Hype: The Time Quest (PC) Walkthrough, version 1.0, January 22, 2002 by Adrean Issil, issilx@aol.com copyright 2001 Adrean Issil This document was prepared by me exclusively for GameFAQs and may not be posted on any other websites or reprinted in any way without my permission. INTRODUCTION: Let me start by saying that I thought this game was cute, but it has so many similarities with Zelda: Ocarina of Time it should have been called Hype: The Copyright Infringement. The hero Hype travels through time with the aid of his magic sword to defeat a black-armored knight with magical powers who has plunged his homeland into darkness from atop a fortress of evil; sound slightly familiar? However there are some differences between the two: Hype hunts for beehives not spiders, he travels to 4 eras not 2, he rides a clinically depressed dragon not a musically inclined pony, his alter ego is not a shadow creature it simply wears black rimmed armor, and most importantly he has no fairy. Hype: The Time Quest is a PlayMobil Interactive game with PlayMobil-style characters aimed at children under ten, but I must say I think the game might be a little too hard for very young children and much too easy and child-oriented for older players. Still, the faces are adorable and you can really get a good amount of play time out of the game. It has almost nothing objectionable except a few references to drunken NPCs, and a big plus of this game is that Hype never kills anything, he simply stuns it and moves on. Hype: The Time Quest was released by UbiSoft in October 1999. SPECIAL NOTE: Watch out for the Windows Button on your keyboard! If you press it while you are playing the game you will be returned to the desktop, then when you restore the game there will be no script in any of the dialogue boxes including the save/load menu. It is such an easy mistake to make because you will constantly be using the left Shift and Ctrl keys. By the way, the same thing will happen if you try to task switch with Tab+Alt. THE ACTION SCREEN: - There are THREE MAIN METERS on the screen that monitor Hype's current condition. The SHIELD shows the condition of Hype's armor, the more damaged the shield, the less protection he is afforded from enemy attacks. The SWORD measures how healthy Hype is, when the sword is completely darkened Hype is returned to statue form and the game must be loaded. A small box on the right bottom side of the screen can contain up to three magic spell icons, one for each type of magic: ice, fire and electrical. The selected magic spell is brighter than the other two and it has a circle around it displaying the amount of magical energy Hype has left, when it is completely darkened, Hype cannot cast any spells. - Above the shield icon is a ARROWS ICON displaying the number of arrows Hype has left in his inventory. - When Hype enters a board with a BEEHIVE subquest a small MENU will pop out from the right side of the screen displaying how many beehives he has found in the area. - When Hype has taken an item out of his INVENTORY it is DISPLAYED on the bottom center portion of the screen. - When Hype engages an enemy in battle a HEALTH METER FOR that ENEMY will appear at the top right of the screen. When it is empty, the enemy is defeated. THE CONTROLS: Hype may be controlled with a keyboard or game pad, but the game does not utilize a mouse. You can map your keyboard through the configuration screen in the main menu if you don't like the default settings. - MOVE Hype around with the arrow keys. Press up to move him forward, back to step back, left to turn left and right to turn right. Hype can step left or right while facing forward by pressing the "a" and "s" keys respectively. - To RUN, hold the left shift key while pressing the arrow keys. The tutorial calls this CAPS but that is misleading. - To control the FLIGHT OF THE DRAGON, maneuver with arrows keys, accelerate by holding the shift key and shoot fireballs by pressing the spacebar. You can see how much time is left during the energy gathering race by watching the sword icon, after the race this icon displays Zatila's health. - Hype's main interface key is the spacebar which is used to ATTACK, USE objects on the screen, SELECT objects in the inventory, and SKIP cut scene dialogue. - The MAIN MENU gives you the option to start a new game, load a current game, configure the game, view the credits, visit the PlayMobil Interactive website and quit the game. While playing, Esc pauses the game and opens the IN-GAME MENU with which you can start a new game, configure, or go to the main menu; you can resume by selecting resume game or pressing Esc, which is used to cancel most option screens in the game. Note that F1 can provide help dialogue on these menus. - Esc also SKIPS THE START UP cut scene and the new game cut scene, but there is no way to skip in-game cut scenes of character motion. - The left Ctrl key makes Hype JUMP. To LONG JUMP Hype must press left Ctrl while running in the desired direction. - Open the INVENTORY with Tab. There are five subsections in the inventory: Potions/Herbs, Quest Items, Keys, Arrows, Magic Spells. Select one of the subsections of the inventory using the up or down arrow keys. The Potions and Herbs are used in the inventory screen by highlighting them with the arrow keys and pressing the spacebar, the result is shown on the health sword or the magic circle on the bottom half of the screen. The Quest Items and Keys are used by highlighting them with the arrow keys, pressing the spacebar to place them in the inventory space on the action screen, and then pressing the spacebar while in proximity of an interface area on the action screen such as a door lock or a person who is requesting an item. Later in the game there will be two types of arrows, standard (blue) and modern (red), the arrows subsection lets you toggle between the two by highlighting the one you want and pressing the spacebar. Finally, you can select which magic spells are displayed in the magic box of the action screen by highlighting the ones you want in the magic subsection and pressing the spacebar. Remember, you may only highlight one from each type of magic: ice, fire and electrical. - You can see how much money (PLASTYKS) you have in a box displayed on the bottom half of the inventory screen. - You can open a nice MAP screen with the End key. Page through the available maps with the left or right arrows. A red X on the map shows where Hype should go next. - To SELECT A SPELL in your spell box on the action screen press the End key. To CAST a selected spell press Enter while one of your weapons is drawn. - You can DRAW THE SWORD with "x" and DRAW THE BOW with "z". You can target the bow with more precision by pressing and holding the "0 Ins" at the bottom of the number pad on you keyboard while you move the arrows. Further refine your targeting by holding the left shift key as you do this to get precise control of the arrow keys. - You can only SAVE YOUR GAME by pressing space while standing directly in front of one of the Save Game Lecterns spread throughout the game and introduced to you by the magician Gogoud. - RECOVER HEALTH AND MAGIC by using the herbs and potions you find, win or purchase. A GREEN HERB will restore a small amount of magic, a YELLOW HERB will restore a larger amount of magic. BLUE POTIONS restore a small amount of health, RED POTIONS restore a larger amount of health and MAUVE POTIONS restore a very large amount of health and magic. ACORNS are randomly awarded and can give Hype an immediate boost of magic and health energy. TIPS: - The blacksmith in each Era can REPAIR YOUR ARMOR. Stronger armor provides more protection from enemy attacks so it is a good idea to keep your armor in good repair. Keep in mind that scattered throughout the game are small gray slabs with a shield icon on them that can restore your armor for free. Also, remember that the blacksmith in Era I has the best prices for repair. - To LOOK AROUND CORNERS without being spotted approach the corner and then face the wall in the direction of the hall or room you want to see into, the perspective will shift allowing you to see down the hall without exposing Hype to danger. - BARRELS scattered throughout the game contain a mix of random and sometimes assigned general items such a herbs, arrows and potions. Be careful! Barrels explode when you break them open with your sword or bow, stand far enough back to avoid taking damage. - As HYPE GROWS MORE POWERFUL in later eras, it will be easier for him to defeat enemies from previous eras. Keep in mind that Hype gains more health and magic power as he advances, and so potions and herbs will be less effective as time goes by. - Read the DIALOGUE boxes carefully, important concepts and hints will be highlighted in red. To select options in dialogue use the arrow keys to highlight your choice then press the spacebar. - Unlike Link's spiders, Hype's BEEHIVES make no noise, to find them you will have to be patient and search each area of a board from several different perspectives; most are located high up. If all else fails cheat; I have included the location of the beehives in the solution section, look for the word beehive in caps. The final beehive of Era III is located in a passage that only opens after a certain point in the game so don't waste time looking for it once you have 9/10, just wait until the secret passage is revealed to you. - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FIGHT all enemies, you can just run past some of them. Many games rely on an endless stream of murder to make characters stronger by gaining experience for their kills, this game does not. Fighting is not the best way to get money or inventory either, you can get much more by repeatedly running the races. However, you will always have to fight bosses and certain dungeons require you to defeat monsters in order to proceed from room to room, so you may want to practice by fighting the enemies scattered throughout the forest. - During battle your enemies will get a BRIEF MOMENT OF INVULNERABILITY after you have hit them, use that moment to reposition yourself or access your inventory, don't just keep swinging because it will do no good and will probably throw off your timing. - MOST ENEMIES CAN BE DEFEATED with the sword, flying enemies or out of range enemies require the bow, and very few require magic to be defeated, so CONSERVE YOUR MAGIC. Some LARGER BOSSES require you to jump and strike at them while you are hanging in the air in front of them because only the upper half of their bodies are vulnerable. SPIRITS too must be defeated by jumping and striking, not with the bow. There are several types of weapons wielded by enemies in this game, when you are attacked with projectiles (knife/mace/arrow) it is best