########################################################################## -_____ ,, , ,, ,, ' | -, _ || || _ || || /| | |` < \, ,._-_ ||/\ _-_, =||= < \, || ||/\ _-_ ,._-_ _-_, || |==|| /-|| || ||_< ||_. || /-|| || ||_< || \\ || ||_. %|| | |, (( || || || | % || || (( || || || | ||/ || % || %-____, \/\\ \\, \\,\ ,-_- \\, \/\\ \\ \\,\ \\,/ \\, ,-_- ( _____ ___ ___ | ___/ _ \ / _ \ Version: 1.2 | |_ | |_| | | | | Jamie Klein 10/17/94 | _|| _ | |_| | yanknir@genesis.nred.ma.us |_| |_| |_|\__\_\ ########################################################################### ==Introduction== Capcom, the company that started the one-on-one fighting game craze a few years ago with the smash hit, Street Fighter II, has done it again. Their latest creation, DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors (in Japan: Vampire: The Night Warriors), showcases some of the best graphics, most creative moves, and hottest babes ever seen on an arcade screen. If you find any additional information, please mail it to the above address. ==The "Special" Meter== Each character has a bar at the bottom of the screen (labeled SPECIAL) which grows each time the character attacks (or throws) his/her opponent. Even if an attack misses, the special bar will increase slightly. During the course of the fight the level in the "special" bar will slowly decrease -- you must continually attack in order to get a full meter. Once this has happened, the meter will begin to drain very quickly and the word "special" will start to flash. At this point, the character will gain some important powers: most special moves are enhanced and special "power" moves become available. After one of these moves is executed the "special" meter will empty and must be re-filled. ==Air Combat== In DarkStalkers it is possible to block attacks in mid-air. Jump at your opponent, hold the joystick away from them, and you will block any anti-air attacks they try to unleash. Please note that you cannot block a non-projectile attack from a character whose feet are still touching the ground. Also, characters in DS have the ability to attack multiple times in the air. When you use certain (generally weaker) jump attacks, you may be able to interrupt the first move and throw another jump attack (or two!) within the course of one jump. This ability opens up some new possibilites: certainly you can throw the second attack to avoid a sac- throw, extra combo hits are possible, and multple jump attacks (when combined with some air blocking) can make for great fakes. Here are some examples of jump attacks which can be cancelled into other jump attacks: Demitri's jumping jab+short, Victor's jumping jab, and Felicia's jumping jab+short. Furthermore, characters in DarkStalkers can launch any air attack they want so long as they aren't already in another animation. With the exception in the previous paragraph, as long as your character isn't attacking, blocking, or reeling from a hit, they can launch any desired attacks. This effect is especially noticable when an airborne Anakaris player uses many weak or medium attacks during one jump. ==Missile vs. Missile Effects== [big thanks to Derek Liu & Gamest Magazine] Unlike other fighting games, in which two colliding fireball-type attacks cancel each other out or pass right by each other, DarkStalkers features a new missile attack priority system. Each projectile has a certain momentum which is equal to the maximum possible distance minus the distance travelled. When two projectiles collide, the respective momentums cancel out and if they arenUt equal, the projectile with left-over momentum will continue flying across the screen. Of course, if a projectileUs momentum is zero (ie: it has travelled itUs maximum distance) it will disappear. If you are using Sasquatch and you throw a weak big snow at an oncoming fierce chaos flare from Demitri be careful -- you may have to block the chaos flare anyway. Note that enhanced RspecialS projectiles have extra momentum and SasquatchUs big freezer cancels out everything. ^_^ ==Reversal Attacks== After blocking an enemy's attack your character will briefly suffer from a condition known as "block stun." (Ming's wording here) Generally, it is not possible to use any attacks until the block stun has worn off. It is possible, however to cancel the block stun directly into certain special moves. This is known as Rblock cancelling.S The standard for block cancelling is MorriganUs valkyrie turn super move; if you manage to whack her in the middle of the multiple-blocked hits, you have cancelled the block stun. This is possible with the following special moves: Demitri Demon Cradle J.Tolbain Beast Rush Victor Giga Burn L.Raptor Death Hurricane Morrigan Shadow Blade Rikuo Sonic Wave Sasquatch Big Typhoon (sorry, Felica and Bishamon players) NOTE: Anakaris can utilize block cancelling with his coffin dance and royal judgement day moves. Of course, itUs not a good idea to try using either against the aforementioned Morrigan move. Another related technique is the Rreversal attack.S A reversal attack is a special move executed immediately after block stun ends. Doing a special