COMMAND AND CONQUER: RED ALERT 2 CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGHS By Steven W. Carter ( VERSION 1.0 Last updated on November 22, 2000 DISCLAIMER In the following mission walkthroughs, I'll provide strategies that worked for me using version 1.002 and the normal difficulty setting. For the most part, the focus of the walkthroughs will be to finish each mission as quickly as possible, rather than to provide the full flavor of the game. So, for example, you won't hear me suggest that you use a weather control device when playing the Allies or use a cloning vat when playing the Soviets. Feel free to experiment and develop your own favorite ways to complete each mission. ******************************* * ALLIED CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH * ******************************* Mission 1 (Lone Guardian) ------------------------- Starting Objectives: -- Destroy the Soviet dreadnought fleet. -- Make contact with Fort Bradley. -- Keep Tanya alive. Mid-Mission Objectives: -- Destroy the Soviet supply base. Par Time: -- 10 minutes Walkthrough: Take control of Tanya and immediately have her sink the four dreadnoughts. (Tanya can swim and place C4 charges on boats.) Then have her help out the GI's against the conscripts, both the ones who landed via amphibious assault, and also the ones who will shortly airdrop in. At some point around this time the Statue of Liberty will crumble because you can't do anything about the V3 rockets, and Romanov will brag a little. We'll show him. Undeploy the GI's and move everybody across the bridge to the west. You'll encounter two GI's, and they'll shortly be attacked by some conscripts. Kill the conscripts, undeploy the new GI's, and send everybody northeast. You'll face one more conscript, and then you'll see several conscripts airdrop in near the McBurger Kong restaurant and a gas station. The Soviets will send regular airdrops to this location, and you can foil them all by using your GI's to garrison the two buildings. You don't need the GI's for anything else anyway. Send Tanya southeast into Fort Bradley. As soon as you gain control of the base, have Tanya go back outside the base and then to the north where three veteran grizzly tanks are waiting. Meanwhile, build a barracks, train an engineer, and have the engineer repair the bridge to the south. Send Tanya and the tanks to the Soviet base. Target oil barrels whenever you see them, and they'll kill conscripts and damage structures. Use the tanks to destroy the two sentry guns, and then use the tanks and Tanya to destroy the buildings inside. You only need to destroy the buildings to complete the mission, so you can ignore things like the V3 rocket launchers. Also of Note: There are two crates in the northwestern part of the map: one for improved fire, and one for improved defense. But you don't need them and they'll just slow you down. Mission 2 (Eagle Dawn) ---------------------- Objectives: -- Capture the Soviet-occupied Air Force Academy Chapel. -- Destroy all Soviet forces. -- Keep Tanya alive. Par Time: -- 25 minutes Walkthrough: Do nothing for a couple of seconds and wait for a Soviet patrol of conscripts to show up. Have Tanya kill the conscripts and then move north to the armor-improving crate. Around this time you'll receive several rocketeers. Immediately send them to the southwestern corner of the map where they'll find two veteran rocketeers. Group them all together. They'll be your main fighting force. Meanwhile, send your two veteran GI's to the east. At the eastern side of the map they'll find three trucks guarded by two conscripts. Kill the conscripts and trucks, and you'll get three crates: one for armor, one for rank, and one for money. Send the now elite GI's back to the starting point. Meanwhile again, while the rocketeers and GI's are moving toward their destinations, guide Tanya to the Air Force base. You can just walk her inside if you want; the lone sentry gun in the way won't be powerful enough to kill her. But a better way is to have Tanya swim across the narrow strip of water so she can avoid the guns completely. Target her movement inside the water; otherwise she'll probably try to walk around. Once inside the base, have Tanya destroy the two flak cannons. Once the cannons are gone, you'll receive an airdrop of engineers. Leave them alone, and they'll capture most of the buildings inside the base on their own. Then just use your starting engineers to capture the rest. But before you can get your engineers inside, order your rocketeers to destroy all of the sentry guns. You should also have Tanya destroy the gate on the western side of the base. Now you need to plan your offense and defense. For defense, start building some grizzly tanks, and just let them sit in the middle of your base. Also bring in your two elite GI's and deploy them outside the eastern edge of your base, where a sentry gun once was. Put Tanya behind them. For offense, send your rocketeers north and then east. They'll discover the unguarded back of the Soviet base. Have the rocketeers destroy the two tesla reactors, then the construction yard, and finally the last two tesla reactors. This will completely power down the Soviet base, and it will also cause several Soviet units - including their only two flak tracks - to attack your base. Nothing inside the Soviet base can now even touch your rocketeers, so just have them methodically destroy everything. Meanwhile, use your grizzly tanks to help out Tanya and the GI's against the Soviet attack. For the most part, the Soviet units will target your miner, and they should be easy to kill while they're thus distracted. Also of Note: There is a money crate in the northwestern corner of the map, guarded by a conscript and an attack dog. You can also get several more crates by destroying the civilian buildings on the map. Mission 3 (Hail to the Chief) ----------------------------- Objectives: -- Destroy the Psychic Beacon. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: Retrieve the engineer out of the middle IFV, and then fill the two empty IFV's with GI's. Move the three IFV's to the eastern part of your base, to a little corner area that overlooks the western bridge. Leave them there; they'll obliterate most attacks before they can even get to you. Now take 10 of your GI's and garrison the building closest to the western bridge and then take 10 more GI's and garrison the building closest to the other bridge. Let the other GI's hang out somewhere safe. Use the engineer who was in the IFV, and have him repair the western garrisoned building. Use the other engineer to repair the Jefferson Memorial. You'll receive two crates for the deed: the eastern crate gives money, and the western crate gives rank. So save the western crate for something useful, like a grizzly tank. Meanwhile, get your base going, and then start cranking out grizzly tanks. A few minutes into the mission, you'll receive four IFV's as reinforcements. Run them into your base, repair them if you want to, and then fill them with your leftover GI's. Once you have about 10 grizzly tanks, send them and the four IFV's out to attack the Soviets. Use the eastern bridge out of your base so you don't run into any Soviet attacks. Then just march north along the center of the map. Don't kill everything; just kill tanks and sentry guns that are in the way. Eventually you'll come to the Psychic Beacon. Direct all your units to attack the beacon, and you should have enough firepower to destroy it before the Soviets can take out your attacking force. Also of Note: There are four damaged monuments on the map. Once you build an airforce command headquarters, they'll be revealed. Like the Jefferson Memorial, if you repair them you'll earn some crates. Mission 4 (Last Chance) ----------------------- Objectives: -- Force a shore landing and establish a base. -- Destroy the Psychic Amplifier before it comes on-line. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: Use your rocketeers to take out the two grand cannons. Then move in your destroyers for a shore bombardment. There will be enemy submarines around, so be careful and watch for them. Once you've cleared out the shore defenses, move in your amphibious transports and establish a base. I suggest deploying your MCV southwest of the enemy shore base, near the tesla reactors. From there you can watch two police cars get nailed by Soviet tesla troopers. Be careful when you start your base. You can either destroy the Soviet structures, or you can capture them with your engineers (if you're quick enough). But if your units attack the Soviet miner when it unloads at the ore refinery, then Soviet forces will attack you. Otherwise they'll leave you be. Also, when you deploy your MCV, a timer will start. You'll have 50 minutes to destroy the Psychic Amplifier. Not long after that, you'll receive four move amphibious transports filled with GI's and grizzly tanks. You now have a sizeable force, so attack! Up the ramp north of your base you'll find a damaged building garrisoned by Soviet conscripts. Attack the building until the conscripts have to abandon it, and then kill the conscripts. Next head northwest to the intersection and destroy the Soviet forces you find plus the flak cannon. Then cross the nearby bridge and destroy another flak cannon. It doesn't matter if your attack force survives or not, because during the attack you'll receive several rocketeers in reinforcements. Use them in conjunction with your starting four rocketeers to attack the Psychic Amplifier, which you should have uncovered when you crossed the bridge. Attack from the north to stay away from any Soviet flak tracks that might be lurking about. Your rocketeer force should be able to destroy the amplifier easily. Mission 5 (Dark Night) ---------------------- Objectives: -- Infiltrate the Soviet battle lab. -- Neutralize the two Soviet nuclear missile silos. -- Keep Tanya alive. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: Select your spies and have them take on the appearance of one of the nearby Soviet units. Then have Tanya walk over and kill those Soviet units. There will be Soviet patrols in the area, so be careful when you walk Tanya around. (It's a good idea to keep a finger on the S key so you can stop her right away when you see an enemy.) Move Tanya north to the Soviet base. There will be two tesla coils out front. Tanya can destroy the eastern one by shooting the barrels next to it, and then destroy the western one by just walking to it and planting a C4 charge. (Tanya can take a hit from a tesla coil without dying.) Then have Tanya enter the base a little and take out all the nearby infantry and attack dog units. Move one of your spies into an exposed tesla reactor, and Tanya cwill be able to destroy the remaining four tesla coils in the base. Start with the eastern ``inside'' coil, shoot the barrels next to the western coil, and then shoot the barrels next to the two exit coils. If you can't get all of this done in a minute, then use another spy in a reactor to give Tanya more time. (When you use your three spies, you'll receive another three in reinforcements, so feel free to use them liberally.) Now you should be able to move one of your spies into the battle lab. When that happens, the map will enlarge to show two more Soviet bases. Each one has a nuclear silo in it, and each one also has its own power grid. That means if you want to shut down power to one of the bases, you'll have to get your spy into a tesla reactor in that base, and not just any tesla reactor. Head towards the northeastern Soviet base. Cross over the bridge and notice that the entrance to the base has a tesla coil plus patrols of conscripts and attacks dogs behind it. You can head straight in if you want, but it's a little tricky to destroy the tesla coil and still kill the nearby dogs. So instead head west along the southern edge of the base. You'll find some barrels against the wall, and shooting them will give you access to the base. Inside you'll find the nuclear silo surrounded by a fence, but once again there will be barrels nearby. So dispatch the silo and the pesky patrols, and then exit the base the way you came. Head west and skirt south around the eastern edge of the remaining Soviet base. Have a spy follow discretely behind because you'll need him for this base. Eventually, you'll come to a farm, and west of the farm will be a ramp leading to the base. Once again you'll find barrels next to a wall, so blow them up and kill the nearby conscripts and attack dogs. Then have your spy infiltrate the closest tesla reactor. That will allow Tanya to waltz into the base and blow up the last nuclear silo. Also of Note: You can rescue various units during the mission. East of your position are three GI's, north of your starting position are three cows (shoot the barrels by their pen), and south of the northwestern Soviet base are four GI's and a grizzly tank. The cows are the most fun, of course. If you rescue them, you can control their movement and have them scout the map for you. But be careful; Soviet attack dogs like to eat them. Mission 6 (Liberty) ------------------- Objectives: -- Reinforce and assume command of Allied forces at the Pentagon. -- Destroy all Soviet forces in Washington. Par Time: -- 50 minutes Walkthrough: It's difficult but not impossible to keep all of your prism towers intact during the first few attacks by the Soviets. You'll have to be quick to repair them, and you'll have to manually target them so they attack tanks rather than infantry, but it can be done. It's also helpful to sell the wall segments behind the eastern pillbox so it can fire at infantry units that get behind it, and so other pillboxes aren't obstructed. Once your forces arrive, move your MCV down the ramp west of your base and deploy it on the coast next to the resource patch. Then set up one refinery there and another southwest of the Pentagon near the resources there. Move half the infantry you receive into a building next to your construction yard, and move the other half to help defend the eastern part of your base. Almost every attack will come from the east. Once your base is set up and you're happy with your eastern defenses (don't forget extra patriot missile embankments to foil V3 rockets), send a dozen GI's north along the western edge of the map. They'll come to a bridge, and on the western side of the bridge will be a hospital and a house. Garrison the house, and send engineers to fix the house and claim the hospital. The hospital isn't very useful in itself, but it will allow you to build a barracks nearby and also some defensive structures if you want them there. The infantry in the house and some more deployed next to it should be all you need to defend yourself from attacks across the bridge. Now build a dozen rocketeers at the northern barracks and send them east. The Soviets have absolutely no air defenses east of the bridge, and that is the area they use for resource mining. Your rocketeers should be able to kill two refineries, some miners and various other units. Don't have the rocketeers explore too far to the southeast, though, or they'll hit one of the main Soviet bases, and they'll encounter air defenses there. For now just leave your rocketeers in the area to harass whatever enemies wander by. Meanwhile, crank out lots of grizzly tanks and send them out in groups of 20 or more to inflict major damage on the Soviets. If you send them east across the bridge, they'll find a small Brown base, and they should be able to take out the construction yard and some other buildings in the first try, and then take out the rest of the base in the second. Note that when you destroy the construction yard, barracks, and war factory, the Soviets will sell everything and attack you with what remains. Since you'll be in the area with tanks, go on a squash-fest and kill most of the conscripts that way. Now you can move on to the Red Soviet base. It should be hurting a little because you've taken out their miners, and you can just pound it with grizzlies until it's dead. Also of Note: This map should look a little familiar since you played most of it during mission 3, and the same rules apply here as in that mission. If you repair a monument, you'll receive some crates. Mission 7 (Deep Sea) -------------------- Objectives: -- Destroy all Soviet forces. Mid-Mission objectives: -- Destroy all Soviet forces on or around the Hawaiian islands. Par Time: -- 70 minutes Walkthrough: This is a short and easy mission - if you know the trick. You start out with most of your base already in place, so right away you can start constructing military units. And that's exactly what you should do. Queue up half a dozen destroyers, and change the rally point for your naval yard to the choke point south of your airforce command headquarters. Move your three existing destroyers to the same place, and ignore your other ships. You'll be attacked at the choke point by submarines, scorpions, and dreadnoughts. Target and destroy a submarine, then target and destroy a scorpion while your planes regenerate, and then repeat. Don't forget to repair your pillboxes in the area so they can help out. Meanwhile, you should train a dozen rocketeers and send them to the allied base. The allied base won't last very long against the Soviet dreadnoughts, and the large supply of barrels in the base will only help the Soviets out. Once the allied base goes down, the Soviets will transport in an MCV and start building its own base. But if you have several rocketeers in the area, you can destroy the construction yard right away, plus any other buildings the Soviets manage to put up. Since the objective will change so you only need to kill the Soviet units and structures on that island, the mission will essentially be over. You just have to