Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge Quotes list Written by TurboKiller F.K.µ. at 2002. XI. 04. e-mail: AIM: turbokillerfka http: ============================================ This FAQ is copyright of TurboKiller F.K.µ. Distribute freely, but DO NOT MODIFY! Command & Conquer, Red Alert and Yuri's Revenge are registered trademarks of Westwood, and Electronic Arts. ============================================ OK, a lot of people want these, (including me) and I had a little free time, so I made a list. It's far from complete though, I'll add stuff when I have time. Also, since English is not my main langauge, some of the quotes may be incorrect, and there are a few of them that I can't understand. I wrote all this stuff in 2 days, so don't be surprised if some of the units are not in the list. If you have anything to add, feel free to contact me. Updated at 2003. X. 18. ----------- Added some corrections, thx goes out to BronzeLambReg. Updated at 2003. V. 10. ----------- Giga update - added each and every quote, in the order they are in the soundmd.ini file notes: Select: What a unit will say if you select it. Move: What a unit will say if you order it to move somewhere. Attack: what a unit will say if you order it to attack. Fear: what a unit will say if their Health drops very quickly. Harvest: what a miner will say if you order it on Ore Special: anything else I found The stuff I put in " " after the units name is said by the unit when it's built, and the whole map will hear it. I got the number of different sounds from the soundmd.ini file of the game, so the number of them are correct, that's how I know which one of them are missing. About the quotes that were present in RA2 too, they are listed in the String files (*.csf) that the game uses, so as long as those files are right, the qoutes are right too. If not, blame Westwood, not me. If I didn't understood a word, I put ??? in the place of it. If there is a (???) after the qoute, then I'm not sure about that one. If theres only a (???) and nothing else, then I totally can't understand that quote. Just one ? and nothing else means that I will add that one later, when I find it. Again, feel free to contribute. * Civilians ============ Freed Slave ----------- Select: - What can I do? - Will work for food! - Liberty is sweet - How can I help? - Move: - Sure! - Ohh-de-doo-de-doo - Do I still need this shovel? - Whatever do you say - Hm. Okay! Attack: - Payback time! - Got my shovel right here! - They pushed me too far! - Charge! - Swing away Fear: - Ouch! - Hey, quit it! - You're hurting me! - That's not fair! - You bully! Professor Einstein ------------------ Select: - Here I am - I have this theory - Don't rush me, I am thinking - Where is my ??? - Ja Move: - Ah, I see - Oh, ja! - Wonderful! - I understand - A to B Attack: (does he even have a weapon in the game???) - If it is necessary - Hope this works - Good in theory - Always wanted to do this - Cause und effect Fear: - Back to the lab! - Why did I ??? - I'm dying for science - This was not smart - Whos idea was this? Special: - Isn't anyone coming to save me? - Finally, it's about time Premier Romanov --------------- Select - I'm Premier you know. - I have legacy to consider! - Which way, comrade? - Guide me to safety Move: - I will consider it - At my own pace - On to victory - For Soviet glory - These boots are too tight Attack: (does he even has a weapon in the game???) - Finally! - To the front lines! - Crush and destroy - The weak shall die - Fear: - How dare you? - I'll get you for that - Oh mother Russia! - I must not die! - Save me!! Special: - uuuh... Y-Yuri is calling me... - These are plans for Iron Curtain. Use on our Demolition Trucks to make ultimate weapon of destruction! - I... am in Yuri's base... Help me Comrade General... - Ahh... I am myself once again - Get me to airport! Arnnie Frankenfurter -------------------- Select: - Your orders, give them to me. - I'm pumped up - Find me something to terminate - I'm ready to rumble Move: - Nice night full of walk - Aaaaaa Attack: - You're terminated! - You've been erased - Let me pump you up - It's judgement day - Take these, girly man Fear: - We got company - Things are not good here - We are under attack - More predators - Gwah! (or something like that) Special: - You can't control me - I still have total recall - My mind is my own - Yuri sent these puny weaklings to feed me to his Grinder and give his men ???. Harnest my rage, Commander, and show Yuris girly man what it means to be powerful! Flint Westwood -------------- Select: - I was born ready - Call me Harry - Meet Smith & Wesson - 44 in the ??? Move: - Ready to go? - Down & dirty - Magnum on the move - Runnin' the gauntlet - Walkin' the tightrope Attack: - I'll blow'em away - In the line of fire - Take this advice, punk! - You're makin' my day Fear: - It's rainin' lead! - Deep in to the deadpool here! - It's getting hairy (???) Special: - Don't mess with my head! - My head ???, but loose (???) - Try me again, punk! Sammy Stallion -------------- Select: - Yo! - I'm their worst nightmare - Ready for round one Move: - I'm ??? - Yo, I'm there! - Fancy footwork - You know it - Allright, sounds like a plan Attack: - You ain't so bad - You want war? You got it! - Did you bring ??? - You ain't nothing! - You're the disease - I'm the cure Fear: - They've hittin' pretty hard (???) - This ain't looking so good! - Hey yo, how 'bout some help here? Special: - Yo, you can't scramble my brains - Yo, nice try! - I ain't even got a headache - Yo, my mom hits harder then that! - I got a hard head - Yo, thanks for getting me out Commander! Secret Service -------------- Select: - I'll take the bullet. - Agent in the field. - Secret service here. - Need an escort? - Assigment sir? - What's your clearance level? Move: - Securing the area. - Scanning perimeter. - Right away sir. - Assignment recieved. Attack: - He's doesn't belong here. - He's a threat. - No witnesses. - Shoot to kill. - Executing assignment. * Allied Infantry ================== G.I. ---- Select: - Sir yes sir! - Ready! - Squared away sir! - Orders? - How `bout some action? - Can do! - Who's next? Move: - Move'n out! - Got it! - On my way! - Double time! - On the move! - Hooah! Attack: - Attacking! - You got it! - Enemy sighted! - Let's do it! - Diggin' in! - Safety first, sir! Fear: - We're pinned down! - We're being attacked! Allied Engineer --------------- Select: - Engineering. - I have the tools. - I've got the knowledge. - Need a repair? Move: - Yes sir! - Moving. - I won't be late. Attack: - Analyzing schematics. - Studying blue prints. - Got the plans right here. Fear: - Get me outa here! - I'm unarmed - Special: - We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir. Guardian G.I. ------------- Select: - Tanks are no match - We're uncrushable! - Let's show'em what we got - Solid as a rock Sir - On the mark Sir! - Sir, yes Sir! Move: - Move! - Right away, Sir - Repositioning - Affermative, Sir! - Let's move out Attack: - He's mine - They want a scrap? - We'll take 'em - I'm all over him - Let's throwdown (???) Deploy: (unused) - Dig 'em in (???) - Fortify - Barricades Fear: - Their not ???ing up - I need a medic - It's too much - I'm hit bad - I can't take anymore - They're right ontop of me Rocketeer --------- Select: - Rockets in the sky. - All Fired up! - Check out the view. - I can go anywhere! - Gotta clear view, sir. - Ready to soar. - Fuel tanks are filled Move: - Pushin' away. - Igniting boosters. - Riding High. - Up and over. - Got a steady flow. - I'll take the high road. - Lifting off. Attack: - He's got no place to hide. - I can see 'em - I got 'em - Clear out the place - They won't see us comin. Fear: - I'm losing compression! - There's too much flak! - My rocket's hit! SEAL ---- "SEAL ready" Select: - SEAL ready. - I'm your man. - A lil' C4 knockin' at your door. - Who's your daddy? Move: - Hoorah! - Cover me. - How about a swim? Attack: - Enemy in my sites! - I got `em. - This is too easy. Special: - Special Delivery! - Goin' down! - Alright, the water's warm! Spy --- Select: - Commander? - Mission sir? - Gimme a plan. - Agent ready. Move: - Operation underway. - Indeed. Attack: - Disguise ready. Fear: - They found me out! - I've been spotted! Special: - Ready to infiltrate. - Obtaining intelligence. Chrono Legionnaire ------------------ Select: - Yes, Commander. - Already there. - I'm gone. - Pick a spot. - Without a trace. Move: - Yes, Commander. - Already there. - I'm gone. - Pick a spot. - Without a trace. Attack: - They're history. - Deconstructing - Never existed. - Removing. Fear: - I don't have time for this! - Let's get outa here! - Cover me! Tanya (RA2) ----- "" Select: - Anytime boss. - You got an order? - Where's the party? - Show me the way. - How 'bout some action. Move: - I'm there. - How about a target?! - On my way. - Moving out boss. - I'm on it. - Shake it baby! Attack: - Cha-Ching! - - Locked and loaded. - Yaah Baby! Tanya (YURI) ------------ "Let's Rock & Roll!" (the below 3 is never in the game for some reason, but they should be according to the soundmd.ini file) "Waahoo!" "Nothing can stop me!" "No fear - Tanya's here" Select: - What's up? - I'm the best there is - Untouchable - I hear ya - I'm so good Move: - Let's go - Gotcha - Let's get to it - Nothing to stop me Attack: - Bag'em up - Yihaaa - - Another loser Fear: - I'm hit - Just a scratch - That all you got? - Heyhey, watch it Special: - One short swim to Alcatraz, and I'll blow that Psychic contraption sky-high! - This time, Yuris going down! - What? Yeah, right, Boris is skilled. Look at me, I can call in an airstrike! Please. - Games over Yuri, You're about to lose! - You know, It might be easier to sneak me across the river then to get an entire army over the bridge. - No problen, I'm trained to resist mind control. - Mind control? Yeah, right. - No one mind controls Tanya - Those psychic tricks don't work on me - Get outta my brain! - No fear, Tanya's here. * Soviet Infantry ================== Conscript --------- Select: - Waiting orders. - Comrad? - Conscipt reporting. Move: - Moving out. - Order recieved. - For the Union. - Da! Attack: - For home country. - Attacking. - You are sure? - For mother Russia! Fear: - Mommy! - - We're being attacked! Soviet Engineer --------------- Select: - Engineering. - Tools ready. - I have the information. - Need a repair? - Something need fixing? - I know how it works. Move: - Yes Commander! - Moving. - I will go. Attack: - Need a repair? - Examining diagrams. Fear: - Get me outa here! - I'm unarmed - Special - We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir. Flak Trooper ------------ Select: - Flak trooper reporting. - ready. - Orders comrad? - At least I have a job. Move: - Da! - I am going. - Moving out. - This gun is heavy. Attack: - Flak attack! - This will be messy. - Clouds of death. - A little flak? Fear: - Can't see through the flak. - There shooting me. - Help me Romanov. - I'm just one man. Tesla Trooper ------------- Select: - Tesla suit ready! - Charging up. - Electrodes ready! - Checking connection. - Yes comrade. Move: - Going to source. - Moving out. - Yes comrade. - Surging forward. - Electrician in the field. - Rubber shoes in motion. Attack: - 2,000 volts coming up. - He's fried. - Completing circuit. - Let the juice flow. - Commencing Shock therapy. Fear: - Ground yourselves! - Reinforcements! - I'm hit! Crazy Ivan ---------- Select: - - Yaah! - K-BOOM! - Yaah? What's that? - Ivan's not home! - It's too quiet here. - Move: - - I'm goin'. - Heh-heh-heh. - What's over here? - - Attack: - Happy Birthday! - Here, hold this. - I lost a bomb. Do you have it? - Don't play with matches. Boris ----- "Boris has arrived!" (the below 4 is never in the game for some reason, but they should be according to the soundmd.ini file) "It is I, Boris!" "I have no fear" (pronounced as "hare". Boris is a funny guy.) "Let the games begin" "Your no match for Boris" Select: - Boris here - Yes comrad general - Let's light them up - I'll point out the target - Don't mess with me Move: - There's nothing I cannot do! - This will be easy - Boris agrees - I have an important mission - Russia's fate is with me Attack: - - Die traitorous dogs! - Eat lead - Fools, you can't touch me! (???) - Who is next? Fear: - They are attacking us! - It's very bad here comrad! - I'm hit! - We must have reinforcements! Special: - Bring on the MIGs - Boris reporting - Have I been gone somewhere, Comrade Zofia? - I'm not swimming out there! Get me an Armored Transport