancy level 100% as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Air Field Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Raptor takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Raptor will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. C.a.4) Stealth Fighter Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/sec; 120 when heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 150; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Stealth Jet Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 220 Minimum Range: 60 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Accuracy: 10% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 dist vs infantry Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Fighter cloaks when not firing. Stealth Delay: 1500 ms 2] Bunker Buster Prerequisite: Bunker Buster upgrade Stealth Fighter missiles are capable of ungarrison these buildings below: a. Bunker/Fortified Bunker b. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker and Huts, etc) c. Palace d. Tunnel Network Bunker Buster-upgraded Stealth Fighter missiles ungarrison those buildings and kill most infantry unlucky enough to stay in the buildings. The infantry surviving the Bunker Buster are infantry with HP above 150, they are: a. Ranger b. Colonel Burton c. Jarmen Kell d. Black Lotus, except Boss General Black Lotus A Tunnel Network housing vehicles in it, when bested by a Bunker Buster- upgraded missile, will be forced to evacuate the vehicles. Bunker Buster also adds the Stealth Fighter missile damage Bunker Buster Shockwave Weapon Small Damage: 10 Radius: 50 Shockwave Damage Amount: 50 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Taper Off (Damage delivered at the shockwave edge): 30% Bunker Buster can also push infantry staying in the radius of 200 from its explosion. 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Stealth Fighter is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Stealth Fighter will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Airfield): Increases the damage of Stealth Fighter missile by 25% - Bunker Buster (US Airfield): Stealth Fighters can damage units in some buildings and force the survivors to leave the buildings. - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Equips the aircraft with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Stealth Fighter gains veterancy level as twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Air Field and Stealth Fighter General Power Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 25 seconds Notes - Stealth Fighter takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Stealth Fighter will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. C.a.5) Aurora Bomber Health Information HP: 80 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 200 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 400 Exp as Elite/Heroic 800 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Normal Supersonic Sluggish Speed 180 dist/sec 480 dist/sec 150 dist/sec Speed (badly damaged) 120 dist/sec 240 dist/sec 100 dist/sec Turn Rate 180 deg/sec 180 deg/sec 90 deg/sec Turn Rate (badly damaged) 90 deg/sec 90 deg/sec 60 deg/sec Acceleration 180 480 90 Acceleration (badly damaged) 120 240 60 Note: Normal: Aurora is ordered to move Supersonic: Aurora is ordered to attack Sluggish: Aurora is out of ammo Weapon Information Aurora Bomb (Anti Surface) Damage: 400 Radius: 20 Damage Type: Aurora Bomb Range: 300 Bomb Speed: 480 dist/sec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 5000 milliseconds Not homing Special Feature Information 1] Supersonic Aurora uses supersonic mode when receiving an order to attack. When it moves in supersonic mode, Aurora is invulnerable to enemy attack. 100 ms are required to shift from supersonic mode to sluggish mode Aurora Bomber still remains untargettable during the first 2000 ms of the sluggish mode. (See Movement Information) 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Aurora is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Aurora will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs aircraft with a missile distracting system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Aurora gets veterancy 100% faster Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Air Field and Laser Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Aurora Bomber takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Aurora Bomber will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. C.a.6) US Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Time Ranger Paradrop General Power and a US Command Center, or a Reinforcement Pad, or a Supply Drop Zone. Notes - Used to drop Ranger Paradrop, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and Supply Drop Zone crates - Door open time: 500 ms C.a.7) A10 Thunderbolt Health Information HP: 600 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn Rate: 200 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged Weapon Information 1] A10 Thunderbolt Vulcan (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Radius: 4 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 60 milliseconds Range: 450 Projectile Speed: immediate 2] A10 Thunderbolt Missile (Anti Surface) Launches 6 missiles per aircraft. 1st level will deliver 6 missiles, 2nd 12 missiles, and 3rd 18 missiles. Damage: 200 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Clip Size: 2 Cooldown: 500 ms Missile Speed: 240 ms/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/second Homing missile Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information A-10 Thunderbolt Missile Strike General Power and a US Command Center Notes: - C.a.8) B52 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used for Leaflet Drop, Fuel Air Bomb, Carpet Bomb - Door open time: 500 ms C.a.9) B3 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 200 dist/sec; 180 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 160 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 50% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used to drop MOAB - Door open time: 500 ms C.a.10) Spectre Gunship Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Spectre Gunship Armor; Countermeasures Spectre Gunship Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Moving to the destination Speed: 290 distances/sec; 200 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patrolling an area Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patroling radius: 250 Patroling time: 15000 ms Weapon Information 1] Spectre Howitzer Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 80 Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 777 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 518 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 389 msec (2000 shoots) Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Missile Speed: immediate Not a homing missiles 2] Spectre Gunship Gattling Cannon (Anti Surface) Damage: 90 Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Gattling shot area: 20 Damage Type: Gattling Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 100 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 50 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 25 msec (2000 shoots) Combination of both weapons have some modifiers Delay between each attempted shot of Howitzer: 300 ms Delay for Howitzer to shoot after Gattling Cannon shot: 400 ms Attack Area Radius: 200 Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reloads when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips the aircraft with a missile-distracting chaff system armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Prerequisite: US Spectre Gunship General Power (Level 5) and a US Command Center Notes ---------------------------- (b) USA Laser General Infantry ---------------------------- C.b.1) Ranger Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Normal Rappel Speed 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt 30 dist/sec Turn Rate 500 deg/sec (infinite) - Note: - Normal: Ranger is walking - Rappel: Ranger is performing a Combat Drop Weapon Information 1] Ranger Advanced Combat Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 5 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds 2] Ranger Flash Bang Grenade Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Surrender Range: 175 Minimum Range: 20 Projectile Speed: 120 Accuracy: 96% against unmoving target (may miss as much as 4 distance radius from the target) Reload Time: 2000 msec Empties garrisoned civilian buildings (10 kills per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 15 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Flash Bang upgrade Switches weapon from Rifle to Flash Bang or vice versa 3] Ungarrison Ranger can kill enemy infantry garrisoning in a civilian building with Flash Bang grenade. 4] Combat Drop Prerequisite: Chinook Drops Ranger by Chinook to occupy a garrisonable civilian building controlled by hostile units. All hostile units inside will be exterminated. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. See Chinook for more info. Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Ranger to capture most hostile buildings or tech buildings. - Flash Bang Grenade (US Barracks): Allows Ranger to switch weapon from Rifle to Flash-Bang or vice versa. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Ranger by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Ranger defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 225 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 C.b.2) Missile Defender Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Weapon Information Missile Defender Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Range: 175 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Homing missile Special Feature Information Laser Missile Attack Uses Laser Beam to target a hostile vehicle Preparation Time: 1000 (+500 ms, making a total 1500 ms) Target Range: 200 dist Abort Range: 250 dist (cancels Laser Missile Attack when enemy vehicle moves outside 250 dist). Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 300 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% (though it is practically can't target infantry, theoretically it may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry) Cooldown: 500 msec Homing missile Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Missile Defender by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Missile Defender resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Barracks Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 C.b.3) Pathfinder Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 50 exp to veteran 40 exp as conscript/veteran 100 exp to elite 60 exp as elite 200 exp to heroic 80 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite) Weapon Information Pathfinder Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 100 Damage Type: Sniper Range: 300 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 2000 msec Can not attack vehicles or buildings. Special Feature Information 1] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect when in a garrison or transport or Tunnel Network 2] Stealth Decloaks when moving, still cloaks even when attacking or when garrisoning in a garrisonable civilian building. Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Pathfinder gains experience as twice as fast. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Pathfinder resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: Laser Gen. Barracks & Pathfinder General Power Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Will not retaliate if attacked. C.b.4) Colonel Burton Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 300 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran/elite 600 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Walking Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Climbing Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Weapon Information Colonel Burton Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 125 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 100 msec Clip Size: 3 Clip Reload Time: 500 msec Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloaks when firing or before planting C4s 2] Climbing Colonel Burton can climb some cliffs, making him good at infiltrating base lending its protection on mountain only. See Movement Information. 3] Can not be squished except by Overlord/Emperor Overlord 4] Knife Attack Damage: 10000 Damage Type: Melee Range: 3 Reload Time: 1367 msec Pre Attack Delay: 833 ms (always delays attack for 833 ms before stabbing) 5] Timed Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after 20 seconds Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 ms Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Timed C4s to Install: 10 Does not expire when Colonel Burton dies 6] Remote Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after detonated Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Remote C4s to Install: 8 Expires if Colonel Burton dies 7] Detonate Detonates all Remote Demo Charges Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton's veterancy gathering by 100% - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: Laser Gen. Barracks & Laser Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Max. Limit: 1 - Will not retaliate when attacked. C.b.5) Pilot Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 10 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Eject Escapes from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. 2] Veterancy Inheritancy Inherits veterancy level of the destroyed vehicles. 3] Veterancy Deliverance Delivers or adds the veterancy level a pilot owns to the vehicle he boards. Vehicles to receive veterancy: All vehicles which can gain veterancy level except transport. Build Information - Built from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. Notes: - Slot: 1 - When ejecting from the destroyed vehicle, a pilot remains unattackable for 2000 ms. - To deliver veterancy level to a Comanche, simply damage the Comanche and when it docks to the Airfield to repair, enter. - Guard your pilot so he won't land in water. He will die drowned. --------------------------------- (c) USA Laser General Vehicles --------------------------------- C.c.1) Humvee Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 320 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Humvee Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 600 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 msec 2] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Not a homing missile 3] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Air) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 320 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10% against infantry. Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Battle Transport Enables passengers to fire from inside, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can accommodate at most 5 infantry 100% damage to units inside upon death (kills all passengers when destroyed) Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit Paths: 3 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Humvee is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Humvee will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - TOW Missile (US War Factory): Equips all Humvees with a TOW Missile capable of attacking ground and air units. