The Secrets of the Luxor The Walkthrough ANCIENT EGYPT Hotel Room Pickup backpack in corner. Pickup hat and shows. Go to nightstand. Pickup the portable VCR. Pickup the journal on the bed. Look at the videos (you can select the VCR and then move back up to the main window to use it). Read the journal. Go to the bathroom. Pickup the magnifying glass and toothbrush. Exit the bathroom. Pickup the letter under the door and read it. Exit through the door. Terror Room Look at the key pad. Use the key card in the key pad. Enter the access code. Enter through the door. Top Elevator Entrance Read the sign. Push the red button. Enter the elevator. Elevator Operate the elevator. Exit the elevator. Bottom Elevator Entrance Look in the open crate and pickup the VR goggles. Enter the King's room. King's Room Walk left to the computer terminal and use it. Enter the access code you used earlier. Read all the files and exit the computer. Use the VR Goggles. The light halos indicate doors that you will need to open. Walk to the middle. This is the Egg Puzzle. Walk back to the beginning of the bridge so you are facing the Egg Puzzle. Look down left and you will see a ladder. Use the ladder. About one story up you can see the floor. Hmm..that floor pattern sure looks familiar. King's Room Lower Level Walk right and you will see a barred room. Walk right again and you come to an open door. Go through the door. This is the Water Puzzle room. Exit and go left again. The next door is the rock-crushing room. You will come back to both of these rooms later. Go back up the ladder to the top. King's Room Walk towards the entrance door. To the left you will see a stone wall. There is a loose stone. Push the stone and a door will open. Go through it. Reflector Room Look at the far wall. You will see a hand pointing in a direction. This is another clue to the Egg Puzzle. Go back to the main chamber. King's Room Go to the center where the Egg Puzzle is. Use the Egg Puzzle. Put in the two solutions you have seen in the Reflector Room and on the floor. Look in your journal on page 18 to get the last solution. You now have solved the Egg Puzzle. Water Puzzle Room Go back down the ladder and into the Water Puzzle room. Go to the front and turn around. Go up the stairs and go to the front control panel. Look in the back cover of your journal. This is what the levers should end up as when you pull the main lever. Once you have solved the Water Puzzle, exit the room and go back up the ladder to the top. Spike Entrance Room Go to the left of the crates and push in the center. Walk through the door and you will see a device and a cove. The solution for the device is in the cove. Once you solve the puzzle you will see a diagram. Figure out the diagram and enter the spike room. Spike Room Take the far left door. Once in the corridor, you will see a silver star door on the left. Enter it. Constellation Room Write down the constellations you see then continue down the corridor. Stellar Room Walk to the silver control panel and put in the four constellations. You should see the spikes going down. Enter the next room. Sun Temple Look at the wall. This is one of the solutions for the Wheel Puzzle. Look at the pedestal below the mummy and move the switch to the Sun position. Walk all the way back to the King's Room. Go back to the reflector room (by pushing the loose brick). Reflector Room Turn both reflectors so they face the back wall. Turn the crystal in the center. A door will open. Walk through the door. Reflector Room Throne After hearing the message, turn back around and pick up the Egyptian Cross Key. Go back to the King's Room. Wheel Room In the King's Room, go to the wall to the right of the computer terminal and enter the door. Walk around the maze until you go down and see a statue of a Queen's head. Open the top of the statue and make a note of the three symbols. Go back up and walk around until you enter the Wheel Room. Put in the sumbols from the Queen's head and the order from the Sun Temple wall. Enter the hole. Barred Room Pull the lever. Get all the way back to the King's Room. Rock-Crushing Room Go down the ladder and into the rock-crushing room. Use the key in the Lion's head to get the white crystal. Go back up to the top and enter the door on the wall to the back of the bridge (you will be right at it when coming up the ladder). Pit Room Walk around until you enter a cavern-like room. Go to the left and put the white crystal in the organ. Go to the right and pick up the three crystals. Turn the wheel and a stone bridge will appear. Walk across it and put all four crystals in the holders. A door