move as you are getting up off the ground is another type of reversal attck. (thus fitting into the definition set by the Super SFII computer) Unlike block cancelling, any special move can be used in a reversal attack. In fact, BishamonUs rising slash attack can _only_ be used as reversal attack. ==Normal Move Cancelling== It is possible to chain two normal ground attacks together for new combos. Press the buttons very quickly and you will interrupt the first move into the second move. Generally, this trick only works going from left to right button-wise. Here are some examples: -Rikuo: duck forward, duck roundhouse is a 3 hit combo. -Morrigan: duck short, duck forward, duck roundhouse is also a 3 hit combo. If we combine ground move cancelling with air move cancelling, some nasty combos are possible. For example: -L.Raptor: jump jab, jump strong, duck jab, standing fierce is a 6 hit combo. ==Miscellaneous Tidbits== o Hold down the weak punch button at the opening screen to make three numbers appear in the lower left corner of the screen. The top number is the total number of player credits. Of course, it is generally quite large. The middle number is the number of service credits. It could be big or small depending on whether or not the arcade employees play the game after hours . It is unknown what the bottom number represents. If you find out, please tell us. o Darkstalkers allows players to select the speed of the gameplay. Speed may be set by the winning player (if applicable) every time someone joins in. The speed selection also appears to affect the computer opponents' AI. o [Derek Liu writes] check out the intro of Aliens VS Preditor. Before the Preditor's bomb blows the Aliens away look at the background buildings and the public TV, on it you'll see "Coming soon", and a bat symbol... o If your character gets thrown, quickly press strong or fierce to ensure a "soft landing." By softening throws, you will take much less damage and you'll be in a better position to counter attack. Throw softening works on all throws and grabs which do not require more than one joystick motion to execute. o If you win with one quarter, you will be treated to a boring credits screen as well as your character's cinematic ending. Hold down a button to speed up the scrolling names. o When a character misses one of their special move throws, they will be frozen in a "miss" animation for a moment. Like many other animations in the game, these poses can be quite humorous. ==The Bosses== After defeating all ten standard opponents, the character selection screen adjusts to accommodate two new boxes. The portraits of the two boss characters appear inside the boxes right before you fight them. Here are some moves to expect: HUITZIL (In Japan: PHOBOS) Robot From: Mexico Miniaturized: Tiny Robot "Target destroyed. Mission completed." -huge variety of normal attacks, like Anakaris -high and low freeze-rays which take off heavy damage even when blocked -rocket launcher missile attack -air and ground flight with jet-pack -magnet throw PYRON Alien From: Hellstorm Miniaturized: Fire Mote "You were not worth fighting. I need a more challenging foe." -teleportation -large meteor missile attacks which create a pilliar of flame when they hit the ground (Pyron throws these from both air and ground) -fire wheel attacks which the alien often uses as an anti-air defense -nasty special grab where Pyron brings you inside a large sphere and crushes you -air-based spinning fire top -multi-hit flame tounge ==Individual Player Character Information== NOTES -Each character has two different color choices; the possible colors are listed below. Color set "A" is the standard color set and can be chosen by selecting your character with one of the six attack buttons. Color set "B" can be chosen by pressing the appropriate start button. -The button layout is as follows (attack names are from SFII) PUNCHES: Jab Strong Fierce O O O O O O KICKS: Short Forward Roundhouse -"AllPunches" means press all three punch buttons together. -"Charge" means hold the joystick in the proceeding direction for a couple of seconds. -The motions for special moves are for characters facing right. The eight possible joystick directions are represented as follows: O O O \ | / --O means "joystick towards" O-- --O \ O means "joystick down-towards" / | \ O O O O-- means "joystick away" (etc.) -Characters can dash by double-tapping the joystick towards or away from opponent. Each character has a different dash; effects include: sliding, running, flying, and teleporting. Specifics will be discussed as necessary. -Throwing requires you to be very close to your opponent. -SPECIAL describes the changes to a move when it is executed with a flashing "SPECIAL" meter. Moves which aren't effected do not drain the meter. Also, some moves can only be executed when the meter is full. -Although "punch" and "kick" generally refers to any punch or kick, some moves (such as the throws) do not work with jab or short. -"Miniaturized" refers to the state a character will be in if they fail to block Anakaris' Royal Judgement Day move. DEMITRI MAXIMOFF "The young noble of darkness" Vampire Born: Romania, 1483 Colors: (Aura+Cape) A-Red B-Blue Miniaturized: Bat "Is your blood as thin and weak as you? Let's find out, shall we?" __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | | \ --O Punch Chaos Flare | | O O (can be done in the air) | | SPECIAL: Fireball is larger and hits twice. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Punch Demon Cradle | | O O | | SPECIAL: Demitri will hit many times on the way up. | | NOTE: Doing an uppercut while dashing towards opponent (--O--O) will | | result in a diagonal attack instead of a vertical one. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Kick Bat Spin | | O O (can be done in the air) | | SPECIAL: Drill delivers more hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | --O \ AllPunches Midnight Pleasure | | O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: Interrupt a dash (--O--O) with this move to make your opponents | | very upset. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Pile Driver | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Punch Demon Stolen (SPD) | | O O O | |_________________________________________________________________________| JOHN TALBAIN "The werewolf hurricane" (In Japan: GALLON) Werewolf Born: England, 1940 Colors: (Fur) A-Grey B-Blue Miniaturized: Angry Dachshund "My power is the fury of the beast. None can overcome it!" __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | | \ --O Punch Horizontal Beast Rush | | O O | | SPECIAL: Comet can inflict multiple hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump --O \ | Punch Air-to-Ground Beast Rush | | O O | | SPECIAL: Multiple hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Punch Rising Beast Rush | | O O | | SPECIAL: Multiple hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | O Kick Climb Laser | | O | | | SPECIAL: Extra hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- / | \ --O Punch Horizontal Beast Cannon | | O O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: Hold the joystick diagonally up and press punch in mid rush to | | veer off in a different direction! | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump O O-- / | \ Punch Air-to-Ground Beast Cannon | | | O O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: Hold the joystick left, right, or diagnoally up and press punch | | to veer off in a different direction. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O Punch Rising Beast Cannon | | O O / | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: Hold the joystick left, right, or diagonally down and press | | punch to veer off in a different direction. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Bite and Toss | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- or --O Kick Roll and Toss | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Kick Wild Circular | | O O O | | SPECIAL: Jolbain lands on his opponent twice. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Kick Eclipse Throw | | O O | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump O-- or --O Punch Air Throw | |_________________________________________________________________________| Note: The werewolf can duck under many missile attacks! VICTOR VON GERDENHEIM "The living cadaver" Frankenstein monster Born(?): Germany, 1830 Colors: (Shirt/Pants) A-Green/Brown B-Blue/DarkBeige Miniaturized: Small Monster w/Doll "You are no match against my great strength." __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | Charge O-- --O Punch Giga-Hammer | | SPECIAL: Victor reaches his arm out in an upward angle. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Charge O-- --O AllPunches Giga Brood | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: The triple dashing punch is very effective for juggling airborne | | opponents. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Charge O-- --O Kick Giga-Buster | | SPECIAL: Victor adds a punch on at the end for 2+ hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / O Kick Hop Kick | | O / | | SPECIAL: Many extra kicks are added to the attck. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- --O Punch Gyro Crush | | O O | | SPECIAL: Extra punches are added on at the end. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Charge | O Punch Thunder Break | | O | | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Kick Giga-Burn | | O O | | SPECIAL: No effect. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Chin Basher | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- or --O Kick Two-Handed Squeeze | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | \ --O Kick Mega Shock | | O O | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- AllPunches Power Bolt Throw | | O O O | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Punch Electric Slam | | O O | |_________________________________________________________________________| Notes: All of Victor's dash attacks (including the spin) are invulnerable to fireballs during the first few frames of animation. -Hold the button down to deliver electric versions of the standing fierce, standing roundhouse, and ducking fierce attacks. LORD RAPTOR "The [un]dead rocker" (In Japan: ZABEI ZAROCK) Ghoul Born: Australia, 1889 Colors: (Skin/Pants) A-Blue/Purple B-Grey/Grey Miniaturized: Guitar "You should thank me. That broken face is very becoming on you." __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | | / O-- Kick Death Hurricane | | O O (can be done in the air) | | SPECIAL: Hurricane hits three times. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Kick Death Voltage | | O O O (can be done in the air) | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- / | \ --O Kick Hell's Gate | | O O O | | SPECIAL: No effect. | | NOTE: The strength of the kick button determines where Raptor will pop | | up. Short=Left, Forward=Middle, and Roundhouse=Right. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump O--O-- or --O--O Air Walk | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | O Kick Soul Javelin | | O | | | SPECIAL: Effect unknown. | | NOTE: This move may only be used to attack opponents who are lying on | | the ground. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O O-- AllPunches Evil Scream | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Knife Thrust | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- or --O Kick Toss -> Flip | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | \ --O O Punch Skull Punish | | O O / | | SPECIAL: Extra slashes are added for more damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump O-- or --O Punch Air Throw | |_________________________________________________________________________| Notes: Raptor has two possible jump attacks for each button. Hold the joystick down for downward attacks. -He also has two standing ground attacks for each button. Hold the joystick towards your opponent for the long range version. MORRIGAN ARNSLAND "Queen of the demonesses" Succubus Born: Scotland, 1678 Colors: (Hair) A-White B-Yellow Miniaturized: Bat "My beauty can overcome brains and brawn." __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | | \ --O Punch Soul Fist | | O O | | SPECIAL: Projectile is dramatically enlarged. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump O O --O Punch Air Soul Fist | | | / | | SPECIAL: Projectile is dramatically enlarged. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump | / O-- Kick Shell Kick | | O O | | SPECIAL: Effect unknown. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Kick (Punch) Valkyrie Turn | | O O O (can be done in the air) | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: The height of the shell kick depends on which kick button is | | used. Short=Low, Forward=Middle, Roundhouse=High. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Punch Shadow Blade | | O O | | SPECIAL: Wing hits multiple times. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jab Jab --O Hold Short+Fierce Darkness Illusion | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __ThrOws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Ground Slam | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Punch Hell Ride | | O O | | SPECIAL: Extra damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| Notes: Position the super laser properly and the spikes will deliver mega damage! Don't forget to press punch on the way back. -Standing close roundhouse hits four times! ANAKARIS "The revived pharaoh" Mummy Born: Egypt, 2664 BC Colors: (Stripes) A-Gold/Blue B-White/Pink Miniaturized: Heiroglyph "You misbegotten spawn of a jakal. Go back to your hole!" __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | | \ --O Punch Mirror Door Pull | | O O (range depends on punch button) | | SPECIAL: Anakaris brings you into his Sarcophagus for extra damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AllPunches Coffin Dance (near) | | AllKicks Coffin Dance (far) | | SPECIAL: Extra damage. | | NOTE: Hold O-- or --O to make the coffins land slightly farther away | | from the mummy. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Punch Echo Back Step 1 | | O O O (swallow projectile) | | SPECIAL: No effect. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | \ --O Kick Echo Back Step 2 | | O O (spit projectile) | | SPECIAL: Effect unknown. | | NOTE: Swallowing two projectiles enables Anakaris to spit out the | | corresponding SPECIAL projectile. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump --O / | \ Punch Royal Judgement Day | | O O O | | SPECIAL: Effect unknown. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O O-- --O Punch SuperStretch Punch | | SPECIAL: Extra damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Forward Jab | Hold Short+Strong Pharaoh Magic | | O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |_________________________________________________________________________| Notes: Tap the joystick up to float. Tap up two more times to float higher in the air. Anakaris can move left and right in this state of floating. -After jumping towards or away from opponent, tap diagonally up again to rise back up a little. The mummy has to land after every third rise. -While in the air hold the joystick down (or diagonally down) and press roundhouse to do a pyramid crush move. FELICIA "Teen feline dreamer" Catwoman Born: America, 1967 Colors: (Hair) A-Blue B-Red Miniaturized: Kitten (what else?!) "I Hope I've shown you how to treat a lady. Next time I'll have to get rough." __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | O-- / | \ Punch Rolling Buckler | | O O O | | SPECIAL: Felicia's hair turns pink and she delivers more hits. | | NOTE: Press punch in mid roll to immediately go into a rising claw | | slash. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / Punch Rolling Punch | | O O O | | SPECIAL: Felicia's hair turns pink and she delivers more hits. | | NOTE: Press punch quickly in mid roll to deliver repeated claw slashes.| |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- | / Kick Delta Kick | | O O | | SPECIAL: Felicia's hair tuns pink. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | \ --O Kick Sand Splash | | O O | | SPECIAL: Felicia's hair turns pink and she delivers more hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | \ --O O-- / | AllPunches Rolling Flash | | O O O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Face Scratcher | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- or --O Kick Tumble Toss | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Kick Scratching Post | | O O | | SPECIAL: Felicia revolves around her opponent longer for extra damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump O-- or --O Punch Air Throw | |_________________________________________________________________________| Notes: If you dash towards your opponent (--O--O) and press roundhouse you'll deliver a two-hit attack that must be blocked high. BISHAMON "The cursed warrior" Samurai Born: Japan, 1673 Colors: (Armor) A-Red B-Dark Blue Miniaturized: Cherry Tomato Samurai! "How could you hope to defeat me, the immortal spirit of Bushido!" __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | O-- / | \ --O Punch Snap Sword | | O O O | | SPECIAL: No effect. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | \ --O Punch Storm Wind | | O O (use to follow up succesful sword throw) | | SPECIAL: Extra damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Punch Flip Sword | | O O (use to follow up succesful sword throw) | | SPECIAL: No effect. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Punch Rising Slash | | O O (follow up a Flip Sword with this) | | SPECIAL: More hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Charge O-- --O Punch High Quick Slash | | Charge O-- --O Kick Low Quick Slash | | SPECIAL: Both slashes have increased range. | | NOTE: These slashes cancel out fireballs. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Charge O-- --O O-- --O Punch High Quadruple Slash | | Charge O-- --O O-- --O Kick Low Quadruple Slash | | These moves may only be used with SPECIAL. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Punch Rising Slash | | O O | | SPECIAL: More hits. | | NOTE: This move may only be used in a recovery attack. Use it after | | blocking or while getting up. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump Up O O --O Punch Seal of Death | | | / | | SPECIAL: Effect unknown. | | NOTE: Flames stun opponents. Follow this attack up with a sword toss! | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Punch The Bushido Crush | | O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Simple Toss | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Punch The Skinner | | O O O | | SPECIAL: More hits. | |_________________________________________________________________________| Note: Bishamon's Storm Wind, Blue Hand, and Quick Slashes can cut opponents in half! RIKUO "Hero of the deep" (In Japan: AULBATH) Merman Born: Brazil, 1953 Colors: (Skin) A-Green B-Blue Miniaturized: Frog "You land beings are so weak! I'm disappointed." __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | | \ --O Punch Sonic Wave | | O O | | SPECIAL: No effect. | | NOTE: This move will negate normal projectiles. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- / | \ --O Kick Poison Breath | | O O O | | SPECIAL: Poison cloud remains on the screen longer. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- --O Punch Screw Jet | | SPECIAL: Extra hits. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O--O Fierce Multi-Hit Mollusk | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O--O-- Kick Trick Fish | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- AllPunches Aqua Splash | | O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | | NOTE: Hold the punch buttons down to control the location of the | | blast. Use AllKicks instead of AllPunches for a delayed blast! | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Tongue Grab -> Bash | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- or --O Punch O-- --O O-- (etc.) Tongue Grab -> Multi Bash | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Punch Tongue Grab -> AirHits -> Toss| | O O O | | SPECIAL: Rikuo hits his opponent more times for extra damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | / O-- Kick Frenzy | | O O O | | SPECIAL: After the stomp, Rikuo rolls into a ball and bounces on the | | downed opponent for extra damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| SASQUATCH "The great snowman" Bigfoot Born: Canada, 1903 Colors: (Fur) A-White B-Pink Miniaturized: Snowman "If I have to fight weaklings like you, you could at least make an effort!" __Special Moves__________________________________________________________ | O-- / | \ --O Punch Big Snow | | O O O | | SPECIAL: No effect. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O | \ Kick Big Typhoon | | O O | | SPECIAL: Sasquatch's foot is frozen. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AllPunches Big Towers | | O O | | SPECIAL: Extra damage. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- / | \ --O AllPunches Big Freezer | | O O O | | This move may only be used with SPECIAL. | |_________________________________________________________________________| __Throws_________________________________________________________________ | O-- or --O Punch Ground Slam | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --O \ | Punch Big Shake | | O O | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | / O-- Kick Big Brunch | | O O | | NOTE: After spitting out your opponent, they will be frozen and open | | for futher assault! | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | O-- / | \ --O Kick Big Toss | | O O O | |_________________________________________________________________________| Note: Like felicia's forward hop, Sasquatch's bounding attacks (--O--O + fierce/roundhouse) must be blocked high. ==Endings== After finishing off Pyron, you will be treated to a cinematic ending unique to the character you were using. [note - I'll try to be more consistent with the length of these descriptions in a future FAQ - right now we'll stick with the original posters' words :-) ] DEMITRI: [Van Hoang Nguyen writes] Defeat Pyron, screen narrows to letterbox. DeMitri: "You are a worthy opponent Pyron, but you are not strong enough to rule. I am the true master of the night!" Fade to a ballroom, with people Dancing. Person: Where is lord Maximoff? I haven't seen him in a while. Person2: He was here a moment ago. He must have stepped out. Fade to a martini glass held up to a red moon. DeMitri: A toast to my new rule! Picture of DeMitri alone in a dark room, moon in the window behind him. DeMitri: With the forces of the night at my command, no one will be able to stop me! Even the day dwellers will soon bear their throats to me! Room brightens, revealing two women clinging to DeMitri. Game over. J. TOLBAIN: [Van Hoang Nguyen writes] Picture of JT howling, werewolf form. Talbain: I've done it! The others have been destroyed Picture of Talbain, looking serious. Talbain: She said I'd be cured after I pushed my limits. The day I exceeded my limits I would be granted my greatest wish Talbain starts turning back human Talbain: Yes! I can feel myself returning to normal! I will finally be rid of this curse! Picture of him, human, standing on a rock: Talbain: I'm normal again! I'll remember this day for the rest of my life! VICTOR: [Julien Beasley writes] Victor is caressing a skeleton's skull. The skeleton is lying in a red coffin, and Victor is leaning over it. Victor: Doctor, Doctor wake up. You made me the stongest and I won. Why are you so quiet? The screen pans over to a girl behind Victor: Girl: Victor... Girl: Father cannot share your joy. The villagers were not so kind. Come, there is much to do. New picture of girl swinging from Victor's arm. Girl: Tomorrow we plan but today let us celebrate! L. RAPTOR: [thanks to Ben Noel] Lord RaptorUs evil master shows up and congratulates the ghoul on a job well done. Raptor demands that his master Rfulfill his end of the bargain.S The big guy agrees and bestows Rthe powerS upon Raptor. Raptor: RYes, this is it! I now have the power to rule the world!S Master: RYes, Raptor... and I rule you.S Master leaves. Raptor: RThat fool!, I have the ultimate power, soon every one will bow before my might..even the master!S Raptor transforms into an improved, nastier, ghoul. MORRIGAN: [Van Hoang Nguyen writes] Picture of Pyron unconscious on the ground, Morrigan leaning over him. Morrigan says something like: "Sleep now forever. Sleep and dream of me." She then kisses him, then he shrivels up into a corpse. Picture of the castle in Morrigan's background, then a servant. Servant says something like: "Mistress, you were gone so long! I was so worried. If the 'master' found out about your jumps to Earth, he'd do things to me that would frighten even you!" Morrigan: Don't worry, I can handle 'the master.' Picture of a large room, Morrigan lying on a stone slab. Servant: So what were you doing on earth? Morrigan: Just having some fun, nothing to be worried about. Morrigan turns to the screen and smiles. Game over. ANAKARIS: [poster's name witheld by request] A battle between egyptians is being waged in front of a pyramid. The scene switches to the inside of the pyramid were three figures are discussing the battle. One mentions that several divisions have been destroyed and that the battle is lost. A glowing light appears in the center of the screen, followed by a flash of light. When the light