Play as Lord of Chaos: At the character select screen press Up, Up+Left, Left, Down+Left, Down, Triangle + X. Play as Minion of Chaos: At the character select screen press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up + X. Play as Minion of Order: At the character select screen press Left + Square, Right + Circle. Play as Strahd: At the character select screen press Up, Right, Down, Left, R1, R2, L2, L1. Minion Of Chaos: Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up + X at the character selection screen to have this boss available for selection. Avatar Of Order: Press Left + Square, Right + Circle at the character selection screen to have this boss available for selection. Lord Of Chaos: Press the D-pad in a «-Circle counter-clockwise starting from Up, Triangle + X at the character selection screen to have this boss available for selection. Strahd: Press the D-pad in a Full-Circle counter-clockwise starting from Up, R1, R2, L2, L1 at the character selection screen to have this boss available for selection. Torgo's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Circle Combo Med: Circle, Circle + Triangle Combo Low: Down + Circle, X Head Butt Charge: Toward, Toward + Triangle Dwarven Thrower Hammer: «-Circle clockwise from Up, Triangle Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Earth Tremor): Triangle + Circle, Square + X This attack inflicts no damage, but will knock the opponent off his feet, and allow Torgo to close with him. The effects of this move can be countered by the opponent if he is crouching. While executing any crouch maneuver (including blocks and all attacks), a character cannot be knocked over by an Earth Tremor attack. Arcane Power (Anti Magic Aura): Continuous effect. No button press This continuous effect power protects Torgo from receiving damage from ANY magical source. No magic ability, arcane power, artifact, or spell can cause him damage. Other effects may still apply, but magical damage is always reduced to 0 when Torgo is protected by his anti-magic aura. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Up + Circle, Up + Circle Luthor's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, X Combo Med: Circle, Circle, Circle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Circle +5 Holy Avenger Attack: Toward + Triangle (This attack can be steered) This is clearly one of the most powerful attacks in the game. When Luthor calls upon the power of his deity, his sword can inflict TERRIBLE damage upon his opponents. Although slow to start, once the attack begins, Luthor swings his sword wildly as he runs across the ring. While running, Luthor can use the steering buttons to track his opponents AND keep from running into the rune wall. One Armed Throw: Toward + Square + X Impale Attack: Toward, Toward + Triangle (Can be steered) Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Aura of Invulner.): Toward + Circle, Toward + Square When Luthor calls forth this power, he gains a limited invulnerability to damage from any source. For each level of ability, Luthor can completely ignore the effects of a single attack. Luthor's invulnerability extends even to the point that he will not even REACT when he is hit. Arcane Power (Heal): «-Circle clockwise from Up, Triangle When Luthor executes this move, he will heal back to his maximum hit point total, no matter how low his current hit point total. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Toward + Circle, Toward + Square Erland's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Square, Square Combo Med: Circle, Toward + Circle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Down + Triangle Tornado Slash: «-Circle clockwise from Right, Circle Flame Arrow: Triangle + Circle, Square + X This attack inflicts 250% of the damage that a normal arrow attack will inflict. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Fireshield): Toward + Triangle, Away + X This move serves as both an attack and a defense at the same time. While executing it, Erland cannot be damaged by his opponent. In addition, if his flaming bow comes in contact with his opponent, it will inflict POWERFUL damage. Arcane Power (Arrow of Slaying): Full-Circle clockwise from Up, Triangle This attack is very slow to develop, but when released, the Arrow of Slaying will inflict more damage than any other attack in the game. Normally, this is enough to kill all but the most healthy of opponents. Note that this attack can be dodged, but NOT blocked. The arrow of slaying can penetrate any normal shield (although Luthor's Aura of Invulnerability, and Torgo's Anti-magic Aura are BOTH effective defenses against it). Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Triangle + Circle, Square + X Darius' secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Triangle, X Combo Med: Circle, Triangle, X Combo Low: Down + Circle, Circle, Circle Long Strike: Circle + Triangle, X Spinning Slash Jump: «-Circle clockwise from Up, Triangle Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Magic Trident): Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle When Darius unleashes the power of his magic trident, the amount of damage he inflicts is doubled, tripled, or quadrupled, depending on his level of magic ability. Arcane Power (Heroic Stance): Continuous Power Once Darius achieves this power, he can no longer be knocked down by ANY attack. Only the Rune wall can knock him down once he achieves Heroic Stance. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Triangle, X Xenobia's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Square Combo Med: Circle, Toward + Square Combo Low: Down + Circle, Triangle Impale: Toward, Toward + Triangle (3x normal damage, unblockable) Double Jump Kick: Up + Triangle + Circle Toward Dive/Dodge: Toward, Toward + X When executing this move, Xenobia cannot be hit. It is superior to a dodge, as dodges move the combatant sideways, while this move can advance her towards her opponent without risking damage. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Siren Call): ó-Circle clockwise from top, Square When Xenobia uses her 'Siren Call', all humanoid male opponents will stand slack-jawed, unable to react for a few seconds while she will have an opportunity to pummel them mercilessly. The higher Xenobia's level of magic ability, the longer her opponents will remain 'awed'. Note: This power has no effect on female and undead opponents. Arcane Power (Shield of Reflection): Reflections Projectiles on Blocks This power infuses Xenobia's shield with the ability to reflect missiles (normal or magic) back upon their caster, as long as she successfully blocks them. Even Missile-like effects such as Stellerex's Gust of Wind spell will be hurled back upon the caster from the results of this ability. Acquire Artifact (Only on her Background): Toward, Toward + Triangle Ignatius Max's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Triangle Combo Med: Circle, Square, Square Combo Low: Down + Circle, Square Dagger Throw: «-Circle counter-clockwise from Right, Triangle Quick Spin Attack: «-Circle clockwise from Right, Square Dagger Leap: Up + Square + X Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Dagger of Venom): Square + X, Circle + Triangle, Square + X When Ignatius uses this power, his dagger inflicts quadruple normal damage when it injects a large dose of poison into Iggy's target. Arcane Power (Stealth Backstab): «-Circle clockwise from Right, X Ignatius has the power to teleport behind his opponent, and stab him in the back, inflicting backstab damage on his opponent. This attack cannot be blocked, but it CAN be dodged. Iggy must be careful, though, as he may find himself teleporting directly into the Rune wall if his opponent is standing with his back too close to it. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Up + Square + X Shinesta's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Square + X Combo Med: Circle, Circle + Triangle Combo Low: Down + Circle, X 6 Blow Combination: Toward, Toward + Triangle, Toward + Triangle Pole Vault Attack: Up + Circle + Triangle Groin Shot (works on males): «-Circle clockwise from Up, Circle When Shinesta uses this attack, it will cause double damage and ALWAYS knock down male opponents. Note: Like Xenobia's Siren Call, this attack has no effect on female and undead characters. Strike Behind Back: Square + X This attack actually allows Shinesta to swing in nearly a 360 degree arc around her head, effectively enabling her to hit an opponent anywhere near her. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Staff of Striking): «-Circle counter-clockwise from Up, Square Like the object of the same name in AD&D, the staff of striking inflicts extra damage depending on the number of charges that are expended. Shinesta can expend one charge for each level of magical ability she possesses. Arcane Power (Natural Healing): Continuous, heals fully between matches In a campaign game, each combatant must spend a number of turns between matches healing. Characters can heal up to 1/3 of their hit points by resting between matches. However, once Shinesta acquires the ability of 'Natural Healing', she will always regain ALL of her lost hit points between matches, no matter how low she got in the previous fight. Acquire Artifact (Only on her Background): «-Circle clockwise from Up, Circle Red Cloud's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Up + Circle, Up + Circle Combo Med: Circle, Circle, Circle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Down + Circle, Down + Circle Earthquake: Triangle + Circle, Triangle + Circle This attack inflicts no damage, but will knock the opponent off his feet, and allow Red Cloud to close with him. The effects of this move can be countered by the opponent if he is crouching. While executing any crouch maneuver (including blocks and all attacks), a character cannot be knocked over by an Earthquake attack. Teleport: Square + X, Square + X When Red Cloud uses this ability, he will be teleported to a random location, somewhere in the arena. Dispel Magic: Toward + Circle + X Triangle: Explosive Touch - If Red Cloud can tap his opponent with the explosive touch, it will cause a huge explosion, inflicting tremendous damage, and almost always knocking the opponent down. Square: Bless - When Red Cloud uses this spell, he will glow with power for the next 15 seconds. While so blessed, his physical attacks will inflict double their normal damage. X: Lightning - This spell causes a small bolt of lightning to erupt from Red Cloud's staff, and race in a straight line outwards. Up + X: Lightning - This spell causes a small bolt of lightning to erupt from Red Cloud's staff, and race in a straight line outwards. The only difference between this attack and the previous one is that this one counts as a high attack. Down + Triangle: Levitation - This spell can be blocked or dodged. In fact, it will not hit an opponent who is running either. However, if it is successful, it will hurl the opponent in the air, and dump him unceremoniously back onto the ground. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Vortex Spell): Full Circle clockwise from Up, Triangle This spell will cause an opponent to be lifted from the ground and spun for a number of seconds equal to Red Cloud's level of magical ability. While spinning, Red Cloud can strike at the opponent as often as he likes. At the conclusion of the spell, the victim will be thrown to the ground. Arcane Power (Weight of the world): Continuous When this power is gained, each time Red Cloud falls to the ground (for any reason), an earthquake will be caused, and Red Cloud's opponent will ALSO fall to the ground. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Triangle + Circle, Triangle + Circle Urgo's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Triangle Combo Med: Circle, Triangle, Triangle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Square + X, Square + X Breathe Fire: Toward + Triangle + Circle Leap Knockdown: Up + Square + X, Up + Square + X Fire Claws: Toward + Square + X Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Stone Shield): Away + Circle, Away + Circle When Urgo uses his Stone Shield power, he may not attack, dodge, or move in any other manner for a period of 2 seconds per level of ability. However, if he is struck while using this power, Urgo will receive NO damage whatsoever. In fact, the shield is so powerful that the fighter that strikes it will receive 50% of the damage that they had intended for Urgo. Arcane Power (Petrify): «-Circle counter-clockwise from left, Circle When Urgo petrifies his opponents, they will freeze immediately, regardless of what they were doing at the time. While frozen, Urgo can strike them for damage as often as he likes, until the spell expires. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Toward + Triangle + Circle Ardrus' secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Up + X Combo Med: Circle, X, X Combo Low: Down + Circle, Circle, Circle Life Drain: «-Circle counter-clockwise from Up, Square If successful, Ardrus' Life Drain attack will siphon off hit points from his opponent, and transfer them to Ardrus. Although the transfer of hit points is not substantial, if performed repeatedly, the results can certainly add up. Bludgeon of Doom: Up + Circle + X When Ardrus calls upon the dark powers, he can temporarily enchant his mace. Once enchanted, it will remain enchanted until he strikes with it. Whether the next strike is blocked or not, the attack will cause the magic to dissipate. If the strike hits, though, it will inflict TWICE the normal amount of damage. Stone Fist: Toward + Triangle, Toward + X Ardrus' Stone Fist attack is slow o develop, but if he hits with it, it will inflict triple the normal amount of damage of one of Ardrus' heavy attacks. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Aura of Fear): Toward + Circle, Toward + Square When Ardrus casts a spell of Fear on his opponents, they will find themselves unable to attack for a period of fifteen seconds. During this time, they will be able to run, block, and dodge, but not attack in any way. Arcane Power (Vampirism): Continuous, Gains life each time he hits When Ardrus achieves the arcane power of vampirism, each time he hits an opponent for damage, he will receive a bonus of 5 points to his hit point total. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Toward + Triangle, Toward + X Sasha's moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, X, X Combo Med: Circle, X, X Combo Low: Down + Circle, X, X Toward Dodge: Up + Triangle + Circle Rending: Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Call of the wild): Full Circle counter-clockwise from Up, Circle When Sasha howls with this power, she will inflict automatic damage equal to 5 points per level of magical ability. This attack will work from any range, and neither blocking nor dodging can prevent the damage (although Torgo's Anti-Magic Aura will stop it, as will Luthor's Aura of Invulnerability) Arcane Power (Blood Lust): Circle + X With this power, Sasha can ignore the effects of any attack. Although she will still absorb damage as normal, she will not react to being hit at all. No matter how often she is hit, it will not stop her from continuing her current move. Acquire Artifact (Only on her Background): Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle Nym Pymplee's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Triangle Combo Med: Circle, Square, Square Combo Low: Down + Circle, X Scare Attack: ó-Circle clockwise from Up, X + Square When Nym uses this maneuver, it will scare his opponent off their feet. It inflicts no actual damage, but will knock the opponent down if he is not blocking or dodging it. Lunatic Charge: Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle Lightning Rod: Up + Square + X Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Demonic Whirlwind): «-Circle counter-clockwise from Left, Square + X This ability causes Nym to rise off the ground, spinning his scimitars madly, creating a vortex of wind that will pull his opponents towards him. The whirlwind will last for 2 seconds per level of magic ability. Opponents that are pulled into the blades will receive damage, as if hit by a heavy attack. Arcane Power (Fire Belch): «-Circle counter-clockwise from Left, Triangle, Circle This ranged missile weapon will basically send a ball of flame from Nym's mouth towards the opponent. Those struck by the fire belch are damaged substantially by the magical fire. This attack can be both blocked and dodged. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Triangle + Circle, Square + X, Triangle + Circle Balthazaar's secret moves Combo Hi: Up + Circle, X, X Combo Med: Circle, Square, Square Combo Low: Down + Circle, Circle, Circle Headsman's Chop: «-Circle clockwise from Up, Circle This magical attack will inflict an amount of damage equal to roughly « of a first level character's hit points. It is slow to build up, but the third most powerful attack in the game, behind only Erland's Arrow of Slaying and Luthor's +5 Holy Avenger Attack. Crushing Heel: Square + X, Square + X (unblockable) 360 Spin High Chop: Toward + Triangle, Toward + Triangle Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Axe of Dancing): Triangle + Circle, Triangle + Circle, Square + X When Balthazaar acquires this ability, he will be able to hurl his axe at his opponent, where it can strike and then return to his hand. Damage inflicted by this attack is dependent on level of magical ability, but is always considerable. Arcane Power (Blood Fever): Toward + Triangle, Toward + X When Balthazaar calls upon the power of the blood fever, he cannot be killed for 30 seconds. For the duration of the effect, he will absorb damage as normal, but CANNOT be reduced to less than 1 hit point, by any attack or effect in the game, including colliding with the Rune Wall. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Square + X, Square + X Kaurik's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Triangle Combo Med: Circle, X Combo Low: Down + Circle, X Dervish Attack: «-Circle counter-clockwise from Up, Triangle Magic Flail: Triangle + Circle, Triangle + Circle This attack is a standard magic weapon attack, which inflicts double the normal damage when it hits successfully. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Explosive Flail): «-Circle clockwise from Up, Triangle When Kaurik smashes his enchanted flail to the ground, it causes an explosion that will knock his opponents down from any range, unless they are blocking it. The explosion will also inflict serious damage, which is dependent on Kaurik's level of Magical Ability. Arcane Power (Force Chock): Away + Square, Away + X This attack can be blocked, but not dodged. It can affect Kaurik's opponent's from any range, causing substantial choking damage, which is dependent on Kaurik's level of ability. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): «-Circle counter-clockwise from Up, Triangle Balok's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Triangle, Triangle Combo Med: Circle, Circle + Triangle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Square + X Vampiric Attack: Toward + Triangle + Circle, Toward + Square + X, Toward + Triangle + Circle Like Ardrus' Life Drain attack, this maneuver will damage the opponent at the same time as it INCREASES Balok's life point total (although it can never bring Balok's life point total above it's established maximum) Overbear: Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Darkshield): Triangle + Circle, Triangle + Circle, Square + X This effect is the opposite of Luthor's Aura of invulnerability. When in use, each time Balok is struck for damage, he will GAIN life points, instead of lose them. Balok can withstand one hit per level of magical ability. Thus, it is strategic to hit Balok with your WEAKEST attacks when his Darkshield is in effect. This will still benefit him, but not as much as the more substantial attacks might. Arcane Power (Curse): Continuous, opponent loses TWO lives when killed This insidious power may well be the most awesome power in the game. With it, each time Balok defeats his opponent, that opponent loses TWO lives, instead of one. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Toward + Circle, Toward + Circle Stellerex's secret moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Circle + Triangle Combo Med: Circle, Circle, Circle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Circle Circle of Protection: Up + Circle + X This spell causes a ring of flames to circle Stellerex for 15 seconds. During this time, anything that comes in contact with the flames will be damaged EVERY time the flames hit it. If Stellerex is knocked down, the flames will dissipate early. Red Cloud's Dispel Magic Spell can also cause the flames to dissipate early. Explosive Runes: Square + X, Triangle + Circle Stellerex can lay up to three of these on the floor at a time. The runes will stay until the opponent steps on them. If an opponent moves over the runes, even while dodging, they will detonate, causing substantial damage. Stellerex can lay as many of these down in a match as he wishes, but only three can be on the floor at any one time. (Note: the runes can be eliminated by jumping up and landing on them in a crouch block. Landing on them will cause them to explode, but if the landing player is crouch blocking at the time he lands, the damage will be deflected by the block.) Triangle - Shocking Grasp: Just like the AD&D spell of the same name, if Stellerex can touch his opponent, it will discharge, causing electrical damage. X - Magic Missile: This projectile is fairly fast, but inflicts a modest amount of damage. Keep in mind that when Stellerex fires this missile, it causes him to lurch backwards a little. Using it while Stellerex's back is close to the rune wall could be hazardous. Square - Gust of Wind: This spell inflicts only a single point of damage, but it is capable of blowing opponents backwards, and even knocking them down occasionally. Larger, heavier characters (like Urgo or Balthazaar) will not be blown backwards nearly as far as smaller or lighter characters like Ignatius Max or Stellerex (who is flying, thus affected much more than a standing character). This spell also causes Stellerex to lurch backwards slightly, but it is a potent way to force your opponent into the Rune wall. Note: This spell cannot be blocked. Up + X - Melf's Acid Arrow: Much like Magic Missile, only the acid arrow inflicts a bit more damage, and is considered a HIGH attack. Up + Square - Ray of Enfeeblement: This spell causes weakness in the opponent. For as long as the opponent is affected (which is depicted graphically by a darkening effect), his/her PHYSICAL attacks inflict reduced damage (about a 2/3 reduction). Thus when an enfeebled opponent strikes with an attack that would normally inflict 10 points of damage, his temporary weakness will reduce this to a mere 3 points of damage. Down + Square - Hot Foot Cantrip: This spell causes a jet of flame that shoots along the floor at the opponent's feet. If it hits, it inflicts fire damage to the opponent. Abilities that can be acquired Magic Ability (Detonation): Toward, Toward + Square + X When Stellerex uses this magical ability, he can literally cause his body to explode. This explosion can only be stopped with a High Block (or a few other advanced effects, like Torgo's Anti-Magic Aura, Luthor's Aura of Invulnerability, etc.). Otherwise, the explosion will inflict damage on the opponent from any range. Arcane Power (Withdraw): Away, Away, Away, Away + Square By means of this spell, Stellerex can opt to withdraw from a match. If he sees that he is in trouble, and does not want to lose a life, Stellerex can simply withdraw. The win will go to the opponent, as will any match objectives, but Stellerex will NOT lose a life. Acquire Artifact (Only on his Background): Square + X, Triangle + Circle Lord Strahd combo moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, X, X Combo Med: Circle, X, X Combo Low: Down + Circle, X Lord of Chaos (Belial) combo moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Circle Combo Med: Circle, Square, Square Combo Low: Down + Circle, X Headbutt Charge Toward, Toward + X Minion of Order (Magog) combo moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Circle Combo Med: Circle, Circle Combo Low: Down + Circle, Circle Minion of Chaos (Tantalus) combo moves: Combo Hi: Up + Circle, Circle Combo Med: Circle, Square Combo Low: Down + Circle, X Explanation of artifacts: A player may possess any number of artifacts, and may choose any artifact to take with any of his characters into a match. The player may use the same artifact with different characters on successive matches. Also, remember that if you take an artifact into a match and subsequently lose the match, you will permanently lose the artifact. So if you want to go into the match WITHOUT an artifact, use one of the shoulder buttons when the artifact selection screen comes up. This will bypass the artifact selection screen. Note: All artifacts can be categorized into one of 3 types: 1.Continuous - requires no button presses for its functionality. Lasts for the entire match. 2.Active - Can be activated at any time during the match by pressing: Triangle + Square 3.External: Must be used during the character selection, after the artifact is chosen Found on Torgo's background Ring of Equilibrium: Continuous effect - The wearer of this artifact is much more stable on the battlefield. His chances of being knocked down on any given attack are halved, while his chances of knocking his opponents down are doubled. Found on Luthor's background Spirit of The Martyr: Continuous effect - The user of this artifact becomes enchanted in the following manner: Whenever he/she is struck, the damage is inflicted, but an equal amount of damaging energy is stored in the Spirit of the Martyr. Whenever the enchanted character strikes back, all energy that has been accumulated into the Spirit of the Martyr is released with the attack. If the attack is not blocked, all of this extra damage will be inflicted on the target. If successfully blocked, the Spirit is drained of the energy, and must begin accumulating energy anew. Found on Erland's background +4 Ring of Protection: Continuous effect - The user of this artifact has a greatly increased armor class. This blunts the amount of damage that he receives from being struck by any damaging attack. Found on Darius' background Trial of Champions: External effect - This artifact must be used during the character/artifact selection sequence. After choosing to use this artifact, the owning player may then choose to override his opponent's choice of fighter selection. In other words, assume that the owner of the Trial of Champions is using Ignatius Max, and his opponent chooses Sasha. However, the owner of the Trial decides that he does not like being matched up against Sasha, or better yet, his opponent has recently used Balok in a fight, and now Balok is gravely injured and has not fully healed. The owner of the trial will use this artifact and force his opponent to use Balok in the upcoming match, rather than Sasha, thus giving himself a distinct edge in the upcoming match. Found on Xenobia's background Fire of Retribution: Continuous effect - If the opponent uses an artifact that was taken from an evil character's background, the user of that chaos artifact receives damage whenever that artifact is used. Continuous effect artifacts will cause a slow drain of life from their possessors. Found on Ignatius Max's background Ring of Teleportation: Active effect - This artifact can be used just like Red Cloud's Teleportation spell. It will transport its user to a random location in the arena. There is no chance that it will transport the user outside the arena. The Ring can be used 3 times per match. Found on Shinesta's background Talisman of Health: Active effect - This artifact can only be used once during a match. When used, for as long as the user is not hit, he/she will slowly increase in hit points, up to max. Once max hit points are achieved, or the user is hit for damage, the effects will be terminated. Found on Red Cloud's background Signet of Holy Wrath: Active effect - Once