Starcraft: Brood War Unit Quotes Guide Version 1.6 Written by: El Sabotender Table o' Contents I. Version History II. Introduction III. Legal Stuff IV. Heroes and Special Units V. Regular Units VI. Recognition VII. Contact Information I. Version History v. 1.6 - 6/27/2003 - Finally got the German Observer quote, along with some others. v. 1.5 - 5/05/2003 - More quotes for the Observer. v. 1.4 - 4/04/2003 - Yes, I am still updating. Got 2 more quotes for the Wraith. v. 1.3 - 3/17/2003 - Quotes for the Corsair identified. I wanna reiterate that I'm looking for anyone who has Brood War and can help translate one of the Observer's quotes, the German ad for Warcraft. If you could provide the German text, the translation, or both, I would appreciate it. v. 1.2 - 2/27/2003 - A couple of quotes identified. v. 1.1 - 2/14/2003 - Couple of minor mistakes I missed, including my e-mail address... heh... v. 1.0 - 2/13/2003 - Initial release. Full of mistakes and errors, I know. II. Introduction Hey there, I'm El Sabotender, and this would be my first-ever FAQ. I got the idea for this guide from MunkiBleedsGreen, and his fabulous Warcraft III Unit Quote Guide. Since Blizzard's two earlier RTS games, Starcraft and Warcraft II, also have these "pissed off" quotes built into them, I felt the need to document them. III. Legal Stuff This Guide is copyright (c) 2003 El Sabotender. You can use it if you'd like, just give me credit, will ya? Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo, and all that jazz is copyright (c) Blizzard. IV. Heroes and Special Units --------------------------- -Terran Civilian "I wanna be all I can be." - Old US Army motto. "I tell you what, I think I'll join up." "I'm a little claustrophobic, though." "Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces..." "Eh, what the hell, I need that college money." --------------------------- -Jim Raynor (Marine, Vulture, & Battlecruiser hero) "Hey, quit it!" "What's your problem, man?" "Look, Commander, do you mind?" "I knew I shoulda stayed in bed this morning..." --------------------------- -Sarah Kerrigan (Ghost heroine) "Easily amused, huh?" "Doesn't take a telepath to know what your thinking." "You get off on annoying people, don't you?" "You may have time to play games..." "...but I've got a job to do." --------------------------- -Edmund Duke (Siege Tank & Battlecruiser hero) "Been a general for 15 years..." " I'm takin' orders from a pup." "This Korhal outfit is a mess." "Y'all need some good old-fashioned discipline!" "That's what you need..." --------------------------- -Samir Duran (Ghost hero) *Duran's Infested form also uses these quotes, albiet in a slightly Zerg-ier voice. "Is there a problem?" "Hahahaha! I like your style, friend." "But I think you're getting a little too familiar." "I don't believe we've met." "I am Duran. Who are you?" "I told you my name, it's Duran! Duran!" - as in, the band, Duran Duran. "What's so funny?" "Please, please! Tell me now!" "Is there something I should know?" --------------------------- -Fenix (Zealot & Dragoon hero) "I fear no enemy..." "...for the Khala is my strength!" "I fear not death..." "...for our strength is eternal!" --------------------------- -Tassadar (High Templar & Carrier hero) "Speak quickly, Executor!" "I don't have time for games!" "I was Executor long before you..." " do not try my patience!" --------------------------- -Zeratul (Dark Templar hero) "You have persecuted us for generations..." "...and now you beg us to aid you?" "We will do what me must..." "...but we do it for Aiur, not you. --------------------------- -Artanis (Scout hero) "Explain this odd behavior." "Stop poking me!" - Famous orc "pissed off" quote from Warcraft "What do I look like, an orc?" "This is not Warcraft in Space!" - Before its release, skeptics jokingly referred to Starcraft as "Warcraft in Space" "It's much more... sophisticated!" "I know it's not 3-D!" --------------------------- -Infested Kerrigan "You begin to annoy me, Cerebrate..." "... but DON'T think I need you." "Should you become a nuisance..." "...I'll kill you myself!" --------------------------- V. Regular Units --------------------------- 1) Terran -SCV "Come