--------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== C&C Generals: Zero Hour Generals Promotions "GP" FAQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== Created by (]=-The@N-=[) Arno Middelkoop =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------=-=-=----------- 0.0 Version -----------=-=-=----------- Version 1.00: - The submitted "C&C Generals Zero Hour" Generals Promotions 08-02-2004 FAQ. -----------=-=-=----------- 1.1 Introduction -----------=-=-=----------- Hi there folks, this is a FAQ of (]=-The@N-=[), known as TheaN on Gamefaqs messageboards. My real name is Arno Middelkoop and i'm from the Netherlands. Well, that for the my introduction, on to the subject of this FAQ: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.2 Subject Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is about another C&C they've come up with. Now really, I didn't liked strategy games so much untill I played this one. When Zero Hour came out, I knew I would buy it. To be honest, the upgrade itself fails in the campaigns, but wins it with the Challenge and the Generals Promotions, I would prever to call them GP's. The new units didn't really bother me, but I saw that there were a quite more GP's to be used. In this FAQ, I will give them all, and say if they're really worth it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.3 Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is made for personal usage only. You can not use it for what magazine, site, paper or whatsoever. You can't copy and paste pieces from this Walkthrough/FAQ for own usage. This is plagiarism. You can not use this Walkthrough/FAQ as an example to make your own. You must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or have others give information about your game in order to make a Walkthrough/FAQ. You are allowed to copy the layout though. You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed, you MUST have permission from me in order to do so. -----------=-=-=----------- 2.0 Table of Contents -----------=-=-=----------- ======================================================================== Current Version 0.0 ======================================================================== Introduction 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My introduction 1.1 Subject Introduction 1.2 Copyright 1.3 ======================================================================== Table of Contents 2.0 ======================================================================== Generals Promotions 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USA 3.1 China 3.2 GLA 3.3 ======================================================================== Generals GP Upgrades 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USA Superweapon: Alexander 4.1 USA Laser: Townes 4.2 USA Airforce: Granger 4.3 China Tank: Kwai 4.4 China Infantry: Fai 4.5 China Nuke: Tao 4.6 GLA Toxin: Thrax 4.7 GLA Demolition: Juhziz 4.8 GLA Stealth: Kassad 4.9 ======================================================================== Credits 5.0 ======================================================================== -----------=-=-=----------- 3.0 Generals Promotions -----------=-=-=----------- I'll put them all in the same kind of lay-out: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Class: Ability: GP Level: Level 1 (when available): Level 2 (when available): Level 3 (when available): Deployed: Usage: Rank: (1.0-10.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The last lines are maybe my opinion, but it also gives a point on how to use the GP. The "Level" is only used when a GP has use of certain levels. One thing to not forget: GP's deployed from the Command Center can be activated at the right of the screen, Superweapons included. Different Classes: Unit, (Tank, Air, Infantry, Special Air: Any Special). Special, (Destruction, Money, Repair, Spy, Reinforcements, Disable). Unit, Special Air means that the GP is brought by an airplane and can be shot out of the air. Special Air will always be a Special kind of GP. Like this: Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. which refers to MOAB or A10 Strike for example. NOTE: Remember that every GP is one point and each Level is 1 point. NOTE 2: Below each race I'll also put the Best Combination of the 7 points at GP level 5. NOTE 3: My comments and ranks are based on how you should use them in challenges, campaigns or skirmish, not online. Online GP's are used in a total other way. Of some, not all of course. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.1 USA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Paladin. Class: Unit, Tank. Ability: Strong against enemy tanks, missile-armed infantry and buildings. Carries a Laser Point Defence, can disable one enemy missile in each 5 seconds. GP Level: 1. Deployed: War Factory, $1100. Usage: A great tank. Can better be used instead of Crusaders, but carries a high cost. Only when you're playing against Granger or Alexander this tank is worthless, for the others, don't miss the Paladin. Rank: 9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Stealth Fighter. Class: Unit, Air. Ability: Strong against enemy base defence, can be upgraded with "Bunker Buster" to empty garrisoned buildings. Stealth when not firing and not detected. GP Level: 1. Deployed: Airfield, $1600. Usage: This unit is what I really like from Granger, he start with him. But he's one of the greatest units of the whole USA. One Fighter can crack a defence structure with 50%, and the Bunker Buster can even be used on a Tunnel Network, if you use the upgrade. Crack a defence and walk in with Burton. Excellent. But expensive, so watch your supplies. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Spy Drone. Class: Unit, Special Air: Spy. Ability: Carries a quite large area to spy on until destroyed. Stealth and detects stealth units. GP Level: 1. Deployed: Command Center, every 1:30 minutes. Usage: When your enemy doesn't know you're using them it doesn't matter. You want to use them against Kassad because he uses stealth, but then he'll know that you have spy drones because you keep discovering his buildings. Can be used in the back of a base to spy, but Intellegence is enough once you've build the Strategy Center, which would make it a waste of a GP Point. Rank: 6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Pathfinder. Class: Unit, Infantry. Ability: Shoots any infantry down in one hit, except for the Elite or Herioc Hero's, which need two. Detects stealth, stealth while not moving. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Barracks, $600. Usage: Excellent sniper, but not very useful when your enemy isn't using much infantry. When your enemy isn't Fai, the Pathfinder will mostly be a waste of a GP Point. Very useful against Kassad too. Rank: 7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Para Drop. Class: Unit, Special Air: Reinforcements. Ability: Drop Rangers anywhere on the map. Instant Capture Building. GP Level: 3. Level 1: Drop 5 Rangers. Level 2: Drop 10 Rangers. Level 3: Drop 20 Rangers. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: Upgrade to level 1 is nice. Why? They have instant capture building and the plane looks exactly like a Supply Plane. The enemy won't know that you're in his base. Further more this is a worthless GP. Level 2 is a waste of points and Level 3 is too obvious because there are two planes. Rank: 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: A10 Strike. Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: His rockets can instantly crush a normal building. At Level 3 he's almost enough to destrow a Superweapon or Command Center. GP Level: 3. Level 1: 1 A10 Thunderbird. Level 2: 2 A10 Thunderbirds. Level 3: 3 A10 Thunderbirds. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: One of the best GP's the game has. Level 1 is enough to destroy a Defence, Airfield or Barracks, level 2 is enough to destroy a War Factory, Arms Dealer, Palace, Strategy Center or Propaganda Center while his final level will almost be able to destroy a Superweapon or Command Center. Rank: 7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. Class: Special, Repair. Ability: Repair your own vehicles. GP Level: 3. Level 1: Small reapir. Level 2: Medium repair. Level 3: Heavy repair. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: I never do. It's great, but the area isn't big and if you really want it to work, it must be at Level 3. A waste of points I tell you. Rank: 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fuel Bomb --> MOAB Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: Destroy buildings or units with a heavy fuel burst or bomb. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 6:00 minutes. MOAB: Strategy Center, $4000, after the Fuel Bomb has been selected. Usage: Again one of the best. Although he isn't so strong against a Superweapon, he's great against units or main buildings. The MOAB upgrade is faster and explodes when hitting the ground, while the Fuel Bomb needs to raise the gas first. Rank: 9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Leaflet Drop. Class: Unit, Special Air: Disable. Ability: Disables enemy concentration. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 6:00 minutes. Usage: Not so great. He would be better then the EMP Pulse if his range would be bigger. Nice in a battle, else he's just a waste. Rank: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Spectre Gunship. Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: Flies around an area for 15 seconds while bombing with Howitzers and Gattling Cannons. Can change position in the certain area where deployed. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: A great plane, but too bad he only flies around for 15 seconds. Long enough to destroy a main building, if not shot out of the air. Rank: 7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination USA: Paladin = 1. Stealth Fighter = 1. A10 Strike Level 3 = 3. Fuel Bomb --> MOAB = 1. Spectre Gunship = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.1 China =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Red Guard Training. Class: Special, Unit Training. Ability: Red Guards start as Veterans. GP Level: 1. Deployed: Barracks. Usage: Not good. Still weak against tanks and buildings. Rank: 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Nuke Cannon. Class: Unit, Tank. Ability: Artillery weapon. Cannot be shot out of the air. GP Level: 1. Deployed: War Factory, $1600, after Propaganda Center is build. Usage: The best long range weapon, but very expensive and weak. Use on own risk. :D. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Artillery Training. Class: Special, Unit Training. Ability: Nuke and Inferno Cannons start as Veterans. GP Level: 1. Deployed: War Factory. Usage: Combine with Nuke Cannon to get a good result. And that costs 2 GP points. Use instead of Frenzy or Cash Hack. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Cluster Mines. Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: Throw mines at a certain location. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: Upgrade your buildings with mines is better then this. He covers such a small area that it isn't worth it and they can be removed as well. Rank: 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Carpet Bomber. Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: Throw bombs in a line on a certain location. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Command Center, every 2:30 minutes. Usage: Just excellent to destroy enemy troop concentrations. Not good against buildings, because the bombs fall in a line, which means that a few will miss the building. Rank: 8.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Artillery Barrage. Class: Special, Destruction. Ability: Destroy units or buildings with little artillery shells. GP Level: 3. Level 1: 12 shells. Level 2: 24 shells. Level 3: 36 shells. Deployed: Command Center, every 5:00 minutes. Usage: The best against buildings. Works in damage the same as the A10 Strike. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Cash Hack. Class: Special, Money. Ability: Hack money from enemy supply centers. GP Level: 3. Level 1: Hack $1000. Level 2: Hack $2000. Level 3: Hack $4000. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: China is low on money, but it is only once in the 4 minutes. Use instead of the Nuke Cannon. Rank: 6.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. Class: Special, Repair. Ability: Repair your own vehicles. GP Level: 3. Level 1: Small reapir. Level 2: Medium repair. Level 3: Heavy repair. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: See USA. Rank: 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Frenzy. Class: Special, Destruction. Ability: Gives your units extra power for a certain time. GP Level: 3. Level 1: +10% Power for 10 seconds. Level 2: +20% Power for 20 seconds. Level 3: +30% Power for 30 seconds. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: Heavy to use on Overlords, makes them almost invincible. Rank: 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: EMP Pulse. Class: Unit, Special Air: Disable. Ability: Disable enemy tanks and buildings in a quite large area. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 6:00 minutes. Usage: Disables buildings which is nice for Superweapons, but air is taken down when the bomb hits the ground. Great. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination China: Carpet Bomber = 1. Artillery Barrage Level 3 = 3. Cash Hack Level 2` = 2. EMP Pulse = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.3 GLA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Scud Launcher. Class: Unit, Tank. Ability: Artillery weapon. Very strong against buildings. GP Level: 1. Deployed: War Factory, $1200, after Palace is build. Usage: Very strong, but slow, weak and can be shot out of the air. Rank: 6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Marauder Tank. Class: Unit, Tank. Ability: Strong against tanks and buildings. Can upgrade weapon by salvage. GP Level: 1. Deployed: War Factory, $800. Usage: Excellent tank. Can be upgraded with Toxin Shells, which makes them strong against infantry too. Rank: 7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Technical Training. Class: Special, Unit Training. Ability: Technicals start as Veterans. GP Level: 1. Deployed: War Factory. Usage: Worthless, Technicals stay very weak, even as Veterans. Although online, it's nice to rush your enemies, because they get faster. Rank: 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Hijacker. Class: Unit, Infantry. Ability: Can steal enemy vehicles. Is stealth when not moving. Cannot steal Elite or Heroic tanks. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Barracks, $400. Usage: They are very cheap, but very weak too. The GP is a waste of points, when you're Kassad you can use them, because then they're always stealth and you have him from the beginning. Rank: 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rebel Ambush. Class: Special, Reinforcements. Ability: Creates Rebels anywhere on the map. GP Level: 3. Level 1: 4 Rebels. Level 2: 8 Rebels. Level 3: 16 Rebels. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: Nice to capture buildings, but then only with Camouflage upgrade. The Ambushes from the GLA Generals are all better. Rank: 7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Cash Bounty. Class: Special, Money. Ability: Receive money from destroyed enemy units. GP Level: 3. Level 1: 5% enemy's value. Level 2: 10% enemy's value. Level 3: 20% enemy's value. Deployed: Always. Usage: Good to do instead of Ambush. But you don't really need it, Black Markets offer enough money. Rank: 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. Class: Special, Repair. Ability: Repair your own vehicles. GP Level: 3. Level 1: Small reapir. Level 2: Medium repair. Level 3: Heavy repair. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: See USA. Rank: 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Anthrax Bomb. Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: Throws a bomb of anthrax on a certain location. Infantry instantly killed, tanks damaged. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 6:00 minutes. Usage: Never miss this. Very good against a group of enemy units. ` Nice to throw on an airfield. Rank: 9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Sneak Attack. Class: Special. Ability: Creates a Tunnel Network anywhere on the map. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 2:00 minutes. Usage: The best GP. Suprise your enemy and you're victorious. Rank: 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GPS Scrambler. Class: Special. Ability: Make any units on your side stealth in a quite large area. GP Level: 5. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Usage: Stealth Rocket Buggies or Marauders that suprise your enemy. Excellent, right? Combine with Sneak Attack for the best results. Rank: 9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination GLA: Scud Launcher = 1. Marauder Tank = 1. Rebel Ambush Level 2 = 3. Anthrax Bomb = 1. Sneak Attack = 1. GPS Scrambler = 1. + = 7. -----------=-=-=----------- 4.0 Generals GP Upgrades -----------=-=-=----------- Now for the additional generals. Am I going to give 9 of same rows as above? No, because most of the GP's stay the same. I'll give "Upgrades" and "Downgrades" upon the normal race. "Upgrades" are new GP's or upgrades from the original GP. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I'll only give the changes, so when the rank doesn't change for example, you can search at the normal race. But sometimes deployment won't change as well. This is then the exact same as the normal race. Sometimes even only the Usage changes. This means that that particular General has the exact same GP, but he can use it different because of his own abilities. I hope you can understand this. "Downgrades" are GP's that aren't available anymore, because the general starts with it or can't use it. Or Downgrades are GP's that go up in GP Level, from 3 to 5 for example, which means that you get them later. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.1 USA Superweapon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Leaflet Drop. GP Level: 5 --> 3. Usage: This doesn't make him better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Spectre Gunship. GP Level: 5 --> 3 and 5. Level 1 (GP 3): 15 seconds. Level 2 (GP 3): 30 seconds. Level 3 (GP 5): 45 seconds. Usage: Better indeed. Although you don't need it at 45 seconds. Why? The Gunship only covers a little area, and 30 seconds will be enough to clear the most. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paladin: No tanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination USA Superweapons: Stealth Fighter = 1. A10 Strike Level 3 = 3. Spectre Gunship Level 2 = 2. Fuel Bomb --> MOAB = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.2 USA Laser =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No upgrades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paladin: No tanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination USA Laser: Stealth Fighter = 1. Pathfinder = 1. A10 Strike Level 3 = 3. Fuel Bomb --> MOAB = 1. Spectre Gunship = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.3 USA Airforce =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Spectre Gunship. GP Level: 5 --> 3 and 5. Level 1 (GP 3): 15 seconds. Level 2 (GP 3): 30 seconds. Level 3 (GP 5): 45 seconds. Usage: See USA Superweapon. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. GP Level: 3 --> 1 and 3. Level 1 (GP 1): Small repair. Level 2 (GP 3): Medium repair. Level 3 (GP 3): Heavy repair Usage: Hm. Only the Level changed. Stays worthless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paladin: No tanks. Stealth Fighter: Initial acquired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination USA Airforce: Pathfinder = 1 A10 Strike Level 3 = 3. Spectre Gunship Level 2 = 2. Fuel Bomb --> MOAB = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.4 China Tank =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Battlemaster Training. Class: Special, Unit Training. Ability: Battlemasters start as Elite. GP Level: 1. Deployed: war Factory. Usage: Not to be forgotten when playing with Kwai. Maybe you want to give more priority to Emperors, but Elite Battlemasters can't be taken by Hijackers, so you should definitly use it against Kassad. But in combination with Auto-Loaders. Rank: 9.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. GP Level: 3 --> 1 and 3. Level 1 (GP 1) Small repair. Level 2 (GP 3) Medium repair. Level 3 (GP 3) Heavy repair Usage: See USA Airforce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Tank Drop. Class: Unit, Special Air: Reinforcements. Ability: Drop Battlemasters anywhere on the map. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Level 1: 1 Battlemaster. Level 2: 2 Battlemasters. Level 3: 4 Battlemasters. Usage: Great, but this time a waste of GP points. Only 1, 2 or 4 Battlemasters. In battle it's great, but that's all. By the way, the planes can be shot out of the air. Rank: 5.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nuke Cannon: No artillery. Artillery Training: No artillery. Cash Hack: Tank Drop instead of Cash Hack. Carpet Bomb: GP Level 3 --> 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination China Tank: Battlemaster Training = 1. Artillery Barrage Level 3 = 3. Frenzy Level 1 = 1. Carpet Bomber = 1. EMP Pulse = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.5 China Infantry =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mini-Gunner Training. Class: Special, Unit Training. Ability: Mini-Gunners start as Elite. GP Level: 1. Deployed: Barracks. Usage: The same as with Kwai, don't forget this. Getting much stronger and with Patriotism and Chain Guns they get very strong against tanks too. But most important, enemy tanks can't squash them. Rank: 9.