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases the veterancy gaining by 100%. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 C.c.2) Ambulance Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Hazard Cleaning Turret Turn Rate: 180 Radius: 50 Range: 100 Scan Rate: 1000 Scan Range: 100 Allowed to move around while cleaning up. 2] Healing Transport Can transport up to 3 infantry inside Healing Rate: 25%/second Allows Allied Units inside Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit: 3 3] Infantry Healing Heals allied infantry standing near it Healing Rate: 4 HP/second Healing Radius: 100 4] Vehicle Repair Repairs damaged allied vehicles (woooowwwwww......) Repair Rate: 8 HP/sec Repair Radius: 100 Will not repair itself (or herself?) and air units. Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Ambulance): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 C.c.3) Laser Crusader Tank Health Information HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran 300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite 600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Laser Crusader Tank Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Damage: 80 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 150 Beam Speed: immediate Cooldown: 2000 msec Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry (BTW, can laser miss its target?). Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Laser Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Laser Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session 3] Empowered Laser Tank requires power t o operate and will go offline if there is not enough power. Power: -1 Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Laser Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Laser Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Laser Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Adds max HP of Laser Tank by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 C.c.4) Sentry Drone Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Sentry Drone Armor Experience Information Can not gain veterancy by normal means (killing enemies) 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 100 Exp as Elite 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 50 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Sentry Drone Gun (Anti Surface) Prerequisite: Sentry Drone Gun upgrade Turret Turn Rate: 180 Pack Time: 1000 ms Damage: 8 Damage Type: Comache Vulcan Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 600 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Unpack Time: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Robot This unit has no pilot, so Jarmen Kell and Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shells can not empty this vehicle. 2] Stealth Sentry Drone remains in stealth condition if it is not moving or attacking. Stealth Delay: 2000 ms 3] Detector This robotic vehicle is equipped with a stealth-detecting sensor. Detection Rate: 900 Detection Range: 225 (oh, c'mon, what makes it larger than vision range?) Upgrade Information - Sentry Drone Gun (US War Factory): Mounts a machine gun on the drone, making it able to attack hostile units, mainly infantry. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can not crush infantry C.c.5) Avenger Health Information HP: 300; 400 with Composite Armor Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Avenger Twin Laser Turret (Anti Air only) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Both turrets have the same statistics. The statistics below just describes one of them. To get the total damage an Avenger delivers to an air unit, just multiply the statistics below by 2. Damage: 10 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Laser Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Avenger Target Designator Gives Faerie Bonus (see Bonus Modifier). Range: 200 Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Avenger Point Defense Laser Target: Ballistic Missile, Small Missile Scan Range: 200 Damage: 100 Range: 100 Laser Speed: immediate Cooldown: 500 ms 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Avenger is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Avenger will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Can build one of the following - Battle Drone (see Drone section) - Scout Drone (see Drone section) - Hellfire Drone (see Drone section) Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Scout Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Hellfire Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Avenger gains veterancy as twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Adds +100 to Avenger's max HP. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 1500 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Can not manually attack air units. C.c.6) Microwave Tank Health Information HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information 1] Microwave Tank Building Disabler (Anti Surface) Always uses this when targetting a structure. Damage: 50 Range: 200 Damage Type: Subdual Building Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Microwave Tank Building Clearer (Anti Surface) Kills all infantry in a garrisonable building. Always uses this when targetting a garrisonable building. Range: 125 Cooldown: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Microwave Tank Emitter Microwave Tank emits a micro wave that damages enemy infantry within range. Damage: 8 Damage Radius: 100 Cooldown: 250 Damage Type: Microwave Will not harm friendly/allied/neutral infantry. Inactive when firing Building Disabler/Clearer. Requires 1000 ms to become active after Building Disabler/Clearer stops firing. 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Microwave Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Microwave Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Microwave Tank gains max HP by 100. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. War Factory and Laser Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate if attacked. C.c.7) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90 deg/sec; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build US Standard buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Detection Rate: 500 msec Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: Laser Gen. Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 5 -------------------------------- (d) USA Laser General Drones -------------------------------- C.d.1) Scout Drone Health Information Health: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving. Special Feature Information Detector Detection Rate: 500 Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Increases Scout Drone maximum HP by 50 Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Avenger, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 100 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. C.d.2) Battle Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 10 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Locomotor Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged; 140 when repairing Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 500 if repairing; 400 when repairing and badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 Battle Drone Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 110 Cooldown: 100 msec Special Feature Information Repairs Master Vehicle Repairs damaged Master vehicle if master vehicle is idle or possesses HP below 60%. Repair Rate: 5 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Adds Battle Drone armor by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Avenger, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Cannot be repaired. - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. C.d.3) Hellfire Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec; 90 if badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Hellfire Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 360 deg/sec Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Clip Size: 1 shot Clip Reload Time: 2000 milliseconds Homing missile Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Battle Drone's max HP is increased by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Avenger, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. C.d.4) Spy Drone Health Information HP: 200; 250 with Drone Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Spy Drone is invisible to the enemies unless they use detectors. 2] Detector Spy Drone can locate hidden units. Detection Rate: 500 msec. Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): This upgrade increases the maximum HP of Spy Drone by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: US Command Center, Spy Drone General Power Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Due to its small size, Spy Drones are hard to detect, even by a detector. Use this for your advantage. Put your Spy Drones above trees, cliffs, and cities/villages. D. USA Super Weapon General Units ------------------------------------------ (a) USA Super Weapon General Aircraft ------------------------------------------ D.a.1) Chinook Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Chinook Armor Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 150 dist/sec; 60 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 while badly damaged Build Information Prerequisite: US Supply Center Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 10 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Supply Gathering Max Boxes to carry: 8 ($600; $660 with Supply Lines upgrade) Supply Center Action Delay: 3000 ms (one transaction) Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1250 ms per box (many small transactions) Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a warehouse, or Chinooks go home) Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted. 2] Transport Transport Slots: 8 100% damage to units inside if destroyed (freefall without parachutes...) Can transport all infantry and most vehicles except Nuke Cannon. Exit Delay: 100 ms 3] Combat Drop Sends all Rangers inside to a garrisoned building to occupy it, killing all hostile units inside. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. Total No. of Ropes: 4 Rope Delay: 900-1500 ms Ranger Rappel Speed: 30 Upgrade Information - Supply Lines (Strategy Center): Increases the supply a Chinook can load. Notes - Chinook, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. - Chinook only lands if ordered to load or unload units or to undergo a repair. D.a.2) Comanche Health Information HP: 220 Armor: Comanche Armor; Countermeasures Comanche Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 200 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information 1] Comanche 20 mm Cannon (Anti Surface) Always used when attacking infantry or missiles are reloaded Damage: 6 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 200 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% 2] Comanche Anti Tank Missile (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 50 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 30 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Jet Missile Range: 200 Accuracy: 100% against vehicles (practically it is never used against infantry but theoretically it may miss as much as 20 distances against infantry) Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 500 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 15000 ms Auto Reload: 15100 ms (time to reload after idle for this long instead of using the last clip) Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Fire Rocket (Anti Surface) Comanche fires deadly rocket barrages on the targeted area, damaging everything in its explosion radius. Prerequisite: Rocket Pods upgrade Primary Damage: 30 Primary Damage Radius: 5 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 200 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec Cooldown: 200 Clip Size: 20 Clip Reload Time: 30000 ms Not a homing missile 2] Auto Reload Comanche does not need to return to Air Field for reloading. 3}Flare Releases missile-distracting flares when an enemy AA attack threatens. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reload Time: 4000 ms (reloads in the air) 4] Eject Pilot Comanche will eject its pilot inheriting its veterancy. A conscript (regular) Comanche will not eject any pilot. Upgrade Information - Rocket Pods (US Air Field): Gives Comanche ability to fire rocket barrages. - Countermeasures (US Air Field): Equips Comanche with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Comanche gains experiences twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field Build Cost: 1800 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes - Comanche, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. It will land near the Airfield. - Comanche will never land except when undergoing a repair in a US Air Field. D.a.3) Raptor Health Information HP: 160 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasure upgrade Experience Information 100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite 400 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/second; 120 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 120 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 120; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Raptor Jet Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Jet Missiles Cooldown: 150 milliseconds Range: 320 Minimum Range: 100 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Clip Size: 4 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to10 dist against infantry Homing missile Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 20 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Raptor is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Air Field): Increases the damage of Raptor missile by 25%. - Countermeasures (US Air Field): Equips the Raptor with chaffs to confuse enemy missile tracking system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Raptor gains veterancy level 100% as fast. Notes: - Raptor takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Raptor will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. D.a.4) Stealth Fighter Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor with Countermeasures upgrade Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 300 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 175 dist/sec; 120 when heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second; 90 while badly damaged Acceleration: 150; 30 while badly damaged Weapon Information Stealth Jet Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 100; 125 with America Laser Missile Radius: 5 Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 220 Minimum Range: 60 Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 deg/sec Accuracy: 10% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 dist vs infantry Clip Size: 2 shots Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds Homing missile Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field; Stealth Fighter General Power Build Cost: 1600 Build Time: 25 seconds Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Fighter cloaks when not firing. Stealth Delay: 1500 ms 2] Bunker Buster Prerequisite: Bunker Buster upgrade Stealth Fighter missiles are capable of ungarrison these buildings below: a. Bunker/Fortified Bunker b. Civilian Buildings (including Civilian Bunker and Huts, etc) c. Palace d. Tunnel Network Bunker Buster-upgraded Stealth Fighter missiles ungarrison those buildings and kill most infantry unlucky enough to stay in the buildings. The infantry surviving the Bunker Buster are infantry with HP above 150, they are: a. Ranger b. Colonel Burton c. Jarmen Kell d. Black Lotus, except Boss General Black Lotus A Tunnel Network housing vehicles in it, when bested by a Bunker Buster- upgraded missile, will be forced to evacuate the vehicles. Bunker Buster also adds the Stealth Fighter missile damage Bunker Buster Shockwave Weapon Small Damage: 10 Radius: 50 Shockwave Damage Amount: 50 Shockwave Radius: 50 Shockwave Taper Off (Damage delivered at the shockwave edge): 30% Bunker Buster can also push infantry staying in the radius of 200 from its explosion. 