from Shipyard Cosmonaut/Lunar roceteer --------- Select: - Gravity suit secured - Cosmonaut reporting - Gravity? What's that? - Pressure gauges normal - Russian space ace Move: - Rocketpacks fully charged - Boosters engaged - Shifting thrusters - Fuelmix optimized - Light and fast Attack: - Tracking target - Beam intensity locked - Lasers at full power - (???) - Time for Laser show! Fear: - We need more ??? - It's hard to manoeuvre - Vacuum suit is failing - Fuelcells damaged Dieing: - Can't... breath! <5 other different screams> Yuri/Yuri Prime (RA2) -------- Select: - Psychic ready. - Tell me your wish. - I know your thoughts. - Your mind is clear. - The mind is quicker than the eye. Move: - Yes, of course. - Predictable. - Thoughts received. - My command is your wish. Attack: - He belongs to us. - His mind is weak. - There is no resistance. - A new comrade joins us. - Look deeply into my eyes. * Yuri Infantry ================ Initiate -------- Select: - Yuri is master - I am but a student - There is much to learn! - He has taught us well Move: - Learning the path - Hail to the great Yuri - Enlighten me - I understand Attack - ???ing flame - I don't need matches - Focusing energy! - Focusing energy! - Look! No hands! - Guns are too messy Fear: - Give me strength, Yuri! - Fire out of control! - It's hard to focus - My life for Yuri! - Nonbelievers! Yuri Engineer ------------- Select: - Is there problem? - My tools are yours - How can I assist? - I'm your handyman - Technician on duty Move: - Smooth operations - Where is trouble - May I help? - I will investigate - Repairman on the move! Attack: - Nice architecture! - This won't take much time - (???) - I am working - Inspecting foreplan Fear: - Help us! - I'm only engineer! - I am wounded! - I lost my tools! - Hey, that hurt! Virus ----- Select: - Viral agent ready - Free inoculations - Here comes the plague - I am so very contagious - Flu shots anyone? Move: - Epidemic on the move. - Which way is the wind blowing? - Nasty bug going around - Virus spreading - Just get me in range Attack: - Time to infect - No cure for this - How about a nice shot in the arm? - This may sting a little - Taste my venom - Mmm, better got to the clinic Fear: - I cannot hold them off - I need an antidote - I'm in to close - I feel sick - I'm hit Brute ----- Select: - Huh? - Give me something to brake! - I want to play! - I like big toys! - Ready to crush! Move: - Turn me loose! - Is clobbering time, no? - - Ookay - Goody! Attack: - Come to Poppa! - Them not my friend! - Give me your lunch money! - It's plaaaytiiime! - I will brake you! Fear: - Ouch! that hurt! - I wanna go home! - - I was only playing! - You make me mad! Special (while attacking): - Whoopsie! - - - Yuri Clone ---------- Select: - All in the mind - Psychic ready - Something to think about - Share your thoughts with me - Perhaps I can be of assistance Move: - Yes, good thought - Understandable - Makes sense - Goes without saying - Goes without saying Attack: - He will do as I say - They will obey - Hail to me (???) - We could use one of those - Their will is my will Fear: - Hah, my head hurts - Can't hear myself think! - Hah, I'm so confused - Hah, what will you thinking (???) - I can't make up my mind Yuri Prime ---------- "There's only one true Yuri" Select: - I'm here - You disturb me? - You will learn from me - Be up on mind - Your orders - my ideas - Yes, my exquisite mind Move: - Your thoughts are mine - Most unimaginated - You will move me there - Yes, I know - I have taught you well - A trivial matter - I've seen this already Attack: - He will be ours - I bring you peace - I fore saw this need (???) - He will listen - He shall serve me well - Another ??? joins us - Come to Yuri Fear: - I sense trouble - This could be a problem - I did not forsee this Special: - I cannot be overcome - I am my own master, always - A pathetic attempt - Fool. You can't control me. * Allied Tanks =============== Chrono Miner ------------ Select: - Oh, hello Sir! - Ready as ever - Chrono miner reporting for duty - Good day commander - 24/7 Move: - Always on time - Oh yes, I agree - Okay - Sure thing, Sir! - Of course Harvest: - You'll get the