Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic Hex editing list for savegames Typed up in a fit of nostalgic boredom by Pokerface ( Version: 1.0 Date: 1.Sept.2002 God, is this a great game, or what? My dad picked this game up for me in 1989, when I was eleven, back in the day when our PC had two full-height floppy drives and the Big Red Switch. SW1 burst onto my screen in full 3-color CGA glory, and I was immediately hooked. Oh, man, and when we upgraded to EGA, I about wet my pants. Here's a deconstruction of the hex locations in the GAMEx.FM (where X is a, b, c, etc...) so that you can edit your crew to have whatever stuff you want. It's pretty comprehensive--about the only thing I didn't put in here is experience, which you can get around by just changing your rank. I hope that everyone enjoys this--nothing's cooler than sweeping through Malcolm's Battlestation with a crew fully equipped with Neutron Guns! Drop me a line if you want to reminisce about Sentinel Worlds. Happy editing! LOCATIONS OF STUFF IN GAMEx.FM: (Note: 1,2,3,4 and 5 refer to crew- members in position 1, position 2, and so on) Rank: 1=00023B 2=0002FB 3=0003BB 4=00047B 5=00053B --15 for Fleet Captain Characteristics: 1=000230-4 2=0002F0-4 3=0003B0-4 4=000470-4 5=000530-4 --For all 20s, set each to 14 --Max is FF --Characteristics: Strength Stamina Dexterity Comprehend Charisma Abilities: 1=0001D0-9, C and D 2=000290-9, C and D 3=000350-9, C and D 4=000410-9, C and D 5=0004D0-9, C and D --Range is 00-B-something...I set to 50 --Abilities are, in order: Contact Edged Projectile Blaster Tactics Recon Gunnery ATV Repair Mining Athletics Observation Bribery Light Energy: 002358 HP's: 1=000235-7 2=0002F5-7 3=0003B5-7 4=000475-7 5=000353-7 --Max allowable HP = 60 7D 7D (125) Armor: 1=000262 2=000322 3=0003E2 4=0004A2 5=000562 --Recommended armors: Special (2F) Ancient (06) Mysterious (04) Carbon Armor (2D) Eqipped Weapon: 1=000263 2=000323 3=0003E3 4=0004A3 5=000563 --Recommended weapons: Neutron Gun (1B) Neuron Flail (0C) Edge Spinner (11) Thermocaster (17) On-Hand weapons (leave first as 08): 1=000264-7 2=000324-7 3=0003E4-7 4=0004A4-7 5=000564-7 Inventory: 1=000220-7 2=0002E0-7 3=0003A0-7 4=000460-7 5=000520-7 --Quick reference: Crysprism = 36 Therm Pak = 35 Items: FF = empty spot 00 = burbulator 01 = EA passcard 02 = trinoculars 03 = arisian lens 04 = mysterious 05 = energy ball 06 = ancient 07 = book 08 = hands 09 = powerfist 0A = sonic mace 0B = gyro pike 0C = neuron flail 0D = dagger 0E = cryo cutlas 0F = power axe 10 = energy blade 11 = edge spinner 12 = auto pistol 13 = shotgun 14 = hyperuzi 15 = AK-4700 16 = gauss rifle 17 = thermocaster 18 = hand laser 19 = LR laser 1A = plasma gun 1B = neutron gun 1C = claws 1D = teeth 1E = thrasher 1F = acid breath 20 = tesselator 21 = nanobot 22 = mark V teng 23 = vadroxon 24 = uniform 25 = flight jacket 26 = steel mesh 27 = flak jacket 28 = laser reflec 29 = combat armor 2A = thick skin 2B = rough skin 2C = thick fur 2D = carbon armor 2E = civilian clothes 2F = special 30 = auto clip 31 = shotgun pack 32 = hyperuzi mag 33 = gauss rifle mag 34 = AK-4700 mag 35 = therm pak 36 = crysprism 37 = nerf cannon 38 = kevlar suit 39 = holophones 3A = vax grapher 3B = antique yoyo 3C = cryoscope 3D = cyberdisk 3E = szart needle 3F = knarlybar 40 = (nothing) 41 = (nothing) 42 = (nothing) 43 = (nothing) 44 = (nothing) 45 = (nothing) 46 = (nothing) 47 = (nothing) 48 = hands (abbrev) 49 = pwrfst (abbrev) 4A = snmace (a) 4B = gypike (a) 4C = nflail (a) 4D = dagger (a) 4E = crycut (a) 4F = powaxe (a) 50 = enrbld (a) 51 = edgspn (a) 52 = apistl (a) 53 = shtgun (a) 54 = hypuzi (a) 55 = ak4700 (a) 56 = grifle (a) 57 = thermo (a) 58 = hlaser (a) 59 = lrlasr (a) 5A = plasgn (a) 5B = neutgn (a) 5C = cl (?) 5D = te (?) 5E = th (?) 5F = br (?) 60 = (nothing) 61 = (nothing) 62 = (nothing) 63 = (nothing) 64 = uniform (a) 65 = flt jak (a) 66 = st mesh (a) 67 = flk jak (a) 68 = lreflct (a) 69 = cbt arm (a) 6A = (nothing) 6B = (nothing) 6C = (nothing) 6D = (nothing) 6E = (nothing) 6F = (nothing) 70 = (nothing) 71 = (nothing) 72 = (nothing) 73 = (nothing) 74 = (nothing) 75 = (nothing) 76 = (nothing) 77 = (nothing) 78 = kevlar (a) >78 = locks up game if loaded The text of this document is copyright (C) 2002 Lee Hutchinson ( Copy it, publish it, hand it out to your friends, tape it up on your wall, use it to paper your birdcage, whatever--just don't change it or tell other people that you wrote it. And please don't remove this notice, either. Note that "Sentinel Worlds 1: Future Magic" is the property of its copyright holder, whom I think is Electronic Arts, but is definitely not me.