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Stealth Fighter is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Stealth Fighter will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - America Laser Missile (US Airfield): Increases the damage of Stealth Fighter missile by 25% - Bunker Buster (US Airfield): Stealth Fighters can damage units in some buildings and force the survivors to leave the buildings. - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Equips the aircraft with missile-distracting flares and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Stealth Fighter gains veterancy level as twice as fast. Notes - Stealth Fighter takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Stealth Fighter will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. D.a.5) Aurora Alpha Health Information HP: 80 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 200 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 400 Exp to Elite 400 Exp as Elite/Heroic 800 Exp to Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600 Movement Information Normal Supersonic Sluggish Speed 180 dist/sec 480 dist/sec 150 dist/sec Speed (badly damaged) 120 dist/sec 240 dist/sec 100 dist/sec Turn Rate 180 deg/sec 180 deg/sec 90 deg/sec Turn Rate (badly damaged) 90 deg/sec 90 deg/sec 60 deg/sec Acceleration 180 480 90 Acceleration (badly damaged) 120 240 60 Note: Normal: Aurora is ordered to move Supersonic: Aurora is ordered to attack Sluggish: Aurora is out of ammo Weapon Information 1] Aurora Fuel Air Bomb (Anti Surface) (bomb released by Aurora Alpha) Damage: 400 Radius: 20 Damage Type: Aurora Bomb Range: 300 Bomb Speed: 480 dist/sec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 5000 milliseconds Not homing 2] Aurora Fuel Air Gas (gas created 1000 ms after the Aurora Fuel Air Bomb hits the ground) a. Daisy Cutter Flame (it serves more as decoration than weapon, lighting the trees with fire) Damage: 5 Damage Radius: 100 Damage Type: Flame b. Fuel Bomb Detonation (the final explosion created after the flame burns) Damage: 1000 Radius: 100 Damage Type: Explosion Shockwave Damage: 75 Shockwave Radius: 75 Shockwave Damage at the Center of Explosion: 24.75 Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 5000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Supersonic Aurora uses supersonic mode when receiving an order to attack. When it moves in supersonic mode, Aurora is invulnerable to enemy attack. 100 ms are required to shift from supersonic mode to sluggish mode Aurora Bomber still remains untargettable during the first 2000 ms of the sluggish mode. (See Movement Information) 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Aurora is shot down, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Aurora will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 2 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Must reload at the Airfield Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs aircraft with a missile distracting system and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Aurora gets veterancy 100% faster Build Information Prerequisite: US Air Field and Strategy Center Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 30 seconds Notes - Aurora Bomber takes damage 10% of its max. HP if it is out of ammo and not quickly reloaded. - Aurora Bomber will return to base after flying idly for 10 seconds. D.a.6) US Cargo Plane Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft and armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Time Ranger Paradrop General Power and a US Command Center, or a Reinforcement Pad, or a Supply Drop Zone. Notes - Used to drop Ranger Paradrop, Reinforcement Pad vehicle, and Supply Drop Zone crates - Door open time: 500 ms D.a.7) A10 Thunderbolt Health Information HP: 600 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 40 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 120 dist/sec Turn Rate: 200 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged Weapon Information 1] A10 Thunderbolt Vulcan (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Radius: 4 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 60 milliseconds Range: 450 Projectile Speed: immediate 2] A10 Thunderbolt Missile (Anti Surface) Launches 6 missiles per aircraft. 1st level will deliver 6 missiles, 2nd 12 missiles, and 3rd 18 missiles. Damage: 200 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Clip Size: 2 Cooldown: 500 ms Missile Speed: 240 ms/sec Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/second Homing missile) Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 3 Flares per volley: 3 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information A-10 Thunderbolt Missile Strike General Power and a US Command Center Notes: - D.a.8) B52 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 125 dist/sec; 75 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 25 deg/sec; 10 when badly damaged Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used for Leaflet Drop, Fuel Air Bomb, Carpet Bomb - Door open time: 500 ms D.a.9) B3 Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor; Countermeasures Airplane Armor if Countermeasures upgrade is researched Experience Information 50 Exp as anything Movement Information Speed: 200 dist/sec; 180 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 160 deg/sec; 90 when badly damaged Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Volley lifetime: 3000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 50% Will automatically reload when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasures (US Airfield): Installs a missile-distracting flare system on the aircraft armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Notes - Used to drop MOAB - Door open time: 500 ms D.a.10) Spectre Gunship Health Information HP: 1000 Armor: Spectre Gunship Armor; Countermeasures Spectre Gunship Armor Experience Information 40 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Moving to the destination Speed: 290 distances/sec; 200 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patrolling an area Speed: 120 distances/sec; 90 if badly damaged Turn rate: 50 degrees per second Patroling radius: 250 Patroling time: 10 seconds (Lv 1), 15 seconds (Lv 2), 20 seconds (Lv 3) Weapon Information 1] Spectre Howitzer Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 80 Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 777 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 518 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 389 msec (2000 shoots) Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Missile Speed: immediate Not a homing missiles 2] Spectre Gunship Gattling Cannon Damage: 90 Range: 2222 (Can only shoot in its patrolling radius) Gattling shot area: 20 Damage Type: Gattling Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 100 msec (1 shoot) Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 50 msec (2 shoots) Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 25 msec (2000 shoots) Combination of both weapons have some modifiers Delay between each attempted shot of Howitzer: 300 ms Delay for Howitzer to shoot after Gattling Cannon shot: 400 ms Attack Area Radius: 200 Special Feature Information Flare When an AA weapons system threat is imminent, the aircraft will release some distractions to avoid direct punishments. Prerequisite: Countermeasure upgrade Volley release delay after the missile is detected: 200 ms Total volleys released: 5 Flares per volley: 4 Volley cooldown: 1000 ms Evasion rate per flare: 30% Reloads when leaving map Upgrade Information - Countermeasure (US Air Field): Equips the aircraft with a missile-distracting chaff system armor that is more resistant to AA weapons. Build Information Prerequisite: US Spectre Gunship General Power (Level 5) and an Air Force General Command Center Notes: ------------------------------------------- (b) USA Super Weapon General Infantry ------------------------------------------- D.b.1) Ranger Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 40 Exp to Veteran 20 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 60 Exp to Elite 40 Exp as Elite 120 Exp to Heroic 60 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Movement Information Normal Rappel Speed 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt 30 dist/sec Turn Rate 500 deg/sec (infinite) - Note: - Normal: Ranger is walking - Rappel: Ranger is performing a Combat Drop Weapon Information 1] Ranger Advanced Combat Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 5 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 100 Projectile Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Clip Size: 3 shots Clip Reload Time: 700 milliseconds 2] Ranger Flash Bang Grenade (Anti Surface) Primary Damage: 25 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 10 Secondary Damage Radius: 40 Damage Type: Surrender Range: 175 Minimum Range: 20 Projectile Speed: 120 Accuracy: 96% against unmoving target (may miss as much as 4 distance radius from the target) Reload Time: 2000 msec Empties garrisoned civilian buildings (10 kills per hit) Special Feature Information 1] Capture Building Prerequisite: Capture Building upgrade Unpack Time: 3000 ms Preparation Time: 20000 ms Pack Time: 2000 ms Experience Gained: 15 Recharge Time: 15000 ms 2] Switches Weapons Prerequisite: Flash Bang upgrade Switches weapon from Rifle to Flash Bang or vice versa 3] Ungarrison Ranger can kill enemy infantry garrisoning in a civilian building with Flash Bang grenade. 4] Combat Drop Prerequisite: Chinook Drops Ranger by Chinook to occupy a garrisonable civilian building controlled by hostile units. All hostile units inside will be exterminated. It usually takes one Ranger as a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers automatically garrison in that building. See Chinook for more info. Upgrade Information - Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Ranger to capture most hostile buildings or tech buildings. - Flash Bang Grenade (US Barracks): Allows Ranger to switch weapon from Rifle to Flash-Bang or vice versa. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Ranger by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Ranger defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon General Barracks Build Cost: 225 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 D.b.2) Missile Defender Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran 200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite 400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Weapon Information Missile Defender Missile (Anti Surface and Air) Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Infantry Missile Range: 175 Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Cooldown: 1000 msec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Homing missile Special Feature Information Laser Missile Attack Uses Laser Beam to target a hostile vehicle Preparation Time: 1000 (+500 ms, making a total 1500 ms) Target Range: 200 dist Abort Range: 250 dist (cancels Laser Missile Attack when enemy vehicle moves outside 250 dist). Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Armor Piercing Range: 300 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% (though it is practically can't target infantry, theoretically it may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry) Cooldown: 500 msec Homing missile Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by Missile Defender by 100%. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Missile Defender resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon General Barracks Build Cost: 300 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 D.b.3) Pathfinder Health Information HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 50 exp to veteran 40 exp as conscript/veteran 100 exp to elite 60 exp as elite 200 exp to heroic 80 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite) Weapon Information Pathfinder Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 100 Damage Type: Sniper Range: 300 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 2000 msec Can not attack vehicles or buildings. Special Feature Information 1] Detector Detection Rate: 500 msec Can not detect when in a garrison or transport or Tunnel Network 2] Stealth Decloaks when moving, still cloaks even when attacking or when garrisoning in a garrisonable civilian building. Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Pathfinder gains experience as twice as fast. - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Pathfinder resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: US Barracks & Pathfinder General Power Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Will not retaliate if attacked. D.b.4) Colonel Burton Health Information HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor; Chem Suit Human Armor with Chemical Suits upgrade Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 300 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran/elite 600 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Walking Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Climbing Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt Weapon Information Colonel Burton Sniper Rifle (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 125 Projectile Speed: Immediate Cooldown: 100 msec Clip Size: 3 Clip Reload Time: 500 msec Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Stealth Delay: 2000 msec Decloaks when firing or before planting C4s 2] Climbing Colonel Burton can climb some cliffs, making him good at infiltrating base lending its protection on mountain only. See Movement Information. 