From Dusk Til Dawn Enemy Guide (Ver 1.0) by Joylock ( Jan 25, 2003 by Alan Chan ( The Usual: This document is mine. Please don't rip it off or take credit for it. That being said, feel free to post it on any site you want, provided you a) don't make any changes to it, or b) charge money for it. You don't even have to get my permission to post it, but it would be nice if you emailed me and let me know. Why?: Since there aren't any other FAQs or Walkthroughs for this game (except for the official walkthrough on Cryo's homepage), I decided to type this one up just for the heck of it. ******************* *Major Characters:* ******************* Brad Singleton: A prison guard on the Rising Sun, Brad's arm was chewed off by the vampires during the initial uprising, but the pastor rescued him and prevented him from turning in a vampire from his wounds. With only one arm (and a bloody bone sticking out of the stump of his injured one) Brad's pistol is useless to him, so he gives it to you. This leaves him pretty much unarmed, and you'll have to protect him in the game's second level as he leads you past several security doors. Fortunately, Brad's a very hardy fellow and can withstand a lot of damage, so babysitting him through the level won't be THAT hard. Later he helps you out by guiding you by radio from the control room while you explore the engineering area looking for the mechanics. Hank Taylor: The Rising Sun's chief mechanic, Hank and his men will join you early in the game and serve as your backup for the game's first half. He can easily be recognized by his canary yellow uniform and hat. Hank wields a double-barreled shotgun, which is more powerful than the normal riotgun but requires reloading after every two shots. Kevin Block: The Rising Sun's pastor, and the first friendly human you meet after the initial outbreak. As a man of God Kevin has the power to create holy water, as well as to prevent someone from turning into a vampire after being bitten by one. Kevin himself is unarmed, so you will have to protect him during the mission to turn the ship's water supply into holy water. Fortunately, Hank and his mechanics will serve as Kevin's bodyguards, so he's not totally defenseless. Coleen Winter: A computer technician aboard the Rising Sun, Coleen joins up with your group of survivors early on and helps you out by radioing mission objectives to you. Seth flirts with her quite a bit, but she gets bitten by a vampire halfway through, forcing you to escort her to the priest before she vamps out or the vampires kill her. Bruce Kleinfeld: Seth's weaselly lawyer who botched your trial and got you on death row in the first place (he still wants his lawyer's fee, though). When the invasion begins Kleinfeld flees the moment the sirens start going off, but accidentally drops a taser that Seth finds helpful in busting out of jail. He joins up with your group of survivors later on begging for help, only to quickly betray your group to Clarence. Betty Lou Rodriguez: The gal on the box cover next to Seth's George Clooney mug, Betty's a U.S. Marine Sargeant (Demolitions) and your partner for the game's last few levels. She really enjoys bossing you around, she's also pretty handy in a fight. Betty starts out in full body armor, carrying an assault rifle, and accompanied by two Marine squadmates. Later on, she doffs her armor for a blue cameo top with bare midriff, and fights with a magnum revolver that can kill vamps in a couple of shots. Marvin: Betty's boyfriend and a fellow marine (presumably one of the two anonymous marines in Betty's squad), Marvin gets captured after Kleinfeld's betrayal and ends up being tortured by the vampires. Betty insists that you help rescue him. Note that he's black, he's a secondary character, and he's in a horror movie. You guess the chances of him making it out of this mess alive. After being rescued Marvin is unarmed, so you'll have to protect him during the brief period you travel together. The Nurse: Seth rescues a pretty ship's nurse early on, but after vampires attack and the survivors are scattered Seth will run into her again in a slinky new form. The requisite pretty virgin who gets turned into a wanton vamp. Ryan Worden: The ruthless and sadistic warden of the Rising Sun death-row prison, Worden is a real megalomaniac. In the game's opening cutscene he belts out a psycho speech intended to intimidate the new inmates, but Clarence interrupts and guns him down. Scott Wilson: One of Seth's fellow death-row inmate, Scott Wilson is a wimp and a blubbering coward. Unfortunately for the population of the Rising Sun, his meaner brother Clarence has come aboard in order to free him. Clarence Wilson: The evil, high-voiced nasty behind this whole mess. Like the Gecko brothers, the Wilson brothers are notorious