mop up the few tanks, conscripts and transports on the island to finish the mission, and the Soviets will even help you out by moving their units off the island (to attack you) once the buildings are gone. Also of Note: If you don't destroy the Soviet base while it's forming, the Soviets will eventually build a nuclear silo, and you'll have to deal with nuclear blasts every ten minutes. In this mission, and every other mission, the Soviets will always target your war factory with their nukes. Conveniently, you don't start with a war factory in your base, and so when you construct one you can put it somewhere by itself. Also, there is an airport on the northern island. If you have to assault the Soviet island, it's useful to take the airport so your can airdrop in GI's to help out. The Soviets don't seem to attack the airport, but it's still a good idea to garrison one of the buildings next to it, just to be safe. Mission 8 (Free Gateway) ------------------------ Objectives: -- Destroy the Soviet Psychic Beacon (within 20 minutes). -- Destroy the Soviet forces in St. Louis. -- Don't get Tanya killed. Par Time: -- 60 minutes Walkthrough: It's a good idea to group like units together for this first part of the mission. For example, have Tanya be group 1, your engineers group 2, and your GI's group 3. Then have Tanya lead the way, with the engineers next, and the GI's protecting the rear. You'll face quite a few enemy units on the way to the beacon, and it's useful to keep your engineers alive. (The engineers don't do anything critical, but they'll be worth 6000 credits if they survive.) Send your units west and then up a ramp. Follow the street to the southwest. You'll end up pretty close to the beacon. Deploy your GI's north of the hospital (so they can see the resource patch), leave one engineer behind them, and send the other engineer to the southern edge of the map, near the middle. There he'll find a damaged war factory, and when he repairs it you'll get to keep it. Plus the timer will reset to 20 minutes (not that you'll need the extra time). Meanwhile, have Tanya assault the beacon compound. The compound is walled with gates on the north and south sides, but there are barrels near the northern gate, allowing Tanya to get inside. Have Tanya shoot the barrels and then destroy the two remaining tesla reactors on the northern half. That will shut down the guarding tesla coils, and you can now send Tanya to the southern side to destroy the other two reactors, plus the coil there. Then have her go back north and destroy the two coils and two flak cannons guarding the beacon. Finally, use your remaining engineer to capture the beacon. You'll automatically sell off the beacon for 3000 credits, plus you'll also receive five GI's. When you capture or destroy the beacon, three things will happen: Citizens will stop attacking you, and many will start walking towards the arch. So when you keep hearing that your units are getting killed, don't panic. It's just the citizens. On the good side, they'll explore a lot of the map for you, and you'll get an indication about where the main Soviet base is. You'll receive reinforcements, including an MCV, prism tanks, grizzly tanks, and GI's. A crate will appear next to the arch. It's worth 10,000 credits. But this is important: if you save your game after eliminating the beacon but before taking the crate, the crate will no longer be there when you load. So only save after taking the crate. Start building up your base, and get a battle lab up as soon as possible so you can start cranking out prism tanks. Meanwhile, let your elite GI's and Tanya creep forward into the nearby resource patch. They'll be able to kill just about everything that comes out of the enemy base, and they'll be able to knock out enemy miners, too. The potential problem is if the Soviets wise up and send a V3 rocket launcher at them. That almost never happens, but if it does, retreat your units out of the way, and then have Tanya attack the launcher to scare it away. She'll probably get hit by fire from the sentry guns, but she can take a few shots from them. Once you have about ten prism tanks, send them against the Soviet base. Prism tanks are good at fighting infantry units and buildings, and that's mostly what you'll face. Plus, with their long range, they'll rarely get hurt. Your ten tanks should be able to destroy the Soviet base with no problems. Also of Note: Besides the war factory you can capture, there is also an ore refinery. Mission 9 (Sun Temple) ---------------------- Objectives: -- Capture or destroy any Soviet attempts to replicate our prism technology. -- Eradicate the Soviet base defending their research site. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: Send your seals west along the road. They'll come to a little hut village with lots of conscripts and attack dogs in it. Kill the enemies and then notice the two prisons filled with freedom fighters along the southern edge of the village. Kill the guarding conscripts, and the freedom fighters (GI's and grizzly tanks) will join your cause. You'll also receive five engineers and a helicopter. Divide your GI's into two groups and use them to garrison a pair of huts to keep Soviet patrols off your back. Send one of the engineers to the northwestern corner where you'll find an airfield. Capture the airfield so you'll receive more help as the mission progresses. Then send your tanks, seals, and remaining engineers to the eastern entrance of the enemy base. There is a lone sentry gun guarding the entrance, and your grizzly tanks should be able to dispatch it quickly. Then send in a seal to shoot the attack dogs, and also shoot the barrels along the northern wall of the base. The resulting explosions will take out a few enemy units. Move the rest of your seals and tanks into the base, and then send in two engineers. One engineer should capture the mayan pyramid (a really fast and powerful prism tower) and the other should capture the tesla reactor next to it. Once the pyramid stops killing Soviet units, manually direct it to kill any nearby buildings (such as the barracks). Now you can use one seal to creep south and kill all the infantry units and attack dogs near the second mayan pyramid and the nearby tesla reactors. Then send your remaining two engineers to capture the pyramid and a reactor. Be careful of the Soviet miners when you capture the pyramid; they can kill engineers pretty quickly. At this point, half of the Soviet base should be gone, and all of the tesla coils should be unpowered. So use a seal again to start destroying more buildings and killing more units. The only potential problem now is the pair of sentry guns at the western entrance to the base. Your tanks won't be able to kill these alone. Instead, have your tanks attack the guns, and when the guns target the tanks, use a seal to run in and plant a C4 charge. Also of Note: You'll receive two more seals and another engineer in reinforcements during the mission. Mission 10 (Mirage) ------------------- Objectives: -- Ensure the safety of Professor Einstein's laboratory. -- Destroy all Soviet forces. Par Time: -- 60 minutes Walkthrough: The mission will start with Einstein showing off his latest creation - the mirage tank. When you gain control, leave the mirage tanks where they are. They'll be in a pretty good place to protect Einstein's lab from V3 rocket launchers. Plus they'll defeat the first attack on his lab all by themselves. The unit to move is the MCV currently in your base. Send it over to Einstein's lab and deploy it to the south. Then you can build an ore refinery west of it to take advantage of the nearby resources. Not long into the mission, three allied bases to the northeast will be overrun, and new Soviet bases will start up in their place. They'll first attack you rather than Einstein, so get your defenses up quickly. Set up defensive positions to the north and to the east of your base, with a little bit of space between your base and the positions so you have room to maneuver. Start out with deployed GI's and then eventually add in prism towers and patriot missile embankments. Then it's just a matter of building up your base and building prism tanks. Once you have about a dozen prism tanks, send them out to attack the Soviets. Keep building prism tanks while you attack, and keep re-supplying your attack force. It shouldn't take long to finish off the three enemy bases. Also of Note: There is a tech outpost along the western edge of the map. If you capture it, you can put an ore refinery next to it to take advantage of the nearby resource patch. Mission 11 (Fallout) -------------------- Objectives: -- Build a chronoshpere. -- Neutralize the Soviet nuclear threat in Cuba. Par Time: -- 80 minutes Walkthrough: This mission is a little bit annoying because your base is all over the place, and you need to do a lot of things at once so that you can defend it. As soon as you gain control, do the following as quickly as possible: 1. Start building destroyers. Squids and subs, not to mention scorpions, are going to visit you quickly, and you'll need to be prepared. 