subsides, Anakaris is standing before them in the flesh. One of the egyptions says "My Lord, you have returned." Anakaris mentions a promise to protect them for all of time, and shows them the power he has gained on his journey -- he hold his hands above him and a white light is emitted from his hands into the air in a beam. The scene switches outside were the battle is being still being fought, and the white beam erupts from the pryamid, and a white flash engulfs the whole screen. When the light fades, the enemy have disappered. The egyptians rejoice, and the scene changes to a view of Anakaris standing before all his followers in a courtyard. The followers are chanting "All Hail Anakaris the Defender!" FELICIA: [bookwyrm@netcom.com (Kim) writes] [Felicia] becomes a entertainment/talk show star, earns much money, and acts basically like a cat- hedonistic. The last bit shows her thinking about the movie they are doing, and hoping that she can get Blanka as her leading man. BISHAMON: [Van Hoang Nguyen writes] As soon as you defeat Pyron, Bishamon floats into the air. His armor pops off showing a human Bishamon in a plain black robe(samurai robe, I assume). He falls to his knees, with his face in his hands. Screen fades to black, then shows a closer picture of him. Bishamon says something like: How long must I endure it? How long must I live with the cursed sword and armor? A women appears behind Bishamon and says: Bishamon, my beloved. Bishamon turns his head and says: Orin! My love. I understand now that my oath to protect my master and property was not enough. I must seek out and destroy evil wherever it is. It starts to snow. Orin says: Yes, but you will never again be alone. Fade to a picture of a trail leading up to the mountains. Its still snowing. Bishamon (sans armor) appears, wearing one of those circular travelling hats. He walks up the trail. The woman appears, and follows him up the trail. Fade to black. Game over. RIKUO: [Ethan K. Butterfield writes] After beating Pyron, this girl runs up to Rikyo and says something like, "I thought I was the only one of our race left." They have a grand reunion, get married, and have tadpoles for the rest of eternity. The End. SASQUATCH: Sasquatch sends a letter home to the leader of his tribe. The time is right for the grand scheme. The leader prepares his warriors and the furry snow monsters proceed to take over the world. ==By The Way== "This FAQ is also available by FTP, courtesy of GamePro magazine's Andy Eddy. Just FTP to ftp.netcom.com and cd /pub/vidgames/faqs." ==The Credits== DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors FAQ compiled/edited by Jamie Klein. [if you think anything needs to be added/changed in the following list (and you have a legit reason) please feel free to e-mail... my notes are kind of a jumble and I apologize if I have missed anyone] Special Thanks To: Random Dudes From Sunnyvale Golfland......................... Special Moves Milo Cooper...................................................Special Moves Gamest Magazine.........................................General Information Iain Sinclair........................Translation of Gamest #121 + Misc Info Galen Komatsu...........................ASCII-Art Formatting + General Info Andrew Prock..................................................Special Moves Mark Scott............................General Info (Including the STICKERS) Van Hoang Nguyen...........................Bosses, Endings, + Special Moves Racer-X...............................................Felicia's Psycho Roll Tsoi Yan Yau..................................................Special Moves EQR5MALIKI@CLSTR.UNL.AC.UK.............................Rikuo's Rainbow Spit Ethan K. Butterfield..........................................Special Moves Ken Mitsumoto.....................................Miscellaneous Information Arthur Lam...........................................Victor's Ground Zapper Terence Cox.........................................Morrigan's Mirror Image Greg Rogers.......................................Miscellaneous Information Derek Liu...............................................General Information ryosaeba2@aol.com.............................................Special Moves Herbert Tin Hoy Hu................................Miscellaneous Information Rob Morishige.....................................Miscellaneous Information Richard C. Lee...................................Bishamon's Quadruple Slash Eric Ching...........................................Opening Screen Numbers Tom Cannon..............................................General Information Scott D. Bradburn.............................................Special Moves Hideki Ikeda..............................................Coffin Dance Info Eric Steffensen........................... .How to Charge the Special Meter GamePro Magazine..............................................Special Moves Richard Cheung.....................................Bushido Crush Correction and... CAPCOM.............................Delivering Another Rockin' Fighting Game ###########################################################################