outlaws. Like Seth, Clarence is the brains of the operation. Somewhere along the line Clarence got turned into a vampire, and now he's led a prison uprising and started turning all the ship's prisoners, staff, and crew into his vampire slaves. ********* *Allies:* ********* Prison Guards: You'll find a couple of riotgun wielding human prison guards attempting to contain the vampires in the game's first few levels. After that, however, all the prison guards you'll encounter will be vampires (with one single exception near the end of the game) so after the first few levels feel free to blow away anything and anyone wearing a uniform. Mechanics: Hank Taylor's mechanics will serve as your allies for the first half of the game, providing cover fire with either riotguns or uzis. U.S. Marines: A small squad of U.S. Marines will help you fight the vamps towards the end of the game. Covered in body armor and packing automatic assault rifles, they'll be a big help for the short time they're with you. Marine Helicopter: A Marine helicopter can be found lobbing grenades at the vamps on the ship's deck. Not particularly observant, the helicopter is just as likely to blast you if you stand in the wrong place. ********** *Enemies:* ********** Humans (Prisoners and Prison Guards): Appearance: Skinny guys in guard uniforms, prisoners in orange jumpsuits Weapon: Punches Weakness: Taser In the game's first level, the first few foes you'll encounter are prison guards attempting to subdue escaping inmates in the chaos of the prison break, as well as prisoners who will happily use their new found freedom to kill anybody they don't like (which apparently includes you). These human foes attack with weak punchs, and are easily subdued by the taser Kleinfeld dropped. Human Vampire: Appearance: Varies Weapon: Punches Weakness: Head, Legs Most of the inmates, guards, and crew of the Rising Sun have been turned into vampires by Clarence Wilson, and will do their best to kill you. Human vampires are the weakest of the enemies you'll face, as they are still human in appearance, not yet mutated into a more powerful vampiric form. Their punching attacks do minimum damage, but they can be a nuisance if they gang up on you in groups or together with more powerful vampire types. They come in many shapes including inmates, guards, mechanics, strippers, stewardesses and nurses. A single shot to the head will bring them down, allow you to stake them, but if you're having trouble aiming at their heads you can also blow away their legs with a few bullets for the same effect. You can also dust them with several bullets or a shotgun blast to the chest, but why throw away the extra ammo and the 20 health bonus you get from staking? Monster Vampire: Appearance: Tall, naked green demon Weapon: Claws Weakness: Heart This demonic-looking creature is the second stage of vampire mutation. It's basically a bigger, tougher, faster, meaner version of a human vampire. Besides the usually charging and punching attacks they're more likely to roll sideways to avoid your shots, and can sometimes even crawl along the walls. They can be killed with any weapon, however they take considerably more bullets to kill than a normal human vampire, and cannot be decapitated or otherwise stunned. They can, however, be slain by a shot to the heart (although this is fairly difficult since their hearts are not clearly marked). Hulk Vampire: Appearance: Huge muscular green bruiser wearing a small, torn orange prison vest Weapon: Fists, shoulder slam Weakness: Head This huge, green, eight-foot tall brute is nigh invulnerable. The only way to harm them is to shoot them in the head, and even then it'll take many, many bullets to put them down. Even a grenade shot will only knock them down for a few seconds. They move slowly, but can charge at incredible speeds for short periods of time when they get close enough to you to use their pounding attacks. For that reason you should keep as much distance as possible between you and them. Prison Guard Vampire: Appearance: Beefy guy in black guard uniform with chalky white skin and fangs Weapon: Riotgun Weakness: Head, Legs Vamprized prison guards armed with shotguns, which can be nasty at close range. They have an annoying habit of hiding around corners and behind furniture so that you can't see them until you've walked right into their line of fire. At other times they can be spotted by the tell-tale red laser-sight emitted by their weapon. They have the same weaknesses as a regular human vampire, but their shots will really mess up your aim if they hit you. Instead of trying to drop them with a headshot, you'll probably be better off just dusting them with a couple blasts from your own shotgun. Flamethrower Vampire: Appearance: Mechanic in red and blue