2. Send 10 GI's east of your base to the easternmost building, and garrison it. If you don't, the Soviets will airdrop in some conscripts, and they'll garrison the building instead. 3. Train a seal, and send him and five GI's southwest over the bridge to protect the refinery. Put the GI's in the light tower, and let the seal stand next to it. 4. Train another seal and camp him along the southern edge of your main base. A couple of dreadnoughts will visit after a few minutes, and a seal is the easiest way to kill them. You might also want to put 2-3 patriot missile embankments along the southern edge of your base to protect against dreadnought missiles. 5. Build a pillbox and place it north of the pillbox already guarding your northwestern refinery. Then build a barracks and place it southeast of the refinery. Finally, train a half dozen or so GI's and deploy them around the two pillboxes. One of the first airdrops by the Soviets will be five terror drones in the resource patch north of the refinery, and you need the pillboxes and GI's the protect the miner. Also, when you see the airdrop coming, move the miner out of the way until the drones are all dead. Drones move faster than the miner, so keep an eye open. 6. Train ten GI's and deploy them in front of the northern bridge leading to your base. Lots of attacks will come from across the bridge, so you need to keep the area well defended. Eventually, you can sprawl your base so you can include a pillbox or two in the defense, but don't use prism towers at the bridge. The prism towers will break the bridge, and you don't want to mess up a perfectly good kill zone. If you can do all that while fending off Soviet attacks, then you'll be in good shape. With three refineries going, you'll have plenty of credits coming in, and that will allow you to quickly build up your base, while also continuing to build destroyers and dolphins. When you place your war factory, remember to keep it by itself. About 10 minutes into the mission, the second (southern) half of the map will be revealed, and you'll find out that Cuba has three nuclear silos that you need to destroy. It's possible to disable the nukes before the Soviets can fire, but it's better to be safe with your war factory rather than sorry. Once you have a sizeable force of destroyers and dolphins, send them south to claim the sea. Start at the western side of the enemy coast and proceed east. While you're attacking the enemy squids, subs, and scorpions, start cranking out aircraft carriers, and send them to the western coast where they should be safe. Once you've cleared the sea, and once you have three aircraft carriers, it's time to make some air strikes. First target the nuclear reactor in the southwestern corner of the map. It has two flak cannons next to it, but enough of your planes will get through to eventually destroy it. Then target the barrels on the western side of the Soviet base. There won't be any flak cannons in that area, so the attack run should go smoothly. When the barrels blow, they'll take the other nuclear reactor out with them (plus a lot of the Soviet base) and the nuclear strike countdown will freeze. In fact, the Soviet base will now be without power, so you just need to target the three nuclear silos to finish the threat. And, oh yes, at some point you should build a chronoshpere. You can use the chronosphere if you want, but it's much easier to use sea strikes since you have to build a fleet anyway. Also of Note: There are two oil derricks along the western edge of your island. You have to be reasonably quick in order to capture them, because the Soviets will eventually destroy the derricks even if they're unclaimed. If you decide to make the effort, take about a dozen GI's and walk them carefully to the area. You'll find lots of crocodiles along the way, and it's best to clear them all out so you can just tell units to walk to the oil derricks rather than guiding them manually around the crocodiles. Mission 12 (Chrono Storm) ------------------------- Objectives: -- Clear the area so chrono reinforcements can arrive. -- Eliminate Romanov's Elite Black Guard around the Kremlin. Par Time: -- 90 minutes Walkthrough: Immediately have one of your seals destroy the tesla reactor in the center of the base. That's all you have to do for the first objective. Now that the base is ``clear'' you'll start receiving reinforcements. In total you'll get an MCV, 8 grizzly tanks, 10 IFV's, and 4 prism tanks. Deploy the MCV in the center of the base where the reactor was, and then start building your base. You might want to destroy the fencing around the construction yard so you have more land to build on. Don't use the seals to destroy the leftover tesla coils. It's quicker to use the seals, but instead use GI's. Start with the GI's you can free in the northern part of the base, and then add to them after you build a barracks. When a GI destroys a tesla coil, it'll automatically jump to elite status, and you can get several elite GI's for free this way. Keep training GI's, and after the tesla coils are gone, garrison the four bunkers outside your base, and also garrison a building outside the western entrance to your base. Send your 8 grizzly tanks to the northern exit; they can guard that area until you get your base set up and are ready to attack. Use your four prism tanks to help out defending the western entrance, and leave all of your IFV's next to your construction yard. Every so often the Soviets will send a kirov airship to attack your construction yard, and you'll need to intercept it before it gets there. You might want to sprinkle some patriot missile embankments around also. As soon as you have a barracks, train two engineers and use them plus your starting two engineers to capture the four oil derricks in your base. With those four derricks plus a refinery with two miners, you'll have plenty of credits to play with. When you're ready to build a war factory, first build a power plant and place it a couple squares north of your construction yard, and then place the war factory north of that so the war factory is in the northern corner of the base all by itself. You're going to have to face at least one nuclear blast, and the Soviets will target your war factory. Also, since you know what the Soviets are going to target, as soon as they launch a nuke, immediately sell your war factory. Selling and then rebuilding your war factory will cost the same amount as sending a spy to reset the nuclear strike clock, and it's easier to do. The bunkers and garrisoned buildings are really the only defenses you'll need. If you erect prism towers and pillboxes, the Soviets will destroy them when they use the iron curtain, but the bunkers are tough. Keep an engineer near them at all times, and when their health drops to yellow (or even before then) send your engineer in to repair the bunker. The Soviets aren't very good at using the iron curtain - they'll often protect a single tank with it - and so you won't have to use an engineer very often. Sending spies in to reset the iron curtain clock is just a waste of time. Your base might start getting a little crowded, so it's time to go on the offensive. Use the grizzly tanks at the northern end of your base to sweep east and then south. They'll encounter a sentry gun for sure, and maybe a couple other Soviet units. They'll also discover an airport and two more oil derricks. Go ahead and capture the three buildings, even if you don't need them, just so you'll have extra space to build. Finally the grizzly tanks will find a Soviet outpost, and they should stop there and not attack. The outpost has two tesla coils in it, and the tanks will have problems getting to the coils because of the walls enclosing the outpost. You'll lose your tanks if you attack, so just leave the tanks near the oil derricks and garrison a building nearby for extra defense. (If you really want to attack the outpost now, rather than waiting for enough prism tanks to do the job, then train about 20 GI's and have them simultaneously garrison the two buildings between your base and the outpost. They'll be in range of the coils, and once the coils are history, they'll also be extra defense for your base since they'll take out anything that exits the outpost and tries to move towards your base.) Once you have a battle lab up, build a half dozen chrono legionnaires. While they're training, get a spy satellite up and find the six nuclear reactors employed by the Soviets (two along the eastern edge of the map, and four at the southern edge). Every single one of the reactors is defenseless to legionnaire attack. Go ahead and take down the eastern reactors with whatever legionnaires you have trained, but wait