cash in a flash - It's in the bank - Mining - Aah, there it is! - Rolling with a Chrono Conwoy Return to refinery: - I'll be there right away - In the blink of an eye - In no time at all - Let's dump this stuff - Comin' home! Grizzly Battle Tank ------------------- Select: - Vehicle ready. - Unit reporting! - Yes sir. - Ready to roll! - Destination Commander? Move: - Securing Position! - Good to go! - High speed, low drag. - On our way, sir. - Outstanding! - Bound forward! Attack: - Weapon ready. - Commencing assault! - Closing in! - Driver up! - Fire zone confirmed. Infantry Fighting Vechile ------------------------- Select: - Everythings made to fit - IFV ready - Need a conversion? - We can make adjustments - Transformer panels in order - Tools of the trade (???) Move: - Fast and light - Made for speed - On the go - Yup - Running smooth - Watch my dust Attack: - It's a sure shot! - We've got 'em - Of course - Takin' 'em down - Hittin' 'em hard Mirage Tank ----------- Select: - Mean, green, and unseen! - Aren't the trees lovely? - Perfect hideout - Natural sanctuary - Want some shade? - Nobody's here but us trees! Move: - Layin' low - Look natural - Creeping ahead - On the prowl - Tree planting - Going mobile - Now you see me, soon you won't Attack: - Surprise! - HA-HAA! - Sneak attack! - One more for the landfill! - Time for an ambush Prism Tank ---------- Select: - Prism tank in order, Sir - Dioptic manifold clear - Lens shifters in working position - Prism sensors stable - Panels charged Move: - Compensating for terrain flux - Estimating distorsion error - Positional data recieved - New coordinates processed - Readjusting stabilazers Attack: - Magnifiers activated - Calculating reflection arks - Resolving target coordinates - Intensifying light projectory - Focusing light energy Battle Fortress --------------- Select: - Preparing for battle - Battle Fortress on the alert - Let's make a warpath - Takin' in close (???) - We will trample our enemies! - Let's load up the troops Move: - Nothing can stop us - CHARGE!! - Mobilizing - Rolling thundar! - Let's see some action Attack: - Open fire! - Fire at will - Wipe'em out - We will crush'em Allied MCV ---------- Select: - Packed up & ready - Materials checked and cleared - Blueprints ready, Sir - Allied schematics on hand - Let's set up shop - What's the word? Move: - Wanna set up over there? - Let's find some flat land! - Location is key - A new location, commander? - Shows on the road - Loaded up and truckin' * Soviet Tanks =============== War Miner --------- Select: - War miner here - Pride of the working class! - Building Soviet economy - Making Russia strong! - We are armed! Move + Return to refinery: - Relocating operations - At once, comrade! - For Soviet people - Serving the cause - Da, comrade general Attack: - On the attack - Protect the ore! - Take them out! - They pose a threat! - This will show them! Harvest: - Equal share for everyone - Let's keep the ore moving - Da, we will need that! - Looks like good place to mine Rhino Heavy Tank ----------------- Select: - Vehicle reporting. - Ready comrade. - Awaiting orders. Move: - Location confirmed. - Moving. - Changing position. Attack: - Target sighted. - Encounting enemy. - We will bury them. - Attacking! Flak Track ---------- Select: - Armored personal carrier ready - Ready for transport - Let's clear the air - Do you have a plan? - What is the mission? Move: - Making tracks - I'll carry out the operation - Getting in closer - (???) - Cathing path Attack: - Firing salvo - Flak away - Tear them apart - Flak them down! - Guns loaded V3 Rocket Launcher ------------------ Select: - Ready for launch - Armed for destruction - Rockets fueled and ready - V3 launch unit - Let's keep up distance Move: - Advancing to new location - Moving to new launch site - Not too close please - Repositioning Attack: - Missle launch confirmed - Trajectory set - We have ignition - Sending airmail - Warhead primed Apocalypse ---------- Select: - The instrument of doom - It is day of judgement - Armaggeddon is here - Soviet power supreme - Annihilating Move: - They will roam in fear - I cast a deadly shadow - It will soon be a wasteland - Excellent! - Be