coveralls Weapon: Flamethrower Weakness: Head, Legs A vampire mechanic armed with a flamethrower. They move slowly and don't run, but like all vampire mechanics they can take more damage than an ordinary vamp. Additionally, they like to set you on fire. While you're on fire, you'll take continous damage for a few seconds (a very bad thing). Fortunately, their weapon has a fairly short range and if you keep out of it you can gun them down unmolested. Unfortunately, this is more easily said than done since they enjoy ambushing you by hiding around corners. You should back away quickly and try to bring them down with a single shot to the head. Riot Vampire: Appearance: Vampire guard in riot armor with bulletproof shield Weapon: Submachine gun Weakness: Head This nasty vamp is equipped with a rapid fire sub-machine gun that can quickly make swiss cheese out of your hide, as well as a bullet-deflecting riot shield to hide behind. These two advantages make them one of the game's most annoying enemies. Fortunately, you won't be facing many of them until towards the end when you have access to better weapons. A good weapon to use against them is the grenade launcher, since their shield is useless against the force of an explosion. If you haven't got any grenades try shooting them while they're running, since they apparently can't block your shots unless they're standing still. Snake Vampire: Appearance: Naked, purple vampire with Alien-like banana shaped head Weapon: Claws, venom spit Weakness: Legs A grunt enemy that you'll face in large numbers. They spit poison and also attack with their claws, but have a really slow rate of fire, slow moving projectiles, and don't do that much damage. The easiest way to defeat them is to shoot out their legs then stake them, although they can also be destroyed by several shots to the chest. Bat Vampire: Appearance: Large man-bat Weapon: Talons Weakness: Heart Bat vampires have the wings and face of a bat and the body of a man, and are capable of gliding towards you for a slashing attack with their clawed feet. Like the Hulk vampires, they can absorb ridiculous amounts of damage before turning to dust. They also cannot be stunned, dismembered, or staked. Fortunately, they can be killed by a single shot to their exposed heart (the red stain on the left side of their chests). Unfortunately you can only shoot them when they're on the ground, as in the air they glide towards you head-first with their bodies unexposed. Human Bomb Vampire: Appearance: Bald, shirtless vamp with beer belly and high-explosive strapped vest Weapon: Grenade launcher (!!) Weakness: Head Easily the most dangerous vamps you face, even more-so than the bosses, and the only enemy who can kill you instantly. The Human Bomb Vampire is armed with the mighty grenade launcher, and even though their aim isn't perfect, just being caught in the blast radius of a grenade explosion is normally sufficient to kill you in one hit. For this reason your best course of action is to kill them as soon as you see them, before they have a chance to fire (preferably with either a volley of machine gun fire or a grenade of your own). Be warned, however, those high-explosives strapped to their chests aren't just for show, they will explode when the vamp is killed. This conviently wipes out any vamps near them, but will also kill you if you're standing too close. Marine Vampire: Appearance: Helmetless USMC soldier with blue, bald, pointy-earred head Weapon: Assault rifle Weakness: Legs Members of the USMC strike team that have fallen victim to the vampire hordes, you'll encounter a lot of these guys in the last third of the game. Marine vamps are especially nasty, being equipped with body armor and a fully automatic assault rifle. Their aim is deadly accurate at medium and close range, and their automatic weapons fire will rip away at your health and mess up your aim. Because their chests are protected by bulletproof body armor, you need to shoot them in the legs to bring them down (remember to stake them before they regenerate). Predator Vampire: Appearance: Shimmering, vampire-shaped outline Weapon: Claws Weakness: Head The Predator vampire is so named because it uses the same semi-transparent invisibility trick as the creature from the movie of the same name. Other than being difficult to see, it uses more or less the same attack pattern as the Monster vampire, and thus should be killed in the same manner. Fortunately, unlike the Invisible Vampiress boss you fought in the showers, these creatures are only translucent rather than completely invisible, so it is possible to see them as they move around. Dog Handler: Appearance: Grinning gangsta in black trenchcoat Weapon: Pistol, summon phantom dogs Weakness: Head A mini-boss like enemy who generally appears