for all six to be ready before you go to the southern reactors. There are war factories and barracks near the southern reactors, and it's possible for Soviet units to wander by while you're removing the reactors, so it's best to have several legionnaires so they can remove the reactors and deal with enemies at the same time. Once the six reactors are history, the Soviet bases will all power down, and the timers for the iron curtain and nuclear strike will stop. Your legionnaires will now basically be useless. You can play with them and see how much of the Soviet base they can destroy before being killed (a lot), but they'll get killed against Romanov's elite apocalypse tanks, and so they can't help you there. To get to Romanov, you can pick your attack style, but I used prism tanks. Prism tanks are just too much fun to ignore for a job like this. But before building your attack force, first train a spy and infiltrate an enemy war factory. The one in the outpost east of your base might have attack dogs near it, but the one on the western side of the map usually doesn't. Then with a dozen or so veteran prism tanks, start marching south towards the Kremlin. It should be a slaughter, and by the time you get to Romanov's personal forces, most of your prism tanks should have reached elite status, making the final battle a slaughter as well. Simply destroy Romanov's four apocalypse tanks, plus the pairs of flak cannons and sentry guns guarding the Kremlin (but not the Kremlin itself), and the mission will be over. ******************************* * SOVIET CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH * ******************************* Mission 1 (Red Dawn) -------------------- Objectives: -- Destroy the Pentagon. Par Time: -- 15 minutes Walkthrough: You don't need much in the way of strategy for this mission. You'll start with enough units, and gain enough reinforcements along the way, that you can simply overwhelm the Allied defenses and march your way right to the Pentagon without stopping. But just in case. Deploy your MCV where it stops, and then build a tesla reactor and a barracks. You don't need an ore refinery for this mission, but you can build one if you really want to. Once your barracks is complete, train an engineer and send him to follow your conscripts. Speaking of your conscripts, immediately march them northeast. They'll come across three deployed GI's at an intersection, and then more GI's in a small Allied base. Simply storm the GI's with your conscripts and kill them with concentrated fire. There is a broken bridge northwest of the Allied base, so send in your engineer to fix it. Combine your conscripts with the reinforcements you'll receive, and then cross the bridge. You'll find an Allied defensive position with two pillboxes and a few deployed GI's. Split up your conscripts into two groups and have them garrison the two nearby buildings. Once the Allied defensive position is history, empty the buildings and enter this second Allied base. You'll find a few deployed GI's, but they'll be no match for your army of conscripts. Ignore the airport in the base; you'll finish the mission well before you can get an airdrop. Lastly, as before, when you receive reinforcements, add them to your attack force. Now head towards the Pentagon to the northeast. You'll have to fight through four pillboxes and a few GI's to get there, but you should have more than enough conscripts to blow right through them. When you get to the Pentagon, you'll receive even more reinforcements, including over a dozen rhino tanks. You won't need them. Just have your attack force target each of the five Pentagon sub-buildings, and the mission will end when you've destroyed them all. Also of Note: There are a slew of trucks on the map that you can destroy for useful crates. Their locations are: in the drive-in parking lot (firepower), in the parking lot northeast of the Iwo Jima Victory Memorial (money), in the parking lot northwest of the drive-in (armor), at the docks east of your base (rank and speed), in the parking lot past the broken bridge northwest of the second Allied base (speed). Also, if you repair the bridge northwest of the second Allied base, and travel past the bridge, you'll receive four rhino tanks in reinforcements. Mission 2 (Hostile Shore) ------------------------- Objectives: -- Force a landing and set up a base. -- Destroy all enemy forces. Par Time: -- 35 minutes Walkthrough: Watch the dreadnought smack the Allied coastal defenses, and then take charge of your troops once you're able. When you've finished off the pillboxes, you'll receive an MCV. Deploy it where it stops. Then build a tesla reactor, an ore refinery, a barracks, and finally a naval yard. Once you have the naval yard, spend the rest of your money building submarines. Meanwhile, move your land forces west, and have them shoot the barrels next to the two ore refineries. That will destroy the refineries. Then have them start sweeping south, destroying any Allied units that get in their way. Eventually you'll come to the north shore of the harbor, and there you'll find a hotel. If you destroy the hotel you'll get a promotion crate. Keep moving your forces south/southwest until they reach the Allied base. Ignore the frequent video sequences and attack the Allied defenders. At some point you'll receive four submarines in reinforcements. Keep them where they are, and add your submarines to them. At some point after that, the Allies will attack your naval yard with several destroyers. If you have six or more submarines, then they should be able to defeat the enemy destroyers on their own, and you can keep guiding your land forces. Otherwise, guide your submarines manually and make sure they do the job. Then just continue the land battle until all of the Allied forces are dead. Also of Note: Along the northern edge of the map are two oil derricks, and next to them to the east is a truck with a firepower crate in it. Also, in the middle of the map, you'll find a McBurger Kong restaurant with a money crate in it. Mission 3 (Big Apple) --------------------- Objectives: -- Capture the American battle lab. -- Build and defend a Psychic Beacon. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: Deploy your MCV where it stands, but instead of building a refinery next, build a barracks. There are three oil derricks south of your base, and it's useful to capture them right away. Then build your base as normal, but start cranking out conscripts so you can garrison the building next to the oil derricks. That building is all the defense you need, but keep an engineer next to it in case it takes too much damage. Then start building rhino tanks, flak troopers, and an engineer. Leave the troopers at your base for now, but once you have ten rhino tanks, move them out to attack the Allies. Start by moving northeast parallel to the raised road. You'll find a barracks that you should destroy. Then cross under the raised road and continue southeast a bit until you come upon a war factory. Destroy that, too, and move your flak troopers and engineer to the spot where the barracks was. That area should be safe now. Move your tank force northeast and you'll soon find the main Allied base. It is lightly defended, and your tanks should be able to destroy its buildings and defenses at will. Take out any pillboxes you see, and keep moving northeast until you find the enemy construction yard (east of the battle lab). Once the construction yard is gone, move your flak troopers and engineer into the Allied base. While they're en route, let your tanks destroy at will. The two skyscrapers next to the battle lab contain crates: the eastern one gives a promotion while the western one heals your units. So definitely grab those, and also kill all the Allied defenders near the battle lab. Once your engineer reaches the Allied base, send him right in to the battle lab. The lab will automatically be replaced by a Psychic Beacon, and you'll receive numerous reinforcements. All you have to do now is defend the beacon for a few minutes, and you'll win the mission. The Allies will send several rocketeers to attack the beacon from the west, so position your flak troopers west of the beacon. The Allies will also send in GI's and tanks, but your veteran/elite tank force, plus all of the reinforcements, should be able to handle those easily. Also of Note: There are three tech outposts on the map, two along the northern edge and one along the southern edge. Mission 4 (Home Front) ---------------------- Objectives: -- Establish a base. Defend the homeland. -- Destroy all enemy forces. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: This is a mission with a trick to it. If you know the trick, it is very easy. Otherwise, you'll have to do more work. Regardless, deploy your MCV where it is, and then start your base like normal. Once you have a barracks, put three or four flak cannons near the lighthouse. When the timer hits 5:30, a pair of harrier jets will attack your base, and you'll be attacked by more harrier jets for the rest of the mission. Also train ten conscripts and have them garrison the two houses east of your base. Get a second miner going, and then start cranking out rhino tanks. When the timer runs out, the Koreans will land some tanks and GI's on the south shore. The garrisoned conscripts plus one tank can hold off the attack. Two destroyers will also attack your naval yard, but they'll completely ignore your submarine, even if you attack with it. So you can destroy the two destroyers with your lone sub. Just be sure to repair the naval yard while it's under fire. You might want to build another sub or two just to be safe. Once the battle is over, send your rhino tanks to the eastern edge of the map, about a third of the way down. They should find a shore with a nearby lighthouse. This is the point where the Koreans will start up their base, but they'll have to transport in their military units and their MCV using amphibious transports. If you have tanks stationed there, you can either destroy the transports before they unload, or you can quickly kill the enemy units right after they unload. Once you've destroyed all of the enemy units, the mission should end. Mission 5 (City of Lights) -------------------------- Objectives: -- Energize the Paris Tower with three tesla troopers. -- Defend the Paris Tower from Allied attack. -- Defeat all remaining Allied troops. Par Time: -- 20 minutes Walkthrough: Take your starting conscripts and have them garrison a building to the west. Basically, you'll want to advance west building by building -- or by pairs of buildings, to increase your firepower -- killing Allied troops as you go. Eventually you'll come to an oil derrick, and you can use one of your engineers to capture the derrick so you can earn more money to create even more conscripts. North of the oil derrick you'll get a single flak track added to your arsenal. Add it to your conscripts and keep going north. You'll find a soccer field guarded by two tanks and four GI's. Just charge in and kill them, and feel free to use the nearby barrels to help damage the tanks. Continuing north you'll come to a street leading northeast. Follow the street and you'll receive some tesla troopers in reinforcements. Add them to your attack force and keep going. Eventually you'll find an Allied defensive position with two pillboxes and four GI's. Again, use brute force to kill them, and then send the tesla troopers to the Paris Tower. When the tesla troopers get to the Paris Tower, the tower will turn into a super tesla coil with great range, power, and speed. It will be able to kill any Allied unit with one hit, so you won't have to defend it. The Allies, meanwhile, will suddenly decide to attack, and most will charge your starting position. Keep cranking out conscripts and eventually they'll kill all of the Allied attackers. Mission 6 (Sub-Divide) ---------------------- Objectives: -- Establish a base in the Hawaiian islands. -- Destroy the Allied navy. Par Time: -- 45 minutes Walkthrough: Move your military units out of the way, and deploy the MCV where it comes out of the transport. Get your base going, but don't bother to build a war factory. Build two ore refineries, and put a couple tesla coils near the land bridge northwest of your base. Place your two tesla troopers next to the coils to make the coils more powerful. Then use your conscripts to garrison one of the huts west of your base, and put the dogs next to the hut to help out. That's all the defense you'll need against land attacks. Now you can concentrate almost all of your remaining credits on building up a fleet of submarines and scorpions. Explore the waters west of your base, and you'll find a small island with a bunker on it. If you garrison the bunker, you'll receive a money crate, but don't expect the bunker to help much in the battles ahead. However, station your sea units next to the island, because that's where the Korean fleet will head when the 15-minute timer runs out. The Koreans will have several destroyers and aircraft carriers, but you should have over a dozen subs and scorpions on your side. Plus, with about 3:30 left on the timer, you'll receive a couple of scorpions and three dreadnoughts in reinforcements. Place the dreadnoughts out of the way, because they're bad at ship-to-ship combat. If the enemy ships are moving around, then dreadnoughts will be just as likely to hit your ships as the enemy ships. When you finally start fighting the Korean fleet, direct your submarines manually, but let the scorpions work on their own. They'll do a good job of killing planes and helicopters while your submarines sink the ships. If any of the Korean ships get past your blockade, don't worry. The ships will circle back and either attack your fleet or attack your naval yard. So if you want to be careful, leave a couple submarines behind at your yard for defense. You might also want to train some flak troopers and station them next to your naval yard. It's possible the main Allied fleet will send in some aircraft carriers while you're busy elsewhere, and the flak troopers will be able to shoot down their planes. Once the Korean fleet is out of the way, you'll be able to hunt down the main Allied navy. It will be hiding in Pearl Harbor, north of the center of the map. The entrance to the harbor will be guarded by some prism towers, but you can use your dreadnoughts to take out the towers. Then just advance your fleet into the harbor, use your dreadnoughts to destroy any other prism towers you find, and use your subs and scorpions to sink all the Allied ships. You don't have to destroy the naval yards or amphibious transports to finish the mission. Also of Note: On the most western island, you'll find an airport. If you capture the airport, you'll receive a money crate. There is also another money crate a ways north of the airport. If you decide to capture the airport, you'll have to defeat a couple of Korean destroyers guarding the coast (but which you can otherwise ignore), and you'll have to defend the airport because the Allies will send amphibious assaults against it. Mission 7 (Chrono Defense) -------------------------- Objectives: -- Defend your battle lab at all costs. Par Time: -- 30 minutes Walkthrough: You'll begin the mission with 20,000 credits, so start spending your money like crazy. Build a tesla reactor first so you can also build flak cannons, sentry guns, and tesla coils right away (without cutting power to your base). Then build an ore refinery and tell the miner to collect ore from the resource patch near the southern entrance to your base. That will create a little extra room, which you'll need. Then build the rest of your base, and try to fit everything in so you'll still have room to maneuver. Attacks will come primarily from the west and south, so protect those entrances the most. The first Allied attack will consist of GI's and a sniper, and will come from the south. So move all of your infantry and dog units out of the way to the north, and let your sentry gun take care of them. (The sniper has a very long range, and he'll pick off your units if they're too close.) The next attacks will have tanks and GI's, so start cranking out tesla troopers. The dogs you start with can mow down the enemy GI's but you'll need the most help with the tanks, and tesla troopers are good at killing tanks. Plus you can use the tesla troopers with your tesla coils later when you have time to build the coils. While building mostly tesla troopers, don't neglect your dogs. The Allies will use spies quite a bit in this mission, and they'll try to shut down your power just before attacks. So try to keep a dog or two at all of the entrances to your base. After the first wave of attacks, you'll learn that the Allies have a propaganda truck in the northwestern village. Send a few conscripts over there to kill the truck. The truck can't attack them or run over them, so you can just direct the conscripts to walk to the area the truck patrols, and ignore them while you work on your base defenses. The conscripts will eventually destroy the truck, and you'll be awarded with a money crate and a satellite image of the map. Keep building tesla coils and tesla reactors. With six or seven tesla coils around the perimeter of your base, you should be all right. Construct a few apocalypse tanks as well for a mobile defense. If you need extra money, three trucks will appear on the map after the third or fourth wave of Allied attacks. If you've already gotten the satellite image of the map, then the trucks will stick out like a sore thumb when they appear. Killing the trucks will net you two money crates and an armor crate. Plus, you can also take over three oil derricks on the eastern side of the map. Be prepared to defend them, however, because they're right next to