patient Attack: - Eradicate them - The end is at hand - These will be your last moments - Taste your mortality - The apocalypse has begun - Bringing down the hammer Soviet MCV ---------- Select: - Soviet construction vechile - Ready for deployment - Building the Soviet Empire - Mobile construction center - MCV reporting in Move: - As quickly as possible - Holeing materials (???) - Moving constuction - Yes comrade - Relocating * Yuri Tanks ============= Slave Miner ----------- Select: - Yuri mining facility reporting - Foreman here - Let's put these maggots to work - We get reeeal dirty around here - Ore processors working - My slaves are ready - We've got a lot of work to do Move: - Slaves are cheap, hahaha - Mining ain't for sissy's - Is my shift over yet? - This is mans job! Attack: - This all belongs to Yuri - Go away thieves! - Get rid of these pests! - Defend the ore! Harvest: - Dig, DIG!! - Move those shovels! - Faster, little slaves - We need more! - Let's get to the cash Deploy: - Let's get to work Undeploy: - Moving to mining operations Slave Miners Slaves ------------------- Select: - Can I have a potty break? - I've seen happier times - I haven't eaten anything in days - What is it now? - Don't hurt me! - Yes, master Move: (You can't move them by default) - My feet hurt - Whatever you say - Can I go home now? - Allright - Work, work, work... Attack: (same as for moving them) - I'm just a slave - Will this shovel work? - I'm not really a ??? you know - Will this earn me my freedom? - I thought I only have to dig! Fear: - All I have is this shovel! - They're attacking me! - Somebody help me! - This is unfair! - Au, Aauu! - Ouch! - Hey, quit it! - You're hurting me! - That's not fair! - You bully! Harvest: (same as for moving them) - Digging - Okay, okay - You know this stuff is heavy - This is hard work! - Allright, allright Special: - We're free! We're free!! Lasher Light Tank ----------- Select: - We will puncture through - Lasher Tank ready - Yuris tank division - Where is battle? Move: - Turn up the speed - Take me to frontlines - Yes, master Yuri - The hunt is on Attack: - Gonna make some scrap metal - We can whip 'em (???) - They will not escape - ??? Yuri - Prepare for your lashes Gattling Tank ------------- Select: - Let's clear the air - Barrels cooled and ready - Loadin' up the belt - I love the smell of gunpowder - Guns ready for full auto Move: - Scanning horizon (???) - Rolling! - I was born for this job - Faster and faster! - Let's take the guns for a spin Attack: - Time for some ??? - Start up the ??? - Mown them down! - Let the bullets fly! - How 'bout a shellshower! - Rev up those cylinders Chaos Drone ----------- Magnetron --------- Select: - Magnetron on standby - Magnetic field commencing - Need a little force? - Generator ready - Point me in the right direction Move: - Shifting polarity - (???) - We need no compass - My power is irresistable - Moving within range Attack: - Reel them in (???) - This is a ??? - Coils powering up - Let's bring them closer to us! - Maximum charge - Enemy locked Attack buildings: - Coils powering up - Maximum charge - Enemy locked Master Mind ----------- Select: - I am the Mastermind - Collective thinking - Enter the think tank - A mind is terrible thing to waste - ??? ready - Let's have a meeting of the minds Move: - Mastermind on the move - Let's make some friends - Were on a diplomatic mission - Where are the simpletons? - Always looking for new ideas Attack: - Time for a brainstorm - This will be painless - Come in ??? - They will understand - Their mind will be addressed - Let's collect our thoughts When overloading: - Brainwave overload! Yuri MCV -------- Select: - We build for Yuri - Yes master - Yuri construction company - Yuri is the master ??? - Were shall we make base? Move: - Relocating construction site - Where do you want setup? - Moving building materials - For Yuri's army - I hear and obey * Allied Air Units =================== Harrier ------- Select: - Aircraft reporting. - Channel clear. - Destination? - Pilot reporting. Move: - Thrusters engaged. - Changing vector. - Like the wind. - Willco. Attack: - Ready to strike! - Watch my six. - We have'm