to run up to the person quickly and attack with your sword unless they are out of range, in that case you must return fire. If the enemy has a spear you should use magic to defeat them because they can hit you from a further distance then you can hit them with your sword. Sword to sword combat is pretty routine. One other note in this category: the bow has a sort of auto-targeting feature for enemies at your height, you can use it to hit enemies quickly without precision aiming, simply keep moving Hype until the targeting cursor lights up on a distant target in his field of vision, then you can fire. This will be necessary later on to defeat a certain boss. - JUMPING can be tricky, but luckily this game is very forgiving about missing a jump and falling into oblivion; you will restart at edge of the precipice from which you fell or from the starting point of the board you are on with only a slight drop in health; but be careful not to let the health bar drop to empty or Hype will be turned back into a statue and you will have to load. Use the running jump (left Shift key+directional arrow key+ left Ctrl) for large distances and jumping up from one platform to the next, use the normal jump (left Ctrl+directional arrow key) for short distances and jumping down to a lower platform than the one you are on. - This game is very kind when it comes to giving you SUPPLIES FOR FREE. Wellet's race in Era I will give you a red potion every time you run it after your first victory, Jamous's race in the same era will give you a blue potion for every successful race after the first win. Wellet's race in Era II will give you 150 plastyks each time you win it after the first time. Another bonus is the fact that shop prices are so low in the past that if you run Wellet's Era II race repeatedly and then head to the shop in the same era, you can quickly restock your inventory. - SPELL LOCATIONS: I have included in this document a step by step walkthrough of how to get each magic spell in the game (look for the name of the spell in CAPS), but in case you just need to find one fast I have included this quick reference list of spell locations: Fire Javelin: Era I, Gogoud's Manor, given during Gogoud's training exercise. Fire Trinity: Era III, Drain Pipe near Fortress in Torras, complete 5 button quest to access. Fire Ring: Era II, Field of Courage, atop cavern platform on the way to the 3 serpents treasure room. Fire Dragon: Era IV, Black Tower, pick up after defeat of Zatila by the black dragon when you first arrive. Ice Javelin: Era II, Astrolabe Chamber in the Laboratory, throw five colored switches to access. Ice Trinity: Era I, hidden in Treasure Room opened by defeating 3 ghosts in the Dungeon. Ice Ring: Era III, Black Tower, go through teleporters in sequence: red, yellow, yellow, red, pick it up. Ice Dragon: Era IV, Lost City, found in a crack in the wall into which the sixth pendulum swings. Electrical Javelin: Era III, Brigand's Hideout, cross trapped floor room using icon sequence above door. Electrical Trinity: Era I, Monastery, ground floor of the bell tower atop a rock pedestal. Electrical Ring: Era II, cavern beneath Gogoud's laboratory, accessed with three hidden buttons in library. Electrical Dragon: Era IV, Hype's Bedroom, pick it up after freeing King and Queen from dungeon. SOLUTION: Throughout this walkthrough I will give directional instructions such as go straight, go right, go left, turn around and go, so that you can maneuver Hype through each board and find the appropriate areas to interact with. Where appropriate little maps have been included to make navigation easier. Once I have guided you to a location I will give it a brief description so that if, later in the game, you must return to that location I can simply say "return to such and such location" and save time by not repeating the directional instructions. If you are confused about how to jump or use an object or cast a spell as instructed throughout the walkthrough, refer to "The Controls" section. I have divided the walkthrough into the four eras, and divided each era into several smaller subsections with descriptive headings to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. However, the walkthrough is written as a start to finish guide and can be read that way without a break in continuity between the divisions. THE ERA OF TASKAN I: Gogoud's Manor and The Forest (First Beehive Quest): You can skip the Introductory cut scene with Esc. You can speed through the dialogue with Gogoud by pressing the spacebar. Once Hype is restored head straight through the door in front of you and follow the path to the training grounds. Follow Gogoud's instructions and refer to the controls section of this walkthrough if you need help. To complete the first training exercise simply draw your sword (x) and strike (spacebar) the two bull's-eye targets to the right and left of the mannequin. To complete the second training exercise draw your bow (z) aim at (arrow keys) the bull's-eye targets of the second mannequin and press the spacebar. To aim more precisely hold the Ins key and the left shift key while targeting with the arrow keys. If you run out of arrows more will be provided for you, just search the area around the mannequin. Afterward Gogoud gives you the FIRE JAVELIN SPELL. To complete the third training exercise draw your sword, approach very close to one of the bull's-eyes and aim at its outer edge (farthest edge from the mannequin), then press the enter key. Do this for the other one and your done. If you run out of magic energy a green herb will be provided, search the ground around the mannequin to find the herb. After the training course you will receive the Key to Gogoud's Manor. Go left of Gogoud and drop down onto the ledge behind him. Head straight across the series of bridges picking up a green herb, a blue potion and a sack plastyks (money) along the way. On the other side you will encounter a gate, open your inventory (Tab) use the up and down arrows to select the keys subsection, use the right arrow key to highlight the Key to Gogoud's Manor, and press the spacebar. Now approach the keyhole to the right of the gate and press the spacebar, this will unlock the gate with the key. Open your inventory, highlight Gogoud's key and press the spacebar again to put the key back in your inventory. Go through the gate and Gogoud appears to tell you about the save game lectern, use the one on the left, then turn around and pick up the blue potion straight across from you, now turn around and go through the tunnel on the left. At the bottom of the tunnel Gogoud appears and gives you a map, use the End key to view it. Now look up at the tree in front of you, in its branches is a beehive, take out your bow and shoot the FIRST BEEHIVE, when you have done this correctly it will disappear, then a pop-up menu will appear from the right side of the screen with a picture of a beehive and a counter displaying 1/10. This is the beginning of the first beehive quest. Throughout the game are several quests to find a set of 10 beehives on a specific board, at the end of each quest Hype will receive a token that will augment his capacity to carry certain inventory items. In the clearing surrounding this tree are two wolves, you may shoot them with your bow, hit them with your sword or run past them. It will take 3 sword hits to defeat them, (it will usually take about twice as many blue arrow bow shots as sword hits to take out an enemy so from now on when I say "# hits to defeat" simply double that number if you want to know how many blue arrows it will take to defeat the enemy). Go straight (and to the right of the tree) through the path between the cliffs to the next clearing. As soon as you go through the narrow pass, look at the slightly elevated ledge to your right and you will see the SECOND BEEHIVE, shoot it. Go through the log tunnel to the left of where you are standing and you come to a forested area. There are three bats here that are easily roused. If you are lucky you may be able to shoot them while they hang in their trees, but most likely you will have to defeat as they are coming to attack you. Bats take only one hit to defeat with sword or bow, the trick to defeating them with a sword is to wait for them to come to you, then time your blow to hit them just when they get in range. After all three are defeated a blue potion will drop down from the trees, go pick it up. Now turn around, to the left is the exit of the log tunnel, look to the right of it and you see a very thick branch extending from the exit toward the right of the screen. Head straight under this branch, then turn around and look up at it, here is the THIRD BEEHIVE, you can jump up and hit it with a sword. Afterward head straight back under the branch and go to the bright green path before you, at the bottom of this path is a save game lectern, use it. Turn around and bear left, go through a stone path into the brigand's clearing. As soon as you enter this area a knife-wielding brigand will skip out and attack, you must defeat him (all guards/brigands {except fortress boss} in this era require a maximum of 3 hits to defeat {as Hype gets stronger in later eras, guards in this era will be easier to defeat when he returns}). Afterward, head straight across the Brigand's clearing and you will see two paths, the one on the right leads to a monastery, face it and look up to find the FOURTH BEEHIVE, shoot the beehive then head down the path to the monastery. Read the sign to the right of the door by approaching it and pressing the spacebar, now hit the barrels to the left (careful to avoid the explosion) and you can pick up some blue arrows that one of them hides. Head back to the brigand's clearing and turn right down the tall trees path, near the end of this path is a poleax wielding brigand, defeat him and then look up at the tree his was standing under, here is the FIFTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. Continue down the tall trees path to the big tree clearing, at the top of the big tree are the SIXTH AND SEVENTH BEEHIVES, stay in the entrance to the clearing and maneuver Hype until you see them, then shoot them both. The warthogs in this clearing are tough to deal with, they can easily knock you around so it is best to avoid them. If you want to fight them keep in mind it will take three hits to defeat each; the technique to use on them is to let one approach then hit it, then while it is dazed back up a few steps; when it recovers hit it again. If you stand too close then when it recovers it will most likely immediately strike you. Get past the warthogs, straight across the clearing and run/jump onto the circular platform in front of you, now turn around and look up (back toward the big tree clearing) and you will