will open. Last Resting Room Walk to the chair and get the symbols off of it. Go back to the doorway and face the chair. Take one step forward and look right. You will see a passage. Go through it. CRYPTO EGYPT Stairway Puzzle Listen to the message and then go to the control panel. Pass your hand over the symbols in the order in which they were on the chair. The stairs should appear. Transporter Control Room Walk up the stairs and take the right corridor. There is a small door on the right. Enter it. Turn on all of the small control panels on the walls. Hit the button on the main control panel. Exit and then take the left corridor. Golden Octogon Puzzle In the middle of the room is a golden octogon on the floor. Solve this puzzle. You will see a control panel come up. Body Scan Control Panel Figure out how to use the controls. It will scan your body and you can now go through teleport doors. Embalmbing Room Go back to the first teleporter door you saw (in the circular room with the control panel) and go through it. go left and go left again. Go through the Egyptian cross door. You can play with the scale flying chariot, check out some brains, dead bodies, etc. but the important thing here is the circular door that looks like a safe. Go to it, open the outer door, then grab the handhold on the inner door and keep trying until it hits the stationary ring (you will need to move it fastly). You will then hear a click. Go back up the stairs and back to the hallway. Go left and through the huge gold box at the end of the hall on the left. Power Link Room Go left again and you should enter the power link room (this is shown on the back of the game box). Go up to the front and click the three white buttons on the right of the g Questions and Answers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWERED I just started. What do I do? Pick up the backpack, pick up items, and head out the door. You might also want to take a look at your items... You can select it, then scroll back up to the main window to use the item. What's the access code for the computer? Same as for the Terror Room keypad. What's the crystal pyramid for? It never seems to work on anything. You'll use it near the end. What's the toothbrush for? It never works on anything. It is not needed to solve the game but it might come in handy somewhere. I noticed near the very end that there was an elevator that goes up to the Cathedral. Does this mean I could have taken this from the beginning? I never really looked there before. No, while the shaft is there, you cannot use it until all the rings have been rotated. PENDING Submit questions or answers These pages are unofficial and are not associated with Mojave. Review and Thoughts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall this was a very good game with more gameplay then Myst. I found the graphics, music, and general layout to be very good. The plot was also very good..although I have one thing I am confused about. In the end, Osiris is very old and he mentions waiting 300 years. I don't understand this as I thought he teleported 300 years ahead like I did. Perhaps he only teleported a few years? I also found the last level a little short. Overall, the game is well worth its money and I wouldn't have this web site up if I didn't think it was. Long live Mojave... Unfortunately I have been unable to use graphics from this extraodinary game due to complications in obtaining copyright permission. That is the downside I have seen with Mojave and Secrets of the Luxor. These pages are unofficial and are not associated with Mojave. General Hints ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- o Not all items can be clicked. Some can be slided, rotated, pushed, or pulled. o You have to solve a puzzle to open up paths elsewhere. o The camera comes in handy. Take pictures of anything that might be a clue. o Always look everywhere. Sometimes when you reach a dead end the answer is in the same room. These pages are unofficial and are not associated with Mojave. Title: The Body Scan Control Panel The Body Scan Control Panel Hints: o The three rows of buttons are sliders. The Body Scan Control Panel Solution: Bottom row left to right, top row left to right, middle row left to right. Scans your body so you can use transport doors. Title: The Coordinates Puzzle The Coordinates Puzzle Hints: o The solution is in your journal. The Coordinates Puzzle Solution: o X and Y coordinates with the bottom left being (0,0) o (15,1) o (5,3) o (11,7) o (14,7) o (16,9) o (5,12) o (13,15) o (12,16) o (14,17) o (8,11) Ends Crypto Egypt level. Title: The Egg Puzzle The Egg