Cheats Eneter these when you are asked to name your rider during the ''create a new profile'' option. If entered correctly, a message will apear telling you that the cheat has been enabled, and you can continue and name your profile as normal. Code Effect GINGHAM Max Stats DOUBLEBARREL Unlock Challenges REDROOSTER Unlock Champ BUBBA Unlock Riders ROADKILL Unlock Tracks FIDDLERSELBOW Unlock Tricks GENERALLEE Unlock Vehicals Passwords Unlock Everything To unlock everything enter your name as either GOLDRUSH or GOLDDUST. Unlockables Obtain Viper and Dimension Go to ATV academy. Beat control training and trick training, then go to free-style mode. Win ATC and other ATV's Win atleast 8 out of 15 races in ARCADE mode. This is the only ATV you win in arcade mode! All other ATVs you win in Career mode.