by himself, and only on rare occasions. The Dog Handler attacks with a pistol at close range, but his real strength is his ability to summon an endless supply of demon dogs to attack you. The dogs only take a few shots to kill, but will keep appearing until you kill the dog handler. To top it off the dogs are transparent and can be difficult to see. The handler himself doesn't move around, but can withstand more damage than a regular vamp. ********* *Bosses:* ********* Titus Bell: Appearance: Fat, bald vamp wearing a yellow shirt Weapon: Flamethrower Weakness: None You'll run into a battle between Hank Taylor and Titus Bell at the end of the engineering section (right after killing your first Bat Vampire). Titus is armed with a flamethrower, and will use it to cook Hank alive. Start helping Hank out by killing Titus's helpers. Now shoot Titus in the head with your pistol to stop him from attacking Hank. Don't unload all your ammo into him, just shoot him occasionally to stun him and prevent him from killing Hank. You can't kill Titus with bullets, however if you keep him occupied for a couple of minutes Hank's mechanics will run him over with a crane. Titus doesn't move during this battle, so if you stay out of his range you can shoot him without worrying about being toasted by his flamethrower. An easy fight, it's more of an interactive cutscene than a real boss battle. On the easier difficulty levels you can actually sit back and do nothing, Hank will kill the vamps himself and his mechanics will run Titus over long before Hank dies from immolation. Nosferatu: Appearance: Skull-faced vamp in brown trenchcoat Weapon: Fists Weakness: Head This boss vamp moves like the Flash, in a rapid blur. He's understandably fond of charging attacks and melee slashing. You can neutralize his speed advantage with rapid-fire weapons such as the Uzi, however, as they stun him and prevent him from moving/attacking. Even with his super-speed you can still avoid the majority of his attacks just by dodging around and backing away. Aim for the head to kill him quicker. While you're busy fighting Nosferatu, the vampire prisoners on the cell block's upper balcony who are cheering him on will start leaping down one by one to join the fight. They're not much of a problem, and in fact can help you out if Nosferatu does do some damage to you since staking them restores your health. Once you kill Nosferatu, go ahead and finish off any remaining cheering vampires before they decide to jump down to the lower level. Invisible Vampiress: Appearance: Young woman in security guard uniform (invisible) Weapon: Machine gun Weakness: Head You'll find a female security guard sobbing in the showers cradling a machine gun, and attempt to rescue her. Unfortunately she's been bitten and vampirizes right before your eyes. To make matters worse, she turns invisible upon turning undead, and is still equipped with her trusty machine gun. Her very damaging weapon and invisibility makes her the most annoying boss in the game. She'll basically fire off an entire clip of her machine gun in your general direction, reload, then run to a new spot and do it all over again. You can hide from her shots using the pillars in the room, but it can be difficult since you can't see her, making it hard to judge where she'll be shooting from. She can be tracked by her footsteps in the water or the muzzle flashes from her machine gun when she opens fire. If you're still having problems finding her, there's a button next to the shower door than you can press to turn on the showers, revealing her outline against the falling water. Your best bet is to use your uzi, since the rapid fire will stun her so she can't more or attack. Pop out after you hear her reloading and start shooting her. Her weak spot is her head, and to find it you should move your aim around until she starts bleeding blood rather than dust. Continue pumping lead into her head, and you'll know when she's dead after she bursts into flames. If you're STILL having trouble killing her, you might try kamikazing her with your taser and hoping she dies before you do. Nurse Vampiress: Weapon: None Weakness: Head Remember the Nurse who you saved in the last level? Seems the vampires got to her anyway. Judging by the slinky way she cavorts around and the way her uniform's been strategically torn to show off her blood-soaked bra and panties, I'm guessing she's enjoying her new lifestyle. Again, the uzi is your weapon of choice since you can get in a lot of shots in a short period of time. The nurse vampiress doesn't attack you directly, but rather hops around the room on top of tables and computers just out of your reach while dancing suggestively. Meanwhile, snake vampires will materialize and attack you as long as she's alive. The nurse's