Puzzle Hints: o The hand solution is in the Reflector Room. Tell me more. o The link solution is on the King's Room floor. Tell me more. o The button solution is in your journal. Tell me more. The Egg Puzzle Hints: The hand solution is on the back wall of the Reflector room. The Reflector room is located to the left of the main door in the King's room. Go to the wall to the left of the main door. You will see a loose stone. Push the stone and you can enter the temple. Solution: The hand should point to the bottom-left (8 O'Clock). The Egg Puzzle Hints: You can see the solution to the links by looking on the King's Room floor as you go down the ladder. Hints: Go down the ladder to the left of the bridge and look down about 1 story from the bottom. Solution: Going clock-wise with the 12 O'clock position being 1, and the 11 O'Clock position being 16: o 1 Normal o 2 Normal o 3 Crossed o 4 Normal o 5 Normal o 6 Normal o 7 Crossed o 8 Normal o 9 Normal o 10 Normal o 11 Crossed o 12 Normal o 13 Normal o 14 Normal o 15 Crossed o 16 Normal Page 18. Solution: Numbered clock-wise with the 12 O'Clock position being 1 and the 11 O'Clock position being 16: o 6 Pushed o 11 Pushed o 13 Pushed The Elevator Puzzle Hints: o Hit the bottom button to start. o There are more to the controls than meets the eye. Open up the control panel and flip the three switches. Allows you to reach the King's Room. The End Solution After disabling the reader beams, you can walk to the top of the obolisk and follow directions. Once you have done what has been asked of you, you can watch some video and then there will be a countdown. If you want to save the world, you'll have to rid it of Osiris. How do you do that? I'll let you figure it out. If you just can't..well being the nice guy I am I'll provide a solution. Notice the energy coming from the obolisk is going into a blue hole. If you rotate the bridge this energy beam moves too. I think you can see what to do from there. The Red and Blue Lights Puzzle Hints: o You want all of the lights to be the same color. Title: The Red and Blue Lights Puzzle The Red and Blue Lights Puzzle o You want all of the lights to be blue. It appears that the game may change it randomly but the following worked for me: First row left, second row left, third row right Opens doors to elevator control panel. The Mummy Room Puzzle Hints: o You have to enter the four symbols in a certain order and number. o The clue is in the hologram room. Person, Snake, Person, Triangles, Person, Snake, Person Opens winding stairs. The Golden Octogon Puzzle Hints: o The diagram on the octogon describes the order in which you do something in the room. o Push the bottom of the statues in the order described on the octogon. Back, Left, Front, Right, Back Front is facing the gold door and back is facing the blue door. Allows you to get to the Body Scan control panel. The Pit Room Puzzle Hints: o Get the clear crystal. Tell me more. o Go to the Solar Throne room. o Get the key (Egyptian cross) o Go through the rock-crushing room and open up the Lions head. o Use Clear Crystal in organ. o Pick up colored crystals. o Turn the wheel. o Walk across and put all crystals into the new base. Allows entrance to the Pit Room Throne room. The Power Link Puzzle Solution Click on the three white buttons on the right of the generator and the right floor strip will light up. This opens up the hologram room. Click on the three white buttons on the left of the generator and the left floor strip will light up. This opens up the catacomb room. Opens doors. Title: The Obolisk Reader/Rotation Puzzle The Obolisk Protection Beams Puzzle Hints: o In order to get to the obolisk, you will have to disable the protection beams. o Using the rotator control at the top of the steps rotates the bridge so you can go in other doors. Use the rotator control to move the bridge so you can enter each room - there are four rooms with a leaver to disable the protection beams. The buttons to push are NW, N, NE, SE. For more detailed instructions on how to disable the beams, check the Walkthrough. Disables obolisk protection beams. Disabling the Rock Crushing Room Hints: o Solve the Wheel Puzzle. o Pull the lever in the room after the Wheel room. Disables people-crushing rock. Title: The Safe Puzzle The Door Puzzles Puzzle 1 is located through the Egyptian Cross in the Embalmbing Room. Puzzle 2 is located after the winding stairways. Solution: o When you go through the outer door, there is another door. o Grab the black hand slot and keep pulling it fastly until it hits the stationary ring and clicks. o Then you can exit go back up and take a