see the EIGHT BEEHIVE on the left, shoot it. Turn right and run/jump twice straight across to another circular platform, turn around and look down at the space between the platform you are on and the path you just jumped from. In this crevice is the NINTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. Turn around and run/jump to the next platform and speak to the young boy Wellet, you cannot afford to race at this time so go right and run/jump across to the path and bear left toward the drawbridge. As you approach it draw your sword and rush straight for the guard in beyond the drawbridge, you will have to defeat him. Afterward you see a woman approach in a cut scene, go over and speak to her behind the grate. Now hit the barrels to your right (be careful) and you can get more blue arrows. Turn around and look up above the drawbridge arch and you will find the TENTH BEEHIVE, the final one for the first beehive quest, shoot it and you will see a cut scene of a token appearing on the raised platform near Wellet. Head back and pick it up, Hype can now carry 10 green herbs. Go back across the drawbridge and approach the center of the massive doors directly opposite the drawbridge, press the spacebar to open the doors and enter the town of Torras. The Town of Torras (Second Beehive Quest): The first thing you notice when you enter is a sundial on the ground in front of you, straight ahead and to the right is a shop with an awning over the door, and to your left is a stack of crates. You may have noticed that the beehive pop-up menu was displayed when you entered the town, that means this town is the location of the second beehive quest. Check out the map below, it shows the town of Torras, the beehive locations, and several other important places, use it as a reference during this part of the walkthrough: TORRAS, ERA OF TASKAN I: O O=Drain Pipe 10 | | S=Steps __FORT___| | BLK=Blacksmith | RIVER ,__ |_ _ CH=Chest | |_ |_| | L=Ladder |_______| |_|___9 | CR=Crates, P=Platform |_______ |__TAVERN_____ ________ | 7| ___BLK__ | | | 8|CH|___ |_____|P_| |_L| |_________2| Head for the shop straight ahead and to the left, before opening the door look up at the underside of the awning to find the FIRST BEEHIVE, shoot it, then go through the shop door. Speak to the shopkeeper, he sells green herbs for 25, and blue potions for 35; you don't need anything right now and you should save your money to pay for the shoemaker races. Exit the shop and turn right and go straight past the sundial and jump up a series of crates to a raised platform. Walk to the other side of the platform but don't drop down, instead look up and to the left and you will find the SECOND BEEHIVE, shoot it, then drop down and follow the path to the right. At the end of the path is a ladder to the left, approach it and press spacebar to start climbing it, then the up arrow to get to the top. Jump up onto the platform behind the ladder and open the chest with the spacebar to get a green herb. Now drop down to the right of the chest and go and speak to Jamous, the father of Wellet. Jamous offers to let you run a different race for 40 plastyks, say yes (if you don't have enough money go defeat a couple of creatures in the forest to get some then come back and pay him). The race is fairly simple but I have included a map just in case you get confused. Your goal is to run from torch to torch (44 in all) putting each out as you move along the track, (you do not need to hold the shift key to run; you cannot go backwards). Halfway through the race the track loops back on itself; you have 1 minute 15 seconds to complete it. Hint: if you miss a torch, stop and correct your position before running again, don't just keep running towards the torch because you will overshoot it and waste more time. COURSE OF JAMOUS'S RACE, TORRAS, ERA OF TASKAN I: _ W=Well | | {D}=Sundial __FORT___| | BLK=Blacksmith | RIVER ,__ |_ _ >,<,^,v: Torch/Direction to next torch |X > > v|_ |_| | X=Start/Finish |_______|v|_|___ | ____ v|__TAVERN_____ ________ | | ___BLK__ | | |v W > >_> | | >__> >| | | |__>___>__| | | ___|^ | | |__| _ | | > {D} ^ | > | lit on the way back and you |>__> | |_ __|_____|_____ | do not have to go around |_| | |___ |_____|__| the well. |__| |__________| After you run the race, you receive a token that bestows on Hype the ability to carry up to ten blue potions. From now on, each time you run Jamous's race and win you will receive a free blue potion. I recommend you spend some time right now running the race again and again until you are well stocked with blue potions. Afterward turn around from facing Jamous and look up and to the right to find the THIRD BEEHIVE, shoot it. Follow path on right to an open area with some barrels, hit the barrels and then open the chest they conceal to pick up a blue potion. Turn around and go through the path on the left, follow this to a blacksmith and speak to him. He will sell you 10 blue arrows for 10 gold or repair your armor for 25 gold (this is the best price for blacksmith repair in the game). Buy arrows now if you need some. Go through the arch on the right and stop next to the sign post on the left, look up to find the FOURTH BEEHIVE, back up slightly then shoot it. If you go right you will return to the sundial courtyard, but for now turn around and follow the path back to the open area with the chest. Go left of the chest and approach the man straight ahead of you, his name is Bolduk, he will be important later in the game. After you speak to him, look up and to the left to find the FIFTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. Go through path on left and when you come to the end of it (see steps on right) turn around and look up, on the right is the SIXTH BEEHIVE, take it out. Now turn back around and go up the steps to a large courtyard, stop at the top of the steps and look up, there is the SEVENTH BEEHIVE, shoot it, then go left into the courtyard and you will see a well on the left and a tavern on the right, enter the tavern. You will see a cut scene where the denizens of the tavern discuss the impending war between the kingdom and the monastery. If you want to regain both health and magic speak to the tavern keeper on the left and pay her 60 plastyks (this is the best price for food in the game). After the cut scene go up the steps on the left and go to the end of the second floor hall, enter the room on the left and save the game with the save lectern you find there. Now exit back to the well courtyard. Approach the well and jump inside it, face the white switch on the left and press the spacebar to activate the elevator. At the bottom of the well turn around and shoot the two sleeping bats in the distance but still in your field of vision, then jump to the platform on your right and look all the way up and to the far right corner of the room to the left of the drain pipe from which the water in this room flows, there is the EIGHTH BEEHIVE. Shoot it then jump up to the elevator platform and exit the well. Jump out of the well and face the tavern, to the left is a path, go down the path to a crossroads, there is a path to the left and a path in front of you, follow the path in front of you to a clearing with a sleeping cat, stop and turn around, look up and to the right to find the NINTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. Now go right and follow the path, then drop down into the river, go left through the hole in the wooden wall then left on the other side and up the river bank. You will see a child on the right, approach him and speak to him, his name is Rajoth, and he will be a problem in the future. Turn right from the child and look at the fort, to the left of the door to fort is the TENTH BEEHIVE, shoot it and a cut scene shows a token appear on the platform behind the crates in the sundial courtyard, head back there, climb the crates and get the token on the platform, then return to the tavern and save, then return to the well and go back down. At the bottom turn around and shoot the two bats again, then turn around and jump up to the platform behind the elevator, then follow it right and drop down onto the floor of this room. Turn around and you will see a blue button off to the left, jump up to the next platform, approach and press the button to set the moving stone platform to the right of the waterfall pipe in motion. Be Quick! Go right, follow the wall around and then cross the river to the other side of the room, go to the left and you will see the platform has reached the bottom of its motion. Walk/jump onto it and stand still to ride it to the top. Turn left and you will see a series of ledges jutting from the wall, run/jump over to nearest one, then walk/jump to the left several times until you arrive at a platform with a chest, open it to get a bag of plastyks. Head back to the ledge nearest the drain pipe and then run/jump over to the movable platform to the right of the pipe. Now face the pipe and run/jump (hold left Shift, press left Ctrl and use the arrow keys to direct Hype) into it (this is tricky, don't get discouraged; if you fall go press the blue button again and keep trying). Once in the drain pipe take the next path on the right and drop down into a hole, follow the passage to a room filled with drains, bear right and enter the open pipe. The Fortress and the Dungeon: Head up the sloping pipe and at the end turn left and approach the ladder, before climbing it draw your sword, then approach the ladder and press spacebar, then climb up, (This is so Hype will draw his sword when he reaches the top). At the top of the well drop down and bear right, you will have to defeat a guard. Follow the path behind the guard, at the top of the hill turn right and walk up onto a wooden pathway. At the end of the path is an alcove with a switch on the left wall, approach the switch and press the spacebar to throw it (you must be in front of the switch and not too close to get it to work). The switch will partially open the fortress gate. Now follow the wooden path to the left of the switch and hit the barrels before the gap, then shoot the barrels beyond the gap, now run jump across and take the next right into another alcove with a second switch on the wall. Throw this switch, then turn around and pick up the sack of plastyks to the right. Now go back to the gap and drop down, follow the path on the right straight to the open fortress gate (you should ignore all combat), cross the drawbridge and approach the outline of a door in the gate and press spacebar to enter. Go straight through the door in front of you and follow the steps to a basement room with a chest, open the chest to get a green herb. Go back upstairs and take the winding staircase on the right, follow it to a doorway on the left, go through and follow the passage