3] Can not be squished except by Overlord/Emperor Overlord 4] Knife Attack Damage: 10000 Damage Type: Melee Range: 3 Reload Time: 1367 msec Pre Attack Delay: 833 ms (always delays attack for 833 ms before stabbing) 5] Timed Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after 20 seconds Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 ms Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Timed C4s to Install: 10 Does not expire when Colonel Burton dies 6] Remote Demo Charge Primary Damage: 2000 Primary Damage Radius: 25 Secondary Damage: 150 Secondary Damage Radius: 75 Damage Type: Explosion Shroud Clearing Range: 75 Range: 0 Explodes after detonated Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4 Can't install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place C4 Installation Time: 5500 Escapes 100 distances after completion Max Remote C4s to Install: 8 Expires if Colonel Burton dies 7] Detonate Detonates all Remote Demo Charges Upgrade Information - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton's veterancy gathering by 100% - Chemical Suits (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton resistance against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. Build Information Prerequisites: Super Weapon General Barracks & Strategy Center Build Cost: 1200 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 1 - Max. Limit: 1 - Will not retaliate when attacked. D.b.5) Pilot Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor Experience Information 10 Exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Eject Escapes from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. 2] Veterancy Inheritancy Inherits veterancy level of the destroyed vehicles. 3] Veterancy Deliverance Delivers or adds the veterancy level a pilot owns to the vehicle he boards. Vehicles to receive veterancy: All vehicles which can gain veterancy level except transport. Build Information - Built from destroyed vehicles possessing veterancy level. Notes: - Slot: 1 - When ejecting from the destroyed vehicle, a pilot remains unattackable for 2000 ms. - To deliver veterancy level to a Comanche, simply damage the Comanche and when it docks to the Airfield to repair, enter. - Guard your pilot so he won't land in water. He will die drowned. ------------------------------------------- (c) USA Super Weapon General Vehicles ------------------------------------------- D.c.1) Humvee Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Humvee Armor Experience Information 100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 320 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 1] Humvee Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 10 Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 600 dist/sec Cooldown: 200 msec 2] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 150 Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Not a homing missile 3] Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Air) Damage: 50 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 320 Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10% against infantry. Cooldown: 1000 msec Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Battle Transport Enables passengers to fire from inside, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can accommodate at most 5 infantry 100% damage to units inside upon death (kills all passengers when destroyed) Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit Paths: 3 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Humvee is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Humvee will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Humvee): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - TOW Missile (SW Gen. War Factory): Equips all Humvees with a TOW Missile capable of attacking ground and air units. - Advanced Training (SW Gen. Strategy Center): Increases the veterancy gaining by 100%. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 850 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 D.c.2) Ambulance Health Information HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor Experience Information 50 exp as anything Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Special Feature Information 1] Hazard Cleaning Turret Turn Rate: 180 Radius: 50 Range: 100 Scan Rate: 1000 Scan Range: 100 Allowed to move around while cleaning up. 2] Healing Transport Can transport up to 3 infantry inside Healing Rate: 25%/second Allows Allied Units inside Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit Number of Exit: 3 3] Infantry Healing Heals allied infantry standing near it Healing Rate: 4 HP/second Healing Radius: 100 4] Vehicle Repair Repairs damaged allied vehicles (woooowwwwww......) Repair Rate: 8 HP/sec Repair Radius: 100 Will not repair itself (or herself?) and air units. Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Ambulance): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 D.c.3) Sentry Drone Health Information HP: 300 Armor: Sentry Drone Armor Experience Information Can not gain veterancy by normal means (killing enemies) 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 100 Exp as Elite 150 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 350 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 50 if heavily damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Sentry Drone Gun (Anti Surface) Prerequisite: Sentry Drone Gun upgrade Turret Turn Rate: 180 Pack Time: 1000 ms Damage: 8 Damage Type: Comache Vulcan Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 150 Missile Speed: 600 dist/sec Accuracy: 100% Unpack Time: 1000 ms Special Feature Information 1] Robot This unit has no pilot, so Jarmen Kell and Nuke Cannon's Neutron Shells can not empty this vehicle. 2] Stealth Sentry Drone remains in stealth condition if it is not moving or attacking. Stealth Delay: 2000 ms 3] Detector This robotic vehicle is equipped with a stealth-detecting sensor. Detection Rate: 900 Detection Range: 225 (oh, c'mon, what makes it larger than vision range?) Upgrade Information - Sentry Drone Gun (SW Gen. War Factory): Mounts a machine gun on the drone, making it able to attack hostile units, mainly infantry. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon Gen. War Factory Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 1 - Can not crush infantry D.c.4) Tomahawk Health Information HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor Experience Information 200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran 400 exp to elite 100 exp as elite 800 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second Weapon Information Tomahawk Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 Primary Damage: 150 Primary Damage Radius: 10 Secondary Damage: 50 Secondary Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Accuracy: may miss as far as 20 distances against infantry Range: 350 Minimum Range: 100 Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/sec Missile Preparation Time: 250 ms (Delays missile launch for 0.25 second for preparation) Cooldown: 1 ms Clip Size: 1 Clip Reload Time: 7000 msec Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Tomahawk is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Tomahawk will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 2] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Tomahawk): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (SW Gen. Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. Build Information Prerequisites: Super Weapon Gen. War Factory and Super Weapon Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 1400 Build Time: 20 seconds Notes: - Slot: 3 - Will not acquire enemy when idle. D.c.5) Avenger Health Information HP: 300; 400 with Composite Armor Armor: Anti Air Vehicle Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 30 distances/second; 25 if badly damaged Turn rate: 180 degrees per second Weapon Information Avenger Twin Laser Turret (Anti Air only) Turret Turn Rate: 180 Both turrets have the same statistics. The statistics below just describes one of them. To get the total damage an Avenger delivers to an air unit, just multiply the statistics below by 2. Damage: 10 Damage Type: Small Arms Cooldown: 200 milliseconds Range: 300 Laser Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% Special Feature Information 1] Avenger Target Designator Gives Faerie Bonus (see Bonus Modifier). Range: 200 Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Avenger Point Defense Laser Target: Ballistic Missile, Small Missile Scan Range: 200 Damage: 100 Range: 100 Laser Speed: immediate Cooldown: 500 ms 3] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Avenger is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Avenger will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 4] Can build one of the following - Battle Drone (see Drone section) - Scout Drone (see Drone section) - Hellfire Drone (see Drone section) Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Scout Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Hellfire Drone (Avenger) - see Drone section - Advanced Training (SW Gen. Strategy Center): Avenger gains veterancy as twice as fast. - Composite Armor (SW Gen. Strategy Center): Avenger gains more HP. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon Gen. War Factory and Super Weapon Strategy Center Build Cost: 2400 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Can not manually attack air units. D.c.6) Microwave Tank Health Information HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 200 Exp to Veteran 100 Exp as Conscript/Veteran 300 Exp to Elite 200 Exp as Elite 600 Exp to Heroic 400 Exp as Heroic Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Locomotor Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec Weapon Information 1] Microwave Tank Building Disabler (Anti Surface) Always uses this when targetting a structure. Damage: 50 Range: 200 Damage Type: Subdual Building Cooldown: 200 ms 2] Microwave Tank Building Clearer (Anti Surface) Kills all infantry in a garrisonable building. Always uses this when targetting a garrisonable building. Range: 125 Cooldown: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Microwave Tank Emitter Microwave Tank emits a micro wave that damages enemy infantry within range. Damage: 8 Damage Radius: 100 Cooldown: 250 Damage Type: Microwave Will not harm friendly/allied/neutral infantry. Inactive when firing Building Disabler/Clearer. Requires 1000 ms to become active after Building Disabler/Clearer stops firing. 2] Eject Pilot When a veteran, elite, or heroic Microwave Tank is destroyed, it will eject its pilot. A veteran Microwave Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session. 3] Can build one of the following: Battle Drone - info on Drone Session Scout Drone - info on Drone Session Hellfire Drone - info on Drone Session Upgrade Information - Battle Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle. - Scout Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight range and detect stealth units. - Hellfire Drone (Microwave Tank): Builds a floating Hellfire Drone armed with vehicle-killing missile system. - Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as fast. - Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Increases Microwave Tank max HP. Build Information Prerequisite: SW Gen. War Factory and SW Gen. Strategy Center Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Notes - Slot: 3 - Will not retaliate if attacked. D.c.7) Construction Dozer Health Information HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Movement Information Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 when badly damaged Turn rate: 90 deg/sec; 60 when badly damaged Special Feature Information 1] Builder Construction Dozer can build US Standard buildings. See Tip and Trick session to build other factions' buildings. 2] Detection and Disarming Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton's & Demo General Jarmen Kell's C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter TNTs, GLA Rebel's Booby Trap, and China Land, Cluster, & EMP Mines. Detection Rate: 500 msec Disarm Delay: 1200 ms per Disarm attempt Disarm Recharge Time: 4000 ms Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Can't detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network. 3] Repairs Damaged Buildings Repairs 2% of max HP per second. Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds when idle. Build Information Prerequisite: Super Weapon Gen. Command Center Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes: - Slot: 5 ------------------------------------------ (d) USA Super Weapon General Drones ------------------------------------------ D.d.1) Scout Drone Health Information Health: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Locomotor Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving. Special Feature Information Detector Detection Rate: 500 Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (SW General Strategy Center): Increases Scout Drone maximum HP by 50 Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Avenger, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 100 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. D.d.2) Battle Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information 10 exp as anything Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 150 Locomotor Information Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged; 140 when repairing Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 500 if repairing; 400 when repairing and badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 360 Battle Drone Machine Gun (Anti Surface) Damage: 1 Damage Type: Small Arms Range: 110 Cooldown: 100 msec Special Feature Information Repairs Master Vehicle Repairs damaged Master vehicle if master vehicle is idle or possesses HP below 60%. Repair Rate: 5 HP/sec Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (SW Gen. Strategy Center): Adds Battle Drone armor by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Avenger, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 200 Build Time: 5 Notes: - Cannot be repaired. - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. D.d.3) Hellfire Drone Health Information HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor upgrade Armor: Tank Armor Experience Information Vision Information Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 500 Movement Information Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec; 90 if badly damaged Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving Weapon Information Hellfire Missile (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 360 deg/sec Damage: 40 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Cooldown: 100 milliseconds Range: 150 Minimum Range: Missile Speed: 225 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 10 distances against infantry Clip Size: 1 shot Clip Reload Time: 2000 milliseconds Homing Missile Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (SW Gen. Strategy Center): Battle Drone's max HP is increased by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Avenger, Tomahawk, or Microwave Tank Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 5 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Flies near transport loading its master vehicle. - Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated. D.d.4) Spy Drone Health Information HP: 200; 250 with Drone Armor Armor: Airplane Armor Vision Information Vision Range: 250 Special Feature Information 1] Stealth Spy Drone is invisible to the enemies unless they use detectors. 