left and another left and that huge gold box will be open. Opens doors. The Secret Guy Hints: Use the VR Goggles in the Constellation Room and you will see a guy with some guns. The Secret Movie There are many QuickTime movies on both CDs that you can view with a Movie Player. You might find one or two movies that are not in the game. The Secret Room Hints: There is a secret room with pictures of all of the programmers. It is under a bridge in the Power Link room. If I said anymore I would really be giving it away. Oh, that toothbrush does actually have a use. The Obolisk Six-Slide Puzzle Hints: Here's a good hint: Don't spend too much time trying to solve this one..It's a decoy. Activating the Solar Room Hints: o You must do three things. Hints: o Turn the panels. Tell me more. o Turn the crystal pyramid. o Activate the light. Tell me more. o Look on the wall to the left of the computer terminal. Turn both panels so they face the door. Hints: o After you solve the spike puzzle, you can go past the Stellar room and into the Sun Temple. Turn the switch on the bottom of the mummy pedestal. Allows entrance to the Solar Throne room and allows you to get the key to the Lions Head. The Spike Room Puzzle Hints: o After solving the machine puzzle in the Spike Room Entrance, you will see your clue. o The coins represent something. o The silver coins represent doors you can't get to, the gold coins represent doors you can get to. o Give me the answer. The only door you can go to is the left-side door towards the far side of the room. the Spike Room puzzle allows you access to the Stellar Room and the Sun Temple. The Spike Entrance Puzzle Hints: o Once in the Spike Entrance room, walk into the cove and you will see the solution. Solution: Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up the Spike Entrance Puzzle opens the door to the Spike Room. The Golden Stairs Puzzle Hints: o Pass your hand over a symbol to activate it. o Symbols must be done in a certain order. o The symbols are on the chair in the Pit Room Throne room.. Drink, Egyptian Cross, Snake, Food or just Buttons 3 1 4 2 Extends stairs so you can continue on. The Stellar Room Puzzle Hints: o The buttons correspond to constellations. o There is a list of four constellations in the Constellation room prior to the Stellar room. Hints: 3 x 2 x x X x x 1 4 Disables Spike Room. The Terror Room Puzzle Hints: o You need to enter an access code to get into the Elevator room. o Read the letter from Osiris. Solution: The access code is 2411#. Allows you to enter the Elevator entrance room. The Tower Rotation General Hints Hints: o Each tower has a rotation control panel. o The castle is made up of rings - each ring is a different level horizontally and vertically. o The tower rotation rotates the rings so you can access other elevators and rooms. o You need to do them in order...Tower 1, Tower 2, etc. o The ring order is 3 (inside), 2, 1, outer with 3 being the 1st floor and the outer being the 4th floor. o None of the elevators are out of order...they just need the ring rotated. o Good luck. Additional Help: | Tower 1 | Tower 2 | Tower 3 | Walkthrough | The Tower 1 Rotation Puzzle Click left twice. Click on Rotate Ring 1. For information on how to get to Tower 2, check the Walkthrough. Allows access to other elevators and rooms. The Tower 2 Rotation Puzzle Click right twice. Click on Rotate Ring 2. For information on how to get to Tower 3, check the Walkthrough. Allows access to other elevators and rooms. The Tower 3 Rotation Puzzle Click left three times. Click on Rotate Ring 3. For information on how to get to the inside of the castle check the Walkthrough. Allows access to the inside of the castle. The Water Puzzle Hints: o There is a clue in your journal. o You must use the metal pieces on the panel to stop the levers in the correct place. o The clue is on the back cover. o The metal pieces on the panel will stop the individual levers in the correct place once you have positioned the metal pieces and pull the main lever. o First Lever - 3rd from Bottom o Second Lever - Top o Third Lever - Third from Bottom Solution: 3 clicks on the top-left metal piece and 1 click on the bottom-right metal piece. Opens doors on the upper-level of the King's Room. The Wheel Puzzle Hints: o Look on top of the Queen's head in the maze. o Look at the wall in the Sun Temple. Solution: The outer ring is three bushes, the middle ring is the throne, and the inner ring is a person. The outer ring should be aimed Northwest. The middle ring should be aimed Northeast. The inner ring should be aimed South. Part of Disabling the Rock Crushing Room.