again, Captain?" "I'm not readin' ya clearly." "You're not from around here, are ya?" "I can't believe they put me in one of these things..." "...and now I gotta put up with this too?" "I told 'em I was claustrophobic! I gotta get outta here!" - see Terran Civilian's quotes "I'm stuck up here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight." --------------------------- -Marine "We gotta move!" "Are you gonna give me orders?" "Oh my God, he's whacked." "I vote we frag this commander." "How do I get out of this chickensh*t outfit?" - from the movie "Aliens" "You want a piece of me, boy?" "If it weren't for these damn neural implants, you'd be a smokin' crater by now." --------------------------- -Firebat "Is something burning?" "(fwoosh) Heh heh, that's what I thought." "I love the smell of napalm." - From "Apocalypse Now", Lt. Col. Kilgore "Nothin' like a good smoke." "You tryin' to get invited to my next barbecue?" "Got any questions about propane?" - from TV's "King of the Hill" "...or propane accessories? - same as above --------------------------- -Ghost "You called down the thunder..." " reap the whirlwind." "Keep it up, I dare ya." "I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors." --------------------------- -Medic "I've already checked you out, Commander." "You want another physical?" "Turn your head and cough." "Ready for your sponge bath?" "His EKG is flat-lining! Give me a de-fib, stat!" "Clear! (bzzt)" "He's dead, Jim." - from Star Trek, "Bones" McCoy --------------------------- -Vulture "Somethin' you wanted?" "I don't have time to f*ck around!" "Ya keep pushin' me, boy..." "...and I'll scrap you along with the aliens!" -------------------- -Siege Tank "(Sings part of Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries')" "I'm about to drop the hammer..." "...and dispense some indiscriminate justice!" "What IS your major malfunction!?" - from "Full Metal Jacket", Gunnery Sargeant Hartman --------------------------- -Goliath "Mil-Spec EE209 on." "(beebeebeep) Checklist protocol initiating." "Running Level 1 diagnostic." "(chaweep) USDA selected." - USDA = United States Department of Agriculture "(beebeep) FDIC approved." - FDIC = Federal Deposit Insurane Corporation. Banks 'n such. "(beebeebeep) Checklist completed... SOB..." - SOB = something not nice... --------------------------- -Wraith "Last transmission breakin' up, come back." "I'm just curious, why am I so good?" - Akirasrevenge credits this quote to Will Smith's character from "Independence Day" "I gotta get me one of these." - same as above "You know who the best starfighter in the Fleet is?" "Yours truly." "Everybody's gotta die sometime, Red." "I AM invincible, that's right." --------------------------- -Dropship "When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful..." "In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device." "To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you." "Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride has come to a full and complete stop." *on a side note, the Dropship pilot's select and action quotes, even her voice and look, are based on the dropship pilot from the movie "Aliens" --------------------------- -Science Vessel "I like the cut of your jib!" "E=MC... d'oh, let me get my notepad..." "Hmm... fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that." "(monkeys screaming in background) Who set all these lab monkeys free!?" "(in high-pitched voice) I think we may have a gas leak!" "(alarm in background) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption!?" "(alarm stops) Ahh... ahh... the ship... out of danger?" - From "Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan", Dr. Spock --------------------------- -Battlecruiser "Identify yourself." "Shields up, weapons online." "Not equipped with shields? Well, then, buckle up!" "We are getting WAY behind schedule." "I REALLY have to go, Number 1." --------------------------- -Valkyrie "This is really interesting... but stupid." "I have ways of blowing things up." "You're being very naughty." "Who's yer mommy?" "Bluha!" - from "Young Frankenstein," every time someone said the character Bluha's name... "(horse neighs)" - ...a