to the throne room where Hype is arrested. After Hype is thrown in prison a knight named Talboth explains how Hype can escape. Afterward, turn around and jump up onto the bunk to get a yellow herb, now use the save lectern on the left. Now go up to the door of the cell on the right (press against it) and wait for the executioner to approach, as he walks by repeatedly press the spacebar to take the Keys to the Cells. Take the Keys to the Cells out of your inventory and use them on the lock to the right of the door, now open the door with the spacebar and go unlock Talboth's cell, (the one next to yours), then go in , jump up onto his bunk, and press the blue button to open the door to the torture chamber. Put the keys away, exit the cell, go up the steps to the right, take the passage on the right, follow it. Eventually you will see a skeleton stand up in the distance, avoid it and run up the stairs to the left of it, at the next landing go right and take the set of stairs (to the right) leading up to the torture chamber. Avoid the executioner and go left of the cage to find your weapons on an equipment stand, pick them up with spacebar, then draw your sword and defeat the executioner (4 hits). To the right of the equipment stand (on the wall) is a switch, throw it to open the cage, then speak to the prisoner. At this point you have the opportunity to earn some easy money if you want to. Return to skeleton and defeat it, when you do there is a good chance Hype will be given a bag of plastyks, if you run back up on the platform leading to the torture chamber, then run down the opposite steps to return to the skeleton it will be put back together again and you can defeat it again. Do this over and over and 2 out of 3 times you will be given gold; stock up then return to the torture chamber. Take the passage leading up from the torture chamber (doorway to the right of the switch) and you come to a room with a chest, open the chest to get another yellow herb. Continue down the hall to the right of the chest and you come to a chamber where 3 ghosts will appear and attack you as you move around the chamber (two appear in the center of the chamber, one appears off to the right). To defeat them you must jump up and hit them with your sword as they approach, this can be tough so you may want to save back in your cell before coming to this room. After all 3 are defeated a secret door opens, bear right from where you entered this chamber and go down a pathway to the right to find the treasure room. Pick up the acorn, then shoot the barrels in the distance behind the pile of gold, then approach to pick up the ICE TRINITY SPELL and a skeleton will pop up that you must defeat, now pick up the spell and return to the ghost chamber. Bear left and take the second passage on the left. Follow the passage to a pit with a square raised platform in the middle, run jump onto the platform then run/jump to the passage beyond it. If you fall down you will see a small platform sticking out from the water. Go to the opposite side of the tall platform and you will see a switch that if thrown will trigger the small platform, then you can jump onto the small platform, ride it to the top and run/jump to the tall platform and continue. Be warned, there is a skeleton hiding in the water near the switch that you will have to defeat. After jumping from the square platform you will see another pit with two small pillars, you must run jump to each one then run/jump to the other side of the pit, be careful. Use the save lectern then go right across a raised bridge, defeat the skeleton on the other side and go left. In the water room quickly run straight and take the next right and go upstairs (there is a skeleton hiding in the water room that you can avoid if you are quick). At the top of the stairs turn right and shoot the two barrels blocking the pillars, then run/jump across the pillars to the other side of the pit and follow the steps on the left. Soon you will reach the throne room where the Tall Guard is waiting, he is the first boss you must defeat. Stay away from his feet, cross the room and go up the stairs to the left. On the top level go to the left side, stand on the ledge and wait for the Tall Guard to get close, then hit him with your sword, it will take 10 hits to defeat him. Keep in mind you can avoid his mace by hiding behind the pillars; also be aware that if he backs up away from the ledge you should run away and give him time to get close again before attacking again. If you drop down during battle, simply return to the top floor. After he is defeated, pick up the Dragon Armor in front of the throne and then use the save lectern behind the throne. To exit the throne room approach the gate opposite the throne, and press the gray button on the wall to the right of the gate, then reenter the passage behind the gate. Talboth stops you here and tells Hype he is welcome at the monastery. To exit the fort, return to the drawbridge and throw the switch on the wall to the left. Now run all the way back to the well (bear right to find it), then go through the well and back to the tavern, save using the lectern upstairs then exit the city and return to speak to Wellet the shoemaker's son. Wellet's Race and The Monastery: Pay Wellet 100 plastyks to run the race. The race is an easy to follow straight pass through the forest from the entrance tunnel near the wolves to the drawbridge of Torras (refer to the in-game map with the End key to view the area Hype will be running); you have 1 minute to touch 37 torches; the reward is a token that will allow Hype to carry 10 red potions. From now on you can run the race for free, and each time you win you receive a red potion. A recommend running this race now several times so you can build up your red potions; return here later in the game to get free red potions. Now go to the monastery, along the way you will notice that the poleax brigand in the tall trees path has returned so you will have to defeat him. Also, two archers will appear in the brigand's clearing, defeat them or run past them to the monastery. Press the spacebar to open the monastery door. Inside approach the guard in the distance and watch as Talboth double-crosses Hype, now defeat him and a second guard that approaches after the first battle, defeat him too. Afterward go through the door straight ahead and you enter the catapult courtyard where you must defeat two guards; use Ice Trinity to hit more than one at a time if you get in a jam. After that open the chest behind the catapult to get a green herb. To the right of the chest, all the way across the courtyard is a stack of barrels that if destroyed will yield arrows. Turn around from the barrels and go straight toward the massive hall in the distance, you will have to defeat a guard here. Follow this passage until you see a guard with his back turned to you, defeat him, then enter the door to the left. In this room open the chest on the right to get a green herb, then turn around and go straight to cross the room; look at the floor to the right and in front of the wall of the gated staircase and you will find a switch, throw it to open the gate, then go upstairs. In the blue room a guard must be defeated, cross to the opposite side of the room and look at the floor beneath the center of the far wall to find another switch, throw it to open the second gate. Turn around and approach the center of the railing behind you; jump up gently onto the railing and face the pillar below you, now you must run/jump (left Shift+left Ctrl+arrow keys) onto the top of this pillar to pick up the ELECTRICAL TRINITY SPELL. Depending on your luck you may have to do this several times to get it right, just return to the blue room and try again. Afterward go up the second flight of stairs to the red tile room and defeat the two guards there; the switch in this room is all the way to the right on the floor before the far wall, throw it then go up to the next floor. In the huge pillars room defeat the guard, you will find the switch against the wall to the left of where you entered the room (near the stairs). Go up the stairs, halfway up you must defeat a guard on a landing, then proceed to the bell tower room. Here you meet a monk, speak to him then open the chest behind him to get a red potion, now use the save lectern to the right. Turn around and walk out onto the beam behind you, straight toward the gray shield tile on the beam, step on it to repair your armor for free. Now turn around and head for the beam on the left. At this point you must walk/jump from beam to beam in a upward spiraling clockwise pattern to reach the top of the bell tower. If you fall you will find a sloping beam on the ground floor that can return you to the gray tile beam if you follow it. At the top of the spiral is a wooden elevator platform that will take you the rest of the way. At the top of the bell tower approach the morbidly obese monk on a table in the distance, he will threaten you and initiate a battle. To defeat this man you must jump up and hit him with your sword several times, forcing him to back up and fall through the railing around the hole beneath the bell. The best strategy is to start by jumping onto the table he was sitting on, face him then wait for him to approach and slash twice to knock him back, then jump forward and slash at him again and again until he falls through the railing. Don't get to close or he will belly flop on Hype; also keep in mind that you can avoid the shockwave of his stomping by jumping. After he falls through the railing retrieve the Royal Jewel and then jump up onto and follow the sloping beam on the left back to the gray shield tile, use it, then use the save lectern, then head all the way back down to the hall where you attacked the guard who had his back to you. To exit the monastery quickly bear left; before you leave the monk has some more information for you about the jewel. Now head back to Gogoud's manor. Zatila the Dragon and Leaving Era I: On your way back to Gogoud's manor, in the clearing with the entrance to the log tunnel, a dragon will swoop down. Speak to Zatila the dragon then take out and give him the Dragon Armor you found in the fortress. Then ride him to the clouds. In the clouds you must navigate Zatila to pick up energy tokens that will charge the Royal Jewel and make Hype stronger. Hold left-Shift to accelerate, press left-Ctrl to slow down and stop; use the arrow keys to change direction. The path of tokens is just one giant circle, you must collect 40 energy tokens, if you miss one just keep going, there are plenty; you only have to touch a token with the dragon's wing to pick it up. Watch the sword icon at the bottom right of the screen, it measures how much longer Zatila can stay airborne during