activated... for the next 30 seconds all damage done by the wielder's non-magical attacks is doubled, but he/she may not block or dodge. This is especially effective when used in combination with Balthazaar's Blood Rage. Found on Urgo's background Bane Glyphs: Active effect - This effect works just like Stellerex's Runes. When activated, a small green glyph will appear on the ground. If the opponent moves over this glyph, even while dodging, it will explode on him, inflicting damage. Only one glyph at a time may be placed. The glyph will not affect the fighter who placed it. Found on Ardrus' background Altar of Sacrifice: External effect - Must be used during character/artifact selection. When selected, the owning player must select one of his other characters to kill. Upon killing one of his other characters, the current fighter will have increased abilities of 3rd level magic ability and an arcane power automatically. Found on Nym Pymplee's background Gauntlets of Thievery: Active effect - When the owning player attempts to use this artifact, there will be a 10% chance per level (The level of the fighter who is using the artifact) that he will be able to steal the artifact that the opponent is using. If successful, the Gauntlets of Thievery will be permanently removed from the owning player's inventory. Found on Sasha's background Dark Essence: Continuous effect - The wearer's damage for all physical attacks is increased by 50%. Found on Balthazaar's background Aura of Misfortune: Continuous effect - Opponent's artifacts, arcane powers, and magic abilities will misfire 60% of the time. 10% of the time, they will be lost permanently. Such powers and artifacts WILL work 30% of the time, however. Found on Kaurik's background Tempest: Continuous effect - This artifact causes a permanent lightning storm to erupt in a radius around the opponent. Lightning bolts will strike near him at random. Such bolts CAN effect the fighter that owns the Tempest artifact. Found on Balok's background Ring of Invisibility: Active effect - When this artifact is activated, the wearer will become completely invisible until he/she executes some form of attack. Upon doing so, the wearer will revert to visibility again. The artifact can be used as often as desired in any given match. Found on Stellerex's background Voodoo Doll: External effect - Must be used during character/artifact selection. The combatant can assign damage to a non-active member of his team. For instance, if Balthazaar is fighting this match, he can assign all damage that he takes to Kaurik. Even if Balthazaar dies, it is Kaurik who will lose a life, not Balthazaar. Game control: First, note that there are 12 basic attacks in the game, rather than the standard 8 you get with other games. These attacks are separated into three groups of four. The three groups are: 1.High attacks - Achieved by pressing one of the four attack buttons plus the Up button. 2.Medium Attacks - Achieved by just pressing one of the four basic attack buttons by itself. 3.Low Attacks - Achieved by pressing one of the four basic attack buttons plus the Down button. This is significant, because blocking depends on the type of attack that is being used against you. A High block will deflect the effects of both high and medium attacks. It will not stop a low attack. Likewise, a low block will stop medium and low attacks, but will not halt a high attack. Thus it is always possible to hit your opponent when he is blocking, provided you choose the right type of attack. Basic attacks In addition, each of the four basic attack buttons (Triangle, Square, X, or Circle) also represents a group of attack types. These are explained below: Triangle - This button is used for the heavy damage attacks. Whether pressed individually or in combination with the Up or Down button (to produce high and low versions of the heavy attack), the result is an attack that is slow to develop (relative to the character's speed), but inflicts heavy damage. Square - As with the Triangle button, there are three basic attacks that spring from the Square button. High, medium, and low versions of the 'Normal' attack will inflict less damage than the 'Heavy' attack, but are faster to develop. X - This button gives your character access to his fastest attacks. Fast attacks inflict little damage, being akin to a jab in boxing, but can be used to keep the opponent off balance, and set him up for combinations. Also, know that the Low + X button is always a 'sweep' that will knock the opponent down 90% of the time. Circle - This button give the player access to the first move in a potential 'combo' move, if he can figure out what the added button sequence is that is needed to activate the multi-hit combo attack.