horse would neigh. --------------------------- 2) Protoss --------------------------- -Probe -(robot noises, some of it sounds like possible speech) --------------------------- -Zealot "En Taro Adun!" "All for the Empire!" "Doom to all who threaten the Homeworld!" --------------------------- -Dragoon "Unauthorized transmission." "Incorrect protocol." "(beebeep) Drop your weapon, you have 15 seconds to comply." - from "Robocop" "5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. (shoots)" --------------------------- -High Templar "Your thoughts betray you." - from "Star Wars", Luke Skywalker "I see you have an appetite for destruction...." - Guns 'n Roses album, "Appetite for Destruction" "...and you've learned to use your illusion...." - Guns 'n Roses albums, "Use Your Illusion I" and "Use Your Illusion II" "..but I find your lack of control disturbing." - from "Star Wars", Darth Vader --------------------------- -Archon "It all looks so different on this side!" "Break on through." - Griever credits this quote to a song of the same name by The Doors. "It's... beautiful!" "They should've sent a poet." - from the movie "Contact", Jodie Foster's character. --------------------------- -Dark Templar "Your taunts are ill-advised, Templar." "Do not provoke me to violence." "You can no more evade my wrath..." "...than you could your own shadow." --------------------------- -Dark Archon "Must consume!" "Oblivion will take us." "Adun, save me!" "Darkness overpowering..." --------------------------- -Reaver -(robot noises) --------------------------- -Shuttle -(robot noises) --------------------------- -Observer "(kzzt) I sense a soul in search of answers!" - from Diablo I, Adria the Witch "(kzzt) It looked like a... a HUGE, GARGANTUAN... blown bloated mushroom!!" - from Diablo I, Griswold the Blacksmith "(kzzt) One small step for man... one giant (kzzt) STOP POKING ME!!" - first part is quoting Neil Armstrong, second part is an orc "(kzzt) In the age of chaos, two factions battle for dominance." - Part of the Warcraft II Expansion secret music track, "Medieval Man" "(kzzt) (German advertisement for Warcraft II and its expansion pack) - Translation: "Warcraft 2 as an exclusive edition with the expansion set, 4 posters and a spellbook." --------------------------- -Scout "Signal unstable." "..sssssss... psionic link dissipating..." "Adjusting neural transmission." "(super-fast garbled speech)" "..sss ..sss (???) re-engaged." --------------------------- -Carrier "Our enemies are legion..." "...and STILL you procrastinate?" "Command, or you will be relieved." "This is not an idle threat." --------------------------- -Arbiter "We sense a soul in search of answers." - again, from Diablo I, Adria the Witch "Do you seek knowledge of time travel?" "We'll take that as a yes." "And now for your first lesson... heeheeheeheehee..." "(super-fast garbled speech) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?" --------------------------- -Corsair "Look at all the.. pretty lights..." "I wonder what this button does... (beep)" "... I think this is a... big mistake!" "... When the moon... is in the seventh house..." - Blake credits this quote to the song "Age of Aquarius" from the musical "Hair". "... and Jupiter... aligns... wi..." - same as above "Zephram Cochran, is that you?" - Michael Moore says Zephram Cochran is a Star Trek character who "brought the humans to warp travel." "What did you do to your hair?" --------------------------- 3) Zerg --------------------------- -Infested Terran "I am wretched..." "...but I am STRONG!" "I am the future..." "...I am Zerg!" --------------------------- -the quotes for the rest of the Zerg units consist of various angry screams and growls. --------------------------- VI. Recognition - Griever, for the Archon - Blake, for the Corsair - Michael Moore, for the Corsair - Akirasrevenge, for the Wraith - both Andrew Loi and HeroicRenown for the Observer - ffaholix, for the Observer - Daniel Miller, for the Science Vessel - Alex Bataller, for the Firebat --------------------------- VII. Contact Information If you find any mistakes, or know the sources of any quotes, send me a correction at: ---------------------------