the race. After you have all the necessary tokens you must guide Zatila back to a swirling dark vortex in the clouds. To do this look at the compass needle at the top of the screen, as you turn Zatila a tree icon rotates around the needle, keep turning Zatila until the tree is at the top of the needle, this means you are flying toward the forest. Along the way you will come under attack from unfriendly dragons. Just keep flying, and move up or down occasionally to avoid the dragons as they swoop at you. When an unfriendly dragon gets in front of you press the spacebar to shoot fireballs at it. Every time you defeat a dragon (3 hits) a new one will appear. Defeated dragons drop Green Energy Tokens that can restore Zatila's health meter. Once you arrive back at the vortex fly down into it to return to the forest. After the flight return to Gogoud's manor (save using the lectern before the bridge) and enter the garden where Hype started his adventure and where the sundial is located. Speak to Gogoud, he explains how Hype can travel back in forth through time. Here is a more complete explanation: The sundial is a portal between different eras, surrounding it are four symbols on the ground, the Sun, the Moon, a Leaf and an Eclipse. To travel between eras Hype must draw his sword, stand on one of the symbols, face the sundial and strike it twice with his sword (once to activate, once to confirm). The Sun symbol leads to Era I, the Moon to Era II, the Leaf to Era III, and the Eclipse to Era IV. Hype must find a jewel in each era that will give him the power to travel to the next era. It is time to leave the current era but you can return at any time by using the sundial in the town or in Gogoud's garden. Step on the moon symbol, face the dial and strike it twice to travel to the next era. THE ERA OF TASKAN II: Gogoud's Laboratory and the Forest: Hype arrives in the midst of two guards, he must defeat them (use magic if you have to because this ambush can be tough; all brigands/guards in this era take 2-3 hits to defeat). Now go through the door to the left of where you entered this era and head down the winding staircase. At the bottom follow the wall on the right into the library, then continue to follow the wall to a hidden alcove with a door, enter the room, turn around and use the save lectern. Turn around and go through the door in the back of this room to reach Gogoud's laboratory. On the walls are 4 plaques, a red I, a blue II, and green III and a yellow IV. Beneath the yellow plaque is a secret door that must be opened by activating three colored switches hidden the library. To find them exit back to the library from the hidden alcove and climb the ladder to your right to get to a raised walkway, follow the walkway left behind a bookcase to a dead end drop, go left into a hidden alcove with a red switch, approach it and press the spacebar. Now climb back down the ladder, turn around and enter the alcove on your right, here is the blue switch, use it. Now return to the winding staircase and walk up it, watch for a gap in the rope handrail on your right. Run/jump from the gap across to a wooden ledge, then follow the ledge to an alcove with the green switch, use it and you will see a cut scene of the secret door opening beneath the yellow plaque, return to the laboratory and go through the passage. At the bottom of the steps is a door on the right, go past it and bear left into a cavern where you can pick up the ELECTRICAL RING SPELL, the best spell in the game for dealing with multiple enemies; it not only allows you to hit more than one enemy at a time without aiming, it also makes you invulnerable while it is being cast and it temporarily paralyzes the opponent when it hits, giving you a chance to cast it again or get in a better position to continue the fight. Put this spell in your spell box through the inventory screen and use it whenever you get in a jam. Now follow the passage to the right out onto a ledge, bear left and you will arrive at the series of bridges (to the right). There are bats flying above the bridges, three of them are a problem. What you must do is take out your bow and shoot any nearby bat who is obstructing your path. The first bat hovers above the first gap, the second hovers above the stone platform midway across the series of bridges, the third hovers over the final gap. Simply shoot the first, run/jump across until you are in range of the second bat, then shoot it, run/jump until you are in range of the third and shoot it, then run jump to the manor gate. Go through the gate and take the tunnel on your right to enter to the forest. Go past the wolves in the first clearing a speak to Zatila in second. Afterward go through the log tunnel and bear left at the exit, underneath the long branch is a green herb, pick it up and go to the brigand's clearing. You can run past the patrol in this clearing and go straight into the tall trees path (avoid the ghosts here). In the big tree clearing you will see bats circling the tree, if you shoot or hit them all a red potion and some red arrows will drop from the tree. The red (modern) arrows do more damage then the old arrows. You should still shoot beehives and bats with the blue arrows because they are less expensive to replace; but you should fight enemies with the red arrows. Continue to the town of Torras, along the way is a save lectern on one of the circular platforms near where Wellet used to stand, use it. After you cross the drawbridge you should destroy all the barrels on the right side of the wall, from them you can get a mix of useful items including more red arrows. Now enter Torras. The Town of Torras (Third Beehive Quest): Here is the current map of Torras: TORRAS, ERA OF TASKAN II: O | | _FOC_ S=Steps __FORT_10| | | | BLK=Blacksmith | RIVER ,__ |_ _ 8|_ _| O=Drain Pipe | W |_ |_| | |7|__ L=Ladder |_______| |_|___ | |__ | CR=Crates, P=Platform |_______ |9_TAVERN__| | ________ | 6 | ___BLK__ | | | _ v| CR=Crates, P=Platform |_______ ^|__TAVERN__| | ________ |^ < | ___BLK__ | | |^ W < ___ y| | x___ x| |SHOP | |___<_____| |=| ___|x | | |__| > v | W=Well | | | x_ | | x {D} v | | |_ _|_____|_____ CR| S=Start, F=Finish | | v| | P|___ |_____|P_| >,<,v,^:torch & direction |y <<| |_L| |__________| x= first set of repeated _| | torches ___|y _| y=second set of repeats |> ^ v|__ |_<<__|__| LAB After you win the race the first time, you will be rewarded 150pk for every subsequent victory. You can run this race as many times as you like storing up money then spending it at any shop in any era to get all the supplies you want. From now on come back here whenever you need money to buy more supplies. After the race enter the tavern and watch the cut scene to get some information about Taskan II, the Laboratory and the Field of Courage. If you want a meal to recharge Hype, the cost from the innkeeper is 90pk. You can go upstairs and use the save lectern just as you did in Era I. Now return to the Laboratory courtyard (where you shot the barrels and the kid went flying) and enter the Laboratory through the gate. The Laboratory and Rajoth: Once inside you can destroy the barrels on the left to get red and blue arrows. Follow the path on the left and you will see a guard with his back turned toward you in the distance. Go left of this guard and you will encounter a hidden guard, you must defeat both guards in this area, then you can continue on the path (remember to use electrical ring to defeat multiple enemies). At the end of the hall are some more barrels, destroy them to get some acorns, then enter the door to the left. Go diagonally across the machine courtyard to find a solid wooden door with a blue button next to it, press the button to hear a musical key. To open this door you must find three more blue buttons hidden in the three cells of this courtyard. The buttons must be pressed in a certain sequence to replicate the sound of this key and open the door. Turn around and head for the control area of the machine, throw the switch on the left, then after the pipe moves press the gray button and the first cell will open. After the wizard is free, throw the switch again and press the button to open the second cell, then repeat the procedure to open the third cell. After the final wizard is freed enter his cell and jump onto his bunk to get a yellow herb, then press the blue button to the right of the bunk. Now go to the second cell you opened and press the button there, then go to the first cell you opened and press the button there, finally return to second cell and press the blue button again to open the wooden door. 3rd cell, 2nd Cell, 1st Cell, 2nd Cell, got that? Now draw your sword and defeat the guard who came rushing out. Go through the door you opened and bear left around the corner, another guard here must be defeated. Return to the door you just opened but don't go back into the machine courtyard, instead look left to find a switch. This switch controls two gates, it opens one and closes the other. To proceed Hype must now throw this switch and run VERY QUICKLY back around the corner past a gate that will be shutting as a result of throwing this switch. You will have to throw the switch again each time you must retry this puzzle. Put your weapons away they will only slow you down; after you throw the switch turn left and run through the gate, this will save you some time (turning right seems to take longer). After the gate closes go through the door to the left and follow the hall to a room with a fireplace and a column of fire to the left of it. The barrels to the left of the column of fire yield some useful supplies so you may want to destroy them. Now go through the door to the right of the fireplace and you encounter Rajoth again; remember him? He was the kid you spoke to by the fort in Era I. Rajoth locks his scepter in a cabinet and leaves; Hype must find a way to open the cabinet and destroy the jewel in the scepter. First, defeat the mystical knight (3 hits), like a skeleton he will reanimate soon so act quickly. Jump up onto the table in the center of the room and then run/jump into one of the gold cages suspended from the ceiling. Inside each cage is a black button, you must activate the buttons in both cages to open the cabinet, and you may have to defeat the knight repeatedly as you do this. After the cabinet opens run over to it, jump up and hit the jewel with your sword to destroy it, now go through the door on the left. Floating in this corridor are two more mystical knights, defeat or avoid them. Bear left and you will find a save lectern you should definitely use. From the lectern go down the hall on the right and you will find a ladder to the second floor, use it. Draw your sword and curve around the corridor to enter the astrolabe chamber. Rajoth is the toughest