2] Detector Spy Drone can locate hidden units. Detection Rate: 500 msec. Upgrade Information - Drone Armor (Strategy Center): This upgrade increases the maximum HP of Spy Drone by 50. Build Information Prerequisite: US Command Center, Spy Drone General Power Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Notes - Unselectable - Due to its small size, Spy Drones are hard to detect, even by a detector. Use this for your advantage. Put your Spy Drones above trees, cliffs, and cities/villages. ========================= 4 USA Building Information ========================= All USA buildings are self-repair, meaning that they will be able to achieve full health after being damaged if given enough time and condition. Most USA buildings also pop up Rangers when destroyed, posing another threat even after they are destoyed. There are common differences among the buildings used by various generals, i.e.: - All generals have their buildings to build their own units. For example, a Standard USA War Factory can not build Laser General vehicles. (S)he must capture a Laser General War Factory to train, say, a Laser Tank So a Superweapon General player, after capturing a Standard USA player's Air Field, can not expect to be able to build an Aurora Alpha from the once captured Air Field. Refer to sessions on units above for reference if required. - The same rule may also apply for upgrade. Some upgrades are unique and can not be researched from other generals' buildings of the same kind (Stealth Comanche, for example, can not be researched from Laser General Air Field). However, if the upgrade is a common upgrade, it can be researched from other generals' buildings of the same kind and used by units of other generals which share the same upgrades (Countermeasures can be researched by a Laser General player from a captured Air Force General's Air Field, for example, and used for his/her Raptor). Unlike China or GLA Generals, USA Generals, according to my observation so far, do not have any tricks on upgrades. - Buildings of the same kind from two different generals can not interchange functions as requirements for buildings of the next hierarchy. A Super Weapon General Strategy Center can not be used to train an Air Force Colonel Burton. To train an Air Force General's Colonel Burton, an Air Force General's Strategy Center is required. In this section, there is a Modification for Each USA General section. This section only contains differences not mentioned above. For example, Standard USA Air Field and Air Force General Air Field have different conditions. However, this section will not mention that the difference between a Standard USA War Factory and Lasser General War Factory is Laser Gen. War Factory cannot produce Crusader and Paladin Tanks. It is something that has already been mentioned above. ------------------------- ! 1) Standard Buildings ! ------------------------- a) Command Center HP: 5000 Armor: Structure Armour Tough Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] American Radar This building comes with a free radar upgrade, enabling the minimap. 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 3] Ranger Guard Creates 10 Rangers upon destruction. Modifications for Each General: - Air Force General: Logo - Laser General: Logo - Super Weapon General: Logo Notes: - Dozer Production Facility - Door Opening Time: 1500 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms - Required to activate some US General Powers (see General Powers) b) Cold Fusion Reactor HP: 800 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds Power: +5; 10 with Control Rods upgrade Vision/Shorud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 2] Ranger Guard Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction. Upgrade Information - Control Rods (respective Cold Fusion Reactor): Increases the power output of the reactor by 100%. Modifications for Each General: - Air Force General: None - Laser General: Build Cost: 700 Power: +8; 16 with Advanced Control Rods Upgrade Information - Control Rods (respective Cold Fusion Reactor): increases power output by 100%. - Super Weapon General: Build Cost: 900 Power: +5; 20 with Control Rods Upgrade Information - Control Rods (respective Cold Fusion Reactor): increases power output by 300%. Notes: - US power generator c) Barracks HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Infantry Healing May heal at most 10 infantry at the same time May heal allied infantry, but not neutral or hostile Requires 2000 ms to fully heal a soldier 2] Ranger Guard Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction. 3] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each General - Air Force General: none - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none d) Supply Center Prerequisite: Cold Fusion Reactor Power: -1 HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 2000 Refund: 400 Build Time: 10 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Ranger Guard Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction. 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each General: - Air Force General: none - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none Notes: - US supply collection and processing facility - Comes with a Chinook. - Can not be build too near to supplies. - Can receive supplies harvested by Workers or Supply Truck. e) Patriot Missile Battery System Prerequisite: Cold Fusion Reactor Power: -3 HP: 1000 Armor: Base Defense Armor Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 25 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Experience Value: 200 Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec 1] Patriot Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Range: 225 Damage Type: Explosion Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infanty Cooldown: 250 Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Homing missile 2] Patriot Missile (Anti Air) Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 5 Range: 350 Damage Type: Explosion Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles; may miss up to 10 dist. against infanty Cooldown: 250 Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Homing missile Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Assistance A Patriot may request assistance from nearby Patriot when shooting an enemy. Assistance Request Range: 200 Weapon Used for Assistance: Patriot Missile Assist Weapon (Anti Air and Surface) Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Projectile Speed: 400 Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Cooldown: 250 msec Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 1000 msec Homing Missile 2] Dectector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 200 3] Empowered Patriot will go offline when there is not enough power. 4] Ranger Guard Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction. 5] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each General: - Air Force General: none - Laser General: Laser General uses Laser Patriot instead of standard Patriot. - Super Weapon General: General Alexis replaces the standard Patriot with her EMP Patriot. Notes: - US anti air and anti vehicle turret. - Tends to use its anti air defense first - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers - Sometimes, due to its Assistance special feature ability, Patriot may shoot longer even before the enemy is in its fire range (of course there must be at least one other Patriot nearby) f) Fire Base Prequisite: Cold Fusion Reactor HP: 1000 Armor: Fire Base Armor Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 25 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Experience Value: 200 Weapon Information Fire Base Howitzer Gun (Anti Surface) Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec Damage: 75 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 275 Minimum Attack Range: 50 Cooldown: 2000 ms Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 15 dist. vs infantry Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Special Feature Information 1] Garrison Can garrison at most 4 infantry Infantry can fire within Cannot be ungarrisoned until destroyed 100% damage to units inside when destroyed Garrisoning infantry takes damage from all splash damage and sniper 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each General: - Air Force General: none - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none Notes: - US anti ground vehicle turret - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers g) War Factory Prerequisite: US Supply Center Power: -1 HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 15 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Repairs Vehicles Can repair allied vehicles Repairing Time: 5000 ms/unit 2] Ranger Guard Creates 5 Rangers upon destruction. 3] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each China General - Air Force General: none - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none Notes: - Primary requirement for US vehicles - Door Opening Time: 3250 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms h) Air Field Prerequisite: US Supply Center Power: -1 HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 30 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 150 Special Feature Information 1] Repairs Aircraft/Chopper Can repair allied aircraft/chopper Repairing Time: 10 HP/second 2] Parks and Reloads Aircraft Parks up to 4 aircraft Can park allied aircraft (This usually occurs when you have empty hangars and at the same time your allied Air Field is destroyed or captured while his/her aircraft are not parked in the Air Field. Consequently, you can not build aircraft when there is no empty hangar.) 3] Ranger Guard Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction. 4] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each General: - Air Force General: HP: 2500 Build Cost: 800 - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none Notes: - Prerequisite building for US aircraft and choppers - If captured, all airplanes parking there are automatically changing owner - Door Opening Time: 2000 ms - Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms - Construction Complete Duration: 1000 ms i) Strategy Center Prerequisite: US War Factory or US Air Field HP: 1500; 3000 with Hold the Line Battle Plan Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 60 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 400 Power: -2 Experience Value: 250 Special Feature Information 1] Changes Battle Plan Gives bonus to units in the field. The bonus depends on the battle plan executed. Two things to be remembered when changing or activating a Battle Plan: First, your Strategy Center's location will be revealed to all players (location, but the fog of war and shroud are not revealed) and your ally's units are not affected, Battle Plan only gives bonuses to player activating it. It requires 7000 ms to activate a Battle Plan. When a Battle Plan is already activated and the player activating it wants to shift to another Battle Plan, the player's units will be left paralized for 5000 ms plus another 7000 ms to fully activate a new Battle Plan, signed by the building of a new Strategy Center Add On. Units receiving bonus from Battle Plan: infantry and vehicles (including Sentry Drones) Units receiving no bonus from Battle Plan: Construction Dozer, aircraft, and buildings. a. Bombardment Bombardment gives 20% bonus to unit damage. When a Bombardment Battle Plan is carried out, Strategy Center will build a weapon on itself. Strategy Center Gun Turret Turn Rate: 60 dist/sec Damage: 200 Damage Radius: 25 Damage Type: Explosion Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: may miss up to 15 distances against everything. Cooldown: 7000 ms Not homing b. Hold the Line This Battle Plane, when activated, reduces the damage received by units affected by 0.9 (or just say units receive 10% armor bonus). Strategy Center's maximal HP also increases to 3000. c. Search and Destroy Increases the sight range, as well as weapon range, by 20%. Search and Destroy Battle Plan will also install an Add On that enables the Strategy Center to detect stealth units nearby. Strategy Center Stealth Detector Prerequisite: Search and Destroy Battle Plan Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 500 2] Intelligence Allows the player to see what the enemies see (can not detect stealth). Recharge Time: 5 minutes Revealing Time (how long it reveals enemy position): 30 seconds. 3] Ranger Guard Creates 4 Rangers upon destruction. 4] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Modification for Each General: - Air Force General: Special Feature Information 5] Carpet Bomb Air Force General player may send in a B3 to drop bombs on a target area. Recharge Time: 4 minutes Number of Bombs: 12 Carpet Bomb statistics (1 bomb) Damage: 300 Damage Radius: 50 Damage Type: Explosion - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none Notes: - USA Threshold building. - Max. no. to build: 1 j) Supply Drop Zone Prerequisite: Strategy Center Power: -4 HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 45 seconds Shroud Clearing Range: 100 Experience Value: 200 Special Feature Information 1] UN Funds Donation Calls in a US Cargo Plane to drop 6 crates of dollars, each consisting of $250. Reload Time: 2 minutes 2] Ranger Guard Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction. 3] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Upgrade Information - Supply Line (Strategy Center): Increases the amount of money in the crates by 10%. Modification for Each General: - Air Force General: none - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: none Notes: - US passive income generator k) Particle Cannon Uplink Prerequisite: Strategy Center Power: -10 HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough Revealing Range (to all other players): 60 Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 Experience Value: 400 Special Feature Information 1] Fire Particle Cannon Recharge Time: 4 minutes Firing Delay: 2500 ms Total Firing Time (How long the laser hits before fading): 10 seconds Damage per second: 400 Damage Type: Particle Beam Beam Speed: 20 dist/sec; can be sped up to 40 with a delay of 500 ms Beam Width: 26 (Total damage radius is 26x3.4=88.4) Particle Cannon Beam Trail Remnant The trail left behind creates an object that inflicts extra damage for a short period of time. Damage: 15 Damage Radius: 10 Damage Type: Particle Beam Cooldown: 250 ms Duration: 4000 ms Immobile 2] Guard Ranger Creates 6 Rangers upon destruction 3] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 4] Empowered Goes offline without power. Modification for Each General - Air Force General: none - Laser General: none - Super Weapon General: Build Cost: 2500 Instead of firing "white beam", Super Weapon General's Particle Cannon Uplink fires "purple beam". It seems there is no difference between those two beam's damage and lifetime. Notes: - Beam weapon activator ----------------------- ! 