on radar. - We're goin' in. - Instruments locked on. Die: - Eject! Eject! - Bail out! - We're going down. - - - Nighthawk Transport ------------------- Select: - Need a lift? - Air transport ready. - Pick'm up, set'm down. - What's your request? Move: - Maneuvers in progress. - Gotcha. - Tour underway. - Visibility clear. Attack: - Fire on sight. - Clearing a path. - LZ is hot. * Soviet Air Units =================== Siege Chopper ------------- Select: - Siege Chopper, checking in (???) - We got the big gun - Ready for deployment - Airborne artillery - All systems operational Move: - Moving in - Transporting siege weapon - Let's take over the area - Airspeed to maximum - Looking for clearing Attack (while in the air): - Load up the belts - Give'em some pepper - Target spotted - Chop them all down (???) - Guns unleashed Attack (while in the land): - Time for a hellstorm - Deploying cannon - Coordinates confirmed - Setting trajectory (???) - Fire at will - Fire at will Dieing: - We're going to crash! - We've been hit! - Mayday! Mayday! - Abort! Abort! - Oh noooo! Kirov Airship ------------- "Kirov Reporting" Select: - Kirov reporting. - Acknowledged. - Airship ready. - Helium mix optimal. Move: - Setting new course. - Maneuver props engaged. - Bearings set. Attack: - Bombing bays ready. - Target acquired. - Closing on target. - Bombardiers to your stations. Die: - Mayday! Mayday! - We're losing altitude! - She's going to blow! - MIG --- Move: - MIGs on the way - Airstrike confirmed Attack: - Missiles launched - Target acquired Die: - I won't make it! - I'm going down! Special: - Mission aborted! * Yuri Air Units ================= Floating Disc ------------- "Disc in flight!" Select: - Yuri's Collection Agency - Let's transfer some assets! - Syphons ready - Accepting donations! Move: - Levitation units online - Smooth ride - Spinning away! Attack: - (???) - They are in our way! - Laserbeam ready! - Set to destroy - They have nothing of value Steal: - Their systems are vulnerable - I'd like to make a withdraw - Yuri thanks them for their support - Their taxes are ??? - They will make a generous ??? * Allied Navy ============== Destroyer --------- Select: - Allied Ship reporting. - Navigation systems ready. - Captain on the bridge. - Standing by. Move: - Speed to full. - Main engines engaged. - Rudder set for new heading. - Aye commander. - Steady as she goes. Attack: - Enemy spotted. - Attacking. - Battle-stations! Allied Hovercraft ----------------- Select: - Welcome aboard - Having a nice day? - How about an adventure - Plenty of window seats - See the countryside Move: - We're on our way - Let's take the scenic route - Wanna stop for a picture? - What a view - Enjoy the ride Aegis Cruiser ------------- Select: - Scanning for aircraft - Aegis reporting - Protector of the Allied fleet - Allied cruiser ready - Missle systems operational Move: - Guiding systems set (???) - Adjusting for current - Navigating water space - Plotting course - Rudder set Attack: - Bring 'em down - Rockets red glare (???) - Let loose the allied fury - Launch the heat seekers! - Clearin' the skies - All hands on deck - Launching heat seekers - Target confirmed Aircraft Carrier ---------------- Select: - Aircraft Carrier responding - Flight-deck cleared - Prepairing jets for takeoff - Pride of the Allied Navy - The largest ship in the fleet Move: - ???in path - Slow & steady - Hold the course - ???ing set - Coordinates confirmed Attack: - Hornets in the air - Commencing attack run - Release the swarm! - Naval airfleet engaging - We have a target * Soviet Navy ============== Typhoon Attack Submarine ------------------------ Select: - Typhoon attack sub - Caught under pressure - Torpedos armed - ??? , comrade - Hush! They maybe near! Move: - Running silent - They won't detect our approach - Use stealth - Dive! - Checking periscope Attack: - Sink them - Target verified - Torpedos away! - Fire torpedos! - She's on our scope Soviet Hovercraft ----------------- Select: - I'm not armed, you know - Need a ride, anybody? - Were do you need to go? - Shuttle ready for passengers - Let's take an excursion Move: - Don't get too close to combat - Let's keep it safe - Checking