boss you have had to deal with so far. He will hop around the room casting spells and causing heavy damage so you will need potions. Watch him as he hops, when he lands rush up and hit him with your sword then run away to avoid magical retaliation and wait for him to hop around and materialize somewhere else; it takes 12 hits to defeat him. Rajoth is invulnerable while he hops and while he casts magic spells, so if you hear a zapping sound run away in a curved pattern to avoid being hit with a blast of magic. If he hops behind the wall of fire run away, you can't get to him there. Afterward head over to the metal grate that guards a magic spell and pick up the blue potion in front of it; read the sign on the left. Now follow the wall to the right and go through the first door you come across. In this chamber are some barrels (which yield a random assortment of prizes) and a save lectern. Do what you like in here then exit and go straight across the room and enter the door you see there. Hype has entered a room with 5 colored switches and a gray button on the wall. Throw the switches in this order: Blue, Purple, Green, Orange, Yellow. If you make a mistake you can reset the switches with the gray button. Done correctly this will open the grate and allow Hype to return to the astrolabe chamber and retrieve the ICE JAVELIN SPELL. After you get the spell return to the chamber where Gogoud is imprisoned and use the Ice Javelin Spell on the fire wall in front of him. Follow Gogoud into the fireplace room and use the Ice Javelin Spell on the column of fire to the left of the fireplace, then enter the alcove and press the gray button the fire column concealed. Now follow Gogoud through the water tunnel back to the corridors of the Laboratory. Gogoud tells you about the Jewel of Mankind and then he runs off. The Brigands, Bolduk, and the Field of Courage: Now exit the Laboratory and go to the big tree clearing in the forest (the one with a circle of bats flying around it). Use the save lectern on the way. In the big tree clearing, to the right, is a brigand guarding a secret area, defeat him then enter the passage. There are two more brigands to be defeated here, then you can throw the switch behind the metal floor grate. When the grate opens go down the tunnel and attack the brigand woman Karon, Hype will be captured at this point and will then be given a quest. Hype must return to Era I and give the brigand leader's bracelet to her father Bolduk. See the map of Torras Era I (included in this walkthrough) to find the location of Bolduk; he is standing in an alley with a fence blocking it, this is to the left of the chest surrounded by barrels clearing. Guide Hype back to Era I by striking the sundial while standing on the symbol of the sun, then go and show the bracelet to Bolduk, use the sundial to return to Era II (Moon Symbol), then head back to the secret passage where you met Karon. She is not there but one of her brigands tells you to go to the brigand hideout to speak with her. To find it return to the exit of the log tunnel (the area thick with trees in the forest; it is marked with a red X on the "End" activated map) and you will find a massive hollow tree lit with a yellow light (near the tip of the long branch extending from the log tunnel); enter the hollow and press the button to activate a hidden elevator; jump onto it to ride up to the brigand's hideout. Follow the tunnel to a door, exit the door to a large open area, cross the bridge and bear left through the tunnel to a second bridge, cross it and bear left of the house, you will find a door on the long side of the house, enter it and give the bracelet back to Karon; she tells you to go to the Field of Courage. Exit the brigand's hideout, on the way you are given the Signed Pass. Go back to Torras, buy potions and supplies, then enter the Field of Courage, use the save lectern and then give the Signed Pass to Senekal. Now enter the Field of Courage to face another boss, the Gladiator. The Field of Courage consists of several round bull's-eye marked platforms surrounded by an open pit; if you fall off a platform you lose some health and start back at the entrance to the arena. The Gladiator will spend most of his time hurling explosive metal bombs at you and posing for the crowd. The way to defeat the gladiator is to run/jump from platform to platform, dodging as he throws bombs at you, then when he starts posing for the crowd run/jump to his platform, then run up and hit him with your sword, then run away quickly to avoid him hitting you with his head in retaliation. Repeat this procedure 13 times to defeat him. Afterward exit the arena through the path the announcer is NOT standing by, this will lead you to a metal door with a switch to the right of it, use the switch and then enter the door. The Mechanical Serpents, Charging the Jewel of Mankind and Leaving Era II: Hype arrives in a large cavern with several stone platforms rising out of a pit, if he falls into the pit he will lose health and be returned to the starting position, (remember to heal if you fall repeatedly). Run/jump to the first platform, then use your bow to shoot the barrels on the platform straight ahead of you, then run jump to it. Then run/jump to the platform on the right, then straight, then run/jump to the gray armor repairing tile suspended in the air to the left to fix your armor, return to the platform and run/jump straight across to the platform with the FIRE RING SPELL, pick it up, then run/jump to the platform on the right then run/jump to the doorway and follow the hall and enter the door at the end of it. Use the save lectern to the right then proceed down the hall to a gate. Take out the bow, look up and shoot the glowing bracelet on the carving above the gate, then enter the treasure chamber. The treasure chamber contains three mechanical serpents that burst out of the ground and attack Hype. The first two are easy to defeat, they only require 5 hits apiece, the third is harder, it is more mobile and requires 10 hits to defeat. Watch for the little shaking pools of coins that denote where the serpents will spring from next, the first two always spring up from the pool they create, the third one will create several pools in a row and only spring out from one of them. The best way to defeat the first two is to stand in the center of room (don't run around) wait for them to pop up then rotate to face one and quickly slash at it. The third one can be defeated in generally the same way except that Hype must occasionally dodge if a pool starts shaking too close to him. Turning quickly and efficiently is essential, chasing after each shaking pool of coins will not help you at all; you will most likely need several red potions to get through this battle. After the serpents are defeated exit through the only open tunnel and pick up the Jewel of Mankind and the Mythical Armor you find in the cavern there. Reverse directions to exit the cavern and Field of Courage, return to Torras and restock your supplies (remember to run Wellet's race to get 150pk when necessary). Head to Zatila's clearing and ride with him to the sky. You will have to collect 50 energy tokens to charge the Jewel of Mankind. As usual, the path through the clouds is one giant loop, remember not to waste time turning around to pick up an energy token you've missed, just move on to the next, there are plenty. Afterward go to Gogoud's garden and speak to him and to Belhair. It is time to go to the third era, stand on the leaf symbol, face the sundial and strike it twice with your sword. THE ERA OF TASKAN III: Gogoud's Manor, The Messenger and The Forest (Start of Fourth Beehive Quest): Head to the training area and speak to Gogoud. Head to the library and use the red, blue and green buttons to open the secret passage in Gogoud's laboratory (as you did in Era II). Go down the secret passage and cast Ice Javelin on the wall of fire imprisoning the messenger; speak to her. Exit the cavern through the passage on the right, pick up the green herb on the ledge then go left, run/jump across the series of bridges on the right, go through the gate to Gogoud's manor and enter the forest through the tunnel on right. Here begins the fourth beehive quest. Upon entering the forest, take a few steps then turn around and look up to find the FIRST BEEHIVE, shoot it. Now cross the wolves' clearing and speak to Zatila near his cave. Afterward, go left of him a few steps, turn right and look up at his cave on the cliff to spot the SECOND BEEHIVE, shoot it. Go through the log tunnel and speak with Nohlin, leader of the brigands and daughter of Karon, she tells you she is looking for a secret passage to the Lost City. Go past her into the forested area and shoot the 6 bats as they hang sleeping. Now go left toward the hollow tree and as you approach it, look up at it to spot the THIRD BEEHIVE, shoot it. Enter the hollow tree and press the elevator switch, then ride the elevator to enter the brigand's hideout. Head down the hall and take the first passage on the right to find a dining hall. Go up the ladder on the right, follow the walkway right and open the chest to get a green herb, drop down and exit to the main hall of the hideout and turn right; go through the door. Go halfway across the first bridge and turn right, jump out onto the branch and walk up it to a crossroads, head left to get a green herb, then turn around and go through the intersection to the top of the branch. Now run/jump off the branch onto the rooftop to the right and open the chest there to get a blue potion. Drop down and cross the bridge all the way and go right. To the right of the door you have found are some barrels that can yield mixed supplies, destroy them. Now look up at the icons displayed above the door and make a note of their appearance and order: Arrow, Clover, Frog, Paw, Mushroom, Flower, Leaf, Butterfly; now enter the door. The floor of this room contains traps that will be triggered unless you cross the floor by observing the sequence of tiles you saw above the entrance to this room. To cross the floor first step on the arrow tile, then the clover, then the frog and so on; you will have to repeat this sequence a total of three times to cross the room. Be careful to avoid the dark holes in the floor, and be sure not to get to close to the edge of a tile. Here is a little map that shows you the correct path across the floor in three sequences of eight steps: FINISH |__|__ __ __ __ __ |_8|__|_2|_1|_8|_7| 1=Arrow |_7|__|_3|__|__|_6| 2=Clover |_6|_5|_4|__|__|_5| 3=Frog |__|__|__|__|__|_4| 4=Paw |__|__|__|__|__|_3| 5=Mushroom |__|__|_7|_8|_1|_2| 6=Flower |__|__|_6|__|__|__| 7=Leaf |__|__|_5|_4|_3|_2| 8=Butterfly |__|__|__|__|__|_1| | | START At the end go left and use the switch to deactivate the