2) Unique Buildings ! ----------------------- a) Advanced Cold Fusion Reactor Owner: Laser General HP: 800 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 700 Build Time: 10 seconds Power: +8; 16 with Control Rods upgrade Vision/Shorud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 2] Ranger Guard Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction. Upgrade Information - Control Rods (respective Cold Fusion Reactor): Increases the power output of the reactor by 100%. Notes: - Laser General's power generator b) Cold Fusion Reactor Owner: Super Weapon General HP: 800 Armor: Structure Armor Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 10 seconds Power: +5; 20 with Control Rods upgrade Vision/Shorud Clearing Range: 200 Experience Value: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 2] Ranger Guard Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction. Upgrade Information - Control Rods (respective Cold Fusion Reactor): Increases the power output of the reactor by 300%. Notes: - Super Weapon General's power generator c) Laser Defense Turret Owner: Laser General Prerequisite: Advanced Cold Fusion Reactor Power: -5 HP: 1000 Armor: Base Defense Armor Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 25 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Experience Value: 200 Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec 1] Laser Patriot Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 40 Radius: 3 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 225 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss 10 dist. vs infantry Beam Speed: immediate Cooldown: 250 ms Clip Size: 3 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms 2] Laser Patriot Weapon (Anti Surface) Damage: 35 Radius: 3 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 350 Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss 10 dist. vs infantry Beam Speed: immediate Cooldown: 250 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Can shoot down ballistic missiles Special Feature Information 1] Assistance A Laser Turret may request assistance from nearby Lasert turret when shooting an enemy. Assistance Request Range: 200 Weapon Used for Assistance: Patriot Missile Assist Weapon (Anti Air and Surface) Damage: 35 Damage Radius: 3 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Beam Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Cooldown: 250 msec Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 1000 msec 2] Dectector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 200 3] Empowered Laser Defense Turret will go offline when there is not enough power. 4] Ranger Guard Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction. 5] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Notes: - US Laser General anti air and anti vehicle turret. - Tends to use its anti air defense first - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers - Sometimes, due to its Assistance special feature ability, Laser Turret may shoot longer even before the enemy is in its fire range (however, there must be at least one other Laser Patriot nearby) d) EMP Patriot Owner: Super Weapon General Prerequisite: Cold Fusion Reactor Power: -3 HP: 1000 Armor Base Defense Armor Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 25 seconds Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Experience Value: 200 Weapon Information Turret Turn Rate: 180 deg/sec 1] EMP Patriot Missile (Anti Surface) Damage: 15 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 275 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 5 dist. vs infantry Cooldown: 100 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Homing missile 2] EMP Patriot Missile Air (Anti Air) Damage: 30 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Attack Range: 400 Missile Speed: 400 dist/sec Missile Turn Rate: 300 deg/sec Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 5 dist. vs infantry Cooldown: 1000 ms Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 2000 ms Can shoot down ballistic missiles Homing missile Special Feature Information 1] Disable EMP Patriot's explosion will disable any mechanical units in its radius. Disable duration: 5 seconds EMP effect radius: 10 Disables hostile and friendly structures, hostile vehicles, but not friendly structures Instantly destroys all airplanes hit by it, except uncontrollable airplanes (Carpet Bombers, B52s, Cargo Planes, etc) 2] Assistance An EMP Patriot may request assistance from nearby EMP Patriot when shooting an enemy. Assistance Request Range: 200 Weapon Used for Assistance: EMP Patriot Missile Assist Weapon (Anti Air and Surface) Damage: 25 Damage Radius: 5 Damage Type: Explosion Range: 450 Beam Speed: immediate Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry. Cooldown: 250 msec Clip Size: 4 Clip Reload Time: 1000 msec Homing missile 3] Dectector Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 200 4] Empowered EMP Patriot will go offline when there is not enough power. 5] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) Notes: - US Super Weapon General anti air and anti vehicle turret. - Tends to use its anti air defense first - Uncaptureable and undisableable by Hackers - Sometimes, due to its Assistance special feature ability, EMP Patriot may shoot longer even before the enemy is in its fire range (there must be at least one other Patriot nearby to activate this trick) ==================== 5 USA Upgrade Information ==================== 1) Capture Building Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US Barracks Affected Unit: Ranger Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Enables Rangers to capture most hostile/neutral buildings. 2) Flash Bang Grenade Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US Barracks Affected Unit: Ranger Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 800 Equips Rangers with Flash Bang Grenades. Flash Bang Grenades are an effective way to clear a garrisoned civilian building and to fight a bunch of infantry. 3) TOW Missile Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US War Factory Affected Unit: Humvee Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 800 Installs a rocket system on Humvee, making it more deadlier against vehicles and capable of attacking aircraft and choppers. 4) Sentry Drone Gun Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: War Factory Affected Unit: Sentry Drone Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Equips Sentry Drone with light machine gun, good against infantry. 5) Laser Missiles Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US Airfield Affected Units: Raptor, Stealth Fighter Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 1500 Equips Raptor and Stealth Fighter with American Laser Guided Missiles, enhancing their damage by 25%. 6) Rocket Pods Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US Airfield Affected Unit: Comanche Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 800 Loads Comanche with destructive rocket weaponry systems. 7) Countermeasures Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US Airfield Affected Units: Comanche, Raptor, King Raptor, Aircraft Carrier Raptor, Stealth Fighter, Aurora, Aurora Alpha, US Cargo Plane, A10 Thunderbolt, B52, B3, Spectre Gunship Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Installs a missile-distraction system on the aircraft. In addition, aircraft is also better armored. 8) Bunker Buster Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: US Airfield Affected Unit: Stealth Fighter Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 1500 Stealth Fighter's missiles are capable of ungarrisonning some buildings. Read Stealth Fighter Information for detail. 9) Advanced Training Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Strategy Center Affected Units: Ranger, Missile Defender, Pathfinder, Colonel Burton, Humvee, Crusader Tank, Paladin Tank, Tomahawk, Avenger, Microwave Tank, Comanche, Raptor, Aircraft Carrier Raptor, King Raptor, Stealth Fighter, Aurora Bomber, Aurora Alpha Bomber Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 1500 The affected units gain experience twice as fast. 10) Composite Armor Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Strategy Center Affected Units: Crusader Tank, Paladin Tank, Avenger, Microwave Tank, Laser Crusader Tank Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 2000 Improves the max HP of the affected units, making them more durable in battle. 11) Drone Armor Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Strategy Center Affected Units: Spy Drone, Scout Drone, Battle Drone, Hellfire Drone Research Time: 40 seconds Research Cost: 500 Reinforces the drones with better armors which increase their HP. 12) Chemical Suits Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Strategy Center Affected Units: Ranger, Missile Defender, Pathfinder, Colonel Burton Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 1000 Increases US infantry defense against Poison, Radiation, and Microwave. 13) Supply Lines Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Strategy Center Affected Buildings/Units: Chinook, US Cargo Plane, Tech Oil Derricks Research Time: 30 seconds Research Cost: 800 Increases the Chinook harvesting capacity, Supply Drop crate funds, and Tech Oil Derricks output production by 10%. 14) MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Burst/Mother Of All Bombs) Owner: all US Generals Prerequisites: Strategy Center and Fuel Air Bomb General Power Affected Unit: B52, B3 Research Time: 60 seconds Research Cost: 4000 Upgrades the Fuel Air Bomb into more destructive MOAB. B52 will also be replaced by more state-of-the-art B3, which is faster. 15) Control Rods Owner: all US Generals except Super Weapon General Prerequisite: (Advanced) Cold Fusion Reactor Affected Building: respective (Advanced) Cold Fusion Reactor Upgrade Time: 30 seconds Upgrade Cost: 500 Increases the power output of the respective (Advanced) Cold Fusion Reactor by 100%. 16) Control Rods Owner: Super Weapon General Prerequisite: Super Weapon General Cold Fusion Reactor Affected Building: respective Super Weapon General Cold Fusion Reactor Upgrade Time: 30 seconds Upgrade Cost: 500 Increases the power output of the respective Cold Fusion Reactor by 300%. 17) Scout Drone Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Droneless Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader, Paladin, Laser Tank, Tomahawk, Microwave Tank Affected Units: Respective units Build Time: 5 seconds Build Cost: 100 Deploys a Scout Drone with advanced mapping systems, giving its master vehicle more sight range. 18) Battle Drone Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Droneless Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader, Paladin, Laser Tank, Tomahawk, Microwave Tank Affected Units: Respective units Build Time: 5 seconds Build Cost: 300 Deploys a Battle Drone with mini machine gun. Battle Drone is also capable of repairing its master vehicle. 19) Hellfire Drone Owner: all US Generals Prerequisite: Droneless Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader, Paladin, Laser Tank, Tomahawk, Microwave Tank Affected Units: Respective units Build Time: 5 seconds Build Cost: 500 Deploys a Hellfire Drone with a missile launcher, making its master vehicle perform better against vehicles. ********************************************************** Neutral ********************************************************** Introduction The term "Neutral" here refers to any side that does not participate directly in the war. The best example is civilians trapped in the battlefields. Though Neutral is not well armed, and most of them even are unarmed at all, the use of their assets may be the difference between winning or losing. Foe example is the use of garrisonable civilian buildings to garrison troops and the utilization of civilian car by GLA Terrorists. =================== 1 Neutral Unit Information =================== There are a lot of units belonging to Neutral Units, but only some will be described here. 1.1) Civilian Car There are various car models in this game that belong to civilian. It is difficult to list them all, so the data below just display the statistics common to most cars. Health Information HP: 100; if it's a limo, it has a HP of 800 Armor: Truck Armor Locomotor Information Normal Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Wander Speed: 45 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Panic Speed: 90 dist/sec Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec Vision Information Vision Range: varies for different cars Notes: - Transport Slot: 3 - Some cars are able to crush trees, some are not. All cars, however, can squish infantry. - Can be hijacked by Terrorist, making it a deadly weapon (See Terrorist, Car Bomb). 1.2) Locomotive There are several types of locomotive, but mostly they share the statistics below: Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Invulnerable Armor Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Speed: 133 dist/sec; 60 when badly damaged. Turn Rate: 120 deg/sec Special Feature Information 1] Explodes when destroyed Primary Damage: 100 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 30 Secondary Damage Radius: 65 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Can crush infantry, vehicles, heroes, and buildings 3] Battle Transport (only one type of locomotive has this ability) Enables passengers to fire from inside, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers) Can accommodate at most 5 infantry 50% damage to units inside upon death 4] Can only move on railroad Note: - Can tow Train Coachs - Stops at the station for 10 seconds - To destroy a locomotive quickly, build a Demo Trap in its path. 1.3) Train Coachs It is intended to describe all train coachs towed by locomotive because they all have the same statistics. Health Information HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor Vision Information Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 300 Movement Information Towed by Locomotive Special Feature Information 1] Explodes when destroyed (Only some kinds of Train Coaches) Primary Damage: 100 Primary Damage Radius: 30 Secondary Damage: 30 Secondary Damage Radius: 65 Damage Type: Explosion 2] Can crush infantry, vehicles, heroes, and buildings 3] Transport (only one type of carriage has this ability, just play USA ZH Mission 1) Contains 8 slots 50% damage to units inside upon death. 4] Can only move on railroad Note: ==================== 2 Tech Building Information ==================== 1) Artillery Platform HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Vision/Shroud Clearing Range: 360 Weapon: Artillery Platform Gun Damage: 100 Damage Radius: 10 Range: 350 Min. Range: 50 Damage Type Explosion Cooldown: 7000 ms Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec Accuracy: 85% (may miss up to 15 distances against a target) Special Feature Information Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 2) Reinforcement Pad HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Reinforcement Reinforcement Pad enables player controlling it to get reinforcement from outside map, sent by a Cargo Plane. Reinforcement Arrival Delay: 2 minutes Reinforcement Sent: - Standard China: 1 Battlemaster Tank - Infantry General: 1 Assault Troop Crawler - Nuke General: 1 (Nuke) Battlemaster Tank - Tank General: 1 Battlemaster Tank - Boss General: none - Standard GLA: 1 Scorpion Tank - Demolition General: 2 Terrorist Combat Bikes - Stealth General: 1 Quad Cannon - Toxin General: 1 Toxin Tractor - Standard USA: 1 Crusader Tank - Air Force General: 1 Hummvee - Laser General: 1 Laser Crusader - Super Weapon General: 1 Tomahawk 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 3) Repair Pad HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 Special Feature Information 1] Repairs Vehicles Can repair allied vehicles Repairing Time: 5000 ms/unit 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 4) Repair Bay HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor Experience Value: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200 1] Enables Auto-Repair Gives all ground vehicles auto-repair ability Repair Rate: 2 ms/unit 2] Base Regeneration Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive damage after 3 seconds) 5) Hospital HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Shroud Clearing Range: 100 Special Feautre Information Infantry Auto Heal Gives all infantry under the hospital owner's command regeneration ability Healing Rate: 2 HP/second 6) Oil Derrick HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Shroud Clearing Range: 100 Special Feature Information 1] Initial Deposit Gives the first captor that turns it from neutral building to a side an initial capture bonus of $1000. 