weakness is her head, she will require much fewer bullets to kill if you shoot her there. There's no real strategy involved for this battle, just try to keep up with the nurse as she bounces around the room and shoot her when she stops moving to dance. Unlike other bosses your shots won't stun this vampiress, so don't expect your attacks to keep her in one place. The Captain: Appearance: Green, shirtless, hairless vamp Weapon: Cuisinart arm (CD launcher) Weakness: Head The Captain of the ship is, rather oddly, located in the ship's Kitchen. His arm's apparently been replaced with a cuisinart (think Ash from Evil Dead, only with mint green skin). His cuisinart arm apparently acts as a CD launcher; it's pretty damaging, very accurate, and the discs bounce around the room even if they miss you the first time. Fortunately he has a slower rate of fire and thus isn't nearly as annoying as the shower girl or the final boss. The Captain is also assisted by two vampire cooks armed with cleavers, but they're actually not all that aggressive and will wander around aimlessly ignoring you unless you run right into their faces. The Captain's attack is actually pretty dangerous, but like all other firearm-wielding bosses you can stun him by shooting him repeatedly in the head. Using the kitchen counters as cover, you should empty your assault rifle into the Captain's head until he disintergrates, then finish off the cooks with the same method. Alternatively, you can destroy the whole sorry lot of them with a couple of well aimed grenades. At this point in the game you're pretty powerful, making this the easiest boss in the game, it's actually quite possible to breeze past this guy without realizing he's supposed to BE a boss. Scott Wilson: Appearance: Huge, extremely muscular brute with dog-like face, tattoos, and a tan Weapon: Twin fire axes Weakness: Grenades The blubbering coward from the game's intro has been transformed by his vampiric brother into a hulking mass of muscles and teeth armed with two nasty fire axes. When the battle starts Scott will be assisted by several vamps, but Betty will make short work of them with her magnum revolver, leaving you to take on Scott mano-a-mano. Scott's attacks are similar to a hulk vampire, he starts out moving slowly but will occasionally charge you at high speed. The problem is he's totally invulnerable to bullets, CDs, wooden arrows, and most of your other projectiles. Fortunately, he IS vulnerable to grenade explosions. Blast him with a grenade when you're sure you're out of the blast radius. The explosion should knock him down temporarily, and when he gets up again he'll start to charge at you. Scott's invincible during his charging animation, so just dodge his attack and shoot him again when he slows down. Four or five shots should be sufficient to kill him. Be careful not to launch grenades near the corner of the room where Betty is standing, because you WILL lose if she dies. Apparently if you run out of grenades Betty will give you a couple if you poke her with the action button. Clarence Wilson: Appearance: Chalk skinned, thin, bald vamp with a goatee wearing a black captain's uniform (stolen from the naked green guy a few levels earlier). Weapon: Pistol Weakness: Sunlight You'll fight the master vampire Clarence Wilson in the Rising Sun's control room. Clarence starts out this battle assisted by his vampiress harem consisting of three ex-nurses. Unlike the regular ex-nurse vampiresses you've faced, these have more health. Also, one of them breaths fire (VERY annoying), and another spits venom. To top it all off Clarence is a devil with his pistol, firing as fast as a sub-machine gun and hitting you with deadly accuracy. Also if you try to attack him you'll quickly find he's completely invulnerable, even to grenades. Ignore Clarence (who thankfully doesn't move), and run to the back half of the control room behind the dividing wall so he won't be able to shoot at you. The three vampiresses should follow you, so shoot them in the head with you assault rifle until they disintegrate. At this point Clarence will lower the shutters to block out the rising sun, and after a minute or two an endless supply of snake vampires will start dropping down from the ventilation openings. Blow away the shutters with your assault rifle to let in the sunlight. If you fire from the safety of the back half of the control room Clarence won't even be able to attack you while you're doing this. As you start to destroy the shutters, Clarence will float around to avoid the sunlight, eventually retreating to the corner of the control room. Once you've destroyed all the shutters, go ahead and shoot Clarence a couple of times and the ending cinematic will play and you will have won the game. Copyright 2003 Alan Chan