floor, now go right and pick up the ELECTRICAL JAVELIN SPELL, use the save lectern on the left and now exit all the way back to the heavily forested area with the hollow tree. When you arrive you must run quickly left and all the way down the bright green path to avoid the swarm of bats. Speak to the brigand Havarnal about the search for the Lost City. Now go back up the green path and bear left through the stone archway. After you pass under it turn around and look up to find the FOURTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. Run across the brigand's clearing to avoid the ghosts and stop at the entrance to the tall trees path. Turn around and look up and to the right, hanging from a tree is the FIFTH BEEHIVE, shoot it then WALK down the tall trees path (go slow to avoid falling logs). At the end of the path turn around and look up into the branches of the tree behind you to find the SIXTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. Turn back around and go left down the secret passage and enter the tunnel in the ground, halfway down the tunnel turn around and look back at the entrance, at the upper left corner of the support beam at the mouth of the tunnel is the SEVENTH BEEHIVE, take it out and then go back through the big tree clearing, to the left, avoiding the skeletons. Head to the drawbridge and stop before crossing it, turn around and look left of the path to the circular platforms; high up on the wall of trees, at a jutting corner obscured by leaves is the EIGHTH BEEHIVE, it is very hard to spot so search this wall up close if you are still having trouble, in any case shoot it, then cross the drawbridge. Enter the open window to the left and turn right, now look up, in the back left corner of the room is the NINTH BEEHIVE, shoot it. That is the last of the beehives you can find at this time, the tenth is concealed down a secret passage to the portal of the Lost City, a secret passage that has not been discovered by the brigand's yet. Much later in this era the passage will be found and you can finish the quest, see further below for the final location. I admit I wasted an hour looking for the tenth beehive before thinking I had gone mad and giving up. When I stumbled across the tenth beehive down the secret passage discovered later in the game I thought to myself "Why did they do that? That was very mean spirited." For now, enter the town of Torras. The Town of Torras and the Quest for 5 Buttons: The layout of Torras hasn't changed much since Era II. Enter the shop and examine the goods available: green herbs 20pk, yellow herbs 75pk, blue potions 30pk and red potions 90pk. This shop has the best prices for blue potions and green herbs in the game. Head for the blacksmith, here you can get 20 blue arrows for 30pk, 20 red arrows for 50pk, and you can reinforce your armor for 75pk. Go to the tavern and learn about the civil war. To eat and recharge here costs 150pk. Go upstairs, go to the room all the way at the end of the hall and push the button to the right of the man standing there. This is the first of five buttons that open a grate that protects a magic spell hidden in the drain pipe near the fortress. First save using the lectern in the room next door, then head back out onto the street to begin looking for the remaining buttons. Here is a map of the city to help you find the buttons: TORRAS, ERA OF TASKAN III: O | |L _FOC_ S=Steps __FORT__X| |H | | BLK=Blacksmith | RIVER ,__ |_ _ |2 _| O=Drain Pipe |5 |_ |_| | | |__ L=Ladder |_______| |_|___ | 1 |__ | CR=Crates, P=Platform |_______ |__TAVERN__| | ________ | | ___BLK__ | | | 4From the Manor, to the Forest and then to the Tavern: As soon as you arrive use electrical ring to defeat the two guards (it takes 4-5 hits with sword or magic to defeat all the black-armored guards in this era; note that some give mauve potions or 50pk when they defeated). Enter Gogoud's manor and go to the room opposite the cavern beneath the library, look at the wall left of the door to find a note, it tells you to go to the tavern. Exit through the cavern, go left on the cliff, go right across the series of bridges (you will have to shoot 3 bats as you cross just as you did in Era II). Exit through the tunnel on the right to go into the forest. Scattered throughout the forest are the black-armored guards of Barnak, you should avoid them whenever possible. Speak to Zatila in his clearing. Now run through the forest to Torras. You will notice that you must now hop over platforms (in the area where you met young Wellet in Era I) before you reach the drawbridge. Upon crossing the drawbridge you must defeat 2 guards before entering the city (there are two sacks of plastyks in the room to the left), and when you enter you must defeat two more. Enter the shop and look at what they have for sale: Green Herbs 100pk, Yellow Herbs 120pk, Blue Potions 100pk, Rep Potions 120pk, Mauve Potions 150pk, this is the only shop that sells Mauve potions (you may want to repeatedly go back to Era II, run Wellet's race three times, come to Era IV and buy 3 mauve potions until you are well stocked). Exit the shop to the right and bear right until you see a gate blocking the path to the blacksmith, throw the switch to the right of the gate and continue on. Speak to the blacksmith, he sells 30 blue arrows for 50pk, 30 red arrows for 100pk, and repairs armor for 150pk. Head for the tavern; along the way, before you reach the steps you must defeat a guard on the left and activate a switch he protects, then you can go up the steps. Continue to the tavern (a meal here costs 175pk); after a brief cut scene upon entering, proceed upstairs and enter the first door on the left to reunite Hype with Vibe, his future bride and the leader of the resistance against Barnak. She tells him he must free the King and Queen imprisoned in the fortress dungeon so that they can aid the resistance. Hype gets the Key to the Fortress Dungeons. Use the save lectern on this floor, then exit the tavern. Go to the laboratory courtyard and defeat the guard on the left to see a cut scene where the kid from Era II, (that you sent flying up into the sky by shooting the barrel beneath her), returns. Now go down the well in the tavern courtyard , go through the waterfall pipe, and then enter the pipe on the right in the drain room and follow it to the fortress. Freeing the King and Queen: Exit the well and defeat the guard behind you. Head to the two switches that control the drawbridge and throw both, you may have to defeat a couple guards in the courtyard, (note: there is a chest with a yellow herb in the hedge alcove to the right of the drawbridge (path opposite the path to the well) take it if you wish, then enter the fortress. Go down into the basement and open the chest there to get a yellow herb. Go all the way upstairs to the throne room, defeat a mystical knight and a black-armored guard, then use the Key to the Fortress Dungeons on the lock to the right of the gate on the right side of the room, then enter the Dungeons. Use the save lectern on right and head down the hall to the left. Draw your bow and shoot the archer in the distance 4-6 times (depending on arrow type), then shoot the barrels blocking your route and run/jump across the platforms to the other side. Go left down to the river room, go left toward the water tunnel, stop at entrance and defeat a guard, the shoot the bat in the tunnel, now run to the end of the tunnel, look left and use the gray button there. Go through the door you just opened, (to the right when you exit the water tunnel), and defeat the guard before you cross the raised bridge. After crossing use the save lectern then run/jump across the next set of platforms and stop on the other side. Shoot the bat above the square platform, then run/jump across it and follow the hall to the ghost chamber. Here you will have to defeat a guard and a ghost, they are a tough combination, my advice is to not let them pin you to the wall, use magic on the guard and jump/slash at the ghost once you are in the room. Go through the secret passage that has now opened, (leading to the old treasure room). Go left and defeat the skeleton (4 hits in this era), turn right and open the chest to get a yellow herb. Exit treasure room, take first doorway on left; in the next room open chest on left to get another yellow herb then defeat the guard and go downstairs to the torture chamber. Defeat the guard and then use the switch on the wall to the right to free the king. Head for the old prison cells; defeat a guard along the way. Take out the Keys to the Cells and use them on the cells of the Queen and the knight. Then enter both cells one at a time and speak to the occupants. Once everyone is free throw the switch behind the king. Now unlock and enter the cell to the left and take the acorn there. Return to the ghost chamber, take the water tunnel in the back left of the room and follow the freed captives up a path to the right into Hype's bedroom. Jump up onto the bed and pick up the ELECTRICAL DRAGON SPELL. Open chest on left to get another yellow herb. turn around and go straight into next room and speak to Gogoud's ethereal form. Take the three potions on the table to the right, turn around, cross the room and use the save lectern. Head for the fireplace exit from this room and use Ice Javelin to get through the flames. Now exit the fortress, head back to the sundial in Torras and use it to travel to Era III. Return to the Lost City and the Flag of Taskan III: Head for the green path that leads to the portal to the Lost City. Arrange the tops of the pillars as you did before and jump into the portal to go to the Lost City. The path through the Lost City is the same as before, except when you get to the top of the pendulum hall, turn around and look at the crack in the wall to the right, (the one that the sixth pendulum in swinging into), and you will spot a spell. Time your move carefully and enter the crack when the pendulum has swung away, then pick up the ICE DRAGON SPELL. Exit carefully and go down the hall to the right, open the chest at the end of the hall to get a mauve potion. Go through the door on the left and you will see a new puzzle has been installed in this room. Go right and read the note on the wall next to the door: red-yellow, yellow-blue, red-blue. Hype must enter this sequence by walking across the floor to each of the colored tiles without stepping on any of the gray tiles twice. After stepping on a set of two colored tiles he will be returned to the starting point and have to walk out and step on the next set until all three sets are entered. Here is the correct path: First Sequence Second Sequence Third Sequence _ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ /_|__|__|__|__|_\ /_|__|__|__|__|_\ /_|__|__|__|__|_\ |__|__|B_|__|__|__| |__|__|B7|_6|_5|__| |__|_7|B8|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|_4|__| |__|_6|__|__|__|__| |__|R4|_5|_6|Y7|__| |__|R_|__|__|Y3|__| |_4|R5|__|__|Y_|__| |__|_3|_2|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|_2|__| |_3|__|__|__|__|__| \_|__|_1|__|__|_/ \_|__|__|__|_1|_/ \2|_1|__|__|__|_/ Note that none of the sequences overlap one another on the gray tiles, this is vital; also notice that the second step of the third sequence is not onto a tile but onto a dark stone area to the left of the first tile. Afterward the god Drareg speaks to Hype and gives him the Jewel of the Gods; he also tells you to collect the flags of the four kings of each era. Exit the Lost City, then, on your way up the green path speak to Nohlin on the right. Go to the secret passage left of the big tree clearing (where you met Koran in Era II) and go down the hole in the ground and speak with Rave. Go past Rave and enter the cavern of the Field of Courage. Use the save lectern ahead of you then bear right. At the mouth of the passage into the cavern draw your bow. Before you cross you will have to shoot three bats that threaten your journey. The first is hovering above a platform near the doorway on the right. The other two are concealed to the right and left of the doorway you are standing in. To defeat these two go to the left side of the doorway, look all the way right and shoot the bat you see flying there in the cavern. Then go to the right side of the doorway, look all the way left and shoot the bat you see flying in the cavern there (this one is harder to get). Now run/jump to the nearest platform, then to the platform on the right toward the other doorway, then run/jump through the doorway, follow the hall and go through the door. The treasure room has changed quite a bit, there are now a set of metal balls suspended from the ceiling. First shoot the barrels on the left to reveal the switch they are hiding. Throw the switch and go between the metal balls (wait for two to strike, then go through the gap that opens as they part) and jump onto the rising platform. Ride it to the top and you will automatically pick up the Flag of Taskan III, which is suspended from the ceiling above the platform. If you are not fast enough the platform will start to lower and you will have to throw the switch again. Now exit the cavern and go back to Torras, use the sundial to travel to Era II. Retrieving the Flags of Taskan II, Taskan I and Taskan IV: Go to Koran's house across the two bridges in the treetop brigand's hideout. Speak to her to get the Key to the Monastery where Taskan II's flag is kept. Go to the monastery door use the key (you just received) on the lock to the right, then enter the door. Head for the ground floor of the bell tower (there are several guards to defeat along the way but they only take two shots apiece because Hype is so much stronger than before). Use the save lectern then enter the door in the back right. In the first room you must defeat two guards to continue. Open the chest on the left to get a green herb then enter the second room; here you must defeat several tapestry guards (use electrical ring). Afterward enter the third room and go through the door on the left. Go right and follow the winding hallway all the way until you reach a wall with the Flag of Taskan II, walk up to it to pick it up and head back to Torras. Before you can leave the library you will have to defeat 7 tapestry guards, let them bunch around you and then use electrical ring to defeat them quickly. Exit the monastery, return to Torras and use the sundial to travel to Era I. Use the well to enter the fortress courtyard, throw the switches to cross the drawbridge, head for the throne room and take the Flag of Taskan I; it is hidden behind his throne, simply approach it to pick it up. Head back to the sundial, use it to go to Era IV. You will have to defeat two guards when you arrive. Head for the tavern and speak to Vibe in her room on the second floor, she gives you the Flag of Taskan IV. Before continuing to the end of the game I suggest you stock up on mauve potions and herbs if you need them. Remember to get money by running Wellet's race in Era II. Mauve potions can be purchased in the Torras' shop in Era IV. Afterward go and speak to Zatila in the forest and he will take you to the clouds. Charging the Jewel of the Gods and Entering the Black Tower: It takes 70 energy tokens to charge the Jewel of the Gods. The path this time is not circular its one long curving line, and the amount of energy tokens is quite limited. If you miss a token you should turn around and pick it up because you will need it. Very soon after starting the race you will see a green token that will give Zatila some more strength so he can fly longer, pick it up. Occasionally you will come across a cluster of 2-4 tokens, try to fly in between them to pick them all up at once. Once all 70 are collected follow the compass needle to the Black Tower and fly down into the dark area between the spire and the rock cleft in order to land. After landing go up the steps to the left; halfway up the steps Zatila will be attacked and wounded by Barnak's black dragon. Once he is gone pick up the FIRE DRAGON SPELL and go back up the steps, through the door and down the hall. Use the save lectern then follow the path left until you reach the ghost chamber, defeat three ghosts and an armor repair tile appears, use it then enter the concealed passage so that you can travel down the tower to Enost's Laboratory. This time there are flying skulls in the first room, you can avoid them easily because they fly in a set pattern. At the wooden hall crossroads destroy the barrel on the right to get a mauve potion. The low chamber has two guards and a bat you can defeat or avoid. The tunnels to the teleporter chamber are complete and are filled with guards you will have to defeat. Use the teleporters in the following sequence to reach the laboratory: Red, Yellow, Blue. Go down the path to the left and destroy the barrel at the end of it to get a mauve potion, then head for the laboratory and prepare to fight the wizard. Enost has replaced his body with a robotic one. Hype should avoid Enost when he twirls but keep fairly close to him so that when the twirling stops Hype can easily strike him with the sword before Enost fires back. It takes 30 hits with the sword to defeat Enost, but you can get off an average of four hits between each episode of twirling. Enost does very little damage with his twirl and only slightly more with his hand rockets. After he is defeated approach his head and you can pick up the Key to the Top of the Black Tower on the ground amidst the debris. Head back to the ghost chamber on the ground floor (after the first teleporter take the red one to get back to the main teleporter room quickly). Recharge your armor using the gray shield tile then turn around and go straight to the wall, then go up the steps to the right. Follow this passage and run/jump across two gaps as you go. After the second gap use the Key to the Top of the Black Tower on the lock on the wall to the right of the gate then go through the gate and continue down the hall. At the end of it run/jump through the massive window on the right and defeat the two guards in this chamber. Destroy the barrels in this room to get a bunch of equipment including a mauve potion. Go up the ladder to the left, destroy the barrels on the second floor to get more supplies, then go to the gate right of where you entered this floor and throw the switch. Drop down through the gate and throw the switch on the wall behind you. Enter the ground floor room and throw the switch on the floor there. Return to the second floor, drop down through the gate again, climb up the ladder behind you on the right and you will arrive on the third floor. Go to the opposite side of the room, turn around and use the switch on the ground in front of the wooden platform, you automatically ride up to the next chamber. Hype must now go up three levels defeating the guards on each level to activate a triangular pillar sending it to the level above it. There are a mix a mystical knights, black armored guards and ghosts on each level. On the third level, after you defeat the guards(there is a skeleton here who cannot be permanently defeated but don't worry about it just defeat him once), then climb onto the triangle pillar and ride it to the top of the tower, it is time to defeat Barnak. Defeating the Black Dragon and Barnak: You will automatically save at the top of the tower, but you will not be able to save between the two battles that are coming up. First you must defeat Barnak's dragon, this is fairly simple and requires no magic. Wait for the dragon to land, then run straight for it and jump up and strike at the upper part of its body with your sword, then run away to avoid being struck by its tail in retaliation. It takes only ten hits to defeat the dragon this way. Keep in the mind that when the dragon is flying it will produce a gust of wind that can drive Hype off the top of the tower; to counter this run straight at the dragon while the wind is gusting and do not jump or you will be shot right off the tower and have to climb up a ramp to get back into the battle. Jumping is however the best way to avoid the flame attack the dragon uses while he is grounded. Don't get too close to the dragon before it has landed or it will land on top of you. Once the dragon is defeated Barnak challenges Hype directly and the final battle begins. It is difficult to get Barnak to take damage at first; he goes through periods of invulnerability where his health bar is not visible and there is nothing you can do to hurt him. Barnak's three main spells are a blast of rocks, a tornado and an electric storm. You can avoid the storm by standing near the pole in the center of the top of the tower; you can also get the tornado to hit him by running behind him as soon as he casts the spell. His sword attack is unstoppable, you will just have to take the damage and continue the fight. The best way to defeat him is to immediately start casting electrical ring at the beginning of the battle, then repeatedly cast it every time he jumps up into the air and teleports away so that when he reappears the spell will strike him on the ground. By casting this spell you are invulnerable to his attacks and you can passively do damage to him without running around. Hit him 14 times with the electrical ring spell until his health bar is almost empty; this will send him into a frenzy of spell casting. Wait for his health bar to reappear at the top right hand corner of the screen, then the next time he teleports near you run up and strike him once with your sword to finish him off. You have won the game.