Activisioncode: ECB8850C143AFE1C Endless Health: 3C20647E1456E7DD Perfect Level Scores: 1C13F2700E4CDD9F 1C13F2740E4CDD9F 1C13F2780E4CDD9F All Levels: 3C13F3E81456E7B4 Endless Batarangs: 4C2064CA1456E79C Endless electric Batarangs: 4C2064D01456E79C Endless Batcuffs: 4C2064D61456E79C Endless Stunners: 4C2064CE1456E79C Endless Remote Charges: 4C2064D21456E79C Endless Nets: 4C2064D41456E79C Endless Flash Bombs: 4C2064D81456E79C All Cheats (start a new game, then enter the code): 4C13F26A1456B00C All Items (start a new game, then enter the code): 1C13F26461DFB00C Cinematics (start a new game, then enter the code): 4C13F26C1456B00C