an area where the Allies will airdrop in troops, and they'll be attacked often. There are about six waves of Allied attacks, and you'll be informed when the last one arrives. Remember that you only have to protect your battle lab. If things start going badly, just pull in your defenses and concentrate on protecting the lab. The Allies don't use their military units very well - they'll drive their prism tanks right up to your defenses, for example - and a few apocalypse tanks can probably destroy everything the Allies throw against you all by themselves. Mission 8 (Desecration) ----------------------- Objectives: -- Capture the White House. Par Time: -- 45 minutes Walkthrough: Move your tanks and conscripts to the east and your desecrators to the north. That will clear room around your MCV, allowing you to deploy it. The enemy will send three airdrops at your base in short order. The first will arrive from the north (where your desecrators should already be stationed). The next will come from the southwest, and the third from the east (between the bunkers). Just move your desecrators to the next landing zone as soon as you see a plane start to drop off conscripts, and you should be able to defeat the attacks easily. Meanwhile, move your two apocalypse tanks to the north and have them destroy the Lincoln Memorial. You'll get two crates for this: one money crate and one promotion crate. Have the tanks grab both crates, and then bring them back to your base. Also move your starting conscripts into the bunker near the resource patches. As soon as you build a barracks, train an engineer to fix the other bunker, and then fill it with conscripts. Bunkers are tough, but you'll still want to support them with some tesla coils and flak cannons (to defeat V3 rockets). Leave your desecrators near the northern bunker, since that's where most of the infantry attacks will come from. Notice that the resource patches near your base aren't self-sustaining. That means you'll need to make your attacks count because you won't be able to afford to waste any money. So get your base going and then construct about a dozen apocalypse tanks. Send the tanks east (north of the bridge), and they'll discover the resource patches that are being used by the enemy. Don't destroy the refinery you'll find there. Save it so you can capture it later. Go ahead and take down the Washington Monument while you're in the area, and you'll earn a money crate for your troubles. Also feel free to kill any miners you come across. Then send your tanks south to deal with the Brown enemy base. With a dozen apocalypse tanks, the destruction should be relatively quick and painless. But keep pumping out apocalypse tanks to add to your attack force. South of the Brown base will be a broken bridge. If you repair the bridge, you'll find six trucks (with crates) and the Jefferson Memorial. If you keep running out of money, this little area will solve all your problems, and it's lightly defended with only a couple of tanks and tesla troopers. Now just march your apocalypse tanks northeast to the White House. Destroy everything you come across, and then send a spy into the White House to complete the mission. Also of Note: You can also destroy the Smithsonian Museum and Castle for extra crates. Mission 9 (The Fox and the Hound) --------------------------------- Objectives: -- Use mind control to capture the President. Par Time: -- 20 minutes Walkthrough: Watch the demonstration of the Allied defenses, and then take control of your two psi troopers. One psi trooper will almost immediately take control of an IFV, and that's all right. The IFV will prove useful. Use the second psi trooper to control one of the deployed GI's guarding the nearby barracks and battle lab. Your GI will immediately start firing on the other GI, and you can use your IFV to finish off whichever GI survives. Then use your free psi trooper to take control of the two engineers and have them capture the barracks and battle lab. You'll start the mission with 4000 credits, so go ahead and train ten GI's and two spies. Then send your GI's to the intersection south of your base, and have them destroy the patrolling IFV that will eventually show up. Next have the GI's move east around the north end of the enemy base (being careful of the prism towers) and have them kill a patrol of two attack dogs and one GI. That will clear the north end of the map of enemy units. So send your IFV and psi trooper through the clear area of the map to the Light Blue base on the eastern side. Park the IFV behind the western corner of the base so it can attack the pillbox without the pillbox being able to fight back. Use your psi trooper to control the sniper, and have the sniper kill the deployed GI's in the base. Then switch control to the grizzly tank, and have it and your IFV take out the remaining pillbox. Finally, use the IFV and tank to kill the IFV patrolling on the eastern side of the Dark Blue base. The tank and IFV will now be useless to you, so have them charge at the Dark Blue base and get destroyed. Control the sniper again, and have him kill all of the seals and attack dogs at the two entrances to the Dark Blue base. Then bring your sniper, a spy, and a psi trooper to the western entrance (but out of range of the prism towers). Send the spy in to infiltrate a power plant, then bring the sniper to the entrance of the base so that it can kill any infantry units that get into range, and finally tell your psi trooper to target the President (in the blue suit). The psi trooper will only have to travel to the entrance of the base to get within range of the President, and the sniper will prevent any enemy units from attacking him. Also of Note: There are six crates in the southeastern corner of the map. The eastern crates will give money, and the northern crates will give a promotion, increased firepower, and improved defense. You can create a pretty powerful IFV if you want to. Mission 10 (Weathered Alliance) ------------------------------- Objectives: -- Capture the American battle lab to locate the weather control device. -- Destroy the weather control device. Par Time: -- 105 minutes Walkthrough: This is a mission where you'll have to work quickly. It won't take long for the Allies to attack you by the land, sea, and air, and so you'll need to put up a variety of defenses right away. First things first, though: move your MCV a little to the north and then deploy it. Move your conscripts to the northern shore between the sentry guns, and leave your tanks where they are. Since you have a radar tower already, you can immediately start building tesla coils, and you should build two: one next to your radar, and one on the southern shore near wherever you decide to place your naval yard. Because tesla coils drain your energy by so much, the first structure you should build is a tesla reactor. Then you can build your base in the regular fashion, but don't delay building a naval yard very long. You should definitely build a naval yard before building a war factory because the Allies will send dolphins against you, and you have to have some submarines in the water before the dolphins arrive if you want to save your naval yard. The first attacks will feature GI's. An amphibious transport will land at your northern shore, between your sentry guns, and the guns plus your conscripts should be able to handle them. The next amphibious attack will arrive next to your radar station, but placing a telsa coil there should defeat it. After that you'll face an amphibious attack where grizzly tanks are transported in rather than GI's, but your rhino tanks should be able to run over and stop it. And then you'll face repeated attacks by rocketeers, destroyers, dolphins, and aircraft carriers. Where they land depends on your base, so you need to put up several flak cannons (or flak troopers) to protect yourself, plus build up a fleet. Speaking of your fleet, once you have six or seven submarines, take them to the beach where the game suggested that you make your landing. You'll find an enemy naval yard there, and you should take it out. There is also another naval yard to the southeast, and once you take it out as well, you won't have to worry about enemy ships any more. But you will have to deal with seals, so keep your submarines near the beach so they can intercept the seals as they approach your base. When you have superiority on the seas, build two or three dreadnoughts and start pounding the enemy coastal defenses. (You can get a reinforcement dreadnought by sending a ship to the southwestern corner of the map.) Take out the pillboxes, tanks, and any prism towers you can find. Use your scorpions to scout around and ``detect'' prism tower locations. Then once the beach is clear, start building apocalypse tanks and V3 rocket launchers, and land them on the beach. If you haven't built a nuclear silo yet, now is the time to do so. When you