with map - Planning course Sea Scorpion ------------ Select: - The water's warm, yes - Need a little speed? - Good fishing here - Nice day for a cruise - I love my boat Move: - The quicker the better - A weekend getaway - Riding the current - Sounds good - Running high! Attack: - They want some flak, eh? - I hope they can swim! - I see them! - The sea can be dangerous place - Let's make some waves Dreadnaught ----------- Select: - Ship reporting. - Vessel ready. - Yes Commander? Move: - Captain confirming. - Course set. - Navigating. - Engines engaged. Attack: - Target sighted. - Fire at will. - Close and fire! * Yuri Navy ============ Boomer Submarine ---------------- Select: - Boomer systems operational - Maintaining position and depth - Deep sea vessel standing by - Engines primed - Air pressure stabilized Move: - Adjusting rudder - Checking current - Propeller systems engaged - All ahead, full (???) - Thrusting forward Attack on land: - Locking missile coordinates - Missiles ready for launch - Guidance systems checked - They'll never see it coming - Yuri will be proud - Let the missiles fly Attack on water: - Torpedos armed - This will be a sinker - Fire - Bring them down to our level - Launch initiated - Sharkbait! Yuri Hovercraft --------------- Select: - I am loyal to Yuri - ??? for our psychic legions - Turbines clear - Transport at your service - Awaiting Yuri's thoughts Move: - I obey - Yes - Transport in motion - Yuri commands me - Your orders * Special Units ================ Sniper ------ Select: - Sniper ready. - Give me a target. - Gimme a job. - Eliminate 'em. Move: - Proceeding to vantage point. - Just gimme a clear view. - I love to camp. - Just get me close enough. - Settling in. Attack: - Takin' 'em out. - He's in my scope. - He's a dead man. Fear: - Run for cover! - I need support! - I'm in too close! Tank Destroyer -------------- Select: - Tank destroyer reporting - No armors too tough - They gotta get through me first! - Not the tank I can't break - Deutchland's finest Move: - Taking position - Advancing - In the field - Moving forward Attack: - Demolition Derby time - Let's see who's tougher - Piece by piece - Nothing left but junk - You call THAT armor? Black Eagle ----------- Select: - Aircraft reporting. - Standing by. - At your service. - Black Eagle reporting. - Eagle squadron. - Korea's finest. Move: - Command received. - In transit. - Calibrating airspeed. Attack: - Gunner in position. - Easy target! - Let's take'm out. Die: - Eject! Eject! - Bail out! - We're going down. - (descending scream) - (descending scream) Terrorist --------- "I go freely!" Select: - What are your conditions? - We must revolt. - Need a smuggler? Move: - Vamos Muchachos! - On my way. - I go freely. Attack: - Adios amigos! - Here's a hot papaya! - For the republic! - Traitors must be eliminated! Fear: - Take me back to Havana! - Aiiii! - I've been discovered! Desolator --------- Select: - Desolator ready. - - Ready for melt-down. - Reactor ready. - Mercury rising. Move: - Find a hot spot. - Scorched Earth. - Spread the Doom. - There goes the neighborhood. - It'll be a Silent Spring. Attack: - Tagged for extinction. - Make it glow. - Let's heat `em up. - Here comes the sun. - The end is near. - Let's make an oasis of death. Demolition Truck ---------------- "My truck is loaded!" Select: - My truck is loaded! - Let's make a delivery! - I shall avenge us! - Why don't you drive. Move: - One way trip. - (solemn) As you wish. - Watch out for the bumps. Attack: - For my people! - I am prepared to die! - It will be a smoking crater. - Don't wait up for me. - Akkkhah! Tesla Tank ---------- Select: - Generators humming - Wire for destruction - Coils at full charge - I have the power - Reading meters Move: - Positively - Effecient and clean - Maximum power! - That sparks my curiousity - Nothing wasted Attack: - Free hook-ups - No charge for extra power - Prepare for rolling blackout - Need a little boost? ===================================================== End of list Thanks goes out to: - JPC2000 - arbalest130 - BronzeLambReg - everyone else who sent me emails to help - Olaf van der Spek, for his XCC Mixer which helped me a lot -eof