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Frenzy. GP Level: 3 --> 1 and 3. Level 1 (GP 1): +10% Power for 10 seconds. Level 2 (GP 3): +20% Power for 20 seconds. Level 3 (GP 3): +30% Power for 30 seconds. Usage: Depends if you want to use it, the first level is now very good for rushing your enemy. Rank: 7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Infantry Paradrop. Class: Unit, Special Air: Reinforcements. Ability: Drop Mini-Gunners anywhere on the map. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes. Level 1: 5 Mini-Gunners. Level 2: 10 Mini-Gunners. Level 3: 15 Mini-Gunners. Usage: Great, but a lot of other GP's are great here too. Watch below what I think is the best. Your choice, but combine with Mini-Gunner Training, or else they'll be very weak. Rank: 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red Guard Training: Mini-Gunners replaced Red Guards, Cash Hack: Infantry Paradrop instead of Cash Hack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination China Infantry: Mini-Gunner Training = 1. Carpet Bomber = 1. Artillery Barrage Level 2 = 2. Infantry Paradrop Level 2 = 2. EMP Pulse = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.6 China Nuclear =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Nuke Bomber. Class: Unit, Special Air: Destruction. Ability: Throw nukebombs in a line on a certain location. GP Level: 3. Deployed: Command Center, every 2:30 minutes. Usage: The same as Carpet Bomber, but then more powerful. That says all I think. Becomes better against buildings. Rank: 9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. GP Level: 3 --> 1 and 3. Level 1 (GP 1) Small repair. Level 2 (GP 3) Medium repair. Level 3 (GP 3) Heavy repair Usage: See USA Airforce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nuke Cannon: Initial acquired. Carpet Bomber: Nuke Bomber replaced Carpet Bomber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination China Nuclear: Artillery Training = 1. Nuke Bomber = 1. Artillery Barrage Level 3 = 2. Frenzy or Cash Hack Level 1 = 2. EMP Pulse = 1. + = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.7 GLA Toxin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rebel Ambush. Class: Special, Reinforcements. Ability: Creates Toxin Rebels anywhere on the map. Level 1: 4 Toxin Rebels. Level 2: 8 Toxin Rebels. Level 3: 16 Toxin Rebels. Usage: This ambush is a bit better. Not for building capture this time, because they aren't stealth in any way, but throw them in the middle of enemy infantry or tanks. Just watch the show. But make sure you've Anthrax Gamma. Rank: 8.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hijacker: No stealth. GPS Scrambler: No stealth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination GLA Toxin: Scud Launcher = 1. Marauder Tank = 1. Rebel Ambush Level 3 = 3. Anthrax Bomb = 1. Sneak Attack = 1. = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.8 GLA Demolition =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rebel Ambush. Usage: Yes that's right. Nothing changed. Why is it so much better then? Juhziz has the Suicide upgrade, which gives any unit the ability to suicide himself. Ambush becomes this good because if you use it on a Superweapon or Commmand Center and then suicide, he could be destroyed. Best is to explode 15 Rebels and shoot with the last one. Excellent suprise attack. Rank: 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hijacker: No stealth. GPS Scrambler: No stealth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination GLA Demolition: Scud Launcher = 1. Marauder Tank = 1. Rebel Ambush Level 3 = 3. Anthrax Bomb = 1. Sneak Attack = 1. = 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.9 GLA Stealth =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------- Upgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GPS Scrambler. GP Level: 5 --> 3. Deployed: Command Center, every 4:00 minutes --> every 3:00 minutes. Usage: This is really great. At Level 3 + 3:00 countdown = more units stealth. No raise in rank though, the GP stays the same. Just for the info, in the game they still say 4:00 minutes, but I tested this with the Scud Storm timer, it's 3:00. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Emergency Repair. GP Level: 3 --> 1 and 3. Level 1 (GP 1): Small repair. Level 2 (GP 3): Medium repair. Level 3 (GP 3): Heavy repair Usage: See USA Airforce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Downgrades ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scud Launcher: No tanks. Marauder: No tanks. Hijacker: Initial acquired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best combination GLA Stealth: GPS Scrambler = 1. Rebel Ambush Level 3 = 3. Cash Bounty Level 1 = 1. Anthrax Bomb = 1. Sneak Attack = 1. = 7. -----------=-=-=----------- 5.0 Credits -----------=-=-=----------- - I thank Electronic Arts for creating and publishing this game. - Further more i'm thanking myself for creating this FAQ. If there are any questions, improvements, additional info or info I forgot, get in this list my mailing me at: arnomiddelkoop_1@hotmail.com Yours truly, Arno Middelkoop