have about six apocalypse tanks and three V3 rocket launchers on the beach, send them northeast. You'll find a war factory, and you can either capture it or destroy it. Enemy miners will also be in the area, but if you attack one, the Allies will send a bunch of grizzly tanks at you. Use the V3 rocket launchers to destroy enemy prism towers when you find them, because the towers will be able to kill your apocalypse tanks in one hit. Once you've cleared a route to the battle lab, send in an engineer to capture the building. The map will expand, and you'll be shown the weather control device in the northwestern corner. Just use a nuclear strike to take out the device, and you'll finish the mission. Also of Note: There is a tech outpost on an island in the southeastern part of the map. Mission 11 (Red Revolution) --------------------------- Objectives: -- Destroy Yuri's headquarters - the Kremlin. Par Time: -- 90 minutes Walkthrough: Immediately move all of your forces north to the resource patch to get them out of the way. Then send a couple of tanks and several conscripts north of that. They'll find an oil derrick and a couple of nearby houses. Garrison the houses with the conscripts and leave the tanks nearby to help defend the derrick. Send your two kirov airships northeast to an area of raised land where Yuri has a couple of flak cannons and a tesla coil guarding two tesla reactors. Have the airships destroy the cannons and coil, but leave the reactors alone so you can capture them later. Send the rest of your units to guard the eastern entrance to your base. Meanwhile, start building up your base. You don't have to worry too much about tesla reactors in this mission; not only will you be able to capture two reactors away from Yuri, but you'll also be able to construct a nuclear reactor, and that will take care of all of your power needs. Build your war factory on the raised ground between the two captured reactors, and then put several tesla coils on the perimeter of the raised ground. With about six tesla coils there, plus tesla troopers to make the coils more powerful, you'll be able to stop just about every attack on your base before it gets there. Then the mission will simply be about destroying the Kremlin. Perhaps the easiest way to destroy the Kremlin is with two nuclear strikes. However, once you build a nuclear silo, Yuri will send his ``air armada'' at you. What that means is that every couple of minutes, pairs of kirov airships will attack from the northeast and northwest. So prepare your base before you build a silo. Put several flak cannons or flak troops or flak tracks around the edges of your base, watch the first wave of airships come in, and then improve your defense if you need to. (The airships will always follow the same path.) You could also forgo nuclear strikes and use your own kirov airships. There is a layer of flak cannons and tesla coils north of your base, but once you get past that you'll have a relatively clear path right to the Kremlin. With ten airships, you'll be able to destroy the Kremlin with no problem. But whichever method you choose, once the Kremlin is gone, the mission will be over. Also of Note: There are two more oil derricks, a tech outpost, and an airport east of your base. Unfortunately, they're mostly right in the path Yuri will use to attack your base, so you'll probably never be able to capture and keep them. Mission 12 (Polar Storm) ------------------------ Objectives: -- Destroy the chronosphere. Par Time: -- 120 minutes Walkthrough: The bad news is that you'll face numerous Allied attacks during the first ten minutes of the mission, and that the Allies will make extensive use of their chronosphere. The good news is that the attacks are scripted and will always take place at the same times, with the same units, and in the same places. Once you've seen where the attacks will come from, it's not too hard to defend against them. As in Mission 10, you'll start with a radar station, and that will allow you to immediately start building tesla coils. Do just that, and make a tesla reactor the first regular building you construct so that your coils will have power. Then build your base like normal, except you should put your tesla coils in the interior of your base (near the rocky areas), rather than on the perimeter. Put flak cannons on the perimeter, but build your tesla coils first. Here are the first six attacks you'll see from the Allies: 1. IFV's will appear in the northeastern part of your base, south of the resource patch. Tesla coils and a few conscripts should be able to handle them. 2. Rocketeers will arrive and attack your construction yard. Three or four flak troopers will be able to kill them. 3. Grizzly tanks will appear in the northernmost of the two western rocky areas. Again, tesla coils and conscripts should be able to do the job. 4. An amphibious transport will appear in the southwestern shore of your base and unload four seals. If you have any infantry units in the area, move them out of the way and let your tesla coils kill the seals. (If you put a naval yard near the southwestern shore, then the seals will destroy it, and there isn't anything you can do about it, so either build your yard somewhere else, or wait for the seal attack to end before building it.) 5. An aircraft carrier will appear in the sea north of your base. Use the flak troopers that killed the rocketeers to down the carrier's planes until you can get a naval yard up and sink the carrier with submarines. 6. More grizzly tanks will arrive, but they'll appear in the southernmost of the two western rocky areas. For the third time, tesla coils and conscripts should be able to handle it. If your conscripts get killed when dealing with the IFV's or tanks, remember to train more so you'll always have a mobile fighting force. You probably won't have enough time to build any tanks of your own to deal with the threats. Once you've survived the above six attacks, start building up a small navy - something like five scorpions and five submarines - and then go explore the waters west of your base. The Allies will have a few destroyers along their coast, but you should be able to take them on one or two at a time. Concentrate your firepower to sink the destroyers quickly, and let your scorpions shoot down the enemy helicopters. Once the seas are safe, destroy the enemy naval yards, and then build some dreadnoughts so you can bombard the land defenses. Once you've cleared a part of the beach, start ferrying over apocalypse tanks. Now you just need to inch forward along the beach, letting your apocalypse tanks do the scouting. If you find something easy to kill, let your apocalypse tanks do it. Otherwise, call in your dreadnoughts for the job. Be careful of the northwestern part of the enemy base. There will be prism towers on higher ground that will do bad things to your tanks, and there will also be a couple mirage tanks hiding next to the enemy refinery. You have to force- attack the mirage tanks to kill them. Don't destroy all of the Allied buildings. Save the war factory for sure, and also save any other buildings you happen to like. Once you capture the war factory, defend it with some tesla coils, and build a few apocalypse tanks for defense. Every few minutes the Allies will chronoshift in some IFV's and land them in the resource patch north of the war factory. However, if you have a few apocalypse tanks sitting there, the Allied attacks will end even before they can begin. Once your foothold is secure, start cranking out kirov airships. Also, if you haven't built one yet, now is a good time to construct a nuclear silo. Once you have six airships, send them west of your base, and then north. They should find lots of prism towers and patriot missile embankments. Destroy what you can, but the main purpose of the attack is to uncover the map in the area. If the airships get far enough north, they'll uncover the enemy chronosphere (located on the western edge of the map, about halfway up). Now you can do two things: 1. Bring your dreadnoughts to the western edge of the map, where they can destroy quite a few enemy buildings (but not quite reach the chronoshpere). Nuke the enemy patriot missile embankments. 2. While you do the above, keep building kirov airships. If you get bored, and if you have some extra apocalypse tanks around, you can send them northeast. They'll find several enemy buildings with almost no defenses around. Eventually they'll arrive at the northeastern corner of the island, and there they'll find an airport - and, more importantly, you'll receive three kirov airships in reinforcements. Once you've decimated as many enemy patriot missile embankments as you think necessary, send in several airships and have them target the chronosphere. Airships are lethal to big structures, and you only need one to get to the chronosphere to destroy it. ***** Copyright ¸ 2000 by Steven W. Carter