2] Auto Deposit Deposit Rate: 200 per 12 seconds 7) Oil Refinery HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Shroud Clearing Range: 100 Special Ability Vehicle Cost Reduction Gives a 10% cost reduction for the player owning this building when constructing vehicles/aircraft. ===================== 3 Civilian Building Information ===================== For now, this FAQ will only present neutral buildings that can also be found in skirmish/multiplayer mode. 3.1) Civilian Building HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information Garrison Can accommodate up to 8 or 10 infantry inside (but mostly 10). Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers). Can be ungarrisonned. Automatically ungarrisons itself when HP is low (red) Note: - Some Civilian Buildings may topple, but mostly they don't. Look at Tower to see the effect of toppling. The statistics for Civilian Building's toppling may be a little bit different. 3.2) Tower HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information 1] Garrison Can accommodate up to 8 or 10 infantry inside (but mostly 10). Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers). Can be ungarrisonned. Automatically ungarrisons itself when HP is low (red) 2] Topple When HP reaches 0, it will topple, causing great damage to anything hit by its ruin. Topple Delay: 250-500 ms Topple Burst Delay: 1500-2500 ms Toppled Structure Damage: 9999 Damage Radius: 20 Damage Type: Explosion Note: - Most Towers will topple when destroyed, but few don't. - Tower's name will be displayed as Civilian Building, but you know what Tower looks like, don't you? 3.3) Bunker HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information Garrison Can accommodate up to 10 infantry inside. Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers). Can be ungarrisonned. Automatically ungarrisons itself when HP is low (red) Note: - Unlike Chinese Bunker, this Bunker can be ungarrisonned easily. Beware. 3.4) Tent HP: 200 Armor: Structure Armor HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information Garrison Can accommodate up to 4 infantry inside. Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers). Can be ungarrisonned. Automatically ungarrisons itself when HP is low (red) Note: 3.5) Grass Hut HP: 100 Armor: Structure Armor Special Feature Information Garrison Can accommodate up to 10 infantry inside. Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers). Can be ungarrisonned. Automatically ungarrisons itself when HP is low (red) Note: ++++++++++++++++++++ | D. Miscellaneous | ++++++++++++++++++++ ================ 1 Did You Know? =============== * = it is already mentioned in the Unit Information sections. Just a reminder. 1. When 4 or more MiGs attack air units and create Firestorm, the Firestorm will be created on the ground, damaging the ground units. 2. Black Lotus can not disable transport with units inside. 3. SCUD Storm can be ordered to launch some of its missiles. Activate your SCUD SW to attack, wait till all missiles are erected, ready for launch, and when one of those nine missiles are already in flight, press "S" key, and the others will abort launching. Discovered by DreamChaser.Useful for confusing your enemy:). 4. Ambulance can also repair ground vehicles and drones.* 5. If your Hole Worker gets killed but you need to rebuild the building quickly, impatient of waiting the next Hole Worker to pop up, just order your common Worker rebuild the building. Only works if your Hole Worker has somehow built the building in progress.When the Hole worker appears again, he will just watch and disappears when the building is complete. 6. Emergency Repair General Power does not to work on units influenced by Enthusiasm. Perhaps I am wrong, but I always tried and got the same result. 7. A Demolition General Rebel can be ordered to commit suicide without having a Demolition upgrade. First, select a Demolition Gen. Worker and then select a Demolition Gen. Rebel. The Suicide command is on then. Click it, and your Rebel dies! Suicide attack? Unfortunately not, just a stupid suicide... Meaningless.... 8. AI Missile Defender never activates its Laser Missile Attack, but he always fires as fast and as long as if he activates his Laser Missile Attack. 9. You can activate a General Power from a Command Center of different faction which has the same General Power. For example, you can activate an Air Force General A10 Thundebolt Missile Strike Level 1 from Laser General Command Center. However, it will not work on different General Powers though they share the same characteristics, i.e. activating an Infantry General Carpet Bombing from Nuke General Command Center. 10. When you are playing US ZH Mission 5, try to build Dr. Thrax's Command Center. This will let you choose choose between Rebel ambush (activated through GLA renegade Command Center) or Toxin Rebel ambush (activated through Dr. Thrax's Command Center). 11. Hijacker can hijack a Combat Cycle. 12. The best offensive units against Prince Kassad computer hard mode is Battle Bus loaded with RPG Troopers. Put your loaded Battle Bus in a bottle neck area, or in his base, and let it be hijacked by enemy hijacker. The Battle Bus will change owner, but not the passengers. Never tested on other units such as Assault Troop Crawler or Humvee, but theoretically it will work on those units as well. ==================== 2 Places, Events, and Names ==================== Adana, Turkey (GLA Mission 4) The city where US Air Base, Incirlik, is located. GLA attempts an assault on this place to drive US out of Turkey. Akmola, Kazakhstan (US Mission 7, Operation: Last Call) The capital of GLA and former Chinese military base. US besieges this city and gets authorization from Chinese government to use their facilities. Al Hanad, Yemen (US Mission 2, Operation: Treasure Hunt) The GLA leaders responsible for bio war were detected in this city and some Comanches received orders to eliminate them. Unfortunately, all Comaches got shot down by Stinger Soldiers and the pilots captured. US sends rescue teams to bring the pilots back. Aldastan Refer to Bishkek and Dushanbe. Almaty, Kazakhstan (GLA Mission 2) In the villages outside this city, UN troops, protected by US forces, distributed supplies to the civilians. GLA, in need of funds, sends forces to claim the supplies, but faces resistance from both UN and US forces. Amisbad Oil Fields, Iran (USA ZH Mission 4, Operation: Black Gold) An oil refinery complex where Dr. Thrax, a GLA operative responsible for toxin research and production, funds his project. A large number of US Cargo Planes successfully outmaneuver GLA anti air defenses and drop Rangers to secure a nearby airstrip where a base must be built quickly as Dr. Thrax has mined most oil derricks, incited the local populance to rebel against US invaders, and worse, is building a SCUD Storm. ARC A TV station broadcasting US/China-GLA conflict. Usually reporting news related to GLA progressions. Aral Sea, Kazakhstan (GLA Mission 5) In the Western Coast of Aral Sea, where a Toxic Waste Containment and Disposal Facilities lie, US forces launched an attack and successfully captured all toxin bunkers, in which GLA needs to replicate their poison weapons. When GLA seemed to prevail in securing one bunker, the bunker exploded as Colonel Burton had set a bomb on it, killing scores of GLA soldiers. Not daunted by this failure, GLA is determined to capture at least 4 bunkers intact and clear the area of US forces. Astana, Chinese-Occupied Capital of Kazakshtan (GLA Mission 3) A city where a great riot erupted. GLA, seizing advantage of this, sends reinforcements and loots the city for additional supplies. On the other side, Chinese forces are trying to regain control over the city with the help of their US ally. Baghdad, Iraqi War Zone (USA Mission 1: Final Justice) The capital of Iraq and the place where US has tracked GLA biological arsenals. Raptors were sent to neutralize GLA resistance but were answered by Stinger Soldiers' resistance. Crusaders pushed forward and battled the defending Scorpions, which resulted in victory for the US. The second wave of Scorpions approached, only to be destroyed by Raptors, leaving US forces free hands to reach Baghdad vicinity in the third day. GLA forces gathered near Baghdad palace and mercilessly kill Iraqi people and some of their soldiers guarding Baghdad gate using their poisonous Scud Storm. US forces receive order to rescue the captured pilots and shut down the Scud Storm facility once and for all. Baikonur, Southern Kazakhstan (GLA Mission 7) Baikonur, the Soviet Era Rocket Launch Facility, is an important target for GLA because using the space rocket technology held in Baikonur Cosmodrome, GLA can launch a deadly biological missile to any city in the world. US and China, realizing the importance of Baikonur, send forces to wipe out GLA forces from Baikonur. Baikonur, outside of, Southern Kazakhstan (USA ZH Mission 1, Operation Global Security) Using her recon base here, USA sends forces to claim a train depo nearby and use the train to infiltrate to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, where some other missiles are prepared for launch. Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan (China Mission 5: Scorched Earth) A city which was captured by a GLA major cell and whose citizens were driven out of town after it fell into GLA hands. Chinese forces, backed by US B52 with its deadly Carpet Bombing, decide to push GLA out of town. BCTV A TV station broadcasting US/China-GLA conflict. Usually reporting news related to China progressions. Beijing, the capital of China (China Mission 1: The Dragon Awakes) The capital of China and the place where the Chinese get humiliated most since the Chinese government declared war against GLA. Upon receiving news that China would set up a military parade in Beijing, GLA planned and launched a successful ambush, causing a loss of lives of civilians and soldiers and military vehicles. Once embarrassed by successful military technology stealing by GLA, the Middle Kingdom retaliates by launching a full-scale attack on GLA stronghold outside Beijing. More importantly, China wants to destroy GLA nuclear bunkers to avoid them from making nuclear weapons. Some survivors may join the cause and Chinese government also dispatches MiGs to seize victory. Bishkek, Aldastan Sub capital, Kyrgyzstan (China Mission 6: Dead in their Tracks) In this region, GLA is gathering reinforcements from the Chinese railroad under their control. Special Agent Black Lotus is to put a charge on the railroad bridge to destroy the railroad. BNN A TV station broadcasting US/China-GLA conflict. Usually reporting news related to USA progressions. Cairo, somewhere near, Egypt (GLA ZH Mission 2, Hidden Agenda) A place where Prince Kassad shows his deference and disobedience towards GLA by refusing to cooperate and share the stealth technology and attacking GLA patrol instead. GLA is forced to defeat Prince Kassad and claim his stealth technology for their struggles for freedom. China (Weapons Production Facility) (China ZH Missione 2, Defending the Fire) Despite tight internal security, GLA successfully launches a major-scale surprise attack on this area, targetting to destroy a Nuclear Reactor Complex. Waves of Terrorists and Bomb Trucks cause high casulaties to Chinese. Now Chinese forces must defend the remaining base and the complex until reinforcements arrive. Coburg, Germany (China ZH Mission 3, Liberation) A city with some GLA statues symbolizing their supremacy in Europe. France supports China in European Security Council Defense Summit to eliminate GLA presence in Europe, starting from this city. As international community sees differently, thinking that this is a Chinese invasion, China must act quickly and cleverly before doubt and disagreement of international community become a hindrance. CVN-88 See Daedalus Daedalus CVN-88 Daedalus is an Aircraft Carrier posted in US Northern Europe Naval Base. Surviving Baikonur chemical missile attack, this ship, together with Dreadnought, plays a major role in Somalia assault. Dreadnought A Battleship Escort Group belonging to US Northern Europe Naval Base. Sees action in Somalia with Daedalus after surviving Baikonur missile attack. Dushanbe, Aldastan Capital City, Tajikistan (I don't know whether Aldastan belongs to. Both Bishkek and Dushanbe are located in Aldastan, but Bishkek is a city in Kyrgyzstan and Dushanbe in Tajikistan). (China Mission 7: Nuclear Winter) The place where a GLA cell controlling all Asian terror activities was located. Chinese forces were en route to end GLA campaigns in Asia forever. Unfortunately, GLA attacked first, led by GLA hero, Jarmen Kell. Nearly defeated, Chinese forces turned the wave with the help of their 2 timely arriving MiGs. With GLA outpost in front of them and GLA main base activating the Scud Storm, Chinese forces must hurry and act carefully as they have to build a base first. Elbrus, Mount, Russia (USA ZH Mission 3, Operation: Snow Fall) The location of the Secret Lab revealed to US intelligence after a successful assault in Somalia. Having coordinated with Chinese government who then sends Black Lotus to recover the data from the lab, USA calls in a B3 to secure the landing site so Black Lotus and Colonel Burton, sent to bury the lab and rescue the POWs, can land safely. Eva, Lieutenant USA Com Officer. Warns the field general of events requiring attention. Europe, Northern (USA ZH Mission 1, Operation Global Security) USA has a naval base in this region but is destroyed when a GLA chemical missile launched from Baikonur hits the base. Ghazali See Omar bin Ghazali Halberstadt, Germany (China ZH Mission 4: Burning Skies) The remaining of GLA forces are fleeing, only to hide and regain strength. The Chinese forces are to intercept every GLA soldier trying to pass through this area. Hamburg, vicinity of, Germany (China ZH Mission 5: The Dragon's Destiny) Both US and GLA have strongholds here. Chinese forces, responding to the US call for reinforcements, come too late, resulting in the evacuation of US base and the capture of US base by GLA accordingly. Chinese field commander now must fight both US and GLA military hardware. Hindu Kush A mountainous area located in the border of Pakistan and Afganistan, Hindu Kush recalled a bad memory to US forces as they were beaten by GLA here. Hoping they were able to reach Northern Kazakhstan, US forces made a desperate retreat to Kazakhstan for their lives. Refer to Northern Kazakhstan for more information. Hong Kong, China (China Mission 2: Hong Kong Crisis) A GLA terrorist cell has been located in a convention center in Hong Kong. Chinese forces marched there to wipe it out, but mostly vanished when they crossed a bridge which then was blown up by GLA, drowning the luckless