Ford Indigo: Enter all codes at the password screen: LILZIP Monolithc Studios: Enter all codes at the password screen: SHOTME Secret Cars: armyme = crate truck snowme= same thing busme= da the bus bugme= vw beetle (small car) limome= limo quatme =audi quattro semime=semi truck vanme=vw van yjme= jeep vovme=volvo wagon nzme =mercedes benz beetme = saab mazme= mazda miata tramme=tram tour car from hollywood lcme= long truck (sport utility) bmrme=bmw citme=citron small car jepme=pickup truck Secret Things: cratme=crate logme= log outhme=out house trexme=t-rex the horn is a screem of t-rex wogome=covered wagon stdame=stand a from meditteranian stdbme=stand b samething stdcme=stand c samething If you want player 2 to have the same car replace the "ME" with "US" if you want the secret cars to go faster before you enter the car codes enter "POWRUP" and the army truck on "PROVING GROUNDS" goes more than 200 miles an hour