Disable Food and Psi Requirements To ignore food and psi requirements press [Enter] then type "food for thought" and press [Enter] again. Disable Level Victory To continue playing after achieving victory, press [Enter] then type "staying alive" and press [Enter] again. Disable Technology Tree Press [Enter] then type "modify the phase variance" and press [Enter] again. This code lets you ignore prerequisites and build anything you can afford. Fast Build Mode To build units quicker press [Enter] then type "operation cwal" and press [Enter] again. Free Technology Upgrades To instantly upgrade your technology press [Enter] then type "medieval man" and press [Enter] again. Free Unit Upgrades To instantly upgrade all of your units press [Enter] then type "something for nothing" and press [Enter] again. Infinite Energy Adrian Paul would be honored by this code. For infinite energy press [Enter] then type "the gathering" and press [Enter] again. Instant Loss To instantly lose the current level press [Enter] then type "game over man" and press [Enter] again. Instant Victory To instantly win the current level press [Enter] then type "there is no cow level" and press [Enter] again. Invincibility To make all of our units invincible press [Enter] then type "power overwhelming" and press [Enter] again. Level Select To choose your level do the following: 1.Press [Enter] 2.Type "ophelia" 3.Press [Enter] 4.Type the name of the desired level. 5.Press [Enter] again. StarCraft level names consist of the race followed by the mission number. eg: terran1, terran2, zerg1, zerg2, protoss1, protoss2, etc. For Brood War levels prefix the name with an 'x'. eg: xprotoss5 Lift the Fog To remove the fog of war, press [Enter] then type "war aint what it used to be" and press [Enter] again. Receive 10,000 Minerals and Gas For a helpful bonus press [Enter] then type "show me the money" and press [Enter] again. Receive 500 Minerals For another perk press [Enter] then type "whats mine is mine" and press [Enter] again. Please forgive Blizzard's awful puns. Receive 500 Vespene Gas Low on gas? Press [Enter] and type "breathe deep" and press [Enter] again. Remember kids, inhalants are bad so don't try this at home. Reveal Map To reveal the entire map press [Enter] then type "black sheep wall" and press [Enter] again. Zerg Theme Song To hear the secret Zerg song, press [Enter] then type "radio free zerg" and press [Enter] again. This only works when playing as the Zerg.