soldiers and vehicles to the sea. The survivors received an order to build a base and then destroy the convention center and its parking lots. A freighter, getting no passengers since GLA interference, offers help to cross the sea, enabling Chinese soldiers to launch a surprise attack by sea. Hubei Province See Three Gorges Dam Incirlik US Air Base in Adana, Turkey. See Adana James Seabury A reporter of BNN TV Station. Kabara, Kazakhstan DMZ (USA Mission 5: Operation: Blue Eagle) A city near a hydro-electric dam where GLA agreed to make a peace talk with the UN, but instead of welcoming the envoys, GLA killed them. US forces reacted quickly and finished off the assassins. Detecting a smaller base is being built across the river, US forces are to destroy the base before it is finished. GLA has a larger base nearby, but is still out of detection. Kazakhstan Coast (USA Mission 4: Operation: Stormbringer) GLA has a training camp here and is under attack by USA. This camp, guarding the main base, is guarded by Stinger Sites to avoid Carpet Bombing. Kazakhstan, Northern (USA Mission 3: Operation: Guardian Angel) USA has a base here and uses it to save her retreating army. See Hindu Kush. Kazakhstan, Southern (en route to Baikonur) USA ZH Mission 1: Operation Global Security GLA is detected massing troops here to supposedly protect their new toy, Baikonur newly designed chemical missile aimed to Europe. Chinese Army sent to claim the base was beaten back and had to draw their attention to the east where warlords supporting GLA opened a new front. Lenger, Kazakhstan (GLA Mission 6) A region where a GLA splinter group held control and waited reinforcements from a Chinese ally in the form of nuclear warheads. GLA intelligence sneakily assaulted the convoys and seized the warheads to use against a once friend turning enemy. Lin Zhong (or Lin Zhon, or something like that...) Chinese senior intelligence officer. Warns the field general about events requiring attention. Malata, Crete, Greece (GLA ZH Mission 3, On the Water Front) A region where USS Reagan, part of US Mediterranean Fleet, vaporizes a small GLA base. GLA learns the power of US Mediterannean Fleet and orders a strike force to find a GLA deserted base in this area and then capture a Particle Cannon to blow up the US Mediterannean Fleet protecting Europe. Omar Bin Ghazali A reporter of ARC TV Station. Reagan, USS An Aircraft Carrier belonging to US Mediterranean Fleet. It participates in an attack on GLA base in Malata. Destroyed by a Particle Cannon captured by GLA Seabury See James Seabury Shymkent DMZ (GLA Mission 1: Operation: Black Rain) A place where China outpost was ambushed by the once defeated GLA. The main base is now also under attack launched by GLA. Somalia, coast of (USA ZH Mission 2) Warlords connected to GLA have intercepted humanitarian aid convoy and then are waiting reinforcements from GLA here. An Aircraft Carrier, CVN-88 Daedalus and Battleship Escort Group Dreadnought surviving the Baikonur missile attack are sent to clean the dock and help US Army secure the warehouse and supply truck loaded with food and medicine and eliminate the GLA base here. Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany (GLA ZH Mission 5, Sneak Attack) A city where a US Central Command in Europe, US Support Base, and a Chinese outpost lie. GLA attacks the Chinese outpost as a footstep before trying to rescue the members of a local GLA terror cells arrested by US forces. (China ZH Mission 1, The Dragon Unleashed) After losing both base and face here, Chinese government authorizes the use of Nuclear Missile to destroy GLA seized-US base. It is now up to the field commander to eradicate the GLA survivors. Sun Mei Ying A reporter of BCTV TV Station. Tanggula Mountains, China (China Mission 4: Broken Alliances) A GLA bio toxin factory was located here. The MiGs previously sent were shot down by Stinger Sites. Special Agent Black Lotus must locate the factory and secure the area so MiGs can burn the dangerous materials flowing from the factory ruins. Three Gorges Dam, Hubei Province, China (China Mission 3: A Flood of Violence) Once an important place in the Three Kingdoms Period, this place is now under attack by GLA soldiers. Seeing that the base is lost, Black Lotus orders all soldiers to escape to the higher grounds and destroy the dam. Unknown City GLA ZH Mission 1 This city is invaded by USA, by tomahawk cruise missiles and army, to hunt down the GLA supreme leader. GLA leader could escape the unfortunate US patrols and is trying to reach a GLA hidden base, where he can gather some forces to reach the besieged airstrip where a Cargo Plane is ready to bring him to a place beyond US reach. Unknown City, Dr. Thrax Toxin Production Facility (USA ZH Mission 5) In this remote, besieged city, US intelligence learns that Dr. Thrax has already finished his toxin research program and is loading Anthrax Gamma to his 4 missiles.With the guidance of a Spy Sat codenamed Powers, some Tomahawks are launched to destroy the toxin bunkers. US forces, cooperating with GLA renegades, must capture the 4 missile silos and end Dr. Thrax's resistance once and for all. (GLA ZH Mission 2, Hidden Agenda) ^>From this city, after the US and Chinese claim that several GLA leaders were killed, Omar bin Ghazali reports that GLA chain of command in fact turns to be more effective. USA, Western, Western USA Coastal Toxic Facility (GLA ZH Mission 4, Jarmen Kell and the Forty Thieves) (Uhm, Ali Baba will be offended for using his story without his prior written permission...) A USA Coastal Toxic Facility which was usually well guarded, but now the guarding forces are sent to Meditteranean to fill the vacuum of fleet there after GLA blew up US Meditteranean Fleet. Jarmen Kell and his team sneak in to steal a toxin sample to be reproduced to attack US Central Command in Europe. Washington, USA The capital of US. ============= 3 Tips and Tricks ============= Kill a hiding Jarmen Kell Jarmen Kell, when occupying a building, can be ungarrisonned with ease by using stealth infantry that can not detect stealth units, i.e. rebel, Burton. Spot the buiding where an enemy Jarmen Kell is hiding by using stealth detector, then withdraw the detector so the building is "flagless" again. Then order a stealth infantry which is not a detector, to enter the building. When he is in, move the detector nearby to detect the hostile Jarmen Kell. You will see enemy Jarmen Kell sneaking out of the building, making him an easy prey. Stealthy Offensive Defense Cloaking Offensive Defense: Playing as Prince Kassad will give you this advantage because of two things: the innate cloaking ability owned by his Tunnel Network, Stinger Site, and Demo Trap, and the second is the GPS Scrambler General Power early advantage. The first thing is to get promoted as soon as possible. When you are already a 3-star general, gather some of your workers in an area, cast GPS Scrambler on them. If those workers successfully infiltrate enemy base, they can wreak havoc enemy base by building Tunnel Network, Stinger Site, and Demo Trap there. 1. Using Stinger Site: Well, no more explanation. 2. Using Tunnel Network: a lot of RPG Troopers and Tunnel Network and probably reinforcements from your base will throw chaos in the enemy base. 3. Using Demo Trap: build a Demo Trap somewhere. However, if you wanna blow a building using it, you must quickly activate its manual detonation once it is completely built. When you have finished building some, order them to explode together. DO NOT explode it once it is finished being built. An explosion will lure enemy to scan the area, and your workers will scream, "Hei, it's not me that you want!" or "I'm innocent", etc, etc. Additonal Upgrades Some factions have special upgrades that may benefit others. For example, Tank General's Battlemasters may gain advantage from Patriotism (Infantry General), Demo General's Rebels can be stealthed by researching Camouflage (Standard GLA Palace). Refer to Unit Information for upgrades that are not available in a faction but may benefit its units. It is marked with a ~. For example, let's see the statistics below. It describes a Demo General Scorpion. Upgrade Information - Scorpion Rocket (Arms Dealer): Installs a deadly rocket on the Scorpion - AP Rocket (Black Market): +25% to Scorpion Rocket damage. Only works when Scorpion Rocket upgrade has been researched. - Junk Repair (Black Market): Scorpion receives auto-repair ability. - Demolition (Demo General Palace): Commmits suicide by exploding the hidden explosive, damaging the nearby hostile and neutral units. ~ Toxin Shell (GLA Palace): Loads Scorpion shells and the rocket with a handful doses of toxin. ~ Anthrax Beta (GLA Palace): Replaces the standard toxin with deadlier agent, Anthrax Beta. Only works when Toxin Shells has been researched. ~ Anthrax Gamma (Toxin General Palace): Fills Scorpion's shells and rockets with Anthrax Gamma, but it is just for fun. No additional damage, compared to Anthrax Beta. Only works when the Toxin Shells upgrade has been researched. Commonly, a Demo Gen. player can only get Scorpion Rocket, AP Rockets, Junk Repair, and Demolition upgrades researched. However, if (s)he can also have access to Toxin Shells (by building a Standard GLA Palace, for example,) his/her Scorpion can also benefit from this upgrade. Free Upgrades Building some other factions stuctures/units may also give you free upgrades. For example, building an Infantry General Barracks automatically gives you a free Nationalism upgrade. Here is the list containing units/buildings that may give you free upgrades after those units/buildings are built. Again, BUILT, not captured. Faction Building/Unit Upgrade ---------------------------------------------------------------- All USAs Command Center America Radar ---------------------------------------------------------------- All GLAs Radar Van GLA Radar ---------------------------------------------------------------- Toxin General Command Center Toxin Shells Anthrax Beta --------------------------------------------------------------- Demo General Command Center Booby Trap --------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry General Command Center Nationalism --------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry General Barracks Nationalism --------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry General War Factory Nationalism --------------------------------------------------------------- Stealth General Stealth Rebel Camouflage --------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora Bait Build at least 6 Aurora bombers. Choose 5 of them and make them 1 group Let's call it Attack Group". Then elect the last Aurora and make it the second group, or "Decoy". Send the Decoy near the enemy AA turrets and order it to attack a target located far. Before it releases its bomb, order it to attack another target. Do it repeatedly near the enemy AA. The enemy AA, if not controlled, will always target this unattackable Aurora. With the enemy AA targetting something not destined to fall, order the Attack Group to attack a real target near the firing AAs. 5 Auroras can destroy every building with ease (Superweapon just need 4, Command Center 5, if I am not mistaken). Better if you target the AAs so that the next attack will be easier. When the Attack Group returns safely, order the Decoy to go home by attacking something far (ensuring that it is still unattackable) and anytime you see there is no imminent threat to the decoy Aurora, order it to return to its Air Field. Don't use this very often or your enemy will see your pattern and manually attack the Attack Group instead. Combine it with ground attack, so your enemy will have to choose wisely what to be eliminated first. Builder Replacement I found it in the Web, but I did not remember who found it. You can order a Worker, for example, to build, say, an Internet Center. How? First, order your China Dozer to build its foundation. When it shows "Building 0%", stop your Dozer and order the Worker to continue it. This trick, I must say frankly and honestly, is very useful in some situations. Let's see one example: . When you have captured an enemy Command Center of different faction and it has built the faction's builder. You need to quickly replace the Command Center and the builder in case they are destroyed quickly. Before capturing the Command Center, select an empty space where your original faction's builder is waiting and bookmark the place (Ctrl-F1). Retake the enemy Command Center, build the faction's builder, select the new builder, press F1 (to return to the place you have bookmarked), and build the new faction's Command Center there. Wait till the frames of the building appears with the progress indicator ("Building 0%) then order the builder to stop and command your original faction's builder to continue. You can save time and perhaps even save your only chance to build a different faction's Command Center. . Forcefully Capture Building Use your Microwave Tanks to disable an enemy building you intend to capture. This will disable the "Sell" command. Disable both Building and Vehicle at the Same Time Order your Super Hacker to disable a building. Then order him to disable an enemy vehicle. You will see that he is able to disable both at the same time. If you order him to disable a building and before he successfully knocks the building down but in the process of doing that and then you order him to disable a vehicle, he will disable the vehicle first and then automatically continue to disable the building. Steal Ally's Units Some Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge's players may remember a simple trick: play as Yuri, force attack your ally's Construction Yard with Yuri Prime, and new toys are available for the thief. C&C Generals Zero Hour can also use the same trick, but only to American or Chinese ally. Play as Standard China, Infantry Gen., or Nuke Gen. Build Red Guard and Nuke Cannon, research Neutron Shells at the Nuclear Missile Silo, load the Nuclear Shells, force attack your ally's dozer with Nuke Cannon, claim the empty dozer, and voila....! Discharge TNT/C4 on Units Got your vehicles TNTed/C4ed and no Dozer/Worker nearby? If there is a transport or Tunnel Network nearby, you can "move" the explosive. Send your TNTed/C4ed units into transport or Tunnel Network. The explosive will be left behind on the transport/Tunnel Network as if it is attached on the transport/ Tunnel Network, damaging the transport/Tunnel Network. If the TNTed/C4ed unit leaves the transport/Tunnel Network before the explosive detonates, the explosive will be "carried away" again by the unit. If you put your charged unit into Tunnel Network A, evacuate it from Tunnel Network B, and order it to enter Tunnel Network B before the explosive blows up, the explosive will stick onto Tunnel Network B. Jarmen Kell/Colonel Burton against Fire Base You can use Jarmen Kell/Colonel Burton against an undefended Fire Base. 1. Jarmen Kell can seriously damage a Fire Base when the Fire Base is loaded with infantry. 2. Colonel Burton can deliver deadly attack on a Fire Base with his knife attack ability (This is not mine, I am still searching my database to find the FAQ publishing it, but no result found yet). ------------------------- End of Document --------------------------------