Icewind Dale II DRUID SPELL LIST Version 2.2, July 6, 2003 Written by: Reese Bryant E-mail: This document copyright (c) 2002 Reese Bryant. =============================================================================== NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR =============================================================================== This FAQ lists all druid spells in Icewind Dale II. Although schools of magic are not relevant to druids, I use them here to sort the spells. I wrote this FAQ because I couldn't deal with character creation without being able to see spells sorted by level or school. This document is intended for personal use only. You are free to do whatever you want with this guide, EXCEPT you may not change it or sell it. If you want to post it, please e-mail me. Please give credit where it's due. Which, incidentally, I will do if you e-mail me with a contribution or to point out mistakes. IF YOU E-MAIL ME: please put "IWD2 FAQ--druid" as the subject. Otherwise, seeing a strange e-mail address, I might panic. This FAQ was written with Microsoft Word, using Courier New 10pt, with margins set at 79 characters. =============================================================================== CONTENTS =============================================================================== Spells are sorted both by level and by school. I. DRUID SPELLS BY LEVEL ------------------------ 1. Level 1 spells 2. Level 2 spells 3. Level 3 spells 4. Level 4 spells 5. Level 5 spells 6. Level 6 spells 7. Level 7 spells 8. Level 8 spells 9. Level 9 spells Spells within the level groups are sorted alphabetically. II. DRUID SPELLS BY SCHOOL --------------------------- 10. Abjuration 11. Conjuration 12. Divination 13. Enchantment 14. Evocation 15. Illusion 16. Necromancy 17. Transmutation Spells within the school groups are sorted by level. =============================================================================== I. DRUID SPELLS BY LEVEL =============================================================================== 1. LEVEL 1 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charm Person or Animal (Enchantment) Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration) Entangle (Transmutation) Faerie Fire (Evocation) Frost Fingers (Transmutation) Goodberry (Transmutation) Shillelagh (Transmutation) Summon Nature's Ally I (Conjuration) Sunscorch (Evocation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. LEVEL 2 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alicorn Lance (Evocation) Barkskin (Transmutation) Beast Claw (Transmutation) Delay Poison (Conjuration) Flame Blade (Evocation) Hold Animal (Enchantment) Ice Blade (Evocation) Lesser Restoration (Necromancy) Minor Elemental Barrier (Abjuration) Rainstorm (Evocation) Summon Nature's Ally II (Conjuration) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. LEVEL 3 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call Lightning (Transmutation) Contagion (Necromancy) Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration) Mold Touch (Transmutation) Moonblade (Evocation) Neutralize Poison (Conjuration) Protection from Fire (Abjuration) Remove Disease (Abjuration) Snakebite (Transmutation) Spike Growth (Transmutation) Star Metal Cudgel (Conjuration) Storm Shell (Abjuration) Summon Nature's Ally III (Conjuration) Tortoise Shell (Abjuration) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL 4 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animal Rage (Enchantment) Conjure Animals (Conjuration) Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration) Dispel Magic (Abjuration) Flame Strike (Evocation) Freedom of Movement (Abjuration) Giant Vermin (Transmutation) Poison (Necromancy) Protection from Lightning (Abjuration) Spike Stones (Transmutation) Summon Nature's Ally IV (Conjuration) Thorn Spray (Transmutation) Wall of Moonlight (Evocation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. LEVEL 5 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration) Death Ward (Necromancy) Ice Storm (Evocation) Insect Plague (Conjuration) Smashing Wave (Evocation) Static Charge (Transmutation) Summon Nature's Ally V (Conjuration) Wall of Fire (Evocation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. LEVEL 6 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Seeds (Conjuration) Healing Circle (Conjuration) Sol's Searing Orb (Evocation) Spiritual Wrath (Evocation) Summon Nature's Ally VI (Conjuration) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. LEVEL 7 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aura of Vitality (Transmutation) Creeping Doom (Conjuration) Elemental Barrier (Abjuration) Fire Storm (Evocation) Harm (Necromancy) Heal (Necromancy) Mist of Eldath (Evocation) Summon Nature's Ally VII (Conjuration) Sunbeam (Evocation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. LEVEL 8 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finger of Death (Necromancy) Summon Nature's Ally VIII (Conjuration) Whirlwind (Evocation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. LEVEL 9 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental Legion (Conjuration) Mass Heal (Conjuration) Shambler (Conjuration) Summon Nature's Ally IX (Conjuration) Tremor (Transmutation) =============================================================================== II. DRUID SPELLS BY SCHOOL =============================================================================== 10. ABJURATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Minor Elemental Barrier 3 Protection from Fire 3 Remove Disease 3 Storm Shell 3 Tortoise Shell 4 Dispel Magic 4 Freedom of Movement 4 Protection from Lightning 7 Elemental Barrier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. CONJURATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Cure Light Wounds 1 Summon Nature's Ally I 2 Delay Poison 2 Summon Nature's Ally II 3 Cure Moderate Wounds 3 Neutralize Poison 3 Star Metal Cudgel 3 Summon Nature's Ally III 4 Conjure Animals 4 Cure Serious Wounds 4 Summon Nature's Ally IV 5 Cure Critical Wounds 5 Insect Plague 5 Summon Nature's Ally V 6 Fire Seeds 6 Healing Circle 6 Summon Nature's Ally VI 7 Creeping Doom 7 Summon Nature's Ally VII 8 Summon Nature's Ally VIII 9 Elemental Legion 9 Mass Heal 9 Shambler 9 Summon Nature's Ally IX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. DIVINATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. ENCHANTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Charm Person or Animal 2 Hold Animal 4 Animal Rage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. EVOCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Faerie Fire 1 Sunscorch 2 Alicorn Lance 2 Flame Blade 2 Ice Blade 2 Rainstorm 3 Moonblade 4 Flame Strike 4 Wall of Moonlight 5 Ice Storm 5 Smashing Wave 5 Wall of Fire 6 Sol's Searing Orb 6 Spiritual Wrath 7 Fire Storm 7 Mist of Eldath 7 Sunbeam 8 Whirlwind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. ILLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. NECROMANCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Lesser Restoration 3 Contagion 4 Poison 5 Death Ward 7 Harm 7 Heal 8 Finger of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. TRANSMUTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Entangle 1 Frost Fingers 1 Goodberry 1 Shillelagh 2 Barkskin 2 Beast Claw 3 Call Lightning 3 Mold Touch 3 Snakebite 3 Spike Growth 4 Giant Vermin 4 Spike Stones 4 Thorn Spray 5 Static Charge 7 Aura of Vitality 9 Tremor =============================================================================== THANKS TO... =============================================================================== Frederic Tremblay, for pointing out that Death Ward is actually Level 5, not Level 4 as I had it. =============================================================================== FINAL THOUGHTS =============================================================================== I am in no way associated with Icewind Dale II, Black Isle, or Interplay. Special thanks to for being such a fantastic website! <<>>